Ebon Ivory Keys
- 3 years ago
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Tharsas awakened, panting for breath. The memory of the dream was still fresh and vivid in his mind. He rolled over off his stomach, onto his back, and could see where his erection was pulling the waistband of his pants up high enough that he could see down them.
The dream was so real — so vivid — that he was amazed he had not ejaculated in his pants. He also couldn't get it out of his head. The dream consumed him, and when he closed his eyes, he could see her nude body, smell her scent of arousal, and hear the sounds of her pleasure.
Tharsas jerked off his shirt — sweat beading on his body despite the chill air. His pants followed, and he climbed under the thinnest of his sheets, trying to go back to sleep. Half of him wanted the troubling thoughts and arousal to go away, while the other half of him was hoping the dream would return.
Tharsas' hand had wrapped around his cock before his brain registered that it was moving. He couldn't think, couldn't sleep, and there was only one way to make his painfully throbbing erection go away now.
Tharsas surrendered to his arousal, closing his eyes, and letting the nude vision of Colette in his mind have her way with him. His hand rasped over his flesh, and he built quickly toward release, due to his already heightened state of arousal.
The sound of the door opening caused him to jerk the covers over him, before his eyes even opened. When they did open, his stomach lurched — because he saw Lavina closing the door, and scowling at him.
"You disgusting little fuck," she said, crossing the room and slapping him hard across the face. She started untying the robe that covered her as soon as the blow landed.
Her weight pinned him down to the bed only a moment later. Lavina edged forward to sit on his face, chafing him with her stiff, dark pubic hairs and pulling up on his hair at the same time.
Tharsas started lapping, the real scent of her arousal blending with the memory of Colette's in his dream. He closed his eyes, and it was not Lavina his tongue explored, but Colette. The taste of the juices washing over his tongue seemed to change — becoming sweeter. He lapped hungrily, Lavina's growls replaced by musical moans from Colette in his mind.
Lavina let out a long gasp, pulling hard on Tharsas' hair, and grinding her pussy into his face, as she reached her peak. Her hips rocking ground her pubic hairs into his face, and it broke him from his daydream. He had to force himself to keep lapping her now, though moments before he had been devouring her with glee.
Lavina let out a little growl and slid off his face. "I need to catch you pulling that thing more often. That was good," She purred, patting his face, which was slick with her juices. She then started sliding backward toward his loins.
When Lavina impaled herself on him, Tharsas once again closed his eyes — and it was Colette who sat astride him, wrapping him in her warm embrace. Her juices trickled down his shaft, gathering into drops in the dark hair on his balls. Her large, pendulous breasts bounced hypnotically as she rode him, her face a mask of ecstasy. Colette called out to him, "Oh yes, you feel so good Tharsas!"
Once again, the growl that accompanied Lavina's orgasm snapped Tharsas back to reality, a few moments too late. He fought hard to control his body, trying to prevent the inevitable. His teeth clenched, and his muscles tightened, but to no avail. With a choked off groan, he spurted his seed into Lavina's hot sheathe.
He kept his teeth clenched, trying to keep from bucking his hips, praying she wouldn't realize he had come. When he opened his eyes, hope drained away.
Lavina growled and slapped him hard across the face, snarling, "You stupid little fuck!" She then pulled off his pulsing erection. He was still oozing when his cock was exposed to the chill air again. Lavina looked down at it, and then back up into Tharsas' eyes, with anger burning in hers. She bent over him and grabbed his hair, then dragged her body over his, and sat on his face again. His seed was already dripping from her.
"Clean it all out," Lavina growled, and then pushed, the mingled juices inside her spraying out with a flatulent sound to coat his face. She continued to push as he lapped her, his stomach lurching. Somehow, he managed to keep his gorge down, until she climbed off him.
With a wicked grin, she leaned down over him and stared hard into his eyes. She then stuck out her tongue and licked his face. "You do taste good," she said with a mocking laugh, slapped him, and added, "But you know better."
Grabbing him by the hair, Lavina dragged him across the room. When they were next to the chamber pot, she forced him down hard. Tharsas winced from the pain of his knees hitting the cold stone floor, but offered no resistance when she continued to push him down.
He lay on the chill stone, dreading what he knew was to come. Once before he had been unable to resist reaching climax, and she had been prepared with what she considered a proper punishment. Lavina stepped over him, standing directly over his drooping member, with her feet on either side of his hips, her knees pushed outward slightly. She stared hard into his eyes, a combination of a smile and a sneer on her face, and parted her nether lips wide, with the fingers of one hand.
The first trickle of urine splashed warmly over his chest. Lavina moved slowly until her arching stream started splashing over his face and neck. His eyes burned where the golden liquid had splashed into them. He coughed when his nose was closed by a splash, and he was forced to open his mouth slightly to breathe. The bitter taste caused his stomach to lurch, but once again, he battled down the nausea successfully.
As her bladder emptied, the stream slowly retreated from his face, down his chest, and the last few drops fell over his manhood. Lavina released her labia and knelt down, pinching Tharsas' chest hair between her fingers and pulling, forcing him to rise. As soon as he sat up, she grabbed his head and pulled it to her sex, forcing him to clean the bitter remnants from her with his tongue.
Lavina pushed him away, and then kicked him in the hip. "Now clean this mess up."
Tharsas rose and picked up a cloth from near his washbasin. He wiped his body clean first, so he would not drip on the floor, and then started sopping up the urine — wringing out the cloth into the chamber pot.
Once he was done, Lavina walked over to him, dressed in her robe once more. She pulled him up by his hair yet again. "Keep licking my cunny like that, and I might just suck that dick for you sometime." She released his hair, slapped him once more, and then trailed mocking laughter as she exited the room.
Colette walked back to her room from the kitchen, carrying a slab of cheese. She had missed the noon meal lying in her room, fighting off both pain and emotion. She could not get Tharsas out of her mind. Every moment since she had awakened, he had consumed her thoughts. Most of those thoughts came bearing arousal, and she had climaxed three times on her fingers — and wooden cock — since awakening.
Passing the sitting room, she nearly ran into Lavina, who was exiting. Her mind was still in a fog of emotion and arousal, and so she did not think about whom she was asking the question in her heart, "Is Tharsas home yet?"
Lavina sighed, "How should I know if the crazy fuck has crawled back here yet?"
Colette pursed her lips, her eyes hardening in anger. "He's not crazy."
Lavina rolled her eyes. "If he had been born to a different father, the nutty whelp would be chained to a wall, eating from a dog dish by now."
Colette gasped and leaned against the wall, pressing her hand over her abdomen, as an especially strong cramp assaulted her.
"I swear, you cry like a baby the whole time you're bleeding," Lavina sneered. She then pushed past her half sister, and walked away.
The spike of pain passed, and Colette stood back up again. She had been angry with Lavina before, but a white-hot hatred burned behind her eyes now. She can't say things like that about Tharsas — that evil bitch, Colette thought. Her teeth clenched tight, her body trembling, Colette stared hard at her sister's retreating back — about to chase her down, and tear her eyes out.
A voice arose from the sitting room, "Are you coming to the party at Lord Randall's this evening?"
Colette started and turned to look at her mother. "I-I don't feel well, Mother."
Peronelle sighed. "Your sister is right, you do cry like a child. I don't want to be anywhere near when you are in labor, if you are crippled by nothing more than monthly craps. Go then — lie in your bed, and mope."
Stung by her mother's words, Colette hurried away from the doorway to her room.
Peronelle sneered at the empty doorway Colette had just vacated, muttering under her breath, "I should have left that one for the wolves the moment they cut her loose from me. She is nothing more than her useless, soft-hearted father reborn."
Tharsas' carriage rolled into the stable only a short time before nightfall. He had stayed late with the Master, providing an opportunity to copy the remaining spells that interested him from the warded bookcase. During the intervening time, he had turned his every thought to his studies to drown out the memory of Lavina's visit in the night, and the confusing feelings he had concerning Colette.
He winced when he saw Lavina and his stepmother walking into the carriage house just as his carriage stopped. Tharsas sat, hoping they would get in the carriage and leave without acknowledging him.
Peronelle turned toward the carriage in which Tharsas sat. "Tharsas, the servants are all needed to prepare for my gala. Thus, you will empty and clean the chamber pots. I want them all done before I return."
Tharsas nodded his understanding.
"Did you hear me, boy?"
"Yes, Mother," Tharsas replied. The word mother left a bad taste in his mouth as he said it, which he was sure was the reason she made him address her so.
"Then get out of that carriage and get to work. I swear you are the laziest child I have ever seen. Your father doted on you too much."
Peronelle shook her head in irritation when she finished speaking, and then stepped up into the carriage. Lavina offered him a crooked smile and a twitch of her eyebrows, before she climbed into the carriage as well. Tharsas knew this had been her idea, an extension of the humiliation she had subjected him to by pissing on him, and forcing him to clean it up the night before.
Tharsas exited his carriage and walked into the castle, resigned to a night of scrubbing the foul-smelling pots. He dragged his feet at first, and then realized he needed to hurry. The task would take hours, and had to be done before his sister and stepmother returned.
Tharsas increased his pace, going first to his room to hide away the copied spells. He changed into old clothes, which he would burn when he was finished, and opened his door to begin the onerous task he had been assigned.
A welcome face greeted him outside his door. Chancellor Vargas stood waiting for him. "Welcome home, young Master. I am aware of the task Peronelle assigned to you, and I have given it to another. I will not stand by and watch you scrubbing filth. It is beneath you."
Tharsas smiled wide, but his face fell almost immediately. "She will find out, and then we will both be put to task."
Vargas patted him on the shoulder. "Peronelle will not discover my duplicity. I have had many years to practice working behind her back, young Master. I do my best to maintain your Barony in the manner your father would have wished. I cannot spare you all that you endure, but I will do what I can for you. I owe your father that much, for raising me to my position based upon my ability, instead of leaving me to wallow in the caste of my birth."
"Thank you, Vargas. You served my father impeccably, and I only wish it was I whom you served now, instead of my stepmother."
"As do I, young Master. Colette has been asking after you. Shall I send for her, and have food brought to the sitting room? I believe you would do well to relax for a time."
Tharsas' heart skipped a beat upon mention of Colette. He mastered his emotions quickly and said, "I'll go see Colette first, and then decide, Vargas."
"Very good, young Master. You know those who still hold dear their loyalty to your father, and thus to you. They will serve you this evening, as is fit for the heir of Witharten." With that, he bowed and took his leave.
Tharsas returned to his room, changing into clothing that was more comfortable. Without thinking, he once again put on some of his finest, before going to seek Colette. He kept in the forefront of his mind that he was going to see his sister, who obviously had been feeling unwell the past couple of days. He was going to speak with her, see what she wanted, and treat her with respect — as a brother should treat a sister.
Colette's breath caught when she heard the knock on her door. "Yes?"
"It's Tharsas, Colette. You wanted to see me?"
Colette rose quickly from her chair, and moved to the door — her pulse racing. She had spent the entire day in a fog of conflicting emotions, and had only noticed it was growing dark when she saw his carriage rolling toward the castle. The one constant in her every thought had been that she ached to see Tharsas again. Opening the door, she broke out into goose flesh, as a chill raced up and down her spine. He was dressed so finely, and looked so handsome.
She realized she had simply been staring and smiling at him when he spoke. Colette felt her face grow warm, as her cheeks turned red. "Please, come in," she said, and opened the door wide, stepping aside so he could enter.
Tharsas had not seen the inside of Colette's room since they had been very young. Gone were the playthings of youth, replaced by the possessions of a young woman. Everywhere were soft, earthy colors, obviously her preference. The room smelled of her hair, and her perfume. The effect was nearly intoxicating to Tharsas, and he found he had to fight down a shudder from the sensation.
"I thought we might talk again. We never get to spend any time together any more. I have a bottle of wine, but I didn't know if you would want anything to eat," Colette said as she shut the door, locking it.
"I had something as I studied. I'm glad you asked me to come." Tharsas grinned as he looked at her, the smile so wide it made his cheeks ache.
The color in Colette's cheeks deepened as she went to pour the wine.
They sat and talked — of Tharsas' studies, of what she planned to do with the garden in the coming spring, and about Vargas, whom they both liked. Colette was drinking far more wine than was customary for her, and she was becoming a bit light-headed.
The reason was that she could not tear her eyes — or her thoughts — away from Tharsas. There was a warm glow around her heart, and another between her legs, both of which were consuming her. Time after time, she wanted to blurt out that she loved him — that she wanted him. However, she feared he would leave in disgust — and truly, she would not blame him.
She swore that she had noticed him looking at her — that his eyes had roamed over her body, in places that were not customary for a brother to view on a sister. Each time she thought she saw such a glance; she nearly revealed her heart to him. When she looked into his eyes, doubt assailed her, and she remained silent.
Tharsas sat with one leg raised slightly, on the side facing Colette, trying to hide the erection that he simply could not force to go away. The scent of her in the room, the soft sheets of the bed they sat on, the musical sound of her voice... All served to assault him, and turn his thoughts to his dream — and the waking dream of her in the bath. It took every ounce of his willpower not to stare at her and try to look beneath her clothing, which would have only increased his arousal.
All the while, his ardor competed with the wide smile on his face, which refused to go away. He had not felt as good in years, as he had these two days talking to Colette long into the night. Though he had been here less than an hour, it felt longer, and he enjoyed every minute of it — despite fighting his body that betrayed him. He would not be like Lavina. He would not impose that upon his beautiful sister.
Colette mentioned a necklace she thought to wear to the gala, and rose to get it from her jewelry box to show Tharsas. When she stood, her head swam slightly — between the wine and rising too quickly — and she stumbled.
Tharsas caught her, his arms wrapped around her to steady her. As if from a distance, she heard him say, "Are you alright?" She did not answer. The feeling of his arms wrapped around her, the sight of concern in his eyes, and the undeniable evidence of his arousal — plainly visible now that he was standing — overwhelmed her.
She leaned forward and kissed him.
Tharsas was startled, his eyes going wide, as her lips pressed against his. They were so soft, and tasted so sweet. He felt the stiffness in his muscles from the initial surprise melt away. His hand moved to the back of her neck, and he returned the kiss. His whole body tingled, and he felt as if he was floating above the floor, Colette rising beside him, held tight in his arms.
Their lips parted, and their eyes met. Guilt surged up inside Tharsas, a flood of heat that turned his face bright red with embarrassment. "We shouldn't... This is..."
Colette placed a finger over his lips. "Please don't say it. Just love me."
She then replaced her finger with her lips, and once more Tharsas was transported into a drifting dream world, where reality ceased to exist. Here, only he and Colette existed, and here they were free.
Colette guided him to sit down on the bed — feeling the love and need in his kiss deliver pulses of pleasure through her body. Her feelings were returned. He would not flee from her in disgust. He loved her and wanted her, just as much as she loved and wanted him. They came to rest on the bed, kissing softly, and caressing each other's backs. Colette moved her hand down his back and to his side. It lingered there for a moment, and then slid down into his lap, to rest upon his swollen manhood.
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Sorry that the opening to this is a little longer than I would like - but it's important.I had just finished the 7th hole when the rain came. So I headed home when I noticed a well dressed black man standing in the rain while looking under the hood of his Mercedes. I stopped and asked if he needed any help. He said that he just needed a ride. He said, "I have to meet some clients at the Park Towers...and that's the 2nd time that P.O.S. car has done that. Are you going anywhere near The Towers?"...
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I had met Chris in one of my classes while attending a local university. We'd immediately hit it off, pairing up as we'd been given an assignment and needed to do research on a study paper together. Chris was fair skinned with short dark hair closely cropped above her ears. She reminded me to some extent of an Elf with her thin features, large blue-green eyes, and a smile that could melt butter. And though I had as yet to see them, Chris likewise had what appeared to be nicely shaped...
It was near the end of senior year when Tabby's parents died. I sat with her and her aunt Kathy at the funeral home, watching her trying to keep it together and almost crying myself. It seemed life was always bound and determined to shit into my cornflakes. The funeral director was a huge fat guy named Alfred Barnestead, the complete antithesis of the stereotypical mortician. The only thing typical about him was the black suit he was wearing. He was rosy cheeked and white haired, almost a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! “Desiring ebony” Mind Games I knew that I had to find a way to get Ebony’s attention, I had to find a way to show her my dick again, but It had to be away to do this without her knowing that I was doing this shit on purpose. All I knew is that I wanted her to see this dick again and some how want more, maybe even want to fuck me. So one day while I was in between jobs I had nothing to do, so I decided to run a cable line into her room. Now her bedroom...
IncestI sat in the comfort of my home, reflecting on the turbulent aftermath of George Floyd's murder as well as the unending quarantine. The looting bothered me, but I understood the rage. I understood as well as any seventy-year-old white woman can. I've lived through social unrest before with civil rights and Vietnam War protests. These days for excitement I'm venturing out in my mask and gloves like a senile proctologist. Sure, it's inconvenient but so is being hooked up to a respirator. But,...
LesbianThere were only two problems, she knew she drove the boys wild, even the male teachers, she became rather flirty in a raunchy way which she became known as a slut. Problem two, I was shy, I was the quiet one. I was the biggest kid in school as in the tallest, the strongest, I was borderline with the popular crowd, Emily's group, only becuse none of the older guys could beat me up and feared me when they heard I was after them or even when we met on the courts and fields of various...
The idea of it had always got me hot, always gave me a stirring feeling, but until that weekend, never before had I imagined it would become a reality…. My husband Harry’s little brother was in his second year at Nottingham university. He had planned to come home for the Christmas break but being as students usually are, broke, he had made the decision to stay in Nottingham and work the break to get some extra cash. So we decided to take the weekend off and pay him a visit instead. Chris was...
Prof. Angelina Williams was popular, since she made her way from the university into politics. But she was more then popular, she was already feared and hated by her enemies. She stepped on many toes, and many men didn't like her feminist attitudes, while women, especially the white ones, attributed her success only to her looks. Angelina wasn't looking bad, for sure. She was 41, but everybody said she looked younger, and she really did. The professor was very slim with a fantastic waist, but...
You sigh and yawn groggily as you shift in bed. The covers are warm and soft, and you don't want to get up. After lying there for some time, you feel something warm and smooth brush against your bare back. "Strange. I don't sleep shirtless." You think, through the fog of sleep. Slowly, you turn over, looking for the disturbance. You open your eyes, and nearly cry out in shock. Lying right next to you is a beautiful black woman, smiling contentedly in her sleep. You stare at her face for some...
InterracialPurge, purge, purge, hotter, hotter, hotter, how it is, true story, more forthcoming. Over the years, I have gone out walking very early mornings, to prance and strut, usually wearing shorts or short-shorts, with tennis shoes or flip flops, sometimes bringing dresses and high heels along if the environment right. It was mostly for my own experiences to test how I truly felt and later became for my own pleasures, although simultaneously sorta expecting and/or looking for another hard dick to...
Purge, purge, purge, hotter, hotter, hotter, how it is, true story, more forthcoming. Over the years, I have gone out walking very early mornings, to prance and strut, usually wearing shorts or short-shorts, with tennis shoes or flip flops, sometimes bringing dresses and high heels along if the environment right. It was mostly for my own experiences to test how I truly felt and later became for my own pleasures, although simultaneously sorta expecting and/or looking for another hard dick to...
I found this milf on Tinder. She is 42 and seemed really nice to talk to but I wasnt sure if she was DTF right away.This is the story of how I seduced her and my bet paid off.She is tall, light skinned, wide hips and i could figure she had big boobs. I met her was close to her work. I parked my car and then we went to grab drinks.After about 1.5 hours of chatting , we finally got to car and made out. I asked her to get in the back seat for more action. She refused and said she is afraid the...
10 Black Women travel to Europe to get impregnated Friends only
After many hours at work I had finally finished and it was time for home it was late. I put on my coat left the building and got in my car it was 3am and the roads were quite. Driving through the quite city streets I notice a young black girl walking down the centre of the road I slow down and drive slowly along side her. I wind down the window and ask if she is ok to which she replies yes I'm just a lil drunk can u give me a lift home. The girl is hot with a skinny body and very young looking...
''hold him down , hold him , oh yes this cute ass is going to open , it must be cute like a cunt''''stop moving , stop moving white boy , you gonna stay in these all movie as you suck our pussies''the 2 cutes black teen iam going to see a movie with at the cineparc, are crazy i should have known they were up to something when my cute school friend said i could learn to eat her pussy at the cineparc tonightmy tiny ass about to be plug by the weird red lycra panty with a bult-in black cock head...
The phone rang at the security desk. Bill put down his newspaper and looked at the clock. It was 8:10; everyone should have been gone by now. He picked up a pencil to log the call, then answered the phone. “Security desk, Bill speaking.” “Hi Bill.” The woman’s voice was soft and smooth. “It’s Jayde. I’m hoping that you can help me.” “I’ll do what I can, ma’am. What seems to be the trouble?” “Ah, well, no...
I almost surely would've died if it hadn't been for Tabby. She saved me, again. It was a boiling hot day in southwest Washington. I think the thermometer topped off at 105 degrees, and it was dry as a barbecue pit in hell. All of us were pretty much loafing in the house with the windows open and fans blowing as hard as they could. The cows were huddled miserably in the barns and under trees. All we wanted to do was sleep. "Let's go to the lake," Tabby said suddenly. She was curled up...
Christmas at the Langstons' was always a big, hectic event. The previous six years that I'd stayed there, we would always go to visit various relatives around the Pacific Northwest and have Thanksgiving and Christmas with one of them. I was introduced as part of the family, and I always felt welcome and not like a stray puppy they picked up on the side of the road, even though that's kind of what I was. This year, though, we were staying at the farmhouse and the relatives would be coming...
Rosie Devlin was a transfer from one of those swamp states - Mississippi, Louisiana, someplace. Her father got sick of big city life and I guess wanted to live off the land or some kind of macho bullshit like that. SO they moved up here and bought a few acres and he was trying to make a go of it as some kind of gentleman farmer. Why he picked this region, way the hell up here I didn't know, nor did I ever find out. Rosie breezed into the school during the second semester of the 1960-61...
Kisses on the cheek and other small affectionate gestures became quite commonplace the rest of that year. Then, in August, Tabby once again escalated things. On Labor Day weekend, we went out to Vancouver Lake again, Tabby wearing a billowy sarong thing that floated around her in the hot summer breeze. It wasn't nearly as hot as it had been last year when I almost drowned out here - I figured it was probably about eighty, but it was hot enough to do some swimming. There weren't a whole lot...
I was dead, but I was still thinking. I hung suspended over my corpse for a moment, watching it gasp its last. No blood had spilled out of the bucket, but the pale, dead looking hands flopped off the rim into the corpses lap, spilling a few last drops on the newspaper. Nice and neat. And then suddenly my incorporeal essence was yanked upward through the roof, as though it were on a string and somebody who was really, really pissed was yanking on it. I flew up through the cloudy sky and...
My relationship with a black sexy legs. The more I stared at her the more my I lusted after her. Looking up from her menu she noticed me staring and asked, "What the fuck are you looking at?" I replied, "I'm looking at you of course." “You are perhaps the most beautiful woman, black or white I’ve ever seen.” She then snapped at me with, "You got a problem white boy?" She then looked at me with wide eyes of shock. She walked over to my table and sat down across from me. Introducing herself as...
InterracialIn chapter one I was laying in a hotel room with my naked body laid across the bed, waiting on my lover to come out of the shower. As the lights were dim and smell of incense burned in the air my lover walked out of the bathroom into the dim room. All I could make out was a dark figure standing in the darkness. When she walked out of the darkness into the light my mouth drooped and my face turned red as the sun. It was Diana's mother Gloria standing in a long black silky robe smiling. Gloria...
InterracialSarah had been thinking alot about what had happened the evening before, it was one of her biggest fantasies and Adam had clearly loved it. Silently she wondered if she had maybe pushed too far too soon, but then she shivered as she remembered how he had exploded with pleasure the evening before and that he had confessed his love for her. This simple fact had affected Sarah more than she expected and she pondered how she would reward his love and the fact he had been so obedient this...
Peyton has been reading some very odd online news publications as of recent. She stumbled across an article talking about how if you give some exceptional deepthroat head, the suction part of it acts as a detoxifier for the entire body! Shes been wanting to suck some cock so bad for a while anyway, so she called Ike over and he was glad to fill her up. Peyton was really looking to cleanse herself deeply, so she sucked that dick with all of the pressure her body could forge. She sucked it so...
xmoviesforyouBreakfast with Tiffany (Part 2) I awoke with a start and looked to the bedside table where the hotel had placed a digital alarm clock with green glowing numbers. 5:59 and I needed the bathroom. The room was completely dark and I swung my legs off the bed and, remembering the layout of my room headed for the bathroom sporting a piss proud cock. I hit the wall with a bang. “Fuck!” I said. “What the hell?” An energy saving light blinked on, dim at first but slowly growing brighter. I looked...
When I was 22 and a senior in college I had the great fortune to go out with an 18 year old named high school senior named Julie. Julie was tall, 5'7', and buxom. She had at least C-cup breasts with a nice, curvy ass in perfect proportion. The most memorable thing about Julie, however, was not her height, age, or Amazonian build, but her labia minora. I have always avoided the use of this term as it is really too profane for polite company, but here on xhamster, I will tell you that these were...
Idin sat in his Mobile command center, he was deeping in meditation, his company stock had fell dramaticly, his investments still held value, and he had a large cash reserve around the world, he was pulling information from his own brain as he meditated, he had to recall things precisely, as he meditated his hand wrote out reams of information. "How long as he been like that?" Morgana asked. "Since he found out the security company was attacked." Kei Said looking worried. "That was...
My name is Clint Howard, I'm a junior at Kowalski High School. The reason for the name is pretty obvious, as you see both my mom and dad were fans of Clint Eastwood.This is how my troubles(if you would call them that!) began. It began on a friday morning like no other, I was hiding in the school basement, which is mostly used for storage, to avoid athletics because today was track. Even though I'm in decent shape I did not want to run that day because of the boiling sun. I walked into an empty...