My Story With Neighbor Aunty
- 2 years ago
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We rolled into the ranch compound with the latest rustler captive in the back of the wagon. We took him to the bunkhouse and called on Juanita to do what she could for his broken leg. She said we'd done a good job setting and splinting it, so there wasn't anything else for her to do. We'd just have to wait for the break to heal.
After Juanita left, I talked to the rustler, "OK, I'm Bill Lang. What's yer name?"
"I'm Jeb Walker."
"OK, Jeb, next question. Who hired ya?"
"I fergit his name, exactly. It's sumpthin' like Jake Haliday."
"Would it be Jack Hadley?"
"Yeah, that's it, Jack Hadley. He's the one what hired me ta guard the rustled cattle."
"Would ya know this Jack Hadley ifen ya seen him again?"
"Ya bet I would! I'd know 'im anywhere!"
"Ya see 'im lyin' in any of these bunks?"
"THAT'S HIM! That's Jack Hadley in that there bunk!"
"Thanks, Jeb. Ya jus' saved yerself from hangin'!"
I walked over to Hadley and kicked the leg of his bunk. "Wake up, Hadley! I need ta talk ta ya."
"Hmmm... What? Yeah, what do ya want?"
"I want the truth, this time! I know ya were in on the rustlin' of our cattle and we're 'bout ta hang ya fer it, ifen I don't git some straight answers from ya, this time!"
"I don't know nothin' 'bout no rustlin'. I was jus' hired ta hoorah yer house."
"That ain't what yonder witness has ta say. We found the rustled cattle and got 'em back. While we wuz 'bout it, we found Jeb Walker an' he's identified ya as the man what hired 'im ta he'p with the rustled cattle. Now give me some straight answers an' I do mean right now!"
"OK, OK, ya can't blame me fer trying ta weasel out of the rustlin' rap. Yeah, I wuz the one what rustled yer cattle an' hid 'em in that there valley. Ephrem Zimboldt wuz the galoot what hired me in Johnson ta give ya a hard time."
"What do ya know 'bout Zimboldt? Why would he want to hurt this ranch an' John Buckley?"
"I don't know the answer ta that one. Its God's honest truth, I don't know why he was after ya."
"OK, Hadley, I won't hang ya fer rustlin', but ifen I find out ya're still lyin' ta me, I'll be back ta gut shoot ya, an' I won't let ya git any doctorin'!"
"I ain't lyin' ta ya, now."
It was too late in the day to travel to Johnson on such important business, so I waited until morning. I left amid warnings of "Be careful" and "Watch yer back." I was really impatient, but I made the effort not to overly tire my horse as I rode to Johnson. Who knew when I might need him?
I had hardly gotten out of earshot of the ranch house when I was attacked by three men on horseback coming up behind me. I first noticed them when I heard the sound of shots coming from behind me. I urged my horse to maximum speed and cut off the trail toward some rocks where I could stand them off. I left the trail because I feared that they were pushing me into an ambush that would lay me out before I could fight back.
I reached the rocks where I expected to make my stand. I pulled out my rifle, my shotgun, all my spare ammunition, and my water; I just didn't know how long this battle would last. I slapped my horse on the rear end and hoped that he would run to the ranch house. Meanwhile, I settled in for a siege.
It has been my experience that fights like this are either over in a few minutes or last for hours. I hoped that this would be short so that I would still have time to visit Mr. Zimboldt in Johnson today. Oh, shit! I heard more horses, so it looked like I was right about being driven into an ambush. Four more galoots—this was getting interesting! I just hoped it wouldn't end up being fatal for me!
I was able to find a place among the rocks with a little elevation and protection all around. They might get me, but it wouldn't be easy as long as I was careful. I started out with my Winchester, they were out of range of the shotgun or my pistols. I have never understood the mystique of pistols, but most of my adversaries were using them, instead of rifles. More good luck for me! Bullets were bouncing off the rocks around me and a few were going over my head, but none were coming close enough to worry me, yet.
A further advantage I had was that they were using black powder, which put out enough smoke to be a good marker of the shooter's location, whereas, I was using smokeless powder, so I wasn't bothered. They knew where I was and that I wasn't going anywhere, so I didn't need to mark my spot for them.
We traded shots for over two hours, and they never tried to rush me or to get into a position for a decisive shot. It was as if they just wanted to hold me in place for some reason. What's going on? I was getting hot and very uncomfortable lying out there in the direct sun. Thank God, I had my hat. Finally, I heard a shout, "TIME'S UP! LET'S GO!" Damned if they didn't just get on their horses and ride away.
I stayed in my little fort for a while, just in case this was some sort of trick. But, no, not a trick. They were gone. I picked up my stuff and started walking toward some shade. I had sat there, cooling off, for a few minutes, when some riders from our ranch came running up. Juan asked, "Bill, what' goin' on? Yer horse just wandered into the corral, an' we thought ya might be in trouble."
"I don't know what's goin' on!" I told him what had happened and he was just as mystified as me. They had brought my horse, so Juan assigned a man to ride to Johnson with me while he took the rest back to their regular jobs. It was lunch time by the time we got to Johnson, and I was hungry. The first place Pedro and I went was to the restaurant for some spaghetti. Pedro was dubious at first, but found out he liked it, once he had added a little jalapeño sauce.
The marshal came in while we were eating and I asked Ed to join us. Once he had ordered, I asked where I could find Ephrem Zimboldt. "I ain't exactly shore where ya kin find our dentist. When last seen, he was hurriedly boarding the stage out of town. He had an appointment with a friend of mine ta pull a tooth this afternoon, so I know that this wuz a sudden change of plans. Why ya lookiin' fer 'im. He does fit the description ya gave me a while back; is he the one ya're lookin' fer?'
"Yeah, Jack Hadley finally admitted that Zimboldt wuz the one what hired him ta harass the Circle JB. I wuz on my way to Johnson this mornin' when I was delayed fer several hours by some yahoos on the trail. My guess, now, is that they were paid ta slow me down so I couldn't git ta Johnson afore the stage left. By the way, we found our missin' cattle."
"That's great! How're the weddin' plans comin'?"
"Still movin' along. Jane's folks will be here on Thursday's stage. We'll be back ta pick 'em up, then."
"Well, I gotta go. No rest fer the wicked, ya know. I guess I'll see y'all on Thursday."
"Prob'ly will, Ed. See ya."
Pedro and I rode back to the Circle JB without talking much, I was in kind of a foul mood. I really resented having Zimboldt get away like he did. I knew that it wasn't practical to try to follow him, and I just hated to see him get away, particularly since he had been responsible for John's death. I resolved that if I ever saw him, he was a dead man!
Jane was glad to see me back and in one piece. She, too, was sorry that I had missed Zimboldt, but she did have the wedding to think about, so she was distracted by that. I did go by to see Hadley and tell him that I wasn't going to shoot him today. He was looking kind of down in the dumps, so I asked what was the problem. H said that Juanita had told him that she was going to have to take his leg off above the wound where I had shot him. It just wasn't healing right and she was afraid of gangrene setting in if she left it. If she did take off his leg, it would be so high up that he could never ride a horse again, and, if he couldn't ride a horse, he would probably starve. I left, not at all sympathetic.
Pretty soon, it was Thursday and time to meet the stage in Johnson. Jane and I took the buckboard with an extra seat attached. She said that we would need the space to haul back the clothes that her mother must have brought. I didn't know much about women, but I did know enough to believe that. The stage was late, as usual, so we had some time to say hello to Ed. He had some business, so he couldn't spend any time with us right then.
The stage finally arrived and Jane's parents were here at last. Jane introduced us and I got a substantial hug from her mother, Mary. I got a friendly handshake from her father, Sam, and he seemed glad to see me. Jane wasn't wrong about her mother's luggage—the buckboard was barely big enough to hold it all!
We went to my favorite restaurant for spaghetti. Of course, it was a hit and Giuseppe had to come out from the kitchen to meet Jane and her folks. We were able to leave for the ranch on a pleasant note. I drove and Sam sat beside me so that we could get to know each other. Jane and Mary rode behind, and the chatter about the wedding plans was nonstop.
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Introduction: Shy boy meets beautiful girl and her sister. Karen & Kelly My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. Thats the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karens hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black...
I awoke refreshed and ready for the day, I was going with Nichole to meet up with Colonel Marlow at his London office. I had packed away the three parts of our security system along with the report that Nichole had created about our concerns regarding Anderson. We signed out of the House and got into the car, Nichole pressed the communications button on the dashboard. "Control? This is Major Moodie and Advisor Beaker in CJ3. Radio Check." She said "Major Moodie, signal okay 10 by 10....
I had been working hard and needed a break. Unfortunately right after we landed and checked into the Grand Hotel on Maui, my girlfriend decided to become a bitch and we had a big fight. I wasn't in a great mood and I let her return to the mainland. The next morning I realized I could have compromised some but it was too late.I headed to the beach and the fun there. There were lot's of hard bodies but I realized this is a couples destination.Oh well, I'll make the best of it.As I returned to my...
I decided to take a vacation to the beach by myself. I wanted to go out dressed to a local gay bar in a place where I wouldn't be recognized. I got to my room and set everything up as if I were a single cougar on a weekend prowl! Make up out, sexy outfits, lingerie and sensual body sprays spritzing the bed. I purchased some wine and also brought my Cannabis vape Pen. I went online and searched for close mature crowd shemale friendly gay bars. Nervous as hell I spent several hours getting ready....
My name is Sheryl and I have two great kids, that aren't kids anymore. They are 21 and 24, a boy and a girl. Unfortunately their father died when they were young and they've been with me the whole time since then. Their names are David and Tonya, unfortunately the job market sucks and they can't get good jobs to be able to get an apartment, but I don't want them to leave just yet anyway. I'm 49, but even at 49 I still like to wear thongs. A few weeks ago I noticed that a considerably large...
IncestThis is a story about a father's growing lust for his maturing 17 year old daughter. I know what I write about is against the morals of most people but I cannot help but share my most secret sexual fantasy with others who also struggle to contain these feelings.Any man with a gorgeous sexy daughter, sister, aunt or even mother is lying if he says he has never had sexual thoughts or fantasies about them. Most dare not act out on those fantasies in fear of rejection or being caught in the act of...
IncestMy young blonde hotwife Brookie Blair is really starting to cum into her own, getting more and more comforable being playful outside of our marriage for me. This is by far the most adventuros she has gotten! On a recent little getaway vacation that I got her… Jonathan Jordan who is one of the hotel staff members made her pussy tingle. So being the good little up & coming slut that she is… she decided to order some room service to see if she could suck on some new chocolate!...
xmoviesforyouTo mere ghar ke side ek larki rahati thi oska naam tha khushi vo or mai bohot aache dost the hum same school me hi parte the or jyada tar time ek sath hi spend krte the mere oske ghar pe roz aana jana laga rahata tha khushi ki mom ka naam tha rekha or kahane ko onki age oss time 46 thi aap bhi soch rhe hoge ki kya buddhi ki story suna rha hai par aap yakken nahi karoge ki vo 46 ke hone ke baad bhi aagar aap bhi dekho to aap kahoge ki iski age 32-33 se zyada nahi hogi vo bohot hi zyada sexy the...
“Strike two!” shouted the umpire as he watched the pitch fly into the catcher’s mitt, just inside of the strike zone.In the dugout, Jason nodded in approval as he glanced down to mark the count in his coach’s book. Fresh out of his last semester of college, Jason was back home attempting to start his adult life. Graduating wasn’t the only hurdle he had to jump. His mind was spinning, applying for jobs here and jobs there, trying to find the right fit so he could start paying off the mountain of...
MILFWe decided to just spend the rest of the trip on the same island, swimming and canoeing around to explore a little, but making a little more permanent camp there. With our "anything goes" agreement, we decided that there was really no need for privacy. We set up a latrine in full view of the camp, all three of us thinking that it could get interesting having that there. Nothing like leaving three horny k**s alone with absolutely no limits between them! We also left the tent wife open to...
Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...