SmokeSCREEN : BookFOUR free porn video

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smokeSCREEN bookFOUR : THEbecoming


Note from the Author:

bookFOUR is running long, and so I’ve broken it into large segments. I had planned to submit them all at once, but that plan’s gang a’gley.

[knocks on metal] I know this is going to give me a continuity nightmare, but here goes.

I hope you enjoy it.




part i



* * *

* * *

manic depression is / torching my soul / i know what i want but i / just don’t know / how to go about getting it // feeling, sweet feeling / drops from my fingers, fingers / manic depression // has captured my soul.

* * *

* * *

I didn’t dream last night. I’m smiling as I walk along.

The first few days after I met Cat, I didn’t dream once. As the weeks wore on and I moved to the Tower, it seemed more and more curious to me. That they would just stop.

But they’ve stopped and stayed away – so I’m smiling as I walk along.

Prior to the end of the world, the forest was confined to Assiniboine – the center of the city, branching out from the park. Sure, every suburb was lined with elm trees, but the rest of it was all paved. Prior to the war, of course.

Everything’s like that in your head,

You lived two lives. One before the war.

And this one.

And who you are now is not what you hoped you’d be.

I sigh. But I’m twenty.

You’re supposed to have an identity crisis around now – right?

Just like our big scar of a city. Sometimes I swear to God it’s a city but nothing but.

Prior to the end of the world, I woulda’ swore to it.

But now it’s more forest than anything. The thick trees stretch from downtown, through Wolosley, parts of the West End, all of Assiniboine, half of Charleswood, most of Saint James, half of Weswtood.

As I crunch through the few leaves that have been bold enough to fall this early, I suddenly wonder if it’s best to travel through the forest.

Sure, it’s less visible, but…

I mantle up a tree and lean out, peering at the dark horizon. A good ninety minutes until sunrise, yet. I drop to the ground and proceed for a while – and I think of Crow.

I stop.

Should I start calling her Beth?

Beth – Crow – wants me to lead us. All of us, I think. The men of Westwood, the women of the Tower, living happily together.

Pfft – I don’t think so. I light a cigarette.

One lie less thirteen years ago, and all of this could have been averted. All of this.

It occurs to me as I walk, that this is the first time I’ve been on my own in a long time. Perhaps I’ve become dependent on the close companionship offered by Tower society. Less reliant on myself. My brow creases.

Phoebe’s had me stuck indoors, behind a desk for two goddamn weeks. Weeks I could have spent with my Floor. The leaders, always becoming twisted by power, always leading astray.

I push Phoebe out of my head and turn to brighter thoughts.

I wonder if Sophie’s wearing my discman right now. If she’s got one earphone hanging loosely as she walks beside Cat. Cat, who is following Crow, who is following Lisa and Michelle.

And yeah, I miss them. I wouldn’t mind glancing south to discover Michelle, grinning back at me from behind an elm tree.

Maybe I am getting soft.

Long while till sunrise, yet. Crow should have gotten back to the Tower a few minutes ago. She’ll be on her way to the Forks by now with the others. Frankly, once the Forks are taken, Floor Thirteen will have a pretty cushy assignment for a while. If I make it back from the old ones’ assault on Westwood, I’ll be more than happy to join them.


* * *

‘In the cool of the evenin’, when everything is getting’ kinda’ groo-veyyy…. I call you up and ask you, would you like to go with me and see a mooo-veyyyy…first you say no, you got some plans for tonight, and then you stop. And say alll-ri-hiiight…’

I like to think I have a decent singing voice. I carry the tune as I mantle up the nearest tree and squint east.

‘Life is kinda’ crazy with a spooky little girl like you….’

Sun’ll be up soon.

I plop to the ground and head north. I should have left earlier.

I’m missing my discman, now.

I’m missing everything about being back at the Tower. I light a smoke.


I’m running low on smokes.

I stop and remember what I’m doing here. In my recently discovered weakness of character, I leaked key Westwood secrets to the leader of the Tower, who subsequently gave an army of radiation-soaked old ones from the States all they need to bring down my old crew at Westwood Right.

I start up a light jog. Sun’ll be up soon.

Westwood’s not gonna’ fall on account of my weakness of character.

But now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I look to my cigarette.

I stomp it out and continue my jog north.

And now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I mantle up the nearest tree and stare west.

‘Fffffuck…’ I scan the horizon. The whole horizon. ‘….me.’

I smack into the forest floor and start up a mad dash as that sharp-dry smell of smoke rises to more than a hint.

I’ll get out somehow.

* * *

* * *

woke up this morning / all that love had gone / your papa never told you about right and wrong /but you’re // one in a million // ’cause you got that / shotgun shine / born under a bad sign / you got a blue moon in your eye

* * *

* * *

Getting out of a city-wide, burning forest from the very center is harder than it sounds.

For one – I’m primarily special ops – I’m never running around in the woods with the grunts. For two – the place is very quickly becoming nothing but a big grey blur.

In my mad dash, I’ve fallen twice and only just now coughed up, I believe, half a lung. The left one.

I am going north. I’m sure of that – I can still make out the glow of sunrise through the thinning trees.

So much fucking smoke… I can pass out later.

Just run.

…shit. Where’s the sun again?

I can’t see anythng. But out of the mists come a dog. A wolf – huge and black. Nearby flames dance in its eyes as it says,


Ow. …that hurt.

GET UP, the wolf tells me.

And I’m so tired…

The wolf is barking now.

run or you’ll die, Om

we have to live



I can pass out later. I’m not dashing – more stumbling. But I’m almost there the trees are thinning – and now there is nothing. Nothing. I’m falling into space.

But the air is fresh. I’m tumbling.

And in a mighty splash of freezing water, I am jolted awake.

The Red is a very fast river – best to catch my breath and just move on.

I check the staff – still strapped to my back – and proceed to swim across the river to the north bank, taking it slow – getting my breath back.

Unfortunately, it sweeps me five hundred or so yards back east, and by the time I get to the other side I’m quite prepared to pass out again. As I lay on the north bank, staring up at the looming veil of smoke that whips overhead, I realize the futility of defending Westwood – the entire city will be dark as midnight in two hours, at this rate. Westwood is in the middle of this forest – and they’re burning it all.

They’re destroying our forest. They’re destroying our city.

Even if those poor souls inside Westwood manage to survive the smoke and heat that close to the fire – the artificial night provided by the smoke, and the limited battery power of the spotlights spell one thing – Westwood will fall by midnight tonight.

I’ll g
et there around noon – I’m going further north to get away from the heat. I hear shouts from deep in the forest. Now the flames are washing across the dry trees like waves on a floating ocean. Westwood, Tower or old, they’re not getting out alive.

A lonesome howl sounds out above the deafening crackle of trees and dry leaves.

* * *

‘When one is making an omlette, one must break a few eggs.’

My armband serves as a satisyfing mask, but my sunglasses do a mediocre job of keeping the smoke out my eyes. I should have goggles.

‘But twelve men, Brie…’

‘Eight men,’ the woman sharply corrects. ‘Four women.’

‘You risk too much.’

‘I’ll decide what’s too much. Westwood is the first step, Mickey. They’re ripe.’

Kneeling outside this particular window in west Saint James, I discovered I was actually listening to a conversation between two old ones. From the sounds of it, two important ones. Perhaps I could strike a fatal blow, here and now.

‘Is the gatling gun ready?’

‘Yeah, I got it right here…’

Perhaps not.

‘Are you sure you can carry it without tiring too quickly?’

‘Don’t worry about me – just make sure you’re back at the camp before the attack.’

‘I’ll be there by ten.’

‘The attack starts at nine.’

‘My counsel may be required – I’ll attend the opening minutes,’ Brie says firmly. I still haven’t dared look, to match a face to the name.

‘No,’ Mickey starts, but a resounding slap echoes off the walls. ‘Pardon me,’ he says now. ‘I’ll make sure the hearse is fully prepared.’

‘Good – and make sure the wagons are set on Portage – I’ll have no mistakes.’

Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Got it.

I dash off into the smoke towards Westwood. Perhaps I can still make it by nightfall.

* * *

Once I’m past the Moray bridge, the breathing is easier and the smoke has begun to clear. I consider that the fire may spread to the old one’s precious South End, but from this distance I realize what they’ve done – they’ve destroyed the only unihabited strip of the city. The rivers come in from the west and southwest and meet at the Forks downtown, south of the Tower. The smoke has blackened the sky, but Westwood has not been touched by the fire.

The attack will come at nine.

* * *

Strolling up to Westwood, I’ve seen no sentries. No guard patrols. The sky is still dark, but breathing is not uncomfortable. Not a sniff of the old ones. It’s only eight-thirty. I still have time to warn them.

The gates are locked, and no one is attending them. I stroll around the length of the walls before finally just climbing a nearby elm tree and dropping onto the battlement.

Everything is still as the dead.

Westwood is tidied, and clean, and empty.

I drop down to the courtyard and run up to the school doors. They’re locked, but I break them open and proceed straight to the band room.

‘Jessie! Guys?’

What the fuck?

Scanning the band room, all I find is a bar stool with a tape recorder. Pressing play, the message I hear is this,

Greetings, dirty-ass bitch, or loyal Westwood solider.

If you’re hearing this, we have gone to plan B.

And whatever you did to drive us out, sluts, we will revisit upon you ten-

I smash it under my boot. I smash it again. Again. Again. Again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The backup bike… the backup bike…

I explode throught he band room doors and race down the hall, whipping around a corner and skidding past the gym. Doubling back, I barrel across the hardwood floors and into the storeroom, tripping on the doorframe as I do.

Thank God they didn’t take it.

* * *

I grip the handles and roll the superbike out the service doors and down onto the sidewalk just inside the courtyard walls.

Rolling it up to the parking lot, I can hear the old ones approaching. Why hadn’t Westwood at least tried to fight?

I wasn’t expecting to be taking on the entire old one army alone, but I’m needed at the Forks. The old ones can just wait.

Rolling the bike silently to the back of the parking lot, I check my watch – one to nine.

I start the bike. I’m a hundred yards from the gates – and even that seems too close.

Something very loud is rolling up now – I can’t imagine what it could be. At least, I’ve never heard anything like it.

I check my watch.


I light a smoke.


Some voices.


That very loud thing is rolling again. I lean forward on the handlebars of the Dukati and narrow my eyes at the gate.

In what is more a shockwave of auditory information than, per se, a sound, the gate is blown from its hinges. Five tons of welded steel rockets from the outer wall, spinning towards me. I have time enough to pull a stupid-looking face just in before it screams over head, and tears the top off an elm tree.

As the smoke at the empty space where the gates once stood clears, I’m treated to the source of the unusual noise.

My head begins running what I call ‘potentials’. Potential routes of escape are X-ed out in my head. X. X. X. X. X. What if…? X…

With all the doors locked and a forty-ton tank in the front gate, my options have become somewhat limited. I’ll give the old ones this – they do have the capacity for original thought and effective execution.

The tank rumbles forward a few feet, but the cannon does not retrain its sights. Behind this tyrannosaur of steel are at least ten other vehicles of various more conventional design, and at least sixy old ones accopanying.

My brow creases. There’s no way I came out here for nothing, only to be killed.

‘Fuck that!’ I bark across the parking lot.

The tank opens, and the man with the leather mask rises out. He pulls up a megaphone and calls into it,

‘Repeat your last statement, or be fired upon.’ Hm. It’s Mickey – the poor whipped bastard.

‘Why?’ I yell. ‘Did you not get it?’

‘No,’ the voice booms across the compound.

‘I said – FUCK. THAT!!! You’re coming in here with a TANK!! Are you INSANE?!’

Mickey drops his megaphone and calls behind him. It’s not really audible from this distance, but the megaphone still picks some of it up.

‘…would someone go kill that little shit?’

Oh, thank God. That’s right boys, come for me one on one. I gun the engine and rip through the parking lot, into the front doors and deep into the school, parking it in a stairwell at the rear of the building for quick access later. I dash to the basement and hit the breakers. Most of these fuckers only have one eye, anyway. If they want me, they’ll have to come in. Tight, enclosed spaces.

I can do this.

* * *

* * *

i beat my machine / it’s a part of me / it’s inside of me // i’m stuck in this dream / it’s changing me / i am becoming

the me that you know // he had some second thoughts //

he’s covered with scabs // he is broken and sore // the me that you know he // doesn’t come around much // that part of me isn’t here anymore

* * *

* * *

I can hear muffled, distant voices – they’re a good distance away, still. Outside probably. I have to think ahead. I have to plan ahead. What do I need? What will I need?

I sneak through the upper hallway, pressing to the walls. Most of the windows are blocked up, but someone could still see me breaking a shadow somewhere.

Locker 329… 330… 331…

Footsteps behind me. He’s big. And he’s running. I don’t turn yet.

332… Ah. 333.

As I move to grab the locker, I turn my profile to him. Only about ten feet away, and coming fast.

I hate to make the noise, but
I open the locker door into his face. It crashes into the bridge of his nose, ribcage and yes, I think groin, and is far too loud. He sputters and begins to fall back, but it’s too late – I’ve already slashed him from groin to sternum, and he’s now finding it very hard to breath – his lungs have collapsed.

I snatch a particular plastic baggie out of the locker, along with two old SOCOM pistols with silencers and about four clips. I peer into one tiny drawer. No. Then another. And another. Who took my key? Shit.

More footsteps.

The sound of someone drawing up a large-calibre firearm. A rifle of some sort.

I quickly spin and pull up a SOCOM. He fires first – a round that clips my torso as I dodge away from the lockers. I narrow my eyes and squeeze off two rounds – both hit him cleanly in the chest, just up and to the left.

He dies more slowly – sputtering for life as I quickly return to my search. I remind myself to be systematic as I peer into the dark locker, gripping the wound at my side. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Two rounds from the SOCOM – another old one falls on top of his rifleman friend down the hall. No. No. Nononononono. No. No. FUCK.

I think for a moment, dip two fingers under the laces of my boot, and remove a small silver key. Goddamnit.

I head for a particularly dark stairwell.

Pressing myself into the deepest shadow I can find, I pull out the plastic baggie and open it, licking the tip of my pinkie. I dip my pinkie into the bag and encrust it with powder, close the bag, close my eyes, and slip the pinkie under my tongue.

It’s been too long. It’s too intense.

It’s way too intense. It’s not safe. I begin shaking. Spasming. I may be making noise, but I’m not aware of it. My heart is screaming, thrashing against my ribcage. It hurts. It really hurts.

I’m going to die. I can’t see. I can’t see anything. I can’t hear anything. But it hurts. It’s killing me. I’ve accomplished nothing.

And now it’s less. And now it’s less.

And I can control my breathing. And it’s okay. And I’m okay. It’s all okay. It’s all okay. My system just isn’t used to it after all those weeks at the Tower. But I’m okay. It’s okay.

I stand and pull out the sword – footsteps. From where?

My hearing is still bunged up.

It’s a woman, bounding down the stairs. She points an uzi at me, but I take her hand at the wrist and whip up a SOCOM, putting a bullet through her eye into the brick wall behind her. First her shoulders hang loose, then the eyes roll back in her head. The mouth gapes slack, and the shell gives up on effort as gravity does the rest.

Hm. An uzi. …no.

Down to the basement floor. Absolute darkness. Unless…

‘Dick – turn on your flashlight.’

Fuuuuck. This isn’t getting any better. I kneel and peek my head around the corner – it looks like they came in the same way I did, and now they’re checking in the opposite direction. I quickly get rid of my boots.

It’s two of them – slinking through a concrete section of hallway that’s about four feet wide.

‘Dick – stop.’ Dick’s the one in the white undershirt with the two uzis. He whips around and pulls up his flashlight, but I’m pressed into a doorway. This won’t work at all. I look up.

They’re coming up to the generator. It’s still running – I think they’re looking for the breakers. The generator’s pretty loud. This will do.

‘Find the panel,’ the one who isn’t Dick says. He turns the corner and I drop from the overhead pipes, drawing up the sword. As Dick turns I keep the sword at his throat and rush in to grab him by the shoulder. The other one bangs around in the power room, searching obvlivious. Dick opens his mouth to call out, but the tip of the blade peirces his throat, slips through his windpipe and just misses completely breaching a section of neckbone. And Dick discovers he cannot call out. He cannot breathe. And things are growing dark.

Holding him up by the steel lodged in his neck, I draw him back into the shadows with me.

‘Dick! Where the fuck are you?’

The other one whips around the corner and stares into the blackness.

‘If you’re gonna’ be a lazy ass, at least go tell Brie he’s already killed one of us! This ain’t worth it, man.’

And he stares into the blackness.

‘Dick? Stop fuckin’ around.’

Hm. He’s scared – he’ll react quicker. Leaning out of the overhead pipes, I grip the sword.

I swing the blade down and it slices half his skull cleanly off. He takes another half-step, twitches and falls. I hit the ground behind him, snatch up his flashlight and run back to the boiler room.

Holding the flashlight in my mouth, I slip the small siver key long forgotten from my boot into the iron locker. It sits, unsuspicious, at the very back of the uncomfortably warm boiler room. Repaired, the circuits retested every two seasons, the small door swings open to reveal the failsafe panel. I punch in the seven-digit code, 222-2222. Jessie never was particularly imaginative – it’s the phone number of his favorite pizza place from when we were kids.

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The phone rang, Mom answered it, “Hi James, we had fun as usual”. She got quite, and was just answering with “yes” and “good”. After about fifteen minutes she got off the phone and walked into the living room. Looking at she said “Kalynn is there something you want to tell me?” I was very nervous, but with Mom I could always say what was on my mind, so I just let it all out. I told her how Mr. Walker seduced me, how good it felt, how he treated me like a lady, all of it. Mom sat there and...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

Nicole and Leslie enjoyed sharing me between them, and I enjoyed their company at night. The two women couldn't be any more different, and I shivered sometimes, when I thought about how different. Leslie was all in. She loved getting on her back and pulling me down on top, and inside of her. We were gymnasts at times, as she pushed, pulled, and demanded more. It never seemed to matter how deep I got, or how hard Mr. Johnson hit her cervix. She wanted it harder, faster, and deeper. When she...

1 year ago
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I Was 18 When I Fucked My Father Part 2

I Was 18 When I Fucked my Father....Part 2My father had been on top of me, our bodies pressed together so his cock was crushed between us. We were kissing in a way no father no daughter should ever kiss; our tongues thrusting into each other's mouth; it was a kiss not of love, but of sex, a kiss of passion and lust. A forbidden kiss and my father and he shot a load of cum between our bodies, coating both our stomachs with lovely white jizz. When we finally sat up, I said, "Daddy, I knew incest...

2 years ago
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A Reluctant HeroChapter 3

While most of the world celebrated the coming New Year on December 31, 2012, the Chinese armed forces attacked north and east into post-Soviet Russia. Western intelligence agencies and the Russian KGB never noticed over the past few months as the massive Chinese armies crept north between satellite passes and positioned themselves along the northern border between Russia, China and Mongolia, the Chinese nation's secret ally. The Chinese were in Vladivostok within 48 hours. The Chinese...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 32 Gestures

December 18, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Don’t you want to give this to Jocelyn directly?” Mrs. Mills asked. “Want to? Sure. But she made it clear she doesn’t want to see me. I’m half-expecting her to return the gift unopened.” “Not if I have anything to say about it!” she replied firmly. “Please don’t force the issue,” I pleaded. “Whatever is wrong with Jocelyn isn’t going to change because you pressure her. In fact, that might actually make things worse. “I’m not sure they could be worse...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Anju

Hi iss readers this is is sanju. Im 20 and im from cochin, kerala. Im a 3rd year electronics engineering student here at cochin. Im a regular reader of indian sex stories. Any girls who want to have safe, secure and secret sex can mail me at my id This is my very first story in iss. Today i wanna share with you my one and only one sexperience. The story took place in 2005 after my 12th class. As we had a long vacation before we join engineering i thought of doing some short term computer...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Cant Be Left Alone pt 1

I sat on the couch as Chrystal went to the kitchen to make some cocktails. After grabbing some drinks, Chrystal joined me sitting on the couch. After a while of talking, I put my hand on Chrystal’s thigh, and asked if she’d ever been with a girl. Chrystal said no and that she has a boyfriend, but they had talked about having a threesome. I told her that it would be a first for both of us then. I then leaned in gave her a short passionate kiss. After I broke the kiss, Chrystal said she’d like...

3 years ago
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My girlfriend likes to show her pussy

I have known about my girlfriends exhibitionist side for quite some time now. Having learned this from her telling me true stories of her past, and how she loved to walk around her house naked with the curtains and shades open.See, I have this thing about hearing a girlfriends true stories of their past. Some of them have been honest, and others have tried to amuse me. However, you know deep down when someone is telling a tale or if someone is telling you a true experience.I like to learn of...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Fun With Girlfriend

Hi, Indian sex story readers and followers. I would first wish to introduce myself, I am Arun (name changed) basically from Kerala, but settled up in Chennai due to my father’s occupation. I am a great fan of this site, I got introduced to this site a year ago from then this site is been very useful to satisfy my feeling. I have been planning to write my first sex experience from last few days, finally ended up in making it. This is my first sex story, so sex experts and lovers please do...

3 years ago
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Cuffed Ch 01

Hey readers! Long time, no talk. Where can I even begin?? I have been so…torn…this past year. I’ve relocated…twice, dealt with a death in the family…I got my first full-time position and quit (it sucked)…so much, so much, but, here I am. I’ve been sitting on this story for over a year and finally dusted it off. I hope it reads well. Now, as for my other stories. I really don’t know if I can continue them. It’s been so long and I’ve become majorly disconnected from the characters…but if anyone...

3 years ago
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Wedding Training Part 3

Wedding Training Part 3 Alan pulled open the bus door, and was surprised to see ten of his mates in the bus. All that stuff about only inviting five was just a wind-up, he thought. And the lads certainly weren't aware that he was expecting less. He immediately put behind him the humiliation of the last 24 hours, and got in to party mode. There was a lot of laughing and joking as they headed for the race track and much comment about Alans choice of after- shave. He weathered the storm...

2 years ago
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The Katgirl Gene Bummin A Ride

Authors note: This is my first story, I'm hoping it can become it's own universe, and it would be much appreciated if you could leave some comments after reading this. Please be kind, Kari Hope ;p The Katgirl Gene: Bummin' A Ride Kari Hope I want to tell my story while I have the chance, seeing as this is my last chance. It all started when my car broke down in the middle of a Nevada highway, I was on my way home from...

1 year ago
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The Cherry PopperChapter 8

Cindy didn't bother to get dressed before she left Dave's room but walked naked through the hall to the room Janet shared with Susan. Her tight cunt and ass kept most of Dave's cum locked tight in her holes but every once in a while she felt a drop slip out to dribble down her inner thighs. She reached Susan's room and didn't bother knocking before she walked in. The redhead stopped just inside the door and grinned at what she saw. Janet and Susan were both as naked as her and Janet was...

4 years ago
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Me and my mom

Looking back from now, it was the hottest time of my life. More sex than I ever had again in my life. Always including the excitement of getting caught. Always that nice feeling in the head that I was doing something kinky., something that is terrible wrong. But doing so made me incredible horny. And it still does. Just thinking about what happened makes my dick as hard as the hardest piece of wood on the whole planet. So when did it all start? When was the kick off?I happened around two...

1 year ago
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Hidden Fantasies Part One Bubblegum

Previously:  “Tell me sexy, what’s your deepest darkest sexual fantasy?” “Oh, you’ll never believe it if I told you,” I say laughing freely. “Try me,” he says, with a wink. I move us over to a more secluded part of the room and whisper my fantasy into his ear. His mouth drops open and a few times a soft growl of approval escapes his lips. When I am done, he turns to look at me in wonder. “You would really let me do that?” He asks in disbelief. “Of course,” I laugh flicking my long hair. “Well…...

2 years ago
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Good DaysBad Days

Good Days/Bad Days On Good days I look at myself and say 'When did I get so strong?" "How did I become so brave" "Who is the beautiful woman I see in the mirror?" But it doesnt last And bad days come again And I feel weak And scared And ugly I know I cant go back to being a boy But it seems like I have no way to become a girl And have no guarantee it would be any better for me if I could be one I feel stuck and trapped and have no hope lonely and...

1 year ago
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Private Misha Maver Selvaggia Pure Anal

The stunning Misha Maver and Selvaggia have come to Private Specials, Anal Threesomes as horny as ever and ready for a wild time with stud Alberto Blanco. Enjoy these beauties in action with their incredible asses, tattoos and big tits as they warm up with their favourite toys before sharing a mouthful of cock with a wet sloppy blowjob. Then watch as these curvaceous wonders offer up their asses for some quality anal action as they take turns getting fucked before sharing a facial cumshot, a...

2 years ago
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Sex With Mom And Two Aunts 8211 Part I

Let me tell you that just enjoy reading these stories as a harmless avocation but not at the cost of your relations and lives. I warn you this type of relations are prohibited and are far away from the real life. All the incidents and characters are fictitious. This is intended to only people who are above 22 years. The following fictitious story consists of explicitly incestuous story. Any person who is sensitive of family relations and believe in morals do not read this. Keep away. The...

1 year ago
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I never did like long skirts Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans Part 1 My mum always used to make me wear skirts that were knee length or longer and they were always made from a fabric that was thick and heavy. I always felt like I had weights hanging from my waist and I was forever pushing the heavyweight fabric out of the way so that I could do something. Even going to the toilet was like doing weightlifting exercises. Jeans and trousers were a big no, no to my mother as well, her saying, “Women should dress like women not men,” she...

2 years ago
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Sister Sex Is The Best

Hello, this is Deepak from Bangalore. Any girls or aunty who wants to have a one-night stand or video sex chat can mail me or text me in hangouts in This is my personal sex story about my relationship with my sister and how it took a new turn when we were living in Bangalore. My sister is a year older to me and we both went to the same school and later to the same college for engineering. Let me first introduce my sister, her name is Ritu and she is 5’3″ fair and chubby girl. I was in love...

4 years ago
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Something unexpected

So there we were, me and my mate Nigel, out on the town for a pull and a piss up. Well what else is there to do on a wet weekend in London?We started off at our local, the Crab and Cockspur, which claimed to sell the best beers in the South East, but to be honest the only thing worth going there for were the birds. There were lots of 'em, but that was because there was a nurse's residential block round the corner, and they gathered there when their shifts were over.You couldn't wish for better...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolEpilogue

Kara Kara looked up as the stairs squeaked, and Emanuel came into view. “So?” “Fast asleep. Finally.” “I thought getting them to bed would get easier once they were no longer toddlers. Seriously; I really do appreciate everything my mom had to go through with Sarah and I.” Kara laughed. “Getting them to bed is the easy part. Getting them to stay there though...” they groaned in frustration together. “At least the grandparents were willing to watch them earlier so we could actually go out...

4 months ago
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Naughty at Saba U 7

What I did want was my sister to be at the wedding on the beach, there she was with her creepy boyfriend. What I did not want was my sister to be at the wedding on the beach, there she was with her creepy boyfriend. it was after the ceremony that she decided to introduce her sick goth boyfriend to me."get away!" I said. Julie and Kyle went to the little rutt in the morgue and decided to forget she had a sister. When it was time to for me and fox to day, he was whispering sweet nothings in me...

4 years ago
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Pushing my luck more

I heard the sputter and drone of the lawnmower. I listened to the sound carefully. If he did the front yard first it would take him almost forty-five minutes to finish the front and the back. It was a nice day, not too hot, so he would take his time.I left my room wearing only my shorts. I cocked my head and listened for her. She was coming up the stairs from the basement. I went to the top of the stairs and waited for her. The laundry basket hung below her t-shirt-covered breasts and above her...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 94 English girl

I heard about the English girl long before I saw her. She was, they said, a prize beauty and they did not lie. She had been captured along with her officer-husband and four outriders in an ambush. Negotiations were underway for trading the officer for men the Redcoats were holding. The four cavalrymen had died trying to escape, so I was told with a grin, horses being worth a lot more that British cavalrymen, and dead men ate very little. Lt. Foster detailed me to carry a white flag and...

1 year ago
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Apartment Managers Son

Apartment Managers Son - Teen doing odd jobs for Christmas money gets an unexpected gift. By Seymour Cox My family and I had just moved from California to Minneapolis after I finished my last year of high school. Right away I started up my usual weekend business of cutting grass and raking leaves in my new neighborhood. Once winter came, I realized that I would have to find another source of income since the ground will be covered in snow for the next four months. Looking across the courtyard...

4 years ago
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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 13 Ransom

"Joey!" Tess voice sounded from the living room. "Quick! Come down!" The urgency in his sister's voice made Joey run downstairs. He had just returned from the extensive testing at the hospital. He found Tess staring at the TV. A local news reporter was speaking into the camera, in a voice awed by his own importance. "Police confirmed the injured person as Karen Langner, the life partner of Assistant District Attorney Maureen Darling. Sources have confirmed that Ms. Langner was rushed...

1 year ago
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ShawnChapter 23

It took a half hour of working on Mebreatu's brain to convince him to see things my way. This was longer than anybody else and I wanted the lessons that I taught to be remembered and remembered thoroughly. At 9:20 Mebreatu's solicitors came to the property and found that their client wanted to sell everything he owned to me at a modest and almost fair price. They argued with him and even offered him more, knowing that his many properties were worth it. Mebreatu was adamant that I was to buy...

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The Neighbor Kids

I was 15 at the time, so I guess Jenny must have been the same and I think Bob would have been about 14. One day Bob showed up at my house asking if I wanted to play. I started to laugh but thought better of it. We went out in my back yard and sat under a tree. Bob wanted to tell me about some Men at Work record he had and he would occassionally belt out a few lyrics at the top of his lungs. I asked Bob if Jenny had any boyfriends and he said no. "Well, does she like boys?" I asked. ...

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Intimacy And Oral With My Girlfriends

Last weekend encounter with my 3 Virgin Girlfriends was a intimate one and all the 3 were wisely satisfied by taking 20 to 45 minutes turn for flings with each ones and I was not sure with whoe was the best as it was first time for all the 3 and the innocence that was felt by me from them was unique And different in its own way and was very different. Finally the weekend was here and Fairy called me early in the morning and asked me what time can I pick her and also she wanted to be the first...

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The Story of Finch and Stiflers Mom Part II

I wake up the next morning… glowing, tired, and a bit sore. But in all, i am fine, just kinda getting last night through my head. wow, i had fullfilled my fantasy….and it was truely amazing. Anyway, i get up and shower….gotta get the previous nights smell off me… mom would know for sure. I get in and the hot water cascading over my young toned body…oh how good it felt. i looked down and sure enough, i was standing tall….i thought to myself, jesus, you are no super soldier, ...

3 years ago
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Death Penalty for a Ghost in ChinaChapter 15

“How about an app for buying a ghost?” Man-bun Matty asked the table. His hands were raw, red with scabs and rashes, but he was in good spirits, hyper this morning, decked out in a golden traditional Chinese button up shirt and matching baggy gold pants and open toe sandals. He obviously had no fear of the cold. Man-bun was sipping on a thermos of civet coffee, this special coffee produced by civets, the animals responsible for the original SARS in 2003... I’d never seen it before,...

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Good Times With The Hunk

“I will miss u honey”. I heard Nishanth saying as i entered the airport. I was traveling to Goa to attend my best friend Sandra’s wedding. What a place to start your life together. Sitting on the window seat as I saw our flight passing over the clouds my thoughts drifted to the days I and Sandra spent best days of our lives together in that tiny hostel room. Those late night talks, bunked classes, first show movies, crush on the physics lecturer, valentine days running away from guys, raksha...

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A Birthday party for two in the library

I was studying at college. It was my seventeenth birthday. I have a crush on Sandra and she had dismissed my many attempts to date her. She was older than me and preferred the older guys who had money to take her places and buy her cocktails in clubs. She looked great in street clothes and you would think she was at least twenty one. She had the best tits of any girl in the school. It was during a science class she was paired with me. We were in the back row in the science lab when she said to...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Narisa 1 A Life Changing EventChapter 4

As Narisa and I walked the few steps from the living room to what would now become our bedroom, she began to tremble. I gently gave her shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze as I opened the bedroom door. She gave a sudden start when I opened the door and she saw the bed. I gently led her inside, closed the door and we came to stop next to the bed near the bathroom doorway. She stopped, turned and looked up at me with questioning, tearful eyes when I remembered something I'd forgotten. I...

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My First Step Into The World Of Sex

Hi everyone, this is my 1st story in Indian sex stories. My name is priyanka (I don’t care to use my real name), my bf’s used to call me sweety. I’m working in a MNC, bangalore. Fair complexion, 5’4 52kg with stats of 34-24-38. I like making friends and I easily mingle with anyone. This incident happened when I was in my 10th. I got a lot of freedom since my mom passed away when I was in my 6th. I used to hangout a lot with my friends. My dad never used to say dont do that, don’t do this and I...

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Mother And Child

My breathing finally slowed to the point where I could talk again. I had been huffing, like a lion right after a kill, I was so wound up, my mouth wide open and working hard on getting enough air. I had just had an orgasm that was a mind-bender and it took me several minutes to slow down enough to say, "I think that was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you beyond words. I write about sex, erotica that I publish but I do not have words for this." She was on her stomach and I...

Love Stories
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Icy Finger Masturbation

Last night, I had a bit of fun with a new kind of clit diddling. As with all new ways of toying with my clit, I just had to watch it, so I took out my mirror and assumed the position. I put a glass of ice water by my bed and started to rub my clit in the usual way. A few minutes of medium instensity stimulation was all that was needed to get a generous flow of pussy juice started. After I made myself wet to my satisfaction, I dipped my fingers into the glass of ice water and allowed them to...

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Scent SeductionChapter 7

I was an avid watcher of the monitors, hoping to catch the young muslim wife doing her strip and show in front of her mirror. I had rewound the previous tape to re-live her first strip show. I found him in the bedroom packing a bag and telling her that he would be away for a few days. She didn't want him to leave but he told her to be quiet and do as she was told. He left soon after and left her crying in the bedroom. She was unhappy for a while then she stood up and removed her head...

3 years ago
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My Minotaur Part VI

It was, dear reader, a most trying time in the life of this lady. The least of our worries was that it was raining. While the droplets rolled off of Oluth, and Valsivale somehow kept dry with an invisible barrier, Saela and I were becoming soaked to the core. My decorative parasol was no match for the weather, and in time the dye of my dress was fading, revealing the frigid, supple skin beneath, my nipples pointing the way for us as my teeth chattered. Saela's inferior little bust was also...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Babysitting

When I was 14, me and my BFF, Ashley, started our very own babysitting service. She made an announcement during church and we immediately started getting phone calls. One day, Ashley said, "Come here...U gotta check this out." And she pulled out a handful of 20's. "Damn, where'd you get that?" I asked. "Babysitting," she said with a smile. I counted it...just a little over $200. "How'd you get $200 babysitting," I asked. Now, Ashley was the neighborhood nymphette and I was the...

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