Hawaiian Vacation free porn video

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Hawaii: my favorite place but this time traveling alone as, at the last minute, my girlfriend had an emergency at work…I was determined…now on the plane from San Francisco to Honolulu…During the flight there was turbulence and I had visions of John Wayne piloting that old motored craft in the movie “The High and the Mighty,” Phil Harris complaining in the rear of the plane…the crew evaluating the “point of no return” and they were passed it now, ignoring the imprecations of the comely stewardess. They could have turned back but forged ahead into the unknown.

As the ground crew chief had warned Wayne: “I said it to Orville and to Wilbur: It’ll never get off the ground.” But here we all were, in a fancy modern jet, the fuselage trembling, awakening me…then smoothing and I went back to dozing. It had been a long day. I needed a vacation away from the turmoil of the office and my officious boss who was always importuning me…the prettiest woman on the staff for: “Dinner?” or “Fancy a drink or two after work?” or what he was really saying to me after patting my butt: “How about going to my place to see my etchings, have a drink, strip down and fuck.” How gross! Exactly why I needed a vacation.

Our plane landed, we all were on the WikiWiki bus off for our luggage and me to my room at the Moana…a little time at the Banyon Court for a drink or two and then some serious…all along…sack time. The next day I had hired a car for a drive to the other side of the island…away from the crowds of Waikiki…to the quiet shores near the Polynesian Cultural Center where there was little culture but lots of people.

Not far past the Center was a wonderful hiking path among the fertile apple trees to the Sacred Falls and Pool where I planned a peaceful and restful picnic. I had heard of this place from a native of the islands some years past and this was my time to explore and enjoy. I drove past the little village of Kaawa to a parking lot which was almost empty. I was dressed and equipped for the hike: A back pack with snacks and wine, of course, some wine…and my skimpy outfit…a short dress and tennis shoes. That’s all I needed, plus a blanket for a little nap at the falls. I was on my way. No ordinary tourist was I and there were no tourists here…they were all buying the souvenirs at the Cultural Center…a Mormon enterprise. Try finding a friendly bar there! It wasn’t going to happen. I brought my bar with me!

And up the hill I climbed which then leveled out for a gentle climb slowly to the falls, only a few miles. It began to rain and then stopped. I had my swim suit under my little dress so I was prepared. Along the way I nodded at other hikers ascending and descending but few in number. It was quiet and idyllic and dreamy…one could not want for more paradise in Hawaii than this secluded hike and the falls and pool ahead.

I wasn’t far on the path when I could hear the pounding water of the falls…my heart began to pound…with the hike and the thrill of paradise awaiting me ahead. I trudged along. “Have you been here before?” a voice just behind me inquired. I didn’t look but, a little breathlessly answered: “No, it’s my first time up here.”

Then: “There is a reason why they call it Sacred Falls,” the voice said. I paused and looked to the source of the voice. It was a handsome Hawaiian man…you know the kind: an apparently chiseled chest and torso, a broad smile with beautiful smile. He was younger than me and I wondered, ‘is this a come on?’ I was alert because of my boss I suppose and shouldn’t have…we were just talking. But chatting led to other things so I was shy and coy and didn’t answer.

But he said: “We Hawaiians…[pronounced HaVaiians]…find peace and tranquility at the falls, it is a native thing. The fact of the falls in this remote place, the sounds of the waters, their cleansing nature…A religious experience.” I smiled and believed I was going to have a religious experience…IF left alone. And I walked on, ahead of him, up some steep portions…him behind me and I was envisioning him walking behind, under my butt…looking up my short dress at my butt…which was covered…a little…by my skimpy swim suit…but thinking of him watching my hips, my buttocks moving, undulating, was arousing me. Where was my girlfriend for a little protection just now? Home attending to her damned emergency.

Just then I slipped on the wet path…down to where hands were holding me…on my bottom but preventing a fall…those hands on my privates at an unexpected moment but fleetingly, then away after I had steadied myself. I turn and looked at him. He was close, holding me for seconds. I smiled. “Thank you,” I said. He smiled back, nodding. A big, strong and silent native. His arms were strong and muscled. I was such a tiny, slender thing. He could easily have caught me no matter how far I might have fallen. “You’re very pretty,” he said. I just smiled and continued up the path. When he caught me my suit had slipped up in my crotch. Now he was still behind me…should I adjust the suit or just let it be?…I was getting aroused by the thought of being watched…admired?… by the handsome native with the strong arms.

I mean, I’m attractive and attracted and he must also have been attracted to attractive me. It was natural and we were in Paradise. I just let it be and continued my hike. Let him look and admire my shape and my flesh and my almost naked bottom. Then, DAMN, I slipped again on the path and fell once again into his arms…my bare skin on his brown flesh which was terribly warm on me. But this time I had seriously slipped and was totally in his arms, against his chest. “I’m so sorry,” I said. He just smiled…our bodies against each other’s…warm, enfolding, clutching…ever so briefly and yet…it was on my mind and surely on his.

He put me down. “The falls aren’t far from here,” he said, “Be careful.” “Okay” is all the brilliant reply I could make, my face flush and didn’t quite know why but I was blushing. It wasn’t more than a quarter mile and we were at the foot of the falls, apple trees abounding, I put down my blanket and sat to catch my breath, putting aside my knapsack.

He was standing near. “Are you going into the pool,” he asked. “In a minute,” I said. He disrobed and now was in a skin tight suit. “A bronze god,” I thought looking at him now and surely he was or could have been that. Indeed. I glanced at his legs, thighs, his hips, chest, arms…the bulge in his suit…I caught my breath again! Then he dived into the pool and swam to the foot of the falls letting waters cleanse him…he swam back to where I was…”The water is so refreshing,” he said, reaching his hand to me…”Come on in…its cool and nice.” I hesitated and then let him take my hand. He pulled on me gently and I was in the water. My lithe body passing by his…our flesh touching slightly as I dived in. He was right. The water was cool and wonderful. We swam together to the falls and splashed underneath.

Then I swam back to my blanket. He lifted me up. Those strong hands on my waist lifting me easily to where my blanket and lunch were. I climbed up…showing him my bottom again…why was I always displaying myself to him? But that was what was happening…he pushed me slightly until I found my footing and then sat on my blanket. “That was nice,” I said. He smiled.

“My name is Carol.” “Percy, Percy Kinimaka.” “Thank you Percy.” And then…since we knew each other now: “Would you like some of my lunch?” “Do you have enough?” he asked…”We’ll find out…come and sit with me,” and he did. We must have looked like a study in a still life: white skinned Haole girl/dark skinned bronzed native man. Surely an artist would study us.

There were a few others at the Falls, two children and their family who splashed and played, I brought out the wine and the cheese and bread…just enough for the two of us. The sun was in its descent…early afternoon. Stupid me! I had forgotten to bring a cork screw…how to open the wine without a screw? There was that word in my mind here with a god at the falls…but I was “screwless.” I looked at him in dismay. “Give me the bottle,” he said and laughed. “I know what to do. Say a prayer and close your eyes,” he laughed again. And I did so. A moment later he took my hand and gave me the bottle, now open. “How did you do that?” I exclaimed…”Magic! Don’t you believe in Magic?” I laughed. “But how?…”

“I used my thumb,” he said. “That is a very powerful thumb,” I remarked and we both laughed and drank from the bottle. Then cheese, bread, our little makeshift sandwich and more drinking from the bottle…the splashing of the water from the falls, the sky in the afternoon beginning to turn pink…I looked around…the children and their families were gone…the two of us were very much alone…I looked at Percy. “This is why I come here at this time. For peace.” Peace, I thought, alone with a kind of peace… or if I was a piece…if only there was a book of verse with Old Khayyam…but a loaf of bread, a flask of wine here in the wilderness, with Percy…we shared the bottle…warming me in Paradise. The wine was almost gone.

“Can I tell you Carol?” I looked at Percy. “I often come here but this is enchanting being alone here with you.” That word in my head” ‘enchanted’…or ‘enchanting.’ I closed my eyes…truly…enchanting and a song came to me….Then Percy said: “I have a confession,” I looked at him questioning, “I come here so often in the afternoon, I have a cache just for an occasion like this.” The sky was growing pink. Percy stood and dived in the water. I watched his strong legs and firm buttocks under his suit as he dived into the pool and disappeared under the falls. He was gone now to his ‘cache’ emerging in moments…a bottle of wine lifted above his body, a gorgeous smile, swimming to me and beside me now…using his thumb to open it, pushing the cork inside…”Surprise!” he exclaimed and we were both laughing. I hugged him…”Just for moments like this?” And shared the new bottle. Hugging again.

His body was wet and slick and I rubbed his back…His hands were on mine, smoothing down my spine and I began to tingle. That word: ’enchanted.’ I swallowed from his bottle, mine now empty…I kept him in a hug, his hands massaging my back and down my back.

I heard the words of Oscar Hammerstein II, and the singing of Mary Martin or Mitzi Gaynor…they looked into the eyes of Ezio Pinza or Rossano Brazzi…And it was me Carol at the Sacred Falls looking into the eyes of him, Percy…smiling…Some Enchanted Evening….I will meet a stranger…thrills went down my back…his hands were down my back…my hands rubbing his back and down…”Who can explain it? Who can tell you why?” Those beautiful words of the song…and our hands on each other: who can explain it? Not the words but the feelings, just now, in the wilderness, in Paradise…the sacred falls…his hands on my back…I shouldn’t…I wouldn’t…but I was…I was hot…his terribly hot hands on me…stroking, stroking…I didn’t know what would happen next but they did.

He stood, lifting me…we embraced…”Some enchanting evening” the sky was pink…he removed my top…my breasts pressed against his nakedness…I pulled at his shorts and he peeled them off, he pushed my bottoms down…we were two hot naked lovers, our flesh meeting…he was stiff and hot on me…I reached down…he pulled us into the pool, beneath the waters, our bodies joining and up…kissing now…our tongues…our bodies..he lifted me to the shore and on my blanket. He was at the waters edge. I heard the pounding of the falls and he brought me to him…my legs around his face. I looked down and he smiled. He pulled me closer to his smile, lifting my bottom on to his mouth. The powerful thumb…now gentling me…so “ahhh” gentle on my cunt lips, massaging. I closed my eyes. This enchanted evening.

My body was his…we were wet…I was wet…not from the water and his tongue anointed my wet body…insinuating him into me…I lifted and spasmed to his ablutions and that magical thumb…my hands were on his head…feeling his ears…and the motion of his tongue, bringing me to an edge.

I could feel him coming out of the pool now hovering over my body. He kissed me…both of us kissing…his stiff cock at me, touching me, searching for its home…I reached down to position him…he said “No… let little Percy find you all by himself.” Little Percy, indeed…I had felt the ’little” guy! I didn’t want to wait but removed my grip on his huge stiff cock…I felt him searching for my aching body…I was so ready for this…needed this…needed to release.

Then I felt his cock at me…spreading my lips…slowly…he was such a specimen…this beautiful man and ‘little‘ modest, huge, stiff Percy…I lifted for him…meeting him…wanting this…on my enchanted evening with a stranger a beautiful stranger…”Oh!” I didn’t have to wait any longer…he was inside and deep and urgent and again…I lifted again to take all of him into my body, “milk me Man! “Please fuck me deep and take me…” I was gasping now, again and again as he was thrusting and then frantically…pausing, tensing…giving me of himself…then lying on me as I released in orgasm…the falls pounding in my ears as ‘little Percy‘ was pounding my cunt…then quieting me, smoothing me down with gentle kisses. I hugged him tight not wanting him to leave me but feeling him go soft, slipping out and we laid, side by side.

He poured a little wine between my lips, bringing me to life and kissed me…it was so sweet…My Enchanted Evening…when I met a stranger…in Paradise…smoothing my body and a last feel on me where I was still hot…

At home my girlfriend asked: “Have a good time?” I just laughed and said: “You will never know!”


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My Wife8217s Friend Radhika And Our Vacation

Did I ever tell you that I and my wife have a unique relationship. ? In fact that was what brought us together. We met as working adults and became friends and soon there was no subject we did not discuss or argue about. She was an air hostess and keen to pursue her career, see the world. She also said that her job meant being away from home, having temptations like a normal human being but said that she had never met a man who would accept that. She said that while a man never thought twice...

1 year ago
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Dream Vacation

This story draws on a conversation 'driving home from the Cartwrights' I sketched several years ago, forgot, partly used in "Coupled," then forgot again. I'm embarrassed to see I used some of it here too. With a different POV and leading elsewhere, but still, if a few lines of dialogue early in this story seem a little familiar, that's why. That's not why, as some observe, my other stories also somewhat resemble each other. The reason for that is, I like them that way. ...

3 years ago
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Hawaiian Lover

I was told to meet my mistress here behind our hotel in a remote location in Hawaii. I find her car and search where she told me to go. I finally find her at a pool and waterfall off the path I have been searching on. She is standing under a waterfall, the water is rushing over her body, making her swimsuit very clingy. I dive under the water and swim over to her. Under the water I begin kissing her legs, thighs, and sides. I come out of the water licking my way upward, up over her breasts,...

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Hawaiian ala cunt ch 2 Flight to Paradise

Kandy glanced at the calendar and circled in bright red marker was that coming Tuesday, the day of their trip to paradise. It’s just five days away, and she had everything packed and ready. The two of them could hardly wait. Every night they would talk about what might happen and ended up fucking like two love struck teenagers. That Friday Todd called and told her there were no changes in the schedule everything in place. The only thing left to do was boarding the plane and fly off to...

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That Friday night, Todd was sitting at The Green Dragon, in Boston Ma. He was enjoying a few beers with his friends, Kandy and Mark. They were talking about some of their hottest sexual encounters. Todd took a few chugs of beer and said, “I can remember the times when I’ve fucked five women out in the open while others watched. Some of them, I was married to, others, were married to someone else. One of the wildest times I can recall was when I was on vacation in Hawaii with my friend Melinda....

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Hawaiian Ala Cunt ch 3 Balcony

That evening after they dined at one of Hawaii’s five star restaurants. Afterwards, they returned to Todd’s room for a night-cap. Todd unlocked the door, and Mark and Kandy followed him into the room. Todd walked over to the small refrigerator to get out some wine, and chilled glasses. Before he could get it, Mark tapped his shoulder and whispered, ‘Forget the wine, let’s you and I have some more fun with Kandy.’ Todd gulped, and felt his cock swell, ‘Oh man, let’s do. Think she will let us...

3 years ago
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Hawaiian Wedding part 2

So my soon to be sister in law Lexy and I had come up with a plan to help my brother Mark become a better lover. He was according to Lex a good man but an average lover only twice has he given her an orgasm. So she asked me as a wedding present the night before to help her teach my brother how to not make love to her but fuck her stupid. I had my doubts it work but I was willing to try to help, personally I felt he would punch my lights out and call off the wedding but she really wanted him...

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Hawaiian Wedding part 1

My trip to Hawaii was more than most people would believe. First of all we were there for my brother Marks wedding the lucky SOB was marrying Lexy a curvy red head with big tits, full lips, green eyes and a love for wearing tight clothing. See me and my brother have similar taste in girls we like them chubby, stacked and full of energy.Mark was twenty and he and Lexy were highschool sweethearts and waited till she turned eighteen to get married. I was the same age as she was. So it was me,...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Sacrifice

"This is so romantic". "You look stunning my dear. You're going to look even prettier in due time".You did look ravishing in your grass skirt and lei. Your nipples were hardened from the chill in the air, and your breast were sitting up firm and full. "I feel so free being topless. I feel so sexy". "You are sexy love. I've always told you that", I said, placing my fork on my plate, indicating I was done with the meal. Taking a sip of the wine, I studied you,looking beyond your eyes...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Ala Cunt ch 3 Balcony

That evening after they dined at one of Hawaii’s five star restaurants. Afterwards, they returned to Todd’s room for a night-cap. Todd unlocked the door, and Mark and Kandy followed him into the room. Todd walked over to the small refrigerator to get out some wine, and chilled glasses. Before he could get it, Mark tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Forget the wine, let's you and I have some more fun with Kandy."Todd gulped, and felt his cock swell, "Oh man, let's do. Think she will let us fuck...

Group Sex
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That Friday night, Todd was sitting at The Green Dragon, in Boston Ma. He was enjoying a few beers with his friends, Kandy and Mark. They were talking about some of their hottest sexual encounters. Todd took a few chugs of beer and said, “I can remember the times when I’ve fucked five women out in the open while others watched. Some of them, I was married to, others, were married to someone else. One of the wildest times I can recall was when I was on vacation in Hawaii with my friend Melinda....

Group Sex
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Hawaiian Retreat 1

"You are out of your freaking mind, Mitch!" I couldn't believe that he was serious about this. "Donnie, you've pulled it off before! You can do it. I really need your help!" "Ask someone else, Mitch! Ask my sister, Marie. We look enough alike. That will work." "Well, maybe she'd look like you, but since you were so sociable at the Halloween party, and became friends with almost every female partner, secretary or spouse, you've become the subject of conversation ever since. 'When...

3 years ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 5

"Donnie, come on..." Mitch tried to calm me down, but I was having none of it! My adrenaline level was off the charts and I needed to get away from him. He tried, once again to touch me, but I ducked under his arm and I ran to the second bathroom that was off of the lounge and I slammed the door shut. I locked it before he got to me. He pleaded with me through the door, "Donnie, come on, please! We talked about this last night. We both wanted to do it. Please, open the door and talk to...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 9

When the doors closed, Mitch sighed. "So... Saturday, huh? Are you still determined to come clean about everything?" I nodded. "That's what I'd like to do, but... I won't do it unless you agree to do it, too." He took my hand and squeezed it. "We'll figure it out, hon. We'll tell them together." I stood in silence for a moment before I asked, "And if they don't take it well?" Mitch looked at me and smiled. "Then we say 'Fuck You' and we move on." When the elevator doors...

1 year ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 10

"Ok," I agreed and handed the pictures back to Mitch, but I held back the final one. The one of her looking so happy in her school uniform. "Have you met her?" Mitch nodded. "I've known her her whole life. Her father and I played golf together." I shook my head. "The poor baby. What's her name." Mitch put his briefcase down on the floor and turned to kiss me goodnight. "Good night, babe. I love you." What the hell!? I knew that he'd heard me. "I love you, too,...

1 year ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 11

When we got home and into bed, I sat next to Mitch, still rubbing moisturizer into my arms while he sat up, watching the news. Without turning to me, Mitch said, "I think she likes you." I smiled. "She is an amazing kid. The more I see her, the more I love her." Mitch looked at me and smiled. "I could tell. You know... I don't think I ever thought about becoming a father. I mean... I considered it as an abstract, but in real life... I wasn't really ready for this. Now that's it's...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 12

Mitch gave me a kiss. "She loves, you, you know. Mae Mae, I mean. I can see it by the way she looks at you." That made me smile. "I hope so. I certainly feel very close to her already." He began kissing my neck. "You are going to be a great mom." God, I hoped he was right. For me, Sunday began with a nice, warm shower and some badly needed maintenance - mostly body hair maintenance. I still had some places that insisted that I was still a male. I spent a little more time on my...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian HeatChapter 2

At noon we joined our spouses in the restaurant downstairs as we had agreed we would. I was afraid it would be awkward, but it wasn't, really. They were already there when we arrived, and were sitting very close together on the left side of the booth. We slid in on the right side and sat equally close. I could tell that we were each looking a bit anxiously at the two people across the table; me at Jim directly across, and at Sandy over by the window. They both had idiotic smiles on their...

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My Florida Vacation

MY FLORIDA VACATION What a bore. This job sucks. For a long time, it has made me depressed and frustrated. Sales were down all over and cutbacks in travel to meet old customers and generate new ones were limited. I was bored and angry, aware that there was no possible improvement in sight... My commissions were almost non-existent. I'd like to open up an artery or something. Business is soooo bad, but even when business is good, the job and the boss suck. I brought a lot of this job...

1 year ago
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Girls Getaway Vacation

Girls Getaway Vacation Friday. I climbed out of the shower and toweled off. "See any stray hairs I might have missed?" I asked. Geena looked over my naked body and then ran her fingers down my chest to my waist. "Looks god to me. Aren't you glad we had you shave all that hair off?" "Absolutely," I agreed. I looked her over, she was putting on makeup standing there in just a bra and panties. "I also like that you are wearing sexier underwear." I traced along the lace front of...

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Our Jamaican Vacation

Disclaimer* The following story is a work of fiction. It has strong sexual content and some of the material may be offensive to some. I hope those that do read it and enjoy it will comment or contact me if you would like to offer any feedback. All the photos except the first two shown at the end are not ours, and are only offered as visual aids to add to the story’s experience. I hope you enjoy! JAMAICAN PLEASURE - My wife and I have always loved to travel. We like to explore...

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Summer Vacation

Chapter 1: First Day My wife really wasn't a prude, I would call her extremely conservative. She was a beautiful woman when we married and she has not lost her beauty. Our marriage of fifteen years has been a good one; I have no complaints, other than Mary being conservative. When I say conservative I mean it and every sense possible, grocery shopping, automobile purchases, necessities for the house and our clothing. Its true, our savings account is much fatter under her guidance where it...

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An activity that wasnt planned on our vacation

I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...

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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

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Cuckold Adventure Vacation

Let me just say that I had never really had a threesome before all this happened. I also can't say that I thought about my wife, or my girlfriends before that with other men either. After what happened to us last year though, I don't really know...I had what you would call a totally normal relationship with my wife Jennifer. Boring name, I know, but not a boring girl. We had gotten married soon after I turned 24, and I was working on Wall Street. I was doing really well, and my wife was totally...

2 years ago
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Shellys Vacation

I was so bored. It seemed nothing was happening where I lived. During the summer it hadn’t been so bad with lots of boat activity on the lake. But, after that, nothing. It’s a dull life.  I was restless and knew I had to do something or I would scream and go mad. A light came on. I decided to take a vacation. I had no idea where I would go but I knew I had to get away from this dead zone. So I packed a suitcase and, the next morning, I told my room-mate I was going on a vacation. She asked...

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