smokeSCREEN bookpHOR
- 2 years ago
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smokeSCREEN bookFOUR : THEbecoming
Note from the Author:
bookFOUR is running long, and so I’ve broken it into large segments. I had planned to submit them all at once, but that plan’s gang a’gley.
[knocks on metal] I know this is going to give me a continuity nightmare, but here goes.
I hope you enjoy it.
part i
* * *
* * *
manic depression is / torching my soul / i know what i want but i / just don’t know / how to go about getting it // feeling, sweet feeling / drops from my fingers, fingers / manic depression // has captured my soul.
* * *
* * *
I didn’t dream last night. I’m smiling as I walk along.
The first few days after I met Cat, I didn’t dream once. As the weeks wore on and I moved to the Tower, it seemed more and more curious to me. That they would just stop.
But they’ve stopped and stayed away – so I’m smiling as I walk along.
Prior to the end of the world, the forest was confined to Assiniboine – the center of the city, branching out from the park. Sure, every suburb was lined with elm trees, but the rest of it was all paved. Prior to the war, of course.
Everything’s like that in your head,
You lived two lives. One before the war.
And this one.
And who you are now is not what you hoped you’d be.
I sigh. But I’m twenty.
You’re supposed to have an identity crisis around now – right?
Just like our big scar of a city. Sometimes I swear to God it’s a city but nothing but.
Prior to the end of the world, I woulda’ swore to it.
But now it’s more forest than anything. The thick trees stretch from downtown, through Wolosley, parts of the West End, all of Assiniboine, half of Charleswood, most of Saint James, half of Weswtood.
As I crunch through the few leaves that have been bold enough to fall this early, I suddenly wonder if it’s best to travel through the forest.
Sure, it’s less visible, but…
I mantle up a tree and lean out, peering at the dark horizon. A good ninety minutes until sunrise, yet. I drop to the ground and proceed for a while – and I think of Crow.
I stop.
Should I start calling her Beth?
Beth – Crow – wants me to lead us. All of us, I think. The men of Westwood, the women of the Tower, living happily together.
Pfft – I don’t think so. I light a cigarette.
One lie less thirteen years ago, and all of this could have been averted. All of this.
It occurs to me as I walk, that this is the first time I’ve been on my own in a long time. Perhaps I’ve become dependent on the close companionship offered by Tower society. Less reliant on myself. My brow creases.
Phoebe’s had me stuck indoors, behind a desk for two goddamn weeks. Weeks I could have spent with my Floor. The leaders, always becoming twisted by power, always leading astray.
I push Phoebe out of my head and turn to brighter thoughts.
I wonder if Sophie’s wearing my discman right now. If she’s got one earphone hanging loosely as she walks beside Cat. Cat, who is following Crow, who is following Lisa and Michelle.
And yeah, I miss them. I wouldn’t mind glancing south to discover Michelle, grinning back at me from behind an elm tree.
Maybe I am getting soft.
Long while till sunrise, yet. Crow should have gotten back to the Tower a few minutes ago. She’ll be on her way to the Forks by now with the others. Frankly, once the Forks are taken, Floor Thirteen will have a pretty cushy assignment for a while. If I make it back from the old ones’ assault on Westwood, I’ll be more than happy to join them.
* * *
‘In the cool of the evenin’, when everything is getting’ kinda’ groo-veyyy…. I call you up and ask you, would you like to go with me and see a mooo-veyyyy…first you say no, you got some plans for tonight, and then you stop. And say alll-ri-hiiight…’
I like to think I have a decent singing voice. I carry the tune as I mantle up the nearest tree and squint east.
‘Life is kinda’ crazy with a spooky little girl like you….’
Sun’ll be up soon.
I plop to the ground and head north. I should have left earlier.
I’m missing my discman, now.
I’m missing everything about being back at the Tower. I light a smoke.
I’m running low on smokes.
I stop and remember what I’m doing here. In my recently discovered weakness of character, I leaked key Westwood secrets to the leader of the Tower, who subsequently gave an army of radiation-soaked old ones from the States all they need to bring down my old crew at Westwood Right.
I start up a light jog. Sun’ll be up soon.
Westwood’s not gonna’ fall on account of my weakness of character.
But now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I look to my cigarette.
I stomp it out and continue my jog north.
And now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I mantle up the nearest tree and stare west.
‘Fffffuck…’ I scan the horizon. The whole horizon. ‘….me.’
I smack into the forest floor and start up a mad dash as that sharp-dry smell of smoke rises to more than a hint.
I’ll get out somehow.
* * *
* * *
woke up this morning / all that love had gone / your papa never told you about right and wrong /but you’re // one in a million // ’cause you got that / shotgun shine / born under a bad sign / you got a blue moon in your eye
* * *
* * *
Getting out of a city-wide, burning forest from the very center is harder than it sounds.
For one – I’m primarily special ops – I’m never running around in the woods with the grunts. For two – the place is very quickly becoming nothing but a big grey blur.
In my mad dash, I’ve fallen twice and only just now coughed up, I believe, half a lung. The left one.
I am going north. I’m sure of that – I can still make out the glow of sunrise through the thinning trees.
So much fucking smoke… I can pass out later.
Just run.
…shit. Where’s the sun again?
I can’t see anythng. But out of the mists come a dog. A wolf – huge and black. Nearby flames dance in its eyes as it says,
Ow. …that hurt.
GET UP, the wolf tells me.
And I’m so tired…
The wolf is barking now.
run or you’ll die, Om
we have to live
I can pass out later. I’m not dashing – more stumbling. But I’m almost there the trees are thinning – and now there is nothing. Nothing. I’m falling into space.
But the air is fresh. I’m tumbling.
And in a mighty splash of freezing water, I am jolted awake.
The Red is a very fast river – best to catch my breath and just move on.
I check the staff – still strapped to my back – and proceed to swim across the river to the north bank, taking it slow – getting my breath back.
Unfortunately, it sweeps me five hundred or so yards back east, and by the time I get to the other side I’m quite prepared to pass out again. As I lay on the north bank, staring up at the looming veil of smoke that whips overhead, I realize the futility of defending Westwood – the entire city will be dark as midnight in two hours, at this rate. Westwood is in the middle of this forest – and they’re burning it all.
They’re destroying our forest. They’re destroying our city.
Even if those poor souls inside Westwood manage to survive the smoke and heat that close to the fire – the artificial night provided by the smoke, and the limited battery power of the spotlights spell one thing – Westwood will fall by midnight tonight.
I’ll g
et there around noon – I’m going further north to get away from the heat. I hear shouts from deep in the forest. Now the flames are washing across the dry trees like waves on a floating ocean. Westwood, Tower or old, they’re not getting out alive.
A lonesome howl sounds out above the deafening crackle of trees and dry leaves.
* * *
‘When one is making an omlette, one must break a few eggs.’
My armband serves as a satisyfing mask, but my sunglasses do a mediocre job of keeping the smoke out my eyes. I should have goggles.
‘But twelve men, Brie…’
‘Eight men,’ the woman sharply corrects. ‘Four women.’
‘You risk too much.’
‘I’ll decide what’s too much. Westwood is the first step, Mickey. They’re ripe.’
Kneeling outside this particular window in west Saint James, I discovered I was actually listening to a conversation between two old ones. From the sounds of it, two important ones. Perhaps I could strike a fatal blow, here and now.
‘Is the gatling gun ready?’
‘Yeah, I got it right here…’
Perhaps not.
‘Are you sure you can carry it without tiring too quickly?’
‘Don’t worry about me – just make sure you’re back at the camp before the attack.’
‘I’ll be there by ten.’
‘The attack starts at nine.’
‘My counsel may be required – I’ll attend the opening minutes,’ Brie says firmly. I still haven’t dared look, to match a face to the name.
‘No,’ Mickey starts, but a resounding slap echoes off the walls. ‘Pardon me,’ he says now. ‘I’ll make sure the hearse is fully prepared.’
‘Good – and make sure the wagons are set on Portage – I’ll have no mistakes.’
Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Got it.
I dash off into the smoke towards Westwood. Perhaps I can still make it by nightfall.
* * *
Once I’m past the Moray bridge, the breathing is easier and the smoke has begun to clear. I consider that the fire may spread to the old one’s precious South End, but from this distance I realize what they’ve done – they’ve destroyed the only unihabited strip of the city. The rivers come in from the west and southwest and meet at the Forks downtown, south of the Tower. The smoke has blackened the sky, but Westwood has not been touched by the fire.
The attack will come at nine.
* * *
Strolling up to Westwood, I’ve seen no sentries. No guard patrols. The sky is still dark, but breathing is not uncomfortable. Not a sniff of the old ones. It’s only eight-thirty. I still have time to warn them.
The gates are locked, and no one is attending them. I stroll around the length of the walls before finally just climbing a nearby elm tree and dropping onto the battlement.
Everything is still as the dead.
Westwood is tidied, and clean, and empty.
I drop down to the courtyard and run up to the school doors. They’re locked, but I break them open and proceed straight to the band room.
‘Jessie! Guys?’
What the fuck?
Scanning the band room, all I find is a bar stool with a tape recorder. Pressing play, the message I hear is this,
Greetings, dirty-ass bitch, or loyal Westwood solider.
If you’re hearing this, we have gone to plan B.
And whatever you did to drive us out, sluts, we will revisit upon you ten-
I smash it under my boot. I smash it again. Again. Again. Again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The backup bike… the backup bike…
I explode throught he band room doors and race down the hall, whipping around a corner and skidding past the gym. Doubling back, I barrel across the hardwood floors and into the storeroom, tripping on the doorframe as I do.
Thank God they didn’t take it.
* * *
I grip the handles and roll the superbike out the service doors and down onto the sidewalk just inside the courtyard walls.
Rolling it up to the parking lot, I can hear the old ones approaching. Why hadn’t Westwood at least tried to fight?
I wasn’t expecting to be taking on the entire old one army alone, but I’m needed at the Forks. The old ones can just wait.
Rolling the bike silently to the back of the parking lot, I check my watch – one to nine.
I start the bike. I’m a hundred yards from the gates – and even that seems too close.
Something very loud is rolling up now – I can’t imagine what it could be. At least, I’ve never heard anything like it.
I check my watch.
I light a smoke.
Some voices.
That very loud thing is rolling again. I lean forward on the handlebars of the Dukati and narrow my eyes at the gate.
In what is more a shockwave of auditory information than, per se, a sound, the gate is blown from its hinges. Five tons of welded steel rockets from the outer wall, spinning towards me. I have time enough to pull a stupid-looking face just in before it screams over head, and tears the top off an elm tree.
As the smoke at the empty space where the gates once stood clears, I’m treated to the source of the unusual noise.
My head begins running what I call ‘potentials’. Potential routes of escape are X-ed out in my head. X. X. X. X. X. What if…? X…
With all the doors locked and a forty-ton tank in the front gate, my options have become somewhat limited. I’ll give the old ones this – they do have the capacity for original thought and effective execution.
The tank rumbles forward a few feet, but the cannon does not retrain its sights. Behind this tyrannosaur of steel are at least ten other vehicles of various more conventional design, and at least sixy old ones accopanying.
My brow creases. There’s no way I came out here for nothing, only to be killed.
‘Fuck that!’ I bark across the parking lot.
The tank opens, and the man with the leather mask rises out. He pulls up a megaphone and calls into it,
‘Repeat your last statement, or be fired upon.’ Hm. It’s Mickey – the poor whipped bastard.
‘Why?’ I yell. ‘Did you not get it?’
‘No,’ the voice booms across the compound.
‘I said – FUCK. THAT!!! You’re coming in here with a TANK!! Are you INSANE?!’
Mickey drops his megaphone and calls behind him. It’s not really audible from this distance, but the megaphone still picks some of it up.
‘…would someone go kill that little shit?’
Oh, thank God. That’s right boys, come for me one on one. I gun the engine and rip through the parking lot, into the front doors and deep into the school, parking it in a stairwell at the rear of the building for quick access later. I dash to the basement and hit the breakers. Most of these fuckers only have one eye, anyway. If they want me, they’ll have to come in. Tight, enclosed spaces.
I can do this.
* * *
* * *
i beat my machine / it’s a part of me / it’s inside of me // i’m stuck in this dream / it’s changing me / i am becoming
the me that you know // he had some second thoughts //
he’s covered with scabs // he is broken and sore // the me that you know he // doesn’t come around much // that part of me isn’t here anymore
* * *
* * *
I can hear muffled, distant voices – they’re a good distance away, still. Outside probably. I have to think ahead. I have to plan ahead. What do I need? What will I need?
I sneak through the upper hallway, pressing to the walls. Most of the windows are blocked up, but someone could still see me breaking a shadow somewhere.
Locker 329… 330… 331…
Footsteps behind me. He’s big. And he’s running. I don’t turn yet.
332… Ah. 333.
As I move to grab the locker, I turn my profile to him. Only about ten feet away, and coming fast.
I hate to make the noise, but
I open the locker door into his face. It crashes into the bridge of his nose, ribcage and yes, I think groin, and is far too loud. He sputters and begins to fall back, but it’s too late – I’ve already slashed him from groin to sternum, and he’s now finding it very hard to breath – his lungs have collapsed.
I snatch a particular plastic baggie out of the locker, along with two old SOCOM pistols with silencers and about four clips. I peer into one tiny drawer. No. Then another. And another. Who took my key? Shit.
More footsteps.
The sound of someone drawing up a large-calibre firearm. A rifle of some sort.
I quickly spin and pull up a SOCOM. He fires first – a round that clips my torso as I dodge away from the lockers. I narrow my eyes and squeeze off two rounds – both hit him cleanly in the chest, just up and to the left.
He dies more slowly – sputtering for life as I quickly return to my search. I remind myself to be systematic as I peer into the dark locker, gripping the wound at my side. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Two rounds from the SOCOM – another old one falls on top of his rifleman friend down the hall. No. No. Nononononono. No. No. FUCK.
I think for a moment, dip two fingers under the laces of my boot, and remove a small silver key. Goddamnit.
I head for a particularly dark stairwell.
Pressing myself into the deepest shadow I can find, I pull out the plastic baggie and open it, licking the tip of my pinkie. I dip my pinkie into the bag and encrust it with powder, close the bag, close my eyes, and slip the pinkie under my tongue.
It’s been too long. It’s too intense.
It’s way too intense. It’s not safe. I begin shaking. Spasming. I may be making noise, but I’m not aware of it. My heart is screaming, thrashing against my ribcage. It hurts. It really hurts.
I’m going to die. I can’t see. I can’t see anything. I can’t hear anything. But it hurts. It’s killing me. I’ve accomplished nothing.
And now it’s less. And now it’s less.
And I can control my breathing. And it’s okay. And I’m okay. It’s all okay. It’s all okay. My system just isn’t used to it after all those weeks at the Tower. But I’m okay. It’s okay.
I stand and pull out the sword – footsteps. From where?
My hearing is still bunged up.
It’s a woman, bounding down the stairs. She points an uzi at me, but I take her hand at the wrist and whip up a SOCOM, putting a bullet through her eye into the brick wall behind her. First her shoulders hang loose, then the eyes roll back in her head. The mouth gapes slack, and the shell gives up on effort as gravity does the rest.
Hm. An uzi. …no.
Down to the basement floor. Absolute darkness. Unless…
‘Dick – turn on your flashlight.’
Fuuuuck. This isn’t getting any better. I kneel and peek my head around the corner – it looks like they came in the same way I did, and now they’re checking in the opposite direction. I quickly get rid of my boots.
It’s two of them – slinking through a concrete section of hallway that’s about four feet wide.
‘Dick – stop.’ Dick’s the one in the white undershirt with the two uzis. He whips around and pulls up his flashlight, but I’m pressed into a doorway. This won’t work at all. I look up.
They’re coming up to the generator. It’s still running – I think they’re looking for the breakers. The generator’s pretty loud. This will do.
‘Find the panel,’ the one who isn’t Dick says. He turns the corner and I drop from the overhead pipes, drawing up the sword. As Dick turns I keep the sword at his throat and rush in to grab him by the shoulder. The other one bangs around in the power room, searching obvlivious. Dick opens his mouth to call out, but the tip of the blade peirces his throat, slips through his windpipe and just misses completely breaching a section of neckbone. And Dick discovers he cannot call out. He cannot breathe. And things are growing dark.
Holding him up by the steel lodged in his neck, I draw him back into the shadows with me.
‘Dick! Where the fuck are you?’
The other one whips around the corner and stares into the blackness.
‘If you’re gonna’ be a lazy ass, at least go tell Brie he’s already killed one of us! This ain’t worth it, man.’
And he stares into the blackness.
‘Dick? Stop fuckin’ around.’
Hm. He’s scared – he’ll react quicker. Leaning out of the overhead pipes, I grip the sword.
I swing the blade down and it slices half his skull cleanly off. He takes another half-step, twitches and falls. I hit the ground behind him, snatch up his flashlight and run back to the boiler room.
Holding the flashlight in my mouth, I slip the small siver key long forgotten from my boot into the iron locker. It sits, unsuspicious, at the very back of the uncomfortably warm boiler room. Repaired, the circuits retested every two seasons, the small door swings open to reveal the failsafe panel. I punch in the seven-digit code, 222-2222. Jessie never was particularly imaginative – it’s the phone number of his favorite pizza place from when we were kids.
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IncestHe was shocked. As much as he confessed not to be, I could tell what I had said had taken him aback. “You’re repulsed.” “No, no …” he stammered. I turned away from him. I just told him my deepest darkest secret and even though he attested to having “heard it all”, I knew my confession had him mentally spinning. And Nolan doesn’t suspect …” “No. He suspects nothing.” I sat up and grabbed the pillow next to me, clenching it in front of me like it was a shield and I was going into battle.
Chapter One Vilkas and Jahel walked cloaked in snow and shadow up to the fort that was lit by torches on the walls.They were crouched down in the snow waiting and watching the Silver-Hand on the walls.The ones guarding the walls weren't really paying attention to the outside of their fort while they went on their way. The two started to move into the snow their bodies were pressed side to side for warmth as the wolves moved forward.They had been following the scent in wolf form letting the...
Tiffany has been wanting to end things with her boyfriend for a few months now, but it’s like he has a sixth sense – he has showered her with gifts to keep her happy – and it has worked. His latest gift is a trip to Greece – she has always wanted to visit, and it’s only one more week. With her boyfriend keeping close by at all times, she has been flirting with the waiter at the resort and over her time there, the tension has grown to be practically unbearable. So...
xmoviesforyouAliceI walk into the opulent hotel. Golden walls glow at me. The Olympus is known for it's clientele and their lavish lifestyle. I wasn't sure that I belonged there. I walk over to the shiny elevator doors. My reflection stares back at me.I am dressed in a thin white sheath dress with a shear lace light blue overlay. My breasts push against the material. My straight blond hair falls down to the middle of my back. The black Mary Jane's I am wearing have a slight heel. My legs look long and lean...
The noise from next door was familiar and predictable, Jill was having yet another argument with her daughter Becky. I was looking out of my bedroom window when the door slammed and from my viewpoint across their garden I saw the recalcitrant teenager storm off up the path. She was a pretty girl with long blonde hair and looking stylish in a pink zip-up jumper with a sort of hood and tight blue jeans. They were expensive, with a fancy pattern embroidered on each back pocket, given to her just a...
Note to the reader: This essay is mainly directed toward Literotica readers who also share the Judeo-Christian world view. It may not make sense to anyone else. The following, to me, is not fiction, it is reality. Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukkah to all true believers. This season is about the mighty acts of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the great ‘I Am’ who has been called by many names, YHWH, Jehovah, the Most High God, the Lord of Heaven and Earth and many more. It is He...
God I was glad to be home, a two-hour train nightmare. Every stop from Liverpool Street London on the 6pm slow train to the dreary little Essex village that was the only place I could afford to rent a studio flat. My only consolation was the bag of goodies I brought in my lunchtime and the anticipation that tomorrow was Friday and my big night in with my mysterious blind date. I had been living in my little studio flat for about a year and I have to admit, after a string of disastrous...
Hello Everyone. This is the continuation of my previous story of a married MILF. This experience of mine received an overwhelming response from married ladies residing in the USA. It seems to have struck a chord with many married women. They are deprived of the pleasures of sex in their marriage and afraid to experiment due to social norms. I am a firm believer in not succumbing to the restrictions of social norms. Anyway, let me continue my experience with Aditi. If you have not read the...
Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for his appointment by design: it gave him time to make a small detour. At the narrow entrance to Auergasse he paused briefly. The door to Number Seventeen was hidden from view beyond a shallow bend. Ten years ago, when his tour of duty ended, it had been painted dark...
For those of u who haven't read my previous stories allow me to give u a quick summary...I live in a house with two roommates "one male and one female"I have only recently started with sexual experimentation which led to my situation where my female roommate became my mistress and have watched my girlfriend have sex with another guy once before this story which I never considered cheating since it was a one time experience that included me and my mistress.This is a story about how my girlfriend...
Sandy“I left some money in the drawer and don’t forget to take your medicine,” said my mother before getting into the car.“I promise. You guys have fun,” I said ending in a yet another fake cough.My father looked at me and said, “Are you sure you will be okay? We can stay if you want us to?”“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Get going you two and say hi to Richard and Emma.”I watched the car drive down the street and as it turned the corner I ran back into the house. “Yes!” I shouted to no one as the door...
MatureI was in the ninth grade in high school when it happened. I was sitting right behind the girl I liked. She had nice brown hair and a lovely face. And a very hot body for a fifteen year old. There was something very dirty about the look in her eyes and especially while she was looking at me. I was suprised at first because she and I didn't get along very well. But as the time went by she started doing very questionable things. This one time while I was up on a chair fixing a sign for the...
Night and The City Love the Italian fashions of the 40's and 50's, waist defining belts, flattering hemlines above the knee so full with fascinating printwork. Starting with some concealer by a top studio name, I applied to my newly shaven face beige powder and blush, then dramatic eyebrows in a noir color, arched over my newly mascara'd lashes. Brushing back my hair I just had to have that dark berry colored lip stick, clearly defining the timeless fashion I am so...
I lived close to the beach and suddenly I decided to shut things down at work. What wouldn't I give to meet my favorite ex-boyfriend!! Well, if wishes were horses... I -or rather we... would have had a good long ride!! As I locked up, I decided to stroll a little on the beach to unwind, before getting to bed. I really needed to cool off!. I was quite exhausted and really needed to get things off my mind. Well, in this frame of mind and downright horny by now, I set out for the walk. As...
My names is Jordan and I am 18 years old and I am currently a senior in high school. I am about 5'8" and about 145 lbs, although im somewhat skinny I am considered to be cut and very strong for someone my weight. I also play 3 sports, football, wrestling, and track. Life these days have been a shit load better than it has in the past. As I am laying down in my bed with a girl next to me, I stare out of the window watching the sun rising and I wonder, how did we end up on the same...
This goes back many years but even with that it still burns in my memory. For reason unknown I was extremely horny, I think we all get that from time to time. My husband was at work so before his expected return I took our baby to my mom's asking her to sit as we went to dinner. Getting back and with time much shorter I jumped in the shower not bothering to get dressed. I waited with a creamy pussy for my hubbies return. When he did I was on him like white on rice, I could feel his approval up...
‘P-Dommmm! P-Dommmm!’ The lasers of the Imperial Star Destroyer slammed into the small Rebel ship with unceasing accuracy. “Take that, you Rebel scum!” screamed one of my fellow Stormtroopers as the shields of the Rebel ship were visibly seen to buckle and fail. Everyone from my squad was at the windows watching the battle. All that nonsense about Imperial stoicism is baloney. Most of us were cheering and whooping with delight as we kicked Rebel butt. ‘P-too! P-too!’ came the Rebel return...
It has been a long time since I wrote the second part of my sex story_ An orgy in the hills. Enjoy a new story now. Raj was a middle aged man who had completed his 50th year recently. He was a widower, having lost his wife and son in an accident recently. Slowly but steadily, he was coming back to normal life. He loved his wife a lot and missed her. But what he missed more was the sex between them. They had had some pretty wild times together. Threesomes and swapping were very common in their...
IncestMiss Appleton was not seen for several days and the substitute teacher was not nearly as pretty as she. Tim and Bennie began to grow restless. Perhaps something had gone wrong with the formula. Perhaps Miss Appleton was seriously ill. They knew that she would have had no recurrent action from the formula, not after the last one, the drug working itself away after a period of roughly twenty-four hours. It was difficult to decide what to do, and the boys finally asked Mr. Boyse after chemistry...
I screamed at the top of my lungs, I sat up looking around. “Thank god it was just a dream.” I mumbled to myself. I sat there for a good while thinking of the dream I just had, it was the same one I had been having for nearly a week. I was standing on a cliff somewhere hot and dry, a desert I think, I looked around and saw a couple of men trying to force a woman to have sex with them. I hated men that did those kind of things. I ran over and knocked them away, I swooped her up in my arms and...
IncestHello, this is my first story. Hope you enjoy. Note that all the characters here above 18 and this story is totally a work of fiction. This story has a total of 4 parts. First of all, let me describe my family. I have a small family consisting of my dad, my mom (Daisy) and me (Klingy). My dad is a muscular man with an ideal man’s outlook. My mom is a 35-year-old lady with perfect buttocks. Her measurements are 34 E-24-38. She has a well-maintained body with big breasts. She looks like a model...
IncestJust a short story I decided to put together based off a post I read a while back having to do with the idea of copulins. If you like it please let me know and contact me before reposting.Cheers!"I have developed my vaginal muscles through kegel exercises for many years. It's easy for me to squeeze my husband's semen back into his scrotum during his orgasm with such force the it causes him pain. At that point any ejaculation he has goes nowhere at all. I'm also able to pump vaginal fluid into...
As a church camp counselor, I am often asked for a lot of advice on a lot of subjects. For the most part, most of the questions I had to deal with were matters of the heart. Since I am a deeply religious person and have been managing church camps for years, nothing really surprises me anymore. I have had church camp participants come to me to confess every sin under the sun.I thought I had heard everything possible until a few weeks back.Amy was the teenage daughter of a church couple I had...
Oral SexThe first part shows how a simple housewife discovers her sexuality at a doctor’s clinic. She gets involved in group sex. Continued. I took her hand and put it on my boobs. Allowing her to fondle my boobs and show as if her punishment is over. Now it’s time to enjoy. Now Manu was freely squeezing my boobs, pinching my nipples. Then she started licking my boobs crazily. Priya tried to come forward. But perhaps she forgot that her pants were down to her knees. So she tumbled and fell on the...
Let me tell you first that this is a true incident which I came across when I was in 11th STD. First let me introduce myself. I am Rajveer. Height 6 ft 2 in. I am fair complexioned with thick muscles and smart looks. This description is of the time when in was 11th, my height may be different now but the looks are still the same. Coming back to the story…As you already know it dates back when I was in 11th. I was new to the school. As usual I was shy, not knowing anyone, not speaking with...
Some days went by after the meeting. Days when I held in my mind her face, her voice, her words, her tone, her assurance, her nuances of expression, the look on her face as she spoke. Days when I was sure that I'd failed, then hopeful I had not.Days when I wished I'd not said what I had, and had said what I hadn't. Days when I cringed at my clueless presumption when I asked for her name.Days of sitting in front of the screen and the keyboard, pressing Refresh in the hope of her answer, then...
FemdomTom and Lynette were talking with their parents that Saturday night, discussing Tom’s breakthrough, after they had returned from Amelia’s house. They had briefly described how Amelia had been able to get Tom to recall his childhood trauma. “I just can’t believe how she knew just what to do,” Lynette said with wonder in her voice. “And that session she did with us was incredible.” “Yeah, darling,” Tom said, “but you know, I recall what you did with me—remember when you tricked me into...
Copyright 2000 - 2004 by, All rights reserved. This is a fictional story involving youth/youth and adult/youth sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely...
Today was just another day, when two people walked in that he didn’t recognize. A beautiful woman, a brunette with B cups, just over 5 foot tall, fair complexion, a beauty to behold. She bounced as she walked, and walked with power and purpose. Next to her, a 6 foot muscle bound meat head with a blank look on his face. They walked up to the counter, where the guy swiped his badge. The computer beeped, showed he could enter, then they started to walk away. Tim sighed, everyone wanted a...
Introduction: First story. Be harsh with your jugdement! ,) Kidding. Be honest. The club was packed tonight. Bodies on top of bodies, gyrating to the beat of music in the heated room. More to the point I was striking out the ladies more than I cared to count. They seemed more stuck up than usual. The last one didnt even let me within 15 inches of her before she walked away. But my douchebag friends that look and dance like the guys from Jersey Shore when drunk had about fifteen girls all vying...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: March 26, 2012) Chapter 9 - Party like a Rock Star The plane rumbled as the landing gear touched down in Missoula. A smile spread across my lips. I'd been waiting all day for this! Even though school...
Let me describe his cock to you. I know I have already, but that was in passing. Let me really describe it to you: it was almost seven inches long, and a little more than an inch thick. He was circumcised. The head was gorgeous: flaring out about a quarter inch from the shaft, it would get swollen with desire when he was hard, and I loved little more than to trace its contours with the tip of my tongue. When he fucked me I could literally feel it pop inside me as he pushed it past my sphincter....
Gay MaleThe color shots came back from the lab two days later and went into the "special file" I kept by the bed. I somehow knew that this girl would be in a very special place in my life, and wondered how long a thing this good could last. Her next gig came two weeks after that. A company had a new line of swimwear for teens, and they wanted some pictures. The line wouldn't be on sale for another year, of course, but they needed the pictures to publicize the line for all the department store and...
Unfinished Business Life went on that way for months and we all settled into a steady, though increasingly more hectic routine ... I was good at creating the promo shots for Bill's Swim Casuals ... so good in fact that Bill, seeing his business increase to the point it took all his time, got bored with it and wanted to get out of the day-day operations and use the substantial profits he'd made to get back into land development. So, without really giving me time to consider, he made me a...
This story is an idealized work of fiction. The setting, even though inspired by history, is by no means reflecting events of the past with historical accuracy. Essentially it is a love story that has been close to my heart for a long time now. Feedback is welcome. :o) *** Chapter 1 – Shattered Dreams ‘Through a millennium we have prevailed upon this land, the throbbing heart of a bleeding continent.’ The words lingered in Amalia’s mind long after the flames had consumed her father’s...
Mrs. Jones called Mrs. Smith regarding Julie. ‘Julie has made spectacular progress and I think she is almost ready for her evaluation assessment for promotion to senior year.’ Mrs. Smith asked why ‘almost’. ‘She is academically gifted, having completed her junior courses in Physics ahead of schedule. Julie’s natural beauty and poise are superior to most but not all of her classmates. She is extremely competitive and her confidence will suffer if she doesn’t get the highest scores. She will...
All your suggestions and criticisms are more than welcomed at ~~~~~~ Meanwhile, back in Mumbai, Amy and Riya had something else going on. The day Karan and Kavya left, nothing much happened. Riya stayed at Amy’s place, while Amy had some of her friends come over. The usual late night ride through the town on Amy’s bike. Amy was a good driver, but a bit rash at times specially when she used to be with her friends. Riya sat very close to Amy on her bike. She was holding her tightly by her...
This day you are working from home. I am under your desk, curled at your feet. I am being punished today, so I am collared and you have the chain wrapped around your arm. I am wearing a full body stocking with stilettos, decorative cat tail hanging from a butt plug, and cat ears. In the corner is my cat litter to use in case I have to pee. Humiliation is the order of the day. But while submissive, I have a say in what goes on and my gift to my Dom is to hand over control and to abide by what he...