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ROGER DILDO By Tired Old Man This is an expanded and modified version of my story "Denise's Dildo". This story is about sex, sex, sex and more sex. If such stories offend you, then please read no further. Prologue: As the head of "Advanced Bio-Gen Applied Technologies", Denise Smith was one of the most powerful women in the world. Her company was by far the most technologically advanced of all the biogenetic companies. And it wasn't by luck or sheer brilliance that it was the best. No, it was by way of utter ruthlessness. Denise Smith had put her company on the top of the heap through industrial spying and sabotage, and with a complete lack of ethics. She didn't care who paid the price for her success, as long as it wasn't herself. In a world where everyone got what they deserved, Denise Smith would have been locked up in prison and the key thrown away. But as is often the case with the very rich, she used her vast wealth to avoid any criminal prosecution, applying bribes in the right places, or causing inconvenient people to disappear. Denise had everything she wanted, except for two things. Her life was totally devoid of any close relationships, and she longed for a mate. Also she was very old, and she wished to be much younger. But these were minor problems for Denise. Her company had already perfected brain transplants. Although this information was kept secret from the general public, so that new bodies could be provided to special clients without the inevitable uproar that public knowledge would cause. Denise acquired the body of a girl from a third world country, and then had the body altered to an appearance more to her own liking. The girl's brain was then disposed of, and Denise had her own brain transplanted into the girl's body. Then Denise set about acquiring a new identity as a girl, giving herself a new last name, and hiring a fake family. Denise was headed back to high school, not to learn anything, but in pursuit of a young man. She wanted to find a boy that she could mold into a perfect mate for herself. And she found him. She thought he was perfect for her. The boy was tall, handsome, intelligent, athletic, and had a great personality. She knew that he was the one for her, and that she would spend the rest of her life with him. She had been dating the boy for several months when she found out that he was seeing another girl. She was furious and decided to teach him a lesson that he wouldn't forget. And she had the advanced technologies to make it happen. She also decided that after the boy learned his lesson, that she would take him back, and that he would never stray again. Chapter 1 ? Denise's Dildo Roger Peterson awoke to darkness. He wondered why he couldn't see anything. He tried moving, but found he was unable to do so. He wondered what had happened. Had he been in an accident? He couldn't remember. What was the last thing that he did remember? He thought back and remembered arguing with his girlfriend Denise. She had been furious when she found out that he had been sleeping with Janice. He had yelled at her. "What do you think I am, your private property? Why do you have to be so possessive, why can't you share me with other girls?" That was the last thing he remembered. He wondered how long ago it was. Then he heard a loud zipping sound. Light was pouring in above him. First it was a slit of light, ever lengthening. Next the slit of light started to widen. As Roger looked up, he could see a ceiling above him, but it seemed to be far too high for a normal ceiling. Then an enormous head came into view, with hair hanging down to the widened slit of light above Roger. The head was bigger than the whole of Roger's body. He would have screamed, but he found himself unable to do so. The eyes on the head looked straight at him, and the mouth formed into a huge grin. The thought came to him that he recognized the face. And it was the face of his girlfriend Denise. Suddenly a huge hand came into view, and reached for Roger. He felt the hand grasp around his body and lift him up. Light flowed all around Roger. He saw a huge purse below, a purse that he had just been lifted out of. Denise was a giant, holding Roger in one hand. And across from Denise was an enormous mirror. Roger saw the reflection of Denise in the mirror. And in the hand that was holding him, he saw the reflection of a penis. Denise's voice rang out. "Hello Roger, how do you like your new look? You used to be a walking dildo, but now you're just a plain dildo. Remember when you asked me if I thought you were my private property? Well take a good look, Roger, you are my private property now." Denise held Roger close to the mirror, and Roger could see tiny words along the shaft of the penis that was Roger. The words were: "property of Denise Moore." Denise started stroking Roger, and he felt strong tingling all over his body. As Denise continued to stroke Roger, he felt his body go from flaccid to erect. Then he saw Denise lifting up the front of her dress. He noticed that she wasn't wearing any underwear. "Time to take the plunge," Denise laughed, moving her hand that was holding Roger towards her crotch. Roger saw Denise's crotch grow ever larger in his field of view. Then he felt himself being pushed into her labia. A moment later he could feel her vagina all around him. He could smell and taste her vagina as he was pushed in ever deeper. He could feel her juices flowing against him. He felt Denise pull him out a bit, only to be shoved in again. Then he started feeling wave after wave of orgasms over all of his body. The orgasms seemed to go on forever, and it seemed that Denise was never going to stop thrusting him in and out. Then Denise pulled him all the way out and placed him on the counter. Denise was ecstatic. "That was the best sex I've ever had. I wish I could do it all day." Roger lay on the counter, covered in Denise's vaginal juices. Denise put her face close to him and laughed. "You smell like my vagina." She picked him up, and placed him under the sink faucet. Roger felt a torrent of water flow over his body along with a huge quantity of liquid soap being rubbed into him. When Denise was done washing him, she dried him off and sprayed perfume on him. She sprayed too much, and Roger reeked of the perfume. "Oops!" she laughed, "I better be more careful next time." Roger heard Denise's voice thundering out, as she called for her brother. A few seconds later a pimply-faced 14 year old boy walked into the room. It was Denise's younger brother Danny. Denise handed Danny a jar and told him she wanted him to put his cum into it. But Danny said if she wanted it, that she had to pump for it herself. She agreed disgustedly, and started stroking Danny's penis. Roger couldn't believe that Denise was jerking off her own brother. Then cum started shooting out of Danny's penis and into the jar. Roger watched in amazement as increasingly more cum went into the jar. Roger had never seen so much cum. And when he thought Danny was done, Denise stroked a few more times and got an additional amount of cum that was itself more than Roger had ever produced at one time. Denise picked Roger up as Danny was leaving. She turned Roger over so that the base of the penis was facing her. She explained what she was doing. "You have a hole at the bottom of yourself that I can open up and pour liquids into. And the next time you orgasm, you'll ejaculate some of the fluid." Then Denise started pouring Danny's cum into the hole. Roger could feel Danny's cum pouring into him. He could smell it and taste it, and the taste wouldn't go away. The thought of having Danny's cum filling him was repugnant. He started feeling bloated, and Denise continued to pour. Finally, when he didn't think he could hold anymore, Denise announced that she was done. "I'm closing up back here," she said. "You did really well, Roger. I was able to get all my brother's cum into you." Denise placed Roger back on the counter. "Do you remember when you asked me why I had to be so possessive, why couldn't I share you with other girls? Well I'm going to share you with other girls, of course it will be my choice of girls, not yours." Roger saw Denise place a box on the counter. The box was a tiny bit larger than Roger. Denise picked Roger up and placed him in the box. Next she placed a lid on the box. Roger was again in darkness. But now he felt like he was in a coffin. Then he felt himself being moved up, down and around. He heard a sound that he thought was wrapping paper being placed on the box. He could feel himself moving, but he didn't know where Denise was taking him. Chapter 2 ? A Visit Home Roger felt the movement end, and the box he was in placed upon a level surface. He heard some voices, but it was hard to make out the words. He thought he heard his older sister's voice, but he wasn't sure. He heard the noise of paper tearing, and saw light as the top of the box was lifted up. He saw a huge face looking in, and realized that the face belonged to his older sister Mary. "Oh no," Roger thought, "I don't want to have sex with my sister. Please, oh please don't let this happen." Mary stared for a while, and then walked away. Roger was hopeful that his sister would just close the box, and return him to Denise. But instead his sister walked back and reached into the box. When Roger was pulled out of the box he noticed that Mary was completely nude. Roger had never seen his sister nude before and felt himself becoming erect. Roger then saw a big grin form on the face of his sister. Mary carried him back to her bedroom, and lay down on the bed. Roger saw the mound of his sister's vulva draw nearer. She stopped briefly when the tip of the dildo brushed against her labia. Then Mary started shoving Roger in. Soon Roger was deep into his sister's vagina. He could feel her vagina pressing hard up against him; could feel her juices flowing onto him. Mary started thrusting him in and out. Soon he felt waves of orgasms. He also seemed to feel his sister's orgasms, and his orgasms were in sync with his sister's orgasms. He felt a sense of harmony, felt like he was a part of his sister. Then he started ejaculating. He tried to stop himself, but he could not. The thought of Danny's cum going into Mary's vagina disgusted Roger. Suddenly his sister pulled him out of her vagina, and Roger ejaculated one more time, with Danny's cum shooting onto Mary's breasts. Mary dropped Roger onto the bed, and into the wet spot. Then she ran from the room. Roger could see Danny's cum flowing down Mary's legs. Roger lay in the wet spot, covered with his sister's juices and Danny's cum. Roger lay there, pondering how much he had enjoyed being inside his sister's vagina, and having synchronous orgasms with her. If he had to spend the rest of his life as a penis, he wouldn't mind being Mary's dildo. But he also knew that he had only used a tiny portion of Danny's cum, and he didn't want to shoot more of it up his sister's vagina. He lay there for a while, wondering what was going to happen next, when he saw his mother come into the bedroom. She picked him up and carried him off. She went into the kitchen, and opened up the trashcan. She moved her hand holding Roger towards the trashcan. Roger was in a panic. "She's going to throw me in the garbage! Oh god, please, not the garbage!" His mother noticed a twitch in the penis. "What the hell?" she swore. She brought Roger up towards her face and took a closer look. She saw tiny words on the shaft, and read them out loud: "property of Denise Moore." "So you're Denise's dildo," his mother said. "I wondered where Mary got you." His mother started stroking him, and was amazed when the dildo became erect. She smiled and carried Roger out of the kitchen. Roger was relieved that he hadn't been thrown into the garbage. But when he saw his mother carrying him into her bedroom, he was suddenly thinking that it would have been better if she had. She placed him on her dresser and started to remove her clothes. Roger watched as his mother became naked. His mother picked him up, moving him towards her mouth. Her mouth was gigantic, and she stuck out her huge tongue and started licking Roger. She was licking off Mary's vaginal juice and Danny's cum. Then she stuck Roger in her mouth and started sucking. Roger felt his mother's saliva coating him as she continued to suck. Soon Roger was ejaculating into his mother's mouth. She swished Danny's cum around her mouth, tasting it and then swallowing it. She seemed satisfied and carried Roger to her bed. Roger did not want to be put into his mother's vagina. He had come out of her vagina when he was born, and he had no intention of re-entering it. He felt his mother applying some lubricating jelly all around him. Then she lifted him up and plunged him into her vagina. He found that it was a lot easier entering into his mother's vagina. It was nowhere near as tight as either Mary's or Denise's vaginas. His mother was much looser, but he felt her muscles tightening around him. His mother had pushed him in so far, that he could feel the lips of her labia closing behind him. He was completely inside his mother. Then he heard some voices. He felt his mother getting up. There was a little bit of light coming through the slit in his mother's vulva. Then the light dimmed, and Roger could smell a slight perfume. Then he remembered that his mom wore scented panties. Roger figured that his mother had put her panties back on, and had gotten dressed. He felt the pressure of her against him as she walked out of the bedroom. His mother was sitting at the dining room table and talking to some of her friends. They asked if there was any word of Roger. His mother replied that no one had seen Roger for a week. Roger wanted to shout to his mother that he was here, that he was inside her vagina. Even after his mother's friends had left, she continued to carry Roger inside of her. He had become flaccid, and was deep in his mother's vagina. He was wondering if she had forgot that she had put him in her vagina. A little while later he heard the sound of water falling upon water below him. He figured his mother was taking a pee. Roger was becoming more familiar with the sounds of his mother's body. He knew that she was sleeping now. He felt closer to his mother now than he had ever before. If he was going to stay inside a vagina, he was glad it was his mom's. *** It was early the next day, when Roger felt himself being pulled out of his mother's vagina. His mother was muttering to herself. "I don't know how I could have forgotten that Denise's dildo was inside of me." Then she started stroking Roger, bringing the dildo to an erection. His mother again covered Roger in lubricating jelly and pushed him up her vagina. This time she pushed Roger in and out rapidly, bringing him to a quick orgasm. Soon he was ejaculating into his mother. But unlike his sister, his mother continued thrusting him in and out. Roger continued ejaculating repeatedly. He wondered if his mother would ever stop. It was like she was in a sexual frenzy. Finally his ejaculations ran dry. But his mother continued thrusting him in and out. He had thought his session with Denise was long, but this was far longer. Finally his mother pulled him completely out of her vagina, and wiped the lubricating jelly away from Roger. Next she started using Roger like a spoon, rubbing him against her labia and legs, where Danny's cum had flowed. Then she lifted him up and licked off Danny's cum. His mother started lubricating Roger with jelly again. He found it hard to believe his mother was going to stick him back up her vagina. Then he saw that she was bending over, and that she was bringing him up to her rear end. "No, no, no! Not there! Please not there!" Roger silently screamed. Roger felt himself being pushed up his mother's anus. It was a lot tighter than her vagina, and it smelled and tasted horrible. He could feel his mother's fecal material smearing against him. His mother pushed him way up her anus. She started pulling him out and pushing him back in, and soon Roger was feeling a surge of orgasms. Finally Roger's mother pulled him out of her rear end. Roger felt completely disgusted. His mother cleaned herself off, and washed Roger off in the sink. After she dried him, she sprayed him with a can of feminine deodorant spray. Then she placed him in the box he came in, and put the lid back on the box. He felt her carry him somewhere, and then set the box down. Nothing happened for a long time, and Roger fell to sleep. Chapter 3 ? Return to Denise Roger saw Denise staring in when the box was opened. She removed Roger from the box and started laughing. "That went even better than I could have hoped for. You not only shot Danny's cum up your sister, you did it to your mother too. Although I was beginning to worry that she was going to keep you up her vagina forever. And then when she stuck you up her rear end; I didn't think I would ever stop laughing." Then she picked Roger up and shook him. "If you're wondering how I know these things, don't bother. I don't explain things to my dildo." "Your mother sure did like Danny's cum. Maybe I should let Danny know, then he can go over and service her directly. I still can't believe she milked you dry of all his cum. I'll just have to fill you up again. But first I plan on playing with my dildo." *** Over the next few days, Denise stuck Roger up her vagina many times, bringing both of them to multiple orgasms. She also started keeping Roger deep in her vagina when she wasn't using him. One day she pulled him out and he was covered with blood. "Sorry dildo," she laughed, "I should have taken you out when I was having my period." Later that day, Denise was jerking off her brother again. Roger thought the quantity of cum from Danny was even greater this time. Then Denise poured all of Danny's cum into Roger. "Time for you to leave, dildo," she announced, "the Swanker sisters get you for the next week." Roger shuddered at the news. There was the fat and ugly Christine Swanker who was his age, and the even fatter and uglier Marcia Swanker who was a year younger. The idea of going inside their vaginas was appalling. As Denise was putting him into the box and closing the lid, Roger was thinking about what awaited him when the lid was opened. Chapter 4 ? Swanker Sisters Sex Toy Roger saw Christine reach into the box, and then felt her grip him very tightly. As Roger was removed from the box he saw that both sisters were nude. He thought they were ugly before, but now he found them to be grotesque. Christine handed him to Marcia. "You do me first," Christine said, "then I'll do you." Then the two girls took turns sticking Roger up each other's vaginas. Each of their vaginas smelled and tasted far worse then the vaginas he had been in so far. He wondered what sort of hygiene they used, if any. Roger was deep inside Christine, and he could hear her grunt with each orgasm. Roger started ejaculating into Christine, and was glad that it was Danny's cum and not his. Then Roger was pulled out of Christine, only to be shoved up Marcia's vagina. Soon Marcia was having orgasms, and with each orgasm she would fart. Roger also ejaculated into Marcia; again thankful it was Danny's cum and not his. Marcia pulled him out and dropped him onto the bed between her legs. Roger lay in the wet spot looking at the vulva he had spent so much time in. He knew he would be spending a lot more time in it over the next week. "Throw Denise's dildo over," Christine yelled. "I want to give it another go." Roger was thrown through the air, to be caught by Christine in her bed. Eventually the sisters stopped sticking Roger up their vaginas that day. But they hadn't bothered to wash him, and he reeked of their odor. If they noticed his smell, they didn't say anything. They continued using him on the second and third day, again without washing him. On the fourth day their little sister got a hold of Roger and placed a doll's dress around his shaft. Then she placed a doll's wig on his tip and drew in a face on his top. She named him "little miss peenie." Christine and Marcia thought it was hilarious, and started calling him "little miss peenie." On the last day of the week, Marcia was complaining. "Can't we keep little miss peenie? I want to keep sticking her up my vagina everyday." Christine agreed with her sister. "I do too. I'll ask Denise if we can keep her. I'm sure she would be willing to sell her to me." Marcia smiled. "That would be great, we could keep using little miss peenie for years to come." Roger was afraid Denise might agree to sell him to Christine Swanker. He did not want to continue being a sex toy for Christine and Marcia Swanker. He hoped Denise wouldn't be that cruel. *** When Denise opened the box, Roger was glad to see her. She picked him up and held her nose. "You smell horrible. Those foul sisters never washed you, not even once. And drawing a face on you and calling you little miss peenie. They wanted me to sell you to them, but I would never sell you. You're my dildo now and forever." Chapter 5 ? Dildo Training When Denise told Roger that she was going to train him to be a better dildo, he thought she was crazy. He didn't have any control over what he did. He got erect when he was rubbed, and if rubbed enough he would have orgasms. And if he had any fluid in him, then he would ejaculate. But Denise was right; with certain mental exercises, Roger was able to exert a degree of control to his actions. Then one day when he was erect and in Denise's hand, he used the opportunity to ejaculate into Denise's face. Denise was furious and screamed at him. Denise walked into the bathroom and threw him into the toilet. Her hand reached out to flush the toilet. Roger was in a panic as he saw Denise's hand touch the knob that would flush him away. Then Denise turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Roger was in the toilet for about an hour when Denise returned. He saw her sit on the toilet above him and start peeing. The urine flowed over Roger, coloring the water that surrounded him. Next Denise started taking a shit. The feces fell onto Roger and floated in the water around him. Then Denise wiped and walked out of the bathroom without flushing. Denise returned an hour later. "You should be getting a pretty good idea by now what it would be like to be surrounded by feces all the time. Welcome to how your life is going to be in the sewer. It's time to say goodbye, Roger. I thought you could be my dildo, but in the end you look like just another piece of shit. Goodbye forever." Denise was reaching out to flush him away and Roger was in a panic. The past hour had been horrible, even worse than when he had been up his mother's rear end. And now he was going to be flushed into the sewer. He thrashed in the toilet as much as he could, and was pleading silently. "Please don't flush me down the toilet, please Denise, please, please." Denise pushed the knob down. Roger felt the huge flow of water against him, trying to pull him down into oblivion. But suddenly the downward pull stopped, and the toilet was filling with water. Roger realized that Denise had grabbed him at the last moment with her other hand. She shook Roger in the toilet water, and threw him into the sink. She proceeded to wash her hands and Roger. She dried him off and placed a little of her perfume on him. Then she picked him up and scolded him. "Your name is Denise's dildo, you belong to me. You are my property. You exist only to please me. If you ever anger me again, I will flush you down the toilet without warning. Do you understand?" Roger twitched a little to show that he understood. "Good," Denise said, "I've decided what your next task is." She picked Roger up and carried him outside and walked some distance. She went into a yard where there was a big dog. She placed Roger on the ground, and he watched as she started to jerk off the dog. She gathered quite a bit of dog cum in a jar. Then she picked Roger up and started emptying the jar into him. Roger wondered whom Denise hated so much that she would put dog cum into them. "I want you to ejaculate all this dog cum into Janice," Denise said. Janice was the last girl that Roger had slept with, prior to being changed into Denise's dildo. He didn't want to shoot dog cum up Janice, but knew he had no choice. When Roger was delivered to Janice, she took him from his box and pushed him gently into her vagina. He would have enjoyed being up Janice's vagina, but he did not relish what he must do next. As soon as his orgasms started, Roger ejaculated the dog cum into Janice. Janice pulled him out quickly, dropping him to the floor, and walking away with dog cum oozing down her legs. When Roger was returned to Denise, she told him that she was happy that he had ejaculated dog cum into Janice. "But I told you to ejaculate all the dog cum," she said. "You still have half of it left. I guess we need to find the right place to use the rest." Roger was wondering who the unfortunate girl would be. But when his box was opened he saw Denise sitting next to a dog. "This bitch is in heat," Denise laughed, "and you get to have sex with her. Make sure that you ejaculate your dog cum into her." Roger couldn't believe that Denise would stick him up a dog's vagina. Denise was stroking him to an erection, and he was hoping that she wouldn't stick him in. But the bitch's slit came into his view, and Denise was pushing him into it. Suddenly he was pushed into the bitch's vagina. Denise started thrusting him in and out, and Roger started to orgasm. He ejaculated all of his cum into the bitch, but Denise continued thrusting him in and out. Sending Roger into wave after wave of orgasms. Denise finally stopped, and pulled him out. "Congratulations," she laughed, "when the bitch has her puppies you can feel proud in knowing that you sired them." Roger was completely demoralized, and didn't think it was possible to sink any lower. He was glad when she washed him off and put him back in his box. Chapter 6 ? I'm Human Roger continued as Denise's dildo for weeks to come, but then he woke up early one morning and noticed that he was outside. He looked around and saw that he was in a ditch. He wondered how he had got out here. Had Denise decided to throw him out, tired of her dildo at last? Roger had grown use to being Denise's dildo, and he didn't even think of himself as Roger anymore. He thought of himself as Denise's dildo. He wondered what he was going to do. He heard himself laugh. "As if I could do anything." He brushed some hair from his face and sat up. He looked at his hands, and tried to figure out what was going on. Then he stood up and shouted in joy. "I'm human, I'm human." Tears were flowing from his eyes, and he wept with the greatest joy he had ever known. He had been in hell, and now he was in heaven. Roger jumped up and down and ran all around, just for the sake of jumping up and down and running all around. He skipped and danced and sang out. And if his voice had a higher pitch than he remembered, it just wasn't that important. When his excitement had worn down a bit, he decided he wanted to go home. He looked around and was able to determine where he was. His house was only two miles away, and he started to run. As he was running he started to think about what he was going to tell his mother. He started to slow to a walk, and started talking to himself. "She would never believe that I was Denise's dildo. No one would. They would think I've gone insane. Maybe they would be right. I can't tell them I was Denise's dildo. Even if it were true, would I want people to know I had sex with my mother and sister? No, I can never tell anyone. I'll just have to say I woke up in the ditch, and that I don't know what happened before that." He got to his house and tried to open the door. But it was locked and he didn't have a key. So he started knocking, and when no one came he started knocking louder. Finally he heard his mother yell that she was coming. Roger figured that he must have woken her up. His mother opened the door and let out a shriek. "Roger, Roger my baby, oh Roger." She grabbed a hold of him in a big hug and started sobbing. "Oh Roger, I didn't think I would ever see you again. It's been three months, where were you?" "Three months?" Roger said, "I don't know. All I remember is waking up this morning in a ditch outside of town." By this time Roger's sister Mary ran up and grabbed onto him. She started crying, but then laughed about how happy she was to see him. She wanted to know what had happened to him. He told her that he could not remember. Mary stared at Roger's face. "There's something wrong with your face," she said. "What's wrong with my face?" Roger asked, suddenly scared. His sister brought him a mirror, and he looked into it. He had been worried that something horrible had happened to his face. But his face did not look any worse at all. But his sister was correct; his face had been altered. His face definitely looked much more feminine. "My face looks like a girl's face," Roger said. "And your voice sounds like a girl's voice," Mary said. "Surely you must have noticed the higher pitch." Roger had noticed, but when you didn't think you would ever talk again, sounding like a girl was a very small thing to worry about. Mary and her mother were upset with his change in appearance, and couldn't understand why he wasn't. He didn't know how to explain that having a girl's face didn't matter. That he was glad just to have a face. "Do you think other parts of Roger have been altered?" Mary asked. "Only one way to find out," her mother replied. "Take your shirt off, Roger." Roger took off his shirt and tee shirt. He immediately noticed that he had girl's breasts. "Looks like a ?C' cup size", Mary remarked, "the same as mine. And look at his waist. His waist is as small as mine." Roger also noticed that his arms didn't have any hair. Then he slipped off his pants, and noticed that his legs were also hairless. "His hips are as big as mine," Mary commented. Roger wasn't feeling so nonchalant anymore. Denise wouldn't have taken everything from him would she? Surely she had left him his penis. He was afraid to look. His mother told him to pull down his shorts. "I can't," he cried. "We can look the other way while you check," his mother said. "No, I'm afraid." "You can't keep your shorts on forever," his mother argued. "I know, but if I find what I think I'll find, then I'll be a girl. And I'm a guy until I look." They all stood there for a while, until Roger said he was ready, and then pulled down his shorts. He looked down and saw a vulva where his penis used to be. He let out a gasp, and his mother and sister looked down at his crotch. Mary put her fingers into Roger's vulva and started inspecting him. "You have a labia majora, a labia minora, a clitoris, a urethra and a vagina. You've been transformed into a girl, Roger." Roger started crying. "I don't want to be a girl, I'm a guy." His mother held him close to her and told him it was okay. After Roger had cried himself out, his mother suggested he should take a shower and get himself cleaned up. He said okay, and went to take a shower. Mary turned to her mother. "Why would someone turn Roger into a girl?" she asked. "I don't know," her mother answered. "Do you have any clothes she could wear?" "It looks like he, I mean she, might fit into some of my clothes," Mary said. "I'll get her something to wear." Chapter 7 ? Little Sister Roger stood in the shower, the water cascading down his back. Finding out that he was a girl had been an unexpected shock. But the long denied pleasure of standing in the shower and washing himself picked up his spirits. Compared to being a dildo, being a girl was an absolute joy. When Mary went into the bathroom carrying clothes for Roger, she was wondering what she should say to cheer him up. She hadn't expected to hear Roger singing with joy. And when Roger stepped out of the shower and looked at her, she was surprised when he took the clothes and thanked her. "Roger, I seem to be a little confused," Mary said, "a few minutes ago you were crying about being a girl. And now you seem to be completely happy." "It was a bit of a shock finding out I was a girl," Roger replied, "but I've gotten use to it now. I'd prefer to be a boy, but I'm happy to be a girl." Mary didn't believe Roger. "Come on, Roger, you can't possibly be happy to be a girl." "Why not?" Roger asked, "what's wrong with being a girl?" "Nothing wrong, I just don't understand how you can be happy about it." "You like being a girl don't you?" Roger asked. "Of course I do," Mary snapped. Roger finished putting on the clothes that Mary had given him. "I can't stay here," he said. "What!" Mary yelled in distress, "you can't be thinking about leaving us." "No, I was thinking about all of us moving to someplace where no one knows me." "But why?" "Because I'll feel like a freak if I stay here," Roger said. "People will point at me and say there's sex change Roger. And they wouldn't accept me as a girl, even you don't." "That's not fair, Roger," Mary complained. "I accept you as a girl." "No you don't," Roger disagreed, "you see me as a brother who had something horrible done to him. You should be treating me as your little sister." "You're right," Mary laughed. "Well how about I change that by styling your hair like mine and by showing you how to apply makeup to your face?" "Thanks, Mary." "You're welcome little sister." *** It was Mary who came up with the solution to Roger's problem. She suggested that Roger pretend to be someone else, and then Roger would simply be a girl that no one knew. "But how could I stay with you and mom if I'm pretending to be someone else?" Roger asked. "And how could I get into school with a fake name and no transcripts?" "Easy," Mary replied, "you could pretend to be your cousin Denise Johnson, she's the same age as you." Roger bristled at the suggestion. "I don't want to be called Denise." "I'm sorry, Roger," his mother sympathized, "but you don't have any other female relatives who are your age; and moving out of town is not an option right now. You'll get used to being called Denise." Roger couldn't believe it. He had been Denise's dildo for 3 months, and now his name was going to be Denise. Why couldn't his cousin have some name other than Denise? Roger had missed the last 3 months of school, so his mother signed him up to take summer classes as Denise Johnson. When Roger started going to summer school he was afraid that someone would recognize him. He imagined people laughing and pointing at Roger in a dress. But he never saw anyone pointing at him. And if people were laughing at him, he never heard them. Chapter 8 ? Rapture One night Roger was undressing for bed when he stopped and looked at his bare crotch. In the week he had been a girl, he had never once tried stimulating himself sexually. His mind had been too occupied with other things. But now he wanted to see how orgasms felt as a girl. He lay on his back on his bed and started rubbing his clitoris. He immediately felt a shiver of pleasure run through his body. As he continued to rub he felt the intensity and the frequency of orgasms start to grow. His soft moans grew to increasingly louder shrieks. Soon he was experiencing a cacophony of the most intense orgasms he had ever felt, and his screams filled the house. Mary burst into the bedroom followed by her mother. Mary started yelling at Roger. "What's wrong, what's wrong?" Mary looked at Roger fingering himself and screaming at the top of his lungs. Mary ran over to Roger, pulling Roger's hand away from his vulva. Then she saw streams of cum being ejaculated out of Roger's labia. Roger's mother asked Roger what was going on. Roger started crying. "I couldn't stop myself. It was so incredible. It was the most intense orgasms I've ever had. And I must have had at least a hundred orgasms." His mother was worried. "I've never heard of anyone being so caught up in orgasms that they couldn't stop rubbing themselves. Something strange is going on here." "That's not the only strange thing going on," Mary pointed out. "Roger was ejaculating cum out of his labia." "That's not possible!" her mother objected. "I saw it," Mary insisted. "Look at Roger's crotch, it's covered with cum. There is cum on his legs, and all over the bed sheets." Roger looked down between his legs. "I did that, didn't I? But girls don't ejaculate cum. You know what this means?" "It appears that despite how he looks, Roger is not a girl after all," Mary said. "Roger is a boy." "But boys don't look like Roger does, and they don't have a vagina," his mother argued. "We know that Roger was altered," Mary replied. "We just assumed he was changed into a girl. But apparently he was altered to only look like a girl." "Plus being changed to have a rapturous level of orgasms." Roger added. "What should we do, mom?" Mary asked. "We should take Roger to the hospital, to determine exactly what the alterations are," her mother replied. "That's what we should have done a week ago." "But that would mean revealing who I am," Roger objected. "And then I would be considered even more of a freak. Everybody would know that I'm a guy who has breasts and a vagina." So they decided to do nothing for now. And Roger continued pretending that he was a girl, and continued attending summer school as Denise Johnson. But then a few days later, on his way to school, he saw the one person that he did not want to see. Chapter 9 ? Denise's Plan Denise Moore walked towards Roger and called out to him. "Hi Roger! Or should I call you Denise's dildo?" "My name is Denise Johnson, not Denise's dildo," Roger replied angrily, "and Roger is my cousin." "Oh cut the crap, Roger," Denise demanded. "Who do you think had you changed to look like a girl? Now come along with me." "I can't," Roger said. "I have to go to summer school." "You can skip it," Denise declared. "And if you want to know what happened to you, here's your chance to find out." Roger was tempted to smash Denise in her face, but instead followed her to her house. When they arrived at her house, Denise took Roger into her bedroom and had him sit on her bed. "Why did you do this to me?" Roger asked. "You know why; you got what you deserved." "No, I didn't deserve what you did to me. Maybe I deserved a slap in the face, but what you did to me was criminal." Denise ignored Roger's remark and started explaining. "You and me belong together, Roger. I was just making sure that we would be husband and wife someday." "How in the hell were you going to accomplish that by changing me into a girl?" Roger swore. "You're not a girl, Roger," Denise explained. "You just look like a girl. You don't have ovaries, you don't have a uterus, and you don't have a monthly period. But you do have a prostate and testicles, and you can ejaculate your sperm. You must admit it was the perfect solution." "No I don't!" Roger yelled. "What you've done has only made me hate you." Denise yelled back at him. "Don't say that! You can easily be changed to look like a boy in just a few weeks. You can get your face, breasts, waist and hips all returned to normal. Don't you want that?" "What about my penis?" "I'm glad you asked," Denise laughed, "let me show you." Denise reached into a dresser drawer and pulled out an object that she called a holster. She then pulled down her panties and inserted the holster into her vagina. Roger couldn't figure out what the holster was accomplishing, other than covering up Denise's genitals. Then Denise reached into the dresser drawer and pulled out another object. Roger let out a gasp when he saw it. It was Denise's dildo. Denise attached the dildo to the holster, and suddenly it looked like Denise had a penis. "You will be wearing this holster and my dildo," Denise explained. "My dildo not only looks real, you will be able to pee out of it, and even ejaculate from it. And my dildo is far superior to an ordinary penis. It's a good deal all around. You'll get better sexual performance, and I'll own your dildo." "See how it's the perfect solution," Denise laughed. "We would be a couple and you wouldn't dare to stray. Because I would take back my dildo if you did." Roger shook his head. "Your plan might have worked if you hadn't raped me for three straight months." "What are you talking about?" Denise objected. "I never raped you." "You forced me to have sex against my will, that's rape!" Roger spat. "I was repeatedly raped when I was your dildo." "But you were never my dildo," Denise argued. "That's just what I called you. You were only receiving transmitted signals from the dildo. It's a highly sophisticated sensory scanning and transmission device. You can't tell me that you actually believed you had been changed into my dildo." "Yes I did, I believed it totally." "How could you believe such a thing?" Denise asked. "We have the technology to transfer brains, but we sure as hell can't shrink one. And even if we did, how could it be sustained in an artificial dildo? You know it can't be done technologically, and you're not so dumb as to believe in magic." "When the impossible has happened to you, it suddenly seems a lot more possible," Roger replied. "You don't know how it happened, you just know it happened." "I'm truly sorry, Roger," Denise apologized. "I didn't know. I actually thought you would enjoy the experience." "Enjoy it?" Roger screamed. "Enjoy it?" "Yes, I'm sure you would have enjoyed it if you hadn't thought it to be real. Besides, not everything you experienced really happened. Everything you received was edited, and sometimes altered." "Altered?" "Yes," Denise laughed, "you didn't really think I would jerk my brother off did you?" "But did you still use his cum?" "No, I had a much easier source of cum, yours." Roger was aghast, his cum into his sister, into his mom, and into the foul Swanker sisters. "Or maybe it wasn't cum at all, maybe it was chocolate flavored cream," Denise said. "What's the truth?" Roger screamed. Denise stared at Roger for a while and said nothing. "Don't bother answering!" Roger yelled. "I can't believe anything you say. I have no trust in you. I despise you, Denise." Roger stood up and started to walk out. "No," Denise cried, "don't go, I love you." But Roger ignored her and got as far as the door before he passed out. Chapter 10 ? A Swanker Sister When Roger woke up he briefly wondered where he was, until he saw Christine Swanker laying in the bed across the room. He was in the bedroom of the Swanker sisters. He lifted up his arm, verifying that he wasn't a dildo again. He noticed that his arm was a lot fatter. He sat up and looked down at himself, noticing that he was very fat. He walked over to a mirror and looked at himself. The image staring back at him was that of Marcia Swanker. "Good morning, Roger, or should I say Marcia?" Christine greeted him. "When Denise told us how much you wished you were one of the Swanker sisters, Marcia said she would swap bodies with you." Then Roger saw himself enter the bedroom, or rather Marcia in Roger's body. Roger looked up at Marcia, who towered over him. He noticed that his former body had been restored to a male body. Marcia pointed to herself and laughed at Roger. "You gave up this body to become Marcia Swanker. You're not very smart, Marcia." "I'm not Marcia Swanker, I'm Roger Peterson," Roger said. "No," Marcia disagreed, "you're Marcia Swanker now, your wish to be a Swanker sister has come true." "Did you come here just to taunt me?" Roger asked. "No, I wanted to thank you for your body, and to make you an offer from Denise." "What offer?" Roger sighed. Marcia pulled out Denise's dildo from a box she was carrying. "I'm suppose to offer you the chance to be my lover, and if you say no, then I'm suppose to give this to the Swanker sisters." "It's little miss peenie," Christine laughed. "I can't wait to use her again." Roger wasn't sure what to do, but he knew he didn't want to have Denise's dildo around, and being Marcia's lover would at least give him an excuse to see his own sister and mother. Or at least that idea seemed somewhat reasonable, and he was feeling a very strong sexual attraction towards Marcia. He momentarily wondered if Denise had messed with his mind, as he would never have wanted to have sex with a guy before, but then he dismissed the thought. "Okay, Marcia, I'll be your lover," he said. Marcia glared down at Roger. "My name is Roger, not Marcia. I'm surprised, Marcia, I thought you would select the dildo. But if we're going to be lovers, we might as well get started. Take off your clothes and get on the bed." Roger stripped off his clothes and lay on the bed. Marcia took of her clothes and climbed on top of Roger. He looked down and saw Marcia's penis, noticing that it was a lot bigger than when he had a penis. Roger felt Marcia's penis go up his vagina. Then Marcia started thrusting her penis into Roger's vagina. Roger started to orgasm, and farted with every orgasm. Roger was farting up a storm with all the orgasms he was having. Roger could feel Marcia ejaculate repeatedly. Finally Marcia pulled out, ejaculating twice onto Roger's breasts. Then Marcia went over to Christine. "It's your turn," Marcia said. Christine quickly stripped. "This is great, I never thought I would have sex with Roger Peterson," she giggled. Roger went into the bathroom to clean himself up. Marcia's cum was flowing out of Roger's labia and down his legs. Roger could hear Christine grunting in the next room, one grunt following after the next. When Roger came back into the bedroom he saw that Marcia was pulling out of Christine. Marcia looked over at Roger. "Go lick your sister's pussy clean," she ordered him. Roger felt like refusing, but suddenly he felt an overwhelming desire to lick Christine's labia. He wondered about this as he bent over Christine and brought his face up to her crotch. He started licking up Marcia's cum and quickly swallowed it. Christine giggled and told him to lick deeper. Marcia came up behind Roger and stuck her penis up his vagina doggy style. Soon Roger was farting onto Marcia with each orgasm he had. Marcia started ejaculating again, and Roger was licking Marcia's cum from Christine's vagina at the same time that Marcia was putting more cum up his vagina. Marcia pulled out and announced that the love making session was over. Roger started walking towards the bathroom when Marcia stopped him. Marcia told Roger that she didn't want him to wash off her cum. Marcia handed Roger a huge pair of panties. "Put on your panties, Marcia. You will wear cum filled panties today as a sign of your love for me." Roger put on the panties, and they quickly became wet from cum flowing out of his labia. "Why did I do that?" He wondered to himself. Marcia gave each of the Swanker sisters a quick kiss. "Make sure that Marcia wears her cum filled panties all day," she said to Christine. Then Marcia walked out of the bedroom. "Until next time," she called back, laughing to herself. Christine was ecstatic. "That was the best sex ever, even better than little miss peenie. I'm so glad you decided to take Roger as a lover, Marcia. I bet you weren't expecting such an exciting first day as a Swanker sister." Christine showed Roger where Marcia's clothes and other possessions were. "These are all yours now," Christine said. After Roger and Christine got dressed, Christine took Roger to meet her new mother. Mrs. Swanker gave Roger a hug. "Welcome to the family, Marcia. I'm not sure why you wanted to become a Swanker sister, but I'm happy to have you." "Marcia and Roger have become lovers, mom," Christine said excitedly. Mrs. Swanson laughed. "I heard a lot of farting and grunting, the two of you must have been having a go at Roger." "It was great sex, mom," Christine said. "He shot Marcia full of his cum, then me, then Marcia again. I've never seen so much cum. Marcia's wearing cum filled panties right now as a token of her love." Mrs. Swanker lifted up Roger's skirt, and felt the wet panties. "You're panties are soaking wet, Marcia," Mrs. Swanker observed. "You must really love the boy to be willing to wear cum soaked panties. Maybe someday the two of you will get married, you would make a nice couple." Then Mrs. Swanker cautioned Roger. "The number of people who know who you used to be is very few. Your previous mother and sister don't know. Your new younger sister doesn't know. Keep it that way. You are never to mention to anyone who you used to be. You are Marcia Swanker now, and that's who you have always been, do you understand?" "I understand, mom," Roger replied resignedly. Chapter 11 ? Package from Denise Roger and his new sister Christine had sex with Marcia two more times before Roger dumped Marcia. His feelings of attraction to Marcia had lessened considerably, and he had begun to wonder why he ever agreed to become her lover. Also he wanted more than just sex, no matter how good the sex was. He had asked Marcia to take him out, and to romance him. Marcia's reply that she didn't want to be seen in public with a fat pig had infuriated Roger. After he had thrown her out, Marcia came back and left a package for Roger. He didn't want to open it, but his sister Christine did. "Look! It's little miss peenie," she gleefully announced after she opened the package. Roger looked over and saw that Christine was holding Denise's dildo along with the holster. Christine stripped off her clothes and wanted Roger to join her in a session with little miss peenie. Roger was at first reluctant, but he felt a strong inexplicable desire growing within himself. He tried to tell himself that he didn't really want to do this. But the desire became far too strong to be resisted. Christine handed the dildo to Roger. "You do me first, and then I'll do you." Roger slipped the holster into his vagina and then attached the dildo. He crawled on top of Christine, sticking the dildo up Christine's vagina. Roger started thrusting in and out, and Christine was soon grunting with pleasure. Roger however was not feeling any pleasure, and was thinking back to when he had been Denise's dildo and was being shoved up Christine's vagina. Later Christine took the dildo and holster from Roger and attached them to herself. Roger lay down and Christine climbed up to mount him. As Christine started to push the dildo up him, Roger had a flashback as Denise's dildo. He remembered the smell and taste of when he had been in Marcia's vagina. He remembered having orgasms and ejaculating into Marcia's vagina. And he remembered Marcia farting with each orgasm. Suddenly the flashback ended and Roger was experiencing multiple orgasms, and he was farting virtually non-stop. Then Roger felt the ejaculations of the dildo within him. He had forgotten to make sure the dildo was empty. But he was also sure that the dildo had not ejaculated into Christine. He guessed that Denise was monitoring the transmissions of the dildo and had decided to make the dildo ejaculate when it was inside of him. He felt the ejaculations continue and wondered whose cum it was. Maybe it was from his previous body, or maybe it was from a dog; Roger shuddered to think of the possibilities. Roger noticed that Christine was doing a lot of grunting. Roger thought that the holster was giving Christine pleasure, while it had given him none. Roger guessed that it was probably the work of Denise. Back before he had swapped bodies with Marcia, he had thought that the Swanker sisters were repugnant, and couldn't imagine willingly having sex with one. Now he was a Swanker sister having sex with another Swanker sister. And he was enjoying it immensely. Finally Christine pulled out of Roger, saying how fantastic it was. Roger got up and walked to the bathroom, with cum flowing from his labia, down his legs and onto his feet. He spent an hour washing inside and out, trying to feel clean again. Chapter 12 ? Shaping Up Roger looked at his obese female body in the mirror, and swore to improve his figure. In the months that followed he was very careful about what he ate, and dramatically increased his level of exercise. And the pounds started to fall quickly away. Soon he weighed less than Christine. Christine became jealous of Roger's improving figure, and tried dieting and exercising like Roger was doing. But she was never as rigorous as Roger, and was losing weight a lot slower. Still she was happy to be losing the weight even if it took longer than Roger. As Roger continued to lose weight he made an interesting discovery. He wasn't ugly anymore. What he had thought was fat and ugly was just fat and looking ugly because of the fat. At first he started looking cute, and then as more pounds fell away he started to look pretty. He was also starting to turn the heads of a lot of boys. But he didn't have any interest in boys, and was instead attracted only to girls. The brief affair with Marcia was a unique situation. When he had been a boy, he had always been attracted to girls and never to boys. As his body became slimmer he also stopped farting when he was having an orgasm. It made him feel like he was building a new and better body. One that was completely different from the body that used to be Marcia's. His grades in school also improved from ?B's to ?A's. This happened in part because he was going to eleventh grade for the second time, but mostly because he was spending a lot more time studying, and lot less time socializing. Marcia meanwhile slipped back into her old habits. She ate far too much junk food, over ate in general, and didn't get any exercise. She was gaining weight almost as fast as Roger was losing it. And she was not enjoying the success in school that Roger was. Everybody thought she was Roger, and repeating eleventh grade because of having missed so many months. But this was her first time in eleventh grade. And while Roger had partied a lot and still got ?B's, she had always studied hard and only got ?C's. Marcia was not studying as hard as when she had been a girl. And now she was getting ?D's instead of ?C's. Her new mother had yelled at her, saying that she couldn't understand how anyone could get ?D's in courses that they had previously gotten ?B's in. Marcia didn't know how to explain; she knew that she couldn't tell her new mother that she wasn't really Roger. Marcia forced herself to study harder and got her grades back up to ?C's. But this still didn't satisfy her new mother. Not only were her grades unacceptable, she was getting far too fat. She was finding it harder and harder to continue this charade. Marcia was also finding herself more of a social outcast. The friends of the old Roger had drifted away from her, mainly because she didn't seem to know them, and seldom acknowledged them. She went to Roger and told him that she wanted to swap bodies back. Roger replied that he had no desire to swap bodies with a fat pig. And that he had worked hard to reshape his figure and wasn't going to give it up. Finally Marcia went to her former mother and cried about how miserable she was. Mrs. Swanker told Marcia that she would have to marry Christine, and she readily agreed. Mrs. Swanker also told Marcia that she would have to change her last name to Swanker when she got married, and she happily agreed. Christine was delighted and couldn't wait to become Mrs. Christine Swanker. Marcia moved back into her former bedroom with Christine, and Roger was moved into a small bedroom to share a bed with his little sister. Roger could hear Marcia and Christine going at it every night. Roger didn't like it, but he didn't know what he could do about it. Then one night, Mrs. Swanker announced that there was far too much tension between Roger and Marcia. She suggested that Roger spend a few nights with Marcia to relieve the tension. Christine agreed, saying that Roger needed a good fuck. And Marcia was more than happy to have sex with Roger. Mrs. Swanker practically had to undress Roger, who was not happy with the prospect of sleeping with Marcia. "Come on, Marcia," Mrs. Swanker said to Roger, "you've slept with him before and enjoyed it. Besides, now that Christine is pregnant by Roger, wouldn't it be great if you got pregnant too. You could both have your babies within weeks of each other." Roger couldn't believe Mrs. Swanker wanted him to get pregnant by Marcia. He grabbed his clothes and ran from the house. He stood outside putting his clothes back on. Then he ran off, vowing never to return. Chapter 13 ? Going Back Home Roger didn't know where else to go but to his real mother. He went home to his mother and talked to her, explaining what had happened today. His mother was appalled, and let him come in. "Why did you come to me, Marcia?" his mother asked. "I barely know you." Roger sat quietly for a moment. "Because I'm your son Roger," he replied. "What?" his mother gasped. "No you can't be Roger. It's not possible." "You found it hard to believe when I came back after three months and had the body of a girl. But you accepted it and went along with Mary's idea to call me Denise Johnson. Is this that much harder to accept?" His mother's jaw dropped. "But nobody knows that but Mary, Roger and myself," she stammered. "How could you know that?" "Because I'm Roger. Surely you must have noticed a profound change in personality the second time Roger came back. Surely you must have noticed the drop in intelligence, and the diminished academic abilities." Roger raised his voice. "Why do you think Marcia Swanker suddenly goes from a ?C' student to an ?A' student? While at the same time Roger's grades deteriorate. Why does Marcia Swanker start losing weight and Roger start gaining weight? Why would Roger leave home to go live with the Swanker's? And why would Mrs. Swanker accept him into her home? Don't tell me you didn't think something was wrong with Roger." "Yes, I did think something was wrong with Roger," his mother admitted. "And yes he did act like a completely different person. I just never considered the possibility that he actually might be a different person. Now it all makes sense. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "I wanted to," Roger cried, "I just didn't think you would believe me. I couldn't stand being rejected by my own mother. I'm sorry, I wish I had told you sooner." Mrs. Peterson hugged her son. "Welcome home, Roger." ____________ Roger's life turned around after revealing his true identity. He was adopted by his real mother and changed his name from Marcia Swanker to Roger Peterson. His mother said that Roger was a strange name for a girl. But Roger was insistent; it was his name after all. Her sister Mary was skeptical at first, but soon she said that she accepted that Roger was her brother. Roger pointed out that he was her sister now. "Okay little sister," Mary said, "just let me give you some big sister advice. Now you've done a great job getting your body in shape, and you've made yourself into a very pretty girl, but you don't look as good as you could." "What do you mean?" Roger asked. "To put it bluntly, your clothes are dumpy, your hairdo is crap, and you're not wearing any makeup. Not to worry though, I'm going to take you out to get some new outfits and a beauty makeover." Chapter 14 ? A New Lover Roger looked at himself after he got new clothes and a makeover. He found the change in his appearance to be astounding. He had gone from being pretty to being gorgeous. He found it hard not to stare at himself. He was embarrassed to admit that he was sexually attracted to himself. Another piece of good news was that Denise had moved away. Roger didn't know where Denise had moved to, and he didn't care. He only hoped that he would never meet her again. But the best thing that happened was meeting a new student at high school. Her name was Diana Smith, and she was unbelievably gorgeous. When she entered a room, the heads of all the boys would turn to watch her. Roger's head also turned, and he wanted Diana, but he knew that was impossible now that he was a girl. But Roger still introduced himself to Diana. When Diana said that Roger was the prettiest girl she had seen in school, Roger replied that he was until Diana showed up. Diana had laughed and quickly became friends with Roger. Later when Diana made it known that she had no interest in boys, Roger suddenly saw his chances improve. And it was only a short time later that Diana and Roger were having sex with each other. Their love affair continued throughout the school year, and culminated with their marriage. Epilogue: Two years later Diana Smith was watching her wife Roger breast-feed their new daughter. Roger had agreed to have a fertilized egg placed in his uterus in order to become pregnant. He had thought the egg to be his own, and that the sperm came from an anonymous donor. But Diana knew better. She knew that the egg came from Denise Moore, and that the sperm came from Roger's previous body. "It's much better this way," Diana thought, "I get to have a wife instead of a husband. Also Roger gets to bear the children and nurse them. And all I had to do was get my face and voice altered, and change my name from Denise Moore to Diana Smith. But don't worry Roger, I'll never tell you." THE END

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

When the twins’ dad arrived home for dinner, he had news for the family. “I heard I’ll be getting orders soon. I heard that General Markus recommended me to be lateraled to sergeant major and assigned as the chief NCO at Camp Lejeune. It’s an honor to be selected for such a leadership post.” “Lateraled?” Ayame questioned. “Yes, dear. Not an actual promotion because I’m already at the top enlisted pay grade in the Corps. But my rank now is a kind of staff rank, not a command rank. The...

3 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Early the following day, Kevin went to the pool with Roger. When they arrived and walked out onto the deck, there was a bunch of kids milling around and talking to a teacher. Roger walked up. “All right, everyone—what gives? You need to get suited up, we’ve gotta start.” he called. The teacher walked up. “That’s the point, Roger. Mr Winters—the new assistant principal—is making some changes in the high-school sports rules. He wants gym classes and the teams to be working naked, said it’s...

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Roger Fiction by Johnny Roger and I have known each other since childhood. We lived next door to each other and went to the same primary school. Since then our paths have diverged but we have regularly kept in touch. We went on to different senior schools and different universities. He was lightly built, athletic and played fly half in his school rugby team. Roger read engineering. I read law. I work for a large city firm and have bought a small house in the suburbs. After a...

4 years ago
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Roger and Lori

Roger is looking over his computer, trying to determine what is going on in the company that he is auditing the books. He is doing just fine, as he has done this company in the past. Roger hears a car in the drive, and sees that it is only one thirty. He knows his wife should not be home for hours from work. He quickly saves what he is doing, and hears the doorbell ring as he clears the monitor. He does not want anyone to see the information that he is working with. He goes to the front door,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 14

Roger's swimming practice was uneventful Tuesday morning; both Tom and Jessica were safely dressed in their suits and everyone was working hard at trying to improve their times by watching for extraneous movements and keeping their strokes smooth and regular. Roger was putting extra effort into his fly stroke; being the most difficult stroke, a good time would be very productive in swim meets. After practice, Tom came over to talk as they showered. "Hey buddy," Tom said, "thanks for the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

The following day, after their Intro to Ed class ended, Prof Martins asked her to speak to him. “So, Miss Denison, I hear from your Merritt High School observing class teacher that you are disrupting his class, and then I hear from Principal Leeds that we have to send more students like you; you stopped a rape from happening. Whatever am I to make of this?” “Sir, that the damned Program is all eff-ed up, you’ll excuse me. In the biology class, that damned teacher was trying to have the boys...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 12

After gym, the three teens found each other and began to compare notes about what they had learned. Neither Cynthia nor Ayame had showered; they said that their volleyball exercise had been so perfunctory that neither had broken a sweat, despite how hard the teacher had tried to push them. “Say, did you hear anything about cameras in the locker room?” Roger asked. “No one said anything about them getting replaced.” “No,” Cynthia said. “I saw the broken ones were still there.” Then a group...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 17

They walked through Tom’s home to the back, passing through a den with a sliding door that opened on the pool deck. Tom carried out a pile of towels with him. “Okay, this is really nice,” Cynthia enthused when she saw the pool. “It’s pretty big, too.” “It’s actually 75 feet long. A real pool. My sis is a competition swimmer too and the pool is one of the reasons my folks bought this house. I can practice my laps here if I’m careful flip-turning at the shallow end,” Tom replied. “If you...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 3

The twins returned to school and were amazed to realize that only three hours had passed. They stopped in the office to get late passes for their three missed periods when Mr Davis heard them speaking and called them into his office. “I don’t know what the two of you think you’re doing, but I assure you that you will be in the Program. You also interfered with the start of the Program for all the others, too. Mr Cirota has already failed you for this first week so you’ll be doing...” “Sir,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 15

“Tom, I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You helped us so, so much. If you weren’t there, it looked like they could have backed up and gotten away from Roger. The car they were in is much more powerful than our little import,” Cynthia said as they drove off. “Glad I was able to help, Cindy. Hell, the way you took that guy! You just flipped him like he weighed nothing! He tried to grab around your shoulders and the next thing I saw was him flying into the other one.” “Shit. I was so...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 22

After his morning practice and a brief chat with Tom, Roger arrived in his home room classroom as the morning announcements were being broadcast. “ ... As usual, your home room teachers have the list of students selected as participants for the Program this week. We ask those whose names are announced to drop off their bags or backpacks in your lockers and come to the conference room. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good morning.” The teacher read off four names and looked up; the...

4 years ago
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Roger and Jane

They were actually going at it in the bushes. We'd gotten to the picnic early and set up the barbecue. The rest of the employees, having arrived pretty much on time, were socializing and drinking and having a gay old time. As third man in the company of Silver and Silver Mfg., that is Benjamin and Rodney Silver, I was the barbecue man of choice. At S&S we manufacture a plethora of household goods, mostly electrical appliances. It wasn't all me of course doing the cooking, I was a high...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 7

Early Wednesday morning Roger walked out on the pool deck and assembled with the rest of the team. Coach Jerter came out of the office area and greeted them. "'Morning, all. You look half-dead, team. Didn't you get any sleep? We need to get you all into shape so I want each of you to get at least an hour of hard practice in every day through our season. We have a really good chance to repeat the state championship this year, even though we've lost our top freestyler to graduation last...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 6

On Saturday morning, Kevin rousted out Denise for a morning run. "Hey, up and at 'em," he whispered in her ear as he shook her. "We've got to get back into shape." "Go 'way," she muttered. "Still tired..." "Hey, you need to get your circulation going. Be good for you." "Aahhh, okay, but a short run today, okay?" "Sure. We'll start with some stretching." Their home was near a park, so the two jogged to it and ran around one of the paths, soon returning to the house. As...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 18

Roger's swim practice on Thursday morning was intense. One of the schools in Friday's swim meet was their strongest competitor and their results against that team would be a good indication of how successful the season would be. So the coach really worked them hard, particularly on trying to avoid any early-start disqualifications. Roger and Tom had a hurried conversation as they rushed through their showers to get to class. "Tom, you and Cindy seem to have really hit it off. And hey,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 1

“Roger, the major thing you have to remember is not to directly face Nakaya so he can get the full use of both of his arms at once. He’s extremely strong. When he takes hold of your gi, get your own arms up under his so he can’t pull down and in and get leverage. And keep him from pulling you into his chest—use your arms to turn his torso away from the direction he tries to twist.” Roger Denison was in the locker room, getting some final advice from his coach while dressing for his judo...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 16

A few minutes before 5 p.m., the doorbell rang at the twins' house. "That must be Tom," Cynthia called. "I'll get it! ... hi, Tom, OH!" she exclaimed as Tom handed her a bouquet of flowers. "How pretty!" "I felt I had to bring a little spring to your home to try to get rid of this morning's unpleasantness," Tom remarked as Cynthia kissed him. "Thank you, this is so nice. Come meet my mom," she said, pulling Tom with her to the kitchen. "Mom, this is Tom Emerson; he's the guy...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 26

When they got home late Sunday evening, Stuart told them that his reassignment to Lejeune had been finalized and his report date was set for between June 25 and July 8. “You three will be in college in the fall so we won’t need that large of a house,” Sarah said. “Dad’s reporting around July 1 and I’ll be closing our house here in July and moving our effects that last week. Do you know when you can move in at your school?” “Yeah, that’s something we planned to discuss, Mom, Dad. I told you...

2 years ago
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Roger and His Sister

Roger ran all the way home from school arriving out of breath. His cock had been hard most of the day in school, sitting through class after class with teenage girls all around him. Short skirts. Tight sweaters. It was tough being sixteen with all those sexy young things all around him all day. Roger wanted to get home before his sister did. Her junior high school let out thirty minutes later than his high school did. He would have at least thirty minutes to masturbate before she got...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 10

On Sunday morning, the twins and Ayame woke early and got ready for the drive to the music festival. As they had arranged Saturday, they stopped at Ayame’s new school friend’s home to pick her up together with the other girl who was going with them. When they arrived, the two girls emerged from the house. Ayame’s friend introduced herself to the twins. “Hi, I’m Michelle. My Japanese name is really Misuko but I’ve adopted an American name,” Ayame’s friend said. “And this is Devin; she’s in a...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 21

On Saturday afternoon, Tom answered the door at his home for the twins and Ayame; they had brought some soft drinks and a fruit bowl to share. "C'mon in guys, hi, Cindy," Tom greeted them and hugged Cynthia. "Let me introduce my folks." They went into the living room and the two adults there stood. "Cindy and Roger Denison, Ayame, oops..." "Asano," she prompted. " ... um, this is my mom, Barbara, and step-dad, Mitchell Kerrey." They all shook hands with each other. Mitchell...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

When the teens arrived at the school Tuesday morning, they noticed that a large crowd was gathering at the main doors. When they got closer they saw that a few kids had already begun undressing, but groups of kids immediately surrounded them in human screens, blocking any view of them. Then the groups began escorting the naked students to the doors. They were trying to count the participating students but weren't able to see them clearly to tell exactly who was naked. Suddenly Mr Davis and...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 6

Roger and Cynthia had been threatened with being forced to disrobe in Monday’s class and half expected to see one of the guards waiting in the room, but even the teacher was not present. Students were gradually filtering into the room and soon everyone was seated. Then Miss Mason appeared with Mr Cirota trailing behind her. “I see that you’ve disobeyed my instructions about your proper appearance in this class,” she said to the twins. “Ma’am, there’s nothing improper about the garments...

4 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 9

At Friday morning’s swim practice, the coach spent the first hour having the team doing wind sprints and then began organizing the team relays for the various events and ran several relay heats for the kids to get the timings of their starting dives down pat. Today Roger had remembered to bring a snack with him; he was eating an energy bar as he entered his home room classroom about ten minutes late. “Any announcements?” he whispered to Ayame. “Just about the swim meet tonight,” she...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 12

Everyone began to disentangle themselves from their lovers, bodies sliding against each other, as the various couples tried to sit up. The four older couples glanced at the younger ones, and then averting their eyes in embarrassment, collected themselves and quickly made for the door. The three younger couples watched them leave, bemused. “Aahhh, that was so incredible,” signed Ayame. “My pussy still tingles. Ooohh! I’m leaking! Roger, bad boy! Oohh, get wipes!” Denise had already scurried...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 15

On December 30, Kevin and Denise drove up to Camp Lejeune to meet their friends and their families. Tom's, Ayame's, and the twin's parents, together with their children, had spent a very pleasant Christmas together and Tom's and Ayame's parents had hit it off, having a number of things in common. Now all the families would meet Kevin and Denise, about whom their children had spoken many times. Tom's parents had been happy to get to see the twins' parents again; they had gotten...

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Roger Mary and Jill

Walking home from school one afternoon fifteen year old Jill said to her best friend Mary. "My brother keeps trying to see me undressing." The two fifteen year olds frequently discussed boys but this was the first time Jill had brought up her brother. "I have to keep my bedroom door locked. He burst in last week while I was changing with some lame excuse about looking for his missing CD. He caught me with my shirt off. You know I am so small on top that I don't wear a bra yet. My brother...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 20

At their study period, the trio heard how the coup was actually accomplished. Don, one of the students who had spoken to them from time to time in study hall, sat down next to them wearing a huge grin. "Okay, Don, spill it. You got hot info, I can see," prodded Cynthia. "Shit, yeah. I won't say who 'cause it would be big problems, but some kids know their way around the stage, okay? So yesterday afternoon, this guy was working up in the flies, you know, above the stage? And Davis and...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 1

The first few days following graduation passed very quickly. There were a few final minor things to do at the school, like cleaning out lockers, turning in their last books, and bidding farewell to their coaches. However, one of the more essential parts of graduating was getting their final transcripts to be sent to their college. But as the now ungraduated graduates found, getting their final transcripts was being blocked by the school, as Davis had warned he would do. There even was a sign...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 9

The following morning, Wednesday, Roger found out that Mr Leeds did want to see him, so after the swim team practice, he went to the principal’s office. “Good morning, Mr Denison,” Leeds began. “I’ve heard from Mr Winters that he’s had some problems with you; you hurt his wrist and you’ve disobeyed his requests.” “Yes, sir, I did do those things. Did he tell you the entire sequence of events?” “He told me that when he was trying to speak with you, you ignored him. He tried to get your...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 16

“Hey, guess what happened today,” Tom called when he arrived home after classes one day in early April. “Media event of the year, so far.” “Hi, darling,” Cynthia hugged him in greeting. “What are you so excited about?” “That journal article we did. The students who run the journal had reporters looking for them today—they wanted interviews with the article’s authors. You know, the seven of us who put the research together and wrote it up. At first I thought I’d keep in the background but...

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Roger and Naomi

I class this story as romance not because anyone walks off into the sunset holding hands nor because any hearts are broken, but because the feelings the people involved have for each other are meant to be of at least as much significance as any sex there may be. And a note to American readers. 1. Arsenal is a football team (that may be ‘soccer’ to you). ‘Roger’ is a slightly anachronistic term for sex, most frequently used as in ‘I gave him/her a good Rogering’. ‘Fanny’ is the type of bottom...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 2

That Friday, in their Intro to Ed class, Professor Martins began the lecture with some remarks about the students’ reports on their classroom observations. “The reports you’ve done so far for your elementary and middle-school class observations are fairly good; but in most cases they lack the full details that you need to support your conclusions. You need to show your thought processes that led you from your observations to your conclusions. Don’t assume that your reader can make the...

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Roger The Lodger

God, she was horny! It was difficult to concentrate on her prayers as she knelt by her bed in her long flannel night gown. She gave thanks for the good things in her life, remembered her husband who had passed away three years ago and her two children who were both away in college. She started to get up, remembered something and dropped back to her knees. ‘Also, send me a man. I haven’t had sex with another human since my husband died. Amen.’ She climbed into bed and pulled the covers tight...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 5

The siblings returned to the main office to get a pass and Davis popped out of his office, astounded to hear their voices in the outer room. “It’s you! What happened to them...” “It’s okay, Mr Davis. No one got hurt. Some MPs came by and suggested that they leave and not return,” Cynthia said, trying to stifle a grin. “We just need another late pass.” “Please come in, the two of you. We need to talk.” “You’re not going to go into that ‘you need to be in the Program’ argument again, I...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Very early Thursday morning, Roger left for swimming practice. He found that he actually enjoyed the hard work because it gave him a chance to forget about the problems that the Program week was causing and he could use his frustrations to push himself physically. The coach had them doing eight sets of 25-yard wind sprints followed by 200 yards of freestyle, and then repeating the wind sprints with backstroke, and finally breaststroke. It was a pretty grueling practice session. It was a very...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 10

The next morning, Ayame was the first to awaken and as she lay there thinking about the previous evening, she reached down and began to idly caress Roger's cock, which was exhibiting its typical morning stiffness. Then, with a sigh of lust renewed, she slurped it into her mouth. Roger woke under the onslaught of the intense feelings Ayame's mouth was producing. It didn't take very long before Roger was filling her mouth with his love juices and Ayame fell into his embrace as they kissed...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

They entered the room where the class was meeting. It was filled with mats arranged in a circle ringing a mat in the center and many pillows were strewn around, covering the mats. There was a fireplace with a fire going and the room was comfortably warm; there were numerous candles flickering around the room and the scent of incense filled the air. A gentle oriental melody completed the room’s ambience. Four more couples arrived; they were in their forties, the kids figured. Then another...

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Roger is into making love

Never before have I been with a man who uses his mouth so much. His giving oral went on forever. He actually had me moaning and gasping. So much that people had to come watch. And the passionate kissing just did not stop. Equipment wise, he is not as thick ask Ken, nor is he as long as Ozzie. Both men can be described with one word. "difficult". Roger is just perfect.We had the perfect night. Foreplay was extended, then he went down on me. Once we went into 69 position with me on top...

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Rogers Lucky Day

Today I was at a coffee shop enjoying a double cappuccino and was on my laptop checking my facebook account and chatting with some cousins that live out of town.I was wearing a tight light blue t-shirt with a gayish logo that read: "I eat boys up", a pair of hot white shorts, and a pair of stripped white and blue socks that were up a little bit higher off of my knees - people were kind of looking at me weird. But I love that I was calling peoples attention.So, after a while a guy of about my...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 3

When Cynthia got back to the apartment after basketball practice late that afternoon, she discovered Tom and Roger hard at work sifting through the Program website forum posts, categorizing the kinds of descriptions of kids' reported adverse effects and copying the results to their own database files on the Polytech server. "Wow, why all that frantic activity? That stuff'll be there; there's no need to get it copied off..." she began. Roger looked up. "We've got a possible problem...

1 year ago
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“Well, it’s over.” Roger Jones tossed his keys on the table near the door. “She doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.” Roger slouched his way into the living room, hands in the pockets of his chinos. His roommate sat on the couch wearing a grey sweatshirt and a pair of plaid boxer shorts. “Sheila? Now there’s a shocker,” said Dennis between slurps of breakfast cereal. “Ohhhhh… Roger, honey, I’m sorry,” called Ellen from the kitchen. “What happened, sweetie?” “She was...

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Roger the Lodger

God, she was horny! It was difficult to concentrate on her prayers as she knelt by her bed in her long flannel night gown. She gave thanks for the good things in her life, remembered her husband who had passed away three years ago and her two children who were both away in college. She started to get up, remembered something and dropped back to her knees. "Also, Dear God, please send me a man. I haven't had sex with another human since my husband died. Amen." She climbed into bed and...

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Back in 1998 wife Sarah and I hadn,t had a real holiday for a few years so Daughter Christina helped arrange one for us staying with friends near Taunton in Somerset. Of course we couldn,t miss the chance to sample the local pub grub and tastey “scrumpy” rough cider. The problem with scrumpy is I love cider, but scrumpy can sneak up on you and you,re drunk before you realise it. On our very first evening of our week,s break we met local veterinarian Roger Cramp, a few years younger than us, but...

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Rogers Retreat

Many of the more well to do in the little town of Waterloo looked down on the Rogers family as did many of the not so well to do. There were many different reasons for this attitude, but they all had some bearing on the family’s way of life and physical characteristics. The men were short, wiry, towheaded, thin faced men. They all had prominent adams apples and their voice had a distinct southern whine. It didn’t help at all that they came from a poor hardscrabble background. Grandfather Rogers...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 23

The remaining days of the week passed normally; nothing happened in school that involved the Program. The news reports about the raid on the kidnapers revealed some additional details, but none that the Denisons hadn’t learned. Journalists had uncovered the fact that drugs had been used on the captured teens and that information alone was the source of a considerable amount of additional anti-Program sentiment. The Denisons had made a few more forum contacts and heard mixed messages about a...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

On Monday, Kevin rode with Roger for early-morning swim practice; Kevin was spending much of his practice time building his endurance with wind sprints and improving his breast stroke. The first competitions were not to begin until December and Kevin hadn't yet decided whether he wanted to compete. "You can decide last minute, you know," Roger had told him. "You are making steady improvement, you know. Say, if your times on freestyle and back consistently reach number three, I'll be...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 14

Tuesday turned out to be a normal day at school; Kevin and Denise were relieved that they were not called to the office during the day. They found out that only two students from the week's chosen Program group had been persuaded to participate, but when they arrived at the school's front entrance to get dressed after school on Monday and saw that they were the only students participating, they vowed not to continue. So as of Tuesday morning there wasn't anyone participating in the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 19

As Tom had predicted, Friday morning’s practice session was fairly light and the team was dismissed so that they could get to the assembly on time. Roger and Tom walked to the lobby in front of the assembly doors and tried to locate the girls, which they did after a few minutes of searching. They entered the auditorium, gave their names to the teacher at the door, and found some seats together. When the bell rang, Mr Davis walked onto the stage carrying a microphone and the hum in the room...

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Double Headed Dildo

My wife and I perused the online catalogues of sex toys and finally settled on a 45 centimetre clear double dildo. It served our purposes well. I fucked her in pussy and ass with it, she fucked me in the ass with it, and we both came with it. I never really wondered why it had two heads or what to do with that feature of it. Obviously my wife of 36 did, and being as creative in the bedroom as she was with our three kids, she managed to capture my interest. The kids were staying with the...

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