Solace Rosanna Ch 15
- 4 years ago
- 54
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I thrust harder, the tight slickness gripping and squeezing me. I could see her green eyes and soft blonde hair as I plunged back and forth, the squishing around my cock filling my ears. With a final lunge, my loins pulsed, waves of relief washing through me, and thick jets of sticky whiteness shot into the handkerchief in my other hand. As I drained my lust and the pleasure passed, the image of Evelyn faded away in the same way the oil disappeared from my hand into the outside of the folded handkerchief.
I had met her two months before, and every night after that I imagined draining the fruit of my nuts into whichever part of her most intrigued my lust-heated fancy. Oh, elegant she was, svelte and witty, shining eyes and pert mouth above a lithe neck, a wiry torso with high firm breasts, and well-turned legs. She looked you in the eye with all the attention a person could possess and left you unable to speak. It was hard to remember everything we had said once I was able to utter coherent sound again. Somehow I kept up with her conversation and saw interest in her eyes, and the times we ran into after that she smiled happily and gripped my arm as we talked.
Exhausted, drained, softening, I went to shower. Cleaned, I walked around the old house checking the windows. Five of us shared it, a decrepit relic of a once-glorious past, paying little rent because it lay far beyond the edge of town and had no near neighbors in any direction; the owner kept it as a tax write-off and a middling source of income rather than paying a watchman.
Satisfied we were safe, I went into the dining room. Jasmine smiled over her wine, her blue eyes shining under her chestnut hair, and pointed to the chair across from her. Dave, black and tall and smart as a paper cut, grinned at Jasmine.
“Have a glass. Toast us, oh lucky man.”
“What shit did you pull this time?”
“Listen to him, Dave. I ask you. Did we deserve that? No we did not. Are we not good friends? Are we not the smoothest operators in the entire state? Yes we are.”
Dave replied, “Some punks just ain’t got no kulcha. No breeding at all. You’d think he was born in a trailer park, not some lousy suburb.”
Jasmine grinned, “He was born in a trailer park on the edge of a suburb, that’s where he’s from. Probably played in the landfill and got his manners from wrestling with a junkyard pit bull.”
Dave shot back, “Nah, pit bulls are fine animals, loyal and sweet. At least compared to this guy. Whadda graceless lout.”
“Put up or shut up, guys,” I said after we finished laughing.
Jasmine rubbed her fingernails on her blouse, blowing on them and polishing them, while Dave just sat there humming something by Sibelius. Might have been from the last movement of the 3rd Symphony, or perhaps it was from the 5th—with his tone-deafness it was always hard to place—but it was always Sibelius and never more irritating than right then.
I sat there and yawned, and as the silence lengthened I began elaborately popping my knuckles. Jasmine cringed through the first three, then shouted, “God, stop it! All right, all right. We set you up for the dance. Someone you’ll really like.” She grinned knowingly. “You’ll be eternally in my debt. I accept all major credit cards.”
I chuckled, “That’s what all the boys say, yes,” and ducked when she reached over to swat me hard. She missed, stood, and swatted my head and shoulders as I laughed loudly from under the arms in front of my face. After a minute she collapsed in laughter too and said, “Asshole. Did I deserve that? No I did not. All the boys know I only accept payment in expensive dinners and good movies.”
Dave shook his head and said, “Why do I live with such a bunch of childish, immature, silly…immature children?”
I said, “Because we’re just your speed,” while Jasmine chuckled, “Because you’re hoping that if you cramp my style enough with the big boys, the only man left to suck off’ll be you.”
“Any time, any place, babe.”
“Never, your dreams,” she laughed back.
The dance was an annual tradition for us grad students in which roommates or housemates set each other up on blind dates with clever passwords. If they liked you, you’d get a pleasant surprise; if they were down on you, you’d often end up meeting the person of the appropriate sex who most got on your nerves or who argued with you the loudest in class, which grad students of course gladly do for practice if not on principle.
Jasmine grinned slyly and said a little too low for me to catch it perfectly, “She’s in history, and she’s a star of the department. I know you like her. That’s all I’ll say.”
I grinned happily, for Evelyn was a high flyer in history and Jasmine had once caught me watching Evelyn as she walked by on campus, and despite the massive orgasm I had just sprayed into oblivion, my cock immediately stiffened at the thought. Jasmine by this time had sat down again facing me and said, “Well, look at you! I haven’t seen you smiling like that since that time I caught you whacking it.”
Dave chuckled, “She’ll never let you live that down, you know.”
I blushed, remembering the time I had found a small stash of old Playboys in the woods a quarter-mile behind our house, probably dumped there by the latest generation of sticky-handed boys after their pleasure, image in one hand, throbbing reality in the other. Having been high and dry for a year, I took the treasure trove for myself and fondly remembered a couple of the centerfolds from my own high school days.
About that time Jasmine was irked at me for finding her in the bathroom a week before doing what we all did in private, yelled bloody murder about not knocking, which I had done, and barging in, which I had also done, and discovering her right as she climaxed. “Listen, you,” I said, “if you don’t want to get caught, don’t rub off in a common bathroom with the door unlocked and your headphones turned up to 11.”
She had then paid to have the lock fixed and plotted revenge. I had come home from school one day and rushed to my bedroom, where I was soon staring fixedly at a centerfold as my right hand stroked me to what promised to be a swift, fully draining finish. As the first stream shot out of me, the door opened and Jasmine stood there grinning. I finished the job in anger and frustration as she said, “Even. Quits. Fair is fair. Damn, that’s a lot of cum! I didn’t know I was so damn inspirational! Admit it, you love my tits.” She then glanced at the centerfold and said with a fake “Oh!” of surprise and raised eyebrows, “Pretty! Interesting.”
I said, “Just get the fuck out.” I was abrupt but still much politer than she had been the week before. She grinned, winked, blew me a kiss, and sashayed out. After she left I looked down at the beautiful black stewardess smiling for me and every man looking at her picture, folded it up neatly and put it at the bottom of the pile, wiped up, grabbed my pillow, and went on the warpath. The pillow fight turned into a water gun fight as friendly fire swelled the rank of combatants, which soon developed into a massive five-way water balloon fight in the back yard, as it so often did in our household when tests were approaching—another reason we loved the place, for no neighbors would be put out by our childish ways of relieving stress, offended by our raunchy senses of humor, or irritated by the hard bop, radical klezmer, or Balkan brass band music we liked to play in the evenings when classwork left us free to drink.
Suddenly I wondered if she weren’t having me on, pretending to gift me with Evelyn while setting me up with someone dreadful—and goodness knows there were enough in my class and department—and decided that if my date were a cruel joke, Jasmine would taste my watery wrath the day after the dance, a bucket of it to start and to hell with water balloons. Realizing my fate was in her hands since she could always change my date for someone not at all nice, I smiled, thanked her, and went to bed.
A couple of days later Dave told Henry and Belle, our other housemates, that he had a double date all set up just for them, and they were to decide whose was which; as they were both extremely bi and extremely picky, this seemed the best solution. Henry and I plotted together and decided Jasmine was a good enough sport and fair enough a fighter to deserve a happy date, and finally thought of a suitable match.
A week later we all dressed to the nines and went to campus. Jasmine wavered between intrepid and trepidation and alternately threatened us with a month of daily wedgies if he were a dog and promised her undying friendship, or at least a sausage pizza each with two whole extra toppings, if he were dreamy. I just grinned, “Mushrooms and spinach, Jazz, remember well.” We soon reached the campus green and wished each other luck and loin-draining bliss. Henry and Belle winked at each other and walked east arm in arm as Dave sauntered north.
As we were about to separate, Jasmine said mischievously, “Remember, no matter what happens, you deserve it, punk,” and punched my arm right under my right shoulder. She grinned evilly as I winced and added, “Hope you don’t need to masturbate after the date. I might have put that out of action for a week.”
I grinned evilly in return and she moved a step back and said, “No point retaliating, guy. I have a vibrator.”
We laughed and I told her the code word, “Mund.”
“And what’s his word?”
She giggled and blushed, then replied, “Leastwise my word’s not ‘Arsch.' I’d hate to give out false advertising. Yours is ‘Arbeit.’”
“And hers?”
“You’ll recognize it.”
I glowered at her blithe smile and she held out her hand. I shook it and she glowered, “No, punk, you’re supposed to kiss it.”
“Since when were you ever a lady? The closest you ever get is ‘laid.’”
She laughed loudly, “Ah, the jealousy of the ill-bred punk.”
“I refuse to stand here for such abuse.”
“Of course not. Too manly for you. Your style is lying down for self-abuse.”
We laughed and waved our good-byes. She went west, I went south, and after passing many people waiting attentively for dates, I came to the little bridge over the creek through campus where three women waited, none of them Evelyn. Ah well, perhaps she hadn’t come yet. I stood there as the three looked at me.
The nearest was a tall brunette, thin and wiry with a bookish demeanor, red dress and cute hat; the one in the middle was a bit shorter than me and a bit plump, a porkpie hat of all things atop a feathery coif, her blue cotton dress bright against almost jet-black skin, plunging cleavage topped by a gold rose on a chain; the far one was a tall firm-busted blonde with a passing resemblance to Evelyn, green dress under a white sweater, slightly bustier than Evelyn and leggier, her jewelry running to silver and tournaline. Clearly Jasmine had mistaken Evelyn for someone else and set me up wrong. Still, she was a very attractive woman and might well be enjoyable company for the evening. Graciousness above all, my mother had drilled into my head when I started dating, so I walked toward the bridge and said loudly, “Arbeit.”
The woman in the middle smiled sadly and replied, “Arveth.” She walked past the brunette and faced me, coming up a little above my ears. “Hi, I’m Julie.”
Surprised but not taken aback, I told her my name and held out a small flower. She puffed out her chest so I could pin it to her; my hands trembled slightly as her dress was very thin and her breasts very full. Without stabbing her with the pin or groping where I shouldn’t, I soon had it firmly in place and she took my arm.
As we strolled, she asked, “So you’re in Germanic studies.”
“And you’re in history. What do you specialize in?”
She smiled coyly, “Guess.”
Remembering her code word, I thought for a second and said, “Medieval England?”
She grinned, “Well done! Medieval history, but focusing on England.”
We were soon talking about medieval German law codes, both of us pleasantly surprised, and I started thinking the evening could turn out to be great fun; it seemed likely neither of us would be romantically minded, but the company was superb.
We walked along in a stream of couples all chattering quietly like flocking birds, and too soon we reached the hall. When we entered I steered us toward the bar, where we each handed over our ticket for a complementary beer and stood chatting as friends passed by, in most cases oblivious to us, a few pairs showing signs of mutual disgust. I saw Dave come in beaming with an equally pleased Asian woman, and as Julie made a point by reciting part of Piers Plowman from memory I glanced over to see Jasmine waving; when she had our attention, she grinned happily and blew us a kiss before returning all her attention to the tall runner beside her.
After we finished our beers, Julie accompanied me to the dance floor and danced a chaste dance with me. We danced three more and went for another beer. We were chatting when my world came crashing down. Evelyn had entered, grass on her dress and a little mud on her knees, makeup awry, nipples erect, leaning happily against a suave man whose suit, despite the grass stains at the knees, would fetch upwards of my monthly stipend. She looked at him with eyes for nothing else in the world, and he drew his attention away from her long enough to steer them to the bar.
I stood there despondent, my chest tight and my belly burning in a feeling of loss I had no right to feel, and finally I looked over to Julie, who was clearly downcast at my sudden interest in another woman. “I’ll buy the next round,” she said sadly. “Same brand?”
“Sure,” I said, and followed her feeling all the sorrows of the world in my heart. Before Julie turned back to me I mentally grabbed myself by the shoulders and shook sense into myself, burying the feeling of loss and simple stupidity and gullibility that burned in me, the usual nonsense felt by sad sacks who refused to face the fact squarely that interest in another never guarantees it will be returned. When she rejoined me, I was outwardly calm and strove to salvage some charm from the dejection. In time, I knew, this too would pass, so I focused on Julie so that only one of us would have a ruined evening.
We chatted, danced, drank another beer, and then danced and chatted for another hour. She finally said, “I’m a bit tired. Would you like to have lunch this weekend?”
“I’d love it. May I walk you home?”
She smiled, “Of course! It’s a beautiful evening for a chat.”
We walked along slowly, arguing about whether William Byrd or Henry Purcell was the greater composer, and as I said that no, I hadn’t heard that motet, I saw Evelyn and her beau rush past us into a dark doorway. I breathed in deeply with a catch in my throat and felt Julie drag me by the arm, “Come on, this way.”
Again embarrassed at paying obvious attention to another woman, and one clearly about to have yet more sex, probably very satisfying sex for both of them—get a grip, I thought, don’t torture yourself or your date, think of anything else—I said, “Of course.”
As we walked into a belt of trees near the creek, Julie put my arm through hers and walked close so that her hip rubbed against mine and my elbow pressed deep into her breast. We walked silently, deep in our own thoughts, until she looked around and smiled. “Let’s wait a minute.” There were no lights or people around. “You’re really cute.”
“So are you,” I said.
“Jasmine says you like black girls.”
I coughed and said, “Some, I suppose.”
“Some?” she smiled.
She looked up at me, her eyes shining in the dark, seemingly from tears, and whispered, “She also said you’re very nice. Decent, warm, as well as smart.”
I looked down at her, suddenly sick of the thought of being ruled by that damn Evelyn, and when I moved toward Julie, she fell into my arms and pressed her soft lips full against mine. Her body was soft and yielding, her mouth passionate and welcoming, and when I tried to pull my hips away to keep from pressing my erection against her, she pushed forward with hers until I was hard against her; I felt her lips smile and her throat chuckle. She pulled my hands from her waist to her breasts and reached down to hold my waist as she rubbed her belly against me. She chuckled, “You do like black girls,” and returned to sucking on my tongue.
I quickly had her breasts exposed and pulled away from her to kneel so I could suck at them. She purred happily and almost immediately her hips began circling. She whispered, “Do you have protection? I want it so bad.”
I muttered, “Yes,” and as she lay back on the grass I pulled out a condom. She pulled off her panties as I pulled my pants and boxers to my knees, and as I unwrapped the rubber, she stroked my cock and said happily, “You’re so hard!” I rolled it on quickly and leaned forward while she guided me towards her lips.
“Take me,” she said, “Don’t hold back.” I thrust fast and hard when she had me in position, and she held me tightly and moaned low as I plunged into her repeatedly, her hot, juicy tunnel gripping me deliciously like Evelyn’s should have, and in hurt and anger I vowed to last as long as I could, longer than any of Evelyn’s men had, longer than that comfortably moneyed god of charm and breeding tonight had, showing with Julie that I was the finest lover she had ever missed out on. I thrust hard to efface Evelyn from my mind and impress Julie in her place.
Julie was as crazed as I was, thrusting against me stroke for stroke and sucking on my tongue like water she had needed for days. Her first climax came after only a minute, her second two minutes after that, and then she lay under me happily, her body soft and responsive. I slowed down to take longer strokes, the velvety softness of her vagina enveloping me as her mouth suckled at my throat and shoulder. After another few minutes, she began tightening deliciously around me again and whispered, “Come this time, I want it at the same time.”
Her hips began twisting under me again, her cunt squishing joyfully with each of my strokes, and soon she wrapped her thighs tightly around my waist to make sure I hit the sweet spot she was aiming hard against me. She groaned, “I’m coming, babe,” and held onto my arms as I raised myself to fuck us into senselessness. She squealed as the first wave washed through her loins, pushing me over the edge, and as my seed was torn out of me, I imagined it was launching into Evelyn in crazed abandon beneath me; at the same moment Julie cried softly, “Yes, Chris, fill me!”
Afterwards we lay there kissing, my semen-coated cock drying in a cool breeze as she cuddled next to me for warmth, and she said coyly, “Do you have another? Protection? I need it. I need you so much.” She pushed me back on my back and kissed me deeply as she stroked me hard again. I reached up to feel her vulva, reaching inside her gently as her body came alive again, and soon I handed her a condom and let her dress me for our next bout. She settled on me in the dark, her figure only a silhouette against the stars and trees, and soon rode me to another massive climax.
At that moment we were both still insatiable. She opened another condom after stroking me hard and said, “From behind.” I followed her orders and helped her position herself at the right height, and once I entered her she sat up onto my lap and twisted her head around so we could enjoy each other at leisure. I felt her full breasts sagging in my hands, her soft lips sucking on my tongue as she rose and fell in my lap. She pushed my right hand down and whispered, “Rub me there.” I rubbed her gently until she whispered to go faster, and soon she climaxed above me in a throaty rumble.
I was far from coming again and held her as she caught her breath, moving back and forth about an inch as she recovered. By this time my heart had started accepting that Evelyn would never be mine, so I was able to feel Julie and only Julie as I explored her body soft and warm above me. It was a ripe dream, soft and full and responsive, and soon her little button under my finger was too sensitive and she pushed my hand away. I pushed her forward onto hands and knees and grabbed her hips forcefully as she pushed back with a happy cry. She groaned as I worked hard against her, my cock burying itself in her belly with every thrust, the age-old wonder of a woman delighting in a man inside her filling my mind.
The muscles of her torso were clenching and relaxing as I caressed her. She moaned, “This is it. I’m so close,” as I thrust up inside her, and I soon felt her arms lower so that her breasts were on the ground. I held her hips as I pounded mercilessly into her, and too soon her cunt squeezed tight around me as she keened tunelessly in the orgasm we had been working toward for the last hour or so. I groaned as my body drained into hers, pulse after pulse matching spasm after spasm of Julie’s. I moaned her name as my last spurts trickled out of me and heard her calling my name as her last spasms tore through her body.
We lay there exhausted in the summer hear, sweat drying as we began to shiver, and she chuckled, “Now walk me home?”
We dressed and kissed. We were hand in hand when we reached the streetlights at the edge of the park, and she smiled up at me and closed her eyes as I kissed her again, feeling her plump body in my arms promising further delights. I chuckled, “Sorry, no more protection,” and she laughed, “That’s okay. There are other things we can do.”
We walked further and finally I asked, “Who is Chris?”
“What?” She stopped and stood in shame, finally looking at me when I lifted her chin and kissed her tenderly. “When?”
“Our first time.”
She breathed in and out despondently and said, “Damn, I’m so sorry.”
“No, I don’t mind.”
She sighed, “Well, Chris. The man I can’t have. Like Evelyn for you, I think.”
Red and burning, I stuttered, “Did I…?”
“When did I…”
“The first time you came. Probably the same time I imagined Chris.”
“I’m sorry.”
She smiled sadly, “We’re both sad. We can make each other happy again if you want. If I’m good enough for you. If you don’t mind having second best.”
She grinned as she said that, and I said, “If it won’t hurt you.”
“That made me feel so much better. We both need it.”
We walked to her house, and she whispered, “We need to sneak in. If my housemates see you, they’ll stop you and grill you for hours and we won’t get to have any fun.”
We chuckled and took our shoes off on the porch, then she pulled a key out of her purse and unlocked the door. We snuck in quietly holding our shoes and had nearly made it to the stairs when the light went on and three women stood there grinning at us, one holding a plastic baseball bat. “Thank goodness,” she said, “I’d hate to have had to use this. All it’d do is enrage any burglar.”
Julie said, “Grill us tomorrow. We’re exhausted.”
They giggled and the tallest of them said, “Don’t keep us awake with your squealing, okay? You have one hour to fuck your brains out and then it’s lights out and silence, okay?”
We blushed as they laughed and the shortest one said, “And no sneaking out before dawn. We have a countable infinity of questions and our inquisition will not be balked.”
“Countable infinity?”
They laughed as Julie said, “Math major. She says stuff like that all the time. When she’s really curious it’s an uncountable infinity, so you’re getting off light.”
The mathematician grinned, “Oh, I hope for your sake he finds it really hard to get off. In any case, get ready for a long talk at breakfast.”
I sighed and said, “Deal,” and they said, “Good sex. Sweet dreams.”
We went upstairs and washed quickly and lay on the bed, exploring by sight what we had only felt before. Her body was strikingly, blindingly black against the white sheets, full and plump, and it started to come alive vigorously under my caresses. As I hardened, she smiled, “Shame you have no more protection. He’s already done it all three ways and he’s eager again.”
I said, “All three ways? There are other ways, you now.”
She gave a look of mock surprise and said, “You have aroused my curiosity.” She giggled as my fingers circled inside her and added, “Among other things.”
I spread her thighs and knelt before her. I licked deeply over the next few minutes and enjoyed her response, and as she wettened and softened, and then tightened, I felt her body responding and felt inordinate pride in pleasuring her. She groaned once as her body seemed to change gears, and she held my head tightly as I devoured her with my lips and tongue. When she came in a shocking silence, she kissed every part of my face with her lower lips and left it drenched with her fluids.
I quickly washed up after she refused to kiss me, and she greeted me at my return with a passionate kiss and smiled, “Thank you,” as she pushed me down and sat crouched over my throbbing cock. I stared as she lowered her head and licked lightly at the tip, grimacing at the taste of my precum but taking me further between her lips. She smiled up at me as she stroked the shaft and swirled her tongue around the head, and as I stared down at what I had so rarely experienced, I lost control and surged thick and hot into her mouth, spurt after spurt accompanied by ragged breathing as I maintained a silence as oppressive as hers. Her eyes opened wide as cum gushed into her mouth and dripped down my shaft, and when I had finished she rushed to the bedside table and spat into a handkerchief. I kissed her deeply when she came back to bed and gloried in the tart taste of my cum in a woman’s mouth.
“Was it good?” she asked nervously.
“It was a dream.”
“I’ll try to catch it all next time,” she chuckled. “If you’re very nice I might swallow for you.”
I grinned, “Just tell me what I need to do,” and we chuckled as she curled up next to me. I caressed her some more as we talked.
“Who is Evelyn?” she asked cautiously.
“The blonde woman with the grass and mud stains.”
She goggled and I asked, “Who is Chris?”
“The man who clearly fucked Evelyn from behind less than an hour after he met her.”
We stared at each other in shock until the laughter started. I said, “So I didn’t offend you when I saw Evelyn? I was sure you’d slap me and leave.”
“I didn’t notice. I thought I had offended you when I saw Chris. It just broke my heart to know he’d really never be mine. I was sure I was going to start crying and scare you away.”
We chuckled quietly and she caressed my face. “I’m glad you’ll stay tonight.”
“But you have to stay at my place tomorrow night.”
“Let’s make a day of it.”
I grinned as she spread her thighs to let me feel her drenched tunnel, and as she stroked my rigid cock, she said, “Take me again. But you have to pull out.”
I pulled her to me and rolled her over to revel in the dominant position, her body spread open underneath me, ragged lips black around the pink tunnel open to me, matted hairs thick around them, and she stared into my eyes as I pushed inside her. I rode above her, her body meeting my thrusts happily, her face and chest soon showing a thin sheen of sweat, and soon her head titled back, the tendons rigid in her neck, as her cunt tightened around me. She cried out happily, “Oh god, I’m coming!” and I held off despite the exquisite pleasure of her spasming belly and continued working her furrow at a regular pace.
She caressed me as I now started feeling the fascination of her body, the insatiable greed for the delicious flesh beneath and around me driving me to try to push all of myself inside her, and more than that the desire to join my soul with hers. I knew I should pull out, yet the desire to give myself completely to her, claim her as my own with my seed, impregnate her if necessary to reach the perfect fusion of body and soul nearly too me over completely. With a feeling of fate denied, future betrayed, I pulled out at the very end as she grasped me with her right hand, and after two vigorous strokes of her fist felt myself shooting up to her breasts and onto her belly thick and hot, and I stared down at her dark skin spattered with my juice, in its own way an even more satisfying mark of possession; and as she rubbed her fingers in it and smiled up at me, I realized it was the sign of her possession of me, the outward expression of my undying need for her, body and soul, always and forever.
She lifted her fingers to her mouth and licked tentatively, then staring into my eyes said, “I don’t think I need to spit this out next time. It’s not so bad. Now hold me, I need you so much with me.” We wiped up and she turned off the light; we curled up under the covers and fell into an untroubled, restful sleep. We woke up early and washed up together, then dressed for the grilling by her housemates. Finally they let us depart and we walked towards a bus stop. Near campus we suddenly stopped as Evelyn and Chris walked towards us hand in hand, dress awry, dreamy and exhausted and clearly eager to take each other again. Evelyn smiled, “Oh, hi! Have a good dance?”
I smiled, “The best. You?”
She nodded and looked happily up at Chris, who had greeted Julie at the same time and smiled happily at her.
We walked on and she smiled, “I think I’m over him.”
“Yes. Strange. She’s just someone now.”
“Strange. Good. Glad.”
We rode to the stop nearest our house. We walked a few hundred yards and arrived just before nine. We walked into the dining room, crowded for a much larger breakfast than usual.
Henry and Belle sat in robes with a man and woman clearly exhausted by their attentions, shared and used all night and now rebuilding their strength for another mix-and-match extravaganza, after which the four might finally sleep; their smiles suggested they wouldn’t be much longer at the table. Dave held Vanessa in his lap, practicing the Chinese she was teaching him as she cuddled in his night shirt, some of the words names for breakfast foods, the others for sexual acts of the recent past or near future. Jasmine sat nude except for panties with Cliff, completely nude and hiding a massive erection under a napkin as he stared at her breasts.
Julie smiled, “I suddenly feel overdressed,” and stripped to her bra and panties as I stripped to my boxers. We devoured eggs and sausage, and when Jasmine went to get some more coffee, I joined her in the kitchen.
She smiled, “Mushrooms and spinach, whenever you want.”
“Thank you too.”
“I’m glad you like her. I knew you would though. I said I knew you’d like her.”
“No, you said you knew I like her.”
“I distinctly said ‘will.’”
I chuckled, “No you indistinctly said ‘you’ll.”
“Hmm, who did you think…Never mind. Was I right?”
“Yes, we have a lot in common.”
She blinked, “No, not that. I know you really like black women.”
“What? No. Well, yes, kind of, especially her, but not black women specially.”
“But, I thought…when you were jerking off, the centerfold…”
“I cycle through them. Take the top one off the pile and put it on the bottom when I’m done. It was the luck of the draw, sheer blind luck.”
She giggled. “No harm, no foul.”
When I went back into the dining room, Henry and Belle had disappeared with Felicity and Roger, and Dave grinned and said, “I see you like your women dark and sweet like your coffee.”
I smiled back happily, “I like them beautiful and sweet like Julie.”
He nodded, “Yes, I can tell.” Vanessa stood up after swallowing a cup of coffee in very short order and grinned as Dave followed her asking, “So how do you say doggie style?” She whispered something to him and squealed as he goosed her and then kept rubbing deeper between her legs. Jasmine grinned at Cliff and sauntered towards the door to the stairs; he followed quickly, his massive erection preceding him as he rushed out.
When we were alone, Julie removed her bra and knelt before me. She took me deep into her mouth and looked up at me, and just before I came she pulled away to say, “I’ll always swallow you from now on.”
“It’s all yours. Always and forever.”
She returned to suckling me, devouring me with her eyes as her mouth devoured my cock and took final and total possession of me with every drop she swallowed. She then stood and held out her arms, “I’m all yours, always and forever.”
2000: “Aren’t you ready yet, Sol?” called Rosanna impatiently from Solace’s living room. She glanced again at her watch, noting they had less than an hour to get to the rehearsal in time. They would have to take a taxi. Katrina would give them the evil eye. Rosanna could not understand why Solace found it so difficult to get herself together each time. She seemed to be organized only half the time and the other she spent in a hopeless state of confusion. Rosanna huffed in agitation. Suddenly,...
2003: Tears ran unaware and unchecked down L. D. Jansen’s face as she watched from her shadowy alcove as the stranger first embraced and then kissed the lips of the woman she had hoped to make her own. The tears were accompanied by a persistent ache in her abdomen, as if she’d been punched, but she could not turn away. Anger rose, but died just as quickly. With whom could she be angry–Solace, the stranger, herself? She had, in essence, pursued Solace. The fact that there seemed to be a shared...
1998: Solace awakened that Sunday with anticipation. She was to meet Rosanna at Maria’s Market—a new restaurant on 91st street that offered what was billed as ‘healthy’ cuisine. Solace was not particularly health conscious, but she did make an effort to eat something nutritious at least a few times a week. She stood in front of her closet with the gooseneck lamp shining brightly over her shoulder. Gracious, that lamp is hot! I better pick something before I fry here. This was a thought that ran...
1998: Solace and Rosanna traversed the avenues and then made their way uptown. They walked arm in arm, and both smiled inwardly at how comfortable it felt walking with a near-perfect stranger. Solace considered herself to be a carefree person, but this was a bit odd even for her. Rosanna, being the levelheaded pragmatist knew she must be suffering from some form of temporary insanity because of her usual reserved and cautious nature. They kept up a stream of conversation. Actually, Solace found...
1998: Solace moaned so loudly that she woke herself up. Her heart was beating as if she had just completed the New York City Marathon. To her delight, she was still experiencing remnants of the intense orgasm that had been induced by the passionate love-making she and Rosanna Romero had shared. She basked in the euphoric feeling of the contractions of her vaginal muscles. How strange, she thought hazily. I just met her. How could I be dreaming about her already? When she came back to her...
1999: Solace and Rosanna had known each other for a year. In that time they learned a great deal because they spent hours talking, mostly in person as they lived in such close proximity. Solace discovered that Rosanna had a real thing for neatness and order. This subject was the source of several heated discussions and activities. “Sol, why don’t you put your stuff where you’re going to find it. If you would put your cane, your bag, your shoes, your watch, your brush…everything in a special...
Solace was the fourth and final child born to Isolinda and Ace Tynan. To affirm their love, they had decided to give their baby a combination of their names. They were delighted when they realized that they had given her a name that actually meant support and comfort. And the baby Solace had been a comfort to them. They had wanted two boys and two girls and Solace had obligingly been born a girl. The running joke around the Tynan apartment was that Solace would be a comfort to her parents in...
“Bizarrey! Bizarrey!” Solace called as she entered her apartment. “Mommy’s home! Come here, sweetums!” That’s probably why she’s staying away, Solace thought. What self-respecting cat would want to be called ‘sweetums’? She dumped her cane and shoulder-bag at the door and began to search her one-bedroom apartment. She looked in all of Bizarrey’s known hiding places without success—under the bed (which was useless since she would not have been able to see her there anyway), on the window sills,...
First, I would like to thank you, Faithful Reader, for sticking with the story. I would also like to send a special thanks to those who took the time to vote. That really meant a great deal to me. Perhaps I should have posted this work in Romance, as it was probably not as spicy as most would have liked. But I am a novice at this and will think before I post next time. Until then, happy reading and writing to you all! –Alacia I would also like to apologize for the late posting of this part. I...
Solace “Sol” Tynan stood, swaying slightly, as she watched her now ex-best friend and lover, Rosanna “Sanna” Romero, stride purposefully across the street. It was a damned good thing she was holding tightly to her mobility cane because she might have made quite a spectacle of herself by crumpling to the sidewalk for no good reason that anyone could discern. Well, she new she would have a good reason, but no one else would. Rosanna neither looked left nor right, only straight ahead—which was...
2003: The day was overcast with the threat of rain, but Rosanna was prepared, as always, with her umbrella tucked in her shoulder-bag as she walked uptown to Matilda’s office. She recalled the times Solace had appeared at several of their meetings looking as if she’d been through a hurricane, hair plastered, soaked and wind-blown, but sexy, nonetheless. Damned sexy. On one such memorable occasion Solace had raced into a rehearsal-late–and dropped her belongings into a nearby chair. She had then...
2003: “Leander, What the hell are you doing?” Casey shrieked in horror. She had stopped to check on Leander’s progress with the decorating. She thought it would be safe enough to leave him with the simple task of artfully draping blue streamers around the guardrail of the roof garden. She should have been more vigilant. How had he sneaked the hugest bag of cotton-balls she had ever seen passed her? In the ensuing weeks since they had decided to have the party, they had learned that they...
2003: L. D. Jansen stood on the steps of her apartment house, hands thrust into pockets as she watched the departing taxi glide down the block and turn the corner. She turned abruptly and strode purposefully into the building. Her concentration was such that she did not hear Dodge, the doorman as he bid her a good evening. Jon Dodge found the enigmatic woman extremely attractive, not that he would ever let that little secret out. He watched her lithe, muscled physique as she strolled into the...
2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was...
2003: Matilda Harper sat in her office, drumming her impeccably manicured finger nails on the top of her ultra-neat glass-covered desk. She glared at the telephone as if the instrument had offended her in some way. As far as Matilda was concerned, it had because Rosanna had once again rebuffed her dinner invitation, claiming she had important reports to finish. This excuse was beginning to wear thin and Matilda had slammed down the phone in frustration. She knew that Rosanna was still smarting...
2003: ‘I had her in my arms, Lee…in my arms and then she was gone!’ Casey whaled with her head in her hands. ‘You must be losing your touch,’ Leander offered, knowing this would get a response from Casey. As he thought, she looked up, her eyes blazing. ‘Not on your life! It was that damned cell phone call. It spoiled the whole moment.’ Casey sat up, her fingers gripping her knees. ‘I’m going to have her, Lee. She can’t just walk out of my life now.’ ‘You walked out of hers.’ Leander...
Rosanna had walked five blocks before she found herself stopping and slowly turning around to see if Sol was still standing there. Why? Why did she care? She didn’t. She let out a low moan. Solace had already gone. What did it matter? Mattie was expecting her for dinner and she definitely did not want to be late. That was another trait they shared—punctuality. Sol had not known the meaning of the word. Mattie was always ready when she was supposed to be. Never more would Rosanna have to wait by...
Casey grinned evily. Casey grinned evily. The cab pulled up in front of a ten-story red brick private building on a tree-lined street. There were three steps leading up to the entrance. Rosanna sat up and reached for her wallet, but Casey placed a restraining hand on her arm. “I got it,” Casey said as she began counting out the fair. “My tab is growing. Now I’ll really owe you,” Rosanna growled. “Yes, It is, and I love it!” Casey grinned evily. She jumped out of the car, ran around to the...
I was invited to around to their house for a bbq. When I was there I noticed Joy wasn't there and I asked Esther where she was “Oh er.... she'll be here soon she's er...fetching a friend” she said nervously “Oh really a friend is that's what they call it” I said with a chuckle trying to break the tension “Oh yeah it's like that, just be careful talking about around Carl he's not to thrilled” she said “Oh dear, what's he like?” I asked a little worried myself knowing how I felt about...
2003: Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik played relentlessly as Rosanna squirmed out from under Casey and began searching frantically for her cell phone. “Dammit! Where the hell is my briefcase, Casey?” She yelled as she ran from corner to corner. “Calm down, Ross! It’s only the phone,” Casey said languidly, enjoying the spectacle of a very sexy, very naked Ross run around her living room. She did not budge from her spot on the carpeted floor. “No, it’s not just the phone. It’s Matilda!”...
A blue-jean clad Rosanna Romero lay on her bed, eyes closed, hands clasped behind her head, a faint smile playing around the corners of her lips. She was reliving her evening’s activities—well, mainly one activity. She and Anna had enjoyed some fairly intense kisses and caresses during the past months, but this evening she had returned a definite lover. They had ‘gone all the way’. It had been a first for both of them and, as any first time, it would not or could not ever be forgotten. As...
Giada's divorce is final today, she steeled herself against the idea of going home to an empty apartment once again. " Giada!" I called out, she looked around, surprised at the sudden outburst. She thought that all of her "friends" were at her ex-husband's apartment. That's where they always seemed to be. So who...? Through the throng of people, she finally saw me rushing toward her. As my familiar face approached her, her spirit lifted. " John!" she said, hugging me as I came...
Vic stood alone in the bedroom, staring at the reflection in the full-length mirror as though taking notes. Dark hair, cropped close. Dark eyes, both by nature and by the distant look of loss in them. Full Mediterranean lips in an olive face. Torso covered by a black t-shirt. The leather jacket that went with it was thrown over a chair. Hips and legs clad in tight faded jeans that covered the tops of lace-up boots. "Yeah, I'm a sight alright," muttered the well built butch woman. She...
He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...
Sam pulled his big rig into a truck stop outside Jacksonville, Florida. He was tired, hungry, and longed for a little chat with a cute waitress he knew worked there. The twenty years of trucking were beginning to catch up with him. He was 42 years of age, stood a little over 6' tall, and weighted somewhere north of 200 pounds. He had already spent half his life behind the wheel of a truck. Too many truck stop burgers and too many hours sitting on his ass behind the wheel of a truck had taken...
Owed to Joy“Mum?” Toni said as she sat at the table looking at the computer screen. “What’s this thing with Mr Daniels?” “What thing?” Joy Andrews asked moving over beside her daughter and staring down at the screen. Toni pointed to the figures on the screen.“He owes nearly seven grand!”.“bloody Hell!” Joy said. “I didn’t realise it had got that high.”“Mum! You really are the limit. You’re running a business here! You have to keep on top of things like this. This guy is taking the...
POV: Kaylee"Are you still feeling bad about Joy?" she asked, sitting next to me."Yes, but the situation was maybe bad on both of us. Joy was just having intimate issues, and her parents are just free spirits. Before I go any further, Mom, are you my loving mom or the judgmental one?" I asked, peeking at her."Kaylee, you know damn well, I have to be both. You don't get anywhere in life solely hearing the things you want to hear, so tell me what's wrong. You've spent endless hours with...
LesbianDavie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth. Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on the naked ass and hugged her sister...
It was an awkward car ride to say the least. Davie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth.Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on...
"Hey, Mom, and somewhat older Mom?" she asked, peeking at them as we walked in the living room."Yes, Joy?" Sage asked, glancing at us. "You two make a cute couple.""Hey," Joy objected, shaking her head no and placing her hands on her hips. "We're not a couple; we're just best friends. We have been for six years now, but we're not thinking about taking this to the next level. I know you two would support us even if you weren't lesbians, but that's not us."I looked over Joy's backside. 'Maybe,...
LesbianI glued my lips onto her and took off her bra too. I dropped it, and immediately pressed our boobs together. We made out and placed our hands onto one another's butts.She caressed my bare ass, but I scrubbed hers as hard as I could through her undergarments. 'No thong? She usually wears one, but I guess not tonight. These silk panties of hers do feel good on my skin though. Yes, this hot chick is mine, and I will have my way with her.'In no time at all, I felt juice flowing down on my leg and...
LesbianMy wife Joy is a slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck all the time, anytime. She has been gang banged by clubs, fraternities, softball teams, bowling teams, the night shift at a 24-hour gas station. She has been videotaped and photographed entertaining groups of guys. Joy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal’s office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or...
Joy is always so curious about how things dealing with sex, she is always coming up with different scenario's she wants to play out. She came up with the idea that I take her to a bar out of town and take her in and announce to everyone that she was a cheating slut wife and anyone who wanted to use her could have her any way they wanted. We headed out of town and we stopped at a couple of bars and go in, but if it didn't look like the type of place we were looking for or didn't have a nice...
Cheating WifesI had always loved women’s clothing. Well truth be told, I had always wanted to wear women’s clothing. I envied women’s ability to change their look with just a little effort, a tight skirt; that was so sexy in one way to a pair of jeans that was sexy in an entirely different way. Then there was the hair thing. I thought that it was so cool the way that women could change their entire look, even their personality by just wearing their hair differently. I really like women. If it wasn’t for that...
This happened many years ago but I do still remember most of the actual events. I was in the Navy, stationed aboard an aircraft carrier. We had just come out of a typhoon as we were headed home from a Viet Nam tour. Needless to say we acquired a lot of aircraft and structural damage to the ship and had to spend close to a year in dry dock, for repairs to the ship. The good thing about it is that dry dock was only about a four hour drive from the small town that I grew up in so I got to go...
I never had girlfriends in high school, because most of them wanted the jocks and ripped dudes. Even with the others, I was too shy to approach them. My first semester was pretty much the same, though I found I had a class with one cute girl, Traci who seemed to enjoy talking to me. She never seemed to want anything other than talking, but that was still better than I ever managed to get from any of the other girls. Traci was a year or two older than me, but I was taking some more advanced...
This is fiction, mixed with one of my fantasies. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The second chapter will be coming next weekIt took thirty five years but I have finally had a major fantasy come true. Let me tell you my story;I recently celebrated my sixtieth birthday. The wife and I live in a small town that is roughly three hours from her parents and all our c***dren. This arrangement allows us a lot of privacy and we do take advantage of it. Our sex life is active...
About ten years ago, Raymond, a guy I once chatted with on messenger, wrote me the following:“My sister Joy is drop dead gorgeous, and she always got the hottest looking guys. When she met Kevin she fell head over heels in love. Kevin is (in my opinion) a genuine hunk. He is 6'2 190 pounds and solid as a rock with piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. Joy and Kevin got married about 7 months ago. It was a killer bash at the reception. My dad went all out because he really liked Kevin (the...
So its a Friday night and I'm ready to hit the town for a drink, I'm dressed to kill in a t-shirt and jeans not really looking for anything other than a drink. I walk to my local and order a beer knowing that some friends Will be here soon, well 3 beers later and still no-one is here i make a few texts and realise that they all are doing they re own thing tonight so I'm on my own till i spot a red haired girl at the bar, she seems to be on her own and she catches me looking at her and gives me...
A short 4 years later my life took an unexpected turn. My biological Mother was always the life of the party. She was amazing. I loved her dearly. She talked frankly with me about life and only ever gave me a wink and a nod because of my proclivities that included boys and girls and, on occasion, both at the same time. Every child should be blessed to grow up in such a sex positive environment. The cancer came on fast. She was always so strong, so alive. We got the diagnosis and a short 3...
Hi readers.. Thank you for finding my story which is not a past but present. Am 40 years old and am slim and fair complexioned guy. I don’t start my day without Yoga and exercise and follow a strict diet. From my teen, I have been a playboy, as out of experience I have learnt that am insatiable to females of all age limit. I have learnt almost every body language and most of the signs female can give to attract a man. But please be informed, all my encounters mostly are oral. I love to provoke...
What A JoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan Erin had some kind of emergency; she entered the Hotel room ahead of Nelson. Driving up here to this mountain top Hotel was also very eventful because they been playing all along. Nelson’s hand was stuck in her skirt and Erin was also busy with his cock in his jeans. Now they were more than ready for something excessively fun and joy. Erin was looking forward to a very hard and promised hate and grudge fuck for as long as Nelson could do it to her. With his...
I arrive at rogers and he invites me in. we have a cup of coffee before I ask to use the toilet. I go to the toilet with my bag where I change into white lacy panties and a short tight skirt. I return to the living room where roger is sitting on the couch in his bathrobe. his eyes light up when he sees me. I sit next to him letting my skirt ride up so that my knickers are just exposed. roger's hand touches my leg and begins to rub my thigh, slowly moving up until it is between my legs and just...
The Bundle of Joy by Karen Page "Here comes another contraction. Use it to push," instructed Sally. "Ahhhh," Penny screamed, pushing as much as she could. After fourteen hours of labour, she was coming to the end of the delivery. "You're doing really well," soothed Ian, Penny's loving husband. "It'll soon be over." "Oh shut up, you pig. You're the one that did this to me." "I know it's not easy," said the nurse, as they waited for the next contraction. "But try not to...
The Little Black Dress of Joy. By Tanya H. ONE. I first saw That Dress in the window of a charity shop in the high street of the town where I once lived. An ordinary Saturday, just after midday, I had just finished work, an undemanding morning clinic, and had a middling, pleasant walk separating me from my house and a shower. I was 26, single, dark haired, apparently easy on the eyes and working as a staff nurse in a small, private, outpatients unit on the edge of town. They called...
“This is Joy,” the old lady said, and the blonde girl curtsied to me with a wide smile on her lovely face. “Her family live near the river, up north, and her father is ill; she needs to go home.” “Sorry to hear that,” I said to her, still holding her small hand. She was dressed for riding; tight fitting breeches and high boots, a frilly shirt beneath a short jacket and not a sign of stays. Her pale hair was tied back like mine but her queue hung well down her back like a waterfall. Five-three...
While I was cherishing the sexciting moments I had with Kamini (My aunt), I was worried too. More than me Kamini was worried. (hi readers hope you would have read my earlier submission Kamini, if not, please read to know the reason for our worry). I have decided to seek pardon from Jaya, so that, she doesnot make any mess in the family about the incest I had with my aunt (Kamini). I went to Jaya’s house, which is in the same street about five houses from our home.I, rang the door bell, Jaya...
IncestIt started out as simple, and what I thought would end up only as unfulfilled, flirtation. Joy worked in the same office where I subleased, and, like me, often worked late. I had long admired this foxy lady with her blonde, shoulder-length hair, a pair of wide-set breasts that she often showed off with scoop-necked dresses, a shapely set of legs and a wide, promising ass. Since she was nearly 15 years younger than my 40, I figured the most I would ever get was the occasional peek down her...
100% fiction! Since my uncle died three years ago my 70 year old aunt Joy lives alone and so every now and then needs help around the house. The first time I was asked to help her I decided to go very ealy in the morning so that I could quickly finish and then get some time to myself but little did I know that I would be there a lot longer than planned. I got there about 7AM and knocked on her door. There was a long delay and I was just wondering if she had forgotten I was coming and gone out...
IncestCHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
I DREAM OF YOU ❤️My fingers glideDown my slopesAs I lay aloneOn grandmother's guest bedLate morning sleepI awoke Having dreamt of youYour touch on my skinYour breath in my nostrilsYour taste in my mouthNightgown softnessCascading over my bare youthNipples riseTummy draws inI have never been touchedBut want you to touch meFingers descendDownDownBetween bare hipsInto paradiseSlipping into the flowMy eyes close and you are here with meMy fingers are yoursFinding my sweet spotYou linger...
ronniefletcher When I was younger I got into a spot of bother and found myself up in court in front of a very bad tempered judge with the result that I ended up been sentenced to six months.This was the summer of 92 and I was doubled up (two of us in one cell)with a guy from Kildare. We got on really well, we shared a lot in common, when you're banged up at night time you get to know the in's and out's of the person that you are sharing the cell...
Finding JoyMy name is Joy Krammer. The only thing I can say about myself is that I would disappear in a group of three. I am so average that it is scary. I am 33, married, two k**s, an accountant, brown hair and eyes, 140 pounds, 5’ 6”, average build and an average life. I attended my k**’s soccer games, concerts and school events. I went to the PTA meetings and volunteered for various good causes. Even my sex life was average since my husband and I made love every Thursday night and Sunday...
I was 16 when basketball team of my school went for a tournament in the next city. We stayed there for three days. A friend of mine was also with the team. We were very fast friends. At night we were chatting, sitting on his bed. It was cold so, I slipped into his blanket. I felt he was erected and rubbing his dick. It made me hard too. After a few minutes I pretended as if I were asleep and put my hand on his penis. Both of us were shy and reluctant due to our friendly relations. He let my...
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy. ?Get on the floor.? I hesitate for a second as I stare at my master with my very best shining sub eyes. ?Now slut!? ?Yes Sir.? As I lower myself to my knees I don’t remove my gaze from the man I love. He sits fully clothed barely four feet away, His face is totally passive as he watches as for the first time another man takes control of me. The other man is to be referred to as Sir, I am to submit to him as I would my master. I am both sickened...
Authors note: This is a true story; I knew both Al and Joyce (not their real names). Before they moved away Al was a complete cuckold. Joyce was truly a cum slut. If you liked this I can continue telling you of their 18 month relationship with John. Please give me some feedback. Al and Joyce had purchased a three-story condo in the city. As the entire unit need renovation it worked out well for Al, being a security geek, he had to have every room wired for sound and video. He had it hooked up...
Joyce by Karen Elizabeth L. (Karentv720) My family and I had just moved to Norville now that I had finished college. I figured that with top grades from a very good Engineering school I'd be swamped with job offers. At least that's what I thought! In reality I had been out of school for almost a year and although I had many interviews in that time I had not had a single offer of a job! Now however I felt that luck would finally be on my side. Dad had a friend who ran one of...
SEVEN ASIAN BLOWJOBS IN SEVEN DAYSVOTE FOR THE BESTPLEASE SEE:- INTRO AND DAY ONE – MEI- DAY TWO – EMI- DAY THREE – YUZMIN- DAY FOUR – YONG-JAEDAY FIVE – JOYCEJoyce looked like a calm, normal Asian girl. After the last three days, I was looking forward to normalcy. My body ached, and my nose hurt like hell. The man in the suit had brought a doctor over from the mainland the night before, but I had to take some painkillers and other stuff to reduce the swelling. Joyce had a pleasing bit of...