Three Pieces of SilverChapter 4
- 2 years ago
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Three dreamers united by name and by love sleep soundlessly together, secure in body and mind as night gives way to day across the urban landscape. The new morning light shines brightly through the window and over their bed, taking two of the three from their peaceful slumber.
They remain silent, as do the many streets and highways outside with their long lines of rusted and burned out cars which stand abandoned in some long since past traffic jamb, disposed of during the great exodus out of the city.
As with most cities around the world Los Angeles had been nearly decimated, its population wiped out through hunger and disease. Radiation would only play a role later as it spread from areas that had indeed seen nuclear destruction.
Life can still be found however. People, scattered and few, animals and creatures, the old ones of yesterday along with the new ones of today live as it's always been, with a never-ending struggle to ensure their own survival.
A male dog, a Shepherd mix, sits and watches as his master, a human female of sixteen, delivers what will be the beginnings of their line together, a baby girl, and a male pup. Elsewhere a cat, one of the few remaining, gives birth to what it thinks will be the continuation of its species, only to die horribly, shrieking, as the things that come forth tear her to pieces, and eat her.
As it's always been, some live, and as it always will be, some die.
Luke lays on his belly, asleep still, away from the light while his sisters make love beside him. They feel much passion and devotion for one another, as both do for their brother, and while Wendy attends to her sister's desires, Talia reaches out a single hand for his shoulder and touches him there.
He awakens then, lifts his head in reaction to the gentle caress that he feels, and his new day quickly brightens upon finding both Wendy and Talia there. He turns to them but remains where he is, just an observer, allowing them their special time together which they have sorely missed.
Luke marvels at the exceptional beauty before him, his eyes unblinking as he follows each gentle stroke made by one upon the other. Wendy lays over Talia, her hands constantly flowing along the soft tender skin of Talia's belly, exploring this new terrain which has grown in her absence, the small mound there pushing up and betraying the baby growing within.
Wendy kisses her there, and over her more than ample breasts as she slowly moves up her sister's young supple body. She will soon rise above to kiss her mouth, deeply and passionately as they always have, their breasts pressing firmly together making two sets of nipples erect while Wendy declares her love for both her sister and the child she now carries.
But Wendy is not satisfied and will move down again, her body sinking below the sheets and out of sight and Luke can only see the emotion on Talia's face as she is brought to so much peace and pleasure. She turns to Luke once more, and tears streak down both her cheeks as she extends her hand yet again.
Luke gives in and goes to Talia then, seeking only so brief a kiss, but with the touch of each other's lips their mouths open in unison and he now finds that he cannot resist the taste of his sister's mouth, and that he in fact cannot let go, as if a force greater than himself, a power created by three people united by name and by love keeps him locked to her, creating a chain which links him through Talia down to Wendy.
Talia crests, her climax unbelievably hard and she cries into her brother's mouth, her tongue moving further between his open lips as Wendy is enacting for her below. Talia can feel the delicate incursion of her sister's probing tongue lapping at her inner water, darting quickly over the hooded clitoris of her sex, her lips and mouth pulling softly on her body and drawing on the limber and pliable flesh that is her pussy.
Wendy suddenly plunges two fingers up into her sister then and again drives much of her face into her now open cunt, misshaping her swollen mound while writhing between her legs, her mouth working harder and faster.
Talia's level of fulfilment and absolute serenity reaches even higher and she is forced to break the chain with Luke so she can lift her head, pull open the sheets and look, sure in her mind that she will find her little sister has crawled up inside her.
Her climax rages on and on, never ending, only intensifying as Luke lowers his mouth to the breast closest to him, seeming to feed from her body as he just lays there hauling on her darkened areola and the engorged and throbbing nipple at its center.
Wendy will rise, aware and quite pleased with what she has done for Talia, her sister, her friend and her lover. Memories of them together had kept her going for many months, but with time, and the doings of man, those images had grown distant.
Wendy looks to her brother and her eyes follow down his naked side, over his lean muscular body as he lays extended out from Talia, now seemingly a permanent part of their sister's breast. She finds and stares at Luke's hardened erection, massive in appearance as it projects straight out towards her above the bed sheets, its purpose and reason for being perfectly clear to her now.
Since her rescue two weeks past, Wendy has felt great joy and comfort with both her sister and brother, but while she has made love to Talia several times now she has not been so united with Luke, for both have kept some distance between them and not made any sort of advances.
Talia had told Wendy what she had done to Luke the night of her return, and she could understand her brother's reasons, as she hoped he understood hers. The pain of her first time was still fresh in her mind, intense and unforgiving, the scars and bruises still on her body, dark and rough, though fading.
The man had forced himself deep inside, ripping open her little body violently, and she had not been given time to heal before being turned over to the other two for their diversions. They would give her no joy, not ever.
She would remain conscious throughout, as each of the three men took their turns, and in the early morning when she was allowed to sleep in peace, Wendy took the single sheet she had been given to lay on and forced it up inside herself, as much of it and as deep as she could.
She pulled it out sopping wet with their ejaculate and sperm, and Wendy would do this every night from then on or any time one of the men raped her in a war to keep from getting pregnant. It had apparently worked as her period had now returned.
Wendy watched uncomfortably as Luke took her place over Talia, but only so he too could kiss and pleasure his sister, leaving his protruding cock to rest against her leg. Wendy couldn't help but cringe as it passed over and nearly in between Talia's pussy lips, still slippery and wet with saliva as she had left it.
Her heart beat faster with undesired visions of recent past as Talia used her hand to take hold of Luke, pumping him as he lay over her, continuing until he cried out and sent a wash of semen onto her thigh. Wendy swallowed hard with the sight and almost had to turn away, the memory was just too strong.
But still, Wendy wanted to feel love, as she did with her sister, she so desired with her brother.
Luke and Wendy laid apart in the bed though under the same sheets, their backs turned to one another while their sister dressed. Reaching under one of the pillows Talia draws out the gun she had placed there, checks the magazine and places it with the others on the wardrobe along side her knife, newly honed. She then goes to the window for one final look and stretches under the warm sun before turning back to the bed.
"Are we all set then, come on you two, get up, let's go."
Luke and Wendy both groaned underneath the sheets, and Wendy made to roll over, driving her face into the pillow and moving a little tiny bit closer to her brother's side. She turned towards him then, thought hard of her next action as he resettled on his back, and slowly placed one hand over his naked chest, letting her fingers wind through and play with the few sprouting hairs found there before cuddling up a little closer.
Soon Wendy nudged her face right into Luke's armpit and dropped her naked body down against his side where she seemed to go back to sleep, laying silent and unmoving. Luke lovingly hugged his sister tight, enveloping her little body with his arms, and gently kissed her forehead.
"Now see Talia, Wendy's still tired, I guess we'd better wait till tomorrow."
"No we're going today, now come on, the both of you."
But Wendy only whimpered again and pressed her little body tighter against her brother, crushing her breasts with their raised nipples between them before looking up into his eyes. Luke looked down to find his little sister grinning up at him, and began to smile himself.
"At least I think she's tired."
Luke's smile grew wider as one of Wendy's hands moved beneath the sheets and took hold of his limp form. Talia had known that Wendy was not tired the second she had moved closer to Luke, her gestures had not been that subtle to any who knew how to read them. She watched the distinctive back and forth movement showing through the fabric on the bed as Wendy worked to make her brother hard.
Talia had assumed that she would have to share Luke with Wendy eventually, and did not feel the least bit possessive, but still she reached for what she had placed in a drawer nearby as Wendy disappeared beneath the sheets where a rhythmic moaning could soon be heard to rise.
"Here Luke, use this."
"What is it?"
"It's called a condom, I found them in one of the rooms while I was looking around."
"But what do I... oh, I see."
"Yeah, you wear it so you don't knock up Wendy like you did me, you know, until you both decide you want to, and are ready."
"Can I make Wendy pregnant, JESUS CHRIST, with what she's doing right now? OUCH, hey quit it, not with the teeth sis."
"No Luke, you can't make Wendy pregnant with what she's doing right now. Wendy you'll help him put it on won't you?"
"Uh huh, I'le shu hem wha tu du."
"Now Wendy, Mom use to say not to talk with your mouth full, and I think that still applies."
"Oh God Talia, what she's doing with her lips, should I make her stop?"
"Why, I know I wouldn't."
"Wait Wendy I'm going to cum soon, you can let go if you want to... OH JESUS TALIA I'M SPURTING IN WENDY'S MOUTH, OH GOD HONEY YOU DON'T HAVE TO SWALLOW MEEEEEEEE..."
"Well, AHEM, I need a drink anyway, so when you're both, umm, finished, grab the rest of our gear and meet me downstairs, I'll be in the bar I guess."
Talia took the stairs from where they were on the third floor of the Roosevelt Hotel down to the lobby, as she always did, but on reaching the ground floor now saw that the elevator was in fact in running order, its doors just closing, carrying other residents of the hotel to their rooms. Cursing to herself she made straight for the bartender where he stood turned away and apparently examining his new stock of booze.
"Hey asshole, you could have told me the lift was working, give me a bourbon will ya."
Talia placed one of her tall black leather boots up on the bottom foot rail that ran the full length of the bar and sat down on the stool there while taking a look around behind her at the same people she had now grown accustomed to seeing since first arriving.
Fewer today however, but one man, the former cop she had seen Luke talking to, lay face down on a table, obviously drunk, its red tablecloth helping to hide the wine that now spilled from the bottle which lay on its side, some of its contents now cascading slowly onto the floor.
A middle aged woman Talia had not seen before, Molly she assumed, sat with a young girl the approximate age of the prostitute the bartender had described to her. The girl slowly turned and looked straight at Talia, who shuddered suddenly with the thought of what she must be put through each day.
Talia moved her hand down to her mildly swelling belly, obviously showing her condition to anyone who cared to look, the baby she and her brother had made now growing inside. She silently hoped for a better world for her unborn child, and immediately smiled, knowing that with Wendy and Luke at her side, it would be so.
Talia looked again to the young girl who remained steadfast now, simply staring back, her almost pale face without expression, her eyes open yet appearing as if blind.
As the girl stood Talia could see the little white dress she had on and how it blended perfectly with the material of the tablecloth, also white, which made Talia suddenly look back to the old man where he still remained face down on his table, and the cloth which she had first thought was red and soaked with wine which continued to rain down onto the floor.
Her first judgment had proved itself incorrect however, and on closer inspection all was fully revealed to be something other. It was blood.
Talia saw it all now, the jagged gash across the back of the old man's neck, the single stab wound in Molly's chest, the girl walking slowly closer, the long double edged knife stained red in her outstretched hands, coming up higher as she moved towards her.
Talia slid back from the bar and reached for her guns, quite aware when her hand dropped through the empty space they normally held on her hips, only now remembering that they were where she had left them on the wardrobe in the room upstairs.
"Ah, bartender, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot earlier, but I think we've both got a problem here. I thought you said you always watch your... back?"
Even before she had finished speaking somehow she knew, and as the bartender turned around, his face as expressionless as the one on the young girl, unfeeling and bare of consciousness, Talia realized she was in trouble.
His shoulders were slumped down and his mouth hung open revealing barely a tooth, but Talia's eyes fell to the double barrel Winchester which he held in his upraised hands.
"Ahhhhh SHIT."
The bartender pulled back the two hammers and both barrels now swung up and extended forward, spanning the distance across the bar and aiming squarely into her chest.
Talia stood absolutely still, knowing there was nowhere to go. She cocked her head slightly to one side as she accepted her fate, placed a single hand over her belly and silently said goodbye to Wendy and Luke while waiting for the blast from the gun.
Talia moved fast, and with surprising strength grabbed the what she now knew to be empty shotgun from what stood behind the bar, and in the same motion swung it like a golfclub at the young girl just as she was beginning a thrust down towards her mid section with the knife.
The wooden stock of the gun made contact with the young girl's jaw first however, lifting her right off her feet and shattering every bone in her delicate little face. She landed on her back on the floor with the blow but again made to stand while Talia moved back further still, giving herself the time and space she needed to think.
Talia now remembered that she had in fact emptied the gun and began to fish through her pockets for what she hoped was still there. The bartender meanwhile had made his way around, a broken piece of the mirror she herself had shattered in his hand.
After finding what she had been looking for, she thumbed the lock on the two barrels quickly, letting the gun swing down open. Even faster she drove the two shells home and slapped the gun closed again.
Talia had no space to manoeuver, and no time as she backed into the wall, her elbow hitting the elevator recall button in the process which made the doors beside her glide open.
Two bodies lay within, its floor awash with blood. A trail of footprints could be seen that did not match up with anything on the outside of the elevator and Talia now remembered how it had just taken someone or something upstairs, both of these things telling her it was far worse than she could have imagined. She thought of her brother and sister once more as she pulled back on both hammers and aimed the shotgun at the young girl who was once again growing near.
Both barrels let loose their load into the young girl, literally severing her in two at the waist. Smoke, fire and red spray filled the air, and Talia was sure that if she wasn't against the wall already she would have been thrown backwards into it with the force of the discharge.
She had meant to use only one but in her haste had depressed both triggers. What remained of the little girl fell to the floor, still clutching the long knife as if holding a trophy. However, seemingly unaware of her present condition, she tried to stand once more.
Talia could only stare and laugh at the absolute ludicrous sight before her, one of the young girl's hands reaching out for a table leg for leverage as she tried to drag her broken body across the floor towards her expected victim, entrails and bodily fluids oozing out behind her.
The bartender was almost on her now, his toothless mouth still open and dark as he pushed slowly forward. Talia again smiled but restrained her laughter, she knew she had to get upstairs as quickly as possible as she raised up the empty gun while continuing to look into the bartender's open mouth.
"Well, at least this is going to be fun."
Talia was running, up the stairs two at a time, controlling her breathing as she charged down the long corridor that led to their room. She crashed into the door with her shoulder even while turning the handle and splintered the wooden frame. Hearing cries from within Talia continued at full speed into the bedroom, unstopping, already afraid of what she would find there.
Her heart pounded away in her chest as she gazed down upon those inside, trying to discern what was real and what wasn't.
Talia looked quickly to the left of the bed, and again to the right, and was quite tempted for a second to look underneath, for the only thing she found moving in the room was her sister Wendy as she continued to fuck atop of their brother Luke. Both were presently in the throes of serious heat and close to orgasm.
"Ah, what's going on in here?"
Wendy turned to her sister, but remained on her knees and continued to slide up and down on the long pole that extended down between her legs. Luke had his eyes shut and Talia could tell by his expression, as well as the smile forming on Wendy's face that he was beginning to cum inside his sister.
"What do you THINK is going on Talia? Go away, we're not ready yet, that is, well, I'm not ready yet."
Wendy turned back to her brother and lowered her body to his, pitching her hips madly as she sought to reach orgasm while he pumped away inside.
"Sorry, I guess Wendy, but didn't you two hear the loud noise downstairs?"
"We were kind of loud ourselves. OH GOD, OH GOD TALIA HE'S SO THICK, and I can feel him squirting inside me, even if it is just into a condom. I thought I heard fireworks but Luke assured me it was just the world coming to an end."
"Hmm, you're good Luke, but you're not that good, no we've got trouble, everyone downstairs is..."
Talia's heart nearly stopped when she heard Luke's painful scream, the reason obvious as she watched Wendy dismount from their brother rather violently, his erect appendage with condom adjoined jerking out of his sister's slick cunt as she rolled quickly off of him, and in fact right off the edge of the bed and onto the floor.
Talia remained dumbfounded as Wendy reached up to the wardrobe with her hand and retrieved one of her own guns, hurriedly pulled back on the slide therefore making the weapon ready before taking aim in her direction. Luke had by now bolted straight up and sat there staring at Talia as she stood in the doorway.
Author’s note: Chapter 11 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 11 The smell of coffee woke me from my uncomfortable slumber. Amber was in the kitchen, once again in my robe. She smiled when she saw me sit up. ‘Lizzy is still asleep,’ she whispered and pointed to the porch door. I stood, stretched some couch kinks out of my muscles and followed her and the coffee to the porch. She handed me a cup when I sat down. ‘Good morning,’ Amber said when she...
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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) Volume 3THE FAMILY MEETINGDon was used to the area. He had been driving his son to the “woods” for a few years now. Billy was a big boy now, just turned 20, but still couldn’t drive himself. He certainly couldn’t ask his mother. His dad had always been there for him and always discreet. Shy and tall, Billy was a bit awkward but had a nice body and face. He actually looked a lot like his father, tall, blonde and lanky. The black sedan drove into the old dirt road,...
(June 3 — Day 12, Galena, Alaska) Ramona was still unhappy with Paul. He let the troopers draft their oldest son, Calvin, and two hours later, Steve came in with a permission slip to join the Civil Air Patrol. It was okay when Paul was drafted to be the Minister for the Village Church. In her eyes he had just let the two troopers take Calvin. She was all set to give them the same piece of her mind that she had been giving Paul when the meeting was held that evening. Paul quietly prayed that...
The next three weeks passed in a blur. I worked Henry tirelessly with studies as the highest priority, me second, and apartment chores last. He was at the point where he could take my urine anywhere and he was so submissive to me that I thought his training might be close to over. His study habits were much better and I had high hopes for his final exams. I was right and extremely proud of his achievements. He had earned one C, two C+’s, and two B’s, much better than I had hoped—almost a...
Chapter 6 From Ecstasy to Anguish January 2006 Phillip, two months shy of age five, was enrolled in kindergarten. Brian rode in the backseat with him, giving him instructions as how to interact with other kids as Peggy drove the SUV. ‘Don’t try to kiss any girls the first day,’ Brian advised. ‘BRIAN,’ Peggy shouted from the driver’s seat. ‘Wait until the second day,’ Brian said. ‘BRIAN,’ Peggy shouted again. ‘Do you want to get him kicked out on his second day?’ she asked, blushing. ‘On...
SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales) - Volume 8 (special theme)NOTE: These lesbian stories are a bit different from the previous ones. Each contains the use of watersports as part of lesbian sex. Some of you may not appreciate that and therefore should skip this particular volume.SUMMER COTTAGELeslie and her long-time lover Rachel had owned a summer cottage in the Finger Lakes district for years. The women were in their 50s and enjoyed the forests and the canoeing. The ladies were fit, slim and...
SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) Volume 2The BearsIt was a lovely day in the forest as Michael’s group had left the tents and continued where they had left off the day before. The purpose of the team was to cut the underbrush and assemble it in piles along the old path. This area had been saved for selective cutting by a major lumber company. Michael’s team was one of five groups of 6 men each spread over the entire forested area. The cutters were seasoned woodsmen, their age ranging from 35 to 60...
SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales)THE DINERIt was 5AM and Jim couldn’t sleep. He was too horny. It was raining.“The hell with it”, he mumbled to himself. He put on his raincoat and left his apartment. It was dark and drizzling. Two blocks away the familiar letters in yellow neon lights spelled “Roger’s Diner”. It was open 24/7. Maybe someone he knew would be there. A young couple had the corner table in the rear. They were silent and sipped their coffee. Roger nodded to Jim. Jim sat on one of the...
Victorious: Falling Pieces #6Given how insane the last three days had been, the next week went by pretty quickly and managed not to be that eventful for the friends. They all reported to school and with the exception of those with good reason not to talk to each other, like Beck & Tori, Tori & Jade, and Robbie & Trina, they had normal conversations as if nothing in the last week or the last couple months had actually happened.The only big change was that Nate usually sat near them...
Victorious: Falling Pieces #3"Oh fuck, that's nice!"Trina Vega was propped up on the bar inside the handicapped restroom, where her 'secret' boyfriend, Robbie, had his head firmly placed underneath her dress. His oral skills had certainly come a long way since they first started doing this, and after just a few minutes Trina could feel an orgasm building. She always tried to hold in all compliments, because she felt he'd work harder if he thought she wasn't pleased enough, but sometimes things...
The three of us stood off to the side as the fund-raiser went into full swing. Kaylee and I had already made our little speeches and the mayor was included before introducing a pair of local TV celebrities who hosted the gathering for the rest of the evening. With so many local dignitaries present, I knew that I would have to spend some time thanking each one personally for attending. "Glad that's over with." Speaking in front of people had never been an issue; however I have never...
January 2006 Phillip, two months shy of age five, was enrolled in kindergarten. Brian rode in the backseat with him, giving him instructions as how to interact with other kids as Peggy drove the SUV. "Don't try to kiss any girls the first day," Brian advised. "BRIAN," Peggy shouted from the driver's seat. "Wait until the second day," Brian said. "BRIAN," Peggy shouted again. "Do you want to get him kicked out on his second day?" she asked, blushing. "On second thought, it...
********** Let me ask you—how many things can you name that go perfectly with each other? Peanut butter and jelly? That’s one. How about bacon and eggs? That’s another. Bagel and cream cheese? Good! Ham and Swiss? Even better! Pastrami and rye? Excellent! Here’s one you’ll never get—Nancy Rizzo and Henry Fuller! I’m Nancy and this is my story. CHAPTER 1 I was born the eldest daughter of Michael and Carmela Rizzo. The name Nancy came from Nancy Reagan, my mom’s...
Author’s note: Chapter 7 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 07 ‘I’m not a good person,’ I admitted, ‘I have…there are things I have done that I can’t undo. Things I am not proud of. I hide here,’ my hand gesturing around the house, ‘more in shame than anything else.’ Amber was staring at me in shock. It was the beginning of fear. Everyone should fear me. ‘Bottom line: I know how to handle the likes of Pablo Castillo. For you, I’ll bury him.’ I could...
Author’s note: Chapter 4 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 04 ‘Mark.’ The word was soft and matched with a kiss. I was startled awake. ‘You’re not sleeping on the couch again.’ I opened my eyes and stretched my neck. I could feel the muscles cramping near the shoulder. Must have picked a bad angle to nod off. ‘No,’ I said to my smiling angel, ‘I’m fine out here.’ Another soft kiss on my lips as she stood and walked around to the back of the couch....
Author’s note: Chapter 2 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 02 The sun was waning when I got into the car and started the long drive back to the house. I fiddled with the radio and gave up trying to find a station with something other than an ad. I tuned to my favorite and turned it down waiting for the music to cycle back. I looked up as the light changed and turned onto the on-ramp. Halfway down the ramp, Amber was hitchhiking. ‘Fuck,’ I said to...
Chapter 4: Amanda’s Mom in Action ‘What’s the knife for?’ Brian asked. ‘I’m going to measure you,’ she said, matter-of-factly. He let her undress him. She got down on her knees, knife in hand. ‘How should I go about this? When a guy says he’d nine inches, where does the measurement start?’ ‘Just don’t stab me with that,’ Brian laughed. ‘It’s a butter knife, Silly. There are no sharp edges,’ she said, patting the underside of his cock with the blade. ‘That’s cold,’ he said, feeling his...
Introduction: An ordinary mission gone very wrong Hey all, I havent written In a while but hopefully I will have more time to do so from now on. Thank you for all the comments on my last series about a year ago, I get what you were getting at now and will hope to change that. Please leave a positive rating if you enjoy this story and I will talk to you guys later. Oh and one more thing, please no kick me @bullshit.pissoff, its not helpful for anyone. Im sure other readers and authors will...
EDWARDIAN TALES no. 2 (Short Lesbian Pieces)THE LONDON TRIPDorothy and Margaret, both in their early 40s, had been living in the same two-storey house in a small town in Dorset for about 20 years now. Dorothy taught elementary school and Margaret was the city’s accountant and worked part-time for a few stores as financial advisor. Both women were rather plain, but they had good bodies and could be quite attractive if they dressed up.The fact that the women were lesbians never seemed to be an...
EDWARDIAN TALES no.1 (Short Gay Pieces)Note: These stories are dedicated to my friend Queer4me (retired) wherever he is.THE SERVANT“Do say Richard, do you still have that servant ?’, whispered Alfred into his friend’s ear“I’d agree to say a good word for you to the Editor, should you want to publish your short story”, added Alfred“That would be a kind gesture which should be rewarded with a meeting with my servant”, whispered Richard smiling even more broadly.The date was set. The setting was...
SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) – VOL. 9THE LEASH« I saw your message on Rooster’s board. Are you still interested ?”, asked Paul on the phone.“Sure. Send me a picture by e-mail of your boy and I’ll send you one of mine”, answered Adrian. “I take it you frequent Rooster’s”, continued Paul“ we may have seen each other. We’ll see each other when we get to the forest, unless one of the boys is not excited”, answered Adrian“Fair enough. Looking forward to it”, said Paul“Me too”, answered...
SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 8LUST The landlady phoned saying there was a delivery for me downstairs and the man needed a signature. She didn’t speak French so the communication with the delivery man was minimal. I went downstairs and saw the landlady heading to her little cubicle looking puzzled or maybe curious. The man was delivering two paintings I had bought at auction in a city nearby. I didn’t expect them so soon. They were in two rectangular boxes, but they were heavy and bulky so that...
SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 6BARNSTORMINGIn the Prairies, where I was brought up, and especially on farms which were distant from any villages, going out at night had a very different meaning. In my area, many of the boys in their late teens and early twenties would regularly gather in an abandoned barn which was across the road from Mr. White’s farm. With time, the grass had stopped growing in a large area in front of the barn because the trucks had parked there for decades. The door was...
SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) volume 5THE SISTERIt was Friday night and Sheila was about to watch her favorite program on TV. Adrian walked being her chair, down the hallway.“Going out ?”, yelled Sheila“Yep”, answered Adrian“Don’t come in too late and play safe”, said Sheila“Don’t worry. I won’t stay out”, answered Adrian, who waited a minute for a response, then opened the outside door. Sheila knew where her brother was going and what he was going to do. She was five years older. It worried her but...
SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES)SPECIAL DELIVERY (the story takes place in the 1930s )The road had fortunately dried up since Randy didn’t like driving on wet pavement. He just didn’t have the right tires. Besides the sun had been out since early this morning and most things had dried. Otherwise he would have waited until the return trip to make his usual stop. Randy was a special delivery man who carried important letters and parcels between Boston, New York and Washington. People who didn’t trust the...
SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)- Volume 7THE HEAD NURSE“Hey !”, said Helena, a slim black nurse with gorgeous eyelashes“Hey sweetie”, answered Julia, who had a crush on Helena, and about every other female nurse, nurse’s assistant, female cafeteria employee, or female patient under 100. “Are you getting some ?”, whispered Julia to her black friend“I was working last two nights….room 112…bed near the window. Caucasian female about 40. Horny as hell. She ate me each night.”, whispered Helena“Maybe...
SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales). Volume 6THE DANCE SCHOOL -“1, 2, 3 Aaaannnndddd 4”, wailed Ms Rutherford, the dance instructorRuth had been told this was the place to meet women. At 45, tall and quite attractive, Ruth was the type of woman everybody notices but nobody takes out. Anyway she had bought a monthly pass at Skylight Dance Studio. There were 3 evening classes a week for a month. Some people found a partner only after a few lessons, for others it took the whole month. You paid for a...
SHORT PIECES (LESBIAN TALES) Vol. 5THE PIMP“She’s a friend of mine”, said Robert showing a photo on his IPhone.“She’s attractive”, answered Penny blushing, “What’s her name ?”“It’s Barbara but everyone calls her Barb”, answered Robert, in his high-pitched voice rising even more in his excitement.Robert was finishing high school and liked boys but he liked Penny and Barb who were older women and nice to him, contrary to some of the girls at school. Penny was a dental nurse at the local clinic...
SHORT PIECES (LESBIAN TALES). Volume 4THE COUSINSandra was glad to have been chosen for the waitress job at that small sophisticated restaurant called BIO. It meant extra money maybe for a short trip back home since she had just arrived in this city to attend college. Sandra was 19, a redhead with freckles and frizzy hair, glasses, a good pair of tits and a small round ass which barely showed any sign of fat.During the interview, the owner, an elegant lady in her 40s, had bluntly asked Sandra...
SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)- Volume 3OUT OF THE CLOSETMarlene had had a long day. She was in LA for meetings concerning the sale of a large textile company. She was one of the lawyers supervising the sale. It was also a tense day since the whole procedure was nearly cancelled a few times. At 45 Marlene had a lot of experience but these things always got to her. The final meeting in a large restaurant was finally over. Everyone was leaving. Marlene lived in a downtown hotel a few miles from the...
SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)- Volume 2THE HUSBANDGeorge knew the route by heart. Just past the underpass, turn right, up the hill and first left. The motel was next to a small McDonald’s. Sandra didn’t say anything. She never did during these rides. “Not too close”, she said finally as George’s car approached the Liberty Motel with its huge neon “Vacancy” still lit. George stopped the car. Sandra leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. She got out and didn’t close the door properly....