Solace & Rosanna Ch. 18 free porn video

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2003: Matilda Harper sat in her office, drumming her impeccably manicured finger nails on the top of her ultra-neat glass-covered desk. She glared at the telephone as if the instrument had offended her in some way. As far as Matilda was concerned, it had because Rosanna had once again rebuffed her dinner invitation, claiming she had important reports to finish. This excuse was beginning to wear thin and Matilda had slammed down the phone in frustration. She knew that Rosanna was still smarting over her abrupt departure, but it was a trip Matilda had to make—to clear her head. It had not worked as expected as her every waking thought was of Rosanna and their life together. Didn’t Rosanna realize that they needed to talk soon if they were to make any progress? She ignored the fact that Rosanna had wanted to do just that and she had told her that she needed time. Well, Rosanna had nearly slept with her old high school friend. Did she even trust Rosanna? She put her head in her hands and sighed in exasperation. She was so confused about the whole damned situation.

What was it about Rosanna Romero anyway? Surely, Matilda could find another smolderingly gorgeous, Latin woman who made her skin tingle at the slightest touch of her hand or brush of her full, sensuous lips. She opened a drawer in her desk and retrieved a silk handkerchief and dabbed at her brow, cheeks and upper lip. She got up, crossed to the window and switched on the air conditioner, turning it up to the frigid setting. That was much better. Such was the effect that Rosanna had on her and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it. Matilda began pacing her spacious office, her low heels sinking into the plush carpeting. Why couldn’t she simply cut Rosanna loose? She knew the answer. Rosanna was hers now and she would not give her up without a fight. She knew that Rosanna found her sexually attractive, but Rosanna had never told her she loved her. Of course, Matilda had not uttered those words either. There was definitely a power struggle going on between them. Matilda had fought long and hard to gain what power and control she felt she now possessed and Rosanna was a part of that never-ending quest.

Matilda did not harbor any ill-will towards Solace, but she believed that she was a better life-mate for Rosanna because she could see. There were obvious, visual activities that she and Rosanna could share that Rosanna and Solace would never be able to enjoy. She winced at this as it sounded cold and unfeeling when thrust under the glaring light of reflection, but it was the truth, nonetheless.

It had been a month since she had seen or spoken to Rosanna, and she was beginning to genuinely miss her company—not to mention Rosanna’s other talents. Rosanna possessed a wit that beguiled and challenged Matilda in a way no other lover had.

The phone jolted Matilda out of her musings. She snatched up the receiver, hoping briefly it might be Rosanna. It couldn’t be, she had just hung up on her only a short time ago. She glanced at her watch, an hour had passed. Upon hearing the enticing timbre of Rosanna’s voice, Matilda’s heart-rate sped up and she sat down in her visitor’s chair. Get a hold of yourself, woman, she chided herself.

“Mattie?” Rosanna asked, her mouth dry with nerves.

“Rosanna?” Matilda answered in what sounded to her like a voice riddled with insecurity.

“Would you like to have dinner with me on Friday night?”

Had Matilda heard correctly? “I…uh… Let me check my calendar.” She held the phone away from her mouth for a few seconds as if checking her omni-present date book. This would have been impossible from this position as it was in her desk drawer and Matilda was rooted to her seat, holding the handset in a death-grip.

“Uhm…I think I can do that.” Her voice cracked slightly and she cleared her throat.”

“Great. We’ll go to Fresh Basil’s. I don’t think I want to do La Contessa’s again. Is that all right?”

“Sure. I think that’s probably wise.”

“Okay, then, I’ll pick you up there and we’ll just walk down.”

Finding a shred of dignity, Matilda said, “We have to talk.”

“I know. We will. I’ll see you on Friday.” With those words, Rosanna hung up.

Matilda sat there for several minutes and then a slow smile made it’s way across her face. What had happened to her playing hard to get and being the one in charge? Who cared? In Matilda’s mind, she still had won as it was obvious that Rosanna wanted…needed to see her as well. Of course, Rosanna might… No, that was not a possibility.


The crisp April air blew through Rosanna’s hair, chilling her slightly but making her feel refreshed and rejuvenated as she sped down Fifth Avenue on her racing bike. Although the day was bright with sunshine, she was glad she had worn her Getting Started With jacket, it was lightweight yet warm. The sidewalk was dotted with Saturday strollers and parents pushing baby strollers. The steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art were strewn with visitors in spite of the brisk wind. Both native New Yorkers and tourists steadfastly held to the notion that spring was here and they should be out in droves. They would enjoy the relatively warm day, at least the temperature was in the low fifties as opposed to the blustery thirties and forties.

The huge, colorful banner advertising the exhibit of African-American prints from 1929 to 1945 caught Rosanna’s eye and she slowed her furious pumping to read the information. She enjoyed experiencing artwork from all cultures and was pleased that the museum would be hosting this particular collection as it was unfamiliar to her. Rosanna came to a stop, removed her headphones and sunglasses, reached into her fanny pack and extracted her mini-disk recorder. Bike riding provided the opportunity for her to clear her mind while conditioning her body, but she did not want to clear out the fact that she wanted to see this exhibit. She did not always find herself pedaling down Fifth Avenue, so she took the unexpected viewing of the banner as a good sign. Wistfully, she wished that Solace could share this activity with her. She had not even thought to ask Solace if she rode a bike. But, of course, that would be ridiculous. Wouldn’t it? She made a point to ask her. However, if Solace did admit to indulging in that dangerous pastime (especially in New York City), then Rosanna would have to run straight to her doctor’s office for a prescription for high blood pressure medication because she would surely be a nervous wreck from that moment on. Maybe she would shelve that conversation for now. Concluding her memo, she returned her mini-disk to her bag. She stood there, taking in the majesty of the museum and pondered the treasures within. How could she and Solace share this pastime? Would Solace be able to see the artwork, prints, statuary and other object d’art? How was it that they had known each other for four years and had never discussed the issue? They enjoyed lengthy discourses on many topics, had even shared some heated disagreements, which had somehow often wound up in the bedroom. Rosanna smiled at this thought. The subject of art had never come up. Rosanna supposed it was just one more area about which she was too embarrassed to inquire. In any event, she would go to this exhibit. She hopped on her bike and sped off.

Matilda Harper sat on a folded plastic bag on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art watching the passing hordes. She had decided to take a well-needed break from her hectic day at the law office. Her position as an Executive Legal Secretary kept her on a tight-wire. The money and perks were excellent but the hours were brutal. She could barely adhere to a decent lunch hour so she grabbed snatches of breaks whenever she could decently get away without raising too many eyebrows. She pulled her blazer tighter around her slim form as the wind whipped thr
ough her sleek, blond hair. As she reached up to brush her hair out of her eyes, she noticed a well-muscled figure brake their bike, pull out what looked like a small recorder and begin speaking into it. Matilda’s eyes narrowed as she took in the woman’s physique. As Matilda wore sunglasses, she did not believe the other woman could see her blatant ogling. Her eyes moved from the top of shiny, black tresses to the tip of top-brand sneakers—and all points in between. What portion of the woman’s skin Matilda could see was a smooth, milk-chocolate color and when the woman removed her own shades, Matilda caught sight of the most beautiful face she had ever seen. All-in-all, the woman was positively stunning. Matilda was taken aback by her visceral reaction as she considered herself quite reserved and conservative by today’s standards.

She watched as the woman got back on her bike and rode off, noting the Getting Started With logo on the back of her red and black jacket. She tried to clear her mind, but the vision of the stranger, gazing at the museum, looking so incredibly sexy would not dissipate.

Matilda’s thoughts turned to her on-again, off-again relationship with L. D. Currently, they were semi-on, which meant they occasionally had dinner together and shared what they referred to as a “session”, but were free to see other people as long as they practiced safe-sex. It was an arrangement that seemed to suit them as they felt that neither was ready for a committed relationship. Matilda glanced at her watch and realized that she had taken a longer break than was planned. She stood hurriedly, collected her belongings and headed back to her office, a secret, sad smile on her lovely face. Would she ever see the beautiful stranger again? She supposed that there was a slim chance as New York City was not as large as it might seem. Her mind’s eye flashed back to the Getting Started With logo on the woman’s jacket. Was that a company? She would do a little searching. She would also make it her business to visit the museum a bit more often.

The following Saturday morning found Solace visiting her family and Rosanna standing on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She ran up the steps and through the entrance. She deliberately carried her few items in a small leather pouch, as she was aware that security would be tight and backpacks were discouraged. She walked to the information desk, collected a brochure for the exhibit and made her way through the myriad corridors to her desired goal. She was fascinated by the prints, which were both in bold colors as well as black and white. She wondered at an artist’s decision to create what might be called stereotypical characters. She was so engrossed with the fine artwork she barely noticed the time. Her knee let her know. It never ceased to amaze her that she could cycle for lengthy periods of time, but standing too long would cause her excruciating pane in her right knee. She had arrived at the museum at eleven o’clock and it was now one. She wandered from room to room one last time (working out the stiffness in her knee), and decided to purchase the book, which contained all of the pictures of the exhibit. She had been powerfully affected. The art had evoked feelings of tenderness as well as great anger, and she wanted a memento.

She left the exhibit, found an information desk and asked where she might find the gift shop. Rosanna weaved through the boisterous crowds, her short boot heels rapping purposefully on the polished floor. She located the gift shop, which was also surprisingly jammed. “Tourists”, she grumbled as she stood in the entrance, taking in the store. Spotting the book, she strode toward the shelf with single-minded determination. She reached for the book and collided with a woman reaching for the same item at the same time. Their arms became entangled and Rosanna landed on the woman’s right foot.

“Ouch!” The woman shrieked.

“I’m so sorry,” Rosanna stammered as she disengaged herself from a slim, blond woman of approximately the same height as herself, “I wasn’t paying attention. The exhibit was so intense and I was so intent on getting the book that I—“

“I know. You didn’t see me,” finished the other woman, rubbing her foot through her shoe. Without thinking, she leaned on Rosanna’s shoulder.

Rosanna stood there motionless. What could she say or do? She had stomped on the poor woman’s foot. The least she could do was allow her to lean on her shoulder for a bit. She finally said, “Are you all right?”

Matilda looked up quickly, her breath catching in her throat and she froze.

“I’m…uh…I’m….okay. Thank you,” Matilda said as she realized on whom her hand rested. She knew she ought to remove it, but it seemed glued to the spot. For this particular shoulder belonged to HER cyclist. Their eyes locked and Rosanna smiled, as did Matilda. She felt like a character in one of those trashy romance novels who swoons when she meets Mr. or Ms. Right.

“Can I at least pay for the book or something?” Rosanna asked sheepishly.

“Uh…no… That’s all right.” Matilda reluctantly removed her hand from Rosanna’s shoulder, straightened her skirt and tried to compose herself. Believing that she would not be offered another chance to spot this woman, she took a bold stance and blurted,, “If you really want to make sure I’m okay, you can invite me for coffee.”

Rosanna raised an eyebrow at this obvious flirtatious invitation. She knew she hadn’t hurt the woman severely, but she decided to be just a bit wicked.

“I could do that, but I could also take you to an emergency room to make sure your foot is all right,” she said with mock seriousness.

“No… I mean, my foot is fine. Thank you,” said Matilda as she grabbed two copies of the book and handed one to Rosanna.

“Thank you,” said Rosanna in her most sultry tone. Wait until she told Solace about this little incident. But should she tell Solace? After all, she was flirting with quite an attractive woman. Solace was fairly casual about their relationship, but she might be pushing it with this one.

“You’re welcome.” Matilda saw the change come over Rosanna’s face and felt disappointment spreading like a weed through her system. She turned and walked to the cashier,, Rosanna followed. They paid for their purchases and left the museum.

Outside on the steps, they faced each other, taking in the other woman’s style of dress, hair color, eye color and myriad details. Matilda said, “You’re right, though. The exhibit was exquisite…the colors, the subjects, the emotion…”.

“Yes, it was very powerful. I’m really sorry, though, that I smashed your foot,” Rosanna began. “Maybe I can buy you that coffee.” It was, after all, only coffee.

“Is it going to be a problem for you?” asked Matilda holding her breath.

Rosanna rolled the question around in her mind and finally said, “No. It’s not a problem. But what’s your name?”

“Matilda Harper and yours?”

“Rosanna Romero.” She would simply tell Solace that she was meeting a friend for lunch. Certainly there was nothing wrong with that. They made plans to meet and walked away in opposite directions. As they walked, each turned and caught the other watching them. Both women blushed and turned quickly away.

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The college football team and the cheerleaders shared the same bus for the away games. The ride home was always exciting win or lose. The football coach was always putting the moves on the cheerleaders advisor and no one watched the back of the bus. The four cheerleaders started by taking off their panties. They sat with a boy on each side and as one boy sucked on their nipples the other fingered their cunt. Cheri had huge tits and she loved to let the guys suck them. The guys also loved her...

3 years ago
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He Dropped in for a Quickie

Em was wearing her long freshwater pearl necklace, a bracelet and her wedding and engagement rings. She was also wearing an expression that denoted surprised pleasure, approaching ecstasy, and a keen anticipation of even hotter things to follow.  She was doing these three things on the sofa in her hotel suite. The first was because she was audibly enjoying being fucked by the very thick, very long, very hard and very strong cock that had very recently and very powerfully pushed apart her...

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Mami Ki Chudai

Hi friends dis is sami again ap logo ka responce daikh kur upne agle sex experience ka barey main batata hn my email is ager koi lahore ki aunty ya lurki upni chudai ka bharpor maza lena chahti hey zaror likhna mukamal raaz rahey ga up upni story ki taraf ata hn yea aj sa mahina pehle ki baat hey ka main mera lora 7 inch lamba or 3 mota hey main upni mashok ki chudai sa farig hua tha to us ki mami na humain daikh lia tha jis pur woh humain boha gusa hui th laikin us ki ankh main eik ajeeb sa...

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PalimpsestChapter 2 First Sight

Seemingly centuries, only a couple weeks had passed since they first met. A blind date, his not hers, turned out excruciating. He imagined his colleague rolling on the floor with laughter at what he wrought, but maybe he meant well. He may have not realized the poisonous negativity the woman vented. Pretty but plain, plump but not fat, her features hadn't forced her to try a blind date. First impressions wouldn't have had Joe kicking her out of bed. Conversation would have. The obvious...

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Cat FightChapter 6 Swordsmen

specton - 2 1/2 minutes minton - 2 1/2 days quant - 2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Toton - 2 1/2 hours Bill - Lion clan King Tomco - Bill’s father King Tobias - Bill’s dead brother Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos - Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Niaco - Tiger clan Cornelius - one of Bill’s Uncles Conrad - Bill’s other Uncle Assassin group - Jaguar clan The General stepped up to Bill a moment...

4 years ago
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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 7

Turned out finding a job at camp was harder than they first thought. Rayner tried working with the whitesmith from the caravan, but the whitesmith had plenty of assistants eager to learn the secrets of the trade by serving them. Axel himself had little to no marketable skills to offer. Oh, he was vastly better educated than this world’s common citizens, but it wasn’t applicable or of little use. That left the duo stuck with their cover job as bodyguards for the camp whores. There lack of...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 14 The Magician

They came again in the early hours of the morning, moving silently behind the outer wall. They triggered the wards Yuki had set, causing the kitsune to watch their approach through the window with bated breath. She could see them now, ominous shadows that peered over the wall and then vanished, gathering near the entrance for their next attack. Yuki had spent hours building her defenses back up, her mind and body tired from the effort, hoping to catch some sleep. Now, she watched with eager...

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First Time

this is true story not any bs make up type i was 17 when i experince with black male. in past i did had few sex experince with school friends but never black cock i always wonder how would that feel after seeing their pics online and how big they are. I never thought i will have them soon, i was talking to this black guy online for month and he really got me so horny i couldn’t say no when he ask me to meet him at his place. when i got their my heart was pounding so hard i can feel it on my...

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Mums Generosity Chapter 3

In the two weeks since that crazy 10 minutes, in the bathroom with Frank and the bedroom with Brian, Sandra had stayed away from her children. She had been racked with guilt following the scenes with her two young sons and was determined that it wasn’t to happen again. It hadn’t been easy though. Her children had tried to engineer situations in which either they or she or both would be in some state of undress and certainly in some state of arousal. More than once Sandra had found herself...

3 years ago
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Got back home

It was a sunny day and i returned from my school.The bedroom door was closed and i was looking for my mom.I Was getting some noises from the bed room and realised that its a boy crying inside.IT Did'nt took a minute for me to understand wat was going in side.I knew taht its that lil boy who was troubling her for the past 4 days,he used to ring the door and run away.I was just sitting at the door.And Suddenly the door opened and that boy ran out and behind him my mom came out running.It was...

2 years ago
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Bathroom fun at Ricks

I was at a swinging party, and went to the bathroom to freshen up , and get my bits smelling fresh and clean for my next sexy partner, when i bumped into Gemma, who saw me washing my hardening cock . She suggested that i wear her panties whilst she played with my cock, no problem, this is going to be fun i thought...! naked in Ricks bathroom, wearing Gemmas panties,that shed just taken off, bearing her shaven quim that looked very inviting , with her basque and stockings on her sexy body....

2 years ago
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Satisfied in Banglore

Hai Readers, I am Priya from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of this site. Everyday I am eagerly waiting for new stories. Some weeks back I went to my friend house. I saw a movie CD’s collection in my friend Rama house. I got one sex CD from that collection. I ask to my friend to take that CD. after that I returned back to my house and saw the full movie. In that one guy screw with unsatisfied house wife. I am a married woman, not enjoying the very much wanted sex from husband. But at the same...

4 years ago
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Brief sex 008 In the cemetery at night

Brief sex 008In the cemetery at night.Ah the summer holidays when we were young, what memorable moments. This is the time when one awakens to love. In fact we think of nothing but ass girls much more than studying. That was my case, I sought every means to draw any passing petticoat. I must say that in my youth I feel that the fair were less shy. I think I've lived in good years.I had just turned 17, but other times other manners at that age I was going on vacation with my parents. Oh it was...

3 years ago
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The Slavering Chapter 05

The Slavering, Chapter 05 Xi looked at Hease with shock. "You turned her down?" She wriggled in his lap and played with his chest hair. "You didn't go for it?" "I don't want to fuck this up." "Hease, some girl puts a run on you, bring her to me. We can share." She pushed Hease back onto the bed and climbed on top. "Wanna play with my big boobs?" Xi put Hease's hands on her chest. "I'm Cheri." ******** Cheri sat on Hease's lap. "I'm wired," she announced. "Getting an...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Andi Rose Braylin Bailey Your Pussy Leaked On My Pants

Andi Rose is constantly teasing and fighting with her stepbrother Juan Loco. Andi has her friend Braylin Bailey over as she fights with Juan over the car keys. Braylin grabs some popcorn and watches the fight as Andi wrestles the keys loose and holds them over Juan’s head. Later, Juan asks if he can please have the keys now. Andi tells Juan that he looks nice and asks what he’s doing. Juan confesses that he has a job interview. Andi takes the opportunity to really go to town...

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A Muslim Sex Story 8211 Part 1

Note to readers: The following story is fictional. Any relation to a real-life person is completely unintentional. “Looks like a new person has come to stay at the apartments,” Raj said to Komal, his 27-year-old wife, getting ready to leave for work. “Why don’t you say ‘Hi’ while I’m gone?” Raj said. He soon left. Komal was wearing a green-colored saree with a green-colored, short-sleeved saree blouse. It had a somewhat deep cleavage, but the saree pallu covered it. Yes, a man was indeed...

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Open Letters To My Underwear

I like buying underwear, especially panties, or knickers as we call them over here. I don't know why, but I've always disliked the word 'panties' in my mind it sounds dirty. Knickers sounds so much nicer, more innocent and cutsey. Maybe it's because the word panties isn't widely used in New Zealand? Below are open letters to my underwear, thanking them for their good service. I have lots of pairs of underwear so I won't do them all, but I will group them.Dear G-strings- I admit at first I hated...

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Black Arrow Lord Ch 03

***Teaching the Samurai how to set up their weapons, Valdemar is surprised to meet the leader of one group, though they don’t get along all that well. 0_o ———————— When Valdemar and Kōichi accompanied the daimyo outside a little later, lord Maeda had many questions regarding Valdemar’s bow. He answered truthfully most of the time. When he was asked if bows such as his were what was in common use where the Dane was from, Valdemar found it a little tempting to answer yes. But he didn’t. ‘The...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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My first virgin

Nikki and I has been dating for around 3 weeks getting hotter and heavier. She'd told me she was a virgin so I didn't want to blow my chance at scoring her so each time I'd go a little bit further waiting until she told me to stop. This one ay was different.We were in my room, I was home along all day, so was determined to make the msot of it. I'd finanly gotten her fully naked and the sigth of her sweet white skin with just big enoug C cop tits and lovely pink nipples was only beaten by the...

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Sweetest Fruit

Night was just beginning to envelope the land as he set fourth. A gentle breeze rolled in from the south, rustling the underbrush and carrying with it a thousand fascinating scents. He breathed deep, relishing the bouquet of flowers, fruits, a thousand wild kinds of dung and dark, rich earth. He filled his lungs with the smells of countless unseen beasts and a multitude of roots and leaves and vines. He cast his eyes towards the darkening sky and sucked in more and from somewhere in the...

4 years ago
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Between the Stacks

Rebecca glanced up at the clock that hung above the heavy double doors of the Fairview Public Library. 7:43. Seventeen minutes to go, she thought, peering around, looking for any stragglers. Even though Thursday was the library's late night, there were always one or two patrons who had to be practically pushed out the door at 8:00. Surprisingly, she didn't see anyone, so she busied herself filing away a few books and tidying up the long oak counter, making sure everything was neat and ready for...

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Math Teacher

It was just like any other day for 20 year old Jason. He woke up, got dressed, went down for breakfast. Just before he got downstairs he heard his parents yelling again and his dad leave for work. His mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee and as he ate he asked her what was wrong ... she said "Nothing ... you know your father ... when he is late he gets cranky". Jason shrugged and finished breakfast. On his way to the local university, Jason was just sort of daydreaming, not really...

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Fuck Buddies

Margo and I met shortly after her daughter became my neighbor. She would come to babysit her grandkids and we bumped into each other at the mailbox a few times. Some flirting took place and it was soon apparent to both of us that we would be fucking soon. I have a sort of steady girlfriend but we both have the freedom to indulge with other people and Margo is currently single. Neither one of us was looking for anything serious and it didn’t take too long before we were naked.I’m old school,...

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My Wife On The Porch Part twentyseven

Joe left us around five o’clock and Sara kissed him goodbye at the front door, she moved his hands to her ass and he looked at me. “It’s okay,” Sara said softly, “Malc is okay with you seeing and touching me.” I smiled and said, “Don’t mind me bud, I’m cool with what she wants’.” They kissed passionately again before he left and she went upstairs and dressed, she put on a cotton dress, a white bra and thong and rejoined me in the living room. “Did you have fun baby?” I asked as she kissed...

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The Flat Tire

It is a cool summer evening as John drives home late on a Friday evening. He has his windows down and the sunroof open, not a care in the world. His favorite song is even playing on the radio, which is a rare occurrence. As he drives down a relatively empty stretch of road, he sees hazard lights blinking in the distance. As he gets closer to the car, he is able make out the brake lights, and recognizes them immediately. "Huh," John thinks to himself, "looks like a 92-93 Accord." As he...

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I fucked my bangladeshi chachie

Now i am going to tell you a true story. It happen about two months ago. I always want to fuck older lady dan young girls. Well i fuck young girls too. I am from troy, michigan,usa. I am 22 years old, 5ft 7 in, fair body, good luking handsome boy. My dick is 9 in long. We originally form bangladesh, i been living in usa for last 20 years. Now let me tell you about my chachi(aunty).she is from bangladesh too. She been living her for last 15 yeras. She is about 48 years old, but she look like 35....


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