Becoming Sara Day To Be Published free porn video

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Day three the meeting. Four in the morning was way early for me. I thought about leaving last night, but I popped out of bed like it was nine. I walked into the bathroom and giggled softly as I had slept with the modulator on. I wondered who I was just like I had wondered last night? I needed to be Sara today and the thought excited me that not only would I be her that no one would know the truth. I put the device on the charger shivering that it wasn't around my neck. Had I become so attached to a simple tool? I showered and shaved making sure that my skin was clean. I stepped out and dried my hair and styled it the best I could. I had braided it loosely and wrapped it around and pinned it in place. Not a professional style, but one I felt brought attention to my face and worked better with a scarf. I put on the bra and the breast forms and felt comforted by the weight. Next came the stockings and the panties then the corset that although difficult to tighten felt loose. Almost as if it fit much better than the first time, and that it had done its job of shaping my waist. I dropped the chemise over it all and shivered as it hid and revealed the shape underneath. Not that anyone would see it. Next I spent time getting all my makeup on and I went again with a light every day look that was natural. I really was at a loss for how easy it was. I rushed a bit to finish dressing. The pencil skirt then the blouse. I added the vest that I left off the first time and then the jacket. I smiled again at the woman in the mirror and wished I could make love to her. I shook the goosebumps away. Once my shoes were on I clicked with each stride as I walked to the door. I paused just long enough to pick up the case and the purse hanging by the door. I double checked everything and stepped out into the hallway. Two clicks and the door was locked. I felt more than I heard foot steps as I turned and instantly smiled as I saw Megan. She went to work at this time normally and she was dressed for it. She returned the smile and then studied me. "For the whole time you lived here we hardly ever said more than hello. Now I wonder who are you really?" "I don't understand? I just saw you the other day." I was suddenly nervous did she know? "Sara, No you're Sean and you hide it perfectly, but I can tell. I could tell the first day I met you a few years back. You went to great lengths to hide her, but I have seen this woman before me for a long time. I am happy to see the real you finally." I sighed as I couldn't deny it. She smiled softly. "I am doing this all to get published." "No one goes as far as you have just for a book. No you could have been convincing with a bit of practice. But instead you spent the last three days as a woman. That was for you." "How did you see it?" "I used to be a girl trapped in a boy's body. Ever since I was five I knew. I had plenty of sisters all on birth control, so when I was almost ten I stole their packs. Took them a full year to figure out I was taking their pills. My sisters took them for their periods. They didn't say anything when they caught me. I was allowed to play how I wanted at home. That included dressing up with my sisters, but as I started to develop I started to hide. They caught me in a bra that fit. My mother found out after nearly two years. Then after a month without. I got a proper prescription, and changed schools. I have been taking them ever since." "Wow, I never would have guessed." "We'll talk later if you like, but I think we will both be late if I tell the long story." "Until then." "Oh you should have at least one ring. Here this one has helped me be me." She slipped the simple ring on my index finger. It shocked both of us as she put it on and we both giggled. I still had plenty of time once I got to my car. A quick change of shoes and I was off. I avoided the traffic jams, but it still was stressful getting out of the city. I did wonder why the publishing office was so far from all the other houses. Maybe that was another part of their appeal. That they wanted not only to be inclusive, but also to show that they were an elite company. The four hour drive was calming once the traffic cleared. My appointment was at eleven just before lunch. I grabbed a small snack before I drove the last few miles to the publishing house. I had an itch that slowly bothered me. Running my hand over the area helped calm it. I blamed my nerves at first, but I did get nervous as my modulator started to act up as I had ordered my meal. The voice it was producing was higher than I wanted it. As I tried to adjust it, it would go back to normal and a few minutes later as I went over what I was going to say at the introduction. I pulled into the parking lot and I was really impressed. The buildings looked old like an ivy league school campus yet I could see the printing house in the background and the cars were all high end. Something even rich students or professors couldn't afford. I had to adjust my outfit as I got out and felt strangely comfortable. It was fine before, but now it fit much better. I took the long walk just to get to the front door. The few people that I passed smiled as I smiled back. The men were watching me coming and going as I passed them as I had looked back myself just to see. I didn't let my smile fade as my body itched again and my bra felt like it was getting tighter with each step. Once I got through the doors I was happy to see that there was a bathroom right there as my bra was now digging in. I went in all the way to the last stall. I started to adjust what I could, but the bra just wasn't cooperating. I finally sighed and took them out just to get some relief. I pulled down the band and again sighed as it felt better. I then went pee not thinking about it I sat down. I heard one lady come in and I grinned. "If she only knew." I whispered to myself as I heard her leave. The voice I heard sounded like a child's. "No not again." I said louder. I wiped and then pulled up my panties and adjusted my skirt before going out and looking in the mirror. I took the collar off and worked on the modulator and was confused to see the settings once I had it right again were nearly at zero. I was definitely going to send it back I was so nervous of being discovered I was shaking. I took an extra five minutes to control my breathing. Touching up my lipstick and then readjusting my bra. I had regained my composure. The solid click of my heels on the marble floor gave the receptionist plenty of time to notice me. She looked up and smiled just as I took the last step. "Ah you must be Miss Hawke. My name is Anne if you would have a seat, someone will be here to escort you shortly." "Thank you Anne, but please call me Sara." "I can not while at work." "I understand." I turned and sat down in the nearest seat. I crossed my legs and then after a few moments I was double crossed. I heard the steps of someone approaching and then lightly clearing his throat. "Miss Sara Hawke if you will please follow me." He put his hand out to help me up. I took it and it felt nice not to struggle if you didn't get positioned just right with heels on. He took my case allowing me to properly hold my hand bag. "Thank you." "This way madam." He turned and I followed at his side. His nearly silent stride complimented my restricted staccato gait. I truly began to wonder if this place had an elevator as we started up the third sweeping stairwell. My shoes were a bit looser now and I wondered if I had stretched them out too much. I smile as the man looked back as I slowed down afraid to lose a shoe. I saw the glint in his eye and picked up that he did this on purpose. "Does this building not have an elevator?" I snapped. "It is out of service. It is not far from here." I blew at a loose strand of hair. Before smiling at him as I took my heels off. He raised an eyebrow at that as I passed him. His lie was revealed as I heard an elevator ding. I didn't give him a glare as he took the lead again. He barely paused as we got to a large ornate double door. I slipped on my heels and was painfully aware that I should have had a half size lower, but I couldn't do anything about it now. We walked up to a man in a very nice suit. He was large with the classic gray side burns of a business man. He was handsome and I was sure he was very popular with the ladies in the past. His smile was friendly and honest, but also aggressive. I held my purse in front of me defensively. "Ah Miss Hawke a pleasure to meet you. I am Harold Gavin, assistant publisher. Mr. Hatchingsworth will join us in a few minutes." We shook hands as he offered a seat. "Thank you it is a pleasure to be here." I sat down and felt his gaze as his eyes traveled over my body resting on my legs before looking up. I shivered as I felt like prey. "Now before we go any further, I must warn you he doesn't deal with male authors. I know it is a bit odd in these times, but he finds that females give a lot more depth to their characters as they know how better to describe how they feel or how they would react. Only one author was ever published here that was male and it was only approved because it was cowritten by one of our more successful authors. I have read your manuscript from front to back. I can see the errors in the first few chapters that would gain a rejection, but since we have people that do nothing but read the manuscripts and then push them higher or onto our brother publisher. The way it got to my desk is impressive. I liked it and it does have a salable quality that we are looking for." "Why do I get the feeling I wasted my time, Mr. Gavin," I interrupted. He just smiled and he didn't have to answer. "Because we also do our homework. Three months ago we did a full check on you and well the report was interestingly different. We than found out you have a sister and the picture you used looks more like her. Now I get to see you in person and I am very impressed, but she doesn't have a sister as you are her brother." My jaw dropped and then I hung my head. "However we wanted to see how far you would go as the first agent thought you were female. The second one went deeper and found out that you are indeed male." I wondered how they did that? "In any event we were really surprised as we hacked into your computer and found that you were browsing site after site to attempt to pass as a woman. The bonus was when my agent saw you leaving your house three days ago all dressed up. He followed and then saw you in the suit you are wearing now. He said you turned into a woman so convincing. The startling part was how you sound so feminine. Can you take off the collar modulator?" I pulled the scarf off and then the modulator. I looked up at him and he saw the silent tears. He frowned as he took the unit and inspected it. A moment later he gave it back. I had come so far only to know that I had ultimately failed. What a total waste. I was such an idiot. I twisted the ring Megan gave me and it gave me little comfort, but it didn't change the direction of my thoughts. "Now before you meet Mr. Hatchingsworth you need to hand over the breast forms." I immediately blushed as he waved the escort over as he held a platter. I sighed and unbuttoned the blouse and started to reach in before I remembered I put them in my case. I froze for a second wondering why I didn't put them back in, but then smiled as I opened the case and tossed them at the man. He struggled to catch them as I looked at Mr. Gavin. A slight raising of an eyebrow was the only tell he gave me. "The other set." "I only have those. I am not wearing anything else." I countered as I placed my hands on my chest. I froze and I felt soft resistance where there should have been nothing. I did look this time and was taken by complete shock. I giggled as I watched the skin move as I fondled myself. "Oh bother he is playing with them." the escort complained. I got angry from his tone "I couldn't help it sorry..." I stopped from chewing him out. My deep voice was gone and it was softer and more musical then the modulator could ever produce. I held my hand in front of my mouth. I could see that the escort was shocked and so was Mr. Gavin, but he was curious as well. I wiggled in my seat and I spaced out after that in total shock. "Mr. Gavin why is he still here. I would think by now that he would be running for the door half naked." "Mr. Hatchingsworth he just froze up. It was after I asked for the breast forms." "Well I see them from here on the tray." "I asked for the ones he is wearing and then he froze." "No matter. A shame really. It is rare that a man can write with such depth. It truly covered up the errors in his writing. Such a pretty face is wasted on a male." He lifted my face by placing his fingers under my chin. "So very feminine. Light makeup odd I heard his deep voice from the recording, but no Adam's apple. Did the investigators not dig up any surgeries?" "No sir a few minor medical emergencies, but no indication of any body modifications." "Still I so want to publish his book. All he has to do is leave here naked. Get your clothes off." His order hit a cord and I slowly stood up after I kicked off my shoes. The jacket came off and then the vest. I unzipped the skirt to let it fall as I finished unbuttoning my blouse. Both fell to the floor at the same time I slipped out of the chemise and let it fall as I worked the knot to loosen the corset. Mr. Gavin chuckled. This made me aware of what I was doing and I blushed. My face and neck turned to fire as my shame increased. I pushed the corset off and it took the panties with it and the gaff. I let it stop at my hips as I reached around to unhook the bra. I undid my hair to stall and he cleared his throat as I shook it free. "Let it all free, but hurry up now you sissy boy." I heard the venom in his voice. I released the last bits of clothing and stepped out shielding my chest and my groin with my hands with the help of my hair. I wouldn't look up to add to his satisfaction. "Take his arms I want to see this sissy's body." The escort and Mr. Gavin reached for my arms I struggle, but I couldn't resist such large men. They pulled me upright and I glared at Mr. Hatchingsworth with all my anger. I saw his amused smile fade from his face. The escort gasped as he let go of my arm. I jerked my other arm twice before Mr. Gavin let me go. "How can this be?" the escort asked. "This is impossible. You can't be female. Unless those investigators lied to me? There was no way to get the surgeries needed in time." Mr. Gavin protested. "I am Sara Rae Hawke. You have violated me and stripped me down in a sick excuse to call me a male." Mr. Hatchingsworth looked me over and then smiled. "You may get dressed now. I do find it intriguing that you fooled even our investigators. You must have a hidden twin to have pulled this off. Someone that could hide while you were about and cover your lack of male equipment. Very clever. You even went the full length to fool your friend. How does it feel to know that you can never confess to the man you love? Never show him that you are a woman and not a man? Yes I know a lot more about you. In fact a book is being written very similar to this right here. I am sure it is far from finished, but sure to be a big success." All the time he talked I remain rigid with my arms to the side. "Are you not going to get dressed?" "I believe I have to... how was it put? Run out of here screaming naked?" His face paled, and I smiled. I may have turned into Sara, but I was also Sean, so while half of me was in shock the other half was ready for pay back. "I pray you don't do anything rash?" "What like run out of here claiming rape?" "Stop her!" Mr. Gavin and the escort reached for me but I was too quick as I dropped back and rolled to my feet and I slipped as my nylons found the marble difficult to gain traction, but I did run. I screamed and the piercing cry made my ears ring. I didn't stop as I got to the door. I started to cry thinking they were locked until I remembered to pull. I pulled hard and slipped through just as Mr. Gavin slammed into the door. I screamed as I came across the first person. He dropped the binders he was carrying. I flew down the stairs making a point to keep screaming. Everyone was showing both amusement then confusion mixed in with their shock. They had seen this before but only with men. How many had pretended to be women? I made it to the lobby. Miss Anne looked horrified as she mashed a button. I slipped as I headed for the door as a group of six women and two men came in. They split as I stumbled between them. "Stop her!" I heard Anne scream. I glanced back. Gavin and the other man had stopped by her desk. It didn't matter as fear mixed with exhilaration, shame mixed with revenge fueled my escape. I almost made the door as a cloak captured me as it spun me around. I looked into the sunglasses that concealed a woman's eyes. She held me close as I gave up my struggle. Her red lips move into a warm smile. Her hand brushed the loose hair from my face. "Such a pretty face no need to be scared." I nodded. "Good." She stepped back and adjusted the cloak that covered my nakedness. She stopped as it now hung correctly, and smiled again. I gave her a weak smile back as she chuckled lightly. "Mr. Gavin fetch me Mr. Hatchingsworth." "Yes ma'am." I watched as he took off like he was being chased. "Mr. James go get this ladies belongings." "Yes Madam." He bowed and smartly walked away. The lady took me by my hand and guided me to a lounge. As soon as I sat. I was handed some water and a handkerchief. The lady had her own as she dabbed at the tears I had shed. I was still crying as my body was dealing with the shame and violation and the humiliation. It was countered by a false pride that I would use this. They would pay. I shivered despite the thick cloak. I only had on the stockings and my earrings underneath. I rubbed the ring as I held the cup in my hand. Anne came and sat down next to me more shocked than I was. I looked at the woman who had captured me and made Gavin run. Her posture was perfect along with her figure that was not hidden by her tailored suit. Everything from her hair down to her toes radiated sensuality and authority. She radiated an old money sophistication that few would ever see. Her clothes and jewelry cost more than most pay for their homes. Her movements were measured and subtle from years of practice. I felt attracted to her dominance. She was more than gorgeous, she was a goddess. I knew right then if she told me to do the most shameful of things that I would have done it without hesitation. That made me shiver. "My, my you do have a submissive aura." I blushed as I held her gaze. "Darling, baby. I see you stopped a miss..." Mr. Hatchingsworth stopped as she glared at him breaking the hold she had on me. "Don't even start. In fact kneel." Her order sent him to his knees. I felt sick as I heard how hard he landed. "I enjoyed the game of you chasing the pretender sissy boys out. It was a nice game, but I also warned you if you ever made a mistake you would pay. Twenty people here have seen this poor woman's humiliation." "But he..." "Did I give you permission to speak?" He shook his head no. "Good. Now who is this young lady?" "Sean Ryan Hawke or Sara Rae Hawke," Anne replied. "Thank you Anne. I read the manuscript. Fascinating plot, deep characters, Fluid yet a bit choppy. Wish I wrote it myself." The escort stepped up with the bundle of my clothes. "Anne please help Sara regain her dignity." "Yes ma'am." "Now for you." I didn't see or hear what she did to him as I was guided to a private room. The lobby was buzzing from all the onlookers and once the door shut it sealed off all sound. Mr. James set my stuff down on a couch before leaving through another door. Anne silently helped me out of the cloak and handed me each item to put back on. I no longer needed the gaff, but wished I did. I felt so strange in my new form. Everything fit like it was tailored now even the corset was barely snug as she tightened it all the way. She handed me my scarf and I smiled. I suddenly giggled and dropped it in my open case, right on top of the collar and the breast forms. She handed me my purse before talking. "I knew who you were and I couldn't believe you were male. I am glad that you are female, but ashamed that I didn't warn you about what would happen." "No need to apologize. I... I am, was male." "How is it possible?" "I don't know." "I saw a picture of you and I thought you were cute as a man. I really wouldn't have minded meeting you before." "Thank you of all the people to call me cute. I felt no teasing." "I like small guys. They really know how to set a woman on fire." I chuckled and then laughed. She joined me as she giggled. "I'll keep that in mind." She gave me a look of false shock which helped us laugh some more. "Well all you need now is to put on your shoes." "They don't fit anymore." I replied as I dug into the case and pulled out the sandals. They fit better as I could adjust the straps. "Here let me fix your makeup." A large purse came out of nowhere and she worked fast wiping off the smeared eyeliner and runs of mascara. Her touch was light and she offered me the same red lipstick she wore. I nodded and she used a brush to apply it. "Do you feel better?" "Yes I'm just drained, confused and lost." "Come I am sure you will feel much better after you talk to Betty Rayne." "That was Betty Rayne?" "Yes our top author and owner. Mr. Hatchingsworth is the junior owner though I doubt he will control much after this. He is her husband, but after today I don't think that will help him either." "He is her slave?" "Yes, but I never saw her invoke her authority with him in public. Now since she has, I don't know what he will do?" "I see." "Come, I am sure she is waiting for us." Anne guided me out the door that Mr. James disappeared into. It lead to an elevator. I couldn't even feel it move or stop. I was escorted down a hall and into a lounge room. It was a strange mix of a VIP bar and a writer's research station. I glanced at the two people that were there and I remembered one of their faces but not her name. This wasn't our stop, but Anne picked up a tray of refreshments and lead me out and then into a spacious but tight study. Not a single part of the walls wasn't covered by a book. The two men from earlier let us in and took a water each from the tray. They looked like bodyguards. The six other women were kneeling at small desks. Two of them were standing to each side of the now passive Mr. Hatchingsworth. They each accepted a water from the tray. My gaze fixated on him, as Anne brought the tray to Ms. Rayne. I was fascinated with what she had done. He wore only a diaper and the cuffs that secured him inside of a cage. His head was forced to face a dangling bracelet. I remembered it was on his wrist. His back was red and a few spots held beaded up strips of blood. Though I couldn't see his face I could feel his shame and humiliation. This was not a normal punishment as his "collar" had been removed. I remembered reading that it was the ultimate sign of punishment. Such an act was the same as getting an ugly divorce. I felt guilty that he was now in this position. Anne waved a hand in front of my face breaking the hold such a sight held on me. A glass was placed in my hand as I was guided by another to a chair in front of Ms. Rayne's desk. I sat down as I was guided. "Sara I am deeply wounded by what happened to you. That is only the beginning of his punishment. It also puzzles me how you pulled off my deepest desire." My head shot up and I locked eyes with her. "Yes, him getting caught was a fantasy of mine. However you were thrown out just like the others and that should never have happened. One question I do want answered is did you write that manuscript?" "Yes I did." "Good, but why hide that you are female? Pretending to be a male posing as a female served what purpose?" "Other houses turned my book down. My editor couldn't see what was wrong and pushed me to self publish. When I got the letter that your house was interested in my book, I had to prove I was female. I had sent it under a pen name to other companies and used Sara Rae for this one. I was male this morning, but I have no answers to how I am female now." "Very well. I am not going to get into any legal action you may want to bring. I am sure you could damage this company with a lawsuit and charges against the three men, but I will let the lawyers deal with that. I have reviewed the tapes from the time they picked you walking up to the building until you landed in my arms. You can't claim rape, but I feel it could have been equally damaging. However I want your book. I was honest in that I wished I had written it. I also can tell you the reward from publishing will be greater than any legal action could provide." "I don't plan to sue, this was embarrassing enough." "I will let you keep that open. Do you want us as your publisher. I started to smile and then I cried ruining the fresh makeup. All I could do was nod my head until I got my emotions under control. She snapped her fingers and one of the women was right there stopping the tears from spreading the makeup as they cleared it away. "I am humbled that you like my book and yes, yes." I don't think I could have been happier than I was right now. "Good, but it will be six months before the first book comes off the press. It needs to be edited and that will take your full attention. Our editors are very good and they will push you to the limit. They will also make you doubt every word you wrote until it is exactly how you envisioned it. More can be said later. I still can't fathom you as a male. I saw the evidence, but tell me what made you think that you could pull this off?" I didn't know how to answer so I started from the letter I got until I decided to dress up three days ago. It took a long time and she only added words to get me to reveal more. I hardly believed it myself, and I hardly believed that I told her everything about what happened the last three days. I think she held back a smile of pleasure at my various encounters and embarrassment. The night the four of us shared I describe in vivid detail I didn't have before and I could now reveal the disappointment that it was an accident and not of my doing. I told her and those in the room everything. "Sara you are a gem that needs no polishing. I would love to train you." Again I locked eyes with her surprised that I yearned for her to control me. "But with such a reversal of your life. It would be unfair to you." I slumped back down. "Right now you are broken, and I can see it getting worse. If I tried to break you, you would shatter. The emotionless slave that survives would be the same as if you died. Maybe in a year if you feel the same way we can explore those feelings." "Yes, mistress." I had to say it and my chest pounded with the moan she gave in response. I felt an uneasy rustle from the people behind me. "Call me Betty or Ms. Rayne. I am not your master, no matter how much I desire it. Just know it will be a temptation for me over the next few months. You have no idea what your desire to submit means to you. I will only accept you when you fully comprehend what such a relationship demands." "Thank you, Ms. Rayne." "Good. Mr. Gavin will get in touch with you next week some time. It will give our editors time to come up with solid suggestions. Anne will set you up with the contract and a bonus. It will not be held against your balance with us. Think of it as a promise to be the only house you will want to write for. Are you working on any other stories?" "Yes I have several." She gave me a demanding look. "I have dozens. Half are fan fiction and most are just fire and forget stories. None that I think are worth publishing." "I knew you had more than a few stories. I would like them all as they are now. You may have a few gems you can't see. I hope that we do find something in your other works and it will give the editors something more to see how you write." "I can do that." "Good, now as far as this change is concerned I am sure we can get all the legal and medical changes you need. You would be surprised how deep people dig to bring grief to a celebrity writer." "What if I am just a one shot wonder?" "No I have a feeling you are not." She stood up and came around to hug me. No hand shaking here. I took another long look at the man in the cage. I couldn't understand the lure for allowing such humiliation, but I felt a confusing pull nonetheless. My stomach fluttered and my groin buzzed. This got me moving. One of the females guided me back to Anne. She gave me the contract and some other papers. A list of requests and who to contact when I was ready to sign. She then handed over a check along with the need documents. Everything was in my legal name with reference to my pen name. She then handed me an envelope with cash in it. Not much but when I counted, it would cover the new wardrobe I needed. The ride home was torture as I became aware of all the changes I went through. I swore I had a little orgasm as I drove over a long stretch of rough asphalt. Once I got home I was only able to lock the door and strip down to nothing before passing out on the bed.

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Introduction: Saras Dad had always been proctive, till he falls in love with her. I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. There still just characters in a story. Ill certainly Im not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions and events in my stories are not recommended for real life, theyre fiction. Hope you enjoy the...

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Saras Protective Dad

Introduction: Saras Dad has always been protective of her, till he falls in love with her. I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. Its not real, the characters on real, the real age started less than a few months ago. There still just characters in a story. Ill certainly Im not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions...

2 years ago
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My cuckolding by Sara part thirteen

After the thrill of seeing her ass in her thong and her new Christmas dress, I was excited and aroused and I sat clutching her underwear, listening to her being fucked by Doug upstairs. When Doug came downstairs to get her clothes, he told me that we were going out to eat as soon as she was dressed. “You both go,” I said, “I will stay home and chill.” “Are you sure?” Doug asked. “Yes bud,” I smiled, “You both go, I will be fine.” I wanted and needed them to do things as a couple, without...

1 year ago
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My cuckolding by Sara part eleven

I woke up at seven o’clock and went to make the morning coffee. This was my first official day with my new title of, the cuck. This was our first day with Doug being, the husband, and I was looking forward to seeing what changes this made to our already exciting lives. I took their coffee to their bedroom and knocked on the door. I was summoned in, a minute later to see Sara with the sheet pulled up to her neck. “Good morning cuck,” Sara smiled, “I see that you have an erection, you know that...

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My cuckolding by Sara part nine

Sara’s birthday party was a hit, everybody had a great time and it went on till the early hours of Sunday morning. Sara stole the show in her white toga dress, she looked sensational and super sexy. Every time she danced, her tits would bounce around in her dress and her erect nipples did their best to poke through the soft cotton material. When she sat down, the split on her dress showed her beautiful right thigh, she knew how sexy she looked and played to it. She danced with everybody...

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My cuckolding by Sara part ten

Part Ten Sara came out to the back yard around nine o’clock and untied me from the sun lounger, I was a little cold but I loved my punishment. Sara was wearing a pair of blue, tight fitting jeans and a woolen sweater and cowboy boots, she looked amazing. She kissed me as she untied by bounds and asked me if I was okay with the punishment? “I loved it, baby,” I smiled, “I loved every minute of it.” “Were you cold?” Sara asked. “A little, but I loved it, and I would do it again,” I replied,...

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Saras First Trip to a Sex Toy Shop

Sara’s First Trip to a Sex Toy Shop Sara sat down and sighed with relief after finally saying goodbye to her roommate.  This weekend would be one of the rare occasions when she found herself alone in the apartment she shared.  And this time she would have the whole weekend to herself.  She really had intended to use the time to study.  However, once she sat down in front of the computer, she found herself surfing the internet instead of studying.  The truth is, now that she was alone, she was...

3 years ago
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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara

Sara answered back “ getting in my car headed to Pueblo to get you. And who you calling slut I’m not the one who was getting fucked in the ass and pussy by every girl at the last party.” Bounty laughed and said, “ yeah but you damn sure had your face and tongue in every pussy though.” Both girls laughed and then Sara told her “ get your ass ready I’ll be there in a bit, oh and no playing get your sexy ass ready. I don’t want to find you in the shower finger fucking yourself again.”...

3 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Ann Part 3 FMF

"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse.""How's this!" as I thurst all the way into Wendy tight pussy. I was holding out to tease her."OOOOOOh, yessssss, nnnnnninnnng" As Wendy's hips jerk off the sheets with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy is pulsing all over my cock and I can hold back no longer as my cum streams into Wendy's cunt.I roll her legs back so I can get maxiumu penetration into Wendy's hot vagina. My erection is starting to build again as Wendy toys with my ass hole. I'm...

2 years ago
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My cuckolding by Sara part two

Sara left for her first date with Doug, I watched them kiss as she got into his car. Sara was wearing a skin tight short red dress that came to about four inches above her knees and a bright red matching bra and thong set, white high heeled shoes and she looked incredible. I know what lingerie she was wearing as she teased me about what she would be wearing under her dress for Doug. “Take a look at what I will be wearing for him,” Sara teased, “you won’t get to see me in them until after he...

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My cuckolding by Sara Part Eight

The following morning, I went to wash Nicky’s car in the nude as usual. It was very chilly morning, but the cold wind felt amazing on my naked body. Nicky sucked my erection for me and I shot my load into her mouth before returning home. Doug had already left and Sara was dressed in her blue jeans and white tee shirt. “Did you have fun last night baby?” I asked as she kissed me. “Oh my God,” Sara screamed, “it was fucking incredible baby, fucking incredible!” “It sounded like you were...

2 years ago
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Sara The Bad Babysitter

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months ago they hadn’t had a night out together and in fact they rarely had a few hours sleep in a row. But tonight they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club. Mr. Crudele had obtained the name of a young woman from a subordinate at his company who said that she was very reliable and came highly recommended. He had called her and she was...

3 years ago
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My cuckolding by Sara part twelve

It had been nine days since I was officially made the cuck, and all of my husband privileges were removed. Sara wears his ring now, and the only time that she kisses me in front of Doug is when they go to bed. We do still kiss passionately, but only in private. There was a new restaurant in town. It had only been open for two weeks and we decided to give it a try. Sara was wearing a gorgeous black dress and she looked sensational. She whispered to me that she was wearing a new black bra and...

2 years ago
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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara Part 21

As Bounty turned onto the main road from the neighbor hood, she hit a pot hole. Sara’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as the vibe and plug collided inside her from the violent jolt when they hit the pothole. Sara could only think to herself she was not going to survive the night like this. Before they had left every time she moved the combo collided and if she tried to move slow trying to prevent the collision Bounty would flip in the remote. Pussy juices flowed from Sara down her...

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My Cuckolding By Sara Part Six

Sara told Pat and Marcus that she would no longer be sleeping with them. Marcus took the news well but Pat was a little sad, but after Sara explained her reasons, though, he understood. Sara and I slept together that Thursday night and we talked until the early hours of the morning about her bondage sex with Doug. She teased me about how amazing it is and how she would do anything that he wanted, she sucked me off twice before we finally fell asleep in each other’s arms. I am not very good in...

2 years ago
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My Cuckolding By Sara

After my punishment of having to wash Sara’s and our neighbor Nicky’s cars in the nude, I craved more. I loved the buzz of being naked in front of strangers and being humiliated in front of them, as I was with Nicky. When I walked home from Nicky’s house naked in the rain, it felt incredible and I wanted and needed more. Sex with Sara that night was out of this world and I urged her to give me more punishments like that. She called me at lunchtime the following day and teased me about her...

4 years ago
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Hannah and Sara

My name is Hannah Jensen and I'm a happily married woman. Very happilymarried. I'm thirty-one years old, have a 13 month old daughter named Sarah,and a wonderful husband, Jim, who's a CPA. We've been married for sixyears and it's been wonderful. Jim is the classic `tall, dark and handsome'man that every girl dreams about.Don't get me wrong, we've had our problems, but for the most part it'sbeen wonderfulThe only rough stretch came during the first six months after Sarah'sbirth. I...

2 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 3

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter III You want me to what!? We've found out that I'm a cross-dresser, and that both of our mothers understand it and instead of trying to stop it, are supporting me. Also, we've found out some interesting things about Sara and me. Anyway, on with my story... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This past school year was really...

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All beautiful young women believe they have a power over men, but just for that reason it is the man who has power over women to whom they will surrender. Men must struggle to win or create or find that power over the women he desires. As a man loses the simple but powerful lures of youth and looks, he must fall back on his wisdom and experience.My stepdaughter, Sara, was a young woman I had come to desire. I had married her mother, Beth, when Sara was only 11 and her sister Ashley only 9. Beth...

1 year ago
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Sara Has A Threesome MFF

It's Bev's leaving do. The girls from the department want to give their ward manager a send-off she will never forget. So it's a meal in The Raven, the posh gastropub out Brocklehill way, maybe a club later.Sara is despondent because Bev has hardly glanced her way all evening. She has grown fond of her boss over the last two months, hoped they might be more than just colleagues. But now she wonders if she has been fooling herself, the connection she had thought they had an illusion, just...

1 year ago
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Sara the Suit

Introduction: Some things are better left alone as a young girl soon finds out. Chapter 1 Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasnt sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didnt have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him....

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial sex story.This is a story around a mother, Sara and her daughter, Toni. Sara is 43 and Patricia is 23, the only c***d. Both women have long blonde hair...

2 years ago
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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial sex story. This is a story around a mother, Sara and her daughter, Toni. Sara is 43 and Patricia is 23, the only child. Both women have long blonde hair falling...

3 years ago
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Sara the Suit

Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasn't sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didn't have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him. She wasn't sure if she had enough for a shirt and some shorts, so she wanted...

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My cuckolding by Sara part four

Sara and I had discussed her quitting her job as we certainly didn’t need the money. My salary is in the six-figure bracket and with the money that Pat pays us we live a very comfortable lifestyle, so Sara quit her job last week and is now the homemaker. We are in the third month of my new six-month sex ban and I am loving how things are going. I am naked from the moment that I leave my car when I get home until I dress outside the following morning to go to work. Sara asks me every week if I...

2 years ago
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Sara and Ms Davies

?Hey, Sara, get over here! Customer!? Sara sighed. It had been only recently that she had moved to San Franciscofrom her small-time town in California , but she had a feeling that she wouldnever really fit in. The different people, the atmosphere ? it was provingto be all a little bit too much for this country girl. She looked over at herboss in her big, blue eyes. Mark was a great guy, if not a tad pushy duringbusy times. She did, however, feel safe with him ? she knew for a fact he wasgay,...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Four

Sara walked into the large room of her English class, her very first one as a freshman, and chose a seat three rows up from the front. As she sat, she felt the leftover stimulation from the morning in the shower still in her pussy. She was sure that some of it fell to the lining of her thong. Somehow, it excited her. She knew that was a bad thing, as it would make her very uncomfortable. She wished that she would have had time to take a shower to get clean. However, Angie had been right;...

3 years ago
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Wendys POV Wendy Sara and Ann part 3

"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse."Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy.Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much....

1 year ago
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Wendys POV Wendy Sara and Eve Part 4

I see Doug at our morning break."Can you give me Sara's phone number and when can I reach her at home today?""Sure, her shift starts at noon. She has Tuesday off.""Thanks I plan to call her."At noon Doug and I go to our secluded spot."Doug I had intended to have you suckle my breasts again but we need to talk. I called Sara and asked to see her Tuesday night at her place. I wanted to see her alone, but she asked if it would be OK it you were there. Is that OK with you.""Sure, I don't see why I...

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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara Part 31

A few minutes passed, and Mike re-entered the room. “Sorry ladies had to go oversee a few things downstairs.” As he spoke, he walked over to the side Bounty was on and swatted Keela hard on the ass waking her from her slumber. “You girls go kneel on either side of that chair.” Before he could get all the words out Neela and Keela, both jumped into action. Then he motioned to Sara to come to the other side of the bed. Sara quickly complied. Mike then nodded at Sherry who...

3 years ago
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The Case File of Mark Sara

PROLOGUE:My name is Dr. Judy. I'm a personal relationship counsellor. My specialty is assisting couples in resolving problems which threaten the harmony and/or stability of their relationship. The case study for review this time involves Mark and Sara (not their real names). They were engaged at the time I initially began counselling them. Through my efforts, they went on to resolve their problems, which threatened to break up their engagement, and went on to get married. It has now been...

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My Cuckolding by Sara Part Seven

Part Seven We are now six months into the denial lifestyle and things are fantastic. Our third bedroom is now my room at the weekends, Sara sleeps at Doug’s every Friday night, but sleeps with me from Monday through Thursday, albeit clothed, but we hug and sleep in each other’s arms. Sara sucks me off almost every day and swallows my cum and we couldn’t be closer. It seems that ever since I confessed to her that I get more pleasure and excitement from hearing about her sex with Doug and her...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 12

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter XII The Third Week Sunday - Back home. Monday - Back to... normal? And the Epilog The wedding is over. I'd met a wonderful guy and even if I did like guys, which I don't, my heart belongs only to Sara. But I hurt him, which really upset me. Other than that, it was a...

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TXR92U2280 Call Name Sara

TXR-92U-2280 ? Call Name: Sara ? Part IIn a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and used for any purpose, including: hard labor, breeding, menial work and sexual servitude.This series of stories, which is not presented...

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### CB-4234 ###SWINGING SECRETARYby Marvin CoxFOREWORDThough the closed world of various institutions and orders is seemingly totally removed from day-to-day events as most people know them, such is not always the case.The same desires, physical sensations and everyday wants that effect us are also part of the makeup of some of today's established and respected institutions and professions. One has only to witness their increasing flight from cloister to hearth.SWINGING SECRETARY is the story...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Two

A week went by and in that time, Sara had become quite popular on the floor of her dorm. She was used to it though, as she had been on her high school cheer squad and the captain her senior year. She had made many new friends already, but the one she felt the closest with was Angie. Not because they had become fast friends, but because there was something more between them. Sara could feel it, and still, it scared her.Angie felt the closeness between her and Sara as well. She was almost certain...

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My cuckolding by Sara part five

Sara was anxious about Pat seeing her bruised and bite marked tits the following night when she slept with him and she wasn’t sure if he would like her shaved pussy either. She called him upstairs and they went into his bedroom where she explained to him about her kinky sex session with Doug. Pat came down to join me about an hour later and asked me if I knew about her kinky sex with Doug. I told him that she had told me about it when she came home earlier and he asked me if I had seen the...

3 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Eve part 4

Sara must be sore and tired after her first anal sex and first lesbian sex."Doug I know it's late and we're both tired, but can you come in and talk about tonight?""Sure Sara.""Will you fuck Wendy Monday night?""Yes, is that OK with you?""God yes, I wish I could be there , Wendy is soooo sexy, but I have to work till 9.""Maybe you could join us after work.""I don't know besides I think I may need a night to recover from all the sex tonight!""You WERE the center of Wendy and my attentions...

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My Cuckolding By Sara Part Three

The following morning I made coffee and worked myself off before I took their coffee to them. Sara was sitting up in bed with the sheet pulled over her tits and she was on the phone to Nicky. “Of course that’s okay,” Sara said, “use him for as long as you need him.” I put their coffee on the nightstand as Sara finished her call. “After you have washed her car,” Sara smiled, “Nicky has a few jobs around the house that she would like your help with, baby.” I kissed Sara good morning and said, “In...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 7

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VII The First Week Friday - The Navy Yard and much more. Saturday and Sunday - Relaxing What a week. I guess I'm really getting into being Becka. I've dressed as a girl every day. I've had a complete body waxing. I didn't have that much body hair to start with, but feeling my hairless body when I take a shower...

3 years ago
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Sara Meets the New Dog

The sun glittered in the icy exhaust of idling cars lining the curb. Boxes and suitcases leaned to one side or the other under the weight of their owner’s elbows as they awaited their parent’s arrival. It was holiday. Students were finally finished with their classes for the semester, finals just behind them. A chill wind whipped at Sara’s freckled nose, her brown hair tickled her cheeks. It had been a long three months of studying physics, though since her first year ended last Spring the...

2 years ago
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Sara and the New Family Dog

The sun glittered in the icy exhaust of idling cars lining the curb. Boxes and suitcases leaned to one side or the other under the weight of their owner’s elbows as they awaited their parent’s arrival. It was holiday. Students were finally finished with their classes for the semester, finals just behind them. A chill wind whipped at Sara’s freckled nose, her brown hair tickled her cheeks. It had been a long three months of studying physics, though since her first year ended last Spring the...

3 years ago
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House Sitting Sara and the Golden

Sara was in the second week of her 'house sitting'. Nichole asked Sara to look after the house while she was away on a business trip. When the taxi arrived, they hugged and as Nichole left the house she thought to herself, 'Sara honey, you are really going to enjoy the surprise that I have arranged for you. If only I could be there when it arrives.' Sara was having lunch when the door bell rang. She opened the door was greeted by man wearing a uniform with the label, 'Custom...

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Melissa and Sara loose their anal virginity0

Sara had just turned 20 and was new to my wife's office. She had moved to the area for the job and had only been here for about 5 or 6 months when this encounter occurred. Sara was of Vietnamese decent and she is petite with very large breasts. Sara's hair was black shoulder length and her legs seemed to go on forever. Her personality was very bubbly and she had a terrific smile and was always happy. She is a person that you would want your son to marry. Melissa and I set our plan in...

2 years ago
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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Three

“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...

1 year ago
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Saras City of Secrets 1 Foothold

Authored by pobox731 Inspired by an xHamster member.Previous: "Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara has a voyeuristic encounter on the beach with two unknown girls"Sara's City of Secrets 1: Foothold"Sara is an olive-skinned raven-haired beauty of Mediterranean descent. She's recently graduated from high school and is sorting through all the normal urges, desires and hormonal-induced appetites of the age. With her mother's sultry eyes and her father's other classic features, her trim athletic build and...

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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Three

“Maker her cum! I want to see her cum!” Sara and Angie both heard and opened their eyes to see five other girls standing, watching them sexually interact with each other. However, Angie did not stop sucking Sara’s clit. She kept on sucking and flicking and Sara kept on moaning. The first thing that went through Sara’s mind was that being caught was, indeed, invigorating. Obviously Angie felt the same way also as when she noticed they were being watched, she sucked and flicked her clit even...

2 years ago
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Cherins surprise with Mom and Aunt Sara

Cherin had a long day at work, but it was a lot of fun, too.  You see, Cherin is a checkout girl at Dominick’s grocery store and eases the boredom of her job by showing off her body to the men and women who line up to pay her for their groceries.  Dominick’s dress code requires that she wear black dress pants, a white shirt, and the green apron with the Dominick’s logo on it. There is nothing in the dress code that says how TIGHT the pants can be, though, and Cherin takes full advantage of...

4 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 8 Timmy And I Enjoy Sara And Sara Enjoys Us

If you have read my earlier stories you will know that Timmy, my seventeen-year-old step-nephew, and I have been having an affair. I was concerned that, by having such a regular affair with me, he wouldn’t develop relationships with his peers. Thus one afternoon, as we lay on the bed, recovering from our usual very satisfying fuck, I asked him whether he was having sex with any girls his age. He told me that his girlfriend, Sara, let him feel her breasts and pussy but wouldn’t let him fuck her....

1 year ago
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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 1 loyalsock

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months earlier they hadn't had a night out together. In fact they rarely had a few consecutive hours sleep in a row. But that night they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club.Mr. Crudele had obtained the number of a young woman from one of his subordinates who swore that she was reliable and came highly recommended. He'd called and she was...

2 years ago
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Saras Friend

As the taxi pulled up out the front of our house, I kissed Thuy good bye,“Bye sweet heart, I’ll back on Friday night.” It was a Wednesday afternoon, so I would be away just two nights.“OK, honey.” Thuy kissed me back “Behave yourself – no naughtiness with those Hanoi girls.” she smiled “Don’t forget - I know what they’re like – I know what tricks they get up to.” Thuy had a look of mock consternation,“Stop it.” I smiled back “you know I only fuck other girls if you’re with me.”“Good, that’s OK,...

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