Neon Genesis Evangelion: Form Of The Mind, Form Of The Man free porn video

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To all TG fans: my author's name is cyberM. I'm new to this so please don't be too harsh on me for errors because English is not my first language, I'll welcome every suggestion. My first story is based on Neon Genesis Evangelion. For those who love Anime and Manga it's a must see, I swear. Form of the Mind, Form of the Man A Different Take on Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 20 "Have they finally been able to get Shinji back?" "Not quite yet, it's very complicated even with the MAGI you know." It was hours ago, but Shinji was still blocked in Eva unit 01, let me tell you why. After the battery went out during battle with Zeruel (14th angel) everyone in Nerv thought it was the end, but suddenly unit 01 moved again and it went berserk, Shinji synch ratio went well over 400 percent and it defeated the angel, when they where finally able to capture the amok unit and check the inside monitor they saw, well nothing no pilot at all. Ritsuko was not as surprised as the others because it happened once before and she had read the report. "Why is it so long?" "Quit whining Misato if we go to fast it's gonna do like the first time." "Well what went wrong first time?" "You never read your report. They lost the soul!" "You mean we could lose him!" "Yes, I'm afraid so..." Meanwhile inside unit 01 Where am I, am I dead. Umm... I don't think so but what happened, what about the angel? Am I still in the Eva? I feel, light... am gonna sleep... In a Nerv medical room "Why him Why is it always him who comes as a knight and saves the day, I HATE him!" "Calm down Asuka it's not gonna change anything." "Don't you dare protect him Suzuhara!" "(Why on earth have they put that demoness in my room)" "Hi you two, how are you doing?" "Oh hi class ref." "Don't forget me!" "Cool Kensuke! How are you today?" "Well, where moving tonight so we came to say bye." "Are you serious you're leaving a pal with that?" "I hear you, you..." (Censored due to the use of violent German word) "It's our parents, they're so afraid, we'll be back we swear." In another Nerv medical room "So Rei how are you?" "I'm fine." "You sure you don't need anything else?" "Yes, commander." "Perfect I'll leave you to rest then." "Right." Back in Nerv HQ "Last phase launch." "Cut the link fluctuation to 96.2%, input power back." "It's now or never." "There's a rejection, Encephalogram into negative!" "Oh NO we're losing him!" "The entry plug code is on screen... it's gonn..." "...we lost him... no look he is reforming." Later that night "So it was a failure again." "A body without a soul like a dummy..." "Dr Akagi could you leave now." "Yes, commander." "The first time an Eva has absorb it's pilot was during a test done by Yui Ikari, the commander's wife and mother of Shinji. Just try to imagine what he was feeling right now losing them both that way!!!" Inside Eva unit 01 again My body is back, what on earth are they doing why not let me out of here Please let ME OUT OF HERE, FATHER, MISATO, RITSUKO LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!! Just outside of the Eva "Eh... hi Misato, I heard about Shinji it's just..." "Oh Asuka why, why he saves us all and then..." "Yeah... I think we all need a drink." "It's not funny Asuk... Did you hear that?" "Yeah, its sounds like somebody trapped in..." "IN THE EVA!" "I better call Ritsuko." *Dringg* "Hello, Akagi here." "Ritsuko come to headquarters right now!" "Misato what in the world do you want at this... How dare she cut the line! It better be important or I'll kick her ass, she won't be sitting for a week a least..." Later just outside of the Eva "Do you hear? It's weird; it's him I tell ya!!!" "Calm down Misato, it's strange." "Maya what's Magi saying about it?" "It's human language it's coming from..." "From what..." "From the dummy plug, Dr. Akagi!" "Let's open it then!" "Is it okay commander?" "Proceed but everybody out except for you Dr. Akagi!" Inside the Eva It's becoming hard to breathe and cold Why... Why... are they dead and not me? No then third impact would have occurred I wouldn't still be thinking Wouldn't it be that way? I hear noise it's starting to move Yes finally! Just outside of the Eva "Dummy plug ejected everybody out of the way!" "Yes doctor!" "(Now to open it)" light am I still alive? "(Heart pulse accelerating, retinal reaction to light. Well it's alive, there's no way...)" "Uh... Hi there long journey?" "Ritsuko it's good to see you..." "(It knows me? It shouldn't... could it be possible?)" "Shinji how are you feeling?" "I can barely move, so weak..." "(Oh boy, we're in trouble...)" Later in the commander office "What are you exactly trying to say Akagi?" "Well it seems that when we forced the body to reform..." "Continue!" "Well his soul drifted into the dummy body instead." "So what is the best course of action?" "Well not much for now, it is complicated to understand how the soul works. He will have to accept is body till I find what went wrong!" "Proceed then." "Yes sir." Meanwhile in Shinji's room Ohh... what a dream, I'm still feeling odd and tired. "Hi there Shinji, finally awake?" "Hi Misato it's so weird, I feel so strange, tired too. Why didn't they keep me in the medical room?" "Well it's... you see..." "What? And why did it take you so long to get me?" "Argg... alright I'll tell you... No come with me, they say an image is worth a thousand words!" "(Why are we going to the bathroom, I don't need to do anything.)" "Right there, look." "What, it's only the mirro..." What Shinji saw there was Misato and... the first child Rei Ayanami. An angel, no goddess with her soft pale skin, her little nose, her crimson red eyes, her light and short to neck blue hair, her perfectly shaped body. Nothing he should be seeing while looking at himself in the mirror. As you can guess what follows is a series of hysterical shrieks! "Calm down Shinji." "No way no, it's impossible!" "Hello I'm home!" "Oh no Asuka is here!" "Well, well, well if it's not our favorite pilot." "..." "There is your homework so that you're not late." "(Danger, danger! RED alert, she's smiling.)" "I'll lend you something for school tomorrow, but don't you dare skip the torture time... oops I meant the shopping time after school." Then she burst into laughter at his face, Rei with an expression! "Sho... shopping?!" "Are you stupid? You'll need clothes you megadork." "But..." "No buts, Ritsuko needs time to find out what's going on." "That's right Shinji we will need time." "But..." "Since you just woke I'll make supper. You go take a bath, you need one after all that sleeping time." "I have already put something in the bathroom for you to wear, consider yourself lucky third child." "Alright... I know when to quit." "(They are both smiling.)" The bath... Slowly and very timidly Shinji put himself back in front of the mirror There she was again, it was no dream he was looking exactly like Rei, except that Rei was never showing her emotion like this, he was all red in the face. He started his bath and then decided to finish with it quickly. He took off the hospital gown, her gorgeous body so perfect, since that accident in her apartment he was dreaming of her almost every night like he could touch her... well that certainly was not a problem anymore. He entered the water, it felt different somehow and he started caressing that dreamy body, massaging, discovering the softness and sensibility of her body, her breasts are incredible, and then... down feeling, for the second time of his life a girl vaginal lips (the first like everybody else, from his mother) then he got to his clit, it felt electrifying to him. While massaging it and his breasts he built up something familiar but at the same time so different, he literally exploded, the feeling in all of his body so... incredible to him... "You mind if I go to the WC while you're there?" "What on earth... have you fallen on your head!" "Will you quit whining, it's not like I never saw a nude girl before." "But Asuka it's so embarrassing, how dare you!" "Yes, how dare I interrupt your explorative pleasure for a nature call!" At that Shinji became so red that Asuka laughed at him again. "(It's so funny, he is so easy! Oh I know exactly what to do next!)" Suddenly without any warning Asuka started to strip. "What do you think your doing!?" "Isn't it obvious wondergirl!" "Don't call me that, I'm not Rei!" "You're taking way to much time Shinji, make me a bit of space." "No your not entering the bath while I'm in it, it's already so embarrassing." "I told ya already it's not like I never saw another girl's body before." "But I'm not a girl!" "Look, I know more things then you about feminine hygiene and you'll need to learn about it anyway, with my help you won't be irritated down here tomorrow. So make me a place right now and it'll be over. Humm?" Shinji finally pulled aside so Asuka could enter. "Good Shinji." A bit later "Diner's ready!" "Coming Misato." Asuka instantly was on a chair next to the table. "I see you've taken your bath already." "Yes Miss Shinji was so long in the bathroom I was worried." Asuka told Misato with one of her smiles that meant trouble. "That's rude! He still is the same inside you know." "Yeah, yeah. I'm just kidding but I'm so hungry." "Why isn't he coming?" "Shinji come out come out wherever you are!" "NO I won't!" "Ah come on we won't laugh." At that Shinji come out, after all that sleep his stomach was earthshaking, but the sight was hilarious. Asuka had lent him her light pink nightie. Misato and Asuka did their best and didn't start laughing until at least a good 5 minutes, however Shinji was not mad at them this time and joined in. Next morning "Ahh! Oh... (It wasn't a dream I'm really stuck like this. Better get moving it's my turn do to breakfast.)" "Hi Shinji, it's about time?" "Huh? Why are you already up?" "Oops, forget to tell ya." "Tell me what?" "Since the major part of the city was destroyed in the fight we're gonna have school in Tokyo-2. Oh and hurry we leave in half an hour!" "What, but am just getting up!" "Hurry then!" "(Hurry, hurry! Easy for you to say!)" At school "Hi everybody it's been awhile." "Oh hi Asuka, do you have news of Shinji, is he okay?" "Well you'll see for yourself." "Hi Toji, hi Kensuke." "Err... hi Ayanami. (She looks so strange.)" "(Man I forgot they don't know yet.)" "So... do you have news of Shi... THERE'S TWO OF THEM!!!!" "Not quite right Suzuhara, this one is no one else then Shinji!" "WHAT!?!?!" "It's true... I'm afraid." Instead of paying attention to class Shinji was forced to answer all his friends' questions and believe me it was long time, after all he didn't understand all of what has happened either. After school shopping! "What is taking you so long?" "(Stupid bra, stupid dress, stupid skirt!) Coming!" "Turn around... not bad, go back inside I'll come with the next one." "(Curse her, it's already been 3 hours of trying out stuff.)" "There, take it." "You can't be serious, I... refuse!" "Come on, you'll need one for PE class." "But..." "But nothing, you do it or I come and force you!" "Alright give me a couple seconds..." "(Well at least it's comfortable I guess... grapping everything.)" "It's long..." "I'm coming in!" "(Wow she's so beautiful in it, I'm almost hot!)" Shinji was actually wearing a one-piece swimsuit, classical, practical and so very sexy. "So..." "It's perfect Shinji, yeah really perfect." "Alright isn't it enough?" "Okay, I guess you can practice your shopping skills later." "(Finally.)" "Next stop beauty salon!" "I don't need a haircut Asuka!" "Of course you don't wondergirl, but I said beauty not hair salon!" "I said not to call me that! (Somebody help! She's trying to kill me!!)" "Come on we don't have time to lose." Shinji would probably never admit it but all the massaging, body oil, shampooing and all the rest... was wonderful. A bit later "That was good Shinji now put this on." "Huh? No, come on that's for girls. I'm not gonna put it on." "Shinji you don't think with your head." "Yes I do." "No, I specially bought it to be able to tell the difference between you and Rei." "Why me and not her." "She won't agree to it because she doesn't see the use." "Alright, but it's the max I can endure for today!" What Asuka bought for Shinji was a pink ribbon hairgrip. "We should head home now or Misato will worry." "I guess your right, we should go." At Misato apartment "So how was your day you two?" "It was really great!" "What! It was awful you mean!" "How come?" "First I was forced to answer embarrassing questions, then that stupid teacher always mistook me for Rei! She didn't seem to care, then that forced mall trip... I'm in my room if you need me." "Well that's something... and you Asuka?" "Not much, but still seeing Shinji like that was funny." "Try to be a bit nicer to him, I've got a meeting to go. I shouldn't be back too late, Pen-Pen is fed if you need to eat there's some noodles left." "Alright, good evening Misato." A little later "Shinji, dinner ready!" "Leave me alone!" "Suit yourself baby." "(She's so mean I hate it.)" "What on..." He could not complete his sentence because in the living room in front of him Asuka was playing with herself, in fact she didn't even glance at him. She was too far away for that and when she finally reached her peak she stayed her eyes closed to enjoy herself... "Oh... hi good to see ya!" "What were you thinking of!!!" "You Shinji!" "Calm down, you're not yourself!" "I mean it, ever since your accident I've been so heated up!" "Wait stay there..." "Ah come on... it can be very enjoyable!" "No I don't want to..." He hadn't finished his sentence when she jumped on his hot body. She intended to show him how being a girl could be agreeable, starting with his breasts. Slowly playing with them as she kissed him, making her way down on the body of Rei. She then began her ministration on his pussy at a slow rate, he opened himself because of the waves of pleasure. After his first orgasm she let him rest, while she searched for other things. She was not finished showing him how good it was and she knew he could take much more then that... "It was great!" "Humm... How about untying me?" "Huh, no. I guess I'll let you be like that for a bit more." "Come on Asuka, I mean it!" *lol* "Me too!" "But I'm hungry and what if Misato comes back?" "Well she's gonna see how much of good girl you've been!" "It's not funny, let me go!" "No Shinji, not now." The next day "Shinji you haven't spoken all morning." "It's nothing." "Hey I might be an adult but I see it when something is wrong." "Misato, you want to know?" "Yes, is it about yesterday?" "Yes." "You were off so quickly I didn't have time to ask." "Well it's Asuka fault, she's been acting strange with me." "Since the change?" "Yes, that's it. I can't believe the way she treats me." "Maybe I can talk to her." "Better not, with what she did to me you might be next..." "Well remember the hot spring?" "Yes I heard you." "That time it was me." "Is it another girl thing?" "I don't think every girl do these things, but who knows?" "Just great..." At Nerv headquarters "Hi Shinji how are you today?" "I'm okay." "Today we've got a test for you." "Ritsuko have you found something yet?" "I'm not sure, that's why we do the test." "Alright I go change." "Shinji better go ask Rei for a plugsuit it will fit better." "Right...I'm off." Later "Hi Rei." "Hi." "It's a beautiful day isn't it?" "Yes." "Do you have test today?" "No, can I know what you want?" "How..." "It's not your style those sentences." "Well... I need to borrow you a suit." "There you go." "It's okay with you..." "Why would it not be, you're me." "But I'm different then you?" "Yes, your Shinji too." "We are like twins." "Yes." "(It's that smile of hers.) Well I better go." "See you later." "Yes... (I can't believe my thoughts, I'm like Asuka, I feel so hot when I'm near her.)" Back at the Lab "Oh my god Shinji what..." "You've got to help me Ritsuko, I can't control myself I need to..." "You mean you didn't start it voluntarily?" "No it started when I saw her, by the time I got here I was so hot I could not think of anything else... I want release please help me..." "Well that's something new..." At the Commander's Office "Why did you want to talk to me?" "Would you check that tape?" "It's security what do you want." "Check it, that's all." "Why on earth is Rei doing that?!" "It's not Rei." "Shinji? But why?" "Check that one." "That's Rei... but why are they..." "Well I discovered why." "Well, what is it?" "Their angels depend on their emotions and send out different pheromones. Since Shinji shows more emotion then Rei, the result is that her body produces a lot more pheromones and it's arousing the people around her." "If Rei showed more emotion it would be the same?" "Yes in fact we're quite lucky they don't stay together." "Why?" "Their combining could have result in the base having an orgy!" "So where is he now?" "I'm keeping Shinji in my personal lab office." "Good check if you can find something to help." "Right away sir..." Meanwhile in Ritsuko office "(Er... so tired, what did she do to me?)" "Hey over here!" "Rei what are you doing here?" "I couldn't stop thinking about you." "I must admit I thought about you too." "Good." "Why is..." He stopped in his train of thought, because when he saw her in the light he understood what was going on. In her right hand was a set of handcuffs, she didn't have the bottom of her clothes on and through the rest of the material you could see her erect nipples. On her thigh he could easily see her juice slowly dripping, there was little he could do. Ritsuke had tied him to a chair to make sure he would not leave the room and by while he thought (Oh no not again.) the pheromones were soon making there way into his body. He was getting hot he could barely stand it, she was lovely. She let him free they were soon locked in a 69 position, devouring each other, making more and more of their sweet perfume. It wasn't long before all the nearby offices were busy doing sex, either it was solo, with a partner or even with multiple ones; they were all doing it in some kind of frenzy, not really being able to help it... A while later "Shinji, Rei you should be ashamed." Ritsuko was back at her office and she was mad because of them she had taken the commander. Now back at her office you could see fifteen other people lying unconscious on the floor, they had been drawn by the pheromone. As for Rei and Shinji they were look alike perfect, panting from the effort, full of sweat, totally naked, sperm in face and hair. Yet still playing with themselves while their love juice flooded on the floor. "But we couldn't do a thing about it." "I must admit I feel a lot better now." "Of course you do." "Come on it couldn't be that bad Ritsuko?" "When I decide on what to do to you you're going to be punished, now go shower." "Yes." "I don't have other clothes. Rei do you?" "No but we have plugsuits" "Right, see ya Ritsuko." "(Darn those two, they play little angels but they're demons.)" "Gosh Ritsuko, what happened here?" "Uh... hi Asuka." "Why is everyone naked with bits of torn clothes? Was there an attack?" "Something near that you could say." "I saw our twins totally naked, going to shower. It was quite a sight." "Well..." "I know what as gone on, but why?" "It's their fault." "But how?" "It's a long story..." "Well come on, tell me?" "It would be too long, but let me tell you to stay away when they are together." "Err... alright." A Couple Days Later "So Shinji, was it that bad this time?" "No it's been a bit shorter." "Of course." "Why?" "You're getting the hang of girl clothes, so trying them takes less time." "I see you're angry?" "Yes." "We told Misato not to wait for us, so we could eat a bit in a restaurant." "Right. I know one not far from here." After a good 20 minutes of walking they had almost reached their destination when... "Hey babe, where do you think you're going?" "Just ignore them Shinji." "I'm talking to you bitch." *Smash* "When I'm talking to you better answer!" And with that the gang proceeded to beat them, then taking them to a backstreet. "Now whores, we're gonna have fun!" "Please let us g.o" "Such gentleness, we're gonna heat you up a bit. I'm putting it in the red hair first." "No, please don't do that." As to answer that tbe gang rounded up Asuka and started violating and abusing her to satisfy themselves. However they wouldn't enjoy her for long because what has been first fear in Shinji, turned into rage in her heart. Soon her angel part overpowered her human part, her skin passed from her pale color to something near purple. The red in her eyes turned bloodlike. She sprouted big wings becoming not a paradise angel, but nearer a demon. The gang was freaked out, but the pheromones were holding them straight in place. They felt her eyes strike right in their soul, which was quite accurate. - Since you like woman flesh so much you should be ones. - But she never moved her lips and then she smiled that same smile that has melted Shinji heart, it was like seeing the devil. Soon they felt weights on their chest, increasing hair on their backs, near their full round ass. All of their beer guts sucking into tiny waists, all their body hair falling out and feeling like it was being pulled out. They were quickly loosing height and muscle mass, making them for the rest of their lives weak and vulnerable. She changed some hormonal levels to make sure they would always be turned on and increasing their milk production so they had full DD cups. Suddenly they had the worst pain they ever felt, their manhoods were history. She made one last change to increase their production of ovulas, putting them in the fate of s baby factory. She then ripped their remaining clothes off and then pushed them into the deepest of the backstreet, to make them prey of what they intended to do to her and Asuka. Still transformed with her humanity in the back of her mind, she turned to Asuka and first healed her. And then... *** Hope you liked the story, I admit I've some difficulty in finishing it, stalling at some point. Hope you enjoyed it if I get good reviews I might make part two. Also for those who haven't see Evangelion I'll explain some things: 1. Eva unit: The Evangelion is a gigantic bio-engineered mecha used to fight the angels (more like demon) that are attacking Nerv headquarters to fuse with Adam, first angel and cause of the third impact. 2. Sync-ratio: Since they are bio mechas they have to synchronize their brains with the Evas to control them. 3. Dummy body: In case of a pilot who refuses to do there job, they activate the dummy plug (Which contain the dummy body.) to make the Eva believe there is a pilot and thus control it. The dummies are clones without mind of their own, thus bio-puppets. I here declare that I don't own Neon Genesis Evangelion not anything of it and that those situation in which the characters got involved were not intended by their creator so please forgive for their use

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The Superiors Genesis

The Superiors - Genesis Two years ago, on an archaeological dig near Mt. Vesuvius: "Dad! Come quick!" "What did you find, Cat?" Catherine Anderson sighed at her father's use of the nickname, and then pointed down into the dig site, saying, "Am I dreaming, or is that a Roman Centurion's armor?" The middle-aged man looked at the gleaming armor that was slowly being uncovered. "My goodness. Not only a centurion but a commander, I'm sure of it," he practically shouted. "Dad...

3 years ago
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the genesis device

The device was one of amazing glory. It had appeared to Harris the moment he sat down on his desk, though the device did not show its fantastic glory to him at first he supposed afterwards that it was going for a special in the ordinary kinda thing, like the death note, in well death note. as Harris noticed the device a plucky young intern named sam was walking by, Harris waved him over. "dude do you know whose thing this is?" harris nodded over to the device on his desk. Sam just gave him a...

4 years ago
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My cuckold genesis

Genesis of my cuckold adventure begin with mine first brokeup with my girlfriend. It was only for one week but just the day after brokeup she found a guy that instant became her NEW boyfriend. I could see them for that one week clearly in the park sitting together, holding hands and kissing (because of my jogging activity). I couldnt belive she found a guy almost same day we broke up, I felt the pain inside my chest when I was not seeing them or thinking about her kissing him now, but when I...

4 years ago
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PUPPET Genesis

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an 'open universe', free to be used by anybody, in any way they see fit. MOREOVER; for every single PUPPET story written and posted by anybody else, I shall create a 'matching donation' of roughly equal length - that is to say, I shall write and post a PUPPET story myself. In fact, this is an 'open offer', not merely limited to TG. I will match length-for-length, genre-for-genre, fetish-for-fetish, including - but not limited to - TG, TF, BE, PE, MC, SHEM, ROBO,...

2 years ago
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Nightblade Genesis

Note: This story contains objectionable content. Minors are encouraged to find something else to read. As for those who believe gender transformational fiction is sinful and evil, you can stop reading now. Go back to undermining free speech. Authors Notes: At the end of the three tales that follow, this universe will be open to any author. Before then, please email me at [email protected] for the specifics. This tale, in itself, contains NO TG, but sets the stage for the ones that...

2 years ago
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Switch World Genesis

SWITCH WORLD: GENESIS by BobH (C) 2005, 2008 *********** Switch World is an 'Open Universe' that anyone is welcome to set stories in. The first to appear here was: Many Worlds Inc: Switch World That's the story that established the universe, and which sets out the 'rules' for it. A careful reading should I hope answer most queries about how this particular universe functions *********** ...

3 years ago
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Liberator Genesis

Liberator: Genesis By Brittany Cosco (Mekalicious) © 2011 Brittany Cosco Note: This is the first in hopefully a many-part story. Based on the reception I get, I'll hopefully be writing one every 2 weeks. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters are original creations of the author and may not be used without the express written consent of...

1 year ago
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Neon Green

Isabella stopped for a moment outside the door of her newest "client". She'd been working at The Hotel for almost a year now and had never had the courage to enact her most secret fantasy. On this night, however, she decided to try it. The funny thing was that shed never been nervous before. Shed always been eager and full of confidence. "Man up Isabella. Now or never" she said to herself. With a deep breath she knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal a handsome man on the other...

Erotic Fiction
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Hyoris last peformance

One day i was flipping though channels on my television and accidently flipped onto a korean channel. i was going to flip right back to whatever it was i was watching, i think it was football, when the girl onstage on the TV caught my eye. it was a korean pop singer's concert. she was very young, extremely beautiful and pretty, with tanned skin, a thick behind, an some nice sized jugs, not too big, but nicely sized. She was so damn cute. Her name was Hyori. I did research on this Hyori...

2 years ago
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On a silent and dimly-lit street, a young man in a gray hoodie and sweatpants fidgeted with his pry bar, trying to slip it under the window sash and catch the Porsche's locking mechanism. Carl was a little nervous, wiping the sweat from his brow as he worked. This was far and away the nicest car he'd ever boosted and the closest to his home. He hoped the car alarm didn't go off, he was less than a block from his house. It might wake up his mom, who would find out that Carl had snuck out...

1 year ago
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Buckle up for this one guys cause it’s about to get crazy up in this bitch. Why? Well, let’s just say that all of your needs for amateur porn have been met for the rest of your goddamn life, as well as your children’s life, as well as your children’s children’s life and so on. I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to actually go through all of the amazing videos that you’ll find on, and the best part is that they are all 100% free. Yeah, you heard me right, even a bum can go...

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

3 years ago
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

2 years ago
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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

2 years ago
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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

Ippozhuthu naan kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiren, enathu peyar kamal vayathu 23. Naan niraiya vibachaarigalai panam koduthu oothu irukiren. Aanal en vaazhvile sexyaaga thevidiyaavai eppadi oothen enbathai intha il ungalidam solla aasai padugiren. Naan chennaiyil oru thaniyaar kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Vibachaara pathumaigal endraal enaku miga pidikum, athilum sexyaaga irukum pathumaigalai ooka manam kenjum. En veetil konjam pana vasathi irupathaal maathathirku 4 muraiyaavathu...

3 years ago
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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

2 years ago
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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

1 year ago
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The Cuckolds Princess Part 1 Genesis of an Obsession

The first time I saw the footage, I thought it meant the end for Lori and me, never for one moment imagined it a new beginning for us.Two men and Lori —well, not quite men: Tom and Vince were little more than boys back then, students in their final year at uni, my supposed friends. What affected me the most seeing her between them was the radiance in her eyes, how she encouraged them with glances, her expressions shifting from coy to sultry. I saw how she relished their hands on her naked body,...

1 year ago
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Genesis The Sixth day

They lay, entwined, with arms and legs clasping each other, sharing the afterglow that their sex always gave them.The dark was complete now, total blackness, leaving their sense of sight useless. They had watched the embers of the fire wink out, one by one; tiny sparks of orange that stayed bright until its dying second. The fire had warmed the cave walls, the rock absorbing the heat to radiate back throughout the night, keeping them comfortable in the ambient coolness of the outside.Their...

2 years ago
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Eve Raises Cain the Genesis of Incest

Eve raises Cain, as he lowers her to the leaves [This one is just for fun, it's soul purpose is to fuck with your brain, but gonads are welcome to come along too.] She took one look at her son, the way he was looking at her, and knew. "You got into the apples!" "Mom, it might be forbidden fruit, but its not impossible to snitch one, and take a bite. They're so juicy aren't they?" "Cain?" Exclaimed Eve, "What have you done!" "Nothing so original." "If your father finds...

1 year ago
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Tobys Sins 1 The Genesis

I'll admit, I was raised in a sheltered Christian home. Now, that didn't stop me from delving deep into the internet to sate my curiosities when they arose, but it did prevent me from acquiring a lot of practical experience in things deviant from the faith, namely sex. I was also raised in a Christian private school with a strict dress code and many rules meant to dissuade the male and female students from procreating with one another before marriage, but when you lump dozens of...

First Time
1 year ago
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Genesis the Sixth Day

They lay, entwined, with arms and legs clasping each other, sharing the afterglow that their sex always gave them. The dark was complete now, total blackness, leaving their sense of sight useless. They had watched the embers of the fire wink out, one by one; tiny sparks of orange that stayed bright until its dying second. The fire had warmed the cave walls, the rock absorbing the heat to radiate back throughout the night, keeping them comfortable in the ambient coolness of the outside. Their...

4 years ago
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The Book of Lot as told in Genesis 192338

There was an old man named Lot from the city of Segor and at one time he was a good friend with a Great man named Abraham. He was afraid for his last two daughters welfare, for the actions he took throughout his past, as his wife fell behind and became a pillar of salt. So he decided to move up into the hills in a cave with them, so they may be safe from the salt life. When the three of them were in their new home and felt somewhat comfortable one night, the oldest daughter said to the youngest...

4 years ago
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Surreal Sex 8211 The Genesis

This story is about the normal Indian couple trying to explore the untouched aspect of their sexuality. We both are mature enough at age around 27. Both of us are in a well-settled job and residing in a metropolitan city. She lives with her family whereas I live alone. Both of us are very calm and composed to the entire world. She is free-spirited and cool, laughs at my silly jokes and puns. We both loved going out for food and traveling. No drama, no typical nagging. We love each other,...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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Alexandrias Genesis 2 Elixir Bayne

Like those Grecian statues you see, towering in neatly mowed lawns, every inch of them perfect. And I mean, every inch, which left little to my imagination. It was impossible not to steal a glance at his crotch, and I immediately regretted it as my attire for that day was a pair of very revealing black jeans littered with chain and buckles. The slight bulge beneath Elixir’s belt buckle sent my mind into madness, and the tiny voice of my conscience screamed at me not to fuck things up by being...

3 years ago
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Family Ties Part one Genesis

Introduction: This fictional story is sick and twisted but is legal due to my constitutionally given freedom of speech. If you dont like it, you can take my first amendment and shove it up your ass… if your not into grown ups and young ones, or incest, or rape then dont read it. If you do read it then we both know that you like it… regardless of how many negative reviews you give to it after you bust your nut and feel guilty. Dont be a hypocrite or a dick, its only a story: other than that…...

3 years ago
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Alexandrias Genesis 2 Elixir Bayne

Introduction: Part deux still no sex, but bear with me. Its a complicated plot farther in! Wilkinson didnt have much to do except ramble on in some language. Romanian I think. Despite my inability to speak or remember any of it, Elixir was parlaying the words perfectly, sometimes even before they left the tutors mouth. Maybe I got his accent wrong? Ive never met an English person. Ive seen them on TV and everything but this is the real deal. And he was so handsome. Like those Grecian statues...

2 years ago
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Futa Genesis

Hey all, new story featuring futa and other such themes. If you don’t like that, maybe don’t read this story. Anyone who wishes to add, the story is moderated, but if you want to try and add a chapter, I’ll review it and if it’s good quality, I’ll add it in. ——————————————————-————— Prologue: a dream. Mark Chatman was a pretty unhappy 18 year old boy. You would be too if you hadn’t gotten any taller since middle school. High school sucks when you’re 5’2. Between his lack of height and his...

3 years ago
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My Cuckold Genesis 2

Friend of mine got a girlfriend. She cheated him with the other friend. They were like Pigglet and Pooh (I mean the size). So... My girlfriend met the Pooh. We were drinking beer with friends at the bar. Joking, talking, drinking more. I wasnt like we want to do something, or get drunk and travel in space and time, but we just wanted to be there with something to wet our mouths. The Pooh and my friend were looking at my attractive girlfriend with the scanning eyes, checking her from head to the...

2 years ago
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Katherine wandered the expanses of the web, looking at a variety of sadomasochistic sites. This activity had already quite bored her after the long past hours of useless and senseless searching, it was close to midnight and each minute she became more and more sleepy. She was just going to turn off the computer and go to bed (it's so nice that she lived alone, she thought, as you can do anything you wish), when her eyes came across one of the headers of another infinite listing issued by the...

3 years ago
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Genesis 2 A Satire of Biblical Proportions

In the beginning, God created death and taxation. The heavens and the earth were then thrown in as an afterthought. And the earth was without form, and bankrupt. And the bladder of God moved, creating the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. No, no, he then said, make that a Bud Light: and he had one. And God drank the beer and it was good. And the Lord God grimaced and an enchanted gust of wind blew forth from him. And the Fart blew the waters of the earth together...

3 years ago
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It wasn't quite brandy and cigars time, but I found myself pontificating to the Young People. "Course, festivals weren't festivals the way you know them, those days. No fence, no security - hell, no tickets - and no camping fields..." "No toilets, either, though," the wife interjected, "but, yeah, it was 'free', put your tent where you wanted - not near the stage generator, by preference - buy and sell drugs from whoever you wanted and, well, shit where you wanted. Bit of a public...

2 years ago
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Stop Watch GenesisChapter 2

“Linda, our daughter is a plaything for our pleasure - she is ours. A plaything is something to be used. A plaything is something to be degraded. The more perverted - the more taboo - an act is, the more arousing it is.” I repeated this refrain to my wife over and over, letting it sink into her subconscious and take hold - wondering what this new command would make her do. I was more excited now than I could remember being in a long time. After I had given the directions to Linda and Kara,...

4 years ago
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Stop Watch GenesisChapter 3

I eased myself into bed beside the sleeping girl, sighing happily as I felt her smooth and cool skin against me. I slid my arm under her large t-shirt and around over her waist - tightening my grip over her taut stomach and pushing my face into her slender neck; taking a deep breath of the sweet scent of her hair. Emily murmured sleepily as she began to awaken; stirring her body languidly against mine in a most pleasing manner. I felt her muscles tense when she realised she wasn’t alone in...

1 year ago
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Stop Watch GenesisChapter 4

“It must be nice to see that your parent’s still want each other.” I said conversationally to Emily as I still held her naked body in place with my hand on her shoulder; trying to keep the amusement out of my voice. Emily didn’t answer me. Unable to face away from the sight of her father panting after he’d just finished forcibly cumming down her mother’s throat; her head was hanging down and she was looking to one side. The knowledge that it had been her vulnerably nude body which had tipped...

1 year ago
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Stop Watch GenesisChapter 5

After all the fun that was had Emily’s house, I spent the rest of the day running some errands. Even after indulging and having taken the edge off, I was still absurdly excited about what was going to happen tonight. All I knew was that Linda had wanted Emily to come over and join us - nothing more. The thought of what my wife was planning - and how she was going to have our daughter interact with the girl that used to babysit her - gave me a hard-on every time I thought about it. For...

2 years ago
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Ebon GenesisChapter 2

Colette turned and looked over her shoulder as she exited the doorway into the hall. She wondered if his eyes were on her as she left the room, and instead of making her uncomfortable — as it should — the possibility made her smile. The thought was confusing, worrisome, and comforting — all at the same time. She knew that Tharsas was treated like a dog by her mother and sister, and she suspected that Lavina did something worse to her stepbrother, though she had no idea what that might be....

2 years ago
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Ebon GenesisChapter 3

Tharsas awakened, panting for breath. The memory of the dream was still fresh and vivid in his mind. He rolled over off his stomach, onto his back, and could see where his erection was pulling the waistband of his pants up high enough that he could see down them. The dream was so real — so vivid — that he was amazed he had not ejaculated in his pants. He also couldn't get it out of his head. The dream consumed him, and when he closed his eyes, he could see her nude body, smell her scent of...

3 years ago
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Ebon GenesisChapter 4

"What will we do Tharsas?" Colette asked, as she hooked the last button on her dress. "I'll talk to Vargas; he'll find some way to get us out of here. We'll go somewhere — anywhere — and be married." Colette's shy smile was radiant. "You mean it?" He walked over, and kissed her. The kiss was soft and relaxed, now that they had spent the built-up passion within them. "Yes, Colette, I mean it with all my heart. We'll leave this dark place, and begin a new life — together. I've...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 104 Retrogenesis

"I don't remember much before waking up." Ryoko suddenly seemed to hear. "I don't even remember 'waking up' at all exactly. Everything was just sort of THERE! All of a sudden! One moment nothing then BAM! I there I was!" "W-What the hell?" Ryoko stammered suddenly alarmed from her place at Ena's side. "It's your memories Ryoko," Ena told her gently. "Your 'true' memories." "But that was my voice speaking!" Ryoko demanded astonished. Floating a few feet away Ena's...

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