Beaches free porn video

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Traveling has always been a pleasure that Macy enjoyed. She never made any plans, just would throw some things together, hop in her car and take off. Where she would end up was always a mystery. She had met many interesting and wonderful people on her escapades and that is why she enjoys it so much.

This particular time she headed up toward the Great Lakes. It was like going to the ocean they were so big and she didn’t have to travel near as far to get that ‘ocean’ feeling. There were so many beautiful homes in the area along the lake. She would park and often daydream what it would be like to live in such an area. Suddenly, she was jolted out of her daydream when someone knocked on her car window.

She thought she was dreaming at first when she saw him…but then he spoke to her. ‘Excuse me ma’am, but your blocking my driveway and I need to get out.’ He was a very handsome gentleman perhaps in his mid 50’s, and was dressed in casual clothes. Macy smiled and rolled down her window a bit, ‘I’m sorry, I was just looking for a place to enjoy the beach, and pulled over to look at some of these beautiful homes. I’ll move right away.’ She started to move her car, when he said, ‘Just pull your car over to the other side of my driveway and walk down that little path and enjoy the beach in front of my place for as long as you like. I need to go run a few errands, then I will be back.’ His smile was so sweet and alluring, she decided to take him up on his offer.

‘Wow, she thought to herself, she could pretend for the afternoon that this was HER place.’ She moved her car and got out to grab a blanket and her radio out of the trunk. He could not help noticing her subtle beauty, not like many of the women in the neighborhood who thought they had to dress like Beverly Hills. She was simple, wearing jeans, T-shirt, sandals and her hair up in a clip off her neck. He decided he would do his errands much quicker than planned and skip the idea of stopping off at the bar for a drink. Macy turned to him offering her hand ‘How do you do, I’m Macy, and I really appreciate this.’ He shook her hand ‘Alex, and its not a problem really, Go…enjoy! I’ll be back in a little while.’ He watched her as she followed the path down around the house till she was out of sight. Then quickly jumped into his car and drove off. He was hoping she didn’t notice how ‘excited’ he really was!!

Macy walked down to the beach…it was gorgeous. She spread her blanket, turned on some tunes and rolled up her jeans, walking along letting the water splash onto her feet. What a relaxing way to spend the afternoon. She looked up at the house where Alex lived. It was beautiful with almost all windows overlooking the lake. Maybe if she was lucky, she would see it from the inside. She sat down on her blanket, removed her jeans and t-shirt revealing her swimsuit she had on underneath. Sitting there, she watched the sailboats float by with ease from the soft wind that blew. The speedboats bounced across the water and even a few jet skis darted by now and again, dancing across the water. Damn they look like a lot of fun she thought. She laid back soaking up some of the suns rays, and fell asleep letting her imagination carry her away.

It was just over an hour later, when Alex returned. As he had hoped, her car was still in the drive, and he walked down towards the lake. There she was, lying on the blanket, enjoying herself. He did not realize she was asleep. He walked up to her quietly and sat down on the blanket, just watching her thinking to himself that this could possibly be his lucky day. He noticed how soft and pink her skin looked…and not wanting her to get sunburned, he nudged her a bit and woke her up. She jumped and he apologized…’Sorry but you look like your done on this side, time to flip over. Would you like me to put some lotion on your back for you?’ Not believing her luck, she turned over and let him.

His hands were very gentle as he covered her back with the lotion. She then felt his hands move down to her legs and work their way up. Not sure how far she should let him take this, she said, ‘Maybe I should finish.’ He said, ‘No, really, I don’t mind at all.’ That’s what I thought, she said as she smiled and held out her hand for the lotion. He chuckled and gave her a pouty look, ‘Sigh’

‘If you insist,’ he said. He watched her as her hands finished the top of her long beautiful thighs and smiled as she finished. ‘I could have done that for you, you know,’ he said. ‘Thanks, but I got it,’ she said, thinking maybe she should have let him. He said, ‘I think I’ll go into the changing room and put on my suit. Would you like to go for a ride on my jet ski?’ ‘Oh, yes, I’d love that! They look like so much fun!’ Macy said with excitement.

Soon they were out on the lake, bouncing across the waves. Alex got a little crazy a few times and Macy grabbed on tighter to hang on, just as he was hoping she would do. He could feel her arms around his waist tighten with every quick move over a wave along with her thighs on his thighs. He liked that feeling very much. Her squeals of joy were music to his ears…and he knew she was having a good time. Finally he headed back to the beach, but he couldn’t resist doing a couple of 360’s to see if he could throw her off. He managed to do just that, and he laughed as Macy came up for a breath, her life jacket keeping her afloat as he came to pick her up. Laughing at his accomplishment, he apologized, Oh, I’m sorry, did I do that?’ She splashed him and laughingly said, Oh yeah, like it was an accident! You rat!’ She was beaming from ear to ear as she hopped on the back and held on tighter than before till they beached the jet ski.

‘Wow, that was so much fun. Thanks for the ride!’ Macy said, squeezing the excess water from her long brown hair. ‘It would be awesome to be able to ride one anytime you wanted to. You have a beautiful home here Alex!’ Alex grabbed a towel and headed over to Macy. ‘Thanks! If you like we can go in later and I can show you around!’

‘Super,’ Macy said, and in her mind she was saying, ‘YES!’ They laid on the beach for a while longer, letting the sun dry them off and enjoying small talk. Macy thought to herself, ‘Damn, he is hot!’ and Alex was thinking the exact same thing about HER! He hopped up and said, ‘Come on, lets go grab something to drink!’

Macy grabbed her bag, radio and towel and followed him. She set her things on the deck and he brought her a wine cooler and himself a beer. ‘Is this ok?’ he asked. Macy said, ‘Perfect, thank you!’ She felt a little self-conscious sitting there in her skimpy bikini and was digging in her bag for her baggy T-shirt. When she found it, Alex said, ‘Hey, don’t bother putting that thing on, you won’t catch anymore rays if you do that! He winked at Macy, and she giggled and left it laying next to the bag. He was glad when she did so, as he was enjoying the scenery! She was very beautiful and her figure was well exposed which he didn’t mind a bit. It was a VERY enjoyable afternoon, so far, and he was hoping to make it last as long as possible, perhaps into the evening.

‘So Macy, tell me a little about yourself,’ Alex said with interest. Macy smiled at him and said, ‘Well, I’m 35, single, I own my own little clothing business, designing clothing for the business women of the world. I live near Chicago in a busy little town that everyone knows everyone. So I enjoy getting away and relax without someone disturbing my concentration. I come up with some of my best designs when I am away.

Alex looked at her, smiling, thinking to himself, ‘Nice,’ as he was also enjoying her 5’11’ish 150 lb. figure. She was not big breasted, but that did not bother him as he liked what he saw, and he was seeing quite a bit, as that bikini didn’t hide much! His only wish was that the bottoms had been in the ‘thong’ style. Now THAT would have been exciting! Macy interrupted his thoughts, when she said to him, ‘So, now that you know a little about me, how about you retu
rn the favor?’

Alex laughed and said, ‘OK, fair enough. I am a designer also, only I design beach homes. People want to have places by the water that they can enjoy, entertain, and just get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and I try to do that for them. I am 55, have been married once to a lovely woman who for some reason or other decided that she needed to spread her wings elsewhere about 10 years ago, and have been on my own ever since. No kids to speak of other than the kids that ride up and down the beach on 4 wheelers and on the lake with their jet ski’s. I enjoy watching them, thinking maybe I have missed out on having some of my own.’ He looked sad for a moment, but perked back up when Macy stood up and came toward him. She was thinking to herself, ‘Damn, how could any woman want more than this?’ She smiled at him and said, ‘I’d love to see the place, do you mind?’ He smiled and showed her the door.

Alex gave her the full tour. She was amazed at all of the fine details and neat little odds and ends that he had included that made it very unique. She was especially impressed with the bedroom. It overlooked the lake with the other wall being one big mirror. It made the room look even bigger than it was! She was amazed when Alex opened the end mirror to find a huge bathroom with a 2 man Jacuzzi, a walk in shower with nozzles at both ends, and a small box like closet. She asked him what that was, and he said it was a 2 person sauna. It was unreal! He was immaculate and had a wonderful gift of decorating. As she stood in front of the window of the bedroom overlooking the lake in awe, Alex could not resist the temptation to hold her in his arms. She was so beautiful, and was so full of life and excitement, he was overwhelmed.

When he slowly wrapped his arms around her from behind, she jumped. Alex said, ‘Shhhhh, its ok Macy. I’m not going to hurt you. I just couldn’t let you enjoy this moment without holding you.’ He could feel her tension melt as his arms caressed her gently. Macy’s mind was racing, thinking how much she wanted to let herself go, but yet was reluctant, as she had been heartbroken one too many times. Alex turned her around and kissed her softly at first, but it slowly intensified to a passionate, deep, long kiss which left them both breathless. Alex looked her in the eyes, smiled and said, ‘That was delicious Macy, why don’t you grab your clothes, shower and I’ll fix us some supper, that is if you can stay?’

Macy was blushing bright red after that marvelous kiss, and said, ‘Yes, I can stay, thank you.’ He followed her down to the deck and he got busy preparing the meal. Macy felt like she was a princess in a castle with the surroundings. She lingered in the shower, letting her imagination get the best of her. She stood there with the water spraying on her from both directions and with her eyes closed could still feel Alex’s arms around her, holding her. She knew what she wanted but did she dare go after it? She smiled to herself and thought, ‘We shall see how the main course goes, I may have something else planned for dessert!’ She dressed and went downstairs to find a light meal out on the patio overlooking a gorgeous sunset. Alex smiled and poured them each a glass of wine.

He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She could see he had snuck away and showered himself, and his aftershave drove her wild. He noticed her picking at her food and apologized if it was not something she enjoyed. ‘Oh, it’s fine Alex, I’m just a bit nervous I guess. I feel like I’ve intruded on your privacy here, but I appreciate you letting me spend the day here. It has been wonderful!’ Alex smiled and then boldly said, ‘It COULD be a wonderful night too, if you’d stay.’

Macy looked at him and instantly felt as if she were going to melt! His hand reached for hers and they stood and embraced, kissing with a heated passion that both had been holding inside for years. He wasted little time leading her to his bedroom and slowly but gently undressed her. He was drinking in every beautiful moment. Slowly he lowered her to the bed, his mouth on hers, kissing her gently. Their hands moved over each other, exploring, feeling the softness, and finally reaching areas that without a doubt, let each other know they were ready for more.

Macy was amazed at how muscular and strong he was. He moved her around like she was a feather, he was so gentle but knew just what her body was aching for. She felt his mouth begin to move slowly down her neck, to her small but very sensitive breasts. Her nipples were hard and when he began to flick his tongue around and suck on them she thought she would go crazy. Her soft moans were music to his ears as he continued his venture. Soon he moved down past her soft mound, a neatly trimmed patch just above what he discovered was a cleanly shaven pussy. Mmmmmm he thought he’d hit heaven. He began kissing, licking, sucking, all of which Macy was thoroughly enjoying, barely able to control herself. He heard her moaning louder, her hands pushing him away as he wondered why. He moved up kissing her, and asked if he was doing something wrong.

She sighed and whispered, ‘No, no, I just didn’t want to drown you. I want to feel you deep inside me you have me so close!’ Alex chuckled and slowly let his cock press against her. He was more than what she had ever had before and wondered if she could satisfy him the way he deserved to be satisfied. As he slowly entered her, she could no longer hold back. Her wetness allowed him to slide in easily, and soon they were in a rhythm that gradually picked up speed. The sounds and feelings were overwhelming as she exploded with an orgasm that she had never experienced before. Alex was ecstatic and continued to enjoy the feeling of her warmth wrapped around his shaft. He rolled onto his back and as she rode his cock, his hands massaged her breasts.

He rose to meet her with every stroke and he finally could not hold back and as he came, that pumping sensation was so intense, Macy came again with him, her pussy spasming around his cock so tightly he couldn’t move. His arms pulled her close and the kissed long and hard. Macy came up for a breath, looked him in the eyes and smiled a smile that made him wonder what she was thinking. He soon found out as she moved her kisses down his neck, chest, stomach and finally down to his semi-hard cock that with the magic of her tongue and mouth, soon was like granite again. God, he hadn’t felt this way in years. She was a wonderful lover and knew just how to please him. He watched her as she took her hands and massaged his balls, while her mouth moved over his cock.

She teased him with her tongue, and then would lunge at him, taking him so deep he could feel himself sliding down her throat. Damn, she was good! He finally couldn’t take it any longer and wanted to fuck her again. Trying his hardest to move her around, she refused to stop, enjoying herself immensely, so he flipped her over and he buried his face in her wet moist pussy as she continued to please him. The intensity was amazing and they both drove each other crazy.

Finally Alex moved on top of Macy and entered her once more. Pumping his hard wet shaft deep inside her warm pussy, he soon lost it again as he felt her warm cum explode from her, their juices and sweat rolling from their bodies as they fell into each others arms, laying there, snuggling and catching their breath. He kissed the back of her neck as his arms held her tightly to him, his hands cupping her breast.

‘That was the most incredible sex I have ever had Macy. You are amazing!’ Macy smiled and breathlessly said, ‘That was unbelievable! You make me wish I never had to leave. I want this moment to last forever.’ Alex rolled her over, looked into her eyes and said, ‘It can last forever, if you want it to!’ Her reaction made him believe that is what she wanted too and from that day on, Macy never had to go for a drive and ‘pretend’ she lived in one of those houses on the beach.

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Victorious part 5

“On Friday, time to think over the weekend was requested. Your time is up.” Meredith asked as they met in her office for the morning. Victor stayed still for a moment soaking in her gaze. He felt strangely calm but stiflingly hot nonetheless. “Have you bought me a ring?” He started. Meredith didn’t even blink. “Your answer?” Victor continued undeterred. “Maybe someone should be here to annotate our agreement? I would like this on paper.” Meredith paused, then reached over...

1 year ago
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A Proper British Mother

She thought she was pretty slick, tracking me down after all those years. She'd fallen on hard times and I was doing very well. Wouldn't any son help his mother out in a situation like that? He would if he was a sucker. All I knew about my mother I'd learned from my father Aidan. They'd lived in London until I was two and she threw us both out having gotten involved with a member of the upper crust. We weren't good enough for her any more so my father and I headed to America where he started a...

2 years ago
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Keiras Offer

Keira's Offer By Silence Please do not copy this story without telling me. I don't mind you postingit, just let me know first, ok? Please do not allow minors to read this story. It would be very harmfuland I don't want that to happen. This is a piece of fiction and I'd like itto stay that way. Please feel free to write to me concerning what you think of this story.I would love to hear feedback as things progress. I couldn't help but wonder how I had allowed things to go this far. It hadbeen...

3 years ago
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My female boss preps me for my boyfriend

I didn't put this in my original story. But, after my birthday surprise. I also took the next day off. I was quite nervous and apprehensive about how that coming out would go over. My supervisor called me later in the afternoon to see how I was doing. I talked things out with her. She told me that she spoke to a lot of the girls and they're fine with it. A couple of the older, married ones. Not so much. But, they wouldn't be a problem. She added that I need to come in tomorrow for work and...

4 years ago
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Gharwal And Ode Bhra Di Gharwali

Hello friends: Saryan nu mera jani sonu wallon namsakar, adaf Dosto main iss da regular reader a pishle kujh 6-7 saal to ede vich upload kitiyan kahaniya pad pad ke bot waari muth vee mari te sex vee keeta. Bot kujh sikhiya vee dekho sex har insaan dee kamjori aa te mere vichar anusar sex kise naal vee kita ja sakda a matlab jithe vee mouka mile fuddi lain da bas lai lo chahe koi hove. Or jive ke kahaniya ch dost likhde ne kive ona ne apnia sisters, bhabiya, aunty, massi, mami, saali, cousin,...

3 years ago
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The Act Part 1

Mike was hosting a special show at a private club that backed onto a casino where a small gathering had paid good money to come and watch. He was an illusionist and promised a show like no other. Gemma was with her boyfriend and they had got in on special rate tickets won during a poker game an hour earlier. They sat with the rest of the audience watching as Mike did a few card tricks. For his next act, he asked for a volunteer and looked towards Gemma. As if on cue, a spotlight picked her...

2 years ago
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Ramesh Fucked My Mom In Front Of Me

Hi Guys, This is Kamesh from Coimbatore. I’m a regular reader of the Indian sex stories. After reading many stories I decided to post a real incident happened in my family a few years back.My dad, Bala who is working in Dubai. He comes to India once in two years. He stayed with us for a month only and go back. My mom Parvathi is a homemaker, age 35 (when this happened). My mom is fair complexion, 5ft height and has long hair. She looks like a little fatty but fats are in perfect places which...

3 years ago
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Getting my Fare Share

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, written at the request of a fellow Xhamster.For a Wednesday night, it had been really, really slow. It was about 2 am, and I had been on since 11 pm. I had only had two fares; not many people needing a taxi tonight. Just after 2:00, my dispatcher sent me pickup. I drove to the address. It was a small pub where I had picked up or delivered many times. Usually, the passengers I picked up here were anywhere from a little tipsy to sloppy drunk. I...

2 years ago
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Beer Ka Taste Callboy Yogu Mera Best

Hello friends aur meri pyari raseeli kamseen chutwali, aunty, bhabhi, kaku, vahini aur ladies girls aap sabhi ko. Mera aapko mere 6.2+ lumbe lund ko khada karke namaskar. Main apka Yogu, age 26 abhi Pune mein job kar raha hu. Waise aaj ki story meri aur meri kamseen bhari huyi gadarayi jawan pahachan wali aunty ki chudai ki hai. Ab story pe ata hu. Maine bataya last matlab mein ki kaise humne us raat khub enjoy kia. Aap is story ka pahla part padhana ab age batat hu. Unki age 36 saal thi. Unka...

3 years ago
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Sex With SisterInLaw

Hi na peru ricky nenu degree chaduvutuna na maradali peru rini thanu inter chaduvuthunadi eka story loki veladam nenu inter chadive rojulo rini apudu 12 class oka roju ma intiki vachindi baga late avadam tho thanu night ma intlo ne unadi apudu summer andukani nenu rini vala thamudu ma thamudu andharam building meda padukunam nenu andhariki horror story cheputhuna andhru na dhagariki vachi bhayam tho vintunaru katha purthi ayena tharuvatha andaram padukunam oka half an hour tharuvata rini na...

2 years ago
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PleaseIll Do AnythingPart 2

The next two weeks were easily the worst I'd been through. Now that I had lost my "anal virginity" Callie decided it was open season on my ass. She loved nothing more than to dress me up in skirts and dresses and either watch me shove fake dicks down my throat and up my ass, or do it herself with her new strapon. Before she left for work a 4-inch butt plug was inserted and held in by wrapping a belt attached to the bottom of the plug, and wrapping it around me so that it could be...

1 year ago
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A few hours later you wake up, and it is dark in the room. The only light is red cast across our bodies from my alarm clock. Why is it that red seems like such a comforting color at night, while clocks with those glaring blue-white digits seem to burn through your eyelids? While you slept, you’ve rolled down onto your back against the bed. It takes a moment to focus, to realize where you are, what time it is and what’s been going on. You smile sleepily as it starts to come back to you. God,...

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Rachels Rowdy Rambling Rodeo

Perusing an old style porno rag my perv friend Steve gave me, I came to the personal ads and underground activities for the brazenly daring. The blatantly open, tongue-in-cheek, ads were hilarious and kept me reading them. One of the few commercialized ads caught my attention. Under a small photo of a well endowed, topless woman wearing just boots, white Stetson and a short denim skirt on a horse was the title Rachel's Rowdy Rambling Rodeo. She stood in the stirrups, arms held out like wings,...

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Indian Couples Erotic and Loving Threesome with a Close Friend Part1

Indian Couple’s Erotic and Loving Threesome with a Close Friend Part-1 I am Raj. I was a professional engineer, working in a multinational company in Jaipur. This incident took place some years ago. I have a good physic and am reasonably good looking. My friend and colleague Anil, was a smart 33 years young chap same as I and a very close friend of mine. Anil has athletic body and does regular exercises. He is also very handsome Punjabi (from North India). We were of almost the same age, in...

1 year ago
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Then I cummed in their mouths..I cummed loads…mom was tired but still horny..she started sucking my penis I was still hard..then I spread her legs wide and inserted my penis in her pussy and ramming mom was moaning in pleasure..I fucked in that position for 15min then I fucked her doggy style…she was moaning heavily..and me too..then mom was screaming and enjoying …. We fucked her hard and we slept together as we were exhausted… [email protected]

3 years ago
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My Hot English Teacher

Hey guys this is my second story posting here. Hope u all might like it. To tell about myself, I’m Manish, 21 yrs old, fair, 5 foot 8 inch and a bi sexual. This story is about fucking my English teacher during my coll days. Her name is kavitha, fair complexion, 5 foot 5 inch, around 30 yrs of age, divorcee and perfect aunty with big ass and big tits. She taught us English during my first yr of my engineering. She used to be jovial in class and free to talk with any boys. Our class had only 3...

1 year ago
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Illicit Affair with a Married Mother Part 1

When I was 19yo I had an illicit affair going on with a 50yo married woman. I actually met her from taking my little sister to school, her youngest k** was a few years older than my sister. She gave me lifts back to my house a few times and we did get quite friendly.First time anything happened she pulled over to the side of the road said she had a surprise for me and told me to close my eyes. Then said hold out your hand and put something in it. I open my eyes and it was her red thong, she was...

4 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 18

The following morning, Jenny and Jim woke up in each other's arms. They hugged each other then stretched. Jim looked at Jenny and kissed her lips. He looked like he had something on his mind. "What's wrong?" Jenny asked. "Nothing's wrong sweety, I was just wondering if you... uh if you had made a decision on moving in with me?" Jim asked in a hesitant voice. "Yes I have," Jenny said. "And?" Jim asked when Jenny didn't answer right away. He feared the worst. "The answer is...

3 years ago
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Wrong Room 2

It had been just over a year since I fucked my wife’s best friend (Laylo). Please see first story to catch up. To this day I still have the image of her pussy and beautiful bubble ass stuck in my head. It has been over a year since I have even seen her. I wandered does she remember it the way I do, does she rub one out thinking of what we did together.I sat in the recliner lost in my sexual memories, my wife yells at me, “Jay, did you even hear me” I said “what” She left the room with a grunt,...

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Videsh Mein Desi Laundiyaan

Hi to all Sex Stories fans. I just love this site and wanna keep sharing my experiences with you all. I m Suju from Hyderabad and just back from US. This is my real story story which happened with me in US with Desi Girls over there. I hope you will enjoy it. Any females want to share their experience, mail me at It was now 8:35 AM on a Sunday morning, As I was brewing the coffee in the Kitchen I was feeling quite numb emotionally and sore physically. I had just had the most intense sexual...

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Bad Girls in Uniform

Marsha paused. Slowly, she brushed the hair from her eyes with the back of her hand. It was almost eleven o'clock in the morning and she still felt a little tired from the night before. Constable Marsha McIntyre 22069 was the current 'Miss Victoria Police' and she'd been required to attend a 'Victoria Police' Gala downtown. The blonde policewoman slipped her regulation handbag from her shoulder and uttered a soft, girlish sigh. Retrieving the outstanding 'Warrant of Commitment' from the...

3 years ago
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A Story About Summer

I wrote this story by request from a friend and I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. J My name is Summer and I am a transsexual. I have a B cup chest and my hips are a size 30 and I have an 8 inch cock and I love to be a naughty little whore. It was the summer after high school for me and I was waiting for my admission letter from college to arrive. Eventually it did but it wasn’t very clear as to if I had gotten accepted or not so I decided to take a visit to the...

4 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons12 The Devilrsquos in Them Papers

“If it’s so intriguing, why not just call him?” Abe replied. “Her,” Phil corrected before chuckling. “You know me, I can’t think straight without a cup of joe.” “Well, you’ve had your coffee, what’s preventing you now?” “The weak complementary swill they serve here only provides enough fuel to reach the decent stuff at the corner.” As they exited the building, someone rushed up, shoving a microphone in Phil’s face. There was a camera crew and a news van behind him. “Mr. Walker,...

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Jana My Love

I was in Islamabad to attend a conference,and was feeling bit bored.Our conference sessions were long enough to exahst a person even in good health and mental conditions. I met this lovely lady named Jana while having coffee, I guess we were both out on business trips staying at a pretty nice hotel in Islamabad, She was having coffee and toast and what was left of a poached egg... It was about seven in the morning, I sat at a table next to her and had coffee and a breakfast steak and two eggs...

First Time
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Through the Window

Thinking I sneak in your window , late at night and surprise you while you sleep. Little did I know that I would be the one to be surprised when I look in your window. As I approach the window of your room I notice a light coming through the curtain. I peak in to see you just starting to undress. I notice that you are watching yourself in the mirror as you remove your blouse and skirt. You are wearing a light blue matching out fit. The panties are cut high on your hips and thong back, silky...

4 years ago
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AftermathChapter 23

I felt guilty when I met Chaz. We said "hello," and went inside. When we were sitting by a window and had some beers I said: "Look, I'm sorry. Mona pointed out that the phone, email and the auto made further proximity silly." "It's okay. I'm on edge too." "So, what did you call about?" "I want two weeks leave." "Don't you have any vacation? Use it!" "Don't I need a reason?" "Not to take accrued vacation. Anyway, where are you going?" "Singapore. Michiko wants to...

3 years ago
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The Christmas DreamChapter 3 The Aftermath

Marge was crying when she woke up. With tear blurred vision she looked around the room, all was back to normal; the wall was now just a wall, there was no sign of Bill, a Yule log program was playing on the television. It had all been a dream. But, she recognized the truth the dream had contained. She began to pull herself together. Getting up she went into the bathroom and washed her face, this helped to calm her down. Returning to the sofa she sat down and began to think things over. She...

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