Sara And Ms Davies free porn video

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?Hey, Sara, get over here! Customer!?

Sara sighed. It had been only recently that she had moved to San Franciscofrom her small-time town in California , but she had a feeling that she wouldnever really fit in. The different people, the atmosphere ? it was provingto be all a little bit too much for this country girl. She looked over at herboss in her big, blue eyes. Mark was a great guy, if not a tad pushy duringbusy times. She did, however, feel safe with him ? she knew for a fact he wasgay, and therefore the awkwardness that usually existed with men and Sara wasgone. And, with the way Sara looked, Mark was one of the few people in thestore who wasn't drooling over her. Petite, with long blonde hair and quitelarge breasts ? she was indeed a sight for sore eyes.

She walked over, rolling her eyes slightly. It was nearly 5pm ? the end ofher shift ? and today had been a particularly long day. She rested on the deskand looked brightly at the woman in front of her.

?Yes Ma'am, how may I help you??

The woman seemed quite quiet, her eyes never met Sara's. She looked aroundat the clothes with an air of confidence, her big red lips pouting arrogantly.She had been here every day this week, never buying anything, just looking.Sara had never heard her speak ? she would often just leave with a grunt ofdisapproval. Sara hated these customers.

?Ma'am? Can I help??

Instantly the woman looked into Sara's eyes, glaring. Sara was taken aback ? shehad not expected such an aggressive final customer of the day. She composedherself again and smiled.

?Is there anything that takes your fancy, Ma'am??

The woman smiled weakly; her lips turning. ?Yes, as a matter of fact, thereis.? Her words seemed so cold and harsh compared to Sara's, making her feeluneasy. Why was she always left with the weird ones?

?I'm having dinner tonight at Dino's tonight, and I was wondering if you'dlike to come along.?

Again the woman's words took her by surprise. She was used to getting datesof guys, but women? This was a new experience.

?Oh, no, sorry, I'm not a lesbian.? Sara tried to laugh it off, but she couldfeel the woman's stare cutting into her.

?I know. Come.? The woman had stopped smiling, and the offer had turned intoan order. ?7.30. I'll be expecting you.? And with that, the brunette walkedout, her heels clicking on the marble floor. Sara watched her leave. What thehell just happened? She had started to sweat a little. She wasn't good in thesecircumstances, she knew it.

?Hey, Mark! Funny story??

Mark was always in the mood for gossip. ?Oh??

?Yeah, I just got hit on by a customer.?

?Oh really? Was he cute??

?Well, that's the thing. It wasn't a he, exactly??

?Oh really?! Gosh, Sara, you're certainly attracting the oddballs. Did youlet her down easy??

?Well, not exactly. She seemed very insistent, y'know??

Sara was really sweating now. She hadn't said no, and she had no way of contactingthis woman to cancel. Dammit.

?Well, how do you know she was hitting on you? Maybe she's just bad with people,and she just wants you as a friend. You seem like an easily approachable person,anyway.?

Sara smiled at this. Of course that was what it was. She wasn't a lesbian ? shehad told the woman this. The woman just wanted a friend to come to dinner withher. Of course.

?So are you going to go??

?Well, I don't have much choice. I can't cancel, and I'd hate to stand herup.?

She giggled slightly. She hadn't got any other plans for tonight, so thiswas a welcome surprise. Plus, in this big new city , she needed all the friendsshe could get. She said goodbye to Mark, and went back home to get changedfor her night out.


7.35, and she was still in the taxi in traffic. Darn, I hope she's not oneof those obsessive types, she thought as the rain came down the window of thetaxi. She hated being late, but what with this being her first month in a newcity , she was getting it a lot. She got out at Dino's, and walked in, noticingthe brunette sitting on her table all alone. She pulled up a chair and giggled.

?Ooh, weather out there is awful, eh??

The woman looked up at her angrily.

?You're late.?

Sara stood there for a second, taken aback by her tone. She really wasn'tgood with people.

?Well, only five minutes??

?You're late.? Her eyes started to dig into her again, and she started tosweat.

?S-sorry.? She went to sit down, but the woman put up a hand to stop her.

?Did I say you could sit??


?Did I say you could sit??

?No, but do I need permission??

The brunette said nothing, just glared at her. After a moment, she noddedher head. ?You may sit.? Sara sat down, shocked. What a bitch! Still, she wasprobably just nervous. First impressions are always the worst. The woman lookedat her with those big brown eyes, and smiled.

?So, tell me. What's your name??

?Sara. Yours??

?Ms Davies.?

Sara laughed. ?Have you a first name then??

?You needn't know it.?

Sara rolled her eyes. There was something strange about this woman ? still,it was a night out, something of a rarity for Sara these days.

?So, tell me about yourself, Ms Davies. What do you do for a living??

Silence. Ms Davies just stared at Sara, making Sara shake slightly. Sara couldn'tmaintain eye contact any longer and looked at the floor to escape Ms Daviesgaze. Ms Davies, with a slight smile, ignored her question and cast her eyesdown at the menu.

?You shall have the duck, I believe. It's very good.?

Sara, not daring to look up in case of that terrifying stare, muffled a snort.How dare she be so arrogant to pick her meal? Still looking down, she openedher mouth to speak, only to be instantly interrupted by Ms Davies. ?You willhave the duck.? Her voice was less suggestive, ordering her.

?Yeah, OK. It looks good.? Sara tried to smile up at Ms Davies, but foundherself powerless to do so. Her pouting lips and her fiery but harsh eyes madeit so hard to disobey.

Ms Davies could certainly pick a meal. When the duck came, it looked delicious,and Sara was just picking up her knife and fork when Ms Davies stopped her.

?Did I say you could eat??

?What?!? This was ridiculous! She turned to look up at Ms Davies (whose foodhad arrived some five minutes ago), and started to complain. ?You can't tellme when I can and can't eat!?

Ms Davies flashed her another glare and moved in closer.

?Do as I say, Sara.?

She was unsure at what happened exactly, but Sara melted in front of thispowerful, beautiful woman. She seemed to have control over her ? control shecouldn't explain.

?Yes Ms Davies.?

Ms Davies finished her meal and then allowed Sara to eat. Sara did not speakfor the rest of the meal, confused at what was going on. This woman had beenso rude to her! She had forbade her to sit down, to eat, refused to tell Saraher first name, hell, anything! But?but at the same time, Sara felt so powerlessto stop her. She shivered as the bill came. She wanted to get out of here.This was freaking her out. She got up to leave, but yet again, Ms Davies managedto stop her.

?Come back to my place, Sara.?

Sara started to panic. What had she let herself in for? She could barely getthe words out.

?N-n?No, I've got a busy shift tomorrow, and??

?I don't care, Sara. Come back to my place.?

Sara hung her head. She had no idea how, but she was now heading to Ms Davies'flat. She was petrified that this woman had such power and control over herthat she could make her do what ever she pleased. Sara just couldn't say no.

?Come in, Sara.?

Sara meekly walked into Ms Davies' apartment. Every part of her body was shaking ? whywas she here? Why couldn't she just leave? She considered running ? Ms Davieswouldn't be able to do anything. The door slammed shut. No chance of that now.

?Sara, what did you notice about tonight??

Sara's throat was dry. ?I?I don't??

?Let me put it another way. Who was the more?powerful tonight?? She smiledknowingly. Sara was trapped.


?Who chose when you sat down, when you ate, what you ate, whether you camehere?who chose what you should know and what you shouldn't??

??you, Ms Davies.?

?That's right. So then. Logically, who has all the power in this relationship??

?You, Ms Davies.?

?Who then, logically, is the superior in this relationship??

?You, Ms Davies.?

?And who?who is inferior??

?M?me, Ms Davies.?

Ms Davies smiled. ?I'm glad you're accepting it, Sara. The whole night, youseemed to think that we were on the same level. I'm?better than you, Sara.Don't you think so??

Sara stood, stunned. ?Y-yes Ms Davies.?

?Yes Ms Davies what??

?Yes Ms Davies, you are better than me.?

?I am superior to you, Sara. You should be honoured to be in my house, inmy lounge ? you should be honoured to be in front of me. Kneel.?


?Well, Sara. I am superior. You should do as I say, surely. Surely I needn'tspell it out to you??

Sara dropped to her knees. What was she doing?

?As an inferior being, you should always be on your knees when in front ofme when we are alone, or when I say. At the drop of a hat, you should do whatI say. For I am better than you, Sara. Remember that.?

?Yes?yes Ms Davies.?

?Hrm. I'm getting tired of Ms Davies. From now on, you will always call meMistress.?

Oh god?oh god?Sara's mind was racing. What was going on?

?Yes Mistress.?

?And?and I will call you what I like, Sara. Anything at all.?

?Yes Mistress.?

Ms Davies smiled, looking down at her victim. ?When I address you, you shallanswer ?Yes Mistress?. Is that clear??

?Yes Mistress.?

Ms Davies laughed slightly. ?Is that clear, whore??

?Yes Mistress.?


?Yes Mistress.?


?Yes Mistress.? Sara's humiliation was never ending, it seemed. She shed atear. What had she become?

?Strip, whore.?

?What?? Despite her treatment, Sara had not been expecting anything like this.Surely she had enough good inside her to see she had broken Sara, and anythingmore would just be cruel?

?I said strip, whore!? A hard slap across the face reduced Sara to tears. ?Idon't like hitting sluts, Sara. I like it when they do exactly as I say thefirst time.?

?W?why do I need to strip, Mistress?? Sara was clutching at straws ? it hadall been so rapid, her transformation into a sub-human, that she hadn't hadtime to realise that Ms Davies didn't need a reason.

?Don't you ever listen, slut? If I want it, I get it. Whatever I ask for,you do. Now don't fucking doubt me again!? With that she slapped Sara again,producing blood to trickle down her lip. ?Are you going to do as I say, Sara?Hrm??

She wiped away her tears. She felt so worthless, so pathetic. ?Yes Mistress.? Shegot off her knees and took off her blouse, sobbing as she did so. Why was shedoing this? Ms Davies hadn't held her at gunpoint, she was, in fact, free todo as she wished really. But Ms Davies had such power. Her height of 6ft dwarfedSara, and whilst her breasts were slightly smaller than Sara's, her lips andeyes made Sara feel like nothing ? as if she was a mere mortal in front ofa goddess. Her nipples began to harden, and her heart beat faster ? oh, God,she wasn't starting to enjoy this, was she?

Sara stood in front of Ms Davies in just a bra and panties, tears streamingdown her face. Her nipples started to poke through, and her pussy was startingto go moist. Ms Davies looked at her coldly.

?All of it, slut.?

Sara whimpered again, and started to unhook her bra, revealing her large breasts.Ms Davies raised her eyebrows ? round and plump, with hard, bullet nipples ? shewas stunning. Sara lowered her panties, still sobbing, and stood before MsDavies, shaved and beautiful. Sara automatically went to cover up her breastsand pussy, but Ms Davies tutted as she got up.

?Hands behind head, girl. Legs apart, eyes lowered.? Ms Davies walked aroundher new toy, smiling cruelly as Sara quietly cried. ?Shut up, slut. Good girlsdon't cry. They listen to their Mistress and they do as they say.?

?Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress.? Sara had given in ? this woman, who just hoursago had been nothing more than a customer, had complete control of her. Whatevershe desired, Sara felt she had to do. She sniffed, trying to stop the tearsof humiliation as Ms Davies inspected her body. She prodded her with a cane,murmuring approvingly as Sara twitched. She stroked her breast, looking overher like a piece of meat.

?Very nice indeed, girl.? She suddenly grabbed Sara's breasts, pulling them,and smiled as Sara's face scrunched up in pain. Sara gasped as she let go,and bit her lip as Ms Davies smiled at her. ?Is that good, slut?? All Saracould muster was a nod and a moan, and at this Ms Davies laughed. ?Is my littlewhore enjoying this? Do you like the feel of a real woman touching you?? AgainSara moaned. She had no idea what was happening, but this pain felt good. Itfelt incredible.

In a flash, Ms Davies was behind her. ?Bend for me, slut.? Wilfully, Sarabent over, thrusting her ass into the air. Her heart was racing. She didn'tknow how, but she loved this woman using her and controlling her, yet at thesame time hated herself for doing this. But?she loved being her bitch. ?I saidlegs apart! Are you deaf, bitch?? She whipped her legs, and instantly Sara'sconfusion about conflicting emotions didn't matter. She had to do as Ms Daviessaid. Now. She quickly spread her legs wider than she had before, revealingher pussy to her Mistress. Ms Davies smiled and bent down, placing her mouthbeside Sara's ear.

?Good girl. Now, we're going to play a game. Every time I hit you with mycane? ? at this point she dangled a cane in front of Sara's eyes, making herquiver even more ? ?you will count along and say ?Thank you Mistress?. If youstop counting or forget to thank me, we'll start again. Your aim is to getto fifteen. My aim is to stop you. If you win?you'll get a treat. If I win...? Shelaughed as she snapped the cane down next to Sara ??you'll get something else.Is that clear, slut??

?Yes Mistress.? Sara bit her lip again ? she'd never been caned before asa girl ? or as an adult for that matter. The worst pain she ever got from sexwas hitting her head on the top of the bed ? this was something totally different.

Thwack. And fucking hell, it hurt. Sara jumped out of her skin as the canesmashed down ? she let out a loud cry, her ass on fire. Ms Davies smiled. ?Ohdear, slut! You forgot to count, it seems. Or thank me for that matter. Let'sstart again, shall we ? and this time, try to get it right??

Thwack. Jesus, she felt the cane making its mark on her round ass and shefelt the pain shoot through her body ? she automatically went to cover up herbutt but felt the cane strike there too. ?Oi! Stop that, bitch! Who said youcould move your hands there? Hrm?? Ms Davies roughly grabbed Sara's hands andtied them together with a piece of rope. ?Now then. I hope I don't have todo that again, bitch. And you still didn't thank me for beating you! Stupidwhore!? This time Ms Davies smashed down on Sara's poor reddening ass withmore venom than before. She was furious and Sara knew she better do as shesaid.

?Oww! One, thank you Mistress!? Thwack. ?Oh, god! Two, thank you Mistress!? Thwack. ?OwwwwW!Three?thank you Mistress!? She felt her ass burning up ? the pain was unbearable ? shetried to move her hands again to stop it but couldn't break through the rope.She started to sob again, and at this Ms Davies stopped and moved next to herslut.

?Aww. Is Sara not enjoying this?? Sara nodded her head. In a way she was ? sheliked to feeling of doing what her Mistress said ? but this pain hurt so much.Perhaps Ms Davies had some sympathy in her, she tutted and looked at Sara. ?Well,if that's the case ? if you really don't like being beaten?? She looked atSara sympathetically, brushing away her hair. A sudden smack across the facetook away any belief that Ms Davies had any mercy. ?Who said you could fuckingchoose? Huh? Who's the one with the power, bitch??

?You are Mistress.?

?And therefore who does everything I say? Huh??

?I do.?

?And why is that, cunt??

Sara looked down at the floor and accepted her position. ?Because I am inferior.?

?Exactly. Now I don't want any more fucking complaining, you hear??

Sara nodded, and instantly Ms Davies ran back behind Sara again and startedbeating her again, Sara quietly sobbing whilst counting along and thankingher Mistress. Finally, after Sara screamed ?Fifteen! Thank you Mistress!?,Ms Davies rubbed the welts on Sara's ass and laughed.

?Hurt, bitch?? Sara just nodded, all her energy gone. She had been degradedand humiliated in one night ? she started it as a respectable woman in a newcity , and ended it as a sub human. Nothing. She wept as Ms Davies walked infront of her, untied her wrists and smiled.

?Now, Sara. Have you had fun tonight, girl??

She couldn't explain it. She was nothing, but she loved it. She was a whore,a bitch, a cunt, a slut, a tramp ? she was everything dirty and nothing clean?andshe loved it. Sara nodded, but reluctantly. She didn't want to admit it sothoroughly just yet though.

?That's good, slut. Now tomorrow I will be dining at Dino's again. 7.30. Youwill be there. I don't care if you have other plans. And you'll wear somethinga little skimpier than you did tonight. A skirt, with no panties, and a blousewith no bra. Is that clear??

Sara nodded again. She controlled every other part of her life, it seemed,why not her dress?

?Good girl. Now crawl to the door, I'll let you out.?

Sara looked at her, shocked. Go out into the hall naked? Anyone could seeher! That seemed a bit much. She looked up at Ms Davies pleadingly, too tiredto speak.

?Don't worry, slut. You'll get used to changing in front of people you don'tknow. You'll also get used to being naked more often than not.? Ms Davies walkedto the door, pulling Sara by the hair. ?Come on, out you go, bitch!? She openedthe door, with Sara now begging feverishly for her not to, and tossed her outinto the hall. Sara sat naked in the hall for a couple of seconds, before MsDavies threw some clothes at her. ?Oh, I'm keeping your bra and panties, bythe way, Sara. You won't need them.? She laughed wickedly and closed the door,leaving Sara to get dressed quickly before anyone saw her ? in vain, as itturned out ? three men managed to see Sara completely naked as they walkedout of their apartment. Sara blushed ? but secretly she loved the exposure.She loved being dirty, being used, being forced to do what anybody wished ? justbeing someone's little whore, little tramp, little slut. She smiled as sheput on her top and walked away. Better get used to that, I suppose, she thoughtas she giggled to herself.

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I look at Sara, I'm frozen by her words.....I may be pregnant. I can't believe what I just heard, my shock is evident, Sara finally snaps me back to reality by grabbing my face and telling me she needs to know what I'm thinking. I tell her I can't believe she was so careless, as to not let me know she wasn't taking birth control. Sara gives me a look that could kill and says; "I wasn't the only one who was careless, who came inside who"? Sara continued giving me the evil eye, it was obvious...

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Sara Meets the New Dog

The sun glittered in the icy exhaust of idling cars lining the curb. Boxes and suitcases leaned to one side or the other under the weight of their owner’s elbows as they awaited their parent’s arrival. It was holiday. Students were finally finished with their classes for the semester, finals just behind them. A chill wind whipped at Sara’s freckled nose, her brown hair tickled her cheeks. It had been a long three months of studying physics, though since her first year ended last Spring the...

2 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 4

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IV The First Week Sunday - Hi Daddy Well I've done it now! I've agreed to be one of Vicki's bride's maids. And to live the next two weeks as a girl. And we, actually Sara's mother, has spent a small fortune. Lets see what happens next... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I slept...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 6

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VI The First Week Tuesday - A waxing. Wednesday - Nylons. Thursday - Aunt Dorothy. Now, not only do I have a bridesmaid's dress, but a corset. I thought it was all over when the dress maker found out that Becka was really a boy. But in the end she was willing to fit me...

2 years ago
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Saras City of Secrets 1 Foothold

Authored by pobox731 Inspired by an xHamster member.Previous: "Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara has a voyeuristic encounter on the beach with two unknown girls"Sara's City of Secrets 1: Foothold"Sara is an olive-skinned raven-haired beauty of Mediterranean descent. She's recently graduated from high school and is sorting through all the normal urges, desires and hormonal-induced appetites of the age. With her mother's sultry eyes and her father's other classic features, her trim athletic build and...

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Sara and Charley Begin their Ds Journey

Sara was lying around one day chatting with her boyfriend. They had been living together for a couple of months now after dating for almost a year.  Their sex life was ok but getting kind of routine.  He didn’t seem too imaginative, so she was looking for some way to spice up their sex lives.  Neither of them were sexual novices, having both been married before as well as exploring their desires with other sex partners before meeting each other.?Charley, I was talking with Becky the other day...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 1

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter I How it all started. It was a Sunday, and my family was at a pavilion at a local park. We were having a going away party for my brother, Richard, who is leaving at the end of the week for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. I'll really miss him. Being the younger of two boys, I've always been the brunt of his jokes. But, I'll still miss all of that. Everyone is here at the party, all of our family that could be here, all his...

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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 1 loyalsock

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months earlier they hadn't had a night out together. In fact they rarely had a few consecutive hours sleep in a row. But that night they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club.Mr. Crudele had obtained the number of a young woman from one of his subordinates who swore that she was reliable and came highly recommended. He'd called and she was...

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Saras Friend

As the taxi pulled up out the front of our house, I kissed Thuy good bye,“Bye sweet heart, I’ll back on Friday night.” It was a Wednesday afternoon, so I would be away just two nights.“OK, honey.” Thuy kissed me back “Behave yourself – no naughtiness with those Hanoi girls.” she smiled “Don’t forget - I know what they’re like – I know what tricks they get up to.” Thuy had a look of mock consternation,“Stop it.” I smiled back “you know I only fuck other girls if you’re with me.”“Good, that’s OK,...

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Sara Cuckolds Me

It all started on xHamster. Sara and I would watch interracial cuckold video together as I fucked her with her large black dildo. I would whisper how beautiful she was and how hot it would be to see her being fucked by a big black cock. "So you like big black cocks now? Tell me Sara, do they fuck you better than my little white dick? Are you going to make me watch as they fuck you?" Sara always loved the feel of her black dildo and she would thrust her pelvis upward trying to receive more of...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 8

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VIII The Second Week Monday - Dresses and the Girls Tuesday - Some Glue Last week was really a roller coaster. On Saturday when I woke up I was a typical geeky boy. And now I look more like a pretty teenaged girl. I even talk like a girl, act like a girl and walk like a girl. Being a cross-dresser...

2 years ago
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Sara The Bad Babysitter pt 2 loyalsock

She buried her head in her hands on the table as her body shook from orgasm. Mr. Crudele motioned for his wife to stop her blowjob and when she did he seized Sara by the waist and lifted her with one hand and deposited Sara onto the sofa on her back."Lick her cunt," he told his wife as he unbuttoned then removed his shirt. Mrs. Crudele wasted little time in kneeling on the couch between Sara's parted thighs. She used her hands to push Sara's legs further apart and bent her head down and started...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 11

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter XI The Second Week Saturday morning - The Beauty Shop Saturday afternoon - The Wedding Today's the big day. Well Linda's big day. Yesterday we met the guys that we're paired with for the wedding. The rehearsal went well and the dinner afterwards was fun. But jealousy reared its ugly head for the first time in...

4 years ago
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Sara gets her drink drugged and she gets fucked pt 1

Sara had claimed she wasn't going to drink at all when Amanda had finally agreed to bring her along to a real college party. Then, when they got there, she claimed she would only have one drink. Then two. As far as Amanda knew Sara only had about two and a half drinks and yet she was totally shitfaced. Amanda had no reason to suspect Sara would embarrass her; Sara had always seemed totally chaste and innocent. She was the kind of girl who wore pajamas with Disney characters on it. Amanda...

2 years ago
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SaraChapter 5

Mark and Sara stood out on the small front porch and waved as their parent's car left the driveway. Watching their car disappear down the street, Mark heard Sara walk back into the house, the screen door slamming behind her. He waited out on the porch, watching as the sun set behind the trees across the street until he felt the night air begin to cool, and contemplated whether or not to call his girlfriend Karen. Things had not been good between them, especially since Mark had lost his...

1 year ago
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Sara forced to play at last

After 10 years of marriage any couple goes through some stale patches in the bedroom, Sara and I usually got through these times with various activities toys, role play, some bondage, Sara loved me to dominate her and make her do dirty things. We also discussed our fantasies, which always got us hot while we were making love; of course threesomes came up from time to time and although Sara got really turned on at this she said she could never go through with it with either another girl or...

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Sara is a hot attractive housewife from North Carolina. She is in her early forties. Sara and her husband have been married for almost twenty years. Sara’s husband is also confined to a wheel chair these days. Unfortunately, he no longer can perform normal sex with his lovely wife. He still loves to use his tongue to give Sara wonderful orgasms. Sara has never had any breast enhancement surgery. Most men would think she is gorgeous being the natural size that she is. She loves having her large...

1 year ago
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Sara and Jessica

Sara didn’t really understand the feels she was going through. All she really knew was whenever Jessica came into the restaurant where Sara worked there was a certain warm feeling that would come over her. The feeling over the past week had gone from innocent friendship, to a deep attraction, at least on Sara’s part. And Sara found herself almost obsessed the thought of being with tall redhead that worked across the street at the Magic Fingers Spa. Sara never considered taking any action on...

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Sara Saves The Earth

It was cold and wet outside, but inside, it was warm and dark, the bed was nice and soft, and Sara was in a horny mood. Her long curly red hair cascaded over the down pillows. She wriggled herself down into the feather bed, feeling the sheets sliding over her 38-DD breasts and enjoying the feeling of her nipples inadvertently hardening. This was almost a perfect evening at home, she thought. Only one thing missing... She began to think about that one thing missing, and as...

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Saras Beach bate

Authored by pobox731. Inspired by an xHamster member.This is actually a repost. It was previously titled "Water they dune-ing?""Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara is a frightfully shy girl, the type to be voted "most likely not to" in her yearbook. An only c***d, she's on vacation with her parents following her high school graduation. They're visiting her mother's sister in a rather exclusive development of beach-front properties.Yesterday in an uncharacteristic fit of courage, Sara had forced herself...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 9

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter IX The Second Week Wednesday - Nails Thursday - A Trip Well, I've met the other bridesmaids and it went well. I think that they were all shocked when they first met me and full of questions. But I was quickly accepted as one of the girls. And one of them even said, "You should have been born a...

4 years ago
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sara a friends wife and two other women at once

I used to work as an structual steel ironworker for a company that traveled alot to do each project. On one of the jobs I shared a two bedroom apartment with a co worker that was married to save money and help out on expenses. , I was single at the time. His wife is named sara . She is a dark haired, Thin, Tall steamy beauty and has a nice pair of big tits and seems to like showing them off alot by the way she dresses.She is a hot woman My room mate was her husband. After two weeks she moved in...

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Sara The Best feeling of the Universe

English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors. Please read the first part of SARA for understand better the story. (F/f, petting, teasing ) The next morning Viktoria dragged her daughter out of the bed, shocking the still sleeping girl.. Viktoria decided to give to her daughter a little lesson of humility. Now she has found a good candidate for put new spirit in her job, she was feeling free to start a new education for her...

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Sara 8211 Part 1 My First Boobs Experience

I am a 35-year regular Indian man. I am 5’11” tall, decent looking and well-educated. I used to be lean and fit but I have gained some weight due to my love for whiskey, good food and lack of exercise. I have a normal straight penis measuring over 5 inches. This is my the story of my first ever experience as a teenager. I was in class 12. I have had girlfriends in the past, but had never moved past kissing or making out passionately. This story is about my girlfriend at the time. We will call...

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Sara and Sam

We went to the kitchen and Sara poured a cup of coffee and opened the back door and stepped out on the patio. She acted as though she didn't see Sam standing in the yard and went and sat down on the recliner. She was wearing her cotton nighty that is just long enough not to show anything and just short enough to keep you looking. Sam saw her step out and watched her as she sat down. He looked away when she didn't notice him. Suddenly his name rang out clearing the silence in the...

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SaraChapter 3

Mark arrived home to find his mother heading out the door. She was walking to her car, still dressed in her work outfit and moving in a brisk pace. "Mark, there you are." His mother said as she threw her purse into the car and across the seat. "What's up, Mom?" Mark asked. "I'm was supposed to have met your father over twenty minutes ago for dinner, so I'm running late." She said, busily starting the car. "Oh." "Now listen, I left some money on the kitchen table for you and...

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Sara First time

Viktoria was driving her car. She and Sara just left the house where Sara had her first sexual experience. In her pocket there was a billet of 100 Euros and much more in her account in the house and, mostly, she was happy. The experience with the girl was embarrassing but pleasant and with her first man well.. She was still a little in pain but, after a doctor visit and some pain killer, she was feeling herself just a little uncomfortable but her mind was still trying to collect all her...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 5

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter V The First Week Monday - A dress and more My ears are pierced. I now own more girl's clothes. And have a supply of makeup that will last me a year. Then Becka met her father and Sara's father. It was scary to start with. But I was surprised that they accepted me and why I was doing it. What more can...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 10

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter X The Second Week Friday - Oh no! & The Rehearsal Friday Evening - The Rehearsal Dinner Well, my nails are now long and very fancy. And we're at West Point. And so far so good. Everyone is still seeing me as girl. The wedding is tomorrow. And I wonder if Linda is as nervous as I am. And about last night,...

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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 1

Sara and I arrive at the airport, ready to have to our long waited trip to the sun. As I step to a kiosk to get our boarding passes, Sara gets a phone call from her friend Laura. She tells Laura the plane will take off in 1hour. After disconnecting the call, we head for the lounge to get drinks before we board our flight.We take a table with a nice view of the planes. A pretty waitress comes to our table asking what we would like to drinks. I look at Sara. For some reason, she seems scared to...

2 years ago
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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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Saras Chair

Sara shifts in her bonds, adjusting her position in the chair in a futile attempt to move her sodden sex closer to the vibrato  Sara shifts in her bonds, adjusting her position in the chair in a futile attempt to move her sodden sex closer to the vibrator strapped between her legs, its tip in only the most minimal contact with her flesh.? Her state of arousal being compounded by the computer screen in front of her, showing a seemingly never ending slide show of pornographic video clips.?...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

5 years ago
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Note to the reader: this story contains romance, but not sex. Hope you enjoy. * Sara adored fall. There was something about the changing of the season that spoke to her. As the days grew shorter, and the chill crept into the breeze of fine, sunny days, the colours of her New England world would change slowly into the burnished golds, straw and rich browns accented with fiery reds. It was as if nature was determined not to go quietly. The last flush of energy before the long sleep of winter...

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Sara Teleporting Mishap

It is early in the morning as Sara sees her watch it marks 5:15am, Sara whas checking the different jobs done for the science fair, as she walk around the auditorium she mumbles to herself "baking soda volcanoes check, projects to protect the environment check, teleporter chec…" sara look at her list one more time then proceed to walk towards the strange device the device looks like a public phone booth straight out of some science fiction series, several different colored cables come out of...

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Sara The begin

English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors. Viktoria, as some Sunday afternoons from last two months was secretly following her 12 years old pubescent daughter Cristina while she was busy with her friends, shopping around. She is enough smart, bold and self sure for go around alone but, sometimes, Viktoria mother's instinct take advantage and she can't help herself about survey her. Oh yes, Viktoria thought by herself, she...

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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2

Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2When Sara finishes giving me an earth-shattering orgasm, I cannot move. Once I stop trembling, I am totally spent but invigorated too and cannot relax. A thought comes to me and I sit up. Looking over at Sara, I see she has passed out from her exertions. Poor dear Sara, she is exhausted from the trip and her exertions just now.Her dark brown hair frames her adorable 18-year-old face. Her pouty lips open a bit remind be of the pleasure she has given...

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