Roger And Jane free porn video

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They were actually going at it in the bushes. We'd gotten to the picnic early and set up the barbecue. The rest of the employees, having arrived pretty much on time, were socializing and drinking and having a gay old time.

As third man in the company of Silver and Silver Mfg., that is Benjamin and Rodney Silver, I was the barbecue man of choice. At S&S we manufacture a plethora of household goods, mostly electrical appliances. It wasn't all me of course doing the cooking, I was a high mucky-muck in the company; so I did enlist the help of Jim Conroy, our sales manager and Mary Cousins, our HRO chief; still, again, in point of fact the barbecue pit was traditionally my very own fiefdom at these get togethers which was fine with me.

Jane, my wife of fifteen years, and I always arrived at these dos early and today was no exception. Jane was a housewife, had never worked a day of our married life together. But for our company picnics she always contributed the German potato salad and some other dishes as the mood struck her.

I could see her, Jane, now carrying on with my immediate boss, Rodney Silver over by the tree line. They were laughing up a storm. I was feeling good. Well, that is I had been. I had been until I'd gone looking for my wife who had earlier, without my noticing, gone missing.

I'd handed the barbecue helm over to Jim, and like I said, I'd gone looking for her. Carol Bisbee, the big boss' secretary—Ben Silver, Rod's older brother, was numero uno in the company—pointed me to a copse of shrubs across the park as the direction in which she had seen her heading with some others. At least she thought that that was the direction that Jane had gone.

My woman had been gone for a good forty-five minutes before I'd started hunting her down. It'd been a full hour before I'd found her, and I wished I hadn't. They—she and my boss— were in a small open space hidden behind some bushes. She was naked and lying on her clothes. His pants were pulled down around his knees, and his cock was buried deep inside her cunt.

I was stunned. I was angry. And, mostly, I was sad. I'd headed back to tend the barbecue I'd left in Jim's hands.

My stomach was roiling. Taking over from Jim, I did my best to concentrate on the nothingness of the job at hand: making really good hamburger patties.

It was about twenty minutes after my discovering them that the two adulterers showed up. Breaking away from him, she came to me.

"Hi honey, doing a good job?" she said. She was smiling to beat the band.

"Okay, I guess," I said.

"Nonsense, you make the best burgers in the county. That's why you always get to do the barbecuing," she said. I thought it sweet of her to let me know how appreciated my burgers were.

I didn't say anything or even look at her. She sensed that I had something on my mind. She asked.

"Something wrong, big guy?" she said. Now, I did look at her.

"I don't know. You tell me," I said.

"Huh?" she said.

"I guess you have to be the one to tell me if sex with me is still at least okay," I said.

She paled, but gathered herself. "Roger! Why on earth would you say something like that?"

"Well, since you feel the need to fuck my boss, I just wondered if there was anything left for me. I mean in your heart—and—your plans," I said.

"What are you talking about? Are you nuts?" she said.

"I saw you, in the bushes, a few minutes ago. He was fucking you, and you were encouraging him," I said.

"Oh my god! Oh, my god! Roger, what are you going to do?" She was looking furtively around to see if anyone was close enough to figure out what was going on; there wasn't. "It's not what you think, really," she said. I just stared at her. I didn't say anything. She wheeled around and started walking away from me. Her gait was purposeful.

I saw her go to him. He was kind of far off, over by the kids' swings giving his little boy Aaron an assist, a small push. His wife, Elise Silver had not come to the party, had one of her own to go to as he'd told me the day before./

I saw her talk animatedly to him. His head suddenly snapped around, and he looked in my direction. I held his gaze for some seconds before he turned back to her. Oddly, she stayed where she was as he came towards me. I flipped a burger I was tending just as he approached.

He looked over at Jim who was sipping a beer a few yards away. "Jim, could you take over for Roger for a couple of minutes, please." Jim came over and held out his hand for the spatula. I gave it to him.

My boss headed off toward the tree line to our right. It was clear that I was supposed to follow him. I did.

"Roger, I don't know what to say," he said. Of course I knew he was about to say a lot. Well, I assumed he was.

"I guess you caught us. Jane said you did. Whaddya gonna do?" he said.

"What can I do? Nothing," I said, answering my own question.

"Huh?" he said.

"Me divorce her? I get raped by the court. And again, if I quit my job? I'm screwed there too. I'm forty-eight, too old to start over. So, I guess there is nothing I can do," I said. "Anything else, mister Silver?"

"Uh—no—I guess not," he said. I turned and headed back to the barbecue pit.

I didn't smell divorce in the air as far as her having me served was concerned. And, I knew that Rodney, at age forty-five, wouldn't want to be looking to get a divorce from his wife, Elise Silver, since her mother; the missus Alice Barrington, the widow of Marshall Barrington of hotel fame, was the power behind the throne if there ever were such a thing. She had been the actual founder of S&S Inc. some twenty years earlier when brothers Ben and Rodney had come to her with a an idea for a new firm: a good idea as it turned out. At any rate, I knew I had time to figure things out.

I knew what I knew, and I knew that wouldn't change with me getting all upset and angry and problematical. No indeed, I intended to do nothing for the near term. I would get along with Jane, make no waves that would overtly threaten Rodney, and generally be mister good guy, mister more than reasonable guy. Hell, I still needed her. The question was, did she still need or want me?

We pulled into the driveway just as true dark settled in around us. The ride home had been mostly silent.

"I'll unload the car. Okay?" I said.

"Yes, better now than tomorrow, Sunday," she said. "Tomorrow will be just for us to hang out, unless you'd rather us do something else," she said.

"No, I have nothing on tap at the moment. But, I'll think it over," I said.

"That'll be fine," she said. She was watching me closely. So far we'd not so much as mentioned the happenings of earlier in the day.

I came in through the front door. I could hear her doing something in the kitchen. I headed for the bathroom. I needed a shower; I smelled like barbecue.

It was some little while before I joined her in the dinette where she'd decided to situate herself. She had a jug of martinis set out and was nursing one. She poured me one, dropping the olive into it, as I took my seat.

"I thought we could have a drink or two and talk," she said. "Or not."

"Whatever you want, Jane. I'm easy," I said.

She sipped her drink. I followed suit. "Rog, you okay?" she said.

"Sure. I guess so," I said. Jesus, she looked pretty at that moment—and—sexy. I wanted her even though I knew she still had his spunk inside of her.

"You're not hurt? Oh, heck, of course you're hurt. I mean seeing me—us—like that. I am very sorry for that, Rog, sincerely." I nodded. "Anything I can do—well, just ask. I mean it."

"I do have a question," I said.


"How is your doing him going to affect us?" I said. "I mean..."

"It won't affect us at all on my account, Rog. I know I made a mistake. I know you have a right to be angry. I'm surprised you haven't gotten angry already. Anyway, like I say, I won't let what I did affect us. And, I promise to make it up to you," she said.

"Okay," I said. I wanted to ask the next question in the worst way, but I was afraid of the answer. She asked and answered it herself.

"Roger, I know you are wondering if I will do it with him again. I'd like to be able to say that I wouldn't. But..."

"But, you will," I said. She looked away, and then looked back at me and nodded.

"But Rog, it will not affect our love life, nor will it interfere with any of our future plans. I promise you that. Can you understand what I'm about here?"

"I don't know. Not much I can do about it. I guess I'll just have to see.

"You say it won't affect our love life. If I were to say, I want you right now; I mean right now, what would you say?"

"Rog, I'd say yes, of course. But Rog, I haven't showered or douched. I don't think..." I stood.

"Come on," I said. "I want you now."

"Rog? Are you sure. I mean I can take a shower first..."

"No, I need you right now," I said. She rose from her chair and started toward the hall. I took hold of her arm and coaxed her back to the table. I turned her around and bent her over it.

Going to my knees, I flipped her dress up and pulled her panties down and off of her. She spread her legs wide for me. She relaxed as I stood once more, dropped my pants, and pressed my cock, all five inches of it, into her pussy. I began seesawing in and out of her. She looked back at me and smiled. I took my time. I managed to give her an orgasm just as I came myself, a very rare event for us. She started to straighten up as I backed out of her, but I held her in place. No words were spoken. She relaxed once more.

"I knelt behind her, and gazed at her cunt; it oozed cum and pussy juice. I began cleaning her out with my tongue. I had never been so turned on in my life. She started to turn around and stand, but I pushed gently on her back wordlessly urging her to stay bent over and submit to me.

Watching her with him had been a self-revelation. A revelation that was still unfolding. I didn't know where it was going to go, or how it would end. But, whatever happened, it was sure that nothing would ever be the same between my wife and me again.

She shuddered as at least two more orgasms shattered her reserve. I helped her back up and kissed her deep and hard. As I broke the kiss, she gently pushed me back a little. She looked deep into my eyes. Her expression intense, confused, questioning.

""Roger, what's happening to us?" she said.

"Damned if I know. Honestly. I have to think. What I am sure of right now is that we are not done. Let's go to bed," I said.

We fucked three more times that night. The one thing I can claim without a fear of contradiction is my staying power: stamina I had, more than most guys for sure. That said, I'd always had a problem getting her off. I didn't know if it was the length of my dick or the way I brushed her clit or what, but I could screw her all night and never get her off. She did make it on rare occasions, but only on rare occasions and on those nights she was more exhausted than I was; like she was the one that made it happen not me. At any rate, on this night, we fell asleep in each other's arms satisfied, and I'll be damned if I knew where all of this would end.

"Say that again," he said. "I mean I want to hear it all again because I don't believe it,"

"I don't blame you. I don't believe it either. But it's true. Roger was turned on, crazy turned on, from seeing you screw me. I have to tell you; he was better than you. This time he was better than you. He doesn't have your equipment, but Jesus did he have enthusiasm," she said.

He was slowly shaking his head from side to side. "The upside of all of this? said Rodney.

"The obvious upside, Rodney my dear, is that we don't have to worry about him outing us to your wife or kicking me to the curb," said, Jane.

"Dare I have the temerity to ask what's next?" he said.

"Frankly, I haven't a clue. I think the best course, for now, is for me to give him some time, a little space and let him find his equilibrium. Then, and only then, hint at some games of one kind or another. And before you ask me, no, I have no clue what game to suggest to him," she said. He nodded.

"Jane, no disrespect, I like the guy; but is it possible that our Roger is some kind of wimp?" he said. She smirked.

"I don't think so, but I really do not know. This is all so off the charts—I just don't know," she said.

"And us?" he said.

"We'll have to cool it for a while," she said. "But, I think that if we're careful—and I mean careful and patient—this may work for us, and maybe him too. It's worth a try." He nodded his agreement.

"Okay, just keep me in the loop. You know I love you, and I need you as much as he does."

"It shall be so," she said.

I was back at work Monday, and I was early. I wasn't giving anybody the slightest of reasons to fire me, remote as I was sure that possibility was. Plus, I wanted to make sure the guy who was helping my wife cuckold me wouldn't feel threatened. I knew his wife would destroy him if he were outted, but in that case I would without a doubt lose my job and I'd be screwed over too. No, I had to just put up with their shit and keep on keepin' on.

"I'd be ignoring their little liaisons in the future. I just hoped she wouldn't be rubbing my nose in it. I didn't think she would be, but who knew for sure.

I was tending to the report I was putting together for the quarterly sales figures when he came up to me.

"How's it going, Rog," said Rodney.

"Okay, almost done. I'll have the report on your desk by day's end," I said.

"Good, good. I need them for my report to the big boss," he said. I nodded.

"But on another note, we okay? You and me?" he said.

"Sure, I guess so. You?" I said.

"Yes, yes, of course, but you know..." he said.

"Mister Silver, I'm not going to make any waves. But—if you do her in the future, I'd appreciate it if you were discreet. It would be kinda humiliating if others..." my voice trailed off.

"Rog, you have nothing to worry about. I can promise you that," he said. I noted he hadn't said he wouldn't be screwing her, but he hadn't said he would be either. Just that I didn't have anything to worry about. I nodded.

For the next two months I was more than sure that I was the only one to use her cunt. Could I have been wrong about that? Maybe, but not likely. I worked where he did, and he was available to me the entire day. And since I went home immediately after work each day, and she was there when I got there each day, I don't know when she could have slipped out to him. Maybe lunch hours, but that would have been a helter skelter thing, and not too satisfying for either of them. No, she was cooling it for a while at the least. But then all of my thinking on the subject came to naught. She told me she was going to him. Nothing like being up front about things I suppose.

Yes, I was startled. Who wouldn't have been? And, oh, she was dressed very nicely.

"Honey, I'm—I'm going to be seeing Rodney tonight. Please don't wait up," she said. I will make it up to you tomorrow. Okay?" I just stared, but said nothing. I turned my back on her and left the room

I went up to our room. I laid down and tried to sleep even though it was only 7:00PM. I heard her car start up and then I was alone.

I analyzed my situation some more. It had been my primary occupation ever since the day at the picnic. I had hoped that maybe the sex we'd been having had been enough; and, it had never been better. I know that was true for the both of us. But, for some damn reason, good was evidently not good enough. Was his cock supersize? Did he have that much more staying power than me; I doubted that. Did he smell better? Was he more romantic? What the fuck was it that made my wife willing to fuck him and essentially rub my nose in it like she did tonight?

Oh, I was sure, that she was of the opinion that she was just being honest and up front with me. But, her just informing me that she was going to go to him; well, that is the very definition of rubbing my nose in it. And that was the one thing that might end us, none of the consequences attendant to her activities or my risking dumping her withstanding.

I needed a drink. I got up, grabbed my coat, and headed for the liquor store. I pulled into the lot, and changed my mind. I headed for the Roundtrip, my favorite watering hole, instead. It had been a while since I'd been in, I twern't much of a barfly. But, tonight was special; well, I saw it as special. My wife didn't know it, but she had just declared our marriage open.

I hadn't had any strange since the day we'd said our vows fifteen years gone, and really a year and a half before that. But, now, at our common age of forty, I was seriously considering making the effort to find me some now. The odd thing? I wasn't even all that mad. I was sad, true enough, but not really angry. I loved my woman and the disappointment at her doing me like she was, was killing my heart, hence, my sadness.

I more or less surreptitiously surveyed my environs from my barstool. Mostly guys hanging out after a day at the plant. A couple of women were yakking with the bartender at the other end. There was a toy manufacturer nearby and I could tell from the logos on the work shirts of a dozen guys, half of them over by the pool table, that they worked there. I headed over to join the shooters. I put a couple of quarters under the overhang of the table's rails, nodding to the players, and waited for somebody to tell me it was my ups. I went back to the bar.

It was about twenty minutes later that I was called. The game was straight pool, my favorite, and it was call shot. I won the first game, but lost in game two. I hung around gabbing with the shooters for the next little while.

Everybody had a story to tell, and I told mine. Which by the way, was one of three just like it.

"Names, Nick, Nick Klaver," the guy said as he relinquished the table to the next up.

"Roger, Roger Carlyle," I said.

"So, you say your wife is out spreading for your boss," he said.

"Yeah she is," I said. She told me not to worry or wait up." Nick smiled.

"You thinkin' of doin' anything about it? Maybe getting' some strange of your own or divorcing her?" he said.

"I don't know. Yeah," I said, "maybe yeah."

"You want a little help in that regard?" said Nick.

"Help? What kind of help?' I said. There was that smile again.

"Be here tomorrow same time. I think I just might have a possible solution to your problem," he said.

Just then we were interrupted as a lady. It was a younger lady, maybe thirty-five, and pretty came up to us.

"You ready to go, Nick?" she said.

"Yeah, I am," he said. He turned to me one more time.

"Tomorrow, 9:00PM," he said. And he was gone.

I was home at around midnight-thirty. She was there too: upstairs changing. I came into the room and was met with a quizzical glare.

"And you've been where all this time?" she said. I had to smile. I mean the hypocrisy of it, the question.

"At the Roundtrip. Got a problem with that?" I said, more or less standing up for myself. She seemed to relax.

"No, I suppose not," she said.

"You suppose not? Hey, I'm an adult. I can do what I please, unless you know of some law that forbids it," I said. And, yes, I was being a little testy.

"But, since it's Q&A time, may I ask, how did your fuck go tonight? Was it good. You know, satisfying?" I said.

"Look, Roger, Rodney is no threat to you or us. Okay. It's just a little playing on the side. And, for the record it's fairly rare, as I'm sure you have deduced," she said.

"You didn't answer my question?" I said, ignoring her analysis of what I knew.

"Yes, it was good, okay. No better than when you and I do it, but different. It's a matter of variety is all," she said.

"Well, okay then. I should tell you I did win twenty bucks at straight pool tonight. But, then, mores the pity, I lost it in the next Game. So, I guess it was sort of a good night for me too. I mean I did come out even if not actually ahead. You know kinda like my sex life, my marriage," I said.

She just glared at me. "Let's go to bed, she said finally. I'm tired and so must you be. It's late."

We went to bed, and surprise surprise she reached for my dick and it reacted traitorously. Stiff, as a five-inch long two-inch thick length of rebar, my little man reacted quite naturally to her sucking me off and swallowing it all. Oh, and the swallowing was a first!

"Well, that was a surprise," I said, seriously. She smiled.

"And there is plenty more where that came from since you are apparently being so understanding of my—activities," she said.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute. Are you saying that if I'm cool with you and him fucking up a storm that I will be rewarded? Is that what you're saying?" I said.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, young man," she said. I frowned, and then she did.

"What? What did I say?" she said, clearly wondering at my less than enthusiastic reaction.

"Well, and what If I'm not inclined to be reasonable. Then nothing for me? I can forget it? Is that what you're saying?" I said. She suddenly realized her faux pas.

"No, no, that is not what I meant. It's just that I do want you to be happy, and I thought..." she started.

"So, if I said to stop all of that stuff with him. You'd be okay with it; it wouldn't put an end to us or an end to my getting—what—rewarded?" I said.

"Roger, let me put it this way. No, my having sex with you is not conditional. Your tolerance, however, does inspire me to do more for you; well, like just now. Anyway, that said, I hope you will remain as tolerant as you have so far about my being with him on a 'rare' occasion," she said, emphasizing the word 'rare'. "Frankly, I have to say that I am surprised that you haven't gone off on me. And not just surprised, but grateful; I mean if I my say so."

"Yeah, right, tolerant that's me," I said, rolling over and going to sleep. I did have admit that the blow job had been state of the art, inspired by my wimpy ass tolerance or not.

I got there a little past eight. I'd broken it to her that I would be going out just as we'd finished eating.

"I'm gonna go play some more pool tonight, dear. I don't figure on being all that late," I said.

"You—going out—I mean you..." she started.

"Yeah, and thank you in advance for your tolerance," I said.


I had headed upstairs to get dressed. I didn't exactly dress to the nines, but I was significantly better dressed than I had been when I'd gone out the night before.

"You're wearing a tie to play pool," she said as I gave her a peck goodbye.

"Yeah," I said, and I was gone.

Nick was already there and standing in the midst of the pack of shooters waiting their turns and commenting on this or that shot as the occasion arose. I waved to him. He gave me a look and smiled.

He came up to me and waved me over to the bar. "Good to see you. I wondered if you were gonna show," he said.

"Yeah, well, I was curious," I said. "I mean as to how you figured to help me out of my situation. I gotta say so long as it isn't about breaking any law, I'm likely to be down for it,"

"No, no, nothing illegal," he said. "Got someone I want you to meet actually."

"Someone? A woman?" I said. I kinda half way figured it might be that.

"Hmm, yes, and a special woman if I may say so," he said.

"Hmm, I don't know. I mean, I am still hoping to save my marriage. I mean I know what I said Last night. But, heck I only met you last night let alone a new woman."

"And if you picked a woman up in a bar, you'd only have known her what, maybe even less than a couple of hours. Right?" he said. He had a point.

"Well, yeah, I guess that's so," I said.

"And this woman has been vetted, by me," he said. "And she is special."

"Special?" I said.

"Well, yeah," he said. "She's—well—she's my sister." All of a sudden I was losing interest fast. He saw my face fall and reacted.

"No, no. She's a princess, really," he said, "and very pretty."

"But? I hear a 'but' in there some place," I said. He looked away, looked back, and his demeanor morphed from almost desperate to determined. I was reintrigued

"Man, Roger, well—she's a prostitute. But! She'd give it up, the lifestyle that is, for the right guy," he said. I was suddenly unreintrigued.

"Look, Nick, I ain't castin' any stones, but..." I started.

"Man, just meet her. You can go to the bathroom and leave by the back door if it gets too uncomfortable," he said. He looked desperate again, so much so that I just shrugged and said okay.

She was five minutes late for the presumed 9:00PM meet up. She was smiling broadly and being the consummate pro coming up to me and offering me her hand to shake. It was the same girl that had come the night before to pick him up. We shook. "Very nice to meet you," she said.

"Very nice to meet you too," I said.

I motioned for the three of us to take our seats. This girl was a star if beauty had anything to do with it. George Gordon, Lord Byron had written a poem about her two hundred years before she was born: "She Walks in Beauty." I'd seen her the evening before, but then she'd been in ragged jeans and a t-shirt, hair in a bob, and no makeup. That was not the case now. She looked like a million bucks.

I was so glad I had dressed up some before coming to the meet. "Roger, I'd like you to meet Camilla, my sister," said Nick. And just like that I was launched on a path that I had no business being launched on. But then again? Well, maybe this was fate.

The talk went on for some little while. No mention of Camilla's job. I wondered if she knew that her brother had outted her to me. It didn't matter an iota to me; I was fucking well reintrigued—again.

After the second round of drinks, Nick made his excuses, and I was more than grateful that he did.

"Like to change the venue?" I said.

"Sure, I guess," she said. The girl always seemed to be half smiling.

I took us to the Starfish, a seafood place with a mellow atmosphere, a piano man that was in to romantic classics.

"Nice choice," she said. "Come here often?"

"Used to, but since my wife; well, since my wife has kinda gotten into some things, not so much."

"Too bad," she said. "So you and your wife are on the outs?" she said. "My brother clued me about your situation." I nodded.

"Hard to say, but it looks like we're done. I'm having her served this coming week. Seems like she needs more than I can deliver, or maybe it's just variety that she's after as she told me. I need a one man woman," I said.

"So there it was. I'd laid it out there for her to pick up and run with it. She, Camilla, was most definitely not a one man woman. I mean by definition a prostitute was anything but.

She started laughing. Almost like she couldn't contain herself. "I said something funny?" I said.

"Well, kinda, yes," she said. "I know my brother told you some stuff. And one of the things that he told you was my career choice. Right?" she said. I know I was red faced.

"Yeah, kinda," I said.

"Look, Roger, I'm divorced. I'm thirty-seven. My man dumped me for an eighteen year-old budding model. I took up escorting to pay the bills: an old friend of mine is in the business, and I'm good looking enough to do okay at it, so I do. But, if I ever marry again, I will be a one man woman for the man that I marry.

"Now, I know we have just met, so all of this talk about marriage and one man women is way over the top and premature, but it does have the virtue of being out of the way and done with.

"Now, we can get on with having a good time, and you can get on with wondering how long it's going to be before you get to bed me. Oh, and it won't be tonight. You're not a customer, and I'm not in the habit of spreading for each and every guy I date. That all okay with you?" she said. I nodded.

"Yes it is. And frankly, I am more than glad that we got all that stuff out of the way too. And, I will be thinking about the other thing as well," I said. She smiled and giggled; she knew what I was referring to.

"So what do you do? Nicky didn't say much except that you might be available to date and that you seemed a serious guy," she said. "So who are you really?"

"Okay, all fair questions. I'm third man at Silver and Silver Industries. We manufacture housewares of various types. The pay's okay and the benefits high end. Been doing it since getting out of college a thousand years ago," I said.

"A thousand years ago? You don't look all that old," she said, laughing.

"No, I'm soon to be forty-one. Married—for now—no kids, pretty much debt free, and planning on moving on with my life if we divorce which, like I said, seems to be more than likely," I said.

I'd told Jane that I would not be especially late. That turned out to be inaccurate. It was after 2:00AM before I trudged up the stairs to our bedroom, undressed, fell half dead into bed—well, four manhattans do things to a man. Oh, and Jane? She wasn't home.

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Roger and I part 1

Roger and I were lying in bed. I was on my side resting my head on his chest. We’d just celebrated my twenty fifth birthday and were finally alone. I was gently biting and kissing his chest when he asked me a question that made me laugh. He asked me if I’d let Freddy take some pictures of us making love. I looked up and simply said no. I told him he could take some pictures of me if he wanted too though. He laughed and said “ ok as long as I can show them to Freddy. I said oh no you don’t now...

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Roger and Margo

Its funny how many times your parents tell you about what life was like when they were growing up. And a reoccuring theme of their stories is how you should always tell the truth, no matter the cost. Hummm ... just a thought. The Story of Roger and Margo Margo walked out of Jackson State Pen a free woman. An 8x8 foot cell had been her home for the past seventeen months. Margo was not an evil woman, but she had done an evil thing. You see, when Margo fell in love, she fell in love hard. She...

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Roger and I and an unexpected quest

I came downstairs still groggy with sleep. I could hear Roger and Freddy and a strangers very deep voice laughing and talking about something on the television. I had turned to go grab my other robe when I heard Roger say. “ Here she is Miss America “ I cracked up and said yeah you wish.Where you going asked Roger? I told him to get my other robe. He said, oh you’re fine ( with a wink )come on down and grab us a few beers would you and watch some TV.? I wrapped my kimono tighter around me and...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

The Monday early morning swimming practice session was shorter than the previous week's practices; the coach was fairly pleased with the team's performance on Friday so he had the team doing straight laps, skipping the drills. "I want you to work on endurance today," he told the team, "so stick with one stroke and do ten laps; then go to your next stroke. We'll do an hour of laps today. Later in the week we'll need to work on our early start problem," he told them. After practice,...

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Island paradise for Jane

Island Paradise for Jane I hope you enjoy this latest tale. I just sit and write in one go before I turn myself on too much! Hopefully it all hangs together and you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I was about to get onto the small twin engine plane for the last leg of my journey to the overseas conference. My best work mate, Clark, was boarding with me and the only other body on board was the pilot and captain who went by the name of Johnny. Clark and he could have...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 25

In the morning, Barbara’s voice boomed over their beds. “Come on, kids, time to get up!” Tom groaned, pulling Cynthia closer to him, “Oh, Mom, we’re tired.” “I’ll bet you’re tired. You guys slept together so I’ll bet you’re tired, huh? Got a workout last night?” Tom sat up. “Um, we just snuggled, Mom. We didn’t do what you’re thinking.” “And how d’you know what I’m thinking, eh? What’s that white crusty stuff in Cindy’s hair?” “Mmmm, just a tiny gift from Tom...” Cynthia giggled. “Okay,...

4 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 2

It was Friday, and the spring term would begin on Monday. The twins needed to take Ayame to the high school to register and then they had to stop at the dojo to return some equipment. As they drove through the base, Ayame looked around in amazement. “This is such big place! When you said you lived in place called ‘Camp Pendleton’ I thought it was like small camp, yo?” “Yeah, nothing like Japan, right? Even LA isn’t anything like Tokyo; Tokyo has all those tall buildings. You didn’t get to...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 24

Early Saturday morning, the twins and Ayame left home for Tom's house; they were going to ride to the nudist resort with his family. After they reached his house, they took their bags and went to the door; Barbara greeted them. "So, ready for your first real nudist experience, kids?" she smiled at them. She looked at their bags. "Hmmm, those look kinda full ... just what did you pack?" They looked at their bags. "Ah, stuff for a week ... Toiletries and things, some undies, changes of...

2 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 13

When the twins’ dad arrived home for dinner, he had news for the family. “I heard I’ll be getting orders soon. I heard that General Markus recommended me to be lateraled to sergeant major and assigned as the chief NCO at Camp Lejeune. It’s an honor to be selected for such a leadership post.” “Lateraled?” Ayame questioned. “Yes, dear. Not an actual promotion because I’m already at the top enlisted pay grade in the Corps. But my rank now is a kind of staff rank, not a command rank. The...

3 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Early the following day, Kevin went to the pool with Roger. When they arrived and walked out onto the deck, there was a bunch of kids milling around and talking to a teacher. Roger walked up. “All right, everyone—what gives? You need to get suited up, we’ve gotta start.” he called. The teacher walked up. “That’s the point, Roger. Mr Winters—the new assistant principal—is making some changes in the high-school sports rules. He wants gym classes and the teams to be working naked, said it’s...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

The following day, after their Intro to Ed class ended, Prof Martins asked her to speak to him. “So, Miss Denison, I hear from your Merritt High School observing class teacher that you are disrupting his class, and then I hear from Principal Leeds that we have to send more students like you; you stopped a rape from happening. Whatever am I to make of this?” “Sir, that the damned Program is all eff-ed up, you’ll excuse me. In the biology class, that damned teacher was trying to have the boys...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 14

Roger's swimming practice was uneventful Tuesday morning; both Tom and Jessica were safely dressed in their suits and everyone was working hard at trying to improve their times by watching for extraneous movements and keeping their strokes smooth and regular. Roger was putting extra effort into his fly stroke; being the most difficult stroke, a good time would be very productive in swim meets. After practice, Tom came over to talk as they showered. "Hey buddy," Tom said, "thanks for the...

4 years ago
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Roger and Lori

Roger is looking over his computer, trying to determine what is going on in the company that he is auditing the books. He is doing just fine, as he has done this company in the past. Roger hears a car in the drive, and sees that it is only one thirty. He knows his wife should not be home for hours from work. He quickly saves what he is doing, and hears the doorbell ring as he clears the monitor. He does not want anyone to see the information that he is working with. He goes to the front door,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 17

They walked through Tom’s home to the back, passing through a den with a sliding door that opened on the pool deck. Tom carried out a pile of towels with him. “Okay, this is really nice,” Cynthia enthused when she saw the pool. “It’s pretty big, too.” “It’s actually 75 feet long. A real pool. My sis is a competition swimmer too and the pool is one of the reasons my folks bought this house. I can practice my laps here if I’m careful flip-turning at the shallow end,” Tom replied. “If you...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 12

After gym, the three teens found each other and began to compare notes about what they had learned. Neither Cynthia nor Ayame had showered; they said that their volleyball exercise had been so perfunctory that neither had broken a sweat, despite how hard the teacher had tried to push them. “Say, did you hear anything about cameras in the locker room?” Roger asked. “No one said anything about them getting replaced.” “No,” Cynthia said. “I saw the broken ones were still there.” Then a group...

2 years ago
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Roger Fiction by Johnny Roger and I have known each other since childhood. We lived next door to each other and went to the same primary school. Since then our paths have diverged but we have regularly kept in touch. We went on to different senior schools and different universities. He was lightly built, athletic and played fly half in his school rugby team. Roger read engineering. I read law. I work for a large city firm and have bought a small house in the suburbs. After a...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 22

After his morning practice and a brief chat with Tom, Roger arrived in his home room classroom as the morning announcements were being broadcast. “ ... As usual, your home room teachers have the list of students selected as participants for the Program this week. We ask those whose names are announced to drop off their bags or backpacks in your lockers and come to the conference room. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good morning.” The teacher read off four names and looked up; the...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 15

“Tom, I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You helped us so, so much. If you weren’t there, it looked like they could have backed up and gotten away from Roger. The car they were in is much more powerful than our little import,” Cynthia said as they drove off. “Glad I was able to help, Cindy. Hell, the way you took that guy! You just flipped him like he weighed nothing! He tried to grab around your shoulders and the next thing I saw was him flying into the other one.” “Shit. I was so...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 3

The twins returned to school and were amazed to realize that only three hours had passed. They stopped in the office to get late passes for their three missed periods when Mr Davis heard them speaking and called them into his office. “I don’t know what the two of you think you’re doing, but I assure you that you will be in the Program. You also interfered with the start of the Program for all the others, too. Mr Cirota has already failed you for this first week so you’ll be doing...” “Sir,...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 6

On Saturday morning, Kevin rousted out Denise for a morning run. "Hey, up and at 'em," he whispered in her ear as he shook her. "We've got to get back into shape." "Go 'way," she muttered. "Still tired..." "Hey, you need to get your circulation going. Be good for you." "Aahhh, okay, but a short run today, okay?" "Sure. We'll start with some stretching." Their home was near a park, so the two jogged to it and ran around one of the paths, soon returning to the house. As...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 7

Early Wednesday morning Roger walked out on the pool deck and assembled with the rest of the team. Coach Jerter came out of the office area and greeted them. "'Morning, all. You look half-dead, team. Didn't you get any sleep? We need to get you all into shape so I want each of you to get at least an hour of hard practice in every day through our season. We have a really good chance to repeat the state championship this year, even though we've lost our top freestyler to graduation last...

2 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 18

Roger's swim practice on Thursday morning was intense. One of the schools in Friday's swim meet was their strongest competitor and their results against that team would be a good indication of how successful the season would be. So the coach really worked them hard, particularly on trying to avoid any early-start disqualifications. Roger and Tom had a hurried conversation as they rushed through their showers to get to class. "Tom, you and Cindy seem to have really hit it off. And hey,...

1 year ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 16

A few minutes before 5 p.m., the doorbell rang at the twins' house. "That must be Tom," Cynthia called. "I'll get it! ... hi, Tom, OH!" she exclaimed as Tom handed her a bouquet of flowers. "How pretty!" "I felt I had to bring a little spring to your home to try to get rid of this morning's unpleasantness," Tom remarked as Cynthia kissed him. "Thank you, this is so nice. Come meet my mom," she said, pulling Tom with her to the kitchen. "Mom, this is Tom Emerson; he's the guy...

2 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 1

“Roger, the major thing you have to remember is not to directly face Nakaya so he can get the full use of both of his arms at once. He’s extremely strong. When he takes hold of your gi, get your own arms up under his so he can’t pull down and in and get leverage. And keep him from pulling you into his chest—use your arms to turn his torso away from the direction he tries to twist.” Roger Denison was in the locker room, getting some final advice from his coach while dressing for his judo...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 26

When they got home late Sunday evening, Stuart told them that his reassignment to Lejeune had been finalized and his report date was set for between June 25 and July 8. “You three will be in college in the fall so we won’t need that large of a house,” Sarah said. “Dad’s reporting around July 1 and I’ll be closing our house here in July and moving our effects that last week. Do you know when you can move in at your school?” “Yeah, that’s something we planned to discuss, Mom, Dad. I told you...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 21

On Saturday afternoon, Tom answered the door at his home for the twins and Ayame; they had brought some soft drinks and a fruit bowl to share. "C'mon in guys, hi, Cindy," Tom greeted them and hugged Cynthia. "Let me introduce my folks." They went into the living room and the two adults there stood. "Cindy and Roger Denison, Ayame, oops..." "Asano," she prompted. " ... um, this is my mom, Barbara, and step-dad, Mitchell Kerrey." They all shook hands with each other. Mitchell...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 10

On Sunday morning, the twins and Ayame woke early and got ready for the drive to the music festival. As they had arranged Saturday, they stopped at Ayame’s new school friend’s home to pick her up together with the other girl who was going with them. When they arrived, the two girls emerged from the house. Ayame’s friend introduced herself to the twins. “Hi, I’m Michelle. My Japanese name is really Misuko but I’ve adopted an American name,” Ayame’s friend said. “And this is Devin; she’s in a...

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Roger and His Sister

Roger ran all the way home from school arriving out of breath. His cock had been hard most of the day in school, sitting through class after class with teenage girls all around him. Short skirts. Tight sweaters. It was tough being sixteen with all those sexy young things all around him all day. Roger wanted to get home before his sister did. Her junior high school let out thirty minutes later than his high school did. He would have at least thirty minutes to masturbate before she got...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 6

Roger and Cynthia had been threatened with being forced to disrobe in Monday’s class and half expected to see one of the guards waiting in the room, but even the teacher was not present. Students were gradually filtering into the room and soon everyone was seated. Then Miss Mason appeared with Mr Cirota trailing behind her. “I see that you’ve disobeyed my instructions about your proper appearance in this class,” she said to the twins. “Ma’am, there’s nothing improper about the garments...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 12

Everyone began to disentangle themselves from their lovers, bodies sliding against each other, as the various couples tried to sit up. The four older couples glanced at the younger ones, and then averting their eyes in embarrassment, collected themselves and quickly made for the door. The three younger couples watched them leave, bemused. “Aahhh, that was so incredible,” signed Ayame. “My pussy still tingles. Ooohh! I’m leaking! Roger, bad boy! Oohh, get wipes!” Denise had already scurried...

4 years ago
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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 9

At Friday morning’s swim practice, the coach spent the first hour having the team doing wind sprints and then began organizing the team relays for the various events and ran several relay heats for the kids to get the timings of their starting dives down pat. Today Roger had remembered to bring a snack with him; he was eating an energy bar as he entered his home room classroom about ten minutes late. “Any announcements?” he whispered to Ayame. “Just about the swim meet tonight,” she...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 4

When the teens arrived at the school Tuesday morning, they noticed that a large crowd was gathering at the main doors. When they got closer they saw that a few kids had already begun undressing, but groups of kids immediately surrounded them in human screens, blocking any view of them. Then the groups began escorting the naked students to the doors. They were trying to count the participating students but weren't able to see them clearly to tell exactly who was naked. Suddenly Mr Davis and...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 15

On December 30, Kevin and Denise drove up to Camp Lejeune to meet their friends and their families. Tom's, Ayame's, and the twin's parents, together with their children, had spent a very pleasant Christmas together and Tom's and Ayame's parents had hit it off, having a number of things in common. Now all the families would meet Kevin and Denise, about whom their children had spoken many times. Tom's parents had been happy to get to see the twins' parents again; they had gotten...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 20

At their study period, the trio heard how the coup was actually accomplished. Don, one of the students who had spoken to them from time to time in study hall, sat down next to them wearing a huge grin. "Okay, Don, spill it. You got hot info, I can see," prodded Cynthia. "Shit, yeah. I won't say who 'cause it would be big problems, but some kids know their way around the stage, okay? So yesterday afternoon, this guy was working up in the flies, you know, above the stage? And Davis and...

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Roger Mary and Jill

Walking home from school one afternoon fifteen year old Jill said to her best friend Mary. "My brother keeps trying to see me undressing." The two fifteen year olds frequently discussed boys but this was the first time Jill had brought up her brother. "I have to keep my bedroom door locked. He burst in last week while I was changing with some lame excuse about looking for his missing CD. He caught me with my shirt off. You know I am so small on top that I don't wear a bra yet. My brother...

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Alphabet of Brides Alessandra to Zjanet


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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 16

“Hey, guess what happened today,” Tom called when he arrived home after classes one day in early April. “Media event of the year, so far.” “Hi, darling,” Cynthia hugged him in greeting. “What are you so excited about?” “That journal article we did. The students who run the journal had reporters looking for them today—they wanted interviews with the article’s authors. You know, the seven of us who put the research together and wrote it up. At first I thought I’d keep in the background but...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 9

The following morning, Wednesday, Roger found out that Mr Leeds did want to see him, so after the swim team practice, he went to the principal’s office. “Good morning, Mr Denison,” Leeds began. “I’ve heard from Mr Winters that he’s had some problems with you; you hurt his wrist and you’ve disobeyed his requests.” “Yes, sir, I did do those things. Did he tell you the entire sequence of events?” “He told me that when he was trying to speak with you, you ignored him. He tried to get your...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 1

The first few days following graduation passed very quickly. There were a few final minor things to do at the school, like cleaning out lockers, turning in their last books, and bidding farewell to their coaches. However, one of the more essential parts of graduating was getting their final transcripts to be sent to their college. But as the now ungraduated graduates found, getting their final transcripts was being blocked by the school, as Davis had warned he would do. There even was a sign...

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Roger and Naomi

I class this story as romance not because anyone walks off into the sunset holding hands nor because any hearts are broken, but because the feelings the people involved have for each other are meant to be of at least as much significance as any sex there may be. And a note to American readers. 1. Arsenal is a football team (that may be ‘soccer’ to you). ‘Roger’ is a slightly anachronistic term for sex, most frequently used as in ‘I gave him/her a good Rogering’. ‘Fanny’ is the type of bottom...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 2

That Friday, in their Intro to Ed class, Professor Martins began the lecture with some remarks about the students’ reports on their classroom observations. “The reports you’ve done so far for your elementary and middle-school class observations are fairly good; but in most cases they lack the full details that you need to support your conclusions. You need to show your thought processes that led you from your observations to your conclusions. Don’t assume that your reader can make the...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

They entered the room where the class was meeting. It was filled with mats arranged in a circle ringing a mat in the center and many pillows were strewn around, covering the mats. There was a fireplace with a fire going and the room was comfortably warm; there were numerous candles flickering around the room and the scent of incense filled the air. A gentle oriental melody completed the room’s ambience. Four more couples arrived; they were in their forties, the kids figured. Then another...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 5

The siblings returned to the main office to get a pass and Davis popped out of his office, astounded to hear their voices in the outer room. “It’s you! What happened to them...” “It’s okay, Mr Davis. No one got hurt. Some MPs came by and suggested that they leave and not return,” Cynthia said, trying to stifle a grin. “We just need another late pass.” “Please come in, the two of you. We need to talk.” “You’re not going to go into that ‘you need to be in the Program’ argument again, I...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 8

Very early Thursday morning, Roger left for swimming practice. He found that he actually enjoyed the hard work because it gave him a chance to forget about the problems that the Program week was causing and he could use his frustrations to push himself physically. The coach had them doing eight sets of 25-yard wind sprints followed by 200 yards of freestyle, and then repeating the wind sprints with backstroke, and finally breaststroke. It was a pretty grueling practice session. It was a very...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 10

The next morning, Ayame was the first to awaken and as she lay there thinking about the previous evening, she reached down and began to idly caress Roger's cock, which was exhibiting its typical morning stiffness. Then, with a sigh of lust renewed, she slurped it into her mouth. Roger woke under the onslaught of the intense feelings Ayame's mouth was producing. It didn't take very long before Roger was filling her mouth with his love juices and Ayame fell into his embrace as they kissed...

2 years ago
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Roger The Lodger

God, she was horny! It was difficult to concentrate on her prayers as she knelt by her bed in her long flannel night gown. She gave thanks for the good things in her life, remembered her husband who had passed away three years ago and her two children who were both away in college. She started to get up, remembered something and dropped back to her knees. ‘Also, send me a man. I haven’t had sex with another human since my husband died. Amen.’ She climbed into bed and pulled the covers tight...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 3

When Cynthia got back to the apartment after basketball practice late that afternoon, she discovered Tom and Roger hard at work sifting through the Program website forum posts, categorizing the kinds of descriptions of kids' reported adverse effects and copying the results to their own database files on the Polytech server. "Wow, why all that frantic activity? That stuff'll be there; there's no need to get it copied off..." she began. Roger looked up. "We've got a possible problem...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

3 years ago
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Roger is into making love

Never before have I been with a man who uses his mouth so much. His giving oral went on forever. He actually had me moaning and gasping. So much that people had to come watch. And the passionate kissing just did not stop. Equipment wise, he is not as thick ask Ken, nor is he as long as Ozzie. Both men can be described with one word. "difficult". Roger is just perfect.We had the perfect night. Foreplay was extended, then he went down on me. Once we went into 69 position with me on top...

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