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(Copywrite 2008 Jack Luis)

We rode into the Barny, New Mexico just after noon on the ides of March, 2356 CE.

It was 250 odd years after the “Fist of Allah had Smote the Heathen”. That plague reduced mankind to 1 percent of it former Billions. The resulting chaos cost the remaining population modern agriculture and just as well as the refineries collapsed the oil had no way to be converted into motor fuel or fertilizers so the few stripper wells that still produced ceased to function. Global warming caused a lot of additional casualties but after the first hundred years the Climate stabilized again and even thrown back to wood for fuel what was left of humanity had very little impact on the environment.

After 253 years the survivors in Northern California were just reaching out to other parts of the world, Scout Traders had been used for over a hundred years and had reached the hills of northern New Mexico. Here they found a group that had survived by herding goats, growing hemp, corn, beans and squash.
They had evolved from a Pueblo out on the Reservation. Apparently little survived of Native culture due to the influx of refugees they had accepted. Their culture was submerged in the Federal administration of the refugee camp that was established, at least according to Chief Mercer who had been here before.

We rode into the village and were greeted with great hospitality. We were the first people from “Outside” that they had seen in 75 years. The village supported about 250 people and as usual we found the male population 10% of the female population.

In NorCal the sperm banks had lasted out the effects of the end of civilization through the efforts of UC Davis. Although the second generation had been effected by the plague’s gender bias, Male conception was down to 10-11% of births and femals began to dominate the next 10 generations. But in Davis withthe help if the sperm banks the mutation of gender bias was significantly reduced from the 12th generation.

We no doubt caused a sensation when the villagers saw that 60% of us were men. Young men, hard in body and unbathed after three weeks from Topock Arizona on horse back. The team was made up of 13, Chief Scout Mercer and two team leaders, Sue Games and Sarge Tompson, were Head Quarters and then the ten of us, Steve Coe, Raul Mathis, Bob Krenn, June Summers, Bill Roberts, Roy Bean, Charlotte Dunbar,Genevive Sweet,Roger Oster and me, Josh Perkins.

I was low man on the totem pole in this crowd. I had just graduated from Scout School when the opportunity presented itself. I volunteered to take care of the horses on the trip, and the mules, all 80 of them. The training at the Rancho paid off and I had been nursing mules from Bakersfield to wherever we were now.

Chief Mercer had been here before and had negotiated the Agreement for Trade. This expedition was to establish a Trading Post, the Second step to normalization according to the Scout Traders Manual. We would spend a year here then rotate home, or to a new assignment, that’s that way it works in the Scout Trader trade.

My Dad had been a Scout Trader and his father before him and so on; I was 22 now and on my first assignment. I was tired dirty and hungry but the mules had to be unloaded and cared for. So I was naturally the last to finish up and therefore first to draw overlook on the remuda while the rest of them joined the villagers in a party to celebrate our arrival.

I did my duty, watching the animals in the pasture and kept an eye on the building where we had stored the goods. I was walking around trying to stay alert when a girl came out of the dark calling softly. “Yes Here I am,” I answered.

She looked about 16 and was smiling carrying a bowl and cup. “I brought you something to eat and some water.” She said offering them to me in the Moonlight. I slung my rifle and accepted the Cup, “I can’t eat until relieved, but thanks anyway.”

I drank the water, my first offence, “That was very good, what’s your name?”

“Astral,” she looked down and then up at me. “Did I hear right that now that you are here and setting up the Trading Post, that you’ll…” she hesitated searching for the right phrase.

“Bring the Full Vigor of the Seed?” I asked smiling at her.

She looked up and for the first time I saw her face in the moonlight, she smiled and might have blushed but the silvery moonlight didn’t revel it.

“Yes, oh we heard that but didn’t know if it was true.”

“Yes ever since the Conditions were signed -over two hundred years ago. We made an agreement. We keep our agreements,” I said, quoting the Kiva line.

“When?” she asked eagerly but then dipped her head and said, “I was just asking ‘cause, well the girls will all ask me.”

”You’ll have to ask Chief Mercer that one. After the Bath house is built anyway.”

“We have the Bath House all built,” she said brightly. “Oh it is wonderful I helped lay the tile and ..” she trailed off and looked down at the bowl. “I better take this back and keep it warm for you.” She said with a serious look. She looked up smiled brightly and said “I’ll go make sure the water is hot for you so you can bathe when you get relieved”

She was laughing softly as she skipped off in the moonlight.

I relaxed a little and hoped she hadn’t poisoned me to raid the Stores. The first rule in dealing with strangers is don’t trust them too much. A lot of scouts had proven that a good rule over the years, yet I had drunk her water. I was sure to go to hell for that one, I figured.

After another moonlit hour Sue Games came out and relieved me. She was dressed in a clean uniform, always the Team Leader; she was about 35 and her body was hard as nails. We passed the post and I told her about my transgressing with Astral. She laughed, “Go get cleaned up and eat, these folks are OK. If Steve and Raule are still in the Bath house tell them that they have the Mid Watch will you, I didn’t want to disturb them.”

‘Sure” I said and made my way out of the pasture to the light of the Pueblo
Astral met me as I approached the open doorway, “I saved you some warm stew and heated the water. “ She said laughing.

“Thank You Astral,”

We entered the Bathhouse and I found it had red tile floors and two corners of the entry had fireplaces, each with a small but steady fire. A draped arch apparently led to the baths. A guitar played in the bath and voices, some of whom I recognized drifted thru the drapes. Oil lamps provided a thin light. After the high mountain air outside, it was hot in the entry way. Astral closed the door and said, “Do you want to eat now, or bathe?”

I looked around; At least five scouts had their clothes hanging on hooks that lined one wall. “I’ll bathe first, I think,” I said hanging my Field Coat on an empty hook.

Astral came over to help me, calling loudly, “Maria come help me.”

A woman about 28 or so came out wearing only a short robe. She saw that Astral was bent over my leg tugging on my boot, her rear end inches from my face.

“Astral! What are you doing?” she asked. Maria came over and slapped her playfully on the shoulder. “You go get him some stew and leave him to me.” Astral pouted a little but left the entry hall.

I finished taking off my boot before I got a good look at Maria. She was short and a little stout but had a nice face, lending to Hispanic her skin was smooth and dark but paler on her legs which had little hair above the knee. She stood before me and asked, ‘What is your name?”

“Josh, Josh Perkins. What’s yours?”

“Maria Bitterwater, here let me help you,” she said and threw her leg over mine and pulled off my other boot. Again her rear end was almost at my nose and I couldn’t help but notice that her robe failed to cover her ass as she bent over. She had nothing under it and was neatly trimmed. She stood and turned saying, “There can I help you with those pants or shirt first?”

She reached to unbutton my shirt but I drew back and asked her, “How did you get the name Bitterwater?” as I unbuttoned my uniform. Her nose turned up a little as I took off the Wool shirt that I had worn for the last two weeks.

“Sorry,” I said. “We moved too quick trying to get here for the Ceremony to take time for a bath and I wanted to save my last uniform for when we arrived.”

“I understand.” She said as she kept the offencive garment at arms length. “My Nth-mother was Bitterwater Clan, so we kept the name,” She said as she took a pouch from the hook and emptied the shirt pockets into the pouch and handed it to me. “Take out what you don’t want washed and put it in this. I’ll go get you a robe.” She turned and left me alone.

I sat down and took off my socks and put them with the shirt, emptied my trouser pockets into the pouch and took my belt out of the belt loops.

Maria returned with a robe of dark red wool and my saddle bags. “Your friends brought these for you,” she said handing me the bags. “You can bring them with you but leave the clothes you want washed on the bench. If it doesn’t rain Astral will have them for you tomorrow night. Come in when your ready and I’ll dip for you.” She turned and went through the drapes into the Baths.

I stripped the rest of the way and put on the robe. I put the pouch in my saddle bag and got out the soap I had saved for this occasion. Ready I went thru the drapes and found Steve and Raule surrounded by mostly robed women.

“Josh you’re almost too late, only one left,” Raule called out. Steve laughed and lay back on the cushions that covered the pedestal in the center of the room. A chandelier hung above it and but gave off little light, even though it had at least 20 candles on it, only five were lit.

Arial came out of the back of the room carrying a steaming bowl and looked at me hopefully. I waved to her and put my bags along side Steve and Raule’s, “Not yet,” I said.

Maria got down off the pedestal, took me by the hand to the rear of the room and took my robe and hung it with hers on the wall. “Set on the stool and I’ll dip.” A low stool was on duck boards next to the wall. I took my soap and sat down.

Maria mixed hot and cold water into a bucket and brought it for me to test. I nodded and she raised it and poured warm water over my head and back. It felt wonderful. She mixed another bucket and poured it over my face and down my front, smiling and said, “I have soap for your hair.”

While I soaped down my body she mixed more water and brought it and the shampoo. Her hands were firm and she washed the dirt, sweat and dust out of my hair.

I soaped my face and she poured water over me to rinse my face and hair. It felt wonderful after all those weeks to finally get clean again.

While I washed and Maria poured, one of the women played guitar flamenco style and once in a while the women joined in singing. I noticed their language was oddly accented and some words had no meaning for me.

Sarge Thompson came into the room from one of curtained alcoves that ringed the room. “Perkins! Just in time,”

Sarge, my team leader was about 45 and was a leader of our Kiva. “You had anything to eat Son?” he asked from across the room.

I wiped water off my face and said, “Not yet Sarge, I wanted to get rid of the trail dust first. Oh! Games said to remind Steve and Raule that they were expected to relieve her for the mid watch.”

Steve rolled over and groaned. He had obviously over extended and I know he was as tired as I.
“Go on get some sleep Steve. You’ve got two hours before your on,” Sarge said

Both he and Raule got off the pedestal, one of the women got up with them and said, “I’ll just get some blankets.” and hurried back through the rear of the room.

By now Maria had a good second lather worked up in my hair and the shampoo tingled my scalp a little. Her hands were firm and thorough and felt very good. I held my nose as Maria poured water on my face and I put my head back to rinse my hair. Dirt that had been in my hair since the dust storm a week ago sluiced over the duck boards and out the drainage beneath.

Sarge settled down on the cushions and took a cup from one of the smiling women. “Thank you gentle lady,” he said and watched as Maria finished rinsing me off. “Have Maria give you a shave Perkins, she’s a deft hand with a razor.”

So weeks of beard and trail grime were expunged and I joined Sarge on the cushioned pedestal. It was warmer up there, the cushions were soft and I almost fell asleep before Astral showed up with a large bowl of goat stew. Lots of vegetables and some beans around the edges but very nicely done and filling. Astral provided tortillas and brought a jug of water and cup.

“So what’s the Drill, Sarge?” I asked between spoonfuls of stew.

Sarge leaned back on a sturdy brown breast and smiled. “Son we are finally here and Mercer is happy, so I’m happy. The girls are on duty, they went with Sue to keep watch on the stores till mid-watch. Then me and the twins have to relieve them. Roy and Bob are asleep and will help you relieve us in the morning. We’ll start building corrals in the morning. You just have to make sure I’m awake in an hour and then you can get some sleep, or perhaps some recreation, Eh?” Maria had put her robe back on and joined me on the pedestal.

I smiled at her and touched her cheek saying, “Thank you for the shave. I haven’t been this smooth for weeks.”

She smiled back and pressed my fingertips softly to her cheek. “Perhaps you can pay me back?” she said.

“Not for an hour, or so I’m afraid.”

“Well eat hearty and rest you’ve come a long way.” She said.

Sarge got up and said,” If they offer you a smoke don’t accept Perkins. The stuff they have here will ruin you for corral building.” Sarge took his bags and found an empty alcove and went to bed, most of the women faded thru the front door then and the girl playing the guitar stopped and joined us on the pedestal.

“”You play very well,” I said as I tried to get a look at her in the dim light.

Astral joined us bringing a plate with fried bread and honey. “That’s Reba, My younger sister.” Reba snuck a glance up at me and giggled into her hand. She was perhaps 15, just filling out as a woman. I smiled at her.

“Here try my poyos,” Astral interjected handing me a slice of poyo dripping with honey. She held her hand under the dripping poyo catching the honey in her palm. I took it with my mouth then licked her fingers then took the other hand and licked up the honey she had caught, all the time looking into her eyes. I could see my tongue had touched off a little flame as she kept her hand out long after I had stopped licking.

I took the last spoonful of stew and finished up the last tortilla. Maria offered me a napkin of fine cloth. One of the trades offered was fine hemp fiber spun into smooth cloth. I felt the smooth texture on my lips and figured it was a good trade.

Maria took my bowl and spoon, handed it to Reba, “Reba put this in the kitchen on your way to bed dear. We have to cut poles tomorrow and you’ll need your rest.”

Reba’s face fell, but she took the bowl and kissed Astral goodnight. I reached out and took her hand thinking I would kiss it and thank her for the music, but when I took her hand she lunged and kissed me full on the lips then fled.

Maria shook her head, she said something I didn’t hear but Astral responded sharply and left the pedestal, Maria just laughed.

I lie back on the cushions and almost fell asleep when I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked up and saw it was Maria who was massaging my leg and smiling. After a short while Astral had changed into a robe and was now tentatively massaging my other leg.

I sat up not sure how long my Kiva training could last. “Ladies Ladies,” I said taking their hands in mine and bringing them to my lips. “We must remember that worshiping the Goddess takes a lot out of a man and I have ridden over a 100 ‘clicks since before sunup. I appreciated your estimate of my stamina, but there are the Rules of my Kiva to be observed.”

Maria stroked my cheek and said, “I’ll trade you the shave?” She smiled. It was a good smile, honest and hopeful.

“Done,’ I took her hand and kissed it, “many thanks for the bath as well.” She reached across and kissed me, both hands in my damp hair. She was a strong woman but she made no resistance when I broke the kiss by nipping her lips with my teeth, just lightly as was recommended in the Kiva Manual.

Now Astral,” I said, after Maria had finally sat beside me.

“The stew and water?” she asked hopefully.

“No,” I said. “How old are you? You must be 18 to consent to the ceremony. And...”

“I am, I am in the old ways. I’m 18 last January,” She interjected.

I smiled at her and thought to myself, “An eager virgin, shit we’ll never get any sleep tonight old son.”

“Well in the new ways, you’re not “Bahia” until after the moon rise tomorrow.” Maria said as she started to lift Astral off the cushions.

Then an explosion of Spanglish and shoving occurred. I made out a Vamoose and something about an Old Cow but honestly I didn’t really pay attention. I just reached over and took both of them by a nipple and said. “Ladies, Ladies.” The strength of my hands and the tender flesh I pinched calmed them down as they both looked down as released my first pressure.

“We need to be civilized, I have to decide and apply the rules of my Kiva. Do you know what that means?” I waited.

Maria spoke first, “The woman told us of your Kiva, how you always do it the same way.”

“And do you know why? We took an oath to Worship the Goddess in all women. Each of you is unique. Each has to be addressed with the respect due a Goddess and her individual needs. My Kiva taught me that it is a great privilege to rebuild the species and that can only be honored by respecting the Goddess in each of you.”

Neither had been proclaimed Goddesses before so they both were smiling. I pressed on, “Come sit and we can discuss it. I need some rest until the midwatch.”

We sat and talked of the Kiva rules; first a trade must occur between the parties then the man washes the woman with soap. Then the union of can be consummated, hopefully a new life will be generated to continue the species a little longer. It had been the policy in all but the Kiva House of Giving in Davis where the rules were different, but I didn’t mention that.

As for Astral’s age it appeared that she was not “Bahia” until after the ceremony and the moonrise tomorrow so I only had Maria to face tonight.

I stepped outside to check angle of the Moon and take a leak. The air was crisp but only chilling due to the short robe. I went back in and called for Sarge. I heard his voice but the candles had waned and it was pretty dark. Maria was fluffing up the cushions in one of the alcoves and Astral was tending the fire in one of the corners. I knew if I laid down I’d never get up so I went up behind Maria grasped her firm buttocks as she was bent over adjusting the sheets and pressed myself against her. She started and stood up, turned and kissed me reaching up to grab my hair. I’d gone too far too soon, I pressed her breasts and slowly got her off me. “Now we can Worship the Goddess,” I said as she settled down.

Sarge came out dressed and put his saddle bags near the door then searched through the alcoves to find Steve and Raule. They got up and dressed in the dim light packed their bags and put them with Sarge’s. In five minutes they were ready to go. They drank some water then left to relieve the girls.

I took Maria by the hand to the duck boards and moved the stool out of the way; I took her robe and hung it up with mine. I got the water mixed so it was very warm and took the dipper with me to where Maria stood naked. In truth the light was very dim and that actually helps, sometimes you have to imagine she is everywoman you’ve ever touched. Maria was only plain, a little fat but her skin was smooth and not too hairy.

I began by pouring water from the dipper on the back of her neck while she held her hair out of the way. I soaped her shoulders and upper back massaging the tension out of her. Then down to her firm butt which I washed thoroughly, sliding my hand between her cheeks. She shivered when I goosed her lightly with my fingertips. When I reached for the dipper to rinse her back Astral came up with a candle and put it in a sconce on the wall then she stepped back and watched.

I rinsed Maria’s back and made her bend over with her hands on her knees so I could dip warm water down her ass crack, working the soap off with my hand, feeling for bumps and pustules that would mean she had any of a number of dreadful diseases. I was pleased to find that she was smooth and soft and very lubricated.

“Why do you do that?” Astral asked from the shadows.

“Well,” I said, “It is about germs, you know what they are?”

“Yes, those are the things that cause disease.”

“Right,” I said, as I dried Maria’s back so she could put her hair down.

“Well,” I said, “We want to make sure that nothing interferes with the impregnation and being clean and freshly washed helps.”

“Impreg whatson?’ Astral asked.

“A baby, washing helps having a baby,” Maria said. “Now stop asking questions.”

I poured water on Maria’s legs from the front and began soaping up her legs. Working from her ankles up, I felt for ticks and fleas and lice, found none and I was happy at that.

I then moved up and poured water over Marias breasts stroking her nipple and cupping her breast. Her nipple reacted and got very hard, her smile more predatory. I changed hands and breasts to give equal time then put down the dipper, got out the soap and massaged her breasts, under her arms and worked down to her belly and back to her breasts. There was 30 centimeters difference in our heights so I leaned down to kiss her and she grabbed me by the hair and this time I didn’t end it. I slipped one hand down to her crotch and began to soap her nested Venus. That was just what she wanted and she charged my hand with her hips and groaned in my mouth. I let this go on for a while until Astral piped up again.

“Why are you groaning like that Maria? This is supposed to be fun.”

Maria stopped ramming my hand, released my hair and let me stand up. She took my hand and rubbed it up and down her wet soapy snatch, saying breathlessly, “Ok let’s see you take that without groaning.”

Astral tossed off her robe and got on the duck boards but I just made Maria lean her shoulders on the wall and spread her legs so I could rinse the remaining soap off her breasts and crotch. “Go get me some warmer water Astral,” and handed her the bucket.

While she was diverted, I whispered in Maria’s ear, “We are still not completed, but let your lust simmer and watch Astral’s face.”

Astral came back with the water now almost too hot.

I poured the dipper over Marias breasts and belly rubbing her nest and stroking her thighs. I used up about half the bucket making sure to get all the soap off her. Then I knelt between her legs and whispered the invocation of the Goddess into her clitoris using my lips and tongue to tease it out of its lair. Maria almost climaxed then and there. I stood her up and kissed her. “Here Astral get the towels and help me dry her,” I ordered.

We dried Maria, who in the semi-darkness of the bath house I was beginning to get a little attached too. Once she had on her robe she took the stool and sat down holding a candle. In the gloom of the now almost dark room in the dark robe her face was lit up like the moon.

Astral was taller than Maria and thinner but her breasts were slightly fuller and her bush, thick and black came up to her hip bones. I smiled at her and maneuvered her so she faced the wall with her hands on her knees. Her hair was short so I didn’t worry about getting it wet. I began to pour warm water down her backbone then I pushed her ass in a little so the stream would trail between her cheeks. I poured a couple of dippers down her back and then soaped up her shoulders while she held her hair up. I turned her so Maria could see her face.

I spoke softly into her ear, “Now the back rub helps us get to know each other a little bit and is very relaxing isn’t it?” My hands slipped down to her ass and I soaped each cheek working from the outside in to feel down to her pussy rubbing and feeling for danger. I rinsed off her back and put her hands on her knees while I soaped up her hind end again and worked down the back of her thighs then back up between them. I was careful with my probing as there could be no penetration until tomorrow night but I was able to confirm that she had been playing trombone for a while. She wasn’t real tight and her lips felt fully developed. In the dark it was hard to tell but she was smooth in all the right places.

Astral hadn’t made a sound all this time so I slid my hand down and stroked her clit from behind for a while. I looked around at her face and she obviously was affected by my efforts but resisting making a sound. I stroked her a little faster and added a wiggle to my fingers as they passed over her enlarging clit. Her hips jerked and she moved to assist the motion.

“You’ll be moaning soon Astral.” Maria said with a laugh. I noticed Maria’s hand was stuffed between her legs under her robe. I had been afraid that all the work up with her would have to be restarted.

I stopped the motion and grasped Astral’s entire labia and squeezed rhythmically. She jerked and bucked a little but kept her eyes shut and her mouth pursed shut. I rinsed her well and rubbed all the soap off. Then I stood her up, poured water over her chest and her eyes sprang open. I leaned down and kissed her, “Feel good?” I asked.

Astral smiled and nodded then pushed her breast against my chest impatiently. The light was low and shadows sharp. The light from Marias candle was blocked by my shoulder so I couldn’t really see Astral’s face and I ended up kissing her nose.

I took up the soap and soaped up Astral’s breasts squeezing her nipples and generally feeling her up. I was sure I could make her climax without penetration and that satisfied the Goddess and the law so I figured I could get to sleep in an hour or so.

I slipped my hand down to her bush and began to massage her clit and her breast at the same time her eyes closed and her lips got tight as she tried to keep from moaning. Her clit was now very erect, a hard nub extended from her hood. I touched it very lightly, running my whole finger over it as I reached down to stroke the opening of her vagina my finger not really pressing too hard. After a couple of minutes she was squirming and jerking, but not making a sound, aside from heavy breathing.

Maria made a soft noise and I looked at her. She was staring bug eyed at Astral’s slit where my finger slipped in and out of her thick bush. Maria’s legs were open and her hand stroking in rhythm with mine. I slowed down and she slowed down, I sped up and she sped up. I played a pantomime with her for a while then slid my hands up to grasp both of Astral’s breasts. Maria slowed her rubbing but kept her fingers between her legs.

Astrals mouth was open now and she was breathing deeply now that I had eased up on her clit. I kissed her on the forehead and began to dip water over her breasts and belly. Her eyes finally opened and she said, “Oh my Josh that was almost like being a goddess.”

“Yes,” I said, “you should feel like a goddess. You have the gift of life and breasts to nurture new life. You should feel proud of being a Goddess.” Now I took my hand and worked her bush to get rid of the soap pouring water on her. “Lean back against the wall.” I said gently.

Astral leaned against the wall and spread her legs, I poured water on her and stroked it to get the soap out of her bush and spread the hair away from her clit. Her clit was still erect so I rubbed it, slowly pouring warm water on it then I knelt and licked it softly. That got to her and she grabbed my head and pulled me to her. I sucked hard on her clit and ran my tongue over it. She moaned and bucked as my finger was stroking her lips while my lips sucked her clit. I felt her spasm and stiffen. “Ahh Ahh Ahh,” was all she could say. I licked faster and faster as she climaxed.

Finally her hands relaxed and fell away from my head I kissed her clit one more time and backed away. I held her as she collapsed and then stood her up. I hadn’t looked at Maria for a while since my face was in Astral’s bush so I held Astral to my chest and turned to see what Maria was doing. She sat stock still as if petrified, slowly her hand came away from her crotch and she began to breathe. I kissed Astral and reached for her robe.

“Oh Josh,” Astral said as I helped her into the robe, she turned and pressed herself against me, the robe still open our flesh touched and bang I was erect. Astral backed away looked down and then took my penis in her hand and squeezed it. I just smiled at her. She let go of me slowly her hand slipping off the tip. It felt good but she was verboten and Maria was waiting. I closed her robe and kissed her. “Now go off to bed, tomorrow we can consummate,” I said and turned to Maria.

Astral kissed me and then Maria. In truth she kissed Maria longer than me, and then she made her way out of the room taking most of the illumination with her. I reached out and dried myself off with a towel and put on my robe then put my arm around Maria and we made our way to the alcove.

As we took off our robes and settled down Maria laughed, “I knew when you licked her she would moan, she always does.”

“What about you? Would you moan if I licked you?”

Maria blew out the candle and flipped over on her back, “Let’s see,” she said. Of course now it was completely dark only the sense of touch was operable so I found my way into Maria’s crotch and licked her for a while. She moaned like the wind in the tall pines.

I turned over on my back and lifted her up on to my lap. “Now I’ve been up since before sunrise and can’t go more than one time so be gentle.” She slipped the tip of my dick into her and began to work her lubrication over it. Deeper and then almost out then she started a steady rhythm and I relaxed waiting for her to climax, running the mantra of the Long Pole Kiva through my mind, “Don’t Cum, Don’t Cum Don’t cum” or words to that effect.

Maria climaxed but didn’t stop and rocked me to sleep.

I woke up when she pinched my nipples. “Aren’t you going to make me a baby?” she asked.

She was still coupled and I was still pretty hard so I flipped her over on her back and pulled her knees up and out and plowed her furrow good and hard. I let go of the mantra and tried to climax, thinking of Astral’s sweet little pussy and Charlotte Jenkins back in Davis.

My memories of Charlotte always worked. She had the softest breasts and smoothest pussy. She always smelled of freesia. Maria was too short to kiss so I put my face in the cushions and thought of Charlotte.

Maria moaned into my chest and rocked her hips and in less than a minute I climaxed. That was it, I hit the wall then. I collapsed on to Maria for a minute then pulled out slowly keeping her hips elevated. I found a cushion to put under her hips and got her situated with her hips up in the air and her arms around her legs. “Stay like that for a while we don’t want my sperm to leak out just yet.” I found the blankets and pulled them up over her and I lay myself down and kissed her softly, squeezing her breast until I fell asleep.


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Daddy Seeds

Note : This story is completely fictional! "! I love your big cock inside me!" panted eighteen year old Menka. "Your pussy is so tight baby! I'm gonna have to nut soon!" moaned daddy!. Menka was spread-eagled on her bed, her flimsy powder blue nightie bunched up around her waist. The top had been pulled down roughly to expose her perky little titties which at the moment were being mauled by daddy! as he fucked his huge prick into Menka's tight hairless pussy. daddy!'s cock was fucking huge. The...

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Reddit Spreading, aka r/Spreading! Don’t you just love it when women spread their pussies wide open and wait for pleasure? Well, that is how all women should be, and on r/spreading/ subreddit, you have a world filled with obedient chicks. So, if you enjoy seeing girls get spread just for the users of Reddit to have some dirty content, I think that you will love what r/spreading/ is all about.Reddit is a free website but is not a pornographic one. Does it have pornographic subreddits with actual...

Reddit NSFW List
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Chapter 1 “School’s Out” Summer had finally arrived. They had been waiting for this day all winter. But, best of all classes were out. They had been going out for several months now and he had been counting down the days till Juliette was free of the clutches of that wretched honors college she went to. He was always very proud to have an amazingly intelligent and beautiful girlfriend such as Juliette. He just missed her while she was in school and longed to spend those long balmy summer days...

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After humanity faced possible extinction, a different threat appearing before them each time they triumphed, they realised that a future on Earth would never be possible, and if they didn't die from a virus, sooner or later, the environment would produce mutants or volcanoes would erupt simultaneously, or a black hole would destroy them all. Point is, they needed to leave. On the year 2222, the Stanchion Research Facility created the Sirius Starship, a spaceship with a mission to carry one...

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Chapter 1 “School’s Out” Summer had finally arrived. They had been waiting for this day all winter. But, best of all classes were out. They had been going out for several months now and he had been counting down the days till Juliette was free of the clutches of that wretched honors college she went to. He was always very proud to have an amazingly intelligent and beautiful girlfriend such as Juliette. He just missed her while she was in school and longed to spend those long balmy summer days...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 1

Jason skimmed in and out of consciousness. It was an hour from the first time he stirred to when he finally sat up. He bonked his head on the ceiling of the alcove he was in. With his feet on the floor, his knees were too high. When he reached out to investigate, his hand overshot. He felt like he had been suddenly put into a body that was two sizes too large. This was very close to the truth. He had fallen asleep at age 11, and he was now 13. A voice spoke from the ceiling. "Good morning,...

4 years ago
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Spreading Seeds Ch 10

I had dreams of Audrey's soft pink pussy the night before. I woke up with a hard on and because I was to be on duty that night, did not even think about pulling my pud. That would have been worse than if I had cum in Audrey the night before. Not only would I waste my seed, I wouldn't have the joy of putting it into Audrey's quivering quim. I got up and went to wash my face and clean up. Mike was in the baths washing when I joined him. Mike had been on duty the night before and was...

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Spreading Seeds Chapt 5 Private Lessons

Chapter 5 - Private Lessons Authors Note: ( This series was originally title "Goat Testical Soup for the first for chapters. I know, bad title, but What the Hell it was my first published work and it was only a joke anyway. "Spreading Seeds" is better, Let me know if you like the title change) __________________________________________________________________________________ The day after the Great Barney Clusterfuck, as it came to be known, we awoke and the girls all left...

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Spreading Seeds Chapt 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...

2 years ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapter 3 Audrey

I was distracted by the blond, Audrey she said her name was. Audrey and I left the pedestal and joined the group that was watching Floyd assist Able in washing one of the Bahia. They were enjoying themselves and Matt and Roger were also washing a brunette that had a magnificent set of breasts, not so much large as perfectly formed and lovely tiny nipples. She basked in the glow of the candles and the attention of eight or ten waiting their turn at the baths as she sighed and let their...

4 years ago
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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 5

When Jason woke up he noticed the difference at once. The furnishings were the same, but there was noticeably more room. The floor felt different -- a little warmer. The air smelled strange too. They had landed on the planet. They had tried to keep his environment as familiar as possible, but they could only go so far. Jason had been spared the mix of stress and excitement that accompanied the landing and frenzied construction. Other people had their tasks. His task was being a reliable...

4 years ago
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Spreading the Word

WARNING: If you are too seriously attached to Christianity you may be offended by elements of this story. If that is the case, then you are probably sinning by reading this type of story anyway and need to get forgiven in whichever way your belief system recognizes. Glenna had a mission in life. She figuratively and literally spread the Word of Salvation as the Director of the “Outreach To Men Ministry” of the “Living Word Missionary Bible Evangelical Church”. This story is how she learned...

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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 2

The next time Jason woke up, his body wasn't much different. He was more muscular, his beard grew heavier, and his cock and balls were noticeably bigger. But it was nothing like going to sleep a boy and waking up sexually mature and lusting after females. He was surprised to find he had only been asleep four months. When he had been up for a day and mostly adjusted to being awake again, Boss told him that he had a special appointment. He was going to see an important man -- the ship's...

2 years ago
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Spreading for TeacherChapter 10

"Well, Fawn, how did it go? With the two?" Jack asked from the doorway. She propped herself up on one elbow and glared at him. "I didn't like it one bit." "Why not? We got the money! I have it here!" "That's nice," she pouted. "Hey, that's not the girl I remember. What happened? They didn't hurt you, did they? I know they're a pair of strange ones, but they're into a mutual trip that seldom involves anyone else in the whips and chains." "Chains? Oh my...

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Spreading Seeds Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Audrey in the Baths I had been in Burney almost three months now and had settled into a routine. There are some routines that are dull and boring, but mine wasn’t. I would get off duty and go to dinner, go to my room in the Kiva and put on my robe and shave, and then I’d go to the Bathes. Most nights I’d just sit on the pedestal and talk to the women as they socialized with each other, some nights I’d have a woman take me into an alcove for an insemination. It depended if I...

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Spreading Seeds Chapt 6 Dinner with Mom

Chapter 6 - Dinner with Mom I entered the mess hall and looked around for Audrey. I didn’t see her but I saw Raule and Bob standing in the corner and I walked over to see them. “Hey,” I said as I came up to them. “Hey, “Bob answered. “Sarge has been looking for you all afternoon. You need to talk to him.” “What about?” I asked. I didn’t like the sound of it. Sarge had told me to take the day off, early that morning, and the get Astral to show me around. He had fixed it so she...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 8

"Here it is, Jack. Two hundred dollars." Fawn looked at the money as she turned it over to her man with some wistfulness. That was a lot of money. More than she'd ever seen. "Only two hundred!" he exclaimed. "Those cheap bastards! They said they'd come through with two-fifty." "What do you mean?" "I mean this isn't enough. We need another fifty dollars. I can put this down on the fifth race if I hurry." "No! I don't think you should be gambling like you do. Remember how it...

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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 3

"Good morning, Jason," said the robot. "What would you like?" He had a headache and he was groggy, but he managed to say, "Sccccchhhh ... Sex!" His long nap (two years, as he found out later) had made him horny. "Certainly, a female is waiting for you in room 241." Jason stumbled into the hallway, his erection rising as he thought about pussy. It didn't matter what pussy. Any wet opening between a girl's legs, under that tuft of hair -- that would do just fine. In room 241, a...

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Spreading Seeds Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - Bahia Gifts We got back to town while the sun was still well above the horizon and followed Amelia through town. I had expected her to take us to the building where they had the dinner for Marylyn and Rachel’s retirement but she kept climbing the hill and we found a gigantic concrete wall obstructing our path. Two doors over six meters high occupied one side of the wall. Amelia said, “We can leave the horses here, the girls will take care of them, but it is a long walk to...

4 years ago
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Spreading the Culture

People saw the Amazons of Themyscara as the zenith of both womanly empowerment and peaceful society. This is only half right. Wonder Woman and all Amazons have all long since become misogynists and sex addicts due to changes Zeus implemented in the Greek Pantheon over the millennia, and when Diana declared she would go and 'Save the World of Man' she didn't mean she was going to banish evil and uphold justice- though she did end up doing that anyway- what she really meant was she was going to...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 3

"Virgin cunt, huh? I'll be damned," came a soft voice from across the room. Fawn looked up, suddenly frightened. She hadn't known she had an audience to her very first lay. Standing by the door, picking his fingernails clean with the long bladed knife was Ears. He was looking like a cat that had just eaten a canary. From the look on his face, Fawn knew what Ears was thinking about. She tried to chastely cover up her cunt and failed. Jack was in the way. "Hey, don't bother hiding that...

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Spreading Seeds Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Able and Amelia I awoke in the morning in warm sunshine. Audrey was in my arms. I kissed her before slipping away and thought I’d made a clean get away when Audrey said, “Don’t go.” “I have to,” I said. I really did. I had to pee so badly. She got up and took my hand and led me to a door and inside was a urinal and a toilet. I didn’t even wait for her to close the door before I started to drain the dragon. She hadn’t left but was peering over my shoulder. I reached for...

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Spreading Seeds Chapter 2 The First Day

(Author’s note- This is the second chapter of a long story. I invite comments on my work and hope you like it.) Dawn had already broken when I was awakened by Reba’s tentative poking, I turned over, and she said gravely, “El Hefi wants you in twenty minutes, she said.” She pulled back the alcove drapes and stood there smiling and not looking for a long instant until Astral called her away. I got dressed in my clean uniform and fresh socks, my boots had been cleaned and were left in...

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Spreading the Bible of Bimbo

As Faith and the Bimbo Squad were picked up at the air port in Dallas to speak at a women in business conference she could not help but to think that Erin and Sara the 2 women picking them up in a large limo would make good bimbos. This would be the test of turning women into bimbos outside of the controlled environment for Faith and her team. In the limo Faith sat between Erin and Sara and as the 90 minute ride to the conference started Faith started rubbing both women's cunts through their...

Mind Control
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Spreading the Holiday cheer

Hi All - Hope all you sissy, CD, TV, TG sluts got what you wanted form Santa I was at the top of his naughty list so I got dresses, skirts, garter belt, bras, panties, tights, so many stockings, a new set of falsies, slip, a retro girdle and lots of makeup. (will be posting pics of my new outfits this week)Anyway, last night I was trying on a few of my new things felt so pretty. I was thinking about all those who did not get anything from Santa so I thought it would be a nice thing to visit one...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 2

Fawn nervously brushed back a strand of her auburn hair as she approached Jack Harris' apartment. She'd followed him home so many times it was as if she was coming home. For all the times she had trailed him here, though, she'd never once been inside his apartment. There had never been any reason for her to go inside. Not until today. Today she would have her fondest dreams come true. Boldly, with more courage than she really felt, she knocked on the door. It took a few seconds for her...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 4

The next day's history class dragged by. Jack had told Fawn he wanted to see her after class. She could hardly wait. Thoughts of them sneaking off to his apartment and screwing again filled her head. That would drive away the dull ache deep in her gut. The bell rang and Jack said, "Okay, class. Take off. Have a nice weekend." The last words were spoken to an empty classroom-- empty save for Fawn. "Come on up here, Fawn," he told her. "I want to know if you were serious about saying...

2 years ago
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Spreading for TeacherChapter 5

Fawn quickly left the school. The deserted hallways gave her the creeps. She was sure that the teachers were lurking behind the doors, just waiting to pounce on her. And she had this gut- level feeling that all of them had been watching her seduce Big Jim. She smiled to herself at the thought. It didn't really matter, she decided. So what if they had been watching? She'd enjoyed the bout with the basketball player. Never in her fifteen years had she seen a prick so huge, so powerful. It...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 6

Fawn raced to the bed and jumped on it like a small kid. She let the springs bounce her around, then flopped onto her back. She lifted her legs, feet planted firmly on the softly yielding surface to see what it would be like. She decided she liked it. The bed was ever so much softer than the floor, even with the carpet. Rocking back and forth, she found to her delight that she could probably get one hell of a good fucking just from the bed's spring action. She let out a low moan of...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 7

Fawn dragged through classes the entire day. She simply wasn't used to being up all night and having Jack up all night, too. As she came into Jack's history class--the last of the day-- he told her, "Fawn, I've got to talk with you after class. Don't run off. This is important." "Sure, uh, Mr. Harris." She'd almost slipped and called him Jack. With that gossip Phyllis standing beside her, it was a good thing she'd remembered in time. As it was, Phyllis said, "Boy, are you ever...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 9

Jack came in while Fawn was still sprawled on the bed. The softness of the bedspread made her feel lazy, cozy, even safe and secure. "Well, did the old coot leave the money with you?" asked Jack. "Huh? No. I thought you'd gotten it." "Damn son of a bitch!" Jack exclaimed. "He ripped us off. And there's not a goddamn thing we can do. He'd can me in a second if I tried to put the bite on him. And you, well, there's no telling what he would do to you if I got him pissed." "You...

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Spreading for TeacherChapter 11

"No, Ears, no!" shouted Jack. "You can't do this. I'll pay up, honest I will. Just as soon as I get the money. I..." There was a dull thunk as a meaty fist splattered Jack's nose across his face. "No blood here, damn your eyes. Get him out. Now, damnit, now!" The two thugs lifted Jack from the bed and dragged him out. Fawn tried to follow, but Ears grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her back into the bedroom. "You just cool it, kiddo. You're not going to be seeing that...

3 years ago
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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 4

"Good morning, are you feeling rested, Jason?" asked Dr. Watkins. "Better now." He had worked off his post-thawing horniness with Sally, wasting precious semen to preserve and strengthen the partnership that anchored his emotional life. "We debated about whether to tell you this, but we ultimately thought we ought to. We realized that treating you with extra testosterone and not telling you about it was at the least disrespectful." "I agree," he said, memories coming back to him...

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Tales of the Seeding

Eleanor It seems silly saying so now, but I was nervous about the seeding. I guess we all were, except for Rosemary. They tell you all sorts of things, girls getting hurt, girls dying. I guess they do that to make sure you've exercised and ready. It's a lot of work, you know, getting ready. We all made preparations and did the exercises. I had my sister help. She'd had her seeding three years ago, and she showed me just how to position my mound to maximize the length of the shaft thrust...

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The Witch Seed

This is the eleventh story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the second one, A Change of Heart. The Miracle Legacy A Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight Grendel and Beowulf The Dark Legacy The Witch Seed By Morpheus I walked along the side of...

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Eat The Seed

My wife, Jill and I have known Carl and Emma for years. We've gone camping together and, once, the four of us went to a beach resort in Puerto Rico for a vacation. Jill and I have been married for a little over eleven years and our friends have been married for seven. All of us keep in good shape. My wife is five foot three inches, has nice C-cup breasts and a shapely butt. Emma, by contrast, is five foot ten inches, is thin with A-cup tits and a tight ass. Carl, surprisingly, is shorter than...

Oral Sex
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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 1 Two Sisters in Need of Their Brothers Seed

Chapter One: Two Sisters in Need of Their Brother's Seed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Las, God of Lust – The Aquamarine Palace The storm howled around the...

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The Venus Seed

The Venus Seed By: Erapuer - [email protected] In the summer of 2000, a fellow colleague named John Nash and I received a grant from the University of Geneva to study a plant located somewhere in the Amazon rain forest. Fresh out of college, we were determined to prove ourselves within our small scientific community of various botanists and biologists. The plant officially had no name because it had never been documented in any scientific journals but the local word for it...

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Getting Knocked Up By Some Black Thugs Seed

I'm not gay. Really. I'm not. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I'm bisexual. I a married, 42 year-old father of four with a wife, a girlfriend and a career as a fitness consultant for a national media chain. I own a home in a California suburb and another three properties from an Arizona mini-ranch to a duplex in Oakland, CA. Now I'm not queer but every man has a vice right? Mine gets a little nasty. Every few weeks I'd retreat to one of my homes and spend some quality "alone"...

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Speading His Seed

Justin chuckled to himself as he brought 4 packs of condoms at the store and got an big smile from the checkout girl. If she only knew what I have planned out. Maybe it was overkill; after all, he was going to get the girls blind drunk first. Maybe a simple pinprick or tear would do too; he didn't care. This way he knew for sure that there was going to be an ample hole for his seed to seep through. He looked at his watch. 8:21PM. Perfect. He stuffed a handful of the condoms into his pocket,...

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Cunt refill with Black Seed

Ohhh now I had my black baby, who was a very big boy sliding out of me, just like Daddy with a fatty cock in the making, even had his 1st hard-on, erection whilst sucking my big swollen milkers! He clamps onto my big nipples and sucks for Jamaica! My black stud says he loves white titty milk! I am so full and splashing milk all over the place! My feeding bra is always soaked with milk, it soaks and stains my blouses too?I met a new black stud, he called Victor. I was out with baby in his pram...

1 year ago
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My First Time Seeded

That summer in 1975 I had discovered my Dads Porno stash. Three super 8 reels of hardcore sex. I had viewed them over and over and I knew every frame of intense pleasurable raw sex. They were made by Swedish Erotica, no sound but I knew what they was saying. I had seen some Playboys and Penthouse photos, but nothing like this. I knew I had to share it....School had just started back and I was coming in contact with friends I hadn’t seen since last time at school. David just turned 13 and was a...

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Whose Seed

Karin was a romantic. Karin was a slut. Herein lies the dilemma of this tale. After years of soaking up romance novels, Karin finally had her buttons pushed the right way and in a candlelit boudoir, had her “flower pedals plucked”. It was dreamy and she indulged twice a week after that with the man of her dreams. When that romance faded she’d go back to reading until another Prince Charming could open the gates to her semen receptacle. The pattern lasted for a couple of years until this last...

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Sacred Seedings

Brenda is a natural “high priestess”. She is a “Substantial Figure” in body and personality. Quite beautiful with dark brown eyes, full lips, more than 6 ft tall, long blond hair, a very full but shapely figure with a firm bosom equal to two average women. She exudes a strong but warm personality. It was discovered at puberty that she had congenitally absent fallopian tubes. She still had menstrual periods and a high libido. Realizing that she could not possibly get pregnant turned her loose,...

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The Bad Seed

'The Creep', that's what they call you. It started when you were a kid, when you discovered you could get inside people's heads and fuck with their lives. Nobody knew that you were doing it, only that they got a weird vibe from you when you did. They blamed the feeling on the strange way you used to watch them, with a kind of single-minded intensity, like you were staring at bugs in a jar. No one took kindly to it, but a lot of people were too afraid of you to do anything about it. Those people...

Mind Control
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Milena need for seed

After milena posted a request on a cumslut adding site, in order to quench her thirst of cum, she didn't expect any answer so fast.A sex shop owner organize a cumparty for her. During the walk from her condo, she can't stop thinking about semen, thick veiny dick swollen with cum,spurting theirs man juice on her face, in her mouth.When she arrived at the backdoor of the sexshop, it was opened with a banner where it's wroten "Enter here, ye who is cum thirsthy"As milena was aroused by the banner...

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A Womans Seed

A Woman's Seed By Sixgun Her name was Lynn. I had fantasized about her for several years, and my teenage fantasies had delved into near obsession. She was much older than my eighteen years, as she was probably more like forty. The only other problem is that she was my best friend's mom. The two of them had a large home, and only my best friend Bobby, Lynn and one young worker lived there. His name was Lance, and he was kind of a driver/gardener guy or something. Anyway,...

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Rare Earth Rare Seed

Sentences within one asterisk are private thoughts; sentences within two asterisks are shared or 'Voiced' thoughts. It's not an ideal method of distinguishing thought from dialogue, but it's what there is. The helicopter banked over the valley one more time and then turned, heading back to the airstrip. I sat back and did calculations in my head. Numbers don't lie, and the numbers said this was going to be the big one. I closed my eyes, ignoring the chopper pilot, the way I ignore most...

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The Demon seed

But it was real. These creatures – these demons – were all too real. Three feet tall, their flesh was opalescent white with a myriad of colors delicately marbling through it. They were ethereally beautiful in face and form; lean, muscular and terrifying because of their relentlessness. Once they had their prey in sight, they ran that prey to ground without stopping. Their stamina could not be exhausted, but hers could. She’d already watched her two roommates be consumed by her pursuers,...

2 years ago
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My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and with her long blonde hair and dazzling smile she still looked terrific.Sarah is rather a chatty girl, often...

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Full Of Black Seed

Max watched his pregnant wife roll off the couch and race into the bathroom to vomit. Morning sickness again. She was now 4 months pregnant with a black baby. Unbelievable. His friends back home would never understand but Max was cool with it all. Mainly because he had set the whole thing up.From the first his pretty young wife Haley had been excited and interested in the swingers life style. She was only 19 when they married and the thought of fucking just one man for the rest of her life was...

3 years ago
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Wish Shift Seed

Wish Shift: Chapter Seventeen Seed Year 1 A.S. Day 91 Grandma sauntered out of the trailer wearing a red and white bikini. She had her auburn hair pulled back and she was wearing a pair of oversize sunglasses. She lay down on the folding lawn chair and started rubbing tanning lotion into her skin. Jenny giggled to herself and tried to imagine her as she was before wearing that bikini and just couldn't picture it. She turned back to cranking the blower on the coals to get them...

4 years ago
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Color of the Seed

It was my volunteer night at the homeless shelter when I saw her in a corner, the darkest one in the room. As I walked her way to make her welcome, since I’ve never seen her before, she seemed to shrink as if to hide. My greeting was not responded to. Peering out of the shadowy hoodie was a Hispanic face with a very dark skin color. I went to get one of our translators. Martina, who was also a social worker whom I had known for many years, was a big help. The girl, at least that was our...

1 year ago
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Full Of Black Seed

Max watched his pregnant wife roll off the couch and race into the bathroom to vomit. Morning sickness again. She was now 4 months pregnant with a black baby. Unbelievable. His friends back home would never understand but Max was cool with it all. Mainly because he had set the whole thing up. From the first his pretty young wife Haley had been excited and interested in the swingers life style. She was only 19 when they married and the thought of fucking just one man for the rest of her life was...

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Planting the seed

The big-titted brunette, already naked and laying on her back on the bed with her legs spread, nodded at her Hubby. "Yes please," was all she managed to get out between her heavy breathing in anticipation of the first cock entering her cunt. "So all 20 will be ejaculating inside your vagina-" "You mean dumping cum loads in her cunt!" One of the men called out, followed by sniggers from a few others. "All 20 will fuck you bareback as many times as possible, as long as they can...

2 years ago
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Bad Seed

An hour later she'd made the space port with still no pursuit at all. Cripes! Were they really that nonchalant about the whole business? Boarding the space liner she kept her guard up, it had saved her in the past and she wasn't about to stop. Finally alone in her cabin she removed the vial from the protective case. Opening it up, she looked at her loot. Damn if it didn't appear to be a vial of...? What the hell? Semen? Smirking she thought well guess it takes all kinds. She'd be...

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