Twentyone Days After
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
Dear Rob,
On my flight out to DC last week, it got kind of interesting, and I think you'll enjoy the details.
I had an aisle seat, in the very back row, and after I was seated, the person in the middle seat showed up so I stood to let her in. I didn't catch on at first that the man and young boy coming along behind her were husband and son, who seated themselves in the same row but on the other side of the aisle. Once she and he started talking across the aisle, and she passed a sweatshirt across to him, I anticipated she would probably ask if I would give up my coveted aisle seat. (That was what had happened my prior plane trip, a mom by herself with 2 kids, so I guess lately my seating luck just hasn't been very good.) At first I figured I would turn her down if asked, as I like some room to stretch my legs on a long flight, and she did have hubby to look after the kid. But then my devious side took over.
Because, she did have a certain attractive quality about her; I guessed her to be late 20s or 30ish, with a generally slim build and an open approachable face that sported a few freckles. Fairly cute feet as well; what can I say, this leopard doesn't change his spots. :)
So I pre-empted the chance of her locating the courage to strike up the necessary conversation with me, by making a humorous comment about the gate agent who had looked completely frazzled for some reason. It's always good to get a woman to laugh a little bit, if you're trying to pick her up. Especially right in front of her husband. :) Then I fibbed a little: I said that it helps to keep your humor on these four-hour flights, which I have to do twice a month now. Gets boring, I said.
She asked what I did, so I explained about my job, except of course I embellished why so much travel was involved. (Shoot, I probably could travel that much, if I let my boss talk me into it. :) ) After getting across that the lengthy dead time on the plane was the only part of the job I didn't like, I asked if she made the trip to DC often, and if she still found air travel exciting, knowing it would let her explain about her family being with her and maybe she would ask to switch, which was what I wanted.
They were heading east to see his family, she explained. To my surprise, she didn't ask about changing seats with me. I offered the opinion quietly, even a bit conspiratorially, that her husband was surely capable of handling the task of watching their son on the flight. She kind of snorted at that assertion. I recanted and said that it's probably in guys' genetics that we all fall asleep within an hour when faced with childcare duty, and she agreed about that with a laugh.
So I brought it up myself: I supposed she was hoping to swap seats with me? She said that she hadn't wanted to ask, knowing that people book the aisle seats in advance, but yes if I wouldn't mind. I said, honestly enough, that I usually prefer the aisle seat so as to be able to stretch my legs a little now and then in-flight, but that "maybe we could work something out ... if you're a little bit uninhibited". I continued keeping my voice low, for plausible deniability to her husband if things really went bad. I realize now as I write this that I didn't have a ready excuse, such as "you misunderstood, I said the stewardess is badly zitted" to cover for "uninhibited". :)
Her reaction told me that quiet had been a wise choice. It really was a presumptuous thing for me to say so quickly. Hardly better, I realized, than if I'd said, "saaaay, you a member of the Mile High Club?". She drew back, and said "excuse me?" I thought maybe hubby would hear that, but I didn't see a reaction from him, as he was already busy reading to their son.
I decided to take one more shot, and then would offer to trade seats without precondition, whichever way things went. "Sorry, that came out bad. I only meant a LITTLE bit. Maybe I should have said 'fun'. I mean, just to talk. These flights get so boring. Those two'll fall asleep after we take off - and then you and I can talk. About things. Play a game of Twenty Questions or something. But with no topic off limits. That's what I meant. Look, I'll give you a safeword - just say "snicklefritz", and the game will end instantly. You have my word as a gentleman about that. But you won't want to stop, I'm willing to bet. It'll be fun. Relieve the boredom at least. Whaddaya say? In exchange for a better seat?"
She was silent.
I relented. "OK, I'm sorry. Look, you can have the aisle seat if you want it, no obligations. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I guess it sounded a little bit creepy." Looking back, I had counted on it helping that I was wearing a business suit on a plane - how scary can a guy like me be, really? She said, non-commitally, "you sure? I don't want to take away your space for stretching out." I assured her it would be fine, that it was more important for her to be seated nearer her family. I got up, and she got up, and we made the switch. Hubby looked up, and thanked me for my courtesy. I hoped she wasn't planning to rat me out. :)
Even moreso than usual, I took pains to keep within my personal space in the middle seat, so as not to make her uncomfortable. I expected to pass the rest of the trip in silence, since the old guy to my left was already leaning against the window and half-asleep, and I picked up my magazine to read for just a bit - even without a kid to look after, I expected to drift off to sleep after a while, it having been a long week already. To my mild surprise, my seat mate asked me a question about the article I was reading. Apparently her sensibilities hadn't been so badly ruffled after all. The conversation didn't really go anywhere though; she wasn't much into politics and that's what I was reading about at that moment.
An hour or so passed - we took off, reached cruising altitude, the seatbelt light went off, a few people passed by in pursuit of the bathroom at the back of the plane where we were, the flight attendants served sodas and overpriced baskets of snacks - and the passengers eventually settled in for the main portion of the flight. My seat mate focused most of her attention across the aisle, a couple of times fishing an item out of her carry-on bag to give to hubby for the pacification of their child. Though I didn't notice specifically, eventually the kid drifted off to sleep, followed, apparently, by hubby. The guy in the window seat was also sound asleep by this time. I started to feel a drifting sensation, myself.
"Animal, vegetable, or mineral?" I heard, which snapped me back. "Excuse me?" I said stupidly - but how could I be that dense? "Animal, vegetable, or mineral," she repeated, "you said we could play twenty questions." I suppressed a chuckle. Twenty questions was what I had indeed said, I realized - although I had meant it just as one example, and had a variant in mind. But maybe I should play along with that. "My dick", that would count as animal, right? :) (Unless I claim that rock-hardness at times makes it mineral.)
Anyway, I didn't waste breath asking what had prompted her apparent change of heart. I checked across the aisle, and hubby's back was mostly toward us. "Actually, what I had in mind was ten questions for each of us. Yes or no questions. About anything. The deal is, after the question is asked, you wait 60 seconds to answer. Builds up a little suspense. Then the other person has to wait 60 seconds before asking the next question. It's a long flight. There's no rush. I find it helps if you have to think about it. With your eyes closed, if you want. No topic off limits, like I said. You game?" "Why not," she said agreeably. "You wanna go first, or me?" I offered. "You," she said. "OK, here, I'll time it," I said, "I'll ask you in sixty seconds. Get ready."
I used my time well, it turns out. My original half-baked idea had been to ask a generic "do you like sex?" as the opening question. But I thought about our interchange before takeoff, and decided upon a theory as to what might have prompted her to offer to play now. When my minute was up, I was ready with a better question. I leaned over next to her ear; the roar of the engines would keep my words from carrying even to across the aisle, unless I shouted, and I intended to keep the conversation very private indeed. My only concern was maybe words could carry forward to the seats in front of us; I resolved to aim slightly behind her ear since no one was behind us.
"Do you know what a safeword is?"
I saw a slight smile. "Your minute starts now," I reminded her, "shut your eyes and think about your answer." I hadn't said she should try to avoid tipping off the answer early, so I decided not to tease her about being a bad poker player or anything. But I already knew her answer. I hoped that with her eyes shut, she'd be fantasizing about me tying her up, of course; so jokes at this point would only interfere with sexual waking-dreams.
"Time's up," I said, "what's your answer?" "Yes," she replied softly, leaning toward me, "I do know what a safeword is. Now, I already have a question for you." I asked her to shut her eyes and wait for 60 seconds anyway. At the appointed time, she opened her eyes and looked at me squarely.
"Do you prefer women with large breasts?"
I was pleased at the explicitness of her question. Now, of course, I had already checked her out thoroughly, starting from the moment she sat down beside me. Her blouse was mildly low-cut, so I had tried to peep down it a couple of times when she had leaned one direction or the other, but there wasn't really very much to see. I would not have singled her out as flat-chested, but her question made it clear that she was insecure about her rack - a B-cup would probably be a generous estimate of her endowment. As if to confirm my guess, she added after a pause, "be honest." "I'm always honest," I promised, "now, sixty seconds, tell me when time's up." I closed my eyes, and thought about what her nipples might look like and how it would be to suck them to erectness. I noticed my own erectness, and wondered if it was apparent, and if she was looking there. When she called time, I gave her my answer.
"You asked a simple yes or no question, but the simple answer would be misleading. The real answer is, I like sensitive breasts. I'd much rather know that she's getting turned on by the contact. So, to answer your question the way you phrased it, no. I don't prefer big ones. OK, close your eyes, and I'll think about my next question."
A couple of obvious choices came to mind. I could follow up on my answer and ask if her own nipples were sensitive. Or I could take a different tack from her question and ask whether she preferred men with big dicks. I decided both would be following her lead too much. Instead:
"Do you like when a man takes complete control in the bedroom?"
That was more keyed to my first question than I would have preferred, but I still looked forward to her answer. After the requisite sixty seconds, she replied, "sometimes". "These are yes or no questions", I reminded her. "Yes, sometimes," she amended, "if he doesn't take it too far of course." I guess since I had fudged on the only question to me so far, I could hardly object to this type of answer from her. It was now my turn to wait for her question which, in due course, was:
"Do you think a man should expect sex from his wife every day?"
Hee hee. It felt like I was being dragged into an ongoing domestic dispute. :) It was easy to imagine sullen refusals of sex, and disparaging comments about breast size in retaliation - or, vice versa. I gave it my sixty seconds of thought, and replied this way:
"You ask good questions, and they are yes or no, but there's a lot behind this answer too. So let me say first, it comes down, to me, to what you think the purpose of marriage is. I think it means bringing out each other's best, in whatever ways each one of them needs. And I don't think a man can be at his best when he is always wondering when he'll get his next relief, sexually I mean. Now, I know you can run a marriage that way. Lots of marriages are like that, and I guess it works out OK. But yeah, if you come down to it, yeah, I think it's OK for a man to expect sex every day. And not just by himself if it's not totally convenient for her, but good sex. Now, there are always exceptions in life, and I don't mean that a guy should be a baby about it when something unexpected comes up where it's just impossible. But, to answer your question, yes. It has to be a priority."
"I'll give you credit for honesty," she commented, "'cuz it's not exactly politically correct these days to look at it that way. OK, your turn."
I couldn't help adding, "well, if it's PC-ness you want, I should mention that I also think the woman has just as much right to expect it, if she wants. OK, sorry, I'll try to keep it yes/no from now on."
My turn. I was surprised at how much thought I was putting into my questions; my cunning plan was far less well thought out than I had imagined it to be. At first I decided I would simply ask if she liked receiving oral sex. Then I thought of asking instead whether she liked the taste of sperm. But I decided at last on this variation:
"Do you like it, if you can still taste your own juices on your lover's tongue, when he kisses you after sex?"
She chuckled but didn't say anything. Instead of closing her eyes, she kind of focused on my hand on the armrest, looking up toward my face a couple of times. When I indicated time, she said:
"Well, instead of yes or no, can I say 'I wish?'"
"You mean, you wish he'd perform oral sex on you at all?" I clarified.
"No, well, both. I wish he'd kiss me after sex. It's almost like the cliche of rolling over and falling asleep. You don't do that, do you?"
"It's not your turn to ask me another question yet," I said with a laugh. She smiled but it seemed tempered by her admission. "He's always so sleepy," she added, "just look". She gestured subtly toward the aisle. Perhaps she had failed to notice I had almost nodded off, shortly before.
Marriage Counselor was not the game I had anticipated playing here. "You didn't really answer, yes or no," I reminded her, "would you like it, to tastes your own juices that way?" "Yes, definitely," she responded, and then said, "my turn." After a minute:
"Have you ever been unfaithful to your wife?"
"I don't remember mentioning one," I said, trying to be funny, and immediately realized her reply would be "the wedding ring." Duh. "OK, clarification," I added, "does talking like this count as unfaithful?" "Of course not," she said, "I mean actual sex." "So you mean intercourse?" "Yes." "What about oral?" "Yes, I'm not playing any Bill Clinton games with words here." "So, then, anal counts too," I remarked with another laugh. "Mos' def'," she said firmly.
"So," I pressed on, "you mean, pretty much, any form of fucking." "Yeah," she said. "Well, then, say it that way," I asked. "OK, have you ever had any kind of sex with someone not your wife?" she rephrased. "No, I meant, say it using the f-word, please." "Have you ever fucked anyone not your wife?" she amended. "Heh, I just wanted to hear you say 'fuck'," I gloated.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," she intoned, "it's not that big of a deal." "I know, I just liked it, regardless," I said. "Into dirty talk, huh?" she asked. "What else do you think this is all about?" I quipped. "Thought maybe it went a little deeper than that," she pretended to pout.
"Maybe," I allowed, "so, should I answer your question now?" "I don't know, does the 60 seconds start when I ask, or when you finish the cross-examination, Your Honor?" "OK, OK, I get the hint, I'll ease up a little on the interrogation." "Well, I didn't exactly say I didn't like being interrogated, did I?" she said coyly. "Well, we can go that route, if that's what you prefer." "No, it's fun this way. So, what's your answer?" "I've forgotten the question," I joked. She leaned in and whispered directly in my ear, "have ... you... ever ... fuck ... fuck... fucked ... I said fucked ... someone other than your own wife?" She sat back, expectantly.
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Copyright© Look at you now, was it only four weeks ago I said those same words. Sitting on my big double bed I remember looking in the ornate dressing table mirror, look at you now Mrs Susan Watts; it was so strange to be called Watts, 21 years as Harbert, and for the last month Mrs Rupert Watts. A month of bliss. My mind went back to that lovely honeymoon in the Seychelles and the things a new wife experienced. I had saved myself; a refined bringing up, all girl school, and an important...
She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...
Mandy and I had been living together in my apartment for several months. We stopped using two bedrooms, and we now spent almost every night and many days fucking up a storm. It was all new to Mandy, who at twenty years old had lost her cherry to me, James, the one who was a virgin until he was twenty-five. We were having so much fun that we barely had time for school. We did manage to get to classes and get passable grades, but our focus now was eating pussy, sucking cock and fucking, hard and...
My name is James. I am the twenty-five year old virgin you may have read about in earlier stories. I’m now twenty-seven. I lost my virginity to my sweet little Jewish girl Debora. Then she left me for her kibbutz. After her I met my darling little hippie girl, Samantha, and we both shared what we knew about sex. I fucked her in the ass for the first time. She was happy to learn that. She moved on to Haight/Ashbury in San Francisco. I was no longer a virgin, but I was still as horny as I could...
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She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...
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May, 1985, Colerain Township, Ohio We arrived at Don Joseph’s house just before lunch. He greeted us and took us into his study, where Joyce joined us. “Shall we toast your new business?” he asked. “Of course!” I replied happily. “And to our friendship!” He nodded and smiled as he poured four glasses of Sambuca and handed them to each of us. We raised our glasses, touched them, and then drank down the anise-flavored contents. “Thank you for the gift, Don Joseph,” I said. He waved his...
I rang the doorbell and waited, hat in hand. I heard footsteps inside and the door opened to show me the face of the Hispanic housekeeper. She looked at me, puzzled by an almost-recognition of my face. “Yes?” “Is Frank home? I’d like to see him.” Her eyes narrowed. “Who shall I say has come to call?” she asked. I smiled my most ingratiating smile. “An old high-school friend. I’d like it to be a surprise.” She frowned as only a long-term domestic help that has become part of family can...
Sometimes you ask questions you know the answer is not going to be satisfying. The heat was unbearable. It seems that the asphalt was soft under foot. I wondered why do I continue to do this. One of those questions. I was running early, as the traffic in from the airport was unusually light. The appointment was not one where showing up early was going to win me any points, no one appreciates the overly aggressive salesman. I was about to make the first contact with a purchaser who could make my...
EroticCody walked out of the cell followed by his mom, who was leading Jamil. "Let's go, Mahdi," Cody said over his shoulder. "We have an appointment upstairs." "I sent my men up already," Gabir said, as he guided the Sergeant around Cody and towards the stairs by the elbow. "Two are watching the back, and two are watching the front. I'll stay with you." Cody nodded, following his chief of security up the stairs. Cynthia turned to the remaining men and asked, "Would you gentlemen go...
Introduction: Julia sneaks off for a filthy fuck in a public bathroom. Twenty Seven Minutes In Heaven By: DamonX ([email protected]) Julia picked up another glass of champagne as she glanced around the room. Pompous assholes, she thought to herself, taking a sip of the drink, watching the endless parade of rich old men arm in arm with their trophy wives. Julia hated these functions and cringed at the mere mention of attending one. It was her duty, however, as her husband expected her to...
Taylor came bounding up to Dave after dinner the following Wednesday night. She had a smile a mile wide across her face and her cellphone in her hand. She wore an unbuttoned man’s dress shirt; she was nude underneath and the effect was positively arousing and stunning on the mid-twenty’s beauty. “Hi Doll,” Dave said as he reached out, slid his hand under the shirt, and put an arm around her lithe body. “You feel good and look tasty. What’s up and why the smile?” “I finally heard from Alec.”...
So you guys are in my DMs a lot with tons of great questions about me personally and my life and sex life, so I figured I'd slap together some of the most frequently asked ones, not so you stop DMing, but so you have a fuller knowledge of me going INTO the conversation. :) Please still feel free to DM whenever and however you want and I'll respond as quickly as I can. DISCLAIMER: I don't answer any questions about my really personal life, i.e. exactly where I live/neighborhood, family things,...
Some time back I wrote an account of a visit as a young girl to a Tattooist shop, enquiring about a piercing on my vaginal hood.I did this in a state of sexual excitement, as in those early days, the feelings were more akin to powerful surges of raw need and desire, and this encounter gave me the excuse to open my legs and watch an old man squirm with desire, as he touched my most intimate part, and see into my soul.In case you want to read of this encounter, see ' A naughty girl can just do...
Pierre was a twenty-year-old, bright, and exceptionally self-confident kid I hired in sales. We clicked right away and spent many hours just talking about anything and everything. Pierre had a very genuine intellectual curiosity, and he was hungry to learn. I thoroughly enjoyed our interactions, and so did he. As it turned out, he also really excelled in his sales position and made great money.Pierre was influenced by another disgruntled employee (Albert) to leave the company and form a...
Gay MaleFredericksburg, Virginia 2012 "Who's that?" Dana's voice caught my attention and I looked up from my homework. I followed her gaze to see a boy, or a girl maybe, getting out of a grey sedan. Whoever it was had curling black hair to the shoulders, a black leather jacket, ripped jeans and dull black boots. The person hitched an old army knapsack over the left shoulder and as soon as he ... she ... was out of the car, a cigarette between the lips. "Beats me," I shrugged. "Is that a...
I woke up slowly, without moving or opening my eyes. It was like falling out of nothing and I felt someone touching me. Playing with my breasts as I lay on the sofa. I'd been watching a movie with Dana and Ronnie and I guess I'd fallen asleep, and now... "What are you doing?" I asked softly and Ronald was touching me. He jerked and his eyes went wide. The young man pulled his hand out from under my t-shirt and the television was still on. Dana was sleeping nearby, on the big love seat,...
Merritt Island, Florida 2025 "Oops! Hi." I smiled at the uniformed marine as I slipped out of Allen's room. His name was Walter and he loved NCAA basketball, his wife, and rhubarb pie. In that order, or so he claimed. "Good morning, Doctor Pinchbeck," he nodded at me, looking up from his Sports Illustrated. "Is it morning already?" I rolled my eyes and Walter chuckled, and all the guards knew about Allen and me. Our affair was a very badly kept secret. I made my way to my own room,...
Fredericksburg, Virginia 2012 "Hey!" Dana was all smiles, back from her trip and back to her old self. "I got you a t-shirt!" "You did?" I was lying on my bed studying. "Where'd you go?" "Disney World!" Dana grinned at me, holding up a big white t-shirt with Minnie Mouse on it. "For two weeks?" I giggled. "Nah, we went to see Mom's sister too. She lives in Miami," Dana shrugged. "Cool," I nodded. "Hey! I got you something too." "Really?" Dana sat down on my...
Myanmar - Baltimore - Harden 2019 They were everywhere. The bodies. Inside their bamboo homes and out. It wasn't supposed to be like that and I stumbled, over the root of tree or someone's arm, I didn't know which. I couldn't force myself to look. I couldn't see and I couldn't wipe my eyes. I wanted to take off the hood and wipe my eyes so I could see them and punish myself in that small way. "We need samples," Marco was saying and I sat down heavily. I saw his shadow, dark and...
At breakfast, Caroline asked nonchalantly, "Which of the concubines did you use last night?" "Mind your own business," her husband replied, "You should know better than to ask personal questions about matters which do not concern you." "I only ask because none of the women were missing at midnight when we were having a quiet game of whist," she replied, "And there was a rumour that you were visited by someone from the Emir's harem." "As I said, it is no business of yours what...
Twenty first century sexThe tale of a guy who has seen the future, a future in which men and women are experimented on against their will in an explicit sexual way.?Come and meet our latest subjects that we intend to experiment on? Said Gisela the commandant. I was escorted into the preparation room. It was quite a large room with a low ceiling, stone walls, adequately lit, with benches along all four walls. There were four men and two women in their late teenage years or early twenties sat...
This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. ————- ———————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a...
By: DamonX ([email protected]) Julia picked up another glass of champagne as she glanced around the room. "Pompous assholes," she thought to herself, taking a sip of the drink, watching the endless parade of rich old men arm in arm with their trophy wives. Julia hated these functions and cringed at the mere mention of attending one. It was her duty, however, as her husband expected her to be there hanging off his arm like all the other fake plastic gold diggers that...
It gets very lonely on the road but I try to stay in touch with my wife of almost 15 years with calls every second or third night. Some of these calls become very steamy following which, or during, we will each masturbate to relieve some of the tension. Just hearing my sexy, lovely wife panting and getting off on those times when we ‘do it’ while on the phone together is enough to send me over the edge as I imagine her fingering her wet pussy and convulsing in climax. Unfortunately, while it...
December 5, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “I had a good time last night,” I said. “I was surprised you invited a friend!” Mary laughed as we walked into the exam room, “Naomi had a good time as well. You know what a Resident’s life is like.” I nodded, “No social life.” “Exactly. You guys seemed to hit it off pretty well.” “Yes, but I’m not here for that!” “You’re everywhere for that, and you know it!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s just say that you hit the sweet spot -...
Later that day, I emerged from the detention classroom after a tedious hour of writing lines, to find Kate leaning against the wall in the hallway, school bag clasped to her chest.‘Oh – hi, Kate.’I had no idea why she was there. Or what she was thinking. As I looked at her, I couldn’t help flushing, though. After everything that had happened this morning, I felt attracted to her more than ever; she looked so desirable.‘I want a word with you, Little Miss Two-Shoes!’I started walking. I didn’t...
Love StoriesI leaned down and whispered to Lisa, “Don’t get angry. Think. Who got hurt? Your sensibilities perhaps, but no one else.” Lisa muttered, “But ... but ... it’s so wrong ... isn’t it?” “Is it, or is it just social convention?” “Isn’t incest illegal?” I nodded and added, “So is having a love affair with a fifteen year old. Ash, and Chris for that matter, chose me. They each chose you too. Marcia and I choose you too. Ashley cuddled up to her mother, their sexy breasts pushing together....
Friday Shortly After Midnight During the drive Sara called the soldiers about setting things up, she wanted to do the entrance interviews right away, before anybody slept. She figured a half hour each, prisoners would set up in one room while she was talking in another. I wanted Sara in a mask (as all the other were), but she said that was a barrier and would not work. She consented to a short blond wig and glasses for the interviews, but that was as far as she would go. Sara got a lot...
The atmosphere was oddly conflicted as they packed up their holiday clothes to get ready to go home. There was happiness, at having had such a great time on Oceanus, and sadness, at finally having to leave. As was always the case for a vacation, they had brought far more clothes than they had actually ended up wearing, but considering that the girls were either in bikinis or nude for most of the two weeks, John certainly wasn’t complaining. They piled up their suitcases in the lounge, before...
I was reluctant to break the silence, at first, and more afraid of the answers I might get to the questions I needed to ask. Alistair stared out over Redcliffe Village, expression distant. I turned to sit on the wall of the balcony. "It was you who left me this." He showed me the amulet around his neck, the one that had been fixed by Eamon. I nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?" "You were sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb you. And I didn't want to draw attention by giving it...
September 20, 1984, Milford, Ohio “Thanks for coming here, Mike,” Doctor Mercer said when I walked into her office. “I felt I had to. Clarissa and Sandy are at Frisch’s, and I’ll join them when we’re done. They know it could be a while.” “Have a seat,” she invited. Instead of sitting down, I went to the couch, took off my shoes, lay down, and stretched out. Doctor Mercer got up and moved to the chair which was positioned just behind my head. “This is different,” she said. “I know,” I...