Twenty Four Hours free porn video

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Barb checked her watch again. She was where she was supposed to be, although she had arrived ten minutes early. For the umpteenth time, she wondered how she lost the bet that put her in this position. She didn't regret making the bet, but she still couldn't believe she had lost.

She checked her watch again. In two minutes, it would be noon. If she truly went along with the terms of the bet, in two minutes she would become his plaything. In two minutes, she would have to do as he commanded for twenty-four hours. She still couldn't believe she'd lost the bet.

They had met in a group of swinger friends but somehow had never played together. After he won the bet, they had chatted and flirted online for the two weeks leading up to this day. They both knew that sex was going to happen, but she had made it clear that he was going to have to seduce her. She refused to allow him to drag her straight to bed.

She glanced around the hotel lobby. It was one of the nicest four-star hotels in the area, the lobby plush and refined. It wasn't so big that he might be hiding to spy on her. Still, she looked around to be sure he wasn't hiding in plain sight. She was sure that he was up to something.

She checked her looks in a wall mirror. He had hinted that she was in for adventure, so she had dressed in casual attire with some sexy mixed in. She wore a revealing top that displayed her cleavage. Comfortable shorts showcased her ass, and left her toned legs on display. She opted for comfort in her footwear: tennis shoes with pink trim. She hoped to set the tone for what she expected.

A fancy clock near a fireplace chimed the hour. Before she could glance at her watch again, the loud sound of a Harley drew her attention outside. Before the bike had stopped, she knew it was him. He certainly knew how to make an entrance.

He was taller than her husband. She had listened to them talking about the differences between their bikes. Her husband's bike had standard controls for the feet, and he had to sit up as he rode. Her date’s bike had forward controls that stretched his body and made him look long and lean.

He was wearing tight jeans and a button front Harley riding shirt, and he looked sexy as hell. She started to reconsider her situation. Maybe losing the bet wasn't so bad. She was feeling horny enough that she might let him take her straight to bed. She waited as he killed the engine and strolled in to greet her.

She casually struck a pose and gave him her best smile. He slowed down for a stride as his gaze devoured her, and he smiled in appreciation. The smile faded. "You were told to wear riding clothes," he chastised her.

She was shocked. "Well, hello to you," she retorted. "This is what I wear when I ride with my husband," she informed him.

"You're not riding with him," he shot back. "Come with me," he instructed as he took her arm and led her toward the elevator.

Barb let him push her along. As they boarded the elevator, she was already scheming on how to get even. If this was his idea of seduction, she thought, he was in for a big surprise. She watched as he punched the button for the top floor. She pointedly squared her shoulders to the door as she waited for the elevator to move.

"Hey," he barked. She turned to him with every intent of showing him she would bite.

A hand gently caressed her face as his fingers came to rest on her neck. His eyes swept down and back up her body with raw desire. Her anger evaporated and her knees suddenly felt weak. His eyes found hers, and she saw him hesitate. Without thinking about it, she pulled him down to the kiss he obviously wanted. All hesitation was gone as he pressed his lips to hers. She could feel his restraint when his body wanted him to devour her. They only separated after the control panel chimed and the doors opened.

"You should have complimented me like that first," she teased as he led her down to the end of the hall.

"We would still be in the lobby if I had," he teased back. "And, we are in a bit of a hurry," he added as he opened the door to their room.

"We are?" she asked as she stepped inside and then halted.

She had never seen a hotel room quite like this. The first thing that caught her eye was the floor to ceiling wall of windows. There was a patio beyond with an impressive view of the park and river below. Then she noticed the opulent furnishing and the king=sized bed. A medium hot tub filled the corner beyond the bed. She could see into the bathroom that had a large walk-in shower and what appeared to be a massage table.

We may not be going straight to bed, she thought, but we are about to get naked, and we are never leaving this room.

"We are," he said, and she had to recall what they were talking about. "Take those clothes off while I select proper riding clothes for you."

He had pulled her into the room, and released his grip at the corner of the bed. He stepped over to the dresser as she kicked off her shoes. There were some clothes in the drawer and, as he sorted through them, she stepped out of her shorts and top. She didn't care what he picked out. She planned to have them both naked, and he was going to help her get there.

"Help me unhook this bra," she cooed as she struck a pose.

He turned around with clothes in both hands, and froze when he saw her. His jaw worked as he tried to speak. She watched as he took in the matched bra and panties that she wore. The panties were little more than two triangles of fabric with string to hold them in place. The half-cup bra lifted and displayed her breasts. She had purposefully posed with her arms raised, which allowed her nipples to show. She saw the absolute lust in his eyes, and it made her insides melt. A coy smile spread on her lips as she realized that the bet no longer mattered.

He took a deep breath. With the slightest of head shakes he held up the clothes for her to see: jeans and shirt in one hand, a bra and panties in the other. She was shocked to realize that those were her own clothes. She couldn't imagine how they got here.

"You may regret choosing those later," he teased as he dropped the sensible underclothes back in the drawer. He sauntered over to her and pressed his nose between her breasts. She nearly melted as he traced the tip of his nose up her breast and neck to her ear. His breath was hot as he leaned in to whisper. "Put these jeans on now, or I will be forced to punish you."

With a smile, she leaned back to look at his face to see if he was serious. He smiled, but pressed the clothes into her hand. She decided that it was early, and she would play along. She also decided she was totally going to get even when she got him naked, later.

"Where exactly are we going?" she asked.

"It's a surprise and an adventure, and we have to hurry," he said. "Hurry," he repeated, "for two reasons. First, because I told you to, and per the conditions of the bet, that means you have to. Second, because you won't like the way I punish you for not doing as I say. I don't spank or abuse. I take away privileges. For instance, I can make the massage table disappear."

"I got it," she grumbled at him. "I'll be ready in a snap." She quickly dressed in the jeans and shirt, and pulled her shoes back on. With a sardonic smile, she struck a pose.

"Better?" she asked.

His eyes still betrayed his desire as his gaze swept over her new attire.

"For our first adventure, yes," he answered.

He hadn't even tried to hide his lust as he watched her dress, and she couldn't believe they were leaving so soon. He stood behind her in the elevator and wrapped his arms around her. He slid his hands under her shirt and tickled the material of the cups of her bra.

"I sure hope this doesn't become a distraction later," he teased.

She enjoyed his touch too much to answer. Her only response was a happy sigh as she pressed back against the growing hardness in his jeans. The doors opened, and she wondered how many people in the lobby would notice her raised nipples and his bulging pants. She was disappointed that the lobby was empty.

They mounted his Harley and he started it up. As he pulled out onto the street, Barb pressed her breasts into his back and her lips to his ear. "I sure hope this isn't too distracting for you," she teased.

"I can handle that distraction!" he proclaimed. "You're going to have to learn just how much distraction you can handle," he added in a teasing tone. Barb could tell that he thought he was being clever, but she had no idea what he was planning.

She didn't have long to wait. Ten minutes later, he turned in at a Harley dealership. At first, she thought they were going to stop and shop for clothes or something, but he drove past the main entrance. He circled the building past the service center, and pulled up in front of the doors for the training center.

A sudden panic made her heart pound. "What are we doing here?" she asked, dreading the answer.

"Facing your fears," came the answer she didn't want to hear. "I heard you talking with some of the other women about how you wished you had your motorcycle license. I also know about your fear of riding after you spilled your husband's bike when he was trying to teach you. We are already enrolled and paid for but, more importantly, I am ordering you to enjoy and pass this class."

Barb barely heard a word. She remembered the sounds of breaking plastic and bending metal. She had been lucky to have only suffered a sprained ankle. Her husband had tried to get her to enroll in this class a dozen times, but she had resisted. She refused to have her fear thrown in her face like this. There was nothing that would entice her to go along with this crazy plan.

Suddenly, he was in front of her, pulling her chin up to force her to look at him.

"Would you like me to call if off?" he asked quietly. "Would you like me to tell our friends that you backed out of the bet in less than an hour?"

Barb silently cursed at herself for losing that bet. She wondered again how should possible have lost it. She took a deep breath to steady herself.

"You said 'we'," she stated. As his eyebrows pressed together, she said, "You said 'we are enrolled'."

A sheepish smile crossed his face. "They almost canceled the class when a last minute cancellation left them with too few students. I signed up so they wouldn't have to reschedule."

She shook her head in disbelief, and took another deep breath. A thought occurred to her and she realized she had a way to get out of this madness. "When my husband tried to get me to enroll, the website said students had to have proper gear, I don't have..." Her voice trailed off as he pulled her boots, jacket and helmet from a saddlebag. He withdrew his helmet and jacket from the other side.

Just then, an instructor stuck his head out and asked if they were joining the class. Before Barb had a chance to even think, she was hurried inside, and papers were signed. She thought they would start with some classroom training but, the next thing she knew, she was sitting on a motorcycle with the instructor quizzing her about the controls. And then, just like that, they started riding in slow circles in the training lot.

Just as suddenly, they were done with the first set of lessons, and it was time to go inside for some classroom discussions. It dawned on Barb that she had survived her first ride since dumping her husband’s bike, and she might manage to get through the training alive. She was able to pay attention and she learned a lot.

As they headed outside for another session on the bikes, they separated into two groups, three students going with each of the instructors. Their instructor asked them to sit and wait while he took his other student out to practice some of the things they had just covered in the classroom. Barb dutifully sat astride her bike. She tried to pay close attention as the instructor followed the other student around the course.

Her date kicked a leg high over the back of her bike and sat behind her.

"Having fun?" he asked as his overly familiar hands held her waist.

"Let me just say that their teaching method is different than my husband's," she said.

"Are you having fun?" he repeated.

"I'm afraid to admit it," she answered, "but yes, I really am."

"Good. Don't let me distract you from learning," he teased.

The entire time that they had been talking, his hands had been easing under her shirt to caress her skin. He had easy access because the instructors had decided it was too warm for jackets, especially at the slow speeds they were using on the training course.

She quietly laughed at the thought that he believed that was distracting. It certainly felt good, but her eyes continued to follow the other student and the instructor. They finished the last of the maneuvers and started to circle around back to the starting point.

"Remember to avoid distractions," he said quietly into her ear.

He gently bit her neck and she arched her shoulders back into his chest. Suddenly, his hands boldly slid up her body and cupped the silk of her bra. She gasped and hunched her shoulders to make him stop. His fingers curled in and somehow he managed to tweak both of her hardened nipples. Just as suddenly, his hands were gone.

And just in time, too. The instructor and the other student pulled in next to them.

"Sir, we don't teach with passengers," the instructor said with a laugh.

"No worries," her date answered as he got off her bike. "I was just reminding her to avoid distractions."

"Alright then," the instructor said. "If you would start your bike, miss, it's your turn." 

With a quick dirty look at her date, she started the bike and pulled forward onto the course. The instructor pulled in behind her.

Barb had been paying attention, and so knew what the instructor was going to ask her to do. For the first couple of tasks, she was glad to have that knowledge, because in spite of his warning, her date had created a distraction. Her nipples had stayed hard after he had pinched them, and the tingling she felt in them was shooting straight to her core. She knew if she got through these first couple of exercises, the hardness would melt away, and everything would be fine.

Except something wasn't right. The instructor was riding much closer to her than he had with the last student. His eyes never seemed to leave her chest. Her nipples remained hard. That shouldn't happen. They should be tucked safely inside her bra, and the silky material should be soothing them to relax. But every time she moved, they scraped against rough fabric. Every road bump was sending erotic jolts from her nipples to her crotch. It was becoming more than a distraction.

"Stop here for a moment," the instructor called out.

Barb stopped. Her mind raced as she tried to recall what she might have done wrong. The instructor pulled up close to her.

Almost whispering, he said, "Put it in neutral and fix those, please. They are becoming a distraction to me."

Barb wished she'd had a full face helmet. She was blushing every shade of red because she knew exactly what he was talking about. She found neutral and then steadied the bike with her legs. With a quick glance to make sure no-one else was watching, she slid her hands up under her shirt and adjusted her bra. Somehow, her date had tucked the fronts of the cups down inside themselves, leaving her nipples unprotected. If she hadn't been so turned on, she would have been furious.

With a deep breath, she nodded at the instructor, and they continued around the course. As they finished, she expected him to say something to her date about the distraction. She was shocked when the instructor simply asked her date if he could handle the course alone. The other instructor was having trouble with one of his students, and their instructor wanted to go help that group. Her date winked at her, and then set out to ride through the course alone.

The afternoon flew by as they alternated between classroom sessions and instruction on the bikes. Barb caught herself smiling a lot. Her initial dread had long since vanished, and she was simply having a lot of fun.

Some of her fear crept up on her as she realized they had to pass a written test to complete the course. She was confident that she knew the material, but written tests always made her nervous. Her nerves made her overthink every question, and she always finished with a lower score than she knew she was capable of achieving. A lower score here might mean failing the class. She was feeling the pressure and she knew her date could tell.

"Hey," he said as they walked into the classroom to take the test. "You know I don't really have to take this test, so let's make it interesting."

"What do you have in mind?" she asked nervously.

"How about a new bet?" he asked with a confident smile. "High score on the test wins. If you win, I relinquish control of the rest of our twenty four hours to you. If I win, you will automatically agree to the adventure I have planned for this evening. The adventure addresses another of your fears and I was going to let you chose if we did it or not. What do you say?"

Barb only had to think about it for a moment. She knew he hadn't really been paying attention to the class because he already had his license. She could easily outscore him, and then she was going to get even for everything.

Before she could reply, he added, "I promise not to cheat this time."

"No cheating," the instructor commanded as he slid a computer notepad onto each desk.

With a gleam in her eye, Barb told her date, "You're on!"

The next twenty minutes flew by and, before she knew it, Barb had given the final answer. She was feeling very confident; pretty sure she had given the correct answer on every question. The screen asked if she wanted to return to check her answers, or if she wanted to finish. She punched the 'Finish' button.

Before the screen could respond, she glanced over at her date. With a big grin, he pushed the 'Finish' button on his notepad. Her notepad beeped, and she glanced down at it. She was amazed to see that it showed that she had scored ninety-six percent. She had missed only two answers. The questions that she had missed were also shown, and she realized she had mixed up two of the stopping distances. No big deal for her to worry about. And there would be no way he scored that well.

His computer beeped and, with an evil grin, he lifted it up for her to see. Her jaw sagged as she read the score. She could not believe he'd got one hundred percent. She couldn't believe she'd lost a bet to him again! Not only had she lost, but she had to go along with his next crazy plan. She was about to ask him about that when the instructor interrupted.

"Congratulations you two!" he exclaimed. Looking at her date, he said, "I expected you to do well, but that's the first one hundred we've had in a while." He turned to Barb and said, "But really, I must congratulate you. Your ninety-six is the best student score in our class, and it's one of the highest scores we've had this year."

"Thank you," she answered, although she was puzzled. "What do you mean you expected him to do well?"

It was the instructor's turn to look puzzled. "You don't know that he used to be an instructor when they taught at the junior college?" he asked.

Barb was shocked. "You cheated."

With a big smile, her date answered, "I took the test fair and square." Then he winked at her and added, "I should tell you, I never gamble unless I'm sure I will win."

Barb shook her head. "I still think you cheated. Why did you even make that bet? You didn't really gain anything."

"The bet was a distraction so you wouldn't be overthinking the questions," he said with a pleased smile. "Did it work?"

Barb was amazed to realize that it had worked. She hadn't even thought about it as she took the test. She was amazed that he had known about her fear and had managed to help her overcome it so easily.

Before she could say anything, the instructor said, "She still scored really well. You should reward her. Are you going to let her drive home?"

The idea of driving while her date rode behind her made Barb's head swoon.

"She can't," he answered too quickly. Barb's titillation turned sour and she started to demand an explanation.

"Sure she can," the instructor declared. "We give out paperwork that makes her legal. We report directly to the state, so they will be mailing her a new license with M class on it. What's the matter? You weren't afraid to sit behind her when she was stationary."

Barb couldn't believe the instructor seemed to be arguing in her favor, but the mention of the earlier incident made her blush.

"I'm not afraid to get behind her while we're moving," he stated. The look he gave her suggested that he wasn't completely talking about motorcycles. The look made Barb blush even more.

"It's a matter of fit," he continued. "The forward controls on my bike will be too far forward for her to safely reach."

Barb had to admit that her legs were a lot shorter than his and, as she remembered how much she liked how he looked on his bike, she realized that he was probably right.

"How convenient," the instructor said in a teasing tone. "I would give almost anything to see you being forced to ride behind her."

"Yeah?" her date challenged. "Did you ride your Sportster? Let's trade bikes and you can follow us up to the mall." Turning to Barb, he said, "I would be honored to be your first passenger."

Barb couldn't believe this was happening. She was a little bit nervous, but mostly she was thrilled. They quickly gathered their things and went out to wait for the instructor to retrieve his bike.

"Are you sure about this," she nervously asked her date.

Instead of answering, he pulled her into a kiss. The kiss did nothing to settle her nerves, but it made her realize just how turned on she was.

"You have two men eager to watch you perform," he teased. "Both of us have complete confidence in your ability."

She realized he had intended the innuendo, and she blushed again as the instructor pulled up on his bike.

"This is going to be good," he teased as he handed her the keys and took a set of keys from her date.

"Except for the fact that it's cool as hell," her date teased, "it's no big deal." In a more instructional tone he said, "This Sporty is only a little bigger than the bike you just rode in class. It will have more power, but nothing you can't handle. The biggest difference will be my fat ass on the back. As we ride back around the building, try to get a feel of how the balance is different."

Barb knew that everything he said made sense. It wasn't going to be a big deal. It was just going to be fun. Her date saw the confidence in her eyes, and he nodded and said, "You got this."

Barb mounted the bike and started it. Her date sat behind her. She felt his spread legs pressing into her hips, and his hands resting on her sides. She could feel the balance and the extra weight. She was ready.

"I hope I don't accidentally distract you," he breathed into her ear and she shivered in anticipation.

Without answering, she exchanged nods with the instructor, and she let out the clutch.

The ride back to the hotel was one happy blur for Barb. Her date and the instructor had changed the plan over the noise of the bikes as they had circled the building. Instead of heading directly to the hotel, her date instructed her to take several back roads that circled out of town and then came back around to the mall area. The instructor had tried to make fun of her date at first, but then had settled back to follow. They got slightly separated by traffic as they approached the hotel, so it was just the two of them on the one bike when they first pulled in.

A group of women from a bachelorette party were outside the hotel and they all turned in amazement as Barb pulled in and parked. She and her date had to wait for the instructor to arrive. As they stood by the bike and waited, several of the women kept looking over at them. They seemed to lose interest when the instructor pulled in.

The instructor tried to tease her date with one more insult, but he refused to take the bait. He turned the jibe into a compliment on her skill, and the instructor had to agree and congratulate her again. He took his bike and left.

As Barb and her date turned to go inside, one of the women called out. getting Barb's attention. "Hey! Can I be your friend? It was awesome seeing you make him ride behind."

"A real man knows how to trust a woman with skills," Barb called back confidently. Several of the women started snickering at the hidden message they thought she intended. Barb couldn't stop from blushing.

As they moved past the women, Barb's date beckoned the first woman and whispered something in her ear. The woman's eyebrows shot up, but she was shocked speechless. With an evil grin, he led Barb past the women and into the hotel.

As the entered the elevator, Barb had to ask, "What did you say to her?"

With the same evil grin, he answered, "I told her, 'When the bitch is in front, that's riding doggy style.'"

Barb was shocked, but she was laughing as she tried to punch him on the shoulder for calling her names. He let the punch connect, but then caught her arm and pulled her in and kissed her. Once again, the chime of the elevator signalled the end of the kiss.

"I don't know what you have planned," she said as they left the elevator, "but if it doesn't involve me fucking the shit out of you right now, you better change the plan."

"Dinner is waiting for us in the room, and then we need to dress up for the next adventure," he said, swiping the keycard and entering their room.

"We're going to be late," she predicted as she pushed him toward the bed and started pulling at their clothes.

He laughed at her eagerness, but he helped her. In moments, they were naked and she pushed him backwards onto the bed. She bit her lip in anticipation as she saw that he was just as turned on as she was. She took his hard cock in hand and quickly moved up and straddled him.

She pressed the head of his cock into the wetness of her pussy, and then engulfed it. They gasped at the sudden pleasure as he filled her. She fell forward with her hands on either side of his head and started rocking against his hardness.

"Fuck, I needed this," she murmured. His hands grabbed her ass cheeks as he started moving with her.

"Did you have any idea what the ride over here was doing to me?" she asked.

"I had no idea," he answered between thrusts. "What happened?"

Her reply was broken as they moved together, with long pauses any time they found another angle that pleased her.

"Goodness knows it started before the ride," she said. "I was horny before I got here, and seeing you really turned me on. And then you were mean, and I didn't like it. And then you kissed me, and I wanted you again. And then this room. But you wanted to leave. You surprised me with the class, and I was angry. Then it was fun, and I was happy again. And then what you did to my nipples. And the test!

"Fuck! Right there, don't stop!"

Barb had known that she was aroused, but she hadn't expected to cum from recounting the afternoon's events. An orgasm took her suddenly, and all she could do was press her body down onto his and enjoy herself. Somehow, he seemed to know just how many more hard thrusts she would need to prolong her orgasm. As the sensations were getting to be too much, he knew to slow down and let her ride out the waves of pleasure. With a deep sigh, she melted into him.

For several long moments, Barb enjoyed her satisfaction. Her orgasm was the perfect release after a perfect afternoon. She simply relaxed and took pleasure in the feel of his body beneath her. She could almost hear his heartbeat as it slowed along with her own. She also realized that she could feel him pulse inside, where her pussy was slowly releasing its grip on his cock.

His hands started to knead her ass. She felt the strength in his hands, and it was really good. It was also stealing her relaxed mood away.

"What are you doing," she asked softly, struggling to keep her calm.

"You weren't done telling me what got you so worked up," he teased.

His hands alternated between kneading her ass and scraping his fingertips up her back. The sensation was odd. It was like his hands were massaging heat into her butt and then his fingers were pulling the fire up her back. It felt odd, but it felt good. The heat kept getting hotter each time, until she couldn't take any more. It took her a minute more to realize that her hips were moving in time with his hands, and she was getting hot to fuck him again.

"I don't remember what I was saying," she moaned as she started to thrust against his hardness with more purpose.

"I think I saw the front of you jeans change color with wetness when he said you should drive," he teased.

"That's not true!" she exclaimed and emphasized her point with a light punch to his shoulder.

"No?" he asked, as if she were wrong.

Barb couldn't decide how to answer him. His fingers were bringing more and more fire up her body, and her neck was starting to tingle. His cock was churning her insides and pushing her towards a bigger explosion. She was intrigued by the way he'd glanced at his shoulder with eyebrows raised after she had punched him, and then had moved on as if it didn't matter. She struggled to remember what she had wanted to say about the ride back to the hotel.

"The idea of getting to drive was arousing," she admitted. "His bike is small, and you were practically on top of me."

"I could feel the heat of your legs and I had to fight to stop from fantasizing about being naked between them," she moaned. "I also knew that at some point you were going to push your hands up inside my shirt, and I was going to have to keep control of the bike while your hands were on my breasts."

She pushed up off of his chest. The new angle pushed his cock even deeper inside, and she knew she wouldn't last long.

"Even now, look what that does to my nipples," she said. Between the fire from his hands, and the smoldering look in his eyes as all of his attention focused on her hard nipples, she suddenly couldn't find enough air. "They were hard like this the whole way here.

"I was so proud of myself when we pulled in, and then those women were looking at us. And I swear I nearly came when you kissed my neck before you got off the bike. Oh, fuck! Pinch them!"

Somehow, his hand had pulled some of the fire from her back and he was rubbing it into a nipple. His swirling thumb sent sparks shooting everywhere as it teased around her nipple. He sat forward and caught the other nipple between his teeth and teased it with his tongue. At her command, he had pinched one nipple and closed his teeth on the other. At the same time, his other hand pulled a line of sparks up her back. As his fingers locked into her hair, another orgasm exploded through her body.

Barb was lost in her own pleasure. Flames burned up her back and wrapped around her body. Sparks shot down from her scalp and nipples. Waves and flashes of heat burned through her sex and she cried out in joy. As her pleasure peaked and ebbed, she was aware of how his body had tensed as he continued to thrust into her. Heat poured out of his cock and filled her and she came again.

Once again, he knew when it would be too much. Where more physical torture would have hurt, the memory of his fingers and his mouth on her nipples kept her trembling in pleasure. His hand still held a tight grip on her hair, but he released it just the right amount. When he used that grip to turn her face to his, she eagerly met his kiss.

As they held each other and enjoyed each other's pleasure, Barb couldn't help but marvel at how well he seemed to know her body. While she enjoyed the playful side of having sex with swinger friends, she rarely came this hard. Normally, she only came this hard if her husband was involved. He was the only one that could satisfy her better than this.

After a moment, her thoughts backtracked. She only came this hard if her husband was involved. She gently broke the kiss and sat back on her date's lap. "I'm going to kill him, you know," she said. Her date gave a puzzled smile, as if he knew what she had deduced, but wanted her to explain.

"Oh, I'll probably fuck his brains out first," she teased. "You two have been planning this whole thing ever since you won the bet, haven't you?"

His reply was a smirk and a shrug.

"I am going to kill him," she re-affirmed. "I can just picture him making up a list of things that he wishes I would do and then getting you to order me to do them." She shook her head as she considered it. "It's not like there are..."

The relaxed smile on her face was replaced by an intense look that was nearly a frown. "No," she said emphatically. The pleasant smile on her date's face did not waver.

She shook her head again. "I have to right to say no," she insisted. "We are not going to that club."

In the five years that she and her husband had been swinging, she had only had one truly bad experience. They had gone to a club that all of their friends liked, and a creepy guy had really upset her. Her husband had apologized for not being at her side when she needed him. Their friends had all insisted that it would be alright to go back again. She knew that creep would be there. She was never ever going back to that swing club.

"You've trusted me this far," her date pointed out. "I would hate to have to tell our friends that you backed out of the bet right after sex." He dramatically put the back of a hand on his forehead. "Oh, my poor ego." 

Barb watched his performance, but did not smile. After a moment of consideration, she drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Once again, she was trapped by the consequences of that bet. Once again, she wondered how she could have lost.

"If I say we have to leave, we leave," she declared. "We are not playing with anyone, and you will not leave my side for any reason."

He smiled because he knew he had won again. He looked down as he took time to decide if he would accept her rules. She expected him to make a counter offer that followed the spirit of her rules, but left him completely in charge.

Suddenly he was distracted by her nipple. She had no idea why it was still so hard, and she couldn't stop him from swooping down to catch it with his lips. As his tongue and lips sent electric bolts of pleasure from her nipple to her groin, she realized that she was powerless to enforce her rules. If he continued to make her feel like this, she was going to let him take her anywhere he wanted to go .

After a moment, he released her nipple and sat up again. "The terms state that I am in charge for twenty four hours," he said,and she knew that she would do as he commanded.

The sheepish grin appeared on his face again. "I should probably tell you, though, that your husband insisted that you should be allowed to choose on this adventure, and that if I found a way to make you go, you would still be the one to choose if and whom we play with. He also insisted that I was not to leave your side."

She shook her head and smiled.

"We can go,” she allowed. “Whether my opinion gets changed or not, I'm going to kill him."

Same as Twenty Four Hours Videos

4 years ago
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Twentyone Days After

CHAPTER 1 M y name is Zoë Wells I am twenty-one and after leaving university, thiswas my first position. Over the next four years, I was quickly promoted inthe company and put in charge of company records. I found information, whichworried me and took some computer disks home to examine in private. The informationconcerned the finance director and when he found I had taken them, he accusedme of revealing confidential information and ar ra nged for me to be prosecuted.M y trial had ended and I...

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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part four

Mandy and I had been living together in my apartment for several months. We stopped using two bedrooms, and we now spent almost every night and many days fucking up a storm. It was all new to Mandy, who at twenty years old had lost her cherry to me, James, the one who was a virgin until he was twenty-five. We were having so much fun that we barely had time for school. We did manage to get to classes and get passable grades, but our focus now was eating pussy, sucking cock and fucking, hard and...

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TwentyFour Hours of Sex with a Lady Truck Driver

I was on one of my numerous trips to Colorado Springs. This time, instead of taking a short-hop flight over the Rockies I decided to drive. This wasn't a bad decision - it's a nice drive and this time of year the flying is pretty rough. That is until my rent car broke down at a truck stop a half-hour outside of C-springs.The company had been using some pretty cheap rental car agencies, and I should have known something was amiss when they put me in a car at least three years old. Coming down...

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Fourcock Foursome

All based on an actual event at my home this summer, names changed to protect the filthy.Me: 35 going on 36, six foot, dark-haired, bisexual, straight-acting, horny.Kevin: my male fuckbuddy for most of this year, 25, five-ten, dark-haired, gay, straight-acting.Danny: Kevin's other regular top, as of about a month before the events described below, 30-ish, around six-two, redhead, bisexual, married.Yasmina (aka Yaz, aka Asif): cute local CD, 18, around five-three, Pakistani origins, gay,...

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Twenty Five Years Later

Forty-two-year-old Rosemary Hendon was slightly the worse for drink as she snogged the seventeen-year-old Alan Boyle. They were in a wooded area in the grounds of the hotel at which a party was being held and the young man had his hands all over the body of the married mother of his friend. He had her blouse undone and was groping her tits as she took his erect cock from his trousers.She was sober enough to know what they were doing was wrong but drunk enough not to care and their lips were...

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Twenty Bucks

The two young men were at the mall bored. It was summer and not much to do. Butch and Mark both in their mid teens. They had a ton of cash from mowing lawns all summer and they wanted to have fun. The mall was slow today. "Want to see a movie?" Butch said to Mark. "Fuck no. I want to get laid." Mark replied. They both laughed as neither had even got close to getting laid. This nice lady walked by and looked at the boys. "Twenty bucks to see your tits." Mark said. The woman smiled and kept...

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Twentyfifth wedding revelations

Heather was dozing as she realized that Keith was standing next to her side of the bed, delivering her morning cup of tea. She wanted to pretend that she was still asleep and lie in for a few minutes more. But, not a hope as she felt Keith's lips brush her cheek, and then run a series of kisses angling towards her neck. She knew full well that he was heading to the tiny but very sensitive spot just behind her left ear.Smooch! On target. Heather giggled, she always giggled when he kissed her on...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part three

My name is James. I am the twenty-five year old virgin you may have read about in earlier stories. I'm now twenty-seven. I lost my virginity to my sweet little Jewish girl Debora. Then she left me for her kibbutz. After her I met my darling little hippie girl, Samantha, and we both shared what we knew about sex. I fucked her in the ass for the first time. She was happy to learn that. She moved on to Haight/Ashbury in San Francisco. I was no longer a virgin, but I was still as horny as I could...

First Time
3 years ago
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smokeSCREEN bookFOUR

smokeSCREEN bookFOUR : THEbecoming * Note from the Author: bookFOUR is running long, and so I’ve broken it into large segments. I had planned to submit them all at once, but that plan’s gang a’gley. [knocks on metal] I know this is going to give me a continuity nightmare, but here goes. I hope you enjoy it. Yours, -Caulfield * part i : assaults * * * * * * manic depression is / torching my soul / i know what i want but i / just don’t know / how to go about getting it //...

1 year ago
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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Four1

"I didn't realize I needed a purpose." I answered her. "Don't you ever hang out with your friends after school or something?" "What friends?" she asked me with a sarcastic smile. "Nope. My best friends are my computer, my books, Khan Academy, Project Gutenberg and Duolingo." I chuckled to myself. "You know, my friends call me a stiff for working too hard." I told her, as if that fact in itself was a hilarious joke. "I need to introduce them to you sometime." "Try it...

1 year ago
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NCLA Days A Fab Foursome0

Naked City Los Angeles, or as it was known NCLA, was a nudist/swingers resort nestled in the hills of Riverside County near Hemet, California. In its heyday of the late 1980’s and 1990’s it was frequented by local nudists, swingers, and even a few adult film stars. There were even a few permanent residents. This story is about an encounter that I was lucky enough to be a part of and is part fact and part fiction. The names have been changed to protect the perverted. Out of all the...

4 years ago
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Surprise foursome4

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

3 years ago
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Surprise foursome3

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

3 years ago
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Surprise foursome2

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

2 years ago
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Surprise foursome1

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

2 years ago
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Surprise foursome0

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

2 years ago
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NCLA Days A Fab Foursome1

Out of all the girls I met at Naked City, Ashley was the hottest by far. She was this innocent looking 21 year old blonde but she was just a nasty little girl at heart. Her nickname around her old high school was “The banana girl”, which apparently originated from her fucking herself in the ass with a banana in front of everyone at a party. She would do almost anything on a dare. At the monthly NCLA nude beauty contests, she would do her standard routine of poses finishing by...

4 years ago
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Alisons exotic fourway

She was excited for tonight. Her boyfriend, Mark a very tall dark muscular black man said he had a big surprise for her. She loved his surprises. They were always so hot and sensual. She remembered on when he tired her to the bed and ravished her all night long. Every way he could think of in all her hole. She took every inch and loved it all. He had a very large cock. Not only long but also very thick. She sucked him to orgasm happily many times. She loved making him cum. And always licked him...

3 years ago
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My wife, Desiree, and I were visiting in the home of two friends -- Mary and her husband Tom. The four of us had drunk quite a lot. Mary was a beautiful, eighteen-year old who was a sexy blonde with pear-shaped, upward-pointing breasts. She wore a tight T shirt with no bra. The outlines of her breasts and nipples were plain. Her very tight short shorts clung to her round butt. When she walked, her firm tits bounced and her sweet butt swung. I enjoyed watching...

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Hot Fouresome Wife sharing

Me and Chloe have been together for 10 years and generally have had a fairly active sex life.We’ve always discussed the possibility of adding an additional partner to the party but never really took it seriously. Last year we got married (yippee). Before we married, in fact quite a few years ago, we wrote our own sexual bucket list.The idea was that all the items that matched on our lists we would do as soon as we married.We compared the lists and quite a few matched, it didn’t surprise me as...

3 years ago
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Another Fourway

I had decided to attend the party at the bar. It was more of a casual social gathering than a party. My girlfriend, Sarah, hadn't come because she said that she had other plans tonight and couldn't come, which disappointed me somewhat because I was looking forward to some drunken fucking with her afterwards but I thought that I might as well go at least.As the evening progressed I had seen a stunning girl at the bar as well. I had no idea who she was but she was stunning and was a gorgeous...

3 years ago
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At carrefour public bathroom

Hello guys!!! I am going to report a gay experience that I had some time ago, I am latin, few hairs on the body, 26 years old, 85kg and 1.85cm tall, hair shaved, I had never had relations with other men before.Well, I was always a very quiet person, I read stories of people who did dirty things in public toilets but I did not really believe in these stories, whenever I was in a bathroom and someone who seemed to be gay came in, but nothing never happened before.Last Friday I had to go to the...

4 years ago
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My son and I the fourthteen chapter

After a big dinner like that, the two pregnant women needed to just sit down and relax. So we did, and of course chatted it up some more in the process.“Who the hell knew that we'd fall in love with our sons so hard?” Alicia wondered.“I guess a gypsy, if you believe in that stuff. That's all I can figure,” I replied.We made sure to feel each others stomachs. It was nice feeling, rubbing another really big stomach, besides my own. Not that I didn't enjoy feeling mine. My stomach was just a...

2 years ago
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The events I’m referring here involves our foursome experience between my wife, her friend, husband of her friend, his sister and me. Since our marriage we moved to my place of posting and my wife time to times and again and again invited her friends to visit her. And one day finally one of her intimate friend Dimple, her husband Karan and Dimple’s sister Sharmila came to visit us. Dimple is my wife’s friend married for 4 years to Karan who is working in a bank. Dimple’s husband Karan is a...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 20 Fours Company

Four's Company Ron kicked his bedroom door closed as soon as his wife had dragged him and Alicia through it. With one hand he grabbed a handful of his wife’s hair and pulled her mouth to his, with the other he started trying to divest Alicia of her thoroughly stained t-shirt. The game had been fun downstairs, and watching everyone grope and fondle each other had been a bit of turn on, but as soon as Hermione had dragged him and Alicia out of the room, he had been eager to get here. The...

1 year ago
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On a lazy, slow Tuesday afternoon, just the type of day for unhurried erotic sexual pleasure, we are back in the familiar surrounds of Lu Xi’s hotel honeymoon suite. My man Charles is expecting some type of ‘special sexual attention’, though I have not provided him with any details. Just a few minutes after we were expecting her, Lu Xi arrives with Carla. A tall, stunning, dark skinned brunette dressed in a knee length white designer coat, heels and white stockings. “Happy birthday Charles,...

2 years ago
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Abbreviations to understand threesomes and foursom

Some abbreviations and terms relevant sexual activities to perform for threesomes and foursomes.Please feel free to discuss or suggest changes in the comment section.GeneralM: stands for maleF: stands for female(V): could be used after below acronyms for extra indication in threesomes that the sex of which there are two don’t play with each other. I.e. FMF(V)Bi-: could be used on before below acronyms for extra indication that the sex of which there are two do play together. I.e. WSW: Women who...

2 years ago
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We both have an assignment with Rose and Max in the suite of their five-star downtown hotel, They have been in town on business which was very successful, so they have booked our services for their sexual pleasure to celebrate Rose was in her mid-forties and a very attractive woman, the concierge told me as we made the arrangements on the phone, twenty years older than me, while her wealthy, very fit bisexual man was around the same age. On the way I teased Seb by asking him if he would...

2 years ago
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We both have an assignment with Rose and Max in the suite of their five-star downtown hotel, They have been in town on business which was very successful, so they have booked our services for their sexual pleasure to celebrate Rose was in her mid-forties and a very attractive woman, the concierge told me as we made the arrangements on the phone, twenty years older than me, while her wealthy, very fit bisexual man was around the same age. On the way I teased Seb by asking him if he would...

1 year ago
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Fours a Crowd

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov We were making love maybe twice a month. "The problem," Joanne had once said to me, "is that you're just too damn unimaginative. Has it ever occurred to you that there might be more to lovemaking than just kissing my breasts and climbing on top?" After living together for a year, the relationship was spiraling down into the doldrums. Jo wasn't even my type physically -- I like 'em big, blonde, and curvy -- and she's a petite brunette. We didn't...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 10 Twos Company Fours Even More Company

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 [[I ended the last chapter with a small digression. Being in the mood for them, I'll add another one, more relevant to my recent merging. Earlier, I calculated the chance of someone merging to be equivalent to 1-in-3E14; 3E14 being 3,000 times the number of people that have ever lived on Earth. There are considerably more than 3,000 w-dimensions, so it's certain that I was not the first person to have merged (this logic is wrong as the dimensions aren't...

2 years ago
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Twenty Seven Years Later

Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe" which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage, as she...

2 years ago
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Twenty Seven Years Later

Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe," which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid, but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork, placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage as she never met a...

3 years ago
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TwentyOne Part 2 of 3

Birthday-girl Brooke accepts a dare to hit on the suave English businessman she and her friends encounter at a New York club. But when Gavin - the gentleman in question - invites her back to his suite at the New York Plaza hotel, she wonders if she's just a tad out of her depth...“So,” Brooke's new companion asked her as they set off and she scuttled in her heels to keep up with his broad strides, “first time in the Plaza?”She could hear innuendo in everything he said now. “Yes.” Conversation...

4 years ago
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TwentyOne Part 2 of 3

Birthday-girl Brooke accepts a dare to hit on the suave English businessman she and her friends encounter at a New York club. But when Gavin - the gentleman in question - invites her back to his suite at the New York Plaza hotel, she wonders if she's just a tad out of her depth...“So,” Brooke's new companion asked her as they set off and she scuttled in her heels to keep up with his broad strides, “first time in the Plaza?”She could hear innuendo in everything he said now. “Yes.” Conversation...

2 years ago
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TwentyOne Part 3 of 3

Brooke's hook-up with English businessman Gavin McClain has led to a harsh but thrilling seduction back in his hotel suite. Now two swats into a 21st birthday spanking, with the promise of hard penetration on the other side, her celebration is about to get real.Oh shit, oh shit. He’ll damn well split me in two …Whack. The sound—palm hard on ass-flesh—rang in Brooke’s ears an instant before pain blossomed once more, briefly obliterating the prospect of that first angry cock-stroke. “Owww! Fuck....

3 years ago
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Just twenty four hours

I’m hoping that writing this will help get it out of my mind. Not so much a story as a fantasy, with no real end, but I’d love to hear ideas to help continue my thoughts OK, last year I was in Lanzarote and mainly went to one bar. It wasn’t a gay bar as such but the guys I met were. The main 2 were about 50. Maybe mid 50s. Just normal guys. One quite tall and the other pretty chubby. I’m thinking the tall guy is quite well hung, but nothing too huge, and the chubby guy a bit smaller. So,...

2 years ago
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Just twenty four hours

I'm hoping that writing this will help get it out of my mind. Not so much a story as a fantasy, with no real end, but I'd love to hear ideas to help continue my thoughtsOK, last year I was in Lanzarote and mainly went to one bar. It wasn't a gay bar as such but the guys I met were. The main 2 were about 50. Maybe mid 50s. Just normal guys. One quite tall and the other pretty chubby. I'm thinking the tall guy is quite well hung, but nothing too huge, and the chubby guy a bit smaller.So, anyway,...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 32 The First Twenty Four Hours

For the first twenty four hours of life at the Camp Starkers Transitional Nudist Facility - it’s full name - things progressed just like they would have for any other bunch of teenagers at camp during the Summer vacation. First they got all their gear stowed away in the dormitories - laughing and joking about the place as they went before they had their first lunch meal together. After that they were all given a free afternoon to explore the grounds more fully at their own pace and in what...

2 years ago
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TwentyYear High School Reunion With Kelly

It was early August of 1998. A couple of months prior Kelly and I had received, and RSVP’d to, an invitation to our twentieth high school class reunion. We were both looking forward to the event, but Kelly especially. That night she was the sexiest and most beautiful she had ever been in her life. And everyone noticed.Our class was huge, a byproduct of the baby boom, and graduated over three hundred. The class stoner and chief idiot as a joke ran for class president and, also as a joke, we...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 17

Merritt Island, Florida 2025 - 2026 "This is it, huh?" Josh frowned. "Our last night." "No," I shook my head and we were sitting on the beach, on the sand feeling the warm Gulf wind on our faces. "I'll be back." "I saw a guy on the television a couple months ago," Josh cleared his throat. "Trying to explain how it's gonna work." "What? The spaceship, you mean?" I leaned into him, letting him hold me as the sun settled into the water. We'd driven all the way across...

2 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 18

Africa is hot and humid, and working in the field is a week of twenty hour days. It's easy to get tired and worn down. When you go to bed, you're in a tent with mosquito netting and maybe a generator to keep the lights on, or more than likely just a gas lantern. You don't want sex, there's nothing romantic about it, you just want someone to hold you and tell you tomorrow is going to be better. You want to sleep and not dream at all, but only wake up someplace else and yet ... It's the...

3 years ago
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Our First Foursome

Me and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories I wrote this oneJim and I had talked about having a threesome on several occasions if I could get my partner to agree, but she always said no, until we had a sexual experience on holiday. But that’s another story. That changed her attitude a little,Then one day we were sat in the garden with my friend Jim and the talk got a little flirty and we talked about a threesome again,...

2 years ago
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Twenty Words For Snow

She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...

4 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part three

My name is James. I am the twenty-five year old virgin you may have read about in earlier stories. I’m now twenty-seven. I lost my virginity to my sweet little Jewish girl Debora. Then she left me for her kibbutz. After her I met my darling little hippie girl, Samantha, and we both shared what we knew about sex. I fucked her in the ass for the first time. She was happy to learn that. She moved on to Haight/Ashbury in San Francisco. I was no longer a virgin, but I was still as horny as I could...

2 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part five

We had reached the end of the semester and Mandy wanted to go home for the winter break. It was something I had not been doing for years. I was twenty-seven years old and was living on my own life since I left home at eighteen to go to college and then into the Navy, before returning to the university. I did, indeed, go home for special occasions like the holidays, or reunions, but I really wasn't going home that often. In fact, I had not been home since I went down and picked up Mandy from her...

3 years ago
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Twenty Words For Snow

She stared out at the newly fallen snow, amazed at how itsparkled like a star strewn field, kissed by the sun. If only she could capture that it and describe the wonder, the beauty, the magic in a single word. “I’d still have nineteen to go.” She mumbled, her warm breath clouding in the cold mountain air. Twenty words for snow. That had been the assignment. So far, it hadn’t gone well. Cold. Icy. Pure. She had never been good with words, using them with an economy even in conversation,...

3 years ago
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Twenty Questions

Dear Rob, On my flight out to DC last week, it got kind of interesting, and I think you'll enjoy the details. I had an aisle seat, in the very back row, and after I was seated, the person in the middle seat showed up so I stood to let her in. I didn't catch on at first that the man and young boy coming along behind her were husband and son, who seated themselves in the same row but on the other side of the aisle. Once she and he started talking across the aisle, and she passed a sweatshirt...

4 years ago
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Twenty YearsChapter 2

My name is Benson Norse Hedges. No shit, Benson N Hedges. Seems my folks had a wicked sense of humor. Everyone calls me Ben. Now that cigarettes are so frowned upon, no one really appreciates the humor in my name. When I left off in Chapter 1, I was in the throes of trying to decide if I wanted to attempt to start afresh with Kathy Arnotta, nee Windsor, a girl I was engaged to twenty years ago. We were engaged until I became suspicious that she was cheating and then actually found her in the...

3 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 16

Cambridge, Massachusetts - Richmond, Virginia 2019 - 2022 I'd been at Harvard for less than two weeks before I had a new boytoy to go with my new life. "Professor Pinchbeck?" a man's voice drew my attention and I looked up from my desk. "I keep forgetting to close my door," I said, mostly to myself, and I meant it. "I'm Doctor Pinchbeck." "Right, Doctor," he cleared his throat. "Sorry." "Well?" I asked, because I was a little tired, a bit frustrated, and a lot out of...

3 years ago
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Best Present Ever Ch02 Foursome With Sister

BEST PRESENT EVER: Foursome With Sister Note: Although not necessary, reading part one (Best Present Ever: Bitch Sister) will explain how Mathew goes from being a nerdy virgin to a dominant Master over his gorgeous, stuck-up cheerleading sister. Note 2: A special thanks goes to Estragon for his dedication to copy editing my work and making me a better writer. BEST PRESENT EVER: Foursome With Sister aka...Cheerleader's Orgy Christmas was pretty anti-climactic after the gift I gave

4 years ago
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First Foursome

My girlfriend Dee and I have always had a pretty magnificent sex life since we first went out together and we are often looking at ways of spicing it up. We were in bed one night talking after a marathon shagging session when we agreed that we would like a foursome. However, since we didn’t want to just leap in, we decided that we would plan it all out with lots of chances for us to call it off if we ever felt uneasy with it. We also decided that we knew whom it was we wanted have our foursome...

1 year ago
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My wife of six years, Shreya, was a marvelous lover. We had had two children, who were, at the time of this story, ages five and four. She had regained much of her voluptuous figure. Sex was fun. We tried new things. Even though I traveled perhaps five days out of each month, the days I was gone were rarely more than two at a time, so we had several passionate homecomings plus enough regular lovemaking to average about 20 times a month. We made love in the car, in the living room, in the...

1 year ago
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Couple Foursome 8211 Part 1

I am Suraj. This is my first story on this site and I hope to continue this in parts as a series. Let me take my name as Suraj. I am brownish white and have a 7″ black cock with good thickness. My wife is Senuri. She is from my university and we are married for around 6 months now and having a wild bitchy sex life with each other. My wife has a nice big ass, boobs and legs and a nice body. Her ass is the best part. I have fucked all her holes, passionately and many other ways. But as a...

1 year ago
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First Foursome

My wife of six years, Sharon, was a marvelous lover. We had had two children, who were, at the time of this story, ages five and four. She had regained much of her voluptuous, Rubinesque figure. Sex was fun. We tried new things. Even though I traveled perhaps five days out of each month, the days I was gone were rarely more than two at a time, so we had several passionate homecomings plus enough regular lovemaking to average about 20 times a month. We made love in the car, in the living room,...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sexy Sisters Foursome

My girlfriend Carrie was 40 years old when I met her and is hot as a firecracker. I know that it is said a woman really gets into sex at that age but I guess she has always been that way. We have been dating for about two years. She is my only girlfriend but I am far from her only boyfriend. Even though I am 10 years younger than her, and considered myself to be a horny stud, I often can’t keep up with her needs. Carrie craves cocks. I asked her out because she looked so much like...

1 year ago
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Four Year Foursome Part 1

I built two houses on a lonely dirt road about a mile from the beach in Thailand, thinking I could rent one and have a little extra spending money, plus there would be someone there when I traveled. I had three girls who were just enrolling in the local college apply and I accepted. They were rather plain looking and similar in build, small, thin and no boobs. They moved in and for the first two weeks I saw them only occasionally. Their names were Lek, Min and May. One evening May came over and...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Twenty Seven Minutes in Heaven

Introduction: Julia sneaks off for a filthy fuck in a public bathroom. Twenty Seven Minutes In Heaven By: DamonX ([email protected]) Julia picked up another glass of champagne as she glanced around the room. Pompous assholes, she thought to herself, taking a sip of the drink, watching the endless parade of rich old men arm in arm with their trophy wives. Julia hated these functions and cringed at the mere mention of attending one. It was her duty, however, as her husband expected her to...

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