Solace & Rosanna Ch. 21 free porn video

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2003: “Leander, What the hell are you doing?” Casey shrieked in horror. She had stopped to check on Leander’s progress with the decorating. She thought it would be safe enough to leave him with the simple task of artfully draping blue streamers around the guardrail of the roof garden. She should have been more vigilant. How had he sneaked the hugest bag of cotton-balls she had ever seen passed her?

In the ensuing weeks since they had decided to have the party, they had learned that they definitely had divergent tastes in terms of decorating. Leander wanted drama and glamour while Casey wanted casual and simple. Casey had thought they had reached a happy medium. But she now watched in disbelief, her mouth agape, while the man carelessly tossed cotton-balls on chairs, tables, the floor and on every available surface.

“I’m creating atmosphere, Case!” Leander said innocently, continuing to toss handfuls of the puffy, white globes.

“Of what–an emergency room?” Casey returned sarcastically.

“No, silly. The cotton-balls are supposed to represent snowflakes. They were the closest things I could find. They’ll give people the illusion that it’s cooler. Have some imagination.”

“And when did we discuss an impending snowstorm, Leander?” Casey asked, arms on her hips.

“Well, we didn’t—“he began.

“Exactly. Now pick up those damned balls! They’re gonna get all trampled on and stick to peoples’ feet and sandals. Can’t I trust you with anything?” Casey sighed in exasperation.

“I will not! We’re supposed to be working on this shin-dig together, Missy, and so far, all you’ve let me do is nod my head in agreement with your suggestions.” Leander said huffily.

“That is because my suggestions have been the best ones.”

“Says you!” Leander bellowed. “I don’t even know why I’m helping you with this. You obviously want to do it all yourself. You’re such a control hag.”

“Listen, Leander. This is my scheme and we’ll do things my way—this time. When you want me to help you lure someone in, we’ll do things your way. Okay?” She dropped the tablecloth and advanced on him menacingly, her fingers outstretched in tickle mode. Seeing what Casey had in mind, Leander ripped the bag open even wider and whirled around, the cotton-balls swirling out, flying and falling in every direction.

“Leander!” Casey screamed. She reached out and began to tickle him. He squealed and doubled over under her merciless onslaught. He was hopelessly ticklish and Casey used this to her advantage. She wondered if Rosanna was still ticklish. This thought caused her to think about tickling Rosanna and having it lead to other more sensuous activities. She stopped abruptly.

“Listen, Leander, if anyone has an accident because of your strewn balls, you are going to pay their medical bills,” Casey said, retrieving the tablecloth and spreading it over a long table they had rented for the occasion. “They’re going to be cool enough because it’ll be evening. They won’t need any illusions.”

Through gasps of breath Leander said, “Please! I think my balls are a nice touch.” They looked at each other, their eyes gleaming with mischief, and broke into hysterical laughter.

“All right, but you’ve been warned.” Casey said, returning to her bare tables. The morning’s heat gave a hint of the sultry day to come and Casey decided not to press the issue. She had more important things to ponder—such as her choice of outfit, hair and makeup. All Leander would do was throw on a pair of shorts and a polo shirt. Where was the thought process in that?

Leander dumped the now empty cotton-ball bag into a large trash bin. He sauntered over to Casey, brushing stray cotton-balls from his curls, and began helping her with covering the remaining tables.

“Did you get the band?” he asked casually.

“Yes, I did. They came highly recommended,” Casey said without looking up.

“Really? By whom?” Leander asked suspiciously.

“By Sedilla,” Casey muttered.

“Sedilla? Have you gone nuts? Sedilla doesn’t know the first thing about good music. She thinks elevator music is cool. What possessed you to ask her?” Leander shrieked. He groaned and flung a hand over his eyes.

“Well, we were talking and she said she’d gone to this cool concert given by this band, who handed out cards. She told them about the party and they gave her a reasonable price—“ Casey did not get a chance to finish.

Leander dropped his end of the tablecloth. “I bet that’s all you heard—reasonable. I can’t believe you entrusted a party so important to that nut! Okay. You are nuts!”

“Come on, Leander. Have a little faith. Sedilla’s taste in music isn’t that bad. She just tends to go towards the schmaltzy stuff. Besides we do want them to be a bit on the romantic side. I am trying to catch Ross. Remember?” She decided not to mention that the group’s name was Light 106, which was a play on an easy-listening station.

“The woman is tone-deaf and you entrust her with providing the music. Well, all I can say is you better start praying to whatever deity you believe in because I’m sure we’re going to need some divine intervention.”

“She is not tone deaf, Leander. She can’t be, she sings in a chorus.” Casey countered.

“And has she ever invited you to a performance, Casey?

“Well…no, but—“

“I rest my case—so to speak.” Leander picked up his end of the tablecloth snapped it, wrenching it from Casey’s hands. They might as well have been a comedy act and it was only by sheer willpower that they were able to complete the final preparations for the evening.

Casey dabbed Jasmine oil behind her ears, on her wrists and between her cleavage. She stepped back surveying herself in the full-length mirror affixed to the closet door. She smiled at her reflection. Rosanna would have to be unconscious not to respond to what Casey considered a pretty sexy package. Her outfit consisted of a strapless powder-blue sundress, high-heeled sandals, which she hoped she’d could dance in, if not, she would kick them off). She had piled her thick auburn hair up in an elegant bun with combs, leaving loose strands framing her face. She thought this style might serve two purposes: to look great and to keep her cool. She applied light makeup as she knew she would be lucky if it lasted for half the evening. Casey wanted to dazzle her Rosanna as the object of her lust came through the entrance to the roof garden. Merely thinking of Rosanna caused her to want to throw herself on to her bed and indulge in one of her favorite activities with her little buddy. There was, however, no time for that. With a little luck, and some heavy flirting, the delectable Ms. Romero would be hers for the taking. She grinned wickedly at the thought of seeing Rosanna in summer attire. She bounced up and ran to her kitchen to retrieve a bottled water.

Casey’s intermittent e-mails and phone calls over the past months had paid off. Rosanna had finally relented and decided to attend the B-party, as she and Leander had dubbed it. Casey’s initial attempts to lure Rosanna to her apartment were met with terse responses and adamant refusals. Casey was nothing if not persistent. She promised, pleaded and played on their high school friendship. The last tactic had turned out to be the best one. They reminisced about old teachers, students and escapades and realized why they had been such good friends in the first place.

Although Leander had warned Casey several times about inviting Solace to the party, she could not resist the evil streak that ran through her. She knew it was wrong to involve Solace but she thought it would definitely add a bit of spice to the evening’s proceedings. Always one to leap first and then look, she did not thi
nk of the consequences of the two women meeting for she did not know the extent of their relationship. Leander had simply told her that Rosanna had called Solace’s name as she dropped off to sleep–or something like that. Leander was such a drama hound, though. They were probably nothing more than good friends. The fact that she had not mentioned the presence of either woman to the other did not weigh heavily on Casey’s conscience at all.

Leander vigorously shook first one then the next four containers. He grinned as he thought of the contents in the lovely decanters. His great grandmother’s recipe would certainly liven up the party. He hadn’t made it in a while so he was careful to follow the directions to the letter as he wanted it to have a kick but not deliver a blow that would render the unsuspecting individual unconscious. He was, however, aware of the drink’s addictive nature. He would make a sign, warning party-goers of the potency of the potable and he and Casey would have to make sure no one who had the drink would be driving home. All that would be taken care of once he got dressed. He planned to wear his new khaki walking shorts, a blue tank top and sandals. He had been working out and wanted to show off what muscle definition he was developing. He sighed as he posed and flexed in the mirror. At least Casey had agreed upon the blue theme. He suddenly grimaced when he thought about the music. Good grief, they’d be fortunate if Sedilla’s group played even one decent dance tune. He should have insisted that Casey let him pick the band. Leander sighed in resignation. He stopped suddenly, trying to remember if he had told Casey about his special brew. Oh well, no matter. It would be a crowd-pleaser for sure anyway.

L. D. growled as she donned the navy blue slacks and matching sleeveless shirt. Navy blue was at least close to her beloved black. She was also trying out a new hairstyle, with a bang falling rakishly over her left eye rather than brushing it all back. Why she was going to this ridiculous blue party she could not fathom, but secretly she hoped that Solace would be there. Only the light at the end of this blue tunnel would make the event worth attending. Casey had casually mentioned that she had invited Solace, but that she was going to get back to her to let her know if she could definitely be there. As L. D. had not wanted to drop her cool façade in front of Casey, she had simply smiled and affected an air of nonchalance upon hearing this news. Inside, however, everything was fluttering and beating wildly.

Since their first heated kiss, they had shared several of similar intensity, but Solace had not allowed L. D. to go further even though the heat and passion between them was incredible. L. D. was aware that she could not continue to rehearse and perform with Solace for too much longer without making love with her. She picked up a black handkerchief and wiped her forehead. She did not wear makeup, so she did not have to worry about smudging it.

L. D. walked over to her answering machine and pressed play to listen to her messages. Matilda wanted to have lunch with her. She would call her later. She thought, with mild interest that she had neglected to tell Matilda about her invitation. Had she merely forgotten? Well, she and Matilda had not had one of their sessions in about a year. They seemed content to simply exchange e-mails and phone calls. That was fine for L. D. She was certain that Matilda had moved on to someone else—someone she could mold into her image of perfection. L. D. was certainly not that person.

Solace ran to unlock the door to her apartment, narrowly missing a cushion as she scrambled back to her bathroom for some last-minute touch ups. All Jessie saw was a blur of blue and white cotton followed by Solace’s wild mane fanning out behind her as her friend dashed into her bedroom.

“Well, at least you’re dressed. That’s something,” Jessie said as she dropped into her favorite cushion. Bizarrey the Cat appeared and jumped onto her lap for their usual petting session. Jessie sighed thinking that she would now have to brush any stray cat fur off her blue slacks. She did, however, stroke the soft little head and received purrs of contentment from the friendly feline.

Solace emerged and twirled in front of Jessie. She wore a white sundress with spaghetti straps and tiny blue flowers. The dressed flared slightly at the waist and looked cool and comfortable. Solace had wrestled her unruly locks into a ponytail and wore blue low-heeled sandals. She decided against wearing any makeup as it was just too warm.

“How do I look, Jess?” she asked breathlessly.

“Great. Are you after someone?” She asked suspiciously. Jessie moved and Bizarrey the Cat scampered from her lap. She stood, brushed her slacks and straightened her blue and white striped tee-shirt. She checked her white clogs for smudges, noticing none and awaited Solace’s reply.

“No, but if the opportunity presents itself, who’s to say? I’ve decided to try to enjoy life again and not wait around for Rosanna to call me. She’s not coming back and I am not going to spend any more time pining over her.” Solace’s stomach tightened at the thought of her lost love, and she made a valiant effort to maintain her composure.

“Okay. Well, let’s go,” announced Jessie. “Do you have all your stuff, Solace? Do we need to look for anything? Please say you have everything together.”

Solace’s mind flashed on Rosanna and her many attempts to organize her life. She picked up a small shoulder-bag, where she had tried to remember to put everything she might need.

“Unbelievably, I think I’m ready? Do you see my cane?”

“What?” Jessie screeched.

“I’m just kidding. Keep your tee-shirt on, which is really nice, by the way My cane’s by the door. Let’s go.”

It was only once they were on the bus that she remembered that she had forgotten to leave extra food for Bizarrey. Now, she would worry all evening. Had she left any food? Oh brother! I’m a horrible mother! She wouldn’t stay too long.

Rosanna boarded the downtown bus on her way to Casey’s place. Her royal blue shorts and white sleeveless shirt showed off her smooth coffee-colored complexion and well-muscled physique to maximum advantage. She garnered quite a few admiring stares from both male and female passengers but was oblivious to all. As she searched for a seat, locating one in the rear, her mind flashed back to the night she had seen Solace kissing the woman in black. She had raced home in a blind rage and punished her body on her exercise machine and her fingers on her piano until she had collapsed exhausted. She had to stop thinking about that fateful night. Her mind betrayed her, however, each time she stepped on a bus. The image of the woman hovering over Solace in such a possessive stance caused her blood to boil and her temples to throb. This was not the attitude she wanted to foster when going to a fun beach party. She huffed and willed the unbidden thoughts to disperse. She calmed her breathing and sat holding the beautifully wrapped bottle of white wine she would give to Casey. She would do her best to enjoy herself this evening. Casey was a character and Rosanna was certain that she and her friend, Leander, would make sure that everyone had a great time.

Upon her grandmother’s return to New York, Rosanna had pounced on her for advice. She had also told her about the unsettling encounter with the homeless woman. Her grandmother had listened patiently and offered these words..

“Rosita, you must go after Solace if she is the one in your heart. She seems to be. That Matilda was an unnecessary distraction and now you have hurt her as well. Why do you want to cast aside those you love? Don’t let your doubts cloud your judgment or your future. Solace won’t wait for you forever, mija. You did a strange thing by letting her go and now you’re miserable. And n
ow you must do all you can to get her back. You won’t be content until you do.” Rosanna had thought, but I don’t want to be hurt again either.

It had taken Rosanna several weeks to gather the courage to face Solace and then she had seen her with that woman. She would have to forget what she had seen and remember that she loved Solace. For now, she would drink and dance and have a good time.

Light 106 arrived two hours early to check out the space and set up their equipment.

“We need to become a part of the space,” mumbled the lead guitarist, who could easily have doubled as a male model, his chiseled features almost feminine in appearance. Casey and Leander looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

Ah chew! The lead vocalist, a pretty African-American woman with dread-locks, admitted to having a bad head cold, which she swore she could “sing through”. “I’b taking bassive doses of zinc, so I should be okay,” she said through an obviously stuffy nose. She grabbed a handkerchief from the breast pocket of the guitarist and blew her nose with a resounding honk. Leander and Casey tried to conceal their giggles.

“Do we get food, too?” asked a large, beefy young man while setting up a drum set.

“Of course,” Casey answered.

“Cool, ‘cause I’m starved. Do we have to wait until after the gig or can we help ourselves now?” He left his preparations and headed for the tables.

Before Casey or Leander could respond, the bass player boomed,

“We have to tune, people. We have to practice.” He then directed his attention to Casey and Leander. Do you have anything you’d like us to play—a special song?”

“Well, we—“ They began but were interrupted by a surprisingly loud belch coming from the drummer. He was in the process of piling a plate high with appetizers.

“Put that plate dowd, Ian.” croaked the singer. “We’ll eat after the gig.”

“But what if there’s nothing left?” whined Ian. His band mates glared at him and he slunk back to his drum set, sitting heavily on a small stool that seemed incapable of holding such a large individual.

Through this exchange, the keyboardist said nothing. He looked to be of Asian extraction with shoulder-length black hair and intense black eyes. Everyone jumped as he sounded a loud chord.

“I’b gonna save by voice till I have to do it for real,” announced the singer. She sat down, put on a pair of headphones and commenced to make sounds possibly only heard by visitors to an aquarium. Casey and Leander stared in horror.

“She’s just vocalizing,” provided the bass player.

“I am going to kill Sedilla.” Casey muttered. Leander simply stared at her and then the members of Light 106. They strummed a few chords, tweaked some knobs and pronounced themselves ready.

Leander disappeared to enhance the punch with his recipe and Casey went to greet their arrivals. She had left instructions to the roof garden at the desk. She could not believe that Solace and her guest would walk up the stairs, but she left those directions as well.

People began trickling in at about five-thirty. To Casey’s pleasure, so far everyone was dressed in some form of the theme color. When L. D. arrived, Casey was shocked to see that she had actually deigned to wear blue and she looked excellent. The new hairstyle was also noted. She pulled the woman close to her for a peck on the lips. L. D. was polite, but extricated herself before Casey could take advantage of the greeting. She headed for the bar, fixed herself a drink and sat in a secluded corner to watch the arriving guests. She sprang to attention as Solace entered—with a lovely African-American woman. Oh Goddess, Solace looked so beautiful. She would have to get over the burst of hot jealousy that was simmering and ask her to dance, but first she would observe. Was it horrible that she did not make herself known to Solace right away—knowing that Solace would not know she was there? She was unsure of the etiquette and sat frozen—her drink forgotten.

The roof garden quickly filled and the band began to play. There seemed to be something not quite right about the music, but L. D. could not put her finger on it. She decided that they were not quite in sync. It was as if they were separate instrumentalists. And where was the singer?

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Interesting Day at the Doctors Office

I had the most interesting thing happen, when I went to my doctor’s office the other day. You hear about these things happening, but they never happen to you. Well it happened to me. Let me tell you what happened.I had made an appointment to see my doctor. They told me that my doctor was not in, but the nurse practitioner could see and treat me. I’d been in my hot tub and had an allergic reaction to the chemical bromine. I usually used chlorine, but had used this instead. Unfortunately, I broke...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Keira Croft Anal Maniacts

Bodacious Keira Croft spreads her long legs and masturbates with a thick dildo, making her pussy ejaculate girl squirt! Rough stud Small Hands fucks her face, enjoying a gagging, deepthroat blowjob. She bends over and he penetrates her dripping cunt from behind, fucking her as she quivers in pleasure. Mr. Hands digs his prick into Keira’s eager asshole, and the anal reaming makes her cum on his meaty rod. As Small Hands sodomizes Khloe, he chokes her and she plugs her pussy with a toy....

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BigTitsRoundAsses Kylie Page Kylies got it going on

This we we have the gorgeous Kalie Page with us to show off those amazing natural tittys, the beautiful quirky alone really knows how to get our dicks rock solid over here at Bangbros, Kylie has this mixture of subtle innocence and an amazing body that is a must see! We started outside for some topless sunbathing and too things inside for a real good hard core fuck fest. Kylie was begging for the dick and that she did receive. i hope you fuckers enjoy this one just as much as we enjoyed brining...

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Always owned by MD

It had been a year since I had seen or heard from her. We had parted on great terms and wished each well the last time we had met. She had called randomly about something important, once we had cleared that up we began chatting like old friends. Her husky voice, switching from sweet and young sounding to commanding had made my cock grow. Out of nowhere she asked, "well, are you hard?", 'dripping' I had replied, my voice changing, softer, compliant. She laughed. 'well, well, nothing's changed...

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My Ebony Mistress

I met her at the bar across town. She was wearing all black leather from head to toe. Her name was Alisha, she was 5'8 with long shoulder length black hair, with big brown hypnotic eyes i could get lost in for hours. When i first laid my eyes upon her i knew i had to have her and i would do ANYTHING to make it happen. I walked to the barand introduced myself "Hi my name is james. How are you this evening?" She looked me up and down smiled and laughed then said "Hi i'm Alisha, i'm doing well...

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New DaughterChapter 2 Daughter or Girlfriend

When I opened my eyes groggily and looked at the clock, I realized we had been napping for over two hours. Kimmy at least had an excuse; she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I, however, had gotten plenty. It was just that every time I had half awakened, I felt her warm body next to mine and it relaxed me so much that I couldn't work up the willpower to get up. There was something incredibly soothing about holding a sleeping child in my arms. It seemed a shame to wake her, but we...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Is My Secret Wife 8211 Part 2

Dear readers my sincere thanks for your valuable feedback, after that night my punya aunt has reveled the desire of having a child from me, but it is very risky for her I said but she was ready for all the risk. She is having a grown up daughter and also her husband. But my darling has agreed to convince both of them, but I was surprise that how she is going to manage both of them, after two days she called me over the phone Punya aunt y: kiran I want to talk to you something, I have good news...

1 year ago
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Brief part 5

Chapter 5 As the two of them started talking, I felt my mouth open wider and wider. The story they had to tell was nothing short of incredible. It seems about four months before all this happened, my husband had been cruising online looking for a way to keep me occupied on his business trips and he knew that he wasn’t keeping me completely satisfied most of the time. The business trips were supposed to have been getting more frequent and he knew I hated being alone. He thought if he could find...

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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara; 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black...

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Bills StoryChapter 5

Sally looked up from her mouthful of Susie's breast, gazed at each fully erect penis in turn and turned to look at the lascivious expression on Susie's face before turning back to her husband. "We'd certainly better do something, especially with those cocks vacant like they are." Bill watched as Susie sprung off the bed and stood facing Peter about two or three feet away from him. Taking his cue from Peter Bill stood a couple of yards behind her. It was the first time he'd looked...

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Turned Out PT2 Gay

"At least its private and no one will ever know I was turned out" I tried to console myself after Gabe had made me suck him and a couple of his friends and let them all fuck my ass till their cum ran out my gapped open ass and down my legs.After about a week had passed I thought this fleeting hope of mine might really be true. However, this daydream about my nightmare was not to be.After the episode with Gabe and a couple of his friends making me suck them and letting them fuck me till I could...

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Sticking It To Peggy

I stood there at the window and watched as the car backed down the drive, turned right and then disappear down the street. I wondered why I wasn't more upset. I'd just seen ten years of my life drive away. Shouldn't I have felt something? Shouldn't there have been something other than a shrug of the shoulders and an, "Oh well; I guess I should go and take care of that dripping faucet?" As I turned and headed for the kitchen I ran the events of the last half hour back through my...

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My First Threesome

I had fantasized about being with another woman for many years. My ex-husband, Carlos, and I (we were still married at the time) would talk about it, making me really me hot and wet during sex. I never told him how often I thought about it though. I would pick out women I found attractive and think about what it would be to run my tongue along their clits, feel their wetness with my fingers…all the while fingering my own pussy. I finally decided to approach my ex about finding a girl to have...

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Fucked My Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part II

Hi my entire name is Sourav from Kolkata and I want to narrate a true incident which changed my life. I am 32 years old and presently working in an MNC. One day my boss told me to visit Mumbai and work on a project which will take at least 6 months. Hence, I was arranged a guest house to stay in Malad. The first month was very boring after office as I had nothing else to do but watch television.  Luck was on my side when my childhood friend and his wife shifted to Mumbai. I knew my friends wife...

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My Sisters and MeChapter 8

Danny an' I were on our usual Wednesday early mornin' huntin' trip when we came upon a large camp at the edge of the woods jus' off the main trail toward Mobile. Not bein' the naive soul that I used ta be, I asked Danny ta keep the dogs with him an' ta guard my back while I went ta see what wuz the story at the unexpected camp. "Howdy, Gentlemen. My name's Joe McSwain, an' this is my usual huntin' territory. Ifen y'all don't mind my askin', I wonder how much longer y'all will...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 8

Chapter Eight - Mandy's Party She walked into her bedroom, leaving me on the balcony to ponder what had just happened. I was feeling very good about myself, but uncomfortable about her invitation to clean out her pussy. After a while she called out to me. "Danni!? You better come get a shower so you can get dressed." I stood to enter her bedroom and as I walked in I saw Grace sitting in front of her vanity working on her makeup. She was putting it on thick tonight. She...

2 years ago
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Introduction: I may have a betrothed, but that does not stop me from wanting freedom . . . I apologize for the lapse in stories, readers. I have a few in the works now, and I promise to post them as soon as possible. Please enjoy! I may have a betrothed, but that does not stop me from wanting freedom . . . There is very little that can compare to the crowds during Carnivale season on Sin Street. Shrouded in a bedazzled mask of scarlet and black, I delicately thread my way through the drunken...

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The Dark Order

The war was over. Lord Voldemort defeated the defenders of the light, and now he was ready to take over the rest of the world. Harry Potter was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts, but not after he had slain most of Voldemort’s key enforcers. Therefore, the Dark Lord is now looking for new wizards to join him in his quest. You are a Pureblood wizard. For years, you have hidden your true nature a secret from Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic. In private, you have performed various rituals to...

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Night in the Park Where the Dogs Are

Frustrated, Carolina pushed herself back in her chair and closed her eyes. It was already late, and still the last shareholders had only now left the conference room, so she enjoyed the silence for a moment. Business was flourishing, and the conference went as she had hoped, which left her with a euphoric and satisfied feeling. As the heir of the Lemos corporation, and with the way things stood now, she was probably the richest woman in Sao Paolo, if not one of the richest in all of Brazil. And...

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BlacksOnBlondes Daisy Stone Second Appearance

Daisy started off as a masseuse. She would travel to a client’s house and bring a table and give a good massage and leave. However there was one client in particular, Isiah. One time she gave him a happy ending. After that it became routine…without even asking she just started jerking his cock. It became an obsession for her. So, one day while Isiah was having a meeting with an associate at his house, Daisy was doing her usual massage which ended in a handjob. Isiah didn’t...

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BDSM Slave For Neighbour Aunty 8211 Pt 2 Clamps On My Ballsacks

Hi guys, I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS. Now let me continue with my story. I have never been handled this way before. I could feel her fingers move deep into my asshole as she kept on hurling abuses and insults right into my ears. “You are my slave from today,” she said into my years. “You do as I say, I use you in any way you want; and if I feel...

1 year ago
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Fun day with my sisters

100% fiction! It all started when my cousin came over who was a sexy blonde skinny with 36c breasts. We started playing some games like cards then she said let's play twister and I said sure. I got it out and set it up and when we got into the game it was fun but hard with two people. When my cousin, Annie, spun the move required her to move over me and when she did her head landed right in my crotch and she could feel my thing. I got an immediate hard on. When Annie noticed she went crazy and...

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Padosan Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhai

Hi friends mera name guddu hai mai lagbhag daily is site par story padhta hu. To socha kyu na apni v 1 story aapke sath sare ki jaye.Mai 28sal ka bihar ka rehnewala hu. Abhi punjab me hu meri email id hai koi girl ya lady secret sex karna chahe to wo mujhe mail kar sakti hai. Ab story par aate hai bat 4sal purani hai mai apne gav gaya tha holi ka time tha to sabi masti me the. Holi ke kuch din bad mere ghar me function tha to bahot ristedar aaye the. Mai sabko lane aur unkhe adjust karne me...

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Marys New Experience

On New Year’s Eve, Mary begged her mother to let her stay at her friend Linda’s house.  Linda’s parents were going to a party and Linda invited Mary over for the night.  Mary convinced her mother to let her stay at Linda's house.Mary was so excited that her mother agreed.  Mary took a bath and shaved her legs and picked out a fun outfit for the night.  She packed her nightgown, panties and clothes for the next day.  She was really happy that her mother was letting her go.Linda mentioned on the...

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Girls Wrestling Boys

CONFESSIONS OF A SCISSOR GIRLMy name is Diana. Since I was about ten years old I have had an interest in, not to say passion for, wrapping my legs around men and squeezing them.The whole thing began at a very early age when I started wrapping my legs around various things. I don’t know why I started doing it, but I loved placing a pillow between my thighs and hold it there tightly. It soon became a part of my nightly ritual, as I couldn’t fall asleep without a pillow (or something else) between...

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Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer Entry 1

I often fantasize about women. Unconscious women. Lovely unresisting ladies that I can manipulate, rape and have total control over. It is extremely difficult in today’s world to do so without being caught so all I could do was to fantasize. For 20 years. This changed one night when I was walking around at a furniture store. I saw a lovely young woman together with a plain looking female friend whom I had absolutely no interest in. She was dressed in a tight sext sleeveless top and a short...

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The Great DepressionChapter 10

While walking on the road toward Roland's house, Jimmy tried to understand why his mother insisted on inviting both Roland and his sister for dinner the following day. Anna was far too removed from the events around her to care whether Peggy was there or not. Beside, what could Peggy do or say to her that would even begin to pull her out of her dream world. This very day, while he had been in bed with her, he figured that she almost came to term with reality as they were kissing and sucking...

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?United? by [email protected]        In 2034 football remains the sport of the people.  Despite the fact that the game has changed beyond all recognition since the early years of the twenty first century, the game is still revered by the fans and the media. Gone are the days of multi million pound contracts and transfers.  Contracts and transfers no longer exist.  Players are of course unpaid, and once they are with a club, then there they will stay.  Literally marked as a player for life. ...

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The Teacher

The main character: Ms. Fischer was a young teacher in her early thirties. Highly intelligent, but rather shy and introverted in character. Her subjects, math and computer science, weren't sterotyped female subjects. Still, the young blonde woman was not your typical nerd type. The only thing about her in that direction was the thick black-rimmed glasses. Otherwise, Gretchen, which was Ms. [b} first name, had a great body which she painstakingly looked after and did a lot to kep it in shape....

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The Alien Within or Holy Crap Theres An Alien In My Bed II

The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed! Part Two (c) 2002 By Lorraine B. All Rights Reserved Chapter twenty-four: We as a family withdrew from the waters, all was well or at least I had hoped so. Gordon placed an arm around me as I held our baby walking. The arboretum was almost empty when we arrived to the shore. We looked into each other's eyes there was the sign of contentment there in Gordon's. I knew that my eyes had the same signs. I was happy with...

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The Girl from JuarezChapter 9

I tried to persuade Margarita that, since her birthday party was scheduled for the very next day, it would be premature for us to consider making love that night. "But I have, already, Carol's gift for my birthday!" she protested. "You must see it!" "Very well," I said, "show it to me." "I will wear it for you -- like a modeling," she said. What had she said it was? A nightgown? A gown "like a window," she had said. I called out to her, down the hallway. "Margarita! Wait...

3 years ago
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Stepfather Part 2

 When I woke up, my first  thought was that the pain I felt on my bum was from a dream, but as soon as I put my hand back, I knew it was real. The raised ridges and the throbbing soon brought me back to reality. My stepdad had indeed caned me, and caned me hard.I managed to pull myself together. After a nice long shower, I got myself ready for the day. As I dressed, I found myself subconsciously looking for clothes that would make me look young and attractive. When I selected the knickers, for...

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Introduction: Big girl pussy and little girl pussy…all in the same day. Big girl pussy and little girl pussy…all in the same day. HERE KITTY KITTY by JackassTales After throwing a few bales of hay to the horses, I turned back into the barn. I nearly fell when a yellow cat scampered under my feet. Those damn kittens are going to break my neck yet! The six multicolored felines were just about old enough to be weaned. The sound of a car honking up at the house took my attention. I recognized...

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A World of Color ch 3

As Joan kissed Paul, she played with his cock, waiting for it to harden again. She had just swallowed his cum but looked forward to being fucked by him, something she had thought about every waking moment since yesterday when these former lovers had met again after twenty years. She was soaking wet from sucking his cock and could hardly wait for that moment when he penetrated her soft, wet folds. Paul pulled Joan’s dress the rest of the way off, leaving her only in a garter belt, stockings and...

2 years ago
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Hard to Fathom

John noticed this was the third time over breakfast his daughter stole a look at him from across the table."Something the matter, dear?" he asked, placing down his newspaper on his lap.He was amused when Emily gasped at being discovered and looked quickly away."Sweetie, it's OK......I'm your Dad, you can tell me anything!" he offered. "I don't bite!""Daddy....." she whined playfully, sliding forward in her chair and turning red as a tomato. Clasping her hands nervously in her lap under the...

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