Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 17
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The next time Jason woke up, his body wasn't much different. He was more muscular, his beard grew heavier, and his cock and balls were noticeably bigger. But it was nothing like going to sleep a boy and waking up sexually mature and lusting after females.
He was surprised to find he had only been asleep four months.
When he had been up for a day and mostly adjusted to being awake again, Boss told him that he had a special appointment. He was going to see an important man -- the ship's medical officer. He made his way down narrow corridors that took him far away from where he had lived all his life. He opened the door and just walked in.
What he found was composed of elements dimly familiar from pictures he had seen online, but he had never dreamed such a thing would be aboard their ship.
There was a plush red carpet on the floor. The walls were lined with polished wooden bookcases and filled with real books. He had played with a book when he was younger, but it was just a sort of curiosity -- like a toy. There was a desk, also of wood, and a large swiveling chair behind the desk, a simpler one in front of the desk.
Most unusual was the man. He was an older gentleman. He had gray hair and some wrinkles on his face, and he wore a dark suit.
"Sit, sit," he said, indicating the smaller chair, then sat himself.
"So you're Jason," he said, looking the boy up and down. He held a manilla folder in his hand. "Jason Bobreau" was printed on the tab. Jason knew his last name, though it had played little role in his life. He had been the only "Jason" among his peers, so no last name was needed.
"I'm Dr. Stanley Morgan, the chief medical officer on this ship."
Jason wasn't sure what to say, so he nodded.
"This ship currently has about 1,800 people aboard, and we have just found out that you are the most important person of all."
Jason stared blankly. This made no sense.
"I figured that would get your attention."
"You are so important that they woke me up from deep freeze to tell me about you and approve the new plan," he said and chuckled.
Jason realized that he must be one of the three original men who had been frozen all those years!
"Let's take the bigger picture. First, tell me everything you know about our mission."
Jason did his best to describe what he knew. It was presumably relevant now in a way that it had never been before, and he surprised himself at how much he remembered.
"That is very good, Jason. You are a fairly intelligent boy, and that will be a benefit for us all." He looked Jason up and down. "Maybe not the most handsome," he said mostly to himself, "but that isn't so important."
The older man in the suit continued. "We have continued to receive reports from the robotic probes on our new planet during our voyage. We knew the environment would be challenging, but a new and worrisome challenge became apparent. Do you know what radiation is?"
Jason wracked his brain but had to shake his head.
"It's rays that are emitted from certain rocks. That's not important. What's important is that it is poisonous to humans, and there is a lot of it on our new planet. A lot more than we thought when we left earth. It will severely limit the areas we can live in."
"A baby was born a few weeks ago, a little girl named Eve, who has a remarkable ability to tolerate radiation. Not that we actually gave her radiation, but her tissue samples show she can tolerate it. She is your daughter."
Jason sat up, surprised.
"Oh, I guess no one told you. You have ... seven daughters. Congratulations, papa!" he said, holding out his hand.
Jason had seen handshakes but he had never shaken anyone's hand before.
Dr. Morgan gave a quick smile and drew his hand back.
"Surely you knew we were trying to get you to father some children?"
Jason nodded. He had known it in theory, but to think that he would go to sleep and wake up what seemed an instant later and have actual little squirming daughters -- that hadn't quite sunk in.
Something flashed in his mind. If he was a very important person, he figured he could ask. "Is one of them Sally's?"
Dr. Morgan looked back at the chart. "Sally, Sally, ah yes, Sally! There's a note here about you and Sally." He read a little more and chuckled, "Here's one about you and Tina," and wagged his finger at Jason. "Against orders, and in the bathroom!"
Jason turned noticeably pink.
"No, no, think nothing of it, my boy!" he said, waving his hand in dismissal. "We're all lusty humans, she is a very lusty one, and it's good that you have a very healthy sex drive."
Jason relaxed.
"Anyway, yes, one of the girls is Sally's, though not the one we are so interested in."
"Who's the mother of that one?"
"Donna, Donna..."
"Your first! Does that help jar your memory?"
Of course he remembered his first time, though her name hadn't come to him right away. He could still feel that sensation -- the first orgasm of his life. He hadn't been totally sure he had gotten the stuff into her instead of shooting it on her belly before he got connected. Apparently he had.
"Anyway, it appears there is a gene that conveys resistance to radiation poisoning. It's recessive, which means when a person gets two copies, they have this resistance. Apparently you have a copy and Donna has a copy, and they lined up in your baby."
Jason shook his head and turned his hands palm up.
"Ah, yes, you probably haven't studied genetics, have you..."
Jason shook his head.
"The important thing is, you've got something in your genes -- your heredity -- that can make people resistant to radiation poisoning. You know that children inherit traits from their parents?"
Jason nodded. How much of an idiot did this guy think he was?
"It's kind of like blue eyes!" he said. "You know how sometimes two people with brown eyes have a blue-eyed child?"
Jason nodded. That he was familiar with.
"But a lot of brown-eyed people could never have a blue-eyed child no matter how many they had, even if they mated with a blue-eyed person?
"Imagine a situation where blue eyes were incredibly rare. Almost everyone is like that brown-eyed person who can never have a blue-eyed child. Almost as rare as the blue eyes are people who can have blue-eyed children. You and Donna are those people. You don't have blue eyes yourselves, but your daughter does."
Jason kind of got it.
"We are very interested in you and Donna both having as many children as you can. Unfortunately, Donna can only have about one a year. We're going to try harvesting some of her eggs, but it doesn't work so well. Nowhere near as well as on earth.
"You, on the other hand, can have children. Lots and lots of children. Have you heard of artificial insemination?"
Jason got a puzzled look. It sounded familiar.
"It's where we take that sperm -- the stuff you ejaculate -- and divide it into little tiny blobs and inject it into women. At least that's the way we'd do it with you and girls and women who can get pregnant easily. But the sad fact is that artificial insemination doesn't work here in space -- or at least not on this ship, in this space, right now. We don't know why.
"So it seems that the way for you to have lots of children is the way you were doing it last time you were up. The old-fashioned way. But it isn't too bad, right? You didn't mind?"
Jason grinned.
"This gene is so important that if we could, we'd have you father every single baby we make aboard ship from now on. We probably can't quite pull that off, but we're going to try -- or I should say, mostly, you're going to try -- um, if you're willing."
Jason decided to try his hand at genetics. "So Donna and I will try to have more kids, right?"
"But unless there happens to be another woman like Donna on board, we won't get any others, will we? I mean, it's not very likely, is it?"
Dr. Morgan smiled. "Very reasonable conclusion. But the outlook is much rosier than that. Because even if there's no one else on board like Donna, and even if Donna died tomorrow, half of your children will be people who are like you and Donna who can themselves have those radiation-resistant babies a quarter of the time."
"A quarter?"
Dr. Morgan waved his hand. "The exact numbers aren't important. But the point is that somewhere between an eighth and a quarter of your grandchildren will be those special people like your daughter, even if there was no Donna."
"But I thought Donna was half of the reason we could make that daughter."
"That's true," he said. "Donna was most vital for letting us discover what you have. But she's not vital to making more."
Jason shrugged.
"In any case," Dr. Morgan said, rising. He leered and said, "Time to get fucking, my boy!" Perhaps realizing he should retain some professionalism, he said, "I should say, time to start inseminating fertile females."
Jason remembered how a handshake went, and reached out his hand.
Dr. Morgan took it and smiled.
"Now, if you ever need anything, if you have any questions, use this email ID," he said, handing Jason a card. "The robots and relevant people will know to let you have anything you need, but sometimes things don't go according to plan. You can also punch this code," he said, pointing to a series of four numbers on the card, "on any of the communication pads and you will get attention -- fast."
There were little numeric pads built into the walls in various places, including one in each room, but he had never thought they had any relevance to him.
"Where would you guess your first stop should be?" he asked.
Dr. Morgan smiled.
But then Jason paused. "What about Sally? I want to see Sally."
Dr. Morgan's smile vanished.
"Ah, Sally, Sally. You think she's wonderful, don't you..."
"She is wonderful."
"OK, sure, she is wonderful. Here's the problem. Do you remember how just before she went to sleep Sally was telling you not to have sex with those girls who were watching? And how you felt guilty about it?
"Yeah," he said.
"That's totally natural -- part of being human. The problem is, we need you to be fully interested in having sex with as many women as possible, without guilt, without any hindrance. We're worried that if you see Sally, those old concerns will come back."
Jason thought. "OK," he said, "but if I'm pissed off because you're not letting me see Sally, I'll be even less effective at fathering babies, don't you think?"
Dr. Morgan sighed. "Yes, yes, of course." He stroked his chin. "How about tomorrow? You can see Sally tomorrow?"
"OK," Jason said.
Jason paid a visit to the nursery -- two separate ones, actually, because for whatever reason of organization and efficiency his mothers were in different groups.
Six mothers introduced him to their joint daughter. He joked with the mothers about the one matter-of-fact sex act that had conceived their child. He held the babies, and looked into their eyes as they looked into his. It was a sweet and tender moment. Flesh of his flesh. Now his job was to make more of them.
He would meet his seventh daughter the next day when he met Sally. The last one of the six was Donna and her baby Eve.
"So this is the girl who will change the world," he said.
"Yeah, this is her. Isn't she adorable?"
"Yes, she really is. She doesn't look any different from the others, though, do you think?"
"What do you mean she's not different? She's the most beautiful of all!"
"Well, yes, I can see that -- she really is!" he said, savvy enough to know why she was upset. "She just doesn't look, well -- strange, if you know what I mean."
"No, of course not. She's special in her chemicals, not the rest of her."
"Guess so."
He held the dear little thing. This was the incredibly rare baby who was resistant to radiation poisoning. He wasn't resistant, but he was the most important person on the ship, not her. Sometimes he got why that was, and other times the understanding vanished.
"We're supposed to make another one," Jason said, looking at her.
"Yeah, and I hope it can be a little nicer than before!" she said.
"Sure," he said. "It was my first time, so I was totally clueless." After a pause, "Guess I knew enough to make you pregnant, though."
"Instinct. Like any male animal. You got the sticky stuff in my wet stuff, and that's all it takes."
"You're making me hard," he said.
"It is the right time of month," she reflected, looking down.
"Huh, I guess Dr. Morgan knew that or he wouldn't have suggested I come here first?"
"That's creepy."
"Yeah." He continued with a smoky tone, "So, where should we go so I can make love with you?"
She looked at him, "Make love? Hey, don't overdo it!"
They both laughed, and he felt relieved.
Their eyes met and the laughter died. "Now?" she asked.
"OK," he asked. "Guess we've got to find a room."
Donna asked a robot in the next room as she handed her baby off to his care, and the answer was quick. The top of a pair of those small mating rooms was free right around the corner.
The two 14-year-olds climbed in and shut the door behind them. They stripped without fanfare and turned to each other as they lay on the bed. Jason's penis was hard in anticipation of fucking this hot girl.
He nudged her legs apart with his hand, reaching in to rub as he had been taught.
She smiled, but after a moment took his hand and held it still. "You're the father of my baby," she said earnestly. "That's special."
"Yeah, it is," he said. It was true, of course, but it seemed to mean more to her than him.
"And you'll be the father of my next one too..." She thought a moment. "We ought to get married!"
"Ummmm," said Jason. They both knew enough from their lessons to know about monogamy. "I'm going to be sleeping around."
She laughed. "OK, yeah, you're not a very good catch." He knew she was joking, but there was something wistful in her tone as well.
"So, back to making another baby?" he asked.
"Yeah," she said. Still holding his hand, she took a couple fingers and rubbed them a little slower than before in a slightly different place. Then she let go and he kept up the motion she had showed him.
He wanted to roll onto her and stick his penis up inside her, but needed to wait for her to get ready. He looked at her from time to time with a significant expression, but mostly he looked down below where he was rubbing. She closed her eyes and began breathing a little faster.
"OK," she said at last, lying back and spreading her legs wide.
He got into position above her, she spread her lips, and he pushed in. When they were fully engaged, he lay down on her, holding himself up enough not to crush her, but lay his head beside hers on the mattress and looked away. He was tired of this significant glances business.
But unlike their first encounter, he didn't spurt right away. He kept up his thrusting for several minutes. It felt really good, and she was panting and moaning too. No harm in holding a reasonable length of time to see if she could have an orgasm. But he was only going to wait so long.
A minute later she moaned and shivered and said, "Yes!"
With the girl satisfied, he just concentrated on his own fuck strokes, getting more pleasure with each thrust, the pleasure building and building.
"Aaaaah, Mmmmm," he said. "Have ... a ... BABY!" he moaned as he splatted her innards for the second time.
He got dressed without looking at her, and she shortly followed his lead.
"I hope we made another special baby," he said.
"Yeah, me too," she said, stroking his face with her hand.
He patted it and removed it, then took off.
He exercised, then turned to his computer and read some stuff before playing a few games.
The message came up on his screen. "Can you meet Linda in room 181 at 7pm?"
"OK," he typed. The map showed him exactly where room 181 was.
"Hi," he said as he joined her and shut the door behind him. She really wasn't such an attractive girl, at least she wasn't his type. But she had breasts and hips and a hairy mound which promised that a warm and welcoming vagina could be found just below.
"It's my first time!" she said. "And we're going to make a baby!"
"Yeah, that's the plan."
He rubbed her between the legs. He could feel that significant look she kept giving him, making it clear that she thought what they were doing was Very Important. He didn't hold her gaze, though. He loved fucking these girls; he'd never tire of that. But it was just fucking and fathering children. He was weary of girls thinking this was all very special. As the minutes went by and she gave no sign of feeling aroused, he found he was getting bored, and he sighed.
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For Josh and Melanie the first look at the Olsons' house was sobering. It had two stories, with the first floor made of masonry and the upper floor showing aged pine wood sidings. It was small by Southern California standards, puny for Beverly Hills dwellers. A well worn Jeep Cherokee was in the drive way, covered by at least a half foot of snow. Even more snow covered the roof of the house and the small garage. They alighted from the rented Suburban that Josh had arranged to wait for them...
Jimmy Walcott was arriving in his office a little bit late on that December 24. His wife June had demanded that he mounted the Christmas tree in the old cast iron stand before he left, but now he had a few hours to set up the servers for the holiday. Christmas or no Christmas, the people who frequented his websites would be expecting fresh meat. Jimmy was operating a total of seven websites that showed nothing but celebrity material, pics and videos, nudes and embarrassing moments, glamour or...
By January 3, David, Melanie and Josh were back in L.A. They had all gone to the New Year's Eve gig of the Clearwater Posse and had great fun. Of course, with David in his wheelchair, there had been no dancing. Melanie spent most of the night with her small tushy parked in David's lap. A few snide remarks and veiled accusations were made, but there was also a great number of people who were genuinely happy when David did a brief demo of his improving leg control. That night, Melanie also...
The weekend in Yosemite never materialized since Mel had to visit a director on location in Arizona. It went on from there. After two weeks, Mel did not even apologize anymore. If he was lucky she told him when she'd be back from wherever she was going, if not he would spend days without hearing from her. It was a painful process for David, but after four weeks he had to accept that the fairy tale was over. Mel was back to being an actress and David increasingly felt like somebody who had...
Judy and Dani came to LA for David's graduation. The mood was tense and David had the distinct impression that neither his mother nor his sister were particularly happy with his decisions. This did not come unexpected for him and he shrugged it off. He was done trying to make others happy. It was time for him to reinvent himself after his own fashion. Melanie was notably absent from the celebrations, something that ticked off Dani even more. When they had all got their diplomas and had...
Melanie had been traveling light, but never as light as this. They were riding David's scooter along the coastal motorway, heading for Barcelona. The warm summer air was flowing around them and she felt supremely at ease. It had taken perhaps two hours to persuade David to come along, but he had insisted on taking the scooter, making it a long two-day trip instead of a one-hour flight. In spite of her original trepidations, Melanie was enjoying the trip. The beautiful landscape of the...
Ten thousand miles to the West, Melanie was also getting a head start on her junior year by working as a student helper at LAC-USC university hospital. By chance, she was assigned to the emergency room, the same place where she and David had been admitted a little over a year before. She was seeing a lot of traffic accident victims coming in, and some cases gave her a realization of how lucky she and even David had been. Worse than that were the crime victims brought in by the police and...
David, too, was back into the grind of student life. His semester had started with a week of orientations where he and his fellow students learned what awaited them in the first clinical year. Medical school was different in Continental Europe, comprising six years and starting right after secondary school education. The first two years were devoted to the preclinical training, science classes, Anatomy, Math and Statistics. This was pretty much but not completely comparable to David's...
During the next four days, both David and Melanie were busy catching up with their classes. The American opening of Lockout was scheduled for Friday evening, but Melanie had to be on the set of a popular late night show in Burbank for the 3 p.m. taping. They showed a clip from Lockout after which she was interviewed. You look great, great movie, how was it shooting in France, will you go to the next Clippers game? She answered the benevolent questioning, smiled a lot, showed a bit of leg in...
Two weeks later, the Hartwell/Olsen/Renault household was breaking camp. Suitcases and duffel bags were stuffed with clothes, laptops were backed up for security, and last minute arrangements made. Then, on early Saturday, they boarded a regular flight to Missoula, hogging almost the entire business class of the small plane. Dani was flying high on a cloud. She’d been noticed by talent scouts from USC, UCLA and ASU and offers were coming in. It also helped that she came from a respected prep...
The Genesis Club By Saintly Somehow, I knew it would end up like this. I looked down at my body, a soft curve of a taunt belly, rolling into gently curving hips, thighs and small, soft feet. I felt small, but in a safe way, the way you can feel when you are gently wrapped up in a warm blanket by a friend... or lover. =-= "Jim, bro, its time to forget." "Forget? She was with that little bastard! Forgetting that is like... like I don't know but it's a tragedy!" "Hey man, I...
Vulcan here; what I am about to do is take a massive step in my long journey toward carnal ecstasy. Me being an adventurous creature, all the experiences in the Genesis series were true happenings in my life and in the interest of keeping identities a secret, all names and other demographics will be aptly substituted or omitted entirely. The content is explicit, and primarily about THICK middle aged WOMEN. It’s a long chronicle (writing is on-going) with interspersed very detailed sexual...
Please note: I do not play DDR in real life. My only attempt at it led to a broken ankle, which took 6 months to heal. :-) So if what I am writing doesn't jive with the game: Tough. :-) It's a story for a reason. For the two of you who are overtly offended, bugger off. The rest, enjoy. -Saintly Genesis Club: Shift Shift Revolution I got up to do my next song. I knew it was not really going to be great. I kept the challenge low and didn't achieve much. Stepping up onto the large...
Chapter 1: Poutos Veritas realized the change in his surroundings. Standing in a large hall, amidst thousands of others new players. From his point of view everyone wore the same outfits, a black pants with matching shirt and sandals. He found himself standing near a wall, which contained a graffiti with instructions for beginners. Feeling claustrophobic he opted to go outside through the large double doors. Taking a step he noticed a difference in his body movement. It seemed more rigid,...
GENESIS BY M.M. I was born on 3 rd October2078, which means 22 years from end of the Genesis. Woman that broughtme to this world was not DNA compatible to have a female child. Once shewas pregnant, the tests were ran and she, as incompatible DNA mother, wassupposed to be given a male factor 17 which is a limit for having a malechild. However, by mistake she received factor 40 on male DNA carrier,and brought me to this world not knowing how I would turn up. She, likeany other, expected an...
Breasts are eruptions as surely as orgasms are volcanic discharges part sensation, part emotion, and all wet, wild explosions only women born as men know, although we may not say; we may not speak our minds, because polite society prefers reticence and lies. Faces ablush, lips scarlet with gloss; eyes all aflutter with false lashes, lids shadowed purple, eyes lined with film formers, thickeners, and pigments out of a chemist's most fantastic wet dreams, we put on false...
Some time shortly after the night with the two girls wearing nothing but oil we were invited over to Sue and Jake's place for a barbecue on a Friday night in a late Indian summer. Melanie donned a pretty summer dress with a button-through front and white, stiletto-heeled, strapped sandals and we went over around seven o'clock. Jake greeted us at the front door and led us through the house to the back yard, apologizing en route for the fact that Sue had been delayed at work but would be joining...
Group SexReddit Spreading, aka r/Spreading! Don’t you just love it when women spread their pussies wide open and wait for pleasure? Well, that is how all women should be, and on r/spreading/ subreddit, you have a world filled with obedient chicks. So, if you enjoy seeing girls get spread just for the users of Reddit to have some dirty content, I think that you will love what r/spreading/ is all about.Reddit is a free website but is not a pornographic one. Does it have pornographic subreddits with actual...
Reddit NSFW ListTo all TG fans: my author's name is cyberM. I'm new to this so please don't be too harsh on me for errors because English is not my first language, I'll welcome every suggestion. My first story is based on Neon Genesis Evangelion. For those who love Anime and Manga it's a must see, I swear. Form of the Mind, Form of the Man A Different Take on Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 20 "Have they finally been able to get Shinji back?" "Not quite yet, it's very complicated even with the...
The Dapper Gentleman and TransBike were at the North Pole, visiting Santa Claus before the ageless icon of Yule time Joy left on his yearly trip. He had not changed much in all of his years, and very few knew the true tale of his story. The Christmas story of Santa Clause Is Coming to Town was his genesis, but it also continued through Rudolph's stories and his others told by Rankin Bass. Santa had corresponded with Virginia, the girl who'd asked if Santa was real. The resulting...
Airtight on the Marriage BedHaving received and noted comments and feedback, I will be making some changes to the future episodes of this story. Hope readers will enjoy it more and continue to give feedback so I can make improvements to the way I tell the story. For this part, I’ve taken away most embellishments and expansions of the original story, so what you’re reading now is closer to the truth. (Unlike the rather unpopular club scene in Part 2-1 which was purely added for dramatization)...
Two guys treacherous lust for pantyhose and Lycra.Throughout the skype session Kev had done nothing but whinge. He was still bruised after the going over Ray had given him. His boyfriend, Josh said he was tired and needed an early night, so he said goodbye and left the session. Josh smiled as he got out of his tracksuit, revealing his skintight black leotard and thick light-toast Danskin tights. His legs shimmered like glass. He put some makeup on, layered his full lips with glossy lipstick and...
"Hey fag!" Well, what a wonderful way to start my first day at a new school. This was going to be a treat. Before prying eyes of jocks and cheerleaders alike I cowered, trying to think happy thoughts. It didn't work. Once the words left the asshole, the whole classroom erupted into torrents of laughter that turned my face florid. Some didn't laugh. Probably out of respect. Or the fact they didn't find assholes amusing. Whichever it was, I was glad that some people knew my...
Introduction: My first story ^.^ Please leave constructive criticism and comments on what you want to read (Im sure youve heard this a million times, but please have patience with me to read all the text and all the series. Though there isnt any sex in this, you will get to grips with Alice and Elixir. Im aspiring to be a novelist and decided to try my hand at this. Please leave constructive criticism and dont comment saying you dont get the story later on, because my reply will be you havent...
Some of you may have noticed that I have a tendancy to do a lot of body switching stories. I tend to enjoy the idea, as well as messing with families a lot, due to the multiple relationships suddenly changed. Because of my fondness for body swapping stories, I decided to create the ultimate body swapping situation. And as a result, I came up with a story challange/open universe. This is one that I'm calling the Great Shift. The premise is that somewhere in New Mexico,...