SmokeSCREEN : BookFOUR free porn video

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smokeSCREEN bookFOUR : THEbecoming


Note from the Author:

bookFOUR is running long, and so I’ve broken it into large segments. I had planned to submit them all at once, but that plan’s gang a’gley.

[knocks on metal] I know this is going to give me a continuity nightmare, but here goes.

I hope you enjoy it.




part i



* * *

* * *

manic depression is / torching my soul / i know what i want but i / just don’t know / how to go about getting it // feeling, sweet feeling / drops from my fingers, fingers / manic depression // has captured my soul.

* * *

* * *

I didn’t dream last night. I’m smiling as I walk along.

The first few days after I met Cat, I didn’t dream once. As the weeks wore on and I moved to the Tower, it seemed more and more curious to me. That they would just stop.

But they’ve stopped and stayed away – so I’m smiling as I walk along.

Prior to the end of the world, the forest was confined to Assiniboine – the center of the city, branching out from the park. Sure, every suburb was lined with elm trees, but the rest of it was all paved. Prior to the war, of course.

Everything’s like that in your head,

You lived two lives. One before the war.

And this one.

And who you are now is not what you hoped you’d be.

I sigh. But I’m twenty.

You’re supposed to have an identity crisis around now – right?

Just like our big scar of a city. Sometimes I swear to God it’s a city but nothing but.

Prior to the end of the world, I woulda’ swore to it.

But now it’s more forest than anything. The thick trees stretch from downtown, through Wolosley, parts of the West End, all of Assiniboine, half of Charleswood, most of Saint James, half of Weswtood.

As I crunch through the few leaves that have been bold enough to fall this early, I suddenly wonder if it’s best to travel through the forest.

Sure, it’s less visible, but…

I mantle up a tree and lean out, peering at the dark horizon. A good ninety minutes until sunrise, yet. I drop to the ground and proceed for a while – and I think of Crow.

I stop.

Should I start calling her Beth?

Beth – Crow – wants me to lead us. All of us, I think. The men of Westwood, the women of the Tower, living happily together.

Pfft – I don’t think so. I light a cigarette.

One lie less thirteen years ago, and all of this could have been averted. All of this.

It occurs to me as I walk, that this is the first time I’ve been on my own in a long time. Perhaps I’ve become dependent on the close companionship offered by Tower society. Less reliant on myself. My brow creases.

Phoebe’s had me stuck indoors, behind a desk for two goddamn weeks. Weeks I could have spent with my Floor. The leaders, always becoming twisted by power, always leading astray.

I push Phoebe out of my head and turn to brighter thoughts.

I wonder if Sophie’s wearing my discman right now. If she’s got one earphone hanging loosely as she walks beside Cat. Cat, who is following Crow, who is following Lisa and Michelle.

And yeah, I miss them. I wouldn’t mind glancing south to discover Michelle, grinning back at me from behind an elm tree.

Maybe I am getting soft.

Long while till sunrise, yet. Crow should have gotten back to the Tower a few minutes ago. She’ll be on her way to the Forks by now with the others. Frankly, once the Forks are taken, Floor Thirteen will have a pretty cushy assignment for a while. If I make it back from the old ones’ assault on Westwood, I’ll be more than happy to join them.


* * *

‘In the cool of the evenin’, when everything is getting’ kinda’ groo-veyyy…. I call you up and ask you, would you like to go with me and see a mooo-veyyyy…first you say no, you got some plans for tonight, and then you stop. And say alll-ri-hiiight…’

I like to think I have a decent singing voice. I carry the tune as I mantle up the nearest tree and squint east.

‘Life is kinda’ crazy with a spooky little girl like you….’

Sun’ll be up soon.

I plop to the ground and head north. I should have left earlier.

I’m missing my discman, now.

I’m missing everything about being back at the Tower. I light a smoke.


I’m running low on smokes.

I stop and remember what I’m doing here. In my recently discovered weakness of character, I leaked key Westwood secrets to the leader of the Tower, who subsequently gave an army of radiation-soaked old ones from the States all they need to bring down my old crew at Westwood Right.

I start up a light jog. Sun’ll be up soon.

Westwood’s not gonna’ fall on account of my weakness of character.

But now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I look to my cigarette.

I stomp it out and continue my jog north.

And now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I mantle up the nearest tree and stare west.

‘Fffffuck…’ I scan the horizon. The whole horizon. ‘….me.’

I smack into the forest floor and start up a mad dash as that sharp-dry smell of smoke rises to more than a hint.

I’ll get out somehow.

* * *

* * *

woke up this morning / all that love had gone / your papa never told you about right and wrong /but you’re // one in a million // ’cause you got that / shotgun shine / born under a bad sign / you got a blue moon in your eye

* * *

* * *

Getting out of a city-wide, burning forest from the very center is harder than it sounds.

For one – I’m primarily special ops – I’m never running around in the woods with the grunts. For two – the place is very quickly becoming nothing but a big grey blur.

In my mad dash, I’ve fallen twice and only just now coughed up, I believe, half a lung. The left one.

I am going north. I’m sure of that – I can still make out the glow of sunrise through the thinning trees.

So much fucking smoke… I can pass out later.

Just run.

…shit. Where’s the sun again?

I can’t see anythng. But out of the mists come a dog. A wolf – huge and black. Nearby flames dance in its eyes as it says,


Ow. …that hurt.

GET UP, the wolf tells me.

And I’m so tired…

The wolf is barking now.

run or you’ll die, Om

we have to live



I can pass out later. I’m not dashing – more stumbling. But I’m almost there the trees are thinning – and now there is nothing. Nothing. I’m falling into space.

But the air is fresh. I’m tumbling.

And in a mighty splash of freezing water, I am jolted awake.

The Red is a very fast river – best to catch my breath and just move on.

I check the staff – still strapped to my back – and proceed to swim across the river to the north bank, taking it slow – getting my breath back.

Unfortunately, it sweeps me five hundred or so yards back east, and by the time I get to the other side I’m quite prepared to pass out again. As I lay on the north bank, staring up at the looming veil of smoke that whips overhead, I realize the futility of defending Westwood – the entire city will be dark as midnight in two hours, at this rate. Westwood is in the middle of this forest – and they’re burning it all.

They’re destroying our forest. They’re destroying our city.

Even if those poor souls inside Westwood manage to survive the smoke and heat that close to the fire – the artificial night provided by the smoke, and the limited battery power of the spotlights spell one thing – Westwood will fall by midnight tonight.

I’ll g
et there around noon – I’m going further north to get away from the heat. I hear shouts from deep in the forest. Now the flames are washing across the dry trees like waves on a floating ocean. Westwood, Tower or old, they’re not getting out alive.

A lonesome howl sounds out above the deafening crackle of trees and dry leaves.

* * *

‘When one is making an omlette, one must break a few eggs.’

My armband serves as a satisyfing mask, but my sunglasses do a mediocre job of keeping the smoke out my eyes. I should have goggles.

‘But twelve men, Brie…’

‘Eight men,’ the woman sharply corrects. ‘Four women.’

‘You risk too much.’

‘I’ll decide what’s too much. Westwood is the first step, Mickey. They’re ripe.’

Kneeling outside this particular window in west Saint James, I discovered I was actually listening to a conversation between two old ones. From the sounds of it, two important ones. Perhaps I could strike a fatal blow, here and now.

‘Is the gatling gun ready?’

‘Yeah, I got it right here…’

Perhaps not.

‘Are you sure you can carry it without tiring too quickly?’

‘Don’t worry about me – just make sure you’re back at the camp before the attack.’

‘I’ll be there by ten.’

‘The attack starts at nine.’

‘My counsel may be required – I’ll attend the opening minutes,’ Brie says firmly. I still haven’t dared look, to match a face to the name.

‘No,’ Mickey starts, but a resounding slap echoes off the walls. ‘Pardon me,’ he says now. ‘I’ll make sure the hearse is fully prepared.’

‘Good – and make sure the wagons are set on Portage – I’ll have no mistakes.’

Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Got it.

I dash off into the smoke towards Westwood. Perhaps I can still make it by nightfall.

* * *

Once I’m past the Moray bridge, the breathing is easier and the smoke has begun to clear. I consider that the fire may spread to the old one’s precious South End, but from this distance I realize what they’ve done – they’ve destroyed the only unihabited strip of the city. The rivers come in from the west and southwest and meet at the Forks downtown, south of the Tower. The smoke has blackened the sky, but Westwood has not been touched by the fire.

The attack will come at nine.

* * *

Strolling up to Westwood, I’ve seen no sentries. No guard patrols. The sky is still dark, but breathing is not uncomfortable. Not a sniff of the old ones. It’s only eight-thirty. I still have time to warn them.

The gates are locked, and no one is attending them. I stroll around the length of the walls before finally just climbing a nearby elm tree and dropping onto the battlement.

Everything is still as the dead.

Westwood is tidied, and clean, and empty.

I drop down to the courtyard and run up to the school doors. They’re locked, but I break them open and proceed straight to the band room.

‘Jessie! Guys?’

What the fuck?

Scanning the band room, all I find is a bar stool with a tape recorder. Pressing play, the message I hear is this,

Greetings, dirty-ass bitch, or loyal Westwood solider.

If you’re hearing this, we have gone to plan B.

And whatever you did to drive us out, sluts, we will revisit upon you ten-

I smash it under my boot. I smash it again. Again. Again. Again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The backup bike… the backup bike…

I explode throught he band room doors and race down the hall, whipping around a corner and skidding past the gym. Doubling back, I barrel across the hardwood floors and into the storeroom, tripping on the doorframe as I do.

Thank God they didn’t take it.

* * *

I grip the handles and roll the superbike out the service doors and down onto the sidewalk just inside the courtyard walls.

Rolling it up to the parking lot, I can hear the old ones approaching. Why hadn’t Westwood at least tried to fight?

I wasn’t expecting to be taking on the entire old one army alone, but I’m needed at the Forks. The old ones can just wait.

Rolling the bike silently to the back of the parking lot, I check my watch – one to nine.

I start the bike. I’m a hundred yards from the gates – and even that seems too close.

Something very loud is rolling up now – I can’t imagine what it could be. At least, I’ve never heard anything like it.

I check my watch.


I light a smoke.


Some voices.


That very loud thing is rolling again. I lean forward on the handlebars of the Dukati and narrow my eyes at the gate.

In what is more a shockwave of auditory information than, per se, a sound, the gate is blown from its hinges. Five tons of welded steel rockets from the outer wall, spinning towards me. I have time enough to pull a stupid-looking face just in before it screams over head, and tears the top off an elm tree.

As the smoke at the empty space where the gates once stood clears, I’m treated to the source of the unusual noise.

My head begins running what I call ‘potentials’. Potential routes of escape are X-ed out in my head. X. X. X. X. X. What if…? X…

With all the doors locked and a forty-ton tank in the front gate, my options have become somewhat limited. I’ll give the old ones this – they do have the capacity for original thought and effective execution.

The tank rumbles forward a few feet, but the cannon does not retrain its sights. Behind this tyrannosaur of steel are at least ten other vehicles of various more conventional design, and at least sixy old ones accopanying.

My brow creases. There’s no way I came out here for nothing, only to be killed.

‘Fuck that!’ I bark across the parking lot.

The tank opens, and the man with the leather mask rises out. He pulls up a megaphone and calls into it,

‘Repeat your last statement, or be fired upon.’ Hm. It’s Mickey – the poor whipped bastard.

‘Why?’ I yell. ‘Did you not get it?’

‘No,’ the voice booms across the compound.

‘I said – FUCK. THAT!!! You’re coming in here with a TANK!! Are you INSANE?!’

Mickey drops his megaphone and calls behind him. It’s not really audible from this distance, but the megaphone still picks some of it up.

‘…would someone go kill that little shit?’

Oh, thank God. That’s right boys, come for me one on one. I gun the engine and rip through the parking lot, into the front doors and deep into the school, parking it in a stairwell at the rear of the building for quick access later. I dash to the basement and hit the breakers. Most of these fuckers only have one eye, anyway. If they want me, they’ll have to come in. Tight, enclosed spaces.

I can do this.

* * *

* * *

i beat my machine / it’s a part of me / it’s inside of me // i’m stuck in this dream / it’s changing me / i am becoming

the me that you know // he had some second thoughts //

he’s covered with scabs // he is broken and sore // the me that you know he // doesn’t come around much // that part of me isn’t here anymore

* * *

* * *

I can hear muffled, distant voices – they’re a good distance away, still. Outside probably. I have to think ahead. I have to plan ahead. What do I need? What will I need?

I sneak through the upper hallway, pressing to the walls. Most of the windows are blocked up, but someone could still see me breaking a shadow somewhere.

Locker 329… 330… 331…

Footsteps behind me. He’s big. And he’s running. I don’t turn yet.

332… Ah. 333.

As I move to grab the locker, I turn my profile to him. Only about ten feet away, and coming fast.

I hate to make the noise, but
I open the locker door into his face. It crashes into the bridge of his nose, ribcage and yes, I think groin, and is far too loud. He sputters and begins to fall back, but it’s too late – I’ve already slashed him from groin to sternum, and he’s now finding it very hard to breath – his lungs have collapsed.

I snatch a particular plastic baggie out of the locker, along with two old SOCOM pistols with silencers and about four clips. I peer into one tiny drawer. No. Then another. And another. Who took my key? Shit.

More footsteps.

The sound of someone drawing up a large-calibre firearm. A rifle of some sort.

I quickly spin and pull up a SOCOM. He fires first – a round that clips my torso as I dodge away from the lockers. I narrow my eyes and squeeze off two rounds – both hit him cleanly in the chest, just up and to the left.

He dies more slowly – sputtering for life as I quickly return to my search. I remind myself to be systematic as I peer into the dark locker, gripping the wound at my side. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Two rounds from the SOCOM – another old one falls on top of his rifleman friend down the hall. No. No. Nononononono. No. No. FUCK.

I think for a moment, dip two fingers under the laces of my boot, and remove a small silver key. Goddamnit.

I head for a particularly dark stairwell.

Pressing myself into the deepest shadow I can find, I pull out the plastic baggie and open it, licking the tip of my pinkie. I dip my pinkie into the bag and encrust it with powder, close the bag, close my eyes, and slip the pinkie under my tongue.

It’s been too long. It’s too intense.

It’s way too intense. It’s not safe. I begin shaking. Spasming. I may be making noise, but I’m not aware of it. My heart is screaming, thrashing against my ribcage. It hurts. It really hurts.

I’m going to die. I can’t see. I can’t see anything. I can’t hear anything. But it hurts. It’s killing me. I’ve accomplished nothing.

And now it’s less. And now it’s less.

And I can control my breathing. And it’s okay. And I’m okay. It’s all okay. It’s all okay. My system just isn’t used to it after all those weeks at the Tower. But I’m okay. It’s okay.

I stand and pull out the sword – footsteps. From where?

My hearing is still bunged up.

It’s a woman, bounding down the stairs. She points an uzi at me, but I take her hand at the wrist and whip up a SOCOM, putting a bullet through her eye into the brick wall behind her. First her shoulders hang loose, then the eyes roll back in her head. The mouth gapes slack, and the shell gives up on effort as gravity does the rest.

Hm. An uzi. …no.

Down to the basement floor. Absolute darkness. Unless…

‘Dick – turn on your flashlight.’

Fuuuuck. This isn’t getting any better. I kneel and peek my head around the corner – it looks like they came in the same way I did, and now they’re checking in the opposite direction. I quickly get rid of my boots.

It’s two of them – slinking through a concrete section of hallway that’s about four feet wide.

‘Dick – stop.’ Dick’s the one in the white undershirt with the two uzis. He whips around and pulls up his flashlight, but I’m pressed into a doorway. This won’t work at all. I look up.

They’re coming up to the generator. It’s still running – I think they’re looking for the breakers. The generator’s pretty loud. This will do.

‘Find the panel,’ the one who isn’t Dick says. He turns the corner and I drop from the overhead pipes, drawing up the sword. As Dick turns I keep the sword at his throat and rush in to grab him by the shoulder. The other one bangs around in the power room, searching obvlivious. Dick opens his mouth to call out, but the tip of the blade peirces his throat, slips through his windpipe and just misses completely breaching a section of neckbone. And Dick discovers he cannot call out. He cannot breathe. And things are growing dark.

Holding him up by the steel lodged in his neck, I draw him back into the shadows with me.

‘Dick! Where the fuck are you?’

The other one whips around the corner and stares into the blackness.

‘If you’re gonna’ be a lazy ass, at least go tell Brie he’s already killed one of us! This ain’t worth it, man.’

And he stares into the blackness.

‘Dick? Stop fuckin’ around.’

Hm. He’s scared – he’ll react quicker. Leaning out of the overhead pipes, I grip the sword.

I swing the blade down and it slices half his skull cleanly off. He takes another half-step, twitches and falls. I hit the ground behind him, snatch up his flashlight and run back to the boiler room.

Holding the flashlight in my mouth, I slip the small siver key long forgotten from my boot into the iron locker. It sits, unsuspicious, at the very back of the uncomfortably warm boiler room. Repaired, the circuits retested every two seasons, the small door swings open to reveal the failsafe panel. I punch in the seven-digit code, 222-2222. Jessie never was particularly imaginative – it’s the phone number of his favorite pizza place from when we were kids.

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Young Stepmother Part 9 By Mark Dayette When Reginald asked me to marry him I was terrified, I knew this decision was serious and would impact my entire future. I had nothing against him as a person and he was definitely wealthy and nice. I asked him if he could give me time to think about it. I went back home and my Stepmother told me I should have said yes immediately and that I was running the risk of offending him. However, I told her to give me a few days alone upstairs in my...

2 years ago
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PropertySex Kuleana Too Much Distraction

Jake Adams can’t get any work done because he is too distracted by his obnoxiously sexy roommate Violet Starr. He comes to tell her she has to move out, but finds her in tight panties taking selfies of her big ass! That’s just the problem, but Violet has a solution: they should fuck. Violet reaches out for Jake’s big cock and licks him from tip to shaft, then takes her shirt off so he can enjoy squeezing her big tits. Violet gives jake a sloppy blowjob, then lets him fuck her...

4 years ago
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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

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LoveHerFeet Cadence Lux His Crush On My Sexy Feet

My boyfriend was on a business trip so it was just me and his son, Jake, left alone in the house. He’s a cute, shy boy. After spending a few days alone with him, it became obvious how often he checks me out. With special attention to my feet. I began to realize that, unbeknownst to himself, Jake must have a serious foot fetish. Honestly, it was flattering and a few days in, I seriously considered fucking him. One afternoon, he was sitting on the couch doing his homework on his laptop when I...

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Judy visits her sister Part 2

As I said earlier my wife Judy was spending a week with her sister. They do it every year and it gives me a week to myself. Usually I am working so I get little from it but this year I am actually off for most of it. It’s been pretty good although yesterday was exceptional. I had bumped into Emma and her daughter Emily at the supermarket and during our chat I had let slip that Judy was away. Little did I know of the consequences and yesterday afternoon, out of the blue Emily turned up on...

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A Dark and Stormy KnightChapter 2

The rest of the day she busied herself with chores, and tending to the preparation of the hides she had collected on her excursion. Those were her bread and butter, and without the valuable animal pelts, she would go penniless. He helped as he could around the place, and was generally useful, if not skilled. She found his powerful arms were excellent for stretching gut to prepare it for the making of bowstrings. He also did a little work on the cabin, fixing a few leaky spots in the mud patch...

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Winter in Sweden Part 20

Chapter 51 – The Day After Wedding51.1 The Departure of Friends and ParentsNext morning our parents and friends leave with best wishes and kisses. We invite the Lindstroems, Jenny, Matti and Ole to stay for a couple of days. Ole must return to his university because he has to do an important test. But the others accept our offer. Our flat is not made for six persons, but Jenny and Matti agree to sleep with us on airbeds in my room. So, Per and Ella have Masha’s room to spend the nights. All...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 40 Broken

I didn't really remember being hypnotized the first time. I remember Mistress Catherine bringing a slave up on stage and challenging her to resist hypnosis. Then she had started the induction. I remembered how powerful and captivating Mistress Catherine seemed, and something about the situation was turning me on, but this whole place, full of mistresses and slaves had been so erotic that I was pretty turned on to begin with. But I don't remember at what point I fell prey to the induction....

2 years ago
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Submission in Progress

He has been my virtual Dom for a while now. We met in a glorified chat world with porn star avatars. Through these interactions and some voice and cam sex, he has come to control everything. He tells me when to eat, determines where I can go, how to act and what to wear. He lives thousands of miles away, but He marks my body nearly everyday. I am His canvas, His muse. He demands twenty spanks on the right ass cheek, I inflict the contact at his command. His voice, my hand, his marks. My body is...

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Motherly sisterly love pt 1

A fictional story with a touch of reality thrown in.I was a typical lad of 13yrs old you know getting taller,hair underarms,hard-ons and of cause something I wasn't bad at wanking, along with sport and hanging out with the guys at school. I had 2 sisters older than me Chelsea 16 and Mandy 18, they where no fun as all they where into was clothes and make up.My parents where ok dad was a bit modern and mum was well cool always wearing the latest fashions, right thats a bit about my family let the...

2 years ago
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Squirted Coco Lovelock Squirter Coco Gets Spanked

Tiny blonde Coco Lovelock is horny as hell and down for anything, as she demonstrates by aggressively sucking Toni Ribas’s thumb, then teasing him by playing with her cute little tits and turning around to show him her round booty in her pink thong. Coco is ready to cum almost as soon as she starts rubbing her pussy, so Toni makes her close her eyes and put her hands behind her back as he sticks his cock in her face and lets her suck it. Coco asks for it harder as Toni spanks her ass,...

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Khusboo Sabki Dulari 8211 Part II

By : Rajani_sharma Ek din mein table per apni tange failkar baithi thi aur madam mere skirt ke andar mera choot chaat rahi thi ke achanak principal sahab andar aagaye aur hume range hatho pakad liya aage ki story aap logo ke comments ke baad. Hum intne josh mein they ki pata hi nahi chala principal sir kab aaye. Thodi der baad meri aankh khuli aur nazar seedhe principal per mere hosh udh gaye aur maine jhatke se anpni taange khich lee madam tilmila gayi aur poocha kya hua khusboo aur meri...

3 years ago
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Marta and Robert

Dr. Robert Van Clef felt out of place here. The crowd was mainly twenty and thirty-something's and the music was not that of his generation. He might have left right after the ceremony, but he had invested almost an hour driving out to this country mansion. Of course he was happy for Dawn, a younger colleague from the hospital, but there were many things about the wedding besides the location of the reception that puzzled him. First was the man Dawn had chosen to marry, and so suddenly. Until...

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Quickie With Friend8217s Sister Priya

Hi everyone this is Nakul again with one of my real experience. I would like to share my recent incident with all of you. This happened at my friend’s marriage. We were friends for more than 10 years. So I am very close to all of his family members. He has many cousin sisters and one of them is Priya. She is good in shape but not that good looking. She got married a year back; she seems to be very happy with her married life. Her stats are 34-34-36. Nice structure and fair looking. She always...

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BangBros18 Lily Rader Takes on an Enormous Cock

Lily Rader has a fascination with a certain Russian actor. So we decided to get her the next best thing. We called up Vlad and put her up to the challenge. We surprised Lily by delivering to her the biggest cock she has ever seen. At first she struggled to with this monstrous Russian cock but little by little her tiny pussy stretched to let more and more of it in. Lily’s pussy was stretched further than ever before. Vlad’s enormous cock penetrated her pussy in several different positions before...

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Sorry its Lesbian Law I dont do Men

Tanya knocked on the door, waiting for Erica to answer. She had butterflies in her stomach as she heard the footsteps coming closer to the door. She wasn't sure if she could, or should continue with the thing she had come here for. Erica was a lesbian, and Tanya had come here for sex.Erica had been working with Rick for six weeks. He suspected she was at least bisexual, if not fully lesbian. Her mannerisms were "Boy's Club" professional, almost to the point of masculine, despite her physical...

4 years ago
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Erikas Adventures part five Im Waynes girl now

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...

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Reddit Lactation, aka r/Lactation! Alright, guys, not going to lie, this is a weird one for me. I know damn well that there’s a fetish for pretty much anything out there. So, when I heard that there is a sub called /r/lactation and it’s a NSFW sub, I just knew that I was in for some weird shit. If you’re into this stuff, then I would probably consider you a weirdo. But even weirdos are welcome to, so I won’t leave you hanging! Welcome to /r/lactation, the best community on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Airgasms Before Orgasms

"Hey, Sis. How's your love life?" Toni plunks her coffee down on the table and moves my jacket from the other chair before sitting down. I close my book and take the jacket and hang it on the chair back behind me, catching sight of the back of a guy with sun bleached brown hair, a little shaggy, but not overly long. He's wearing a nice dress shirt. He's got a nice back, with broad shoulders narrowing toward a waist that's blocked by the back of the cafe chair. "It still sucks. You know I can't...

Love Stories
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Aphrodisiac Room

Being kidnapped wasn't the strange part. The strange part was where I woke up. I woke up on a couch in front of a tv that didn't seem to work. The apartment had no windows. It had no doors. The kitchen was fully accessorized. The fridge and cupboards were fully stalked. The living room had a couch and TV, but not much else. There was one bedroom with a large king-size mattress. It was minimalist in design, but still somewhat stylish. I searched every nook and cranny and tried to find some...

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You embarrased mebut thank you

This has truly happened to me twice, once with a black girl in Atlanta and once with a white girl in Fayetteville, NC. First was Fayetteville in a hotel bar on Bragg Blvd. Had a few drinks and am on the floor with a cute blond for a slow dance. My partner starts to mould her body against me so that I can feel her pubic bone pressing against my dick. I get rock hard quickly as we dance and she is grinding herself against me. I remember that the floor sort of cleared off of other dancers. I guess...

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MommysBoy Natasha Nice To Those Who Wait

Natasha Nice is approached by her stepson, Alex Mack, who demands steak for dinner. Natasha already bought something else for dinner but she immediately caves anyway, saying she’ll go back to the grocery store to get steak. This pleases Alex, who flirtily says that he’ll have Natasha for dessert, and he leaves the room. Natasha realizes that she’s spoiling him way too much, giving him whatever he wants – including her pussy. She resolves to teach him a lesson about...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 42 To The Territory

Saturday Week 17 Jill was up first, making breakfast for them as soon as she had used the ensuite. She was cooking bacon and eggs, so had put an apron on in case of fat spitting out of the pan, which could be quite painful on her bare skin, especially her breasts, she realised. Dave as usual dressed, as he wasn't keen on sitting around naked in the morning, and, in any event, he had to go outside to pack up, load the car on the trailer and generally get ready to leave. But he was always...

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Melindas Prom Night

This is the story of how I became sexually involved with my two older brothers, Jerry and Gary. My name is Melinda -- naturally everyone calls me Mel. My brothers are identical twins, eleven months older than I am. The big joke in the family is that for three weeks every year we are all the same age. Naturally, growing up so close in age to them, I was quite the tomboy. Always ready to play ball or whatever else my brothers wanted to do. Whatever my brothers did, I tried to top it. If they...

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Anjan Bhabhi Bani PartTime Wife

Hi friends I am piyush hu or gurgaon haryana se hu. Or main apne sex experiences aap sab k sath share karne vala hu . Har bar ki ek nai story banakar. To jyada batein na karte hue main aap logo ko apna manpasand sex experience bata rha hu . Ye baat tab ki hai jab main karnal (haryana) mein rehta tha or meri gf delhi job karne lagi thi uska naam shalini tha vo ek mnc mein job karti hai. Main kai baar usse milne gaya or uske sath uske flat mein rehta tha or use full chodta tha. Ye kahani uske...

1 year ago
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The Teachers New Pet Part 2

100% fiction! I was sat on my bed at home all alone one evening, listening to some music and finishing an assignment for school. It was a cold winter evening, and my parents had gone away for a week. I calmly typed at my computer when my phone buzzed, making me jump. I hesitantly reached for it, opening it carefully. The bright screen read "1 New Message: master". I smiled to myself, knowing what the message would read. "whore, be here in an hour. You know what I want you to wear". I wasted no...

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When I was growing up,in the Midwest I fantasised a lot and often imagined I was a young Indian brave. As my parents both worked on days I Wasn,t in school I could more or less do what I wanted in the house and usually did. I found it a real turn-on to just wear a make shift loin cloth which made it dead easy to jerk off and in those days I could cum quite a few times. Gradually I grew bolder and did some exhibtionism standing in our huge picture window, even venturing out into the back garden....

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My Asian Neighbor Experience Doubled

Chloe was my outgoing and vivacious neighbor, and newfound sex partner, who just happened to live right across the hallway from where I resided in a third-floor apartment, here in Dallas. Chloe worked as a secretary in a property management company and I worked as a property management supervisor for a competing company. Our initial hook up was rather serendipitous (you’ll have to go back and read about it). Over the course of several weeks, our mutual admiration for each other grew and we...

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Young Betsy

In the fall of 1996, computer program software was exploding, and, as a freelance code chopper, I was raking in the bucks. So I was hard at it when 13-year-old Betsy walked in and cheerfully announced. “I just had my period, Daddy.” “Uh, aha, um, well… right. Did you use the stuff we bought?” “Of course; I’m not mentally challenged.” She grinned all over her plump, pretty face. “You know what this means, Daddy? Now we can really do it!” Oh boy. To be plain about it, my...

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Shiny Faces

It was time for my shiny face. That's what Mrs. Elgin called it. And not just mine, but everyone's. We were salesmen, the bunch of us, boys and girls. Some of us were as young as five and some as old as fifteen, and even one boy who was sixteen. He was the old man in our midst. Most of us were between 8 and 13, but we were older than that really. Being an orphan is like that. It makes you old really fast, cynical and realistic. Even the little kids knew that every day that passed in the...

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My Sexy Neighbors My Fantasy

This is my first story, I have lots more in my head, I love reading erotica and will work hard to make my stories better and better, thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think?       There was a sexy white woman, she seemed to be in later forties, that lived down the hall from me, she also had a sexy daughter that was about 19yrs old. I use to see them in the elevator, both blond always smiling and both fine as hell. I would say the customary good morning and smile, I would watch...

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Die Entfhrung und Vergewaltigung der Kerstin H

Sie hatte es definitiv überreizt. Nicht nur, dass sie in engen Jeans oder Leggins mit halbnacktem Oberkörper den Rasen auf dem Nachbargrundstück und im öffentlich zugänglichen Parkgelände zu mähen pflegte, nein, nun hatte sie ihn auch noch verspottet und beleidigt. Und das alles bloß, weil er sich wegen des Rasenmählärms bereits in den frühen Morgenstunden bei ihr beschwert hatte. Zuerst wollte er sie bei der Polizei anzeigen, doch dann kam ihm eine viel bessere Idee, die ihm obendrein...

3 years ago
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The Half LilinChapter 9

It was a demon! A demon was sitting with her legs stretched out on my couch, watching a rerun of The Simpsons on my tube! A demon that looked just like me, save that her wings were more reddish in colour and her horns curved down and forward instead of swirling to the sides like mine. She also had hair that appeared to be long and blonde, unlike mine, not to mention the fact she was also smaller than me, and—sad as I was to admit it—cuter than me in my lilin form... I was staring agape from...

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LongshotChapter 10

20 YAL At first our mother’s departure felt much like the trips she had taken in the past when Zuri and I were children. But as the days of her absence continued, we realised that she wasn’t coming back. “Daddy?” Ananya’s high voice piped above my head as she swayed side to side on my shoulders. “Yes, sweetheart?” “How many stars are there?” My eldest daughter – Ananya had emerged into the world two minutes before her sister – had recently become obsessed with counting and numbers....

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Return From The Dark SideChapter 20 Tammy

Things went smoothly on the next morning. Henry was able to retain a local solicitor and before noon, Chien-Mei had signed over the custody rights to Henry. Tammy was thus formally given into her father's care. Henry had also called his family practitioner, Dr. Lewis, who promised to look into possibilities to accommodate Chien-Mei in a care facility in the vicinity of Maidenhead. Chien-Mei's current physician, Dr. Rasgupta, promised to call Dr. Lewis and to fill him in on Chien-Mei's...

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Persephone In WinterChapter 5

He woke slowly, first to the constant hiss and sizzle, then to the familiar smell of bacon, teasing him from his sleep with a hint of a perfect breakfast made just as she knew he would want it. Sleep had finally come to him sometime early in the morning, but the lack of it hung about him as he lifted his legs over the side of the bed and stood to face the day. She had drawn the blinds so he could sleep late, and waited until mid-morning to start his breakfast. He would shower first, buying...

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Model seduction

I'm Lara. My husband, Tom, is a photographer for a fashion magazine. On the odd occasion, a model will stay with us. I never really minded until he brought home Sarah. I wasn’t afraid he would be unfaithful, that was never the issue, however, I found myself having new, strange feelings. She was around six foot and weighed no more than 120 pounds with small, perky breasts. She kept her red hair in a pony tail and had these green eyes I couldn’t help but get lost in. I was only an inch or two...

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For Money or MayhemChapter 15 The Gamersquos Afoot

I don’t suppose there is a hacker alive who hasn’t spent time in the gaming world. Probably a lot of time. Gaming keeps us sharp and we develop long-term attachments and respect for each other. Back in the good old days, online gaming was limited to Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) where the gamer entered character attributes, then chose what to do in the world that evolved. It was nearly all text-based. But just reading those lines—turn right, take two steps, strike, run—were enough to put real...

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Julias Absturz

Julia ist nicht sonderlich groß ganz im Gegensatz zu ihren Brüsten. In engen Tops liebt sie die Blicke der Jungs und wenn sie an ihnen vor bei geht weiß sie genau, dass die pubertären Kerle auf ihren perfekten Po starren. Die 18 Jährige Liebt Partys hat aber dennoch gute Noten und ist alles in allem sehr beliebt. Ihr hellbraunes Haar, die sonnengebräunte Haut und die blauen Augen harmonierten Perfekt. Bis ihr Leben irgendwann beginnt sich zu verändern. Julia hatte heute Sport in der letzten...

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Blowjob Guide

I am a 33 year bisexual man. I have gotten many blowjobs from men and women alike and I have given many blowjobs. I am writing this to help both men and woman to understand the art of pleasuring a man's penis orally. Sucking a man to orgasm can be great for him and just as exciting for you. I am going to give you some helpful information and even share some of my stories that can help you improve your oral skills.OrgasmsMen love to cum but that is no secret. Men basically have three types of...

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