SaraChapter 5 free porn video

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Mark and Sara stood out on the small front porch and waved as their parent's car left the driveway. Watching their car disappear down the street, Mark heard Sara walk back into the house, the screen door slamming behind her. He waited out on the porch, watching as the sun set behind the trees across the street until he felt the night air begin to cool, and contemplated whether or not to call his girlfriend Karen. Things had not been good between them, especially since Mark had lost his temper with her. It had been nearly two weeks now and she seemed to be increasingly distant, and Mark knew that it was his own fault. The writing was on the wall.

He went inside the house and fixed himself a little dinner, noticing Sara as she wandered around the house with a decidedly long face. He attempted to make casual conversation with Sara, hoping to relieve his own anxiety and maybe hers, but her reactions convinced him that it was probably best to just stay out of her way. Each and every time that he would see Sara, since that fateful day, he noticed more and more that she was no longer the "kid" that he'd once seen. The way she carried herself, the way she spoke, and most of all the way she looked; she was truly an incredible looking young lady. And worse yet, each and every time he would lay his bed, he would immediately think back to that night, and for as much as just the memory of seeing her in her room or in his as she sat on the end of his bed excited him, his fantasies would ultimately be overcome by his guilt.

The moment he heard his mother ask her question, realizing that he would be alone with Sara, his stress level had gone through the roof, and it occurred to him that Sara was probably feeling the same way. However, as Mark sat alone in the family room, eating his dinner watching the boob tube, he resolved that tonight he would oblige his mother's wishes and stay home. In the last two weeks, he had managed to chase away his girlfriend with his over zealous attempts to get laid, as well as quite possibly screw up his kid sister for just the same reasons. Losing Karen was one thing, but the situation with Sara was still something that he thought about every time he saw her, and living in the same house it was hard NOT to see her.

It was nearly midnight, and Mark had finally given up on finding anything more of interest on the television and settling in on an old movie in an effort to bring on sleep, when he heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Sara, and Mark was suprised that she was still awake. She seemed almost to avoid his gaze as she walked into the room, turning to look at the television as if to see what he'd been watching. Mark was unsure what to say to her, and noticed that she wore the same sad look on her face that she'd had all night... She was still dressed in the same blue jeans and T-shirt that she'd had on earlier and Mark made notice of the fact that she hadn't even begun to get herself ready sleep, as was her usual by this hour.

She sat herself gingerly down on the couch caddy corner to Mark's, and lifted her legs up to rest her feet on the coffee table, wriggling her sock covered toes nervously.

Mark looked at her hoping, as well as dreading, that she would talk but she simply sat silently looking at the television. He tried to think of something to break the ice between them, and was building the courage to ask when he heard Sara speak, still looking at the tube.

"Mark, can I... ask you a question?" Sara asked timidly.

The hesitancy with which she'd asked made Mark feel a little uneasy. And with the expression that she'd had on her face for most of the night, he began to worry what was coming.

"Umm... sure." he said.

Sara sat silent for a moment, staring at her feet as they rubbed together on the coffee table. He heard her take a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and realized that Sara was building up the courage to ask her question. He began to feel his stomach tighten a little more.

"Well, could we..." She paused for a moment, wrapping her arms around her waist in obvious tension, "... could we just talk for a little while?"

"Talk?" Mark blurted out nervously. "I mean... uhh... sure."

Sara just sat for a moment, still hugging herself and looking around the room nervously, occasionally glancing Mark's way.

"What... umm... did you want to talk about?" Mark asked as he cleared his throat.

"About... what happened." She said.

"Oh." Mark answered quietly, knowing instantly what she meant.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Sara offered to him with a voice of concern; wondering maybe she'd been wrong to bring up the subject.

"No, we can talk... I don't mind." He replied, his stomach wrenching once more.

"Really?" She said, sounding a little relieved.

When Mark heard the tone of her voice lighten, his did as well. "Sure. We can talk... I'd like that."

She was still curled tightly to herself as she sat on the sofa, her feet poised on the edge of the low table, her head tilted down, when she looked up through her brow with an innocent looking smile. Gazing into her big, puppy dog eyes and genuine smile, Mark couldn't help but feel the knot in his stomach rise. "God, she was so incredibly... cute." He thought.

He caught himself staring at her before she'd realized it, and quickly tried to clear his mind. She was obviously nervous and hesitant to begin, and Mark just raised his eyebrows in a questioning gaze and smiled at her. Seeing his smile gave her the courage she'd been looking for to begin.

"Well... I was just curious about some things." She said quietly.

"Curious?" He thought to himself; his tension easing but his heart still beating fast and hard.

"Uh... about what?" He asked.

"Well... umm... when you first started... you know... masturbating... , " Sara paused as she had to turn her eyes from Mark

Her voice had trembled a bit as she found the courage to finally say THE word and Mark felt a little taken back. "She wasn't so self conscious just a few days ago, why is she now?" He pondered.

"Yeah... ?" Mark found himself both nervously anticipating but also fearing what might come next.

"How... how much did you... do it?" Her nervous smile gave away how twisted up she was inside.

"Sara, are you sure you want to talk about this?" Mark asked.

She answered him with a nervous, wide eyed nod.

"Promise you won't laugh?" Mark asked, trying to look serious, but his growing smile gave him away. Sara nodded again, her own anxious smile even larger than his.

"Well, I guess I was about 13 the first time I did it. After that, I guess I used to do it as often as I could, sometimes three or four times a day." Mark said, trying to convince himself to be proud of his answer.

"Really!?" Sara giggled out.

"Yeah. I guess that seems like a lot, huh?" Mark said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No... I don't think so." Sara said, feeling ashamed of having laughed.

"No?" Mark chirped out, sounding suprised.

Sara just shook her head to repeat her answer, but Mark also noticed that she was beginning to blush a little.

"How often do you do it... now?" Mark asked, his curiosity and excitement gathering.

Immediately, Sara's face flushed to a brilliant red as she took in a deep breath. "Umm... more than that?" She squeaked out, still nervously holding her breath. When she saw Mark's eyes pop open in excitement, her lungs burst, followed by a hard stressful laugh. Mark began to laugh as well, and soon the two were nearly in tears as they shared their release of tension together.

After finally regaining his breath, and wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes, Mark watched his sister as she laughed; slowly catching her breath as well.

"You know, Sara, you don't have to feel embarrassed talking about this stuff with me." He said, "I... kinda like it."

"Yeah?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" Mark replied, enjoying both the beauty of her face and her excitement at his words. "So... what else do you want to know?"

Her smile was nearly beaming as she stood up, "Wait, wait. I'll be right back!" And with that, she turned and nearly leapt up the stairs. Mark sat excitedly listening as her heard her run around the house; to the kitchen, then down the hall toward the bedrooms. After a moment or two of silence he could hear her making her way back to the stairs. As she rumbled down the carpeted staircase, Mark sat himself up in the sofa, trying to appear nonchalant.

Sara was nearly skipping as she entered the room, bouncing in as she carried a couple cans of soda with her. She set them down on the coffee table in front of Mark and then dropped herself down onto the sofa, landing right next to Mark and sending him bouncing from her impact.

"Jeez, Sara!" Mark called out. She giggled a bit and apologized.

Sara's newfound excitement and energy was still a bit suprising to Mark, but was also comforting; seeing her back to her normal self, uninhibited and carefree. He took care as her watched her; leaning toward the table, opening up her soda and then his. His eyes followed her long, wavy hair as it spilled down over her shoulders and half way down her back. And as his gaze continued down, he could see just a hint of her soft skin as her shirt pulled up from the small of her back, her waist so thin only to flare out invitingly at her hips. Looking at her, bundled with his excitement of their conversation, was making him feel very horny, but cautiously so.

She leaned back next to him and handed him his soda, both of them taking a deep sip before finishing.

"Ahhh..." Mark let out as the drink soothed his palette.

"Sooo...", Sara began almost musically, "... tell me about your first time?"

"Well... there's not really much to tell, I mean I don't really remember the FIRST time."

"Oh, come on! You can tell me." She pleaded, not believing him.

"No, really. I don't really remember the first time. I guess I just kinda figured it out one day. Maybe in the shower, I don't remember, but I do remember that once I did figured it out there was no stopping me." He said, honestly recalling his first experiences with masturbation.

"Yeah, but... weren't you like a little scared, with all of that stuff coming out and all?" She asked curiously.

"No, not really. I mean, I knew that it was gonna happen. I think." Mark pondered. "I mean, it was a little different than your first time."

Sara's face began to blush a little, and Mark couldn't help but ask, "That was your first time, that night,... wasn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess it was." She admitted softly.

"Were you scared?" Mark asked sincerely.

"A little..." She said, pausing as she thought about it.


"But not like SCARED scared, more like... I don't know."

"You know, I thought you were mad at me." Mark said cautiously.

"Mad at you?" Sara sounded suprised at his words.

"Yeah, you know, 'cause of what I did..." Mark looked at Sara and saw on her face a look of puzzlement, "... on you."

"Oh Mark, I'm the one who should apology. I mean, after acting like a total spastic in your room, and scaring you like that."

"So... you weren't mad at me for coming into your room?" Sara was looking down at her hands as they held tightly to the soda can.


"... Or for what I did... all over?"

Sara began to grow a nervous grin as she continued to stare down at her hands.


"Really?" Mark asked with an excited voice.

"Actually, when I opened my eyes and saw you standing there... and then you started to come... well, that's when it happened, you know."

"You mean that's when you came?!" Mark was shocked at hearing this incredible news, and at the same time began to feel his cock swell with excitement.

"Well... yeah. I mean, I think it is the coolest thing, watching when you do that." She admitted. "And then when you did it on me..."

"Oh, god." Mark mumbled out without realizing, as his dick quickly stiffened into a granite pillar. Sara's smile had faded away at his words, and became a look of consternation.

"Mark... that's not weird, is it?"

He couldn't speak from the lump in his throat, only nodding his reply quickly and emphatically; 'no'.

Sara looked at his face and found relief and amusement in his gesture, and began to smile again. The two sat nervously staring into each others eyes, both of them feeling the heavy beating of their hearts and the anxiety of their conversation. Sara was the first to break the gaze, looking back down at her hands and letting out a nervous giggle. Mark was still so excited, and scared at the same time, that he found that he couldn't speak. He wanted to tell her that watching her, lying on the bed masturbating, was the most erotic thing that he'd ever seen. But the words wouldn't come out, and Mark couldn't have realized the expression of desire with which he was still staring at Sara.

She could feel his eyes on her, staring right through her, and she began to feel a bit uncomfortable. No boy had ever looked at her like that before, and to have Mark look at her like that was nerve racking. But Sara began to realize that her discomfort was not just from the way her was looking at her, but how it made her feel, and what it made her think of.

"Sara?" Mark said, regaining his composure after sensing her unease. She turned and looked back to him with a nervous smile. "Do you want to know something?"

"What" She answered anxiously.

"I... umm... well, I liked it too. I mean, it was pretty exciting... watching you." Mark said, feeling relieved at finally having found the courage to get it off of his chest.

"Really?" Sara replied.

"Really!" He said emphatically.

Sara just smiled, looking at her hands again, nervously twisting the can she still held.

"Mark..." She said, once again sounding serious, "Do you want to do it... now?"

"... Do it... ?!?" Mark's mind screamed. "Holy Shit, Yes!"

"... I mean, can I watch you again? I promise I won't get scared this time." She looked at him with a hopeful look of excitement.

For an instant, Mark felt stupid; thinking that when she said 'do it', she'd meant 'DO IT'. But his disappointment didn't last long, realizing that Sara was probably feeling just as horny as he was right then and there. And for right now he didn't care, and so answering her with a huge grin, he reached down and began to frantically unbuckle his belt.

Sara giggled nervously as she watched his excitement and how Mark struggled to undo his belt and unbutton his jeans. Mark kicked off his sneakers under the coffee table, and having finally gotten his fly unzipped, he raised his hips and slid down his pants. His boner was pressed hard in the confines of his underwear, soaked with the pre cum of his excitement. Sara bounced around with her own, turning herself on the sofa toward him so that she could see everything.

Mark laughed nervously as he kicked his jeans down over his feet, then pulled his T-shirt up over his head. He watched as Sara's eye were fixed on his crotch, filled with nervous anticipation. She glanced at his face, wide eyed, as if to urge him on; letting him know she was ready for more.

Mark lifted up himself from the cushion and slowly pulled off his underwear, freeing his hard on to the cool air. Sara was once again staring intently at his crotch, swallowing away the dryness of her mouth, and Mark was beginning to really enjoy watching her; watching him. He sat still for a moment, watching her face as she soaked in the view. It was obvious that she really did enjoy this as much as he did, and he could tell by her fidgeting that she was getting excited as well. He soaked in her charming beauty; her soft skin flushed with excitement, her eyes wide and inviting, and her amazing figure.

Slowly, he inched his hand to his crotch, wrapping his fingers lightly around his cock and began to gently massage the sensitive skin, pulling it up and down over his rock hard shaft. Immediately, Mark sensed that if he wasn't careful, he'd come in a heartbeat. He squeezed his dick hard in an attempt to desensitize it's eagerness, but it was no use. It could have been stepped on by an elephant right there and it still would have felt good. The effect was just enough, however, and slowly he began to stroke once more, being cautious to keep it to a manageable pace.

"It's so wet already... ?" Sara said with curiosity.

"It gets that way sometimes... when I'm really... horny." Mark explained. He paused and let his hand fall away from his hard on for Sara to see. His penis looked almost red, engorged with the strength of his rapidly beating heart and was standing up as stiff and tall as could be.

"God!" Sara exclaimed with a deep, throaty breath. "It looks so hard, like it hurts." She was still staring intently at his cock, examining it with her eyes, and Mark's excitement continued to grow as he watched her fascination and delight.

"Can I..." Sara started, then abruptly stopped. She looked at Mark anxiously, and he could tell by the look in her eyes what she wanted. He merely nodded his approval, and drew away his hand completely to let her explore. Nervously, Sara gently unclenched her hands and reached out to touch him. She stuck out her finger and softly touched his erection, slowly stroking along the length of his shaft.

"Oh my god, it's... it's so soft!" Her voice peeled with fascination.

Mark tried to relax, reclining back into the soft sofa cushion and resting his head, poised to watch as Sara began to explore with adolescent curiosity. Sara ran her finger along the shaft of his straining erection with a slow and feathery light touch. Her finger traced to the base of his penis and gently slid down and over the soft wrinkled skin of his scrotum. She glanced occasionally to Mark's face, still beaming with delight; looking for his response to her touch. She made her way back up his shaft and gently let her finger run up and onto it's swollen head. Her finger lingered at the tip as she began to feel the slick pre- cum that welled from it's small slit. She smeared it around and over it's head, enjoying the sensation, stopping only to feel it's smoothness as she rubbed it between her finger and thumb.

Same as Sara
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The alleyway between two brick buildings was unremarkable, hidden behind a torn-open section of chain-link fence. Some litter had slipped out of the rusty green dumpster pushed against a wall, and there was barely enough space to get a compact car past it, though it dead-ended into another wall. As the sun set, though, and darkness crept across the city, the quiet, empty street met with some company; a handful of men arrived, ducking through the hole in the fence to mull around by the...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 21

Roger Lindahl settled into his role with remarkable ease. Once he realized that I intended to keep him, he settled down, put his nose to the proverbial grindstone and became quite a bulldog. His day to day responsibilities fused into his own commitment to protect me from the scallywags working at Defense. His instincts helped me avoid several problems echelons below my office that could have blown up into internecine warfare. Once I got comfortable with the context of my responsibilities I...

3 years ago
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Waiting and Watching

She stares intently at the screen, scrutinizing the data displayed before her. A few keystrokes, jotted down notes of changes made, and those that would need to be made. She looks from the screen to the stack of papers on her desk and thumbs quickly through the many pages. Scribbling some words along the margins to pass along to coworkers. She reaches one hand absent mindedly out to her cup of coffee and takes a slow drink before returning to her pressing work. After a couple of hours she takes...

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FamilyXXX Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Can8217t Wait For Mommy To Leave

Super horny blonde step daughter Marilyn cannot wait for her mom to leave so she can get another dose of her step daddy’s hard cock. She quickly runs to her bed spreading her young pink pussy wide while Michael strokes himself hiding in the closet until Marilyn is ready for him to start licking up her sweet hot pussy juices. Now that his cock is throbbing he slips inside and pounds her tight little pussy hard and deep until she begs for him to cum inside and unload every ounce of step...

2 years ago
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Dressed To Kill Ch 11

I apologise for the delay in posting this, but a recent death in my family and then an extended stay in hospital after an emergency operation, has made it difficult to complete the chapter. I hope you find it worth the wait! Best regards, Gray Chapter 11 Noella had set her alarm early so that she could make an early call to Steve and so by 8am she was up and dressed in jeans and lacy top with some fire red heels, breakfasted and on the phone. The weekend now seemed like a dream and she...

2 years ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 4

There were still several weeks of school left when Lindsey moved back home, but the girl who showed up in school seemed like a different person than the one who threw up in the girls' bathroom because of a false rumor. Her friends watched in wonder as she set out to instantly learn and do everything she'd missed the last four years. Trish, Janie, and Caitlin were more than happy to introduce her to the 'in' stores and to educate her on the clothes that were right for a teen. Still...

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Warren and Harry 2

After an hour, he didn't think she was going to come, and was debating leaving when he heard the car door open and the nimble frame of Harry slide into the seat next to him, dumping her rucksack in the foot well and only glancing at Warren before looking back down at her fidgeting hands. She had changed out of her gown, now in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt under a bomber jacket, but her hunting knife was still sheathed on her thigh. "I didn't think you'd come," he said, and she...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 22

Martha had called me on the Friday. She had told me that they would pick me up at 5am instead. It seemed that her husband wanted to make sure that we were on the road before the usual holiday traffic would start. He didn't want to get stuck in a traffic-jam. So, I went early to bed the evening before and set my alarm clock for 4:30am. That would give me enough time to freshen up before they would arrive. And when it went off, it was way too early for me. So, I did the only thing I could...

2 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 14 A new Beginning

The next day Tom moved into the house that Black Otter built. Tom was very impressed with his skill. It was bigger than he had imagined, and had many rooms. There were tables and chairs, and there was even a bed. Black Otter simply shrugged and said that Gray Eagle had told him that it needed to have all of the things that a white man would need, and Black Otter had seen many things while raiding wagon trains. He had tears in his eyes when he looked at Tom, "You were the best thing that has...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 11

Will’s head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. He was cold. He was naked. He was stiff and sore. He was in a bathtub. Uncoiling himself was a process. He caught a whiff of himself and recoiled. What had happened? “Oh. Right,” he croaked as memories came flooding back to him. He reached over and started working the pump. In sputtering bursts seawater came flowing into the tub. It was comfortably warm. Probably daytime. The ocean was usually warm by noon this time of year. The charm...

2 years ago
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Charity Auction

I dressed with extra care. The annual Scholarship Auction Dinner was always a special event, an occasion to wear evening clothes and black tie, but this year was extra special. I had been dieting and exercising like mad to fit back into my most elegant outfit, a St. John knit that was some years old, but truly a classic. A gorgeous royal blue suit with gold threads, it included a short skirt, silk blouse, and a form-fitting jacket.I looked at myself from all angles in front of the full-length...

Oral Sex
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Altered Fates The Vacation Souvenir

Altered Fates: The Vacation Souvenir by Tim Willows "Be careful!" June cried. Philip dismissed his wife's warnings with a backward wave of his hand. She stood anxiously on the dock as he swam farther and farther out into the lake. The early autumn sky was grey and many of the trees at the edge of the water were already bare. The water was freezing, and June had decided to stay out of it after only dipping her foot into it. Philip had laughed at her, shivering in her bikini...

1 year ago
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black lover

Поведаю вам историю, которая произошла со мной в 2000 году. Тогда мне исполнилось двадцать лет. Папа с Мамой сделали мне шикарный подарок, оплатив поездку в Турцию. Поездка совпала с поездкой моих друзей, так что одна я не ехала, но была предоставлена сама себе, так отель у меня был другой.Вечерами я встречалась с друзьями, мы ходили по барам и на дискотеки, но в тот день, вернее вечер я решила сходить сама по себе, там-то я его и встретила. Он был невероятно красив: темная почти как смоль...

3 years ago
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Metamorphosis By Julia Manchester Copyright 2008 Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters or events portrayed to any person or entity, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. This work also includes mature subject matter and may not be appropriate for those under the age of eighteen. Part 1 1. It was nobody's fault, really. The truck was passing the car on the highway when the car in front of the Strattons had a blowout...

4 years ago
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The Last Wish BluesChapter 8

A man can take only so much. That she was desirable, bald or not, had sunk into Bob’s bones. That she was clearly available, whether she actually knew what that meant or not, was also undeniable. Bob had never been on the side of being seduced ... at least he didn’t think that way. In actuality, Dannie had worked him like a saxophone, pushing his buttons until he was a helpless wreck ... and leaving him making some of the same sounds a sax could make. It had been one of her favorite things to...

3 years ago
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Kara The Sexy BBW Convenience Store Worker

There is a convenience store near my office that I stop at frequently for coffee or a snack.  I usually stopped in about once or twice a week, but that changed when Kara moved to the morning shift.  Kara used to be the night manager; she's in her late thirties, single and she's a big BBW, not quite SSBBW, but big and big in the right places, she has shoulder length wavy black hair with red streaks in it and she always wears very bright, red lipstick.  When I realized she was working days, I...

3 years ago
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First Experience

Hi, my name is Anna Maria, although I am older now but back when I was twenty I had been masturbating solo for many years and wanted a vibrator of my very own, but had no way of obtaining one. I did not have a credit card nor was a local adult shop nearby. Larry my boyfriend came by my place for a picnic out back in the woods behind my house. During the meal, he turned to me saying, “I have a surprise for you!” I was already somewhat horny because he had come over to my house early so I had no...

2 years ago
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inspired by a hamster email friend

i writei never waste a drop of sweet cum. unless it tastes bad. i'd love to be on my knees and @ your disposal. and i AM really goodi love to pleasei can be very sub, and very dom, depends on who it is and how they inspire me. i did years of sensual massage, they were at my mercy. many times i slipped a finger in their ass which they didn't expect. but i know how, and made them like it, gave it to them better than anyone before me, needless to say, after i made them cum at least twice in one...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alexis Crystal Dominica Girls Have More Fun

Alexis Crystal and Dominica are both friends and lovers who enjoy each other on multiple levels. They toast their partnership with a glass of wine before putting their drinks down and getting down to the business of lovemaking. Soft caresses of fingertips over each other’s sensitive skin gradually leads to deep kisses and an unveiling of breasts and bodies that is slow, sensual, and absolutely perfect. Alexis is the first to lay her mouth on Dominica’s soft tits, licking her...

4 years ago
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Surprise taboo 1

I left my room, glancing left and right to check no one was up as I carefully made my way towards the bathroom for toilet paper (I used a whole box of tissues in two nights) As i walked past Summer's room i notice the door was hanging open and i crept up to the door to take a quick look, scanning the room quickly, searching for any sign of movement, but as my eyes found her bed i got the best view of my naked sister. I could see almost every inch of her tan white skin, I could see her...

2 years ago
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A hard days work

I imagine you coming into my office, walking over and picking up paperwork off the floor. I see the split in your skirt part to show your lacy black panties as you then sit on my desk, crossing your legs so your skirt rides all the way up, revealing your hold ups. Watching you tease me with brief glimpses of skin and panties I find myself feeling hot and flustered. In my mind I want to ravish you there and then but I contain myself. Slowly I pull my gaze from your soft skin exposed between...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Just Another Day in DulceChapter 3

In the morning, I woke to my sister blowing me. I shot my load down her throat and then stayed in her throat and released my piss. She took it as she usually did. Not a drop was missed. My father was just leaving for work with my mother on her knees from having taken his load. She was smiling. She loved to suck cock and swallow cum. He always seemed glad to give it to her. I had breakfast and then said, “I’m leaving for the lake for the day.” Mom said, “Take Mary with you, Mike.” I...

2 years ago
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A Much Much Younger Man Asked Me Out

I'm a fairly new widow, and I don't often get young men coming up to me at my old age of 57 asking to see me. But that's exactly what happened not too long ago when a very handsome, young man of 27 approached me one day while I was at a book store and after talking for a bit shyly asked for my phone number. I gave it to him and to my surprise he called me and we met for lunch yesterday. But he didn’t make any attempt at taking things further, and I left disappointed and a bit upset since I...

1 year ago
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First Tale of Romance

It was late on a chilly Friday. I was over at my girlfriend’s house after a party we had just had. It was a Halloween party with decorations and everything in which we have been anticipating for a very long time. We had some friends come by and we all had a great time. I worked at the local pizza joint so I was the one supplying the food. Being as how It was cold outside I decided to bring hot bags so the food could stay hot. After the party was over and all our friends left I had begun to...

1 year ago
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Another Night In

Brian lifted Susanna's arm and it dropped dead by her side. He picked it up again, this time far enough so that her fingers pressed against his cheek, and once again let it fall. This time it bounced and fell further outwards from her body, but she didn't stir. Her rose-painted fingertips curled slightly inwards into a demi-claw. Feeling slightly more confident, not to mention aroused, Brian climbed on top of Susanna and kissed her. He'd worried once that his first kiss with her might...

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A Show of RealityChapter 8

I was awake before the 4:45 wake-up call came. I felt like I did early mornings before a felony trial: keyed up, anxious, and constantly reviewing the strategy I was planning to use. This morning added another layer of complexity to my mental gymkhana as I looked over at the sleeping form next to me. Lauren's face was serene and lovely as she slept, lit only by the red light from the alarm clock's glowing digits, with none of the ills she had suffered evident on her face. I lay back with a...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Camping Trip Part 11

*NOTE* All characters depicted in this story are considered to be at least 18 years of age and older. So this story takes place a little over 20 years ago with two best friends since nursery school named Blake and Pete who were about to be out of school for the summer and couldn’t wait to be going with Blake’s family’s on their awesome annual camping trip...... But they had no idea just how awesome it was going to be. For the past 5 or 6 years, Pete had been going on these week long camping...

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Annual Doctor Exam

Another Reprise from the stories I posted as Handsomepeter47Annual Doctor ExamI live 50 miles from the city where my doctor has his office. Yesterday was to be my annual exam. I always like to be early in the office so arrived there at 8:00 a.m. When I was called by the nurse to follow her to the examination room, I had to silently curse the daily Cialis I had been taking because her ass was so nice. I thought about other things though and was only semi-erect when she asked me to be seated.She...

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Week Alone With Old Man Pt2

After our great shower time fun during our first night having Henry's house all to ourselves while the wife and family were away on vacation, we got to chatting over afew beers. I was very inquisitive to know more about his kinky ways and if he had every done this before with anyone my age. It turns out that his wife and him used to really be big into the swinger scene years ago and they made good friends with afew couples. Sometimes one thing led to another and him and the husbands would...

3 years ago
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The CourierChapter 2

Misty woke up in an unfamiliar bed, with an odd pressure against her chest. She opened her eyes and couldn't help but smile as she saw Nezumi staring back at her with a smile on his face. "Hello, you," she said, reaching her hand from under the covers to pet him. "Hey! You're up," commented Miranda, coming from the other room already fully clothed, "Sorry for the inconvenience, but you fell asleep and you were starting to turn the colour of a krabby." Misty smiled. "That's...

2 years ago
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The Jade Box Part 9

Amy was just coming out of the girl's bathroom the next morning at school when she saw him for the first time since the night of the play. Steven Ellis was standing there, as if he was waiting for her, with a huge grin on his face. Amy felt a mixture of emotions, none of which she liked the feeling of, a mixture of rage and impotence. She wanted to beat the crap out of him but she knew that she was too small and, as ashamed as she was to admit it, scared to confront him. Just...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Mini Stallion Looking For Petite Babes That Love to Fuck

Mini Stallion and Isiah Maxwell are enjoying time together in a park, when they happen to come across a job ad! It’s for Cherry Pimps and they’re looking for people who love to fuck! Surprise, surprise. But is it legit? This couple makes the call, because they definitely love to fuck. When they find out they’re looking for Petite women, Mini lights up! She’s petite and she can lay it down! She knows that Isiah knows how to fuck, too. This couple is ready to go viral, and...

4 years ago
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The Desire for Another Kiss

It was now Christmas break for the two of them and although they had many times alone to repeat their adventure, they managed to stay pretty much at arms length throughout the two weeks. The family went up to the mountains like they had for the four years since they had gotten together and Chuck and Joanie seemed to get along just like always, but they each could tell that there was something in the air that kept their conversations to a jesting sort of tone. Joanie had, in addition to...

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