Packing for the weekend
- 3 years ago
- 34
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They went to her bedroom. It wasn't an agreed on destination. Perhaps Clarissa gravitated toward that spot because it was where she felt most comfortable. Both of them were full of emotion and the excitement of experimentation and discovery. He took his pants off this time, not so much in an attempt to get naked, but so he wouldn't trip with them around his ankles. Then he felt stupid because he was wearing a shirt with no pants. He took his shirt off and then felt embarrassed because he was naked and his sister wasn't. Oddly, it was his own nudity that encouraged Clarissa to take her own clothes off.
She removed her shirt first, just watching her brother to see how he would react. It was most satisfying. He actually drooled as he stared at her naked breasts. He also made nonsense sounds, not even close to real words. Those sounds sent thrills through her body as the still unfamiliar feeling of being desired by a male coursed through her.
He'd already been fully erect when he disrobed. Now his hand came to his prick and began to stroke.
"Wait for me!" she panted.
In the next minute and a half, Clarissa learned, completely by accident, the power a woman has over a man as she slowly exposes her body to him. She took her pants off slowly, but not because she was trying to be sexy. She was just distracted by watching him play with his penis. His eyes followed the waistband of her pants, though, jumping up to her breasts again every two or three seconds. When she hooked her thumbs in her panties, he sucked in air and groaned. His eyes seemed to bug out as she pushed them down a little, and she realized, in that second, that she had been teasing him without even knowing it.
She discovered she loved teasing him. It made him flail at his prick.
"Wait for me!" she commanded, her voice low, and sultry.
"I can't!" he panted.
"Matt!" she barked, warning in her voice. She pulled her panties back up. His hand suddenly stopped and he sounded like he was choking. He jerked his hand away from his prick and it bobbed, settling at an angle that mimicked an anti-aircraft gun, searching for a target.
"OK. OK!" he groaned.
Again, she pushed her panties down slowly, watching his eyes and, suddenly, she couldn't move slowly any more. Quickly her panties were left in a puddle on the floor as she stepped out of them. Her hand went to her stomach and started to slide down. Her left foot moved outward.
Remembering the bed, she suddenly turned and crawled onto it, affording Matt a view of her pussy lips, peeking from between legs that were no longer bony looking. Those lips, while vertical, seemed to purse, like oral lips waiting to be kissed, and Matt licked his own lips unconsciously. His hand went back to his prick as if drawn by a strong magnet. He stared as she flopped onto her back, spreading her legs and reaching to feel for that special spot. Her head turned toward her brother.
"Is this good?" she asked, sliding her fingers between slippery pussy lips.
"Oh shit," he gasped. "Oh Rissa. I can't believe this!"
"Me either," she panted, beginning to rub her fingertips in circles. She couldn't seem to rub hard enough, at first, and then discovered the thrill of using just one fingertip to tease the little bump with a light touch. She alternated rubbing hard for a few seconds, and then teasing the organ gently.
It felt marvelous, but her mind sent her a memory of sitting on top of him, rubbing against what he had in his hand. It had been in his pants then, but had still made her feel like the top of her head was going to pop off. Feeling her slippery fingers sliding to and fro, she wondered what it would feel like to rub against him naked. Her brain said it would be fantastic ... SO fantastic that she stopped and sat up.
"Get on the bed!" she panted, getting to her knees and facing him.
"What?" His hand was moving along his stiff column of flesh again, uncovering and covering a knob that had taken on a purplish hue.
"Get on the bed!" she said again. She pointed to the space in front of her. "Right there. Lie down on your back!"
His mind was working on two levels. One of them had no idea what was going on and was confused and excited. The other said "Get on the motherfucking bed like she just told you to!" He moved and the feel of her hands helping him lie down beside her was like hot coals touching his body. Once he was down she lifted a knee and mounted him as if he were a pony, sitting on his thighs because his hand was in the way. She reached for his hand and batted it away from his cock.
Then she put her hands on his chest and slid her hips toward his head, sliding her dripping pussy lips over his balls and along the bottom of his stiff shaft. She leaned forward and let her arms take most of her upper body weight as she got light headed. It DID feel fantastic.
"Oh fuck!" he gasped excitedly. "Oh FUCK!"
She looked down to see strings of thick white erupting from the tip of his penis, shooting up onto his stomach. It made a mess and a small part of her brain acknowledged that the mess was on HIM this time, instead of on her. It was like she was suddenly on another planet, where strange and interesting things were happening all around her.
Remembering how slippery and warm his stuff had felt on her, she hunched her hips forward to get some of that warm slippery stuff on her pussy lips. Her pussy slipped over the head of his still spurting cock and smeared his issue. When she pushed backwards to find his hard shaft again, though, the tip of his cock caught in her virgin slot. Disaster - if that's the right word - was avoided because his shaft was already softening, and his cock bent double as she scooted back down. The tip was pulled out of her slit and the half hard thing straightened back out to lie, as if looking with one little eye at what it has just spurted.
For Clarissa, time seemed to slow down. It seemed like she could feel every square inch of her body, and every bit of it was howling with joy. Rubbing directly against his sexual organ was even better than she'd hoped it would be. It didn't matter that it was soft, and that it was a mess of white goo. All that mattered was that it rubbed her pussy in the most delightful way imaginable and she could feel that special pressure beginning to build. Now, though, she knew what was at the end of this delightful exercise, and her hips sped up as she strained to get there.
A new thing was introduced when his hands came up to mold around her breasts. They squeezed gently, in exploration, moving her breast mounds around on her chest. His fingertips found and experienced the feel of stiff nipples for the first time in his life. It was the first time in HER life too, and the electric surges as he pinched them gently jumped her much closer to what she now knew was her approaching orgasm.
"YES!" she gasped. "Squeeze them like that!"
Her hips became a blur as he mauled her nipples. Had they just been beginning their foreplay she would have complained that he squeezed too hard, but at this stage of the game, it was perfect. Her head tilted back and she drew in a huge lungful of air, only to let it out in an agonized groan as the dam burst inside her and the orgasm seemed to burn away every feeling except insane pleasure.
It went on and on until, suddenly, she had no strength left. She fell forward and her breasts took her whole upper body weight as his arms stiffened automatically to hold her up. Then, partly because his own build was so slight and it was hard to hold her up, and partly because he wanted to feel those soft breasts pressed against his chest, he let her sink down to lie on him. He hands moved, going to her back and he just slid them over her skin, marveling at the feel of a naked woman in his arms.
For Matt, the exercise had been almost enough to blow his mind. His own orgasm had been unexpected and explosive. Had he known what she was going to do, he was pretty sure it wouldn't have mattered. He was convinced there was no way to train for having a hot pussy rubbing against your prick for the first time. Already, though, his mind was adjusting. It had been amazing, but he was already looking forward ... to the next time ... when he was sure he'd be able to make it last a little longer.
He lay there, with her surprisingly heavy, but comfortable weight pressing him into the bed. Her skin felt so good under his hands, and her panting in his ear made him feel taller, somehow. He hadn't done all that much, but she'd still had a great time. Anybody could see that. But the best part was that she'd had that good time with HIM. And that made it unimaginably better for him too.
There was no talk this time. Being in an embrace like this made the whole episode different on levels that neither of them could really grasp. They were brother and sister; hugging ... sharing warmth and closeness ... the kind of closeness only siblings can share. They were also lovers, though, sharing the kind of closeness that only lovers can share. After their frantic exercise, just lying there in each other's arms was just as delicious. Neither was in a hurry to end that.
Eventually, perhaps fifteen minutes later, Clarissa sat up. As she did so her swollen pussy lips pressed his cock. It was just natural to wiggle. And he'd had time enough to recuperate, so it was just natural, when she wiggled that he started to get hard again. She wiggled some more, and he hardened some more until, once again, she was sliding her pussy lips along the bottom of his erect shaft.
"I could do this all day," she sighed, the urgency gone from her loins.
"Me too," he said softly. "I WANT to do this all day."
As so often happens when emotions are at peak levels, she looked down at the man who was making her feel so complete, and said "I love you Matt."
There was no hesitation. "I love you too, Rissa."
"No," she said, sensing the routineness of his response. She rubbed a little faster. "I mean I REALLY love you!"
"I know," he said, sure in his heart that he really DID know how she felt, because he felt the same way. Their bond had been strengthened beyond imagination, and would remain unbreakable for life. That's what he was feeling, and he was sure that's what she was feeling too. His emotional response hadn't been routine, though his words were.
"I love you so much I want to kiss you," she said.
"You kiss me all the time," he said, smiling.
"Not like this," she said, leaning back down to press her lips against his.
She'd seen open mouthed kisses on TV and in movies. She'd always wondered what those would be like. The actors seemed to like it. Now, as her tongue invaded Matt's mouth she found out why they liked it.
In Matt's mind, he was remembering things HE had seen in movies too. The kiss was electric, but the man was supposed to be on top. That was what made him roll them over. She didn't care, as long as the kiss went on, and she helped him reverse their orientation.
It was just natural for her to settle with her legs spread. It was normal for his knees to fall between those spread legs, where there was room for them. It was understandable that his newly stiffened prick fell quite naturally to lie on pussy lips that were ready to receive what they were intended to receive. And, though neither youth intended for mating to take place ... nature took over.
Matt, while he kissed her, imitated what he'd seen in the movies. That was a thrusting movement of his hips. His cock was in the right place, at the right time. Her pussy was super lubricated. They fit together like a hand in a glove, and there was no pain whatsoever as, with one manic thrust, his prick slid into her pussy until his balls slapped the taut globes of her buttocks. He wasn't even aware that his toes dug into the bedspread, or that his calves corded, helping him get as deep in her as possible.
Clarissa, Part 3 by Alamo Preacher [Warning. This is an adult story with some strong sexual content. It is not intended for and should not be read by minors. It is also not intended for anyone who believes that men are men, women are women and that's the way things should always be. It is concerned with themes of male transvestism, panty fetishism, male submission, female domination, and the like. It does not contain any kind of violence nor does it depict children under the age of...
Clarissa By Alamo Preacher Session One. Clarissa was both the most interesting and the most unusual of my patients in a very long time. She would have insisted that she wasn't unusual, but, at least when she first began visiting me, I believed that she was probably unique. She was first referred to me by her own doctor, who believed that Clarissa's back-pain problems were psychosomatic, and had a mental, rather than physical cause. In fact, as it turned out, Clarissa had a...
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(For the Love of Clarissa) I was about to retire from my job and was none too happy about it. At sixty-four years old, healthy, vigorous, and suddenly alone due to the passing of my wife a year earlier, I was in no way ready to continue my lonely existence without the distractions of work. My business was sales, and I traveled quite a bit. As the month of my forced retirement approached, I eagerly took any opportunity to go on these road trips. My route was fairly confined and I usually...
December 17, 1983, Rutherford, Ohio After Vespers, Clarissa, Jocelyn, Tasha, and I went to Lou’s diner in Rutherford for dinner. “Is this Mike’s nightmare?” Jocelyn teased. “Or Mike’s ultimate fantasy?” “The three of you would be a nightmare,” I said flatly. “It’s bad enough to have ONE woman telling me what to do! But three? Kill me now!” The girls all laughed. “He knows women are in charge,” Tasha said primly. “Even the bishops cower in the corner if the women of the church are...
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Yorkshire UIK after the general strike of 1926. I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster...
Megan had fallen asleep during the afternoon. Perhaps sleep was the wrong word. Drifting in and out of unconsciousness was a more accurate description. This last day had been the hottest of the summer and every time her skin touched the bars of her cage it was blistered. Although it was hell in her continued confinement she wondered how Clarissa was coping as she worked for ten hours a day in the same heat. Every day she eagerly looked out for her friend as the returning truck disgorged its...
I landed myself a woman that most regular guys would run screaming from. Her name is Clarissa and she is one whopper of a big woman, just the way I like them! Fat and all that! Mmmm dayum! Yeah, most guys would call me a freak because I dig picking up chicks at the local bingo hall. But for a guy that’s looking for a huge hunk of lovin’, it’s just the place to find them! I run around the bingo hall, selling bingo cards to some of the heftiest gals around, scouting for massive tits as I make my...
After one day's recuperation, all alone in the cell while Stella and Miranda were at work, Megan was told to join them. Like Miranda and Clarissa, Megan, after all those weeks naked in the cage, was accustomed to the sun on her body, but her feet were not used to the rough ground and she soon began to feel sore. "Try to get those feet used to it, Megan" said Miranda. "Those soles have a lot of miles to cover when we finally make a run for it!" "And who says we are making a run for it?...
One of the girls had tried to get away from the prison by climbing over the wall, after a searchlight had been disabled, presumably by an accomplice. The girl had soon been caught and hauled back to the prison where she had been roughly interrogated and then brought before the assembled prisoners, all forced to stand stripped naked for hours in the full heat of the sun. As the rest of them watched she was whipped by two prisoners before being put into the cage to stay for some months before...
"I think it's beginning to work, Miranda!" "Maybe, but I still don't fancy running hour after hour in this heat! But you're right about getting the feet hardened up. It hurt the first few days, but as you say, it's beginning to work." It was three weeks since Megan and Clarissa had been falsely imprisoned by the local police in this desert gaol. Megan still hung in her cage and seemed to be surviving. Clarissa had seen her a couple of times at night, being let out and exercised by a...
It was now twelve weeks since the two friends had been falsely imprisoned. Megan was still in the cage, a largely forgotten figure as far as the other women were concerned. Every now and again the odd prisoner might look up at the trapped girl, for ever bent double except for the occasional night when Wanda, the one humane guard, let her out for a few precious minutes, but mostly she was just part of the background. The weather was unbearably hot by now and certain to get even hotter before...
Clarissa stood on the beach. She had brown hair, a tall and skinny statue and was barefoot as always. She felt the sand under her soles. Wearing a red skirt and a small top, her flat and muscular belly was bare too.The girl loved the sun and the beach and loved to raid whales with her girlfriends. Therefore she had a spear in her hand, harpoon type and a rope around her shoulders.All of them would go today, hunting a whale with their boats and on bare feet they would kill the big b**st with...
January 30, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Well isn’t THIS a fine mess,” I sighed. “I didn’t mean to depress you,” Clarissa said. “I was trying to make a point.” “Besides the fact that we’re in love, soulmates, and you’re a lesbian, which kind of makes it all moot?” “Oh, it most definitely does NOT! For someone who has been with at least half-a-dozen girls by my count, you sure have this really stupid mindset about sex! If it was so damned meaningful, you wouldn’t be so free with it! Get your head...
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Charlotte's friends always talked in hushed voices about what happens to girls in Pioneer Park at night. Just last week, a jogger was raped there in broad daylight. Before that, another nice white girl went missing for three days. She turned up naked and covered in bruises after a horrifying ordeal. The park lay in a triangle between the State University, the bus terminal, and the old residential neighborhood where Charlotte and her friends lived. It was big and sprawling, full of old trees and...
BDSMAmi aj je galpata likhchi eta sampurna koyekti satti ghatana.Amar nam javed. Amader poribar char joner. Ami, baba, ma ebong amarbhai. Ami ekhon ekta besorkari firme kaj kori. Amar bhai o ektabesarkari firme Mumbai te kaj kore. Babar nam Sukhen, mar nam Namita.Ekhon amar boyos 32 yrs. Babar boyos 68, ma 47-50, bhai 27 yrs. Amarbaba ar ma prai 15 bochorer choto boro. Amar ma dekhte khub bhalo naholeo sexy body. Parar kakura ebong boyosko dadara amar mayer dikekamonar chokhe takato. Parar pujor...
Jill Kassidy’s natural talent for making everything look erotic is apparent during the post-scene interview. The naughty girl is still naked despite finishing her scene moments ago. Jill looks irresistible with her perky tits and bushy pussy out in the open. She smilingly answers all the questions we have for her. All the talking and giggling made Jill all wet and horny. It only takes her a couple of questions and she has a dick in her mouth again. She sucks the big cock before guiding it...
xmoviesforyou"You sure don't look thirty-four, Aunt Jackie," the tall boy said, running his fingers through his sandy-blond hair. Jackie smiled, putting down her lemonade and smiling appreciatively at him. She was lounging in her bikini, enjoying the afternoon sun by the small pool after having helped Evelyn all day in the house. Her nephew, Jack, had surprised her here alone in the backyard. Shuffling his feet a little nervously, he finally took a chair next to hers, sitting on the edge, folding his...
London River is waiting impatiently for her step-daughter Paige Owens at the massage parlor reception. When Paige finally shows up, London tells her that she needs her to take over for the rest of the day. Paige hates giving NURU massages, so she’s not exactly happy about this. But just then, Isiah Maxwell walks in for his massage appointment. Both ladies are completely smitten when they get a look at him. Biting her lip, London suddenly decides that SHE’LL take care of Isiah. But...
xmoviesforyouWe must have been the good luck charm because two weeks later we got a call from Mrs. Roberts that the other two sibling-pairs had been spoken for. Therefore, she wanted to know if we would like to keep Jim and Mary. It only took a short conversation for Jo and me to decide on the adoption. Jo called Mrs. Roberts and set up the final meeting to get some more paperwork done. At that time, the kids would come home with us and the court date would be finalized. Jo and I could hardly wait! The...
Jayne Jayne Felicity Spencer I looked at the clock. It was ten past six. "She won't be here for at least another four hours. I'll just give it another few minutes," I said to no one in particular. Picking up the evening newspaper, I carried on reading the article that I had started. I glanced at the clock after I had finished the report. "Well, John, time to start." I have this habit of talking to myself! I got up and walked into the bedroom and removed my clothes. I stared...
Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Train Ride I get the train every day to my work and back at the end of the day. I sit in silence, only ever speaking to the person next to me to ask them to move when I arrive at my stop and occasionally to buy a ticket for my journey. I people watch and watch people looking at me, with...
She was beautiful, in her own way. She didn’t have that classic beauty that turns heads or commands the attention of a room full of people upon entering. For Connie, it was more the clean poetic beauty, features like those of Jennifer Anston, made exotic by a nature, ineffable allure that played on your imagination for days after a passing glance. She moved like a dancer, possessed of poise and easy purpose. Unlike a dancer, whose lithe elegance of diminutive and delicate curves, Connie, at...
First TimeYes, Dear: Kim's Night Outby Sniper32One night Kim and her family got back from a night out, they were all giving her grief over the fact that she was so up tight and would not loosen up at home or in public. They had all gone out that night and the car had broke down, so they had went into a biker bar to call AAA, Jimmy and Christine decided to have a few drinks and play pool, Greg even lightened up an had a beer himself, were as Kim had stayed in the car to wait for the tow truck.After about...
Hi guys and girls, yeh meri doosri kahani hai. Mai apni girlfriend Gina k saath kaafi khush tha, woh nymphomanic kisam ki ladki hai. Hum jab bhi saath hote tab kaam se kaam 4 baar chudai ka session pakka rehta hai, ek ladke ko apni gf se aur kya chahiye. Gina ek independent ladki hai woh akeli rehti hai and mai uske saath apne week offs par night spend karta hu. Problems sirf tab aati jab woh periods mai ho, humne us waqt bhi try kiya hai par woh pain ki wajah se mana kar deti hai. us waqt qoh...
Hello, Indian sex story readers, I am 30 years old man living in Singapore. I had a Filipino maid working in my house.Her stats are 34 26 34. She has a very cute face and sexy voice. I always suspect some money is missing in my home. So I put secret cameras in the house. I kept my wallet in the bedroom and went to the bathroom. Once my maid came to my room, I pretend as if I am taking bath but watching the secret camera from my phone. Once the maid stole the money and put in her bra, I came out...
I am Alisha, a 37 year old escort in London writing my story on eroticatale. I read many stories on this site and thought to write my own as well. I am proud of my profession and love to openly talk about it. The reason being, its a profession that allows me to do social service along with making money and feel good about myself. You may wonder, what kind of social service can a high class escort offer? Well, I help men release their stress through sex and find happiness again, when they are...
Real HookupSaturday, May 14, 2005 (Continued) The limo dropped us off at one end of Rodeo Drive. I had come fully prepared, $20,000 in one jacket pocket and a paperback book in the other, as I'd had a feeling that I'd need a distraction and that there wouldn't be any science fiction bookshops on Rodeo Drive. Shopping is shopping, which is another way of saying "dreadfully dull". On Rodeo Drive you can make that "insanely expensive in a dreadfully dull way." For example, Julia looked longingly...