PUPPET: Genesis free porn video

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is an 'open universe', free to be used by anybody, in any way they see fit. MOREOVER; for every single PUPPET story written and posted by anybody else, I shall create a 'matching donation' of roughly equal length - that is to say, I shall write and post a PUPPET story myself. In fact, this is an 'open offer', not merely limited to TG. I will match length-for-length, genre-for-genre, fetish-for-fetish, including - but not limited to - TG, TF, BE, PE, MC, SHEM, ROBO, FURRY, PREG and just about anything else you can name. PUPPET: GENESIS By A.N. O'Nimus "Idiots!" Pausing both in motion and diatribe, the wizened little man shifted the box of eclectic electronic components to one hip for better balance, then quite literally kicked his way through a drift of wire snippets and discarded bread-boards that surrounded the workbench in the corner of the attic workshop. Knobby legs flying, gray-white hair frazzled and in disarray, the tiny little man looked the part of a garden gnome gone mad. The 'garden gnome' part of the description was enhanced by the old-fashioned green waistcoat he wore along with his equally outdated ensemble of dark brown britches and faded white wing-collar shirt. The 'mad' part needed nothing to enhance it, a sort of maniacally gleeful light dancing in his faded electric-blue eyes as he kicked and stomped his way towards the machine laying half-assembled on his workbench. The little gnome's name was Bradley Taylor Danforth and in his younger days he'd been known as an innovative - if eccentric - genius in the obscure field of sub-quantum determination. Given an intellect spoken on par with that of Heisenberg or Einstein, his then-few eccentricities had been overlooked - but it's said there is a fine line between genius and madness and in the case of Bradley Danforth, that line had collapsed under the weight of his eighty-seven years on the planet. Now, Danforth's genius was directly wedded to - and under the control of - his madness. "Morons!" Danforth resumed his shouting at the imperturbable old rafters that made up the ceiling of his Victorian home's attic. "Refuse to see the truth! 'Oh, Danforth, no scientific principal can be made to work based simply on the interaction of human consciousness'. What about Shroedinger's Cat, you imbeciles?" Reaching the workbench, Danforth laid the box beside his half-assembled device and quickly went to work, his gnarled hands moving with surprising dexterity. "Gonna prove my theory." He muttered to himself, gleefully. "Gonna teach them all. Gonna show them that the universe is - and can be - determined by 'mere' human consciousness. Show them all..." Carefully laying the last wire into the last connection, he screwed down the butterfly clamp to hold it in place. Stepping back, the insane genius studied his misbegotten brainchild with paternal affection. It looked like nothing more then a child's toy - a toy rocket, to be exact. Well it should. The casing for the device was built out of an old AM radio that had been shaped in the form of what barely pre-spaceflight designers imagined a rocket would look like - that is to say, a pointed-topped cigar-like object with four fins, painted in red-and- white checkerboard pattern. "You'll make them believe..." He said, affectionately, patting the top of his device. "You'll show the world that the pan-universe not only exists, but can be 'chosen'..." Reaching out, Danforth tripped the relay switch. Light flared in the tail of the rocket and a low, deep hum began deep in its bowels. "One shot!" Danforth cried, exuberantly. "One shot that will change the world!" The hum began rising in both pitch and volume, while the light on the machine began to increase in power. "One small step for man..." Danforth screamed. "...and a giant leap in proving my pan-universal theories!" Laughing, Danforth reached out and caressed the hand-carved nameplate in the side of the machine, feeling the building vibrations through the letters etched into his device's metal chassis: PUPPET Pan-Universal Proprietary Probability Equation Transformer. A device based on the theory that Danforth had secretly proved true - that there was an infinite number of universes out there, with infinite possibilities - and that such universes could be 'chosen' by what a person might utter. "Show 'em, baby..." Danforth crooned... ...and, as PUPPET's sound spiraled up out of the range of human hearing, it quite simple... vanished. *** PUPPET, technically, stood perfectly still. Even as the myriad versions of the planet earth revolved below it, altering it's geophysical location on the ovoid sphere of the planet, PUPPET remained 'suspended' and motionless relative to a fixed place in it's own, obscure orbit. It was nevertheless 'speeding', however - in directions that mankind had never mapped or measured. Operating on a set of random-number registers in it's electronic abdomen, PUPPET flicked through the limitless number of 'alternate universes' that shared the same physical space as earth, but on different planes of existence. It flickered briefly through a universe where the only difference was what a single man in Pyongyang hand for lunch and then through another where mankind had never descended from the trees. Randomly, the device flipped through various universe, in each of which just about any possible even or situation could exist... ...until, at a time randomly programmed in it's bank of registers, it 'popped' back into it's home universe, several hours - and many miles - from where it's unseen, now-endless journey had begun. *** Studiously studying the caked-on oil and grease beneath his fingernails, Zeke named the price: "Twelve hundred." The man standing opposite him in the two-bay garage blinked in confusion - then his face went white in comprehension, changing quickly into the beet-red flush of anger. "What?" The skinny young man demanded, angrily. "You said two or three hundred, tops!" Zeke grinned wickedly and contrived a shrug of his broad shoulders. "More work then I thought. The whole trans-differential mesh-gear was shot." The pale, skinny young man spluttered angrily. "You... You..." Without thinking, the young man took an angry step towards the mechanic... Clearing his throat noisily, Zeke spread his hairy, slab-sided legs wide and 'casually' crossed his arms over his chest. Since the grimy blue work shirt he was wearing hung open in deference to the southern Georgia heat, it meant that the mechanic was crossing his heavily muscled arms over his brawny, hairy chest. A 'coincidental' stance that quite obviously drew the difference between the heavy musculature of the platinum-haired mechanic and the slender, pale build of the dark- haired patron of Zeke's Gas and Go. The other man, obviously a college student on his way down to a couple of weeks of 'sun and fun', drew up short, his narrow face still livid with anger. "This is extortion!" The dark-haired younger man shouted, angrily. "You know I'm stuck in this piddling little burg without my car! Well, screw you, buddy - I'm getting my car and getting out of here!" "I got a mechanic's lien on the car." Zeke said, smiling. "Take it without paying and you'll be in jail within the hour... and, oh, by the way -- did I mention that my brother's the sheriff in these parts?" Even further enraged, the helpless student spluttered ineffectually, as Zeke congratulated himself on yet another successful 'side line transaction' - namely, separating dumb-ass know-it-all college kids from their rich daddy's money. "So, it's twelve hundred or you ain't going nowhere. That's twelve hundred American dollars, cash or charge - unless you know another way of paying." The defrauded student spluttered for an appropriate response... ...and was so angry that he didn't even notice the odd little 'thunk' sound. Zeke, however, instinctively glanced towards the source of the sound - and frowned slightly at the sight of what seemed to be a toy rocket, sitting on the college student's shoe. Zeke wondered where the hell it had come from. From it's position, you'd think the little toy had been dropped by the student - yet the student hadn't been holding anything at all, so where the hell did... Zeke's musing about the toy rocket was interrupted as the student finally found his voice and an 'appropriate' response: "Yeah, I've got your 'alternate form of payment..." The dark-haired young man shouted, infuriated. "Blow me!" Zeke opened his mouth to respond... ...then suddenly fought a wave of vertigo as the world whirled around him. It was as if the world had suddenly turned to liquid and was rippling in a whirlpool - but the 'liquid' was filled with strange collars and shapes, as if a hundred transparent images were superimposed, one atop another, then set into a spinning dervish centered on him. Then, strangely, the other images began to fade - except for one. Swirling around, semi-transparent but visible, was a double-image of the same thing he was seeing through the transparent image - his own garage. Except... it wasn't quite the same. Zeke could see through the whirling, shimmering 'mirage' image and had no problem making out the cheesecake pin-up calendar image on the wall behind the student. A mostly naked woman sprawled across silk sheets on the image above the dates - yet, in the wavering superimposed image, the 'same' calendar boasted a muscular, mostly-nude man leaning against a fire-engine. The 'double image' young man remained exactly the same in both images - both staring at Zeke oddly, still angry but now also confused and Zeke figured it was because he could see some of what Zeke was seeing, but from the 'outside' - which made Zeke wonder if the student saw any of the 'not-quite-the-same' images that Zeke could see from his panoramic position in the eye of the storm. Like the shirts hanging from the coat-rack near the door of the bay. In the 'real world' image, it was exactly as it should have been - a clean work-shirt, with Zeke's name sewn on the breast and Zeke's change of clothes, a loud Hawaiian shirt. In the double-image Zeke was seeing, there was something definitely wrong. The work-shirt was still basically the same - except that the name stitched in italic letters on its breast was 'Zena'. The Hawaiian shirt was gone altogether - to be replaced with what certainly appeared to be a spandex tube-top... "What the fuck..." Zeke cried - and it was if his words were some sort of signal, for that transparent whirlwind suddenly tightened in on him, the 'eye' shrinking down to nothing as the whirlpool enveloped him... ...and he began to change. The muscular arms still crossed over his chest began to become slimmer, finer-boned - even as they were pushed further away from his ribcage, without leaving contact with his warm flesh. Flesh that was becoming smother and more softly firm as it bulged outward in two firm, conical shapes that looked an awful lot like... No. It couldn't be... ...but the things those two now-doming lumps couldn't be would certainly have gone well with the once-muscular legs that were now becoming smoother and shapelier or with the trim waist now rapidly shrinking inwards over a swelling set of hips supporting a fuller, firmer ass... "I'm turning into a woman!" Zeke cried in horror, yanking now slender arms away from what he could no longer convince himself weren't breasts - and fairly large, firm ones at that, being at least a nicely domed DD-cup. The high-soprano scream he had let out was incorrect, however. He wasn't becoming a woman. He - she - was one. "What the hell!" She screamed in horror as the whirlwind vanished. She gaped at the equally stunned young man, her slim hands lightly touching the now-smooth denim of the shorts that perfectly fit her well-rounded hips, then flying up to lightly touch the surface of the full, sensitive breasts thrust from her open work-shirt. "This is fucking impossible!" She screamed, staring down at the firm breasts thrust from her equally feminine ribcage. Zeke... Zena? ...took a hesitant step back on the smaller, slimmer fit that filled the now smaller work boots she wore and tried to deny the obvious. She was certainly a woman. A rather attractive one, at that, what with a well-toned, athletic body with smooth, well-tanned skin standing out in sharp contrast to her long ponytail of platinum-blonde hair and her bright-pink nipples in the pale triangles of a bikini tan-line that had appeared on her new bust. The college student certainly seemed to find the new form attractive - since, despite the stunned look on his face from the sudden, inexplicable transformation, he was switching his gaze from the long, toned legs well-displayed by the tight 'Daisy Duke' shorts to the full breasts thrust from the shirt now labeling the mechanic as 'Zena'. "Damn..." The dark-haired young man breathed. "You're... hot..." Zena opened her fuller new lips to retort angrily - and then stopped, eyes widening in horror... ...as she felt an incredibly powerful urge take hold at the sight of the burgeoning erection pressing at the young man's crotch. Unconsciously, Zena licked her lips - as the urge grew stronger. "No..." She whispered to herself in horror... but the denial was in vain, for even as she voiced it, the sensation went from 'urge' to 'need'. He needed a cock in her mouth. She needed cum in her stomach. She NEEDED to give a blow job... ...RIGHT NOW! "Okay..." She heard her voice said, stunned by the words emerging, unbidden, from her altered lips. "It's a deal. Let me suck your cock and we'll call it even..." Stunned at the burly mechanic's transformation into a sexy woman, much less one willing - nay, by the hungry tone of her voice, eager - to suck his cock, the student stammered incoherently. Zena tried to tell herself this lack of affirmation meant she should not go through with this - but even as she was desperately trying to convince herself of this, her desperate need was driving her to take a step forward, eyes fixed on the very crotch her hands were helplessly reaching out for as she helplessly, hungrily, licked her full new lips. Given this, the college student simply stopped thinking altogether and let whatever was going to happen, happen. Helplessly, Zena found herself kneeling before the man she'd tried to defraud, her slender new hands reaching out for the man's pants. As she unzipped his trousers and yanked them and his underwear down, she noted in stunned vagueness that her nails, while no longer, were now a pale pink... ...then all vague, random thoughts ceased as she saw the man's now- rigid cock. Indeed, almost all thoughts ceased altogether, as her new set of nymphomaniac needs took over. For the next few minutes, the sexy woman knelling on the garage bay floor was purely Zena - that is, the alternate-universe version of Zeke, a mindless nymphomaniac who, rather then defraud young men, used her 'power' of position to secure the sexual acts she so desperately needed. Not all of the 'Zena' mind had transitioned through the breach in the universes. Much of the mind inhabiting the sexy new body was the 'original 'ZEKE - but, along with the desperate cravings of Zena had come a whole new host of feminine skills, ranging from make-up and feminine social graces... ...to giving an absolutely mind-blowing blow job. It was this latter set of skills that the new woman employed. Her hands worked like a master flautist, dancing over the student's cock and balls. Sometimes in rhythm to the bobbing of her head, sometimes in counterpoint - but all designed to do the same thing her variations in suction, her licking and sucking and her lick-locked bobbing were designed to do. Get her the cum she so desperately craved. With all the skill she was employing, it didn't take long for her to bring the student to orgasm. With on final squeeze of his balls in accompaniment to a swipe of her tongue over the man's super-sensitive glans, the dark-haired student gasped and began to cum - and she eagerly pulled her mouth back until her lips were tightly sealed just behind the throbbing head of the cock, so that the wonderful cum wasn't 'wasted' by shooting down her throat. Instead, she let it fill her hungry mouth, so that she could taste and feel the flavor an texture of the cum she so desperately - and so often - craved, loving every drop of it with pure, Zena-driven delight... ...until the instant when the man stopped coming and the 'Zena-fied Zeke' mind returned with the horrified realization of what she had just done and what she was still tasting in her mouth. All things considered, it wasn't the least bit surprising that neither the stunned - but satisfied - student, nor the satisfied - but horrified - new woman noticed the fact that a 'toy rocket' had simply vanished... *** Having 'cut the strings' to the alternate universes as it had narrowed them down to the one it had finally imbued in Zeke, PUPPET now began collecting new 'strings' of universes for it's collection. More and more alternate possibilities attached themselves to it's deceptively simple hull as it flitted through the universe - while, inside, a clock that ad been randomly set upon leaving 'Earth Zero' counted down to the time when it would re-enter it's home universe. Return to it's own universe, carrying with it a host of alternate possibilities - which it would use to prove it's creator's theories, choosing elements of whatever alternate universe that most closely matched whatever words that would happen to be spoken by the person closest to it at the time of 're-entry'. (SEMI-FINI)

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Trained Slut ? Part I Trained Slut ? Part I A suburb of Los Angeles can mean a lot of places, some of them big enough to earn the title of ?Town?.? Dave and Bob work together in the office of a small company with just a secretary and the owner in one such suburb.? Dave and Bob could easily have spent their working lives as acquaintances, knowing little or nothing of the other?s life outside work.? That?s just how they were.? It was probably more surprising that they were fast friends,...

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Makes Me His Bitch

I’m just a regular 21 year old girl, I’m 5’6″, slimand quite top heavy. But then that doesn’t reallymatter as you are going to imagine your own fantasygirl as you are reading this. I would like to say nowthis story is based on truth. So allow me to begin totell you all on how it came about me becoming Casper’slittle slut.As I was growing up as a little girl I have always hadan affinity towards dogs, they just seem to get me ifyou can understand that and as I was growing up Irelied more and more...

4 years ago
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Breakfast To Lunch With Neighbor Aunty

Hi. This is Suman from Guntur of Andhra Pradesh. In this story i want to explain you my sexual encounter with a hot aunt who resides in my building down stairs. As it is first time to write a story please excuse for mistakes. First let tell about me and my aunt. I am 30 years old married person with good looks. On the first floor i live with my wife. Hence we are newly married we don’t have children. We are happy couple and have no problems. Recently a family has taken the down portion for...

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Grenville High

(Anyone can feel free to hope on in and add something to the story...so I hope you all enjoy!) It was a rainy, miserably dreary day in Grenville. It was also a Monday, so perhaps nature was just expressing its dislike for Mondays too. Grenville High was crowded with kids, as usual, loitering in the halls or starting to wander off to their classes. When the five minute bell rang, they all began to move at last. Yet, running late, one boy slipped in the front doors of the school muttering a few...

Mind Control
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TimepieceChapter 31

“Right here,” Annabelle said. “I noticed a strange depression in the forest floor and sorta ... kicked away the needles around it. That was the first thing I kicked.” She pointed to a huge piece of lithic material. (Huge is determined by the eye or knowledge of the beholder, a pound nugget of natural gold is pretty big but a pound of natural emerald is HUGE.) It was conchoidal on one side and pretty long. The piece had a severe cortex of waste material left on the unused side of the artifact...

4 years ago
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Our Weekly Friday Rendezvous

While on the construction site on Friday, I received an sms from Fatima. I was delighted by it's content, it says meet me at the Motel immediately he goes for Friday prayers.....don't be late, Room 201.Immediately we closed and my supervisor Fatima's husband left for prayers, I boarded a commercial motorcycle straight to the Motel. I opened the door and entered cautiously.stepping quietly into the room and closing the door behind you. Further into the room, I saw a small table set up in the...

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Lost EmpireChapter 46

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick watched in horror as the beam bounced almost directly back toward the empress. ‘There’s not a lot I can do, ‘ he thought as he pulled a strange looking weapon like device from his side and shot at the...

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Nothing Lost

I held her. My ear was hovering over the phone attached to her ear; my arm was comfortably around her waist. I felt her body relax against me suddenly, and I tensed in an automatic response – an awkward seated dance. “Negative?” “Yeah.” Sam breathed deeply. “Safe to sleep with me now. Right, man?” I think she was kidding, so I played the part. “Oh yeah, baby. Let’s go four people this time! Or maybe 7, my lucky number!” Sam smiled and tackled me on the bed, letting her long dark hair tickle my...

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Altered Fates Body Switch

Altered Fates: Body Switch By: Wayne Halderman Edited by: Heather Hi. I'm really William James Campbell. Or, should I say, I used to be. The truth is, I had my body stolen from me. I was 25 years old, 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 285 pounds. I had an athletic build, blonde hair and brown eyes. It all started with me seeing a picture of a girl in a pink dress and saying to myself, "She used to be a male Olympic swimmer before her body got stolen. Now she's a prissy...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 14

They’re both as tall as me, and both are wearing form-fitting, identical white dresses with scooped necklines. The hems of their dresses are at least six inches above their knees, and damn what some long legs on these two beauties. Without Sherry here to goad or guide me, I decided each of them were in need of some big titties and a fine ass – an ass more suitable for a beautiful, tall sexy woman with long legs. I knew I couldn’t make it happen in this crowded lounge, so I asked them to...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Contest

Things were different in the breeder's world. In the hundred years since the great epidemic a great many things had changed from the way they were before. For starters, the epidemic had wiped out over three fourths of the world's population. Most of the males that had survived the original infection were rendered sterile. The ones that weren't were almost rendered obsolete by a radical feminist movement that took over governance for the next 75 years. Scientific advancements during this time...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 15

Vetted. This one is compliments of Krista T. Boudreaux, the smoothest-talking Cajun in the Louisiana National Guard, got called up to active duty. His first assignment was in a military induction center. Because he was a good talker, they assigned him the duty of advising new recruits about government benefits, especially the GI insurance to which they were entitled. The officer in charge soon noticed that Boudreaux was getting a 99% sign-up rate for the more expensive supplemental...

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Mikes Fantasy

Prologue Meg had been reading a number of adult stories on the internet. After all, with her husband away all week and not due home for two more days and with both her children now teenagers, she needed something to stimulate her. Oh sure, she loved her children, but they weren't the best company for a mature, sexy woman. She needed an outlet for her built up sexual tension. She had fallen in love with one author in particular, Pappyok, or at least with his stories anyway. For all she...

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Peeking SisterChapter 5

When he heard Nina slam the door of the guest bedroom and lock it after he slapped her, Axel poured himself a hefty shot of bourbon neat in a highball glass and selected a fresh cigar. There was a sardonic glint in his flinty grey eyes under their grizzled brows and the barest shadow of a cruel smile on his hard sensual mouth. In a way this was the moment he savored most. He had just given the wheel of fate a random spin... and now to see what would happen. One thing he was ready to stake...

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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 26

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

4 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 34

Later that morning... Earth time: Tuesday, April 26, 2033 9:00 AM EDT "God damn it you asshole! We haven't got time for that! Run and get me the bolt- cutters! Move!" "Sure thing Carl! Just be a minute..." I heard someone run off, leaving Carl fuming on the outside of the generator hut and pounding on the door in frustration. I was just a meter away from him on the inside. Fortunately there were no windows. Generators around here are priceless, and this one was extremely well...

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Octet By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 So it came to pass that Anne-Magis and the Council became the overseers of the Land. And the people prospered, sometimes in spite of themselves. Desiring to increase the riches of the land, Anne-Magis decreed that there should be milestones to celebrate the works of the people. At these times, a talesmith would be chosen to create a new work for all to enjoy. And it happened that, one day, Anne-Magis presented herself by mystic messenger to the...

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(“…you can feel my body anywhere you want and anytime you want, Tami.”) I guided her hands over my tits for a while and then down over my pussy. I took my hands away and reached back and felt her waist and hips. We both had on shorts. I let my hand drift down to her pussy. I felt it all warm and damp. I let my finger crease her slit. She jumped and moaned. We now put our hands inside our shorts. I felt her full hot bush. She felt my pussy and pushed her finger inside me. Our fingers went...

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My 21st Slutty Cousin Friends

I went to my cousin and handed her the spiked vodka, “Mmm, thanks cuz! I had no drinks and now I’m fucked!” yeah you are, I laughed in her face “oh yeah, you’re welcome cousin, anything for you.” I said as she necked her drink, “mmm, that tasted real strong!” she said, “Haha yeah, I know you like it strong cuz.” I walked away from her, into the lounge, steph and Tasha looked delirious, “ohh, girls, are you guys okay?” “too much to driiink…” Steph slurred “Aw guys, I have a bed if you guys want...

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Wish Granted

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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Tinas Terror Part II

Tina's Terror, Part II By Timid Tina Tina was in deep trouble. Not only was she at the mercy of the two intruders in her apartment, they had found out her major secret - that she was really a man. Chris moaned softly into the gag that filled his mouth, soaking up all the saliva he produced. The realistic dildo pushed at Tina's vaginal opening, but rubbed up against Chris' cock nestled underneath. There was no escape. *** Tina laid on the bed where Jack had left her, in...

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Nicolas to Nicole Part 16

It was my mom, she was calling to check up on me. M: How are you Nick? N: I?m OK mom... M: School? N: Great! I got an A on math. M: Oh! I?m so proud of you! N: Thanks mom! M: Hope you bought some nice clothes, we are going out again to celebrate when I get back! N: Ehmm...Ok... M: If not, then go back to the same store and talk to that nice sales lady that helped us last time, Susan. She?ll surely pick something nice for you. N: Ehmm... M: Do you want to talk about...

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Taking Annas Virginity

Winter mornings here in Houston had been excellent running weather: light breeze, mid to low 50’s, low humidity. Other than feeling exceptionally horny that morning, that particular morning in mid January was no different. At least the early part of the morning wasn’t. It was uneventful, I had finished my run and gone into my home gym to work on some weights and stretching. It felt good to loosen up the old body. After a pretty intense workout, I stood in front of the mirror. A lingering look...

2 years ago
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Not Today Ch 02

Still no cuckold here. Tim had spent an entire year running the events of his night of torment over in his mind. He had questions that needed to be answered, loose ends that begged to be tied. He had removed himself from their clutches on his own terms, his own power. Still, part of him felt empty. It wasn’t the absence of sex getting to him. Cindy had always satisfied him, but since their split, he had discovered other women were at least her equal. There were many flavors to sample, and he...

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Just a Little RideChapter 7

Still Rob. So there we were; I – very gradually – began to believe Lisa genuinely cared for me. For myself, I, metaphorically of course, placed her on a pedestal and worshipped her. A week after her father’s visit and our ... acknowledgement or our relationship; okay, our beginning to have sex ... no ... beginning to make love ... whatever ... a week after that, Lisa was at the University and I was working on a horribly turgid history text, when I heard my phone ring with a familiar ring...

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Swinging gone to the dogs

Amy's pussy was soaking wet from being eaten out by our three year old golden retriever, Bella. Usually, at this point, Bella's pussy was also dripping with my cum and I was recouperating for round two with my beautiful, petite, dark-haired, blue eyed wife but this time was different. Tomorrow we were going to embark on a kinky journey that would take us well outside the bedroom and expand our horizons like nothing ever before. We'd started swinging with Tom and Jenna a few months back and...

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HEAD Cheerleader

The final votes were in for the head cheerleader. The last step was for you to approve her. No matter what the vote you knew you had the final say. And you’d make sure she knew it too. You smiled to yourself, because in your school the term 'head' cheerleader had literal meaning. They had chosen a cute little brunette this year. She was very pretty, but most importantly; she had tits the size of basketballs. Last years head cheerleader, Jamie had small tits. But she had the tightest pussy, and...

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The Skater Boy

[For Conner. I have no idea where he went, nor what he's up to today, but, I still remember him. This story is for him!]The last time I ever laid eyes on Conner he was walking along on the sidewalk with two other friends of his. They were carrying skateboards and talking and laughing about something. He didn't notice me as I drove by (or, if he did, he didn't let on that he had). As I drove on, I thought back to the last time he dropped by the glory hole in my backyard garage, and how nice that...

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Tell Laura Chapter 12

TommyLaura had warned me that the director was quite up himself. He was successful at what he did and was well aware of it. My first impression was of someone trying to make people think he had done more than he had. He certainly wasn’t as confident as he tried to appear. What was better was that Laura got fed up with him trying to belittle me. I know she caught me, but I couldn’t help smirking at him when I was letting her take the window seat.“Behave!” she hissed at me.It wasn’t long after...

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50PlusMilfs Charli Adams Gets a creampie

Today, Charli Adams, a 59-year-old wife and mom, gets what she came back to 50Plus MILFs for: cock in her mouth and pussy and a creampie. She’s enticing her man by wearing a low-cut top that shows off her big tits and short, cut-off shorts that show off her juicy ass. Perfect! 50Plus MILFs: What do you do for your guy to make him feel special? Charli: I give my husband a sensual blow job nearly every morning before he goes to work, then he plugs in to me. That is our personal time before...


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