- 3 years ago
- 28
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When Julie and Ashlee arrived back at the house after dropping off Greg and picking up Julie’s car at the mall, Ashlee appeared ready to burst.
‘Well?’ she asked expectantly.
It was obvious what she wanted, but Julie had no intention of divulging details.
‘Well, what?’ she replied.
‘C’mon!’ Ashlee laughed. ‘I never saw a more obvious JBF smile.’ Julie blinked, clueless.
‘Just been fucked,’ Ashlee answered with an accusing smile. Julie felt the color rising in her cheeks. Was there really something in her face that gave her away? Of course, Ashlee had helped orchestrate the whole rendezvous and she already knew damn right well that Julie and Greg hadn’t sat around playing backgammon! But the idea that someone could look at her and tell, well… it didn’t seem out of the question.
‘I’m not talking about it,’ she told Ashlee, trying to give her friend a stern look that said there was no compromise. But Ashlee’s expression of mirth undid Julie’s efforts and she was forced to look away.
‘Did you go down on him?’
‘ASH!’ Julie squealed, incredulous at her friend’s brazen question. In spite of herself, she almost waggled her jaw involuntarily. The muscles were still sore from accommodating Greg’s significant girth. She caught herself just in time, mortified that she had almost given herself away in such obvious fashion.
‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ Ashlee replied with a smug, satisfied look on her face. ‘Did he tell you to do it?’
‘Jesus, Ash!’
”Cause if he told me to, well…’ she pantomimed giving a blow job, moving her curled hand back and forth in front of her mouth, timing it with poking her tongue against the inside of her cheek. In spite of herself, Julie laughed.
‘My God, Ash! Get a grip!’ Julie laughed, immediately realizing that her choice of words was playing into Ashlee’s hands. So to speak.
‘That’s exactly what I was talking about!’ She sat on the couch and looked at Julie in a way that made Julie feel like she was in an interrogation room, a bright light shining down on her. ‘So what are you going to tell me?’
‘Nothing!’ Julie said with indignation that was only partially feigned.
‘Oh, come on! At least tell me how many times!’
‘Jesus, Ash!’ Julie protested. ‘I can’t talk about things like that!’
‘Okay, don’t tell me,’ responded Ashlee. She turned her body three-quarters away from Julie and crossed her arms in a playful mimic of a pouting child. ‘I’ll just make it up in my head however I want to.’ She shot Julie a sly glance out of the corner of her eye before continuing. ”Oh, Greggie, I’m so glad you’re here!” she squeaked, mockingly. Then in a deeper, manly voice, ”Suck my damn dick, woman!’ ‘Oh, yes, Greggie!”
Ashlee burst out laughing as Julie sat silent with a bemused grin on her face. Julie didn’t want to give Ashlee any reaction, but it took some effort. Again, Julie was surprised how accurate, if absurdly exaggerated, Ashlee’s assessment was. Not that it should have surprised her. But it did.
‘I think I’m going to bed now,’ Julie said when Ashlee’s laughter abated. Ashlee looked at her and raised an eyebrow speculatively.
‘I know it’s not, you know… the way you are. To talk about this stuff,’ Ashlee said, her smile fading and real compassion surfacing in her eyes. ‘But if you need me…’ She let the words hang in the air between them for a moment. Then Ashlee gave Julie a quick but firm hug. ‘I’m here for you. Okay?’
Julie found herself absurdly moved by her friend’s words. Suddenly, tears were threatening to well in her eyes. She blinked hard, refusing to shed one. Especially a tear so maudlin. She gave Ashlee a nod and a quick smile and hurried off to bed.
Once in the safety of her room, comfortable between the sheets, Julie let herself think about Greg again. And Ashlee.
Everything about Greg, the way he had awakened her sexually, the way she lost herself in him was so new to her. But Ashlee seemed to know all about it in the blink of an eye. It was a reminder that what Julie was experiencing might be new to her, but it was well known territory to others. It made it easy for Ashlee to read Julie. It made Julie feel almost naked.
But there was something else, not as scary. Yes, Ashlee already knew what Julie was just discovering. There was a little bit of reassurance in that what Julie was going through wasn’t so unusual. There was nothing wrong with her for enjoying things now that had at one time seemed incomprehensible, if not downright offensive, to her.
If anything, Julie was finding herself being more natural in her sex with Greg than she ever was with Gary. She still didn’t understand it completely, but clearly the intellectual, reasoning side of her that had dominated all aspects of her life before only interfered with her ability to let go and fully enjoy sex. Like she could do now with Greg. Because when she was with him, she didn’t think about it. She just did what he wanted and it worked. Like nothing had ever worked so well for her before.
Julie snuggled into the bed, smiling as she remembered how she had laid here in Greg’s arms. Remembering how she felt his touch, the way he communicated how he felt. He might never be a man for a committed relationship. He might never be capable of telling her that he loved her. Not in words anyway.
But Julie couldn’t convince herself that in those moments he hadn’t expressed love for her in his own fashion.
She fell asleep with the smile still on her face.
The next few weeks were a sore trial for Julie. She had to hire a lawyer, open a new bank account, get new credit cards, do all the things necessary to separate herself from Gary. At the same time, she found herself spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about Greg.
She exchanged emails with him almost daily. Personal emails, but not too personal. Julie was always careful not to sound too needy. She really did feel a void in her life without Greg, but she was afraid to tell him that. She didn’t want to drive him away by asking for more than he could give. She was also afraid to find out that she might need him significantly more than he needed her.
Julie was smart enough to know that a man like Greg wasn’t sitting around his house on weekends wishing he had something to do. He was out with other women, almost certainly. Julie found herself thinking about that more and more. That Greg was fucking other women, telling other women to get on their knees and suck his cock. Getting his pleasure from someone other than Julie.
Every passing day served to heighten Julie’s anxiety. She could feel him slipping away from her. She had to see him again or she would just fade into another notch on his bedpost.
And at the same time, he was growing in her mind. They’re relative values to each other were getting more and more out of balance. Greg was becoming all that Julie could really focus on. But to him, she might already be nothing more than a fond memory. Of course, she didn’t think she had slid that far that fast. But that was the direction she was headed in.
In one of Julie’s emails a couple weeks after she had last seen him, she mentioned having the next weekend free. He lived several hours away, but she would gladly drive out to see him.
But first she had to get invited.
And it had to be for the weekend. Julie wasn’t going to drive out on a Friday afternoon, fuck him and head home Saturday morning. If she was going out there, she wanted to make a full weekend of it. Nothing would be harder to cope with than wondering if he was going to be with someone else after she left, when she could have stayed and been with him herself.
When Greg replied, he asked Julie in a rather vague way if she was interested in visiting him. Her heart rate quickened as she read his email. It looked like he was offering exactly what she wanted: a weekend with her
And a weekend far away from Gary, at that.
It took a couple more emails and then a phone call, but within two hours, Julie had everything arranged with Greg. From that moment until she stepped out of her car in front of her house, Julie’s whole body ached with anticipation.
Julie and Greg had never had so much freedom to be together. They had, of course, had several nights in a row when Gary was out of town. They had had liaisons during business trips. But this was going to be a Friday night to Sunday afternoon together uninterrupted by work or any other distractions. It was conceivable that they could spend the entire weekend naked in bed, pausing only to sleep, eat and shower.
After everything Julie had been through since her affair had been discovered, she began to feel like this is what she needed. This was what was going to set her right and get her back on track. She couldn’t explain it. It was just a vague notion. But it slowly gained traction in her mind, gathering momentum as the weekend drew nearer.
On Friday Julie left work early to make the six or seven hour drive to Greg’s. Leaving just after lunch would get her in early enough for dinner followed, presumably, by some great sex. She stopped at Ashlee’s and grabbed the things she had packed the night before.
There was a bag inside her bag that she took out and considered for a moment. In that bag was some lubricant she had purchased a couple days ago. Was she really going to take it?
Julie remembered the way her body had involuntarily twisted and spun out of Greg’s grasp the last time he had put his cock to her ass. She remembered the other times he had mentioned it and the clammy tingling sensation that she had experienced. Could she really go through with it, if she wanted to?
Did she really want to?
Julie had already given so much more to Greg than she had ever given to any man, her husband included. He had turned her into his willing slut in ways she never would have believed possible. Julie still occasionally found the idea that a man could tell her to get on her knees and suck his cock unbelievable. The idea that her pussy got wet just anticipating those words, the opportunity, still seemed foreign and incomprehensible at times.
Whether he had changed her or released something inside her was irrelevant. The fact was that Julie was a different woman with him. At times she barely recognized herself. Now the question of whether or not to let him fuck her ass was one she was considering in very real terms. She had lube in her hand was prepared to put it in her bag to take with her. True, she had several hours to think it over on the way. And if she decided against it, it could stay in the car. Greg would never know.
But the presence of the lube, in her hand now, in her overnight bag, if she took it, was a testimony to how seriously Julie was considering taking this step. Doing yet something more for Greg, giving him that last piece of herself. It was such a premeditated thing, to bring the lube with her. Whether she handed it to Greg or not, Julie was changing her boundaries.
To please him.
To offer him something that he didn’t already have from her.
She had changed. Whether to release something buried inside or truly become someone she wasn’t before, she still didn’t know.
But there was no denying that the resulting changes were huge and ongoing.
Julie tossed the lube into her bag and zipped it up. She did have a long drive to think about it, after all.
And it was a long drive. A few hours into the trip, Julie had to pull over just to get out of the car and stretch her legs. She knew she was getting closer with each passing mile and her excitement was likewise starting to build. But as much as she wanted to hurry up and get there, she had to stop and get out of the car.
As she drew within an hour of her destination, Julie saw a shopping mall. She was getting achy again from sitting behind the wheel so long, so she decided to pull in. There was an upscale department store and Julie had a sudden inspiration. She waked out of the store twenty minutes later with a new silk scarf in her hand.
When she was almost to Greg’s house, Julie stopped one last time. This time at a fast food restaurant, so she could take a quick look at herself in the mirror before she got there. For having spent so long in the car, she didn’t look too bad. She pulled out the ponytail that had held back her silky black hair for the drive and gave her head a shake. Her hair, now released, cascaded to her shoulder with a sexy disheveled look.
Her clothes were a little wrinkled, but that was unavoidable. She smoothed her black skirt with her hand and tucked in her white blouse, trying to pull it tight enough to get the wrinkles out. Julie had purposely not changed into more comfortable clothes before getting behind the wheel. She knew that Greg liked to see her in her work attire. He relished taking Julie at her most professional, powerful point and reducing her to his slut. And, God help her, it made her wet too. Just thinking about it.
Julie gave herself one more long look in the mirror. But instead of giving herself the once-over she intended, she wound up staring into her own eyes. She couldn’t help thinking that she was staring into the eyes of a woman she hardly knew anymore. She was about to give herself to a man in every way a woman could. And not a man who was committed to her in any way. A man who could completely take her for granted.
Julie wanted to believe there was something special between them, but was that really just wishful thinking? Did she really think that Greg wasn’t getting laid when she wasn’t around? Absurd!
So how could this woman staring back at her in the mirror explain what she was willing to do for him? How deep was her desire to please him? In ten minutes she’d be at his house, in fifteen, she’d probably be on her knees for him, sucking his cock with a desperate, lusty passion. How long after that before she told him about the lube in her bag? Before she was bracing herself on her elbows, gritting her teeth as he forced his massive cock into her virgin ass?
On the long drive she had tried to decide if she would really go through with it, really let Greg fuck her in the ass. Now that she was here, it seemed impossible to do it and, at the same time, impossible not to. And did it matter if she wanted to do it or not? Didn’t it really come down to what Greg wanted? If he told her that was going to take her ass, then Julie was going to give it to him. Willingly.
It scared Julie to look into that dirty mirror and see a woman who could be so beholden to a man. But that fear paled in comparison to the pure sexual thrill she derived from Greg’s dominating presence.
The bathroom door opened and another woman entered, breaking up Julie’s introspection. With a last glance in the mirror, she departed. A few minutes later, she was on Greg’s street, approaching his house. Her body was practically humming with anticipation. Just seeing him for the first time in weeks was enough to throw her libido into overdrive, never mind the implications of the lube in her bag.
By the time she was standing on the porch ringing the doorbell, she could hardly stand still. Her body was physically restless after sitting so long. That, combined with her swelling arousal must have made her look pretty obvious. How many times had Greg’s neighbors seen a woman standing on his porch this way? Almost unable to hide her body’s urges?
When the door opened and Julie’s eyes met Greg’s, she felt the awkward discontinuity of their relationship. That feeling of not knowing how familiar to be. They had been lovers so many times over, but still Julie felt like she had no claim on him, that she couldn’t take for granted that they would pick up where they left off.
Greg didn’t seem to have an issue with it. His eyes bored into hers with his usual predatory
gleam. If he felt anything had changed since she had knelt before him in her bedroom at Ashlee’s, it didn’t show. His gaze made her feel so exposed and so excited.
He could see just how firm a hold he had on her, couldn’t he? He had broken her a long time ago.
He greeted her with a smile and waved her inside. There, he took hold of her and gave her a passionate kiss, one that left her gasping.
‘It’s good to see you again,’ he said as Julie dropped her bag inside the door. She leaned forward and he brought his lips down to hers again, pressing his mouth firmly over hers. Their arms quickly wrapped around each other. Julie’s hands sought out Greg’s muscular shoulders as his fingers plunged into her soft, silky hair. Tongues intertwined and lips and teeth sucked and nibbled on each other. Julie could feel her pussy suddenly flood with warmth, her belly tighten and tingle and her nipples swell and harden.
Then Greg broke the kiss and stepped back. For a moment Julie expected him to unzip his pants and order her to her knees.
‘Come on,’ he said, picking up her bag. ‘Let’s get you something to eat. Or at least something to drink.’ He gave her a grin. ‘How was the trip out?’
Was that a twinge of disappointment she felt? That he was being an ordinary guy welcoming a lady friend to his house?
Julie smiled. ‘Not too bad,’ she replied as she followed him in to the living room. ‘Not much traffic, which was nice.’
Greg gestured for her to sit on the sofa then disappeared with her bag. He returned a few minutes later holding a couple glasses of wine. He handed one to her and sat beside her on the sofa.
‘To a good weekend,’ he toasted, flashing her a smirk.
‘To a good weekend,’ Julie echoed as they touched glasses. When Julie looked into his eyes, saw that smirk, she knew. She knew that she would give him the lube. Probably without saying a word. Just hand it to him. He would understand. She felt a simultaneous thrill and clammy fear ripple through her.
But that was probably not going to happen tonight. Tonight would be more of what they always did together. Fucking and sucking and licking each others brains out. Some time tomorrow, maybe, when Julie was riding that wave of euphoria, she would offer Greg the final piece of her.
They sipped their wine, gazing into one another’s eyes for a moment. It was a long, deep moment and it stirred Julie’s insides. The way he looked at her on the surface was predatory and sexual. But she sensed something under that. Something more substantial. Was it really there? Was he having genuine feeling for her? Was it love?
Or was it all wishful thinking on her part? Looking into his eyes, Julie had to believe she was more to him than a fuck. She just couldn’t tell how much more.
Greg got up and led Julie on a brief tour of the house. It was a nice place, surprisingly well decorated for a bachelor. The bedroom in particular was tasteful and elegant. Not that she was expecting it to look like a bedroom in a frat house, but it was so much more traditional than she would have suspected.
As they left it to tour the rest of the house, Julie couldn’t help wonder how many women had been bedded in there. Or in the rest of the house, for that matter. She thought of her trysts with him in various rooms of his apartment and her house and smiled.
Greg chatted easily with Julie as they made their brief tour. If he felt any discontinuity in their relationship, it didn’t show. Of course, things were markedly different for him. He was accustomed to juggling women, never getting too involved with any of them. But the talking helped. Julie began to feel things reconnecting and the uncertainty ebb.
Julie was in front of Greg as they returned to the living room. Just as they stepped into it, Greg put his arms around her and pulled her back against his muscular chest. He bent down and placed a few warm kisses on the side of her neck. Then his lips moved up beside her ear.
‘You drove a long way, didn’t you?’ he breathed. ‘And now you want what you came for, don’t you?’ Tremors shot through her body. Oh, God! Did she ever! The wetness she had felt when she first arrived returned with a vengeance.
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
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Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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BDSMPhilip # 47 walked into the space station lounge. He surveyed the patrons and went to sit with a girl he had met a week ago. ‘Hi, Ginger,’ he greeted her. ‘Hi Philip. What brings you out tonight?’ ‘Three pump modules broke down so I cannot continue until they are replaced.’ She didn’t offer him a drink because she was fully aware that he was an android, a new model, but an android, none the less. Ginger’s curiosity was burning brightly. ‘Do you have any feelings at all?’ she asked. ‘No,...
It was a Friday morning while my husband was away on a business trip again. I was driving in my street towards my house after dropping my daughter off at crèche, when I saw Nick and his friend passing the rugby ball in the street to each other. I pulled into my drive way and parked. Getting out the car Nick came to say hello. We got chatting and eventually his friend joined and Nick introduced me to him. His name was Dane simular build to Nick, tall brunette well built upper body and strong...
ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ ДЕНЬНедавно выкладывал здесь маленький рассказик под названием «Летнее купание», в нем вспомнил как когда-то жил в Борисполе и компания женщин стащила мою одежду, а для того что-бы ее забрать мне пришлось делать как сейчас правильно называется – «Кунигулис». Удовольствия я не получил, но самое главное они умудрились сфотографировать мое личико и голого. В те еще советские времена, такие фотки, если бы распространены в моем ПТУ, где я учился, означали-бы однозначно отчисление. Да и из...
Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…..Marjorie Foster, usually called Margie, is from a small town and is finding her Freshman year at the very large State University to be a difficult experience. The size and complexity is...
She was an utter bitch and spread rmours about people she ound a threat, now the tables have turned and she is the slave to her two victims and passed around like a commom whore amongst her family. First Sandra, Then her older brother then her father then her little brother. What will she do when nothing is in her...
This is the continuation of my incident narration “MY MOM IS A CHEATER – Part I and Part II…” So all new readers please go back and read the first two parts for better understanding of the incident and my MOM. To easy access to my narration just type the n05ame of the story in “search stories” box in your screen. The response I recieved for my earlier two posts were too good and was really encouraging me to move on with my narration. So I am back with the continuation of the incidents that...
IncestHi am Chris, African form Kenya. Am 5.7” tall, well build with an athletic body and normal size African cock. This is my first time to share a story at XHAMSTER. I’ve being reading most story that have inspired me to share some of my sexual experience and hope you enjoy.It all started when I joined high school in 2008. Back then I was just a simple teen age boy who loved to watch porn a lot and fucked two girl. I had a girlfriend but she never allowed me to hit it, but my side girl give it to...
We had not long rounded the Horn of Federation when we saw the storm. It was bearing down on us from the north-west. The air smelt funny and the sky to the west was dark as far as we could see. Dazzle, the first mated was very worried, and I didn’t blame him. He recommended that rather than turn out to sea as were planning, we go further down the coast and look for a cove that we could hide in. I had seen the results of one of these storms going over land and the mess it made to both the...
I did not know what to expect when starting my first day at 'The Convent', as it was known from its past association with a Catholic woman's refuge.Now it was a retreat for disabled people and those with learning difficulties, to be cared for and looked after, something I thought long and hard about, having seen my own personal life in tatters and just wanting to have my space and appreciate others less fortunate.I was going to spend four months before heading off to University, which meant...
hi every one join me on let’s start the story Rat phr hum ny change kea aur mehndi ka function hwa, mom to bht hot lag rahe thein, asy phr chalta raha function…. rat hum so gay.. subha hwe mom ny kaha chalo rahal lrky walon ke trf humny jana ha, M aur mom phr car m beth k chal pary… Mom: rahal rasty mn koi hotel dakhna nashta karein gay Me:ok mom Me: ksa laga rat function Mom: bht acha tha, Me: yeah Mom: miss bht kea tumko kash koi separate jaga mil jati Me:why Mom: tumhry ly jan nekal...
Hi it’s me Ayesha again…I told you how my Father-In-Law(FIL) took advantage of me during my husband’s absence and made me his slut in the my first submission. For the next three months, it was just passionate animal sex every day and night…..We used to download online books about Kama sutra and try different positions. We did all over the house- living room, shower, garden, garage, inside the car. Anyway, my servant Philomena used to come every afternoon and wash our utensils, clothes and sweep...
8:51 A.M., Sunday, June 21, 2015 Just Outside Honolulu, HI When Paul Macon and Paula Akron awoke, they both had Michiko Takahashi‘s “I Think I Love You” stuck in their heads, so they took a little time to sing together. They suddenly realized that they hadn’t sung together since their parents had been arrested. Breakfast, as planned the night before, was a malasada puff with pineapple cream stuffing and also a banana. As they had picked the bananas the night before, they didn’t even bother...
I had started to work in Mumbai ( then Bombay ) after earning my degree in mechanical engineering. I had always fantasized during my college days of having a maid cum sex partner to start off the career. My workplace was in a small manufacturing unit located in midc, andheri and i had initially taken up staying as a paying guest in a place referred by one of my colleagues at work. It was a small room on the terrace of an old house, which surprisingly had a large open space around the house, a...
My dream girl stood before me, wearing that sexy "business" suit. The smile on her face was one of both tenderness and triumph. She'd planned this. But this was where her plan went horribly wrong. The blood rushed out of my brain, headed for parts south. Rebecca, I'm so sorry. Dick instantly took charge. I leaped across the room, taking her by the wrist, spinning her past me, throwing her to the bed. She squealed in surprise. A heartbeat later, I was sitting on top of her, grabbing her...
“For fuck’s sake, Helen, it’s just a bunch of women! What are you getting so jittery about?”“It just doesn’t feel right, sorry.”Helen was one of my best friends. I’ve worked with her for years in the same office. It wasn’t like we’d not been to the pub before although, on previous occasions, it had been an after-work drink or two with a load of others from the office. This time was different, at least in her eyes. It was the first time I’d managed to get her out on her own. Her husband,...
LesbianI was on my way to school, about a block from my home when Bruce, one third of the terrible three(Bruce, Charlie and Daniel), intercepted me and very gracefully gave me the following instructions... '...I'll be at your back door in thirty minutes, you are to greet me in nothing but your pajama shirt. No pants, no underwear only the pajama shirt. When you open the door you are to drop to your knees and fish my dick out of my pants and start to suck my dick in earnest. When I feel that you mean...
She’s never called me daddy and those words kept playing in my head as I stood in the shower. I couldn’t help but think about how I had fucked Madison the night before and surely wasn’t going to forget the blow job she just gave me. She was so much like her mom,just the younger version. I had to get these thoughts out of my head. On my way to work I called Michelle and asked her how her day was and she said she should be awake when I got home since tomorrow was her day off. “I should be...
I don't quite remember when I started to become attracted to Jackie. When she first moved in, she was just another roommate, and I figured she'd be gone in a few months. But as the months wore on, we began hanging out quite a bit. That is, whenever her extremely jealous boyfriend wasn't around. She wasn't the best looking girl in the world. Then again, she wasn't exactly ugly either. But it was those legs that first got me. She was getting ready to go out jogging one day and I caught a glimpse...
After such a wonderful first-time bisexual experience with our new close friends Dan & Anna, we arrived home all aglow with our new-found sense of love & understanding. We got some supper & headed up to our room. “ Oh baby, you looked so sexy with Dan's big thick cock in your mouth! The way you were sucking it, you looked like you were really enjoying having a man's big cock to suck on finally?” “ Yeah, I guess you got me on that one. I love how his dick is a bit more...
It was pretty late, and the sun had begun to set not too long ago. I shrugged it off and figured that since I turned 19 and moved out recently, I can do whatever I want. I wasn’t the best looking dude, but I definitely wasn’t the worst. Especially in a small town like this, I’d probably rate myself on the more attractive side if it didn’t sound narcissistic. The girl I was looking at seemed similar in age, so I decided to approach her. She had curly dark hair which complimented her rather...
Aali Kali is in her bedroom, lacing her heavenly body up into a form-fitting corset before slipping on a tight black dress. She calls to her husband in another room, asking him to go fill up the car with gas before their evening out, adding that the wet nurse they hired will be there soon. He leaves to gas up the car. Soon after, the stunning Zoey Foxx arrives at the house, introducing herself to Aali as the wet nurse. Aali makes sure that Zoey is lactating since it’s super important that...
xmoviesforyouToni was a 20 yo tall and slim blond with a thin waist and a great set of 34-C breasts that stood tall and proud. If anyone looked at her face they would see that she was really cute too, but few guys ever got to the point of looking at her face. About two months ago she let 22 yo Jake move in with her. He didn't have a job and she was paying all the bills. Toni had never been promiscuous. Jake was only the third guy she had had sex with. She thought he was going to be her guy for life...
“Hey Josh”, your mom and I need to talk shop. How about you go check out the pool.” Steven lowered his voice so only the three of them could hear. “They have some real hotties out there. Practically naked.” Reluctantly, Lisa let her son go. “Just be careful and stay away from trouble.” Lisa soon found her and Steven up in what appeared to be his bedroom. He pointed to the bed, “Sit”. Once she was seated, Steven moved in front of her and dropped his pants. No words necessary. He wanted her...
My sister Lauren has been married to Jacob for almost ten years now, and she loves him and worships the ground he walks on. They have two c***dren together and they have the perfect relationship... or so it would seem, you see for the past four months I've been sleeping with Jacob, she does not know what we do but I know she would just freak out if she did.It all started when one day I went to Lauren's house to collect some important documents that she forgot. She called me and asked me to do...
Julia and Sandra finally arrived back home from that small bazaar outside of town. There was not much to look at unfortunately, but Julia still bought herself a cute necklace. Its dark red crystal did not only fit her outfit but also her huge breasts, not that they needed any more emphasis. The Shopkeeper told her it was a special amulet, but which shopkeeper would not say that? The girls wasted no time getting out of their clothes and into their pajamas to officially start their sleepover. And...
Mind ControlHey there! :) This is SK here, again This time, it’s not actually a real experience but is something that i really, really want that it should happen in my life :D One of my “Wildest Dreams”, you may say ;) Well it begins somewhat like this – Every night, when I am done with everything, I always spend some time in an online chat room looking out for girls out there seeking for the same thing that I seek for i.e. – “No strings attached but wanna have some fun ;)” Be it from any corner in...
Thursday, things are back to normal, except I ride my newly modified mountain bike to school. With all the modifications, it is a $10k bike, so every break, I check on it. After school, I don’t ride home with the girls. Instead, I head to Performance Bikes. There, I meet up with Ms. Fells, Dahlia, Moira and Kevin. The girls are there to get their new bikes fitted, and Kevin is there so I can buy him one. That is all secondary to my real purpose. After I say hi to everybody, I leave them in...
‘I’ll look into it right away, Mr. Atherton,’ Ben Sanders said. Then, frowning, he slammed the phone in his office down. The one thing he had feared ever since he began having sexual relationships with female students was that, somehow, other people would ask questions about what was going on. William Atherton’s call didn’t seem in any way to indicate that Atherton was suspicious Ben was doing anything untoward with Cynthia Dumas, but it was upsetting just the same. He had to talk to Cynthia...
Welcome to one rather unconventional site… called db Naked. At first glance, I really thought this was an ad, then I thought maybe this is just a site filled with lots of galleries. But after a bit of browsing, I came to the conclusion that this place is actually a generic porn site that just looks a bit different than what most of us are used to.The content here is pretty random, and I am pretty sure that like 90% of it is professional pornography, so if you were looking for amateur shit, this...
Pornstar DatabasesMy long-time girlfriend was over at my place one evening. She wanted to check out the news and before thinking I said "just jump on my computer if you want." Those were the words that changed our relationship forever.She went on google to see what was happening in the world innocently enough, and found her way to my history. It opened her eyes to a whole new side of me. There, right in front of her was my XHamster log-in with all my favorite videos in plain sight. There were bi ones, mmf ones,...
Hello this is ajit back with another story …. As u all how I fucked my teacher asha with her husband in teacher ke saath bdsm wala gangbang ……. After that session I and asha were in constant touch through whatsapp or calls . So one day I said asha that I fantasise of a ffm so she said that u arrange the place and I will arrange the 2nd lady . So the place was arranged by my end and it was scheduled for saturday . Now lets get to the story …… Asha reached the place on saturday and I was shocked...
Prolouge she heard a car horn honk, stopped doing the laundry and rushed to the window to see her daghter exits her friends car, waving to them as they drive off, soon she says to herslef soon. chapter 1 barbera is a 42 year old mother, she was raised in a time that she had to study allot in school and raise a family straight out of school, got maried, she often wished she she had the opertunities and luxuries her daughter does now, her daghter sarah age 16 barely recoizes her...