Genesis free porn video

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I was born on 3 rd October2078, which means 22 years from end of the Genesis. Woman that broughtme to this world was not DNA compatible to have a female child. Once shewas pregnant, the tests were ran and she, as incompatible DNA mother, wassupposed to be given a male factor 17 which is a limit for having a malechild. However, by mistake she received factor 40 on male DNA carrier,and brought me to this world not knowing how I would turn up. She, likeany other, expected an ordinary boy that fits this society prospects forbalance between male and female population.

The world as we know it is now ruled byfemale majority. The Genesis, as they call the disruption that occurred18 years ago, changed the face of this planet. Genesis was caused by rapidincrease of genetically modified aspects of daily living. Beginning fromfood and cloning, genetic modification was applied to evolution of floraand fauna, too. That means that soon, plants were producing modified oxygento the atmosphere and animals, including fish, were modifying the natureto fit their own new species. As the result of all this, female DNA structurebecome much more superior to male and as much more immune and resistantorganisms, female population survived the Genesis, almost 100%. However,male population could not resist the Genesis, and so, only one third survived;those were only the fittest ones immune enough to stand the modifications.And now, as an inferior species, childbirth was controlled to ensure thatratio and DNA structure remains as it is. Female children were geneticallymodified to be superior and stronger to male ones. The ordinary valuesand feelings that these world ones knew, such as love, hate, pain and pleasurewere either forgotten or distributed as it was seen fit.

I, for example, as a male, wasn't supposedto feel love, hate or pleasure. I could feel pain; that was one thing thatwould help in my raising and education as a child. All this was containedwithin those factors women received when pregnant. Once I was born, mymother left me with an institution that should have directed me into lifeand teach me my purpose. For all other male children it was the same; theywere accepting their faith because they couldn't do better due to theirgenetically attached limits. But not me; I was different, I was so differentthat I knew, since I was just a little boy, that I must conceal those differences,otherwise I might have been treated differently and denied any chance forsomething better in life then just serving someone else. Some women arejust women, I guess; they see the world as it is and take it for granted.Those are pretty fair to men as long as we know our place. But some ofthem are really cruel and sometimes sadistic; those will use you for whateverthey see fit. My first encounter with this type was at the institution;many boys were punished, sometimes severely, for nothing. They were justused as objects to fulfill sick needs of these women. It happened to metwice, but, I was different, and so for me, it wasn't so hard to endureall that. I've learned rape when I was 13; two daughters of two instructorsraped me in director's office. I was forced to do things I never even imagined.One of them said that she knew history very well and that in past times,men were real pricks to women and that we should now pay for it. They beatme up pretty bad and performed different acts of sexual abuse, which then,I never connected with sex; for me that was pure abuse. "You little prick;you will be our fuck toy, now!" I remember one yelling. They forced meto crawl on the floor, lick their shoes and then, they tied me up on thefloor and raped me. They raped my face, they raped me for two hours, kickingme and calling me names, in between. Later, they took me to the toiletand pissed all over me in turns. That other time I was just caned as apunishment to what I did; better yet, what I did not do. I was supposedto tide up a gym but I didn't manage on time so I was sent to the warden.She was really mean looking woman and she said that she would teach mea lesson with her cane; I had to lower my pants and receive ten lasheson my bottom, but after those ten it became thirty seven and at least twentylanded on my back up to the point when my back began to bleed. She simplyenjoyed inflicting pain to young boys as I heard stories from others.

There was a story among us of one placecalled "Galika" where everybody was supposed to be equal, where men andwomen lived in a community of mutual respect regardless to ratio and levelof power amongst them. I didn't know if the story was true or not but Ihoped it was and I promised my self to find it if it existed. However,it was still a long time ahead of me to even try to do so.

By the age of eighteen I completed my educationad was "ready" for real life. I was supposed, as all other boys, to be,as they call it, "adopted" by a family and given a job. That meant, somewoman or women would come and choose me and make me her servant, slave,pet, or whatever, as long as it was, officially, a job. The society wasof slave-holding character, but unofficially, of course. The day came justfew days after my eighteenth birthday. Few of us were called at the gymwhere we were to be chosen. There were seven women, all different age andlooks. I knew, from the rumors, that it was better to be chosen by an olderwoman as they were, apparently, more fair to men. Unfortunately for me,the woman that I was given to was young, age of 33. "I think he'll do justfine," she said while examining me, "He looks strong and healthy, and that'sjust what I need." She, then turned to me and said, "What's your number,boy?" "170018A, Ma'am" I replied. "That's to long; I'll just call you 17.Ok, pack your things up and let's go." I went up to my room to pick upmy things and I suddenly felt very cold and frightened; 'what's going tohappen to me outside' I was thinking. I was used to live here, regardlessto the nature of the place; I knew everything about it and nothing aboutwhat was coming and that scared me. I came back with my things in 15 minutes;I didn't have much, just one bag and one medium suitcase. "Right…letsgo" the woman said and we took off. "Do you know how to drive?" she asked, "YesMa'am, they teach that too in the institution." "Ok, let me see how youdo it; I'll tell you where to go." I sat behind the wheel and started thecar; it was an older version of Chrysler 2075, and very expensive car,too. We drove thru the town for at least one and a half hours and thenwe hit the circle. After two hours of driving we turned to a small road,which led to the forest. Behind it was a width with a big house in themiddle and then the forest again. "This is it," she said so I drove thecar in front of the house and stopped. She got out and went for the door;I was a little slow from all these changes that suddenly occurred in mylife. "Well, hurry up, bring those bags in and leave the car there." Icame in with my bags; house was huge, it could have accommodated at leasttwenty people without getting crowded. I was used to a crowd so this seemedvery vainly to me. "Come, I'll show you your room. We went up the stairsand she opened one door, "there it is…it should be enough for you." Itwas at least five times more then I was used to. It was more like completeapartment then just a room. "Now, I'll show you around a little and explainwhat is expected from you. After and hour of tour and explaining my dutiesshe finally finished, "…and so, you'll have your funds as describedby law, those are health and social insurance, also your salary will dependon time spent in here. Longer you stay it would mean that I am satisfiedwith you and your salary will get bigger. If I am really happy then somebonus might come. Tomorrow we'll go out as I must buy some decent clothesfor you and…well, that's it more-less. Oh, just one more thing…" sheled me to the back of the ground floor and stopped in front of one woodendoor. "This is forbidden area. These doors are always locked and you maynot go in without my permission, is that clear?" "Yes ma'am, I replied" "Ok,then…go to your room and have some rest, now. I will order somefood from outside for today, but on other days, when I have time, I cook.I like to cook and that is the only thing you do not have to do. If youwant, you can learn, maybe you'll need it in the future. I will alwaysleave you one meal for dinner and for the lunch and breakfast, you willhave it your self, right here in the kitchen. At six o'clock in the morningyou start and you can finish any time after six p.m., not before. Now,if you have any questions…" "Yes, Ma'am, only one; do you, I mean,we live here alone?" "Yes, we are alone beside some of my friends thatcome occasionally." "Ok, thank you…I'll go now" so I left for myroom. I unpacked my things and lay down on the bed; I felt kind of peaceful,'maybe it won't be so bad in here' I thought. I fell asleep early and wokeup 5:30. I don't remember I ever slept that good. I went into the kitchenand had some cereal and then I began to work. We all learned very wellhow to do these kinds of jobs, so I was done by eight. She came in at 8:10and said, "Good morning" and I replied "good morning Ma'am". She lookedaround and just nodded her head as sign of approval, "Did you find yourway around breakfast?" "Yes Ma'am, I did." "Good then, you can go out andcheck around the house, see if any job is required. I have to go to workand I'll be back around five. No one is expected so I will cook somethingfor dinner." She turned around and left; she went up to change and after30 minutes she was gone.

As the days passed by I was really findingmy way around that place. My "employer" was ok; she was demanding and sometimesordering but still fair and polite. On some days, when she was in a reallygood mood, she would even give me a few smiles and commend me for the worksI have been doing. On the other, not so good days, she would just keepquiet and entertain her self with computer or something else. Anyway, Ibegan to feel really good about being where; I even stopped to think aboutsecret place that everyone was talking about in institution, the "Galika".It was exactly 15 days since I came here, when something happened asideof our usual days. It was Sunday morning when she told me, "today I amhaving someone over; they'll come around 6 p.m. and stay maybe until midnight.So, today you get your afternoon and evening off; you can stay here orgo out, suit your self, but if you decide to stay in, I don't want youdown here; stay in your room or somewhere else upstairs." I wasn't thinkingabout why she didn't want me in so I just said, "yes Ma'am, I think I'llgo out for a walk and come back soon, thank you." I turned around to goaway but she stopped me, "17!" "Yes Ma'am?" "I think that from now on,you can skip that Ma'am thing, no need to call me that, ok." And I repliedwithout thinking, "Ok Ma'am…I mean, ok." And I went to my room.I grabbed something to eat and went out around five o'clock. Her propertywas fabulous and big; I walked around the width and thru the forest, justuntil dark. I never felt so free before in my whole life. I went back around8:30 p.m.; I entered the hallway, took off my jacket and was just climbingthe stairs when I heard something strange. I heard some unusual noise comingfrom rear part of the ground floor. I didn't know what was going on andI didn't want to pry as I remembered my employer's demand not to be around.I heard voices, too, but I couldn't say what those were and only one familiarsound was coming from there. It was sharp and high sound of cane hittingthe soft human flesh, a sound I'll never forget. I ran to my room quicklyand closed the door. 'No, I probably heard something else, I am sure Iam mistaken' I persuaded my self and took my brown diary. Yes, I forgotto mention I had a diary; I have it since I was 10 and didn't miss oneday, since.

Around midnight, some voice from below,woke me up, "So, you got a new one?" I heard some other woman talking, "Well,when do you bring him?" "Look, he is really young, I don't want to…" butshe was interrupted, "Young? Even better, I like young." "I know that,but this one…I don't think it's a good idea, you know, he…" Andthe other woman interrupted my employer again, "Look Bern, you owe me andthat's it; we have a deal, so don't go spoiling everything over some prick.I'll call you for the term. Bye now!" and the door closed. So, Bern wasprobably her nickname. I wondered what her name was, Bernarda maybe?

I caught myself watching at my employer,few times. She looked beautiful; she had long legs and her skin lookedso soft. Her hair was reddish and curly; she had very straight face edgesand big red lips. Her waist was very thin but her breasts were like tworound balls, big and firm. I didn't know anything about women but I justknew she was a real piece. As she was so good to me, what I never expectedbefore I came into real life, I started to feel for her. I was tellingmy self how stupid I am but I couldn't help it. I felt like I would doanything for her just for being so fair and normal.

One morning before work, she called me andsaid, "Come with me." For the first time I entered her bedroom. It hada scent of her, I felt like I could touch her just by smelling the airinside. "I think I can let you do this room from now on, too. I usuallydo it my self, but I thrust you and it really needs some attendance." "Ok,no problem…I'll fix it in an hour", but she said, "No need for that,just take your time. The rest of the house looks great so you can skipit for today. I have to go now, bye…" she turned and left the room.I began to clean the room; I felt so keen to check on her private thingsbut I was afraid, too. She might find out that I was messing with her stuffand I didn't want to spoil our relationship. I just opened few of her drawersand in one I found her underwear. I froze in an instant; I began to feelexcited, full of shivers inside me. I wanted to touch it, to smell it,but I didn't dare. I closed it and continued my job. On the other sideof the room was one door, which I opened and found that it was a closet.It was full of different clothes and, what really amazed me, hundreds ofshoes, all kinds and colors. 'Wow…this is a one day's job' I thought.I began to clean inside and in order to do a proper job I had to removeall those shoes. She had many pairs, completely new; I think some of themshe wore maybe once or never. I took one of her white sandals with highheel and looked at it a little and suddenly I began to feel strange; mypulse went up and I felt blood rushing all over me. I felt some movementinside my pants and I saw my penis was getting bigger and thicker. I didn'tknow what was happening to me; I never experienced something like thatbefore. I was 18 then and had no clue about getting turned on or havingerections. I was completely lost so I moved a little away from the shelf.As I still felt the same I put my hand into my pants and wanted to movemy penis a little as it was coming to a really uncomfortable position.I had my hand in my pants and suddenly I felt hot liquid coming out ofit; I spurted all over my under pants. I dropped the shoe and ran to myroom to change; 'what just happened…and why' I was almost freakingout. After a while I went back and completed my work in one hour more.I couldn't stop to think about what happened before; I examined a placecarefully for any traces I might have left. Everything seemed tidy so Iwent away; I never even saw that I mixed her shoes up.

It was around 6 p.m. when she called me, "17!Come here a moment" I came to the door of her bedroom and stopped. "Yes?" "Comeon in" she said, "What's all this?" I knew I messed up something and Iwas afraid. I knew she wouldn't punish me or something but I was afraidthat I might have overlooked something and that she found it. "Look" shesaid pointing at that shelf, "You mixed all of my shoes." "A…yes,I see now" I bowed my head down, "I am really sorry." I began to feel thesame way I felt that morning; I was freaking out, I didn't want that tohappen again in front of her, "Yes, I will…I will now…" Ilost my words. "What's wrong with you, are you sick?" she saw I was completelylost, "A…no, I just…I will pair them back…sorry." Sheknew something was wrong so she looked around and then back at me, "Somethinghappened to you?" she asked, "No…I was just…" "Ok, tell me,what happened" she looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "And don'teven think about lying, I'll knew and I hate liars." I didn't know howto lie, anyway. I never felt so embarrassed in my life like when I wastelling her what happened, "…so I went to my room to change andthat's why your shoes are all mixed; I was completely confused." At firstshe was shocked; she just stared at me as she couldn't believe what I justtold her, and then, after a minute maybe she just broke into hilariouslaughter, "Ha, Ha, Ha…so you just…Ha, Ha, Ha… I can'tbelieve it, it's so…Ha, Ha, Ha…" she couldn't stop laughingwhich just made me even more ashamed. After a while she stopped, broughtback her serious face and said, "In here? You did it in here?" "Yes" Ireplied, "Over my shoes? You just got excited and came over my shoes? That'sreally…" but she didn't finish. "Ok…just fix them up nowand come down, I want to talk to you." She went out and left me inside;I began to pair her shoes up and those feelings from earlier came back.My penis was, again, getting big and hard and I had real problems concentratingon the job. I didn't even see her when she came back in, "Turn around!" sheordered and I almost jumped as she scared me. I turned to her and she lookedat my pants, "Well, what a sight…look at you, all aroused over myshoes." She smiled to it and said, "You look really funny, you know" Ididn't know if she just said it just like that or she wanted to humiliateme. "Ok, leave it and come with me." I followed her down to the livingroom; she took two glasses and filled them with some drink, "Sit down…here" shegave me one, "drink it, it'll calm you down." I didn't know what she gaveme so I took a big sip of it; it almost choked me, my eyes wanted to popout. "It's cognac, you don't drink it that way" she looked at me curiouslyand said, "You really don't know anything about things; you are completevirgin in all aspects." She just looked at me and asked, "And what aboutmasturbation?" "What about…what?" I was completely ignorant, "Youknow, self indulging and all…" I still had no clue what she wastalking about. She couldn't believe it, "You mean you never have…Oh,come on." "Which factor you are, ha?" she asked and I said quickly, "17" "Hmm…that'sstrange; you seem to feel things that you shouldn't be feeling with factor17…I wonder…" she sat down on the couch opposite to me. Shelifted her legs up on the table and said, "Tell me, what do you feel now,when you look at these shoes on me, ha?" I was almost trembling, some outof fear, some out of embarrassment, and some out of excitement. Seeingthose beautiful legs and black shoes on her I instantly felt aroused; mypenis began to move again so I just closed my legs like girls do. I wasswallowing hard and didn't, or better yet couldn't speak. "Well, come on,tell me…don't be ashamed, I want to know" she was pushy; I had tosay something so I tried to find a way out of my misery, "I could giveyou a foot rub; we learned that in school, too." "Oh really?" she soundedthrilled, "Well get on to it then." I took her foot into my hand and startto remove her shoe; my heart was beating like crazy and she saw that. Herfoot was so well shaped and soft, toenails polished in black and she hadlittle chain around her ankle. I started to rub her foot and I was instantlyon the edge. I knew it would be matter of minutes for me to come againand so I did, after maybe 5 minutes. I tried to hide it but she knew whatI did. "Oh, poor thing, go up and fix your self and then come back; I'llbe here waiting for my rub." I wanted to die, to disappear of shame, soI ran up. As I was leaving, I heard her laughing again.

I came back after 15 minutes; it took mesome time to calm down. I sat back on the chair and continued with herfoot rub, "Feeling better now? You should, at least for a while. We havea really interesting situation here" I thought she'd just provoke me more, "Wecan both see that you have a thing going over feet and shoes, right?" "Isuppose so" I replied quietly. "And it doesn't feel so bad, doesn't it?So, there is nothing to be ashamed of; and your foot rub is good, too,I must say." Those words calmed me down a little and she continued, "Maybewe can get some good out of it." I didn't know what she meant so I said, "Whatdo you mean by that?" "Well…is there anything else that you wouldlike to do to my feet except for the foot rub, hm?" "I don't know…likewhat?" she leaned forward to me and said quietly, "Like maybe…kissthem." I suddenly felt all those feelings again; just thinking about itraised my pulse again and my penis was, again, going bigger. Off course,she saw it and she said, "I am not going to tell you what to do, but ifyou want to, go ahead and be my guest." I bowed my head down slowly, stillhesitating of what I wanted, but my lips finally touched her foot; I kissedit on the top few times. The scent of her skin was like and injection ofadrenalin; I took out my tongue and licked her foot a little, "See, that'sno big deal really…go on, knock your self out" I was licking itfaster now and soon, I was sucking her toes. She lifted her foot a littleend exposed her sole, "Lick my sole" she said gently, and so I did. Fromthis angle I managed to see her face; she was now all aroused and excited,I knew as she had same problems like me; heavy breathing, swallowing, herbreasts moved up and down slowly and I saw her licking her lips few times.She moved her foot away and said, "Come closer"; I stood up and moved infront of her. "Now, lie down on the floor and unbutton your pants." I washolding a little at first; I have never been exposed before in front ofa woman, not this way. I did what she told me and laid on my back, "Closeyour eyes now" I closed my eyes and in a few seconds I felt her shoe ontop of my penis; she rubbed my dick and my balls with it gently at first,then she pressed just a little harder and after only a few movements ofher shoe I began to come. Once again I came in my underpants and this timeit was much more intense and felt good. It felt good before, too, but thattime I wasn't ashamed or scared anymore; I enjoyed it.

I opened my eyes and looked at her; shewas smiling at me, "Nice, ha? Go now, fix your self; you'll have your mealwaiting for you in one hour in the kitchen." I stood up and pulled up mypants, "Ok…" I wanted to say something more but I didn't know whatso I just left. I went up to change and after a minute I heard her makingstrange sounds; I couldn't tell what was going on so I thought that, maybe,she was in some kind of trouble. I went down the stairs and, fortunately,I didn't run. I stopped just in time at the end of stairs and I saw herfrom behind of the wall corner; she was lying on the couch with her legsspread and she was all like in ecstasy, pushing something black betweenher legs. She was moaning and making silent but high sounds and after fewmoments I hear done loud "OHHH…" and saw her all twitching and trembling.It reminded me of what happened to me earlier, but she was doing it byher self. Then I put two and two together as I remembered the expressionshe asked me about, 'masturbation'. I went up silently; I didn't want herto think I was spying on her.

That night I barely slept; I couldn't closemy eyes as I was thinking about what happened earlier. 'Was it sex?' Iasked my self, 'It must of have been sex, or at least, some version ofit.' I was doubtful because it was differently described to me earlier.'Will it happen again?' I hoped so; it was great.

Next Monday she took a day off; she saidthat today she have to take me to the doctor for regular examination. Ididn't know what she was talking about, but I still had to go. We spendalmost two hours in one private clinic and, when we returned, she saidthat she needed to talk to me. "Well, you're healthy like a horse, that'sfor sure. I suspected that something was wrong with you but I never expectedthis" she gave me a piece of paper; there was lots of information on itbut I didn't know what it was, "You're factor 40…40!" she accentuatedon that, "How that happened, ha? Did you know?" there was no sense of lyingso I just said, "Yes, I knew" I bowed my head down, "I am sorry, Ma'am" "Oh,stop with that Ma'am thing!" she was angry, "Why didn't you tell me, ha?I don't like liars, I told you that." "But I never lied…you neverasked me anything" I was afraid now. I knew she was good, but still, shewas much bigger then me, so she had both, strength and law behind her todo whatever she wanted. "Yeah, I guess you're right, but still…ok,how this happened? Does anyone else know this?" "It happened by mistakebefore I was born and only my mother knows, but I never saw her in my life." Shethought it for a while and then she said, "Fine, lets keep it that way,ok. No one must know, we could have problems if this goes out, especiallyyou, is that clear?" "Yes…of course, I knew that" I stood up andwas just about to leave when I said, "I don't know if this means anything,but I was planning to tell you soon" I turned around and left.

I came to the kitchen at eight but therewas no food left. She came in and said, "Come, tonight you eat with me." Ifollowed her to the dinning room, "Sit here" she pointed to a chair, "Thisway we can talk and eat." We only ate for a little while and when we werefinished she said, "Anyway, my name is Bernadette. My mother was Frenchbut she's dead now. What about your name?" "I am John," I said and shecontinued, "Ok John, that's better then 17, don't you think? I was thinkinga little about you; I think that you, being factor 40, have plenty of advantages,as long as nobody finds out. It's better to have you in here then someonestupid like a rock. That way I can rely on you better." "Thank you M…" Iwanted to say Ma'am but I stopped my self in time. "Give me your hand," shesaid; I stretched my hand to her and she took it, she pinched my fleshjust above my wrist, "Do you feel that?" "Yes, of course" I was confusedas I didn't know what she was doing, "I mean, did it hurt?" it didn't really,so I said, "No" she pinched it harder, "What about now? Does it hurt?" "No" Isaid again. She stood up and brought one waist belt; she took my hand againand hit my forearm with it, "How about this, does this hurt?" I was prettyconfused but I discovered something new; nothing of that hurt. "No" I said, "Itdoesn't…but why do you ask?" she looked at me, "I wanted to seeif that factor of yours really works. You felt any pain before…ever?" "YesI did" and I told her about that canning I got in institution. "Yes, andnow your factor are more developed so it removes all painful feelings fromyou." I never knew that before, so I said, "You mean, if I break my leg,none of that would hurt" "That's right" she replied, "It would probablyonly feel like a scratch." That sounded good; no pain at all, "However,the feelings may be a little problem for you; with that factor your feelingslike love, hate and such might be much more intense then with the others,that's what you should mind for, your feelings." She just looked at mefor a while and then came closer; she leaned and almost whispered witha smile on her face, "That's why you mess up your underpants so easilyover my feet" she just continued smiling, "I am afraid that, if I wouldoffer you something more then my feet, you wouldn't last for 3 seconds." Shewent over to her chair and sat, "Drink some more of that" she pointed tothe bottle on the table; it was red wine. After 3 glasses I was drunk;I didn't know that feeling before, but it took me only 3 glasses, probablybecause of my factor, too. "Take your glass with you and come" she saidand I followed her, "Sit there and I'll be right back." I sat down on thecouch; she came back after 15 minutes, wearing just a black mini skirtand white shirt, she had those black sandals on again. She sat by me onthe couch and said, "Take off your clothes!" I stood up and took off myshirt and my pants, "All of it" she ordered. I slowly removed my underwearand once I straightened up, she looked at my groin and said with her eyeswide open, "Oh, yes…factor 40, definitely." At that time I didn'tknow what she meant, later I figured she thought how well equipped I was. "Now,go down on the floor" she said and pointed to her feet. I kneeled in frontof her, bowed down and began to lick her feet and her shoe; my dick wentup instantly and was all pulsating. She gave me a towel and said, "Here,put this below your belly" I took it and did what she said. After a minuteor two, she stretched her other leg and rubbed her foot on my dick frombelow; she barely touched it when I began to twitch and come all over thattowel and she barely managed to remove her foot for not being all coveredwith my sperm. I wanted to stand up but she said, "No, no…just continue,I want to see how long you can do it." I came seven times in one hour,each time it took me a little longer as we repeated the process same way.By then I had her shoes off and I licked her feet and her legs up to herknees, completely, several times. I was exhausted and she was all tensed,horny like hell. "Come up now" she said and I straightened my self on myknees; she pulled up her skirt and for the first time in my life I sawfemale pussy. It was a magnificent new sight for my eyes; her pussy wasso nicely shaped and completely shaved. I, instantly, wanted to take itinto my mouth; it looked delicious. Her lips were all wet and swollen,her clit all purple and hard. Immediately, I forgot how tired I was andmy dick went straight up in a second. She saw that and said, "Aha…stillresponding …nice." She took my head in her hand and pulled me closer,widening her legs at the same time, "Come, I have something new for you." Myface was then just and inch away when she said, "Give it a small gentlelick, now." I pulled out my tongue and touched her clit with it; it wasall sticky and wet and yet so tasty and arousing, "Come…some more,now" and I licked it few times real gently like I was afraid. She pulledmy head harder and said, "Come on…lick it like an ice cream…that'sit, up and down…oohhh" she was on the edge and I was really enjoyingthis, "Oh yes…harder, lick it harder…mmm, I love it, yeees…" shebegan to move her hips left and right and up and down, "Oh yes, I am coming…YESS,AHHHA,…OHHHH!!!" she came intensively; her body was all in spasms,she wrapped her legs around me and twitched like that for almost one minute.Once she came to her self she looked down and said, "And you? You didn't?" thistime I didn't come; I wanted to but I was holding it because I was afraidI might spoil something for her if I did. "Stand up" she said; I stoodup in front of her and she took that towel and wrapped it around my dick. "Justrelax now" she said and began to jerk me off like that. She pulled my dickup and down maybe ten times and grabbed me by the balls; I suddenly tensedall my muscles and almost screamed, "OOHH!" and just emptied my load intothe towel for the eighth time. I put my clothes on and sat beside her, "Thiswas really…really" "I know, great" she said and she leaned closerand kissed me on the lips, "Like that?" I loved it! "Yes, yes I do…" Iwas still so excited. "You are my first employee that wants same thingsas I do and I think you and I will get along incredibly fine. There aresome other things I want to teach you, too." I was getting excited justby listening what she was saying, "Like what, Ma'am?" she looked at meharshly, "Why do you persist on calling me Ma'am, ha? You like it or what?If you really like it I guess you may, then." "I don't know how else tocall you." "Ok, you can call me Ma'am, if it's easier for you…wherewere we?" "You said that you will teach me some other things…" "Oh,yes…there are plenty of things I could teach you about having funthis way" she leaned closer and whispered, "I'll make you my little slaveboy and you'll love every moment of it." I didn't like the sound of theword slave but if it meant just playing like this then I was thrilled aboutit. "Slave boy?" I wondered, "How is that?" "Well…you will do whateverI say and I'll see to it that you enjoy it, too; that way we'll both behappy." "You like having slaves, Ma'am?" I asked, "Only during sex; I wouldnever have a real slave, that's disgusting, but in sex it turns me on.Don't concern your self; I promise you, you will like it."

The day after, when she came back from herwork she looked completely different; she seemed much happier to be homethen usually. She said hello and went to her room; I heard a shower andafter a while she came down wearing her bathrobe only and some red shoes.Those were not made for wearing inside the house, but I supposed she likedit. "Are you done?" she asked, "Yes Ma'am, almost." "Ok, why don't youjust go up and take a shower, put on some more comfortable clothes andthen, come to my bedroom; I'll be up waiting for you." "Your bedroom" Inever expected that she'd invite me there, "Yes, my bedroom…go now!" Iwent up as she said and, after 20 minutes, came to her bedroom; she waslying on the bed on her side. She stood up and said, "Come" and I followed. "Ineed a new polish on my toenails and I want you to do it; I want you torub my feet first and then you can pick a color to polish my nails." Shetook a towel and looked at me, "We might need this" she said smiling. Isat on the end of the long chair where she stretched her self and tookher shoes off; she untied her bathrobe and let it fall down across thechair. She was now only in her black silky panties and a bra of same material.I began to rub her foot but I could hardly concentrate; I was already ontop of my excitement, my dick wanted to explode and I almost couldn't breath. "Ohboy, this must be difficult for you, ha? Don't you enjoy it?" "Oh yes Ma'am,very much…it's just…" I couldn't finish. She reached beneaththe chair and pulled out a long black cane, "Now, I don't want you to comeuntil I say so. If you do I'll be forced to use this on you." The sightof that cane scared me a little but I remembered the other night; I didn'tfeel any pain. My dick was all dripping with precum and she saw that Iwas just about to blow so she hit my hip with the cane, gently. It worked;I lost it as it surprised me. "What did I say? No spurting until I sayso." "Yes Ma'am, it's just that…it is not so easy to hold it…" "Yes,I know that and that's exactly why I want to teach you to control yourself." I rubbed her feet for a little longer and she had to stop me, fewmore times, with that cane. "Ok, now pick a polish; I want to see yourfavorite color, those are over there in the second drawer" she pointedto a shelf. I went there and after some time I picked a red one. "Oh, nice,my little slave wants hot red" she was smiling and enjoying this all ofthe time; I enjoyed it, too, but I really needed to cum as my balls beganto almost hurt. "You know how to do that?" "Yes Ma'am" I said, "Good then,go on." I polished her toenails, one by one, very accurately. "Good job.Now, blow a little at them, that way they'll dry sooner." I bowed my headdown and started to blow at her feet; I raised my eyes and saw that shehad her hand inside her panties. She got excited by all this as much asI did; I heard her as she began to moan, "Mmm…yes, blow some more,oh, this is so nice" I blew at her feet for some 5 minutes and, meanwhile,she used that cane on my back just to remind me, 'SSTSAP' that cane touchedmy back several times. I still don't know why but I lifted my head a littleand said, "You can do it harder if you like." At first she just lookedat me while playing with her pussy and then she said, "Ohh…you wantharder, ha? Mmm, let see…" she swung the cane thru the air and hitme across my arm pretty hard. I felt almost nothing but I knew she appliedsome force by the sound when it touched my skin, "You mean like this…oryou want more?" I didn't say anything to that, "I think those are dry now;why don't you shine them up with your lips, go on." I took one of her toesin my mouth and began to suck it, "Oh yes…oh suck it, boy…" shewas now fingering her self good. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it muchlonger and after a few moment I just came, "Mmm…ohhh!" I dischargedit on the towel. "Damn! What did I say before, ha? No coming until I sayso!" "I am really sorry Ma'am, but I just couldn't…" but she continued, "Sorryis not good enough; you just spoiled everything for me." "Please…Iam sorry, I'll do anything for you to fix it, just don't be mad at me." Shelooked at me for a while, "Anything, ha? Ok, let's see…what youcould do for me to un-angry me. I think I know, get up now! Ok, go thereand lay on the bed." I did as she said and she came after me, "You knowwhat, I think I'll give you a massage now…but with my feet." Sheclimbed the bed and stood above me; she took of her shoes and placed herfoot on my chest. Her foot began to move like she was massaging my chestand she slowly moved it towards my groin. She placed it then, on top ofmy dick and rubbed it lightly and later she moved it back up. Her footwas now, close to my face and she lifted it up and placed it on my mouth, "Lickit!" I began to lick her sole and her heel and all around as she movedit and after a while she placed her toes on my mouth and said, "Open alittle wider…that's it" her foot began to penetrate my mouth. "Yes…wider,take it all in, deeper." I had it almost half inside and I was suckinghard; I wanted to redeem my self for coming before time, I was really readyto do anything for her. After some time she took it out and easily climbedon my chest with both her feet, balancing on the bed rail as she didn'twant to apply too much pressure on me; after all, she was much bigger thenme. "Am I too heavy for you, ha? I can get off if you like." "No, its fine…justgo ahead if you like it" I said it without my full breath, "Well good then…Ilike to have young boys under my boots…I mean feet" she said itaccidentally but I knew she meant it so I said, "If you like…" "IfI like what?" she didn't even notice what she said, "If you like, thenput your boots on." At first she was confused but then she said, "Boots?Are you crazy?" "No…I said if you like to do that, it's ok, I cantake it; I don't feel any pain, anyway." "She thought it for a while andI saw that even thinking about it was getting her excited, so I encouragedher some more, "I know you want to, so go ahead; put your boots on andwalk all over me." She was so excited by my words she couldn't say anything,so she just stepped off and went to that shoe closet. She came back withsome very high black boots with thick soles; she kept those somewhere elsebecause I knew I haven't seen them in that closet while cleaning. She,then, climbed on the bed and stood above me, "Ok, if you want me to trampleyou, I'll do it…just don't be sorry later" and she quickly climbedon my chest, with her full weight. I think she was angry a little then,because I, accidentally, hit the spot. What did I knew? I was just an ignorantlittle boy who knew nothing about anything, but I found her weak spot.She probably did this before to other men, but nobody was asking her todo it. "Does it hurt, now? You want more? Ha, slave?" she moved only alittle on my chest; I felt some light pain but I felt like I could taketwice more load then she had. I didn't reply but just waved my head asa 'no'. She then began to move on my belly and down to my groin, "If youcome out squashed after this, it's not my fault; you asked for it" shewas getting more and more excited; I could see her breast moving up anddown slowly of her hard breathing. "You want to squash me Ma'am?" I askedprovocatively, "if you want…" but she interrupted me, "Shut up!Are you nuts? What is it with you today? Are you looking for trouble? Ifyou are I'll give it to you!" she was in the element; I knew this was realher, deep down she was a woman that got her highest highs out of this.She walked over my body much quicker this time and stopped just in frontof my face, "I could break your bones like this, you know…so betterdon't ask for it." I turned my head aside as I knew what she wanted and,just led by an instinct, she placed her boot on my temple.

"Enough of this" she suddenly said, steppedoff of me and just lowered her self down; she placed her pussy right atopmy face and grabbed the bed rail, "Lick me!" I took out my tongue and beganto lick her cunt like crazy; she went nuts, "OOHH…OOH, yeees,…lickit, yes, that's it…fuck me with that tongue, yes!" she was completelyout of control; she jumped all over my face, rubbing her pussy from mychin to my forehead, riding me like crazy. It took her longer then I thought,to come, and finally when she did, she came violently. Her body was onebig spasm, her muscles all hard and tensed and she almost choked me withher pussy while coming right into my mouth. Whole bed was moving and tremblingand I heard the bedrail squeaking as she was pulling it. When she calmeddown she almost jumped of my face like steamed, "Christ, are you ok?" shelooked at me very gently and I said, "Oh, yes…I am great, and you?" "Me…HowI am…I am, I am…" she couldn't even finish the sentence,instead she just fell on the bed beside me. I pulled my self up and leanedon my elbow; I watched her for a few moments and then I whispered, "Areyou ready?" "Ready for what?" she asked, "For more" I said. She just staredat me, not believing what I just said; I lowered my head on her chest andsaid, "May I?" but I never waited for her reply; I just removed her brawith my teeth and took her nipple in my mouth and began to suck. This reallysurprised her but I didn't stop; instead, I moved to the other nipple anddown to her belly. I licked her belly button for a while and went furtherdown; I spread her legs and pressed my lips on her clit. She was completelysurprised, probably because she didn't expect this and she had someonein this position, maybe never. After some time she managed to ask, "Whatare you doing?" I stopped, lifted my head and said, "Making you happy,remember? Like any slave should." I came back up and whispered again, "Ijust want to lick you all the time…if you'd just let me." She smiledand said, "Hm…ok, go and do your job, slave…but we are missingsomething" she stood up and went out of the room. When she came back shehad a collar in her hand, "Come, and put this on" she placed it and lockedit around my neck. She then laid back on the bed and said, "Now, that'sbetter…go on, continue where you stopped." She held that collarin her hand while I was doing my job; I licked her completely, not oneinch I've missed. She let me do that for almost an hour when she said allshaking of excitement, "Come up! Now lay on the bed again." I lay downand she leaned over me and said, "How about a good old fashioned fuck,ha? I think that's in order now, but first…" she again stood upand went out just to come back with four leather laces. She began to tieme up to the bed meanwhile saying, "This way I get to fuck you all nightand you won't be able to escape from me" she said it as a joke with a smileon her face. She mounted me and let my swollen cock slide into her pussy, "Ohh!It's so big…" she said and continued, "I'll just fuck your brainsout!" she began to move her hips up and down, slowly at first, "Oh yes…you'reso big…mmhhh" and then just faster and faster, moving up and downand making circles. She slowed down a little, "No, I want it to last" shesaid, "Oh, yeah…just easy and…oohhh" by then I was reallytired of holding it; I wanted to cum so badly but I would spoil it then,so I held as longer as I could. She saw that something was wrong: I wasenjoying it of course, but my face gave me up, "What is it…ha…aahh,want to cum?" "Yes…aa, I really need to, Ma'am" "Ok, then" she suddenlyincreased the pace and in a few seconds she was riding me like crazy, "Oh…yeah,come my slave, come…" she adjusted it perfectly; we both came atthe same time; she was jumping all over me and I couldn't move. It wasa little stupid feeling as my whole body went spasmodic but I couldn'tmove my limbs. She fell down beside me and said, "Damn this was good! Iknow what you think; you think that I am gonna untie you now, ha? Well,you're wrong; this is too good to stop now so I'll just wait a little andthen we'll do it all over again." I glanced at her and said, "Yes Ma'am,whatever you want." "What…don't you want it, too? If you don't wantthen…" "No, I want to, I just like saying that. When I said thatI would do anything for you, I really meant it, it wasn't just a statement." Shelooked at me for a while and said, "You are so humble; you're really enjoyingthis slave part, aren't you?" she caressed my face with her fingers, "Icould abuse you in any way I want and you would still be happy. It's reallyweird, you know." I didn't know because this was the only thing I knewabout sex, so I had no idea what was weird and what wasn't.

I don't know how long we had sex that nightand how many times; I woke up next to her still tied up. It was 10 a.m.and when she untied me I stood on my feet and almost fell on the floor, "Oh,poor thing, I messed you up pretty good last night; I forgot that you arepractically a virgin in all this" she said smiling, "lets go down and I'llfix us some food; that will get you back on the track." She was right;I was starving. After a breakfast she said, "You have a day off today andI just phoned to work and took a week" she smiled wickedly on that. Suddenlya phone rang, "Hello" she said, "Oh, it's you…" she moved away andI knew she didn't want me to hear the conversation. However, I still hearda few things she said, "No, I don't want to do it, period! I told you it'sdifferent, not like before." I was thinking; strange feelings went thrumy veins just thinking about Bernadette. I was falling for her badly andI didn't know it; I knew something was happening to me, but I had no definitionsfor that. I was just plain happy to be here. She was till on the phonebut only listening for a while; she suddenly raised her voice and said, "OK!Ok, I'll do it, but this is the last time, do you hear me…Last time!" sheslammed the phone on the table and said, "Bitch!" She came back in lookingvery upset and thoughtful, "Something wrong, Ma'am?" I asked, "What…yes…Imean no! It's nothing, forget about it." "Can I help somehow?" I askedand she just watched me for a few moments with some kind of pitiful expressionon her face, "Yes. As the matter of fact, you can, but…I'll justtell you later, ok." She went up to her room and I stayed to, at least,clean the kitchen.

Around 5 p.m. she called me down and said, "Youbetter get dressed; we have to go somewhere." "Yes Ma'am" I replied andhurried up to change my clothes. We sat in the car and she took the wheel, "Look,this is a little strange but I need you to do something for me. Rememberthat woman that came few weeks ago? Well, I need you to spend one eveningin her house" she looked at me to see my reaction, but there wasn't any;I was just waiting for her to continue. "This is the only time I'll askyou to do it; she might ask you to do some unusual things or she mightdo some, but just this time and I really need you to help me. You see,I owe her and she's asking me now to pay back my debt, and the only wayI can do it is that you spend this evening with her; that's what she wants." Shehad a sad look on her face while she talked; I didn't have a clue whatwas I supposed to help with so I said, "Sure, I'll help you; I told youI'd do anything for you" she looked at me kind of sad and said, "You'reso sweet" and then, really silently, she whispered, "I am really sorry",so silently I wasn't sure what she said.

We drove for about 45 minutes and she stoppedin front of a house very similar to hers. "And who is this woman, Ma'am?" Iasked still not even close to guess what we were doing here. "Just someoneI know from work, no one important." We walked to the house and she rangthe bell; a very tall blonde lady opened the door. She was very prettyand handsome; she had an apron around her waist and some jeans on her,simple white shirt and slippers. "Oh, hello…so here you are" I noticedthat she was watching me very profoundly. "Hey" Bernadette said, "Well,come in, come in" the woman said and she seemed very happy to see us. Shewas at least 6' tall, so she bent a little and said, "So, you're the onethat my friend over here is keeping aside from the rest of the world; Iwonder…what's so special about you? Anyway my name is Lee, what'syours?" "John" I replied. Bernadette suddenly jumped in and said, "Ok,enough of this small talk…lets just do this." She pulled me asideand said silently, "Ok, I'll go now and after you're done here, she'llbring you home, ok" she caressed my cheek with her hand with that sad lookon her face and turned to the door. "Oh, so you're not staying" Lee said;Bernadette looked her harshly and said, "Just bring him home when you finish" andshe slammed the door behind her. Lee watched me for a moment and then shesaid, "Ok, come." I followed her to the rear part of the house; she openedone high wooden door and said, "Step inside" I walked slowly as it wascompletely dark. She turned the lights on and I saw a very strange room.The steps led down so it looked more like a basement and it was arrangedwith various strange devices. I saw steel bars coming from the floor withchains on them, some wooden desk with cuffs, strange chairs and bathtub,few steel closets and some things hanging from the ceiling. "Ok, now takeof your clothes and I'll be back in a moment" she turned around and I said, "My…myclothes?" she looked at me in wonder and said, "Of course, what did youthink? Wait a minute…she didn't tell you, did she?" "Tell me whatMa'am?" "Oh boy! Well, never mind…just take off your clothes andI'll be back soon" and she left. I was completely confused but I startedto take my clothes off because, if Bernadette knew what was going on, shewould have wanted me to, so I did it. She came back after a while and said, "Goface that wall and stay like that until I tell you…Go!" she wasraising her voice; I turned to the wall and by the sounds I heard I knewshe was undressing and putting on some other clothes. After a while I heardher footsteps, slowly coming towards me; those had a strange sound of metal. "Ok,you can turn around now." I looked at her; she was wearing some weird leatheroutfit, something like corset and she had long black gloves on her hands.She wore high black leather boots up to her knees, full of some metal clipsand buttons. Two most strange things were some steel claws on her fingersand a leather mask on her head; only her hair was coming out from a holeon top. Once she reached me she put a collar around my neck and a heavywaist belt; I was really lost so I tried to say something, "Ma'am, whydo you…" but she just swung her right hand and hit my face so hardthat I fell on the floor, "I never said you can talk! Not a word untilI ask you something, understood?" I just nodded my head. I was scared likehell; that blow didn't hurt at all, but still I was shaking from fear. "Now,lets play" her voice was really strange thru that mask, "Crawl over her,you shit!" I knew I better obey so I did; I came near her boots and shesaid, "Shine them up with your tongue, pig!" I pulled out my tongue andbegan to lick her boot; I was a little aroused but I couldn't figure outwhy Bernadette would want me to do this with other women; I felt sad anddisappointed.

"Come on, you can do better, cant you?" shesaid and kicked me in the ribs with her other boot; I felt no pain, atleast no physical pain. "COME ON!" she yelled, "I don't have all day!" Ibegan to lick faster up and down her boot and at one moment, when I liftedmy face a little, she twitched it and hit my mouth, "Oops! Did that hurt?Ts, ts…clumsy me." I wanted to continue but she said, "No! That'senough, stand up!" I stood up and she pulled my collar hard; she led meto the two bars erecting from the floor. "On your knees, now!" I kneeledin between the bars and she chained my hands to them, "Now, I want to knowwhy are you so special to Bern" she went over to the closet and took along leather whip from it; she came behind me and said, "So? Aren't yougonna tell me? Better do so, or I'll have to rip it out of you one wayor another." I knew I couldn't tell her so I said, "I am sorry ma'am, butI really don't know." I heard a sharp sound cutting the air and then herwhip just landed on my back, 'SSSMACK!' I twitched a little as it surprisedme but it didn't hurt; I felt only itching. "You see, you better tell me",'SSMACK!' she lashed another one across my back and then one more. Shecame in front of me, then, pulled my head up by my chin and said, "What'sit gonna be, ha? Are you telling me or what?" at that moment I knew I shouldat least act as it was really inflicting pain on me, otherwise it mightlasted for hours, "Ma'am please, don't hurt me anymore…I reallydon't know, please…" "Well, maybe you do, maybe you don't…butI would of whipped you anyway, you little piece of shit!" she went backbehind me and continued to whip me more and more furiously with each lash, "Youfuck! You little prick!" she was yelling and that whip just flied thruthe air and collided with my flesh. I felt a little warmth in my back butI started to scream and beg anyway. "Aarrggh! No, please, don't…,AAAHH! please Ma'am, I'll do anything." My eyes were filled with tears,but not from the pain, no; I was thinking of my Lady, of Bernadette; Icouldn't understand why and how could she do this to me. My whole worldcollapsed in just a few minutes as I thought that she was different thenother woman on this planet; I thought we had something special that noone else had. That sick bitch must have lashed at least 60 lashes on myback; I was bleeding, I knew it and my back were all hot, but still, Ifelt no real pain. She stopped and came closer, "You really don't know,ha worm? Anyone would confess by now" I looked at her; she was all excitedby this; she almost lost her breath. "Crying, are we?" she threw the whipon the floor and unlocked my hands. I fell on the floor but it was justacting; she swung her leg and 'SSBAMM!' she hit me right in my stomach.Now, that hurt a little; I barely managed to catch my breath when anotherblow collided with my face. "YOU FUCK!" and another one came to my faceagain; she completely lost it as she started to hit me all over withoutthinking what damage she might cause. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOU'RE ALL THESAME!" by then she was screaming, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE SEES IN YOU; YOUSHOULD BE DEAD, YOU FUCK!" Now, that was something I wasn't thinking aboutbefore; this one was so screwed up she just might killed me. My lips wereall swollen, my eyes almost completely closed and I had bruises all overme. I was pretty beat up and, although, I still felt only a little pain,I was loosing my consciousness. "Oh no; you won't" she saw that and quicklyturned me around; she took some powder and put it under my nose and inan instant I was awake completely. She took of her mask and with littlevision I had, I saw how she was all trembling out of hate, "After this,she will not have you anymore; I am gonna fuck you up so bad that she'llhave no use of you." She stepped on my chest, fully with her weight andsaid, "Let's crack some bones!" I was scared like hell, but I just couldn'tmove. One boot was on top of my face and other one on my stomach, "Am Itoo heavy for you, you shit? Good. I want it that way. She lifted one legin the air and just balanced on my head, "Maybe I should just crush yourhead like an apple, just to see how much brains you got" and, despite ofall this, I couldn't stop thinking about Bernadette; I wasn't even listeningto this woman, I just thought how Bernadette was more cruel then her byjust bringing me here. 'How could she do it, how?' I couldn't think ofany sane reason for it. My heart was aching so hard I thought it wouldjust explode right out of my chest. I was hurting inside so badly thatI wanted to die; nothing had sense anymore. Lee was walking all over me,pressing hard with her heels wherever she could; I didn't even notice whensuddenly I looked up and saw her boot coming right to my face from theair; her heel landed on my cheek and ripped right thru my skin and hersole hit my forehead, forcefully. "That's it, I am sick and tired of you!" shesaid and placed her boot on my neck, "You know what happens now if I justpress here…YOU DIE, YOU FUCK!" she yelled but stopped when I said, "You…youwant to…to kill me…go on, just go ahead and kill me" I wasbarely speaking, "I don't care anymore…" That was it, it confusedher so much that she just stepped off and said, "Get dressed, you're goinghome", she turned around and went to the stairs to exit the room. It tookme at least 20 minutes to find my clothes and get dressed and another 10to come out of there, half way on my hands and knees. When I finally cameout, I couldn't hold my self up so I just fell on the floor; she came tome with a new outfit on her and said, "Come on." She helped me up and lookedat me, "You'll live, and I did worst, too!"

She put me in the car and I lay on the backseat. I don't remember anything but her pushing me out of the car to theground in front of Bernadette's house and driving away. I managed to lookup and see Bernadette coming out of the house and running to me. That wasthe last thing before I lost my consciousness.

I woke up the next day around 6 p.m.; Iwas lying on the bed in my room. It took me a few moments to realize whathappened and when I remembered, my eyes instantly filled with tears. Isaw Bernadette standing by the window and after a few moments she turnedto me; she saw I was awake and she said, "John!" she quickly came to thebed, "Oh John!" she caressed my face a bit with her hand, "That bitch…thatsick bitch! John, say something" but I couldn't, I didn't know what tosay. Instead, I just felt tears coming down my face in gushes; I was cryingwithout any movement on my face, it was stone still. No sound I released,either; I wanted to stop those tears but I couldn't; my heart was againbumping like crazy, all I felt was disappointment and numbness. I didn'tknow whether to hate her, despise her, and feel sorry for her or to loveher. I knew then I loved her, at least before this. "John…please,say something" her voice was low, "Please…" and all I could say,with my broken voice, was, "Why…why did you do that…?" shebegan to cry when she heard me, "I should have let her kill me…Ishould have…", turned my head aside, "No…please don't saythat…I am so sorry John…I never should of take you there…" shecontinued to talk but I wasn't listening anymore; I fell asleep again afterfew minutes.

Next morning I woke up at 5 p.m.; I checkedmy self in the bathroom and realized that I was, still, all swollen andbruised. My left eye was almost closed and my lips all blue; I had bruisesand black spot all over me and that scare on my cheek was now better butstill tensing my skin. Then my mind drifted to Bernadette and I startedto think how I should leave this place somehow. Just thinking about itfilled my eyes with tears; she was right before, that factor of mine wasmessing up and enhancing all feelings inside me. 'And what if I hated her,for example' the thought crossed my mind, 'maybe that feeling would beso intense too, that I would just go over to her room and kill her.' Iknew that could never happen; despite of what happened I still cared forher very much. It was time for me to find a way to go to that place, "Galika".

I went down, had some breakfast and startedto do my daily jobs. Around 7:30, I heard her footsteps on the floor above.She probably went to my room and when she found out I wasn't in she camedown. "John!" I heard her calling for me from the stairs; I came out fromthe kitchen and said, "Yes Ma'am…good morning" "John, how are youfeeling?" she asked all looking worried, "I am fine Ma'am, thank you." "John,we need to talk," she said and I asked, "About what Ma'am?" "About whathappened…you know" she said lowering her voice, "I don't know what'sthere to talk about; it's all over now, Ma'am." She waited a little, "Yesbut…I want to explain why…it's not that simple, I never thoughtthat…" she didn't know what to say or where to begin. "Ma'am, it'sbehind us now, there is really nothing to discuss. If you want me to listen,I'll listen but there's no need really" she saw how indifferent I lookedand that probably hurt her; if she only knew how sick I was inside. I turnedaway and went to the kitchen to finish what I began. For one hour she wassilent, she just sat in the living room looking at nothing, and then, shecame to the kitchen and said, "John, come over here! I want to tell youand I want you to listen!" she was commanding again, "Yes Ma'am" I saidand followed her. We sat at the living room and she began, "In normal circumstancesI wouldn't need or feel the need to explain anything to you, but theseare not ordinary circumstances. I have to…" but I simply interruptedher, "I thought we had something different; something I could only haddreams about" I was talking so sharply that it confused her so she didn'teven think of interrupting, "None of these wounds hurt me, none" I felldown on my knees and tears just ran out of my eyes again; I placed my handon my chest and continued; "But here…inside here, I feel so sick;I feel like my heart will simply collapse any second now and I can't standit anymore…I can't, I just can't." I bowed my head down and we wereboth silent for a while and little later I said, "So you see, what canyou possibly say to me that would make me ok" I looked at her and I sawtears coming down her cheek, too.

I pulled my self together and sat back onthe chair, "I am sorry Ma'am; I shouldn't have acted like that." "No John,its ok, and you're right, too. I thought that maybe I could straightenthings up, that maybe we could find a way to forget all this and to makethings as they were before. I made a big mistake and never thought aboutfeelings you have…or had before all this happened and now…Idon't know how to deal with it. I should have found some other way to paymy debt to Lee and not give you up like that" she stopped a little, "…knowinglywhat she would do to you." She wiped off her tears and as she saw my lookon her face she continued, "Oh yes…I knew what she'd do to you,I just wasn't aware that she'd hurt you so badly; she never did it before,not that I know of." I was now getting curious, "Ma'am, may I ask you something?" "Sure,ask whatever you want, John." "What was your debt to her…I meanwhat did she do for you?" she kept silent for a minute maybe, just lookingat me and probably thinking whether to tell me or not, "Well, she did forme…same what I did for her" she saw how I widened my eyes and said, "YesJohn, she brought me her 'employee' few times…that's what we usedto do, exchange our employees." I was shocked; they just gave each othersome flesh to beat up. "So…to that other man…what did youdo to he…did you also…?" "Yes…not like that, no, butmore-less the same." I was confused, I didn't know what to say anymore, "Iknow you must be shocked by this…you just found out that I wasn'twho you thought I was; well, that's only partially true…with youit was different, I never…" and I interrupted her again, "Can Isee it?" "See what?" "The room, Ma'am…can I see the room?" she hada face of disapproval, then but she said, "Ok…if you want to" andshe stood up. I followed her to that forbidden area door and once we werein I saw almost completely the same room as Lee had. I went down and lookedaround a little bit and then I turned to her and said, "Why didn't youjust do it your self Ma'am?" she didn't understand what I was talking about, "Dowhat? What are you talking about?" "Well…why didn't you just beatme up your self instead of taking me to that woman?" "John…I neverwanted to do so; I never wanted any of this to happen, I never wanted youto see this room either." I came closer to her and took her hand; I squattedslowly on my knees and said with my eyes all wet again, "If…if youonly asked…I'd do it for you…anything, I told you so Ma'am;if that was the way to make you happy I'd do it…you just had toask…just to ask." I was shaking and trembling from my feeling; thosetears just ran from my eyes like there was no end to it. She lowered herself on the floor next to me and said; "Oh John, I would never hurt you,never…not intentionally, no" I looked at her and said thru the tears, "I'llbe fine Ma'am." That day just passed as it did, only a little slower, forme, then usually; my thoughts were still mixed up and one moment I couldn'tthink of anything else but her and the other, I thought about "Galika".And now, she insisted that we had dinners together; I suppose she wantedto show me how she cared about me and how I wasn't just an employee anda pet to her. "You feel any better? I mean inside, you know" she was allconcerned, "Yes Ma'am I do; I am fine now" I was much better then, "Youknow, if you wanted to leave after what happened, I wouldn't blame you;I'd let you go without any strings to your contract here" I waited a littleand then I said, "I thought about it few times", I was honest. "You did?I can understand that…where would you go, John?" "I was thinkingabout 'Galika'" I said and she just smiled, "Galika is pure fantasy andresult of peoples daydreams and imagination" she wanted to convince meof its non-existence. "What I've heard sounds too real and detailed tobe fiction…however, it still might be, tough." "Well…howabout this; I shall inquire about it these following days, and if it'strue, I am prepared to help you to get there. This will be a small attemptfor me to redeem my self for what happened at Lee's place, and if we findit, you can decide if you'll stay with me or go away. I promise not tomake any problems for you, How's that?" she really confused me with that;I didn't know what was it that she wanted to accomplish by finding thatplace and giving me a chance to leave. I asked her quietly, "Ma'am…Idon't understand…do you want me to leave? If you don't want me anymoreI'll just…" but she didn't let me finish, "No! No, John, no…that'snot what I meant…I just wanted to be square things up with you andsince you were thinking about it, anyway, I thought to give you a chanceto see it for your self and choose, that's all. But no, I want you to stay…Ineed you to stay" she said quietly. She stood up and came near me, "Andtomorrow, you'll help me to dismantle all those things in that room andwe'll just put it on fire" she probably thought how I would be delightedwith the idea but, after a while I said, "I don't think that's such a goodidea Ma'am" now, I managed to confuse her, "No? What do you mean…Ithought that…" and I jumped in, "Are you sure that you're done withthose things Ma'am; I wouldn't want you to become nervous and edgy in twoweeks because you felt the need for having someone inside and…" butI didn't finish my sentence. Suddenly she blushed; she was all red andashamed or maybe I hit the right spot. Before she said anything I added, "Letsjust leave it for a while and we'll see; we can always set in on fire" Ismiled at her. After a few moments of thinking she said quietly, "Ok…ifyou want we can leave it like that for a few days more" and then I knewthat, sooner or later, she'd want me inside.

Within next week or so we came back on thetrack; we were again having sex with all kinds of variations and even more,we began to talk dirty to each other. My factor was really developing intosomething powerful; I learned very quickly and what I knew I advanced andtransformed, always to something new and unexpected for her. I was nowallowed to go to that room, so few times I took some thing just to spiceup our game a little. One day she came back from work and found a noteon the table, ' IHAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU MA'AM; I'LL BE IN MY ROOM, SO WHY DON'T YOU PUTON SOME REALLY KINKY CLOTHES AND MEET ME THERE'


She came after 20 minutes and found me onthe floor kneeling with the collar around my neck and a big black strap-ondildo hanging from my face. As I wrote she put on some red outfit, corsetand red boots and collected her hair in a horse tail, "Oh, so you've beenbad again and messed with my toys, ha?" she walked slowly around me, "Andyou think that I'll just let you face-fuck me…just like that…well,you're right, I will…come here!" she pulled me up by the collarand threw me on the bed. She mounted my face and unbuttoned the only buttonshe had on that corset, just below her pussy. "Let's ride!" and she justslid onto the dildo. "Oh yeah…mmm" she moved up and down slowlyand grabbed my hair, "Oh…you like this don't you, you dirty littleboy, mmm…this is so good" she began to pace up, "You just…aahhh…adorebeing face-fucked…hhaaa? Oh fuck…I love it…yeess!" afterfew minutes of real heavy ride she stopped and said, "Come behind me andfuck me with it; I want you to bring me to the top" she removed her selfoff of me and I came behind her. She then leaned forward and exposed herbottom to me, grabbed my collar and pulled my face closer to it. I placedthe dildo on her pussy hole and slowly penetrated in, "OH!" she yelledlike a virgin, "Oh yes…come on, fuck me, fuck me…" I showedit deep in and then pulled out; I repeated that few times and each timeI showed it harder, "OOHHH! YES…Harder, yees…AAHHH!" andjust after few times more she came keeping my face stuck to her bottomand dildo deep inside. Then, she fell on her stomach and I removed thestrap off my face; I bowed down and gave a few kisses and a few licks toher bottom. "That was something else," she said. She turned around, lookedat me and said, "You know, I should go and find that one whoever gave youthat factor 40. She deserves a medal for it; you are becoming a real crazedand perverse sex machine. I never know what will come next and that's thebeauty of it." She pulled me up and laid me down, "I should do somethingfor you now, don't you think?" she began to slide down across my torsowith her tongue and down to my groin; she took my balls in one hand andmy cock in the other. She just jerked it for a while and I was alreadythere, ready to come, "Oh no…not yet, that's not what I had in mind." Shesuddenly opened her mouth and swallowed my dick completely; she began tosuck it and lick it all over, then my balls too. I thought I'd loose mymind over it; it was so arousing I couldn't speak, I was just able to producesome strange sounds, "A…a…mmggh…OHH!" and then I justscreamed, "OH SHIIIIIT!" and discharged all of it right into her mouth.She almost choked on it, "Agh…Agh…Jesus, you want to killme?" but she swallowed every single drop. "Liked that, ha? This was firstthe first time I ever did this to a man," she sounded all proud and I justsaid, "Thank you Ma'am." "Oh come on! You don't have to thank me and willyou already quit that 'Ma'am' thing; why don't you just call me…" shestopped for a while and continued shyly, "why don't you just call me sweetheartor baby or darling or, or…I don't know. We are definitely more thenjust employer and an employee, right?" she looked at me eagerly, "Ok…" Ilooked at her and said, "My love." A huge smile came up on her face; sheleaned forward and kissed me on my lips. We stayed like that for an hourjust kissing. When we stopped she said, "John…I think I love you,too…I really do." My heart wanted to jump out of my throat of excitementand my eyes just filled with tears; she smiled, pulled her tongue out andjust licked my face few times to wipe the tears off, "But still, I hopethat you will be the same, John; I just love you more when you are so goodlittle slave-toy, ha?" I looked at her and said, "I wouldn't want it anyother way…Ma'am. And if you ever decide that you want me in thatroom…" she opened her eyes wide from surprise, "I'll just have tocall you Mistress, then, won't I?" she was looking at me like she couldn'tbelieve what I just said; after a while she asked, "Do you…do youwant me to have you in there?" "Yes" I replied after a few moments, "YesI do…as long as it's still sex." We both kept silent for a whileand then I asked her, "If we do go down, what are you going to do withme" I stopped a little then I added, "Darling?" "I don't know; I neverreally thought about taking you down" she leaned to me and whispered, "Youknow those things down there, those are all made for torment and not reallyfor sex…maybe we shouldn't…" "So, you like to torture men,ha? I suppose that's the reason for having such a place in your house." Shereally looked ashamed of her self and after a little thinking she said, "Iused to, but not anymore; it was just a thing to go over the limits. Weall like to cross that line sometimes, forbidden is the sweetest, isn'tit?" "I wouldn't know, actually…I never did anything forbidden inmy life." "Come, let's go down and have some dinner and then…" shelowered her voice and added some wicked accent, "if you still want me totake you down to the room, well…" she kissed me and stood up. Iwanted to put on my clothes but she said, "No! You won't need those, juststay as you are" and we went down to the kitchen. She made us a meal andonce we finished I said, "Ok…its time, let's go." She just stoodup without a word and went towards the room; I just followed her. Beforewe entered she stopped and said, "Listen John; once we are inside and westart to play, please, just be good and obedient, don't go provoking meor…I don't know, just don't make me mad in any way, ok. I wouldn'twant to loose control over it and do something bad to you." "Ok, I understand" Iconfirmed. We went in and once we were there she seemed lost or like shecouldn't remember what to do; I decided to help her so I opened the closetand pointed at the things inside. She came to it and took one cane out, "Ok,sit there while I put my outfit on." I watched her changing her clothesand I felt afraid and excited at the same time watching her put on highleather boots with sharply spiked heels and some latex uniform. She alsoplaced a leather hat on her head, pulled some long gloves over her handsand some steel bracelets on her wrists. "Come now, John" she stood in themiddle looking so very powerful and determined. I came closer to her andkneeled; she locked one collar around my neck and said, "Good! Now…wehave to invent some reason for bringing you in here; this is a punishmentroom and I don't know what for should I punish you, you have been so good,lately." "Well…I don't think you liked my surprise today…andthe fact that I was messing around your things…" I offered her areason, "No, I liked it…I really…" she stopped a moment andsaid, "Oh, I see…yeah, you're right, that was a shity surprise…andthe fact that you pry thru my things, well…it deserves a punishment.And also, I haven't heard that proper name you should use when we are inhere, as you said it your self…what was it?" "Mistress" I said humbly, "That'sright, Mistress. Now stick your tongue out and lick my boots!" she commanded.If she only knew what I was up to, she'd quit the game at once. I knewthat so I took it slowly, "NO!" I said proudly, "I am not licking yourboots!" For a while, she just stared at me trying to figure out what itwas that I was doing.

"No, ha? Ok…" she pulled me up bythe collar and pushed to the wall, with my face to it. She was very quick,she had me shackled to the wall in 10 seconds, "Now…will you lickmy boots or not?" "No" I was determined in my intention, "Well then…" sheslid her cane across my back, "I'll just make you squeak like a littlepig as you are…SSMACK!" she hit me ones on my ass, SSMACK! And anotherone came to my back. "Why don't you squeak, piggy, ha?" "You know it doesn'thurt me," I said and she yelled, "MISTRESS! IT DOESN'T HURT ME MISTRESS!" Shemoved away a little and began to cane me hard and fast, TSSACK! TSSACK!,SSMACK!, her blows just came one after another, "Come on! SQUEAK, you littledisobedient shit, squeak!" I didn't feel any pain, only some blood andwarmth rushing into my back and ass; she stopped for a moment, grabbedmy ass to se if it was hot already and just continued. She began to looseher breath from all the hard work and, by then, I already counted 65 hits,but I never made one sound. She stopped as she got tired of it, "Well…Isee that this is not working, so…" she removed the shackles andsaid, "On the floor, NOW!" I kneeled and she said, "Wait here!" She wentto the closet and took out some other weird shoes; she put them on andcame back. "You didn't want to lick my boots, now you'll taste those" shepointed at her shoes. "No, I won't" I said and she just smiled, 'Oh, butyou will." She lifted one leg and placed her foot right in front of myface; she wanted me to see her footwear first. I looked at them and I sawthat those had heels spiked just like needles. Now, that looked reallyscary; I didn't know what she would do with them but I guessed. She placedher foot behind my neck and pressed me to the floor. Easily, she steppedon my back but only with her soles, "Now, you should better say 'I'll lickwhatever you want Mistress' because you do not want these heels on yourback." I kept silent so she said, "I cannot hear you" "that's because Ididn't say anything" I said calmly. I felt her heel touching easily myskin and slowly ripping it.

I felt no pain but I was afraid she mightdo some internal damage. "Oh, come on…you don't really want this,do you?" "No, I don't…but still, I am not licking anything unlessyou ask me politely." That got her really mad, "What? Ask you politely…ohno…you mixed up things; it's not the way it goes. You see, afterI finish, you will ask me, politely, to let you lick whatever I want" andshe just stood on her heels. I felt those going right thru my flesh; shehad them at least 1" inside my back and I felt warm blood dripping slowlyfrom the wounds. I thought she'd stop, but instead, she lifted her legand began to walk all over my back and ass. With each step she, at least,ripped a little of my skin. Somehow, I managed to turn my head up a littleand take a look at her; it wasn't Bernadette anymore, it was someone else.Her eyes were cold and empty, she never even noticed that I was lookingat her; she was just doing the job on her victim. It lasted perhaps 10minutes and I knew I was pretty bruised; I even began to feel some pain.She must have noticed how she bruised me so she stepped away; she was soexcited she barely spoke, "You…you little shit…why, ha? Whydid you make me do this? Was it so hard to give my boots a few licks, WASIT?" she yelled at the end. "I am fine, thank you" I went further withmy provocations. She couldn't believe it; she probably forgot how I didn'tfeel any great pain; she just swung her leg and hit me in my chest. I fellon my back and she walked straight to me and over my torso, making onemore bruise with each step she made. She stopped at the top of my chest,lifted her right leg and placed it easily on my face, "You're really stupid,you know; I could easily kill you without even noticing." At that momentI was afraid that she just might damage my eye or something so I said, "Ok,ok…Mistress, I'll lick anything that you want, you're right I wasn'tgood and I deserved it." She stepped off and said, "Oh no…not sofast" she pulled me up on my knees, swung her hand and slapped me on myface so hard I fell again. "UP!" she said and pulled my collar; once Iwas on my knees, she slapped me again but with her other hand, SBAAM! AndI fell on the other side. I managed to turn on my back and she just ranher foot right to my balls, and that I felt…it really hurt. "Oh,poor baby…it began to hurt, ha? You never expected that, you thoughtthat I cannot harm you, ts, ts…" she looked at me all doubled upon the floor and said, "Things we do for love…" she walked slowlyaround me and talked, "We have something great going on, you and I, don'twe? Remember when I told you how I will make you my little slave toy andhow you will enjoy every minute of it, hm? Well, I never lied…Iam still working on it." She stopped, placed her shoe on my temple andsaid, "But you had to ruin it all, you just had to; you thought that youcan play your own games with me. Well…it doesn't work that way,it works only one way and it is my way. And if I cannot make it my way,I'll just have to dispose of you, you understand." I couldn't say if itwas Bernadette talking or this other person she turned into; however, Ididn't have much of a choice but to play by her rules. "Tell me, do youstill love me…do you still love your Mistress?" "Yes, I love you…Ilove you very much." "Even after what I just did to you, even now?" "Yes…Ido" She leaned to me and said gently, " I really want to go back up withyou and make things as they were before" she reached her hand to me andtouched my cheek, "but that will happen only if I am sure that you haveapprehended the rules." She stood up, pulled me up, too and led me to thebed. "Now, lay down and I'll be right back." She went out and came backafter ten minutes or so; she brought some medical kit, came to the bedand started to fix my bruises, "I don't want these to get infected." Shechanged her clothes and wore some usual clothes for the house. After mywounds were taken cared of, she took a chain that hung from the wall, cameto me with it and shackled my both hands into a big steel cuffs which wereattached to it. "It's long enough to allow you to move across the room;you'll be staying here for a while, this shall be your room until I decideyou're ready to come up. I'll come from time to time to see that you'renot missing anything…bye now" she just turned around and went out.

I was left alone with my thoughts; I wasbarely able to think straight as confused I was. 'What did I do?' I askedmy self; I was looking for trouble and it came; she completely turned aroundfrom my sweet lady Bernadette to someone I didn't know, 'how could I havebeen so stupid, I practically forced her to bring me in here and I didmy best to bring out the worst from her'. She was right; I have ruinedit all.

She came down few hours later and said, "Goover to the bed and lay down." I obeyed and lay on my back; she removedthe shackles, climbed the bed and mounted my face, "Lick!" she seemed socold. I began to lick her pussy and she rubbed it on my mouth faster andfaster. I couldn't hear her moan and breathe heavy like she used to duringsex; she simply let out an 'OHH!' when she came, stepped off the bed andcuffed me again. "Are you ok?" she asked and I just nodded my head, "Goodthen" she turned and went out. It all happened so quickly that I just wentspeechless; she simply came, used my mouth and went. Again, I began tofeel those feelings I had when I got back from Lee's house; my heart wasbroken, once more. I cried most of the night without making any soundsand at the morning I was thirsty like hell. I felt a little hunger, too.

In the morning, she came around 10; shewore again the outfit from the last night excluding the boots. I saw hercarrying a food plate; there was one plate with two large donuts and twobig glasses of water. She looked at me and asked, "Oh…were you crying?" myeyes were swollen; I just nodded my head again and she said, "But why?You shouldn't cry; men are not supposed to do so." She sat on the chairacross the bed and took one donut; she, slowly, took it to her mouth andbegan to eat. After a small sip of water she said, "Oh, I forgot to tellyou…you are on diet" she smiled and said, "I just want you to seewhat are you missing" she made a move with her hand purporting, not justto the food, but to her self, too.

After she was finished I asked, "Please…Mistress…couldI just have some water" I bowed my head and repeated silently, "Please…" Shewatched me for a while, "Well, I guess one glass of water is not goingto spoil you", she stood up, made a few steps and acted like she trippedon something. That glass just fell on the floor and went to hundred pieces;I knew she did it on purpose, "Oops…ts, ts…clumsy me. Hm,what now…I don't feel like going up and coming back again. You'lljust have to wait until the afternoon, unless…" "Unless what, Mistress" Iwas really thirsty, "Unless you care for something else?" I had no cluewhat she was talking about so she said, "Come, crawl over here and I'llshow you" she moved aside to avoid me crawling over glass and I came, "Juststay like that!" she removed her panties and lifted her leg; she placedher leg on my shoulder and exposed her cunt to me, "It's all I've got…takeit or leave it." I still had no clue what was going on but I thought shewanted me to lick her pussy so I moved my head closer and when I was justabout to touch it, a warm yellow spirt came out and hit my face, "you bettercatch as much as you can, because I don't have plenty." I was so shockedI couldn't move and warm, salty liquid just ran thru my throat. It tookher one whole minute to discharge all and when she finished she said, "Youliked it? Still thirsty?" "No, Mistress…I didn't really liked it" butI wasn't thirsty anymore, "Oh…wrong answer slave, wrong answer.I thought you'd learn faster…well, I have time" and she just left.She kept me there for 5 days; I knew she wanted me to beg her to let meout, but I simply didn't want to give her that pleasure. "You really likeit in here, don't you; you could have been out by now, if you only havefigured the right words…though one, aren't you? Well…I haveone more thing to try with you and if that doesn't work, I really don'tknow what else I can think of. Anyway, you just rest now; I'll be backthis evening." I was pretty exhausted; she gave me just crumbs and dropsthose few days and, also, I was so down that I barely slept.

I lost track of time and I had no clue whattime it was when she opened the door, that evening. Before I managed tolook up, she just turned the lights off; I heard her coming down the stairs.Her footsteps produced really heavy metallic sound. I was afraid that shemight use some really weird new shoes, just like she did the other day.It was completely dark and I was unable to see anything; she just circledaround me for a while and then she said, but silently, "Hi!" there wassomething really strange in her voice, at first I couldn't say what. Suddenly,the lights went on and I looked up; I almost freaked out when I saw Leestanding above me instead of Bernadette. "No!" I yelled and quickly movedto the wall; I looked up at the top of the stairs and saw Bernadette standingthere and just watching. "You're mine tonight" Lee said, "Completely andtotally mine!" I looked at Bernadette and said, "Mistress…please,I know those words now…please" but she just stood there, "I am beggingyou…please…just send her away and I will be whatever youwant…please." She came down slowly and said, "Oh…are youafraid now? So, now, you would do anything ha? Anything at all?" "Yes" Iquickly crawled to her feet like I was seeking protection, "Anything…Ipromise, and I'll never say no to you again, never! Just don't let her…"

They had it all figured out before because,once Lee heard my words, she just turned around and left.

Bernadette placed her hand on my head andsaid, "Shhh…everything will be fine, don't worry" she unshackledmy hands and helped me up. We went up and she locked the door behind us;once we were out, she looked at me, hugged me and said, "Welcome back John…darling."

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Wifes Masseur was an old BBC crush from the past

My wife finally fulfilled her inter-racial fantasy. She is a pretty mixed Hawaiian Chinese & Irish , 5'-8'', brown eyed brunette, who did Hula dancing for 15 years professionally travelled nationally for shows & competitions, and it shows when she's on top specially reverse cowgirl you can feel all her hips on your cock from her Hula dancing always finishes me offAbout two years ago, we went to Napa at Calistoga Hot Springs Day Spa. I found a black masseuse who advertised sensuous...

4 years ago
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Kaama kadi maatti

Hi! Ella malayalee chedathi / aunty / vidhava / ammachi / ammamachi maarkkum, kochi yil ninnum, 42 vayas, 5’ 8” uyaram, 9” kada-kole udamayude pranaamam sweekarichaalum. (e-mail “ jesolal”) Ente oranubhavam ninghalumai panghu vaikkuka aannu; ithu ethandu 10 varshanghal kku munne mumbai yil aayirunnappol anubhavicha sukham vivarikkunnu: annu enikku prayam 32 vayas, 5” 6” uyaram, 8” kunna; koottali : jesophine jo’fernandez, (vilikkunnathu jeso ennu), goakkaari, 1 kutty, 28 vyas, 5’5”...

4 years ago
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I had finally got round to organising my house-warming party – not bad considering I’d already been in the house for four months! During this time I’d already got to know most of the neighbours, but this was my opportunity to get to know them better (little did I realise how MUCH better acquainted I was going to get!). It was already around 9.15, so the sun was just setting and giving a glorious orange glow to the sky. It could have been a beautiful romantic evening given different...

2 years ago
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My friend and my mom

This happened when I was studying in Class 10. It was January and we were all preparing hard for our exams. My friend Ravi used to come to our house for studying and often stay at night. We were both about 16 and we slept together on a single bed late at night after studying. We were close to each other so we used to masturbate daily before going to sleep, sometimes holding our own cocks, sometimes masturbating each other. At those times we used to share fantasy stories too. One particular...

2 years ago
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Chelsie Meets Her Mistress

Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...

2 years ago
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A Parting Sorrow

This is my first attempt at a story of this kind, so constructive criticism is not only welcomed but solicited. I know the TG in this is more incidental rather than the main part of the story, but I am thinking of doing a couple of more personalised tales within this setting, and I wanted to get some feedback before I make a decision and decide which way to take this idea. Please do let me know what you think, either by e-mail or by leaving a comment. Any constructive feedback is...

3 years ago
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Interview With a PimpChapter 10

"So you the hot mama Ginger was tellin' me about." "Hot enough, I suppose," respnded Tracy. He was sitting at a desk in a back room of his favorite strip club. Tracy was standing in front of the desk where he could "inspect the merchandise," as Spiker put it. She had wavered back and forth as to whether she wanted to turn "pro," but an argument with Richard had tipped the balance and after the husband had left for work she had called Spiker and arranged a meet. "How good are...

1 year ago
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Water torture

Vienna, Austria, 1944. Ilsa Hoffmeyer knew instinctively that she was in deep trouble. The two men in leather black trench coats had been following her for the better part of two hours now, "They must be Gestapo," she thought to herself!!! She ducked into a small cafe, hoping to find her way out the back into the alley, but her path was blocked by a bunch of old crates up against the rear door, and as she turned around she was standing face to face with her pursuers, two Gestapo agents of...

3 years ago
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Cumming home

Jack had spent a very long, difficult week at work. He'd had to stay in the city for the whole week, away from his home, his bed, and his lady. The training session had all but drained him. The three hour drive home, in heavy Friday traffic, was almost more than his exhausted mind could bear.When he was about fifteen minutes from home, Jack phoned Jill to say he was almost there.'She sounded odd,' Jack thought. 'Nearly rushed me off the phone. It's not like Jill to be so short with me,...

Straight Sex
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Norwegian man gets invited by Horny Indian couple

I invite my horny Norweigan friend over my place and he wanted to visit India so much that it was his dream. So, Invited him to stay at my house for a couple of weeks so he could enjoy his time. He has an insatiable lust for Indian women, especially Aunties. I came across his name on a sex site and saw that he used to tribute faces of Indian Aunties and so I talked to him for some time and seems like he wants to get laid with an Indian mature Aunty and wants to take videos and pictures of...

4 years ago
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Passion within

Hi,I m a very cool kind of a guy…now let me tell you about me and the passion tht ws within me provoking me to be wild,to be evil,each day nd each second…it ws difficult fr me to control… I m a graduate in english honors and i ws workin fr 5 years now in a mnc….i m stayin in delhi….i have a very big family who dont stay with me…but we always have a get together on weekends or any ocassion…it ws my 25th birthday…my cousins,parents and all my family members had come to give me best wishes,i have...

2 years ago
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BellesaFilms Ember Snow Consequences

The tension between Ember and Damon has always been bubbling just beneath the surface. One night when Ember’s boyfriend leaves her behind at a party because of jealousy issues, she goes over to Damon’s place – where their mutual heat between them boils over and they finally give into the feelings they’ve always had for each other. After all, if Ember’s soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend, who has never treated her the way she deserves, is going to be weird about her friendship...

4 years ago
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PlushChapter 14

Molly and I stopped at my apartment for a quickie after rehearsal before heading to Sarah's studio. Molly had been more than ready. When her pussy became uncovered it filled the small apartment with her sweet and musky odor. Both of us naked only below our hips, I managed to slip my hands under her t-shirt to fondle her breasts and squeeze her nipples. Our lips sealed throughout the five minute missionary fuck until we gasped for breath. I came first, but continued thrusting until she...

3 years ago
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Playground Sweeties

Playground Sweeties Oh how I loved those playground sweeties and I don’t mean their little daughters either. Young children have young mothers, generally. Being a single parent I took every opportunity to visit all of the parks in our town. For a small out of the way community we had four places for our children to play. The elementary school had a very nice solid wooden play gym, the high school had a nice field to run around on, and the main Community Park had a bunch of slides and...

2 years ago
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FamilySwap Aiden Ashley Hime Marie Would You Do It For A Swap Snack

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, the whole gang has been invited to a costume party. They brainstorm about what they can do for a family getup and decide on an old cartoon. Hime Marie wants to be the crime fighting puppy and she thinks her swap brother, Kyle Mason, will look great as her scruffy handler. That leaves the preppy chick for swap mom Aiden Ashley and the preppy guy for swap dad Mike Mancini. While...

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Bikini Beach The Shower

Bikini Beach: The Shower By Ellie Dauber © 2013 A little stream of consciousness story of one man's visit to Bikini Beach. * * * * * I don't know why the hell I'm here. My bitch of a wife, Meghan, insisted that I bring her here. She yapped, and she yapped, and she yapped, but I wouldn't listen. Of course, once I got her to promise to put that mouth of hers; those big, luscious lips; and that talented, pierced - the piercing was my idea - tongue of hers to good use after...

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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

2 years ago
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Best Friend Se Girlfriend

Hey friends, Its priya here. Aap mujhe to jante hi hai meri pichali story par apne bahut acha response dia uske liye thanks.aur agar apne nahi padhi to abhi padhlo “door ka bhai bhai nahi hota” . Dosto aj mujhe ek ladke ne apni khani batai to aj mai uski story likhne wali hu. To usi ki taraf se likhungi …,so here it is.. Mera nam Ajay hai aur mai abhi 22 saal ka hu. Yeh tab ki bat hai jab mai 19 sal ka tha .hamare pados me ek ladki rehti thi jiska nam kirti tha. Wo tab 18 saal ki thi.hum...

1 year ago
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Sandy and Jos chocolate coated cum Part 1

Sandy, the gorgeous little blonde bank-teller, is doing better and better and having more and more fun working as a prostitute. She has been working with JoAnne, Nadene and Heather for about three months now, and is doing everything she can to spend more and more time at it. In fact, she only is working at the bank half-time now, so she can spend more time working the streets and taking calls. And, even when she’s at the bank, she spends about half of her time on her knees… blowing her boss,...

Group Sex
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crossdressing with my moms friend

Mom opened my bedroom door. she stood there in the doorway and stared at me obviously repulsed. after 10 or so seconds she closed the door and walked away.i was mortified. i was kneeling on my bed, with her clothing catalogue open at the lingerie section laying on the bed before me, hard cock in hand. But most embarrasing.....i was wearing my mom's black bra, suspender belt and black stockings....her black panties were thrown onto the bedroom floor, cast aside when the urge to cum had become...

4 years ago
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The Quickie

I watched as her hands ran down her slender body. I took deep breaths as she moved her fingers delicately over her pale green snake pattern panties and onto her thighs. Her delicious brown nipples pointed up towards the ceiling as she teased herself some more. Our eyes were locked in a trance with one another, daring each other to make the first move. I placed my hand on her thigh, making her gasp at my gentle touch. I could feel the heat from her pussy against my skin as I held my hand still...

3 years ago
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A Night in the ChateauChapter 4

Downstairs, Sarah was experiencing a night of sexual pleasure that was way beyond her previous sexual experience. Her lovers had clearly done this many times before and knew how to maximise their pleasure and multiply her amazing orgasms. Because of how she was suspended in the sling, any of the guests could easily fuck her cunt or her arse, and when she allowed her head to fall backwards, she would also feel a cock slipping into her waiting mouth. The Count had reminded the guests that they...

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A wild night and morning

A few years ago me and my then girlfriend went to a house party a friend was throwing. It was a great time. People getting thrown in the pool (and then having to walk around in only a towel), and lots of drinking.At some point in the evening, me and my gf went out around the front of the house. She is 5'5", 120 lbs, curly headed redhead. She was wearing a babydoll dress and chinese slippers. She had been wearing panties, but I had talked her out of those early. We were pretty sure some of the...

4 years ago
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Ovid 13 The Agent

Almost eight weeks ago, I promised a new Ovid in three weeks or so. So what happened? Well, an unexpected illness followed by surgery and a hospital stay slowed me down. Although I was in the hospital for less than a week, I just didn't feel like finishing the latest Ovid tale. Well, I'm fine now, and the story is finally finished. It's the first Ovid story in several months. I try to alternate between an Ovid story and a non-Ovid tale, but after I finished Deity 2, County Fair...

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Cheap Move

Pai tried to sit as still as possible. She was sitting on Kastor’s lap, Moore was driving and Hunter, evil bloodsucking Hunter, was sitting so close to him she was almost wearing his t-shirt. Hunter was just that, a hunter. Her prey was any man she set her sights on whether for sex or money. She was dressed and ready for her sport, her long blonde hair pulled back into the perfect messy ponytail . She had big blue eyes and spotless fair skin. She wore just the right amount of make up to look...

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Thought of you today I couldnt Help Myself

I was thinking of you today. I couldn't help myself. I was driving on these mountain roads. You came into my mind like the wind blowing across the road. I thought of your amazing beauty. OMG, you are beautiful. I thought of your intoxicating eyes. You were staring at me, teasing me with that playful smile. I freaking love your smile. Did I say you are beautiful? lol I was on my way to a meeting so I tried to stop but I couldn't help myself. I thought of the curve of your neck and how it...

2 years ago
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36 Hours With Payal

Hot indian sex of fucking a stranger in a train Hello everyone.. It’s me rajiv and today I will be sharing my latest experience which happened a coupe of months back. This is a true incident which happened when I was travelling from trivandrum to chandigarh by train. It was a 56 hours journey and I was literally cursing myself for being unable to travel by plane. Little did I know what was in store for me. I had booked a 1st ac ticket and I was allotted a berth in a 4 person cabin. Day1:...

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Liberty Girl Onyx

Welcome to Liberty Girl & Onyx. For this CYOA you will be given the option of following one of two characters. Ashley Wilson AKA Liberty Girl: The heroine of Ultra City, Ashley Wilson a geologist who was granted superhuman abilities after being exposed to mysterious meteorite. Her powers include super strength, speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, invulnerability and the power of flight. Simply put, she is basically unstoppable as the superheroine Liberty Girl and her very presence in Ultra City...

4 years ago
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The Potting Shed 3

She pointed her finger at me and then pointed to her fanny, telling me to hurry up and get down there. She used her fingers to pull her lips open. I knew what was expected off me, and I knelt on the floor before her and leaned in to start lapping at her cream. She was soaking wet, and as I licked she placed both hands on the back of my head and started to hump her fanny up against my face, forcing me into her sex. She must have been really horny, as after only a couple of minutes she tensed up...

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Can Freedom Be Found In Handcuffs

Her long fingernail traces the grayscale handcuffs tattooed on my inner forearm. The word 'Free' is inked inside one ring with 'dom' inside the other. "Baby, you're free with me," she whispers in my ear, making sure her lips connect with my sensitive skin.Click.Drip.Click.Drip.Endorphins fire as the cold steel pinches my skin. I try to jerk my wrists apart, testing the restraints, needing reassurance they are doing their job. All these feelings harmonize – peace, arousal, need, submission,...

2 years ago
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Halloween For Life Part 11

Part 11 Jordan was being wheeled away from the lobby area as the mixture of the loud fountain, people talking and the faint sound of the muzak over the loudspeaker started to fade away slowly. Jordan turned his head to face behind him and his eyes met a pretty woman in a light blue dress. The woman made eye contact with Jordan and smiled. "Jessie, her name is Jessie," Jordan tried to remember. Jordan returned the smile as the dizziness started to completely take over...

3 years ago
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Her Ass Was So Attractive

Hello friends this is my first story on this website. The incidence I am going to depict was about three years back from today when I was in 12th class. Myself sahil and my friend Naveen we both were in same school but in different streams, he was in commerce while I was in math’s science stream. We were casual friend’s back then as I was new admission in that school that time, though very good friend’s now. His mother was teacher in same school, teaching math’s to lower classes till 9th. When...

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Tube Rendezvous

I check my watch: 10.31 perfect, I step onto the 3rd carriage of the tube at Oxford Circus, Central Line heading west. I check my mobile again, the text reads "10.31 Central line, 3rd carriage, OC, no undies ;) Bunty x"I make my way to the corner of the packed tube, looking for the blonde haired woman, but no sign. At the next stop a sudden rush of people exiting and a new hoard entering. Suddenly I notice a shot of blonde hair moving towards me. The woman is close and has her back to me, she...

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A Very Messy Birthday Present

Two weeks before my twentieth birthday, my Japanese girlfriend Ayumi turned to me in bed. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind me fucking other people?’ she said, wanting to confirm our pact of an open relationship. ‘Of course,’ I replied, ‘as long as I can too. And if I can watch, all the better. Why d’you ask, we agreed that months ago?’ ‘Just checking,’ she replied, going quiet and thoughtful. However, she would say no more. My birthday arrived surprisingly quickly, even though I had been...

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A Peasant Girl Chapter 9

Anna's cunt was dripping, both from her own juices, brought on by reflex, and her brother's seed as it oozed from deep within her. She knew that it dripped on the helpless face of Ilona, Vladimir's unfortunate young bride, who was even now being roughly fucked by her husband. The girl had no experience with another woman, so unlike Noor, she simply lay there and squirmed as each drop fell on her cheeks and lips. Both girls were exhausted from the marathon sexual session, although Anna...

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Maid To Be Submissive Part 5

I couldn't believe Fiona had left me alone with this random guy! She never even said where she was going, let alone what time she would be back. I sat on the bed nervously, deliberating what to say. After what seemed like a long time, Dylan finally broke the awkward silence."Do you mind if I sit down?""No, of course not," I replied, trying my best to be polite.As he sat down on the bed, just a few feet away from me, I couldn't help but notice his toned physique and strong biceps. I quickly...

First Time
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Summer EmploymentChapter 8 Vera

I'd told Elizabeth to come to the cottage after dark, but when I heard a splash in the pool outside, I decided not to make her wait for me, even though it was barely dusk. I removed my clothes, went out and jumped in. She was waiting at the deep end. "What do you want?" she asked as I approached her. "I want the same as you," I said, attempting to kiss her. She pulled away from me, pretending to play hard to get. "It's unlikely that we have anything in common. You're my husband's...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 957

Say thank you to Dorsetmike for this one: A Story of True Love!! Dear Wife Im writing u this letter 2 tell u that Im leaving u 4ever. I’ve been a good man 2u for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell ... Your boss called 2tell me that u quit your job 2day & that was the last straw. Last week, u came home & didnt even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked ur favourite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2minutes,...

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Your Mum Your Mum

Mom has a dirty and very kinky gangbang with stepson's enemies.This is a secret I have kept to myself for years, about what my stepmother Teresa did one summer morning. Now, I think it's time I made all privy to this strange and lurid tale; the account of "Your Mum, Your Mum!"Some months after the incident of "Teresa's Torture" [which will be in another story] when I was 18, it happened. Firstly, I heard some of the local 18 to 19 year olds talking about Mum and her secret porno film! Obviously...

3 years ago
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Forward to the Stars

I have finally gotten a editor to go over and check my stories. As of chapter twelve they have been gone over and hopefully together we have corrected everything! While some may delete all past comments I am going to be leaving them to remind myself of how badly my first chapters sucked. Still any and all comments are wanted. ************ Brian sat paying attention too the mountain in front him or at least ATTEMPTING to do so anyway, he kept getting slightly distracted at all the giggling...

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A Farmer I Am NotChapter 6

Andrew knew it worked as the raw lye soap tended to burn his skin if he got it on himself undiluted while cleaning with it. Andrew stood still and allowed his brothers to wash the burning blood off his skin. He wasn’t sure which hurt worse before they finished, the blood or the soap. This also proved to be a rare time he was able to compare himself to his brothers. He had not realized of late that he was about the same height and build now. Andrew stood at just shy of six feet, with shoulders...

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Eileen 4

The day of our next adventure finally arrived, I took off work early as did Eileen, I met her at her house around 2 in the afternoon. She met me wearing her short silky robe and nothing else, As soon as the door closed she was in my arms french kissing me and rubbing her hot body against mine, after a few moment we parted and I saw she was somewhat flushed, her cheeks were rosy pink and she a big smile and a gleam in her eyes. We opened a bottle of bourbon and poured a couple of drinks, I asked...

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Encounter With A Nun

I was 42 years old when I met Sister Anne. I worked for her in afacility where she was the acting director. I became immediatelyattracted to her, although she was not an attractive woman persay. Sister Anne was 57, a large woman with modest sized hips and verylarge breasts, I'm guessing, 46EE. Sister Anne was sometimes adifficult woman, strong, stoic and unbending. For some reason though, wehit it off well and became very friendly with each other. I was one ofthe few people that could actually...

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Randi Varsha Mami Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, ye meri story ka next part hai, ab main story start karta hoo. Varsha mami room me aayi, usne sonu ko wahi bed pe sulaya. Aur mera hath pakad ke mujhe chhat ki or le jaane lagi. Main: varsha mami tum upar chalo, main 1 minute me aata hoo. Mami: ab kya hua? Main: are condom to lene do. Dotted wala laya hoo. Kaunsa flavour chahiye, chocolate ya jasmine? Mami: koi bhi lelo, par mere jism ki aag ko bujha do, meri choot ab bekabu ho rahi hai. Meri choot me tera danda gaad de. Jaldi...

3 years ago
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Shaadi Men Bhabhi Ki Thukai

Hi friends mai aaj jo story narrate kar raha hun ye mere sath ek shaadi men hui thi , is story ki sexy aur hot heroin ka name Meenu Singh hai , she is a married sexy housewife Jiske 2 pyaare bache hai . Meenu ki age 33years hai , colour fair gadraya badan 36 size ke ras se bhare hue boobs jisse dekh kar Koi bhi mard pagla jaye , bade gol chutar ( gand) jo Uske heel pehene pe mano keh rahe the aao mujhe peldo. Ab mai story pe aata hun , mere ek bahut hi khas dost ki sister ki shaadi thi , shaadi...

2 years ago
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Strip Club fun for an Empty Nest couple

Ladies especially, let me know if you enjoy this. It gets me off, so let me know if I do the same for you!!!Married 23 years, things get … old. At one time my wife, Tina and I had fireworks and spontaneity. At one time we looked forward to the night and we experimented. We looked for ideas, we read things, ordered things and we made the opportunities to make a sex life for the two of us exciting. I vaguely remember those days. Vaguely.Now we go to bed to watch the news, maybe watch a...

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Maria Thersa Bobby and LuzChapter 2 Bobby

This chapter written by my brother Ric Join the Army – See the World – Meet Interesting People – And Kill Them! This story is not about world politics, governmental policies, religious hatred or anything like that. The heading is merely to explain why Dad is thousands of miles from home, meeting interesting people and trying to kill them. And why I'm the only one left in the house available to put my lips on Mom's clit and suck it until she screams and screams and screams. Let me set...

3 years ago
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A boy in babeland chapter 10

3 Days had passed since Stephanie and Lee had, had their wild encounter, April was overjoyed that Stephanie thought it was a great idea for Lee and herself to live together and she had been in a happy mood since that day. Her mood seemed to be infectious, all the family were happy, not that there was anything to be unhappy about, but I'm sure that everyone will agree that that in a large family at least one person will have something to complain about when every one doesn't. Lee and...

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The Memories of Trees Ch 0103

First word that the world was ending sneaked past Collin’s ears sometime between lunch and his daily checks of Petri dishes. He tried to remember his reaction when a cadre of generals, military brass and government spooks arrived in the laboratory to call the entire research complex into an emergency meeting. Collin realized something went wrong with the project then, probably even knew intuitively that the project went deadly awry. What did he feel exactly? He couldn’t remember. Cold...

4 years ago
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MisfitsChapter 15

"I don't know, Billy..." Trista smacked her lips around the tart flavor of estrus fruit pickled in bull semen. The rare delicacy from the ringworld of Kryslys-V was an acquired taste perhaps, but doubtless my daughter had enjoyed the dish previously. "You don't know if you like it?" I dipped her spoon into the milky bowl. "You swallowed too quickly, I think. You have to savor each bite ... Open wide..." She teased me with her dark eyes, opening her mouth and extending her tongue. I...

3 years ago
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From Rich Girl To A Cheep Slut

Hi friends this is my second story which is narrated by a girl who is 18 year old so let’s hear it… Hi my name is Trisha I live in Delhi I am 18 year old sexy girl, I study in class 12th I look too hot I have a slim figure with a little heavy Brest whenever I move out every one stars at my boobs which comes out of my body. I like when people stars me and lots of boys ask me out. I go school in a van and I have a habit of sitting in the front seat and my driver is a 22 year old guy with muscular...

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Smile For The Camera

Sitting at his desk and reading what must have been his 500 th email of the day, Spencer heard a light knock at his office door. Looking up he was greeting by a lovely, smiling face attached to much better than average body on a woman he didn’t think he knew. More than happy for the interruption and pleased that it came from a female he said, “Hi. Come in, please.” She stepped inside and appeared to be a little embarrassed, but said, “Hi. I’m Kate.” She paused a few seconds before adding, “I...

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The Slutty Old School Days

Hey guys! Some information about me, I am a bisexual male, had quite a bit of fun with both the sexes. I am 179 cm tall, 84 kg and I have a 5 inch cock. This story is about how I enjoyed being a slut in school and how it worked to my advantage at the end of the day. So this is about when I was about 16 years old. I was quite the horny child, I was going to a residential school in ooty and it had day scholars too coming in everyday. I was staying at the hostel. I was in a convenient relationship...

Gay Male
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Chance Encounter

Jeffrey was driving home from work one day when suddenly his car died. He was in the country in the middle of nowhere. He got out of the car and looked in all directions and spotted a farm in the distance. He locked the car and began the walk towards the farm.He came upon a barn next to the house and heard someone inside. He walked in and saw the farmer. He was a large man with a big belly, wearing coveralls without a shirt. His nipples were large and pink and he had no evidence of body hair....

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MyDaughtersHotFriend Violet Starr 22633

Poor Violet Starr! She can’t afford to go to the concert with her friend tonight, so she decides to stick around for a while and just chill. Her friend’s dad Mark tells her that he has an idea: he’d be willing to help her out with an allowance if she’s willing to help him out, wink-wink! Violet’s hesitant at first, but once Mr. Wood starts sucking on her nipples, she’s all for it! A blowjob here, and doggystyle fuck there and a facial at the end gets his daughter’s friend her the beginning of...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 70 A Lot to Be Thankful For Part I

November 1984, Chicago, Illinois The week before Thanksgiving flew by, both at work and at school. By Friday, Sensei Jim was satisfied that I was ready to rejoin the class, which I would do on Saturday morning. I arranged with Wen, George, and Jorge that I’d pick them up just before lunch on Saturday. Sofia had told me that both of her friends would be at the house on Friday evening, but would spend the first night in the guest rooms because Elyse and Kara weren’t leaving until Saturday...

4 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 22 Respite

The Timberwolf pulled away from the crawler, Mizi watching the massive vehicle diminish on the video feed from the rear cameras. She had gotten to see both the crawler and the Yagda up close, and she had chatted incessantly about the latter for a good two hours when they had returned to the convoy. They had taken some time to rest up and refuel, and now they were heading West under new orders. “Let’s keep the speed up, Mizi,” Ben advised as he checked the satellite map. “We’ve received the...

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