White Wine Concubine ! free porn video

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White wine concubine!

Bubbly, vivacious, out going, fun, pretty blond, 27 year old milf, big boobs, blue eyes and are words the could describe the wife Wendy on any normal day. Oh and while she is lovely she is not very bright - but hey she has the other attributes

When she has had a drink, particularly white wine for some odd reason, one could add the words; daring, uninhibited, up for anything, promiscuous and little or no self restraint.

They have been married 5 years and her husband Steve has seen all sides of her behaviour and he loves it.
Wendy has been in bars and cafes playing games of dare and loosing to the point where she is stark bollock naked giggling behind a strategically placed hand bag on a table, I k** you not!

She has got off with other men in front of Steve kissing and letting them grope and finger her when she was quite drunk although as far as he knows she hasn't gone as far as getting fucked.

They do talk about these "incidents" ( that's her name for these episodes). Steve finds them either amusing or actually quite arousing or indeed both! For her part she just shrugs her shoulders, says " Well that's who I am" and thanks Steve for putting up with her and forgiving her, generally followed by a big kiss!

Wendy has recently started work as a PA at a Japanese hedge fund, she's been there about 3 months and seems to really enjoy it.
She has found the Japanese interesting - they work really hard but play hard too.

We have all seen those crazy Japanese game shows, some of them quite rude, their love of gambling and karaoke.

Wendy's boss Mr Tanawa or Jo as he was called outside of work was no exception. He was around 40 years of age and apparently in good shape. He had a team of around 12 men mainly in their 20s & 30s all aspiring to be him one day.

There was only one other woman in the office, Maureen who was in her 50s and dealt with the accounts.

Wendy had already encountered some "incidents" despite her short time there. These were relatively minor although in hindsight I guess they did show a progression.

She is very proud of her bust (36 DD) and whilst she didn't dress like a slut she chose outfits that certainly emphasised them and generally displayed a good amount of cleavage.

Each Friday the team go out for drinks after work and it usually ends up being quite messy. On only her second week the guys were doing there normal bets where losing meant buying a round of drinks. Fairly well into the evening with Wendy fairly well away after a few gin and tonics the bet had been to guess Wendy's bra size.

There was a good amount of debate by the Japanese around this and they got her to arch her back or lean forward to help in their assessment of her boobs. Wendy in typical fashion found this hilarious and was only too happy to play along.

When they had all decided their guess Vicky declared that Han was the winner. He was the youngest and blushed terribly.

However others, particularly Yoko who had the thick set physique of a sumo wrestler, questioned whether the answer of 36 DD was in fact correct and demanded proof! After much laughing and encouragement Vicky went to the ladies and removed her bra. She returned her big breasts swaying freely under her thin blouse and put it triumphantly on the table for them to inspect.

They all cheered and took great interest in examining the bra. Eventually they had to concede that Han was indeed the winner and rather than giving Wendy the bra back they made Han wear it on his head as a trophy.

So that was the story as to why she came home braless.

The next Friday it was more of the same however this time it was guess the colour of Wendy's bra and the size of knickers. Again fairly inebriated Wendy was cajoled into opening her shirt sat at the bar so the could ogle her big boobs nestling in her balcony bra.

This was greeted with whoops of laughter and applause. Wendy thought it was hilarious too and went along with the idea that she should slide her knickers down under her skirt and take them off sat there on a bar stool.

Jo was the winner this time and put the panties in his pocket. He then said that it was unfair that he didn't get the bra as he had also guessed that correctly too!
So after a little more encouragement Wendy fed the straps off her shoulders and arms and then unclasping it at the back pulled it forward and off. They were all treated to an eyeful of her gorgeous breasts and pink nipples before she covered them up laughing.

So that night she came home braless and without her knickers!

Wendy did joke to Jo the next day that she was running out of underwear. He looked at her quizzically admiring her generous cleavage . She looked hot wearing a black pencil skirt and a cream low cut top, complemented by a gold chain

"Vicky, how about a change in job role, a promotion if you like ?"

"Really that sounds good, Mr Tawana, what is the job!"
"Company Concubine" he replied

" Oooh I haven't heard of that job before what would it entail?" Wendy asked

"It's a role you would develop into Wendy. However the company would buy your clothes, you would have free use of the company flat above and .."

"Wow the penthouse flat on the top floor?" Wendy interjected

"Yes, please don't interrupt me when I am talking. The role of a company concubine is to serve the company and clearly the main component of that is the staff and its customers."

Wendy nodded her understanding although she didn't really understand what it meant at all.

"So how would I serve them, Mr Tawana? Would it be like what I do now , organising meetings sorting out flights etc" Wendy asked.

"Well you would still do that but this is more of a support role, making people happy, doing what they want and need without question.

As an example when we have gone out on Fridays after work you have been good fun and had a very positive impact on the team. That has what made me think you could be a good company concubine. Clearly you would need to develop those skills much further but I think there are some very positive initial signs from you Wendy" he said

Wendy was biting her lip pensively " I am flattered I know I am fun but the Friday "incidents" are generally when I have had a drink Mr. Tanawa"

"Well I think it's all there Wendy, the alcohol just lets you release it, that's all. We do have white and red wine here in the board room and the penthouse if you ever felt that would help" he added.

"Anyway here is a contract for you to look at the key bits are the additional duties at the back."

They moved to sit on the sofa so she could look at the document

As suggested Wendy didn't bother with all the legal blurb and looked at the duties:

Company Concubine Duties
- will be dressed by the company and Mr. Tanawa will have final decision
- Will be available to serve staff and clients needs as directed by them and or Mr. Tanawa. This may include out of hours work
- Will obey all orders of Mr Tanawa without regard for their own discomfort, embarrassment or opinion on the matter in hand.
- Will always be polite and enthusiastic to please
- Will accept any discipline for failure to adhere to the above.
In recognition of providing there services the concubine will receive free medical healthcare; use of the company flat when accompanied by a client or staff member; an extra £40,000 in salary pa.

In signing the concubine contract you agree to keep confidential at all time the terms and conditions off your contract to anyone outside the firm including partner/ spouse.
Your public facing title will be " Satisfaction Manager"

"Wow! An extra £40k that's more than I am on now, Mr Tanawa!" Wendy exclaimed

"It's an important job Wendy and don't underestimate the effort you will have to put in to be a good Satisfaction Manager"

"Lets have a drink and discuss it further" he said pouring them both a crisp glass of white wine

Wendy guzzled hers down and Mr Tanawa poured her another and she became quite lighted headed and felt very relaxed and inhibited.
"So lets try a couple of things, how about an employee has a stiff neck and could do with a rub, lets see how you get on"
He stated

Wendy was happy with that she knew how to give a good massage and went behind where Mr Tanawa was sitting on the sofa. She started to massage his powerful shoulders and neck.
"Very good Wendy" he said encouragingly pouring her yet another glass of wine.
"Glad you like it, can I take your tie off and undo some of your shirt buttons so I can get my hands actually on your shoulders - much better flesh on flesh" she said merrily.

She undid his tie and he undid the buttons on his shirt to the waist. Wendy was then able to properly rub his shoulders. After 10 minutes Mr Tanawa said "Very good Wendy, now how about my chest?"

Buoyed by the compliment and the alcohol coursing through he veins she went to the front of him. As he was sitting down she had to lean forward which made her tits hang forward to Mr Tanawa's face.

He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off.

“Oh Mr Tanawa, you obviously work out” Wendy said admiring his toned chest. She started at the front of his shoulders and worked downwards.

“ Thank you Wendy, and by the way as I have had to take my shirt off it only seems fair that you do the same, don’t you think?” he replied.

Wendy couldn’t think of a way to argue with his logic and nodded her agreement. Taking another large gulp of wine she took off her white shirt revealing her generous boobs bobbing in her balcony bra.
“That’s good Wendy, you are doing really well!” Mr Tanawa said encouringly
Buoyed by the compliment Wendy continued to work down his torso.
Mr Tanawa now had an eyeful of Wendy’s big breasts swaying in front of him and that combined with the firm touch of her hands made his cock harden.
It eventually became fully erect and it was all too obvious in his thin suit trousers.
“Oh Mr Tanawa, that looks uncomfortable!” Wendy giggled
“Yes, it is” he laughed “ would you mind dealing with that?”

Wendy was a little unsure what “dealing with it” meant and not wanting to appear stupid undid his trousers to release the pressure on his erection. As she pulled down the zip his erect penis sprung into view. Wendy was surprised as she had expected him to be wearing pants and marvelled at his large smooth shaft with the helmet protruding from his soft foreskin. He had a length of about 9 inches and a good girth.

Mr Tanawa slipped out of his trousers so he was now naked on the sofa his penis erect and heavy ball sack resting on the seat.

He looked at her questioningly and nodded at her skirt.
Wendy took it off so she was just standing there in her bra and knickers. She wasn’t skinny but had a sexy hour glass figure. He poured her some more wine.

Her head was spinning but despite the situation she felt her hot wetness building between her legs.

“We don’t seem to be quite equal yet Wendy and you need to deal with this ” he said pointing at his erect cock and pulled down her knickers down to the floor revealing her shaved neat pussy.
“Come and sit on my lap”
She sat on his lap facing him, legs apart. His hard cock was pressed against her slit and mons. He leaned forward and squeezed her heavy breasts in her bra.
“You seem to have forgotten this Wendy?” He said reaching round unclasping her bra. He pulled the bra away and her full heavy breasts swung free, pink nipples hard and erect. He sucked on them biting the nipples. Wendy moaned her pussy now soaking wet.

Mr Tanawa raised her bottom and angled his cock for entry.
“Shouldn’t we use protection if you are going to put that in me Mr Tanawa, I am not on the pill and my husband uses condoms?” Wendy said

Rubbing his helmet against Wendy’s stiff clit he replied “ Wendy, as you will see from the contract you signed concubines are always taken bare back so condoms aren’t allowed. It’s nice though that you do something different with your husband”

“Oh, I see , I am not sure” Wendy replied “ Will you withdraw before you cum?”
Easing his cock into her hot pink hole “ It depends Wendy, but I do quite like pumping my seed right inside. Don’t forget you now have medical cover so any issues can easily be dealt with”

Wendy felt the first wave of an impending orgasm, he was so much bigger than what she was used to. She surrendered to him spreading her legs and allowed him to full penetrate her cunt.

He eased into a steady rhythm and she responded by bobbing up and down on his cock. The pace fastened and she raised herself until only the tip of his cock was in her before dropping onto it so he was ball deep inside her tight snatch.

Wendy was moaning now and on one of the upwards movements orgasmed strongly shooting a stream of pussy juice onto Mr Tanawa’s chest.

“You are a squirter!! Fantastic, Wendy! He exclaimed lifting her off his lap and burying his face in her open pussy. He licked and fingered her hard and was rewarded with another stream of pussy juice.

He placed her head and shoulders on the floor her bottom resting against the edge of the sofa. He stood over her facing the sofa and pulling her legs apart he reverse fucked her.
Wendy moaned at the unusual sensation caused by the reverse entry and the pressure on her opening. She was groaning with pleasure as he fucked into her open cunt. After 5 minutes he grunted and thrust hard inside her dumping his load into her unprotected cunt in four hard squirts.

He withdrew and helped her sit on the sofa. Wendy was about to say something but Mr Tanawa cut her short by pushing his softening cock into her mouth. “You need to clean this and my ball sack Wendy”
She dutifully licked the mix of her cunt juices and his sperm off his genitals at the same time as wondering about the thought of Mr Tanawa’s sperm swimming around inside her looking for her fertile eggs.

When she had finished she lay back on the sofa, she was so tired after the sex and wine. Mr Tanawa got dressed but insisted she stay where she was and rest. He even got a soft blanket to put over her which Wendy thought was quite sweet of him. In no time she had drifted off to sleep.

She must have dozed for about 30 minutes and awoke to find Mr Tanawa leaning over her.
“Wendy, Yoko is here and he wants to congratulate you on your promotion to Satisfaction Manager, don’t you? He said turning his head over his shoulder.

Behind him stood Yoko, stark bollock naked. He was indeed like a sumo wrestler thick arms and legs and very heavy set. The most extraordinary thing however was his cock. It was thick but the bell end was the size of her fist.

Wendy just stared open mouthed at him and didn’t really notice Mr Tanawa pulling the blanket off her to reveal her naked body. Reclining on her back her her tits parted and between her legs a pool of seamen had discharged from her pussy.

“Yoko, you are my number 2 so you have the second session” he said slapping him on the back.

“It will be an honour to follow in your footsteps Mr Tanawa” he replied bowing slightly

Yoko moved forward and Wendy said “ Oh my goodness are you going to fuck me too Yoko?!”

Mr Tanawa replied “They are all going to fuck you Wendy, but only one at a time today. It’s part of the initiation ceremony to celebrate and confirm your position as concubine. You should feel very happy Wendy that they are all going to honour you with their manhood’s and seed.”

“Seed?!? Are they all going to cum inside me with no protection?” she asked

“Yes, Wendy otherwise the position of concubine would not be fully consummated, surely you understand that?” He said with a steely edge to his voice.

Wendy took a large gulp of wine just as Yoko grabbed her breasts rolling her pink hardening nipples between thumb and fore finger.
Pleasure spread through her body like electricity and she could feel her pussy juicing up again.

He pushed his large bell end against her pussy which still leaked cum from the previous fuck. Her eyes widened as he managed to push it past her opening and she orgasmed there and then spraying yet more cunt juice over his cock and ball sack.

Both Mr Tanawa and Yoko cheered at that and Wendy although full of lust was glad she had pleased them. Yoko fucked her in earnest for about 20 minutes in various positions before coming in her from behind his thumb lodged in her anus. As with Mr Tanawa he was fully in when he ejaculated his nut juice.

The consummation process went on all afternoon. All the staff were in the office and they visited and fucked Wendy in order of seniority. By the time Han, the youngest and most junior, arrived Wendy’s pussy was a bit of a mess. She had received 10 further loads of cum inside her (apart from one man who had accidentally sprayed over her tits) and the mixed spunk continually dropped out of her puffy slack hole.
Han looked nervous and Mr Tanawa put a fatherly arm around him “ Wendy is lovely Han, no need to be worried and one day you may be in my position and be the first to fuck rather than the last”

Han lowered his trousers and pants and approached Wendy. She was still quite dr@nk and had really enjoyed the sessions - she felt like a porn star! She took pity on Han and his limp penis.

She sucked him and before long he had the makings of an erection. Wendy got on all fours and presented her sex to him the cum still dripping out of her onto the floor.
Han must have decided he didn’t much fancy fucking into that and instead pushed his relatively small cock against her pink anus. Wendy didn’t actually realise what he was doing until he had got the end of his cock in her arse.

“Oh!Oh!” She exclaimed as he penetrated her. Han must have thought these were sounds of encouragement as he quickly fed the rest of his length up her anus into virgin territory as she had never been fucked up the bum.
Mr Tanawa congratulated him on his ingenuity as Han fucked Wendy’s arsehole. Wendy felt pain replaced by a warm glow of pleasure and was enjoying this new sensation

As Han pumped her she reached down and rubbed her clitoris rapidly. Spunk and pussy juice splattered against her thighs as she rode the wave of orgasms. Mr Tanawa told her she was a filthy concubine and slapped her heavy gyrating breasts. He then got his cock out and pushed it into her mouth. Wendy eagerly sucked his hardening penis . He started to face fuck her as Han continued his anal pounding.

Mr Tanawa reached out and grabbed her nipples stretching them as he pulled them towards him. “We are going to have to get these beauties working at some point” he said

“Mr Tanawa, I am about to cum, where should I do that?”
“Inside Han ALWAYS inside”

Han’s knees buckled as he jettisoned his load up Wendy’s arse, with Tanawa doing the same thing fractionally later in her mouth. She gagged as he pushed almost all of his cock in and pumped out his sack of cum.
The men withdrew leaving Wendy panting still on all fours. Her big tits were still swaying slightly and cum dripped from her anus, cunt and mouth.

“ That was fantastic Wendy! Amazing job, I am very proud of you!” Mr Tanawa said taking a few pictures of her.
“Thank you Mr Tanawa, I must admit I didn’t realise that the consummation would be so full on and involve me having sex with every one!” She laughed.

“You performed very well for the first time, and you certainly seemed to enjoy it?”he replied

“Oh I did! But look at the state of me what am I going to say to Steve my husband?” Wendy asked

“You can tell him about your pay rise and new job as a Satisfaction Manager but you can’t tell him about being a concubine Wendy it’s not allowed in the contract. Use the flat to have a shower and get cleaned up and I will see you here at 10.00 tomorrow morning for a further briefing session.”

Wendy did as she was told and was very impressed with the company flat one floor above. It was like an upmarket hotel suite with a huge bedroom that had floor to ceiling windows and a large bathroom with the biggest bath tub she had ever seen.

She didn’t relay any of it to her husband Steve as she was still trying to come to terms with how everything had changed in a single day..

Chapter 2

Wendy reported to Mr Tanawa’s office at 10.00. She was wearing a summer dress and her long blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders.
He smiled and invited her to sit down.
“How are you feeling after yesterday, Wendy?”
“Things are a little tender, but I am good thank you” she smiled “I did want to discuss something with you, if I may Mr Tanawa?”

“Yes of course what is it Wendy?”

“Well as you know I haven’t taken any contraception and yesterday I think I had 9 or 10 men ejaculate inside me. I am worried that I could be pregnant” she said her pretty blue eyes welling up with tears.

“Oh I see and have you never used the pill or other method?” He asked
“No it has always been with a condom” she replied looking down at her lap

Mr Tanawa’s mind was whirring
“So if I am following what you are saying Wendy, was I the first man who has fucked you bareback and ejaculated inside you?!”
With her head still lowered Wendy replied “Yes, that’s correct Mr Tanawa I guess technically I was a virgin up until yesterday “

“This is perfect!” He exclaimed excitedly “Where are you in your ovulation cycle at the moment?”

Tears were now rolling down her cheeks “ I am at my most fertile I think..”

He held her hands “ Wendy, please do not upset yourself, I have some “morning after pills” and I will give one to you in a while”
“Oh really!? Thank you so much, that’s such a relief!” Wendy said now smiling
“ No problem, Wendy, but first let’s have a chat about the sexual side of the concubine role”
Wendy nodded enthusiastically and he continued
“Concubines have been around for centuries and are highly revered in Japan. Historically they would have unprotected sex and inevitably bear c***dren. I think it is wonderful that you are virginal and that you are happy to have unprotected sex. It is being very true to the ancient traditions and I couldn’t be more pleased with you.” He beamed at her.
“How did you feel about men ejaculating inside you”
Wendy considered this question and replied

“It was amazing to be honest. I have never felt a cock go off inside me - I could really feel some of the jets of cum, especially yours Mr Tanawa. In addition the thought that my womb is unprotected and the sperm is swimming around my fertile eggs was exciting and somewhat scary at the same time. I think that is why I squirted so much yesterday. “

“ So you like the bareback fucking and the excitement that you are unprotected and could get fertilised?” He questioned

“Yes, but I guess the reality of getting pregnant would be a nightmare which is why I was so anxious coming in to see you” Wendy replied

“Hmmm.. I think we need to find a balance here don’t you?” Wendy nodded
“ Clearly the situation this morning needs to be addressed given the point in your cycle and the amount of sperm you had yesterday. However you can’t have a Morning after pill each time you have sex - it would not be healthy for you and in the true spirit of the role of concubine there needs to be the possibility of successful insemination taking place.”

“Oh, what do you suggest then Mr. Tanawa?” Wendy asked.

“Well how about if we provided morning after pills during the 7 days leading up to your period?”

“What and be unprotected for the other 23 days in the month?? “ Wendy asked

“Well you will be on your period for 7 days so it’s really only a couple of weeks” he replied

Wendy bit her lip and considered this and Mr Tanawa continued.

“ For true excitement there has to be risk, agreed? “

“ Yes Mr Tanawa I guess that’s right but could I have the right to ask you for a further pill perhaps in exceptional circumstances?”

“Yes of course, and I am glad we are sorted on that. Now there is a further ask I have of you if that’s okay?” He replied

Wendy was relieved to have got the risk of conception reduced by so much and was smiling

“Going back to the concubine role historically they would have had c***dren and produced milk. This is considered a delicacy and men would expect concubines to either wet nurse c***dren of wives or to continue lactating for the pleasure of men.” He stated
Wendy nodded not really understanding where he was going with this.

“ Given that we have limited the risk of you getting pregnant I would like you to take estrogen and prolactin on a daily basis. These are natural substances and over time will allow you to generate milk”

“Oh wow ! But how would I explain this to my husband ??” Wendy exclaimed

“Wendy 25% of women produce milk without getting pregnant so I don’t see that that is a problem at all. He will probably see it as a bonus. Don’t you want your lovely breasts to be full of milk, I hear it makes the nipples much more sensitive too! And hey then you could squirt with your pussy and tits at the same time ! “ he laughed

Wendy laughed at that too and gave in “Okay Mr Tanawa lets give that a go then”

“Excellent Wendy! Thank you! Now moving away from sexual matters there are other things we need to attend to and in fact I have a list” he said pulling out of piece of paper

“ 1. Hair removal - we need to remove all body hair with laser treatment - it’s expensive but it will save you shaving £4000
2. Manicure and pedicure, weekly £600 per month
3. New clothes ( Maureen will organise) these will be worn at work. Budget £20,000
4. Hair, whilst you have lovely hair it needs to be cut short as we will require you to wear wigs at different times. You will see a top stylist in the West End. Budget to include wigs £5,000
5. Jewellery to be worn at work budget £20, 000
6. Beauty treatments - facials, tanning, massage etc twice weekly £150
7. Fitness training - 3 sessions a week with personal trainer cost £1000 per month.
Maureen will coordinate all of this if that is okay with you? It adds up to quite an investment with you, it totals over £50,000”

Wendy was flabbergasted at all of this but wasn’t sure about having to cut her hair and pushed back.

“Wendy.. I think you need to consider this in the round. Look at how much we are giving you Maureen wanted your head shaved so the wigs would be easier to fit so we could go to that if you want??!! “ he said very firmly.
Wendy blushed and apologised

“ Right you had better get yourself along to Maureen and get organised” he smiled.

“Could I have the pill before I go please Mr Tanawa?” Wendy asked him
“God Yes and the breast milk tablets” he said going to his desk.
He gave her the three pills and she swallowed them.
“Actually before you go I need to empty my sack , it’s got a bit full what with all that talk about impregnating. Drop your knickers and lift up your dress would you?”

Wendy did as she was told and stood there with her pussy out on display - it was still a bit puffy and red from yesterday’s multiple fucking. He bent her over the desk her chest resting on a pile of papers and whipped out his hard cock. Her rubbed it along her wet slit to lube it up and then positioned it at her opening.
“You obviously want this Wendy, you are so wet!” He whispered in her ear.
“Oh I so do Mr Tanawa, please fuck me?”
He slid his long cock and noticed that it all felt quite slack compared to the day before.
“Your pussy is nice and open Wendy, did your husband notice?” He asked as he slid in and out of her hot hole.

“ Hahaha no he didn’t get the chance last night as I told him I had a headache.” Wendy replied laughing.
Mr Tanawa upped the tempo and stuck a finger in her anus.
“Oh Oh I am cumming” Wendy murmured and released a squirt of pussy juice. She slumped further into the desk but he carried on pumping into her.

Wendy was really moaning. “Where do you want me to cum Wendy? He asked her
“In my pussy..”
“Deep in your pussy”
“ Yes spray your seamen on my eggs, fertilise me!!” She replied orgasming again and again juice flowing every where.
Mr Tanawa duly obliged and dumped his wad deep inside her holding his cock there as it pumped out its load.

Chapter 3

Mr Tanawa was actually away on business in Japan for the following 2 weeks so Wendy spent her time with Maureen fulfilling the tasks on the list.

Much to her relief she also had her period during this time. She had religiously taken the pills for breast milk and could already feel a change in her boobs. The seemed larger and her nipples were certainly more sensitive and

By the end of the two weeks much had been accomplished.
Wendy had a light golden tan and her skin glowed thanks to the beauty treatments. She was also a little trimmer thanks to the personal trainer. Apart from a couple of quick condom covered fucks with her husband Steve she had not had any further concubine sessions so her pussy was back to normal. In fact it was better as all hair had now been permanently removed along with other areas of her body including her pink anus.

This was complemented by beautiful nails and a very stylish but very very short hairstyle. Steve had actually cried when she came home after getting us cut all her long luscious locks gone - he said that she didn’t seem the same person any more and there was truth in that, she felt reborn...

Wendy told him that given her pay rise she deserved to pamper herself a little.

With regard to the clothes and jewellery this had been a complete eye opener. Maureen had guided her through all sorts of boutiques and the wardrobe in the company flat was now bursting with new outfits, shoes and accessories.
As agreed she came to work in her own clothes and would wear whatever was selected for her each day.

Monday morning came and Wendy was excited for the return of Mr Tanawa. She made her way in the express elevator directly to the flat.

Maureen was already there.
“Wendy as you know Mr Tanawa arrives back today and I thought we could surprise him with you wearing a concubine outfit with a modern twist on it”
“ That’s a great idea Maureen! What shall I wear?”

“Here I have it already for you” she replied.

Wendy stepped out of her old clothes which quite frankly she now despised and once naked walked over to the bed.

Maureen had selected a slightly quilted long Japanese dress. It was brightly coloured and opened up at the front with press studs. Wendy without any underwear put it on and Maureen helped do up the studs.

Wendy looked at herself in the mirror. The dress went from high on her chest to mid way down her calf. It was tailored so her bust and waist were nicely emphasised.

Next came a pair of court shoes decorated with sequins.
“Now, to complete this we need a few extra bits and I need to do your make up” Maureen said.

Wendy say down and Mary changed the colour of her eyebrows from golden to black.

“I do wish we could get rid of these eyebrows along with your hair, it would make life so much easier dear” Maureen grumbled

She also applied a little rouge to her cheeks and ruby red lipstick.
Eye shadow was also applied and Maureen accentuated the eyeline giving them a slight oriental look.

She fitted a black wig on to Wendy’s head. The hair was dead straight and a perfect “bob”. Large diamond earrings and and a very wide diamond choker, which made her neck appear longer, were the finishing touches.

The end result was nothing short of spectacular. She looked absolutely stunning particularly with her bright blue eyes under her black hair.

“You will do” Maureen said” You had better ask to see Mr Tanawa” and show him the fruits of our labours. Wendy thanked Maureen for her help and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Mr Tanawa was on a call and would see her in the boardroom when he was free.
Wendy stood at the end of the board room and waited.

Eventually he entered the room and did a double take
“Wendy is that really you?! You look amazing! “ he strode towards her and took her hands.

“I can’t believe the transformation and I love the concubine look that you have created! “

Wendy giggled caught up with his enthusiasm and smiled at him “ Maureen has been brilliant and I am glad you like!” She said.
Mr Tanawa kissed her fully on the lips, his tongue seeking hers. Wendy was surprised and flattered as he hadn’t done that before.
Mr Tanaka was so over joyed he decided to call everyone into the boardroom to see her.

About 6 of the men were in the office including Yoko and Han and the all trooped in with Maureen behind them.
“Gentlemen and Maureen may I introduce your to our reformed Satisfaction Manger and Concubine!”
They all clapped admiring her and Wendy blushed deeply
“Thank you everyone and in particular to Mr Tanawa and Maureen for all of this and for making it happen for me” Wendy said bowing slightly.

Mr Tanawa was suitably impressed and clapped his approval which caused another round of general clapping.

As they went to return to their desks Mr Tanawa asked Han the young lad to stay. “You have worked very hard Han while I have been away and I am conscious that you were at the end of the queue the last time we three were together. Stay and take tea with us.”

Han was over the moon at such a compliment and sat at the side of the table with Mr Tanawa adjacent at the head. Wendy went to the other end of the room to collect a tray of cups and tea. Because the dress was so long her steps were short and she actually moved like a concubine in her little court shoes or so Mr Tanawa thought.

Wendy came back and placed the tray between them and poured some tea.
“ This is a lovely dress , quite quilted isn’t it? What are you wearing underneath Wendy?” Mr Tanawa enquired stroking her hip.
“I am only wearing this sir nothing underneath” Wendy replied.
“Why don’t we take a look? Han you start slowly at the bottom and I will start at the top”
Han needed no further encouragement and pulled open the first stud at the bottom then waited for Mr Tanawa to proceed. He stood up and again kissing Wendy open mouthed he pulled the stop stud open.

He noticed Han watching them kiss and asked him if her would like to kiss Wendy. Han nodded and kissed her, a little tentatively at first and then with more passion. This got into a bit of a sequence each popping a stud open and then kissing her. Wendy could feel herself juicing up it was such a turn on being heavily kissed by two men each in turn and being slowly undressed at the same time.

The dress was slowly parting at the top, mainly due to her heavy bosom pushing the material apart and likewise at the bottom her legs were now in full view. There was one stud left and Mr Tanawa insisted that Han do the final one and lift the dress off her.

As he did so Wendy became fully naked her heavy breasts jutting out almost defiantly.

“Wow you have been busy Wendy great tan and skin and you look more toned! “Mr Tanawa said stroking her flat smooth stomach with the back of his hand. “And how are the breasts coming along ?” He added reaching up to squeeze her left tit.
“ I have been taking all the pills and I can definitely feel that they are bigger and heavier than they were “ replied Wendy desperate to please.
“Hmmm.. I did actually get the double dose ones so I am not surprised there has been progress. Your nipples definitely look wider and maybe a little longer. To get the milk going there also needs to be stimulation -Han could you please suck Wendy’s nipples as if you were feeding, they need constant suction.”

Han dutifully sucked on her tits taking turns with each. Mr Tanawa gently stroked Wendy’s slit which was now so smooth following the laser treatment.
She was so wet now and some of her juice trickled onto her thigh.
“This looks as though everything is working out so well with you Wendy, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, Mr Tanawa , yes it does” she sighed as he started to play with her clitoris.
“Do you think you will be ready for some client meetings soon, Wendy?” He asked running his finger up to her anus and pushing it in.
Wendy’s legs were shaking “I will do whatever you want me to sir, I am your concubine “ Wendy replied
“Good girl! That’s right you are” he said pushing a second and then third finger into her bum.

Han removed his lips from Wendy’s erect nipple “ See! There is milk it’s coming out!” He said excitedly pointing at a droplet of milk forming.

Mr Tanawa inspected and then sucked her other breast and confirmed that both had indeed started to lactate.
Wendy was delighted that she had been able to do this the joy on Mr Tanawa’s face was palpable.
“ Wendy try and express them now that Han has got them going”
Wendy squeezed both nipples and sure enough a tiny stream of milk spurted out of both.

“You are such a clever girl!” He exclaimed as he started to finger pussy while Han was back on her breast feeding.

This was all too much for Wendy , she orgasmed on the spot and squirted, her legs shaking.
Mr Tanawa stripped off all his clothes and Han followed suit.

“Sit on my lap Wendy with your back to me”
She lowered herself down and his hard member pressed against her bottom and lower back. Reaching round her took her boobs in his hands and squeezed them
Han got on his knees in front of her and began to lick her pussy.

She spread her legs wider to give him full access to her wet hole.
Mr Tanawa was now expressing milk out of her and what with the oral Han was giving her she felt in heaven and knew another big orgasm was rising. Without warning she did a massive squirt catching Han off guard as it sprayed across his face and hair.

Mr Tanawa laughed “ There you go Wendy squirting at both ends!”
He raised her bottom and fingered her bum before placing his cock at her entrance.
“ I am going to take you from behind so please help by pushing back to get it in”
“Yes Mr Tanawa” Wendy replied panting . He was much bigger than Han and it was quite a struggle and painful to get it in but eventually he was fully implanted.

“Han could you please work yours in from the front?”
A little panicky Wendy said “Mr Tanawa I am not sure I could take two in my arse!”

He laughed “ No no he’s going to put it in your pussy about time we tried dp and as Han has done so well with his work he has first go with you is his reward”

Wendy sighed with relief and Han pushed his young hard little prick into her wet cunt.
“Wow that feels tight” he declared as he thrust in and out of her.
“ That’s because you are first and the area is compressed by my cock up her back passage” Mr Tanawa replied “Now let’s try and get a rhythm going. On my out you go in, okay?”

He nodded and after a few attempts they got it going. To Wendy the sensation was just amazing - her hole body felt electrified with pleasure, her cunt was gently spurting away as though she was experiencing a constant orgasm and her engorged tits were dripping milk

“Oh this is sooo good “ Wendy moaned a sheen of sweat forming on her chest and back
She could feel both cocks going in her but wanted them to synchronise so that they went in at the same time to filling her up.

She asked them if they would do that and they agreed. They both pushed in together , Mr Tawana squeezed her tits hard Wendy squirted , virtually screamed and orgasmed hard. Han fired off first closely followed by Mr Tanawa - she could feel both cocks twitching and ejaculating inside her, she orgasmed again and again her body going into ecstatic spasm.

The men both withdrew with a soft plop - her cunt and arse both blew bubbles of spunk as the air filled the void and the seamen started to drip out of her holes.

“That was good Wendy and it’s great to be back” Mr Tanawa said wiping his cock with a napkin .
He took a few pics of her spreadeagled in the chair.

“ Hey Han you do realise that you have ejaculated inside Wendy’s unprotected womb - you may have inseminated her! Hahaha”

Han looked a little troubled at that “Oh I am sorry” he said.

Wendy surprised Mr Tanawa with her reply “Han, it’s not a problem at all. I want unprotected sex, it makes it real and thank you for giving me your seed you are a very enthusiastic young man!”

Han’s mood lifted “Oh thank you Wendy, I know I am not well endowed but I do think you are very beautiful”
Wendy’s response was priceless “Han, never doubt yourself or your cock, you are an amazing lover, it’s not what you have but how you use it. I just had the best orgasm of my life”

The look on Han’s face was equally priceless - He might as well have won the lottery.

Mr Tanawa was delighted with this. This was exactly what he had dreamed of. Wendy was a perfect Satisfaction Manager!! This sort of motivation was worth more than the pay rise and cost... imagine what impact she might have with clients...!

They all cleaned up and Mr Tanawa arranged to meet Wendy before she went home for a quick catch up on the potential client meeting.

At 5.00 she entered his office wearing her normal clothes ready to go home.
“Ah Wendy there you are! Great day today and you did really well with Han, he is on cloud 9 right now, perfect job!”

“Thank you Mr Tanawa you are very kind “ she said

“Now a couple of things, Wendy, that I think we need to change. Maureen was telling me that the make up is quite hard with your eyebrows being so blonde and that the wigs don’t fix so well with your hair, even though it’s quite short - it must be hot too I am guessing? “

“Well yes, I guess I did get hot when you were both fucking me and I think the wig may have slipped a little at one point, I am sorry” she replied.

“ Not a problem Wendy, we can sort that in a jiffy. Maureen!” He called

Maureen came in with a bowl of water and a towel.

“Maureen could you please shave Wendy’s hair off and her eye brows, she’s agreed it’s the best thing to do and it’s as you suggested”

Wendy was too shocked to say anything and before she could Maureen was leaning over her had soaped up her hair and was cutting her hair and shaving her scalp.
“Just relax dear, it will be fine and it’s for the best, honestly. You can use any of the wigs, even the long blonde one which was like your original hair. It will be so much easier for you” Maureen said.

Mr Tanawa watched as Maureen shaved off all Wendy’s hair so that she was now bald. It actually suited her quite well and accentuated her lovely big blue eyes.

“Now the eyebrows, Maureen. This is fantastic Wendy, you will be completely hairless just like a concubine of old”

“Do they have to go?” Wendy asked meekly

“Yes, they definitely do! Impossible to do proper make up with them there. You can see I have removed mine with laser treatment. You then just draw whatever you want” she said as she finished shaving the first one.

Soon it was complete. Mr Tanawa asked Wendy to strip naked he wanted to examine the complete finished article.
Wendy stripped and stood there naked.

“What do you think, Maureen, she looks pretty good , doesn’t she?” Mr Tanawa asked

“Not bad at all now we have finally got rid of all that hair. It now gives us a better canvas to work on. More gym work and beauty treatments will help and there are some further adjustments we could make I guess”

Wendy stood there wondering what they might be as well as what the hell Steve would say about all this! However before she could ask Mr Tanawa spoke

“ Yes, I am happy about the hair. Wendy just wear the blonde wig as Maureen suggests , maybe tell your husband that you had to shave to wear it? “
So that sort of solved that Wendy thought Steve did like long blonde hair.

Mr Tanawa continued turning to Mary “So what are the adjustments you are thinking of?”

“Well, I just thought it might be nice for Wendy to have some body jewellery, perhaps? Her teats are leaking and she will need some nipple clips so she doesn’t leak all the time and can regulate her flow Whilst I have some clear plastic ones I thought platinum would be better.”
Maureen put the clips on Wendy’s nipples and the flow immediately stopped.
“There you go Wendy, you will have to express from time to time and keep them super clean. Well the other body jewellery could be a diamond belly button piercing, maybe a smaller platinum clitoris piercing? They really stimulate men and the woman! You could go further with smooth diamond studs on the labia and even the anus. I did see a wonderful butt plug with a beautiful sapphire on the end the other day! It was the same colour as Wendy’s eyes!”

Wendy was finding it hard to keep up with all this..

“Wow that’s quite a list” Mr Tanawa replied “ I love the idea of platinum and sapphires. Okay do it all and I want sapphires for all studs, make them a decent size.”
“No problem I will get it all sorted tomorrow, I know an excellent jewellers who can do it.”

“Perfect. Wendy come back and see me when you have got it done and can we up the sun tanning? In the meantime you might want to use some of those expensive spray tans to get Wendy’s skin a richer golden colour. “ Mr Tanawa concluded.

With that Wendy was dismissed and went home wearing the wig and some drawn eyebrows.

Steve was surprisingly pleased with the wig, he thought she had done it just for him! As to her milky breasts once she had assured him she was not pregnant he delighted in feeding off them. Wendy even let him spray some milk on what she now considered to be his little cock.
They did have sex but as per normal his little stuffy was safely encased in a condom!
Steve did mention that her pussy felt a bit looser but Wendy told him not to be so silly, a woman’s vagina always widened when she was producing milk - all normal..

Chapter 4

Four days later it was time again for Wendy to be presented to Mr Tanawa.

Wendy stood naked in the Company flat as Maureen fussed about her making preparations.
The spray tan had been very effective - Wendy now had a deep golden tan that looked as though she had been laying on a beach for 3 weeks.

All the studs and piercing had been done. A large beautiful sapphire belly button piercing; a platinum clitoris ring with a very small stone; smooth sapphire studs in both labia and small sapphire stud just below her anus.. which had a butt plug embedded in it with another sapphire glimmering at the end.
Her new nipple clips were made of highly polished platinum

The stones and piercings when combined with her blue eyes and rich tan was truly mesmerising.

Wendy had found it all a bit uncomfortable at first particularly the butt plug but was now used to it after 4 days.
“Right” said Maureen “ I think I have decided. Platinum blonde wig with the heavily cropped bob and this jacket and these trousers. As to the shoes , I think these soft blue ballet ones will look good.
Wendy started to dress.
The tailored bolero jacket was pure thick silk and electric blue. It was low cut and had only two buttons. Her large tanned breasts nestled neatly in it but the amount of cleavage on display was considerable. The jacket was also short so her belly button and sapphire were on display.
The seamless trousers were soft white cotton and whilst not tight like leggings were fairly snug on her contours and in particular her shapely bottom. However the notable thing was that they were almost see through. Out of the light they looked fairly normal but in front of one of the floor to ceiling windows in the lounge you could pretty much see her pussy complete with studs and indeed the jewelled butt plug if she bent over.

Applying some gel Maureen fixed the platinum blonde wig on Wendy’s head and then drew matching eyebrows.

“There!” She said “ you will do I think”
Wendy looked in the mirror. She didn’t recognise the person looking back at her. It was like looking at one of those arty pictures from a fashion magazine. She loved the platinum wig, tan and sapphires.

Wendy went into the bathroom to apply some cool blue eye shadow and lipstick and that was when she noticed the two pictures...
Beautifully framed they were photographs of her!!

One of her naked on all fours with cum dripping from her mouth, pussy and arse taken during her concubine initiation and the other from last week when she was double penetrated - she was slumped in the chair with cum oozing from her anus and cunt while her nipples dripped milk. The fact that both pictures were in monochrome brought the cum into sharp contrast agains her tanned skin.

Wow Wendy thought, at least they are in bathroom and not the boardroom!
She finished her makeup and went back to the lounge.
Wendy was setting up some glasses and a magnum of champagne in an ice bucket.

“Mr Tanawa phoned he will join you soon he is coming up here with a client for drinks” Maureen said wishing her luck and departing.
Wendy waited with anticipation and soon enough Mr Tanawa came into the lounge “Wow Wendy now you do look amazing ! Love the whole package and you look good enough to eat ! “ he laughed gently.

“Thank you Mr Tanawa” Wendy replied “But I thought you were bringing a client up here with you?”

“I have and she is in the toilet, Claire will be through in a minute, she is in fact one of my longest standing clients and a friend really. I thought she would be good for your first client meeting as Satisfaction Manager.”

Wendy hadn’t expected this, a woman!

Claire came into the room, she must have been 50 but very well maintained. Tall and slim with pert small breasts and luscious brown hair.
“Ah, you must be Wendy Jo’s new Satisfaction Manager, I have heard so much about you.” She said kissing Wendy on both cheeks

“ I am very pleased to meet you Madam” Wendy said reverently with a bow of the head.

She stood there with her hands clasped in front of her which made her breasts squeeze together making even more cleavage
Claire smiled. “ Oh do call me Claire, you silly thing, and come and sit next to me” she said patting the seat next to her on the large black sofa.

“Well Jo, you have a real find here! “ she said patting Wendy on the leg “Simply gorgeous and love the belly button sapphire” she added putting her hand on Wendy’s stomach were she left it her fingers tracing the edge of the large stone.
“Thank you, we have had a little bit of work done but Wendy is lovely and only a few weeks into the role she is already proving her worth. Here both of you please have some champagne”

He handed Wendy and Claire glasses although Claire took it with her right hand leaving her left stroking Wendy’s tummy absent mindedly

Wendy gulped her wine down and Mr Tanawa refilled it straight away. She could feel the alcohol hitting her blood stream and was surprised that even Claire’s soft stroking was causing her pussy to start to juice up.

Claire and Mr Tanawa chatted about work and Wendy wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do if anything. She decided she needed another drink and got up to retrieve the large bottle of champagne - she hadn’t realised that a magnum was so heavy. She dutifully poured them both a drink, bending forward as she did so. Her heavy tits were almost falling out of her little jacket and the sun coming in through the windows made her trousers fairly transparent.

“Goodness you are pretty!” Said Claire admiring her hanging cleavage “And wait, do I see some more sapphires below?”

Wendy stood back upright and looked at Mr Tanawa for guidance.

“Yes, you do, Claire, Wendy has a few piercings don’t you Wendy?” He said

“Yes, Sir, thanks to you Mr Tanawa” she replied.

“Interesting...” Claire said in a slightly predatory voice “ And tell me Jo how far has Wendy come on the concubine journey?” She continued looking at Wendy.

“ She’s just at the start really but she has made amazing progress but you are the first client interaction, Claire”

“May I command her, Jo?” Claire asked
“Absolutely, Wendy please do as Maureen orders.” He said

“Yes, Mr Tanawa” Wendy said again bowing slightly

“Wendy darling, could you please squat opened legged in front of me, I want to see if I can find all your piercings” she laughed drinking more champagne.
Wendy did as she was told and squatted, her thin trousers drawing tight into her mons.

“Ah a ring through her clitoris and wait there seem to be some studs in her labia too! Wonderful! Turn around dear.” Claire said

Wendy a little red in the face with the slight embarrassment of it all did as she was requested and now her arse was pointing at Claire and Mr Tanawa sat on the sofa.

“ Oh my goodness, a butt plug with a sapphire!! Have I found them all Jo? Claire asked him

Laughing he said “Well there is only one way to find out..”

Claire ordered Wendy to take off her trousers and repeat the same positions. Her pussy gaped as she squatted so Claire saw it all. When she turned around Claire noticed that she had missed the piercing below her anus and laughed all the more.
“Now dear please take your jacket off, I think you should be naked now don’t you?” Claire said

“Yes, Ma’am” Wendy replied undoing the jacket and slipping it off her shoulders.
Her wonderful heaving breasts jutted forward and Claire did clap her appreciation. “Superb such a fantastic body and wait what are those clips on her big nipples?”

“Wendy is in milk. She’s not pregnant but we wanted people to have the option to enjoy that aspect, so with natural hormone treatment she is now fully able to lactate. It also makes her breasts a little larger” Mr Tanawa replied.

“Goodness, that’s fabulous. Wendy could you take the clips off?” She asked

Wendy did as she was asked and both nipples began to leak milk, droplets running down her full breasts. She remained standing there motionless in front of them.
Maureen was impressed “So Jo what else have you had done with her?”
“Well early days, but gym work tanning, beauty treatments and all hair has been removed. She is not on any contraception and has had unprotected sex with about 10 men so far” he replied

“Yes, I saw the photos in the bathroom!” Maureen giggled “So what else might you do with her?”

“ Oh I am not sure really, do you have any ideas? “ Jo replied

Maureen pondered this question
“Well the only thing I would perhaps suggest is her mons. In comparison to her ripe full breasts it looks almost understated, it’s so smooth and tidy. Maybe some Botox to make her mons stand more proud and balance her boobs?”

“Oh my goodness!” Wendy interrupted
Maureen cut her short “We are talking about you not too you! How dare you, got stand against the window with your back to us.”

The flat had floor to ceiling windows and opposite about 100 feet away there was a new building being constructed with workmen in bright yellow fluorescent jackets swarming all over it.
Wendy approached the window but hesitated going right up to it.

“You don’t seem a very obedient concubine Wendy. Do as you are told and in fact because you are being difficult press your breasts against the window and stay there until I tell you to stop!”

Wendy was now getting a bit upset, this wasn’t going so well and she needed to please.
She walked up to the window and pressed her tits against the cold glass. As she did so the pressure caused her to lactate and rivulets of breast milk ran down the plate glass.

She couldn’t hear the conversation so well standing here but it seemed to her that Mr Tanawa was agreeable to consider further work on her mons.
Work men had now noticed the naked tanned heavily breasted woman standing at the window and the wolf whistles had started.
The champagne, the cold glass and public exhibition of her naked body excited Wendy and she could feel wetness between her thighs.

“Wendy, turn around lean forward and part your buttocks” Maureen ordered
Wanting to please, Wendy did this without hesitation.

“ That’s it Wendy give those nice workmen a proper view of your cunt and ass” Maureen smiled.

After 10 minutes of this further public display and cheers from the work men Maureen told her to come to her on all fours.

Wendy moved across the tiled floor her breasts swaying. She noticed that Mr Tanawa had his cock out and was smiling at her which was comforting.
Maureen raised her skirt to her waist and, moving her bottom forward slightly on the sofa, exposed her big smooth pussy and brown starfish anus.

Maureen reached over and gripped Jo’s hard cock rubbing it slowly whilst looking at Wendy kneeling before her.
“Lick my anus would you, it needs a good rimming” she said

Wendy had never licked down there but hesitantly extended her tongue until it touched Maureen’s arsehole.
“Don’t be afraid get stuck in” Maureen said pulling Wendy’s head in.
Wendy started to lap at the hole her nose pushed against the bottom of Maureen’s slit

“Mmm... that’s nice dear but make your tongue pointy and push in the centre of it” Maureen murmured
Wendy did as she was told and could feel Maureen’s sphincter giving way to the pressure of her tongue.
“Keep going, keep going “
Wendy pushed more and her tongue finally entered Maureen’s tangy anus.
Maureen was obviously turned on she was yanking on Jo’s hard cock and pussy juice was was dripping onto Wendy’s nose.

“You are nice and hard Jo, why don’t you fuck Wendy up the arse while she tongue fucks mine?” Maureen asked.

Mr Tanawa slipped his trousers and pants off and positioned himself behind Wendy penetrating her anus. With each thrust Wendy was pushed forward her tongue going further into Maureen’s sphincter.

“Oh, that feels so lovely and deep!” Maureen exclaimed.
Wendy was aroused at how filthy all this was and could feel an orgasm building. Finally she reached a climax, and her legs buckling she squirted onto the tiled floor and sat back on her haunches

“ Mmmm.. very nice” Maureen said leaning forward to squeeze Wendy’s breasts. Milk squirted out of them.
“Time for you to fuck her cunt I think Jo, I really do wish I had brought my strap on with me” she continued

Wendy went back on all fours and Jo pushed his cock into her wet hole. Maureen knelt close by to watch and continued to milk Wendy’s tits. He earlier pussy squirt was soon joined with a small puddle of milk.

Jo was now in a steady rhythm pushing his 9 inch cock in and out of Wendy’s pussy.
“So Wendy has no contraception, when did she last have a period?” Maureen asked

“I had a period about 8 days ago and there is no contraception as I am a concubine” Wendy replied hoping to please.

“Oh wow, so you are coming into your highly fertile stage! Jo could you leave you cock half way in as I would like to wank you to a climax while you are inside her?”

Jo obliged and stopped stationary with his cock half in. Maureen put her hand around the base of his shaft and started to rub his cock squeezing his hanging ball sack with the other.

“Rub your clit while I wank Jo” Maureen ordered
Wendy fingered her wet slit as Maureen brought Jo closer to his climax.
“ I am going to make Mr. Tanawa shoot his load right into your unprotected pussy Wendy, do you want that, do you need that?”
“I want it, I need it Ma’am!” Wendy moaned her own orgasm building yet again.

Jo moaned his cock starting to cum and Maureen increased the speed of her rubbing until she pushed him to shoot his load into Wendy with a series spurts and grunts. Wendy orgasmed.

Pleased with her work she made Wendy sit over her face so she could collect the dripping cum in her mouth.

“Fuck I love that” Maureen said “But we need more cum and I haven’t orgasmed yet.”

Wendy obligingly started to lick and finger Maureen’s old slack cunt.
“Oh what a good girl ! “ Maureen said wrapping her legs around Wendy
“You will have to give me a while Maureen, to get hard again” Mr Tanawa said
“We need more cocks don’t we Wendy?” Maureen said
Lift her face from her splayed labia Wendy concurred that more hard cock was needed.

“Can you get Yoko and some of the others to come up Jo? Wendy and I need a full service”

Yoko and Dino came up and Maureen organised matters.

First they fucked her slack pussy but each time they were about to cum, Maureen repeated the same procedure with her wanking them off into Wendy’s cunt, making them splatter her pussy walls with their b@by batter.She really wanted Wendy inseminated. As each man fucked her the others milked Wendy’s breasts or as Maureen refered to them, her udders.

After 6 loads had been deposited and then duly emptied from Wendy’s pussy into Maureen’s waiting mouth she declared that was enough for one day.

She offered to clean up Wendy’s used pussy and taking the half full bottle of champagne fizzed it up and set it off inside her hole. Champagne squirted into Wendy’s hole in a fountain of froth. Wendy went into multiple orgasms and squirted her own pussy juice in jets across the floor.

Finally she lay there in a pool of champagne, cum, pussy juice and breast milk.

Wendy was fucked in another two sessions that week - one with 2 male clients and a Friday night internal drinks party - rather than go to the pub they decided to get the drinks in these days.

A further 2 weeks went by and Wendy missed her period. She was pregnant.

This didn’t stop her working but it came to a point where she had to tell Steve her husband.

It had been agreed with Mr Tanawa that she would leave Steve and move to live in the flat during her confinement. After that it would be seen what would happen to the baby and her marriage. However one thing could be assured, she would remain the company concubine.


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Ranma 12 Kunos Concubine

Hi guys, I was always big of Ranma 1/2, Ranma-chan and Ranma/Kuno pairing. So I decided to write this short story about this odd ye lovely couple. Hope you'll enjoy it. I think this site needs more Ranma 1/2 stuff, since it was one of the first mainstream anime series with gender bender subject. Ranma 1/2: Kuno's girl How could this happened? She tried to find the answer, but it was impossible. It seemed totally wrong. After all, this person was the last one Ranma had in mind...

4 years ago
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The Emperors Concubine

Everyday, since I was a girl, I am bathed in honey milk, fucked until I can’t stand, then painted in gold. Rinse and repeat. I am the Emperor’s concubine, his mistress, his whore. I was once a princess, but my kingdom was conquered. Now I’m painted so if any man ever places his hands on me it smears the intricately woven pattern of paint and he will be killed on site. I wear no clothes, my body his temple. I stand straight as a statue staring at the mirror for hours as they paint me, hating...

2 years ago
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The Battered Lamp Chapter Sixteen The Orgy of the Concubines

Introduction: Kyle takes the first step to saving his sister and Zaritha has tracked Fumi down and makes her attack. The Battered Lamp by mypenname3000 Chapter Sixteen: The Orgy of the Concubines Copyright 2014 Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Cast of Characters Main Characters Kyle Unmei Jr.: Half-Japanese/Half-Kurdish owner of Aaliyah and wielder of Earthbones. Aaliyah Unmei: A Jann sent to marry the prophesied savior of the Djinn. Kyles First Wife. Fatima Unmei : Kyles...

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The Battered LampChapter 27 The Passion of the Concubines

Thursday, January 28th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA "So what do we need to cast this spell?" Kyle asked Christy. The witch looked at her husband, then out at the eager concubines kneeling on the floor. She remembered what she had read in the books on spells on how to enhance a creature or a human into something else. "We need a focus to bind the spirits we captured too," she answered. It had taken Sable a few minutes to bind the spirits into her tourmaline pendant. "Something that...

1 year ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 12 Concubines

It was about half past six the next morning when Jack rolled out of bed. Despite the earliness of the hour, he felt well-rested. Next to him, Teresa still slept, and looked like she would be out for hours. After giving Jack her first blowjob, he had ordered her to ride him, and she had cum several times while he suckled her tits and fondled her ass. Then she had given him another blowjob, and he had taken her from behind. She had nervously asked him at one point if he was going to use her...

4 years ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 20 Herding cats and parrots and changes for concubines

On several levels, Terry had to herd cats, or, in the case of working with American intelligence, selectively herd specific cats in a much larger pack of slavering bureaucratic cats. The metaphor struck him repeatedly, and, for he and the concubines depended, above all, on Dolores, his first concubine. While she gave many people the impression of an oversexed airhead, and she was known to encourage that impression when useful, she was actually his right hand and executive officer. Her people...

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The Battered LampChapter 26 The Passion of the Concubines

Wednesday, January 27th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA Majlis al Jinn... "That's where we need to go?" Kyle demanded, his entire body trembling. He tired to ignore the burning cold as Niqualmie, the Native American spirit, spoke to him and his harem. Kyle, his three wives, and their concubines all lay naked in the cold, risking death to summon the spirit and find the way to reach Aaliyah. The spirit didn't answer. "Where is that?" he shouted. It sounded...

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The Battered LampChapter 16 The Orgy of the Concubines

Saturday, January 25th – South Hill Britney admired her prize's red ass as Phillipa knelt on her bed, her hands tied together then bound to a spreader bar, keeping her ankles as far apart as possible. The black-haired witch's face was pressed against the covers, her ass thrust high into the air. Britney sat the crop down, gazing at the hazel eyes of the teen, brimming with tears and lust. "You came hard, right?" she purred, stroking Phillipa's dripping pussy, her tart musk filling...

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I met Prince Mohammed, first son and heir of a sheik, my junior year when he transferred to The Petroleum Engineering School at The University of Texas. We discovered we both liked hunting, golf, fast cars, a good laugh and women, as well as the oil business. We became best friends. Attracting women wasn't a problem for me. My family wasn't in the Sheik's class but my grandfather was a hell-for-leather wildcatter and left us rich. Dad added to the pile and I was hoping to expand it yet...

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The Battered LampChapter 14 The Lust of the Concubines

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Thursday, January 23rd – SeaTac International Airport, Washington "Now boarding Air Canada flight 343 to Vancouver, Canada," the gate attendant announced. Fumi stood up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Today had been so long. She had nearly froze to death lying in the snow waiting for the Native American spirit Niqualmie to appear. Yukishojou-no-onsen, was her answer, a hot spring in her native Hokkaido, the northern most of the main islands...

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The Princes New Concubines

2 Prince Jaseth, second in line for the Elven throne, slowly stirred twards awake. It was his prefered method of waking, but he was so rarely allowed this luxury with his Courtly Dutties. As his conciouseness came into focus his senses reminded him of the the previouse night. The warm, soft, suple, body that cudled against his back had to be his older concubine Avrin. The warm, firmer, smaller body ,he was spooning with, had to the blond, little Te. Jaseths left arm was d****d over her body...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 22 Unowned Concubines

Eric's two concubines turned as we entered and one reached out to turn off the game. I could see a bit of fear in their eyes, and so stepped over to the couch to sit down while looking them over. They were both attractive and young. The closer one was in her mid-twenties with long brown hair and large breasts. Her eyes followed me cautiously as I sat down, but she said nothing. The farther one might have been eighteen, but most likely was sixteen. She was boyishly slender although her firm...

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WhiteBoy Taken

I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...

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Whiteboy Whipping Club

Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryderhttp://www.midnightx.com/[img]http://midnightx.com/fpage/gaybd/COVER2.gif[/img]    Dear Diary,     Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock'  I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers.  And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here.    I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...

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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man Blacken

When I answered it, Jay's voice sent a thrill of excitement through my body. "Yo, whiteboy. I got me a new piece of furniture. I need some help getting into my place. Figured, you know, since you're the landlord and all, you could help me move it in.""Um, well, sure Jay. When do you need me?""In about thirty minutes whiteboy. Get your ass over here."It was across town to Jay's place, so I got under way. In about fifteen minutes, I had pulled up in front of his apartment. There was a pickup...

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Pornstar Concubine

Your mind was racing. After the long drive from Baltimore you were finally turning into your new development outside of Los Angeles. Its exciting to be moving to the City of Angels with all the glitz and glamor. The new promotion and transfer into the entertainment wing of your management consulting firm that your grandpa had found is an added bonus. However, it is also extremely nerve racking. Despite losing two days in New Mexico due to car trouble- the movers who were supposed to arrive...

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The Sultans New Concubine

While cruising on the ship to Morocco, I fall asleep on the lounge chair by the pool. The sun warms my white skin and melts my stress away as I drift off. All of a sudden, the captain announces over the intercom. "We are under attack from the Sultan of Morocco! Everyone hide in your cabin! He is looking for women to add to his harem." I jump up and run to the spa area to hide.> > To my surprise, the Sultan enters the spa room, and eyes the women being pampered. Seeing me standing...

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As I stepped down from the plane, I took in a deep breath. Home, at last. Suddenly, two people were rushing towards me - my parents. The three of us raced across the tarmac and hugged each other, for it had been three years since we last saw each other. Dad and Mom had made sure that I didn't have any break in my studies, and hence, the three-year separation - but at the end, I had obtained my degree in management from the Berkeley, and now was back in my little Arab nation where I was born...

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AbracadabraChapter 11 The Emerald Concubine

Gregg Gilstrom unlocked the door of his room and slid gratefully inside. It had been a day of boring lectures but he felt he had to keep up appearances. There was still a great deal of fuss being made about the museum robbery — largely as a result of the director insisting that everyone was to blame except him and while he resented the fact that he wasn't getting the credit, he was quite happy to be avoiding the attentions of the police. As soon as the door closed behind him, he knew...

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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man PT 2 Blacken

"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...

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Wine Tasting

Ever since we met, my Wife and I have used the day after Thanksgiving as a special treat to ourselves, because that’s where we had our first date. A lot of the small wineries are only open this day, and through the weekend for capacity reasons. You can snag some great wines. Of course you can get a little wasted if not careful.That Friday was a partly cloudy day, with the sun peeking out occasionally, and the temperature in the mid 40’s. On our way to the first winery of the day, I told my wife...

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It Happened In The Winery

The small winery and vineyard my parents owned was about four hours from my home—one of those little towns in the Willamette valley. I didn’t visit often for a variety of reasons, but this time had a purpose. Robby, a co-worker at my office, had come with me. I met Robby when he came to work with our company. It seemed like he just kind of showed up for work at our office building one day. He managed to land some kind of informal, part time legal research gig—something about trademarks and...

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Bless Wine

My last production was in my final year at college. Throughout my high school years I was taking drama as a subject. Our boys only school didn't have the numbers to offer it, so we took it at the exclusive girl's school in town. I landed several leading roles and built up some contacts, fell in love and just generally became well known to all the girls in the school. It was one of these connections that called me up offering me the lead role in a play. I was the only college student, the...

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The Vagina Wine

Hi! Readers, this is Vineeth here today am gonna tell you how I got laid with my dream senior and how my fantasy sex life begins. Let’s not waste time and get into the sex story. It’s a true sex story happened 6months ago.I am 23 doing my internship in a reputed college in Chennai. I am fair, athletic body. I am a football player that keeps my look and stamina great. The heroine of the sex story is Krithika, my senior, to tell about her, she is a true sculpture with perfect structure. She is...

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our wine party

I looked over the pop up; it was asking if I liked or loved wine, I said what the hell so I answered “loved” And then the next pop up call up and it wondered if you won a barrel of wine, what would you do with it. Well not knowing how much a barrel had in it and all I typed it in and the results were 300 bottles or 60 gallons of wine. So I filled out the questionnaire and sent it on its way. I’d forgotten all about it and mainly didn’t think I’d hear from them because I simply put, I’d...

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Wine Bar Date

Miranda walked down the street in a daze, trying to ignore the lingering moisture between her legs. After her surprising, yet incredibly rewarding experience at the coffee shop, she could hardly wait for dinner later with the mysterious Heather. Even if nothing sexual happened, she still wanted to know more about the woman who was brazen enough to take control of a complete stranger in public place. Knowing that Heather was likely very busy, Miranda held off on calling about dinner plans. Not...

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Wine Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

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Exhibitionist Sister Wine Night with Friends

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

3 years ago
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Wine Tasting in Paso Robles

My wife and I drove over to Paso Robles for a day of wine tasting. Paso Robles is where about seventy-five percent of the wineries are in California. We usually try to find the secluded wineries that aren't on the main highways. They're not as crowded and you can talk to the employees and ask questions about the wines. We've done this several times in the past and have found it makes for a relaxing and fun day. We stopped at one of the wineries on the main highway for my wife to buy a bottle...

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Wine Bar

Since New York State is noted for it’s wineries and wine tours I thought that it might be a good idea to open a Wine Bar. All of the bars I knew about served mostly beer and alcohol. I thought about it for a while and decided that it had to be near a big city just because of the population to draw from. Putting it nearer the wineries themselves would not give me enough people to draw from year round. I looked into the number of wineries in New York and quickly realized that I just couldn’t...

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Wine Tasting1

Wine Tasting I took my wife on a Wine Tasting Tour in the Fingerlakes area of New York, basically between Cayuga Lake and Seneca Lake. Since drinking and driving has become such a high profile crime we flipped a coin to see who the designated driver would be. I lost so it was my wife who got to drink without concern for the consequences. On the other hand I thoroughly enjoyed taking advantage of her when she is drunk. We started at one winery where for just two dollars she had a...

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A Bottle of Wine

God, my head hurt. I was having such a hard time thinking straight. Everything hurt, not just my head, but that was definitely number one on the list. I couldn’t remember where I was, how I’d gotten here. Why did everything look so familiar? This wasn’t my stuff. So why did I recognize it? Think, Justin. Retrace your steps. What do you remember? The weekend. It had been the weekend. Yes. Ssssssunday night? Yeah, that sounded right. Something about… a special occasion? Not a happy...

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Curious Cousins Turned Wine Party To An Orgy

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about how I enjoyed an orgy with cousins. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. So guys, hands on your cock and girls, on your pussy now. It was summer and family time. Most of our cousins had summer holidays and they had come to our place for visit. There were kids, teenagers and elder people visiting our house. It was a nice meet up of three generations. Kids...

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Chinese food and wine

Weekend nights are the loneliest at all the time! Because I always have relationships with men in the present, I am tired been stood up by them and put down a lot by them. The only way to save my heart from getting broken is to keep a promise to me that I will never go on a date anymore. But, I have the fantasies for sexual desire and to be love. I don’t have anyone to romanticize me with roses and candles to dine, to share my sexual fantasies with. Instead, I always eat chinese food; drink a...

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Red Wine

Feeling eyes on her Brenda looked over the rim of the glass of red wine she was drinking. She saw a couple of guys sitting at the bar, across from the corner table where she sat was a sultry redhead. Making eye contact with the woman she put the glass down and ran her tongue across her lips feeling the cool wine slide down her throat, not breaking the gaze she watched as the other woman stood up and walked over to her. Feeling a smile come to her she squeezed her thighs together, this could be...

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A Glass of Red Wine and a Red Bottom Too Part One

My regular meetings with Mrs. Taylor continued into the following year when I was in Sixth Form. Although I hadn’t chosen to do French, I had kept in contact with Wendy and we managed to see one another outside school every four to six weeks, depending whether or not her husband was home. I was spanked each time, having confessed to Auntie Wendy what I had failed to do over the previous few weeks or for admitting having misbehaved or for simply making things up. Generally, this was my admission...

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OVERBOARDChapter 16 I Give Kay Too Much Wine

"I don't know how that went Kay, but it didn't sound too bad from what I heard of the conversation." "It didn't go badly but it didn't go well either. The best thing I can say about it is there wasn't an absolute and immediately negative reaction. Mom's not happy; if she was she'd have let me know that. Since she didn't say anything about the arrangement I know it's bothering her but not how much, yet. Dad on the other hand is really bothered by it. He wants to think about it and...

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It Happened In The Winery Ch 02

Robby was tucking in his shirt when I pulled open the door of the winery. The second car we heard drive up had stopped, forcing us to get a move on. I don’t know how long we would have laid on top of the pallet of wine. I took a moment to brush off any dirt my t-shirt had accumulated while it was on the floor. Satisfied, I looked up to greet the new customers. Before I could shout, I heard Robby say quietly behind me, ‘I plan on continuing this tonight.’ Inwardly, I grinned. Outwardly, I...

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A Night in the Cabin Some Wine and Our New Friend

Recently my wife Sue and I enjoyed a short vacation in a lovely lake front home secluded in the woods. Earlier in the year some friends had booked the home through a rental agency however due to one of their parent’s health issues they asked if we would consider taking their week as they could not make it. After looking at pictures of the quaint home we agreed and the agency had no problems with the arrangement considering the circumstances.We also thought this would be a great opportunity...

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Pearls Before Wine

Queen Fanura smiled wryly as she looked up from the parchment in her hand. The messenger who brought it offered to interpret it into her language, but she had no need of translation. She read and spoke Corthon almost as well as she did her own Nurian. Her mother, who had been Queen before her, had seen to that by giving her the son of a Corthon warrior, one of her mother's many lovers, as her playmate. When she was twelve, she had taken him to her bed and made him her first boy slave. "Our...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 22 The White Witch of Walden Wine and Murder

When I returned, the sun was low in the western sky. I'd given them enough time. Now, I was going to have all the answers to my questions, one way or the other. Once again, just as my life was beginning to follow some sort of badly needed routine, it had been turned topsy-turvy. Tonight, I was going to know why. Dee had outdone herself in the kitchen. Both she and Brenda came to kiss me when I entered, while Willie simply stood and blushed at the open display of affection. Brenda had...

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whites Becoming Black Owned Pig Properties

blackownednakedbitchby nudemodel While still in its juvenile years a self-important white female or self-important white male hears about Black Superiority and white inferiority. Supported by white society, white family, white friends, and white neighbors, the white juvenile vigorously opposes the concept.Energized by its comfortable white community and its widespread white privilege, it rejects the idea of Black Superiority with vociferous arguments. These arguments tout its own...

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Playing with wine bottles

Object ConfessionsLet's get this out of the way right up front - any woman can have any guy she wants. So this isn't about whether or not I can get a guy or have sex with a guy. No man I've ever met is going to turn down pussy or ass, and if he does then either a gal is doing it wrong or his interests are invested in other men. And a lot of gals do it wrong, or get all messed up in their head over "Is it love?" and "Is it a LTR?" and other crap - and none of that has a thing to do with...

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Red Wine Romance

As she sat across from him at the beautiful candle lit table she could hardly believe it had been eight wonderful months since she had first met the amazing creature that set opposite of her. The last months had been the most wonderful time of her life, she had never felt so relaxed, open and herself with anyone. Now here they were, having a wonderful romantic dinner to celebrate. As she started to rise from the table, he said, ‘wait’, and reached for her glass of wine, he pored more of the...

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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine

My name's Alexander Nwabudikae Morgan Sexton and way too many of my male friends think I'm a damn lucky son of a gun. When I turned 21 I was struck by the Sexton Family Curse: my lips and tongue taste like the best red wine in history to any woman whom I willingly kiss that has ever tasted a red wine before: and will get them drunk like it too. You'd have thought that would be a blessing, but it's not, oh boy, it's not! Just for starters, sure, girls throw themselves at me looking for a free...

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Fine Italian Wine Chapter 01

Sherri spotted him in the receiving line. There he was, standing out like an African Adonis. He was moving slowly towards her. Sherri held her breath. She had to meet him! “Sherri! Sherri! I’m talking to you.” Sherri’s mind snapped out of her dreamy fog. It was her sister, Veronica. It was her wedding. In fact, it was Veronica’s third wedding. “I need you to find papa. I can’t find him,” Veronica said. “I’ll check on him!” Sherri said. She knew where he would be. She found him in his...

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An Unexpected Visit Wine and Panties

A true story with changed names that happened at our house on Monday, June 3, 2019.My wife and I arrived home from work and decided to enjoy the nice weather sitting on our back porch drinking wine. Into our second glass a neighbor stopped by to chat and we invited him to join us. Somehow, the evening had gone from 6:30 to 11 pm. We had also managed to drain four bottles of wine between us. I looked over to see my wife was no laying across the patio couch with her sundress riding up. She had...

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Wine and Roses

Friday night traffic on the Interstate was at a crawl, and it looked as though I would be later than usual getting home. It was shaping up to be a less than perfect ending to a less than perfect week.Things had looked bright enough on Monday morning, and it seemed like I would have a good week of sales. But, on Monday afternoon, an appointment for a large account was indefinitely postponed, and things went straight downhill from there. It was a Murphy’s Law kind of week punctuated with car...

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Fine Older Wine

Last October, a group of friend and I went to The Central Coast G****s and Grains Festival. We tried all sorts of beers and by mid afternoon I had a light buzz going and decided to try something more. Going to the wine section, I started tasting the different red wines at various booths. Jokeing with all the tasters and haveing a great time. At one of the local booths another taster bumped into me almost spilling her wine on my tee shirt. "whoops, you almost got me!" looking up at I saw a...

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Days of Wine and Roses

We were walking near the shoreline along a sandy trail. It was summer and my family was staying at a rented house in a town on the Texas coast. Janie was a girl I met the first day we were there. She was short pixie of a raven haired girl. She was staying the next house over from us. She was the same age as me.This was the first summer after I started college and I was on vacation from school. So was she. Even though we were not twenty-one yet we had been able to get an older guy to buy us some...

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Getting Some Wine

You're going for wine and you know exactly what we both want you to do. You're in a very short dress and a thong. I'm at work dying to hear how it went. When you get there he's checking out one customer and he looks at you as you enter the store. You push up your sunglasses and smile nicely at him. He likes it and smiles back. You stroll the aisles until he's done at the register. You see him walk over towards you and you have butterflies in your stomach. He's tall and lean and black. ...

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