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To my surprise, my mother-in-law seemed more amused at my vexation and embarrassment, rather than sympathetic to my distraught state of mind, as I related to her details of my visit at the company open house at my wife’s new job.

“It w-was unreal. I-I was so embarrassed a-and stupefied as Sara took me around a-and introduced me to a-about 35 – I-I really lost count – company executives and b-brawny male co-workers w-who’ve fucked her since she’s been working there. They all c-congratulated me as a cuckold husband of a Company concubine. I-I felt s-so un-nerved. B-But, I-I have to a-admit t-they w-were all cordial, a-and treated me warmly as they praised how well my w-wife serviced t-them in bed. I-I was s-further shocked w-when m-many of the m-men praised me for being the pussy sucker I was for my wife a-and that they felt honoured that I was sucking up their spend. I-I c-couldn’t believe that S-Sara had revealed s-such a-an i-intimate p-part of o-our marital sex life. A-A-And w-what m-makes it s-so b-bad, I-I didn’t e-even know s-she was b-being fucked a-at work. I-I j-just thought a-all that c-cum in h-her pussy –w-was f-from h-her usual studs. I-I can’t believe s-she n-never m-mentioned it.”

“What would’ve it mattered to you my dear son-in-law? Is it important to you to know whose dick is giving her pussy the satisfaction you can’t or whose jism you’re eating? Your only concern should be to give her the pleasure she derives from you sucking all that nut cream from her well fucked cunt?”

I couldn’t help but look stupid in front of my wife’s mom after thanking just how silly my statement was in the first place. But anyway, I forgave myself quickly because I was upset. I kept on with my rant.

“A-And a-another thing I-I didn’t know w-was t-that s-she also was called on to s-service clients of the Company too. S-Sara beamed with pride when she revealed that she’s been fucked by a total of 60 different men since taking the job just 2 months ago.”

“Well Sylvester, look at the bright side, that means that your new bride will bring even more experience into the marriage and into your marital bed. And since all of us in the family know that with your little thing, the only way you can really please Sara is with your tongue. Anyway, you’ve become well-adjusted to mouth vacuuming her pussy after her other men have used her, haven’t you? Now you’ll just have to deal with the heavy loads of spunk from her new bosses and co-workers and their clients, which you’ve already done and didn’t notice. So to me, there’s no problem. Don’t be such a worrywart.

“And please, don’t bring up past history about our sweet daughter not being forthright with you about all the guys that were doing her while you two were dating and engaged. And yes, she was feeding you a lot of their semen too. But look, you’ve found out she did you and her relationship a big favour by training you to become a skilled pussy and cum sucker. So you need to get over what quibbles you have about sucking the spunk of better men from your wife’s popular pussy and move on to being the best husband you can, under the circumstances. You know you two deeply love each other. This is what you have to do to keep your new bride happy and contented. And especially so, since from your recent marital counselling sessions, you’ve learned that your sucking her used drippy pussy is good for your marriage, as well gives you an opportunity to please her in a way her real men studs can’t. Right?”

I was obviously embarrassed by her words, but due to her insistence, I was forced to answer my mother-in-law and confirm she was correct. I could see from her face, she was very pleased at my meek acceptance of my humiliation as I nodded my head up and down. She continued to talk.

“And my dear son-in-law, before you open your mouth, please don’t bring up again, or whine about Sara making you wear a rubber when she does find time, or is in the mood to let you have some. We all know that she doesn’t ask that of others she puts out for. And you know that it’s a quirk of hers for you to have a latex sheath around your prick for coitus with her. As I’ve repeatedly told you before, that’s for you two love birds to work out. But I do see her point in holding back some of her sexy charms. That way, you’ll still have something to look forward to in the future, and won’t readily take her or your marriage for granted. Plus it can’t help but keep your marriage intriguing and fresh.”

I heeded my mom-in-law’s warning and decided it was best not to even attempt a response to her about this last subject she’d mentioned. Sara and I were still discussing it in our counselling therapy and I wasn’t making much headway in changing her mind about her insistence of not letting me enjoy her warm wet juicy delectable pussy, raw and flesh to flesh, like she permits with all her ‘real men’. To make matters worse, Dr. Judy, our counsellor, made it clearly known, she thought my new bride was well within her marital rights. So it doesn’t look good for me on that front. And the worse part, my new wife isn’t willing to commit to when she will permit me to having such unencumbered delightful sex with her. In addition, she frequently raves about what good head she gives her studs, but also claims she’s holding that off in the future for me too. Hence, I’m also missing out on that exquisite pleasure.

Both Dr. Judy and my new bride were also very adamant about Sara having the right to expect me, her new husband, not to treat her as a slut or a whore just because she lets other men do so.

Being hit over the head with such a statement, confused, confounded and dumbfounded me. I didn’t have the mental wherewithal to even reply. I simply sat back, timid and silent.

My mind snapped back from my thoughts as my mother-in-law spoke again.

“Sara’s dad and I have always thought you were right for our worldly daughter, since you are so unassuming and…. Well I don’t want to sound mean or derogatory, and you know we think the world of you as our new son-in-law, but of course the truth is that you are a milksop. It’s obvious that you are very adaptable to changing situations so as to avoid confrontation or conflict, even if it is at the expense of your self-esteem and manliness. That’s what endeared you to us, and is a strong point in your relationship with Sara. Sure you were naïve and green at first, but now you’re not. So please don’t worry Sylvester, you’re married now and know your role in your marriage, as well as your husbandly obligations. We’re sure you can handle it very well.”

Even though I was rather upset at the somewhat dismissive attitude of my mother-in-law, I still thanked her for having faith that I would be a good husband. It seemed simply appropriate I do so, even if her words were tinged with derision and sarcasm.

However, it was very clear she didn’t see this whole matter in the same light as I did. I could only mentally sigh as I also hated to admit to myself that her somewhat eloquent assessment of my personality traits were not totally inaccurate.

Her daughter, now my wife, had not hidden that my acquiescent character was very pleasing to her and made me perfect ‘husband material’- her words- even though she craved dating and having hot sex with good looking, aggressive, well-endowed men, while me, her meek husband, stayed at home at nights and even on weekends, while she goes out with many strange men.

Sure my new bride sort of keeps me underfoot, so to speak, but I just saw this as one of her quirks. Who doesn’t have their idiosyncrasies? Sara kept insisting I was a good catch, so I couldn’t help but be flattered when such a voluptuous girls says that about a nerdy guy like me.

And as her new husband, a guy’s ego can’t help but be boosted to know his wife is so jealous of him, she desires him to stay home and not be exposed to predatory females who might take advantage of me. However, while I appreciate her desire to protect me from such temptations, I am concerned about her unending list of domestic chores that she always has for me when she does go out socially with her other men friends.

Even though I knew it would not elicit any sympathy for me, I nevertheless continued to tell my wife’s mom about what else happened at the open house.

“A-And if that wasn’t bad enough, all of us husbands of company concubines h-had to go through an orientation on the spot. D-During the orientation, we w-were given drinks, which turned out to be sedatives. W-When we awoke, w-we all were wearing one of those electronic chastity belts. They r-really aren’t belts so to speak, but more like a cable that we wear around our waist with waterproof encapsulated wires that surround our genitals. One can still bath and perform all normal body functions. However, any attempt at masturbation or sex a-and we get jolted w-with an electric shock. I-I couldn’t believe they were so bold to do s-such an outlandish thing. B-But I-I learned t-that Sara had given her consent for them to do that to me.”

To my dismay, her mother was completely satisfied that my wife was correct in doing what she did. Just as I was leaving, my father-in-law arrived. I ended up having essentially the same conversation with him, as well as the same feedback from him as I got from his wife. He simply told me “Son, you knew when you married Sara, she was too much woman for you. And just as I told you then, if you truly love her, it’s time you stop whining and do what’s required to be a good husband, no matter that it’ll mean you’ll be a cuckold husband and a cunt sucking, cum eating, pussy whipped, pantywaist wimp. And as we all know, that shouldn’t be too difficult a role for you.”

After being soundly put in my place by my wife’s parents, I drove home in a defeated state of mind. They obviously were not sympathetic in any manner of supporting my attempt to get their daughter to quit her new job, or get me out of my genital prison. It hurt, but I had to secretly admit that my wife’s dad was right about me being a wimp.

I knew Sara had always been attracted to tall handsome muscular men, even though she said that she was strongly attracted to me because of my humble personality. She said she liked that I was a gentleman and not a skirt chaser or a cunt hound. She also was excited that I was a virgin too and seemed intent on us getting married soon after she made her discovery.

Sara persuaded me to agree with her ‘Platonic’ dating of other men before and during our engagement. She’s so persuasive with me. It’s like she has some sort of mind control over me. And since I was so smitten with her, she literally could do no wrong in my eyes. However, little did I suspect she was having wanton unbridled having sex with all those men, and had plans to continue her promiscuous activities throughout our marriage.

And since I was a virgin, and my new bride to-be, wanted me to come to our wedding night bed that way, there was no copulation between us before marriage, just me sucking her tasty pussy and me mating with my hand – usually as she watched and smiled at me relieving my built up sexual tensions. While I beat my meat, she exhibited her very lovely tits and exposed her luscious inviting pussy as masturbation aids to me.

Since mother had me masturbating from the onset of my early teen years - her method to regulate my sex drive, keep me from getting girls pregnant, and also to keep me a virgin too. It didn’t take much adjustment for me to have the beautiful Sara be my masturbation monitor.

Mother and Sara hit it off from their very first meeting, because like Sara, mother thought it special that I marry as a virgin. Mother also supported Sara in her restricting me from touching her ample and shapely breasts too. They both thought that was a treat better reserved for our wedding night too. I didn’t like this in the least, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it.

Plus, as you see, my mother was the boss in my house, so what she said, was law. That’s just the way it was. Even though I’m over 21, I as well as my dad, are still too intimidated by mom to oppose her on anything.

To make matters worse, just as my mother-in-law had said, I was naïve and sexually inexperienced enough to not know that Sara had been feeding me lots of cum cream pies. I was clueless about what I just assumed was the normal exotic, but good taste of her always very wet, and very warm syrupy pussy. When I did find out after we were wed, that I’d been slurping up all the copious ejaculate of the men fucking her, I was very sad and disillusioned, not to mention very humiliated.

Because Sara considered me a nice guy, that was humble, wise, sensitive, and understanding of her needs, she made the assumption I wouldn’t mind be terribly upset at having been fed all those countless cum cream hair pies or being her devoted cuckold husband, since I was unpretentious and not as well hung as her ‘real men’, but yet loved her so much.

“Mother said that fellows with small dicks would be pleased that better men are giving their wives what they need darling.” My new bride said to me in earnest.

Well anyway, after continuing to discuss the status of our relationship – since we were now man and wife - I had to accept, and deal with the fact that my new bride was basically a slut. I also had to deal with the fact that I had been a slut sucker for all those months before we were married.

“C’mon Sylvester darling, we all know that you’ve become very acclimated to and like the taste of my hairy coochie, all warm and gooey. Just because you now know you can’t fuck me as good as my studs is no reason to throw away what we have. And just because I’ll still be fucking other guys doesn’t mean I love you any less, honey. And even though I was not open with you about feeding you all that cum that was shot off in my hot cunt, surely you can’t let that stand in the way of the love we have for each other and the time we have invested in each other in this relationship. And besides Sylvester, you’re such a great pussy sucker. You provide such an indescribable thrill when you suck other men’s cum out of me. I really need what you do for me. And it has to mean something to you to know that you’re the only one I let suck my studs’ sperm out after I’ve been fucked.”

Even though my new bride crushed my dignity by her abject treatment of me, I had to admit she did make some positive points about our relationship, as well as boosted my ego, even if in a somewhat left handed manner. Despite my emotional hurt and her disparaging treatment of me, I was forced to admit that I was finding it hard to just walk away from her.

To help us smooth over what my mother and Sara’s parents termed “small bumps in the road” to happiness in our new marriage, they got us into relationship counselling. And to my surprise, the renowned Phantomville Relationships Counsellor, Dr. Judy, sided with my new wife in so many ways, and showed me just how naive – and well ignorant - I really was about sex and marriage. She showed me that cuckold marriages were not only common, but a very good arrangement for many couples who had the correct emotional bonding traits for a loving relationship, but lacked the total physical sexual compatibility.

“And Sylvester, it’s excellent that you find the taste of your wife’s fucked and well used pussy palatable. And this is reinforced by the fact that, as you’ve revealed in our sessions, that on more than one occasion, you’ve involuntary ejaculated in your underwear.” I turned beet red as Dr. Judy spoke to me in one of the sessions where my wife was not present.

“Your wife is very attractive and you have to realize that so called Alpha males will continually be after her.” Dr. Judy said as she continued to talk. “And since she does enjoy the delight of being pursued by them and, err, I guess the best way to say it is, putting out for them too. Not only do you have to accept and see this as a normal routine in your marriage, you also must be comfortable that her having sex with other men, will have priority over your sexual needs in the marriage.”

Dr. Judy also drove home the point that I should not only be proud that my wife attracts and gets frequently fucked by well-endowed handsome, brawny men, but that I should feel boastful that I have the good fortune to be her husband and suck such a highly sought after snatch.

Sara and I were well into our counselling when Sara got her new job as a Company concubine. Per Dr. Judy’s advice – as well as advice from mother and Sara’s parents – I had capitulated and accepted my “proper” role as a cunt and cum sucking cuckold husband. It seems my acquiescence to being a willing cuckold was just in time, as my new bride was opening the door for me to enter an even greater degree of cuckoldry and subjugation.

As I had been told, I did find it relatively easy to adapt to my lesser subordinate role in the marriage. I was eating my wife’s pussy an awful lot, and consuming a lot of her many different studs’ sperm. While at the time, masturbation was my primary means of sexual ejaculatory relief. And due to her prioritizing her sexual activities with other men, over me, her husband, I suffered immensely. My new bride was often too tired for me, or simply not in the mood to put out for me.

She would listen to my earnest pleas for intercourse with her, but despite that she always found time to guide put my head in her sloppy, sperm soggy, slimy, bushy crotch, to suck out other men’s gloppy leavings, she was superb at coming up with different excuses why she would have to put me off from getting a chance to put my pecker in her widely fucked twat.

The other thing that got to me was that our Relationship Counsellor, Dr. Judy insisted that I agree that my new bride should determine when I needed sexual intercourse and well sexual relief in general. And that I shouldn’t be pestering her about needing to get off, but let her make that decision for me.

This was very difficult for me to accept. That was before the Company put my balls under lock and key as the husband of a Company concubine. Now my wife has almost total control of my sexual relief and I have no say in the matter.

I say almost total control, but many times, when I’m giving her head on her very messy and frothy cum filled cunt, I come in my shorts. The cock lock device permits this without a punishing jolt. Thank goodness for that.

As time went by, I came to see from the expressions on my new bride’s face, and smiles that she gave me – which were blended with smirking - that she was enjoying my torment and misery of having prolonged blue balls and an aching, pussy hungry prick. Sure she let me pull myself off every couple of weeks or so – the same as mother. But many times my new wife would stretch those couple of week to as long as 3 months if she thought the abstinence helped my cuckold behaviour. And there was nothing I could do, as both Sara’s parents, as well as my mother, looked upon Sara as the head of our household, and that type decision to be well within her authority. Therefore, all I could do was suffer in silence.

But thanks to Dr. Judy’s guidance, she got me to understand that despite their deep love for their cuckold husbands, wives still had strong desires to emotionally torture us husband because of a natural uncontrollable pleasure they get from doing so. Dr. Judy’s advice was for me adjust and be in sync with my wife’s program and desires, and things would work out fine.

“Sylvester, yes, you’ll suffer, but it’ll be because it’ll be good for you to undergo such experiences because your wife will see that while you are not as strong in the same ways as her ‘real men’, she’ll come to see and respect the magnitude of your submissive strengths too, the more you suffer for her.” Dr. Judy said to me with the air of a wise seer.

I have recalled her words many, many times as a way of trying to mentally assuage the burning ache in my stiff, sex hungry prick.

Dr. Judy had complimented me at the comfort level I had reached slurping out the copious deposits of spent sperm my wife’s very manly studs left in her soupy drippy hairy snatch. However, I was still a bit ashamed that I had to concede that I was a lesser man than the men that my wife admired physically. So as with my cuckold status, my shame level also rose to a new heights, after my wife took me to the Company open house to meet her well-endowed bosses and many well hung male co-workers, that frequently fuck her.

Dr. Judy continued to help me with my inferiority complex and stressed how natural it was for me to not only feel inferior, but to accept it and be contented with that state of mind as a lesser male.

She stressed to me how important it was for me to not stress out over superior Alpha males taking care of my wife’s intercourse needs and that it was better for me to be comfortable on the sideline and fulfilling my husbandly role as her supportive soul mate and “pussy maid”. This last term seemed appropriate since one of my duties involved helping my wife maintain the well-manicured condition of her pretty, well shaped and trimmed pussy bush.

It was a humiliation that I got use to, but in preparation for her many dates, she always had me give her seductive snatch a touch up trim, and always a kiss before she went out and let one of her many studs use and enjoy it in ways I could only dream of.

I later learned that there were to be several continuing sessions of orientations by the Company for us husbands of Company concubines. Failure to attend or be punctual could result in severe jolts to our genitals, as the chastity belts we all wore were also controlled by the Company as well. Hence, our cock and balls were prisoners to our wives as well as the Company, since both had those password coded cell phone remotes that could reach out and shock us almost anywhere.

Dr. Judy revealed to me that she worked closely with the Company in developing the course material for the orientation training of us husbands of Company Concubines.

Having come to the conclusion that it was useless to resist what was being imposed on me, I settled down and began to accept and absorb all the teaching, training, and instructions we were being given. While I at first thought that a lot of what was being taught was outrageous, disgusting, and downright sordid, I eventually came to see the sound logic, and sensibleness of our intense cuckold education. I noticed that like me, the other husbands also soon came around to seeing the light and that we should be thankful for being married to women that were sought out to be fucked by better men than us, and that we husbands should be so proud of them that they were in essence the sluts and whores for such men.

Once all we husbands had become wiser about cuckoldry, it seemed so much easier to accept that we would have to accept denial of being able to copulate with our wives for long periods of time – and whenever we would have the opportunity, it was to be always with a condom.

It would still be required of us to be totally faithful to our concubine wives, so we could not seek out other women for sex. Instead we came to see the appropriateness of supervised masturbation for us husbands, by either our wives or a company female representative.

After my education as to how fortunate was to be married to a Company concubine, I came to the conclusion that I was fortunate that her company even permits her to let me suck her cum filled and frequently fucked soggy cunt when she comes in from her work day, and also when she returns from special weekend and other out of town assignments she’s sent on.

The Company provided courses for us husbands on cock sucking (Basic & Enhanced); pussy sucking (Basic & Enhanced); and Skills Of Being A Male Cunt, and Techniques For Enjoying Passive Intercourse As A Male Bitch. In addition, the course on Masochism training was much more enjoyable than I envisioned, even though there was a lot of psychological intimidation, abuse and physical pain from whippings.

The Masochism training was so enlightening and got me and other husbands to understand just how inadequate we were and how worthless we were at being real men. Through a series of therapy sessions with psychologists and hypnotist ther****ts, I’m so delighted now that I know that my proper role in my marriage is one of total obedience and service to my wife. I am now so proud to be an enslaved and subjugated cuckold husband, with no rights in my marriage, except to be obedient to my wife without question. This has resulted in total harmony in our marriage.

The Masochism training taught that communication is the hall mark of any good marriage. When my wife talks, I listen intently. When she tells me to do something, I do it without question. And when she determines I deserve any punishment, especially her whipping me with an electrical cord or one of her favourite skinny canes or short crop whips, I accept that it’s proper because she says so, and therefore my only obligation is to accept my punishment to atone for my misdeeds.

The Masochism training also taught us that the more demands and constraints our wives place upon, the more obvious is their love and affection for us. I know my wife loves me because she even requires me to ask her permission to go to the bathroom. Even when she’s at work, I have to call or text her for permission. If she’s unreachable, I have to wait for her text reply or call.

The sex training really came in handy as we husbands found that many of the executives who fucked our wives found great fun and pleasure in having their husbands occasionally suck the executives’ horny dicks. This was especially true of those executives who sired c***dren with our wives, which all us cuckold husbands were required to accept as our own. Many of the Company executives extensively fucked us cuckold husbands in our mouths and asses, when our wives were pregnant or were sexually unavailable for some reason.

I’m not gay, and to this day, I still don’t know why I grew so fond of sucking the dicks, as well as getting shagged by all those well-endowed company executives – and sometimes their friends too. I think it was the Company training that I took. Anyhow, now after all these years of marriage and my wife having had several company babies, I’m happy to say that I’ve repeatedly sucked off and gotten wonderfully fucked by all the executives who sired c***dren for my family, as well as many, many executives who did not knock up my wife. Many of them just thought I had pretty lips and a girlie looking ass. Their compliments and praise pleased both me and my wife.

The Company training also taught us to see it as a very prideful thing if our wives had babies that didn’t resemble us husbands in the least. For that meant we had the greatest love for our wives and that we just didn’t say we were truly in love, but were actually demonstrating it as we raised the babies put in our wives by better stronger, more virile men.

Sara and I are both are dark haired Caucasians, but two of our k**s, I’m proud to say, are red headed and Hispanic respectively. One set of twins have Nordic hair and facial features, and the other set are clearly of Black ethnicity. So, I’m very proud to say, that there is no doubt that I can boast that I have the living walking proof to show the depth of my love for the woman I married.

The Company training courses also taught us cuckold husbands that suffering sexually so that our wives’ could be fuck toys, sluts and whores for the Company was something that we should be very proud of and excited about. It also taught us to be satisfied with the controlled masturbation schedules that were set up for our routine and usual sexual relief, and not be offended at having to experience long abstinences of not having sexual intercourse with our wives, but at the same time, delight in sucking out the cum from their cunts of the many men that fucked them. In reference to c***d rearing of babies that Company concubine wives occasionally (really more like frequently) have from men other than their husband (since abortions are not allowed), cuckold husband have to be prepared to accept and raise these c***dren as their own legal, flesh and blood.

The orientations, repeated indoctrination, and expert training by the Company for us husband of Company Concubines, has really been beneficial for me. I feel great pride being the spouse of a Company wife whose pussy has hundreds of strange dicks in it every year, while I may not get to fuck her a single time during a year. And when I do get a chance to put it in, it’s mandatory I wear a condom. I’m so pleased to say that I have yet to have sex with my wife without wearing a rubber and have yet to experience raw, flesh to flesh sex with her, even though all the other men she fucks enjoy her in that very pleasurable, warm wet delightful manner. This use to bother me greatly that I had to wear a condom. But now I feel so much different about that whole subject after the Company orientation courses.

As the Company has trained me, I relish being my wife’s mouth douche when she returns home reeking of strong sex and dripping of other men’s sperm. I proudly boast that I often involuntary ejaculate in my shorts from sucking other men’s jism from my wife’s very slimy and sloppy snatch.

After the second baby my company concubine wife delivered, the Company was nice enough to give my wife such a boost in salary so that I could be a stay at home house spouse. I never saw any of the money since my wife controls all the household finances. I do however get a $25 a week personal allowance, but must account for every penny each week, before I get my next allowance amount.

To enhance my experience as a stay at home subjugated spouse, another feature has been added to my electronic chastity belt. It’s the same feature as the electronic device that keeps pets in the confines of their own yards. I can’t leave the confines of my house unless my wife’s or the Company’s signals permission for me to do so.

Well, here it is 15 years later, and we have a family of 8 wonderful c***dren from my concubine wife’s six different pregnancies over our marriage. I’m a doting and caring daddy, and proud to say that they are all Company babies and that I am not the biological father of any of our c***dren. Not only does each of them strongly favour their respective real fathers, my wife derived first names of each c***d after the men that sired them.

### END ###

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36 Virtues of the Concubine

And it came to pass after I completed my last summons, I, Abosith-genash, resided in the bosom of my true master. To my everlasting pride, my true master summoned me forth again. He had received another call to summon from the human realm and I would be sent back across the void to answer it. My true master laid the summons upon me, thrust me hurtling across the void, and with the release of great energies and light, I was insinuated into the body for which I was conjured. And something was...

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The Prince Weds a New Concubine

The Chinese prince's first marriage will be to his prime consort. She is his official wife and if later he ascends to the throne, she likely will be his empress. She will be chosen from a royal or noble family, but she will not necessarily be beautiful. The marriage likely will be a political one, so it is important to the emperor and the kingdom.Hong Taji is the 4th prince and he is 21 years old. He married his prime consort two years ago and already has a son. He just was notified by the...

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Ranma 12 Kunos Concubine

Hi guys, I was always big of Ranma 1/2, Ranma-chan and Ranma/Kuno pairing. So I decided to write this short story about this odd ye lovely couple. Hope you'll enjoy it. I think this site needs more Ranma 1/2 stuff, since it was one of the first mainstream anime series with gender bender subject. Ranma 1/2: Kuno's girl How could this happened? She tried to find the answer, but it was impossible. It seemed totally wrong. After all, this person was the last one Ranma had in mind...

4 years ago
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The Emperors Concubine

Everyday, since I was a girl, I am bathed in honey milk, fucked until I can’t stand, then painted in gold. Rinse and repeat. I am the Emperor’s concubine, his mistress, his whore. I was once a princess, but my kingdom was conquered. Now I’m painted so if any man ever places his hands on me it smears the intricately woven pattern of paint and he will be killed on site. I wear no clothes, my body his temple. I stand straight as a statue staring at the mirror for hours as they paint me, hating...

2 years ago
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The Battered Lamp Chapter Sixteen The Orgy of the Concubines

Introduction: Kyle takes the first step to saving his sister and Zaritha has tracked Fumi down and makes her attack. The Battered Lamp by mypenname3000 Chapter Sixteen: The Orgy of the Concubines Copyright 2014 Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Cast of Characters Main Characters Kyle Unmei Jr.: Half-Japanese/Half-Kurdish owner of Aaliyah and wielder of Earthbones. Aaliyah Unmei: A Jann sent to marry the prophesied savior of the Djinn. Kyles First Wife. Fatima Unmei : Kyles...

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The Battered LampChapter 27 The Passion of the Concubines

Thursday, January 28th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA "So what do we need to cast this spell?" Kyle asked Christy. The witch looked at her husband, then out at the eager concubines kneeling on the floor. She remembered what she had read in the books on spells on how to enhance a creature or a human into something else. "We need a focus to bind the spirits we captured too," she answered. It had taken Sable a few minutes to bind the spirits into her tourmaline pendant. "Something that...

1 year ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 12 Concubines

It was about half past six the next morning when Jack rolled out of bed. Despite the earliness of the hour, he felt well-rested. Next to him, Teresa still slept, and looked like she would be out for hours. After giving Jack her first blowjob, he had ordered her to ride him, and she had cum several times while he suckled her tits and fondled her ass. Then she had given him another blowjob, and he had taken her from behind. She had nervously asked him at one point if he was going to use her...

4 years ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 20 Herding cats and parrots and changes for concubines

On several levels, Terry had to herd cats, or, in the case of working with American intelligence, selectively herd specific cats in a much larger pack of slavering bureaucratic cats. The metaphor struck him repeatedly, and, for he and the concubines depended, above all, on Dolores, his first concubine. While she gave many people the impression of an oversexed airhead, and she was known to encourage that impression when useful, she was actually his right hand and executive officer. Her people...

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The Battered LampChapter 26 The Passion of the Concubines

Wednesday, January 27th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA Majlis al Jinn... "That's where we need to go?" Kyle demanded, his entire body trembling. He tired to ignore the burning cold as Niqualmie, the Native American spirit, spoke to him and his harem. Kyle, his three wives, and their concubines all lay naked in the cold, risking death to summon the spirit and find the way to reach Aaliyah. The spirit didn't answer. "Where is that?" he shouted. It sounded...

2 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 16 The Orgy of the Concubines

Saturday, January 25th – South Hill Britney admired her prize's red ass as Phillipa knelt on her bed, her hands tied together then bound to a spreader bar, keeping her ankles as far apart as possible. The black-haired witch's face was pressed against the covers, her ass thrust high into the air. Britney sat the crop down, gazing at the hazel eyes of the teen, brimming with tears and lust. "You came hard, right?" she purred, stroking Phillipa's dripping pussy, her tart musk filling...

2 years ago
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I met Prince Mohammed, first son and heir of a sheik, my junior year when he transferred to The Petroleum Engineering School at The University of Texas. We discovered we both liked hunting, golf, fast cars, a good laugh and women, as well as the oil business. We became best friends. Attracting women wasn't a problem for me. My family wasn't in the Sheik's class but my grandfather was a hell-for-leather wildcatter and left us rich. Dad added to the pile and I was hoping to expand it yet...

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The Battered LampChapter 14 The Lust of the Concubines

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Thursday, January 23rd – SeaTac International Airport, Washington "Now boarding Air Canada flight 343 to Vancouver, Canada," the gate attendant announced. Fumi stood up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Today had been so long. She had nearly froze to death lying in the snow waiting for the Native American spirit Niqualmie to appear. Yukishojou-no-onsen, was her answer, a hot spring in her native Hokkaido, the northern most of the main islands...

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The Princes New Concubines

2 Prince Jaseth, second in line for the Elven throne, slowly stirred twards awake. It was his prefered method of waking, but he was so rarely allowed this luxury with his Courtly Dutties. As his conciouseness came into focus his senses reminded him of the the previouse night. The warm, soft, suple, body that cudled against his back had to be his older concubine Avrin. The warm, firmer, smaller body ,he was spooning with, had to the blond, little Te. Jaseths left arm was d****d over her body...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 22 Unowned Concubines

Eric's two concubines turned as we entered and one reached out to turn off the game. I could see a bit of fear in their eyes, and so stepped over to the couch to sit down while looking them over. They were both attractive and young. The closer one was in her mid-twenties with long brown hair and large breasts. Her eyes followed me cautiously as I sat down, but she said nothing. The farther one might have been eighteen, but most likely was sixteen. She was boyishly slender although her firm...

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Pornstar Concubine

Your mind was racing. After the long drive from Baltimore you were finally turning into your new development outside of Los Angeles. Its exciting to be moving to the City of Angels with all the glitz and glamor. The new promotion and transfer into the entertainment wing of your management consulting firm that your grandpa had found is an added bonus. However, it is also extremely nerve racking. Despite losing two days in New Mexico due to car trouble- the movers who were supposed to arrive...

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The Sultans New Concubine

While cruising on the ship to Morocco, I fall asleep on the lounge chair by the pool. The sun warms my white skin and melts my stress away as I drift off. All of a sudden, the captain announces over the intercom. "We are under attack from the Sultan of Morocco! Everyone hide in your cabin! He is looking for women to add to his harem." I jump up and run to the spa area to hide.> > To my surprise, the Sultan enters the spa room, and eyes the women being pampered. Seeing me standing...

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As I stepped down from the plane, I took in a deep breath. Home, at last. Suddenly, two people were rushing towards me - my parents. The three of us raced across the tarmac and hugged each other, for it had been three years since we last saw each other. Dad and Mom had made sure that I didn't have any break in my studies, and hence, the three-year separation - but at the end, I had obtained my degree in management from the Berkeley, and now was back in my little Arab nation where I was born...

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AbracadabraChapter 11 The Emerald Concubine

Gregg Gilstrom unlocked the door of his room and slid gratefully inside. It had been a day of boring lectures but he felt he had to keep up appearances. There was still a great deal of fuss being made about the museum robbery — largely as a result of the director insisting that everyone was to blame except him and while he resented the fact that he wasn't getting the credit, he was quite happy to be avoiding the attentions of the police. As soon as the door closed behind him, he knew...

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Companys Xmas party

This happened at the company annual Xmas party.   I work for a large haulage company so the guests were either drivers or the office staff and their partners.  Last Xmas my wife and I attended the company Xmas party held by my boss at a very fancy hotel.   Everything was free that night, including the food and booze so we all went to have a good time at the company’s expense. The boss even booked rooms for those who lived further afield. Most of the drivers attended, along with their partners...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 119 Concubine

"So, what happens now?" Tenchi asked looking back at Ena squarely. "Walk with me?" She replied gently, gesturing the general direction of the temple grounds. To which he simply shrugged in rejoinder, falling into step besides her having no real reason to refuse. "As I have stated, there are a great many things of which you must be made aware." Ena began. "Most political and esoteric matters I believe would be best related by your future queen in good stead..." "Then why take so...

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Company Christmas Party

My name is Jim and after finishing college, I got a job in accounting at a small company. I looked and looked for a job, and finally had a job interview with this company in late September, and was hired as of October 1 st . The company had several small stores that sold women’s jewelry and accessories, and I was responsible for keeping track of inventory, credit card transactions, and payroll. With the inventory, I was to keep the buyer aware of items that hadn’t sold for a long time, as well...

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Company Cuckold

[/image]Story Content :( M/F, M/F/F, MP, Interracial, Cheating) My name is Peter Morris and this is my story. I really don't quite know where I should begin. You see I've kept a kind of journal over the last few months in which I jotted down notes on things that've happen to me. I did so in an attemptto try to make sense out of the various predicaments I've found myself in. I know this may not make sense, so let me give you some background on me and tell you my story since you've been good...

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Company Executive PT3

It had been another usual morning. It was another usual early morning run in her neighborhood as well. Along with that was another good warm shower and the beautiful 40 year old woman’s smile which faced her as it looked back at her once she was out of her shower and standing in front of her mirror that day. Seeing as she was heading into work, she put on her makeup and then to her dresser drawer, again, to put on something which said it all, which defined her as one of your gorgeous and...

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Our Conquerors Our Concubines

Millenia ago, an alien race created the Ghirabo, telepathic shapeshifters intended to serve as sexual playthings, able to read their owners' minds and assume a form and personality that will fulfill their owners' desires. But the Ghirabo's Creators were wiped out, leaving them to fend for themselves. In time, the Ghirabo have become a powerful race, creating a vast empire. Nonetheless, they were desgined as living sextoys, and that, more than anything is their greatest desire. And so, when they...

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Company Slut Chapter 2

After a fitful night of lurid, sexy dreams–dreams of her being used by faceless men and groped and manhandled by unseen hands, cumming more times than she could count, Brooke woke to a new exciting day.She went through her normal morning routine, getting Ken's breakfast and packing his lunch and all the regular things she did every morning. She had to make today seem like any other day. Only it wasn't going to be a regular normal day for her.Once Ken was off to work, Brooke called Mr....

Office Sex
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Company Cuckold

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONIt seems that some of us, no matter how hard we try, can't avoid what fate has destined for us.My name is Donald, and as I review the last 20 years of my life and marriage, I can only say that it seems that my destiny is to be degraded and subjugated by stronger women and men.I'm married to a wonderful and beautiful creature named Darlene. She is a vivacious woman without question. Even though she's an assertive wife, she has a wonderful personality with a touch of...

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Company Slut Chapter 3

It was almost a week later when Brooke got a call from Mr. Barstow. He intentionally called during the day when Brooke's husband, Ken, was at work because Brooke had said she didn't want him to know anything about her work yet. She didn't want him to know because first off, she didn't have the job yet and didn't want to jinx things, and secondly, she didn't want him asking too many questions about it and finding out there was more to her job than just being your average run-of-the-mill...

Office Sex
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Company Rules

Company RulesLaura Harper joined the staff of Gilbert and Mayes from university five years ago. She had graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Psychology from Cardiff and then decided to use these skills in the world of advertising. Gilbert and Mayes were one of the foremost London agencies founded in 1952 and had quickly developed a respected reputation in advertising and were rewarded with a number of high profile multi-national accounts. Their success continued to blossom to the...

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Company Slut Chapter 4

Brooke was excited to start her first official day that Monday. Ken, her husband, had already left for work earlier and Brooke hurried to get ready for her new job. Mr. Barstow had given Brooke permission to use the company charge account at a few clothing stores to get herself some appropriate office wear for her job and she would have a little taken out of her first paychecks until her purchases were paid back. Now with her new clothes and new makeup, she prepared for her first day at Barstow...

Office Sex
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Company Executive PT2

People do not change. They just don’t. At least she hadn’t changed. Not much that is and although like most people there were the little things which she did differently here and then, but nonetheless she always knew she wanted it all life and she felt it was time to pursue those after all these years had passed. See, Marielle was always a “closet” slut in a manner of speaking. No, she didn’t flaunt it or dress up and act it out like in her younger years, but even then when she was younger when...

4 years ago
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Company Executive PT2

People do not change. They just don’t. At least she hadn’t changed. Not much that is and although like most people there were the little things which she did differently here and then, but nonetheless she always knew she wanted it all life and she felt it was time to pursue those after all these years had passed. See, Marielle was always a “closet” slut in a manner of speaking. No, she didn’t flaunt it or dress up and act it out like in her younger years, but even then when she was younger when...

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Company Christmas Party

My name is Jim and after finishing college, I got a job in accounting at a small company. I looked and looked for a job, and finally had a job interview with this company in late September, and was hired as of October 1 st . The company had several small stores that sold women’s jewelry and accessories, and I was responsible for keeping track of inventory, credit card transactions, and payroll. With the inventory, I was to keep the buyer aware of items that hadn’t sold for a long time, as well...

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Company Executive final chapter

And that was what he did. He removed her top, as she smiled and looked deep into what she thought were his soulful looking eyes, and once he did that he looked down at her skirt she was wearing and removed that as well. The tub, meanwhile, was still filling up with water, and from what she could see, the young man of 34 years of age couldn’t wait to get her into it. She smiled back at him, looking him directly in his eyes while he smiled and of course she too kept on smiling as well as she felt...

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Company Executive

I had to go and get a few new shirts for work, seeing as I finally got a new job. So instead of going to some lower priced store, instead I went to the mall where I knew they’d have better but a little higher priced shirts. When I started heading for the department store there I saw her, a tall, but slender and shapely woman who had to be several years older then me. My eyes and soon enough my thoughts latched on to her figure as I headed closer and closer to the department store. Maybe she’s...

3 years ago
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Company Halloween Party Fun The Epilogue

Donna was our company benefits coordinator and we had serendipitously hooked up at a company Halloween party last year. It took me quite a while to disclose to her who I was and who she had secretly hooked up with.Donna was very married, so dating her was impossible.I dropped by the HR offices and stuck my head in the door where she officed and asked if she was going to be attending the company Halloween party again this year.Donna looked up from the desk and smiled.“You’re hoping so, I bet,”...

1 year ago
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Company From Out of TownChapter 2

The next day I dragged my weary ass up out of bed enough to make a pot of coffee for our bleary eyed but blissfully smiling guests and toast some bagels: Just enough of a snack to give them the energy to drive over to the east bay for lunch. I knew that they might not be back until late and told them that the door would be open, or if we had to go somewhere, there was a key just inside the shed door hanging on a nail right to the right of the light switch. Jenny hugged me and gave me a kiss...

1 year ago
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Company Slut Chapter 1

Brooke sat in the unemployment office as she had once a week for the past ten months. She had to show up weekly to report whether she had found work or not. She'd been working for a very nice accounting firm as their receptionist/secretary, but the owner decided to retire and the business closed its doors.And now with the job market so tight, finding another job was proving quite challenging. Especially at her age. Had she been fifteen years younger–or even ten years younger–she wouldn't have...

Office Sex
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Company Team Building Weekend

By Docker5000 Part 1 Sharon Price was sat at her desk in her office at Samuel and Goldstein solicitors. She was doing the monthly pay roll. When Jerry Gold walked into her office with his usual big sarcastic smile on his young face. Sharon couldn’t stand him. However Jerry was the grandson of Mr. Goldstein and he was also a new junior partner in the firm as well. So Sharon had no choice but to tolerate him. Sharon looked at him through her glasses and was forced to give him a...

4 years ago
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Company Ki Bhabhi Wo Uske Hi Ghar Par Choda

Hi friends mera naam kk h aur mai apko ek bhabhi aur meri story. Bta rha hu bat un dino ki h jb mai pune me ek mnc me job krta tha. Aur mai ek apartment me rhta hu. Apne do dosto k sath. Ab bhabhi k bare me unka naam minal h wo meri company me kaam krti h aur mere hi apartment ne rhti h, minal ki age 26 hogi aur fig. To mt hi pucho acho acho k lnd khde ho jayr, kamal ki maal h wo, Ek din mai parking se bike nikal rha tha tbhi bhabhi ji bhi aai aur gadi nikalne lgi thodi smile pass ki aur hum...

3 years ago
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Company Halloween Party Fun

This is unbelievable, but a very true story. Several years back, our company decided to have a themed holiday party surrounding Halloween and costumes were mandatory. I visited several Halloween-themed stores until I found the perfect costume- a masked marauder character.Everyone in the company seemed to be having fun talking about their plans for the Party. Although everyone was asked to keep their costumes a secret and to keep things decent, “decent” seemed to take on an entirely different...

Office Sex
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Company of Men

‘COMPANY OF MEN” written by Janet Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusing pimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become a normal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it’s seem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, she is 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Her hips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guys can’t resist stopping and staring at her....

4 years ago
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Company Lottery

I work at an office in the mail room. I'm so much more than the mail person; if someone has a problem, they call me. I help people get their car started or give them a ride home. If they need something opened or need office supplies but do not have time to get them, I’m the man for the job. You work as an executive in the office. No one would care if you showed up at work or not. You work alone and are very antisocial. You even tell me to drop off the mail and get out. Even after you treated...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Company of Men

"COMPANY OF MEN” written by Janet Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusingpimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become anormal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Herhips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her....

4 years ago
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Company TripChapter 7 Jim Continues

Kim, Bill and I left the restaurant where we had enjoyed a meal after picking her up from the airport. We arrived shortly at the hotel. I suggested that we go for an evening swim and Kim loved the idea. I told Bill we would meet him at the pool in fifteen minutes and we split up. I could tell that Kim was already having a great time. She was in great spirits. She didn't hesitate to tell me how much she liked Bill and was really looking forward to spending more time with him. The plan was...

1 year ago
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While this project was a big step for my husband, I suspected there was more to it than just a great business opportunity for him…..and I was right. Two days after Frank left for his project, the doorbell rang around dinner time. When I opened the door, there was Ben – my husband’s boss – standing on my porch with a bottle of wine in his hand. I admit I was not surprised, but I was definitely pleased, as I stepped aside to let him in. He walked past me into the entranceway, and as I turned...

1 year ago
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Company Expenses

Several months ago I was asked to set up a new project for my company, in Europe. It meant being away from home four or five nights every week, staying in wonderful hotels. It was only meant to last for three months, and the money that I was offered was out of this world. The first couple of weeks were fantastic; eating in superb restaurants, living like a lady of leisure, and then the novelty wore off. One hotel began to resemble another, and I was becoming bored and lonely. Everything changed...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Company Bash

The sunlight started to peek through blinds. I opened my eyes slowly trying to figure out where I was and who was next to me. I moved my head slowly to the left and to the right, in part because I didn’t want to wake up the other two lying next to me and in part because we had drunk way too much last night. Let me start from the beginning. My company had decided to throw a huge summer bash at a local lake, complete with rented cabins. It brought people in from all the departments and a few...

3 years ago
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Company of Men

Written by Janet(hotblackwetpussy42) Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusing pimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become a normal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it’s seem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, she is 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Her hips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guys can’t resist stopping and staring at...

2 years ago
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Company Bash

The sunlight started to peek through blinds. I opened my eyes slowly trying to figure out where I was and who was next to me. I moved my head slowly to the left and to the right, in part because I didn’t want to wake up the other two lying next to me and in part because we had drunk way too much last night. Let me start from the beginning. My company had decided to throw a huge summer bash at a local lake, complete with rented cabins. It brought people in from all the departments and a few from...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Company Vacation

Finding a willing slut was easy in this time and age, thanks to the internet. Boring as well, even though sometimes certainly a good way to blow off steam.But seeing his cute coworkers transform into sex crazed b**sts on a company vacation the moment their bosses were out of sight was a completely different thing, he could definitely get behind that. They were just a small group of three chicks and him who had stepped out of the bus, walked three miles in the hottest sun imaginable and finally...

2 years ago
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Company Picnic

My name is Jessica, just to give you a little idea of who I am, I love sex, I love to flirt and tease but most of all love a good fucking. I guess I've always been a bit of a slut but last summer I really embraced the idea of just enjoying it as much as I could. I'm 5'5 116lbs sandy brown hair, my breasts are a perky 34b, I have a flat abs and keep my pussy neatly trimmed and every one says I have a great ass...

3 years ago
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Company Barbecue

I idly fanned the flames over the grill, making sure the gusts that came by every so often didn't leave me with a half-lit charcoal pit. "You see the Warriors game, Elliot?" Evan. I'm technically his boss, but we do equal work. I've just been on the team longer. He's gonna be promoted soon. He was sitting in a lawn chair watching me work my barbecue magic. "What, are you kidding me?" I answered, "They killed the #1 Mavs. Had to be the biggest upset in Playoff history. You think...

3 years ago
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Company With Men

Diane, a former prostitute wants to escape away from her abusingpimps and other men. She wants to change her life around to become abetter person. Diane wants to go back to school, and get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has a curvy shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Diane’ship is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her. She just ignores them and...

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