Packing for the weekend
- 3 years ago
- 34
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The first thing Clarissa noticed about the changes in her body was when she got out of the shower one day and was drying off. It was about two weeks after her first four doses of what she didn't know was RD684, and she'd had twenty more doses since then. As she ran the towel across her chest she felt distinct tingles of pleasure. She was thinking about something else at the time, but the feeling caught her attention and she looked down at her flat chest only to find that ... it wasn't flat any more.
She stared at the modest swells, and then looked in the mirror to see if they were still there. They were. Not only that, they had defined nipples on them now.
Unbelieving, she pushed at the humps. They moved and then settled back into position, firm and hard. She stared and then rose to her toes, jumping several times, just far enough to get her toes off the floor. Her breasts jiggled and shook, and her jaw dropped.
The next thing she noticed was a week later, when she was running laps during PE and realized things were shaking around inside her shirt. She'd never worn a bra in her life, with the possible exception of the one that went with her bikini. Now, as she looked down at her chest, it looked like there were kittens or something under there, trying to get out. She was almost embarrassed at the feel of her now sensitive nipples scraping back and forth against the fabric, and how much energy that seemed to create inside her. She almost took an extra lap, but she needed to get to her next class.
Then, when she was getting dressed in the locker room, she had to actually tug to get her jeans up around her waist. She looked down to see that the normally loose fit was gone. The cloth was tight against the sides of her hips. Again, she was astonished. She turned and looked in the mirror. She had a butt!
She examined herself in the mirror that night. It was obvious her breasts were growing. They had doubled in size just since she'd first noticed she had any at all.
Then one day, at school, Tommy Jenkins said "Hey, Clarissa" and smiled at her as they passed each other in the hallway. She almost ran into a locker turning to see if he'd really spoken to her or not, and saw him looking back over his shoulder at her ... SMILING! Tommy Jenkins had never said a WORD to her before, and they'd been in the same class for years!
She thought about Tommy at home that night, as she sat, ignoring her homework on the table in front of her. Finally she leaned forward to begin writing in her workbook and ... her breasts pressed into the table.
It was too much. She got up and went to the bathroom. She was wearing one of Uncle Bob's old checkered shirts that she'd stolen from him years ago. It was soft and light and served as a kind of nightgown when she first took it. She looked in the mirror and goggled as she saw that, between two buttons, the material was stretched open enough that she could see skin through the gap.
She turned sideways. Her breasts now pushed the shirt out ... significantly! It almost scared her, and when she heard Matt come crashing into the house she went to get him immediately. She found him coming from the kitchen, where he'd made himself a peanut butter sandwich.
"Matt!" she said.
He looked over his shoulder.
"Do I look different?" she asked, her voice tense.
"Different how?" he asked.
She blushed. She wasn't about to ask her little brother if she had tits or not.
"Just different," she insisted. "Do I look different than usual?"
Matt knew his sister well, and he heard something in her voice that sounded a little like fear. He took a bite of his sandwich and turned around to look at her.
"I don't know," he said with his mouth full. "You do something to your hair?"
"My hair!?"
That was obviously not the answer she was looking for. Even Matt could tell. But the fact was that her hair DID look different.
"Yeah," he said, taking a step closer. "It's kind of golden now, and it looks shiny. Did you dye it?"
"NO I DIDN'T DYE IT!" she yipped.
"Well don't yell at me!" he complained. "I'm just telling you what I see!"
Frustrated, she turned sideways to him.
"Look lower!" she snapped.
She watched his eyes drop past her chest and then jerk back up. She watched them widen as he saw the objects of her concern. Then she saw his face get red and his eyes jerk back up to her face.
"What?" he asked weakly.
"Don't even try it," she said. "You saw them."
"Them?" His eyes were everywhere except on her face now.
"My BREASTS!" she shouted. "You looked right at them!"
"You TOLD me to!" he yelped.
She realized, at that instant, that he was embarrassed. That seemed completely foreign to her. They'd seen each other naked all their lives. They'd both swum topless in the pool in the back yard until both were twelve and then the only reason she'd put a top on was because Uncle Bob had made her. And, in the same instant she realized he was embarrassed, she felt the thrill, for the first time in her life, of a male looking at her as a female ... and not just plain old Clarissa.
"I'm not mad at you," she said softly.
His eyes fluttered back to her face, and then down again and then back up.
"They've grown," she said.
"You can say that again," he said softly. "When? I can't believe I didn't notice them before this!"
"It's like they're growing every day or something," she said, exasperatedly. "It started a month ago and I SWEAR they get bigger each day! I'm scared, Matt!"
He looked at her like she was crazy.
"Scared? Why in the world would you be scared?"
"Where did they come from?" she wailed.
For the first time he looked more comfortable.
"For somebody with an IQ of a hundred and forty you sure can be dumb sometimes," he said, grinning. "You're a girl, dummy."
"Girls tits don't grow two inches a week!" moaned Clarissa.
"They're not tits," said Matt, looking down his nose at her. "As you WELL know, they're breasts!"
"And look at my butt!" whined Clarissa, turning around. She stuck her bottom out, still encased in jeans that were now skin tight.
"Don't mind if I do," sighed Matt, no longer afraid he was going to get hit for staring at the parts of a girl you got hit for staring at.
"This is serious!" she moaned. "What am I going to do?"
"What do you mean what are you going to do?" asked her brother. "You've been complaining that you're flat-chested for years. Isn't this what you wanted?"
She blinked. "Well yeah ... I guess ... except that it's happening so FAST. Something has to be wrong with me!"
"There's nothing wrong with you that I can see," he sighed as she turned around and he got to look at her breasts again. He saw the buds of her nipples pushing through the shirt, and then saw the same thing she'd seen ... skin ... in the gaping cloth between two buttons. Almost involuntarily he reached and pushed his index finger through the gap until it touched the bare skin between her breasts.
"Wow," he said softly. "You've been wearing that shirt for years, and it never did this."
Clarissa looked down as he touched her. He'd touched her hundreds of times ... THOUSANDS of times. Why, then, did it feel so different when he touched her now? Her nipples tingled, and she stepped back.
"Don't tell Uncle Bob," she said.
He frowned. "Why not?"
"Because he'll take me to the doctor. You know how much I hate going to the doctor."
"Rissa, there is no WAY he's not going to notice. I can't believe I didn't notice it until you showed me. I mean ... you've actually got tits!"
She slapped his shoulder. "Breasts!"
"Can I see them?" he asked suddenly.
"You know ... without the shirt?"
"Are you insane!" she squealed. "I'm your sister!"
"I cannot believe you said that," she said, sounding disgusted.
"Come on, Rissa," he complained. "I'm dying to see some, and you and I both know that's never going to happen."
"What happened to your stupid Playboy?" she asked without thinking.
A wary look came into his eyes. "How do you know about that?" he asked.
Now it was Clarissa who looked everywhere but at his face.
"I don't know. I saw it in your room one day, I guess."
"No you didn't," he said, flushing.
"How do you know?" she asked, almost angrily.
"Because the only time it wasn't under my bed was when I was using it to..." His mouth closed suddenly.
"To what?" she said, looking at his face. It was red.
"Never mind!" he snapped. "You were snooping around in my room, weren't you!"
"OK, OK, so I snooped a couple of times," she said. "There's nothing ELSE to do around here." She cocked her head at him. "What happened to it anyway?"
"You kept it under your mattress for months, and then it just disappeared. What happened to it?"
"You snooped in my room for MONTHS?!" he said angrily.
"We already got past that," she said calmly. "What happened to it?"
Matt looked down at the floor. "I took it to school to show Rodney and Miss Johnston caught us with it. She took it." He flushed a deeper shade of red. "She said she'd give it to Uncle Bob if he came to claim it."
"Like he'd do that," laughed Clarissa. "He'd probably tan your hide for having it in the first place."
"No he wouldn't," muttered Matt. "He's the one who gave it to me."
Clarissa's eyes got huge. "You liar!" she squeaked.
"No I'm NOT!" he yelled. "He understands!"
Clarissa, Part 3 by Alamo Preacher [Warning. This is an adult story with some strong sexual content. It is not intended for and should not be read by minors. It is also not intended for anyone who believes that men are men, women are women and that's the way things should always be. It is concerned with themes of male transvestism, panty fetishism, male submission, female domination, and the like. It does not contain any kind of violence nor does it depict children under the age of...
Clarissa By Alamo Preacher Session One. Clarissa was both the most interesting and the most unusual of my patients in a very long time. She would have insisted that she wasn't unusual, but, at least when she first began visiting me, I believed that she was probably unique. She was first referred to me by her own doctor, who believed that Clarissa's back-pain problems were psychosomatic, and had a mental, rather than physical cause. In fact, as it turned out, Clarissa had a...
knowitall. Most people I know can't even remember so far back. But they still say shit like that. They always do. That way they sound wise and like they actually have a perspective on life and time and their position in it. Bollocks to them. But it was a bad year. I'll remember it as a year of disasters. First, Lynn left. She walked out on me, lowercase style. There was no big Hollywood drama, no passionate scenes to mark the end of a relationship. Shit, it hurt me. I like to imagine...
(For the Love of Clarissa) I was about to retire from my job and was none too happy about it. At sixty-four years old, healthy, vigorous, and suddenly alone due to the passing of my wife a year earlier, I was in no way ready to continue my lonely existence without the distractions of work. My business was sales, and I traveled quite a bit. As the month of my forced retirement approached, I eagerly took any opportunity to go on these road trips. My route was fairly confined and I usually...
December 17, 1983, Rutherford, Ohio After Vespers, Clarissa, Jocelyn, Tasha, and I went to Lou’s diner in Rutherford for dinner. “Is this Mike’s nightmare?” Jocelyn teased. “Or Mike’s ultimate fantasy?” “The three of you would be a nightmare,” I said flatly. “It’s bad enough to have ONE woman telling me what to do! But three? Kill me now!” The girls all laughed. “He knows women are in charge,” Tasha said primly. “Even the bishops cower in the corner if the women of the church are...
As he came, I felt his legs trembling and shuddering, draped over my shoulders as my own had so many times before. His eyes, locked with mine as the orgasm rippled through him were hooded but wonderfully alive. I smiled at him as I felt his ass muscles clench around the dildo and I felt a purr of cat-like pleasure rumble in my belly at the exquisite feeling of having fucked my husband till he came. I lowered my mouth to his and let him hungrily kiss my lips and pant his thanks to me. I...
April 23, 2022. “Ugh, my ‘Tirade at the old Biddy’ was recorded and reported. Some of the reactions are funny. Most think it was edited or staged. Did I really sound disjointed to you?” “Well, you do have a tendency of bouncing from subject to subject.” “Shut it. Who asked you? UGH. Someone, I won’t mention Colleen’s name who I will kill later, stickied my ‘Shut it’. I think the new one is spreading.” I chuckled at her discomfort. “Oh, Darrin has a girlfriend. FINALLY ... she’s a Franco...
I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster looked out from the old station house across the road...
Yorkshire UIK after the general strike of 1926. I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster...
Megan had fallen asleep during the afternoon. Perhaps sleep was the wrong word. Drifting in and out of unconsciousness was a more accurate description. This last day had been the hottest of the summer and every time her skin touched the bars of her cage it was blistered. Although it was hell in her continued confinement she wondered how Clarissa was coping as she worked for ten hours a day in the same heat. Every day she eagerly looked out for her friend as the returning truck disgorged its...
I landed myself a woman that most regular guys would run screaming from. Her name is Clarissa and she is one whopper of a big woman, just the way I like them! Fat and all that! Mmmm dayum! Yeah, most guys would call me a freak because I dig picking up chicks at the local bingo hall. But for a guy that’s looking for a huge hunk of lovin’, it’s just the place to find them! I run around the bingo hall, selling bingo cards to some of the heftiest gals around, scouting for massive tits as I make my...
After one day's recuperation, all alone in the cell while Stella and Miranda were at work, Megan was told to join them. Like Miranda and Clarissa, Megan, after all those weeks naked in the cage, was accustomed to the sun on her body, but her feet were not used to the rough ground and she soon began to feel sore. "Try to get those feet used to it, Megan" said Miranda. "Those soles have a lot of miles to cover when we finally make a run for it!" "And who says we are making a run for it?...
One of the girls had tried to get away from the prison by climbing over the wall, after a searchlight had been disabled, presumably by an accomplice. The girl had soon been caught and hauled back to the prison where she had been roughly interrogated and then brought before the assembled prisoners, all forced to stand stripped naked for hours in the full heat of the sun. As the rest of them watched she was whipped by two prisoners before being put into the cage to stay for some months before...
"I think it's beginning to work, Miranda!" "Maybe, but I still don't fancy running hour after hour in this heat! But you're right about getting the feet hardened up. It hurt the first few days, but as you say, it's beginning to work." It was three weeks since Megan and Clarissa had been falsely imprisoned by the local police in this desert gaol. Megan still hung in her cage and seemed to be surviving. Clarissa had seen her a couple of times at night, being let out and exercised by a...
It was now twelve weeks since the two friends had been falsely imprisoned. Megan was still in the cage, a largely forgotten figure as far as the other women were concerned. Every now and again the odd prisoner might look up at the trapped girl, for ever bent double except for the occasional night when Wanda, the one humane guard, let her out for a few precious minutes, but mostly she was just part of the background. The weather was unbearably hot by now and certain to get even hotter before...
Clarissa stood on the beach. She had brown hair, a tall and skinny statue and was barefoot as always. She felt the sand under her soles. Wearing a red skirt and a small top, her flat and muscular belly was bare too.The girl loved the sun and the beach and loved to raid whales with her girlfriends. Therefore she had a spear in her hand, harpoon type and a rope around her shoulders.All of them would go today, hunting a whale with their boats and on bare feet they would kill the big b**st with...
January 30, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Well isn’t THIS a fine mess,” I sighed. “I didn’t mean to depress you,” Clarissa said. “I was trying to make a point.” “Besides the fact that we’re in love, soulmates, and you’re a lesbian, which kind of makes it all moot?” “Oh, it most definitely does NOT! For someone who has been with at least half-a-dozen girls by my count, you sure have this really stupid mindset about sex! If it was so damned meaningful, you wouldn’t be so free with it! Get your head...
Clarisse moaned. Her head is in a state of excruciating pain. As her mind began processing things, she realized that her mouth was taped with a cloth is inside her mouth. She scanned her surroundings. She was in a windowless room, with a single bulb on the ceiling. She tried to get up, but her body won’t move. The first thing she realized was that she was lying on a king-sized bed. Her arms and legs had been stretched out – tied to the bedposts. She was lying spread eagle! She looked down...
In recent weeks, several houses were broken in within the city. According to her sources, inside every house that was broken in a painting of a galleon was torn. Intrigued by these patterns, she did some investigating in the hopes of finding something out. She could almost figure out the pattern, but there is always something missing. 5 houses have were broken in. 5 paintings were ripped. All paintings seem to have the canvas ripped and those ripped portions were now missing. Specifically, the...
As I looked around the site to figure out how I would remove myself, I noticed I had a new email in my inbox. Judging by her picture alone, she looked promising, but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. Truthfully, most of the women online seemed to be there because they liked attention and never actually intended to meet you, or because they couldn't get a date anywhere else. I had been on three dates with women who seemed normal while emailing but turned out to be nothing like their...
2 Hours Before: Maurice yawned in exhaustion as he and his brother are facing their 27-inch monitor. Every night he and his brother would break into the houses of the individuals whose names are in the list of Mr. Russel’s galleon painting buyers to procure the different pieces of the map leading to a secret family vault hidden in an unregistered property of Russel Family. Last night they broke in into the house of their last victim, whose galleon painting contains the last piece of the map....
We rode right into it and paid the price; two of my company dead plus the driver and footman shot off the carriage. I rolled from my wounded horse and scrambled into the weeds and thorn bushes while George galloped off in the other direction, going for help I certainly hoped. It was a whole company of howling Germans, blue jackets with red facings, and they laughed and gabbled while they searched the dead and pulled two women and a well-dressed man from the rig. I had not been told who we...
"Feeling better, Stella?" asked Megan as they worked at the rock-breaking, three days after their release. They had been taken in the new truck which had just arrived to replace the one Clarissa had stolen. By now they had lost hope that the escapee had survived. "A bit, Megan. I'm not as strong as you three. I wonder how Miranda and the others are. The poor girl in the cage looked close to dying when I left this morning. It must be terrible to be cooped up like that all the time, but...
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It is a warm summer morning, the sun just beginning to clear the horizon. The birds just beginning to look for breakfast, their song in the air. The soft sound of a breeze through the leaves of the trees overhead. The sweet aroma of pine and fresh brewed coffee feels the air. You awake slowly, the soft silk sheets gently against your skin. The thoughts of last nights encounter bringing pleasure to your morning thoughts and an ache to your loins. You slide from the bed and pull on your silk...
Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Three: Modifying a Mistake By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I marched behind President Atterbury, fear twisting through my guts. Kyleigh struggled in the iron grip of the older man, her black hair sweeping about the shoulders of her white blouse, her too-short, gray skirt swaying about her nineteen-year-old thighs. She looked at me, confusion on her face. I'd edited reality, modified how...
I stood in my room and pulled my hair. "Holy shit, Quinn is just driving me nuts," I moaned, pulling my hair really hard. "Of course, now my phone is buzzing," I said, reaching for it.A pulled up a new text. "'I can't wait to ride your giant cock again, step son. My pussy is begging me to let your schlong back inside it again. Do you think your dick would be willing to journey inside my twat again? Even better, with some more privacy? I have a surprise for you, Ted.' Oh, fuck me, I don't even...
NovelsI was a part of our college football team and had practice that afternoon. I arrived at the locker room to change and saw this skinny older guy. He was wearing spectacles and talking to coach. That was the first time I saw Laurent. Later I found out that he was a visiting Maths professor. He taught at the university. We slowly became friends, even though we were from opposite spectrum. I was a jock and he was more interested in theorems. Everything seems so good so far right? It went way too...
GayFantasy Girl: A November Halloween Story By: PYT Since puberty, Jessica had dreamed of developing the kind of curves that would get her noticed by the boys at school. Unfortunately, her body had other plans. Jessica wasn't ugly, but she thought she was and that counted for a lot. It didn't help that she was flat as a board. There were freshman boys at school that had more up top than her, especially the fat ones. That's why she had drawn the large female symbol on the floor as...
Chapter 18 A Matter of Trust Monday morning! The last one of the school year. I jumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror over the sink. My raccoon eyes were beginning to fade. I took a long shower and considered the day ahead. What was I going to do about Darla? Part of me hoped that she'd made up with Sarah and that any further thoughts of her would be moot. Another part missed her soft, gentle, and...
I did have one post asking if I was going to do a new story and I do have one in the planning stages and I will run the premise by you guys and see if you would want to read it. - Title pending - Time frame is Near future ten years give or take Arcturis Pendragon a reputed thief- main character work in Excalibur (not mystical sword but technogical) finds he is the descendant of Merlin "Mere'lin" and Arthur of old Excalibur was meant for the true king not Arthur. Excalibur opens...
Overall, I realized, the last week in September was the calm before the storm. The Soviets were working on missile installations while the U.S. staff was planning. It was a good time to unwind and bond -- and work on our reverse honey traps. At brunch, I realized that Shelley had dressed a bit differently. Rather than her usual short skirts, she wore seemingly sprayed-on pants -- no, they were tights, and even semitransparent, with a center seam that emphasized a cameltoe and separated the...
Sultry April Olsen can’t resist a hot sex session with Dante Colle, despite the fact that her mom is in the next room in this premium Penthouse scene. The stunning brunette can’t contain her moans of pleasure when her stud starts licking her puffy pussy before giving him the blowjob of his dreams. They fuck passionately, the exquisite hottie getting a taste of his cum mid sex. Then she rides him in cowgirl, and bends over for doggystyle fucking, her juicy pussy wet and desperate for...
xmoviesforyouThis week was quite the treat, we have 21 year old Colombia native Summer on the couch. She’s smiley, she’s petite, and she’s an absolute freeaaaaak. Summer came to the USA recently and she’s actually a nanny, or I think they call them “au pairs”. These rich folks pay pretty exotic and foreign girls to come to the states and help look after their infants while they’re off doing whatever rich people do. I always wondered if these girls were just little sex toys for the dads, turns out that’s NOT...