SmokeSCREEN : BookFOUR free porn video

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smokeSCREEN bookFOUR : THEbecoming


Note from the Author:

bookFOUR is running long, and so I’ve broken it into large segments. I had planned to submit them all at once, but that plan’s gang a’gley.

[knocks on metal] I know this is going to give me a continuity nightmare, but here goes.

I hope you enjoy it.




part i



* * *

* * *

manic depression is / torching my soul / i know what i want but i / just don’t know / how to go about getting it // feeling, sweet feeling / drops from my fingers, fingers / manic depression // has captured my soul.

* * *

* * *

I didn’t dream last night. I’m smiling as I walk along.

The first few days after I met Cat, I didn’t dream once. As the weeks wore on and I moved to the Tower, it seemed more and more curious to me. That they would just stop.

But they’ve stopped and stayed away – so I’m smiling as I walk along.

Prior to the end of the world, the forest was confined to Assiniboine – the center of the city, branching out from the park. Sure, every suburb was lined with elm trees, but the rest of it was all paved. Prior to the war, of course.

Everything’s like that in your head,

You lived two lives. One before the war.

And this one.

And who you are now is not what you hoped you’d be.

I sigh. But I’m twenty.

You’re supposed to have an identity crisis around now – right?

Just like our big scar of a city. Sometimes I swear to God it’s a city but nothing but.

Prior to the end of the world, I woulda’ swore to it.

But now it’s more forest than anything. The thick trees stretch from downtown, through Wolosley, parts of the West End, all of Assiniboine, half of Charleswood, most of Saint James, half of Weswtood.

As I crunch through the few leaves that have been bold enough to fall this early, I suddenly wonder if it’s best to travel through the forest.

Sure, it’s less visible, but…

I mantle up a tree and lean out, peering at the dark horizon. A good ninety minutes until sunrise, yet. I drop to the ground and proceed for a while – and I think of Crow.

I stop.

Should I start calling her Beth?

Beth – Crow – wants me to lead us. All of us, I think. The men of Westwood, the women of the Tower, living happily together.

Pfft – I don’t think so. I light a cigarette.

One lie less thirteen years ago, and all of this could have been averted. All of this.

It occurs to me as I walk, that this is the first time I’ve been on my own in a long time. Perhaps I’ve become dependent on the close companionship offered by Tower society. Less reliant on myself. My brow creases.

Phoebe’s had me stuck indoors, behind a desk for two goddamn weeks. Weeks I could have spent with my Floor. The leaders, always becoming twisted by power, always leading astray.

I push Phoebe out of my head and turn to brighter thoughts.

I wonder if Sophie’s wearing my discman right now. If she’s got one earphone hanging loosely as she walks beside Cat. Cat, who is following Crow, who is following Lisa and Michelle.

And yeah, I miss them. I wouldn’t mind glancing south to discover Michelle, grinning back at me from behind an elm tree.

Maybe I am getting soft.

Long while till sunrise, yet. Crow should have gotten back to the Tower a few minutes ago. She’ll be on her way to the Forks by now with the others. Frankly, once the Forks are taken, Floor Thirteen will have a pretty cushy assignment for a while. If I make it back from the old ones’ assault on Westwood, I’ll be more than happy to join them.


* * *

‘In the cool of the evenin’, when everything is getting’ kinda’ groo-veyyy…. I call you up and ask you, would you like to go with me and see a mooo-veyyyy…first you say no, you got some plans for tonight, and then you stop. And say alll-ri-hiiight…’

I like to think I have a decent singing voice. I carry the tune as I mantle up the nearest tree and squint east.

‘Life is kinda’ crazy with a spooky little girl like you….’

Sun’ll be up soon.

I plop to the ground and head north. I should have left earlier.

I’m missing my discman, now.

I’m missing everything about being back at the Tower. I light a smoke.


I’m running low on smokes.

I stop and remember what I’m doing here. In my recently discovered weakness of character, I leaked key Westwood secrets to the leader of the Tower, who subsequently gave an army of radiation-soaked old ones from the States all they need to bring down my old crew at Westwood Right.

I start up a light jog. Sun’ll be up soon.

Westwood’s not gonna’ fall on account of my weakness of character.

But now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I look to my cigarette.

I stomp it out and continue my jog north.

And now I skid to a halt. I sniff the air. I mantle up the nearest tree and stare west.

‘Fffffuck…’ I scan the horizon. The whole horizon. ‘….me.’

I smack into the forest floor and start up a mad dash as that sharp-dry smell of smoke rises to more than a hint.

I’ll get out somehow.

* * *

* * *

woke up this morning / all that love had gone / your papa never told you about right and wrong /but you’re // one in a million // ’cause you got that / shotgun shine / born under a bad sign / you got a blue moon in your eye

* * *

* * *

Getting out of a city-wide, burning forest from the very center is harder than it sounds.

For one – I’m primarily special ops – I’m never running around in the woods with the grunts. For two – the place is very quickly becoming nothing but a big grey blur.

In my mad dash, I’ve fallen twice and only just now coughed up, I believe, half a lung. The left one.

I am going north. I’m sure of that – I can still make out the glow of sunrise through the thinning trees.

So much fucking smoke… I can pass out later.

Just run.

…shit. Where’s the sun again?

I can’t see anythng. But out of the mists come a dog. A wolf – huge and black. Nearby flames dance in its eyes as it says,


Ow. …that hurt.

GET UP, the wolf tells me.

And I’m so tired…

The wolf is barking now.

run or you’ll die, Om

we have to live



I can pass out later. I’m not dashing – more stumbling. But I’m almost there the trees are thinning – and now there is nothing. Nothing. I’m falling into space.

But the air is fresh. I’m tumbling.

And in a mighty splash of freezing water, I am jolted awake.

The Red is a very fast river – best to catch my breath and just move on.

I check the staff – still strapped to my back – and proceed to swim across the river to the north bank, taking it slow – getting my breath back.

Unfortunately, it sweeps me five hundred or so yards back east, and by the time I get to the other side I’m quite prepared to pass out again. As I lay on the north bank, staring up at the looming veil of smoke that whips overhead, I realize the futility of defending Westwood – the entire city will be dark as midnight in two hours, at this rate. Westwood is in the middle of this forest – and they’re burning it all.

They’re destroying our forest. They’re destroying our city.

Even if those poor souls inside Westwood manage to survive the smoke and heat that close to the fire – the artificial night provided by the smoke, and the limited battery power of the spotlights spell one thing – Westwood will fall by midnight tonight.

I’ll g
et there around noon – I’m going further north to get away from the heat. I hear shouts from deep in the forest. Now the flames are washing across the dry trees like waves on a floating ocean. Westwood, Tower or old, they’re not getting out alive.

A lonesome howl sounds out above the deafening crackle of trees and dry leaves.

* * *

‘When one is making an omlette, one must break a few eggs.’

My armband serves as a satisyfing mask, but my sunglasses do a mediocre job of keeping the smoke out my eyes. I should have goggles.

‘But twelve men, Brie…’

‘Eight men,’ the woman sharply corrects. ‘Four women.’

‘You risk too much.’

‘I’ll decide what’s too much. Westwood is the first step, Mickey. They’re ripe.’

Kneeling outside this particular window in west Saint James, I discovered I was actually listening to a conversation between two old ones. From the sounds of it, two important ones. Perhaps I could strike a fatal blow, here and now.

‘Is the gatling gun ready?’

‘Yeah, I got it right here…’

Perhaps not.

‘Are you sure you can carry it without tiring too quickly?’

‘Don’t worry about me – just make sure you’re back at the camp before the attack.’

‘I’ll be there by ten.’

‘The attack starts at nine.’

‘My counsel may be required – I’ll attend the opening minutes,’ Brie says firmly. I still haven’t dared look, to match a face to the name.

‘No,’ Mickey starts, but a resounding slap echoes off the walls. ‘Pardon me,’ he says now. ‘I’ll make sure the hearse is fully prepared.’

‘Good – and make sure the wagons are set on Portage – I’ll have no mistakes.’

Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Attack at nine. Wagons on Portage. Got it.

I dash off into the smoke towards Westwood. Perhaps I can still make it by nightfall.

* * *

Once I’m past the Moray bridge, the breathing is easier and the smoke has begun to clear. I consider that the fire may spread to the old one’s precious South End, but from this distance I realize what they’ve done – they’ve destroyed the only unihabited strip of the city. The rivers come in from the west and southwest and meet at the Forks downtown, south of the Tower. The smoke has blackened the sky, but Westwood has not been touched by the fire.

The attack will come at nine.

* * *

Strolling up to Westwood, I’ve seen no sentries. No guard patrols. The sky is still dark, but breathing is not uncomfortable. Not a sniff of the old ones. It’s only eight-thirty. I still have time to warn them.

The gates are locked, and no one is attending them. I stroll around the length of the walls before finally just climbing a nearby elm tree and dropping onto the battlement.

Everything is still as the dead.

Westwood is tidied, and clean, and empty.

I drop down to the courtyard and run up to the school doors. They’re locked, but I break them open and proceed straight to the band room.

‘Jessie! Guys?’

What the fuck?

Scanning the band room, all I find is a bar stool with a tape recorder. Pressing play, the message I hear is this,

Greetings, dirty-ass bitch, or loyal Westwood solider.

If you’re hearing this, we have gone to plan B.

And whatever you did to drive us out, sluts, we will revisit upon you ten-

I smash it under my boot. I smash it again. Again. Again. Again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The backup bike… the backup bike…

I explode throught he band room doors and race down the hall, whipping around a corner and skidding past the gym. Doubling back, I barrel across the hardwood floors and into the storeroom, tripping on the doorframe as I do.

Thank God they didn’t take it.

* * *

I grip the handles and roll the superbike out the service doors and down onto the sidewalk just inside the courtyard walls.

Rolling it up to the parking lot, I can hear the old ones approaching. Why hadn’t Westwood at least tried to fight?

I wasn’t expecting to be taking on the entire old one army alone, but I’m needed at the Forks. The old ones can just wait.

Rolling the bike silently to the back of the parking lot, I check my watch – one to nine.

I start the bike. I’m a hundred yards from the gates – and even that seems too close.

Something very loud is rolling up now – I can’t imagine what it could be. At least, I’ve never heard anything like it.

I check my watch.


I light a smoke.


Some voices.


That very loud thing is rolling again. I lean forward on the handlebars of the Dukati and narrow my eyes at the gate.

In what is more a shockwave of auditory information than, per se, a sound, the gate is blown from its hinges. Five tons of welded steel rockets from the outer wall, spinning towards me. I have time enough to pull a stupid-looking face just in before it screams over head, and tears the top off an elm tree.

As the smoke at the empty space where the gates once stood clears, I’m treated to the source of the unusual noise.

My head begins running what I call ‘potentials’. Potential routes of escape are X-ed out in my head. X. X. X. X. X. What if…? X…

With all the doors locked and a forty-ton tank in the front gate, my options have become somewhat limited. I’ll give the old ones this – they do have the capacity for original thought and effective execution.

The tank rumbles forward a few feet, but the cannon does not retrain its sights. Behind this tyrannosaur of steel are at least ten other vehicles of various more conventional design, and at least sixy old ones accopanying.

My brow creases. There’s no way I came out here for nothing, only to be killed.

‘Fuck that!’ I bark across the parking lot.

The tank opens, and the man with the leather mask rises out. He pulls up a megaphone and calls into it,

‘Repeat your last statement, or be fired upon.’ Hm. It’s Mickey – the poor whipped bastard.

‘Why?’ I yell. ‘Did you not get it?’

‘No,’ the voice booms across the compound.

‘I said – FUCK. THAT!!! You’re coming in here with a TANK!! Are you INSANE?!’

Mickey drops his megaphone and calls behind him. It’s not really audible from this distance, but the megaphone still picks some of it up.

‘…would someone go kill that little shit?’

Oh, thank God. That’s right boys, come for me one on one. I gun the engine and rip through the parking lot, into the front doors and deep into the school, parking it in a stairwell at the rear of the building for quick access later. I dash to the basement and hit the breakers. Most of these fuckers only have one eye, anyway. If they want me, they’ll have to come in. Tight, enclosed spaces.

I can do this.

* * *

* * *

i beat my machine / it’s a part of me / it’s inside of me // i’m stuck in this dream / it’s changing me / i am becoming

the me that you know // he had some second thoughts //

he’s covered with scabs // he is broken and sore // the me that you know he // doesn’t come around much // that part of me isn’t here anymore

* * *

* * *

I can hear muffled, distant voices – they’re a good distance away, still. Outside probably. I have to think ahead. I have to plan ahead. What do I need? What will I need?

I sneak through the upper hallway, pressing to the walls. Most of the windows are blocked up, but someone could still see me breaking a shadow somewhere.

Locker 329… 330… 331…

Footsteps behind me. He’s big. And he’s running. I don’t turn yet.

332… Ah. 333.

As I move to grab the locker, I turn my profile to him. Only about ten feet away, and coming fast.

I hate to make the noise, but
I open the locker door into his face. It crashes into the bridge of his nose, ribcage and yes, I think groin, and is far too loud. He sputters and begins to fall back, but it’s too late – I’ve already slashed him from groin to sternum, and he’s now finding it very hard to breath – his lungs have collapsed.

I snatch a particular plastic baggie out of the locker, along with two old SOCOM pistols with silencers and about four clips. I peer into one tiny drawer. No. Then another. And another. Who took my key? Shit.

More footsteps.

The sound of someone drawing up a large-calibre firearm. A rifle of some sort.

I quickly spin and pull up a SOCOM. He fires first – a round that clips my torso as I dodge away from the lockers. I narrow my eyes and squeeze off two rounds – both hit him cleanly in the chest, just up and to the left.

He dies more slowly – sputtering for life as I quickly return to my search. I remind myself to be systematic as I peer into the dark locker, gripping the wound at my side. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Two rounds from the SOCOM – another old one falls on top of his rifleman friend down the hall. No. No. Nononononono. No. No. FUCK.

I think for a moment, dip two fingers under the laces of my boot, and remove a small silver key. Goddamnit.

I head for a particularly dark stairwell.

Pressing myself into the deepest shadow I can find, I pull out the plastic baggie and open it, licking the tip of my pinkie. I dip my pinkie into the bag and encrust it with powder, close the bag, close my eyes, and slip the pinkie under my tongue.

It’s been too long. It’s too intense.

It’s way too intense. It’s not safe. I begin shaking. Spasming. I may be making noise, but I’m not aware of it. My heart is screaming, thrashing against my ribcage. It hurts. It really hurts.

I’m going to die. I can’t see. I can’t see anything. I can’t hear anything. But it hurts. It’s killing me. I’ve accomplished nothing.

And now it’s less. And now it’s less.

And I can control my breathing. And it’s okay. And I’m okay. It’s all okay. It’s all okay. My system just isn’t used to it after all those weeks at the Tower. But I’m okay. It’s okay.

I stand and pull out the sword – footsteps. From where?

My hearing is still bunged up.

It’s a woman, bounding down the stairs. She points an uzi at me, but I take her hand at the wrist and whip up a SOCOM, putting a bullet through her eye into the brick wall behind her. First her shoulders hang loose, then the eyes roll back in her head. The mouth gapes slack, and the shell gives up on effort as gravity does the rest.

Hm. An uzi. …no.

Down to the basement floor. Absolute darkness. Unless…

‘Dick – turn on your flashlight.’

Fuuuuck. This isn’t getting any better. I kneel and peek my head around the corner – it looks like they came in the same way I did, and now they’re checking in the opposite direction. I quickly get rid of my boots.

It’s two of them – slinking through a concrete section of hallway that’s about four feet wide.

‘Dick – stop.’ Dick’s the one in the white undershirt with the two uzis. He whips around and pulls up his flashlight, but I’m pressed into a doorway. This won’t work at all. I look up.

They’re coming up to the generator. It’s still running – I think they’re looking for the breakers. The generator’s pretty loud. This will do.

‘Find the panel,’ the one who isn’t Dick says. He turns the corner and I drop from the overhead pipes, drawing up the sword. As Dick turns I keep the sword at his throat and rush in to grab him by the shoulder. The other one bangs around in the power room, searching obvlivious. Dick opens his mouth to call out, but the tip of the blade peirces his throat, slips through his windpipe and just misses completely breaching a section of neckbone. And Dick discovers he cannot call out. He cannot breathe. And things are growing dark.

Holding him up by the steel lodged in his neck, I draw him back into the shadows with me.

‘Dick! Where the fuck are you?’

The other one whips around the corner and stares into the blackness.

‘If you’re gonna’ be a lazy ass, at least go tell Brie he’s already killed one of us! This ain’t worth it, man.’

And he stares into the blackness.

‘Dick? Stop fuckin’ around.’

Hm. He’s scared – he’ll react quicker. Leaning out of the overhead pipes, I grip the sword.

I swing the blade down and it slices half his skull cleanly off. He takes another half-step, twitches and falls. I hit the ground behind him, snatch up his flashlight and run back to the boiler room.

Holding the flashlight in my mouth, I slip the small siver key long forgotten from my boot into the iron locker. It sits, unsuspicious, at the very back of the uncomfortably warm boiler room. Repaired, the circuits retested every two seasons, the small door swings open to reveal the failsafe panel. I punch in the seven-digit code, 222-2222. Jessie never was particularly imaginative – it’s the phone number of his favorite pizza place from when we were kids.

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"Good morning, Miss Granger." I looked up from my desk, startled out of a little daydream. It was only Josh, but even after two years of teaching that term of address still reminded me more of Hermione than of myself. And that might just be the last time I hear it, I thought to myself with an inward smile. Mrs Jeannie Marsh. Or at least that's whom I would become in just three weeks' time and I probably wouldn't see many more students between now and then. I'd get a fresh crop next...

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My Schizoid Lover

My name is Sassy Masterson and up until recently I was a psychiatrist and head of department for the National Mental Health Organization. My main job was adminis- trative but I always had a few projects running to keep the little gray cells pliant. Actually one of those projects is the subject of my story tonight. I had a schizophrenic subject that I’d been working with for almost a year when the incedent took place. All he did during his waking hours was stomp around in his...

2 years ago
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Blacked Ariana Marie Adria Rae Two Girlfriends Share A BBC

After her experience with her attorney, Rob, Adria has had her DUI dismissed and she is working for him as a personal assistant to help repay her debt to him. Part of her job is to ‘take care’ of the boss, which she enjoys almost as much as he does. He calls her one day regarding a meeting with a sexy female client and what he yearns for is a threesome with this beautiful lady and hot personal assistant. How can she possibly refuse? Ariana is stunning, and you can see the sexual chemistry...

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You Wont Believe What I DidChapter 6

Tony called around 1:00 on Saturday afternoon and said some discrepancies between the invoices and billing needed to be straightened out with one of his LA clients. He figured it would delay his coming home for about three or four days. And he still had one more stop at the Houston office. Of course, that meant less time at Cheryl’s apartment before he would have to leave again. Usually, Cheryl would have been disappointed and fussed on the phone about not having enough time with him. She...

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Humiliated husband pt2

Max was very busy hand washing all of Tonya's underwear and lingerie in the kitchen sink. He dipped a pair of her panties in the clean rinse water dunking them several times before twisting them and squeezing out the excess water. He then placed them in the clothes basket on the counter.Tonya insisted he wear 6" heels around the house especially when doing his chores. After all 6" heels are what sissies wore. Not just because they made his legs look sexy and feminine but also because they...

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A Secret Encounter

She paid for the room and got back into the car. The excitement was almost unbearable . She’d been planning on this night for a week now. She’d called him several times that day to make sure that their plans were still a go. He’d met her outside work with all the things they needed. She re-parked her car as planned and he’d driven her to the motel. As she moved toward the room the excitement and nervousness got worse and worse. She couldn’t believe she was actually going through with...

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I have one c***d (Robert) and I have been given my 'Freedom Papers' recently from my ex-hubby. I work as a stripper and do erotic posing for a couple of photographers, including my best friend and lover, Karen. [Email me if you are interested in seeing nude pictures Julie posted. - Oediplex] I know that sounds kinky, the three of us, but I've never been a conservative or conventional type of person.That is not to say I don't have a sense of morals or feelings of guilt sometimes. I do. But...

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JapanHDV Tsuna Kimura AV Idol Tsuna Kimura gives her fans the best fucking day of their lives

AV Idol Tsuna Kimura gives her fans the best fucking day of their lives. This is a fan’s dream, to meet and get to know his favorite JAV idol. Today’s trip was arranged so the fans could compete and see which of them could win and have the chance to fuck Tsuna Kimura. All of the fans were anxious to win so they could slide into Tsuna. They all tried their best and did everything they could to win. The first game they played was taking off their pants and letting Tsuna jerk them off. And then...

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Furloughed Fuck

During the first few weeks of lockdown the weather was lovely, the drinking as a result flowed and the time on our hands was strange but nice. Like holidaying at home, important to see positives with so much uncertainty around us.My wife loved a bike ride, loved the nice weather and loved a bit of a social drink! So when the sun shone and the restriction of only an hours exercise was relaxed she suggested we pack a rucksack with some drinks and headed out for a cycle in the countryside. She...

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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 14

It was late July and a very hot summer day in Milwaukee when Cliff got a call from Steve Muller. Steve sounded excited and asked if he could come over to see him. Cliff told him to come anytime and a few moments later he came into the office followed by Sandy Donnell and Carlos Murphy. Carlos was their find of the year. He was a third-generation Argentinean, educated in the States. Despite its spelling, his last name was pronounced Mur-pee; Carlos spoke of his grandmother, a native-born...

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Kat Tries Something New

“He did what?”“He ate my ass!”Red sat there unable to comprehend her best friend for a moment. Then she shook her head. “You’re kidding me?”“Fuck no, Red. It was great. You know we’ve fucked for the first time last weekend, but last night he went down on me like he was a starving man.”“Damn, I wish my husband would do that,” said Red wistfully.Kat gave her friend a sad smile. Ever since Red tied the knot, Kat’s been listening to a litany of her husband’s failures in bed. It was a shame because...

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Sasha and Clair

by anon y mouse I was worn to a frazzle. My 7-year old twin boys were driving me up the wall now that school was out. "What are we going to do today?" each one asked over and over. Finally their dad took pity on me and took them off my hands for an extended weekend. They left early on Wednesday morning to spend time with Craig's parents. I went back to bed. When I awakened, I remembered the new neighbors across the street. I'd seen the moving vans, but had not laid eyes on them. After...

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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 15

Chapter 15. Day 13 Friday 12th July 2008. The Kato Castle Tokyo. The Mikado sat upon the chrysanthemum throne that for centuries the Emperors of Japan had sat upon. The messenger arrived. He spoke, "Your Majesty it is as you suspected. The Empress wishes you to continue as Regent until she reaches the age of 21. When your daughters got there they were treated with great respect. The Empress accepts your apologies. Our agent reports that she already has a far larger harem than your...

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An African Nightmare 2

I have had to endure Val sleeping with Eddy now for the last 8 months and unknown numbers of visits from other African men who have all fucked Val numerous times, sometimes I watch sometimes I go to the guest room until they leave. Eddy has let me sleep with my wife a couple of times but due to the sizes of the men that have fucked her repeatedly I’m not sure if I satisfy her anymore, she does seem to be enjoying these men more now. This morning I got a call from Victoria telling me she was...

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Coeds Wild AssChapter 6

They had finally left her alone for a few minutes. Lydia lay against a wooden wall in a small shed attached to the main house. After beating her ass with the belt, Rick had had her taken from the house and stuffed in the shed. It was during this time she learned he was one of the local police sergeants of the small town attached to the compound, and one who was assigned the duty of occasionally patrolling the area as Tom told her they did. The shoemaker, it seems, had often scouted out young...

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The Builders

The BuildersI love being a freelance writer, working from home is a joy, I would sit upstairs in my study overlooking my garden my time was my own.My wife Penny knew that once I’d gone upstairs that I shouldn’t be disturbed. Penny is an attractive woman, at 5ft 4” she is small but has a good curvy figure, strong legs and is big chested with ample tits, she loved showing off her legs and cleavage.One particular day I sat writing an article for the local paper, it was hot with the temperature...

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Crazy Cuck Session

I'd been involved with some hot wife couples as a Bull before, a different thing from helping a woman cuck her hubby. Hot wiving means the husband is involved somehow, or may sit back and watch and direct. Can be Hetero or Bi. I always went straight hetero with couples, as I'm averse to sex with men. Nothing wrong with the Bi thing, just not my bag.When I met this particular couple it was pure happenstance. I'd told myself I was going get out of the lifestyle because my last experience had...

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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

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The Silver Spoon Set

The Silver Spoon Setby MorlockThis story will stand alone, but is built on characters, settings and situations from the story The Hotel.Prolog---------------------------------------------------A steel cabin, somewhere on a boat.I woke up as usual, wondering where I was.  Unfortunately, it only took a few seconds to remember.  Jill was still asleep on the filthy rug that served for our bed.  Like me, she was totally naked. The room smelled like a pigsty, I guess - I never saw one - but between...

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Truck Stop Encounter

I hated long drives. It was the reason I so rarely visited home during my four years in college. If I could have gotten away with it I would have skipped holidays at home too, but my mother would have none of that. So that December I got into my car with a couple of suitcases and started the five hour drive home. I really wanted to drive straight through but around 3:30 I just couldn’t drive anymore. I was starving and there was no way I could wait the two more hours I had until I got home. The...

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Ghosts of the PastChapter 12

Wednesday, February 13, 1957, Diana Richards received some stunning news. That same day, a messenger arrived at her office at the movie studio and she was astounded to discover what had been delivered. She called all of their friends and invited them to dinner with her and Charles that Friday night. While everyone was finishing dessert, Diana stood up to deliver her surprises. "I'm so glad all of you could be here tonight. I have a couple of surprises. The first one is for Charles." She...

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Bounty Part One

Her name is Elisa Grumway and although she may look like a Supermodel she is anything but. She drinks to much, smokes cheap cigars and eats more McDonalds than a long haul trucker and yet she has an amazing figure. When asked how she pulls it off she always answers: "Good Genes and lots of Running"Elisa is a Bail Enforcement Officer aka Bounty Hunter. You may ask how a Woman who looks like so stunning and should be prancing down a Catwalk in Milan fell into the Hunting game, well it all began...

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Do you get excited at the prospect of visiting a glory hole and getting your penis sucked? Well I hate to break it to you, but nobody is going to suck on that little prick anonymously. And if they do, they’re desperate to choke on some cock. Meaning you’re probably going to get a sexually transmitted disease in the first place. Either way you spin it, you can’t fucking win!So you might as well check out xGloryHole instead. You will find an assortment of gloryhole videos that show real women...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Jack I Have Something To Tell You

Jack Sims was at home watching TV on a Friday night his wife JoAnn was out with a friend Jack didn't mind his wife hadn't been out in a long time so he was fine with it. Watching TV drinking beer and the game was on he didn't think of the time till the phone rang, answering it "hello Jack this is Kat your wife's friend she drank a lot and is paying for it now she wants to stay the night and I'll driver her home in the morning. well thanks but I'll come get her now where are you? Jack see...

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The Dress Punishment

The Dress Punishment Katie Leone Being in the principal's office is never a good place to be, especially after you get caught doing something wrong. It makes you feel kind of nervous when you're sitting there waiting for the man in charge to come back in when you know he's getting all the dirt on you that he could. All I can do is sit here and look at the wood panel walls and watch the second hand of the clock move slowly. "Tick, tick, tick," the...

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ParenthoodChapter 11

It wasn't until Monday morning that Liz managed to ask me if it was okay if Carol moved in while she was moving out. Carol did have a room at the dorm, but her roommate had made some unofficial arrangements there while Carol had been living with Lyle. Getting everything straightened out might take a week or two. I knew that I had been set up, but to tell the truth it sure beat living totally alone. The move itself was quite fast, since there was no furniture involved, but the general...

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Shopping with Anita

I was wandering around the local mal with my sweet wife.Ana wanted to purchase some sexy outfit for that same night…She then put her eyes in a lingerie store. We got inside there.I found for her a very nice sexy black, lacy, transparent underwear. Ana told me that she would wear this outfit for me and she would hope I should fuck her in the way she deserved… I smiled at her.Ana picked up the outfit and she went to the changing room. She turned to look at me; saying I could wait outside.As she...

2 years ago
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My sister is a cum dumpster

This isn't some incestuous love affair. It's not blackmail or coercion. My sister is just a slut and loves to fuck. Lucky for her, her teenage brother is also a pubescent hormone factory that is down to fuck 24/7. I also happen to have a nice 8" cock and an appreciation for sexy, athletic, blonde teens with flat stomachs and perky tits. Truth be told I was 7 and she was almost 6 when we first fooled around - but we were so young, we had no idea what we were doing. We were bathing together -...

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Housewife Her Tales Part 2

Things gradually settled down to a normal routine. The event was largely forgotten and if the culprit was not apprehended it was because of Anita. Lakshmi used to take good care of her but to her own surprise Anita did not feel traumatized as perhaps **** victims should have felt. If anything she remembered how he had made her go on all fours and had entered her from behind and that it was not as unpleasant an experience as it should have been. It was a moment that brought back many memories...

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Dads Doctor My wet dreams Partner

"Ok, I am on the way now," I said and hung up the phone from my dad.As you all know, my dad is a Bishop of a leading church in our community. Being the only child at home with him can be rewarding and also boring from time to time. I have to live up to a particular image especially when am around him. But the truth of the matter is this, when he's not around, the real me comes out. I am a "lady in the streets" and a "slut in the sheets!"My dad was at his office at the church all day and he was...

Straight Sex
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Mom needed a shoulder to cry on fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! mom and dad argued all the time it seemed,they had been sleeping in diferent bedrooms for over a year since mom found condoms in the car.I remember that fight real well.Why they stayed together beats me.Now dad was bad about drinking and staying out late especially on paydays.usely coming in with lip stick on his this what happened on this particular night. Dad came in late,he had been drinking and was covered in some womans perfume that...

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My Fantasy

I closed my eyes as I felt the surge of wetness between my legs. She took one of my ankles and tied it to the bottom bedpost, then took my left leg and tied it to the other bedpost. My legs were spread wide open and I had nothing to please myself with. I was beginning to grow impatient. I twisted and knotted the bed sheet in my hand, clenching my pussy walls as drops of perspiration beaded on my upper lip. She tied my arms above my head and then left the room, leaving me squirming impatiently...

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Bap or bati

First of all I am from hyderabad and my mail id is this is for your further response and communication. So my story is ………. I had gone around to my girlfriends place to see her about our planned trip to town to do some shopping after lunch. When I entered her yard at the back her father was laying naked by the pool stoking his hard cock. I was stunned – I have seen naked men masturbate before and enjoy sex but to see him like that surprised me. Before I could beat a hasty retreat he saw...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 23 Party PreparationsGarys

Gary's Golf Outing - Chapter 23 - Party Preparations Somehow, Kay and Gabrielle left Betty's Boutique unobserved, Gabrielle in her red French maid uniform, red stockings and strappy red high heeled sandals, and Kay in the sexy black bra with her bright red lipstick painted nipples protruding through holes, a black garter belt and panties and black four inch high patent leather pumps. When Kay and Gabrielle got into the car, Kay said, "Can you drive with those shoes on or do you...

2 years ago
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Jody always knew how to make a buck. Not only that he usually knew how to let YOU make it for him. He knew angles that none of us ever thought of and after he came up with an idea, we would all sit around discussing them. After we had all had our say on how to make this one work he would take parts of each suggestion and form it into a working solution. Somehow it always worked! It was the summer we all turned 15 that he came up with his most brilliant scheme. He had spent part of the summer...

2 years ago
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My First Time Ever Masturbating

Let's begin by describing myself, I am an average guy, average height, thin, dark and short hair, white skin. At that time I was 13 and had what I guess was an average penis for that age. I am the youngest out of three brothers in my family. I attended Elementary and Middle School at a private Catholic School in my city, it is actually the best in town. As a part of this, the school was divided in two different schools, one for boys and one for girls (they weren't together, a couple of...

3 years ago
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Dream cum true 2

We talked again by phone to meet at his home again. I could not host my wife is in and out all day. He said my wife works, and we worked around that. So i drove to his home and knocked on the door. He aswered the door wearing a sweat top and bottoms. He walked up to me and gave me a kiss and said are you ready, i said yes i am. The night before i cleaned my self out for some clean fun. We sat on his cough for just a second, when the front door started to open. It was his wife coming home sick....

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Divided at Division OneChapter 35

Preparing for U Delaware Dover would be, perhaps, the hardest the team had worked all year. UD was a team strong in many ways, but lacked a defined execution style to be consistent. They were young, with only 2 seniors and 8 juniors and a whole new coaching staff, but they were finding themselves week by week. Coach Winslow wanted to go at them hard on their first offensive set before using his normal game plan. "We'll try to show them our explosive fire power with Marv's arm and our...

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The Dark Corner The Story Retold 8211 Part IV



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