SmokeSCREEN : Book6.1 free porn video

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you’re looking down again / and then you looked me over / we’re laying down again / on a blanket in the clover / the same boy you’ve always known / well i guess i haven’t grown // same boy you’ve always known //

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* * *

After two weeks, we’re suddenly a family.

Given that it’s year fourteen, it falls to Floor One to make a new claim for leadership. Seeing as Floor One’s leader is Phoebe, she’s back in the saddle again but infinitely more easygoing. We have a steady rotation of scouts in the city around us, plus a full compliment of sentries around the tower walls, but most of the effort is put into repairing our way of life. With Martha wanting more work on cars, I opted to get our greenhouse working again and headed to the basements.

In my Fortress of Underground Solitude I’m keenly unaware of the social goings-on around, but I observe a lot through my floor. The boys are integrating, perfectly.

Josh has developed a keen instinct for keeping Lisa satisfied as she either regains her health or gets worse – we really can’t tell – and Phoebe was kind enough to assign him as Lisa’s personal Nurse until she’s up and about again. He makes sure she’s well-fed, clean, entertained and anything else he can set his mind to. Justin, strangely enough, quietly goes about his menial duties as a scout and guard without complaining. Much like Cypress, he’s strangely serious about it all, but enjoys it nonetheless.

I’m staring at him over one of Cypress’s old National Geographics right now – I like the pictures. Or that’s my explanation – I’m staring at Justin, who is eating a breadstick.

What right does he have to be so cheery?

‘So you’re down in the Growhouse now,’ he says suddenly – I purposefully look up from my magazine.

‘Why?’ is all I can think to ask.

‘Maybe… Phoebe thought it was best?’

‘No, I mean why do you ask?’

‘Nothin’, just… I hear you guys were all into growin’ pot.’ I cock the brow over my eye.


‘Well, it’s been like, a long time, and I could…’ he pauses, like he’s not sure if he should proceed, but adds, ‘I could sure go for a good hoot.’

My cocky eyebrow has settled – what?

‘I thought you guys never smoked pot.’

‘Well, you see magazines, you find it, you try it – whatever.’

‘How many of you?’



‘Three that I know of, self included.’

A broad smile spreads across my face, and I point a finger.

‘You’re totally a chronic, aren’t you?’

‘What’s chronic?’

‘Gram a day.’

‘Well, yeah.’

‘Fuck – let’s go smoke a bowl.’ I thumb over my shoulder towards the stairwell and he nods, munching on the breadstick as we go.
He needed a redeeming quality.

We share that bowl, and many more as the days start to swing by. Phoebe’s impressed with my work, and when Reiko from Floor six applied for my post as an Alpha, Phoebe shot her down and let me pick a new assistant instead. Reiko was assigned to the courtyard garden.

For first few weeks she came down here every few days, borrowing this or that, all the while making snitty comments about my fledgeling crop. Reiko all tall and perfectly-proportioned and cute with her almond eyes and full lips and the only thing that gets that bitch out of my mind wears a worn-out baseball cap.

Today, he comes up behind me as I lean my jaw on my knuckles, staring at a little budlet that’s seen fit to pop up.

My vision goes black, and I bat Justin’s hand away, not looking from my tiny plant.

‘Stop doing that,’ I tell him.

‘This place looks so much better.’

‘Well, they fucked up the lights pretty bad, I had to do some running around to replace ’em.’

‘What’s that?’

He’s looking over my shoulder, I can tell.

‘It’s my plant.’

‘What kind?’


‘Wacky tabacky?’

‘The wackiest.’ I finally turn to him, and smile as he presents me with a plate of food. Good food, too – the kitchen’s been running for ten days, now.

‘This is all you guys grow?’

‘We keep the veggies one floor down,’ I tell him through my food. ‘I’ll get to that in a couple of weeks.’

‘So, I’m doin’ my circuit, right?’

I know this voice – this is ‘Justin’s-got-something-he-thinks-is-important’ voice, and I roll my eye as I eat.

‘And guess what trots right up to me, not growlin’ or nothin?’


‘A big fuckin’ black wolf.’

‘Fuck off.’

‘Phoebe’s got it upstairs – it’s friendly as all Hell, too. We think it’s Cypress’s.’

‘This I gotta’ see,’ I put my plate down.

‘What, right now?’

I pause. Should we…?

‘Alright, one bowl,’ I nod.

‘Atta girl.’

* * *

Stoned out of our minds, my toque and his baseball cap pulled down low over our eyes, we wander, giggling, upstairs.

Justin’s great being stoned with – I do get the vibe, but everyone else probably does too, he’s so Goddamn friendly. Point is, he makes you laugh a lot. It takes us a while to get out to the courtyard, and when we do a circle’s already formed around Phoebe and the wolf.

It’s weird, even though she sold us out to the old ones, everyone’s had a renewned faith in Phoebe. She seems to be making all the right calls, though I personally don’t buy it.

She’s sitting in front of the wolf, stroking it’s head. As soon as I step into view the beast jumps to her feet and trots over to me.

‘Hi Douglas,’ I say politely. The wolf isn’t as scary as Crow made it out to be.

‘How did you know his name?’

‘Her name – Crow told me.’

Phoebe shakes her head and stands.

‘I thought you knew what to do when and if this dog showed up,’ she says.

‘He just told us to wait for the wolf,’ Justin recites, kneeling to the shaggy beast. ‘Now what? Woof.’

Douglas is not amused. She looks up at me, puzzled as she pants.

Now she looks questioningly, asking ‘why did you leave them?’

‘It’s not like she tried to get me to follow her or anything,’ Justin shrugs.

‘But still, he sent her up here,’ Martha says. ‘That means they’re alive.’

‘That means he’s alive. Michelle and Richard could be dead,’ Justin says.

‘And the others.’

‘We’re a decent size already – sixty can hold its own.’

‘That’s not the point-‘

‘Sophie – what does the dog want?’ Phoebe snaps at me.


I look at Douglas, and she pants up at me in the hot sun.

‘The dog wants water.’

* * *

Douglas seems to like me. I say this because she won’t go away, not that she’s offered deeper insight into Cypress’s situation. The Alphas are meeting right now up in Fourteen with Phoebe to discuss a broader plan. Do we stay and wait for Cypress? Do we continue the River plan? Does Justin like me? Like, like me like me?

‘Who are you talking to?’ Anze pops an eyebrow at me.


I just noticed her. She’s carrying two five-pound bags of weed. Her hair, once a brilliant green is a pale, pale off-white. I’d never noticed how white it was before – but her natural color is closer to silver than blond.

For some reason, it makes her eyes greener.

‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ she asks, stepping back.

‘I’m not.’ I pull my toque down.

‘You’re totally stoned.’

‘I’m the official Tower Potgrower, d’think I’m a nun?’

Her jaw drops and she shrieks, ‘You fucked Justin!’

My jaw drops and I shout, ‘What? I’m stoned! Who fucked Justin?’


‘Since when? I hope it was good.’

I find a smoke – it’s real good. Smokes are always better when you’re s

‘Well did you?’

‘I just said, no. He’s not sayin’ that, is he?’

And now she blushes a deep pink as she says,

‘Well, no, you just hear things.’

‘From who?’

‘Wwww…. Where do I put these?’ she asks.

‘Hold your arms out.’


‘Hold the bags out – stretch your arms.’

‘Ah… okay…’

‘Okay – hold it,’ I tell her.


‘The bags go right there. Now who said what?’

She drops her arms, and sticks out her tongue.

‘You can’t torture me, it’s against Tower rules, I’m not tellin’ you shit.’

‘Did he say something?’ I ask as she trots off to the Dry Room.

She spins, walking backwards as she goes, sticks out her tongue again and says, ‘Not shit.’ The whole thing might have been very sharp if she hadn’t smacked right into Him, of all people.

As he helps her up, she whispers, ‘Did you sleep with her?’

‘Anze!’ I bark.

‘Did she say that?’

‘Sorry – I’m stupid,’ she tells him, giggling. He hands her the second bag as she adds, ‘I’m stoned,’ and walks off.

Huh… she didn’t seem stoned to me. But it does explain a lot – she’s been acting weird, despite working out well as an assistant.

Nevermind – Justin’s walking up now. I can’t pull the toque quite low enough, but before I try I can tell he’s smiling.

‘Are you goin’ around tellin’ people we’re all together?’ I ask quickly, dryly.

‘Never said shit. But whatever – people talk, it’s what they do.’

‘I guess so.’

Let me say, firmly, that Justin and I have never held hands. Never kissed. Neverwhatever. It’s been five weeks, and there’ve been no signs, no hints. Just a vibe – sorta.

I turn around and look back to my plants. They’re getting big pretty quick.

And why would there be signs, or hints? I remind myself. ‘Cause who wants a five-foot-cyclops, covered with scars?

‘Jesus, you’re good at this.’

‘It’s a miracle,’ I nod at them, proudly.

‘Pfft – act of God?’ He shakes his head, and says, ‘It’s an act o’Sophie.’

I grin widely, but inside take a long, sad sigh. I’m glad he’s on my left side, ’cause he won’t be able to see my patch when he invariably-

‘Give it back,’ I snap.

‘Why do you always wear this thing?’ He twirls my toque on long fingers.

‘Why do you always wear that stupid cap?’ I point at his old, worn red hat.

‘It’s not stupid! Bubba-Gump Shrimp! Don’t you remember that fuckin’ movie with the on on the bench – the guy from Saving Private Ryan? My dad made us watch it a million times, it was awesome.’

And I’m taken aback. But still I point at my toque and say,

‘That’s a… it’s mine.’

I open my hand for it, and he drops the his BubbaGump cap into it, pulling my toque over his eyes.

‘Christ, it fits,’ he grins. ‘Trade?’

‘Are you serious?’


I try the cap and it fits.

‘Totally.’ I’m grinning too, now.

‘This is why people think you’re sleeping together,’ Anze calls – we peer back at her. She’s holding another two bags.

‘Get back to work, Babe,’ I snap at her, and she continues on.

”Babe’?’ asks Justin.

‘It’s her rank, ’cause she’s so much younger than all of us.’

‘She’s nineteen.’

‘No she’s not, she’s seventeen. In three months she’ll be eighteen,’ I tell him.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Positive – I was her babysitter.’

‘You were not a babysitter…’ she hurries off to the Curing Room for another pair of bags.

‘No, I just had to teach her everything because she couldn’t figure it out.’

‘Yeah? Like what?’ she calls back. I wait ’till she’s out of earshot and whisper,

‘Like her period.’

Justin nods, and says, ‘What’s a period?’

‘Nevermind – make yourself useful, grab the end of this and help me move it.’

‘I’m just fuckin’ with you – I know what it is,’ he leans down and places his hands deep underneath the table and lifts the whole thing, plants and all.

Ooh, tough guy, I’m thinkin’. Way to impress me. That’s right – hold it for a second.

‘…really,’ I grin.

‘Yeah – I can read. The period comes at the end of a sentence.’

‘You can read?’ I nod, giving my best I’m-impressed face.

‘S’why I got busted down to nurse,’ he nods.

Keep holdin’ it up, tough guy.


‘Where would’ja like this?’

‘Too heavy?’

‘No, just wanna’ be productive.’

‘Down that hall, a hundred yards – tenth door on the left.’

‘Fuck off…’ He sets it back down again, and frowns at me. ‘You’re messin’ with me.’ Accusing eyes. Have I told you about his eyes?

‘Anze?’ I call over my shoulder. ‘Where’s the Blueberry Room?’

‘Hundred and twenty yards – eleventh door on the right.’

He glances down at the picture of blue berries, stuck into the middle of the trays of plants. Not the colour of real blueberries – more of a sky blue.

‘You were gonna’ have me go a hundred twenty yards?’

I pout and bat my eye, and do my best ingenue, ‘Well I’m so weak and helpless, you strong manny-man.’

‘This is why people think you’re- ‘

‘Shut up, Anze!’

He looks down, and nudges the concrete with the steel toe of his boot.

‘…I’m not all tryin’ to impress you.’

‘Well if you are, I’m totally not fallin’ for it.’

‘This is why people-‘

Justin spins to her and says quickly, calmly,

‘Anze, I’ll smoke a bowl with you later if you just… shyaddup.’

She mimes locking her lips and throwing away the key, and returns to moving the bags.

Justing leans against the countertop and looks back at her with me.

‘Since when is she out of the kitchen permanent?’

‘She asked for a transfer,’ I say. ‘One of the guy soldiers wanted to go in for kitchen duty, as a chef. The guy soldier was replaced by Donna, the old assistant, who wanted more action. Phoebe offered me a new assistant, so Anze’s here full-time.’

He nods, ‘Phoebe’s real cool about that stuff, huh?’

‘She is now. She’s totally different.’

‘Anze’s comin’ along as a good little stoner,’ he says, lighting a cigarette.

‘I know – I even have her passing a joint the right way.’

I light a smoke for myself, and we’re content to puff for a moment or two.
‘…and I wasn’t all tryin’ to be sweet when we traded caps,’ he reassures me.

‘Well don’t think I was,’ I shrug. ‘I got ten more of those upstairs.’ For some reason his face goes limp, and he nods.

‘Oh,’ mumbling, ‘…that’s cool.’

‘Hey,’ I punch his shoulder. ‘I like it. It’s cool. Now help me move this. Lift at the knees, here we go…’

* * *

* * *

dead leaves and the dirty ground when i know you’re not around / shiny tops and the soda pops when i hear your lips make a sound

thirty notes in the mailbox will tell you that i’m comin’ home / and i think i’m gonna’ stick around for a while so you’re not alone

if you can hear a piano fall you can hear me comin’ down the hall / if i could just hear your pretty voice, i don’t think i need to see at all

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* * *

And so, it finally becomes clear to me, what everyone else had known for weeks,

I love him. Previously, I’d acknowledged to myself I had something of a crush on him, being such a damn nice guy and all…

But now it’s clear to me, so naturally I’m depressed – wallowing in my plants. Because even having established that I’m all about Justin, I’m still left with the fact that Justin treats everyone as nice as he treats me. And so I wallow in my work.

Right now I’m going over a table of budding plants, searching for the males.
I patiently going from plant to plant with a magnifying glass, squinting my one good eye.
Allow me to let you in on a little marijuana horticulture, it’s the female plants that produce THC – the chemical that gets you high. They produce this to attract the male plants – to entice the males to start making pollen. Once the females are pollenated, they shut down THC production. If they’re not pollenated, they’ll continue until it’s dripping off. Obviously, the male plants are kept on a separate floor.

But in every new crop of plants, there’s bound to be males, and it’s always best to find ’em before they even start to really leaf. So I squint into the magnifying glass with my one good eye.

‘You okay?’ Anze sips her morning coffee. She was up late with Justin last night – he shared a lot more than one bowl with her – their chatting in the common area kept me up ’till two or so.

‘Got one of those for me?’

‘Is that my job now?’

‘Yes – you’re the assistant.’

‘Losta cream, lotsa sugar?’ she holds up a big mug.

‘Yeah…’ I reach for it. ‘Thanks.’

She leans against the counter with me and we each take a long sip, and a long breath.

‘Who made this coffee?’

‘Some ex-soldier guy Herskie,’ she shrugs.

‘It’s pretty good.’

‘Yeah, all this time we thought they couldn’t cook…’

‘You’re really growing up,’ I tell her. She shrugs again.

‘We all grew up. Why is that dog always here?’ Anze points her toe at Douglas, who lies sleeping under a table of plants.

‘She’s a wolf, Anze – give her some respect.’

‘So she’s yours now?’

‘She likes me, for some reason.’

‘Do you get anything from her?’

‘Nothin’. She just sleeps,’ I say. In response, Douglass huffs and turns her head in the opposite direction. ‘…but she listens to me.’

Anze frowns and says, ‘That’s creepy. So Justin and I talked for a while last night.’

‘I know, you kept me up.’

‘So you know what he said?’

‘No, I just heard the sound of it – just natter-natter-natter-natter-natter-natter for like, three hours straight.’

‘Whatever, he said he wanted to party a little before he had to go out on that big three-day scouting run…’

She sips her coffee, nodding. Green, green eyes sparkling. I wish my eye was as bright as… one of hers.

‘What did he say?’

‘About what?’

‘About me.’

She sips her coffee and says, ‘So you’re curious, now.’

‘Gimmie a break, Anze,’ I sigh into my mug. She’s a good head taller than me now, finally had her last growth spurt – my baby girl. ‘What’d he say?’

‘He doesn’t understand why you don’t like him.’

‘He thinks I don’t like him?’

‘So you do?’

‘Of course I…’

‘Hm,’ she grins. ‘I’ll have to pass that along.’

‘Anze. Come on.’

She shrugs, sets her mug down and finds a cigarette. Lighting it, she takes a drag before telling me, ‘He actually said… he said he doesn’t understand why you never visit him.’

‘We talk all the time.’

‘No – he comes down here all the time. You never go see him on his shift.’

‘He’s all the way out on scouting runs, how would I find him?’

‘He does guard shifts at night.’

‘I sleep at night.’

She throws up her hands before grabbing the coffee cup – she’s done.

‘That’s just what he told me,’ she says, walking off to the dry room. ‘I’ll be finished the bags today, what am I starting on next?’

‘You wanna’ learn how to grow?’ I ask.

‘Well – yeah,’ she nods.

‘Good, you’ll plant your first crop.’ I flip open a binder of symbols and trace my finger to a particular group of bags. The previous grower kept perfect records, based on a system of symbols of her own design – a series of coloured pictures with a series of numbers. I grab the crayons and quickly copy the crop name and location to a card, and hand it to Anze.

‘This is the number for an O-bag,’ she says, and I nod.

‘Yeah – I’m gonna’ show you how to process seeds straight off the bud. After that, I’ll show you how to find the male plants – it’ll be fun.’

She grins and hurries off to her work as I sip my coffee. Shit – I should have asked her for a cigarette, and I sigh down at my plants.

Why would he want a cut-up midget?

The dark clouds storm over my head again until Anze comes back in with the O. As I remove a stick of bud from the bag and she seals it back up before sitting beside me and saying,

‘He’s totally into you.’

I needed that.

* * *

Stupid scouting runs. Why go all the way south? The dogs could be back. They could be back. There was way too many of them, and Cypress couldn’t kill them all.

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The twins had befriended a local housewife, named Claire Bontsman, who used to be a schoolteacher, but was laid off and decided to open up her own daycare. This woman was only four years older than us, at age 27, she had one kid, who was the same age as my two children. All in all, leaving my children with this woman, was a good opportunity. My children were able to interact with other kids, and I was able to get to know other parents.  My father had asked me two years ago if I was going...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon sissification

To be honest I was having real misgivings, my new wife Melody and I were on our honeymoon in the Caribbean, there was a nudist beach near by and she wanted to go.?Look Mel I really don?t want to go, I know you say there?s nothing wrong with me, but I?m not that well endowed, it will be really embarrassing?, I begged in a desperate attempt to get Mel to change her mind, knowing I was only 4 inches when hard, and 1 ? inch when soft.?Nonsense your just average I?m sure there will be lots of...

4 years ago
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Good Black Dick

A few weeks ago I took my son to one of his friend’s birthday party. When I first got there I noticed that I was the only Dad at the party. I said to myself that this will be a long couple of hours. Jason was the only African-American c***d at the party, my son and the birthday boy were best friends every evening after school all I heard was Shaun did this and that. Jason took off running and left me by myself, I got mad because I didn’t like being alone in a crowd of people that I didn’t know....

3 years ago
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My Son RichardChapter 8

I awoke with Richard behind me and Jeri behind him, His hand was on my breast, and I felt his hardness pushing against my butt. He was so steady under the possible threat of personal harm, but we were all lucky Robbie and his friend weren’t carrying weapons. Why did he do that, he has money, lots of money? Maybe this was just a scare tactic ... well, it worked! I got up, to use the bathroom, and ordered some Chinese food. I did not want to cook! He was up when I walked back into the room,...

3 years ago
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A Weekend of Pleasure and Pain ndash Part 2

Sir:You struggle to walk down the few steep steps in your heels and go slowly in the poor lighting. I can't think about anything else but your naked ass, the smell of my cum dripping out of your holes, and my insatiable desire to slap it hard. I refrain though, because I know you're entering sensory overload mode again and that's exactly where I want you. I know your heart is racing as I walk you toward the cargo centre’s control booth.It's a fair size, a little over 2 meters tall and about 3...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 15

I was sure the complimentary coffee was the type made from the sweepings off the floor of the packaging plant. The cereal was a generic rice puff, or cornflakes in those little individual cardboard boxes. There were a few breakfast pastries sitting on a table. They were shriveled up, as if they came from the day old market. Tonya was already in the lobby eating the crappy cereal when I showed up dressed for my morning hike. I waved at her as I passed. She caught up with me when I stopped...

2 years ago
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Super FluChapter 5

Sticking to the back roads Junior took his time getting to Gatlinburg. He wanted to avoid the possible heavy congestion of the main highways, and get a good look at the town from the side of the mountain. Finding a suitable spot, he studied the town through binoculars. He wasn't sure what he would see, and wasn't looking for anything in particular. He had promised Sarah that he would be careful and scouting the town would help. It would also give him a general idea of any major changes....

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Ill Be Dirty For You

He was quite young to be a high school teacher, and some might say a bit inexperienced, but the results he had achieved so far showed that he had a natural flair for the job, the pass rate in his classes being significantly above average. David had been teaching for only two years now, but he knew exactly what type of student Lesley James was. She was a very attractive girl who had brains but wouldn’t use them, someone who was capable of straight A’s but who gave up at the slightest...

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Well i can say this was an shock in woods run

getting ready to head to the gym, so i decided to take run for a lil warm up. when i work out i dont wear underwear cause i sweat bad, so i wear black silky long shorts so they don't stick. i find this entrance in the brush so took it. pretty smooth but jump hear and there but no problem good for exercise, about a mile down there were stairs going down pretty steep i might say. I took my time down for cool down you might say. At the end were about knee high brush about half mile at least i a...

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Kates Anal Correspondence course Lesson 2 Further Study

"It's all about trust". Kate looked around the store realizing that she had said the words aloud. Fortunately nobody seemed to have heard her or if they had they had ignored her. People talk to themselves in public all the time these days, a consequence of cheap mobile phones and Bluetooth headsets. The lube was on the bottom shelf. Kate wondered if this might be the reason A. had told her to buy it here. She would have to bend down to pick it up, something that might prove quite a challenge...

2 years ago
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Didi Tera Devar Deewana 8211 Part 3

Hi Friends! I am back again with the third part of the story you all loved and appreciated a lot. I received a lot of emails for the story. I received a lot of love from all Indian sex stories fans. Some even send their erect cock pics as an honor to my story. All in all, I was much happy with the way the story has come up. Not boring you further, I will continue the story. So Hammad brought me down and made me hear the love noises of my jiju and sister. Then he took me to the kitchen and...

3 years ago
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Project Phoenix 2 Chapter 1

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. The story meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my earlier story, Project Phoenix. Readers who are unfamiliar with it may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier two stories. I really appreciate them. Project Phoenix Part 2 By...

2 years ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop 1

--This was an encounter that almost happened with a Daddy a while back. We talked about doing this for a first meet to make up for other times that didn't work out, and while talking about it with him was undeniably hot, it ended up not happening for a few reasons, chief among them safety. I think about how hot it would have been to smash a lot of my boundaries this way, though. Enjoy, and comments welcum :) ---- I couldn't believe I agreed to this, but here I was. The truckstop is maybe an...

3 years ago
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The Night Continues

That grin still hadn’t left his face… I was starting to get the feeling that he was planning something. Our night wasn’t over yet, so he had said. But what, I wondered, could he possibly be planning? This question faded from my mind upon pulling into the driveway. It was quiet as we casually got out of the car, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. Immediately I went to the bedroom, and donned a clean satin nightgown. My still shirtless husband appeared then, carrying a tray of strawberries...

4 years ago
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In the Dark

August 2003 "Oh yes. Oh fuck me harder Carlos. Oh god I love how you fill me up." Carlos, encouraged by my words, fucked me harder and faster. I felt my pussy was already stretched to the limit as if Carlos was shoving a soda bottle into my pussy rather than his eight inch cock. I was bent over the settee, my legs apart and my hands braced against the wall as this man I had only met a few hours ago attacked my pussy with his large battering ram. I knew the moment I saw him on the dance...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 13 December 1920

December 19 Tonight was the winter concert for both bands. This is when we present all the music we’ve been working on since Marching Band ended. I wasn’t nervous about any of it except my ‘solo’ part, which was actually a brass quintet part that only ran about 20 measures, something less than a minute long. I’d practiced it on my own at home, after school with the rest of the quintet and countless times with the full band during two months of rehearsals in class and after school. Mr. J....

3 years ago
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I used to live in a duplex & was very interested in my neighbor lady, we had drank together a few times before & she knew I was interested in her but just wouldn't go there with me or was playing hard to get I wasn't really sure just yet. I used get so horny when she came around, maybe because she was 12 years older than me & was so hot. one night I took her to dinner & she suggested we have Oysters for an appetizer & started telling me how they were an aphrodisiac &...

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Ants at BEESChapter 5

I was back at the Museum on Monday. It had been a very strange weekend. No. More than just very strange. I had had Jenny drop me off on campus. "Did I come on too strong?" "Not at all. It's just that tonight's already taken. Give me your number. I'll call." She gave it to me. "Not too early. My flatmates like to sleep in." "Eleven?" "Should be fine." She gave me another kiss, I got my portfolio from the rear seat and I watched her drive off. I walked home and went upstairs...

2 years ago
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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 21 Videos

Two days later I was tidying things up at work in anticipation of flying to Seattle for an extended period of time. They had taken Tony’s body over to Nevada and staged a car accident. I guessed that they had a friendly coroner there who wouldn’t do an autopsy. I looked up as my assistant entered my office. “Brad, there’s a strange guy out in the lobby who asked to speak to you.” “Ok, what’s his name?” “He said you and he have met and just told me to tell you that it was Gino.” Oh shit, I...

3 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 4

I pulled the backpack and cargo bag out of the tent, then the sleeping bag and ground pad. The sun wasn't up quite high enough to be shining directly down on me yet, but it would be soon so I figured I'd best get myself packed up before I went where I'd been reluctant to go – that leatherette document carrier sitting on top of the neatly folded clothes in my cargo bag. I shook out the sleeping bag and unzipped it completely, draping it over the camp table which I'd managed to not see in...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 31

Eventually we all agreed that fun was fun, but it was time to turn in for the night. Svetlana retired to the guest room where Ivan was ensconced, Dad got the second guest room next to theirs, and Buck (I have a hard time even thinking the name without smirking) was given the room right next to his, which was normally Lilly's. We'd agreed, the girls and I, amongst ourselves, not long after I got out of the Army, that each of them should have their own room. Their own private space that...

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Holi Mei Jam Kar Karvayi Chudai

Sasuraal mei yeh meri pehli holi thi. Shadi ko 8 mahine ho chukhe the. Us din subah se hi mein bekraar thi. Darasal aaj apni maa ke ghar pe jane ka mauka jo mil rha tha. Upar se mein holi bhi badi dhoom se manati hu. Subah karib 10.30 baje mein aur mera pati hamare ghar pahunche. Hamare ghar par sab log badi besabri se hamara intejar kar rahe the. Waha pahunchne par hamara jordaar swagaaat hua. Meri cousins aur meri saheliyo nei hum dono ko rango se buri tarah sarobaar kar diya. Mein poori...

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Neighborly Lust Part 2

Neighborly Lust (Part 2)Don Abdul ©2010I quickly rearranged myself and then took a few steps back from the window and then in my best innocent neighbor in distress voice called out, “Hello, anybody home?”After my third call out, the curtains were pulled wider apart and I was for the second time shocked. It was Gabrielle who came to the window, she was butt naked; the cum had been wiped from her face and gorgeous breasts, but they were still perky and beautifully naked. I licked my lips...

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Jay The Gym and Sexercise Ch 3

The more time I spent with Stretch, the more attracted I was to her. Besides her physical beauty and her athleticism, she had the most positive personality of any person I had ever met. She carries an aura around her and anyone within three feet would be sweep into her vortex of happiness.Now that I was dating Stretch, I was spending more time at Harriet’s gym. I would work out with Little John and Bear, while still sneaking in to watch Stretch perform her routine. Having shed her clothes...

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The Cumrag Chronicle

Like most teenaged guys I jacked off a lot. And as I know happens with many teenaged guys, I got in the habit of keeping a "cum rag." It was just an old towel, that I borrowed from the bathroom, that I would use to mop up the mess when I finished jacking off, and then hide under my bed. When it got too rank from too many deposits, I would bury it in the bottom of the trash can on the morning of garbage day, and borrow a new one. So far, nothing untypical. And probably, it's not even...

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Defowering of niece

This is a true story that happened 5 years back between me and my elder sister in law’s daughter. I was 35 years while she was 18 years and about to get married. I had gone to Jaipur from Bangalore to attend a conference. As our families are very close my niece asked her parents if she could go with me to Bangalore to spend 15/20 days leave with my family before she got married off. So we took the flight from Jaipur to Delhi. We were to change the flight in Delhi but due to some technical...

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Slipping Around

There is an old country song called “Slipping Around” which is what I was doing a lot of when I was young and in the early years of marriage.I had married my high school sweetheart less than a year out of school. I was eighteen and much too young and immature for such a big step. But there I was, tied down, while all my buddies were running free and having a great time. Ties got worse when fourteen months after getting married, I became a father. There I was, less than twenty years old,...

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Shag The Veep Save The World An Earth Day AlGoreYChapter 4

"It is not a ''orrible plan.'" Jennifer protested. "Fine. Then explain to me how you plan on getting Mr. and Mrs. Gore into a hot tub with two strippers, two midgets, and a trained seal." Jennifer sat back and her seat and glared at Renee. "Okay," she finally said with a pout. "That's a good point. Maybe we should go to Plan B." Once again she leaned forward and dropped her voice to a whisper.

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My wife the call girl

My wife and I had been together for 2 years, we had met on a blind date arranged between two mutual friends and we hit it off from the word go, she was 18 years younger than myself I was 39 at the time. We did everything a normal couple does and had a blast of a time, she got pregnant after a holiday on a Greek Island and of course 9 months later we had a lovely Baby Boy. It was after the birth of my son when she sort of changed a little in different ways. Sex became even more frequent than...

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Five Times a DayChapter 5

I had two naked girls in bed with me. What a way to fall asleep. I was actually awakened by my sister giving me a blow job. Hannah was coaching her through it. These girls might just kill me. Around noon, Callie and Hannah left me alone and naked in my room. I don't remember when I moved from my sister's room to mine, but I fell asleep again. I felt a tongue and mouth around my boner figuring Callie had come home. I opened my eyes to see mom swallowing my entire dick. She was much more...

1 year ago
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Sweet Dreams

It was a dream come true! John saw Kali one late night, after one of the football, and since his injury earlier this season he wasn’t allowed to play, so he didn’t go to the matches either. John was aimlessly wondering the halls. No one was wondering the halls besides, drunk Jake Lansi and his girlfriend, Kali. The couple went upstairs into the common room, which had been rented out by John and Kali for the weekend. There came a lot of laughter from behind the closed door. Soon, the laughter...

First Time
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 01

Nick’s head hurt. His eyes opened to a somewhat disheveled scene, not remembering how he got there. He was lying on a stained and damp bed in a cold and dark room. He sat up and further observed his dank surroundings, Noting the cobwebs covering a good portion of the walls that encased the room. There was a bleak ray of light poking in from a boarded up window across the room. Rubbing his aching head, Nick apprehensively walked toward it. He peered through to see it raining outside. There was...

1 year ago
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Strip Searched by a COP

I walked to the parking my car and went home. Later that night i planned to go over my friend Girlfriends House. I brought a bag of pot with me so we could smoke when i got there. I wanted to get there soon and i was driving pretty fast when i heard police sirens. I had never been pulled over before and i was very nevous. I turned down my radio which was blaring and pulled over onto the side of the rode. The cop got out and came over to the car and told me to drive down the side road...

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Daisy Gets the Treatment She Wants ch 02

** Daisy's two-week adventure continues as she is roughly bound, glory-holed again and shocked in preparation for Bill's big party. ** [Day 1 (Saturday) - early evening] Over dinner, David introduced me to his three friends. Mark was the kind of guy you just naturally asked "so you played some football in college, eh?" A big side of beef standing about 6 foot 2 and two-hundred fifty pounds of solid muscle. His interest in Daisy as purely back-door. Of all the photographs of Daisy...

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The March of the RoseChapter 12

Anastasia and Rac-Nur had arrived from Aithen the previous day and were just re-settling into their normal routines. Their housekeeper, Kate, had the house open and ready before they arrived and Anastasia was very appreciative. Kate informed Anastasia that her son was going to be visiting in a day or so after completing his study at the Merchant-Marine Academy in Re-An. Kate was asking for time off to spend with her son at a local inn but Anastasia offered the use of the guest quarters. She...

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Tasting American Pussy

Our company was an indo-american joint venture so all the representatives from my company,including me,were looked after by a local representative. Her name was Sidney.She was taller than me by an inch or so,fair but tanned,having average-sized boobs,blonde hair & was serious about her career. Since she was sub-ordinate to me she assisted me on the first day while i made my powerpoint presentation. I didn't know anybody else in that country & my other colleagues were of the more serious...

4 years ago
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Adriana running the company

part 1They had met a few months before, at some anniversary for some-one they both knew professionally. Adriana had found him one of the most loathsome persons she had ever met. He had been so obviously undressing any women in the room with his eyes, he had been making several very lewd comments to any female within shouting distance and after he had left, people actually talked about how he usually was much worse!Only now she actually needed him!Her husband, Martin, was still in custody (but...

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Forced Compensation for De Ann

Brent worked as a Financial Manager for United Investments for several years. He was married to De Ann, a knock out. Brent was 34; De Ann was 33 and only 5 foot tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes. Brent loved De Ann's breasts, a perfect 36C, but he thought her best quality was her firm ass.Although Brent thought De Ann had a great, near-perfect body, her lack of confidence in her appearance resulted in a very conservative dress. This lack of confidence in her appearance also frustrated...

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Sexy Fat Nurs

Today i was at the Dr's and this nurse walked in the room after my appointment. She was not very attractive or young but quit the opposite. She was an older lady probably around 50 with short curly hair glasses and a short vary curvy body. I don't know what came over me but this feeling of calmness. She struck me as someone I wanted to know more about and that sexy Russian ascent sent me into a meltdown. Why I felt like this I don't know but she gave me a calming effect and I wanted here. She...

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Two Weeks in The Valley Alluring Angels

"Okay, so what is the next rule? Come on, I need to hear you say it." She is biting her nails and giving me a very serious look.I sigh. She has gone over and over these to the point where I'm about to tell her just to forget it. To not go out to California for this 'job' but instead to spend Spring Break here. I'll work double shifts at the hardware store like I planned and maybe that will give us enough money to get by through the end of the semester. Anything so that she doesn't have to go...

College Sex
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Philatal Mistake

I'm a nice guy. Always have been always will be. It's who I am. I really am a nice guy. When I'm around women I'm respectful. I listen, I compliment, I consider their feelings. For me "no" has always meant "no." I guess if I told you that I didn't get much action you wouldn't be surprised. Not that I'm complaining OK maybe I'm complaining a little... but I understand that it's my fault. I've even been fixed up with "sure things", except it wasn't. We got to talking and soon...

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