Felicity Ch. 39 free porn video

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Chapter 38: Audrey

I was then thirty-two. I had married at twenty-four and divorced at twenty-eight. My ex and I mistook lust for love. When the lust was satisfied we had nothing else so we went our separate ways as friends. We had talked about having a family but realized early neither of us wanted children, which turned out to be a blessing.

Every once in a while my ex and I had fucked until she re-married.

I had concentrated my efforts on my career and had risen in the company hierarchy within three rungs off the top.

Then I was fired.

I was stunned. I had made more money for the company than anyone. I got along well with all except one but I still treated her politely.

Her name was Audrey, an intense, humorless redhead with no tits.

She also made a lot of money for the company but was always second to me in that regard.

I wondered if she had somehow engineered my firing.

I immediately decided that was unfair, she did not have a mean bone in her body and we got along well outside the boardroom.

It had been almost a year since I admitted her proposal had a better chance to succeed than mine. She was first shocked then elated.

It had been the only time I had seen a real smile from her. I had decided I liked her smiling at me and had backed her ideas on occasion, she began to back mine on occasion. I saw her smile at me at least once each day from then on.

Somehow that made me happy.

Happier than it should have, I thought.

Our boss, Randall, was a nice guy that had no business running a multi-million dollar company. However a conglomerate owned our company and his father owned the conglomerate.

Randall did not try to hide that he was in over his head and simply relied on Audrey and me to steer him straight. We seldom agreed on what straight was but Randall did have the ability to see both paths clearly and pick the right one.

He was an excellent administrator.

The two people that ranked between him and me were corporate lackeys for his father. We seldom saw them.

On my way to his office it occurred to me Randall would never fire me. He depended on me and we were friends.

As I walked in his office I said, ‘I take it you had no say in me being fired.’

He gave me a look of great relief and nodded. ‘Correct and I am very happy you could see that. That was my father’s idea. George convinced him that you were usurping my authority. I know you were not and would not but they saw my defense of you as proof you needed to go. Sorry. ‘

‘You got fired too?’ we heard from the doorway.

Randall and I nodded yes.

Audrey had come to his office to tear him apart but suddenly understood it was not his doing.

‘What are you going to do?’ she asked him in sympathy.

My opinion of her rose considerably with that question, she was more worried about him than for herself.

‘I have both of your cell numbers and have you listed under A & J Consulting Firm. You need to incorporate it, I have already hired you.’

‘You are going to get in trouble when George finds out,’ I said.

‘Nah, George knows less about this stuff than I do and he would never equate you to the consulting firm. Go collect your severance and clean out your desk. And please look upset when you do.

‘By the way your first check as consultants is also in the envelope. Use the money to set up.’

‘Right chief,’ Audrey and I echoed.

We suddenly had the same perverse thought and kissed each of his cheeks.

‘Oh, you are both so fired,’ he said as we laughed our way out of his office.

We stomped our way through the offices and to the elevator. Once the doors closed we began to laugh.

She looked cute. I had to fight off the urge to kiss her.

As we got to our cars in the parking garage and loaded our stuff she suddenly stopped and asked, ‘Do you mind having me as a business partner?’

‘Well, I had not thought about that, I mean what do business partners do?’

‘I don’t know but I have a cousin that’s a lawyer, actually I have several cousins that are lawyers, but I have one I could call and make and appointment for us.’

‘Do that.’


‘Yes, why not. We are unemployed, it is just barely nine in the morning and we have time to see him now.’

‘Her. OK but her office is seventy-eight miles away.’

‘Lets go to the coffee house around the corner, you can call her from there.’

We found a quiet table in a corner and I went to get us coffee and kolaches as she called.

As soon as I sat she said, ‘She wants us to go down now and take her and her partner to lunch. They will be going to Las Vegas for a concert this afternoon.’

‘Where are they?’

‘Felicity. Its straight down the freeway to the coast then a right then a left, it should take us about an hour.’

‘Like I said, we are poor jobless people, we have the time.’

We were not poor people and we were not jobless but it was the appropriate line.

‘Do you have your pay envelope with you?’ she asked.

‘Yes, in my jacket.’

‘See if the set up check is in it.’

It was and it was much larger than expected and so was our severance pay. She was just opening her envelope and just stared at hers.

‘This is more money than a teacher makes in a year. I need to show this to Helen.’

‘Who is Helen?’

‘A teacher cousin. Are we going to keep the money secrets from each other?’

‘No,’ I said and put mine on the table.

She put hers next to it and the difference was one cent in her favor.

‘He likes you better than he likes me,’ I whined.

‘Yes, and don’t forget it,’ she giggled.

I again had to fight off the urge to kiss her.

We stayed to drink the coffee and eat our pastry then she drove us there in fifty minutes. The little lady had a lead foot.

On our way she told me about her hometown and seemed surprised I had never heard of it. She described the resort and the Bed and Breakfasts then went into details on some of her friends. It was clear to me she loved the place and its people.

She parked by an office building just into the new part of town. She explained it was the line past which the last hurricane had had destroyed the place.

We went into the building and took a right and she yelled her arrival to everyone. A small redheaded flash flew to her and gave her a hard kiss right on the lips.

Her cousin Clara looked just like her except she had noticeable tits.

Her partner Fiona was the definition of a blonde bombshell. She kissed Audrey right on the lips too.

Clara filled us in on the procedure to incorporate and reminded Audrey that the office could be anywhere, even the town of Felicity.

She added that with today’s electronics we did not even need to share an office although she strongly recommended we did, fewer misunderstandings that way.

Clara then casually mentioned that her building had room for two and a receptionist/secretary on the second floor.

She said there was a website building firm in town and we could be in business in two weeks.

We signed forms and handed her the set-up check.

‘This is a lot more than I need. I will keep it until your are in business then give you back the rest for your office lease. By the way the best accounting firm in town is at the other end of the hallway.’

Clara handed the check and the papers to her secretary with a kiss then took Audrey’s hand and we walked to an Italian restaurant two blocks away into the older part of town.

I was rapidly getting an entirely new perspective on Audrey. She was animated, laughed a lot, and was always kissing someone.

Among others two stunning blondes ran out of a ladies gym and just mauled her with kisses, then ran ba
ck to the gym.

Everyone was happy to see her.

After the three kissed their way to a table and we sat I said, ‘Apparently we have two weeks of vacation. My first in two years,’ I said.

‘My first in three,’ Audrey said. ‘I had never taken a vacation until I got fired.’

‘You should get fired more often,’ Clara said.

The hostess came over and kissed all three with an extra bit of lip for Audrey. I was introduced to her and she kissed my cheek then asked what I wanted for lunch. She took my order and left without asking the other three.

‘Why didn’t she take your orders?’ I asked.

‘She knows,’ Audrey said.

Clara said, ‘Come to Vegas with us, Ruthie has shows the next four nights. Her Felicity fans are going to the show tonight, this will be Fiona and my second one, our first since she and Sean married and with Nancy in the show.’

‘How are you getting there?’

‘Felicity Air. There may be some seats left, let me call Carly.’

‘Who is Ruthie?’ I asked.

‘A good friend,’ Fiona answered. Those were her first words to me. She had a British accent.

It eventually dawned on me that Clara’s partner was not a business partner but a personal one. They still seemed like an odd couple, a diminutive redhead and a tall blonde. However there was definitely a palpable bond between them. Somehow I was happy to see that.

All three noticed my smile for them.

Audrey seemed to be proud of me for some reason.

Clara interrupted our devouring of the linguini and shrimp lunch and said, ‘There are three open seats, do you want two of them?’

‘Yes, but we don’t have any clothes other than what we are wearing.’

‘We will be there early enough to do some shopping.

Marissa!’ Clara called to the hostess/manager/co-owner.

‘There is a seat available, go make juicy promises to Julian and go pack.’

Clara got a wild kiss on the lips and Marisa ran into the kitchen then ran out to a car.

‘When are we leaving?’ Audrey asked.

‘Now,’ was the answer and we stood and paid our bill.

I had been included in the proceedings but was trying to come up with a reason to beg off. The big problem was I had not driven and Audrey obviously really wanted to go so I kept my mouth shut and went to their airport.

There were about fifteen people walking to a jet on the tarmac all carrying bags. I was carrying Clara and Fiona’s bags.

When the crowd saw Audrey behind them they all ran back to us and kissed her on the lips and hugged her. Some of the ladies kissed my cheek when she introduced me to them. Apparently just knowing Audrey made me their friend.

As we boarded the pilot and co-pilot, both were women, visited with the passengers and kissed all the women on the lips. Audrey introduced me to them and I got hugs. There were only four guys on the plane but we were treated well. As soon as Marissa ran onto the plane we took off.

Most of the conversations on the way were about what was new in Ruthie’s concert and whether someone named Nancy was going to have more than five songs. The one named Carly, a clone for Clara and Audrey, came by and after drowning Audrey in kisses gave her two tickets and told us we would be staying at Caesars Palace. We had the room Adrian and Martina had reserved.

‘They went to Puerto Rico this weekend. You will not need to pay them back, they do this often,’ Carly said.

That sent me into a period of concern, Audrey and I were to be in the same room. Awkward was a good term for the conundrum. Audrey did not seem at all concerned and visited with family and friends.

A guy that introduced himself as Marshall sat with me as Audrey visited down the aisle and sat with his wife.

He told me that everyone hoped I was a good guy and would treat Audrey well.

He advised me that Audrey was still mourning the death of her mother three years before.

She had left town to grieve in private but many in town had visited her in the city to lift her spirits. She was better but this was just her second trip to town in three years.

He also told me that she was not a ‘fanatic’ in her lesbianism, and winked as he returned to his seat.

It had never occurred to me Audrey was a lesbian. Maybe sharing a hotel room would be OK. I however felt disappointment for some reason.

I now understood the humorless part of her life.

As soon as we landed we were picked up by a bus and driven to our hotel. Audrey and I immediately went to a clothing store but by the time we got there we had decided to wear our work clothes to the concert and just buy clothes for the rest of our stay which would be until Tuesday. That was when the plane would come back for us.

We had our work clothes dry-cleaned as soon as we returned to the hotel and I took my shower first. By the time Audrey got out of the bathroom we had our clothes back and made it to the theater with five minutes to spare.

Again a lot of people hugged and kissed Audrey including two tall older redheaded women. Audrey just flew into their arms and they drowned her in kisses. The lights were lowered before I was introduced so we sat and waited for the curtains to open.

I was in shock when they did, the most popular female singer in the world was center stage and the previously most popular singer in the world was backing her up. ‘Who was Ruthie?’ I wondered.

Halfway through the show Melody began to kibitz with the ladies in the front row. We were sitting in the middle of the second row.

I was again shocked when the star stopped in mid-kibitz to tell Audrey she was very happy to see her.

I did not pay that much attention to popular music and even though I had heard Melody’s songs before I was not ready for the amazing show she put on. She even covered songs by a long dead diva. The crowd was mostly women with a smattering of gay men and couples, all stood to give an ovation when the show was over.

One of the tall redheads came over and took Audrey’s hand and led her to a foyer next to the stage. Audrey took my hand and led me alongside her as she clung to the bigger of the two women. We ended up holding hands until a door opened and we were led backstage.

As soon as Melody saw her she opened her arms and Audrey jumped into them and gave her a big kiss.

‘You must be Jack, good to meet you,’ a tall redheaded guy said as he shook my hand. The two tall ladies kissed us and walked on.

‘Hi, I’m Nancy. Glad you got Audrey to come. She has said very nice things about you.’

I was stupefied, a multi Grammy winner had introduced herself to me and it got worse when Audrey introduced the star of the show as Ruthie.

As it turned out the guy that had welcomed me first was her husband and band manager. I stood next to him as he explained the Melody/Ruthie deal as the women kissed him each time they walked past. Some kissed my cheek before they introduced themselves.

I was in a confused swirl until we left the stage.

Audrey and were both hungry so we went to a famous Chinese restaurant in Caesars. Several of Audrey’s friends were there and I managed to hear some of the gossip. All seemed to like me for some reason.

Audrey related to them how our day began and all laughed at the deviousness of our former and future boss.

I also heard Audrey agree to meet two of the ladies in their room a little later.

The food and conversation were exceptional, I was well entertained.

As soon as we got back to our room Audrey changed into a t-shirt without bothering to go into the bathroom. She simply turned her back to me took her dress off and put on the shirt. She had been and was still braless. She wore bikini panties.

She left barefoot after advising me, ‘Don’t wait up.’

I was exhausted and was soon asleep. I did feel Audrey get in bed but did not fully wake-up. I had no id
ea what time that was.

I was up first the next morning and took a shower. As I got dressed I looked at the bed and saw that Audrey was not under the cover and that her t-shirt had rolled up.

She did have tits, they were small but she had the most beautifully delicious puffy nipples I had ever seen.

I felt my mouth water.

I decided to let her sleep and get breakfast somewhere but before I made it to the door I decided to tell her where I was going.

I covered her with the sheet and knelt next to her. I moved her hair to one side of her face and again had to fight the impulse to kiss her.

I said, ‘I am going out to find breakfast.’

‘The buffet at the Bellagio, save me a seat,’ she mumbled.

I smiled and agreed to do so then left. The Bellagio was across the street from Caesars so it did not take me long to get there. What did take a long time was deciding the priorities for my first plate. I had already decided there would be several trips to the buffet. On my way to find a table I ran into Sean, Ruthie’s husband. He pointed at a large table that had a blonde, the bands string players, and two older women.

I was about to continue my search for a table when the blonde with glasses saw me and waved me over. She turned out to be Ruthie.

There was no way for me of telling she was also Melody.

As soon as I sat Ruthie asked me if Audrey was still in bed.

I said yes but expected her to join me eventually.

I was introduced around and learned the older women were Sean and Ruthie’s mothers. The string players turned out to be husband and wife.

Sean returned with a big plate of sausages covered in sausage gravy.

‘Where is that?’ I asked.

‘On the table at the front,’ he said. ‘Is Audrey joining you?’

‘Yes, at least she said she would. She sent me here.’

‘It may be a while, Sis and Trini are still sound asleep. It was their first get-together in two years and I doubt they got any rest,’ Sean commented.

Nancy and her friend Carmen joined us and we all scooted over some. The two tall redheads, sisters Mo and Wendy, and a blonde named Marie, one of the backup singers, joined us and we had to find a bigger table.

Mo was the woman Audrey had clung to the previous evening.

Audrey came over and after kissing everyone but me she ended up sitting on Sean’s lap. He decided to go get more food and simply lifted Audrey to my lap.

‘I am going to follow him, save my seat,’ I said and lifted her to the bench. When we returned Audrey sat on my lap then ate a third of the food on my plate.

Ruthie said to me, ‘The smaller the redhead the faster the metabolic rate, the more they eat. Karen and Maggie are the only two that out eat her, so to speak.’

Laughter followed that remark.

I had not noticed until she got up to get more food but my free arm had settled around Audrey’s waist as we ate. She had not objected. When she returned she again sat on my lap even though there was now room at the table. She put my arm around her waist and continued eating. I ate a third of the fruit on her plate.

Eventually we quit eating breakfast and most decided to go back to bed. Several of them had to work that night.

I had never been to Vegas and as it turned out Audrey had not either so we decided to see the sights.

At the Venetian we rode a gondola and got that picture then bought tickets for The Blue Man Group. We toured the Wax Museum then did some more shopping, we got swimsuits and sunglasses.

As we walked I asked Audrey to describe for me the people I had met and was likely to meet. I specifically asked about Trini and the one everyone called Sis.

‘She is Sis to Sean but Cis for Cicely to everyone else. Marti is their Mother. They were from California then Marti moved to Florida then Sean and Ruthie met at a lesbian biker bar and the rest was history.’

‘Lesbian biker bar?’

‘I’ll take you there.

Oh, Cis and Trini refuse to admit they are a couple.’

She told me about her lesbian trysts with them and the fact she and Sean had fucked. So had she and Ruthie, Carly, Clara, and Edie, among others. She explained that many women in Felicity were gay and many more were bisexual.

‘Ruthie, Edie, and Carly are lesbians that fell in love with men. There are several others that fit that classification you have not met including the couple whose tickets and hotel room we got.

No one in town is shy about showing their love so there is a lot of hugging and kissing but those do not necessarily mean anything, well except I love you.

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male being fisted by several women

I turned as three naked women entered the room who had been viewing the show unseen. Apparently it was their turn for some fun and I was to be their participant. If they had any doubts as to my willingness I quickly put them to rest. I was surrounded by the ladies and was immediately engulfed by breasts and bellies, arms and legs and all sorts of female apparatus. I was more than ready, well beyond the stage of foreplay, but my eager graspings were restrained and I was led out of the room to a...

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TandraChapter 48

The day I had been awaiting a long time for finally arrived. Susan was hoisted from her tank and gently lowered onto the gurney. I hoped to have this as a family affair, but reluctantly agreed to have it transmitted throughout the ship. Her sodden hair was even longer than usual, as I moved some of it from her face. I looked down and saw an even more beautiful woman. Her body was minutely different now. Her muscles were many times stronger, and her bones made to match. She now was the epitome...

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Fucking a girl set from a wedding

Hi reader, this story involves 2 people. One being myself, and the other my x-gf.I can across my X at a family Friends wedding which I was attending In Khi, Pk.Let me firstly inform you, that the type of people whose wedding i was attending are very well mannered, educated and traditional.Secondly the wedding was of my mom's best friends son.I found the wedding being very boring cause im more of the naughty type of person, not someone who fit in the type of crowd at the wedding. However I find...

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Rebeccas Sehnsucht

Mein Name ist Rebecca und in meinem bisherigen Leben habe ich immer gewusst, dass ich lesbisch bin. Das erste Mal verliebt habe ich mich mit dreizehn. Damals war ich noch verwirrt, denn meine Gefühle galten einem Mädchen aus der Parallelklasse. Leider hat sie meine Gefühle nicht erwidert - jedenfalls habe ich das vermutet, denn geoutet war ich damals noch nicht. Die ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen habe ich erst mit siebzehn Jahren gesammelt, als ich gemeinsam mit Freundinnen auf einer Party war....

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This one is for Dagworth It includes caning and s

In the early 70s I was a Teacher in a secondary school. It was all girlsThe mini-skirt had arrived, along with women's lib and the magical pill for girls.After one English lesson I found myself alone in my classroom. Alone, that is, except for one remaining girl, Wendy."I'm sorry, sir, I haven't finished my homework." There was an essay due on Romeo and Juliet. "I read it but it started to make me feel all strange between my legs. I couldn't concentrate on my homework, I had just had to give...

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The MILF next door parte dos Karen

… (continua) So I rushed to my house with her matching thong and bra in my head, [I have the same one] kept telling myself, what are the odds, my neighbor next door has a set like mine. I decided to change accordingly, I went to my closet, check my panty’s drawer and looked for the same set. What a great rush, I found a pair of khaky pants, a guayavera, some nice dancing a shoes and a light jacket. By the time I got back to Karen’s house, she was already ‘ready,’ very rare in latin women,...

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Chapel In The Forest

Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...

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NikkiChapter 17

The letter was in our hands the Friday before we were supposed to join Ernie and his bunch at their camp. Camp. In this context, it was kind of funny, because the hunting camp was not too many miles away from his home and office. It was, however, a long, isolated drive up a gravel road originally built to service oil wells. Now it led to a little artificial high spot in the midst of the Gulf coastal marshes. Oops! They're 'wetlands' now. In a matter of a couple of weeks, this place would...

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Friday AfternoonChapter 13

When Bobby and his mother had recovered from their morning sexfest they were both startled to find that it was already past the noon hour. But it didn't dampen any feelings. They felt like they had centuries in which to indulge themselves. Bobby was ecstatic and knew full well why. The business with his mother and Mrs. Bishop from the previous evening in the den was now out in the open and his mother hadn't gotten angry with him about it. He had also expressed a couple of his deepest...

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Son8217s Bully Fucks Me 8211 Part 1

As , I made a decision. This had to end today. Sunil, my son came home today without his shoes for the fourth day straight. I’ve been asking him why he’s losing his shoes, and he’s been coming up with lame excuses, avoiding the name of his bully. “You’re being bullied, aren’t you?” I asked him. “Mommy, no. That’s not…” “Shut up, I know. Look at your eyes. You definitely came home crying. Tell me who he is. I’ll go talk to him,” I said. “Mom, it’s nothing…” “It’s not nothing....

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The Mummy

Epilogue to the Mummy by Eric Thanks Steve Zink, the Prince of Editors. (Author's note: If you haven't seen the Mummy movie you have missed a treat as it's great fun. I was tempted to write the last scene that was cut from the movie. Legal stuff: I am just playing with the characters, they're owned by Universal Studios, and did they ever make a mint from them!) Cairo, 1926 The city was still rebuilding itself after the attack of the evil mummy Im Ho Tep, unleashing the...

2 years ago
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The Fourth Time is Transcendent

Well, this was turning out better than I could have imagined. First I get to take my own sister's cherry, we eat each other out thoroughly, I fuck her ass for a great time, and finally we get caught by Mom. So what do I do? I get a blow job from Mom and fuck her brains out. This was turning out great. And it was going to get better. My sister, Wynter, walked in on Mom and me as Mom was licking and sucking my balls.Wynter grinned. "I love my new family," she cried.And then she ran and jumped...

4 years ago
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The Christmas Gift0

that being said, please enjoy and tell me what you think. I was 17 when I decided to leave home, much to my dads worrying but I had just felt cooped up and wanted to see other places so at 5 am while he was still asleep I packed my backpack, grabbed some Cd's for my player ( before ipods and stuff ) and walked out the door without a goodbye to my father, the one person who had always been there and supported me since mom walked out when I was 4. I'm not...

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My Irish Virgin Part 1

Introduction: Sorry to take so long,Here is my new story I staggered down the beach. I was wearing shorts, no shirt and was sweating profusely, for a moment it was touch and go whether I would see last nights dinner for the second time. It was the first day of my summer exercise regimethree miles of early morning running in the sand and then two miles of walking it out. I had my starting point that morning and ran one and a half miles up the beach, and then completed the round trip. I was just...

3 years ago
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Caged and denied

It’s 4:00am and every chaste man in the world knows exactly what i is i am feeling right now. This is my second night in chastity and i’m reaching that point of deep, desperate ache. What otherwise would be an erection, that begs for release, painfully throbs inside its cage. The ring of the cage is chafing the underside of my balls and there’s no way i can sleep. The few times in the past that i experimented with chastity play ended by this point. With that being said, let me take You back to...

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"Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy."-Arab Proverb*"There is, of course, the tale of the man who built a horse of ebony that flew through the air with its rider—" "We've heard that one already. What about the tale of the three Sufi Qalandars who were each the sons of kings and also each blind in one eye?" "That one was as old as a dried date when my father was a boy. If you want to hear a truly wondrous story, listen to me recount the tale of the rich man who bought...

Group Sex
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Those little girls Part 3

Those Little Girl's: Just when you did not think life could get any worse Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Kelly/Kellie: Me 10 year old boy Sally: my older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl I stand there crying softly with mommy walking closer to me. The look on her face is of amusement, she is smiling at me seeing me dressed this way. I still cannot believe...

1 year ago
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First time with two strangers

Hi, I'm Sally, I want to share this story with you, firstly, I'm married to John with two daughters, I'm blonde at the moment but naturally auburn, size 36C, John and I have been into threesomes for a while now, it took us ages to go from talking about a threesome to actually achieving it. so the barriers so to speak were removed and it was easy to talk with each other, this story is about a threesome but though John was present, he didn't join in this time. we had gone out on this Saturday and...

Group Sex
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Mothers Desires Fulfilled

It was just like any other day and I was at football practice after school, while I was getting ready to make a play on the ball I was hit from behind and landed on my right arm. I knew it was bad when I heard a popping sound as I turned around half team was standing above me and looking down on me. As I was helped out the field coach called my parents to let them know what happened and that they were taking me to the local hospital. The only think good that came out of this was that season was...

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Colette Anya Olsen Joseline Kelly Naughty Yoga Teacher

Anya Olsen is from New York and Joseline originally from the Deep South, but these Colette Girls are united on one thing. They love to keep in shape, as their well-toned, sublime young bodies prove. That includes Naked Yoga, of course. Because they are beautiful, they are used to getting what they want. So when irresistible, blonde Anya takes a look at instructor Tyler and says,”I want to fuck him,” it is a good bet that she and brunette cutie Joseline will not have to wait long for a bedroom...

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My Wonderful Obsession 37

My Wonderful Obsession Part 37: A Truly Awful Week Somehow I managed to drag myself out of bed and get together with Kath for a late breakfast, the day after the cast party. I was beginning to appreciate why there was an age restriction for drinking alcohol! As anticlimactic as the week following the show promised to be, at least there was ONE thing to look forward to - the end of the school year, and the end of high school. FREEDOM! Maybe it was just because the end was imminent,...

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Trading Favors

He lay sprawled on the floor of the bedroom, cradling his drink and staring out into space. He had no idea how it had gotten this far. She was dead. Her wrists were bound and tied to the bed posts, her legs were splayed, and she seemed to have been slit from her groin to her belly. Worst of all, he couldn't remember what had happened. It was a little place he knew, that he visited occasionally when he felt the urge. She was a working girl, and gorgeous. Probably no more than twenty three, with...

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Beth the Cum Slut Ch 25 28

It was finally Saturday again, so there was time to go see Jim, well, Julie and Mel, too. I want Jim to make love to me again and I want him to take my anal virginity. I want Jim to have all three. Even though Julie was very supportive of me trying to have a relationship with Jim, I still feel like I am intruding on their thruple relationship and I don’t have a right to do that. I need to make sure I have time to enjoy some nice sex with the girls as well as Jim so that I’m not seen as...

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Culture ShockChapter 15

"I still can't believe he was so cute," said Kendra. "'Cute' is so not how I'd describe him," said Chelsea. "He wasn't a boy, he was a man." "You guys," Elaine said, shaking her head. She was enjoying the banter more than she thought she would. She hadn't been able to talk about much on the walk home, and even now a couple of hours later, the whole thing seemed a blur. The three of them had demolished Chelsea's delicious risotto in silence, and were sitting around the kitchen...

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The Dice Game

It started out like many other evenings, Dave's best mate Keith had called round. He usually came round at least once a week to spend a few hours with us. I think he got lonely since he and his wife had split up some months before. I liked him. About a couple of years older than me, maybe 42, or 45? Looked younger than that though. Fairly slim, and a good 6 inches over my 5 foot 3.Since hitting 40 I had not been feeling too good about myself, too many signs of aging for my liking but he was...

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Summer at the Beach Part 2

The next couple of days were very relaxing. For both of us. Jim and I were getting into the laziness of the beach. Each morning we would take a walk on the beach, searching for sea shells. I would wear a swimsuit with a coverup and Jim would wear some cut off jean shorts and white t- shirt and flip flops. After our afternoon doing each other's toenails, Jim had become pensive and rather quiet. I noticed that he had not taken off the nail polish. In fact, he seemed to make a point of...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 26

The city was in uproar. News of General Howat's defeat and that the Scanian's were only a day away from the city caused panic. The first instinct was to withdraw inside the city walls and bar the gates, but King Kenneth wouldn't hear of that. "Fools! Don't they realise that that would play right into Malcolm's hands? How much easier to control the Axonites than by having them cooped up inside the Gower City walls? No, tell the people to take to the plains and the hills!" That was...

3 years ago
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Fun In Mysore

Hi readers, this is a story which happened in Mysore when I gone there for 6month project work long time ago and I stayed in rental house of my friend who is in Bangalore, in that family 3person were there I use to call my friend brother as brother only n her wife as bhabhi and I have very good and friendly relationship with them, my room on 1st floor but most of the time I use to sit in there home coz I have evening shift work and I have very close relation with bhabhi coz after her hubby...

4 years ago
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A Passionate Love Story Part II

So friends, this is continuation to my earlier story about my mom & me. This is a true happening in my life. Not a single word is lie. I don’t force u to believe it. And this series will be my first & last submission in ISS. Because ,I never wanted to fool anybody in my life. So…I felt terribly depressed by my mom’s silence. I could not sleep the whole night. Next morning, I see her face was dull. I could not face her when she put breakfast on dining. I left for office silently. In night, I...

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Emmas Green Eyes and Matching Thong

Emma invited me out for drinks. It was her friend’s birthday. I was happy to attend. I hadn’t seen her since last year before she went travelling. I had seen the pictures she had posted, she looked incredibly sexy on that Thai beach. Her curves were well tanned and her eyes green as the ocean behind her. I never even pretended to myself that she would like me in that way. It was always clear I was just a friend. Someone she’d call when her BF was being mean and when she wanted to borrow...

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Fantasy Football 3

PART FIVE Suddenly, he jumped with a bit of a start. He was confused as there was some sort of red haze over his face. Looking around he recognized that he was in his room, then he felt something huge behind him and that huge something was pinning him to it and to the bed. Then before his panic ran away with him, he remembered that he was actually a 'she' ... and she was Laynie. And what had happened and who 'she' was now and who was behind her. She realized they had fallen asleep as...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole surprise

It had been over 6 years since my ex ran away with some d**g dealing cop, taking my 8 and 10 year old daughters(Jennifer and Madison) just to hurt me more. Of course no one would help a single father get custody back then. I hit rock bottom, drinking, not sleeping for days, not shaving and sometimes not even showering for a week at a time. Somehow a few friends remembered me and put up with my morose behavior. After a week of my last 2 friends on Earth nagging me about taking care of myself,...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 4 How Rick Fantasized About Vineeta

I was feeling infected by Vineeta’s youth and bubbly new-found charm. Yet I was still feeling reluctant to believe that my best female friend has just confessed to me that she has fucked her son. The image of my son Joydeep- Joy, passed through my mind once and threatened to take alarming shades. I exercised tremendous control to get him out of my head. I cleared my throat and looked at Vineeta. “So was it only one time, Vini?” “Oh no, not at all,” She blushed heavily. “We have been fucking...

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The TarotChapter 18

"Wow, you must have given that publisher his money's worth and then some," laughed Donna as she set the flower bouquet on the table. Angilee came walking in from the bedroom, her eyes widening in delight as she silently wished them to be from a certain politician. The card read: A friendly reminder from your pumpkin carriage driver. The carriage is history but I have your glass slipper. We can negotiate its return over dinner tomorrow night. I'll call this evening. Trace Her heart...

1 year ago
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So good but so wrong

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is ralph i am a 22 year old male from nyc i live alone with my since her and dad splitup about 3 years ago My mom lisa who is allways been the sexiest thing around my house just because she dresses up super sexy i know i said sexy when you here this story you,ll know why she allways weares these sexy pair of shoes they are creme color open toe with a sexy strap squeezing her ankles one night about 8:30pm me and mom went out for a walk across...

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The Nature of the GameEpilogue

Taylor knocked on Coach Peters’ office door, cradling a book under his arm. “Coach, got a minute for an old friend?” “Taylor! Get in here. You’re just the person I was hoping to run into.” Taylor grinned, striding forward and presenting the book to his old coach. “I’ve got yet another yearbook for you to sign. You may have to search for an open space, though, it’s pretty full. The section for the football team is filled. The team’s signatures match their egos. They mostly scrawled across...

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