NT Runner free porn video

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“I know you're excited to visit a 'real' city finally but this isn't a vacation, Yeong.” The harsh voice of a young woman echoed through a smartphone speaker in the small room Yeong was in. The boy had grown up on the countryside in Aoia, bordering the wasteland. It was a harsh land east of Trysk and Poren that saw little development even as the technological revolution came into full swing. He had been to neighboring cities but never to one of the real cities. Sprawling landscapes where mega-structures and incredible projects took the place of mountains on the landscape. Where the appearance from the ground level was that no one ever slept.

“I know, Halmeoni.” Yeong spoke into the receiver like someone who had never held a phone before. It sat in his hand facing up like a plate. He craned his head forward so that his mouth was close to it.

“Is that an echo? Where are you?” The voice of his Halmeoni asked.

Yeong smiled and leaned back on the toilet. He used the back of it as if it was a recliner proudly. “Bathroom. It's the sit-down kind of toilet, here. There's no urinals, though. I thought there would be.” He wondered about that idly as he sat.

The voice was silent for a few seconds. “If there's no urinals then it's probably a female restroom. Did you read the sign on the door? Your common isn't that bad...”

“Yeah. Triangle. The other one was a rectangle.”

“Rec- What? Triangle and rectangle? I kind of understand but I see why you'd get confused.” She offered, attempting to be charitable.

“But why were you confident enough in triangle being the male restroom that you just walked in and sat down?”

“I have lots of triangles. Triceps. Delts.”

“Okay.” She waited a few more seconds.

“That's two.”

“I didn't think it mattered, honestly.” Yeong shrugged.

“How progressive of you.”

“It's not that. What are they going to do?”

“Arrest you, possibly. You are talking loudly in the female bathroom as a man. You might be a creeper.”

He blinked. “I'm sorry?” As he said that he heard footsteps in the hall outside. Yeong lowered his voice. “I think someone's coming in.”

“Really? Just be quiet and keep me on the line.” Yeong nodded and sat in wait. He heard the door swing open and slam against the wall. The girls, and he knew it was a group of girls by the number of steps and speakers, came in very hot.

“We know you're in here!” One of them shouted. Yeong began to sweat. His Halmeoni on the other end of the line clicked her tongue and sighed.

“Yeah, Kai, someone saw you!” Another female voice said, clearing Yeong.

“Idiot!” A final voice added. The three girls stepped in front of Yeong's stall and knocked loudly.

“Is that you in there? Don't make us kick this door down.” The first voice warned.

Yeong held up the phone and quickly the voice on the other end of the phone said fairly naturally. “No?”

“Oh... Okay.” They moved on.

“Sorry. You guys check the other stalls.” She sounded like she was smiling as she added.

“You sound cute by the way.”

His Halmeoni giggled on the other end of the line and said. “Thanks.”

Yeong breathed a sigh of relief, but felt something and looked up. His eye twitched at the unusual, yet familiar sight of a red tail and a firm rear sliding over the top of the stall. He looked down at his phone, then back up. It wiggled and shimmied a little, trying to get over as the girls kicked doors in around the bathroom. He had no idea what to do or say as the new girl finally made it over and landed hard on his lap. He did not flinch or gasp. He was a bit too shocked for that, but he still managed to take in her appearance.

She was a punky looking girl with gold eyes, striking red hair and black-tipped red ears. She was a fox, there was no mistaking it. His eyes instinctively glanced down at her chest to see that she was severely lacking. She noticed and despite being in a rather compromising position on his lap she narrowed her eyes at Yeong and glared defiantly. He could tell she was about the same age as him, roughly. She was in the building he was in, so she was also more than likely a member of the same Mandatory Government Service program he was a part of. He was not going to say anything, but Yeong still thought it pretty bold for her to lift a slender finger to her lips in a shushing motion as stalls were kicked open all around you.

“Nothing!” The main girl exclaimed.

“Do you think that dude lied?” Another girl asked.

“We should go back and shake him down for giving us false info.” The last one offered maliciously. It made Yeong shudder that girls could sound so mean-spirited.

The main girl approached the stall again. “You didn't see anyone else when you came in?” Yeong held up the phone again. His Halmeoni spoke.

“Nope. Just... Doing my business. No clue.”

They all groaned collectively and left. The girl on Yeong's lap smiled and waited for the door to shut. When it did she remained quiet and stared down at you curiously, her glance shifting subtly between you and the phone.

“Uh, I think they're gone. I gotta go.” He spoke into the receiver.

“What?” The woman on the other end sounded confused but did not ask any questions.

“Keep in touch periodic-” Before Yeong could hang up the girl nodded her chin slightly, which coincided with the phone disconnecting.

“So.” Yeong spoke, letting that word hang for a few seconds.

“Thanks.” The girl managed. She spoke that word the same way Yeong spoke most words in the common Western language. As though they were just a bit foreign to him.

“We should get outta here.” She offered. Yeong could not find a reason to disagree. She leaned forward, bringing her face close to his teasingly as she tried to find the ground with her feet. The girl stood up and leaned back once she did.

She looked under-dressed but not in a purposeful manner. Faded, loose jeans with holes, a tight blank tank-top thick enough that her nipples did not peak through, but still far too little for the weather the city was known for. Thankfully, over it all she wore a far-too-big for her jacket that was in a perpetual state of sliding off and needing readjustment. Yeong did not speak of her appearance because he had very little room to talk. The Western Aoia native was dressed for a different era, but was at least dressed for the weather. He wore a large, thick puffer jacket and dark slacks that tucked into heavy boots. Underneath all of that he had a simple black short-sleeved shirt. Around his neck he had wrapped an extravagant-looking, hand-knit red scarf that hid half his face. The other, upper half was almost obscure d by the hood of his jacket. Red biker gloves kept his hands warm in the unfamiliar weather. He was prepared for cold, but not much else.

* *

“Why were they looking for you? Are you being bullied?” Yeong questioned. He was not particularly interested in helping, but he was curious of the reason.

“Also, you're Kai, right?”

“That's right.” She tilted her head side to side, obviously questioning whether she should be truthful or not.

“They are bullies, but they were looking for me because I hacked their phones and stole some money from them.”

Yeong stopped and began to shake. He hurriedly lifted his phone and tried to check it. “Relax! You don't even have it set up so how's someone supposed to steal from you? You also can't check if you don't have it, dumbass. How were you thinking of looking? Your phone is literally blank. There's one number. Jeeze. Did you just get it?”

“My Halmeoni got it for me. She said it was a family plan.”

“So, you're not from around here?”

“What gave you that idea?”

“You sound different and you look different.” Kai stated. It was accurate, but still rude.

“How did you get into my phone?” Yeong asked. It was the more important question.

“I don't even remember the pass-key. I use the thumb print.”

“Oh my god...” Kai shuddered.

“You're so inept. You shouldn't even have a phone, but if you have one you should at least know how to use it.”

“Why shouldn't I have a phone? Because I'm inept?”

“No, because ChesAn listens in on everything and collects data on everyone to use for advertising and espionage. You don't want them having your info.”

“That seems a bit paranoid.” Yeong muttered, staring down at his device with a lack of suspicion. He pressed his thumb to the screen.

“Do you have a phone? Can I have your number?” He looked up after a short pause to see Kai shaking and blushing deeply.

“The hell are you asking all of a sudden?” She let out awkwardly.

“Your number? Your phone?” He gave her a confused look.

“I don't have a phone. I wouldn't, because I don't want THEM to have my info.”

“ChesAn?” Yeong sighed. The girl was hopelessly paranoid and probably crazy. It was partially his type, but he was wondering if it was worth it. Part of the reason he had been so eager to take the trip at his Halmeoni's request was to meet girls and relax in between his MGS duties and his investigation.

“Why bother explaining it to you. You're an idiot.” Kai stated harshly. She crossed her arms tightly and began walking away. Yeong increased his pace to catch up.

“You're in the MGS, right?” He asked.

“Yeah?” She responded in a short tone.

“Of course.” In Orr all citizens, or people trying to become citizens needed to perform two years minimum of mandatory service to the government. The program was set up like a community schooling, system, however. The main way that citizens were able to prove their worth was through aptitude testing, scoring and vocational studies that all reinforced loyalty in the city's regime. For Yeong and others like him it was essentially an extended citizenship test. For Kai it would have been more like a vocational school that she had to attend before any other secondary schooling she went into. Service could be shortened to a year for anyone that joined the Mandatory Military Service, but that was far too regimented for what Yeong was after.

“You can help me with electronics and city life? I'm from the countryside.” Yeong explained.

“And now it starts to make sense. So that's LITERALLY your first phone and this is your first time being in a place like Orr?” Kai asked. Yeong offered a slight nod to the affirmative. The two stepped into one of the many public elevators that took people to different levels in the multi-layered city. When developers of Orr needed more room they only had two choices. Build up, or build out into the water on stilts.

“Well you made a mistake coming here.” As she said that the elevator with it's clear glass windows crested the tops of some smaller buildings, allowing Yeong to stare out over the vast city-scape. Kai began pointing. She rested her finger on a lit-up cylindrical superstructure. It was wider and larger than anything else in the city. It was a literal mountain of metal and glass that took up hundreds of blocks worth of space in the already strained city.

“ChesAn.” She pointed to another less-impressive building that was almost as tall but not nearly as wide. It was lit up in the night sky.

“Garde, The PMC. Fast-Vac HQ is also nearby.” She then dotted the landscape by tapping the glass.

“Many many more. You think Orr is a city? No, it's a slice of bread with mold growing on it. All those corps own their turf like they're countries. Why do you think the MGS exists? They know that when all of us grow older we're going to live in some Corpo Arcology, owned by someone else. It's their attempt at keeping some semblance of loyalty. What a joke.” She exhaled through her nose.

“That isn't even getting into the gangs. The Jobbers. The DEZ rejects. The fucking-” A red light flashed as the elevator stopped half-way. An artificial female voice sounded off.

“Apply proof of residency to the keypad to ascend beyond this point.”

Kai rolled her eyes. “The ones profiting off it all? They're the worst out of all of them.” The two of them stepped off the elevator. They were almost in the clouds and there was still a ways to go. Kai and Yeong stood awkwardly near the railing looking over parts of the city. On either side they were flanked by more concrete and glass mountains stretching up into the sky. She looked at Yeong and relented.

“If you want a hand, sure, I can-” She stopped as she heard a sound. Yeong heard it, too. Revving engines. Behind them both was an active street market. Through the crowds of people a convoy of four heavy, loud bikes rolled through slowly before speeding up once they got through. They were two per vehicle, with the people on the back holding crude pistols or bats. One held a tablet and pointed the camera at Kai.

“We got 'er!” He shouted.

“Ez payday!” The gang whooped, whistled and hollered. It was so jarring that Yeong couldn't act. Even if he could he was not faster than bullets. He ducked instinctively as shots rang out. Yeong glanced to his side and saw Kai falling back. Her chest had been caved in by a bullet without an exit wound. She tumbled like a doll over the railing. Without thinking Yeong jumped after her and lost grip of his phone in the commotion. As he looked down at the girl he saw what looked like half of her head missing. The half he did not see when he jumped. When he thought more about his choice he wondered what exactly he was planning on doing? The city rapidly approached from below, but it was so high that Yeong was basically sky-diving. He glanced around calmly, already having caught up to the life-less Kai in mid air. He looked to his right and saw his phone tumbling beside him. There was a call.

Yeong pressed the green call button to accept and listened. It sounded like static. Then a voice came through. It was odd, because Yeong could not hear himself think. He could not hear the incredibly loud city. He could only hear the rushing of wind past his ears, but he could hear the voice as plain as day through it all. Deep, rasping, robotic. Broken.

“dO yOU wANT to gO bACK?” Within that voice was the sound of an old router struggling through an analogue phone line.

“Yeah...” Yeong nodded. It was obvious.

“Do you WANT to SAVE... HeR.”

Yeong thought about that, but noticed the ground approaching quickly. “Yeah... Yeah!” He offered more certainly.

“TOUCH THE SCREEN.” The voice growled quickly, seeming to be just as apprehensive about the approaching pavement as Yeong was. As Yeong touched the screen he heard a recorded phone call coming through his speaker. A smooth, professional female voice.

“Twenty thousand. Kill them. No need to retrieve the body, just make sure they die.”

“Understood!” It was as far in the recording as he got to hear the cackling and reving of bikes after that confirmation. Yeong touched the screen and felt himself being pulled back at the last second. Rather than the feeling of falling and hitting the ground he was standing rather suddenly and jarringly without keeping any of the momentum that he had from jumping off the ledge. His surroundings were strange and he immediately heard the sound fucking in the room he was in.

“Yes! Yes! More!” An unfamiliar female voice moaned lewdly. Those sounds were intermingled with male grunts. Yeong curiously looked over. The room was normal... In parts. There was a phone camera and cone of clear vision in front of it that almost 'illuminated' the scene of the couple having raw, bestial sex in front of it. Yeong could make out the image like something froma porno. A shot from behind of a large man's cock pushing over and over into a woman's soaked pussy. Everything outside of that cone, the scene, looked like an architectural drawing. It was blank space broken up by solid white lines in a grid; shapes forming the semblance of a room with appliances and other decorations. Yeong was standing within that space, looking completely normal. The lines rippled and the room seemed to update as the couple made noise.

“What?” Yeong questioned out loud in sheer confusion.

The couple suddenly turned to look at him. The woman screamed and covered herself, despite the fact that they were obviously filming a porno. The man got up and glared threateningly at Yeong, but he was as frightened as she was.

“W-who the hell are you!?”

Yeong was not sure what to say. “Where am I?”

“Our apartment, you freak!” The man lunged forward. He was larger than Yeong and a fair bit more muscular. Calmly, Yeong reached into his pocket and blanketed the man's face in pepper spray. He used the technique he had been taught to cross from ear to ear, then forehead to chest. The man screamed in pain and fell past Yeong.

“Fuck fuck fuck!” As the man swore the woman screamed louder. Yeong walked in front of the camera and moved towards the door. He opened it and was shocked to see Kai floating in a curving corridor with strange architecture and several doors at odd angles. The walls were curled together like wires that twisted together in a spiral pattern and extended on into infinity.

“You're alive?”

“Yeah? And you disappeared into thin air only to show up on a fucking router a kilometer away? What the hell, man?”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Yeong's eyes moved instinctively down towards her chest. She was quite a bit more stacked than when he first spoke to her. She covered them as he stared. He knew he was getting off track so he explained carefully.

“Look. I saw you die. It was a biker gang. I heard a recording of a hit being accepted, then showed up here. Where are you? Is this you?” He looked her over fully. She was more sleek in her way of dressing, as well. Less ragged. In general her form seemed idealized.

“My body is back at the railing. This is my Avatar.” She glanced down at her chest and blushed.


“Has the gang shown up?”

“Not yet.”

“Do you hear engines?”

“Not yet.” She repeated.

“Okay.” Yeong slowed his breathing and thought deeply.

“Can you find one nearby if you found me? They had a tablet.”

“Then yeah, of course. They're...” She blinked.

“Oh shit, they're actually coming. Rolling slowly through the market towards me. What do I do!?”

“Get me close to them.”


“Where am I now?” Yeong asked.

“You are inside a fucking ROUTER somehow!”

“Can you find me a... A router overlooking the market?” Yeong asked.

“It looks like it is. The window in the room the device is in is overlooking the market. Three floors up.” Yeong nodded. He returned to the room. The woman cowered as he entered and ceased pouring murky water into the man's eyes to clear them.

“No no no! Please go away!” She begged. They had stepped out of frame of the camera and had instead become white grid-like lines that decently matched their former shapes in the periphery, like the rest of the room.

Yeong and Kai ignored her and just walked past them towards the window. “Do you see?” Yeong asked conversationally. He was still trying to understand.

“There's an unprotected cell camera hooked up to the router wi-fi. Through that I can hear them through the stream, but I can't see them if they're out of frame.” She explains.

“Ah.” Yeong nodded and stared out the window. It was blank space. He opened it and could see white lines going as far as the fire escape, but they faded into nothing quickly and the rest was simply void beyond that. He stepped out onto the platform outside and felt metal grating beneath his boots.

“You're going out of range somehow.”

Yeong exhaled and attempted to problem solve. “Electronics... Camera... Are there security cameras outside?”

“Heh. Yeah, of course.” Kai uttered sardonically. She gulped.

“Shit, I kinda hear engines, dude...”

“Okay, okay. How do I get into a security camera setup if I'm you?” He worded it in a way he thought she would understand.

“They're hooked into the city's wired network. I follow that and crack it, then I have access to everything that's being sent in real time.”

“Can you hook me into that?”

“I don't even know what YOU are. You're like a VR avatar, or your phone, or something... But not. There's so much information that-”

Yeong stopped her. “Is there anything that you can find in my 'avatar' that would allow you to hook me into the network?”

“Y-y-yeah sh-shut up. They're getting louder. This is bad, right?” Kai sounded like she was close to crying.

“It's bad, but worse if you panic. You can do it, right?” Yeong steadied his voice in order to calm the girl. She was quiet for a long time. Yeong waited patiently before asking again.

“Kai?” As he asked that she spoke.

“I got it!” The girl breathed heavily.

Suddenly the street before Yeong lit up. Several moving cones of light illuminated the market from cameras, but there were no white lines in the void like there had been in the room. There was no color in the street, either. It was grainy and in tones of black and gray. Yeong saw the bikers moving slowly through the crowd to avoid people, then noticed Kai at the end of the street near the railing a ways away, only she was a blur.

“You mask yourself?”

“Of course I do! You're fucking factory phone is how they found me, idiot! I should just throw this shit over and run...” She mumbled.

“Don't!” Yeong warned.

“Got it... Going to need your help with that once this is done.”

You gonna pepper spray all of them?” She asked sarcastically.

Yeong stood on the edge and looked down as the bikers were below and almost through the crowd. “No...” He jumped three stories and landed hard, knocking one passenger off the back of their bike. The back tire's suspension almost caved from the impact. Yeong reached forward before the rider knew what was happening and turned the ignition to full, sending the chopper flinging forward wildly into the lead bike. The two crumpled together and flung everyone off as Yeong stood up on the back and jumped to one of the two rear bikes. He turned his body in mid air and drop kicked a duo to the ground before they could fire their weapons at him. The last two grainy individuals stopped, hopped off and drew their weapons. For all that time Yeong could not hear anything. There was no sound. No crowd. Nothing. The last two bikers were speaking but no words were coming out. Before the rider could shoot Yeong he grabbed the gun, pulled it away as a shot landed in his shoulder and threw it away like a Frisbee, much to the man's surprise. The passenger raised a bat over his head, ready to strike. Yeong drew out his pepper spray and coated the mans face. He screamed a soundless, voiceless scream and crumpled at the mercy of the powerful, inhuman spices of the spray. For good measure he did the passenger, then calmly walked around to each of the felled, slowly recovering bikers to spray them while they were down. As they were reeling Yeong jogged back to where Kai was. Her eyes were closed and she was clutching his phone in her blurry hands.

When he saw it Yeong checked his pockets and realized he did not have it that whole time. It was out of his pocket exactly where it would have been at the point in time they were currently in. He tapped the screen and felt the world return to normal. Sound came back. The crowd was clearing out and the sound of idle engines filled the market. Yeong could see felled bikers and hear their groans as they tried in vain to rub the pepper spray out of their eyes. He smiled, knowing that would only make it worse. Yeong held Kai's shoulders and shook her. She blinked and appeared similar to someone waking up.

“Are you okay?”

She was extremely flustered as she looked at Yeong and offered a quick succession of nods. “Yeah. I heard gunsh-” The girl's face twisted in horror as she looked Yeong over.

“Y-you're shot! Holy fuck I'm gonna throw up... So much blood.” Her eyes filled with tears.

“Huh.” His hands shook as he felt the bullet hole.

“It's real...”

“Why are you so calm!? Doesn't it hurt?” Kai whined.

“Crying about it isn't going to make it not hurt... My Halmeoni did worse to me when she trained me.” He explained, trying to calm her down more than anything. It did hurt. It hurt a lot, but he also believed what he said. There was no point dwelling on the pain.

* * *

Thursday Release to CHYOA and Patreon

Extra content produced constantly but added to CHYOA infrequently, so check and sub to https://www.patreon.com/TVWintergreen for additional chapters, bad end branches and other scenes, as well as voting privileges.

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ME and Tammy sat in our rooms in or two mistress Pheobe and Paige's house. As usual we had dog collars around our knecks and we were attached our 'kennels' our kennels were cages in which we slept in should we miss behave. They were never cleaned and there wasn't a toilet in there. When we were put in there we were tied and gagged until we were collected. "You know," tammy said "Mistress's are always saying we're putting it on when they whip us or put them nipple clamps on us.""Yeah but what...

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My Dear Sweet SlaveChapter 6

Isaac yawned and smiled, opening his eyes to the sight and ecstasy of two soft wet tongues around his cock, stirring it to a full erection. Holly and Alice were bobbing their heads, running their tongues up the shaft of his cock, and stopping momentarily to kiss each other every time they slurped on the head. It had been a week since he had accepted Alice as his slave, so this had become a common occurrence for him. "Good morning, girls," he groaned happily, rubbing them behind the ears...

4 years ago
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My Brother My Rapist

“Why? What happened?” “Oh yeah, I never told you.” Hannah had a flair for being forgetful, but even as she hardened herself to tell me, it was clearly something she’d always remembered. “Well, when I was younger, my second oldest brother started molesting me.” “How so? Just kissing and touching?” I asked, hoping she’d elaborate. “More than that,” Hannah paused. “He’d force me to suck his cock, he’d give me oral, and then he’d have sex with me.” “Did he ever say why?” I gave Hannah a look...

4 years ago
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OnLine Flirtation Part One

(This is my first attempt. I appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks to my special friend who helped me role play. I only wish that this all had happened.) I still remember the first time I saw Jenna. She was gorgeous. About five-foot-five, 120 pounds with the most beautiful green eyes. I knew she was married with a beautiful wife, but I couldn’t help but feel attracted to her. That attraction surprised me, as I had never found myself lusting after another woman. My own curvy, five-foot-six...

2 years ago
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My 1st time as a bottom

I hopped into a car I was borrowing from my friend for the week and was heading to Ricks house. On my way I got rear ended at a stop light, how ironic. Luckily there wasn't any damage and I countined on my way nervously. He lived in the town across the river. I reached his house, parked where he told me to park and walked up to his house. I saw that the door was open a crack and I shook as I reached for the door knob. I slowly walked up the steps because there was someone else's...

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Edward and the Teacher Part Three

It had been quite a day. Within twelve hours I had had two beautiful women with world class figures practically worshipping my cock, and doing their best to drain my balls. Then, in the next twelve hours, I lost both of them. Kate went to Alaska with Parker. She would have been a fool not to of course, and I certainly didn't blame her. I had high hopes for Ms. Brooks though. I could see me and her getting it on ... frequently. But that wasn't going to happen. She cornered me the next day at...

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RachelChapter 5

As Rachel got out and explored her new world, she made friends in the neighbourhood, and sometimes, one or three of them would appear on the doorstep, and then they'd disappear down to her room, and they'd have a ball. She weeded out the bad ones, and the troublemakers, choosing girls who were bright, intelligent, and were easy to get along with, and she didn't care about how old they were, either. Rachel was no respecter of persons, meaning she accepted them for who they were, and not for...

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First time fucking a mans ass

I guess the next gay thing happened to me around the age of 15. It was really no big deal I guess, looking back at it now. Another k** in the neighborhood who was around 13 or so kept asking for 50 cent. It went on all day and he never said what he wanted it for but he suer wanted it, Between me and another guy we had the 50 cent so I got the other guys quarter and told the k** I would give it to him if he sucked both of our dicks, I figured he would get mad and just go home but he said ok, I...

1 year ago
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Beneath the Masks of OurselvesChapter 4

Much of our interaction was in pieces, broken, shaped perhaps by emails and short messages. We could keep the same conversation over weeks, but only saying a few phrases at a time. Other times the conversation was quick, dry and just to the point yet deeper and more sincere than usual. Many of the moments I remember are like that, almost like flash stories. I sometimes dream about her. "I dreamed of you the other day." "You did?" She was almost asleep. So was I. "I did." "What...

3 years ago
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Rising From The Ashes

Two years ago I discovered my wife Rhonda was having an affair. That led to a vicious argument that ended with me packing my bags and moving out. Of course my moving out wasn’t due to the argument. I was moving out because I wasn’t going to live with a cheating slut. Our marriage was over the second she let another man into her panties. I checked into a motel near my office. It was kind of seedy but it would do until I found something more permanent. I put the two suitcases I had packed into...

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Sororal Twins 6 Shop till you drop

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 6: Shop till you drop I eventually regained my composure. Jenny and I said our goodbyes to Miranda and headed out to the parking lot. "I'm glad to that you were able to meet Miranda." "Yes, me too. She's quite an interesting woman." "She does that to a lot of girls. She's not into girls sexually or anything, but she likes a girl-girl kiss from time to time. She usually tries to catch people off...

1 year ago
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Katiersquos Roommate

Katie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...

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Worth the DriveLisa

I was expecting to hear from Lisa after my night with Laura.  What I didn’t expect was to hear from her three days later.  I was pleasantly surprised. “How are you doing, stud?”“Pretty good.  How about you?”“Horny.  Especially after hearing the juicy details of Laura’s night with you.”“It was a really good night for both of us.  I’m curious, are you looking for a night like that?”“Mmm. Yes, I am.  Is that okay?”“Yes, that’s fine with me. When were you thinking?”  I said. I decided I  would just...

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The American Idol 2 Dream

I watch American Idol constantly when it's on, I even have recordings of most of Season 2 of it. When I found out that I had won a contest for American Idol, I was stoked, to say the least. I didn't even know what the contest was for. This leaves me to where I am now, on a jet to California, to meet the American Idols. Ruben, Clay, Kimberly, Kimberley, Julia, Rickey, Carmen, Josh, Charles and Trenyce. Who could ask for more? As I sit on this airplane, my mind drifts off. What could they...

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Jasmine and Achilles Jones

I was surprised. Rangers were supposed to be bullet proof; first sergeant had told me so in training camp. So there I was with a bullet lodged near my heart and a shard of shrapnel buried in my ass. What a wonderful way to get a ticket home—not. That I'd made a herculean effort to fall on the nurse and shield her from the incoming even while she was prepping me to get the bullet removed from my chest didn't make me feel any better, her body did feel good under me. Laying there on top of her...

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VacationChapter 28

Day Twenty-eight - Sunday Lips were touching mine. Not kissing, just touching. I opened my eyes to see Sue's beautiful face framed by her thick auburn hair. Her eyes were closed as she slept peacefully. I lay there thinking about how I came to be lying in this big bed with this wonderful woman. Counting back, I realized I had been on vacation for four weeks. Wow! A lot has happened in twenty-eight days, four weeks. So far almost all of it was good. There had been a couple of bad situations...

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My Favorite Ski Resort

                  My husband Ron and I have always been very open and honest in our relationship. We tell each other our deepest darkest secrets and fantasies,especially while in the heat of the moment.                   This year my husband planned a winter vacation for us. Instead of warm places we usually go,he said we had reservations for one week at an exclusive ski resort. I was very excited about the trip of course,but all he would tell me is we would have a lot of fun. He said he...

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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 3

[Janice – In Dallas] Jerry, Paul, and their families were all excited. Bella looked at Charlie like he could walk on water. She said to him wonderingly, "That's your grandfather? Wow!" Charlie said, "He's my Janice Mom's foster father. That's what I've always called him. He's the leader of Preservation. He's Mike's father, too." She said softly, "He talked to me just because of you." I looked at my two husbands and grinned. I mouthed, "It's time for the talk!" Neither...

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First time anal

Hi guys, I have never written here before, but I would like to use this as a diary entry. This is the story of how I had my first anal experience this week.It was a normal Sunday afternoon, I was in bed with my girlfriend and we watched a series. When we kissed, I slowly took her shirt off. She has a great figure, is slim, nice breasts (B-Cup) and has blonde hair and a beautiful face. First I kissed her breasts, then her belly and in the meantime I took off her pants. I moved my tongue further...

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I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with views, comments or ideas for stories. Surprise, Surprise! Paul walked towards a bar near to his hotel. He knew that Canal Street was the gay area of the city but he also knew that it was also the most lively area for pubs and clubs. And Paul was happy and confident with his sexuality so he didn’t see it as a problem. Almost immediately after entering...

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Lovely In Latex 2

LOVELY IN LATEX -- 2. by Throne. Alex was so apprehensive that he could barely complete his duties. His Aunt Tabitha had tasked him with cleaning the house. She had acquired a new outfit for him to wear while he was doing it... a maid's uniform... made of latex. It was in the traditional black and white, with a very short skirt and built-in breast forms. There were PVC stockings and black shoes with square toes and two-inch block heels. He had on a short black, pixie-cut wig,...

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Dominate BBW Security Gal

I was walking thru the hotel lobby of a local hotel where I was spending the night. A white middle aged bbw security guard stares at me. She is a medium sized with really short dark hair. As I pass she saysSecurity; Excuse me do I know you? Me; I said, I don't think so?? Security; oh, OK....I'm sorry! Me; Its OK it happens, have a goodnight! I went out for dinner and I was thinking about her as I was eating. I did remember her messaging me on a popular dating site once. I finished my dinner...

1 year ago
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Wnsche wurden wahr

Am Autohof auf dem Weg nach Stuttgart. Dauernd Staus. Ich halte mich mit geilen Fantasien aufrecht und schaue ob ein junges Girl in einem anderen Auto meine Fantasie anregt. Die eine oder andere süsse Maus sitzt schon hier dem Lenkrad aber wie immer unerreichbar. Ich hab Lust auf einen Kaffee und die Blase drückt also ab zum Autohof. Während ich an meinem Kaffee schlürfe und ein Teilchen esse, kommt eine Familie an den Nachbartisch. Sie haben eine sehr junge Tochter, wohl noch in der Pubertät....

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My first time with a teacher

I have this problem. I have to fuck men that have power over me. I HAVE to. Not that I want to, I literally NEED to if I want to continue to be sane. And once I get it in my head that I'm going to have someone, I WILL have them. I will do whatever it takes to have sex with the person I set my goal on. I will do things most people wouldn't even fathom doing to get what I want. I really don't know why I am this way, but I have accepted it, and I'm okay with it now. I was seventeen at the time. If...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Behan Ko Choda

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto mai pahli baar iss pe apni story dal raha hu, acha laga to zarur muje reply de @ Meri story suru hoti he ek ladki se jo bhaut he khubusat slim or average boobs hai, ladki ka naam natasha (badla hua naam) hai wo meri best friend ki behan he, mere family member jaisa dost hai wo uski behan bachpan me he ek ladki ke sath set ho gai thi ladke ne usse bhaut saal use kia fir kisi or se shadi kar lia tabse wo bhut udas udas si rehti thi Ek din mene apni ek dost...

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Finding a Black Dildo

He’s massive. He takes my breath away as he enters me. A tear rolls down my cheek as he pulls my hair back, torqueing my head as I grip the sheets in front of me. His well-muscled body presses my knees into the mattress. His large black hand wraps around the side of my waist. He starts slow, but I know he will soon pick up the pace. He always starts slow, but as we both lose ourselves, he begins to pump like a steam engine. My teeth rattle in my skull while he pounds me to ecstasy. He owns me...

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To Have and to Hold

Albrecht Smith is widely recognized as the pioneer of sexual genetic performance art when it came into its own in the 22nd Century. He set loose collections of genetically modified humans. The performance art installation was the society as it developed. Some today argue that these stories should not be shared because of the egregious ethical and moral violations they were based on. We feel each epoch has to be judged by its own standards, and we can appreciate artistry wherever it is...

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Legends of the Displaced

You wake up with a terrible headache, laid down on an altar of some kind, your mind is a maelstrom of ideas, sensations, and other things. You can't remember who you are or what you are. Your body is on fire, melting and reforming. Suddenly everything stops. you open your eyes and see that you are in the open, in your peripheral vision you notice that the altar you are in is in the middle of a stone circle, in some kind of forest. immediately voices start to speak in your mind, thousands of...

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more from the Cuck worries Part 2

....Nat was well up my tight slit and very much enjoying his possession, his crown jewels he said up his Princess. His hot hands slapping my ass, it was a bit painful and stingy with each slap, but I liked it as the pain of the slap was taken away by the pleasure of the monster dick sliding into me deeper and deeper. my G spot was being stretched wider and rubbed with a friction that intensified. Mick(hubby) was still moaning on about it and I could feel from the tension in Nat's dick , the...

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Southern bell

EXIST AND THE THINGS THEY DO NEVER HAPPENED. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE STOP READING IMMEDIATELY!!! OTHERWISE READ ON AND ENJOY! The first time he saw her he was in love. She was the perfect woman for him, a true southern bell. She had long blonde hair, dark blue eyes and stood five eight without shoes. Her body had nice curves, her thirty-five inch breasts looked fine against her twenty-four inch waist, her hips measured thirty-four inch each only made her breast look bigger...

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"What the hell is she doing here?" my sister Jean demanded. Lupe and I jumped apart in surprise. We'd been sitting on the loveseat in the living room. I had Lupe down to just her panties. I still had my pants on. As you might have surmised Jean's arrival was completely unexpected. She was supposed have been out all day. My parents were out of town for the weekend and I thought I'd been clear to invite Lupe over for a little heavy petting and maybe if I got lucky I'd lose my virginity too....

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Night shift fun

John didn’t have much time for women. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but working as a surgeon in one of the busiest hospitals downtown didn’t give him much time for that sort of thing. He was an ok looking guy, and liked to flirt with girls- usually the pretty nurses at work- but it never seemed to lead anywhere. Never had the time to. It was a shame that the only person to experience his big curved cock was his own right hand usually. He had a great sex life at college, and knew his way...

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At the Summit Ch 11

Copyright 2005, All rights reserved Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website. —————————————————- by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) —————————————————- Part 11 – ‘Expense Account’ LATE IN 1997 It was the close of another day in Denver, and Sophia had joined me at what was becoming...

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Perilous Pauline

I noticed a,not-so-subtle change,coming over Pauline three days after she started going to her new Primary School. I was in the kitchen,preparing her an afternoon snack,when I looked over to where she was sitting at the kitchen table,and watched,dumbfounded,as she took her panties off!"God,Daddy! That's so much better!" She exclaimed,hiking up her skirt and showing Herself off to Me. "Da? Do You like Eating Pie?" Pauline asked,while opening and closing her thighs,exposing Her Maidenhead. "I bet...

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Hardcore sex chat

This a mixture of fantasy and truth in our sex chats.My girlfriend gets really into the sex crazed mood once I turn her on a bit. Here it is.She - s; I am- m;s- What are you doing?m- just thinking about you actually.s- what are you thinking?m- missing you and your body a lot.s- my body?m- yes your hot and sexy body.s- how hot is my body?m- fucking hot.s- i am getting a bit wet.m- i want you to be wet for me always.s- my nipples are getting hard.m- wish i could see thems- they are all yours. i...

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Nicol Gets an EducationChapter 3

The boys took their time about leaving. But at last they thanked Jeff for his hospitality and went home. I put the cushion back on the lounge and started to lie back down but Jeff stopped me. We went inside and he followed me up the stairs and into the bathroom. We took a long hot shower together in his large, walk in shower. I washed off all of that lotion the boys had spent so much time and had so much fun applying. Jeff soaped me up and rinsed me off several times before he was satisfied....

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Playing Away Part III The Post Match Analysis

Playing Away - Part III - The Post Match Analysis Upon her arrest at the ground Julia had been charged with a public order offense and then smartly whisked away from the ground in a police van. The van had been hot and humid and by the time they had got to the police station she was glad to be out of it. They'd taken down some details and Malcolm had been forced to give them his own address and what little he'd known about the woman he was supposed to be including her full name...

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Caleb 21 Sue

Many thanks, once again, to neuroparenthetical, my most amazing editor who relentlessly teases out what I hope is a decent story from the half-baked drivel I send to him. As always, I’ve fiddled with it, so any errors left are mine; let’s say that they’re deliberate attempts to get you to leave comments, if only to complain. P.S. He even edited this part!!! Having said that – on with the show. Caleb 21 - Sue I sat in my truck, in the driveway, having neither the motivation nor the...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Kit Mercer Mothers And Stepsons

Kit playfully confronts her spoiled step son Jake about a speeding ticket he received in the mail. He tries to snatch the ticket from her. She takes off down the hall with it while he follows and tackles her on her bed and holds her down. Smiling, she tells him she isn’t his sister. He can’t just pin her down like that. To keep the ticket from him, she stuffs it down her pants. This doesn’t stop Jake. He rips off her pants, removes the ticket, and starts lapping at her pussy. She spreads her...

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Beta Boi Cuckold

BETA BOY CUCKOLD by Throne I couldn't believe it. My wife, Tarla, had been bringing me along gradually for the past year. First she had gotten me to confess my cuckold fantasies. Over two months she went from flirting with guys to petting and then letting them take her to bed. Sometimes I had to be where she went to get picked up -- usually some downtown club -- and see her leave with someone. Other times I was told to stay home and she would send me photos as the night...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 10

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 10A festival of strong will.The volunteer group helped Christopher move the concrete formwork. They also helped Chris to coat the inside floors with an epoxy finish, and to smooth out the outside rough concrete terraces. They did a few of the upper cabins first. As others gave each of the 24 lower cabins their own identity by painting some walls in different colors. The work progressed fast. At this rate, they could finish all the 30 cabins within...

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The Chance Encounter

The Chance Encounter Chapter 1 - 1 in a million I worked in London and usually travelled home exhausted ready for another day. That was except when I went out for a drink with work colleagues, which was fairly often. I worked in Camden and one evening we went to a different pub. After the usual few beers we were laughing and having fun, just talking nonsense really. A man with a medium build who I had never seen before came up to me and to my surprise asked if I wanted him to...

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Two Brothers A Little Camping Tail

Shortly thereafter, both boys came out to their parents as gay. Unconcerned, they demonstrated anal to their children, and urged them to experiment with each other as they pleased, something both brothers took to with relish. Joey was taller, at 6' even. He had a stocky, cut build; wide shoulders and thick limbs. This physical characteristic extended to his penis, which was 7", cut, and thick, with a large head which dwarfed his already massive cock shaft. Tony was shorter and slimmer, at...

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