Vonya Visits Arlene's Part 2 free porn video

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Vonya visits Arlene's By Vonya Lee The ride to the salon was extremely nerve racking. This was very different and different was seldom good. Arlene's been an active participant in all that's happened the past four years. She introduced me to my wife and owner Sara. We've been to her salon before but never during business hours. What could be awaiting us I thought? Arlene had been one of my late wife Sandy's best friends. She's a lesbian and truth be told I always suspected that their friendship might have occasionally led to the bedroom. I know now I was right. Arlene has told me so many times. Arlene is a striking Dane, very strong features, with great bone structure very angular. As long as I've known her she's kept her hair short, short and the whitest of whites. I've learned since that my wife shared many of our marital secrets with her. Sandy and I thought we were wild back then, late night partying, drinking, drugs and what I used to think was a pretty kinky sex life. Nipple clips, light bondage, candles, even a little cross-dressing, Sandy always liked being dominant in the bedroom and she opened my eyes to my hidden submissive side. The sex we had was the best of my life and I grew from appeasing her bedroom dominance to loving it. I'd always felt Arlene blamed me for the accident. Her true feelings for Sandy ran much deeper than she had ever let on. Not that it mattered what she thought anyway as I was already drowning in guilt. I'd withdrawn from all the reminders of our past life, family, friends whatever. I was a depressed, guilt ridden single dad raising an angry young daughter. I eventually forced myself into counseling. I had to for Christina's sake. Slowly I began to accept that what had happened wasn't entirely my fault. I had to think of Christina and pull myself together. Actually I now believe my culpability is really limited only to drunken inaction. We were both polluted that fateful night and when Sandy got drunk she got fierce. We were arguing when she abruptly stormed out of the house. I called after her but she was gone. Short of knocking her out, I wouldn't have been able to stop her from driving. Subconsciously Christina has always blamed me for her mother's death. One day Arlene called me out of the blue. She wanted to stop by and see Christina and catch up. We hadn't seen each other since the funeral but this seemed like a good idea. I think Christina was feeling like she lost her life too as well as her mom that awful night. Going 'recluse' might've worked for me but it wasn't right for her. It just wasn't fair of me. She's a social person like her mom was. She probably needed people around her to move on. Arlene had always been a favorite aunt. She'd always been in Christina's life. Christina had been friends with one of her nieces when they did gymnastics together. Lately Christina had become quite withdrawn and angry. She refused to have anything to do with therapy and was barely tolerating me. I needed help and Arlene's call seemed provident. Christina was so genuinely happy to see Arlene it made me realize what I'd been thinking was right; she did need more contact with women. Arlene invited us to her summerhouse the following week for a July 4th party. We' used to go down each summer for a week or two. Christina's excitement left me no choice. I met Sara that day. I was immediately entranced. Sara today is still the cutest little cherub in the forest. She's a blonde bobbed Teutonic goddess. Her beautiful blue eyes laugh when she does. She loves to laugh. She was beautiful, charming, hip, clever and funny. She hit all my buttons like no one had. She was an epiphany. She was oxygen. A couple of hours after meeting her she'd shredded the heavy drapes, ripped down the shade and opened the window in the dank room I hadn't even known I was in. She was a textile artist, living in the South End, single mom with an 11-year-old boy. Christina was happier than I'd seen since the accident. She bonded immediately with two girls her age, Arlene's niece Shandy from gymnastics, and her friend Ariel who'd come up for the week Sara and I were almost immediately hooked on each other. It was a mutual thing. I've never felt anything like it before. Lightning. By nightfall we were finishing each other's sentences. Later that night we were sitting on the beach watching the fireworks, a perfect night after a perfect day, when I kissed her. Holding her felt so right. Unfortunately I needed to be back in town for an inspection the following morning. Worse was going to be dragging Christina home. She'd spent the whole fireworks show wrapped in a blanket with Shandy and Ariel. Arlene sat down next to Sara and me and gave us a conspiratorial smile, "I knew you two would get along!" How interesting I thought, maybe this wasn't a chance meeting. Hey! Who cares? I was just ecstatic it was happening. I told Arlene that we were going to have to head home soon. She tried to convince me to postpone my appointment but I couldn't. She then suggested letting Christina stay for the week. The place had a fourth bedroom plus plenty of couch space to accommodate plenty more. Arlene, Sara, Shandy and Ariel were all staying for the week. Sara even volunteered to take her home. A week in Truro sure beat a week in JP. It seemed perfect. So perfect in fact that the one week became two. Arlene constantly assured me on my calls down how much she loved having Christina stay, how much fun they were having, how it was no bother and all that. Christina for her part was in no hurry to leave, she sounded great, and best of all she sounded happy. I began seeing Sara as soon as she got back into town. I often wondered how my daughter would react if I started seeing someone. Would she accept it? Not only was she accepting she was encouraging. She really seemed to genuinely like Sara. They really got to know each other those two weeks. Sara's son was in Austria for the summer so spur of the moment she decided to spend the rest of the summer down the Cape. She rented a place about a ? mile from Arlene's, a two bedroom. Sara convinced me to let Christina come down and stay with her and I could come down on the weekends. Christina really wanted to go and I couldn't say no. I was bursting with optimism about the 180 degrees my life had taken. I had my daughter back, I was in love, and my daughter loved my girlfriend. Labor Day weekend I took Sara to Vegas with me for a work conference. Spur of the moment we decided to get married. As a surprise Sara flew in Christina and made her the maid of honor. "Hi girls!" Arlene called out cheerily. "Hey sweet pea how you doing?" replied Sara. Most of the women in Sara's circle had at one time or another slept together; so affectionate pet names were common. Her friends are mostly lipstick lesbians, and unfortunately for blossom and me, man haters. "Me I'm fine babe, ready for some fun with these two though." "I'd say they're ready for this," turning to give us a sinister smile, "Honestly I can't wait to see them! So you think they'll be done by 3 p.m.?" "Oh yeah more like 2 p.m. really." "Great, listen I'm running late. I've got to get over to my lawyer's. You know me always late! So I'll leave the girls in your capable hands, just call me on my cell when they're done." "Cool I say 2:30 at the latest" "This is going to be so great!" then over her shoulder as she swept out "have fun!" "Well ladies would you like to know what we've got in mind?" "Yes please Miss," we sing in unison, all women were to be called Miss. "Well that would only ruin the surprise! Come along my little dearies." She led us to the back of the salon. I could see our femme reflections in the ceiling to floor mirrors that lined the walls. There were six stations, two chairs occupied by women wrapped in capes. The two paid us no mind as we passed by immersed as they were in amiable chatter with their stylists. My height caught the eye of one of the seated women for a fleeting moment but I'm sure she just thought "what a tall one she is." I stand 6' in my bare feet so I must be 6'2" or 3" in these heels. I'm instantly aware that I carry myself like a lady. "Take your seats ladies." Arlene says pointing in the direction of two reclining chairs at shampoo stations. We do so immediately. "Kara here is going to shampoo you both. Kara take care of my little malchick friends here would you please." Kara was an attractive young woman, early 20's. "We've all been looking forward to this," she says to me as she's rinses my hair. "I've heard so much about the two of you. I mean I've met drag queens before but this...wow." Heads wrapped in towels we are lead over two adjoining stations. "Now Sara wants to be here for your unveiling today. She wants to see your expressions when you see what we've done so I'm going to cover your eyes and block your ears." She then taped cotton over my eyes and twisted ear plugs into place. I couldn't see and could hear only muffled sounds. I stayed like this for the next couple of hours. I could smell chemicals. I could feel a chemical reaction. I could feel heat. I was combed, cut, brushed, filed, buffed, painted and plucked. All the while I could hear muffled conversations and laughter. It was hard to imagine that the laughter wasn't directed at Blossom and me. You feel so vulnerable and paranoid when your senses are limited. Like the way I feel in bondage. The ear plugs were removed and Sara whispers in my ear, "Peek-a-boo! Ready to see the new you?" Then the tape was pulled from my eyes. My eyes had to adjust to the bright lights and took a couple of seconds to regain focus. When I was finally able to look I was stunned. My sandy blonde hair was now a shimmering jet black. My hair was actually glistening. When I turned my head the salon lights betrayed a blue reflection. My hair was blue! I had never seen anything quite like it. I bring my hand to my mouth in shock and see my nails. I look down at my hands and see I've got long red nails decorated with little white skulls. "Devin's calling this color 'raven'" Arlene said, my shock obvious. "I like Midnight blue, but the big queen thinks that sounds like a car color." "Oh come on now!" Devin responds, "Midnight blue? Are you serious? That's a color for a Chevy Van honey! Raven has mystery, allure, all things lost on you no doubt!" "Bitch!" "Whore!" Then laughter. I had short bangs curled under and retained my full length to mid shoulder blade. My brows highly arched. My lips burnt red. I looked like a 1950's pin up girl. I looked like a 'blue book' girl. I looked like Bettie Page! As my initial shock recedes I see Blossom in the mirror. She too is stunned. Her shoulder length auburn hair is gone. She now had a severe wedged bob, a soft strawberry colored bob. She has bangs to her mid forehead and I think they're a cream color. She's buzzed up the nape of the neck to the base of her skull. Her hair drops sharply, cutting diagonally across her ears ending at a point by her chin. Her exposed ear is ringed in small hoops. She must have 8 to 10 piercing on the ear. Her left nostril also has a silver loop. The buzz also looks cream colored. Now I see what they've decided for her. She's going to look like sexy sweet jailbait. Lolita. Her stylist Mika turns her chair and I see her face. False eyelashes making her eyes look like daisies and Nina Hagen lips. She looks like a flower power sex toy. Her hair is definitely two-tone. I can't help but wanting to touch her. I'm quietly swooning with desire for my stepson. I can't help being so horny for her all the time. I wish that I could but I just can't. Funny thing about wearing a chastity is it doesn't stop me from getting aroused, quite the opposite; it just changes how I seek satiation. Without the release I'm always horny. She put this chastity device on me about 3 months ago, the night she took my religion. Her control over me is so great that she made blossom and I commit acts of desecration in a church just to prove to me she's my God. She knew it was taboo for me. We dressed as nuns and fucked each other's asses with vibrators and then jerked each other off. She sat in the pew right behind us with two of her friends, Danielle and Kelly. She had control over the vibrators with a remote. All of this was done under our robes mostly while kneeling. The buzzing noise might've been muffled but to me it sounded like thunder. That night she locked me up. I'd been in various cock restraints before but nothing remotely as forbidding as this. This metal full-sleeved chastity was a whole new dimension in my submission. My penis being useless forces me to find another outlet for my desire and to my initial surprise it's my ass that begins craving attention. Now that my ass has been broken I ache for the feel of a real cock inside my ass. I often wear butt plugs and dildos but Sara figured out, rightfully too, that I got some satisfaction from having something up my ass filling the void. Now at moments like this it's the absence of cock that drives me crazy. My ass feels empty. My constant state of arousal and denial keeps me always ready for action. My chastity can still be taken off but Sara has the break off screws necessary to make it permanent. That's the ultimate punishment for me and sadly enough I know the verdict most certainly has already been decided and someday the sentence will be carried out. Not being able to get release as a male causes me to accept it as a female, my emasculation is endless. "Well Devin," said Sara, "have you decided how you want to be paid?" "Let me make sure I understand this, money or the girls here for the weekend?" asks Devin. "Yep your normal fee or the use of my girls here for the weekend." "...And anything goes?" "Anything goes... they'd be yours to use however you want. They'll cook, they'll clean, they'll put on a show..." They'll suck they'll fuck they'll lick your ass; they'll lick your boyfriends ass, honey they'll lick your dogs ass if you tell them to. They do exactly as they're told." "Let me call Marcio. I want the girls, but let me make sure that's what he wants." Devin dials his boyfriend, talks for a minute, hangs up and turns to Sara and smiles, "We'll take the girls!" "Excellent! This'll be a great experience for them. I'll drop them off Saturday morning and pick them up Sunday night. How's that?' "That's super! Oh! I can't wait! This is going to be such fun!" "Now I think the girls should show their appreciation and tip you for today. Arlene is it ok if they go into the back?" "Sure! But only if we can watch." "Oh absolutely, Devin?" "Sure why not!" giggled Devin. "Kara we've got no more appointments today do we?" said Arlene. "No that's it for the day, no mas no mas." "Okay close shop, we're done. Great job today amigas." "Can I stay and watch?" asked Kara. "Sure, Mika you can stay too if you want." "No I've got to run. But I'm sure Devin will tell me all about it!" "Honey I'll take pictures!" laughed Devin. So it was that Sara, Arlene, Devin, Kara, blossom and myself went to the backroom. Arlene went to the fridge for a bottle of champagne. She filled four glasses and passed them around. "Girls do you like your new looks?" Sara asked. "Oh yes thank you Miss." "Vonya do you like the way blossom looks?" "Oh yes Miss, very much." "Blossom do you like the way Vonya looks?" "I do Miss, very much." "Well then why don't you show each other how you feel. First I want you both to undress each other." Blossom helped me out of my sweater and hung it across the back of a chair. I helped her out of her half top. She has a beautifully soft, hairless, feminine chest with small budding breasts. No developed male muscle tone at all. I ran my hands down across her body from her outstretched arms down her sides to her hips causing her to shiver. Next she did the same for me helping me out of my t-shirt. My chest had lost much of my male tone as well as all hair and I too have budding breasts. Next I kneel before her to undo the skirt. I start the zipper but leave it mostly hooked leaving the skirt snug so I can work it down as she shimmies her ass out. We'd been well trained to make a spectacle out of our performances, now it came natural. As she stepped slowly from the fallen skirt, I slowly lick her soft smooth inner thigh, first one leg then the other. A bulge forms in her thong. As I stand, I stay as close as possible, our faces barely inches apart we kiss, but only the once. Blossom's hands roam along my sides, caressing. Her hands find the waist of my Capri's. Slowly, one side then the other, she tugs down on my pants. I meet each of her well-orchestrated tugs with a sway. Our faces are but a hair apart; we tease each other with just the slightest wispy contact. My pants fall to the floor and as I slowly step from them she fondles and caresses my ass. She hooks her thumbs in the waistband of my panties and pulls them down. "Oh my God..." a startled Kara says aloud. She's reacted to my hairless crotch and shiny silver chastity. I do the same to blossom's thong, freeing her pierced cock. "Now you can show each other how you feel." We draw close and begin running hands across each other. We pull into each other and begin soft sensual kisses. Blossom instinctively raises back her lower leg, standing on one leg as women do when kissing. Our tongues flicker and one of my hands finds its way to that shaved nape of neck. I'm feverish with desire. "This is soo hot..." declares Kara. "Devin? What do you think?" Sara asks. "I think we're going to really enjoy the weekend!" "Well you don't have to wait for that. I think the girls can give you a little taste now. Girls..." We slowly untwine and descend on Devin. Blossom begins kissing him as I undo his belt. I undo his button fly 'pop pop pop' and pull down his jeans. He's rock hard behind his Calvin Klein's. I rub his cock through his underwear then drawing close I blow hot on his package. I pull down his shorts and release 7+" of rock hard manhood I'm filled with lusting as I rub my nose against its tip. I'm such a helpless cock slut now. I need this. I need it bad. She's made lust my drug and she controls the supply. I'm a hopeless junkie now. I'm a nymphomaniac. He kicks out of his loafers and steps back from the pile of discarded clothes. Blossom has spun herself around to his back. As she's kissing his back and softly rubbing his chest and nipples I begin licking along his shaft. I take his helmet into my mouth and softly lick. I then run my mouth down his entire shaft but just as quickly pull back to the tip. I run my tongue down the underside of his solid 7" cock to his ball sack. I swallow his hairy ball sack letting him enjoy my hot moist mouth. I'm making love to a man's hairy ball sack in front of an audience, and even worse, I need to. Humiliation is now my lifeblood. Blossom has run her tongue down to the small of his back and kneels behind him. I take him back in my mouth and begin sucking him. I've deep throated his entire shaft so that my nose presses into his pubes. The hairs tickle my throat but I'm trained to suffer. He spreads his legs and braces himself. Blossom is now tonguing his ass and he's getting very close. My stepson licking this man's his ass. He grabs my head and holds it still. He clenches up, moans "I'm cuming" then explodes into my mouth. "Don't swallow! I want you to show Kara how you share." Sara demands. Blossom and I stand as Devin collapses on the couch. "Share the cum" we're told by my wife and his mom. We join together and press our lips together. She pushes her tongue into my mouth swirling scoops of cum. We kiss back and forth, pulling apart occasionally to cause sinewy cum strands to stretch between our mouths. We lick cum over each others lips.

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Jenny Visits a Gloryhole

Yes, it happened the other day again. People, posts, chat online as well as people I come across in real life will often trigger erotic thoughts in my head. Those thoughts most often evoke memories of my many past encounters. My pussy gets wet, and I get that uncontrollable urge to suck cock. As a little background, Nick, my husband of thirty years completely owns my pussy. My pussy has been 100% faithful to him since our first date many moons ago. My mouth is another story. I am a cock sucking...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Tina OrsquoBrien visits a brothel specifically f

Tina O’Brien visits a brothel specifically for womenBy Rosko BusbyIt was during the hot spell in the early summer of 2010 when Tina (26) met up with her close friend and fellow ex Coronation Street (Corrie) star, Nikki Sanderson (26) in a club in Manchester. Even though both girls are no longer in the famous long-running UK TV soap they are still mainly remembered for their roles as Sarah Louise & Candice rather than anything they've done since.Tina had left her little daughter Scarlett...

4 years ago
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Arlene Ch 2

This story illustrates a risk of sex under hypnosis. It could be called rape. This story builds on ‘Arlene Gets Hypnotized,’ my previous story. * * * * * I was sitting in my office at the University when Arlene walked into my open office. ‘Professor, are you busy?’ I probably was, but Arlene was a delight to look at and to have around. Especially to a 58 year old psychology professor who was pretty much reduced to dreaming about what had been and might have been. ‘Well, I was deep in...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 230

Arlene stood, pulled the side of Jeff's coat open, then sat again, wrapping part of her husband's coat around her. Sitting on the planter the way she was, sharing his coat, helped, but his body heat seemed to help more as she snuggled to him. Jeff put an arm around his daughter, pulling her tightly against him. "This friggin' planter is cold," she whined. "Can't you do this inside, or maybe on the Ship?" But Jeff was shaking his head. "I can't possibly practice inside, well, at...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 11

Captain Madison met Jeff, Diana and Arlene with a slight tip of his hat and a formal, “Good morning Miss. Happy sixteenth birthday.” Arlene, giggling, replied sweetly, “Thank you, Captain.” Only after speaking to Arlene did he acknowledge Jeff and Diana, but he had made a hit with their daughter. “We’ll have to refuel when we get there. So, my guesstimate is about one, but that could vary. Shall I call you when we take off from Georgia? I can give you a more accurate time on our return...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 49

Susan, her mood melancholy, had wandered the halls for a while now, occasionally stopping to sit in a window seat and stare out at the grounds, then after a while, walking on to idly explore as her thoughts, too, continued to wander. At the north end of the retreat, she found a little alcove with a window seat. Sitting, she slipped her shoes off and put her feet up on the lush leather. Most of the outside lights had been turned off, leaving only the security lights at various points about the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 22

At eight on the dot, he carried a laughing Jennie into an instantly quiet kitchen. Still in his arms, Jennie kissed him. Turning to the other wives, she gave the proclamation, "I'm full of come," then followed with, "but ... I'm broken." That started the usual scramble, but they had the pussy cream in the kitchen this time, and Jeff insisted that he carry her to the hot tub. He kissed her tenderly, then was shooed away by Diana, who kissed him and whispered. "That glow on her face...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 117

THE RETREAT: LATE THURSDAY NIGHT Arlene and Selina sat on Selina's bed, their backs propped against pillows as they played with Billy. Arlene slid her hand back and forth under the sheet as Billy pretended to stalk a terribly dangerous prey. He held his body and his head very close to the bed, occasionally lifting his head slightly to peek at his target, the tip of his tail twitching continuously. Then, he would jump as high as he could, coming down on Arlene's hand, tussling with it...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 267

A shaking of Ann's shoulder accompanied a discordant buzz from her watch. "Plebe, you have thirty minutes to shower, dress and get to your first class. You don't have time for breakfast today, so ask the AI for a couple of energy bars." Ann, bleary-eyed, shut her alarm off and swung her legs out of her bed as the Class Lieutenant, already immaculately clad in her uniform, stepped back to give the smaller girl room to stand. "Thanks, Arlene," Ann mumbled as she came to her feet and...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 410

The Mission Hours later, Arlene and Ann, tired, eased to the edge of a high rock bluff overlooking the massive power station in the distance. “Well, they sure don’t bother to conserve energy, at least with their lights,” Arlene sarcastically remarked as they stared at the brilliantly lit station. Worried that they might be discovered, both young women had employed their sensors over the edge to gather information before proceeding with their mission. “Just how are we supposed to get from...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 712

The Retreat Arlene and Ann finally managed to get Jeff reasonably alone for a couple of minutes. After kissing him passionately, Arlene transferred Little One to the Prime’s shoulder, where she made her way under his collar to her usual resting place spread across his back. As soon as she had settled in, he told her how much he loved and missed her before giving her a brief account of the trip. Little One told him how much she missed him and shared the happenings in Germany. All of this was...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 38

The women had pushed the two kitchen tables together. Frank Wainwright stood looking at them as Jeff, Kayla, and Diana came in. "We either need to get a bigger table in here, or start eating in the dining room." "Bigger table," Jeff and Diana said at almost the same time. "The dining room is too formal," Diana continued. "We want to be a family, and with all of us for three meals a day, it's a lot easier to serve in here than taking the food into the dining room. The kitchen is...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 210

During breakfast in the dining room, Diana stood and tapped a spoon on her orange juice glass. When the room quieted, "Most of you already know, but for the ones who don't, Frank, Margaret, Tina, Bill, Kathy and Jill will be back from the island this morning. Margaret called me late yesterday from their hotel suite in Los Angeles. She said they were anxious to get home and would leave really early for the last leg of their trip back. I would appreciate it if all of those of us who will be...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 595

Ship ...”We were still here all the time?” Kathy got out with amazement. “Ann told me that Ship’s training was very realistic, but this is beyond...” she finished as her voice trailed off. Bill automatically put an arm about his wife as he cast a look around the room. “Arlene and Ann had something they needed to do, but they will meet you in the lounge,” Ship told them. Bill, Kathy, Arlene Ann and the two crews that had flown the training mission with them were all sitting around a big...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 409

... Ann raised a foot from the muck to shake off something that wiggled and flopped about as it tried to use its teeth and suckers on the near-impervious suit. But the skin suit sluffed off the creature’s actions without much notice, and she stomped it into the muck. A few minutes later, they were out of the water and on a long peninsula of muddy land that extended partway through the swamp. Tired, the two stopped for a breather. Turning, Ann started to make a comment, but instead screamed...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 593

The Retreat ... The Sheriff and his family had left. Jeff and Joe Martin were sitting in the living room talking while the women had gone somewhere, probably to the bathroom. “So, how’s the honeymoon going?” Jeff, at a loss for a topic, asked uncomfortably, not wanting to get into the subject that he thought Arlene should take care of. “Great. I’m still amazed that she actually married me. Sir, the woman brought some polish along and polished her wedding ring – a brand-new wedding ring. I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 408

... Ann looked at the screen in front of her. “See that?” “Yeah,” Arlene said with a sigh. “Continental shelf. Our world is going shallow. We’re almost there.” “Chances are that very shortly we’re going to be brain dead for real,” Ann quietly said as she began yet another check of their systems. A few minutes later, they came to a halt in water no more than fifty feet deep. “I don’t see any signs of our intruder on my screen. How about yours?” Ann shook her head, then realized that...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 23

Jeff had gotten a bid from the dealer on the Internet and there wasn't a salesman involved. The sales manager handled the business. "How long to prep the black one?" The manager grinned. "After I talked with you on the phone, I went ahead and prepped it, just in case. All I have to do is gas it up and it will be ready." "Fine. Do it, and we'll get the paperwork out of the way." A little later, the paperwork was done, and Jeff swiped his debit card. The sales manager seemed to...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 85

Diana came back with a washcloth and helped her mother put it between her legs, and also helped her get her panties and shorts back on. Susan was still mostly out of it, her motions and actions slow and somewhat uncoordinated. "You really blew her away," Diana said to her husband as she sat and pulled her mother into her arms. "She really blew me away, too," Jeff said as he touched Susan's cheek. "I was aware enough to support most of my weight on my forearms, but all I wanted to do...

4 years ago
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Whoa Ginger Visits Dean Malcomb XI

Ginger Visits Dean Malcomb Shortly after Jane left his home, Jason's phone rang. It was Dean Malcomb. He was so excited he could barely contain himself. He began telling Jason about his evening in a rapid fire manner. “My God, Jason! Ginger came to see me this afternoon. She practically wore my old ass out. She sucked my cock, she fucked me, and then she even let me fuck her in the ass. And Jason, my cock stayed hard the whole time. I can't believe I could last that long. I...

2 years ago
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My Husbands Friend Visits Us Part 2

Introduction: Couples adventures with a well endowed friend gets hotter =========================================================== Youd better read My Husbands Friend Visits Us first, as its the beginning of this story. Otherwise, it will be impossible to understand! =========================================================== Hi! This is Lynn again, and I want to tell you what happened after all the pleasure I had with my husband Jim and his well endowed friend Ben, when we welcomed him in...

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Clara visits Sextopia

Clara visits Sextopia Summary: Clara asks the Doctor to take her to a planet where she can explore her wildest sexual fantasies."Where shall we go next?" The Doctor asked."Is there a planet where I could get a good fuck?" Clara asked.The Doctor looked up from his console. "What?"Clara laughed. "A good fuck, Doctor. A place where I can indulge all my sexual fantasies without fear. Surely, in all of time and space, there must be a planet like that.""Sextopia," The Doctor said. "It is a pleasure...

3 years ago
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M Visits a Swingers Club a true story FMMMM

M Visits a Swingers Club Work ran late and I had to change (short black skirt, sheer black top, 4” spiked heels, and no panties) before going to a swingers club so the night didn’t begin until around 11:00 pm. A hostess named Cassie or Carly (let’s call her Cassie), and dressed like a sluttier version of a Hooters girl, provided a brief tour of the place. The main door opens to a bar/seating area, with about 20 tables, and a dance floor with another 10-15 tables around it. The dance...

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Between Visits AKA My BrotherinLaw Part 4

Between Visits (AKA My Brother-in-Law Part 4) By Erica Wright December 3, 1998 This is a stand-alone story but will make a little more sense if you read "My Brother-in-Law 1 + 2 + 3". Robert had left sometime during the night. He had thoughtfully set the alarm clock so that I had plenty of time to get cleaned up and ready for work before my wife Connie got home from her night job. I was incredibly sore (in more ways then the obvious one!) for a few days, but almost immediately...

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Troy Visits Mrs Canfield

(In part, a sequel to "A Trick, Not A Treat") Troy Visits Mrs. Canfield By Heather St. Claire Troy was on his way from his home to his favorite amusement park, a couple of states away. He was looking forward to a fun day with his friends. He only had two real sad things gnawing away at him... his long-standing desire to be female... and his fear that his car wouldn't survive the trip. The car? That was nothing a few hundred dollars wouldn't fix... just a new radiator, a new...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 15 Katie visits the hos

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 15 Katie visits the hospital. Kathryn Jackson, the sexy married wife, was devastated. She learned a few weeks ago that she didn't get the promotion at the hospital. The board, as it was explained to her, hired a much younger accountant who they felt was a more qualified applicant. Katie couldn't fathom returning to work as a secretary and told Sheila she quit not thinking about the added income that was needed for her own family’s expenses. Money was the last thing on...

2 years ago
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Julie Visits the Gym

Julie Visits the GymEighteen  year old Julie Parker hurried along the school corridor hardly looking where she was going. She had loitered in the classroom until most of the girls had left, but now it was six minutes since the bell for the end of school had gone and she knew that she needed to hurry. Julie felt sick. She could feel her heart pumping away at twice its normal speed. The next half an hour or so was going to be awful in any case but at least she didn’t have to make it worse by...

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Sappho Visits Eternia

He-Man – Sappho visits Eternia "Forget it, darling. You will never get out of these strong steel cuffs". This was said by the evil and cruel woman known as Evil-Lyn, as she approached from a small dungeon in a cave, where her prisoner, the heroine of this realm, Teela, was locked up after being knocked unconscious by one of Skeletor's evil henchman. "Don't think about that. He-Man will find me and save me, not after kicking the ass of Skeletor", the redhead challenged defiantly. "Why...

1 year ago
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Jenny Visits A Gloryhole

Where do I stalk my prey? I find suitable guys in malls, bars, convenience stores, coffee shops…etc. Where can I find the easiest, most eager and ready cocks to suck? That would be an ABS (adult book store) that has a section of booths with gloryholes, holes in the wall at waist height. Yes, it happened again the other day. People, posts, chat online as well as people I come across in real life will often trigger sexy thoughts in my head. Those thoughts most often elicit memories of my many...

Cheating Wife
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Arlene and JeffChapter 74

... Jeff had also heard the door close, and shoved Helen into Diana's arms, causing Diana to stagger, Laura grabbing Helen to help. He pulled his .45 from his waistband and started down the hall, but even as he did so, he saw Arlene at the intersection of the hallways and knew he was too late. Jeff figured one of the mercenaries had to be in the hallway, and was probably doing the same thing Arlene was. (Slicing the pie at the intersection.) He also knew he would never make the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 88

In the hallway, Susan threw a load of wet towels on the cart, then a moment later came back out of the suite with the vacuum cleaner she had been using. Muttering to herself, her face red, she hung the vacuum on the side of the cart and started for the next suite. "What's wrong, Meemi?" Arlene asked as she caught up to her grandmother. "Two people. Two people in there and they used up all the towels we left for them, plus extras that they demanded last night at 9:00 o'clock, then they...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 145

Diana parked in front of the art supply store. Hope, sitting in the second seat with Ann, started to open her door, but Ann put out a restraining hand. "Let Security do their thing first." "Are we really in that much danger?" Diana spoke up from the driver's seat. "We didn't go into details when we told you about the attack, and no, we don't expect it to happen again, but we didn't expect that attack, either. And, yeah, it's an irritant having to have Security everywhere we go,...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 675

The Retreat Diana frowned prettily. “That reminds me. We need to go back to 2214 to see if Jasmine and her sister-wives have caught up with their canning yet. We should do that tomorrow.” “Yep. And they need to get back into training as soon as possible too, but we can’t leave to visit them until the Sergeant and his crew have completed their investigation.” “So, how long will that take?” “As long as it takes,” Jeff responded to her frustration. “Look, Sergeant Higgins is in charge of the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 183

When they parked in the back, the door of the Retreat opened and all Jeff's younger wives, who had stayed home, came hurrying out accompanied by Selina. As Hope and Arlene exited the SUV with the puppies snuggled under their coats, Arlene pointed to an area just past the pavement near the side of the Retreat. "Mrs. Kimbrel said we should walk them as soon as we got home," Arlene told the others as she and Hope opened their coats enough to give everyone a peek at the baby...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 204

Hope held one of the outfits up as she repressed a giggle. "Dogs can see color, can't they?" Arlene grabbed Spike, who had apparently figured things out and was sneaking off. "Oh, no you don't, Big Boy. You get to try on your new snowsuit." Then answering Hope's question, "They can see colors, but I've read that the colors they see probably aren't as intense to dogs as they are to humans. They have fewer cones in their eyes, and humans have several different types of cones that...

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