Solace & Rosanna Ch. 11 free porn video

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A blue-jean clad Rosanna Romero lay on her bed, eyes closed, hands clasped behind her head, a faint smile playing around the corners of her lips. She was reliving her evening’s activities—well, mainly one activity. She and Anna had enjoyed some fairly intense kisses and caresses during the past months, but this evening she had returned a definite lover. They had ‘gone all the way’. It had been a first for both of them and, as any first time, it would not or could not ever be forgotten.

As Mozart played softly on her stereo, Rosanna relived the exquisite moments and her body warmed with excitement all over again. She picked up the phone and called Anna to find out if she were feeling something similar.

It was no small wonder that her mother, Carla Romero, a Pediatrician, had asked her why she was glowing and seemed so happy. Carla knew that the third degree would not work on Rosanna. Her daughter was, by nature, a quiet introspective person who would only be drawn out when ready, if at all. And she had become even more taciturn since the death of her father, Antonio, two years earlier. Carla had been able to heal Rosanna’s physical aches, but was unable to get Rosanna to speak to any of her colleagues in psychology. Rosanna had simply sat there in sullen silence. Finally, Carla had relented and ceased what Rosanna had called the “torture by talking” sessions. In truth, it had been extremely difficult for Carla herself to move on since that tragic day. She’d had a series of casual, mostly unsatisfying affairs, but had not found anyone who came within an inch of her Tony. They had been each other’s soul mates. As many before her, she wrapped herself up in her work and her daughter. Fortunately, her practice had allowed them to live a comfortable life—one less thing to worry about. But she always worried about her Rosanna.

Anna Martin had been admiring Rosanna for four months. She was new to Liberty High and was scouting for prospective friends and partners. She found herself in the same math class with Rosanna and the dark-haired beauty had caught her eye and her imagination. She had conjured many scenarios in which they met, talked, became friends and possibly engaged in other activities. Her fantasies had become so powerful that she was forced to satisfy herself on a nightly basis to relieve her growing tension. Anna became almost obsessed with luring Rosanna to her. She attempted to start a conversation with her several times after class, but that Casey Deans was always waiting outside the classroom door and they strode off down the corridor to their next class while Anna stood fuming in frustration. Those two were practically inseparable. If Anna hadn’t known that Casey was a boy-toy, she would have sworn that she and Rosanna were more than friends.

Anna was a perky brunette, under five feet tall, well-developed young woman who had known early on that she was attracted to other girls. Rather than be ashamed and fearful, she wore her sexuality with pride. Fortunately, she was in an artistic school, which was accustomed to the eccentricities of its students.

In a moment of genius, Anna realized that she had a perfect opportunity to talk to Rosanna every day, and she hadn’t known why she had not thought of it sooner. No matter. She was going to have Ms. Rosanna Romero. She would talk to Rosanna before class started. Rosanna was always early. Her mind and eyes focused on her math book. She appeared to be copying every example.

The next day, Anna woke in a state of near frenzy,. She stood in front of her closet deciding on what she considered the perfect outfit. She chose a red cashmere sweater which had been given to her for the holidays. She wore body-hugging black pants and boots with a small heel. She didn’t want to trip and fall on the ice just for vanity’s sake. She put on her usual light makeup, looked in the mirror and pronounced herself ready.

“That sweater looks great on you, Annie,” her mother, Andrea, commented.

“Thanks mom. I hope a certain someone thinks so,” replied Anna as she flew out the front door. The day was brisk and cold, but Anna’s excitement kept her warm all day.

Anna walked into the dull room where they had math—not her best subject, but she had been able to catch up with the lessons. She spotted Rosanna sitting in her usual seat on the far side of the room, her nose buried in her book, her bangs falling forward. Anna’s heart beat out of control and she was dismayed to find that her stomach was beginning to feel a bit queasy. She grabbed her middle, trying to massage the unwanted feeling away.

She had prepared a speech that she hoped would begin:

“Hi. I’ve been noticing you.” And Rosanna would reply in her sultry low tones: “I’ve been noticing you noticing me.”

Anna knew it was really corny, but, after all, it was a fantasy, and they could be as gushy as you wanted. What she actually said, though, was not the stuff of fantasies but was more suited to a medical drama.

“Oh, I think I’m going to throw up!” She put one hand to her mouth and the other out in front of her as if reaching for a place on which to lean.

Rosanna jumped up, grabbed Anna by the arm and half dragged her to the bathroom where she proceeded to be horribly ill. What the hell had happened? Had she been that nervous or had the damned sandwich meat been stale? Her mom was so bad at checking on the life of the food in the fridge. She was too busy painting. When Anna felt the abdominal spasms subside, she left the stall. Now she had a wicked headache, but that she could handle.

“I’m so sorry,” Anna said weakly. She moved to the sink, washed her face and rinsed her mouth with cold water and searched blindly for the paper towel dispenser. Rosanna handed her a few sheets of the brown, rough paper.

“Are you feeling better?” she asked.

“I think so. I don’t know what happened.” Anna said, gingerly wiping her face.

“Were you drinking last night?” Rosanna asked with a slight smirk.

“Drinking? No. I can’t drink. It makes me throw up.” Anna said, realizing what she had said. They both chuckled.

“Did you have something bad to eat for lunch? Maybe you’re coming down with a bug. Do you walk with that pink stuff?” Rosanna asked these questions in rapid-fire succession, looking at Anna with some concern.

“Wow! Is one of your parents a doctor or something? Anna asked, holding up her hand in mock protest.

“My mom’s a pediatrician.” Rosanna answered sheepishly.

“Ah…that explains the medical third degree. Do you want to become one? Anna asked a question of her own.

“Not really. I used to visit my mom’s practice a lot when I was younger and I guess I picked up my bed-side manner from her.” Rosanna smiled. “You still look a little pale. Maybe you should see the nurse.”

“Nah. We’ve got to get back to class. Ms. Archer is already going to give us the evil eye. You know, she’s trying to prepare us for the SATs,” Anna replied soberly.

“Don’t remind me,” Rosanna said with a groan.

“Not a math person, eh?” Anna asked.

“Not a math anything. If it doesn’t have to do with money, I don’t want to have anything to do with it.” Rosanna admitted, realizing she was talking more with this stranger than she had with anyone besides her abuelita and Casey.

“Do you have any gum?” Anna asked suddenly. Rosanna reached into her pocket and removed a pack, handing it to Anna, who took two sticks and gave it back to her.

“Thanks. I think I need a double shot.” Anna said gratefully, sorry that she hadn’t thought to walk with her toothbrush. Of course, who would have guessed that she would be puking her guts out instead of chatting up Rosanna with fresh, clean breath? She remembered her headache and asked shyly,

“Do you have any ibuprofen? I
’m starting to get a headache. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me today.” Anna placed both hands on her head and began to try to massage the pain away.

“Here. Let me.” Rosanna said, removing Anna’s hands and replacing them with her own gentle fingers. “My mom used to do this for me whenever I had a headache.” Rosanna felt heat coming off of Anna’s body, which she did not think was normal. Headache or no

Headache, Anna could have swooned right there. Rosanna’s hands in her hair gave her a feeling of euphoria, and she thanked the goddess for providing this unique opportunity. As good as this impromptu massage felt, she felt herself growing feverish. Good grief, she really was coming down with something. Hopefully, it would only be a 24-hour bug and she wouldn’t miss any school. The timing of this situation was turning out to be rotten indeed.

“Rosanna?” Anna said softly, not wanting to rile her protesting stomach further. “I think I have to go to the nurse. I think you’re right. I’m not feeling too well.” This said, Anna fell face forward onto Rosanna’s chest. Only quick thinking and reflexes on Rosanna’s part kept them both from toppling to the floor. Without thinking, she caught Anna in her arms, picked her up as if she weighed no more than a towel and ran to the nurse’s office where it was pronounced that she had the flu.

Andrea was called to come and take her daughter home immediately. She rushed into the office, long brunette hair flying, wearing a paint-stained smock. Absently, Rosanna noticed the striking resemblance between mother and daughter. Andrea Fields thanked Rosanna profusely for helping her daughter. Rosanna shrugged it off and returned to her class. She did not notice the interested glances of the students who had seen her carrying Anna to the medical department. The glances would quickly turn to gossip.

“Everyone’s talking about your dramatic rescue,” Casey said the next day during lunch.

“What dramatic rescue? Oh, that. That was not dramatic, Casey. Anna doesn’t weigh anything.” Rosanna responded, a bit annoyed.

“Well, apparently, you looked like a real knight in shining armor, Ross,” she said while munching on a cold French fry.

“These people need to get lives and mind their own business.” Rosanna growled.

“Methinks the Ross doth protest too much,” Casey answered in a phony English accent. Rosanna said nothing. Her food had become unappealing to her and she shoved it away.

“Oh, come on, Ross. It’s cute!” Casey continued.

“Right. Cute to who? Rosanna snarled.

“To whom, Sir Ross.” Casey corrected and smiled. She brushed a lock of Rosanna’s hair out of her eyes and said, “Face it, Ross, you’re a hunky heroine! Get used to it!”

“I am no such thing. And I hate the word heroine. It sounds like I do drugs or something,” Rosanna retorted.

Casey rose, tweaked Rosanna on the nose and tossed her garbage into a nearby receptacle

“I’ll call you tonight, Ross…I mean, stud!” Casey called as she left the cafeteria. Rosanna sat brooding. Eventually, her mind drifted to Anna Martin. She hoped she would return to school soon. She wished she had thought to get her phone number, but everything had happened in double time. And Anna was in no shape to give anything that wild day.

It took three days before Anna finally shook off the virus and returned to school, her lovely face paler than usual. She entered her math class, sat down in a vacant seat next to Rosanna and said, “Thank you, Rosanna. Here’s my number. Give me a call. I’ll help you with your math.” That said, she got up and went to her assigned seat. Ms. Archer was a stickler about that, too. It wasn’t the opening she’d hoped for, but, perhaps it would have the desired affect. Rosanna sat staring at the number on the now crumpled piece of paper. She was proud and did not want to admit that she needed tutoring, but Anna had offered, and it might help her at least achieve a passing grade on that damned SAT. She dialed the phone. Anna picked up on the first ring.

In a few short months, they went from studying math problems to studying each other’s young bodies. This segment of the tutorial session began by Anna’s gentle stroking of Rosanna’s smooth arm, making it quite difficult for either teen to concentrate. Anna’s fantasies were in the process of being realized and, to her very pleasant surprise, so were Rosanna’s. She wondered what words of wisdom her abuelita would have regarding this turn of events. She would call her later.

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A while back I wrote a story called "Sandra Turns Over," about my wife Sandra, or rather, about her big sexy ass. And how, after she put on some pounds after a few kids, she got into my playing with her ass, and finally, into my fucking her ass. It usually starts like this. We start making out, my hands going all over her curvy body, feeling her heavy breasts, her soft belly, her love handles, then down to that gorgeous big ass. My hands slides between her legs and sometimes she's already...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Aunty In Mysore Took My Viginity

Hello ISS readers.. This is my first experience and hence want to share it with all of you.. Please give me feedbacks @ Lets begin, make sure you have got a tissue by your side.. My name is Aayush. I am 19yrs old, 5.8ft tall and have a healthy gym figure. I live in mys and pursuing BSc @ a well known college. My house was situated a little far from col. One thing hot in my neighborhood was the aunty next door .. She was married to a guy who had a job which required a lot of travelling cause...

1 year ago
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Vampires and Sex

Twas a fine evening, of that I am most certain. The wind was blowing ever so gently. I was to meet my girlfriend here, Anne, if I recall. She did not come to me in the way of car or foot, no, she flew down from above the trees. She was beautiful in so many ways, too many, to even go into detail. She was only wearing a bra and panties made of silk dyed red, ever so dark red, you would think the garments in which she wore were made of blood. Her lips were also the colour of blood, her cheeks were...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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My Changining Life The Diary IV

11:00AM- at Dr. Glenda's office for my check-up. He nurse meets me at the private entrance that I use and ushers me into a treatment and exam room. She hands me a gown. "How are we feeling today?" she asks as she hands me the gown."I'm good today. How are you?'"Really good. I had a wonderful weekend. Now, go ahead and get undressed and the doctor will be here in a minute or 2. Be sure and take everything off. I'll be back shortly to draw blood."She left and I followed orders. She is so damn...

2 years ago
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CD Rebeca Vegas Play Pt 3

Hey all you sexy readers and fans! These stories are about my time in Las Vegas between age about 19 1/2 to 25. I frequently discuss these times with people, and they turn me on so much because they were as formative for me as my first experiences. I think they are fucking hot and hope you enjoy and comment. Also note that there may be a few disparities with a few other stories, and some names, locations and other details are omitted or differ. If there is a conflict, please forgive me. If you...

1 year ago
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sex with other mans wife

I just couldn’t take the sexual aloneness anymore. I’d been out to bars and clubs but being a shy guy I hardly ever hooked up. And this trip was lonelier than most. I looked online for some escort sites. One was an add for a voluptuous woman with 38d breasts. I’ve always liked my women on the heavier side so that add made me follow the link. On her website she had a couple of small pictures. I clicked and studied them for a few minutes. I couldn’t see her face but her body was perfect. Large...

4 years ago
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“Ben I……Oh! Sorry! Sorry I didn’t……..”“Mu-um!”“Yes! Sorry love. I was just – er – just……I’ll…..I’ll let you get on.”Jenny backed out of her son’s bedroom closing the door behind her and smiling as she hurried downstairs to the kitchen. She was busy making the coffee when she heard him behind her. She turned and smiled.“Breakfast won’t take a minute, love.”Ben gave a little grunt but avoided eye contact. There was an embarrassed silence for a while before he spoke or to be more exact,...

2 years ago
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Keeper of the GateChapter 4

Still day 23 "After you are eighteen, you are considered adults and it won't be a problem," I reminded them. "Now," I continued, "if I have sex with you, will you be able to keep quiet about it at home and with your friends?" "Oh yes, Dave. We'll do what ever you say," they both moaned through their tears. "All right then, who wants to go first?" I asked, as I exhaled. "It should be Belle," Mel said. "She really needs you. I can wait - a little." "OK, do you want to...

1 year ago
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Cocksucker 6 anal junkie

Cocksucker 6 - anal junkieA couple of days later I was on the way home from school and got a text message. "Ben, drop by when u can, P." It took a moment and then I remembered that Mr Dixon was called Peter. I texted back "OK around 6" and spent the rest of the bus ride thinking about his cock entering me again.As soon as I got in I went and showered, paying special attention to my cock and balls and asshole. Before I dressed, I took some lubricant and pushed it up into my ass with my fingers....

4 years ago
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A 45 Year Old Nurse Volunteers for a Special Sex study

Tina has been a nurse for the past twenty years. She had just turned 45 and had been happily married to the same man for the past eighteen years. She was the sweetest person you ever wanted to meet as she would always volunteer for a number of good causes. She loved being a nurse and appreciated all the times that she had helped someone out. She also had another passion inside her and that was volunteering for health related studies at the hospital. Her hope was one day reading how one of the...

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The CircleChapter 23 Am I a Slut Lynn Stars in a Video

"Tina, can I ask you a question?" Lynn asked, obviously unsure of herself and the sexual landscape she was embarking on. "Oh, sure. Anything." Tina was lounging around the family room wearing a t-shirt and not much else. "How many men have you slept with? Tina thought, "Oh, I've lost count because of my old profession. Maybe a couple of hundred? Not all of it was on film." "I mean slept with at one time? I guess I mean in one session or maybe in one day." Tina made no secret of...

3 years ago
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Claire Pt2 Deja Vu

 “Clarissa, this is Michael O’Dell, your father.”I don’t know who was more astounded, she or I.“But, mother, he can’t be over 40,” Clarissa declared.“By my count, 36. Am I correct?” Claire said.Still dumbstruck, I just nodded, the awkwardness of the moment leaving me mute.I finally ended the awkward silence, by asking Claire, “Why didn’t you tell me?”“It was the times, Michael,” Claire answered, “and the situation. If I admitted that you were the father of my baby, eventually, the fact that you...

Straight Sex
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PervertChapter 2

“Morning,” Caitlin said, and Brad opened his eyes to find her staring down at him, a smug look on her face. “Looks like someone had a good night.” Glancing down, Brad could see that he was still in the same clothes he’d fallen asleep in, the underwear he’d jerked off in and nothing else. Except ... were they? He was intimately familiar with his sister and mother’s underwear collection, but paid far less attention to his own. He didn’t even recognize his own underpants. They felt different...

2 years ago
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Kuwari Sonia From Delhi

Hello dosto Kabir is back …..main Gurgaon ka rahne wala hoon or ek mnc me working hoon….. ye meri dusri story hai….meri age 22 year hai and main zym me couch hoon…. meri hight 5:10 hai and v shape budy hai ( koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi chudwana chahe to mail me just )ye meri dusri kahani hai…..N trust me ye bhi ek sachchi kahin hai Aaj se karib 3 saal phle ki hai…. jab main College me padhta tha…. Tab main yahoo per bahut jyada chat karta tha to vahan se ek ldki meri friend bani uska naam sonia...

1 year ago
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Daughter For Dessert

DfD aka Daughter For Dessert! Sometimes, when I’m deep in the depths of a week-long masturbation binge, I forget to eat. It’s kind of ironic, given all the cherry popping and creampie filling I see on an hourly basis, but the body just forgets all about sustenance when it’s trying to clean the pipes of all that built-up, sticky sex goo. Daughter for Dessert is a perverted videogame that addresses the issue head-on, with hopefully some head-giving included.Daughter for Dessert is hosted by...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Sex With PG Owner8217s Wife 8211 Part II

Hi, friends…This is Raj… I’m a regular reader of ISS Since last 6 months. I never thought of writing my experienced of my sex life in ISS, but I don’t know why now I fill that I should share my experienced with you all friends. This is my first story to ISS. Firstly Let me introduce myself, My name is Raj, I am from Assam, presently at Kolkata for my higher studies. I am a boy of 20years old…I am tall in stature, handsome and cute ( people says me ).Please forgave me if I have done any mistake...

3 years ago
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Part One Milf MeetUp

Hanson, aged twenty-five, had always been interested in older women. After casting the net out on dating sites/apps, he had grown bored of the mundane cycle of sending messages, getting occasional replies and meeting up with self-centered wannabe career women.And so, one evening, he found a message from a woman who he couldn't even remember messaging. Leslie, aged thirty-eight. Blonde. His favourite. She was prompt in her replies and things started off quite normal. General chat about life,...

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Petite Daizy Cooper Petite Girls Deserve A Large Cock To Enjoy

Petite babe Daizy Cooper is depressed that no one wants to fuck her at school. Small Hands walks up and promises her that he will show her just how sexy and beautiful she is and fuck her brains out! She loves the feel of his large cock in her super small and tight pussy! He just makes her cum over and over with every thrust he does! She loves to ride on top and loves when he takes control pounding her hard in some doggy and missionary before letting her taste his load as he paints her face with...

2 years ago
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Going to WarChapter 6

Humping your way back out after a mission was always the worst of it. The adrenalin dump of completing it drained your body. Going in, you always looked in front of you as you worked your way to your objective. Going out, you had them coming after you plus whatever you had passed by on the way in. Vanessa made it more tolerable by a long shot, but it was still a grind. Keith and I had an agreement and Heros worked alone. That was the gist of the situation. So when we parted, he left and I...

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PervMom Lily Lane Great Cock Size Cums With Great Responsibility

My stepmom is in that part of her life where she can feel her biological clock ticking. Honestly, it kind of freaks me out, but the lucky part is that she is looking around for anything that will get her preggers. My dad is shooting blanks, though, so her only hope is my fat cock. The thing is, I never asked to be a hero. I was just born with these gifts. Oh well. With great cock size comes great responsibility. And that responsibility today is to fuck my stepmom in the bathroom and cum inside...

4 years ago
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Dads Little Room Part 4

By: Q12Dad(m/m mast oral inc)===========================================================================A few days later John started feeling very horny again and decided he would go see his Dad. Maybe they could get into some good hard sex again John thought.When John got to his father's house he couldn't find him, so he went into his father's bedroom to see if he was there. He wasn't in the bedroom, so John figured he should check the small room. When he went in the closet, the door leading...

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Busted by My Wife

Well the other night I was laying in the bed as my wife did some cleaning in our room. She was walking around in her PJs and even though they are not sexy or anything they fit her well and more so when she bends over. So I grabbed my phone and was snapping pictures of her bending over. She did not know I was doing it at all. She left the room and went into the bathroom. She returned and I had not notice anything different about her until this happen. Well she was moving around allot more and...

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Hard strate up

This is only one year old .Canberra Australia. At the mustang ranch. I was parked out side a gay book shop sent a few people go in worked up to go in no one I said to the guy were is every one first time yes£15.00 dollars get towl locker kes take show thir ten room have fun got undress in the shower walked up and fuck big cocks fucking stood around watching two cock in one hole moved into a big dark room DVDs gay porn few guy pulling sucking moved up the back started getting hard when I...

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