ProfNigma Stories #4: Falling Pieces #3 free porn video

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Victorious: Falling Pieces #3

"Oh fuck, that's nice!"

Trina Vega was propped up on the bar inside the handicapped restroom, where her 'secret' boyfriend, Robbie, had his head firmly placed underneath her dress. His oral skills had certainly come a long way since they first started doing this, and after just a few minutes Trina could feel an orgasm building. She always tried to hold in all compliments, because she felt he'd work harder if he thought she wasn't pleased enough, but sometimes things would slip out.

Robbie really wasn't crazy about doing this inside a school bathroom, but he was doing something he really enjoyed, so that more than made up for it. His tongue was circling her sex, while he kept his hands firmly on her thighs. He knew Trina was trying to hold back, despite knowing that he was making her feel really good. He was fine with that. Her hands gripped on his curly black hair tightly, pushing him into her core as much as she could, sending a signal that she was about to blow.

Soon enough, a half purring/half squealing came pouring from her mouth as her body spasmed a bit before her juices came out in a gush, which Robbie hungrily lapped up.

"Did I do good?" he asked, already knowing the answer, as he pulled his head from her dress.

"Yes..." she said, her mouth fighting an ear-to-ear smile, as she bit her lip, basking in her afterglow. "You did... amazing."

"Well, you're welcome. I actually stayed up researching it, and I actually found a really interesting article and how to on Pear-pedia. It started out-"



"Shut the fuck up and get your pants off. We've only got like 10 minutes."

"Yes ma’am."

Trina couldn't help but laugh a bit at that, as the geeky teen stood up and slid his khaki pants off. The older Vega got off the bar and hungrily stalked Robbie to the other side of the stall, pushing him against the tiled wall before dropping to her knees on the surprisingly clean bathroom floor. She gripped the waistband and slid his boxers down his legs. Trina wasted no time, licking the sides and underside of Robbie's member.

"Mmmmmm..." was all he could manage, throwing his head against the wall. He looked down at her, making eye contact with her gorgeous brown eyes, but he couldn't stop paying attention to how her pink tongue was worshiping his cock.

When Trina finally decided to dive her mouth down onto his member, just taking the head in at first, Robbie nearly came right then. He fought it back, closing his eyes, and trying to come up with something distracting. He settled on that time he was emasculated in the Yerbian prison. This just barely worked, feeling her hot and wet mouth take nearly his entire length into her mouth. Coming back off, she added to the pressure by running her fingers over his balls and lower shaft, before shoving him deep into her mouth again.

Trina had mastered deep-throating Robbie at this point, and honestly enjoyed it, but she'd never let him know that. She loved the feeling and taste of him, but she really couldn't wait for him to be inside her, which from the way he was struggling, probably needed to be soon.

Slowly pulling her head off his member, Trina stood back up and, using the bar as support, bent over. She looked over at Robbie who was just snapping out of whatever thought he was having, and gave him her 'bedroom' eyes.

"Robbie, I really need you inside me. Hurry up."

The awkward teen moved over towards her, reaching into his pocket for his wallet, and grabbed a foil square from inside. Quickly suiting up, he lifted her dress, and slowly slid himself inside her sheath. His slow pace was surprisingly enjoyable to Trina, but they were on a schedule.

"Baby... we don't have much time."

"Ok then."

With that, Robbie increased his pace, gripping her hips as he thrust in and out of her faster and faster with each passing moment. Trina could barely hold her moans anymore, and began to make the kind of noises that drove Robbie absolutely wild.

"Oooohhhhmmm-" Trina moaned, but cut herself short when the main bathroom door opened. Robbie very quietly slowed down to a very slow and teasing pace, and instead, in a really aggressive mood that turned the eldest Vega on more than she thought possible, pulled her up and against him and reached and covered her mouth with his hand. His fingers slipped into her mouth, the vague taste of her sex from when he fingered her when they first began. His other arm wrapped around her chest, keeping her in place, and allowing him to fondle her DD cup breasts, his fingers running over her nipples even through her dress and bra.

The toilet flush sounded out, followed by the sink, then the door opened again, signalling that they were finally free. Robbie's hand now drifted down from her lips to her lower lips, and began fingering his girlfriend, massaging her clit, as he pounded her pussy with all his speed and might. Trina's eyes rolled back as she was fucked silly, unable to make a sound even without his hand in her mouth.

It proved too much for Trina, whose core turned into a vice as she experienced her second and much more f*rceful orgasm of the day. Robbie followed quickly behind, coming so hard inside her that he was actually thankful he had the condom on. The two were exhausted and separated, allowing Robbie to slide the condom off and into a trashcan.

"Wow, that was-"

"Shhh..." Trina said, pressing her finger to his lips. "No talking, Robbie... I want to enjoy this for a minute."

Robbie did as he was told, staying quiet as he slipped his pants on, while Trina was readjusting herself, before putting her own panties on, which Robbie kept in his pocket, back on. Robbie leaned in to kiss her, which she begrudgingly accepted, before pulling away.

"Eww... Robbie you have twat breath. I can't kiss you right now."

"Trina, you had your mouth on me too, and it didn't bother me."

"That's because you didn't come in my mouth, one. And two, that's because you're desperate for me."

Robbie was visibly upset. "You're kind of a bitch now, Trina… that's really not cool. When we started this, I really liked you, but ever since we got back to school, you've been-"

"Whoa... Don't act like you did me a favor, Shapiro. I bet there are twenty guys out there who would fuck me just as good if not better. You should be the thankful one."

"Whatever…" he muttered, sliding out of the stall, to wash his hands and face in the sink.

Trina followed quickly behind and checked the hallway to see if anyone could see when Robbie exited. It was clear so she pushed him out and went about fixing herself up in front of the mirror. In the back of her mind, she felt really bad for the exchange she just had, but that was just her way of keeping Robbie in check. He'd be less likely to break up with her if he thought she was the best he could get.

Once she felt that she was 'hot' enough, she exited the bathroom and went to class, her mind free from worry.

* * *

As Robbie arrived to his next class, Sikowitz, he sat down next to Andre, in front of Jade, trying to maintain his anger. Andre tapped him on the shoulder and pointed over at the other side of the room. Robbie was surprised to see Tori, sitting backwards in her chair, chatting it up with this new guy in the class. Nathan something, he thought. His improv scene from last week was actually pretty good, but his southern drawl was really distracting at times. He was still harboring his crush on Tori, but, especially after Trina dressed him down, he knew he never had a chance. The fact that she was dating Beck, who was acting really strangely, didn't help things either. Robbie, much like the rest of the class, it seemed, just sat and eavesdropped. Andre and Jade were listening just as focused-ly. While Jade was happy that Tori seemed to be flirting with someone other than Beck, Andre was a bit jealous that Tori had said more words to this guy than she had to him since school had started back.

"So, Nathan, you're from Texas?"

"Yeah. Just north of Dallas. And you can call me Nate... unless a'course you were wantin' me to call you Victoria?"

"Yeah, Tori's fine with me."

"Good deal. So, you originally from California?"

"Yeah... I've lived around LA for pretty much my whole life. But I only started at this school a couple years ago. I came in as a sophomore, I guess."

"Yeah," he said leaning back in his chair, "I was mighty hesitant about starting at a school like this as a junior, but after a week, I'll be damned if it ain't better'an the public school I went to for years."

Tori heard his answer, but wasn't really listening, completely distracted by how cute he was, and how really cute his accent was. "Yeah... that's certainly something," she said, hoping it would be a suitable answer for whatever he said.

"Listen, I might be kinda forward here," he said leaning forward, looking into Tori's eyes, "but I don't know many folks, and if I'm bein' honest, you're mighty pretty. Could we maybe grab some grub and you show me where all the cool spots in town are?"

Tori blushed a little from the compliment, and hated turning him down but she had to do it. "Actually, Nate, I've got a boyfriend. His name is Beck, but I thank you for that compliment."

"Ah, the pretty boy? Well, it figgers. Well, you ever lose hair guy, you should give me a call," he said, jotting down his name and number on a piece of paper before ripping it out and handing it to her.

Tori reached to take the paper when it was snatched up by an olive skinned hand.

"What's this?" Beck said, looking at it. "Were you hitting on my girl, dude?"

"Whoa... sorry pardner... meant no disrespect. Didn't know she had a fella."

"What did you call me?" Beck said, getting angrier by the second.

Nathan stood up and stared down Beck, knowing he could take the k*d in a fight. "I called you fella... it's a term of endearment. Look, I'm sorry I hit on your girl."

"You're going to be sorry," Beck said, through gritted teeth.

Tori stood up and got in between them. "Guys... seriously. Nate said he was sorry, Beck. And Nate, it was kinda douche-y to give me your number like that."

Both guys separated, allowing Tori to step back. Nate huffed and turned around, and almost sat down, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Just as he looked back at Beck, his fist slammed into the side of Nate's strong jaw. The mere surprise caught Nate off guard and staggered back on his chair, and after losing his balance in a way that would be rife for jokes later, he fell.

Beck stormed out of the class, followed quickly by Tori who only stayed for a moment to mouth a quick apology to the Texas native. Andre and Robbie rushed over to help the guy up- Andre, of course, did most of the heavy lifting- while Jade and Cat stood back, still in a bit of shock.

"Alright... that k*d fights dirty," Nate said, getting back on his feet and rubbing his jaw.

"Uh yeah..." Andre said, unsure of what to say to a guy after your best friend punches him. "Pretty sure he's older than you, dude."

"Well, he acts like a 6 year old... my mistake."

This earned a slight chuckle from the group, except for Cat, who abhorred vi*lence and mean people.

"You want us to go get somebody, man?" Robbie asked.

"Nah... I'm good. No big deal... Suppose in a way I had that comin'."

"So... Nate," Jade said putting far too much emphasis on his name. "Probably not the best way to meet people... I'm Jade. That's Andre, Robbie, and that is our actual resident 6 year old, Cat."

"That's not very nice, Jade..." the petite redhead said shyly.

"I rest my case."

"Well, I guess it's good to meet you guys. Ain't had much of a welcome wagon since I started here. Besides that little firecracker, a'course."

"Did you just call Tori a 'firecracker'?"

"Yeah... that a problem."

"Nope..." Robbie said, trying to figure a way to work that into a sentence next time he talked to someone.

Nate started to say something else, when Sikowitz came in, highly focused on his coconut, and shouting something about having a vision. Class started as per usual, and about 5 minutes in, Tori and Beck returned to the class, and sat in the back together. Everyone tried not to look over at them, but one by one, they had to peer over at the clearly embarrassed girl and a very angry guy who had a bag of ice on his hand. Nate had to give a small smirk, thinking to himself that guy got what he deserved.

* * *

"He did what?"

"Punched this new guy in the face, and get this, Tori sided with him."

On Jade's computer screen, she could see that Freddie looked bored, but Sam was just incredulous as to Jade's telling of events.

"So did this new guy deserve it, or was Beck being the same dick he was when we were together?"

Jade just shook her head. "I don't know... maybe. But Beck has been acting really strangely for a while now. I'm not sure why Tori's still dating him."

"Thinking about having him all to yourself?" Sam said, only half-jokingly.

"No... I just think he's gone from being a smarmy jerk to the penultimate jackass. And Tori and t are… trying to be friends at least. Anything new up there?"

"Not really," Freddie said. "Senior year has been killing us for all the classwork. It’s after 9, and I just now finished my work for tomorrow. We barely have time for iCarly so the quality has certainly gone down. We are considering only doing it twice a month now."

"Work here is kinda weird. We only started a little over a week ago, but everything just feels really different. Applied to any colleges so far?"


"I wasn't talking to you, Sam. I'm talking to Freddie, you know, someone that could actually get into a college."

"Bite me, gank!"

"If I recall, I did that... and you liked it."

"Girls..." Freddie said, separating Sam from the computer screen. It dawned on him in moments how dumb it was to try and stop a fight with an inanimate object. "A couple places. Mom wants me to stay around. Maybe Northwestern University, or Seattle University, but I wouldn't mind heading your way. Maybe Cal Tech or something like that."

"I'd certainly like that. I can't figure out if I want to focus on my singing and acting or if I should try and do college first."

Sam was showing signs of clear annoyance. "I'm going to see what Carly's up to. You two keep being boring." She was out the door in a rush, allowing Freddie to move into the center of the frame.

"Thank god... Thought she'd never leave us." Jade said, smiling, and pulling her over-shirt over her head. Freddie stared into his computer screen, seeing Jade look relaxed. Her hair was a bit lighter now, but there were a few pink stripes of color mixed in. Her skin looked just as soft and supple as before and the undershirt camisole she was wearing hugged her curves in all the right ways.

Jade smiled back at her boyfriend, knowing she was making him drool. It was nice to have her looks appreciated by someone. She bit her lip playfully, sliding her fingers along her neckline to tease him.

"Jade... I cannot tell you how much I've missed you. I really wish I could go to sl*ep next to you again."

"Aww... babe, me too. I miss a lot of things..." she said, hammering home the implication with a mischievous giggle. "I hate that we only get to do this a few times a week."

Freddie took his shirt off in a flash and was unbuckling his pants, when he stopped after seeing that Jade had disappeared from the screen. He waited for a couple minutes when Jade stepped back into the camera's view wearing a very thin blue negligee. He could see the dark outline of her underwear, but even better, he could see her bare breasts through the fabric.

"You look… stunning."
"Thanks... I was going to save this for a special occasion, but I've really missed you and I wanted to share this. I promise, the next time we get together, I will show you in person."

"I would... like that," he said, trying to sound suave, but his lust shone through pretty easily, which Jade loved to exploit.

"Yeah... It's so light and thin, you could just peel it off... with your teeth." Jade was sliding the thin straps slowly off her shoulders, the fabric dropping just short of Freddie being able to see her nipples- not that he couldn't them already, hardened, and begging to be touched.

Freddie resumed taking his pants off, sliding his jeans off until he was just in his boxers, his erection, no doubt from her little show, was straining hard against the cotton material. He was just about to remove those too, but something suddenly distracted her.

"Sorry... someone's at the door. I'll be right back."

Freddie watched her throw all her clothes back on and leave the room. He started stroking a bit so he'd still be ready when she came back.

* * *

The doorbell rang another time while Jade was dressing herself, as the teen hurried to the front door, annoyed that for the thousandth time, her parents were nowhere to be found. When she opened the door and saw Tori crying, and wet, presumably from a shower since it hadn't been raining, she rushed the teen girl inside. It wasn't until they reached Jade's bedroom that Tori finally spoke.

"Thanks..." she muttered, shivering from how cold it felt in Jade's place. She sat down on the edge of Jade's bed and just laid back. She wasn't trying to peek, but her eyes caught a very naked Freddie Benson on Jade's computer screen, prompting her to sit up wide eyed.

Jade quickly realized what happened and shut the computer screen quickly, and sent a hurried and apologetic text to Freddie.

"I didn't mean to interrupt..." Tori managed as she stood up and was about to leave.

"No... stay. Something's clearly wrong. Let's hear it." Jade quickly calmed herself down, trying not to think about how this ruined her alone time with Freddie.

"Nothing's really wrong, I guess. Beck just frustrates me," she said, sniffling a bit.

"Yeah... try dating him for a couple years… you get to experience Beck's whole range of asshole-dom," Jade said, plopping down next to Tori.

"Beck's a really nice guy-"

"All evidence to the contrary."

"Jade... Just... Don't," she said, wiping her eyes against her shirt.

"Well, we don't have to talk about Beck... how did you get all wet?"

Tori breathed a deep sigh, before laying back on the bed and closing her eyes. "It's a really long story."

"I got nothing but time, Vega,"

"Well, everything is all tied together, so I might as well just spit it out."

"Wait... before you do, do you want anything? Drink or something?"

"No, thank... Actually, you know... I could really use something to drink."

Jade grinned and ran to the fridge, grabbed two glasses and a bottle of Grey Goose, and returned. "Tonight, Vega, I will be your bartender... so," she said pouring Tori a glass, "Tell me everything."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Look... my parents are always gone and they leave their entire liquor cabinet unlocked. As long as I'm not leaving the house, I can drink whatever I want. And tonight, that includes you."

Tori nervously threw back the drink, gritting her teeth a bit as she wasn't completely ready for the overwhelming alcohol.

"Well, Beck and I were hanging out in my room, and things were... well, you know. We weren't really doing anything-"

"Tori, I'm not your priest, you can tell me the truth."

"Ok, fine. We were making out, and we weren't completely dressed, you happy?" Jade nodded with a small grin as she took a drink of her own. "Anyway, he starts talking about some stuff and compares himself to that Nate guy from class."

"In what way?"

"Saying stupid stuff like 'Bet he couldn't do this or that' kind of stuff, I told him to cut it out, and he thought I was defending the guy. Beck just got super pissed off and just stopped everything."

"Sounds like typical Beck and his stupid temper," Jade mused while pouring Tori another drink.

"Yeah, I guess... But he grabbed his shirt and threw it on and I stood up to try and stop him from going and calm him down. And then..."

Jade sat patiently, not wanting to rush Tori since this was clearly something important. Finally, after another shot of alcohol, Tori had the strength to finish.

"He just yelled at me, and when I put my hand on his shoulder, he pushed me... like hard against the wall in my room."

"That motherfucker..." Jade said through clenched teeth. "I saw we-"

"Hang on..." Tori took a deep breath. "He just looked at me, and it seemed like he was sorry, but he just couldn't find the words. He just stared for a few seconds and then bolted."

"Jeez, Vega... just because he looked like he was sorry doesn't make up for the fact that he did it."

"I know... but I can clearly see that something is wrong and he always seems like he's on the verge of telling me what it is, but he never can get it out."

"No surprise there. I guess he has been a bit worse than usual, I ran and took a shower, as if this feeling could wash off, when I got the idea to see you. I figured if anyone knew what was up, it'd be you."

The two girls sat somewhat quietly, neither one exactly sure on what to say next. Finally, Tori broke the silence, "I think he's on dr*gs. Like pills."

"That's a big accusation… why do you say that?"

"Well, the other night I found a bottle of Hydrocodone in his bathroom, and it belongs to someone named Louise Oliver, so maybe a f*mily member?"

"Louise is his favorite aunt... Like, he loves her like a second mom."

Tori was a bit stunned. "He has never mentioned her to me..."

"I think the bigger problem is that he's dearly taking Vicodin."

"Yeah... that's what I was about to say... turns out that's what that stuff is. And I think he's got a couple other pill bottles in there too. I thought about checking them out the next time I'm over."

"That's not a bad idea, Vega. If he is really hooked on painkillers, you need to get the fuck away from that guy."

"I just feel like he needs some help."

"Help from a professional, Tori... you don't need to get involved with him until he gets cleaned up."

Tori huffed and puffed, trying to find an argument with Jade, but in her mind, she knew that her former enemy was right. Defeated, she grabbed the bottle from Jade's hands and took a long sip straight from the neck.

Jade knew that this was a serious situation, but seeing Tori Vega drink was just ridiculously entertaining.

"So… now what?"

"What do you mean by that Vega?"

"I don't know... where do we go from here? That's a good start."

"Well, I am going to have another drink, that's what I'm doing," she said taking another quick shot.

"Is that all you're going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jade... I might have seen your boyfriend's penis when I got here tonight... I know something was up that I interrupted."

Jade blushed a bit. "Yeah... Freddie and I don't really get a lot of alone time, but this was way more important."

"I'm really sorry, Jade... if I had known-"

"Seriously..." Jade said, narrowing her eyes. "It's fine. I let him know that there was an emergency, and I'm happy I did. You clearly needed me... and that bottle it looks like."

"Ha-ha... yeah." Tori sat in silence, feeling her inebriation taking hold. "You still doing ok with that whole… you, him, and her thing?"

"Honestly... not really. I find myself hating her so much and it's all out of envy. I need the feeling of him, and I can't do that. She gets it all… but it was my choice. I chose to be the other woman, and I guess this is just the price I pay."

"We're really messed up, Jade."

"Ha-ha... what?"

"We are in love with guys that are far too focused on other stuff to feel that way about us."

"Whoa, Vega." Jade said, grabbing the bottle from Tori's hands. "Speak for yourself. Freddie and I love each other, and he tells me everything, sometimes too much. Like when he and Sam have been together... it's like he needs to confess that to me."

"Wow... that is kinda freaky. Could be worse though..."

Jade stared at her sceptically, before taking a drink. "How?"

"Well, he could be trying to put puppet parts inside you."


Jade spit her drink as Tori started giggling uncontrollably.

"What?!" Jade said, feeling so embarrassed, but trying to fight back laughter.

"Don't tell anyone, but Robbie is dating my s*ster, and apparently a while back he tried that... didn't go over well." Tori barely got the last part out before laughing hard again.

"Wow... alright... you were right. It can get worse." In her mind, she thought, Good for Robbie, but Trina was so god-awfully annoying sometimes. Jade poured herself another drink since she last the last one.

"Freddie looks like he's the size of a puppet arm," Tori muttered, before she even realized she said it.

Jade fought back spitting her drink again, and quickly swallowed it, before she started to smirk. She considered responding, but she felt her blushing and looks at Tori would be enough to send the message.

"Does it feel good?"


"His thing... does it work for you?"

"Tori! Seriously?! Stop. I don't know why you are so preoccupied with my boyfriend's parts-"

"Just the one."

A glare from Jade said it all. "Fuck... Fine, Drinky, if you actually want to know all the details, fine." Jade put the bottle on her nightstand so she could use her hands to demonstrate the dimensions. "His dick is at least 8 inches long, and he has the perfect width. It's not even a dick. It is a cock. He fills me up perfectly... and then some. Sex with him is maybe the best thing I have ever experienced. But it's not just about his equipment. It's the way he holds me, the way he looks at me, the way he knows exactly what I need touched and when."

"Wow..." Tori said, as if that statement sobered her up. "If that's the case, I can see why you're upset that someone else is getting it."

"Yeah… I tried doing the vibrator thing, but there's no comparison," Jade paused as if she was reflecting on something, and then grabbed the bottle and refilled her glass. "And he does the best he can with the emotional connection when we talk, but I guess I'm just craving the human contact."

"I guess Beck and I have the opposite problem." Tori sighed heavily, and reached to pour herself another glass. "Physically... well, we're doing fine, but I don't think I felt this emotionally distant from him when we were just friends. I know you're probably going to want to compare what you guys did to how he is with me, but sex with him is just, like, primal. Like it's so intense, but it's completely empty."

"Actually, I never really had that problem with him. He made my, and I guess his too, first time feel really special. And I clung to that feeling for two years, despite sex with him becoming more like a chore." Jade took time sipping and swallowing her drink. "I loved him, Tori, But like everything else, eventually love withers if it's not cared for."

"That was strangely poetic, Jade," Tori giggled a bit, knowing the alcohol was now taking its toll. "Hey… I really didn't think this 'drinking after coming here' thing through. Could I stay the night? If not, it's cool, I can-"

"Vega," Jade said, putting her hand on Tori's shoulder. "That was a given when I opened the door. You're more than welcome at my place anytime."

Tori smiled and finished the last sip in the bottle. "Awesome... do you have a spare shirt or shorts or something I can sl*ep in?"

Jade rummaged through some drawers and threw an old rock t-shirt and some running shorts at her. "Those work?"

Tori turned from Jade, and quickly undressed, a sight that Jade couldn't help but peek at through the mirror. Tori unbuttoned her shirt and reached behind her back to remove her bra, the light blue straps sliding down her tanned arms, a sight that Jade had to admit was incredibly sexy. Tori covered her upper body with a shirt and slid her tight pants down, giving Jade an easy view of her thong, Tori quickly covered up, and still completely unaware that she was being watched, turned around, putting her hair up.

"What is that?"

Tori spun around, "What?"

"That thing on your neck." Jade reached out and touched the crane of Tori's neck where there appeared to be a bruise.

"Oh, that's Beck's handiwork. He has a tendency to... leave marks."

"Huh... that's certainly a new trick for sure." Tori crawled onto Jade's bed and started getting under the covers. "What are you doing?"

"Getting into bed?"

"That's MY bed. Why not sl*ep in the guest room like last-"

"Jade," Tori sat up, looking sad. "If you don't want me to, that fine... I just don't really want to be by myself. I can sl*ep on the floor."

"Ha-ha... I wish we could have had this moment a year ago when I hated you," Jade started undressing for bed as well. "You can sl*ep in the bed, but I reserve the right to hog the covers."

"Ha-ha... deal," Tori sat up in bed, looking around the room while Jade grabbed some sl*eping clothes from her dresser. "How old is this shirt, Jade? I feel like there's no possible way you could fit in this."

"Like 5 or 6 years old. I was really into My Chemical Romance in 8th grade, so I bought the shirt. A couple months later, it became pretty tight. Hurray for puberty."

Tori waited patiently as Jade now undressed, her eyes struggling to see straight, but unable to take her eyes off of Jade. As her clothes fell to the floor, Tori could clearly see that Jade was wearing some sort of really thin nightgown. She took it off slowly, and she folded it before putting it in a drawer. Jade was essentially naked before her eyes, and while she could just see her back and the vague shape of her breasts, she was just enamored. The Goth teen slipped on a t-shirt that was also a bit too tight up top, but long enough that she didn't need anything covering her bottom half, and hit the lights before hitting the bed.

Jade turned the TV on, trying to find something decent to watch, finally settling on something when she saw that AMC was showing a Walking Dead marathon.

"Is this show scary?"

"God, I hope so," Jade muttered, relaxing in bed. She grinned a bit when a horde of zombies attacked. Tori seemed fine at first, but when one popped out from behind a corner, the brunette teen jump, and gripped Jade. Truth be told, Jade really didn't hate it. This was definitely the closest anyone had been to her since she was last with Freddie, and it was really nice. Eventually, Tori laid her head on Jade's shoulder, and Jade could feel her wince whenever something gruesome would happen, tightening her hold.

Tori was feeling very dr*nk and confused. Why was Jade so hot all of a sudden? She was so soft and warm, and she smelled like lavender. Jade was going through a very similar experience. Tori's hair had certainly been washed recently and the overwhelmingly sweet smell of pomegranate wafted through Jade's nostrils as Tori's brunette hair edged closer to her face.

As the action on the TV died down a bit, Tori didn't disengage from Jade's body, instead, her hands were becoming more exploratory. She didn't even realize she was doing it. Most of the time, whenever she was cuddled up to someone, they were Beck, or at least a boyfriend. But with Jade, at least tonight, it just felt natural. Like this was exactly where she needed to be. Most surprising was the way she had nuzzled into Jade's neck and without even realizing it, she starting giving her little kisses.

Jade knew something was wrong, and that neither of them should be doing anything like this, but this was really pleasant. She closed her eyes, and tried to imagine that this was Freddie, but she couldn't maintain the fantasy for very long. Tori was certainly a different person than Freddie, so Jade was left with a tough decision.

"Vega? What are you doing?"

"To be honest, Jade, I don't know. I'm just really comfortable right now, and you've been really great tonight. I'm sorry… maybe I should-"

"Stop!" Jade put her hand on Tori's shoulder. "I don't hate it and it doesn't have to stop. I just wanted to ask you what exactly this was."

Tori just looked lost, when her instincts took over, and she moved right back into position with Jade. The Goth teen smiled and looked at her for a moment, and a kiss that was meant for Jade's cheek landed right on her lips. Jade could feel that Tori wanted to immediately pull away, no doubt out of embarrassment, but Jade's arms wrapped around her midsection and held her in place until Tori's body was comfortable. Only then did their kiss end.

"Wow… Jade… I'm-"

"Sweet fuckin' Christ, Vega. Just relax. I get it. We're just getting some weird urges out of our system. No biggie."

Tori sighed and then attacked Jade's face with her lips, Tori nearly climbing on top of Jade as the two former enemies made out in Jade's bed, their hands focused in each other's hair as their legs entwined.

"Hang on," Jade said, pulling from Tori for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Jade... I took this-"


"I just wanted to turn the TV off Vega, so I could focus, chill the fuck out. No more talking, ok?"

Tori nodded and squeezed her eyes shut from embarrassment, and began to pull away from Jade, but Jade pulled her back and ran her hands up and down Tori's sides. The girls traded very playful kisses, their hands touching many of the non-erogenous zones, both feeling a bit too shy to make the move.

Tori had now managed to climb on top of Jade, and entangled her fingers in her dark hair, while Jade's hands were firmly kept under the shirt on Tori's lower back. Tori considered telling her to be careful since there was still some soreness and bruising from the last time she and Beck were physical, but her lips were being invaded by a tongue.

Adding her own tongue to the mix, Tori could feel the passion getting beyond just a 'get it out of the system' point and into a full blown lesbian experience. This feeling increased twofold when Jade's hands moved to her ass, and her thigh was now rubbing heavily between Tori's legs. Tori decided to return the favor, and before long, both girls were moaning into each other’s mouths as much as they were kissing.

Jade had no idea what was taking hold in her, but she found herself trying to pull the t-shirt off of Tori as fast as she could. Tossing it aside, Jade quickly found herself running her hands all over Tori's exposed abdomen, and when she finally felt brave enough, allowed her fingers to rub Tori's breasts, playing with the soft skin and hardened nipples. Jade could tell that it was working as Tori's body shook a bit, and elicited a soft moan, Jade's shirt soon followed, tossed in the same pile, her breasts spilling out, which was a sight that Tori couldn't really take her eyes off.

Finally snapping out of her trance, Tori kissed down Jade's neck and chest, and without warning, took her left breast into her mouth, her tongue swathing over Jade's hardening peak. Once she heard Jade moaning her approval, coupled with Jade's hand gripping the back of her head and pushing her into it, she swapped to the right one. Jade was actually quite surprised at how anim*listic Tori was becoming, going so far as to bite a little. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe she was the wild one in the relationship with Beck. Either way, Jade thought, she's pretty fantastic at this.

Tori felt a f*rce pulling her up by her hair, and saw Jade's grinning face. They shared several deep kisses, their naked top halves rubbing tightly against each other. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other, each one trying to out-pleasure the other.

Eventually, Jade got tired of Tori's shorts, and quickly unbuttoned them, and Tori slipped them off, leaving the two girls in just their underwear. Now that it was uncovered, Jade's hands migrated to Tori's peach-like ass, squeezing it tightly as the entangled themselves whilst kissing. Jade's nimble fingers played with Tori's thong, sliding her hands along the waistline until her fingers were dancing along Tori's recently shaved mound.

The petite brunette gasped at the feeling and rushed to find a way to do the same to Jade. Tori's fingers ran down Jade's tight stomach and wasted no time diving into her black underwear, her fingertips grazing her moist hood.

Both girls let out low sounds as they pressed their middle fingers to each other's clits, the other fingers running along their outer lips. Jade finally crossed the big line when she shoved her finger inside of Tori, amazed at how tight she was, even with just a finger. She felt her pussy undulate with the touch, Tori's low moans now becoming higher and higher pitched until they were almost squeals.

The feeling was so intense that she climbed off of Jade and just lay next to her, Jade's finger still deep inside her. Tori tried to remain focused and finger Jade as well, but it was getting harder with each of Jade's hand's thrusts. Tori's tightness increased tenfold as her body began to quiver, her orgasm quickly building to climax. Knowing this, Jade slipped in her ring finger as well to increase the feeling, and within mere seconds Tori came hard, screaming Jade's name as she arched her back.

Tori was gasping for air as Jade stared at her, grinning almost evilly. Tori smiled back, trying to catch her breath, as Jade climbed on top of her, pinning down her abdomen, Jade's wetness palpable, while she held Tori's wrists over her head. Unable to move she had no choice, not that she would have chosen anything else, but to allow Jade to kiss her deeply. Tori was already feeling turned on again when she finally pushed Jade off of her, the Goth teen landing on her back. Tori sat up and threw off the covers, and even in the dark, Jade's black panties could be seen against her pale skin.

Wasting no time Tori pulled the dark underwear off and, after sliding her head between Jade's completely smooth legs, dove in with her tongue. Jade gripped the covers tightly, her eyes nearly rolling back into her head. It was just as extreme for Tori who felt competitive and wanted Jade to come even harder than she did. She hungrily lapped up Jade's wetness, using her fingers to spread the lips as she drove her tongue deeper, sliding it in and out. When she felt Tori's warm, wet, and spongey tongue slither across her extremely sensitive clit, Jade released something resembling a howl.

"What was that? Are you-?"

Jade cut her off by forcing her face hard into her very core, which Tori didn't fight at all. Tori combined her licking with adding a finger inside Jade. The one finger was followed by another, as Tori focused her mouth on Jade's g-spot and let her fingers pump in and out of the Goth teen.

For Jade the feeling was extraordinary, and she could feel an intense orgasm building insider her. Gripping Tori's hair tight with one hand and gripping her own breast just as tight, Jade arched her back giving Tori just the access she needed to finish her friend off. Piston-ing her fingers and licking Jade's clit were doing the job nicely, but Tori decided to pull a trick she learned from her night with Cat and Carly to finish her.

"Oh God, Tori Vega! I'm gonna come!" Jade shouted.

Tori chose this point to make her big move, and without warning, slid a wet finger inside Jade's ass.

"Holy shit!" Jade cried out as her body spasmed and she nearly squirted all over Tori's face. Tori licked up all her juices, giving a few extra licks to Jade's pussy before moving back to her place beside Jade.

Now it was Jade's turn to catch her breath as Tori giggled playfully. The two girls kissed a few more times, Jade savoring the taste of her sex on Tori's amazing lips.

"That was incredible, Tori... how in the world did you do that? I don't think I've ever come so hard with a girl before... maybe not even with a guy."

"Just my magic touch I guess," Tori said, her fingers tracing Jade's body.

"You know that thing I said about you being welcome here anytime?"

"Yeah?" Tori said, snuggling up to Jade's body.

"As of now, that includes my bed. In fact, I'm thinking it should be mandatory."

Both girls laughed for a few moments, before Tori whispered something into Jade's ear that made her wet all over again.

"I think you might want to also extend that invitation to your shower, West."

Jade's eyes widened, and grabbing Tori's hand, pulled the brunette into her spacious bathroom, shutting the door behind them.

Same as ProfNigma Stories #4: Falling Pieces #3 Videos

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[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]Freddie Benson had never moved so quickly in his life, and he could barely remember actually moving at all as his legs carried him out of the room, down the steps and around the inn to see the sight before him. His father. A man he had spent decades wondering and worrying about, was now hanging above him, bisected in the roughest way possible."Dad..." he managed, knowing that his father...

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[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"What kind of game are you talking about, Savanna?!" Freddie practically shouted. "What did my dad say?!""Freddie!" Spencer said in a hushed angry tone, scooping up his daughter once more. "You can't just yell at her like that.""Savanna just said that this was a game." The two men had no gained the attention of the whole group now. "A game my father is playing for me.""Then let's head...

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[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]The inn was as crowded as ever as staff, just as much as guests, were pouring out from the inn, all eager to get off the island. There had been a mass exodus suggested for all inhabitants of the formerly sl*epy island town from the sheriff, who was erring on the side of caution, in trying to get people out even if there was a suspect in custody. Naturally there was some disagreement...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 6

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"Do you have any idea how busy I am right now, babe?!""Yes…" Freddie said slowly, putting his hand on the shoulder of his bride-to-be and kissed her cheek before she was able to pull away and start freaking out about something else. "But you need to relax."Jade looked over the main area that would serve as their reception space and couldn't believe how much there was to do, and for...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 7

September 2810:36 amUCLA- Scott HallRoom 602Tori Vega was having a spectacular dream, but the reality that she slowly woke up to, as the sun peeked just enough to hit her eyes, was some-thing far more wonderful. She first noticed the smell. It was the smell of sex, sweaty and hot, but also of a guy's body wash. Old Spice or something… But man, did it smell good to her.Taking a huge whiff, her eyes opened and she found herself in just her underwear, in Jade's room, and most surprisingly, with...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 5

August 284:39 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 339"So… that happened," Sam sighed, looking over at her roommate and her "friend," all three freshly dressed after their showers."Yeah…" Noelle said, looking a little embarrassed."I'm not like judging you or anything… It was just kinda surprising. I mean," Sam said, grabbing a soda from the mini-fridge they shared, and looked at Cat, "I knew you and Carly had fooled around before but it was still weird to see.""How much did you see?" Cat asked nervously."Not...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 5

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.The morning came way too fast for those staying in the West mansion. The group that went scouting for Trina and Robbie the night before had returned empty handed in the early hours of the morning, collapsing in the beds.Tori knew she should probably be in bed with Nate, and just appreciating him, but after the gravity of the situation had fully reached...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 4

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.There was an eerie silence for a few seconds as everyone could not believe what they had just seen. Beck looked up at Jade, looking horrified as he dropped the pipe and backed away from Freddie's body."NOOO!" Jade screamed as she raced towards Beck, the intense heat from her body melting the ice inches before she touched it. Her whole body was slowly...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.As the sun rose, the light waking up those it touched, Tori Vega stretched out her arms, and then immediately regretted that decision. For a couple reasons. One, she was incredibly sore from the fight last night; and two, she punched Nate right in the face, waking him up."Oh my god… I'm so sorry, babe.""It's cool," he said, smiling, clearly trying to...

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ProfNigma Stories 6 Power Trip 2

(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.It had been a week since everyone had woken up with amazing powers. The Seattle based iCarly's were planning to leave a couple days after the incident, but their plans got derailed when Spencer nearly tore the RV in half when his powers overwhelmed him. After his new girlfriend, Amy, threw him out of her apartment when he wrecked it, he had taken to...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Author’s Note: I do want to explain something. As I was writing, I realized that this chapter was going to be extremely dark and painful. It is not for the easily upset. And because of how tough this chapter is, I thought that my planned ending, my true ending, was a bit darker than I felt many readers would want after all that, so I decided to write two. And so you can choose which you want to believe. The 'happier' ending will go along with the story, and then after a break, for those that...

1 year ago
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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 1

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]"Why would they have just taken off like that?!" Spencer said, pacing the floor so heavily that he might as well have left marks, gripping one of his daughter's dresses tightly, the material seeping through his fingers. "We agreed to stay.""They were scared," Carly said, trying to keep her br*ther calm. "We all are, but maybe they didn't leave. Maybe they… are just getting some...

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Warning - while there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, there is a scene with a nude Jade West in it]"Are you Madame Clara?" Amy asked as a peculiar mousey looking woman made her way into the inn's foyer. She was younger than Amy had expected, but one look at her eyes, and her age showed tremendously, and her body language showed that she was instantly uncomfortable but seemed to be fighting through it."Yes…" she said with a sweet smile, looking at Amy and then to Savanna....

2 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 3

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, so please don't hate me for that]Freddie made sure he got up early the next morning, and was really torn as he looked down at his sl*eping lover, who was wearing one of his old plaid shirts, her mouth agape, deep in dreamland. He desperately wanted to get back into bed with her, but right now, he really needed to get away and take care of some pressing matters.The former tech producer threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, the perfect outfit for jogging,...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 10

November 276:44 pmVega Household"Bye, guys. I love you and tell gramma and papa I love them too."Tori Vega stood outside her house waving wildly at her parents and s*ster that were slowly pulling out of the driveway for a holiday trip to see the whole f*mily in Sacramento. They tried and tried to get their youngest daughter to go as well, but she had built up the story of how much work she had to do. Which wasn't remotely true. At least, as far as school work was considered.She took a step back...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 8

November 13:18 amRonald Reagan UCLA Medical CenterRoom 216For the last four hours, Beck had been waiting patiently to find out if his girlfriend was going to be ok. However, his mind had barely gone to Kelly much in that span of time, images of Tori and what she might be doing, or who, haunting him as he sat in the waiting area. Finally, after asking to follow a nurse, some news had arrived for the very tired teen.Beck looked over the room where they were keeping Kelly and she seemed to be...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 3

August 189:30 amUCLADelta Iota Kappa House"What do you mean, this is normal?!"Freddie had nearly gone hoarse as he yelled at the college senior standing before him, Mercer Hayes, the president and head of the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity. He and Jade had stormed the frat house together several minutes ago, but thanks to some gender concerns, Jade had to wait outside, no doubt getting the leers of all the shit brained punks here, he thought.Truth be told, he had no idea why he was here, getting...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 2

August 176:50 pmUCLA- Scott HallRoom 113While Kelly couldn't shut up to save her life, Tori had managed to remain fairly quiet throughout their interaction, focusing entirely on texting Jade and unloading all of her stuff. Tori's mind raced, wondering how much, if anything, she knew about her, and her previous relationship with Beck.After a very tense lunch with her friends, Tori finished up the last of her unloading, she marvelled at her work, her half of the room looking pretty fantastic, but...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 1

August 1710:00amUCLA- Pierce HallRoom 114Freddie Benson could not have been more desperate to escape from his overbearing mother than he was in this moment. Being stuck in a trailer with her for hours on end was the very definition of Hell. They had spent the night at a motel outside of the city so it would be cheaper, but the shittiness of the place wasn't worth the discount by a long shot. But finally, after a hellish day and a horrible night, the three of them had arrived at the school, and...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 8

After two months of the most exhausting road trip in human history, Tori and Trina Vega could not be happier to be back home in LA. The eldest s*ster was beyond red thanks to a routine poolside stay in Tucson two days before, and the slightest touch triggered the sunburn's pain. The pity for her s*ster was the only thing that had kept Tori from strangling her over the last 48 hours.All three Vega women rushed into the house from the camper, leaving the fully healed Mr. Vega to grab the bags...

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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 3

Over a month had passed since the Seattle based teens had graduated high school, and like so many k*ds graduating high school and preparing for college, Freddie Benson had taken a summer job. Luckily the PearStore was more than willing to take him back and make him a supervisor. Between the boost in pay, working ridiculous hours, and receiving more than enough in scholarships and grants allowed Freddie to amass a lot of money very quickly. So much so that he scrapped his original anniversary...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 16

As Freddie opened his eyes with a start, he had to squint against the bright light of morning, and took a deep breath. A dream, he thought. That's all that was- I just imagined turning Jade and Sam into a total Jekyll and Hyde case. He felt over himself and found he couldn't move one of his arms. He looked down at the wave of dark brown hair lying upon his chest and smiled, happy to be exactly where he was. Freddie turned his neck a bit to kiss her head, so thankful to be in her bed and holding...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 11

"I wish I was starring in a remake of The Scissoring."Jade West smiled as she woke up, the familiar scent of her boyfriend wafting through her nose. More than the smell though, she was smiling because she could feel his warm mouth along the side of her neck and shoulder. Part of her didn't want to open her eyes, in case this was just a dream, but as she felt the small pain of his teeth slide across her earlobe, she knew this was reality. Her green eyes fluttered open and looked into his deep...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 10

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #10 – Andre9 am came way too quickly for Andre Harris who could barely form a coherent thought as his alarm blared next to him. He reached up to hit the snooze button so he could get a bit more sl*ep but as soon as he touched it, the brand new digital clock exploded with a loud crack, leaving smoking remains behind.Needless to say, Andre was completely awake now. He stared at the smouldering clock and tried to figure out what happened. He grabbed some...

4 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 9

[/u] "I wish Jade and Sam could be combined into one person so I wouldn't have to choose."Freddie Benson was having a really good morning to say the least. He couldn't believe that his wish came true, but the woman whose head was now bobbing between his legs truly was everything he had hoped for. He had been woken up by, who he thought was Jade, but as he looked down, he saw light brown hair and quickly realized it was someone else. Once the covers were pulled back, he could see her completely,...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 8

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #8 – Nate"I wish Tori loved me like I love her."Nate Shepherd woke up with a really bad hangover. He had no idea how many beers he had at Jade's party and he was ashamed to admit that he had a couple more when he got him. He hadn't even managed to take his clothes off before passing out. Tori was on his mind, which was normal, but this time, he was stuck on the idea that she would never feel the same way that he did. Despite feeling awful, he found...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 7

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #7 – Sam"I wish there were two of Freddie, so I could have him too."Sam Puckett could not get to sl*ep. She'd managed to drift off mostly due to her dr*nk tiredness, but after a couple hours she found herself wide awake. The thought of what might be happening inside Jade's room between the love of her life and her nemesis was driving Sam completely bonkers. She knew she only had herself to blame for dumping him, but at the same time, she couldn't help...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 2

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #2 – Chapter 2Freddie woke up feeling utterly exhausted and sore. His mind raced back to the night before and what he and Jade had done, wondering if he was right that this was a mistake. But as he shifted in the bed, he realized that Jade was curled into him still asl*ep, but she had a faint smile on her face as she breathed softly into his chest. At some point in the night, they must have put clothes on as Freddie felt that he was wearing his boxers...

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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 1

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #1 – Chapter 1In Seattle, not much had changed since the end of summer for most of the iCarly gang. They slowly worked towards finishing their senior year, and Freddie actually was earning enough credits that he would enter college as a sophomore rather than a freshman. Even Gibby was pretty busy, his school basement food joint garnering more and more business every week, which prompted him to work extra time there. Sam helped out when she could, but as...

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iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 8For Sam, getting back to Spencer's camper was taking absolutely forever. Probably because she was in a dress, and if there was one thing that Sam hated being in, a dress ranked pretty high up there. They slipped away from dance without anyone taking notice, and neither really talked much on the way.Finally reaching the vehicle, Sam vaulted in as soon as the door opened. Spencer was right behind, being careful not to push Sam in her...

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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 11

November 309:03 pmVega Household"You guys are laaaaate…" Tori called up the stairs, in her sing song voice. She wasn't upset at their timing or anything, but she was eager to get to the night's festivities. The Latina had spent a couple days getting everything the three of them would need, and given how much Freddie loved games, how could he not fall for her after this?The other reason for her anticipation was in the clothes she was wearing, or lack thereof really. The naturally tanned teen...

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