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Julie Visits the Gym

Eighteen  year old Julie Parker hurried along the school corridor hardly looking where she was going. She had loitered in the classroom until most of the girls had left, but now it was six minutes since the bell for the end of school had gone and she knew that she needed to hurry. Julie felt sick. She could feel her heart pumping away at twice its normal speed. The next half an hour or so was going to be awful in any case but at least she didn’t have to make it worse by being late. She hadn’t wanted anyone to see where she was going, but now she realised that she might have waited too long.

?Hey, Julie! Wait for me!?

Oh, god. It was the voice of Sheila, a girl in her class. The last thing she wanted to do was to talk to her now. Julie lowered her head, pretending that she hadn’t heard and continued to hurry along the corridor. It was no use. The other girl ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

?Julie! Didn’t you hear me? Come on, let’s walk home together.?

Julie carried on walking quickly along the corridor and shook her head, not looking into Sheila’s eyes. ?Um, no. I can’t Sheila. I’m sorry.?

?What’s the matter, Julie? Is something wrong?? asked Sheila, concerned at her friend’s unusual manner.

Julie decided that she would have to tell her. After all Sheila was her friend and she could trust her not to talk about it. It wouldn’t be so bad if Sheila knew – she’d been in the same position herself, after all.

Rather dramatically, she drew a small red envelope out of her pocket of her blue school blazer. ?Look!?

Sheila immediately understood the significance. Red envelopes were given to the girls who had been told to attend one of Miss Drake’s weekly punishment sessions in the school gym. They contained the recommendation as to how many smacks from the gym mistress’s plimsoll or strokes of the cane the naughty girl should receive. They had to be delivered with their seals unbroken.

?Oh, Julie! I’m sorry ? I never guessed. You kept that very quiet.?

?Yes, I didn’t want anyone to know. You won’t tell anyone, will you??

?No. Of course not. Don’t worry. It’s your first time, isn’t it??

Julie nodded.

?Well, you’ll be okay. Just do everything that Frances tells you straightaway. It’s horribly shameful and it does hurt but you’ll soon be over it. You’ll probably get the slipper, as it’s your first time – that’s not so bad. And you’re right. You’d better hurry – she’ll take it out on you if you’re late!?

Julie nodded and scurried on towards the gym. She knew that Sheila knew what she was talking about. Her friend had gone through a phase a couple of years earlier when she had attended more than one of Miss Drake’s punishment sessions. Sheila walked off more slowly in the opposite direction.

As Julie neared the gym she saw a queue of girls lined up outside the changing rooms under the eye of the young gym teacher. She was in time. Thankfully, she joined the end of the line.

The teacher looked at her watch and grunted, ?Just in time! What’s your name, girl??

Julie answered her, rather surprised that the teacher did not recognise her. She had taken her class for PE the year before. Miss Drake made a mark against her name in the list she was holding.

?Right! That’s it!? she announced. ?It’s five to four. One girl’s still not here and she’ll be regretting it before too long! The rest of you file into the changing room and stand by the benches.?

When they were all in the room the gym mistress addressed the naughty girls.

?Right, girls! You are here for punishment. Most of you have been here before but I can see some new faces, so I’ll explain a few things. First, you are here because you have broken school rules in a particularly outrageous way or have misbehaved over a long period after warnings. You all deserve punishment and every one of you will leave this school today with a very sore bottom. When I punish a girl I make sure that she feels it. So if any of you were hoping to be let off, you can forget that idea right now!?

?Next, you each have a red envelope which contains recommendations made by the teacher who sent you here. But it is I, not he or she, who decides how many smacks of the plimsoll or strokes of the cane your backside will feet. I have authority to double the suggested punishment or, if I feel that the girl’s demeanour justifies it, I can reduce the number of strokes by a third. So if a teacher recommends four strokes I can administer between three and eight strokes,? she smiled grimly, ?all fractions are rounded up, you see!?

After a pause she continued. ?If eight or more smacks with the slipper have been recommended I can change the punishment to a caning and I can also vary a recommendation of the cane to a dose of the slipper. Teachers recommend up to twelve smacks of the slipper or eight strokes of the cane, but in their wisdom the governors limit me to twelve with the cane and twenty with the slipper! So a recommendation of eight strokes of the cane allows me between six and twelve. And, those of you who’ve been here before know, even three or four smacks from my plimsoll is not a pleasurable experience.?

?I will not tell you how many strokes you will get, but I expect you to stay in place until I tell you to stand. You have called the tune and now it is time for you to pay the piper. If you do not stay in place I will apply extra strokes. In addition, the maximum limit on strokes does not apply in this case, nor in any other instances of additional punishment for misbehaviour in my presence. So I strongly advice all of you to do what I say, when I say it!?

Julie had been looking around while the teacher was speaking. She hadn’t really been listening to what was being said – she had already heard most of it from the reports of Sheila and other naughty girls, or unlucky girls. She also knew that the slipper was the usual means of punishment for the first two years, whereas girls in the higher years were more likely to get the cane, unless it was their first time. Instead she was looking around to see if there were any girls she knew in the changing room. There were more girls than she’d expected – nine apart from herself. The first girl she recognised was Maxine Reynolds, a girl in her year but not in her class. That wasn’t a surprise. Maxine was always getting into trouble and she had not tried to hide the fact that she was due for another whacking. Maxine caught Julie’s eye and gave a rueful half-smile welcoming Julie to the club.

But Julie was surprised at the next girl she recognised. Caroline Levy, a girl in her class, was probably the last girl in the school she would have expected to see there. She was always such a well-behaved, quiet girl. What on earth could she have done? Julie hadn’t heard a whisper about it. Still, she’d done her best to keep her own punishment secret and presumably Caroline had done the same. Caroline avoided Julie’s eyes and gazed down towards her shoes.

One more face was familiar – Sarah Brookes, the elder sister of Julie’s best friend, Mandy. Sarah was eighteen years old and in the sixth form. Unlike most of the other girls there she was not dressed in school uniform. Instead she was wearing light brown slacks and a blue tee-shirt. Like Caroline, Sarah avoided returning Julie’s glance. Julie could imagine that at her age it must be terribly humiliating to be spanked at all and that it must be even worse for her to know that her baby sister’s best friend would witness her shameful ordeal.

There was another girl also wearing trousers instead of her school uniform. Julie knew that she must also be a sixth former like Sarah or else in the fifth year as all the girls apart from the seniors had to wear the uniform, but she did not recognise her.

Meanwhile Miss Drake was continuing with her lecture, but just as she did so the girls heard a hesitant knock on the changing room door. The gym teacher walked over and opened it. A frightened looking girl who Julie guessed was a second year was standing outside.

?Tracey Compton! You’re late!?

?I’m sorry, miss. I was on my way, but I really had to go to the toilet and when I got here the door was already closed. I didn’t know whether to knock or to go away. I’ve been standing there for ages!?

?Well! You made the right first choice in the end. It would have been worse for you if you hadn’t turned up at all. But, now, come in and stand there! You missed the part of my introductory talk when I explained that I can award corporal punishment for other misbehaviour- such as lateness – additional to that for the reason you’ve been sent here, so I will allow you to experience it for yourself. You will serve as a demonstration to the other girl who haven’t been here before of what a slippering is like.?

Tracey entered the changing room rather hesitatingly and trembling slightly. Miss Drake closed the door behind her and telling the dilatory girl to wait, went into her office and emerged a moment or two later carrying a large white plimsoll. ?Bend over and hold onto your legs below your knees!? the gym mistress ordered.

Tracey obeyed. Julie had a good view of how the girl’s blue school skirt rose up as she did so; however, it still covered her bottom. She wondered if the teacher would order Tracey to lift her skirt, exposing her knickers. Instead, however, Miss Drake simply drew the slipper back and delivered an almighty whack to the naughty girl’s skirt covered rear.

Julie’s eyes widened in shock. She had never seen a slippering before and she was amazed to see just how much force the tall, fit twenty-five year old teacher was using. There were gasps of surprise from a couple of the fellow culprits, too. But poor Tracey’s reaction was still extreme. The force of the blow actually caused her to unbalance and topple forward. She was more embarrassed than hurt, however, although Julie realised that the whack must have really stung through the younger girl’s skirt and knickers, she soon scrambled to her feet and reassumed her position, rather red-faced.

The gym mistress delivered a further five hard smacks to the tightly-stretched seat of Tracey’s blue skirt. The girl managed to stay in position, holding on to her legs, but she could not prevent the audible gasp as each of the last smacks smashed down. Julie was still shocked at how hard the teacher was hitting the naughty girl. Each impact if the slipper was as loud as a pistol shot.

Finally it was over. Miss Drake put the plimsoll down on a shelf. ?Remain in that position until I tell you to get up Tracey,? she said, ?just in case I need to make use of your bottom to provide further examples to your colleagues.?

Julie could see Tracey’s face, upside down and largely hidden by her cascading brown hair. It was nonetheless evident that the girl was crying quietly. Julie was very pleased that she had just arrived in time; otherwise, she might have been in Tracey’s position. 

Miss Drake, ignoring the bending girl as she continued to wriggle in her uncomfortable and humiliating posture, continued her introductory remarks.

?I will expect you all to stay in position throughout your punishments. Like Tracey here you will not stand up until I tell you to.? The teacher added point to her remark by delivering a sharp hand slap to the girl’s bottom. Tracey’s whole body quivered but she remained bending forward.

?Anyone who does stand up before I give permission or anyone who puts a hand in the way or tries in any way to avoid or delay punishment will get extra strokes. And after punishment you will not rub, or even touch, your bottoms. Any girl who decides so will get extra. You will all change into PE kit, apart from plimsolls, for your punishment. You will wear the school gym shorts, tops and socks which you will find in the appropriate cupboard for your year. Any girl who normally takes off her glasses for gym should do so. They might fall off. You will change quickly and without fuss, but without knocking into each other. And be careful walking when you get into the gym! The floor can be slippery when you’re just wearing socks. Now, unless there are any questions, you can begin to change. As soon as you’re ready go into the gym and line up along the far wall facing the horse, with your hands on your heads. Remember to take your envelopes with you; and remember, time wasting will be punished.? And with that the gym mistress delivered another sharp slap to Tracey’s rear and told the unfortunate girl to stand up and find a place to change.

Julie didn’t expect that there would be any questions and she was just about to move towards the fourth year equipment cupboard when she heard a nervous voice. ?Please miss!?

She looked around. It was the senior girl whose name she did not know.

?Lindsey Collins, 5A, isn’t it? What is it, girl??

?Please miss, can’t we wear our own gym kit? I brought mine with me.? This was the sixteen year old’s first time at a punishment session. She was rather spoiled and didn’t want to wear shorts that other girls had worn. School gym shorts were navy blue but Lindsey’s own shorts, like those of most of the girls, were white in colour.

Julie thought that Miss Drake looked a little annoyed at the unexpected question, but she answered pleasantly enough.

?No, Lindsey. It’s the same for everyone – school kit.?

But Lindsey could not leave it alone. ?Oh, please miss. Why not??

Julie drew a deep breath. The stupid cow was going to get Miss Drake angry and make it worse for everyone!

?Right! Out her Lindsey!? snapped the teacher, taking the plimsoll from the shelf.

Julie looked at the tall fifth former. Her face suddenly went white with shock and her mouth dropped open. She walked slowly to the front, looking close to tears.

?Stand where Tracey did and bend forward.?

The dejected girl obeyed, taking hold of the material of her dark grey trousers just below the knee. For a couple of moments Julie thought she was going to say something but in the end Lindsey had just enough sense not to.

?Further over and keep your legs straight!? ordered the gym mistress.

As Lindsey bent as far as she could Julie saw the dark grey material at the seat of her trousers plump out as they stretched tautly over the sixteen year old’s large and curvy rear.

Slipper in hand the teacher turned to the watching girls. ?Lindsey has, unintentionally I am sure, given me the opportunity for another useful demonstration. Tracey is a junior girl, so I let her off lightly. Now I will show you all, and especially Lindsey, what a real slippering is like!?

She turned towards Lindsey. ?Right, Lindsey, stay bent over until I tell you you can get up.?

With that she raised the slipper up above her shoulders and walloped it down, twisting her body as she did so to put all her force into the blow, Julie saw immediately the gym mistress had not been bluffing. The severity of Tracey’s punishment had surprised her, but this was much worse. She saw the slipper dent deeply into the rounded curves of Lindsey’s trouser-clad bottom with a sound like a firework exploding.

The sixteen year old could not withhold a sharp ?Oww!? but she remained bent over in position as the angry teacher continued to whack the rubber plimsoll down on her large backside, concentrating on each bottom check alternately.

After six smacks Miss Drake showed no signs of stopping and Lindsey’s yelps were beginning to sound more and more frantic. Another two smacks proved too much for the naughty teenager. With a frantic shriek she half straightened and one hand went to her right bottom check to protect it from further blows from that slipper. But Miss Drake did not pause. Instead she whipped the slipper down for another smack, just as hard, to land right on top of the back of Lindsey’s hand.

?Yeeoww! Oh! Oh! Oh!? Lindsey could not believe it. She twisted round dashing her injured had to her lips where she blew on it and fondled it against her lips.

?I warned you,? Miss Drake said, unsympathetically. ?And it’s the same for all girls sent her for punishment. Anyone who stands up before I give permission, anyone who puts a hand in the way or tries to avoid or delay punishment will get extra. Now, Lindsey, bend over again right now – unless you want me to go and get my cane!?

Evidently Lindsey did not. Slowly the chastened girl resumed the punishment position, straightening her legs when told. Four more powerful smacks followed – each one harder than the last. Finally Miss Drake stopped and stood back. Lindsey was now crying quietly to herself and wriggling her intensely sore bum from side to side.

?Well, Lindsey. That concludes your punishment for arguing with me. I hope that you have learned your lesson and that your experience will prove a valuable example for the other girls here. But I warned you that putting a hand in the way would mean extra smacks. You have two more to come.?

With that the teacher rapidly delivered two final hard wallops with the slipper. The earlier smacks had alternated but these both landed on Lindsey’s right buttock and, judging from her anguished yells, clearly hurt like hell. Lindsey stayed bent over in position but at each impact her head shot upwards and her blonde hair flew wildly. Julie knew that the fifth former had brought her punishment on herself, but she was beginning to feel sorry for her. Like everybody else she still had her full punishment to come.

?All right, Lindsey. Stand up and return to your place.?

Lindsey stood up and her hand immediately went to rub her sore bottom. Julie could hardly believe it and she heard gasps from the other girls that indicated that they, too, were astonished.

Miss Drake grabbed Lindsey by her shoulders. ?Lindsey! You’re in the A stream, but you seem to have difficulties with your memory! I said no rubbing! Right! Bend over again!?

Poor Lindsey turned to the angry teacher, her face screwed up. She mouthed the word ?Please?, but it was no use. Very slowly she bent forward again, presenting her sore and tender bottom for further punishment.

Again the smacks came hard and fast, concentrating on Lindsey’s right bottom check. Each one evoked a yell, but she managed to stay in place. Four more whacks, meaning that she’d taken eighteen smacks on her bottom plus the one on the hand. This time when she was told to stand she stood shifting her weight from foot to foot and squirming in pain, but kept her hands well away from her punished bottom.

?Well, madam,? Miss Drake enquired sarcastically, ?do you think that’s taught you not to rub yourself after punishment??

Lindsey nodded, her lips pressed tightly closed.

?Well, I think it’s taught your bottom a lesson, but your hands still need to learn! Hold out your left hand!?

Lindsey had learned something at least. She didn’t argue with the teacher but obediently extended her left hand, palm up. Miss Drake adjusted its position until she was satisfied and then whipped the plimsoll down across the soft flesh of the school girl’s palm.

It didn’t sound as loud as the noise of the slipper cracking onto the girl’s tightly stretched trousers, but it obviously hurt – a lot. Lindsey waved her hand frantically and hopped from foot to foot. Miss Drake stood there impassively. ?Other hand!?

Lindsey was very reluctant to hold out her right hand. It still throbbed from the smack it had received earlier. Eventually she did though and as soon as it was in position the gym mistress brought down her slipper again.  

Julie thought that Lindsey’s punishment must be over now. But Miss Drake was not satisfied until both of the girl’s hands had felt another slipper blow. Finally the teacher let her wriggle her way back to her place, tears pouring from her eyes.

?Any other questions??

Unsurprisingly there were none. Miss Drake positioned herself by the door to the gym and told the girls to start changing. Julie selected a pair of navy shorts from the fourth year equipment cabinet. The material seemed very thin, almost worn through in parts. Julie tried another pair, but they were just as bad. Unhappily, the schoolgirl wondered if the seat of the shorts had worn thin as a result of the numerous blows it must have felt over the years from slipper and cane! As she changed she noticed Lindsey Collins wincing as she pulled down her trousers and her knickers. The whole of the tall girl’s large bottom shone a bright red. Julie took a deep breath and concentrated on getting changed as quickly as possible.

One by one the girl’s, in full gym kit apart from their plimsolls, began to pass through into the gym and form a line where directed by the schoolmistress. Julie was fairly quick in changing and she found herself between Sarah Brookes and a younger, West Indian girl whom she didn’t know. In the middle of the gym she saw the large gym horse over which she knew they were to be punished. And in the far corner, opposite the door to the changing room, she could see a small trestle from which a large plimsoll, evidently the twin to that which Tracey and Lindsey had felt, and a long slender cane hung suspended. Before very long, Julie thought, one of those two implements would be whacked against her poor bottom. At the thought her hands crushed the red envelope in her dark hair as she suppressed their natural instinct to fly to her rear.

Lindsey was the last girl of all. She was obviously still feeling the effects of her slippering and she walked slowly and carefully to take her place at the end of the line. When all eleven girls were lined up Miss Drake addressed them once more.

?I shall deal with you in the order in which you reported to me. When I call your name you will come forward and hand me your envelope. I shall then tell you to bring me either the slipper or the cane. You will do so and then assume the punishment position across the horse. You will not leave that position until I tell you that you may do so. Is that understood??

There was silence in reply. Miss Drake consulted her list. ?Linda King, 2A!?

Out of the corner of her eye Julie saw a small girl move forward. She handed the envelope to the teacher, who opened it and examined the contents. ?Fetch me the slipper, Linda,? she ordered, dropping the envelope and the note onto the floor of the gym. The girl began to walk towards the trestle but, on hearing Miss Drake’s ?Faster girl!? broke into a trot. She returned and offered the plimsoll to the teacher.

?Over the horse, Linda!?

It took the girl some time to get into position over the gym equipment. Miss Drake made her reach right down the other side to grasp some hand holds. Julie saw that the blue gym shorts were stretched tight over the girl’s small bottom.

The teacher raised the plimsoll and took a step back. Julie realised that Linda could not know how many smacks she was going to get.


The slipper came down at a terrific speed, the sound of it contact with Linda’s shorts echoing around the gymnasium. Julie realised that, despite the disparity in the girl’s ages, Miss Drake was using as much force with Linda as she had earlier used with Lindsey.

Bravely Linda remained silent after that smack and for the two following. But the fourth smack brought out a sharp yell of pain which was repeated more frantically as another two slipper smacks crashed into the girl’s smarting backside.

After six strokes the teacher stood back. Linda squirmed across the horse in obvious discomfort her bottom wriggling and her legs moving tremblingly.

?All right, Linda. You can get down.?

The little girl obeyed too quickly and in her hurry fell down – onto her sore bottom. She gasped in pain but, as she struggled to her feet, Julie saw that she was quick-witted enough to resist the temptation to rub her behind.

On the teacher’s instructions Linda returned the slipper to the trestle and scuttled back. Miss Drake then made her go over to one of the end of the wall bars and stretch herself right up as much as possible so as to grasp the highest bar she could. When she was satisfied with Linda’s position Miss Drake consulted her list again.

?Andrea Garner, 3B?

Andrea was the girl to Julie’s right. She went forward and offered her envelope to the teacher. Miss Drake stared at the naughty girl for a moment and then announced: ?Right, Andre. This time it’s the cane for you!?

Julie saw how, just for a second, Andrea’s eyes widen in shock and her mouth had gaped open, but she soon recovered herself and went to bring back the cane.

Unlike Linda, Andrea had no difficulty in assuming the proper position over the horse. Julie guessed, correctly, that she’d been her before. Miss Drake whipped the cane through the air in practice strokes. Julie felt sick. It was horribly flexible and hissed like a nest of maddened wasps. Andrea’s bottom flexed as each stroke flailed the air. And then, with no further warning, the next time, Miss Drake landed the cane squarely across Andrea’s quivering bottom.

Andrea yelped and Julie saw her whole body shudder at the violent blow. Three more strokes followed and Julie was impressed to see Andrea take them bravely in silence. The teacher stood back after the fourth stroke had bitten home and told Andrea she could stand up.

Andrea walked very slowly when returning the cane to the trestle and when coming back afterwards. Several times she stopped and Julie felt, was on the point of grasping her hands to her bottom. Julie thought she was relieved when she was standing next to Linda, holding onto a wall bar. Still, Julie thought it was encouraging that the first caning she had witnessed had not reduced its victim to tears.

The next girl to be dealt with was Claire Williamson. Claire was in the same form as Andrea and had arrived with her. Claire, unlike the West Indian schoolgirl, was not a repeat offender and she was sent for the slipper, not the cane. However she was by no means let off lightly. Claire’s bottom received no fewer than twelve resounding slipper smacks from Miss Drake’s plimsoll and the fourteen year old was in tears well before the infliction was over.

Miss Drake was not satisfied when Claire stretched up to hold onto the wall bars after her slippering. She insisted on Claire grasping a higher bar, until the tips of her toes barely touched the gym floor, with her arms forced to take nearly all of her weight. When the gym mistress was finally happy with Claire’s position she walked slowly towards the bars and stood in front of Andrea.

?You were told to stretch up as high as you could, Claire. While you are here I expect you to do as you are told or to face the consequences! Now, hold on tight. This is going to sting!?

With that she administered two sharp slaps to the backs of Claire’s thighs below the blue gym shorts. The naughty teenager yelped at each slap and twisted frantically, but managed to retain her hold on the metal bar.

?I hope that the rest of you benefits from Claire’s experience. I expect you to hold on as high up as you can.?

As Miss Drake walked slowly back to the horse Julie saw the twin splotches of red spreading out on the pale flesh of Claire’s legs.

Julie wondered who was going to be next. It was Caroline Levy, the girl she had been so surprised to see there. As her name was called Caroline walked slowly forward and handed her envelope to the teacher. Julie was shocked when Miss Drake told her to fetch the cane. Once again she wondered what on earth Caroline could have done. She had hoped that Caroline would get the slipper. This was a bad omen for her.

As Caroline handed the cane to the teacher Julie saw that she was already crying quietly. Caroline had considerable difficulty getting into place over the horse. Miss Drake was not willing to wait and she encouraged the clumsy girl with a couple of hand slaps to her bare thighs. When Caroline was finally in place the teacher raised the cane and lashed it down onto to her flinching bottom. Julie winced sympathetically as her classmate howled in pain, her body bucking over the large horse. Like Andrea, Caroline received four strokes, but she did not take her punishment nearly as well as the younger girl. After the fourth whack Miss Drake instructed the caned girl to stand up, but Caroline remained wriggling over the horse, crying bitterly.

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It’s not even like we really needed the money; we were doing fine, but my wife Julie decided she’d find a part-time job to earn a little extra cash for the Christmas season. She looked all around and finally found a greenhouse and gift shop that needed somebody to run the register. This is one of those places where you can get your Christmas tree and all the decorations at the same time. Julie worked inside, and there were a couple burly young guys outside helping people haul their tree to...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Julie Part 9

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is Part 9 of a very long e-novel. There are three long parts after this one. If you read Parts 1 thru 8 first you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s friend, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog having sex, etc. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further. *** Part...

2 years ago
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Julie the Voyeur

Our company sent us to New York on business, and we were both booked into the Westin Hotel, but in separ- ate rooms. Julie, my co-worker and I were going to give a presentation the next afternoon, then catch a red-eye flight back to the coast. We checked in, finding our adjoining rooms on the 23rd floor of the large luxury hotel. We’d both been surprised when we were booked into this hotel, expecting more modest quarters. The rooms weren’t lavish, quite the...

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Julie Part 12

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Twelve Chapter Fifty Five ------------------ The time went by fast, Harry made love to her then took a shower, they lay on the bed and talked and made love again. When she came in to clean him he was dead asleep. She turned out the light and went to the kitchen, she was busy setting up breakfast and planning dinner for tomorrow night when Jimmy came home. When he entered she was surprised to...

2 years ago
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Julie Part 6

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 6 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE) *** Part Six Chapter Twenty-Seven --------------------- The alarm was set for five but the clock was three minutes fast, when it went to beeping Harry gave a groan and cut it off. He lay there a few seconds but knew that was risky and rose up and put his feet on the floor. He had been told by his father to always get your feet on the floor...

3 years ago
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Julie 3 Cheerleader sleepover

Another beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Usually on a day like this I would have a gang of people from the gym over wasting time between workouts. Today however, I skipped practice. I was just burnt out and needed a day off. It had been a crazy summer so far. I decided it was just going to be a day to sleep late, go out and relax by the pool, maybe work on my tan. My parents and older brother were all working so I had the place to myself....

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Julie Ch 14

The next day at the office, Julie threw herself into her daily work, using it as a distraction. To some extent it succeeded. But she couldn’t fill every moment of her day with enough pressing issues to keep the night before from forcing its way into her thoughts. She couldn’t help noticing that Greg had not emailed her. Why not? Was it a case of not wanting to get dragged into a messy situation? A messy divorce? Was he truly only interested in her as long as there was plenty of good sex to be...

4 years ago
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Julie surrenders to the Major

I first met the major about ten or so years ago when I used to do a lot of commuting to work. On my way home I liked to stop for a quick pint in a village near to ours to unwind after work. I only used this pub because you could sit and relax without being disturbed by friends wanting to know what was going on all of the time. One tea time I was having my usual pint when an elderly gentleman,well I say elderly, he was probably 20 years older than me, came across and asked if the van in the car...

4 years ago
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Julie Ch 13

Gary was standing in the bedroom doorway, slack-jawed, speechless. For the longest time after Julie saw him, he just stood there. Greg, whose back was three-quarters to the doorway, obviously realized something was wrong and turned around. ‘Oh, shit,’ he groaned. His words shattered Julie’s paralysis. She leapt from the bed and ran sobbing into the master bathroom. She fell to the floor crying. Her mind was not responding. Her stomach was convulsing, the tears beginning to stream from her...

2 years ago
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Julie Ch 21

When Julie and Ashlee arrived back at the house after dropping off Greg and picking up Julie’s car at the mall, Ashlee appeared ready to burst. ‘Well?’ she asked expectantly. It was obvious what she wanted, but Julie had no intention of divulging details. ‘Well, what?’ she replied. ‘C’mon!’ Ashlee laughed. ‘I never saw a more obvious JBF smile.’ Julie blinked, clueless. ‘JBF?’ ‘Just been fucked,’ Ashlee answered with an accusing smile. Julie felt the color rising in her cheeks. Was there...

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Julie Ch 20

In the morning the phone call the night before seemed surreal and Julie found herself questioning whether she had dreamt it. But the tightness in her gut, the unease that lingered, told her it had really happened. The thought of the photos hit her again, even as she was getting out of bed. Gary had pictures of Julie sucking another man’s cock. He had tried to use them to get her to give him a blow job. No matter how half-hearted the effort, Gary had actually tried. If it weren’t for the...

3 years ago
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Julie was a beautiful girl

Julie did know that Andrew was a mean kid, will not really a kid anymore. He had flunked a grade, and was old for school. Adults didn’t realize what a bully he was, they just thought it was good of him to stick school out, to try and finish high school even when he had an extra year after a childhood mistake. Andrew was big for his age, strong, and even though he was eighteen, close to nineteen, he seemed like he was older. Andrew was sexually attracted to Julie, was always trying to impress...

3 years ago
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Julie Ch 09

Over the weeks that followed, Julie had little direct contact with Greg. At first they exchanged a few personal emails. But they quickly fizzled, perhaps because they couldn’t act on them. She had some contact with him on work related issues, but most of those were either brief or conference calls. And in any case, Greg was always careful to distance himself from Julie in professional matters. The demands of her new job kept her busy and her mind occupied most of the time. But now and then...

3 years ago
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Julies Story

Julie?s Story By Dr. Quirt A young woman doesn?t quite realise just what she has let herself in for when she decides to explore her masochistic tendencies. The learning path is hard and long but, in the end, she becomes contented with her lot. This story is the first of a trilogy, the second and third parts being ?Nina?s Tale? and ?What Happened to Lucy?? Beginnings A light rain was beginning to fall from a leaden sky as the train pulled in to the station of the grimy, northern town....

2 years ago
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Julie Ch 15

The next morning Julie woke up hung over. She wasn’t much of a drinker and the stuff Ashlee had made was potent. Then she remembered replying to Greg’s email. Oh, shit! She quickly checked her email. Greg had replied. ‘There’s no one here this weekend either, if you want to stop by today or tomorrow.’ He wasn’t even pretending it was about talking now, was he? Not that Julie would have believed him if he had continued that ruse. But maybe it would have been easier if she could have told...

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Julie Ch 06

Julie didn’t see much of Greg that day. He was there at the start of the meeting and dropped in a couple times before lunch. But mercifully, Julie didn’t have to sit in the same room with him all day. It would have made it too hard to concentrate. And for all the wrong reasons. She should have been worried about being discovered. The consequences of what she did. How it would ruin her life and her husband’s as well. Her career too. But those wouldn’t have been the reasons for her distraction. ...

2 years ago
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Julie Ch 05

Again Julie found herself grateful to be back at work on Monday. The weekend wasn’t as bad as the one before. The sex Friday night seemed to be enough for Gary, so Julie didn’t need to choose between making excuses or faking another orgasm. But being around Gary was difficult now. Lies, after all, take a toll on a person who isn’t accustomed to telling them. Julie found herself putting a lot of energy into mundane tasks around the house just to avoid having time to sit and think about how...

4 years ago
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Julie Ch 17

When Julie arrived at the house, a lot of weird vibes came over her. This was her house, but she totally felt like a visitor. She didn’t pull around to the back and park in the garage. She parked in the driveway at the front of the house and walked up to the front door, something she and Gary never did. She hesitated at the door. Should she just open the door and walk in? She didn’t feel like it was her place to do that. Such a strange notion, considering she had lived here with Gary for five...

4 years ago
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Julie Finds A Lover

For just a moment after opening her eyes Julie didn't know where she was. As her eyes became accustomed to the dark room she was able to pick out the shape of the furniture, thanks to the sliver of light coming through the blackout curtain. That's when she remembered that she was in a suite at a local four-star hotel. The clock on the nightstand told her that she had been asleep for only ten minutes.'It wasn't supposed to be this good,' was the first thing that Julie said to herself after she...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Julie Part 8

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is a LONG story, there are 4 more LONG parts to go after this one. *** Part Eight Chapter Thirty Six Julie and Harry were awaken by sunlight streaming in the window, they were slow in getting up but as soon as they stirred both needed the bathroom and he beat her to it. She went to the kitchen and started the coffee going but he was still in the toilet so she went to Jimmy's bathroom and...

3 years ago
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Julie By Waldo([email protected]) All rights reserved by the Author. This may be posted on web sites or BBS where stories are distributed for free; just send me an e-mail telling me where you've posted it. It's an adult story. Author's Note: Some of you might recognize some of this story. This was started about three years ago and even partially released to a list of readers where it had been stopped at a point. It then sat while other things were worked on. However, it bugged...

4 years ago
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Julie Ch 18

There was something to it, Julie couldn’t deny as she walked through the halls of her office building. Here, she was a person with influence and some power. She had a reputation for being good at her job, responsible and competent. No one she said good morning to would have guessed in a million years how her day began. That she could get so wet by being ordered to her knees and forced to gag on a man’s cock. That she could still taste the residue of his cum in her mouth. It was Monday and...

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Julie Ted Ch 01

‘Hey, Julie, it’s me, Ted’ I said as you picked up your ringing cell phone. ‘Are you still at home? I left my briefcase in your bedroom yesterday and I need it for my presentation today. Can I come by and pick it up?’ Julie agreed to me dropping by and hung up the phone. Julie was at home today due to a pulled muscle from extracurricular activities from the previous day and she was soaking in a hot tub, relaxing to her favorite CD. Julie told me to use my key as she would be in the tub and...

3 years ago
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Julie Ch 16

In the morning Julie awoke slowly, feeling Greg’s comforting presence beside her before she was consciously aware of where she was. She nestled against his warmth, blissfully shielded for the moment from any undesired realities. When Julie was finally fully awake and aware of her surroundings, the night before came flooding back to her. And now that magic didn’t have to end when the clock struck twelve. It was morning no one had turned into a pumpkin. She could stay. Greg could stay. It sent...

3 years ago
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Julie Just Wont BehaveChapter 1

A strange thing happened the day my dad died of a massive heart attack a couple of years ago. A large group of people who all looked like the Men in Black, swarmed through our house. They showed up at the door that day, the day dad died, with search warrants. They explained nothing. They handed the search warrant to my mom, charged in like they were attacking us and turned our house upside down. And I do mean upside down! It took us a week to put our house back together, one of the most...

2 years ago
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Julie Ch 08

Julie arrived at work late, but, much to her relief, no one seemed to have noticed. She jumped into the mountain waiting in her in bin, glad to have something to keep her mind off of Greg. God! This morning had been fabulous! She had to keep tonight out of her head or she’d never get anything done today! A little before lunch time, she called Gary. ‘Hey, hon,’ she said. ‘Ashlee just called me. She wants to meet for a drink after work, so I’ll be a little late tonight.’ ‘Okay,’ Gary was...

3 years ago
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Julie 3 Cheerleader Sleepover

Julie 3 Part 1 – Cheerleader Party Another beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Usually, on a day like this, I would have a gang of people from the gym over wasting time between workouts. Today, however, I skipped practice. I was just burnt out and needed a day off. It had been a crazy summer so far. I decided it was just going to be a day to sleep late, go out and relax by the pool, maybe work on my tan. My parents and older brother were all...

3 years ago
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JulieChapter 3

A month after her unhappy experience at the concert, Julie had come to a decision about her future. "I think I want to go home now, Aunt Eleanor. I can get a job at the same restaurant chain there. I've already checked it out. I'm considered qualified, experienced and a valuable employee. How's that for frumpy, dumpy and lumpy," she laughed. Eleanor hugged her and tears came to her eyes. "You're ready girl," she said softly. "You go and be happy!" So here she was, home again,...

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Julie Ch 11

Driving to work, Julie wondered what it would be like if this was her actual life. If she had a man who could fuck her half the night, drive her out of her mind and leave her incredibly satisfied. If her man was one to whom she wanted to give a blow job in the morning before sending him off to work. In a couple days Gary would be back and she would be inspired to do little more than give him a polite kiss before leaving. What a contrast between that and this morning! Everything about Greg, his...

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Julie and Maria

My thanks to the editor Barney R. Of course, I had to mess it up afterward. All mistakes are ones I made. One left, another stayed and found her place. A love story. Author’s notes: This is not my usual type of story. It did not start out as it has ended, it was much darker, and sadder than it ended up. I like this better than my planned story. Please let me know your opinions. CAT the Oldgrump. My name is Jamison (Jamie) Winthrop I am now 48 years old. I’m 6’ 2” tall, balding, blue to...

4 years ago
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Julie surrenders to the Major part two

The recovery time was pretty quick. Colin, Gavin and I had all unloaded. "Lets go back into the cottage" Colin said. He picked up Julies dress and passed it to her."You will only need this for now my dear"Julie slipped on the dress and we went inside for a drink.Gavin remained in the outhouse.Colin made us some more drinks and we chatted for a while. Julie called him major on a couple of occassions but he told her that was not required in these situations. He asked how she had found the whole...

2 years ago
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Julie and the Rack

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's back button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to...

4 years ago
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Julie Ch 01

Oh God! Had Gary just complimented her? She had hardly even heard what he said. It had sounded sort of sweet and sincere. But Julie’s attention had been drawn yet again to the stranger sitting at the bar. Poor Gary. Julie smiled and nodded to him, unsure how to respond, as she wasn’t sure exactly what he had said. Would he realize? ‘That’s one of the things I really love about you,’ he said, apparently not aware of her momentary lapse of attention. She smiled again and reached across the...

3 years ago
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Julie and Her Daddy

Julie lay across her bed with the phone to her ear, trying not to cry, but it was a hard thing to do when your mother was telling you her cancer was worse than ever. "Had bad is it?" Julie sniffed, knowing this was going to be so hard on her Mom and Dad. "Well, I start double treatments first thing Monday morning. I'll do fine, but I'm worried about your poor Dad. He's taking this really bad," she replied wiping tears from her eyes. Julie knew how much Daddy loved Mom and that she...

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Julie Ch 04

Julie left smiling, her body still floating. And if she was a little disappointed about her oral performance, at least she gave him her mouth to use and he used it. She had been there for his pleasure and that was what made it hot. It wasn’t like she was some kind of blow job queen or something. By her own admission, it was something that she never really considered her forte. Not that she didn’t put effort into it. She had just never been with men who had high expectations in that category,...

3 years ago
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Julie Ch 02

Tuesday morning at work, Julie was scrambling around getting ready for an important meeting. A potential new customer was visiting today and her boss had been hounding her to make sure everything went perfectly. Julie would be managing the account if this customer decided to give them their business. It would be the biggest account she had yet been given, so she felt as much self-imposed pressure as she did from her boss to get things right. Once the customers arrived, the top brass was going...

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Julie Ch 07

It was well after midnight when Julie finally conceded that if he was going to come, he would have arrived by now. She wanted to be angry at him. She definitely felt stood-up, even though there really hadn’t been any real plans between them. But it wasn’t anger, just disappointment. Tomorrow she would be flying home and there was no telling when she would see Greg again. How long she would have to continue to wait to experience that feeling again? What exactly was that feeling? Julie wasn’t...

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Julie on top sometimes

Sometimes, you get what you need, even if you didn’t know you needed it. I’d been dumped by my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago, and I was feeling rejected, lonely, and kind of low, so I decided to head down to the bar to have a couple, and perhaps meet someone new. I didn’t need any more emotional baggage, so I sat on a stool between two others, distancing me from a direct conversation with the other ‘poor and lonely’ people. I thought I would just have a few to try to mellow out over...

2 years ago
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JulieChapter 5

Robbie shut the apartment door behind him a walked toward the kitchen, taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat stand. As he entered the kitchen, he saw the flashing light indicating a message on his phone. He sat down at the kitchen table and pushed the 'new message' button. It was from Eleanor Thompson. "Hi Robbie," she began. "I talked to my friend Dr. Weisman and he was pretty reluctant to give me any advice or analysis over the phone without meeting Julie, but here's what...

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Julie takes control part 6

I hope you enjoy this next chapter of the story.As Julie started to come down from her intense orgasm she moved her hips up so her pussy was just out of my reach of my tongue. All of a sudden, Sarah started to gasp, realising she was about to cum over my dick made me get even harder. She reacted at me reaching my full size by screaming, she didn't know how she'd fit all of me in.She started to moan, I felt her pussy start to tighten around my dick. Julie leant over and kissed her, as she did,...

4 years ago
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Juliersquos Awakening

Julie’s AwakeningIt was another hot Texas summer day. The temperature and humidity were high, making breathing a little tougher than normal. Dan’s phone rang and it was his fifteen year old daughter Julie. She and her twin brother Alex had just got home from school and the house was really hot inside. She told her dad that she checked the thermostat and it was reading 92 degrees in the house and yes, the air conditioning was supposed to be on. When Dan had the air conditioning serviced a couple...

3 years ago
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Julie Likes it x1

My roommate Julie, had been really bummed out. She had found out recently that her boyfriend back home had decided to call off their relationship. She was devastated when she found out he had been cheating on her. It was her first boyfriend and first break up. She had been so devoted to him that first semester. I had never seen her even try to flirt. Very mousy.Julie was quiet and we didn’t hang out much. I liked to go out and meet boys and sometimes take them back to my dorm room to fuck....

2 years ago
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Julie Frances Ch 0001

Prologue It was a cold and snowy night, Julie Frances sat staring out the window and pondering her future or current lack of. She was stuck in a dead end job and her personal life was a mess. It was on that night, she made the decision that something had to change. First off she had to start living her life for herself. She had to stop worrying about the way everyone else felt . Secondly she needed to start taking risks . If she wanted something she had to go for it. She had always wanted...

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Julie Ted Ch 02

We awoke the next morning naked in bed with each other. It was a Saturday so we decided to go shopping. We went to the local mall were we agreed to spoil one another. When we arrived at one of the boutiques, I surprised Julie by arranging for a personal assistant to cater to her every wish and desire. Julie tried on dozens of outfits as we laughed and drank champagne. I assured Julie that she could have anything she wanted. The personal assistant was a gorgeous brunette named Sam who was...

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Julie Part 11

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Eleven Chapter Fifty ------------- Julie woke up and realized she had been dreaming but it wasn't like her other dreams! She had been dreaming that every where she went she was attacked by someone and they would tear at her clothes trying to get her naked and wrestle her to the ground or floor trying to rape her. She would fight until she was worn out, they always succeeded. But the worse...

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Julie Sophie and me

My girlfriend Sophie and I went to visit her good friend Julie. She had invited us for lunch and we had a good time, talking about everything and nothing. Later, while watching a movie in Julie’s living room, Sophie asked me to massage her shoulders. She often asks that while we watch movies. And I never say no because it often leads to great sex...but since we were not home I didn’t expect anything to happen. After a few minutes of a gentle massage to Sophie’s shoulders I could tell she was...

2 years ago
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JULIE  JULIE?? Julie was a submissive. Julie had always been a submissive, but if you ever asked when it started, she would not be able to tell you.? I remember her once telling me that the first time she was ever tied up, was in a college play, when she played Joan of? Arc, and was tied to the stake. She told me that she had a strange feeling about it, but had no idea what it meant.? Her next role was as a roman slave girl, and yes, she was tied up again. In fact, in most of her roles...

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I sent her an email detailing what I had been doing.and told her how her friend Irena phoned and asked me for dinner with her and her ten-year younger toy boy. The next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than...

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