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Martine saw it, and how it changed the night! She saw it, so she has to believe it. It wasn't just a rumor or gossip. It was there. Or. They were there, and the she of they was doing it to the he. To the him. Martine is too rattled to handle the grammar.

It had been a nice, but ordinary party, a sweet night in all things but one, when Martine left the clubhouse through a back French door. Ordinary and nice, but Martine felt she had to get out. She turned left onto the patio that overlooks Lake Travis. Left again, onto the gravel walk. She carried a margarita glass carefully. Don't spill anything onto the rustic landscaping. You'd need to refill too soon, and how would that look? It's already your second. Best slow down.

She passed live oaks and magnolias, mesquites, vines, prickly pear cacti, little blackjack oaks, and cedars. Not really cedar, she told herself. Mountain juniper. She always reminds herself. It was an ordinary evening and she wanted to try to make it nice. Think of the good things. There was that Hill Country smell to the air, that she has always loved. Even it was ordinary, though better than nice. She was surprised when she first traveled out of south Texas and found she couldn't smell it other places. She'd thought the air smelled the same everywhere. The smell is still with her. It poured into this changed night with her.

There is a waning gibbous moon. Yes, that is different as well, or maybe it caused the change. Who can tell? Certainly not Martine. It's the last night it will be bright enough to light the cliffs across the way, making them shimmer, reflecting back the muted Texas greens. It is so bright she hadn't needed the path lights at all. It's half of why she saw it, saw them, why she could make out enough to know exactly what was happening to exactly whom, and who was doing it. It was when she turned left again, into the back lot, where her eyes were drawn first leftward again, to the blue wavering light of the pool, before a movement to the right pulled her head around to where it was happening. She knows everything but the why.

There was a massive live oak over there, to the right. Martine reminds Herself it is still there. Well, maybe it is. Does it exist in this universe too? Or does it exist only in this one, the one where Ann does such things and doesn't need Martine anymore? It was just off the walk, an oak so big and old that its larger branches are held in place by cables that help support them. It has, or had, a circle of plants around it, and a continuous concrete bench surrounded them. Path lights dimly illuminated the trunk and lower branches. Martine would like the plants if she paid attention to them, and at another time she would have, but not tonight, because tonight a man was standing facing the bench, and Martine could see enough to tell that his penis was sticking out of his pants, and that he was hugely erect, and that the thing stretched to the mouth of the woman. She was sitting on the bench, and she was also holding it, and caressing it.

In all her life, Martine had never seen another woman do that to a man. That's not quite right. She'd stumbled onto Internet porn sites that featured oral sex and greeted her with lewd close-ups. It was hard to avoid them, but she'd never gone further. She'd always clicked off. That was demeaning. Oh she did it herself. She'd done it. She'd licked and kissed her husband's cock during foreplay, and it was fun. But seeing someone else? No. And live, right now, unfolding before her? And not just foreplay? Never.

It was all so wrong. Sure there were women who did that, and more. But this wasn't a prostitute. It was Ann. Ann doing fellatio. Doing Ann's husband of twelve years, like some debased slut, in a public place where anyone could catch them. None of it was anything Ann would do. You'd think you knew some things about your supposed best friend.

A moment passed before Martine was aware she was staring. It was them, for sure. Bob was all cowboy chic, string tie and tails, Levis and fancy boots, his Stetson. Everything just like she'd seen him dozens of times, except for that inflated penis. Ann's hair was blonde and long and straight and not from a bottle. She was dressed all in pink, a new diaphanous dress. They must be just arriving, so late as to be unfashionable, and Bob had made Ann stop to give suck before they went in. The bastard! What else did he make her do? No wonder she wanted to leave him! But she did it! It's part of what Martine didn't understand.

Bob's hands were on Ann's head. His fingers held the back of her head and guided her, so she was moving forward and back at the same time her face was moving up and down, and she was making continuous movements, never once losing contact with his cock. Bob moved his hips and Martine could hear his voice, saying something down to Ann. Ann, of course, couldn't reply. Anyway - Martine remembered the punch line of an old joke - it's not polite to talk with your mouth full. She began to feel queasy.

A bit of gravel crunched beneath Martine's foot. She froze. She'd been still, but now she tried to become a tree, a rock. It didn't work. Bob turned his head and looked straight toward her. She didn't know what to do. He began staring at her. He never stopped doing Ann, though. His hips still went forward and back and he still held Ann's head with his hands. His eyes were just dark points in his face, points that never turned away from Martine while he fucked Ann's mouth. Finally Martine turned and walked back the way she had come, trying to act nonchalant, as though she had been alone with the moon and the swimming pool.

Now Martine is leaning on the low limestone wall on the edge of the cliff, nursing her new margarita and staring into the lake far down the hill. She had downed her last drink quickly, almost gulping it as she fled to the ballroom. She wondered, should I tell Maury? Her husband. Should she tell him? Tell him what? She couldn't say anything about it, at least not yet. She went to the bar for a refill, but while she waited on the bartender they came in, Bob and Ann. They looked relaxed, two happy people back from a trip way out to a fishing cabin in Montana. They said hello to friends, and neither looked as though anything odd had happened. Ann wasn't licking her lips or wiping her mouth or anything. She must have already fixed her lipstick. She kissed friends when she met them. She kissed Maury. Oh no! Martine couldn't stay here. What would they think? They knew she knew, didn't they? What would she say? Would Ann want to kiss her too? With that mouth?

So Martine fled again, back out to the patio. She tried to look casual, not walking too quickly, carrying her new drink, looking here and there, though never toward Bob and Ann, and out the French doors. Since then she's been frozen to the wall. She hasn't a clue what to do, though she knows she can't avoid Ann all night. She knows it especially well when she hears the doors open and close, then hears a single pair of stiletto- heeled shoes click across the patio toward her.

She doesn't turn around, even when the steps get close.

"I hear you caught us."

Martine whirls around and forces an enormous smile on her face.

"Why Ann! I was wondering where you were! But I don't know what you mean!"

They embrace, Martine careful to kiss Ann far up on her cheek. When they separate, Ann leans against the wall, leaving Martine alone standing upright.

"It's okay. We know you saw us playing. You were there for a couple of minutes."

"No. I just went out for a breath of air. I don't know what..."

"Martine, it was obvious. And it's okay. We're not embarrassed. Frankly I'm glad it was you and not someone who's less a friend."

Martine leans on the wall beside her friend and takes a drink. She notices Ann has a martini glass.

"Well." She fumbles for a moment. "I wish it had been someone else."

"I guess we shocked you."

Martine doesn't answer.

"Did we?"

"It's none of my business. If you do... what you do in your bedroom. It's not any of my business."

"But it shocked you."

Martine sighs.

"Look, let's drop it, can't we?"

"First tell me, Martine. We're friends. I want to know." "Yes, it shocked me. But not the way you think."

"No? Then how?"

Martine sips her margarita again. A couple of men come out on the patio to smoke, but they move away from the two women. Martine thinks for a moment longer, and Ann is silent. Finally,

"How good is our friendship? I want to know."

"You know. Martine! You're my best friend in the whole world!"

"I'm not sure anymore, Ann. I don't know if I even know you anymore!"

"Why? Because of this?"

"No. Yes. This and more!"

"So tell me."

Martine take another drink, a big one, to prepare herself.

"I never thought of you doing that before. We go to the same church. I thought we believed the same things. I never thought... I just never thought of you doing something like that. I couldn't believe it. But that wasn't all. It's complicated."

"Tell me."

"It's a whole bunch of things, Ann."

"List the categories."

"Huh? Okay. I will." Martine is getting angry now that she thinks about the full situation. "There's first that it was so brazen, right out in the parking lot. Not private."


"And it was him."


"You know what I mean! Bob, who you wanted to leave because he kept trying to make you do things."

"Oh. Well, a lot has changed about that..."

"I could tell that!"

Ann sighs. "Oh Lord."

"And there's another thing."

"What is it?"

The emotion comes up from her belly. Martine can't stop it and can't stop herself.

"It's that that was the first time I've seen you since you got back. How long have you been back? You never called from your trip, or came by when you got back. I didn't even get a silly postcard!" Martine starts to get teary, and she wants to hurry, to get it out. "So the first thing I know about you in a month, you're kneeling in a parking lot doing that thing to your husband who you don't even like! It's like I don't know you, Ann, and we're supposed to be best friends!"

They're leaning on the wall together, apart, Martine and Ann. Martine wipes her eyes with her free hand.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry."

"I'm sorry, Martine. I hurt you. I didn't mean to. I love you. You know that." Ann puts her free hand very gently on Martine's shoulder. "I would never hurt you if I could help it."

"Well why did you cut me off so?" She's teary again.

"I'm so sorry. You're my best friend, but... well, it's complicated to tell, too. But I couldn't help it. My husband has to come first, and it's why I didn't call." Ann leans to Martine and kisses her. "I was going to. I just couldn't."

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you. We were working through a lot."

"So you were too busy to call me?"

"Please, Martine. Everyone has some things they don't tell even their best friends."

"This has to be about him."

"Call him by his name, okay? Yes, It's about Bob and me."

"You're getting a divorce!"

"No!" Ann laughs, then catches herself. "No. The opposite. Everything has changed. Everything is wonderful. I just can't explain it all."


"Oh, my friend of friends! Because you're not ready. Because I don't want to shock you more. Because Bob and I really need privacy right now!"

They've gone silent, the two of them. The moon has moved just a little through the sky, pushing the shadows of the outer leaves of an oak over them. They are in dappled light. Ann has dropped her hand from Martine's shoulder.

"You don't have to be condescending to me," Martine says in a quiet voice. "I happen to be an adult."

"I'm sorry. But you already think we're going to burn in Hell. I don't want to make things worse."

"Ann Phillips! If you're just going Lord it over me and drop these little hints, well you might just as well leave!"

Ann turns to her and looks at her for a time, as though she's weighing a decision. She reaches over and takes Martine's glass. The doors open and more people step out into the moonlight, but the smokers have gone away, so the patio is still half empty. Martine doesn't know the new people, who leave the patio and go off toward the parking lots.

"Frozen?" Ann is holding up Martine's glass.

"On the rocks."

"Well, wait here and I'll get you a refill. Don't leave."

When Ann gets back a man and woman she knows are talking to Martine. Martine looks past them to Ann. Her eyes are those of a cornered person. Conversations at big parties almost never get finished, so maybe she'll lose the chance. Ann won't tell her anything. Ann, though, steps between the couple to hand Martine her drink, say hello to both the new people, and kiss their cheeks. Then she turns to Martine.

"Ready to go?"

The two of them head toward the parking lots and wend out to the bench where Martine first saw Ann and Bob. They are shadowed here, with just the little glow of the landscaping lights on the tree, and the same reflected light from the pool as before.

Once they're seated, Ann takes Martine's hand.

"Martine." She says it for emphasis. "You have to promise me no one else will ever find out what I'm going to tell you. And I really mean it. If you told anyone, I couldn't ever forgive you."

"You know how discreet I am."


"I swear."

"Do you mean it?"

"Ann, if you don't trust me then don't tell me! Now tell me!"

Martine begins to feel, really feel, the effects of her margaritas. Both of them take long drinks before Ann starts talking.

"Okay. I don't know what I can say. I have to work through this slowly, but you can ask me anything you need to know. To start with, Bob and I have a whole new relationship. It happened up in the mountains. We're so happy and so in love! I wish we had done that years ago."

"Um-hmm. And I take it, it has a lot to do with s-e-x?" Martine barks out a short, mean laugh. Ann ignores it.

"Well... yes. A lot. But also touching and kissing and not always trying to outguess each other. We came to an understanding about it. A real understanding, not one of those situations where you each promise to try to do better and be more understanding

"A compromise?"

"No. The opposite. We stopped trying to compromise everything. It wasn't working. It was the problem, not the solution. We were compromising our marriage to death. Bob would want sex when I didn't and if I wanted to snuggle and kiss he'd take it that meant sex. We were always trying to read each other's mood, not saying what we really meant. Neither of us was happy. It was a mess."

"Um-hmm." Martine thinks she should stop drinking, then she takes another sip.

"So we did away with compromising and set rules for ourselves."


"Two main rules. Not like written down rules. Not like lawyers do things. But rules."

"Like what?"

"Well, like we have a rule that we have to kiss and snuggle and touch every night."

"Uh-huh." For the first time, Martine notices that Ann is sitting in the exact spot she sat when she was playing with Bob's penis.

"And there's more..." Martine is getting distracted. She hears Ann tell her that the touching can't be limited to safe spots, that Ann and Bob have to touch breasts and genitals and asses too, and each is allowed to touch the other wherever the whim takes the hands, without explanation, but while she understands what Ann is saying, she keeps seeing the head of a penis, large and dark, touch her mouth, and sees Ann kiss it and caress it with her hands and take it inside her lips.

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Angel S:1E:8 "It's the End of the World as We Know It" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 8 "It's the End of the World as We Know It" In the late 1950s, a popular do-it-yourself project for the home was to build your own bomb shelter. The Cold War was in full swing, and both the Soviet Union and the United States were stockpiling nuclear weapons with...

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The Lunch Date Ch 03

The water as finally filled and we lie entwined in the bottom of the bath, the warm water soaking our hot and sweaty bodies – washing away the layers of cum and easing your sore stretched muscles. As we lie in the bath my fingers slowly move to your pussy, slipping inside and playing with it, gently massaging you and exciting you, you moan and ask me to sit on the side of the bath. I figure its time for you to have some fun so I raise myself up and sit on the edge of the bath, my legs apart in...

3 years ago
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The Meeting Part One

They had known each other for a very long time, but they had only spoken online. They were both married, but had somehow found themselves madly in love. He knew her darkest secrets, and was eager to meet her. His wife had asked for a divorce, and his lover was ready to leave her tortured marriage for a week while her husband was gone on a business trip and finally meet him. ‘I’m on my way to get you at the airport, baby,’ she said softly into the phone, in her calmest voice. ‘Hurry, love, I...

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I bang my head against the steering wheel, not believing my luck. It really is the perfect storm. Pitch-black night. Pouring rain. Dead car. No cell service. Lost.This sequence of events is just par for the course for me. An unfulfilling career, a string of bad relationships, the latest break-up the worst of them all, and an overwhelming feeling that I don't belong in this world. I am a romantic at heart, yet I have felt unsatisfied with each attempt at love. There has always been something...

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Erin visits Jake longer than expected

Erin is a 24 year old beautiful single woman. She is 5’9” tall, medium length silky blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that lights up a room. Her athletic build includes a tight ass that she maintains by routine workouts. Her laugh is contagious, but unfortunately, she has no close family members since her mom passed a couple of years back. Her career allows her to take time off during the year for a month or sometimes more - which she uses to enjoy recreational travel and adventures with...

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Party To Extend All Parties

It was just another e-mail from my boss, Johana, mixed in with the rest of the e-mails that hit my inbox during that day. I usually glance over the subject headers to pick out the urgent e-mails, dealing with the rest later. This one caught my eye; subject: The Party To End All Parties. I opened it and read on. It was an invite to my boss's country property for a party, Saturday evening in a few week's time. She went on to explain that it was a great opportunity to mix with a few of my work...

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Makan malik ki beti 2

Hi again I’m Babu from Mumbai, any gurl and aunty want to me plz mail me, I start my story uske hath main mobile diya aur bahar gumne aya kuch 10mint ke bad main room pahoncha aur khidki se dekha ki wo mare bed leti hai aur apne boobs ko masal rahi hai main sucha ki wo mere pvt folder open kar ke blue flim dekh rahi hai main toda ruka aur achanak room main gusgaya tu wo dargai aur mujhe dekh ti rahi usko malum nehi ki use kese band kare tu wase hi on karke mobile juddi main bola kya hoa tu usne...

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Maa Beta ka Divine love aur Cosmic Sex 8211 Part 6

Pehle part 1,2,3,4,5 ko padhe. Usse aapko sequence or samajhne mein asani hogi. Nahito kuch samajh nahi ayega. Aur aap bhatak jayenge. Disclaimer: Isme kuch darawne scenes hai, jiska reality se koi lena dena nahi. Bas kahani mein horror create karne ke liye iise dala gaya hai. Continuation of Story– Main: Tum bohut sundar ho. Maa: tumse jada nahi! Kehke mujhe apne baho mein daboch liya. Waise hi hum dono kuch der tak lete rahe. Fir jab aankh khula mera tab shayad raatke 12.30 baj rahe the....

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My brothers house Donald Dentley 2017 When my twin brother goes on holiday I go to house sit for him. He has a fantastic house but I’m not going to describe that. It’s the garden that is important for this story. The place is situated halfway along a farm road. So pretty isolated. There is a another house almost opposite. Although he has a very small front yard the back garden is enormous and is surrounded by tall beach hedges. This means that the house, and especially the rear garden, are very...

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The Geek and the Mature BBW PhotoFun

My wife’s friend called again a week ago and asked if I could show her how to use her new digital camera and help her create a Real Estate brochure for a home she had just listed. The thought of maybe getting to see Dale naked again crossed my mind as I remembered our last encounter when I taught her how to use the computer and the MLS web sites. The meeting ended with some of the best sex I have ever had. I agreed and told her I had next Monday off we could work on it then. I dreamed about...

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Young wife Groomed Part 5

And with that, Jane obeyed. She kneeled between Smith's legs, which he had now spread, placed her hands on his lap and started to unzip him. Smith meanwhile reached back to flip up her small flared mini skirt on to her back and told her to spread her legs and stick her ass out. When she did he gave it a few hard slaps. Peter now had a wonderful view of his wife's ass being spanked yet again. He noted that she was not wearing knickers, just her stockings and suspenders, Charles must have kept...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 24 Big Cat

“How’s the girlfriend hunt going?” I gave him my best put-out teenager look and ignored his barb. I guess it was too much for Tami not to tell my mom. What surprised me was Mom thinking it necessary to clue my dad in. I was sure that Uncle John would want to sit down and ‘talk about it.’ “Come on, we need to talk football,” Dad said to change the topic. That instantly put me in a better mood. We went to the nice restaurant and I found Dad had gotten us a big table. I figured that Wolf and...

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First girlfriends mom

My first girlfriend’s mum loved to watch me wank. She wasn’t divorced, but she didn’t exactly get on with her husband and would often go out on girl’s nights with her friends in town while her husband stayed at home, getting fat, watching TV on the sofa. She was a fit woman, with lovely huge boobs and dark brown hair, and I used to get hard just watching her walk out in her tight blue jeans and white shirts. At the time I worked nights for a security company and more often than not, I would be...

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Missing MagazinesChapter 2

My cock was throbbing with excitement. I needed a quick release; but first, I had to retire to the solitude of my room. I crawled back to my room and once inside, I locked it carefully. I quickly began to undress in the darkness. Having stripped off my shorts and vest, I turned on the night lamp. Standing in front of the mirror provided in the door of my cupboard, I looked at my reflection. "Not bad." I thought, admiring my rigid boner. I didn't know about the size of the biggest and the...

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College Buds Ch1

The below story is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to real peopleis totally circumstantial. This is my first story, so sorry if it seems less than par, and please give me your criticism! I’m insane. That’s the only explanation. Mark paced around his room frantically, trying to figure out just what in the world had happened. * * * It had started out as a regular day of college. Mark had slammed his phone alarm into oblivion and pulled himself out of bed, collapsed halfway to the bathroom....

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Prissy Poodle

PRISSY POODLE by Throne My wife Regina has a natural talent for manipulation. We had been married for a short while when she started hinting that we might experiment a little with our sex life. Well, she's a real beauty, with a full figure that she's unapologetic about, and which turns me on no end. Just seeing her generous curves when she's around the house, cooking or folding laundry, or even simply sitting at the computer, drives me wild. So, with the possibility of adding some...

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The Haircut

My wife had gone out of town a week ago and would not be back for another week. I had made an appointment to get my haircut with a woman named Sara. She cuts hair out of her house. I went over at about seven in the evening. Sara was there in some jersey shorts and a tshirt, no bra. she had said her husband was out of town also and that is why she was able to get me in even though it was late. I had been out playing golf all day. She had made us a little dinner which we ate and then she went to...

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To the Dungeon With Lady MargaretChapter 3

The child born to Lady Margaret and the Duke of Manchester was a beautiful girl child. She looked like a total angel. It wasn't until her third winter that her mother made the startling deduction that her offspring was, if it may be permitted to be brutally honest, "A spoiled brat and a bitch to boot!" Margaret didn't shout out her assessment within hearing distance of the beautiful girl but as the nature of such things often are in reality, the child knew exactly what her mother...

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Mistress in Training II The Reunion

Samantha had been looking at the garment bag hanging on the closet door of her motel room all day. She was nervous, yet excited at what Paige, her college mistress, had picked out for her to wear to their Sorority Reunion. The night before had been amazing. Her body was still weak from the powerful orgasm she had while being used by Paige, and their friend, Allison’s 19 year old daughter, Alexis. Sam ordered room service for lunch and rested the activities that night. This night’s reunion was...

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First Sex Experience

I was very young and when I look back now I realize I learnt about sex without even knowing what it was. Instinct and nature and a horney “aunty” took care of the rest. Since then it has been a great and wide experience which I shall narrate in different chapters. But to talk of my first experience… I was studying in Kerala and we were staying in a house where the owner and his wife stayed upstairs. We could go to their house through steps from inside our house. The aunty, Latha was maybe in...

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a weekend with Jen Part 2

Jen and myself woke up the Saturday morning just after 8h00 greeting each other with a kiss. She stood up and went to make us a cup of coffee. On her return to the room we chatted about last night and what all we did with the 3 guys. We discussed how much fun it was and I asked her while I was away sleeping with Kevin if she did anything with Ryan or Matt? She replied no she didn't, that she was having much more fun teasing them and not giving them any more than they already got.We finished our...

1 year ago
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Some might think Part II

Well, hello again to all you readers out there. If you read the first segment, you all know that I was a little frustrated from my weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get the Venezuelan BBC I thought I'd get :( ... but I did get a call back from one of my Haitian friends, unfortunately a lil too late, on Sunday night, after the Chldrn were back home. I wanted to have him come over so bad, since I hadn't seen him since August but knowing that I'm not a quiet one, I had to decline. I finally got a...

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A Girls Life Chapter 2

I was seven months into my self induced transition, there I was eating breakfast when Mike gave me a punch "Jeez Andy you're getting a little soft, maybe you should start working out with me, looks like you're starting to get a little bit of a bubble butt" I just looked at him, "Yeah I guess I probably could stand to lose some weight huh" Mom said "Mike you know brother isn't the big athlete like you and that's ok, Andy is a smart boy and we love both of you the same", "I know Mom, I was...

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Did She Know The Answer

Arriving in Ireland for a wedding, I was a little nervous. It was my first experience of my man’s family en-masse; most, I’d never met before. He’d told me everything would be fine, but that didn’t really help.Pulling up at the hotel, I felt rather out of my depth. You know that feeling when you sit on a high stool and can swing your feet like a child? How it makes you feel small and a little giddy, I felt like that with my feet on the ground. Alcohol was needed. As was the man beside me.The...

Wife Lovers
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Horny woman

I love sex . Masturbation, sexy voice chat. I simply love it when u let me suck your tits and massages and kisses you breasts mmmmmmm just the thought has made my dick hard with desire. Is there any way that we with out endangering our families and current life try to give each other a shoulder and satisfy our hunger what we missed all through our marriage on a regular basis. Any lady here locked in a loveless marriage? Starved of attention and affection, partner away or too tired to pay you...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Angela White Toy Time For Busty Brunette

You won’t be able to resist whipping your cock out once you press play on dirty talking busty bombshell Angela White in today’s 4K premium porn busty solo scene. This big-tittied Australian green-eyed goddess has got juicy curves and an even juicier shaved pussy. Enjoy watching the curvy assed glamour pornstar seductively strip out of her lingerie for an afternoon session of pussy play with her most prized possession, a giant glass dildo that she’s excited to prod herself...

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A frozen wasteland is all that remains of what used to be a flourishing, green landscape. Climate change has plunged the world into a new ice age. Humanity was not prepared for the freezing temperatures, and much of our technology seized up, became unusable, due to the extreme temperatures. Colder countries became nigh on uninhabitable, and warmer places saw much of the population die out, due to their inability to cope with the suddenly freezing temperatures. Governments collapsed as systems...

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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 13 Rocky takes Nina to swingers club1

Sheila was in her regular spot on her knees blowing her master/son Rocky , on the living room floor the cocksucker was getting her mouth hammered by the massive dong , slobbering and choking on the prick Rocky was giving Sheila her first skullfucking of 2018. His wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner but first Sheila was going to have dessert followed by champagne Rocky laughed, GGGGrrrrr uuuuughh was all Sheila could say without biting her perverted sons dink. Last night she had gone to...

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The first night of a business trip with my Boss

Friday evening, my loving came home telling me that one of his mates in the office had invited us to dinner on Saturday.He added this guy, Matt, wanted to meet me; because he had a job to offer me. I agreed, since I had been unemployed for the last six months and I really wanted be back at work…Saturday night we came early to the restaurant, so we ordered a glass of wine each to wait for Matt. A while later Matt arrived with his wife Martha. He apologized for his lateness due to busy traffic....

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