Melody Smith s Schooldays
- 2 years ago
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M y name is Zoë Wells I am twenty-one and after leaving university, thiswas my first position. Over the next four years, I was quickly promoted inthe company and put in charge of company records. I found information, whichworried me and took some computer disks home to examine in private. The informationconcerned the finance director and when he found I had taken them, he accusedme of revealing confidential information and ar ra nged for me to be prosecuted.M y trial had ended and I was brought back to the dock to hear the judge ask, ?Haveyou reached a verdict?, ?Yes your honour? replied the foreman. ?How do youfind the defendant, guilty or not guilty?, ? G uilty your honour? the foremananswered. ?Zoë William's you were a trusted employee holding a high positionwith your company, regardless of your good intentions you should not have takenthose disks without telling your seniors the reason. This matter should havebeen heard in a magist ra te's court and not here but having been found guiltyby this jury and bearing in mind the circumstance I sentence you to a minimumof twenty-one days?. I listened in disbelief as he continued ?To prepare youfor the remainder of your sentence the first seven days will be served in thepunishment wing of Cent ra l Prison?.
Arriving at the prison I was taken to the reception centre with two otherwomen and stood in front of a women officer. She read papers and said ?Ve raWilliam's and Cla ra Wyman I see you objected to the way warders treated youin the laundry but you will accept it as part of your sentence which will startall over again as from today now go?. ?Zoë Wells?, ?Yes madam? I answered,I see you are to be prepared for the correction centre wait over there andstand to attention. I was kept waiting for some time before a wardress cameand told me I was to be taken to the head wardress of the punishment block.She was a woman with a sharp face wearing glasses and had her hair in a bun. ?Zoë Wells,seven days in the punishment wing is that correct?, ?Yes M adam? I replied.She next asked me if my periods were due in this time. ?No M adam I've justfinished? That's good because some of the things you will have to do couldbe unpleasant for the staff, the rules here are easy to understand. You willobey every order without question; one of them being that when a male wardertells you to strip you will remove everything then stand with your arms aboveyour head and your legs wide apart. They will order you to do things you willfind offensive and humiliating but humiliated women are submissive and submissivewomen are obedient. She told the waiting wardress to take me away and to finda warder who had never seen a woman being made ready.
I was taken across the prison yard to a sepa ra te building but I was tooshocked to appreciate the significance of being taken into a room with woodenbenches, a stone floor, and a row of shower's. I was told to wait and the wardressleft returning with a young male warder. The wardress said? This is Evian andhe is here because as a t ra inee warder you will be the first woman he hasseen being made ready for her sentence?. ?You will start by stripping nakedin front of him and remember how you were told to show male warders everythingof your body?. ?He will watch everything I must do to prepare you and thiswill be your first lessons in submission2. Not having had a real boyfriendno man had seen me naked so I hesitated but the wardress shouted ?The firstrule is instant obedience now strip?. I started to remove my clothes but inb ra and pants, I stopped. ?Everything? the wardress shouted. I took of myb ra ssiere and dropping my pants run to the shower but the wardress calledme back. I came back with my hands in front hoping the man would not see toomuch of me.
?You were told to strip and show him your body so stand up st ra ight withyour arms in the air and your legs wide apart?. I slowly done as told thengritted my teeth when I heard the wardress say, although she doesn't have muchhair you can see the start of her fanny but you will see all of it later. My humiliation was complete when the woman said, ?Turn bend over then spreadyour buttocks?. Ben t over and looking between my open legs I was so embarra ssed I was in tears when I saw the warder st andi ng behind me looking atmy hanging breasts and sexual organs. But worse was to come when I saw herput on plastic gloves and said I will now feel inside her cunt but when shehas showered I will open it and you can see what the vulva va gina and clitorisof we women look like.
The wardress parted my labia and putting her fingers into my va gina movedthem up so deep it frightened me and I pleaded for her to stop but the womanonly laughed. I know it's not as nice as a prick going in but it's all youwomen will get in here. After being told to stand, the woman said ? I'm glad,you're not hiding anything in there now go and shower?. ?You will wash allover and we want to see you doing it between your legs because you will openit for us to look inside your fanny before you leave?. When I had dried myselfand told to sit on the bench and open it knew what the wardress meant. I satand parted my labia and nearly in tears turned my head to the side and closedmy eyes as they both looked at my exposed vulva.
?I want Evian to see all you have so open it wider than that? the wardressordered. I pinched my inner lips and pulling them apart listened to her saynow you can see her cunt hole and with a clit like hers you men will have notrouble getting her aroused and wet. That hole must tempt you but I doubt ifany of you will have the opportunity to go in there, you will have to be contentseeing her nude and watching her play with it when she is in the laundry. Thewarder smiled at the thought and watched as the wardress sp ra yed every inchof my body with disinfectant before taking me out to give me my uniform. Iwas issued with soap, towel, comb and toilet paper, a blue b ra ssiere, twopairs of thin blue brief panties, denim top and skirt, which I was allowedto try on for a fit then dressed in them I was taken to a cell.
It had three stonewalls and a front ent ra nce of steel bars. There was atoilet, sink, and one steel chair with blankets on the seat; the bed was abase hanging from the wall by chains. The wardress said ?I suppose you executivegirls are accustomed to silk sheets but you wont get any here?. ?See how thoseblankets on the chair are folded, they must be done that way and the bed foldedto the wall like now before inspection each morning then left that way untilafter supper?. ?The inspection is at six thirty, breakfast at seven, middaymeal twelve thirty, supper at six, and lights out at eight?. ?Women prisonersare sent here so men can do humiliating things to them because the head wardressbelieves it makes you submissive and obedient when you go to the main prison?. ?Thewarders do many things to a woman's body but you will not be ra ped so behaveyourself, do as you are told and seven days will soon pass?. Leaving she lockedthe door so I pulled the bed down, then bursting into tears lay on it and fellasleep. A loud sound of ra ttling woke me and looking up saw a warder st anding in the door banging the bars with a cane. ?So you are the new prisoner,stand to attention when I talk to you, I know you have been told the ruleshave you had your supper?. Thinking he was being nice, I stood up and said ?Nonot yet?. He shouted, ?I am sir to you and why is your bed down?.
?I am sorry sir I forgot but I will remember next time?. ?I will make sureyou do, now strip naked?. Not wanting to anger him further I quickly obeyedra ised my arm and spread my legs I felt very ashamed, as he looked me overbut worse was to come when he said. ?Jorge was right you do have a nice pairof tits?. I stood quivering with embar ra ssment as he weighed and squeezedthem and rubbed my nipples until I could feel them harden and enlarge. Thishad never happened to me before and when he said, ?Now show me what you havebetween your legs? and I felt myself going numb as I thrust my pelvis forward.
This was the first time a man had put his hand between my legs and after heparted my labia, I felt his fingers touching the ent ra nce to my va gina thengoing inside. As they came out and moved forward I had to cry out when I felthim, rubbing the sensitive part the woman had called my clit. I waited forhim to tell me to turn and bend over like the wardress had told me to do buthe didn't only said ?You like your bed so much lay on it face down?. I guessedhe was going to cane me and it was very quick coming; I heard the swish andfelt the thud on my buttocks, then all the nerves in my body seemed to burstinto fire and I didn't hear the second coming. Even gripping the bed chain,I couldn't control the jerking of my body. M y breasts kept hitting the bedas the next three hit the back of my thighs and buttocks. I was screaming nowas the pain spread over the whole of my body, but I did hear him say, ? G etup and put your bed back on the wall, you haven't had your supper yet?.
I eased my sore body off the bed, locked it back on the wall, and then asthe warder left and crying with pain I put my clothes on. Putting the blanketson the floor, I w ra pped myself in them and waited for the supper to arrivebefore I could pull my bed down again. Although I heard t ra ys ra ttling nosupper came for me and I spent a restless night on the floor. I was startledby the sound of a bell ringing and shouts of inspection in five minutes thenremembered I had to fold my blankets and put them on the chair. I heard threedoors being opened then a warder-opened mine, looked inside but I didn't understandit when he said; ?Because you are new, I won't report this?.
I heard talking but not loud enough to understand what was being said untila wardress and a good looking young man in a suit entered. ?This one is newSir and only arriving yesterday afternoon will not know the routine yet?. Iheard him say ?Very well then I will inspect the others, have this one readyfor my return?. The wardress said to me, ?That was the governor and he visitsevery cell here and in the prison each day?. ?When you hear the bell you havefive minutes to fold your blankets and put them on the bed together with soap,towel, comb, toilet paper, every item of your clothing and anything else youmay have?. ?They will be laid out and open for his inspection just as you womenmust be.? ?When he arrives you will be naked with your arms in the air andyour legs wide enough apart for him to see your entire fanny?. ?When he issatisfied and leaves you may dress, put your blankets on the chair lock upthe bed wait for your shower and breakfast is that understood? ?Yes M am?,I answered. ?Hurry then, he will soon be back?. I lowered my bed, laid allthe items on it, and waited for the approval of the wardress. I was feelinga little angered thinking if I have to keep taking my clothes off I may aswell stay naked then waited for the governor to return.
When he entered, standing naked in front of a man no older than I with myarms above my head and legs wide apart I trembled and felt myself flushing.I was his prisoner and knew I would have to do anything he ordered. I wonderedif he would just look or feel my breasts and if he would tell me to open mygenitals for inspection. Seeing the marks of the cane, he told me to turn severaltimes but unlike the other men, I could see there was nothing sexual aboutthe way he looked at my body. Young or old pretty or plain of every shape andsize to him I was just another woman who had to stand naked in front of himevery day. As he left, the wardress said, ?Get dressed and stand outside withthe others?.
In the passage were four other women, one about 21 one a little older andtwo about 30 so when the wardress ordered forward march I followed them tothe shower room where we stood in a line and faced a row of male warders. Iheard the wardress say to the men there is two you haven't seen yet and pointingto me and the other young girl told us to step forward. When she said, ?Show?,we knew this meant we would have to display ourselves naked in front of thewarders. They watched us undressing then when we were naked stood with ourarms in the air and legs apart. One warder beckoned to me another to the othergirl and we walked towards them. After they had felt our breasts, they indicatedwe were to turn and bend over. As soon as I felt, the warder's hands go betweenour legs I knew from earlier he was about to part my labia and after his fingerswent inside my vagina, he would rub the sensitive spot like the other had done.
Still looking at each other I guessed we were both being stimulated in thesame way and the other girl would also be getting just as wet between her legs.We were both felt by several more warders but when the older women were calledforward they didn't need to be told to strip and stood naked in front of thewarders with raised arms and open legs. All three had their breasts felt likeus then being told to bend over waited with their legs apart knowing the warderswould excite their clits until they were aroused. The wardress told me andthe other girl to join the line and bending over like the other women I feltsick with shame from the comments the warders made about how different allour exposed vulvas were and how easy it was to get submissive women wet.
After we were told to use the toilet and shower, we had breakfast then givenwork in the laundry with prisoners from the main block. It was very hot inthere, the denim top and skirt was uncomfortable to wear so like most of thewomen I only wore my bra and panties. The sweat from our bodies made the garmentsstick to our bodies, which hid nothing and only emphasised our breasts andpubic bulges to the warders as they watched us work.
During the morning, a prisoner was taken outside by a warder and on her returnshe was in tears so I asked the woman next to her what had happened. When awarder likes the look of one of us, he will find fault with our work and takesus next door. We all know warders are not permitted to fuck us but they cando anything else. We have to strip and show him our naked body then he makesus play with ourselves but if we don't give ourselves a real orgasm, he canesus. They will soon see you are new and take you in there so don't pretend tohave one. He will know if you are faking so make sure you give yourself a realorgasm or you will be caned.
I was worried now, I had heard of girls in collage doing it but never havingdone it I didn't know how or what to do so I asked the woman. You must do whatthe warders do to us finger your fanny and rub your clit and he will watch.When you are good and wet, put your fingers into your vagina and imagine aman is fucking you by working them in and out like a prick until you have anorgasm. I thanked her and although I hoped, I wouldn't have to do it, I knew,as a new girl there would be no escape. Not long after the midday meal, a warderapproached us and thought he was coming for me but he pointed to the otherwoman and she left with him. When she returned I saw she had a hand betweenher, legs to cover the stain on her panties then the warder said come withme. I knew I was going to the other room and there was nothing I could do aboutit. Passing through the laundry the other prisoners looked at me in pity, theyknew where I was being taken and what I would have to do in there.
The room was small with a high window so that no one could see in and brightlylit with a chair and table. The warder sat in the chair and looked at the wetbra and panties clinging to my sweating body before he said strip and show.I knew by now that after he had felt my breasts I was to bend over and showhim my vulva. After fingering me he said you are well shaped down there nowamuse me so lying on the table I put my hand between my closed legs beforehe said spread them open girl I want to see everything. As I put my middlefinger inside, he said again I want to see everything, open it with one hand,and use the other to finger your clit. I felt red all over closed my eyes andturned my head away from him while I parted my labia and with two fingers rubbedthe tube of flesh.
I didn't think it would happen but being naked and so exposed doing this infront of a man I was soon aroused and as my clit hardened the other hand gotwet and I started to work my buttocks. This made my lower half writhe aroundpushing my stomach up and down and I thought this is an orgasm. He stood closeras I started to moan and when he put his fingers into my vagina, I tried topush down on them and cried out in pleasure. He guessed I was climaxing andtaking his fingers out left me on the table until my breathing was normal thentold me to put on my things and get back to work.
I went back to the woman and thanked her for telling me what to do and sinceneither of us had been caned, we must have pleased him. The woman said it'sawful I know but being new here, he will tell the others and you will haveto do it for them. The woman was right, each of the following days I enduredthe same humiliating routine and taken to the room every day by a differentwarder. One day both the woman and I were taken to the room at the same timeand told to do it to each other as both warders watched.
On the sixth day of my sentence, it was the only opportunity the last of themhad for me to amuse them so I had to do it three times. The third time I triedhard but couldn't get an orgasm and was caned on the front and back of my thighsfor disobeying. On the last day, I suffered the morning inspection in the showersbut instead of going to the laundry, I was sent back to my cell.
Later in the morning, the wardress took me to the head wardress. I see thisis your last day here and reading your records, on your first day you disobeyedorders and were caned so it was a disappointment to see that only yesterdayyou done it again. It is obvious humiliation and the cane has not taught youto be compliant or obedient and I have sent your report to the judge. He hasordered that before you leave for the correction centre you will receive amore severe punishment and hopes that in future you will obey orders withoutquestion.
He has given me written authority for you to be whipped in a way that is apunishment even I would not give a woman and to deserve a punishment like thatyou must have committed a serious crime or annoyed a very important man. Youwill return to your cell then at two thirty taken to the men's wing where youwill be stripped naked and hung by your ankles with your legs far enough apartto open your labia so your vulva is fully visible to the assembled men. Thewhipping will be administered at three with a silk stranded whip, which willnot permanently scar but cause intense pain. Four lashes to your back and fourto your front then two between your legs. The full thickness of the silk willcut into both sides of your labia striking the inner flesh and your clitoristhen you will be brought back here treated and released tomorrow, do you understandwhat I am saying. I burst into tears and falling on my knees pleaded with herbut she said, ?Although I do not agree with it there is nothing I can do tostop it.
Back in my cell I thought about her saying, ?I must have annoyed an importantman? and cried in fear knowing it would have be the financial director. Hemust have thought that being ambitious I wanted him removed so I could takehis position and having refused his sexual advances in the past knew the judgeand arranged all this. At two thirty two wardress's came for me and told mewhen I was being whipped I would at the very least wet myself with the painso I should use the toilet now. Then tying my hands in front of me they tookme across the yard into the men's wing.
There was much whistling and shouting as I was led to the stage of the mainhall. Already assembled were two posts that would support the bar now lyingat my feet, to which my ankles would be tied? The wardress's tried to consoleme as we waited for the men to file into the hall. I could see the clock onthe wall and just after two forty-five the two women untied my hands and tothe delight of the men who were whistling and cheering took my clothes of pieceby piece until I was naked. The shouting was deafening when one wardress heldmy arms in the air and the other parted my legs to ensure my total humiliation.I was turned and my ankles were tied to the bar but I hadn't noticed the ropesattached to the end of the bar until both wardresses' pulled on them and Ifelt myself being dragged over the floor.
My legs started to go in the air and when the bar was high enough to clearthe posts it was lowered until it rested on them and I was left hanging upsidedown facing into the hall with my fanny partly open and my hair touching thefloor. With my hands on the floor I pushed trying to ease the strain now onmy ankles which made my breasts move about and with my legs wide apart I wasvery conscious of how exposed I was to all the men and strange thoughts runthrough my mind. I was a young woman about to suffer the ultimate degradationof being displayed naked.
The watching men would see me receive the kiss of the whip as it caressedmy fully revealed breasts and genitals. Realising the reality of this I felta strange sensation in my lower parts and wetness between my legs but at thetime, I wasn't aware I was having an orgasm. Then my head started to poundand my eyes bulged but I could still see the clock on the end wall and tryingto read it upside down took my mind from the horror to come, it said five tothree. Five more minutes before the first lash fell and I had no illusionsabout the pain I would feel or how loud I would have to scream as it rippedthrough my body. There was four minutes left before they started on my backbut then I was also to be whipped on my front. Another look only three minutesto go then two minutes before 3:00 I heard footsteps behind me and wonderedwho was going to do it. Only one minute left and although the prisoners hadbeen highly excited by the sight of a naked woman the hall went silent as theywaited to experience the fantasy of seeing a young attractive girl being whipped.
I glanced to my side hoping to see who was going to whip me but all I couldsee was a man wearing a mask holding the stranded whip he was going to useon my back and my front. One more glance at the clock, dead on three then Iheard the swish and the stinging over my upper back, which felt as if waspswere biting it. I gagged and felt sick as another made me twist and cry outbut with the third, it felt as if all the nerve ends were going to burst andI screamed for the first time. I kept banging the floor with my hands hopingthis would ease the pain. The strands of the forth spread across my buttocksand upper thighs and I continued screaming. I was allowed to finish my screamingbut still in agony, I saw it was only five past three and the worst was yetto come.
It was still silent in the hall and between my sobs and pleas; I heard thefootsteps again only this time he was on my other side. He was facing my frontnow and still looking at him, I could see the lashes open out just before theyfell on the top of my thighs and the lower half of my stomach. With the frontof a woman, tenderer than her back the pain was intense and I rose from thewaist in agony. This made it worse because the second lash was already fallingand with me raised from the floor, the strands cut me under my breasts. I droppeddown screaming then the third was aimed at the middle and top of my breasts.Some of the strands must have cut my nipples, there were shooting pains rightthrough me my mouth was dry and my throat sore from my screams. My body wasthrashing about as much as my tied legs would allow and I didn't feel the forthcut across my middle but the next two were to be the worst. The strands wereto go between my legs so they could cut into and between the two raised moundsof my labia flesh and strike my clitoris.
I was kept waiting until I was recovered enough to feel the pain and whenthe first cut into my clitoris I felt extreme agony in my lower half and faintedbefore I was given the next cut. When they thought I was ready for the secondstrike my labia inner flesh and clit tube were now so swollen when they werestruck the agony was so intense I screamed but fainted before I felt the pain.Recovering slowly my body felt as if hot flames were being passed over it,then opening my eyes I saw one of the wardress's sitting by my side. I hopethe salve we put on has eased your pain, how does it feel now she asked.
As if I was on fire I replied as I tried to sit up, but it hurt so much shehad to help and putting a pillow behind my head, it left only my bottom incontact with the bed, which made me more comfortable. I looked down to seered weals all over my front; my nipples were as big as nuts, and with the swellingbetween my legs I couldn't close them together. I don't know who it was thatwhipped you but you won't be well enough to leave today, let me get you sometea the wardress said. When she returned with the tea she said ?There is aman coming to see you, would you like a sheet to cover your body?? ?After allthe men who have seen me naked I don't think one more will make any difference? Ireplied. A few minutes later, the man turned out to be the financial director.He told the wardress to go then looking at my inflamed body asked me if theselessons had taught me to be submissive and obedient or must he find other methods. ?Pleasedon't hurt me any more, I will do anything you want, but tell me why you mademe suffer so much this last week?.
I have desired you from the first day I saw you but you rejected my advanceand when you took those disks you gave me the perfect opportunity to have youtrained to be totally submissive and obedient. I know there are no relationswho will miss you and anyone else will think you have run away in shame. Thereis no way you will again deny me the pleasure of your body. The correctioncentre is a house of pleasure and you will be sent to join other women prisonerswhere you will be taught to pleasure me any way I desire. I hope the sevendays here have taught you to obey and they tell me you are still a virgin andeasily aroused so I will expect you to give me satisfaction when I take it.
I couldn't believe what he was telling me, here I was a twenty five year oldvirgin, who for the last seven days had been humiliated, abused and whippedto make me submissive enough to allow him use my body for his pleasure andif I didn't submit he would subject me to even more pain. Not knowing whatelse he would do to make me comply too his demands, I could only say ?If it'smy body you want use it, I will obey but please don't hurt me any more?. Iam glad you have accepted I am your master; you will stay here until you haverecovered then be taken and made ready for me. Now you know if you disobeyme I have ways to keep you conscious and in real agony for hours the next timewe meet you must beg me to take your virginity and make you a woman. When Ihave done it, you will be taught what a woman must do to give her master completesatisfaction, and smiling at my discomfort left the room.
The two wardress's looked after me so well that after three days all the swellinghad gone, only a few of the weal's remained and I was able to walk around withoutpain. On the fifth day when they brought me, breakfast and my own clothes sayingI was going home. It surprised me they didn't know where I would be taken orfor what purpose and I was too ashamed to tell them. I was aware of the consequencesif I tried to run away so there was no need for warders and thanking the wardress'sfor their sympathy, I went to the car. I was taken to a small airstrip thenflown to his island where a car waited with a very vivacious brunette womanas the driver. She drove slowly said her name was Sam then asked what I haddone to been sent here. I said ?It wasn't until my old financials directorcame to me on the day of my release from prison that I realised it was he whohad arranged evidence that would incriminate me and ensure my conviction?.
?The only reason I could think was my rejection of his advances had angeredhim and he arranged with the judge that I be to be prepared for his use bybeing sexually abused and whipped during my sentence?. She then told me sheand the other girls had all worked for his companies but like me had not likedhim and being virgins rejected his advances. He was determined that if a girlwas a virgin and not prepared to let him to be her first man he would findways to make her submit and that's why we are here. She had been in prisonfor some time and was badly treated so when she was offered the choice sheaccepted and was the first one to be sent here.
?How many of us are there I asked. ? You will be the forth but with nobodyelse on the island we have nothing to do but think of new ways to please him?.You know he is not a nice man and I was the first girl sent here so after hetook my virginity the degrading things I had to do was worse than the way Iwas treated in prison. It won't be as bad for you because I will prepare andteach you before I take you to him. Although we were in different prisons,I know we were all whipped in the same way only days before we are sent hereso the master examines our breasts and genitals before he penetrates us. Hewill not be too concerned with the weal's but looks at our labia both outerand inner the entrance to our vagina and our clitoris for any cuts or swelling.
The house is quite large and comfortable and the other girls are waiting tomeet you. She introduced me to Alexis a blonde like me, and Lena another brunettelike Sam. We had drinks and Alexis told how she had only arrived a few daysago and on her first night, Sam prepared her then took her to the master. Themaster gave her an intimate examination then Sam had to watch him taking hervirginity. Lena told a similar story, she was the second girl having been broughtjust after Sam. She prepared her on her first night before taking her to themaster who also examined her vulva before he took her virginity. Sam said Lenahad finished her training Alexis has just started and mine would start afterI had been taken to the master. We talked about our time in prison and havingall been subjected to the same sexual abuse and whipped in the same way itwas obvious why. It had been done to make us aware of the ways we would bemade to suffer if we weren't submissive when we were wanted for intercourse.
Sam interrupted, ?Come on girls we all know what we have to do when the masterarrives tonight and after that he will take Zoë's virginity so let ushave some food before we prepare her?. After we had eaten and cleared awaywe went back to the drawing room Sam said to me, ?none of us like it here orwhat we have to do but we are resigned to the fact there is nothing we cando about it?. ?If one of us does something wrong we all suffer, so we do aswe are told without question?. Even after we are released, we will not be ina position to complain because this is part of our judicial punishment. Youwill be taken to the master tonight and he will examine you before you arepenetrated. He hates women to have hair on their bodies so off with your clotheslayback and to allow him full view of your pubes and genitals I will shaveyou. He will not have any protection so to prevent you becoming pregnant Iwill show you how to put in the contraceptive jelly we all insert every timewe are entered.
When I was naked, the three girls turned me and after looking at the wholeof my body remarked on the size and shape of my breasts and nipples sayinghow the master would like them. I found it more embarrassing than anythingthey had done to me in prison when Sam opened my labia and parted my two innerlips. She followed this by pushing contraceptive jelly into my vagina thenshowed the others the inside of my vulva and the prominence of my clitoris.When Sam finished, she told the other girls to find me clothes more suitableto greet the master and they returned with a selection of gorgeous underwearand frocks.
They all spent some time deciding which suited me best, chose my make-up butsaid the hairstyle must be the same as theirs, off the neck and bunched ontop of the head. When they finished, I did indeed look very desirable. Samsaid he has a phone in the ?plane and when he rings I go to collect him butwhen I return I will not be excused the degrading ritual that follows. Whenhe wants a woman he rings for us to go in the lounge where we strip naked sohe can decide which of us he wants for the night. It depends on his mood whatpart of our body arouses him and it could be our breasts buttocks hips or thelook of our cunt so we have to show him everything. When he has made his choice,he may want another of us to go to his room and watch him fuck the one he haschosen. We know he does this because when it's our turn we will have to bebetter because if we aren't we will be given to Rob and that can really hurt.
You will hear him say words you may not know so I will tell you and you mustremember them. ?Breasts are tits, bouncers if big, between your legs you havea pussy, fanny, cunt, clit and arsehole, and when he is inside your cunt orarse he is fucking you, but when he puts it in your mouth it is a blow job?. ?Whenhe last saw you, did he give you any instructions? I started to think and said ?Hetold me I would have to beg him to take my virginity?. ?I thought so, we allhad to say that? said Sam. When I take you to him, tonight I will help youdo the other things he expects of us women before I watch him take your virginity.
When you go to his room you will be undressed and when naked kneel beforehim with your legs wide enough apart to show your fanny and say, I am a virginand you are my master please be the first man to penetrate me and make me awoman. Unless he says otherwise sit on the edge of the bed lay back with yourlegs apart then open your cunt lips wide enough to show him the hole he isgoing to enter. As I said earlier, he will then make sure you are healed wellenough for entry. You can the put your arms behind your head and wait untilyou feel his member part your labia. When it passes your inner flesh and startsto open your vagina, you will feel how tender it still is after the whipping.He will stop so you know what it feels like but because you will be dry itwill hurt a little when he thrusts it all the way in. He will move in and outgoing deeper each time but don't try to push it out just relax and let himdo what he wants with you. Now you are broken in he can be a sensitive loverand will want to enter you again. He may kiss and play with your body untilyou are wet and ready for him to go back inside and fuck you properly. Nowyou know what will happen and what to do the four of us are ready for him sowe will all have a drink, then eat and wait for the call.
Hearing this and wondering what other things I would have to whenever I wentto him made me feel sick and seeing my dismay Sam said, don't worry we allhave to do it. ?When it's your turn to go in the lounge we will already benaked lined up and fully exposed because your body will be new to him he willwant to compare your body with ours?. ?Undress slowly and parade for him, cupyour breasts, spread your legs, open your fanny, anything to tempt him thencrawl to him?. When the phone rang Sam picked it up, listened, then sayingyes master put it down and left. When Sam returned she said we would go inalphabetically so I would be last. It was a little while before the bell rangand as Alexis went out, she smiled at me saying, ?I was the last one here andas yet haven't seen Sam and Lena naked?. ?As you will find out later the masterlooks at every inch of our naked bodies but this will be the first time I havebeen compared with them and I am as nervous as you are?.
Lena went on the next ring, then on the third ring Sam stood up, the thirddoor on the left and remember we all have to do it, you have a good figureand should be proud of it. When the bell rang, again I took deep breaths andwent out. Going into the lounge, I saw the director, who was now to be my Mastersitting ahead of me on a chair, which was more like a throne. With a quickglance, I saw the three girls standing in a line at his side naked and lookinglike statues.
They all looked alike, long shapely tapering legs parted just enough to showthe split of flesh on their shaven pubes, rounded hips which emphasised a narrowwaist. Their breasts were perfect globes giving circular cleavage and thrustingforward from the centre their nipples were dark red set in pink aureoles. Hesaid nothing as I looked at him, I knew what he expected me to do, and takingmore deep breaths started to slowly undress. When I was naked I stood stillfor him to see my front, my long legs and the split at my now shaven pubeswhich I now knew was higher and more visible than on the other girls. My breastswere firm but being a little bigger and heavier at the bottom made them seemto sag so I cupped them and pinched my nipples until they were hard and asobvious as the other girls were.
After turning again for him to appreciate the small tight cheeks of my arseand the narrowness of my thighs, I leaned forward, opened my legs, and thenparted my buttocks for him to see my cunt and arsehole. I turned again thenknelt down and after crawling to him parted my knees to show my labia and saidI am a virgin and as my master I beg you to be the first man to penetrate meand make me a woman.
First, I want to see how your body compares with the others so stand in linewith them. Not yet knowing how to please a man it is more than you deservebut it will help me to see if you are suitable for further training. He stoodup walked in front of us and having studied all of us he said ?I think youwill do?, ?Alexis will stay and show me how well Sam has trained you her. ?Theothers dress and go and I will call for the virgin when I am ready for her? Backin the drawing room, Sam said how well I had done showing myself to him. WhenAlexis returned she was very flushed and said he is hot tonight, he had mesit over him lifting and lowering until my legs ached, I think he will useZoë more than once. ?There is so much I don't know, what do you mean,sit over him? I asked. Alexis replied, ?You get him hard with your hands thenwith your legs either side of him squat and sit on it?. ?When it's deep insidemove up and down until he shoots his load?.
?He is quite something, he has shot his lot into all three of us in one night,and my brother has told me that takes some doing for a man?. It was a littlewhile before the phone rang and I felt my heart pounding as Sam answered. Puttingthe phone down all she said was, ?He only wants me? and left. On her return,she said ?Alexis must have given him a good fuck and now it's your turn Zoë tomake sure he was ready for another woman he used his whippy on my breasts andfanny now come with me?. My heart was racing as we went upstairs to his roomand then knocking the door, we went in. ?Master I bring you the girl Zoë whobegged that you take her virginity?. ?I bring her to you because having seenher naked I think you liked her body? ?She would like you to have a closerlook at what she has to offer so I ask that I be allowed to show you?. ?Removeher top let me feel her breasts then strip and spread her legs? ?If I likewhat I see between them, I may grant her request?.
Sam stood by my side and after taking off my dress and brassiere placed meclose to the master who felt my breasts and nipples. The way he done it wasvery different from that of the warders and while he was doing it. When hehad enlarged my nipples he nodded and Sam could tell I was frightened as sheremoved my panties. Putting her hands between my knees, she parted my legsand as her fingers slid through my labia, it allowed my inner folds of fleshto drop out. The shock of it made me draw in a deep breath and standing infront of a man with my legs parted by a woman who then parted the two foldsof flesh. When she said to him I think you will find her clit very sensitiveit was a most embarrassing moment and I could feel the flush burning my cheeks.
When the master had felt and stroked my clit tube he nodded and said haveher show it to me. Sam told me to lie on the purpose built bedspread my legswide then pulled my labia apart. My feet wouldn't touch the floor so Sam saidnot like that the master can't see inside and repositioned me closer to theedge; let me do it for you then hold it yourself. It hurt as she moved my innerlips apart and I felt the change of air as the entrance to my vagina was revealed.Sam then said now you know what we women have to do when we are told to showit.
I could only see the master's head and shoulders as he stood between my kneesbut not what he was going to put in me as he said, you wouldn't give it freelynow I will take it. I felt something against my fingers then touch me insideas he said this is what you were made for as I felt it move up inside stretchingme wider as it went in. With one big thrust, I felt a stab of pain cried outand threw my arms in the air and he was deep inside me. I forgot what Sam hadtold me and tried to eject it by squeezing my vagina muscles and pushing himaway but this seemed to excite him. The more I wriggled about and squeezedto push it out the more he kept going in and out. It was some minutes beforeI felt him throbbing inside me and after thrusting a few; more times I feltit come out and relaxed.
For her first time she was good, a little tight but Rob will cure her of thatand after a little training I might find her better than you Sam. Have herdress and take her away then send Lena up. It hurt me a little to walk backto the drawing room with Sam, she noticed this and said, ?It won't last long,how does it feel to be a woman?. ?If that's all a man does, I didn't thinkmuch of it? I replied.
?There is more to it than that, if you do well on Rob he will send for youand it will be much better?. He will have you pleading for him to go in andyou will enjoy it when he does?. In the drawing room, Sam told Alexis and Lenahow the master had taken my virginity then told Lena she was wanted. ?Comewith me I will take you to your room, have an early night tomorrow we startyou're training?. In the morning Alexis and Lena were there to help with mylessons as Sam took me to a well equipped gym saying this is where we exerciseany time we wish, and over there you will see Rob. It looks just like a manin vest and shorts but he is a very special electronic Robot, which the mastercontrols from that panel. He is like a man in every way and it feels like realflesh when you touch and sit on him. It is designed to teach a woman how topleasure a man and responds to your stimulation it even ejaculates inside youif you fuck him, as you should.
He is set up now for you to practise on but it is possible for his memberto be enlarged to any size the master wants. After you undress him, we willteach you how to get him erect then how to give a blowjob. You heard Alexissay she had to sit on the master, so your next lesson will be how to squatover him. If he isn't erect you must get him hard hold it and insert it intoyour fanny then sit down on it until it's deep inside then lift and lower untilyou feel him squirt his stuff. After dinner tonight you will show the masterwhat you have learnt, and he will watch Alexis do her second sit for him onlythis time Rob will be that much larger.
Sam said women must be nude to give Rob the warmth of their body so I strippedand although the master had fucked me, I had never seen an erect penis andafter they showed me how to get, a man hard with my hands I was surprised athow big it was. I was taught how to give him a blowjob and all the positionsI was to adopt to give entry to my front and back. Being taught how to moveup and down sitting on him with it in my cunt was all right but I didn't likeit in my arse and was upset to think I might be used there. I didn't have anytrouble doing the other things and all three thought I would perform well thenext time the master entered me.
We all helped cook the dinner, Sam taking the masters to his private room.When everything was cleared away, I was all tensed up as I waited to give theMaster my first demonstration. When the bell rang, Sam led the way to the gym;inside the master was sitting in a comfortable chair facing the robots head.Rob is ready for you women get yourselves ready for him. Alexis will go firstfor her second time Zoë stand behind me and watch. Looking at Alexis Isaw her taking her clothes off then she stood astride Rob and taking his shortsoff started to handle his member like I had been taught earlier. I saw it growuntil it was longer and thicker than the one I had this morning, I had foundthat hard to get in and wondered how on earth this would go inside a woman.
Alexis lowered herself and putting her hands between her legs parted her lipsand lowering further the head disappeared. Her face grimaced as more went inthen half way she stopped and started grunting. Not a lot more now the mastersaid as she lowered further. Breathing deep moaning and biting her bottom lipit was gone and her pubes rested on the robot. Now work it the master said.I had been told how to do it and watching Alexis clenching her buttocks I knewshe was making her vagina muscles grip and relax on that thing inside her.
The expression on her face showed it was unpleasant but she kept it up untilthe master said stop, show me if you are wet. She lifted walked towards himthen stopping parted herself once again and holding her inner lips apart soher vulva was wide open I saw it was running with mucous. The master said, ?Foryour second time on Rob you did well and I don't think you need further practise?.When he looked, at me I knew I was to be next and as he went to the panel,said, ?Since this will be your first test I will reduce it's size but it willbe bigger than this morning?. When he was seated in his chair I stripped infront of him and standing over Rob the member didn't look that much smallerbut I knew it was larger than this morning and parting my labia lowered myselfuntil I felt the head at the start of my vagina.
The more I lowered the wider I was spread and the harder it was to push downbut as it went in still further I was thinking how much more can I take. Istarted to breathe heavy and bit my lip but at last, I felt my pubes on Rob.I lifted and lowered gripping and relaxing until I felt myself getting aroused.The wetter I became the easier it was to slide on it and I positioned myselfso it rubbed my clitoris and giving me an orgasm which the master could seehe told me to stop and show myself. I lifted went to him pulled myself apartand knowing I was very wet was pleased with myself when he said, ?That wasgood for your first time. It will be bigger for your second time but do aswell as Alexis then all four of you should give me satisfaction? get dressedand all wait for me in the lounge.
Sam suggested we had a brandy each as Alexis said we all have to sit on themaster before our second time on Rob but don't worry because when I sat onhim yesterday the thought of having to do it got me wet and it didn't hurt.When you have to sit on Rob for your second time it will hurt, but the Masterwill have stretched you that little bit more and as you saw when I sat on it,if you work it as you were taught it will go all the way in. It was sometimebefore the master came and lying on the sofa told me to get him hard and siton him. The others watched as I performed and although it hurt a little, asit went deep inside me, I was soon very wet and quite enjoyed the feeling asI lifted up and down. I had just started my first real orgasm but not havingclimaxed I was disappointed when he told me to stop. After we dressed, he toldus he was leaving and wouldn't want us for the rest of the night but on hisreturn would bring a guest who we had all met before.
When he had gone we girls stayed drinking laughing and talking until Sam suggestedit was the judge who would be the guest and suspected it was he who had whippedus in the prison. With the fear that he might do it to us again, we dreadedthe return of the master and his guest and talked about how we felt being hungnaked and whipped in front of men. The part we would never forget was the painwhen we were whipped between our open legs. When Sam had her phone call, shewent to the airport to collect them and on her return she told us the guestwas indeed the judge and we were to prepare dinner for them. This time allfour of us were to wait on them at table, Zoë and Alexis will serve thejudge, Sam and Lena the Master. After the meal all, four of us were clearingthe table when I heard the Master say Zoë has not sat on Rob and the judgewould like to see her do it. When she has finished she will tell the judgeshe enjoyed deep penetration but would prefer it to be a man and then ask himif he will let her sit on him and give him pleasure. Alexis will then say,I can do it better and will the judge allow me to prove it.
The judge hearing this said, ?I would enjoy the competition, the winner willreceive a reward and the loser punishment?. We were told that when we finishedwe were to go to the training room and wait for them. After we had washed upand all four of us waited in the training room Sam told us since this wouldbe Zoë's first real fucking it looks as if one of them will suffer somesort of pain later this night. It is obvious the master will then have Lenaand I compete with each other and both losers would provide them with theirperverted entertainment by seeing two of us writhing and screaming in agony.When the two men entered they sat on two chairs facing Rob, the girls stoodat his side and I stood between his legs.
When I was told to begin, I stripped and fondled his member until it grewlarger than I had seen it before but knowing there was no escape lowered. Assoon as I felt it enter, I knew it was going to hurt and halfway down I hadto cry out. I tried to push down knowing I had to have it deep enough to feelmy pubes on Robs' body but I was sweating and sobbing as I wriggled and pushedthen at last it was all the way in. I started to raise and lower it hopingthe pain would not stop me getting aroused and wet then when I felt I was ready,I lifted and went to the judge. I stood in front of him parted my labia sohe could see the wetness then said to him I wish it had been you. He leanedforward and putting his fingers into my sore vagina said, ?I think that hasstretched her enough to give a fair test with Alexis? do you agree Master.
The Master nodded and telling me to dress said to Sam, ?Take her, and Alexisto the Judges' bedroom then return to my room with Lena?. In the bedroom, wewere both frightened as we inserted the contraceptive jelly because this wouldbe the first time either of us was going to be fucked by a strange man. Weboth knew when it was over one of us was going to be punished. When the judgeentered, he looked at both of us then said to Alexis, ?I will have you first,and the other can watch as you strip then lie on the bed and open yourselfready for me to enter?.
From that first time in the prison showers, I loathed undressing in frontof a man but having to hold my fanny open for him to look inside with a womanpresent was even worse. The time Sam held me open and watched the master puttinghis penis inside me when he took my virginity was one of the worse momentsof my life. Alexis didn't seem to mind me seeing her undress but her face flushedas she lay on the bed parted her legs and held her fanny wide open. I had onlyseen the masters head and shoulders when he done me and Rob was only a robotso when the judge dropped his trousers and went between Alexis legs I saw amans erect penis for the first time. As the penis passed her fingers, I sawher bite her lip and arch her buttocks as it went into her vagina. It was obviousshe wanted it to stop and it was made worse with me watching his penis goingin and out of her. I felt no pity for Alexis because as soon as he finishedwith her she would have to watch it going in me. When he took it out of her,I thought it would be my turn but he told her to sit up then put his penisin her mouth. When he told her to stand and bend over we knew he was goingto use our arses and as Alexis held her buttocks apart I could see how differentshe was from me. Her inner love lips were thick and hung a long way outsidebut her clit tube was quite small. My lips being small stayed inside but witha big clit, and having been shaved when I stood with my legs apart it showed.
I was thinking about this comparison because it distracted me from hearingthe groans of discomfort Alexis were making all the time he was pumping her.At last he withdrew and pointing to me I was right she did watch as I strippedlay on the bed spread my legs and held my vulva wide open for him to enter.I thought this is going to hurt and I will hate it but I am determined I willnot show it or cry out whatever he does to me. He used me just as he did Alexisthen as he entered my arse I gritted my teeth but kept quiet all the time heslid in and out. At last it was over, he told us to get dressed go to the loungeand wait. Sam and Lena soon joined us and asking how we had been treated Alexissaid I wish now I had not cried but he did hurt me as it went in and I am sureI will be the one to be punished. Sam replied my periods are very close andI was not able to respond to him so I think I will be the other one.
When the two men entered, the master said how disappointed he was with allof us. None of you showed any enthusiasm offering your bodies for our pleasureand you all deserve to be made to suffer but I did say only two would be punishedand I keep my word. Alexis, you annoyed the judge by crying and you Sam actedlike a rubber doll, you gave me more pleasure when I took your virginity. Tomorrowa buyer will arrive and give each of you an intimate examination, which givesme a problem. Punishment means pain but how will I inflict sufficient for youto suffer without marking your bodies. You are all excused for tonight so returnto your rooms, the Judge and I will decide what punishment is appropriate andit will be administered tomorrow morning in the gym.
After clearing the table and washing up, all four of us went straight to thegym. Sam and Alexis were quite frightened wondering what their punishment wouldbe as they waited for it to begin. When the two men entered, they sat in thechairs near Rob and the judge spoke. ?You will be aware that some of your examinationwill be internal so we have enlarged Rob and adapted him for a double entry ?. ?Therods will be small to start and you Sam will strip and sitting on him the frontentry is easy but you will have to insert the rear one yourself?. ?You willthen lower until your pubes are touching Rob then I will enlarge them both?. ?Yourorifices will be spread wider then you have had before then a small currentwill be sent to heat the rods until you are in exquisite pain, which will remainwith you for some time?.
When the man is examining you, he will open your vagina and anus and thatwill be quite painful for you but he may also want intercourse. If not, wewill, so in either case the pain will be appropriate for the crime. Sam pleadedwith the master but to no avail and resigned herself to sit on Rob and suffer.We couldn't see what was happening to her but suffer she did because her screamslasted several minutes before we were told to lift her off. She lay rollingon the floor her hands between her legs and Alexis suffered the same punishmentand pain until we were told to lift her off. When the men left the room Lenaand I tried to comfort both girls but we could do nothing to relieve theirinternal pain. It was some time before both men returned and the Judge saidto Sam I have not screwed you so now is a good time and if the master has Alexisit will complete your punishment. The master entered Alexis the Judge Sam andas soon as the men went inside, I heard both girls cry out, then scream allthe time they were being fucked. After the men had climaxed inside both girlsthe judge said, before the buyer arrives prepare lunch and all four of youwill serve it before he makes a quick assessment of your suitability.
When you have cleared the table, you will be called into the dining room oneat a time for your examination so make yourselves look attractive. After puttingon skimpy bras and panties under our best clothes, we served the meal and sawthe man who was going to inspect us was quite young and handsome. It was obviousfrom the way he looked at us he was assessing our looks and the way we movedand knowing what he was going to do to us, I found this quite embarrassing.Having cleared away and waiting to be called in Sam suggested that since sheand Alexis hurt inside it would give them a little more time to recover ifLena or Zoë would be the first to go in.
When we were called Lena said I may as well go because I remember what thewarders did when they gave me intimate examinations so another man doing itwont matter. About twenty minutes later, it was my turn and I entered the diningroom to see the judge and master sitting at the head of the table with theman we had served at dinner between them. Lena standing stark naked behindthem looked humiliated so I stood at the other end waiting to be told whatto do.
The master said you should know that when a woman is given an intimate examinationit means that not only will her breasts and nipples be felt but also her labiawill be opened to expose the vagina and clitoris for inspection. Obviously,for this young man to do this, you must be naked so remove all your clothing.When I was nude and he had weighed my breasts and enlarged my nipples, I expectedhim to look at my genitals so I turned bent over and pulled my buttocks apart.I felt anxious when he said ?Thank you but you should know by now how a womanhas to present herself for an intimate examination? so I turned went to thetable and lay on my back with my legs wide apart.
When he said after I have examined your breasts I would then open your outerlabia and inner flesh lips to inspect the inside your vagina then stroke yourclitoris. I shuddered at the prospect of how aroused I would become after thisyoung man had done what he said he was going to do to me. Lying back, my breastswere firm enough to stay in shape so he started by feeling my nipples in sucha way they began to throb and I had never known them go so hard and large.The way he touched my breasts made me tingle all over then after my breasts,his hands went slowly down my body in such a way it felt as if he were touchingnerve ends. When his hands reached the top of my thighs they went under mecupping and squeezing my buttocks.
Then they found my labia and sliding between them my skin was now so sensitiveI had an orgasm. I was breathing fast as I felt his fingers opening me andafter parting my outer labia, I felt my vulva throbbing and my clitoris swelling.I tensed my whole body more frightened than aroused when he held and pulledmy inner flesh lips apart. The Master had put his fingers into my vagina butthe way this man slid them up and down made the muscles contract more thenany penis had done. He had done this to so many women he knew exactly how Iwould feel as he also stroked my clit tube in such a way I felt the head comeout. It was so intensely electrifying I kept having orgasms and felt the wetnessrunning from me.
Chapter 18
I was surprised at this and wondered why I hadn't realised he was still doingsomething inside my vagina which was stimulating me so much I was using mymuscles and clenching my buttocks just as Sam had taught me to do with a maninside me. I had several orgasms and climaxed just before he took his handsout and when he told me to stand by Lena I was crying with embarrassment. Samcame next and we both watched her strip and stand in front of him as if tosay I know I have a good body so look at my breasts and shaved pubes beforeI turn for you. When she did, he said the same to her about a woman presentingherself for an intimate examination as he did to me. Sam went to the tableand lying naked with her legs apart held them back to her shoulders. Lena andI remembered how embarrassed we felt laying like this.
When we saw the way he touched and stroked Sam's body, we could see from theway she wriggled she was getting very aroused. When his hands went betweenher legs and his fingers entered her vagina we listened to her cry out as shethrust herself toward him. She knew we had been watching and I saw how humiliatedshe was with us seeing the way she had responded to him. Alexis was next butthis time she was stripped by the man and I could see from her face and theway she breathed he was exciting her as he removed each item. When she wasnaked and lying on the table, he positioned her to face us then opened herlegs and raised her knees so we three could see how we would have looked tohim. He leaned over her from the side and although it had been done to us manytimes we had never seen a woman having her labia opened by a man but with herfacing us we could watch everything he was doing inside her. This was alsothe first time I had seen what my vagina and clitoris would look like to aman as I held it open ready for him to enter me.
I watched his fingers enter Alexis and remembered how I felt when his fingersparted my inner flesh then opened the entrance to my vagina and eased his fingersinside. We watched as his fingers entered her vagina and listened to her gruntsof passion as he slid them up and down while caressing her clitoris. From theway she was squirming with passion, we could see from the way the mucous wasrunning over his fingers Alexis was having multiple climaxes.
After we were told to dress and return to the kitchen Lena said strippingnaked for him and the way he stroked my body made my vagina so sensitive thatwhen he went inside every movement of his fingers was ecstasy and I had tosqueeze and clench myself to help ease the pain which excited me even more.Neither the master or the judge made me feel like he did and he only used hisfingers. Sam hearing this said I have only had the master and the judge insideme and neither has made me climax but the way that man touched me I felt thesame. In spite of the pain, it made me quiver all over with just his fingersinside me, I climaxed. Knowing we three had watched everything the man haddone to her Alexis said that having him take her clothes off was a most erotic.The way he felt my breasts and nipples was arousing but when he was partingmy legs I had an orgasm just thinking of him opening my fanny. He must haveknown I had been hurt inside because when he opened me and put his fingersin it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. The way he moved them aboutand rubbing my clit at the same time made me lose all control of my body.
Listening to them I was to ashamed to admit that I didn't want him to stopand was hoping that with only Lena there to watch he would penetrate me beforethe other two came in. Having all been left frustrated by this man we hopedwe would be wanted for the night but there was no phone call so next morningwe laid the table for breakfast. Sam as usual served them on her own and afterwe had cleared away and sat eating Sam put some material shaped as hoods onthe table saying the master is on his way to give us his orders.
When he arrived, he said because you have nearly completed your sentence andwill be released in a few days, the Judge has been negotiating a personal andfinancial reward with the man who examined you. He was hoping to recompensehimself for arranging the legal proceedings. The man told the judge and I thatalthough he had been very impressed with your attractiveness and performancehe could not consent to our conditions and a satisfactory deal was not agreed.This means that to obtain some money you are to be offered to different menwho we are told only want women for a few days. This afternoon you will againhave your intimate parts examined but what they do to your fannies this timemay hurt rather than arouse you. After serving lunch, we were to wait outsidethe lounge wearing only button down dresses and panties and when the bell rings,we were to put these hoods over our heads and knock.
When told to enter we will wait for our name to be called step forward removethe dress but not the panties or the hood. We all looked at each other in amazementwondering what on earth they were going to do to us but knew we would haveto obey. Standing by the lounge door I nearly wet me with fear when we werecalled in and told to stand in a line. I was called first and stepped forwardthen as I removed my dress I heard Sam called. Men started talking about ourbodies and I felt hands cupping and weighing my breasts. One of the men wasrubbing my nipples until I felt them harden then sliding my panties down heforced my legs apart asking what else I had that goes hard when it's rubbed.
I knew this meant he was going to feel inside my vulva and it would hurt whenhe found my clit. I winced when I felt his fingers enter me and wriggling asthey moved around must have annoyed him because he ordered me to bend overand spread myself. Bent over with my back to him I opened my legs as wide aspossible and holding my buttocks apart, I waited for him to go inside and rubmy clit. I cried out when my inner flesh was harshly pulled apart then a fingerrubbed my tube until I felt my juices running and the head slipped out of it'scovering.
Both the master and the judge had this done to me, which made the tip of myclit most sensitive so when he pinched it I cried out and frightened by somethinggoing into my vagina I screamed. From the pain I realised he now had both handsinside me, one set of fingers in my vagina the other squeezing the head ofmy clit. I knew it was Sam next to me and hearing her cries, I knew she washaving the same thing done to her. I heard more screams and cries from Lenaand Alexis then from the sound of their footsteps the men were leaving theroom. From the way we had, all cried out they must have used both hands onall of us so Sam asked if everyone was all right.
Before we could answer the door opened and we heard the judge say ?The menwho have just looked at you tell me they are dealers who buy women for resale?. ?Thismeans you will be split up and sold but because you are to be released in amatter of days, I can't have that?. ?You will have realised by now the masterlikes virgins and to take away your modesty ordered all that was done to youin prison?. ?Now he has taken your virginity he has no further interest inyour bodies but I prefer women who have been used?. ?You should know I liketo fuck them after they have been whipped because the pain they suffer whenI am inside them makes them thrash about and gives me more pleasure?. ?
What the master required I do to obtain women for him has cost me money sobefore you leave I want to use you in a way that refunds my expenses?. ?Thismeans I will have to contact the man that examined you yesterday offer newterms and negotiate a new arrangement for your use over the next few days. ?Heowns and runs a high-class brothel and his girls are expected to satisfy thecustomer in every way required? ?You are all in a position to know better thananyone what can be done to make a woman accept anything a man wants to do toher?. ?Remember you are still prisoners so forget any thought of escape ordisobeying any orders you are given?.
On the way to prepare dinner I said to the girls, ?I can't believe we havejust been told he is arranging for us to be prostitutes for the next few daysso lets talk about it?. We went to the kitchen and Lena surprised me saying, ?SinceI was arrested every man who has fondled my body aroused me but never doneanything to give me relief. I don't know about you three but even when thedirector or judge was screwing me I was left frustrated?. ? I will spread mylegs for any man that could satisfy me the way that man did yesterday?. ? Hedone it just by touching me so I don't care who goes in me as long as theygive me satisfaction?. Sam looked at me, ?we haven't heard from you Zoë,we know how Lena feels and like Alexis, neither the master the judge or whatthe warders done to me in prison aroused me like he did so I would like himto do it again?. I said to them ?I must admit I also had orgasms and he mademe climax but although I didn't know it then my first one was when I was inprison?.
?Two wardresses' took me to the men's wing for my whipping and stripped menaked in front of them. They told me I was to be hung upside down with my legsapart so the men could see when the whip struck my partly opened cunt?. ?Thewhip was to be many stranded because it would hurt over more of my body?. ?Justthinking of the men looking at my open fanny and when I was being whipped howmy breasts would drop down and swing around as I twisted aroused me?. ?WhatI didn't know when I was being whipped was the exciting feelings I was havingbetween the pains were orgasms. When it was done between my legs the intensityof the feeling I had before I fainted was a climax? Alexis turned to me, ?Ifthe judge didn't notice in the prison that being whipped stimulated you thenwe must keep it a secret or he may do it to us to see how we react?. Aftercooking and serving the meal to the master and the judge, it was late eveningwhen we were called to the lounge to hear the judge tell us that he and thebrothel owner had agreed terms.
?He agrees you are very attractive girls with gorgeous bodies and is preparedto hire you and pay me for just four days?. ?Before his girls are paraded hewants to stimulate his cliental by letting them watch each of you strip nakedand display all you have to show?. ?We will leave straight away, I will takeyou to the airport, and you will be met on the mainland then taken to the housewhere all you require will be provided?. ?You will spend four days and nightsthere then on the fifth day if you have performed to our satisfaction I willtake you to the area compound for your medical check and release papers?.
On the mainland, we were met by two men who said they would be our keepersand taken to what could only be described as a hotel rather than a house. Thereception hall was large and although it was late into the night men and womenwere sitting and drinking at tables around the room. There were stairs eitherside of the Lobby and we were taken up these to the first floor. There wasa dining room at one end and what appeared to be a small theatre at the otherwith small lounges at the sides and lifts to what must have been the bedroomson the floor above. We were taken through a corridor by the side of the theatreto the rear of the building and into what was the most spacious and well-equippedoffice I had ever seen. In front of a long window giving views over the citywas a leather covered table, in the middle of the room a large desk behindwhich sat the man who had examined us
?You may call me Rudy, this is Jorge the other man Andre and they will beyour keepers which means you will obey every order they give and will punishyou if you don't?. ?I realise it is late and having had a difficult day youmust be tired so a quick induction?. ?Every woman here is inspected each dayso tonight prepare yourselves for the minders to come to your rooms take aquick look at your bodies and swab your fannies?. ?For them to do this youwill be naked and know the position as show but we call it inspect. ? Jorgelikes blondes so Zoë and Alexis will go with him Sam and Lena with Andre?. ?Theywill show you your rooms, which I hope you will find comfortable and I willsee you all tomorrow morning ?.
We followed them to the lifts and upstairs then after putting me in my roomJorge went in with Alexis. Andre went with Sam and Lena was next to her. Myroom was indeed very swish with high-class carpets curtains and furniture thebed was very large for obvious reasons and the bathroom fully equipped. Oneset of doors led into a wardrobe full of expensive clothes all of then my size.The other door led to smaller room which was fitted out with a chair and tablecovered with straps, chains and whips hung on the walls and there was a bargoing from wall to wall with leather straps attached. Looking closer the sizeof the items indicated they were designed to restrain and secure women. I knewJorge would come to me after Alexis so I lay on the bed waiting and thinkingthat if I did have masochistic tendencies would I find any pleasure in thatroom.
It was some time before Jorge entered with a case and looking at some papers,he said ? I see from your notes you served seven days in prison. I know youwould have stripped naked for men to look and feel your breasts and betweenyour legs and that you were also caned and had your first whipping there?. ?Youwere sent to the Island where the director took your virginity then taughtyou how to please a man before you were sent to the judge for testing?.
He saw me looking at the clock and seeing it was just after one said, ?itwill be early when you have breakfast and before you attend inspection youwill have to shower so if you want any sleep tonight we must hurry?. ?Rudy'snotes say you have good breasts and with a large clit, I should be carefulwhen I touch you there because you are easily aroused?. ? You know I have tosee it and the best way to show it will also make it easier for me to insertthe swab without getting you too excited as it goes in?. It was obvious whathe wanted me to do and I felt uncomfortable at the thought of this and theway he watched me undress but as I started to turn and bend he told me to facehim first ?.
I was quite submissive as he run his hands over my breasts down my sides aroundmy waist over my buttocks then around my thighs all the time feeling for spareflesh and fat. He stood back telling me to lift my arms and turn slowly thenas I was doing it said, ?Alexis notes alleged she also was easily aroused sowhen I was preparing her for the swab I asked what she liked most when Rudyexamined her?. She told me that as he undressed her she had an orgasm beforetaking off her bra to feel her breasts. After his hands went over her body,he slowly pulled her panties down and as he opened her shaved labia and puthis fingers into her vagina she climaxed.
I know none of you women like doing this but I'm ready to put the swab inso turn and bend over. I felt a little ill at ease parting my buttocks forhim but became more agitated rather than stimulated as I felt his fingers doingunusual things inside me. It didn't hurt or last long but something went deeperinto my vagina and with it moving in and out I realised he was fucking me.It was so different from the way it felt when the master and judge were inme that as it moved against my clitoris I wanted it to continue and he knewthis. His hands moved forward clasped my breasts and massaging my nipples ashe pumped me, I was so aroused and orgasmic I was moving my pelvic musclesin time with him and groaning with enjoyment.
I would never have realised the exquisite pleasure it gave my body when Iclimaxed or accepted that as I fell forward the scream I heard was mine. Ilay exhausted and listened to Jorge say you weren't any better than Alexisbut you are both suitable and will start work tomorrow. In the morning, I willbring you some breakfast and after your shower, you are to wear nothing exceptthe robe you will find in the bathroom, twenty minutes later, I will take youand Alexis for the daily inspection.
Having eaten and showered I was ready for Jorge when he entered with Alexisand said, ?Rudy will be looking at about thirty girls this morning and sortingthem into groups for today's duties and when he has finished with them I willtake you to him?. ?I know he has already examined the four of you but to refreshhis memory you will drop your robes and obey his instructions?. It was overan hour before Jorge returned and leaving the room, we met Andre in the passageescorting Sam and Lena. We were taken to Rudy who sat at the same desk in thesame office as the one we were taken to when we arrived. He greeted us witha ?Good morning Ladies, you are aware I have paid the judge a sum of moneyto use your bodies for four days?.
?The judge is greedy and although he knows I am the only man who will takehis girls for four days he still tries to sell then to other dealers?. ?I haveno idea what these men do to them so when they come to me I have to make surethey are in good condition and to do this I need to see them naked?. ?One ata time step forward drop the robe tell me your name then lie on the table andposition for inspection?.
I knew this was to be a repeat performance and having accepted it last time,I started to go forward. Lena was quicker and since she had been first lasttime we didn't mind because none of us had watched her being opened. She saidmy name is Lena and dropping the robe Rudy moved from his side of the tableand stood in front of her. I heard him say something and when Lena raised herarms and spread her legs, I knew he wanted to see how her breasts moved andwhat her labia looked like standing up. I heard her gasp before she went tothe table lay on it clasped the back of her knees and pulled her legs backover her shoulders. Laying side on to us, we could only see his hands movingbetween her buttocks but we could only guess what he was doing.
The sounds she was making this time were not orgasmic but that of a womanin pain. I think we all accepted the next four days would be unpleasant butlistening to Lena crying I felt frightened. She came off the table and comingtoward us, we saw from the way she walked she was hurting. Rudy was a differentman as he shouted, ?Pick up your robe get over there, and stand with your legswide apart?. ?You next? he shouted pointing to me. I walked toward him droppedmy robe and rather than have him order me I raised my arms and spread my legs.He weighed and squeezed my breasts and pulled my nipples so hard it hurt asmy breasts were pulled forward but he kept pinching them until they were fullyenlarged. ?On the table and legs back ? he ordered.
I went to the table lay on my back with my legs wide apart and felt anxiousas I pulled them over my shoulders. He pinched my outer labia squeezed themhard and pulled them so far apart I cried out. Worse was to come when he pulledmy inner lips up and out until I felt my vagina opening. I hadn't seen it beforebut felt the coldness when he put a metal spreader against the inner lips tokeep them wide apart. My clitoris was now fully revealed and I didn't knowit was possible but it hurt as he pulled the skin back until the head was visible.I cried out again as he pinched and pulled the bud before his fingers wentinto my vagina. He forced his hand deep inside and I guessed he had a fingerinside my cervix. As his hand came out and the metal expander was removed,I felt my vulva and clitoris throbbing and swelling from the things he haddone to them. ?Get over there with her ? Rudy shouted and with the hurt betweenmy legs I was also crying as I hobbled toward Lena and stood beside her withmy legs apart.
Jorge and Alexis had been in the room all the time so when Andre went to thetable Alexis came to us ?Get those legs wider apart? he ordered. Although weboth tried it hurt so he called Jorge over and between them they forced ourlegs so far apart we both screamed. Andre was next to have her legs forcedapart followed by Sam then with all four of us in agony Rudy asked the twomen to decide who of us would be first second third and forth. Then we hadto listen to them discussing the size and shape of our breasts and swollenlabia.
We heard Alexis say, ?I think Sam to start because the judge had her firstthen Andre and perhaps Lena before Zoë?. ?I don't disagree with that butwhat are your thoughts Rudy?, questioned Jorge. His answer was ?When decidingthe price it was made quite clear the whip is not to be used?. ?Having to settlejust for the strip auction it matters not who goes first because when nakedI think they will all command the same price?. ?Take them next door give themcontraception then find them makeup and clothes?. ?When they are fully dressedput then on the stage for the afternoon performance?.
Still naked Alexis and Jorge took all four of us to the room and told us toposition for insertion. Both Sam and I guessed this meant we were to be giventhe contraception rather then being fucked so together we bent from the waistclasped our ankles and spread our legs. I could see Lena and Andre doing thesame and between my legs, I watched both men filling syringes.
Lena was nearest to Alexis and I heard her screaming just as I felt my labiabeing parted by cold metal before it entered my vagina. As it went deeper,it spread my vagina walls much further apart than Rob the practise penis hadever done and the next screams I heard were mine. When the syringes were pushedto our cervix, they were left inside and hanging between our buttocks's I heardthe men laughing as all four of us cried with the pain.
But worse was to come as each of the men gripped the syringe and pushing theplunger a spray of stinging fluid was forced deep inside our body. As the syringewas withdrawn, the surplus fluid ran out making our vaginas feel as if theywere on fire. We didn't need to be told to stand we jumped up and crouchedover with our hands between our legs trying to ease the pain. Still in pain,we were told to select a full set of clothes from the drawers and cupboardapply our make up then when we were dressed and ready to go next door for Rudyto inspect us.
The inspection was straightforward; all he wanted to see was that we werewearing brassieres and panties with suspenders and stockings. The reason forthis was obvious when Jorge and Alexis took us to the back of a stage thenone at a time, our keeper took us onto the stage told us to strip and displayourselves. I was last and after twisting and bending, to show all of my bodyI listened to the audience bidding. When Jorge thought the price was righthe picked up my clothes took me to a room and said the buyer had me for twohours and I was to do everything he wanted.
My vagina was sore from the contraception fluid and it hurt when I was beingfucked. The auction was repeated in the evening but thank goodness, becausewe were only given the contraception in the morning the evening fucking wasnot as painful. We girls shared a room for the next four nights and agreedof the eight men we had to service none wanted more from us than the use ofour bodies. On the morning of the fifth day, Rudy took us to the airport andin a private plane flew us to the same small airstrip they had used when Iwas taken to the island. We were hastened into a closed van and when the doorsopened, I recognised the prison I had suffered in. The judge was waiting andsaid although the others had served in different prisons this was the mostconvenient for our medical before being released. We were accustomed to beingprodded and humiliated but glad to be set free.
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Introduction: A little celebration….. Comment if you like/hate/have a comment ,) ______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew...
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“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...
TabooThis story is Fiction and no names or cities are meant to be real. Any actual resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2003 by Jerrie526. Power Fluctuations ? Aftermaths By Jerrie526 (NCNS) Big River, CO - The nation has held it's breath waiting for the outcome of the highly publicized lawsuit trial for the twelve individuals involved in the now famous body-swap incident last year using Magnatronics, Inc MagGen power...
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Zapper has graciously given me permission to add a kinda of footnote to his great story. He didn't want to dilute of horror of his ordinal ending but anything telling what happened later. But here is my take on a possible conclusion. It takes place in the comfortable home of Mark Thompson and his beautiful young wife Susan. I hope you like it and it may encourage you to read or re-read Zapper's truly remarkable story! 'Happy Halloween!" Note: Bob H has written a longer take in his...
Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn't his bedroom; the sheets didn't feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...
CrossdressingMy wife is a sexy and roaming wife. She just can't seem to help herself. I am her fourth husband because she just couldn't be faithful to anyone. We have now been married eight years and she knows it turns me on when she has her infidelities and I always let her cuck me with at least one of these conditions: that she either does it with me watching, listening or her telling me about it just before or right after. One of my favorites parts though is to watch her seduce or be seduced. When she is...
As I turn the corner she belly flops onto my bed. "Owww! What was that?!?!" She reached under the covers and luckily it was just a textbook I had under there. "So you disappeared for a bit tonight. Where were you?" she asked. I responded with the best I could think of, "I went back to smoke some weed with some guys." "Well good for you. I love your room. I wish I had a single. I have to listen to my roommate make out with boys every other night. Mind if I use your restroom?" she...
This started as a thought experiment, what is the worst possible situation in a ZPAW that is still survivable? Waking up being chewed on, and locked in somewhere you can't get out from are just long and short forms of death. So what if ... The lead character got arrested and didn't make it to jail. Handcuffs are a severe handicap while fighting zombies. Have the cops grab him getting out of the shower ... or better yet, grab her. Marla was intended to be the strong female character who...
Hello there, and thank you for reading this work. I know the inclusion of an afterword is somewhat unusual for online erotic fiction, but I’m quite proud of My Isekai Life in D&D and I am hoping that you’ll indulge me just a little bit. I began writing this series way back in the summer of 2018, inspired mainly by the glut of “isekai” anime that were (and still are) being published in large numbers. For those who don’t know, the term “isekai” is Japanese, used to indicate stories that...
I hope you enjoyed reading my story about Alice and John, and how a simple helping hand can blossom into a forbidden love with a life altering effect. The day after I started writing this story, I read a newspaper article of a woman getting caught by the police on a parking lot. She was about to have sex with her fourteen year old student and Alice's story might as well have been hers. Though I still firmly believe that a teacher, or an adult in general, has a large responsibility to a...
Join us for further adventures in The Fire And The Storm, Book Two of The Nexus Of Kellaran, available now; wherein it is seen that things are not proceeding as well as they appear to be, and; Mark loses his temper. Feel free to write me at [email protected] about anything, or to be added to my mailing list to be informed when I release new books in the future. Or Connect with me at my website: or my FaceBook page. Appendices for Blessings Of A...
Well ... that was fun. I don't know how many other writers here on write an afterword for their stories, but this experience has been so weird that I feel like I need to get a lot off my chest. There are so many ideas and techniques and experiences that occur in the writing process that I feel that by the time the story has ended, the reader has only gotten a small fraction of what went into the story. I don't normally write stuff like this. Heck, I don't normally...
“Oh, good,” Felicia cooed, wrapping me in a very intimate hug. “Amanda, thank Carter for coming and say goodnight.” “Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday, Carter,” Amanda said obediently, seeming almost genuine. She stepped forwards to replace her mother’s hug, pressing every inch of her body against mine. Her mouth pressed against mine, and her tongue pressed insistently against my lips. I opened my mouth, and our tongues battled, hot and wet in my mouth. My hands found her ass,...
The next morning I woke up to see Kathy smiling at me. "Good morning. Oh I loved what we did last night. Are you guys staying today?" "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself – so did I ... and I suspect we'll find that the other feel the same way." And with that I reached for her and gave her a big hug. "As to your question, I think the three of us need to get back to my place as we've got to spend some time talking about what needs to happen when we get back to Euston." I paused for a long...
I took my charges to a safe place for the night, (a disused motorhome, which I knew where the key was hidden) and we ate our meal, drank our water, used the toilet- "Don't flush it, we will just rinse it down with a little water when everyone is done" I told them. and then it was time to change into the sweats and get ready for bed. I was embarassed, because living all together in Section 20 had removed any vestige of modesty. I tried not to stare at the brief flashes of pale skin or dark...
I was half, not whole, In step with none. Reaching through this world, In need of one. --With You I'm Born Again (Billy Preston & Syreeta) As I mentioned many times, I knew that I was lucky. In the year or so that I had the tickets, my life had changed dramatically, and I truly believe that the tickets had a lot to do with that. After all, there was no reason that Kristen would have ever given me a second look if I never found them. Not only was I living with Kristen and...
Foreword I love to hear your comments - [email protected] Part I - Chapters 1-3 dealt with Pam getting help from a hypnotist, Mark, to get back at her older sister Maggie. In order to do so she finds herself on stage with her other sister Abbey as well as Maggie. You'll have to read it to find out exactly what they do. The week after finds all three sisters turned on by how they exposed themselves on stage. They decide to have a private party of strip poker using cameras for the...
George comes home from a hard day at work and sets his briefcase and coat by the door. He finds that the house is unusually quiet but pays no attention and heads up to the bedroom. As he makes his way up the stairs he smells the wonderful scent of his beloved wife Linda’s perfume. As he reaches the landing he hears the faint sounds of music escaping the slight crack from the door of their bedroom. Making sure not to make any noise he opens the door slowly. “Linda?” he says in a quite, very deep...
EroticI love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...
ReluctanceI was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...
Fetishmrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...
Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...
HumorI checked the time on my phone. It read "3:56" just as my computer made that shutdown noise. Perfect. I'd worked through lunch just to achieve this. I pulled on my jacket, keeping the phone in one hand and texted while one of my fellow escapees pressed the down button. "You home?" I sent, my phone chirped as it sent the message and the elevator binged its arrival. I'd have to wait for the reply -- the elevator blocked my service. But I could wait, I was in an awesome mood, because it was...
'Nobody Fakes Unconscious Aftershocks.' Was written on his shirt above his left pectoral. I had to lean fairly close to read it, and I noticed my nostrils flared slightly at his scent. Rolling the phrase around in my mind, I glanced up at his eyes just as the image came into my mind. He saw the flush spread over my chest, of course, because he was the kind of a guy who never missed signals of any kind from a woman. "Would you care to elucidate that, a little?" I pointed with my chin, not...
(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...
By Phyllisroger Teenaged boys in school attend classes, and have lots of recess, lunch and free time and what do they talk about? You remember, surely. They talk about girls, of course, and lots of girls and all the stories made up and real and my well-endowed son, Eric, was no different except now he was different. He had a real story to tell and it wasn’t long after I sucked every bit of sperm from his long, stiff, hot cock that he began to tell his friends. I should have guessed this...
My dad didn't congratulate me in front of the principal, but he wasn't mad at me since those two suckers were bullying an asian freshmen, and since I can't stand it, well I just prevented them to put the poor kid’s head in the toilet and I basically just threw a punch to one and shove the other to get to the scared kid. Then after some threats, we ended up in the principal's office and the nephew said I called him a “nigger” which I never used and it escalated from there. After an...