- 3 years ago
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God, Lauren would you look at the size of that one. You know, they shouldn't even make bathing suits under a size six." Tina slurred, before taking another sip from her rum and coke.
It was a pretty typical thing for her to say on a typical summer afternoon at the beach as we basked in the hot glow of the sun. It was what we had done most every day of our summer break as we worked to become, not just tan... but the goddess's of tan when we returned back to school. Yes, when we returned to school, everyone would either want us... or want to be us.
"Look at him." Tina nodded toward the surfer coming out of the water with his board under his arm. "What a bod and look at the size of his package. Boy I'd like to ride his board."
"You'd like to ride any board," I laughed.
"Bitch. Oh-my-God-oh-my-God." Tina patted my brown shiny thigh urgently.
"Never mind. I thought for a minute there that two hundred pounds of cottage cheese was walking down the beach, but it is just some fat lady."
I watched the woman turn to look at us in anger. I was thankful the sunglasses hid my eyes.
"Woohoo, boy that woman should be the poster girl for those cheese ads. Look at those thighs. Jesus!"
I grabbed Tina's rum and coke, opened the top and poured the contents in the sand.
"Damn it, Lauren, what'd ja do that for?"
"You're drunk and you're going to get us in trouble." I tossed the empty cup in Tina's lap. "I think she heard you."
"So what? We're dancers. We could kick da' shit out of her fat ass." Tina turned the cup up over her mouth and was rewarded by a drop or two of the leftover rum and coke.
"Fuck, I am like so goddamn thirsty I could almost drink that nasty ass ocean water."
"Go ahead."
"Shit, you know I love the beach, but I hate the fuckin' water. Did you know that when you flush a toilet," she pointed out at the blue-green expanse of water. "That's were it ends up. Pretty ain't it. The world's biggest fucking toilet bowl. She reached into my beach bag, without asking. "You have any water left?"
Her hand came out with my empty water bottle.
"That's all that's left," I said.
"Come on Lauren. Let's get outta here. Go make some drinks or something."
"Okay, let me jump in the water to cool down for a minute." I walked down to the water and waded in. It was cold, but felt wonderful. I leaned back to dunk my head beneath the small waves and wondered why was it that when you lay out, the heat seems to concentrate in your head?
By the time I got back, Tina had already packed our stuff up. "Come on, let's go. I've got to piss like a race horse," she said.
"Just go in the water. That's what I do."
"Jesus, you're sick... and that is exactly why I don't go in the water."
We walked toward the public beach house. Well, ran was more like it. No matter how much time we spent at the beach, hot sand was still hot sand; you're feet could never get used to it. I bore the pain for as long as I could, but finally, I couldn't stand it any more.
"Wait, Tina, I've got to put my flops on."
"Gotta go. Meet me in the bathroom."
She ran from her knees down, with her thighs pressed tightly together. I giggled at how silly she looked trying to hold in the contents of her bladder. I slipped my feet into my flip flops.
I trudged along in the deep sand, until I arrived at the bathhouse. It was a good thing she wanted to go here, because by now, I had to pee too. I opened the door, the outrageous sight causing me to drop my beach bag and gasp in shock.
There, crying helplessly on the floor was my friend Tina and sitting astride her with a hand clasped over her mouth, the woman she had referred to as 'Cottage Cheese Thighs."
"Tina?" I gasped.
The woman turned to look at me. "There's the other one. Get her."
An unseen opponent grabbed me on either side of my tiny polka dotted bikini bottoms. I screamed and struggled in outrage, but my bottoms were pulled up painfully in my crotch until I was balancing on my tip toes. "Ow-ow-ow-please," I begged.
"Are you going to be quiet?" the woman holding me asked.
"Are you going to cooperate?"
The spandex bikini bottom had become a knife in my pussy. Of fucking course I was going to cooperate. "-yes."
She eased off on the pressure, but not enough so that I could come off my toes. I reached down to remove the fabric bunched up in the cleft between my lips.
"No bitch. Get those paws on top of your head."
I obeyed. Feeling more helpless than I had in my life. The hands holding my bikini switched from the sides to the front and back.
"Now what's your name little girl?" Cheese Thighs asked.
"Lauren." My bikini lowered a little more. However, my sigh of relief turned into a gasp, as the fabric began to travel back and forth over my labia.
"And hers?"
"It's-ah-it's-ah Tina." I couldn't believe it. The fabric was stimulating me and I was getting aroused. I gazed down at my rock hard nipples poking through the thin bikini top and wished the woman was holding her hand over Tina's eyes instead of her mouth.
"And listen closely to this next part now Lauren, because this is very important," she said. "Are you listening, Lauren?"
"y-yes." I think I may have moaned it. I wanted to curl up and die.
"Yes, ma'am," she corrected.
"Mm-yes-ma'am." My attacker grew more aggressive and the fabric sped in its travels up and down my soaking sex.
"Yes, ma'am what?"
"Ah-yes, ma'am, I'm ah listening ma'am." I could see Tina's wide-open eyes out of the corner of my vision. I looked away, to avoid them. I couldn't bear the embarrassment.
"Good, now tell me Lauren. Does your foul-mouthed little friend usually say nasty things about other women?"
I looked down at Tina's eyes, begging me for silence. Begging me to lie.
"Don't look at her. She can't help you now. Look at me."
I looked at the powerful older woman. It was difficult to hold her fierce gaze.
"Answer my question."
"Yes, ma'am, she does."
April moaned into the woman's hand. She renewed her struggles, but the woman just bounced up and down a few times on Tina's chest and soon my friend quieted again.
"But she usually doesn't say it so loud ma'am. She had too much to drink." I tried to help where I could, but I felt myself compelled to tell the truth.
"What's wrong Lauren, you look flushed. Are you feeling well?"
"Ah-it's ah-hot." I lied. The truth was; I was hot. I prayed I hadn't soaked through my bikini.
Her look turned angry.
"It's ugh hot ma'am," I said quickly.
The cloth suddenly jerked up harshly several times, leaving me once again balanced on my tip-toes. "Oh!" I gasped with every sharp tug.
"What's hot, Lauren? And you better tell me the goddamn truth!"
I looked down at my swollen sex. My cunt lips were fat and divided by the fabric of my bikini, which had disappeared in the folds of my pussy. My shiny tan thighs were stained by my juices.
"My pussy ma'am. My pussy is hot." Of its own volition, my pelvis began to buck in time with the jerks.
"Take off your suit."
"What?" I gasped in disbelief.
"Didn't I tell you to listen carefully bitch?"
"Yes, ma'am." Oh God, my pussy was making wet smacking sounds as the fabric pulled and tugged between my thick lips.
"Take off the bitch's suit and give it a flush."
"No wait!"
The woman behind me undid the knots holding my bikini together. After that, she simply tugged it out of my hands, as I struggled to shield my nakedness. I tried to follow her and stop her, but she easily overpowered me, tossed my bikini in the toilet and flushed. I watched helplessly as it spun around and disappeared down the drain. Shit, I was fucked now. Big time.
"Are you going to listen carefully from now on, Lauren?"
"Yes, ma'am." This game, if it could be called that, had suddenly gotten even more serious.
"Good. Move your hands out of the way. I want to see this body you are so proud of."
I reluctantly lowered my hands, though I kept my legs close together as best I could.
"Nice tan bitch, but I want a show. Gale, oil her down so she can give us a good show."
I huddled against the wall, as Gale approached me with a bottle of tanning oil. "Please, don't hurt me." I begged the woman.
"Don't worry. I promise we won't touch you a bit if you do as we say." Cottage Cheese thighs said.
Gale opened the bottle and squirted it on my stomach and thighs. "Rub it in."
I did as she requested, trying my best to keep up as she liberally dumped the contents on my body.
"Get down on your knees and keep rubbing it in bitch. Give us a good show."
Next, she squirted it on my breasts. "Do a good job on them nipples now. Do a real good job."
I could see they were getting turned on, and wondered what Tina must be thinking seeing me behave like some sort of trained slut. I bit my tongue to keep from moaning as I messaged my hard nipples.
"That's good. Get down on your hands and knees and face the other way."
I did has she commanded. I must have looked like a wanton whore, as aroused as I was in such a position.
"Now, if you know what is good for you, you better not spill a drop."
"Yes, ma'am."
Then she began to allow a small stream of the oil to escape from the bottle and drip down to my ass. I reached a hand back and rubbed it onto my bottom to keep it from dripping. Soon my bottom was coated, but the flow of oil didn't stop. There was nothing to do but to force it into my already soaked cunt. It's shlurping sounds causing me to blush.
But still the oil dripped down.
"I think you better think of somewhere else to put it," she warned.
Gale's heavy breathing caused me to look up. Her fingers were busy beneath her bikini bottom. God, she couldn't mean it could she? I felt the oil drop down on my tightly clenched pucker in answer. I didn't have time to think about it, I just moaned loudly, as I plunged my slick finger in.
"Look at her Glenda. Look at her do it."
There I was, down on my hands and knees on the bathroom floor, fucking my asshole with my finger in front of two strange women and my best friend. Goddamn her, why did she have to open her big mouth at the beach?
I was moaning out loud and I could feel my orgasm approach. Oh Jesus, it was going to be big. I plunged another finger in my cunt and sped up the pace.
In response, she kicked my hand out of the way. "That's enough slut." She had to grab it forcefully to get me to stop. "I said stop."
At the time, I wanted nothing more than to finish. Only Tina's watching presence caused me to stop.
"That's a girl. Now get on up. No, don't cover up. As a matter of fact, spread yourself for me. Show me the pink stuff."
I stood in front of my captors, legs spread like a slut, and doing my best to keep my labia held open with my slick oily fingers. I had been defeated. They knew it and I knew it. From the look in her eyes, Tina knew it too.
"How does it feel to have such a hot body now, Lauren?"
"N-not so good ma'am. It feels embarrassing."
"Tell me, would you like to have a bathing suit to cover up with?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Well, since your friend caused you to lose yours, I think it's only fair for you to have hers. Don't you?"
This was the easiest question so far. "Yes ma'am."
"Then come over here and get it."
She stood up, letting Tina go free. She tried to flee. Oh no you don't bitch, you're not going anywhere. I grabbed at her, but my hands and body were too slick from the oil, so I grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her down on her back.
"No, Lauren, please..." she begged.
"Fuck you Tina," I said.
I borrowed a move I had seen Glenda perform. I lifted up and sat back down on Tina's stomach with force, driving the air form her lungs.
"Help," she tried again, but it was no more than a whisper. I repeated it.
"Shut up." I bounced again. This was actually quite fun. This time she was quiet. She breathed raggedly trying her best to catch her breath. She ceased to struggle. I had won.
Gale and Glenda clapped in approval. "Way to go, Lauren. Now, why don't you show us what she looks like naked.
I reached down and pulled down on Tina's bikini bottoms.
"Please," she begged.
I don't know what possessed me. Well, actually I do know. The feeling of my aroused cunt sliding around on Tina's chest made me do it. I slid back and smothered her face with my ass and cunt. "Are you going to shut up?" I waited for her answer, but realized she was unable to in her current situation. "Nod your head if you understand."
She nodded her head, causing her nose to slip back and forth between my nether lips. I whimpered in response and looked up to see the reaction from Gale and Glenda. They smiled back at me wickedly. As a matter of fact, Glenda was working one of Gale's nipples with one hand and another was down her bikini bottoms.
"I said nod if you can understand." I barked down at Tina. It was then, I made a new discovery... I loved this.
Her pert nose bobbed up and down, pleasuring me.
I lifted up and allowed her to breath. "Okay, now kick your bottoms off." When she didn't obey quickly enough, I sat back down on her face.
Soon she was squirming on the dirty tile floor, as she attempted to wiggle out of her bikini bottoms. She put on at least as good a show as I did earlier. I looked down and could see the cause of her hesitance. She was wet and aroused. Her tiny pink pearl peaked out from between her moist aroused lips.
Glenda noticed this immediately. "I see someone has been a naughty girl, hasn't she Lauren?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Is your friend a slut?"
"I think so, ma'am."
"Spread her so we can see for sure."
"Yes, ma'am."
Tina had shaved her bikini area into a tight triangle as I had, but where I was bare on my mons, hers was covered by hair. I grabbed it and pulled, opening her. I pulled harder until she moaned in pain. "Open your legs Tina."
Tina's legs opened, spreading her flower. Her nectar gushed forth from the delicate organs within.
"Yes, she is definitely a slut. Let's see her top now."
I turned around and slid down Tina's stomach until our crotches rubbed delightfully together. Oh God, I wanted her. I looked down at her face, which she turned away to avoid my stare. I pinched her nipples, causing her crotch to rise up and grind against my own. I noticed the top was thickly padded. Much thicker than I first thought. I grabbed her bikini top and lifted.
"C'mon Tina. Lift up."
She cupped her hands over her breasts, holding her top.
"You know you deserve this. This is all your fault."
"Not my top. Please," she begged, first to me and then to Glenda. Her arms lifted and the heavily padded top soon followed.
Her breasts were small. Tiny.
The two women burst out in laughter and I gaped. Tina began to cry.
"I can see why she makes fun of other woman now. She looks like a boy."
They came in for a closer look. "Look at her. Jesus, my daughter had bigger tits at age seven."
"And such tiny nipples too. Move your hand girl, so I can touch it."
Tina blushed crimson red. Crying, she reluctantly moved her hand off her chest.
Gale tweaked the dime sized pink disc, causing Tina to moan loudly and buck beneath me.
"Jesus, did you see that Glenda?"
"Do it again, Gale."
She did it again for and even stronger reaction.
"Maybe she's got all those nerves condensed down in those two tiny nipples," suggested Glenda.
"Don't you dare so much as twitch this time Tina or should I call you Tiny Tina."
She teased Tina's small nipple, first going around it in slow circles, before moving to the other one. Tina's face wrinkled in concentration. Gale's fingers grew more insistent, lightly pinching both nipples.
"Ahhh," Tina moaned, unable to control her desires. Gale stood up and walked back over to Glenda. She held up the Tina's bikini.
One morning, along a deserted stretch of beach, a movement caught my eye in the water about 50 yards out. It was a flash of pink and white, and I thought I saw a pale slender arm wave frantically above the surf. Then I heard an unmistakable cry, "Help!" and saw a girl fighting the crashing waves. She looked to be in distress, and I stood there transfixed for a minute trying to comprehend what I was seeing. As she sank below the surface, I realized she was in trouble and I kicked off my...
It was not unlike a girl I had met one moonlit night on the beach, that one full summer when I worked at the shore. And though I’d toyed with the idea of this sort of impromptu entanglement, and even had a brief taste or two of my own sex prior, my instinctual drive with this all too willing temptation even took me aback at first.I spent my days in Cape May sunning and reading and enjoying my three month escape from the mad city, while my nights were busy with bartending for cash, often...
BeachLast summer I rode my bike on the beach along the Dutch coast.I was at the village of Heemskerk beach merged and rode with the wind at mine back to Den Helder. The first piece I flew over the beach because there was little or nothing to be discovered, probably because it was still early, even though it was already 19 degrees.The sweat poured pouring over my back and chest.Just past Castricum walked several men and women along the tide line they wher very tasty and also radiated from saw...
I was 26, it was a hot summer in Brighton. My girlfriend Anna & I shared a top floor attic flat just a few minutes walk from the beach. Seagulls nested loudly on our roof each spring, and we regularly had friends visit us, down from London usually, telling us how great it was to get away from all of the heat & fumes. We pretended to sympathise with them, and mostly spent our weekends cooking, drinking, swimming and rolling spliffs until they caught their train back again on Sunday.After...
morning is the dawn and my eyes to see: I am such a coup is raised, because I had a horrible dream, I first drank coffee and thought about how the other day I experienced sex with a married man in a suit and my heels are cracked heh fucking day I had no luck. Today could teat the nudist beach, so I got up and took a towel, sun, water, sandwich myself .A on it I wore lace thongs, bra black to me to be in style with a black thong and blue tracksuit that we Butt was very good to watch because I...
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Some Girls Just Give Themselves Away (Allen character spotlight) -Fall 2015- (six months prior to the events of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun") Allen blinked, pleasantly surprised by the contents of the email on his monitor. "Greetings, When I mentioned to a friend that I was looking for some help to update the website for my online business, he emphatically recommended you, stating that he was impressed by the quality and thoroughness of your work on his on own site,...
Julie Kay is one of the hottest chicks in the business today. She joins us this week to show us her body and to get her pussy stretched. First, we chilled by the pool as she displayed her assets to us. Watching her amazing tits bouncing up and down is a sight to see. Afterwards, we moved thins inside where Julie Kay got fucked by Peter Green in several different positions in the shower. Her pussy got properly stretched with every stroke making her cum multiple times before receiving a gigantic...
xmoviesforyouHi all. First off let me say that this is a true account of how I lost my virginity and what we did that day. I know it’s been a long time and that a lot of people who lost theirs this way try to forget, I never have. It was weird, scary, amazing and most of all what has made me who I am today.It was only 2 days after my 12th birthday that I lost it and I hope when you read this you don’t judge me to harshly or the others involved. I don’t.It was a Saturday morning and with no sport that day...
Daily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...
Above the Eastern Continent’s eastern coastline with Down Ocean. “Elder sister Beking”, Admiral Hamumni called for the figure reaching from the horizon. “Hamumni”, General Beking greeted, but her attention was entirely focused on the silvery foam atop the turbid ocean. “I can sense them, too, even outside the ocean ... the undulation in the water carry the fluctuations of their energy. This potency I’ve only witnessed Immortals exhibit”. She talked to herself, frowning, before turning to...
An introduction to Mr Richard Peterson aka Mister Peterson aka Dick aka Happy.“Happy Dick” Peterson is a known quantity to many. For the past twenty years he's been a car salesman who at one time or another worked at every dealership in town. He was also a photo bug who occasionally teaches photography at the City College and also coaches the City College marching band. There has always been rumors floating around about him but they seem so wild no one really believes them.One thing for sure...
The call from Mistress Andrea made my day. I hadn't seen her for over a week and was looking forward to playing with her & having my chastity finally removed. You should know that Mistress and I have known each other for many years and have I always enjoyed being her sissy sub. Lately she has been training me to be more feminine in appearance. I have been required to buy woman's stretch pants and blouses for daily wear to work, and always have fresh manis and pedis and mascara on at...
I was fixing her car outside on the drive, I was a very hot day and I was dripping with perspiration, I knocked at the door, Eve opened the door. It’s all done I said just need to wash up and I’ll be gone. Ok she said. Eve was wearing a long tight figure hugging dress that not only showed off her great figure but the dress was that tight I could make out the lines of her underwear. It looked like Eve was wearing stockings because I could see the tell-tale suspender clips poking through her...
as i spend another wicked week-end with uu get called in2 work 4 an emergency...after i try 2 watch TV 4 a little whilei get cumpletely & totally boredso i get on2 your computer & check out sum hot gay porn...i am so engrossed in what i look atthat i don't even hear u cum back in2 the house& when u put your hands on my shouldersi nearly jump out of the i sit in front of your computeri wear nothing but a skimpy cotton thong& my state of arousal is cumpletely...
Star Date 5.002 President Flowsman's Personal Log: Technology is a wondrous thing. However, even using replication technology it takes time to get it all figured out. I asked for a coke today, and was shocked when I got a tray with half a dozen two-inch long 'lines' of white powder. Integration of earth foods into the system has not been without its errors. I dread asking for steamed lobster tail, with drawn butter. My dear wife Annette thinks that I will get a 'pen and ink' picture if...
Im addicted to sex, its like a d**g i must take from time to time or i will just have a mental breakdown and probably go crazy, i loveeeee sex.My friends and other people who know of this such as my family think i should be more normal like the rest of my friends, that means no d**gs and not much sex. How can i give sex up when im addicted? its a hobby, its life.It all started with one incident that took place when i was 5. So here what happened. My family hosted a party at our house for people...
Let me start the story and sorry if I make any mistake because I am excited to share my fun time with you people so I am an engineering student from Mumbai 20 years old. My name is raj (name changed) and used to have a big fantasy of dressing like a girl and wearing all those ladies cloths. I would like to make it clear that I am not a gay but when I dress like a girl. I feel like a girl and make me comfortable with a guy; at that time I get a girlish feeling which makes me horny and takes me...
It was a bright sunny day when Gwendolyn went out to meet Al again, filled with excitement and anticipation. Blue skirt rippling around her creamy legs she hurried through the village, occasionally one hand drifting up to pat the kerchief over her brown braids. Amber eyes glinted gold in the sunlight as she quickly walked, a basket full of sweets in one of her arms. She wanted to have a mid-afternoon picnic with him… her father and Brandy thought that she had taken refuge in the coolness of the...
This is a true story about seeing my friend’s mom naked and my apology to her making think maybe she wants to fuck.So a few years ago when I was 19 my friend told me meet him st his house. I arrived before him and he said no one is home so just go inside and head downstairs. I did just as I have plenty of other times and was waiting for him to get there. Now to set the stage my friends mom is a fitness nut. 5’6 early 40’s fit with big fake tits and a bubble butt to match. We all have given him...
My internal alarm went off and I rolled to sit up on the side of the bed. I had to lift myself over June who had snuck in during the night on the other side of me. The morning was cooler, so the smaller girl snuggled to her oldest sister as soon as I moved. I pulled the top sheet over them and went to the bathroom. I was finishing when Jeff stumbled in to use the toilet. My youngest sibling said, "Go wake Chet," when I had finished brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face. "He's...
This was my first ‘real’ attempt at writing a romantic caper story with a sexy leading man and plucky heroine. I was 20 at the time. * * * * * * * * * * The night was cold and foggy. The moon was barely visible in the mists of the seaside area where a man walked alone. Raphael Cabrezi made his way down the deserted dock, his eyes searching the darkness around him. He was looking for someone, a man that was both widely known of and a complete enigma. The man who had hired him. As he walked,...
The next day I went for a run as usual before a fight. When I returned I saw that my dorm had put a banner in the hall; "Go Bob - Beat Her Ass!" I shook my head, laughed and returned to my room. At the predetermined time I walked over to the gym. There was Lisa and Karen waiting for me. I kissed Lisa long and hard. "Remember, I love you and I'll always love you. I'm counting on you to fight your best; all I ask is that you try not to break anything" She smiled and said, "I love you,...
The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe. For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For one glowing moment in his life, however long it would last, he was the biggest name in eSports. Ken wasn’t thoroughly stupid....
So yeah. I left my friends house tonight and I saw the neighbor's wife put on a show for me while fucking her man in the window... I don't think I am the first to see the neighbor's wife fucking her man, they seem to be used to the idea of having an audience and she acted more excited and horny when she noticed that I was watching her naked boobs bounce back and forth. I froze because she was so happy to see me standing behind her and husband when she noticed that I was going to watch her get...
"Well that was very sexy." My sister Suzie jumped on the bed and laid back, raising her knees, letting them fall apart. "You've got me all hot. Look." She opened her legs wide. Her vagina was glistening with wetness. "Why don't we all get on the bed?" She suggested. I smiled at my older sister Katie. "Suzie and I have something special to show you." Katie sat on the edge of the bed next to Suzie, her feet on the floor. I had just masturbated her to her first ever climax and now had...
Lily Adams is in her bed working hard on her school assignments. When her phone rings, the last person she expects a call from is her teacher, Kristen Scott. Kristen is having a party at her place for some of the students and faculty and has called to invite her as well. Lily is almost done with her homework and figures what the hell, she agrees and hangs up the phone. When Lily gets to Kristen’s house, Kristen greets her and tells her to come in. Lily finds the house empty and is...
xmoviesforyouIn my last sojourn I described to you the method in which, Faith, Hope and myself managed to regain our honour roll positions without having to study even once. As you might have guessed from the other chapters in this long saga it might have involved with a cock in me. Fear not , dear readers, you are absolutely right Big tits and blonde hair will get you far in school I discovered with my popularity, but triple teaming your teachers with a pile of nubile teen flesh will almost always...
I am Shravan here. I like to narrate in detail & not just like.. so & so and we started doing this and that which in fact is a turn off. So bear with the length of the story. I hope it turns you on. I was traveling from Ernakulam to Pune by train. It was a heavy downpour on the date of the journey across the entire state. By 5:30 pm, As soon as I boarded, I arranged my luggage and set up my favorite playlist in my iPod for listening.Since it was a last minute reservation, I only managed to get...
He had fallen out of Amber but she had continued sleeping on top of him, neither of them apparently aware of the lack of his presence inside her. His hands instinctively ran his hands over her back and down to her firm butt, rubbing more than massaging her cheeks. At his young age, David started to get hard again and felt himself come in contact with her pelvis as he grew to full size. David felt her firm breasts and hot nipples pushing into his chest while her head rested on his bare...
“It only becomes art if it touches other people.” —Andreas Eschbach, The Carpet Makers “IS IT ... IS THAT OKAY?” Beca asked on behalf of all of us. I couldn’t even imagine asking an ex to help the current love and I wasn’t sure what was happening here. Beca still had hold of Donna’s hand and I could tell Donna wasn’t interested in letting it go. “Yes, of course,” Donna laughed. “He owes me this one. Don’t worry.” “Donna,” I said. I didn’t mean to whisper but my mouth suddenly would...
………………. John Mellors lay stunned, trying to take in this most momentous moment in his young life so far. He was a well-behaved boy who didn’t normally go trespassing in neighbours’ gardens and spying on people, but today the urge to see what his sixteen-year-old sister Lettie was doing had overwhelmed him. For weeks now, from even before the summer holidays had started, she’d been disappearing across the road to Mr Whitaker’s house, to swim in his pool and work on her school project...
So, as previously told, the events leading up to us having a threesome with my best friend and my husband started me down a path of becoming a cum slut. I never really liked the word slut or whore because of its’ negative connotations, but I soon learned that a woman could be classy and proper in the streets and still be a whore or a slut in the sheets for her man. After that night, I started enjoying my husband cumming in my mouth. I loved how he tasted and as much as I wish I could fit him...