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© 2002 Couture

God, Lauren would you look at the size of that one. You know, they shouldn't even make bathing suits under a size six." Tina slurred, before taking another sip from her rum and coke.

It was a pretty typical thing for her to say on a typical summer afternoon at the beach as we basked in the hot glow of the sun. It was what we had done most every day of our summer break as we worked to become, not just tan... but the goddess's of tan when we returned back to school. Yes, when we returned to school, everyone would either want us... or want to be us.

"Look at him." Tina nodded toward the surfer coming out of the water with his board under his arm. "What a bod and look at the size of his package. Boy I'd like to ride his board."

"You'd like to ride any board," I laughed.

"Bitch. Oh-my-God-oh-my-God." Tina patted my brown shiny thigh urgently.

"Never mind. I thought for a minute there that two hundred pounds of cottage cheese was walking down the beach, but it is just some fat lady."

I watched the woman turn to look at us in anger. I was thankful the sunglasses hid my eyes.

"Woohoo, boy that woman should be the poster girl for those cheese ads. Look at those thighs. Jesus!"

I grabbed Tina's rum and coke, opened the top and poured the contents in the sand.

"Damn it, Lauren, what'd ja do that for?"

"You're drunk and you're going to get us in trouble." I tossed the empty cup in Tina's lap. "I think she heard you."

"So what? We're dancers. We could kick da' shit out of her fat ass." Tina turned the cup up over her mouth and was rewarded by a drop or two of the leftover rum and coke.

"Fuck, I am like so goddamn thirsty I could almost drink that nasty ass ocean water."

"Go ahead."

"Shit, you know I love the beach, but I hate the fuckin' water. Did you know that when you flush a toilet," she pointed out at the blue-green expanse of water. "That's were it ends up. Pretty ain't it. The world's biggest fucking toilet bowl. She reached into my beach bag, without asking. "You have any water left?"

Her hand came out with my empty water bottle.

"That's all that's left," I said.

"Come on Lauren. Let's get outta here. Go make some drinks or something."

"Okay, let me jump in the water to cool down for a minute." I walked down to the water and waded in. It was cold, but felt wonderful. I leaned back to dunk my head beneath the small waves and wondered why was it that when you lay out, the heat seems to concentrate in your head?

By the time I got back, Tina had already packed our stuff up. "Come on, let's go. I've got to piss like a race horse," she said.

"Just go in the water. That's what I do."

"Jesus, you're sick... and that is exactly why I don't go in the water."

We walked toward the public beach house. Well, ran was more like it. No matter how much time we spent at the beach, hot sand was still hot sand; you're feet could never get used to it. I bore the pain for as long as I could, but finally, I couldn't stand it any more.

"Wait, Tina, I've got to put my flops on."

"Gotta go. Meet me in the bathroom."

She ran from her knees down, with her thighs pressed tightly together. I giggled at how silly she looked trying to hold in the contents of her bladder. I slipped my feet into my flip flops.

I trudged along in the deep sand, until I arrived at the bathhouse. It was a good thing she wanted to go here, because by now, I had to pee too. I opened the door, the outrageous sight causing me to drop my beach bag and gasp in shock.

There, crying helplessly on the floor was my friend Tina and sitting astride her with a hand clasped over her mouth, the woman she had referred to as 'Cottage Cheese Thighs."

"Tina?" I gasped.

The woman turned to look at me. "There's the other one. Get her."

An unseen opponent grabbed me on either side of my tiny polka dotted bikini bottoms. I screamed and struggled in outrage, but my bottoms were pulled up painfully in my crotch until I was balancing on my tip toes. "Ow-ow-ow-please," I begged.

"Are you going to be quiet?" the woman holding me asked.


"Are you going to cooperate?"

The spandex bikini bottom had become a knife in my pussy. Of fucking course I was going to cooperate. "-yes."

She eased off on the pressure, but not enough so that I could come off my toes. I reached down to remove the fabric bunched up in the cleft between my lips.

"No bitch. Get those paws on top of your head."

I obeyed. Feeling more helpless than I had in my life. The hands holding my bikini switched from the sides to the front and back.

"Now what's your name little girl?" Cheese Thighs asked.

"Lauren." My bikini lowered a little more. However, my sigh of relief turned into a gasp, as the fabric began to travel back and forth over my labia.

"And hers?"

"It's-ah-it's-ah Tina." I couldn't believe it. The fabric was stimulating me and I was getting aroused. I gazed down at my rock hard nipples poking through the thin bikini top and wished the woman was holding her hand over Tina's eyes instead of her mouth.

"And listen closely to this next part now Lauren, because this is very important," she said. "Are you listening, Lauren?"

"y-yes." I think I may have moaned it. I wanted to curl up and die.

"Yes, ma'am," she corrected.

"Mm-yes-ma'am." My attacker grew more aggressive and the fabric sped in its travels up and down my soaking sex.

"Yes, ma'am what?"

"Ah-yes, ma'am, I'm ah listening ma'am." I could see Tina's wide-open eyes out of the corner of my vision. I looked away, to avoid them. I couldn't bear the embarrassment.

"Good, now tell me Lauren. Does your foul-mouthed little friend usually say nasty things about other women?"

I looked down at Tina's eyes, begging me for silence. Begging me to lie.

"Don't look at her. She can't help you now. Look at me."

I looked at the powerful older woman. It was difficult to hold her fierce gaze.

"Answer my question."

"Yes, ma'am, she does."

April moaned into the woman's hand. She renewed her struggles, but the woman just bounced up and down a few times on Tina's chest and soon my friend quieted again.

"But she usually doesn't say it so loud ma'am. She had too much to drink." I tried to help where I could, but I felt myself compelled to tell the truth.

"What's wrong Lauren, you look flushed. Are you feeling well?"

"Ah-it's ah-hot." I lied. The truth was; I was hot. I prayed I hadn't soaked through my bikini.

Her look turned angry.

"It's ugh hot ma'am," I said quickly.

The cloth suddenly jerked up harshly several times, leaving me once again balanced on my tip-toes. "Oh!" I gasped with every sharp tug.

"What's hot, Lauren? And you better tell me the goddamn truth!"

I looked down at my swollen sex. My cunt lips were fat and divided by the fabric of my bikini, which had disappeared in the folds of my pussy. My shiny tan thighs were stained by my juices.

"My pussy ma'am. My pussy is hot." Of its own volition, my pelvis began to buck in time with the jerks.

"Take off your suit."

"What?" I gasped in disbelief.

"Didn't I tell you to listen carefully bitch?"

"Yes, ma'am." Oh God, my pussy was making wet smacking sounds as the fabric pulled and tugged between my thick lips.

"Take off the bitch's suit and give it a flush."

"No wait!"

The woman behind me undid the knots holding my bikini together. After that, she simply tugged it out of my hands, as I struggled to shield my nakedness. I tried to follow her and stop her, but she easily overpowered me, tossed my bikini in the toilet and flushed. I watched helplessly as it spun around and disappeared down the drain. Shit, I was fucked now. Big time.

"Are you going to listen carefully from now on, Lauren?"

"Yes, ma'am." This game, if it could be called that, had suddenly gotten even more serious.

"Good. Move your hands out of the way. I want to see this body you are so proud of."

I reluctantly lowered my hands, though I kept my legs close together as best I could.

"Nice tan bitch, but I want a show. Gale, oil her down so she can give us a good show."

I huddled against the wall, as Gale approached me with a bottle of tanning oil. "Please, don't hurt me." I begged the woman.

"Don't worry. I promise we won't touch you a bit if you do as we say." Cottage Cheese thighs said.

Gale opened the bottle and squirted it on my stomach and thighs. "Rub it in."

I did as she requested, trying my best to keep up as she liberally dumped the contents on my body.

"Get down on your knees and keep rubbing it in bitch. Give us a good show."

Next, she squirted it on my breasts. "Do a good job on them nipples now. Do a real good job."

I could see they were getting turned on, and wondered what Tina must be thinking seeing me behave like some sort of trained slut. I bit my tongue to keep from moaning as I messaged my hard nipples.

"That's good. Get down on your hands and knees and face the other way."

I did has she commanded. I must have looked like a wanton whore, as aroused as I was in such a position.

"Now, if you know what is good for you, you better not spill a drop."

"Yes, ma'am."

Then she began to allow a small stream of the oil to escape from the bottle and drip down to my ass. I reached a hand back and rubbed it onto my bottom to keep it from dripping. Soon my bottom was coated, but the flow of oil didn't stop. There was nothing to do but to force it into my already soaked cunt. It's shlurping sounds causing me to blush.

But still the oil dripped down.

"I think you better think of somewhere else to put it," she warned.

Gale's heavy breathing caused me to look up. Her fingers were busy beneath her bikini bottom. God, she couldn't mean it could she? I felt the oil drop down on my tightly clenched pucker in answer. I didn't have time to think about it, I just moaned loudly, as I plunged my slick finger in.

"Look at her Glenda. Look at her do it."

There I was, down on my hands and knees on the bathroom floor, fucking my asshole with my finger in front of two strange women and my best friend. Goddamn her, why did she have to open her big mouth at the beach?

I was moaning out loud and I could feel my orgasm approach. Oh Jesus, it was going to be big. I plunged another finger in my cunt and sped up the pace.

In response, she kicked my hand out of the way. "That's enough slut." She had to grab it forcefully to get me to stop. "I said stop."

At the time, I wanted nothing more than to finish. Only Tina's watching presence caused me to stop.

"That's a girl. Now get on up. No, don't cover up. As a matter of fact, spread yourself for me. Show me the pink stuff."

I stood in front of my captors, legs spread like a slut, and doing my best to keep my labia held open with my slick oily fingers. I had been defeated. They knew it and I knew it. From the look in her eyes, Tina knew it too.

"How does it feel to have such a hot body now, Lauren?"

"N-not so good ma'am. It feels embarrassing."

"Tell me, would you like to have a bathing suit to cover up with?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, since your friend caused you to lose yours, I think it's only fair for you to have hers. Don't you?"

This was the easiest question so far. "Yes ma'am."

"Then come over here and get it."

She stood up, letting Tina go free. She tried to flee. Oh no you don't bitch, you're not going anywhere. I grabbed at her, but my hands and body were too slick from the oil, so I grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her down on her back.

"No, Lauren, please..." she begged.

"Fuck you Tina," I said.


I borrowed a move I had seen Glenda perform. I lifted up and sat back down on Tina's stomach with force, driving the air form her lungs.

"Help," she tried again, but it was no more than a whisper. I repeated it.


"Shut up." I bounced again. This was actually quite fun. This time she was quiet. She breathed raggedly trying her best to catch her breath. She ceased to struggle. I had won.

Gale and Glenda clapped in approval. "Way to go, Lauren. Now, why don't you show us what she looks like naked.

I reached down and pulled down on Tina's bikini bottoms.

"Please," she begged.

I don't know what possessed me. Well, actually I do know. The feeling of my aroused cunt sliding around on Tina's chest made me do it. I slid back and smothered her face with my ass and cunt. "Are you going to shut up?" I waited for her answer, but realized she was unable to in her current situation. "Nod your head if you understand."

She nodded her head, causing her nose to slip back and forth between my nether lips. I whimpered in response and looked up to see the reaction from Gale and Glenda. They smiled back at me wickedly. As a matter of fact, Glenda was working one of Gale's nipples with one hand and another was down her bikini bottoms.

"I said nod if you can understand." I barked down at Tina. It was then, I made a new discovery... I loved this.

Her pert nose bobbed up and down, pleasuring me.

I lifted up and allowed her to breath. "Okay, now kick your bottoms off." When she didn't obey quickly enough, I sat back down on her face.

Soon she was squirming on the dirty tile floor, as she attempted to wiggle out of her bikini bottoms. She put on at least as good a show as I did earlier. I looked down and could see the cause of her hesitance. She was wet and aroused. Her tiny pink pearl peaked out from between her moist aroused lips.

Glenda noticed this immediately. "I see someone has been a naughty girl, hasn't she Lauren?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Is your friend a slut?"

"I think so, ma'am."

"Spread her so we can see for sure."

"Yes, ma'am."

Tina had shaved her bikini area into a tight triangle as I had, but where I was bare on my mons, hers was covered by hair. I grabbed it and pulled, opening her. I pulled harder until she moaned in pain. "Open your legs Tina."

Tina's legs opened, spreading her flower. Her nectar gushed forth from the delicate organs within.

"Yes, she is definitely a slut. Let's see her top now."

I turned around and slid down Tina's stomach until our crotches rubbed delightfully together. Oh God, I wanted her. I looked down at her face, which she turned away to avoid my stare. I pinched her nipples, causing her crotch to rise up and grind against my own. I noticed the top was thickly padded. Much thicker than I first thought. I grabbed her bikini top and lifted.

"C'mon Tina. Lift up."

She cupped her hands over her breasts, holding her top.

"You know you deserve this. This is all your fault."

"Not my top. Please," she begged, first to me and then to Glenda. Her arms lifted and the heavily padded top soon followed.

Her breasts were small. Tiny.

The two women burst out in laughter and I gaped. Tina began to cry.

"I can see why she makes fun of other woman now. She looks like a boy."

They came in for a closer look. "Look at her. Jesus, my daughter had bigger tits at age seven."

"And such tiny nipples too. Move your hand girl, so I can touch it."

Tina blushed crimson red. Crying, she reluctantly moved her hand off her chest.

Gale tweaked the dime sized pink disc, causing Tina to moan loudly and buck beneath me.

"Jesus, did you see that Glenda?"

"Do it again, Gale."

She did it again for and even stronger reaction.

"Maybe she's got all those nerves condensed down in those two tiny nipples," suggested Glenda.

"Don't you dare so much as twitch this time Tina or should I call you Tiny Tina."

She teased Tina's small nipple, first going around it in slow circles, before moving to the other one. Tina's face wrinkled in concentration. Gale's fingers grew more insistent, lightly pinching both nipples.

"Ahhh," Tina moaned, unable to control her desires. Gale stood up and walked back over to Glenda. She held up the Tina's bikini.

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Riley Reid and her “porno twin”, Melissa Moore, are about to rock your world. Flash Brown’s, too! In addition to their looks, the girls are incredibly similar in all sorts of ways: insatiable sexual desires, bi-sexual, size queens, black cock sluts, cum sluts…the list goes on and on. They’re going to start with some hot lesbian action before Flash Brown (and his 11-inch slab of black meat) enter the room. Then it’s a full-blown fuck fest! Flash starts with...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 9 Dominating the Bimbo Boss

Introduction: Ms. Beigh, the bitch that fired Frank and Alice, plots to seize the bimbo serum! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 9: Dominating the Bimbo Boss by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice Donna Wilson hung up her cell phone. Okay, she went for it. Youll have your meeting at 9 AM tomorrow with Ms. Beigh. Donna swallowed, her hips shifting and making those big, juicy tits of her sway. Since receiving the bimbo serum, my sexuality had blossomed. Gone was the mousy chemist that only let Frank...

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Special Delivery

I was still in bed, enjoying the chance to catch up on some sleep after a busy week. The curtains, slightly open, allowed a crack of sunlight into the room and the breeze from the open window cooled me as I drifted between waking and sleeping. In my half-conscious state I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly came to my senses. The parcel! I was waiting for a new router for my laptop. It had been three days now without the internet, and life was dull without the chat rooms and my cyber friends....

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The King in Yellow Chapter Six

Dana put her dossier down on the desk between them, sat back, and looked at Katya searchingly. “So, what shall we do?” she challenged. “The department is aware of these Suicide Clubs” Katya replied. “Our policy is that they are against the spirit of the law on assisted dying and so their existence is a problem for the legislature, not for us. You’re young, Dana, you were only a child when the old regime was persecuting “decadence” but today we’re much more aware of harassment”. “But this...

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JulesJordan Abella Danger Bad Girl Abella Danger Interracial Dp

Detective Prince is up to his old antics again, taking down criminals and slaying sluts with his rookie partner Jax. While hanging outside by his squad car Prince explains to Jax the most important principle to follow as a detective “Be A Wolf, Not A Sheep.” Once he’s pleased that Jax understands, Prince tells him that he’s got a surprise for him today before driving off in his patrol car. They arrive at an apartment and once they enter Abella is ready and waiting for them. That’s right, Abella...

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AllGirlMassage Gizelle Blanco Emma Jade Cheer Tryouts

Emma Jade has been a high-school cheerleader for a while now, but she’s SO happy that her friend Gizelle Blanco was able to join the squad recently. One day after cheerleading practice, however, Gizelle takes Emma aside and confides in her that she’s feeling pretty anxious. As the newest cheerleader on the team, Gizelle’s worried that she’ll totally BOMB the upcoming championship. But luckily for her, her good friend Emma agrees to give her some one-on-one practice! But...

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Savagely Sexed in School

I had just left an after school meeting with my counselor, and had retrieved some books from my locker and left the building. I saw my three attackers coming towards the school and turned to re-enter, but the doors locked as I exited. I quickly ran to another door, it too was locked, quickly I ran the length of the building to the far end. Thankfully the door was unlocked, I scampered in and tried to pull the door close. It would not lock, IK could see Charlie and Bruce as they rounded the...

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Escape from BuggeryChapter 20

Although Sharon had no sexual desires for Sweetness, she felt great responsibility for the girl. After all, she was blind and even more helpless in this strange country than she was. What would happen to Sweetness if she abandoned her? How could the girl feed or fend for herself? So, she decided that for the purposes of convenience alone, and because it was what was expected of them, she should present their friendship as being a mistress/slave one of the type that appeared to be the norm in...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 24

"So you can drop me off to pick up my truck and trailer?" asked Drew into the mobile phone. "Excellent, I'll see you then," he said and then hung up. He was standing in the apartment and staring out at the view of the city skyline. It was eight o'clock Sunday morning and it was shaping out to be a cracker of a day, weather wise. The sun streamed through the huge windows and warmed his naked body. Turning around, he saw Tess wrapped in her silk robe coming from the bedroom. "That was Geoff. He...

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Hot Neighbour Aunty Fell For Me

Hi there, I’m Vinayak from karkala(Udupi). Age 27. Now working in Bangalore for an IT company. Coming to the story, Heroine of my story is my neighbour. Her name is sabitha(Name changed). She is from an Orthodox Muslim family. She used to come to my house daily morning to take water from our well. Now She is at her mid 40. She has 3 children. My first attraction towards her was when I was doing my PU. I had a glance at her big melons, from there I was attracted towards her. I used to like...

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Jacob and Kyle Part 2

Kyle started to gather his school Books. He called after Jacob. “Hurry up I haven't have all day”. Just nearly two hours ago the two realized there love for each other and had passionate sex between each other and now they decided that they would be Boyfriends. Jacob came running out of his room combing his hair. He asked Kyle I'm staying at your place right or at mine. He said it doesn't really matter really. If you want to stay at mine we can. Jacob thought and said “I would love to...

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Love is in the evening air

Our parents went out with my cousin’s brother and my brother leaving us alone in the house with my 14 year old cousin. "Goodbye, We'll see you later!" We told them as they drove away. So with nothing to do we turned on the television. "I'm bored,” She said with a deep sigh. Her medium length brown hair swayed to the side as she stood up. I hadn't seen her in a few years. She has grown in more ways then one. She was about 5" tall and I noticed a bra showing out from the front of...

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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 1112

Ch 11 The sun shines pleasantly as we drive south. The roads are dry, though the sides are piled up high with snow. All in all it’s a pleasant Sunday drive. At least, it would’ve been if not for a couple of things. Nancy is sitting in the back seat, humming softly to herself, and Lela had refused to talk to me again last night. Nancy's presence doesn’t bother me as much as Lela's attitude. When I'd called my family to see if Gina could come down, my mom had asked after her mom, and...

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JudgementsChapter 8

"I don't know, Bri... she's... she plays the role a lot, I think. She spends so much time being the party girl that we don't often get to see her being herself. Hope says she was a completely different person last night." "She'd just had a break-up, of course she was subdued." "It's not just that... we've seen how Marcus changes when she's around, Hope says he does the same thing for her." "So how do we get her to see that?" "You could stop pushing her into it." "Well...

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NuruMassage Mercedes Carrera The Layover

Codey Steele’s flight is delayed. He figures he’s got some time to kill and decides to book a massage. Mercedes Carrera asks him how long he has in order to recommend the best available package. With 4 hours to spare, she asks him to follow her into the next room. Taking off her clothes, he can’t help admire her perfect body. She undresses him as they enter the shower together. They kiss and Mercedes starts lathering his body. When he asks her why the package is so expensive,...

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The Secret Passenger Protocol

As we walked across the tarmac, I nervously asked the Fixer, ‘Well?’ ‘She made it sir. She’s a little upset. Apparently the handling was a little rough. We’ll try to do better next time.’ ‘Thank you.’ He’s the most trusted of my Secret Service detail. The only one I could clear for ‘blueball’ ops. It’s best if I don’t give his name. He doesn’t need to be hounded for the rest of his life to confirm what he swore an oath to deny. I climb the ramp to Air Force One, barely able to remember to...

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A lament for Kathleen

The sun barely rose on that day I let go. I had, in my misery, banished myself from anything that reminded me of you. Gone out to the old field for solitude. A small house between two tufts of trees sat still and alone. The grey light of the fog peeked meagerly through drawn curtains. As soon as my waking mind became conscious I turned in my bed, alerted only by the sound of  wind chimes clanging and wind howling cold outside my door.The small spark of life that had once drawn me out from the...

Love Stories
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The Bells of TanahChapter 11

There was still pizza left to be eaten. Well, technically, not pizza. Pizza pods. Real pizza would be a bit impractical, given the cooking situation. There was no way to cook something flat so all the ingredients stayed on the dough, so instead Tammy and Melinda had wrapped cheese, sauce, and other goodies in dough and baked that. Technically that probably made it a calzone, but Pizza Plant called them "pods" so they were going with that. Didn't turn out that bad, either. They probably...

1 year ago
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Green Berets for the Sexual RevolutionChapter 15

"Betty?" asked Carol. "She's damn sexy and does a fine stage act. Some of her mingling customers say she's utterly fantastic, although she made others nervous as seeming to push herself as a dominant. That she won't have contact with women does limit how much she can participate in our creative collaboration. I agree that if she did play, aside from her amazing looks, she's obviously very smart and focused on what she wants." "Carol, Abie told me that Betty, and her husband, are...

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LifelineChapter 7

I drew stares as I entered the district attorney's office and asked to see my wife. They all knew who I was. But it was highly unusual for me to pay a social visit to Elizabeth's office. "It's important," I said when the receptionist told me that Ellie was extremely busy. The woman frowned but buzzed Elizabeth. She appeared at the door a moment later and the receptionist buzzed me through the security measures. Elizabeth smiled and took my hand. "Come to see my new office?" she...

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A naive girl at Borisovos pond Chapter 1

A naive girl at Borisovo's pond.Chapter 1. Getting acquainted. This year hot spring days came early in Moscow and everybody was happy to leave cold temperatures in the past. It brought a surge of activity to the city and it was clearly seen. Malls were filled with shoppers, looking for goods. Beaches were filled with teenagers ditching schools on the prowl for fun. There was Borisovo’s pond in Orekhovo-Borisovo, the southern district of Moscow. That was the place where high school k**s...

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Careful What You Wish For Part 2

“Your wife is an incredibly sexy woman,” said Evan.“Yes, she is,” replied James.  “Evan, why don’t you go change and I’ll pour us each a glass of champagne.James smiled at his wife, uncorked the champagne, and filled three flutes.“Still okay?” he asked.  Emily nodded quietly.“Do you know how… big… he is?” she asked.“Yes,” he responded, passing her a glass of champagne.  “Don’t worry, sweetie, he’s a pro.  He knows what to do.  He says he always takes it very slow, but that the critical thing is...

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Miss Jones What a nice ass to fuck

Boarding schools are the places where impressionable girls are educated in the dark arts of pleasing and fulfilling the lusty needs of older men. At the gates of their institution, their parents look back fondly at the soft smile emanating from their eyes, whilst through the gates of the institution, the leering smiles of old men, licking their lips in lusty repose, watch as the uniformed meat approaches them, young, fresh and sweet, their cocks rigid for this never-ending supply of virginal...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 9 Monica

Siesta was almost over when there was a knock on the door. Monica Torres yawned as she got up off her sofa to answer the door. She walked past her little classroom where she taught Dos Alamos' five kids (six when Rosa showed). There was a second knock just before she answered the door. At the door was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Standing in front of her were two naked women. One was a Hispanic, the other was a white teenager with blonde hair. They stood there, nude, without any...

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College Bestie Always Sexy

My name is Prav and I am from Hyderabad. When I was in my B.Tech, I had a college bestie named Preethi. We were very close and used to stick together all the time. I used to eat her… [email protected].com for any meet ups in Bangalore / Hyderabad. Also, give me your feedback if you liked the story. It was my first and hope you all liked it.

4 years ago
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My First Time

Well, hello. I’m Sameer… and well this might sound a little awkward but this is the first time when I’m confessing about my sex life. It all started when I came back from Canada after a few years after the major incident. And well, to be honest, things changed a lot. But some things can never be changed. India seemed like an alienated place to me after a few years. I went home and nostalgia kicked in. It was the time of night when I got there and when I reached the gate of my home, my cousin...

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aunty and my mom

I am 20 years old. This story happened when I was 11. My mother was 36 years old then. She is a tall woman with a slightly bulky body and average looks. Her name is Mini. She is a loyal wife and a conservative lady. Her figure is 36-32-34. she always wears saree and that too above the navel covering her belly properly.Once my moms sister, Smitha paid us a visit. They decided to go for an English movie. We booked tickets for the 6. 30 pm show. Saying about Smitha aunty. She is a 29 year old...

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Jessicas morning routine

Jessica looked over at her husband, Justin, she loved him so much, but especially love his cock, it was something she could not live without. It filled her up so full that she couldn't breathe for about an hour after he came inside her, and that's exactly what she needed but wouldn't get, she knew he needed his rest for work, but he would give her something tonight when he got home. So leaving the bed Jessica went to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror, the dried cum still on her...

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The Ugly OneEpilogue

The shirt didn't fit, of course. I sighed and tugged at the sleeve. Angie looked over my shoulder. "I've been soaking your other shirt. Let me see if I can get the stain out," she said. I smiled at her in thanks before she headed into the motel bathroom. I took off the ill-fitting recent purchase and threw it towards our suitcases. "Daddy's scars are showing! Daddy's scars are showing!" I grinned and turned to face my teasing four-year-old. I put on my best gruff giant...

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Awsome Sexy Nita 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I am a big fan of this site and I read stories here daily. This is my second part with my NSA partner Nita, happened 3 years back. First Part: Awaiting feedback from females in Bangalore and everyone at and Coming to the story.. I am Kumar working in a BPO, Nita too works for another BPO in same tech park. We became fag mates first and then it got into friendship and a no strings attached sex relation. I am 5.11...

4 years ago
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Labor Force Participation FChapter 4 His Victory

Carolyn Pierce enjoyed singing. Singing in the choir was a contribution to the church, but one she enjoyed. Sometimes, one cost of that contribution was that it separated her from Bill for every service. Just occasionally, one of the benefits to her was that it separated her from Bill. This, though, was not one of those Sundays. They had banished the word “Watergate” from any family discussion and never turned on the news when both were home. Between that and their shared happiness at her...

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Rambling Man

Friday“Ow, fuck!” Maisie fell arse first into the brambles. This trip had been a last-minute training opportunity imposed onto her by her boss. Maisie wasn’t sure how she was meant to lead a group of unruly teenagers on a ramble in the future when she couldn’t even hack it herself now.“Here,” Ethan held out a hand to pull her up. His green eyes twinkled with laughter but he didn’t dare actually laugh out loud.“Ouch,” she yelped. A scratch to her leg was bleeding.“Let me. Sit,” he gestured to a...

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