Gift of the Goddess Ch 05
- 2 years ago
- 32
- 0
First story in a slowly progressing series.
‘Come here, Jenny.’
‘Yes, Sir.’
I still couldn’t believe it. Every time that reply came, that meek, obedient breath, I had to pinch myself. ‘Yes, Sir.’, ‘No, Sir.’, ‘As you wish, Michael.’, ‘Does it please you?’, ‘Did I do good?’, whispered, spoken, occasionally shouted, and always with a gleam in her eye, and a tiny smile dancing on her lips. I loved her, there was no doubt about it, she had me wrapped around her delicate finger, my heart in her exquisite palm. And still, the undivided attention, the quiet waiting, the blush of excitement on her face over my calmly spoken command… It was all so strange to me, so utterly alien to everything I had come to know about human nature.
And still I loved it. I couldn’t get enough. What had happened to me? When did she rewire my head like that?
I met Jenny two months ago. It was one of those ways that people meet. You know, if you had ten couples in the same room, and asked that question, at least three of them would serve you just about the same kind of story. The kind where the two had to share a cab, got placed in the same train coupe, shared tables at Burger King. That kind. It’s not even a remotely interesting one in my case. It started at Heathrow airport, where we bumped into each other in the transit hall, and I mean literally. She was running along in one direction towards one gate, and I was in just as much of a hurry to get to another one. We both had our mind on the flight we were almost about to miss, and our hopeful eyes on a big board on my right that displayed information on delayed take-offs.
The next thing I remember was being body-slammed at 60 Mph by the entire Miami Dolphins. At least, that was my first impression. My second impression was that of a rather petite and very attractive woman falling on top of me. We both fell clumsily to the floor, and as I tried to regain the breath that she knocked out of me, I hissingly apologised for not watching my steps.
‘Oh, please don’t. It was all me. I’m such an air-head sometimes,’ came the soft reply. She had the leanest and smoothest voice I had ever heard.
As a matter of fact, it was for the better that I almost got run over by her. I was completely going in the wrong direction. My sense of location wasn’t the best to begin with, and with three straight smoky-as-hell Glenfiddich in my brain, I had completely lost it.
‘I think we both were kind of obsessed with the departure times, eh?’ I assured her. ‘So it’s just as much my fault. Are you ok?’ She nodded. ‘Good, I don’t think a lawsuit is the kind of baggage that I want to take with me to Madrid right now,’ I said with a smile.
‘To Madrid? Not flight 212?’ she asked me, while she collected herself and the contents of her briefcase from the floor.
‘That’s the one.’
‘Well, you just passed it.’
‘I did?’
‘Twenty steps behind you. That’s where I’m going.’
‘Jesus, I’ll have to pay more attention to where I’m steering. Thanks for screwing my head back straight. Do we have time?’
‘A couple of minutes,’ she said. ‘Come on.’
As it turned out, fate was not done with the two of us just yet. Not only did we share the same flight, we were booked to sit next to each other. If you ask for the seat next to the emergency exit, your wish, unless already asked for before you, will probably be granted, since they think you have a fear of flying. Now, that’s not the case at all for me, I just want the extra feet of leg-space that seat provides.
Jenny however, was. And not only afraid, she was terrified.
‘It’s a full fledged well documented phobia,’ she told me. ‘I take loony-pills every time I go for a longer flight.’
‘So you’re zoned out right now?’ I asked.
She shook her head, ‘Naah, this trip is not that bad. Just an hour or two is no problem.’ She grabbed the attention of a stewardess and promptly ordered a double whiskey. ‘Nothing that getting sloshed can’t help.’
I found myself instantly liking the outgoing, chatty woman. She was a picture to look at, and she had the most disarming wit. And a voice, god damn what a vocal register. During runway taxying we engaged in friendly nonsense chatter, but I could feel in the timbre of her voice that she was getting a bit tense.
‘This part sucks,’ she announced, as we stood on the runway ready to roll off up into the grey English skies.
Then the pilot hit the pedal and a panicked hand clutched my jacket. I could see Jenny grimace in anguish, and I did the only thing I could think of, I laid my free arm around her shoulders and aimed for a friendly, paternal, comforting pat. Jenny didn’t care either way, she just reached out and pulled me closer to her, buried her terrified face in my chest and hyperventilated her way through take-off and the first minute of climbing.
From that moment, we were inseparable. And I really mean physically, I don’t think there was more than a short moment now and then that our eyes and skin were not in contact. Her magnificent, soft, soothing voice had me hypnotised all through the flight, and my arm around her shoulders, as well as her hand resting on my chest stayed put. It didn’t feel weird at all, not too flirty. I know it should have, I’m not the guy who jumps into cuddling with strange women on airplanes. But somehow, Jenny was different. So easy to get along with, so uncomplicated to figure out, and apparently just as willing to flirt like a madman as I found myself being.
And somehow, from that, it just escalated. We shared a cab from the airport, sat in silence and held hands as the dusty midsummer Spain rolled under us, bringing the core of the bustling capital city closer minute by minute. Things just happened, and I never saw anything coming. First there was the hotel. She had not booked any room for the night. Nothing surprising there, it was low season after all. You’d have no real problem finding decent lodging at any time of the day, at least not if you had the money to pay for something a little bit more comfortable than the simplest resort hotel.
So it was decided that she’d follow me, dump her bags in my room, and we’d hit the streets of Madrid ASAP.
‘I know this place…’ she cooed, her fingers playing absently with my already loosened tie knot, as the big city edged closer. ‘I know this place.’
‘You already said that,’ I interrupted.
‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘But you know, now I just have to start all over again. So I’ll say it a third time.’
‘Don’t bother,’ I said and placed a tentative hand on her thigh as I leaned closer. She didn’t resist, just smiled. Reassured I was in the playing field I continued the silly banter, ‘I’ll say it for you. You know this place…?’
She turned to me and put her arms around my neck, drawing me even closer. All I saw now was those beautiful, mischievous eyes of hers.
‘…this place where the air is filled with the smell of red wine, there are candles everywhere, and the things they serve, Jesus you just have to try it to believe me, but it makes me want to tear off my clothes, run into the kitchen and serve myself to the chef.’
‘Jenny! How much did you have to drink on that plane?’
‘Yeah, I’m a little tipsy. So?’
‘Well, I mean…’
I didn’t get any further, until I realised that I was talking into her soft lips brushing against mine. My voice, along with all sensible thoughts faded into the background, as she leaned in, and we shared the longest, gentlest and most sincere kiss I had ever had. I know the cab driver was watching us, he had stopped breathing somewhere along the line, and my shoved aside sensibility was quite busy wondering if he was keeping any eye on the road as well. It was when he finally let out his breath that the spell broke, and I was jolted b
ack into reality that I realised that maybe I too should breathe. If I was to die, I might as well die suffocating with her lips against mine, but this was neither the time nor the place for that. I broke the kiss, and we just sat there staring at each other for well over a minute.
‘Take me to that restaurant,’ I finally managed to say. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.
‘Yes. Yes sir!’
‘Sir?’ I said with an amused smile.
‘Well, you know…’ She gave me a little mock salute, and sank down with a soft giggle to rest her head on my chest. I let my arms encircle her, and like two long-since lovers we shared the comfort and silence of each other, while the cab took us the last ten minutes to my hotel. I barely knew the girl, I had met her by a fluke of coincidences just a few hours before, and it felt like I had known her all my life. It was so bloody perfect, that I started to get suspicious.
The secluded little tavern was everything Jenny had promised, and more. I can’t even remember what I ordered. The combination of tastes exploding like orgasms in my mouth, the scent of burning wax, musky red wine and her breath never far away was intoxicating, and after the second bottle I had completely lost my sense of time. And soon, all sense of being in a public place. We let our hands slide against arms and legs, our heads close together in playful whisper. We laughed more than we ate, we kissed more then we laughed, she fed me olives from between her lips and wine through her deep kisses.
I don’t even remember how we ended up back at my hotel room, but it was pretty clear by now that she was going nowhere on her own. Finally, behind closed doors, she turned to me, a little blushed from the wine, but with the strangest questioning look in her eyes.
‘So, what do you want me to do now?’
I had to let her words sink in. What did she mean? Wasn’t it obvious? I wanted to tear off my clothes, throw her on the bed and ravage her until my balls bled. I wanted to pin her to the… wait. That’s what I wanted to do.
‘What I want…you to do?’
‘Yes, tell me what to do. Anything at all. Just tell me.’
Well, if that was how she was going to play this game, I could definitely follow.
‘Ok then,’ I said, ‘don’t do anything for now. Just stand there and look irresistible. That shouldn’t be too hard.’
And she stood. It is hard to explain really. I mean, she was already standing there, but now it was not by default, but by choice – my choice. She straightened her posture and looked at me with apprehensive eyes, as if measuring me out. I took a few steps around her, admiring her small but well proportioned frame. Her flowery summer dress left her tanned arms and shoulders bare, save for two thin straps and those of her bra beneath. Her wavy hair hung cascading from a knot in the back of her head, over her neck and back. Her arms hung straight down her sides, but I could see that she was tense. The dress ended high up her thighs, and seemed almost painted to her hips and that gorgeous bubble butt of hers.
As I walked behind her, she kept her eyes and head straight forward, as if she was a soldier at a drill instruction.
‘Wow, you’re really something,’ I murmured. ‘Do you have any idea how sexy you look?’
She didn’t answer, but I could see her chest heave, and peeking from the side I saw a smile spread on her lips. I leaned closer and placed a kiss on the base of her neck. I felt her inhale, and I stood up again.
‘I’m gonna go to the bathroom,’ I said. ‘Let’s see if you can make yourself even more beautiful. Why don’t you let out your hair? And step out of those shoes, ok?’
‘You don’t like the shoes?’ She sounded genuinely concerned.
‘For a night out, definitely. In here, for what I have in mind…no. That would be too much of a bad cliché, wouldn’t you say?’
She nodded and reached for the hairband. I took her hand and stopped her.
‘Wait. Let me get out of the way first.’
I went to the bathroom, but had another notion. I turned around toward her in the doorway.
‘Oh, and get out of the bra and panties too. But keep the dress on.’
I half expected some either serious or playful remark about my instructions. But Jenny just looked at me and whispered a small but clear ‘yes’. I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. Truth is, I had no real business at the john. I was just more turned on by this than I had been in my entire life. I had almost painted the inside of my boxers with cum by just moving around out there, and had to steady my nerves. I took hold of the sink and took a few deep breaths. Out there was the most beautiful, intriguing and sexy woman I had ever met, and it seemed like I was free to order her to do anything I wanted. But first I had to get rid of this painful erection, or all the fun would be over before it had even started.
That was easier that I had thought. I just had to unzip, pull out my cock, close my eyes and think of her. A few seconds later I felt my balls twitch, and I shot a load straight at the bathroom wall. It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had, and I hadn’t even done anything with her yet. After steadying my breathing, I wiped up the evidence, zipped up my pants, flushed and washed my hands. It was time to continue.
Jenny was still watching me when I came out from the bathroom. Her hair was let out, her high heeled shoes were put away neatly in a corner. I couldn’t see where she had put her underwear, but I could see that her bra-straps were gone. Other than that, she stood in exactly the same position as before. The situation was so bizarre. She was standing there, seemingly eager to please me, as if she didn’t have me wrapped around her finger already. I couldn’t help but emit a short laugh. Her reaction to that was even stranger.
‘What? Did I miss something?’ she said, and looked in confusion down her own body. ‘You said the hair and the shoes and…’
‘…and the rest, yes,’ I filled in. ‘No, you didn’t miss a beat, baby. You are just perfect…so perfect. Now stay put.’
I walked up to her, put a hand under her chin to tilt her head back, and gave her a long, sincere kiss. She responded eagerly, and our tongues slid against each other. But still she didn’t move. My other arm was around her waist, pulling her closer to me, but her arms remained passive. I broke the kiss, and let my lips wander. Down her cheek, the side of her neck, her shoulders, and further down her deep decolletage. Her head was thrown back, her breath strained, and I felt her arms tense and her fists clench. But she kept her arms down.
‘What’s the matter? Are you ok?’ I said, as I hesitated.
‘Please…’ she panted.
‘Let me, let me…. Come on…’
‘Let you what?’
‘Please, let me touch you.’
And the penny dropped. I thought it was just a silly game, and that that particular foreplay would be over as soon as I started having my way with her. She wanted so bad to put her hands on me, to do what I did to her. But she was still waiting for my permission. Holy shit, she knew how to make a guy feel special, all right.
‘By god, yes!’ I told her. ‘Touch me, kiss me, lick, suck, fuck my brains out, in any damn order you want to. Take the lead, pretty.’
She was all over me before the last word had hit the opposite wall. She pressed her lips against mine, flung her arms around my neck and pressed her body against me. I hiked her dress up, grabbed her ass with both my hands, and let them roam up and down her back and thighs. Together and locked like that we staggered towards the bed. At some moment, I can’t actually remember when, either of us must have paused our kissing long enough to let Jenny’s dress fall off her shoulders, because when we reached the bed, and I pushed her onto it, it was the sight of her full naked body that I saw lying there.
From that point, it was all instinct.
I can’t
remember the details. I try, but it is all a mess of impressions and flashes. The taste of her nipple between my lips, the electric tingle of her fingertips stroking my growing shaft. The suddenly distant look in her eyes when she straddled my hips and sank down on me, slowly, ever so slowly swallowing my cock between her legs. The sight of her thrown back head. And how I pushed harder and harder, trying desperately to go deeper and deeper, to fill her more completely than anyone before me, more than was physically possible.
And now, seven hours after that take-off at Heathrow, she buried her face in my chest once again. Not terrified of flight this time, but stifling a scream as she flew high on the waves of an orgasm and wrapped her legs around me, driving me harder and harder against her rocking, spasming body. My last climax, how many that night I have no idea, had passed more than a minute earlier, exploding in my loins, in my head, in my chest, legs, cock, as I shot my load straight into her. Her hair a messy halo around her on the pillows below me, our bodies glistening with the sweat of a magic night in the summer heat of Madrid.
In the afterchocks of that unload, I thought I’d cool down. But she carried me on, panting, grunting, pleading, shouting wordless mantras into the night, and into my mouth when I covered her lips with mine and plunged my tongue to slide side by side with hers. Then out into the air again, as I licked her neck, kissed her face, and kept on fucking with an aching cock now only kept rigid out of sheer surprise.
I hammered into her as hard and as fast as I could, and she screamed primal feline growls in response. I steadied myself on one hand, used the other to slide down to her pussy, and started pinching and pushing against her clit. The reaction was almost instant. Jenny let out a loud yell, and the walls of her sex contracted to squeeze small jolts of pain into my cock, veritably singing on the last verse. She arched her back and dug her fingernails into my ass and back as she pulled me to her. I kept working on her clit and she kept on thrashing around and screaming. Finally, after far longer than I had expected, her climax subsided, and the frantic bucking and the attempt to draw blood out of my buttocks subsided, and finally died.
Spent and exhausted I sank down on the mattress beside her. After a few minutes of letting our breaths and pulses regain some kind of control over our bodies, Jenny turned and laid herself close up against me, head on my chest, leg draped over mine. I was beginning to feel the long, intense day take it’s toll on me, so I barely heard her sleepy murmur.
‘It’s been years,’ she said.
‘Years since I felt…like this. Thank you.’
‘No, thank you. You are so amazing, Jenny, in all kinds of ways. So…so…’
It was hard to reply, let alone think straight, I felt sleep tugging, almost burning behind my eyes, begging for closed lids.
‘I love you,’ she whispered, ‘and I want to be yours. All yours. Do you want that?’
‘Yes…I would…love..that…’
I don’t really know why I said that, it just seemed like the right thing at the moment. That seemed to satisfy her. She purred a little ‘Thank you’, and went silent. After a few seconds I realised that her breathing had changed. Jenny had fallen asleep. At that very moment, the gentle arms of darkness, a deep, satisfied, dreamless sleep took me in.
When I woke up the next morning, Jenny wasn’t there. Or at least, that was my first assumption, that she had woken up before me, and in the new light of dawn, with a hangover from too much wine, decided that our adventure last night should be the end of it, then silently packed up and tiptoed out. Out of my life, forever. There was nobody weighting down the mattress beside me, no arm resting on my chest, no face and hair snuggling up against my neck. No, Jenny was gone. The magic connection from yesterday had been only the same old illusion as always. It was always like that. Infatuation and alcohol seems to paint such pretty pictures of people in our heads, and in the light of the next morning, the real person is there, just a guy, or just a girl, with flaws and bruises like everyone else. In a familiar sting of disappointment, I groaned and sat up, bracing myself for the impending hangover slaughter of my senses.
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My friend came over because he was horny and I was caught off guard. I didn't want to make it seem obvious that we were fucking so I went ahead and let him in. I introduced him to my gf as we talked a bit before she said she'd make us something to eat. She said she would need to go to the store for ingredients and that was our opening as my friend eyed me. She grabbed her things and headed for the door as she told us she'd be back and for us to not have too much fun without her. She drove away...
Saturday, November 28, 2015 FADE IN, ARENA, VANCOUVER, CANADA The arena is filled with people. The headliner is Michiko Takahashi, the fourteen year old singing sensation who has been setting music fans a’twitter for nearly nine months now. The people gathered in this arena are looking forward to her show, but tonight there’s actually more buzz about her opening act. The news media, which had been following the case of the two nine-year-olds, Paul Clare Macon and his girlfriend Paula Claire...
Dear Diary - Oh Boy! Do I ever know now how to make him happy. And he sez I'm as good as her, maybe better. He made me take it in my mouth. At first I didn't really like it but, after, when I saw how excited I made him it was great. He done me again the regular way cept I sat on his lap. It was great. It didn't hurt at all cept I sorta ache from it. He made it happen twice this time. Then he done it in my mouth. I had to swallow his stuff, too, but I didn't mind, speshly coz he liked it...
Susie Brock knew that part of her would always be sad that she couldn't work it out with Governor Bruce Calahan. She also knew that the Governor was right about them needing some time apart, after being lovers for the whole semester. She had missed him that summer, as she worked in the area, to ensure that she already had a job when the other students came into town. She missed him even more by now, but the past had to be left to history, and the future embraced, so she went ahead and...
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Vote! Comment! Let me know what you think and what direction I should be taking with this story (and all the rest of them!) Thanks again. This work makes no affiliation between Aaron Lewis, Staind, Slipknot, Tool, Korn or any other artist. The references to names are noted as such and all lyrics belong to their rightful owners. Danielle kicked a clump of dirt as she walked out of the door from one of the academic halls. She had just finished her humanities...
If nothing else had yet humbled the former Noble Lord, one look at the esteemed meeting place Rennis had procured would have done it. The Province which Tarras had governed before the Inonni came had a fine auditorium. Cavernous but not intimidating, decorated but not ostentatious, and comfortable but not lavish. The acoustics were perfect, allowing one to stand upon the stage and project his voice to the very back row with little effort. Tarras had used that chamber on many occasions to...
When Abby finished, Brad gave her good applause. “You have a fantastic voice, Abby! I bet you’d have a great singing career.” “You think so?” “I’d be your number one fan,” he said, giving her another good kiss. “Britney and Amber say I should try out for Canadian Idol when I turn sixteen.” “Count me in. You’ll always have my support. I’ll always be your number one fan no matter what you do for a living. Your talent is matched by your incredible beauty,” They looked into the other’s eyes...
My fiancé,e Introduction : This is a true story. It was happened about 15 years ago. At that time we were young, ignorance and innocent in exploring sex. ———————————————————————————————————————- I had been dating my fiancé,e for sometime. Today I decided to take her cherry a week after we were engaged . I was 22 then and Anna was 17 y. o. I took her to a lodging house in the out-skirt downtown which I had surveyed the other day. It was a bit run-down and old but quite cozy and...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eleifend arcu nibh, a iaculis velit sollicitudin eu. Nam m*****ie nunc at mi aliquet tincidunt. Integer efficitur bibendum neque ac rutrum. Quisque bibendum lorem quis tortor euismod sodales. Fusce semper metus ut varius m*****ie. Curabitur in purus ut enim pulvinar luctus. Mauris varius risus eget sodales malesuada. Integer dignissim enim vel rutrum euismod. Maecenas viverra, tellus in finibus tempor, orci lorem laoreet...
The girls were glad to wake up to a bright, cold morning after the unpleasant scene they had witnessed last night. They rose and stretched themselves savouring the fresh cool wind as it blew across their bodies and cleaned away the feeling of being soiled by what they had witnessed. To get the circulation going, they wrestled in a friendly but energetic manner for twenty minutes or so, gaining a couple of falls apiece. Finally Jessica sat on her friend's stomach and smiled down at her - both...
**If you haven’t read the original story arc, I suggest you read it first to understand what happens in this story. If you want to buy it: or if you just want to read it online: Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Also, I highly encourage you to add new chapters to help me flesh out this story. **We now begin our story at the beginning of issue...
I wonder what can be seen at Brd Teen Gal? Is it a teen TGP? Well, are you a 30+-year-old male who has an unhealthy obsession with teenage girls to the point that it puts a strain on your quality of life by making you yearn for some sweet barely legal teenage pussy? Does this obsession govern over your overall mood and regulate your quality of life? Maybe you’re just a horny teenager or college kid who’s deeply, unsustainably in love with nothing but fresh ripe teenage booty? If you find...
Naked Girls GalleriesWhen John wakes at 5:30 a.m. he wakes Carmen by kissing her, and whispers to her. They change positions and she cuddles Helen as she fondles her breasts. Helen wakes up to someone kissing her neck and fondling her breasts; she tenses until she recognises the feel of breasts against her. Opening her eyes she sees Carmen and reaches up to pull Carmen’s mouth to hers. As they kiss she looks past Carmen, to see a sleeping John. She knows he’s a cyborg who doesn’t need much sleep, but it doesn’t...
Tiffany Hammer is a rather unremarkable girl. She doesn't stand out in a crowd and only has a few friends who could pick her out of that crowd. She doesn't play any sports, she isn't in any clubs, and she has very average grades. But if you were to get a close look at Tiffany you might notice that she's a pretty cute girl. Tiffany is a shy young beauty who has just survived the ordeals of high school. Most days she could be found leaning her slender figure against a wall somewhere quiet where...
LesbianI lay naked in my twin bed, watching my brother get undressed. As had become usual lately I was imagining him getting ready to join me in my bed. He was leaving for the army in a few weeks and I was beginning to despair that such a lovely thing would ever happen. He had been preparing for the army for the past two years and was trim and muscly. His shirt came off over his head and the lines of his back rippled and moved beautifully. His pants dropped down to reveal red boxer briefs. His back...
IncestI was very young when dad began having sex with me. It started with him coming to my room and stripping me naked then he would finger my pussy. He got so he could put his whole finger all the way in me. Then he taught me to suck his cock and swallow his cum. I liked it when he sucked my clit which he did before he finger fucked me. When my tits began to grow the sex got more intense and he then began to put his cock in me instead of his finger. The first few times hurt a lot but soon I was able...
I strolled to him with my head lowered slightly. "Hey, may I please borrow fifty dollar, Marshal?" I pleaded, while giving him a puppy face. He looked up from his issue of Playboy. "Again?" "Yes, I just need some cash for a gift for Linda's bachelorette party gift." He raised his eyebrows but then put his magazine down and reached for his wallet. "Here you go," he sighed, handing me some cash. "Oh, you are so sweet, Marshal," I praised him, before I attacked him while cheesing. I hugged him for...
Love StoriesOn-the-Job TrainingBy DidmakerMadelyn Patterson sat at her desk in the cubical assigned to her. After a rather messy divorce that left her with almost nothing since her dead beat ex husband had moved their assets out of the country and her lawyer had not made the effort to track it down, she was now working as a low level assistant at a large export import company. The pay check was too small to support the life she grown accustomed to during her marriage and she gritted her teeth over her...
When I entered Rajaji’s office after 30 minutes (to allow Suvarna to leave) he was sitting on the takiya and smoking. I walked in smiling and touched his feet and sat near his feet on the floor. “Come Prema,” He said and pulled me in his embrace. I went willingly enough but I was surprised how he was horny so soon again. Our lips were locked in a kiss as Rajaji made me sit in his lap and stroked my round ass. “what a piece you are,” he said and pulled my saree pallu down. I looked at my...
473 mothers Ruin It was Monday again, just one more week till Easter Would be over, Beryl was packing, for her departure, they would all miss her. This week Jim was double shifting, his oppo, Sid having flue, it was their way, covering for each other. Mother was starting out with her hubby about 5.30 of a morning. Beryl was in her brothers bed by 5.40! Amy got home via a bus at around 9 or 9.30, by when the deed had been done and two happy souls were up and in Tony`s case off to school, Beryl...
My freshmen year at collage has finally concluded, yesterday was the last day of my classes. It’s summer time and I just arrived home after completing the three-hour drive from campus, but that’s when reality set in. Being home again…. I’m twenty and being here isn't going to be easy. Any freedom I had over these past few months is now gone, now that I’m back under my fathers roof and have to answer to him. As for my privacy, well that’s gone too especially with my two eighteen year old sisters...
I didn't plan it, but Cindy graduated into upper division classes that night. After her third finger-induced orgasm that night, she rested long enough to explain that ever since she'd started masturbating (which happened one night after she sat on my lap when she was twelve or thirteen) she had experienced what she believed were orgasms. On the night of her first date, she found out they were only the precursors to orgasms. If you've ever masturbated, you know about that point just before...
LOUISE That night in bed Louise was reading the latest Peter Robinson thriller, but found it hard to concentrate on it. Her thoughts kept wandering and went from the next exhibition in her art gallery to Rob, who was coming home tomorrow and then to Alex, who had almost been here a week now. Marge, Alex’s mother had called her tonight to ask how things were going.‘Alex only texts us to say that everything is cool and chill,’ she had said, ‘so I thought I’d better ask you.’Louise had assured...
FemdomI sighed as I pulled the car in the driveway. Another day another dollar but work had been especially stressful tonight. I shut off the ignition and just sat for a moment, looking at the dark house, realizing that Brad had already gone to bed. Happy Valentine’s Day. Brad is a man’s man, a quiet man, and a good one. He works on cars, farms, and watches TV. That’s all, really. I knew that when we got married and I feel a little ashamed now to nearly hate the way we’ve become. Boring. Stale....
I walked in to our room shaking with anger. I had a fight with my mother in law and as usual my husband Raj had taken her side. I sat on bed and fumed.Raj walked in and closed the door behind me.”I don;t want to talk to you Raj, you are gutless….” I said and tried to walk away from him.Raj angry too held my wrist and pulled me towards him. Since the movement was sudden I was surprised at his strength. He pushed me against the wall and said” when I am talking don;t you dare yto walk away like... very thanks for who has loaded this video, delicious legs a little open :-P, and very delicious black pantyhose a bit transparent, my favorites :-P, namely this type of pantyhose in this video here above it's really my favorite type of pantyhose, and then with small holes on the knees means they are nice legs tough and knees tough and also the calves powerfuls, and then at the end when she gets up the boy on background that looks her...
My name is Kavita and I am a 30 year old married professional woman living in Delhi, India. I work in an MNC and Raj, my husband, is a fairly successful businessman. We have been married for 3 years and you can say we are as happy as an average married couple. We have our ups and downs, good days and bad days, so to the words I am a typical Indian woman taking take of her husband and household. However, the truth is far from that.I have always been a fun loving personality. I was and still am...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Lucie 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 3 - onboard Shelby 2 in re-gen 1000 - Sherry - lost at the moment 0999 - Zan - also lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...
Chloe was a small curvy girl. And to be honest she was a bit of a Gothic. She had red hair and black makeup and always dressed in black clothes, not really my type but it suited her. Chloe was my next doors daughter. Being at university in the week she would come home and stay for the weekend and then go back to Manchester on Mondays. My wife Claire was always working on Saturday's and wouldn't be back till late. Chloe was 18, and as I could see didn't really have a boyfriend. Yes ok, I had a...
Cheating WifesI walked towards him with my luggage. He asked for my passport then looked inside it, "Mr Ricky Henderson." "Yeah that's me," I said smiling at him. He indicated for me to place my luggage on the desk. "This your luggage Sir, You pack it yourself? Yes I said, carrying anything for anyone else? "No" After a few more questions he asked me to open my luggage. With his rubber gloves on he searched through my clothing etc. then he found a toiletry bag, fuck I suddenly thought of what was in it,...
After Sam left the apartment, Judy took Steve's hand and had him stand up. She grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, stripped it off him and then moved on to his shorts and underwear. Then she did the same to herself and pushed Steve back onto the chair. "I love being naked with you," she told him. "Me too. I love being naked with you," was his reply. As Judy settled onto Steve, straddling his legs and hugging him, she told him that they had to get a few things straight between them....
I turned my head and looked at her, she was beautiful. Her hair was spread over the pillow as if it were laid out for a photograph. She was blissfully asleep still and I really didn't want to wake her. I felt her stockings rub up against my leg as she moved, they were the one item of lingerie that had remained on her body last night. I don't even know what time we finished with one another. It was the second night in a row that we had shared the same bed, and for the second morning in a...
This is a bad, dark, and very dirty story written in bad English. Forced sex, humiliation. Please do not read if you can be offended by such materials. Reunion. The party was on, and everybody was there, all the familiar faces I missed for the last three years. Luckily for me, the game started, and everybody concentrated on the screen of a huge TV set in front of the room. I breathed with relief; nobody is going to stare at me anymore, and by the end of the game, they are going to...
Chapter Eight: Mom's Soapy Tits By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Clint Elliston The hot water poured over my body, splashing on my back as the four women of my harem—two half-sisters, a full sister, and my mom—all grabbed the body wash and lathered up each other's bodies. I was in heaven. I was nineteen and showering with my sexy Mom and her huge tits, her bleached-blonde hair darkening as it grew wet. She stared at me with dark, hungry eyes. My little sister Alicia, eighteen, the hair...