- 3 years ago
- 28
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In the morning the phone call the night before seemed surreal and Julie found herself questioning whether she had dreamt it. But the tightness in her gut, the unease that lingered, told her it had really happened.
The thought of the photos hit her again, even as she was getting out of bed.
Gary had pictures of Julie sucking another man’s cock. He had tried to use them to get her to give him a blow job. No matter how half-hearted the effort, Gary had actually tried. If it weren’t for the photos themselves, the attempt might have been laughable.
But he had the pictures.
However nice a guy Gary was, no matter how unlikely it was that he would ever use those pictures to humiliate her, the reality was, he had them. And, to some extent, Julie was at his mercy.
What did that really mean?
Well, it meant Julie wasn’t going to go anywhere near Greg’s place any time soon. If she was going to see Greg, she wasn’t going to do it if Gary would find out. She didn’t want to antagonize Gary into showing someone those pictures.
So now what? Julie padded softly into the bathroom, still fighting off the aftereffects of sleep. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked the same as she always had. How could her life suddenly be so completely different? How could her compass be so fundamentally altered?
She undressed in front of the mirror, assessing herself with a lover’s eye. Yes, she had a beautiful face, delicate features, high cheekbones and a dazzling smile all framed by shimmering silky black hair. Her green eyes lent a feline grace and beauty to her face. Her body was shapely, enticing. Her full breasts looked so large on her petite frame. She tapered at the waist and then swelled delectably at the hips in a classic hourglass figure. Her ass, firm and round, disappeared into supple, sculpted thighs. And the neatly trimmed black triangle nestled between them was like an arrow, pointing to where she wanted her lover to go.
If it wasn’t for Gary, the pictures, the compromising circumstances… Oh, God! Julie would surely find a way to be with Greg!
A thought occurred to her as she stepped into the shower. Greg had conceived a simple yet seemingly foolproof plan to thwart anyone following them. Julie saw a way to expand that plan to bring Greg back here.
Of course, it would require some cooperation from Ashlee.
Was Julie ready for that?
The events of yesterday and last night still had her rattled. It seemed to her that the best thing might be to lay low, hope everything simply blew over like a bad storm. At the same time, all of the things that had happened made her long for Greg, the reassurance of his presence, his touch. It was foolish, perhaps. But there was no denying the appeal.
Of course, Greg’s trick of losing a shadow in the mall might not work twice. If Julie and Greg used it tonight to go get a drink, would the person following her adopt a new strategy? She couldn’t really think of a way that one person would be able to defeat Greg’s tactic, but it wasn’t really something she had any experience in.
It seemed that if she was going to use that trick to get Greg back here on Wednesday, she probably shouldn’t use it tonight to meet him for drinks.
Besides, Julie had some important business to take care of. Like finding a lawyer, opening a new checking account, applying for a new credit card and all the myriad of things that she was going to need to do to disentangle herself from Gary.
She hadn’t been in that big of a hurry when she had left. She may have known that it was unlikely that she and Gary would stay together, but she hadn’t taken any of the necessary steps to separate herself from him. If he was really going to file for separation tomorrow, Julie couldn’t afford to get caught unprepared.
But down inside, she would have let all that go another day, another week, another month, just to be with Greg. The pictures changed all that. Now there was a sense of urgency Julie hadn’t had before.
Julie emailed Greg from work. She didn’t go into details, but said she would like to see him tomorrow and hinted that she might be able to have the place to herself for an hour or two. Greg emailed back expressing a little bit of regret about not seeing her that night, but plenty of interest in the possibility of being alone with her the next.
Now the question was Ashlee. Did Julie want to enlist her help in meeting up with Greg? Did she want to involve her in this mess? And, more importantly, did Julie really want Ashlee to know that much about her sex life?
Ashlee was certainly going to know, of course. Even if Julie just took her friend up on the offer to leave the house for little while. Ashlee was going to assume, and most likely be right, that Julie would be using that time to have sex with Greg.
And it wasn’t like Ashlee would be bashful about asking Julie for details. Did Julie want to sit there, her pussy still throbbing, and try to dodge questions about what she had just done?
On the other side of that, of course, was the fact that Greg was going to be leaving town in less than a week. He didn’t know when he was coming back. Could Julie afford to let an opportunity to see him, be with him, get away?
The tug-of-war went on in her most of the day. She knew what she wanted. Of that there was no doubt. The only question was whether or not she was prepared to expose herself to get what she wanted.
In the end, Julie continued along the same path she had chosen to this point: her desires dictating against her better judgment. After all, if her wedding vows weren’t enough to deter her, what was a little embarrassment at Ashlee’s hands?
The pictures still made her hesitate. They represented an almost bottomless pit of embarrassment and ruin, both socially and financially. But, she rationalized, they already existed. Anything she did, or abstained from doing, didn’t alter that fact. Of course, Gary’s restraint in refraining from using them could crumble if she continued to behave the way she had.
In short, Julie knew the course she should choose, what would be safest. She also knew that that wasn’t what she wanted to do. And it was just a matter of time before she came up with a convincing enough rationalization.
That, in and of itself, was a strangely compelling logic. If she was going to find a way to give in anyway, why fight it in the first place?
She picked up her cell and started to call Ashlee. Then she stopped. Yes, she wanted to be with Greg. But did she really want to let Ashlee into her business to that extent? Did she want her friend to know so much personal information?
Julie put the phone back in her purse.
An hour later, she took it back out and stared at it for a few minutes as if weighing the decision. But her heart was already set on a course of action, wasn’t it? Julie knew what she wanted. Her reluctance to let Ashlee into her intimate life was genuine, but it wasn’t strong enough ultimately to prevent her from making the call.
‘Hey, Ash,’ Julie said when her friend answered. ‘Uh, is your offer for Wednesday still good?’ She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she heard Ashlee laugh on the other end of the line.
‘Sure, kiddo! Just can’t live without a fix, huh?’ Ashlee needled her. ‘S’okay,’ Ashlee added. ‘I certainly understand!’ Julie fought back an urge to retort. What could she really say anyway? Ashlee knew the truth.
‘Uh, Ash,’ Julie said hesitantly. ‘There’s one other thing…’ Julie briefly outlined what she needed Ashlee to do.
‘Ooh, kiddo! Now that’s hot!’ Ashlee teased. ‘Giving your tail the slip so you can get some tail! I like it!’
Somehow, Julie was not surprised that Ashlee was enthusiastic about the plan. In spite of herself, Julie smiled.
That evening after work, Julie parked her car at the mall as she and Greg had originally planned. She walked u
nhurriedly through the mall, stopping in a store or two as if she were shopping. She kept a careful eye on the time as she went. At exactly five forty-five, she walked out the door at the opposite end of the mall. Greg, as arranged, had pulled up in his car waiting for her.
Julie hopped into the passenger’s seat and they pulled away quickly. They greeted each other as Greg drove out of the mall parking lot, but Julie was too nervous to do much more than say ‘hi.’
A couple miles from the mall, Greg pulled into a bar parking lot and pulled around to the rear lot. There, Ashlee was parked, waiting for them. As Julie got out of Greg’s car and into Ashlee’s she suddenly felt incredibly foolish.
Were they going through all of these wild gyrations for no reason? Was anyone still following Julie now? Gary had all the ammunition he needed. Why would he need to follow—or have someone follow—Julie further? Greg probably could have just driven to Ashlee’s place and parked a block or two away. Maybe he could have sneaked in through the back, just in case.
But all this cloak and dagger? As Julie slid into the passenger’s seat beside Ashlee, she was acutely aware of how ridiculous or paranoid or both she was being.
‘Hey, kiddo,’ Ashlee greeted her.
‘Hi,’ Julie replied, noticing Ashlee’s gaze in the rear view mirror. ‘Oh, this is Greg,’ she said, feeling self-conscious and foolish. ‘Greg, this is Ashlee.’
‘Nice to meet you,’ Ashlee said. Was there something a little too flirty in her tone? Had she emphasized ‘nice’ just a little too much? Or was Julie just being paranoid still?
‘Same here,’ Greg replied and now Julie knew she wasn’t just being paranoid, because she heard something in Greg’s voice as well. She had to will herself not to turn around and look at the expression on his face.
As Ashlee drove them back to her place, there was an easy banter between her and Greg, mostly revolving around this ‘secret mission,’ as Ashlee labeled it. Julie also noted out of the corner of her eye how often Ashlee’s gaze went to the rear view mirror. Were she and Greg making eye contact? Were they flirting?
Given what she knew about both of them, it certainly didn’t seem out of the question. Greg was, after all, a man who was know to chase after practically every set of tits that walked past him. And Ashlee wasn’t shy about her sexual appetites either.
And Ashlee knew damn right well what Julie and Greg were going to do once she left them. Was she curious? Was she thinking about what Greg looked like under his clothes? How he was in the bedroom? Was she going to ask Julie questions later? Want details?
On one hand, it was a little unnerving. Julie had never had or wanted anyone inside that innermost circle. She didn’t talk about things like that. It was simply uncomfortable.
At the same time, there was no denying the sneaking self-satisfied pride that Julie was feeling. Greg was going to fuck her senseless and Ashlee would practically kill to know the details. There was something appealing about having something or knowing something that other people wanted.
‘Okay, you kids have fun,’ Ashlee said playfully as she dropped the two of them off in front of her house. ‘I’m going to visit my mom. I’ll be back in a few hours.’
When Julie first led Greg into the house, she felt that old feeling from before. The feeling of not knowing how to pick up where they had left off. Julie had last seen Greg just a couple days ago and there had been no lack of familiarity between them then.
It was weird. In a matter of minutes Julie would probably have Greg’s cock in her mouth. But as she stood in Ashlee’s house and pointed out the living room and dining room to Greg, she felt that old nervousness.
Why did Julie feel like she was starting over every time she and Greg got together? Was it because Julie knew she couldn’t take Greg for granted? That at any time he might lose interest in her? That he might still be sleeping with other women? That he simply wasn’t hers? There really wasn’t much she could do in any case. If she got too possessive of Greg, it would only hasten his departure.
Overall, though, it was probably a combination of factors, Julie told herself. Her own situation, her issues with Gary probably played as much a part. How could she be comfortable and relaxed with Greg when she knew Gary would stoop to photographing her in the act? Threatening her with the pictures?
Then, as Julie started to lead Greg down the hall to where her bedroom was, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and planted a kiss on the side of her neck. It was warm and it was wet and it sent a thrill of excitement through her, sweeping aside all her doubts and concerns in an instant. It might have been foolish and even self-destructive to be there with him, but Julie was immediately reassured that she wanted to be there. And she wanted Greg there with her.
She stopped walking as soon as his warm lips descended on the sensitive flesh of her neck. She leaned back against his muscular chest and tilted her head back and to the side, offering her delicate skin to his kisses. The warmth that filled her belly and her pussy began to spread steadily through her body with each kiss.
His hands gripped her waist, holding her possessively as she moaned and writhed against him. Julie’s eyes closed and her head dropped back into his shoulder. She moaned as the heat and wetness throbbed between her legs. Greg’s touch was simply magical. It affected her in a way she couldn’t even comprehend.
His lips moved up to her ear, nibbling softly on her earlobe as his hands slipped up along her blouse, his fingers lightly caressing the sides of her breasts. Julie moaned more emphatically, her body shuddering with pleasure.
God, how could she ever say no to him? How could she live her life without the thrill, the excitement of his fingers and lips on her? Julie was already electrified and Greg had hardly touched her. She was already turning to butter in his hands.
Her knees shook as Greg put his hands on her shoulders and spun her around. Like a rag doll, she turned easily, her eyes wide and vulnerable, gazing up into his. Her heart was beating faster now and she could feel the heat rising all through her.
Greg’s lips closed over hers with force and passion, pressing as hard as she could stand. She felt his tongue in her mouth and almost reflexively she sucked greedily on it. His fingers continued to run lightly up and down her sides, following the curves of her hips and the swells of her breasts, sending a stream of tingles all through her.
As passionate and romantic as Greg’s kisses were, Julie knew what was coming next and she was almost impatient for it. Incredible as his kisses were, Julie’s anticipation was getting the best of her. When Greg pulled his mouth from hers, took her chin in his hand and looked into her eyes, Julie was ready to burst.
Greg took a step back from Julie, his eyes never leaving hers, the smirk holding her almost mesmerized. His hands dropped to his belt, unzipping his pants. Her eyes darted down to his hands then back up to his eyes. The arrogance twinkling in those eyes was so powerful. Once, long ago, that look would have repelled her. But now, that look owned her. She was his to enjoy as he pleased.
‘Julie,’ Greg said, soft and low. Her body shuddered in anticipation.
‘I want to see you on your knees.’ The way he said it, the way he slightly emphasized ‘knees,’ was perfect. He seemed to understand that being on her knees was at least as important as actually sucking his cock. Kneeling before him was such a powerful symbolic part of her surrender to him. Oh, and the way that surrender made her pussy throb!
Julie looked up into his eyes and she knew he could see in her just how desperately she wanted to comply. But she resisted, if only for a moment.
‘Lover,’ she breathed, eyes meeting his for
a long moment, then casting down. ‘Tell me what you want.’ He didn’t reply immediately, but kept his eyes locked on her. The tension of the moment sent a fresh surge of warmth cascading through her limbs.
‘I want you to get on your knees,’ Greg said, his voice husky, uncompromising. Still, Julie resisted just a moment longer.
‘Why? Tell me why, lover.’ She didn’t look up as she made her request in a soft, almost pleading voice. Without looking, she could feel Greg’s smirk widening. He knew what Julie wanted. And he seemed to relish the opportunity to give it to her.
‘I want to see you get down on your knees,’ he said again, with a little more intensity. ‘Then I’m going to take out my cock,’ he continued, leaning down to speak directly in her ear. ‘And I’m going to hold it out to you. And you’re going to ask me to let you suck it, because that’s what you want, isn’t it? To suck my cock, Julie?’
Julie involuntarily sucked in a sharp breath and let out a little whimper. Yes, that was exactly what she wanted. To kneel before this man and plead with him, beg him to let her suck his cock. Like being on her knees, it wasn’t just about taking him into her willing mouth. It was about the way he made her want to do it. The way he made her feel desperate to do it. The way he felt her make she was the lucky one, because he would let her take that long thick tool of his into her mouth.
It was the way he reduced her from a self-assured, self-confident woman to a humbled, cocksucking slut.
She started to lower herself before him, but his hand shot out and grabbed her under her elbow.
‘That is what you want, isn’t it?’ he asked, although it hardly seemed like a question. Julie looked up into his steely eyes, then down at the floor and nodded. ‘No,’ he shook his head. ‘Say it. Tell me.’ Julie quivered and trembled, her pussy molten and dripping.
‘Yes,’ she said softly, almost demurely. ‘I want to suck your cock, lover.’ She looked up at him for a moment, loving the tingle that his blazing eyes elicited between her legs and the fire it generated in her belly. ‘Please,’ she continued as she sank to her knees, rubbing her cheek along the front of his pants. ‘Please let me suck your cock?’
Greg looked down at Julie, clearly savoring the sight of her on her knees, so compliant, so willing. He drew in a deep, satisfied sigh, his nostrils flaring, then reached for his zipper. In a moment, he had his cock out, hanging three quarters erect in Julie’s face. She sighed as he presented it to her. She wanted to go slowly, build up their anticipation with long, lusty licks on his shaft, teasing him, caressing him with her mouth.
But once his cock was in her face, Julie found herself unable to be patient. She took him quickly into her mouth, getting wetter still as she felt him stiffen on her tongue. There was a hunger evident in the way she sucked him, an almost frantic effort to please him.
Greg widened his stance, standing with his feet shoulder width apart. He put his hands on his hips and looked down at Julie, watching her efforts with an almost detached air. But his breathing was heavy, laden with rolling sighs, giving evidence of the effect Julie’s lips and tongue were having on him. And each one of them brought a fresh burst of joy to her.
Julie sucked him with abandon, sparing no effort to ensure Greg’s pleasure. If he came, she would keep sucking him until he was drained completely. Yes, she wanted that thick cock of his buried in her pussy. Nothing would make her happier. But it had to be Greg’s choice. If he wanted just a blow job, he would get the finest one that Julie’s lips, mouth and tongue could provide.
But after a few minutes, Greg stopped her.
‘Whoa,’ he said, his breathing ragged. ‘You better ease up or you’re going to make me cum.’ His words flooded Julie with a wave of satisfaction. And flooded her pussy with another wave of wetness. She sat back on her heels and planted a kiss on the head of his cock, marveling at its size and its ability to possess her. Even if he didn’t fuck her with that incredible organ, he, and it, still owned her. All he had to do was show it to her and she would fall on her knees.
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
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Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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"Only The Irish Have Jokes Like These!!" Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he'd just been run over by a train. His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised and he's walking with a limp "What happened to you?" asks Sean, the bartender. "Jamie O'Conner and me had a fight," says Paddy. "That little shit, O'Conner," says Sean, "He couldn't do that to you, he must have had something in his hand." "That he did," says Paddy, "a...
Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II By SsiRuuk25 The morning came to soon for Larisa. She had lain awake last night for several hours, unable to cry, yet unable to get to sleep. When she finally did, her sleep was filled with nightmares. Finally, early in the morning, the nightmares stopped and Larisa was able to sleep peacefully. Then the sun shone in through the barred window of her cell, shining right in her eyes. Larisa tried...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil kanavanin nanbanai veetil iravil ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, vikram sunniyai oombi vitu avan sunni suvai naakile irunthathu, mendum avan sunniyai sappa vendum endru manam eangiyathu. En kanavar eppozhuthu thunginaalum athodu pagalil thaan kan vizhipaar. Indru sema matter irukirathu endru amaithiyaaga irunthen, aanal sirithum ethir parkamal en kanavar en kaai meethu kai vaithaar. Naan ena endru paarthen, chelam vaa di...
The floor was cold against her bare feet. Goosebumps covered her skin as she stood there waiting. She shifted her weight from one side to the other nervously and pulled the robe in tighter as if someone was going to snatch it away from her. Through the door she could hear his muffled voice speaking to the class. His familiar tone was steady and strong. She tried to focus on him and not the sounds of the students. Paintbrushes and pencils clicking together. Easels being placed on tripods. Wooden...
My name is Chad Dupree. You can say I have a big imagination. It served me well. Other times… well, let’s get to that. I write sexual fantasies. You can say I am a horndog, sure. At least I express it. I am in college to become a writer. You would think that college has girls and sex everywhere. Yes and no.You've got to know where to look. Sometimes, it finds you. In that case, be ready. In the meantime, I have written about numerous girls with numerous fantasies in a single yellow book. These...
CheatingHMU if you like this Fucking Fiona 1I wanted to turn around and present my lubed asspussy to him right then butI knew better. Alex is a true top who controls the action. So I went backto pleasuring him orally only but I slowed it down a bit to see what he would do.That's when I felt both massive hands around my skull while he took controland set the pace of the blowjob to his liking, not mine. 5 minutes later hepulled my head off his cock and said "take the position". Alex likes mestanding wide...
In another world, in another universe, there lived a modern day earth that lived it's life with the opposite norms known to us. A world where men and women behave exactly like us, speak just like us, and interact with each other just like us. Except one minor difference... Men and Women have switched roles in this reality. Stereotypes has switched between the two, with women being known as the stronger sex and the men being the more sensitive side of mankind. Women are known commonly for their...
Cateria, with a totally uncharacteristic warm smile on her face, handed the older kid a sparkle bright gum. Only after the big-eyed mother nodded did it take the offered candy and unwrapped it. My CMO had a reputation of being unable to show positive emotions and many considered her arrogant and cold. I knew she could have that effect, especially since she considered almost everyone primitive and far below Seenian development. Once I got to know her better, I knew much of her Seenian...
I was working the 11-7 shift as a dispatcher. Since it was a small company, there wasn't much to do once all the paperwork from the previous day has been completed and until I have to get the morning paperwork and assignments together at about 5:30. Unless the previous day was very busy, I usually finish the paperwork about midnight. After that, I tend to nap or watch a movie. And they paid me for that. It was about 12:30 in the morning when my phone rang. The caller ID said 'Michelle R', a...
Beautiful lesbian babes Audrey Noir and Verronica Kirei are excited to be together and fucking LIVE. These girls love comparing their large tits and so badly want to make each other cum! They get into a 69 munching out on those wet pussies until they each cum. The fun doesn’t stop there and they bring out the Sybian to mount and ride to really get those juices flowing! Audrey does not want to get off but gives Verronica her run until they decide to end the show scissoring those gorgeous...
xmoviesforyou"Green Acres II" After his warning to Dale, Andy began shutting off the lights in the bunkhouse. He could hear the other boys settling in for the night as the bed frames and the springs in the bunks creaked until finally the room fell silent. Dale studied the pale blue moonlight as it filtered in through the windows, the fluttering leaves of the trees outside casting eerie shadows as they danced across the wooden floor and the far wall of the room. He wasn't sure if he believed...
Prologue Sean Kline sat naked in a chair in the middle of a dark room. Actually he was strapped to the chair, his wrists and ankles were bound to the chair with leather straps. He looked around and wondered how long he had been here. The only light that entered the room was from the steel door whenever it opened. The room smelled like piss and he could hear the scurrying of rats around him. His brown hair was disheveled, and his beard was long and unkempt. He guessed he had been here months...
Gosh my sister Haylee is attractive, I've been wanted to fuck her for years. She's slim with a perfect ass and is about 5'1 with brown eyes. She's a brunette with medium size tits, I've finally created an invention to kind of control her mind. I just turned twenty one and she's eighteen, I just got back from college for my winter break and my parents will be gone all month. It'll be just me and her for a month, hopefully my invention works. For now I guess I'll sit in my room waiting for the...
IncestHi friends my name Rahul age 28 yrs. I am new in ISS . And I want to share my experience with our friends in desi language because its a desi story. Friends mera naam rahul hai aur main ek bengali ledka hoon. Mera parivar bahat hi garib tha main 2008 main graduation complete kar k 2012 tak job ka bahat try kiya par success nehi hua. Fir mere family ki haal k bajah se mujhe private job main jane k liye main mazbur ho geya aur main mere ek dost k sath delhi aa geya yaha aane k baad usne ek hotel...
Pt. XIII: The Yellow Rose of Texas ‘So what’s the scoop, Jorge?’ asked Jack. ‘Ah, Senor Davis, it is a long story, ‘er I mean scoop. Let me get you two dinner, and then I will tell all. What would you like?’ Kim and Jack perused the menu. ‘I’ll try something different, Jorge, not my usual. Love your orange roughy but let me have the Camarones Abuelito Timo.’ ‘What’s that?’ asked Jack. ‘Large shrimp filled with cheese, wrapped in bacon, deep fried and served over rice. What are you having?’...
It wasn't long before they were in a working routine that suited Rita Rowlandson's executive demands. Rita soon became more detached from her home life. The Network absorbed her time and only on weekends were when Ray and Janet more likely to see her at home. Janet and Ray found their own niche in this order of things too. Janet welcomed the freedom from parental control that brought an empowerment she hadn't known before. Ray found the house and minder duties almost liberating; no...
Alyx Star is ready to fuck and has Celtic Iron and his big hard cock to get the job done! Alyx is in heaven getting Celtic’s cock down her throat and getting all sloppy before letting him titty fuck those big beautiful tits! There is just something so satisfying about seeing big tits make a cock disappear in between them. Celtic can only take so much cumming early all over that juicy ass but that doesn’t stop him from fucking Alyx more and more. This babe deserves to be pounded hard...
xmoviesforyouI, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. ...
Brittany, Chloe, and Susan moved into the Downtown Chicago apartment about a year ago. At first they’d had a fourth roommate, Raven, but she’d gone to pursue a modeling career in Los Angeles. To pick up the extra rent, the girls had sought a new roommate. The problem was, they’d found two. Susan, long one of Andy’s best friends, had invited him to come live with them. The next day, unknown to Susan, Chloe had promised the space to her sister, Katharine. Andy had been offered (and had accepted)...
The Race, Part One Note: This is a multi-part story and this part is mainly setting the scene for what is to come so there is not going to be much domination or sexual activity in this one. Story: "Will you relax already," John told Kristen. Kristen tried to stop her leg from tapping. "Excuse me for being a bit nervous. It's not like I do this everyday," Kristen told him. "What is it to be nervous about. You've seen me drive. Relax," he told her while putting a hand on...
The Present...Hannah gave me a ride to the hotel to change from my 'wedding rehearsal clothes' into my 'day wear for Danny's house clothes'. I think she appreciated the brief, quiet time she had to herself while I changed clothes before she drove us to the farm. While I'd treated the ladies to Mimosas, Danny had gotten a haircut before returning to the farm to wait for me. He looked pretty good dressed in slacks with a button-down shirt instead of jeans and a ratty, old t-shirt. If anything the...
Occupations‘Hey’ ‘Hey…’ ‘What have you been doing?’ ‘Not a lot today. Work’s been a bitch and I’ve been looking forward to talking with you since last night.’ ‘Me, too.’ A pause… ‘I want you to do something for me’ ‘Yes?’ ‘We’ve been talking about fantasies now for weeks. But you know, you being you, have never really told me something you would really like to do. You’ve hinted around it, but not really. ‘Oh… So what are you asking?’ ‘Yeah… Well, write me a story. Better yet, paint me a picture....
Prue was happiest at the Academe. About two months after Richard’s death, Reggie approached her and asked if he could talk to her in private. She now had five other women sharing her dorm, so they went to one of the private reading rooms in the library. It wasn’t unusual for them to be in one, as they still collaborated on the many different projects they worked on. Prue sat down and waited. Reggie paced a bit and then pulled a chair up in front of her. “Prudence you know I hold our...
I walk down the street, watching life go on around me. The street vendors call out prices for goods that only the tourists will buy. A full year I've considered myself a resident here. I’ve done nothing but live here, and I was never a tourist. I was a girl who came here for a fresh start. A new adventure. No horrid past to run from. No sad story of needing a new life. Just the thrill of seeing the country. Funny how it still seems like running away. I stop and fiddle with a small, wooden toy...
SeductionIt’s a typical Sunday afternoon in spring. Your family (both immediate and extended) has gathered at your house after attending church. Everyone is there, your single Mother, younger Sister, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Everyone is scattered around the house doing various activities. Some are watching television, some are eating, and others are outside playing or smoking. You are in the kitchen with your mom and a few other relatives, getting caught up with what's been going on in your own lives...
IncestIss k sbi paathkon ko mera namaskaar.Ye meri pehli story h.Baat un dino ki jb m bus se jaipur up down krta tha meri umar 26 years ki h or ye baat aaj se 4 years pehle ki h..To ye safar night ka hota h.Ek raat jb m us bus m safar kr rha tha to meri side wali seat khali thi n piche wali seat pr ek lady n uska bachaa tha sath mein.Kyuki bache ko nind nhi aa rhi thi to usne pehle bache ko sulaya phir aage meri seat p aa kr baith gyi taaki bachaa aasaani se so ske … Jb meri jaag khuli to maine dekha...
Honey Gold has been making a mess all over her Step-Dad’s house. She was supposed to clean everything up before Mommy or him got home. Honey did not. Since he is going to cover for when her Mom gets home, Honey needs to do something in return. She likes to be his little whore and is quick to drop to her knees to make up for it. Today though, she wants to try something a little more. She wants to have him try out some other holes. The girls at school have been saying that it feels really...
xmoviesforyouThis scene features new porn girl Sky Pierce and I having sex for the first time. We have cute chemistry and enjoy kissing and making out a bunch. We start on the couch as I lick and finger her pussy before fucking in a few positions. There’s POV shot of Sky as she rides my cock perfectly while facing the camera. We move to the bed and things get more intense as I use a Hitachi on her clit until she cums. There’s POV during the blowjob and while she rides my cock with her butt facing the...
xmoviesforyouI met Maria when I worked as the head bartender at an upscale California restaurant and lounge. She also worked at the restaurant as the eye candy known as hostess. She had just finished up her senior year of high school and took the job as a summer gig before heading off to college. She was smart and very attractive, but I have a weakness for Latinas. She was a perfect hostess; dressed always in nice summer dresses and various heels, a smile that never disappeared, and a cute way of turning...
My name was Cassandra Drewe and I was different from the girls my age at school. Unlike them, I was born with a penis. So I was half girl, half boy. When I was in my mother's womb I began to grow a penis so they initally thought I was going to be a boy. It wasn't until I was six or seven my parents noticed my hair was growing long a beautiful chest nut colour that I was looking more like a girl than a boy except for my small penis. They'd called me Mark Drewe when I was born but then changed it...
TransHi friends Mu odisha ru Amit age 21 body type average puni gote nua story apono manko pain eita moro ISS re 5th story mu apononku agaru kemiti ko khudinku geinthili taha kahithili Aau aji mu jaha aponko saho share karibi taha sampurna vinha.aau jou aunty widow aau divorced women mo sahito sex karibaku chanho please mail me my mail id: Friend aji mu jaha aponmanku kahibi kemiti mo khudinka sahito phone re sex katha hoi tanku hotel ku nei geinhili. Han friend mu mo khudinka bishoyo re to purbaru...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends Like others, I am a big fan of iss since very long, but never had any confidence to write about my personal experience of sex life I enjoyed. But, finally I have decided to share with you all how I lost my virginity and it ultimately led to meet the sexiest and horniest women one would imagine. First of all, let me introduce my self to all. My name is navjot Grewal and I belong to Punjab and I have dick 6.5” long and 3” wide, but my main point is my...
Ashley shifted to her right side. As she was lying on her sleeping mat in our tent, I admired the gorgeous look of her 28-year-old body, dressed in a beautiful knee-length nightgown, bra and panties, in the moonlight, which highlighted her lovely, strawberry blond hair.We had been married for three years since we graduated from college and started successful careers at medium-sized, local companies.It was the first night of the great camping trip, an annual tradition organized by Ashley's...