Unexpected Visitor In The Shower free porn video

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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing

this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here

Six thirty in the morning is a lonely time on

a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run

around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning,

since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the

track, trying to keep track of my laps and time, I pushed myself. I had already done my

lifting this morning, and running felt good, stretching my muscles, pushing myself. I

loved coming this early, since I usually had the gym to myself. Most people on campus

wouldn’t even wake up for at least an hour yet, and the earliest gym-goers would start

showing up around seven. For now, though, I had the building to myself. Music blaring

in my ears I sprinted my last lap, pushing, striving, putting everything into it. Breaking

across the invisible finish line, I walked a few minutes to cool down.

Heading down the stairs, and along the long hallway I made my way into the women’s

locker room. I kept a locker there so I could shower and get ready and then just go

straight to work or class from there. I kicked off my shoes, and stripped off all my

clothes, knowing I was the only girl in the building and no one was going to see me.

Grabbing my shower basket and towel I padded off naked to the showers. Walking

into the wide shower stall, I pulled the curtain closed turned on the water. Feeling the

cold water hit me, before it turned warm, was a shock to the system. I grabbed my

shampoo and conditioner and quickly got done with my hair. I didn’t realize how close

to the wall I was standing and when I turned, my breasts brushed up against the cold

tile wall, making my already partially hard nipples pucker up even tighter. Moaning, I

leaned into the cold tile, feeling it warm up under my skin, even as it cooled me down.

Reaching down I grabbed my body wash, and pouring some into my hands I lathered

them up and rubbed them across my chest. The scent of lavender filled the air as I

trailed my soapy hands over my chest, then my firm, high breasts, massaging and

pulling the hard points. Twisting my nipples in my fingers, I could feel the heat pool low

in my tummy, my pussy lips heating up, my body hot under the falling water. I reached

up, grabbing the shower curtain rod with one hand to balance myself, while I pressed

my abused nipples against the cool tile, sending a slight shock through my body: cold

tile against my front, hot water running down my back. I was so turned on, I could have

cum with just a touch. I rubbed against that hard tile, when I suddenly felt two large

hands land on my hips.

I hadn’t heard him come into the locker room, much less my shower stall, but I could

smell the masculine scent behind me, and those hands were definitely the hands of a

man, one who did not just sit behind a desk. I could feel his breath on my neck, and

without looking I knew he was taller than me. The strength from his body was tense

against me. Not knowing who it was, and beyond caring at that point, I leaned back

into him, almost panting with need.

The stranger’s hot mouth was on my neck, kissing and rubbing before I felt his teeth

sink into my flesh. Feeling the hot water still pouring down, over both our bodies now,

he stepped closer to me, one hand sliding up to cup my breast and one sliding down

to cup my mound, while his mouth moved up to suck and bite behind my ear. I could

feel water sliding down my body, flowing over every plane and curve of my body,

between my ass cheeks, between my pussy lips.

Feeling his warm strong body wrapped all around me, I slid one hand down on top of

his that was on my mound, pressing it harder against me, my other hand still hanging

onto the curtain rod. His blunt, hard fingertips nudged up against my pussy lips,

splitting them apart, slowly gliding up my slit. Shivering despite the heat of his body

and the hot water all around us, I pushed up onto my tip-toes to rub my pussy back

against his hard cock. I reached down to take his erection in my hand, and I could feel

that it was so perfectly sized for me, this strange man’s cock that was soon to be

inside me.

My pussy is so wet and warm, I knew he couldn’t tell what was water from the shower

and what was juice from my melting pussy, but he could feel how slippery I was. My lips

were so swollen his fingers felt enormous and rough and so amazing. I loved feeling

his big fingers push into me and his cock throbbing against me. His cock was so hard,

I could feel it throbbing against my thigh and pussy lips as he forced his fingers into

me, hard. Two fingers splitting me and spreading me. Three.

My hand was holding his erection and I squeezed firmly as he fingered me, then I

stroked his hard length, making sure he was ready for me. Feeling his hardness and

hearing his ragged breath against my ear, I knew it was time and I lined myself up with

him, ready and needy. His hand on my breast quickly pinched my nipple hard, then slid

up to my throat, holding me still. Moving us forward he pressed me firmly into the cold

tile wall, using his legs to spread mine as far as I could go. Biting my earlobe just to the

point of pain, he growled in my ear. I had no idea who he was, but I loved how

aggressive he was, he knew my body almost better than I did. I felt like such a slut just

letting this stranger have his way with my body, but I loved it. I loved him taking control,

no thinking, no talking, nothing messy, just feeling him use and abuse my body.

His cockhead pressed up against my opening and I suddenly went from having three

fingers in my clenching pussy to an even fuller feeling of his head pushing into me. His

hands held me, one around the front of my throat, the other spreading my pussy lips

wide open, guiding the way in to his cock. That tight entrance was just barely giving

him room to force himself in. Suddenly it hit me that I was having sex in a public

shower with a stranger and I started to struggle against the hands restraining me. I

heard him growl in my ear as he pushed another inch into me. “Stop struggling or I will

stop and walk away right now.” I immediately went completely still. Even knowing I was

fucking a stranger in a public place, the idea of him not fucking me senseless RIGHT.

NOW. made me feel panicky. I needed to know, I needed to feel that wave of pleasure

rip through me. As if my body was speaking for me, my pussy clamped down on his

cock, trying to pull him in more.

As he pushed into me, completely invading me, burrowing deep, he shoved deep until

there was no way I could take any more of him. Then he pushed again and I could feel

him impossibly sliding even deeper, hitting so many pleasure points all I could do was

moan and grind my hips down on him. I could feel him growing even more inside me,

impaling me. He started sliding in and out of me, rooting deep with each thrust,

bottoming out inside me, his hands holding me still, his mouth rough against my throat

and shoulder. His hand tightening on my throat, I knew I couldn’t move at all, I just had

to take this rough fucking. I loved it. He was penetrating me so deeply I could barely

catch my breath, riding me like an a****l.

Suddenly his hand around my neck slid around the back and grabbed a handful of hair,

yanking my head back hard, his other arm wrapping tightly around my waist. He

pounded into me, fucking me wildly, pumping into me over and over, my hips grinding

down onto him, thrusting myself onto him, wanting every inch, every sensation,

mindless. I reached back and my nails sank into his hip as I pulled him into me as he

pushed into me and I pushed myself onto him. I wanted it rough and wild, just like he

was giving it to me. He just kept ramming me harder and deeper and faster until I

thought I’d never be able to breathe again.

It was so savage, so primal. He hit a magic spot and, my whole body shaking, I started

to cum, screaming out in pleasure. Even through the haze of pleasure I knew it wasn’t

done yet, I wanted his hot cum in me. I begged and pleaded for him to fill me with it. My

pussy was convulsing, clamping down on him hard, trying to make him cum in me, and

at last I could feel it, his cum shooting so deep into me. He was pushing me hard into

the tile wall as his short strokes worked furiously to pump more and more cum into me.

Finally he buried himself in me one more time and rested his weight against me.

Blind from the pleasure, I melted into the wall, feeling the cold tile against my cheek,

my stomach, my breasts. The hot water was still pouring down my body, the shower

stall filled with steam. Feeling him step back, I smiled. I’d just had some of the best sex

of my life, with a stranger. Letting myself lean there another minute, I finally turned

around. He was gone. I reached down and scooped up some of our mixed cum before

the water washed it away. Licking it off my fingers, I realized the taste of our cum and

the bruises I would surely have tomorrow were the only proof this ever even happened,

and I didn’t even know who he was…

friends daughter
Tags: hidden camera, masterbationMy friend Jeff has a daughter that is amazingly

beautiful. Jeff always tells me how she wins beauty contests and lately she revealed

when her and her friends went to Mexico for spring break from school she won a best

body contest. I have always had a weird attraction to his daughter. Sara is a young

looking girl, about 5'0 and 100lbs. She runs a lot and is in great shape. Her Brown hair

with highlights and her green eyes make me horny every time I see her. Lately she and

her friends have been wanting to take my boat out on the river. The first time we went

Jeff and I and 3 of Sara's friends; two of which has thongs on with tight little tan asses.

Sara had about a B cup and her friends about the same except her best friend Emily

that has big C cups maybe a D. She is a little more shapely but definitely not fat by any


My sexual gratification came when Jeff asked me to come over and install new

telephone lines in his room and Sara's. I grabbed all my equipment and decided to

head over to Jeff's house on a Sat. So the night before Jeff called and said he would

be gone and he would be gone, but he would leave the back door open for me. This is

when I got the idea. I thought about how sara oils up her body when we go boating and

lays with her legs apart as she tans herself. I always picture sara naked and wondered

what she looks like.

I went over to Jeff's house Sat. and went in the back door and made my way to his

bedroom. I yelled "hello" a few times with no answer. Jeff's room took about 20 min

and I walked down to Sara's room. Sara's room was a mess, I guess the typical

teenagers room. I started with the telephone line and then looked around as I spotted

bra's and panties on the ground around me. I felt myself keep getting distracted by

thinking of her wearing them and pulling them off. But I gathered my thoughts and

pushes the clothes out of the way and started on the project.

I was about half was about half way through with the line when sara came home. She

walked in her bedroom and smiled at me. "Heeeeyy Adam, what's up?" "Not much" I

responded. Sara walks over to observe what I was working on. "Hey Adam, do you

mind if I change real quick so I can get going?" "Oh, No problem." I walked out of the

room as she closed the door behind her. I walked to the kitchen to grab some water. I

thought to myself how much of a cheap ass Jeff was not to turn the A/C on when its 80

something degrees out. I walked back down the hall as Sara pulls the door open and

smiles "thanks, I had to change I was sweating my ass off" I laughed as I said "what

ass?" Sara laughed..."you perv..." I went back into her room and seen the area I had

cleaned up is cluttered by Sara's jeans, a couple of shirts and a bra. I stood there as

the feeling came over me. I snapped out of it as Sara slammed the door to leave.

I decided to go through with my plan. I looked around Sara's room trying to find a place

to hide a camera that was hidden well. Finally I found a place. I stood on Sara's bed as

I placed the wireless camera behind a bunch of trophies. I turned on my hand-held for it

and positioned it to the open area near her hamper. I finished that and hurried to finish

my project I came over for. As I kicked her clothes out of the way I noticed her panties

still in the jeans. I thought about it and then I grabbed them and brought them to my

nose. I felt my dick get hard as I inhaled Sara's young scent. Her pussy smelled great. I

rubbed my dick through my jeans as I stood there. I heard a noise as I threw them

down and continued working. About 5 minutes later I heard foot steps walking down

the hall; it was Jeff.

"I got ya all finished up." I told Jeff. "Thanks man!" He tried to offer me money, but I

quickly declined. I knew I would have much more enjoyment to come.

I got home and re downloaded the software for the camera. I opened the program and

got a full-colored clear image of her bedroom. I watched it for a minute as Jeff walked

in a few times to check out the line I had installed. I scrolled through the settings and

found alerts. I chose a door bell to sound if it picked up movement. I finished playing

around and left my computer on so I could hear the chime if she came home.

I was laying on the couch with no luck. About 12:30 I was into a movie as I heard the

chime... I jumped up as I seen Sara walk in the her room and closed the door. I sat

mesmerized at the screen watching her every move. Sara pulled off her tank top to

reveal a swim suit. She stood there as she admired her body in a mirror. A few

minutes went by as she pulled off a swim suit wrap and undid her top. Her breasts a

small B cup so perfectly shaped. I took a deep breath as I waited for the bottoms to

come off. Sara once again played with her boobs and pushed them together for a few

minutes. Then came the excitement sara wathed her self as she slowly pulled her

bottoms off. Her dark pussy hair revealed a small racing stripe all the way down with

nice puffy pussy lips. My pants felt tighter as I continued to watch. She stood in the

mirror as she turned around to look at her butt....What an amazing little tan ass. She

bent over and gave herself a little smack and then giggled. She continued to admire

herself in th mirror. after a few minutes I started to get bored. Sara posed for a few

minutes and then turned around and spread her butt cheeks a bit. I noticed a tan line

near her crack where she must have laid in the tanning bed. I zoomed in on her butt as

she bent over to look at her pussy from behind. I felt my dick stiffen again. She rubbed

her pussy a second and then spread her butt cheeks. I had to zoom in on the reflection

of the mirror, but it was till perfect. Sara moaned slightly as she pushed a finger in

herself. I watched closely hoping for more. Sara finally grabbed her towel and left her

room for a shower. I decided to call it a night and went to bed.

About 3am I heard my computer chime at me. I laid in bed wondered if she was trying

to sneak out or sneak someone in. I got up to check out the computer. I stood there

like a deer in headlights as I comprehended what i saw. Sara was laying spread eagle

on the bed and the camera so close to her pussy I could have seen every pubic hair. I

zoomed out to view it better. I could see Sara move the camera to her breasts and

then her face. Sara smiled as she whispered.... "Adam...you fucking pervert..." "You

want a show...I hope you cum in your pants...when you watch this...." Sara moved the

camera back down to her pussy. I felt my dick pushing through my boxers, it was so

hard it hurt. Sara's hand came into camera view....and so did 2 vibrators. Sara

grabbed her legs and pushed them to the sides of her chest. I zoomed in on her tight

little butthole and then her smooth pussy. "You like teens naked Adam?" Sara pushed

her finger in her butt as she slowly worked in in. I felt myself rub my dick as she began

rubbing her pussy. She spread her lips for me as she showed her wetness. I started to

jack-off as she pushed a vibrator in her pussy and began fucking herself. I few minutes

later she pushed a smaller one in her butt. I stroked as she pushed her vibrator in and

out of her.

I came all over the wood floor beneath me. But sat there watching Sara moan and

push both vibrators harder and faster. Sara moaned as I watched her pull her vibrator

out of her butt and then she sceamed quietly I could hear her whimpering in lust, she

orgasmed and pulled the vibrator out and continued to rub her pussy. The bed below

her all wet with her juices. I rubbed my limp sensitive dick as she brought the camera

up to her face. Sara was still breathing hard and had a sexual glaze over her eyes. I

zoomed out as I watch her bring the vibrator to her mouth and lick it off. "I have never

tasted myself..you like this? she whispered. I felt my chest heaving and my heart

racing.... "Adam...." she whispered... "Emily is coming over tomarrow night to stay and

my boyfriend is coming over tomarrow afternoon..so I guess you will get two shows

tomarrow.....I'll put your little device back up in the hiding spot." Sara blew me a kiss as

she re-arranged it.. "Is this good......" I sat there with so amny emotions running through

me..wondering how she knew it was up there?

Oh by the way....." Sara continued.....as she whispered...."There is a little red light that

is really bright when the lights are off...way to think that through"

I sat there sweating from nervousness and sexual gratification......and then my mind

caught up as I thought........ "Jesus...I can't wait for tomarrow.....as I pushed save on the

file......I might wanna watch this again....
Katie's Punishment
Tags: spanking, m/f, sex, humiliaationContinuing story about Katie
View Author's Copyright Information
Katie’s Punishment

This is a continuation of the story – Cornertime for Katie.

Next, to embarrass her even more, I opened the curtains in the nearby windows, so

anyone walking by and looking in could see her standing in the corner. “Stand still and

don’t drop the books.” I said. “I will return in about ten minutes to start your real


Actually, my neighbors were blocked by trees and there was no sidewalk near my

house. Even my mailbox was on the street, so no one would walk near my house. But

Katie didn’t know this and the thought of people seeing her, standing naked in the

corner, embarrassed her. I stayed in the room and kept quiet, to see how long she

could hold the books up. After about ten minutes, she dropped the books and then I

walked up to her again.

“I am sorry I dropped the books.” Katie pleaded.

I quickly gave her five more swats from the wooden paddle with holes in it. “You can

now put your hands at your sides and stand still.”

“Yes sir.” Katie replied. It felt good to finally relax her arms and have them at her sides.

He released the cuffs on her ankles and took away the spreader bar. “Before we go

downstairs to my dungeon, please bend over so that I may remove your butt plug.”

She bent over and he slowly released it from her body. She really felt embarrassed

again as he took a wet washcloth and towel and cleaned her up.

“Now come downstairs with me.” He held her hand as they went down the stairs. She

noticed a sign that read, “No panties allowed past this point”, as she got to the bottom

of the stairs. What she saw next both surprised and excited her. The walls were lined

with various whips, paddles, canes, restraints, anything to give someone a good

spanking and whipping. In the middle of the room were strange pieces of furniture that

she didn’t quite know how they were used. But she knew that she would probably find

out soon.

“Hold out your arms so that I can put wrist cuffs on them.” Clyde told Katie. Soon Clyde

had fastened the wristcuffs on her, and she was wondering what would happen next.

Then he led her to a pole in the middle of the room. “Put your arms up as high as you


He then stepped up on a stool and fastened her wrists up as high as they could go.

“Now spread your legs as far apart as possible.” Clyde then got out a spreader bar

and connected her ankle cuffs to it. He next went over to the wall and took down a

flogger. It had a handle and many leather fingers that were about a foot long. Then he

showed the flogger to Katie.

“I am now going to use this flogger on your back.” Clyde told her.

Katie had no choice but to answer with, “Yes, sir.” She now felt very vulnerable, with

her legs spread apart, her naked breasts on each side of the poll, and her arms

fastened way up high. Clyde pushed her hair to one side so that her soft, milky white

back was completely exposed to the flogger.

He drew back his arm, and with one hard swing, many long red stripes appeared on

her back. You could tell that Katie felt the flogger because she threw back her head

and yelled “Ouch”. But Clyde drew back the flogger again, and more stripes landed on

her back. Over and over he swung the flogger and her poor exposed back got redder

and redder. Soon her whole back was red, from one side to the other and from her

neck to her waist. A few of the fingers wrapped around her side and landed on the

tender skin of her breast.

Clyde then went over to the corner and pulled out a light and plugged it in. The light

was bright and was pointing up. He put it between her legs and said, “Now lets see

how you are doing down here.” Although Katie’s back was sore and burning hot, she

still felt embarrassed to have Clyde using a bright light to view her sex. Then Clyde

used his fingers to go back and forth between her sex lips.

Sure enough, Katie was still wet with excitement and moaned as Clyde stroked her

sex with his fingers. Next he found her clit, and his finger slowly drew circles around it.

Now Katie’s body was shaking from both the pleasure and pain.

“Now it is time to get you naked naughty bottom as red as your back.” Clyde said to

her as he released her ankle cuffs from the spreader bar. Then he released her wrists

from the pole and led her to a strange piece of furniture in the middle of the room. The

side closer to them was about a foot and a half off of the floor, and it had two wide

arms, like a large chair. Then it the main part was about a foot above the arms, and it

sloped down almost to the floor on the other side.

Clyde had Katie climb up on the bench and put a leg on each of the spread apart wide

wooden arms. He immediately used Velcro straps to hold her legs and ankles in place

and spread wide apart. Then he touched her sore back, and she immediately bent

over the slopping board on the other side. He quickly secured her wrists so they were

stretched out in front of her. This spanking bench left her legs spread wide apart and

bent over. Now Clyde had easy access to her sex, butt hole, and her poor naughty

naked bottom.

“To make sure you don’t talk during this part of your punishment, I am going to use this

ball gag on you. So open your mouth wide.” Then he secured the ball gag deep into

her mouth. “Also, I want you to be more aware of your spanking, so I have this blindfold

for you. Hold your head still, as I put it on you.”

Now poor Katie could only feel and hear her spanking. Clyde first used his large hands

to caress and feel her warm nice round bottom. “You do have a very nice spankable

bottom. I hope to spank it many more times after today.” Then he picked up a small

leather paddle, and started spanking her all over. First he started with light love pats,

and spanked harder and harder with every spank. Now and then, he would stop to feel

her warm naked bottom.

“Your cheeks are turning a nice shade of pink for me.” He said to her. Katie moaned

through her gag as his hand and fingers continued down to her wet exposed sex.

Clyde also slowly stroked her up and down between her lips of her sex.

Next, Clyde picked up a large wooden paddle with large round holes in it. “This should

help your poor bottom turn redder.” Then he started to spank her with this paddle.

Katie was surprised how much this paddle stung her bottom, but was unable to cry out

or move. Soon, little round circles were all over her bottom, and it was now a bright

shade of red. This also made Katie’s entire body feel very warm.

Clyde then laid down the wooden paddle and took off her blindfold and ball gag.

“Katie, are you doing okay and enjoying this.”

“I am almost to my limit, but this is what I wanted and expected.” She answered him.

Clyde picked up the large wooden paddle and gave her a very hard smack with it.

“Always address me as ‘Sir’, when I allow you to talk to me. I thought you understood

that.” Smack again.

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” Katie cried out.

“Now for the last part of your spanking, you will receive the cane.” He reached down

and showed her the senior cane. “I took off your ball gag so that you could count every

stroke. Say the number, then ‘Thank you sir, give me another one sir’. If you forget to

do this, the stroke will not count. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir” Katie said without a hesitation.

Katie next felt the tapping of the cane on her already sore exposed bottom, heard a

whistle, and then


It felt like a hundred bees had stung her in a straight line on her poor bottom. She

yelled out, “Ouch, that really hurt.” Katie wanted to rub her bottom, but couldn’t.

“You forgot to count that one, so it will be given again.” Clyde told Katie.

“I didn’t expect it to hurt so much.” Katie complained.

“That is no excuse. Prepare yourself for another stroke.”


Again, it felt like a straight line of fire on her poor exposed bottom. This time Katie

said, “One. Thank you sir. Please give me another one, sir.”

“Now you are responding to me correctly. Are you going to stop charging so much on

your credit card?”


“Two. Thank you sir. Please give me another one, sir. Yes. Sir. I will quit charging so


“Very good. You are still a naughty girl that deserves this punishment.”


“Three. Thank you sir. Please give me another one, sir.”

“And will you return people’s phone calls?”


“Four. Thank you sir. Please give me another one, sir. Yes I will sir.”

“And take better care of yourself?”


“Five. Thank you sir. Please give me another one, sir. I will take better care of myself,


“For these last two, I will give them very hard and one right after the other. Prepare



“Six and seven. Thank you sir.”

“Katie, you took this punishment very well. Now I will put lotion on your burning bare


At this point, Katie was almost in tears, and was glad he was going to put some lotion

on her. Her poor bottom was completely on fire, but she felt good inside too.

“Stay still while I rub it into your poor naughty bottom.” Clyde told her. Actually, she had

no choice. Katie was still secured to the spanking bench.

The lotion felt very cool and nice. Clyde admired his work of eight parallel red welts on

her bottom. Each was spaced about an inch apart, and covered her whole bottom.

Clyde’s large hands gently rubbed the lotion into her bottom.

But then, his fingers found her sex, which was now very wet. Even her clit was nice and

hard, and stuck out a little. Clyde also rubbed the lotion on her sex. One finger slowly

went around her clit, while his other two fingers went up and down between her sex


“OH! That feels so good!” Katie purred.

Then two of his fingers went inside of her. Clyde could feel the tightening of her sex lips

around his fingers, as if she was pulling him deeper into her body. Katie moaned as

his fingers went deeper and deeper inside of her body, exploring her.

“Please, take me!” Katie cried out.

Clyde quickly dropped his pants and crawled up on the spanking bench. It was made

so that it put his cock head at the correct height to enter Katie’s sex. With one big

thrust, he was now deep inside of her. Clyde took his big strong arms and held on to

her breasts. This also made it easier for Clyde to ram his cock deep inside of her.

He could feel himself grow bigger and bigger as her thrust deeper and deeper inside

of her. He was using such force that the spanking bench was slowly skating across the


“May I cum. Sir?” Katie asked.

“Yes you may.” Clyde answered. Clyde squirted his cum several times into Katie, and

she could feel his sticky cum on her inner walls. Clyde could feel her warm juices flow

around him. His body collapsed on hers, and he stayed inside of her as their bodies

became as one.

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GrindrIng Mr Aussie Visitor

I am really happy that I was born at this point in history. If I was born lets just say 20 years ago... I couldn’t make a living doing what I do. I couldn’t be out to ANYONE. Grindr wouldn’t exist. Yesterday I was sitting on my couch, wearing only a pair of white speedos and working on a super hot speedo photo set (if you are nice to me I will post some pics from that on here tomorrow). As you can imagine - when I’m hard at work, I am sometime ‘HARD’ at work. I’ve had a Grindr account for...

3 years ago
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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 19 Visitor

For the next three days life followed its usual routine. Sister Lucia rose early, said her own Divine Offices at the appointed hours, washed, ate her meals, and spent the rest of her time in silent prayer and contemplation. Almost every day she visited Monsignor Flavin whose use of her had not changed. In many ways she was, she supposed, happier here, without any distractions, than she had been in the Convent. On the fourth morning after the Bishop's visit, with Molly firmly hidden in the...

1 year ago
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The visitor

The visitor It was a nice warm day and we had designated this day as our day of enjoyment... The kids were all out and after havingb3 kids and 21 years every break should be… The visitor It was a nice warm day and we had designated this day as our day of enjoyment... The kids were all out and after havingb3 kids and 21 years every break should be planned, cherished and enjoyed. We had made big plans that day... Mainly being indoors and relaxing.... Planned a lunch out at the fancy...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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The Nightly Visitor

Graham lay in his bed and opened his eyes, startled. The first thing he caught sight of was the popcorn ceiling. Okay, I’m on my back just like I was a minute ago, he thought to himself. He smiled as he moved only his gaze down towards his crotch, predicting that there was going to be the lovely shapely figure that had been pleasing him seconds ago before he shot his load into her mouth.Instead of a woman, he caught sight of his pulsing cock. His balls had the sensation of just having emptied,...

2 years ago
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The visitor pt 2

The bell boy stood behind you not knowing what to say he could see your sexy and well used body hanging there like a slab of meat ready for the taking, and The man stood there watching him knowing by the bulge in his pants that he would like to touch you.His phone beeped and he smiled as I had answered him and he showed the message to the bell boy and then to you, it said ‘’ I appreciate the text and whole heartedly agree that this bell boy should fuck and cum in my slut, If you could do me the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Twelve Final

PART TWELVE Our friends had left us last night at around midnight and vowed to try and keep in touch. Brett and I agreed that we would like that. We had really enjoyed their company - as well as the amazing sex. Brett and Nathan had spoken together and had struck up quite a close friendship. They had not had the opportunity to ‘get together’ like most of us but that was something that they each hoped to explore in times to come. It certainly gave...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Eleven

PART ELEVEN Jim, Nathan and I went into the bedroom and we all turned to face each other in a sort of triangle. Nathan looked at Jim and me with a big grin on his face as he slowly rubbed and squeezed his rock hard erection through his briefs. Jim and I had both been up hard and ready since Nathan arrived and now we dropped our shorts to the floor to reveal our pulsing meat. Both our dicks were wet with pre-cum in anticipation of the fun...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Ten

PART TEN While Jim and I were getting to know Nathan on the veranda, Brett and Mick were getting to know more about each other in the living room. Brett had now stripped naked as well and the two them had squeezed onto the single bed they had been sitting on. It was a fairly tight fit but neither seemed to worry too much about that. Both loved the body contact they had going and their cocks were firmly pressed against each other as the boys...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Nine

PART NINE Our last day on the job here was much the same as yesterday, an early start and as we really wanted to finish today, we just had to knuckle down and get it done. As the day wore on, I realised that it would be fairly late again before we could call it quits. When I organised our cabin accommodation on the first day, I had mentioned to Steve, the park owner that we might need to stay on an extra night if we were running a bit...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Eight

PART EIGHT Thursday morning arrived as my alarm once again pulled me out of a deep sleep. This time Brett also woke up and turned to face me as we lay fighting off the temptation to slip back to sleep. We had made good progress with the job but only had two days left if we were to finish as planned, so we knew that we had to put in the hard yards today and tomorrow. Brett’s hand slid over under the sheet and found mine. He just held it...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Seven

PART SEVEN The barbeque was going well with about a dozen people, mostly men, now standing around chatting with others or starting to eat like Brett and my self. Jim and Mick returned to the picnic table with their meals and sat down where they had been before – right opposite us. The swelling in the front of Mick’s shorts had subsided somewhat by now and he just smiled at us both as he sat down. Jim seemed to sense that we were either...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Six

PART SIX The Alarm on my ‘phone went off at 5.30am. I rolled over and turned it off. Brett was still out cold and I didn’t like to wake him but we had to get an early start. He was lying face down with his head turned away from me. I gently peeled the sheet off him and marvelled at the beautiful sight of his naked body lying there so peacefully. His smooth, round bum looked so good. To wake him, I slowly dragged the tips of my fingers...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Five

PART FIVE This, the first day on the job away, was both eventful and tiring. It had been a long day and although Brett and I had been looking forward to climbing into bed together, we were both so tired that we virtually fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. However, what must have been a couple of hours later, I woke up as I went to turn on to my left side, because I rolled into the naked body of my bed partner. He was...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Three

PART THREE I had some trouble getting to sleep that night as I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brett had said to me about wanting to share a bed with me. All sorts of ideas were popping up in my mind and I started to formulate a plan in my head as to how we just might be able to achieve this wish. Eventually though, I did nod off to sleep and the next thing I knew the alarm was waking me from a deep slumber. I climbed out of bed and began...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part Two

PART TWO On that fantastic Sunday that Brett surprisingly arrived from Sydney, with all the excitement and action that followed, we both slept like logs. I woke at 7am and wondered how Brett was feeling about what had transpired between us now that he'd had time to sleep on it. I got out of bed quietly, so as not to wake my wife, and looked into the spare room and was surprised to find Brett's bed empty. I wandered out to the living room...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part one

PART ONE As I sat on the veranda enjoying the warm morning sun and eating my breakfast, I pondered over what the day might have in store for me. My wife had already left for work and I had little that needed my attention today so I just planned to take things easy. While I sipped at my coffee, a flash of reflected sunlight caught my eye. I looked up and saw that it was the morning plane from Sydney banking on to its final approach to the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Chapter IX

As the two lay together, Charlotte said, “Julie, you said Tyler is the same age as Jamie; have you ever had, you know, sexual thoughts about him?”Julie paused for a moment and then said, “Before yesterday, no; but since then, yes. I have to admit that since the incident with Jamie, I’ve wondered a lot of things about Tyler; like how big his erection is, and if his sperm tastes as good as Jamie’s. I hope that doesn’t freak you out.”“Julie, I think we’ve gone way beyond freaking each other out,”...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part 2

Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room, grabbing...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Chapters 3 And 4

Chapter 3Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years.Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry.Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Unexpected visitor

I was camping with my wife in the Florida Keys at a state park when she decided to take a day to visit a friend about an hour away. I didnt feel like going, so I figured on a relaxing day to lay on the beach a bit and read a book.After a couple hours of that I decided to go to the bath house and take a shower before making lunch. On the way I ran into a guy ( Paul)that was staying a few campsites over from ours. We had said hello a few times so we chatted a bit on the way to the bath house....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor

Daddy's working away again, I really miss him when he's gone. I miss his snuggly cuddles, I miss his deep sexy voice, his gruff, grizzly beard. I miss the way he can make my panties soaking wet just by looking at me... I just miss him!I have my stuffies to keep me company and all of the wonderful, naughty toys that daddy and I play with but none of them do it quite like him. I lie awake most nights trying to play with myself and make my clit feel like it does when he caresses it or trying to...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor

Charlotte stepped into her room quietly and closed the door. With a quick twist of the lock she sealed herself inside. Gingerly she moved over to her desk and opened the bottom draw. Hiding underneath her diary and a few other papers was the reason she came up here. Six inches long, an inch wide and ribbed for the ladies pleasure, a purple plastic vibrator. She had been desiring a ride on this baby all afternoon. She double checked that the door was properly locked, last thing she needed was...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

Just for some context, Nirosha was my milf of a neighbour who I used to have sex with. She would let me do anything to her as long as I promised to fuck her. Nirosha's husband called me over one day. Our family always helped each other out or enjoyed each others company. Nirosha and I have been having sex for about a 4 months now and I was scared that he found out. I went over thinking of what I would tell him, when he confronted me. "I know that you are tech-savy. We bought new computers for...

2 years ago
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Unexpected night visitor a fantasy

I had a free weekend and when I heard my friend Mikes wife Louise was going on a hen party giving him a night off I suggested I visited for the weekend for a long overdue catch up, this was deemed a great idea. When I arrived I was told to drop my stuff in their bedroom as they were decorating the spare room and didn't think it fit for guests - though ok for them. I was very grateful for this kindness as it also had an en-suite.Louise got dolled up while Mike and I had a couple of beers, when...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

So Tony had left and I was a fully satisfied girl, although naked under my white silk robe with the exception of my black kitten heels I felt at one. Alexander, my wife's lover was coming for supper, I had all day to prepare. I poured myself a stiff gin and pondered where I had come in the last month. My transformation from software engineer to beautiful woman was slowly coming on. My breasts were small but pert, my weight loss accentuated their size and my hips although male were sufficiently...

2 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

There was a knock at the door. Two people standing there, a man and woman. I stared at them not really taking in what they were trying to sell me, but at the fact that the female sales person had quite a nice rack on her. She carried on taking to me when I realised the man standing next to her had clocked me checking her out. He smiled so I nervously smiled back, and invited them in to carry on selling. They sat side by side on the sofa as I sat on the other sofa which sits facing it. I looked...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Part 2

Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room,...

Straight Sex
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Unexpected VisitorChapter 2

I awoke the next morning to find my cock deep in Kerry’s mouth. Her tongue was busily swabbing all around my morning wood while she sucked hard. I stroked her hair and moanded with pleasure. It had been years since I had been given a blowjob. Kerry was an expert at sucking cock. “I’m almost there, Kerry.” I warned her. “Um hum.” She acknowledged my warning. Just as I began to erupt in her mouth, Kerry pushed down hard and drove my cock deep into her throat. She swallowed and took my cum...

3 years ago
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Unexpected VisitorChapter 3

Over the next week, Kerry and I continued acting like teenagers in love. We seemed to be teenagers who had sneaked off to a private love nest, even though one of us was well beyond his teen years. Late one afternoon, Kerry was getting ready to start dinner, and I was working on the computer in my office. The ringing phone startled us both. It was Jim Martin, Attorney at Law. I answered and he asked for Kerry. Kerry nervously took the phone and said, “Hello, Mr. Martin. What can I do for...

3 years ago
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Unexpected VisitorChapter 4

Over the next month, as the date for her divorce hearing approached, Kerry seemed to get more and more nervous. The night before the scheduled date of the hearing, we sat watching a movie on TV. She had her back pressed to my chest when suddenly she began to sob. She looked up at me with tears streaming from her eyes. “Oh Dave, I’m so frightened.” She sobbed. “What if that asshole changes his mind and decides to fight me over the divorce?” I hugged her tighter and replied. “Baby, that could...

2 years ago
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Ken 04 ndash A Visitor and My First Real Test

I always felt that Ken was plunging me into situations with little or no preparation. The first night we were together he had me strip naked in front of him, masturbate, piss on the floor and roll around in it. There had been no warning, no easing me into it, just a gentle insistence. He just quietly told me what to do and I did it. Not without some hesitation and some serious doubts, but I did whatever he told me to.It felt like diving in the deep end but with a gentle push from Ken. I still...

1 year ago
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A Young Farm Visitor With Her Mother 1

A Young Farm Visitor With Her Mother - #1My breath was ragged and heavy as I watched from the darkness while the scene had unfolded before me. The face of the young one beside me was a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment as she too watched in silence. Two bodies entwined like snakes writhed with sweat glistening from their naked flesh. The sounds of their thighs slapping together and their groans and moans of pleasure filled the air. We had came upon them quite by accident, or rather, well,...

4 years ago
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A Visitor at the Door

As the driving rain smote his window, Joseph felt a chill in his spine. This was not the chill of a cold, wintry night. This was a chill he had felt many times before. ‘He’s coming,’ Joseph thought to himself. For a moment, Joseph thought he would flee as he had done so many times before. It had, in fact, become a natural instinct, a reflex action that he simply performed without ever knowing why. He was found, he fled, he was found, he fled…Sometimes he outwitted his adversary, others he...

1 year ago
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The visitor part two

My husband was sleeping, exhausted from his first fist fucking experience I had given him for more than one hour in preparation for our visitor. I let him rest. When the visitor arrived, he was still sleeping. His name was Jake. He looked good: tall, close shaven, well dressed. He introduced himself to me as an experienced bisexual. `What do you like about being a bisexual?` I asked him. `I am into ass play quite a lot. My wife attends to my needs the best she can but there is nothing like...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

1 year ago
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Pregnant visitor

"Ohhhhhhhh, John," Ellyn cried, "she's absolutely perfect, I can hardly wait to get her out of her clothes!!!" "Come in, dear," John said to the tiny Japanese woman who was standing nervously in the foyer of the large suburban home of the John and Ellyn Wexman, "as you heard my wife is very happy to see you, and of course I am, too!!!" Taking their visitor by the arm, John led her into the family room in the rear of the house, and after pouring drinks for everyone asked, "So, Kira, are you sure...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

3 years ago
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Unexpected I was therapist for her

Unexpected:  I was therapist for her!I knew Laura since a few weeks and we passed good moments, nights and week-end together. One evening she was talking about het 19 year old daughter Julie who would be home during the week-end. She explained that she was problematic since her father raped her violently when she was 18. She closed herself to others.  Laura was in contact with the psy of Julie and the only way to open her view again was to give her a chance to exhort her selves. When I asked...

2 years ago
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

1 year ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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The visitor part three

We were just sitting around, relaxing. I am still in my armchair trying to be comfortable but with my stupid neck collar and painful broken hip, no position is truly comfortable. The mix of alcohol and pain medication is making me high! The sight of my husband sitting naked next to our visitor on the couch in front of me is making me hot. Jake was caressing my husband cock gently as we were talking. It was truly surreal to be talking about ordinary stuff while my husband was being gently...

2 years ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

3 years ago
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Christmas Visitor

That was the awkward Christmas. I had come back from my sophomore year at college, visiting my parents for a few days — the first time I felt like a visitor in the house I grew up in. My younger brother, Randy, had accepted an invitation to go skiing with some cousins, a trip that my other obligations made impossible for me. His absence turned the time with my parents a bit more claustrophobic. Then, with only me and my parents in the house, they decided on a table-top Christmas tree instead of...

1 year ago
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Nans visitor

Nan’s visitor. A visit by her ‘nephew.’ She was bored. Nothing and no-one to keep her company or to talk to. So Nan decided to have a look on the Internet and see what was going on in the outside world. She had a look at a few sites and came across a Dating site which looked alright. So she joined and wrote out her profile stating that although she was seventy seven – she was only interested in gentlemen between 40 and 55 years of age. She was looking for a regular, casual relationship in...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Visitor

It was during the time of my college years that I was on the down low, my room mate Daryl would wake me in the morning during his physical exercises. That boy would do five hundred sit-ups and two hundred push-ups. I would lay there pretending to be asleep as he worked up a sweat, so many times he would leave the room to go and shower and I would dream as how it would be for the two of us to engaged in wild sexual acts. This morning classes were canceled due to heavy storms approaching our...

3 years ago
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Nans visitor

Nan’s visitor. A visit by her ‘nephew.’ She was bored. Nothing and no-one to keep her company or to talk to. So Nan decided to have a look on the Internet and see what was going on in the outside world. She had a look at a few sites and came across a Dating site which looked alright. So she joined and wrote out her profile stating that although she was seventy seven - she was only interested in gentlemen between 40 and 55 years of age. She was looking for a regular, casual relationship in...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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I'm in the shower washing myself from the long humid day. I remember the time you went down on me and how i felt as though i had to repay you. I remember your tongue diving into my hot wet cavern. How it danced around the outside. The gentle pressure of your skilled muscle. I lean back on the cold tiles. I roll my nipples between my fingertips. My other hand sliding down my slick body. I close my eyes and imagine you doing the same. Your hand sliding down your creamy flesh grabbing yourself....

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