Solace Rosanna
- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
2003: Solace let the phone ring at least four times before she answered it. For two weeks she had picked up the offending instrument on the first ring had been crestfallen each time. It was not that she didn’t have the desire to hear from her family and friends, she simply desperately longed to hear Rosanna’s low, smooth tones. She attributed her physical symptoms of lethargy, insomnia, and lack of appetite to the breakup. She cried more tears than she thought humanly possible, Bizarrey the Cat being an unwilling recipient, jumping off her lap when she thought she was in danger of drowning.
Jessie and Mira had proven to be her saviors. They had called on a regular basis and had come over to cook for her, which was amazing, as Solace had been the designated chef for several years. Solace smiled when she thought about Mira’s tuna noodle casserole. Her sister had over-salted the dish and they had spent the rest of the evening drinking glass after glass of water. Still, Solace appreciated the gesture, but she pitied Mira’s fiancé. Unfortunately, the salty casserole had reminded Solace of the many tears she had shed, a lump forming in her throat. Mira did her best to comfort her sister. Finally, Solace had decided that it was Rosanna’s loss and her torpor turned to almost rabid determination to move on. She would not pine for someone who had dumped her before investigating all the options, no matter how much she loved and missed her. I am not inferior and I am no damned doormat became her mantra.
‘Solace?’ came the familiar voice over the line. It was Carla. Immediately, Solace became alarmed and her stomach clenched.
‘Carla?’ Solace asked shakily.
‘Rosanna’s been hurt,’ came Carla’s subdued tone.
‘Has she been in an accident? Is she in the hospital? Where is she? Oh God! Is she all right?’ Solace’s voice rose with each question despite her new-found anger, which had replaced the shock, dismay and inertia produced by Rosanna’s abrupt exit from her life.
‘Hold on, Sol.’ Carla interrupted. ‘Rosita’s just a little bruised. And, no, she was not in a car accident or anything like that. Some hood tried to steal her bike—a woman no less. Can you believe that? Rosita only sustained a split lip and bloody nose. Thank God. I told her to see a specialist to make sure there was no permanent damage to her beautiful nose. Oh, Solace!’ Carla finished with a sigh.
Solace breathed her own deep sigh of relief and slumped into her cushion. She let out a breath that she was unaware she had been holding. It had only been two short weeks. She had loved Rosanna for five years. She could not get over her in such a short time.
‘Solace?’ Carla called her, bringing Solace back to the moment.
‘What? Oh, I’m sorry, Carla. Were you saying something?’ Solace could feel the tears she had tried to hold back begin to slide down her cheeks.
‘I was just saying that you should come over. I know that would help speed her recovery.’ Carla said with a smile in her voice.
Solace felt herself begin to tremble. How would she respond to Carla’s innocent statement?
‘I…I…can’t.’ Solace finally said simply.
‘Oh, are you going out? I’m sorry. Maybe you can come over tomorrow?’ Carla asked hopefully.
‘I can’t come over at all, Carla. Ro…Rosanna and I aren’t speaking with each other. We aren’t seeing each other anymore ‘ Solace said softly, barely able to vocalize the words.
‘What? Why?’ Carla gasped. ‘No. That’s between you and Rosita, but—’ she sat heavily on her couch. Rosanna had awakened, showered and gone to bed in her old room. How could this be? Rosita loves Solace. How could they break up, after what, five years? Carla had been certain that they were going to make her, Isolinda and Ace grandparents. Her motherly nosiness was coming to the fore and she knew she would have to ask Rosita. She did not know if she would have any success in this department as Rosita hadn’t even told her about the breakup. And Solace was clearly not taking this well at all.
‘How are you, Solace?’ Carla asked, concern evident in her voice.
‘I’m surviving, Carla,’ came Solace’s somber reply. She would not incriminate Rosanna. If Carla were to hear the truth, it would have to come from her daughter. ‘Please tell Rosanna that I hope she feels better soon. Thanks for calling me,’ Solace put down the phone before she heard Carla’s goodbye. She could not trust herself not to break down and ask to speak with Rosanna. She would not risk the rejection. Her mantra rang in her head like a church bell, but the one person she had held sacred had betrayed her.
In doing her laundry, Solace came across her dance outfit. She held it up to her lovingly. The black tights and leotard fit her as if she’d been born in them and she felt completely unencumbered while wearing them. In the past five years she had been involved with Rosanna to the extent that she had neglected her beloved activity. Solace recalled the sense of absolute abandon she felt as the rhythm pumped and her body swayed, dipped and turned, almost of its own volition. She inevitably ended the session covered in perspiration or ‘the glow’ as her instructor, Ardena, called it. Rosanna had entered her life and dance had not seemed as important as being with her. Why she had not told Rosanna of this passion she could not say then, but she understood now that she had been embarrassed and then it had not seemed to matter. Solace had also realized that dance could be highly erotic and Rosanna certainly did not need further assistance in that area. Once Solace finally succumbed to the demands of her body and Rosanna’s, she practically had to beat Rosanna over the head with her cane to stop. Solace had simply uttered four words: ‘I want you, Sanna’. Their lovemaking had taken Solace to unbelievable heights of pleasure and Rosanna’s passions seemed almost inexhaustible. Solace’s dance class had been on Saturday mornings, but ultimately she found herself in such a languor that she did not possess the energy to twirl around the hardwood dance floor.
It was three months since she had seen or spoken to Rosanna and seeing her dance gear made her realize that she needed to get back to doing something which she loved which did not involve Rosanna. With nervous fingers, she dialed the number of the studio, asking for Ardena Miles. When her instructor picked up the phone, Solace felt as though her heart would burst from happiness because the notion that Ardena had either left the studio or been let go had crossed her mind.
‘Girl, where have you been?’ came Ardena’s exuberant voice as she wiped her face with a towel.
‘Gone too long,’ came Solace’s bright reply.
‘Are you calling me for a date or is this business?’ Ardena asked, laughter evident in her tones.
‘Ardena, please! You know Mathew would have my head.’ Solace said with mock seriousness.
‘He doesn’t have to know.’ Ardena said.
This was a running joke they shared with glee. Ardena believing that she was loved, worshipped and lusted after by both genders as she had an enviable figure that frequently garnered tongues to unashamedly droop and temperatures to rise.
Solace found Ardena to be the rare sighted person indeed because she treated her just as any other dancer. Even though Solace felt perfectly comfortable in her skin and being, she often felt people’s eyes upon her as she went about her daily, mundane tasks. It could be quite unnerving and she had to steal herself not to blurt out a hasty retort. She did not believe this to be paranoia on her part, but curiosity and rudeness on theirs. Early in their relationship, she had felt it with Rosanna, but Solace had trained that out of her in their first year together. She thought she might have achieved a modicum of success.
‘I want to come back to the studio. Is there an opening at all?’ Solace asked hopefully.
‘Hmmm. I think I might be able to squeeze you in. What kind of sh
ape are we talking here Solace—Freda Flab or Bertha Buns of Steal? Ardena laughed at her own joke.
‘Well, I might not be Bertha B., but I haven’t had to sign up for Weight Watchers yet either,’ Solace said, proud that she had at least danced around her living room and kept up her walking routine to keep down the pounds.
‘When do you want to start?’ Ardena asked, checking her watch as she had a class in a few minutes.
‘Well, can I come by on Saturday?’ Solace asked.
‘Sure. But come early, okay? I’ll be here by ten o’clock so we can go over the routine. Gotta go, Babe!’ She blew Solace a kiss and hung up the phone before she could protest.
Solace put down her phone and smiled. Ardena hadn’t changed. She had always worked with Solace early so that she could keep up with the other dancers. They had been working together for years and Solace knew many of the moves, but she thought she might learn some new steps, and she was glad Ardena could see her before the other dancers arrived.
Saturday dawned bright and warma perfect summer morning. Solace awakened with a sense of anticipation she had not felt in years. She showered, dressed and breakfasted, and flung her dance gear in a bright blue duffle bag with a rainbow stripe. She grabbed her cane and flew out the door, hair flying in all directions, practically obscuring what vision she had.
Solace arrived at the Make Your Moves Dance Studio at nine thirty. She got a key for a locker from Franz. He gave her a huge welcoming hug and spun her in the direction of the lockers down the hall.
‘Who was that?’ came a woman’s low, husky voice. She had been standing behind Solace throughout a portion of the exuberant exchange. She stared after her.
‘Oh, that is our returning, prodigal daughter. Seems she will be gracing us with her presence once again,’ came Franz’s airy reply, his eyes twinkling.
‘Does she have a name, Franz?’ inquired the woman impatiently, her short dark mane shining under the lights, her face a study in determination.
‘Well, now that’s for you to find out, isn’t it?’ Franz smirked and turned to hand another patron a locker key. L. D. gave him an uncomfortable feeling and he tried to have as little conversation with her as possible. He did not see her answering glare.
L. D. Jansen stood five feet seven inches tall with a slim, athletic build. She had jet-black hair, which she brushed away from her pale face. This gave her features a sharp edge. When she chose to wear makeup, she looked quite dramatic. She could also look quite menacing as she favored black clothing as well. Today she wore her signature color topped off with a black jacket of soft leather.
L. D. had been coming to the studio for nine months. She found learning the new steps and dancing with the other women to be exhilarating, and she thrilled (as did many of her partners) to her strong leads and to her confident lifting of their supple bodies, twirling them with ease.
As she entered the locker room, she did not see the petite, auburn haired dynamo. She changed quickly into her soft black pants and black tank top. She donned a pair of leather dance shoes, locked up her belongings and went to the dance studio. She stopped in the door, her breath caught in her throat, as she spotted Solace working out with Ardena. Solace was graceful and powerful and L. D. was mesmerized. She thought back on the white cane she had seen and marveled at Solace’s seemingly effortless movements around the dance floor. L. D.’s mouth watered and her heart-rate sped up. She would have to calm down or she would be worn out before class started. She wanted this one and she wanted her bad! And she would have her–eventually. She entered the room and sat watching.
‘Hi L. D.,’ called Ardena.
‘Hi Dena.’
Other dancers came in and warmed up at the dance bar or around the corners of the large room. They were a motley crew of women in all shapes and colors. Ardena called them together for a group stretch. Cracking bones and groans could be heard throughout the room. L. D. stood in the back row where she could watch Solace as she stretched and readied her body for Ardena’s rigorous workout.
Casey came flying into the dance room and collided with L. D. who turned to see who had broken her concentration.
‘I’m sorry, L. D.’ Casey said breathlessly as she took a place next to her. ‘Traffic was shitty and I took a cab to get here on time and I’m still late.’ Casey whispered as she huffed through her quick warm up.
‘Good morning, Casey,’ Ardena said with a nod. ‘Nice to see you. May we start now?’ Ardena was a stickler about punctuality and she would soon lock the door on late-comers who dared show up during the instructional period. She saw no point in a person dancing when they had not properly warmed up. Most adhered to this rule and those who could not found instructors who were more lenient.
‘Sorry, Ardena,’ Casey said, her face reddening.
Once the warm-up was complete, Ardena had the women break into pairs. Casey turned towards L. D. expectantly, who tried to hide her disappointment at not being paired with the new woman. There was no doubt that Casey was a beautiful woman and she was aware that Casey was attracted to her, but L. D. was the hunter, not the hunted. In spite of this minor annoyance, L. D. performed the new dance moves with Casey with style, grace and admirable technique until L. D. glanced in Solace’s direction, missed a move and stepped on Casey’s foot.
‘Ouch!’ yelped Casey, even though L. D’s. soft shoes had precluded any real damage to her toes. ‘Guess that’s for bumping into you, eh?’ L. D. smiled and led Casey to a corner.
‘I’m sorry, Casey,’ she said quietly, seething inwardly at the laughter and her lack of attention to what she thought of as her craft. She might have to teach Casey a lesson.
All of the visuals were lost on Solace as she could not see from her perch on a stool across the room, but she heard everything and only smiled briefly. She was concentrating on her own performance.
‘Solace, are you ready?’ Ardena called to her. Solace snapped to attention, jumped off the stool and strode to the middle of the floor.
‘L. D.? I’m going to give you a chance to redeem yourself with Solace,’ Ardena said, tapping her dance stick sharply. ‘Solace, this is L. D., L. D., this is Solace. Let’s see how this goes.’ L. D. stood in front of Solace, her heart beating wildly. She took Solace’s hand and they began. When they finished, spontaneous applause erupted from the other dancers. Solace and L. D. had glided together in synchronous harmony as if they had been made for the dance. When they finished, L. D. made a courtly bow before Solace and she in turn executed her maidenly curtsy.
‘You dance beautifully.’ L. D. breathed, genuinely impressed with Solace’s ability.
‘Thank you. L. D.? Solace looked up and smiled at the taller woman. She hoped she would have the opportunity to dance with her again as she had very few partners who had made it so easy for her to follow their lead.
‘Solace is a unique name,’ L. D. said as she escorted Solace back to her seat on the stool.
‘It’s a combination of my parents’ names. They certainly think it’s great. I sometimes wonder.’ Solace replied.
When the class ended, Solace dashed out of the room and into the locker room. There she showered quickly, put on her street clothes and raced out of the studio, waving a quick goodbye to Franz. It had been an excellent morning and she was due to meet with Jessie for a late lunch. Solace had no idea that she had been in the room with Rosanna’s would-be lover and someone who was extremely upset that she had missed her. L. D. had been detained by several women who desired her attention. Ever the charmer, she had tried as diplomatically as she could to fend off their overt advances. As she entered the locker room, she caught a glimpse of auburn hair as Solace left the ro
om. Fists clenched, L. D. showered, changed and left the studio as fast as she could. Out on the street, she looked up and down, but saw no sign of Solace. She would make a more concerted effort next week. Solace would not get away so easily.
Casey had watched L. D. and Solace dance with slight envy. She had also been standing in the doorway as L. D. searched for Solace. She had been salivating over L. D. for months, but the woman had not shown much interest aside from being an attentive dance partner. Casey also thought about this new Solace. She was indeed a live-wire and she wouldn’t mind taking a tumble with her as well. At the moment, neither prospect seemed promising, but she would wait until a suitable opening. She licked her lips in anticipation. It did not hit her until she got home why the name Solace had sounded so familiar to her. Where had she heard that name before? She would call Leander, maybe he would jog her memory. That was it! He had mentioned the name Solace in connection with—Rosanna. Life was indeed full of coincidences.
2000: “Aren’t you ready yet, Sol?” called Rosanna impatiently from Solace’s living room. She glanced again at her watch, noting they had less than an hour to get to the rehearsal in time. They would have to take a taxi. Katrina would give them the evil eye. Rosanna could not understand why Solace found it so difficult to get herself together each time. She seemed to be organized only half the time and the other she spent in a hopeless state of confusion. Rosanna huffed in agitation. Suddenly,...
2003: Tears ran unaware and unchecked down L. D. Jansen’s face as she watched from her shadowy alcove as the stranger first embraced and then kissed the lips of the woman she had hoped to make her own. The tears were accompanied by a persistent ache in her abdomen, as if she’d been punched, but she could not turn away. Anger rose, but died just as quickly. With whom could she be angry–Solace, the stranger, herself? She had, in essence, pursued Solace. The fact that there seemed to be a shared...
1998: Solace awakened that Sunday with anticipation. She was to meet Rosanna at Maria’s Market—a new restaurant on 91st street that offered what was billed as ‘healthy’ cuisine. Solace was not particularly health conscious, but she did make an effort to eat something nutritious at least a few times a week. She stood in front of her closet with the gooseneck lamp shining brightly over her shoulder. Gracious, that lamp is hot! I better pick something before I fry here. This was a thought that ran...
1998: Solace and Rosanna traversed the avenues and then made their way uptown. They walked arm in arm, and both smiled inwardly at how comfortable it felt walking with a near-perfect stranger. Solace considered herself to be a carefree person, but this was a bit odd even for her. Rosanna, being the levelheaded pragmatist knew she must be suffering from some form of temporary insanity because of her usual reserved and cautious nature. They kept up a stream of conversation. Actually, Solace found...
1998: Solace moaned so loudly that she woke herself up. Her heart was beating as if she had just completed the New York City Marathon. To her delight, she was still experiencing remnants of the intense orgasm that had been induced by the passionate love-making she and Rosanna Romero had shared. She basked in the euphoric feeling of the contractions of her vaginal muscles. How strange, she thought hazily. I just met her. How could I be dreaming about her already? When she came back to her...
1999: Solace and Rosanna had known each other for a year. In that time they learned a great deal because they spent hours talking, mostly in person as they lived in such close proximity. Solace discovered that Rosanna had a real thing for neatness and order. This subject was the source of several heated discussions and activities. “Sol, why don’t you put your stuff where you’re going to find it. If you would put your cane, your bag, your shoes, your watch, your brush…everything in a special...
Solace was the fourth and final child born to Isolinda and Ace Tynan. To affirm their love, they had decided to give their baby a combination of their names. They were delighted when they realized that they had given her a name that actually meant support and comfort. And the baby Solace had been a comfort to them. They had wanted two boys and two girls and Solace had obligingly been born a girl. The running joke around the Tynan apartment was that Solace would be a comfort to her parents in...
“Bizarrey! Bizarrey!” Solace called as she entered her apartment. “Mommy’s home! Come here, sweetums!” That’s probably why she’s staying away, Solace thought. What self-respecting cat would want to be called ‘sweetums’? She dumped her cane and shoulder-bag at the door and began to search her one-bedroom apartment. She looked in all of Bizarrey’s known hiding places without success—under the bed (which was useless since she would not have been able to see her there anyway), on the window sills,...
First, I would like to thank you, Faithful Reader, for sticking with the story. I would also like to send a special thanks to those who took the time to vote. That really meant a great deal to me. Perhaps I should have posted this work in Romance, as it was probably not as spicy as most would have liked. But I am a novice at this and will think before I post next time. Until then, happy reading and writing to you all! –Alacia I would also like to apologize for the late posting of this part. I...
2003: The day was overcast with the threat of rain, but Rosanna was prepared, as always, with her umbrella tucked in her shoulder-bag as she walked uptown to Matilda’s office. She recalled the times Solace had appeared at several of their meetings looking as if she’d been through a hurricane, hair plastered, soaked and wind-blown, but sexy, nonetheless. Damned sexy. On one such memorable occasion Solace had raced into a rehearsal-late–and dropped her belongings into a nearby chair. She had then...
2003: “Leander, What the hell are you doing?” Casey shrieked in horror. She had stopped to check on Leander’s progress with the decorating. She thought it would be safe enough to leave him with the simple task of artfully draping blue streamers around the guardrail of the roof garden. She should have been more vigilant. How had he sneaked the hugest bag of cotton-balls she had ever seen passed her? In the ensuing weeks since they had decided to have the party, they had learned that they...
2003: L. D. Jansen stood on the steps of her apartment house, hands thrust into pockets as she watched the departing taxi glide down the block and turn the corner. She turned abruptly and strode purposefully into the building. Her concentration was such that she did not hear Dodge, the doorman as he bid her a good evening. Jon Dodge found the enigmatic woman extremely attractive, not that he would ever let that little secret out. He watched her lithe, muscled physique as she strolled into the...
2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was...
2003: Matilda Harper sat in her office, drumming her impeccably manicured finger nails on the top of her ultra-neat glass-covered desk. She glared at the telephone as if the instrument had offended her in some way. As far as Matilda was concerned, it had because Rosanna had once again rebuffed her dinner invitation, claiming she had important reports to finish. This excuse was beginning to wear thin and Matilda had slammed down the phone in frustration. She knew that Rosanna was still smarting...
2003: ‘I had her in my arms, Lee…in my arms and then she was gone!’ Casey whaled with her head in her hands. ‘You must be losing your touch,’ Leander offered, knowing this would get a response from Casey. As he thought, she looked up, her eyes blazing. ‘Not on your life! It was that damned cell phone call. It spoiled the whole moment.’ Casey sat up, her fingers gripping her knees. ‘I’m going to have her, Lee. She can’t just walk out of my life now.’ ‘You walked out of hers.’ Leander...
Rosanna had walked five blocks before she found herself stopping and slowly turning around to see if Sol was still standing there. Why? Why did she care? She didn’t. She let out a low moan. Solace had already gone. What did it matter? Mattie was expecting her for dinner and she definitely did not want to be late. That was another trait they shared—punctuality. Sol had not known the meaning of the word. Mattie was always ready when she was supposed to be. Never more would Rosanna have to wait by...
Casey grinned evily. Casey grinned evily. The cab pulled up in front of a ten-story red brick private building on a tree-lined street. There were three steps leading up to the entrance. Rosanna sat up and reached for her wallet, but Casey placed a restraining hand on her arm. “I got it,” Casey said as she began counting out the fair. “My tab is growing. Now I’ll really owe you,” Rosanna growled. “Yes, It is, and I love it!” Casey grinned evily. She jumped out of the car, ran around to the...
2003: Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik played relentlessly as Rosanna squirmed out from under Casey and began searching frantically for her cell phone. “Dammit! Where the hell is my briefcase, Casey?” She yelled as she ran from corner to corner. “Calm down, Ross! It’s only the phone,” Casey said languidly, enjoying the spectacle of a very sexy, very naked Ross run around her living room. She did not budge from her spot on the carpeted floor. “No, it’s not just the phone. It’s Matilda!”...
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IncestAmelia (Jane Wilde) is hanging out with her boyfriend, Elliot, in his bedroom after school. As they settle in, Elliot tries to get frisky with her, although Amelia’s not really feeling it. Thankfully, they’re interrupted when Elliot’s parent, Gary (Charles Dera), accidentally interrupts them. As Gary tells Elliot that he’s needed elsewhere to take care of a chore, Amelia seems unable to take her eyes off him. Although Elliot complains, Gary reminds him who the boss is...
xmoviesforyouWhen Angel arrived at Red's Barn is was a lot less crowded than it had been on Saturday night. Mondays were not as busy. At least she could smoke in the bar, which was a welcome relief. The bar was owned by a man everyone called Red. He had been there Saturday night and he was there tonight. "Nice to see you again darlin'," Red smiled as he tipped an imaginary hat to her. "Thanks," Angel smiled at him warmly. Angel was feeling hungry and she ordered some chili cheese fries. Red's...
All the events described here are real. The names have been changed.We were at my friend’s country house celebrating his birthday. His parents didn’t bother us and we felt free to do whatever we wanted. On the third day his mother came to visit us. When she made sure everything was all right she decided to return to the city. I asked her to give me a lift as I had some plans there for the evening. She agreed easily and soon we were driving home in her Lexus.The car was comfortable and the...
Anything For An Interview Suit William's Crazy Trip by Ann Michelle Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. For mature audiences only. All characters are above the legal age. Don't buy or read this book if you are under the legal age or anything you see herein is illegal where you live. Don't try any of this at home. Chapter Two: "The Wrong Suitcase" --o-- Mandi picked up a neutral-colored high-heeled pump out of the...
A Night at O’Malley’sHey, Hun…wanna play tonight? Just your text got my blood pumping fast.Sure, handsome…what did you have in mind?Head over to O’Malley’s tonight…10…and get a drink at the bar. Wear your black bustier, that gauzy red top and your little black skirt…NO panties!Where will you be?Oh…I’ll be nearby…watching…picking you up…playing with you on the dance floor.OMG…I’m wet already…see you there!I dressed to thrill that night. Smokey eyes…scarlet lips to match the top he commanded I...
Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...
One day I was having a coffee with my good friend Debbie. I was staying with her in Ireland where she lived and worked. She’s about my age, slim and attractive and single, a fact that always amazed me as she is so attractive. She’s a teacher at the local Catholic girls’ boarding school and I was asking her how her job was going…“Fine. It’s getting to that time of year when I have to do sex education and you know what I feel about that,” She smirked.I knew that unlike every other teacher, she...
ExhibitionismAs you all know and those who don’t I am from somewhere in north India. I am tall fair smooth and I love to crossdress when alone. I am bisexual and when alone (usually on my work trips) I dress in female lingerie and make love to a male as a woman. So as it happened last Monday I was called for some meetings over the next 3 days in Kolkata(kol) and I took a flight and reached there around noon. I took a cab and reached my hotel in park salt lake city area. It was a nice hotel with cozy rooms....
Gay Male"Well, Carlie, it's time." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Good luck, Grandmother." "I hope I don't need it." Pushing on the armrests with both hands she stood up unassisted and turned toward the door. They were in the "green room"—the waiting area—of the most popular worldwide late-night holograph show, on which she'd appear within, now, only a few seconds. It was a painstakingly arranged, and widely publicized, appearance. A week earlier she'd called the...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing Ever since I was old enough to know what sex was, I've been obsessed with it. Watching it, reading sex stories, even going into chat rooms to say just what I'd do to my victims. I'm 18 years old, and a nymphomaniac. I'm a bit shorter than 5'5", 120 lb, with long dark curls to frame my round cheeks and deep brown eyes. I live with my mother, and the object of every sexual desire I've ever had, my brother Michael....
You never forget the first time. Whether it’s your first kiss, your first wife or the first time your your partner fucks another man in front of you. My sexy blonde hotwife Maria Kazi was always curious about black cock and I wanted to satisfy that itch for her. I recruited Jonathan Jordan, this stud who is hung like a horse. Maria was visibly nervous as she put on her sexy red lingerie. She tiptoed into the room and was a little shy but once she got his big dick in her mouth her nerves...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: It is kind of a mix, there is a bit of true story and then, the rest is figment of my imagination. Hope u guys njoy just as much I njoyed writing. The article Doctors sexamination I was not feeling too well and so I informed my mother I was going to see the doctor. He was the same guy we had been going to since I was a baby. This is almost 20 or so odd years. I took a half day from work since I was not feeling too well and got on the tube and the bus, then I walked for another 5...
Hi, friends me bhavanagar gujarat ka rahane vala hu. or aaj me ap sabhi ko apni officemate ko mene kaise choda vo batane vala hu. mai ek govt. employee hu or hamare office me ek nayi nayi accountant abhi abhi join hui thi vo bala ki khubsurat he. uski patli kamar bhare hue chote chote boobs. aur ubhari hui gand ki vo malakin he. usaka nam shital he or vo aksar hamare sath bate banati rahati thi. ek din hamare office me sirf hum dono hi akele the qyuki us din saturday tha or baki sab chutti par...
Hi friends, I hope you have enjoyed the earlier episodes from my life. In the chronological order, now let me tell you about a event that took place 10 yrs ago. At that time I was working as Project Manager in a large MNC and was posted in Bangalore. For a client engagement I needed to visit Hyderabad for a couple of days. During this time I had traced most of my childhood friends through facebook and other social media. I knew Nitu stays at Hyderabad. Nitu is my classmate. We studied from...
When Tina came over and cuddled up, he told her, “Keeping the panties on that vixen of yours is going to be a challenge, especially since I’m the only male in the family that’s allowed to do anything with her. And, damn, I’m going to be stretched ... Those two that just vacated my lap are hot - as hot to trot.” “You don’t know the half of it, Master,” Tina told him. “I’m already dripping and they haven’t revved me up yet.” Then she asked, “So what about Michelle? Serious?” Jason looked at...
Valentine's Day Surprise by Throne "But I only wanted to wear panties under my boy clothes," Jimmy said as he stood there in the shameful nightie. Dora eyed him up and down. The garment was row upon overlapping row of ruffled, lightweight, pink material. "But you look so cute in that, Jinky, especially with your short haircut. I mean, it barely reaches over the tops of your ears. In front, when you comb it to the side, it leaves your forehead bare. I like the contrast between...
This is a continuation of my previous story "Cleaning Up By Getting Dirty" that you can find on my profile. Enjoy! - VivicaI was driving home from getting my hair done thinking of my sexy black neighbor Mr. Chapman. I showed up to my appointment late because of traffic and almost had to give up my spot, but the appointment after me arrived early so my hairdresser took care of her first and then did me after. I got myself a cute bob with bangs, like Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The...
When my boyfriend Jason told me he was going away on a camping trip for a week with a bunch of his mates, I wasn’t very impressed. I had taken a couple of weeks off work and was looking forward to spending it with him. Jason and I had been going out for about six years and it had been pretty good, as relationships are at the start. The last year though, we had been arguing more, usually about stupid little things. This wasn’t the first time that Jason had gone away camping with his friends....
I hesitated to move because usually when my dad says he has news it doesn’t go well. One example was that we were going to America for a while. Okay I’ll admit eventually I grew to love that decision. So I decided to give this a chance it could be good. I nodded my head and said, “I’m doing great Dad. I hope you are too.” I gave him a hug after I sat down next to him. “Well there are a few things I actually need to talk about. One I need to go back to Japan for a while. My sister just...
You find yourself near the middle of suburbia. In the quaint little gated community of Pleasant Lane. You can see through the gate various people walking around, gardening, even having BBQs. The men all appear to be handsome and wearing nicer clothes. Some appear to be wearing suits as if they just came out of an important business meeting. But it's the women that draw your eyes. Perfect hourglass figures, all of them as beautiful as anything you have ever seen. One of them you swear looks like...
Mind ControlAfter sleeping warm, tightly holding each other in our shelter, we set about our next ruse. We needed wood blocks. When you don't have stringed instruments or wind instruments, you must make do with percussion. We didn't have time to carve a flute and couldn't afford a cithara. I'd learned a few Chaos folk songs and found that the people loved any song about the Slaver War and King Sid or King Malcolm. You could about make up anything you wanted and they'd eat it up, or so we believed....
Dirty girl Eliza Ibarra cleans up in the tub before meeting up with Rob Piper. Eliza relaxes in the warm water of the bathtub as she takes some selfies as she gets ready to go out for the night. Her perfect body looks amazing as usual, but things get even better when she pulls out a vibrator and starts playing with herself. Eliza gets off, then gets dressed to meet up with Rob. Dressed in a red and black lace dress with sexy black stockings, Eliza continues to play with her pussy in the...
xmoviesforyouWARNING: This is a very intense tale of fiction. Nothing in the story is real. AlineCHAPTER 1 Aline walked down the street looking into the beautiful setting summer sun, the brightness was a soft reddish yellow as it bathe her young body in warmth. Feeling the sun as it warmed her smooth face and neck Aline tingled. Marveling at the way it felt warming her young tender nipples through the sheer cotton sleeveless shirt; Aline let her mind drift to Bobby Baker. Bobby was a high school dream and...
In the last story I didn't go into a lot of detail about how either Kathy or Jill looked. The simple way is to say they are good looking. I should also add that i'm more attracted to women with a little meat on their bones. It gives me something to grab on to. And I love big tits.Kathy was 5 foot 6 inches and about 140 pounds. Well formed with, you guessed it, big tits. She's a natural blond with curly blond pussy hair. I would trim her hair with my razor, all the while rubbing her. After the...
FICK ist ein Akronym und steht für die Protagonisten Frank, Ingo, Corinna und Klaus. Als Fick-Bande lösen die vier 18-jährigen Jugendlichen Kriminalfälle. Unterstützt werden sie dabei von Corinnas Vater, dem Kriminalkommissar Emil Klackner, und Ingos Vater, dem Erfinder Herr Volker Zweistein. Hauptcharaktere: Frank Kasten Frank ist Anführer der FICK-Bande, und heißt eigentlich Frank Kasten. Er wohnt im Internat mit Klaus in einem Zimmer, das den Namen „Führerbunker“ trägt. Frank ist...
The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentine's Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us.For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of respect is something valued in many cultures of the Pacific, more so than...
College was great and had many sexy very developed girls. The professor was hot and the girls all had a crush on him. One girl sat in the front row and wore no panties and spread her legs for him to see. He told her she would have to come to his office after school as he needed to punish her.At four o'clock she knocked on his door and he let her in. He shut the door and locked it. She was a sexy thing with big full tits and a round ass and her pussy was shaved as he could see with her legs...