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Vic stood alone in the bedroom, staring at the reflection in the full-length mirror as though taking notes. Dark hair, cropped close. Dark eyes, both by nature and by the distant look of loss in them. Full Mediterranean lips in an olive face. Torso covered by a black t-shirt. The leather jacket that went with it was thrown over a chair. Hips and legs clad in tight faded jeans that covered the tops of lace-up boots.

"Yeah, I'm a sight alright," muttered the well built butch woman. She snorted. Her jeans even bulged as that morning she had automatically donned the strapon she generally wore. Her eyes drifted to the night stand and the picture of her and Marissa. They looked so damn happy there. Marissa, the cute, blonde young femme tucked under her protective arm. Marissa, in her short skirt and heels and low-cut blouse. Marissa, who less than 10 days ago had left Vic a note telling her she was moving back with her old girlfriend. That note had been left not 24 hours after the last time she told Vic "I love you."

"Shit!" The word exploded from Vic. Moved by a flash of anger, she took two steps and swept the picture from the nightstand. The sound of shattering glass didn't make her feel any better. She went downstairs to the kitchen closet, got a broom and dust pan and bent to clean it up. Her lips curled in a smile with no joy in them. She did a lot of cleaning for a butch. But Marissa had never done much of it at all.

"Goddamn princess," Vic muttered as she dumped the broken glass and frame in the garbage. She hesitated, and then defiantly dropped the picture in after it. She took two steps, then turned and reached in the trash can after the picture. A sliver of glass pierced her finger and she swore loudly.

She rummaged through the medicine cabinet, finally getting out a band-aid and some disinfectant. She was an old hand at doctoring cuts and scrapes, having received more than her share of them, mostly from her bike. She went back to the kitchen and stared at the picture. It was where she had dropped it, balanced on the edge of the trash can. She snorted and kicked the lid closed.

Just then the phone rang. Almost eagerly, Vic snatched the handset up. With her mood right now it would be great to tell off some telemarketer.

"What?" She all but snarled.

"Vicky?" came an unfamiliar voice.

Vic was startled. No one but NO ONE called her "Vicky". Her parents had named her "Victoria" and the relatives who actually still spoke to her used that name, but this wasn't one of them.

"Who is this?"

There was a pause. Then, "Vicky, its Nora."

Vic was so surprised she almost dropped the phone. Of all the people that she thought might call, Nora was the very last one. After all, she had said she never would.

The voice was unfamiliar because Vic had only spoken to Nora via text messages on the Internet.

Some eight or nine months ago she had dropped into a chat room.

Supposedly it was for women only, and women interested in other women at that.

Vic had been burned twice in her first month there. Why some guy wanting to pretend to be a woman would actually suggest phone sex was beyond her. Maybe they thought they could convert her or something. Vic had done much better over the years making conversions HER way, but that didn't lessen the feeling of being taken for a sucker. She really hated that.

So that night she had stayed and listened to the conversation in the room, doing nothing more than throwing in an occasional remark. She had enjoyed the word play. Her attention had been drawn by a woman calling herself Nora44. She hadn't seen her before, but Vic really enjoyed the quips and teasing remarks with which the woman had laced her conversation. She also seemed to be quite a flirt.

Vic studied the woman's profile and her picture. Nice picture, that of an attractive but definitely grown woman. Not one of the myriad of 20 year old blondes with big chests that seemed to infest the chat room. Not that she was cynical or anything, but how many women like that needed a chat room to find a date on Saturday night?

When Nora had filled out her profile, she had been very open on some things and ignored some others. She listed simply that she was from "The South". Vic liked Southern women. She cheerfully admitted her age, the fact that she was a few pounds overweight and that her hair was growing gray. She said nothing about her relationship status or her profession. Vic noted that she did list her sexual orientation as "Bi".

Watching the conversation with one eye as she studied the profile, she saw Nora made a remark about art. Being interested in art herself, Vic made a comment in the main room to Nora. They chatted for a while before Nora left. When she did so, she made a flirtatious remark to Vic.

The next time Vic saw Nora she said hello and Nora replied with a cheerful "Hi sexy!" Vic had laughed and asked Nora if she was talking to the right person. Nora assured her she was and then began to banter with her. Vic, not normally known for "bantering" found she enjoyed it and they became friends.

Vic learned more about Nora. Nora's picture was of her face, with just a hint of what appeared to be black lace covering the top of her chest, the garment supported by thin black straps over her shoulders. As they became friends, Vic inquired as to the garment. Nora declined to answer, but the next morning when Vic checked her email she found Nora had sent her another picture.

Curious, she opened it and almost gasped. It was a full length picture of Nora. The outfit turned out to be a black teddy. Nora was wearing it with a pair of black heels, Her back was to the camera and she was looking over her shoulder with a grin, her hands on her hips. Vic nagged her memory for a moment about the familiar pose until she saw the caption. It said "My Betty Grable Pose".

The next time they chatted, Vic complimented Nora on her picture. Mischievously, she commented on Nora's deep soulful eyes. Nora replied that the reason her eyes looked so deep was that she had the picture taken without her glasses and she couldn't see a darn thing. Vic replied that the she didn't need glasses to appreciate Nora's legs and where they led.

On other things Nora was resolutely silent. When Vic asked how she had come to have the picture taken, Nora replied it was for "somebody" but wouldn't say whom. From side comments Vic was certain that Nora had two, possibly three children.

"She's probably married," Vic mused to herself once after a chat, which had included some rather brazen flirtation on both their parts. "That would explain her discretion. Or she could be divorced and her sexuality might cause trouble with her children's custody." She had finally shrugged her shoulders. "If she wants to tell me she will. After all, she's a friend, not a lover, even online."

That had changed during one chat. The teasing had grown intense and they had cyber sex. It wasn't Vic's first experience with online sex, but it had been one of the best. Nora was inventive and fun when it came to playing out a fantasy. Still, they were friends. She knew that Nora had a wide circle of pals, many of whom were known for playing online. Vic valued Nora much more as a friend than as an online playmate. To Nora she showed a side she didn't often reveal, even to herself. A side that was softer, a side that loved romantic poetry. A side that she felt she could trust to the other woman.

When Vic began to date Marissa, Nora was really pleased. Her comment "Everyone should have someone to share their life with", reinforced Vic's conviction Nora was married, or at least in a long-term relationship. When Marisa moved in Nora was ecstatic. Vic had stopped coming online shortly after that. Marissa thought it was "stupid".

Still, she had slipped on to have one final chat and had seen Nora. On a sudden impulse, she had given Nora her phone number.

"I know you said you never let your online and offline lives cross," she had explained. "But I just want you to have it."

"Okay, thanks." Nora had replied.

Vic had really thought nothing more of that night. Things with Marissa were splendid. "Fool," she scolded herself. She hadn't seen it coming at all, just been blinded by her infatuation with the pretty femme. She had been burned before, but this time she had really given her heart away.

The same night she had found the note, still in shock, she had just sat down at the computer and logged in for the first time in three months. Several regular chatters had greeted her. One was a friend and Vic had unburdened herself about Marissa. After that, she had not been back to the chat room. She hadn't seen Nora online. And now she was on the phone.

"Nora? Why are you calling?" Almost before the words were out of her mouth Vic regretted them. Why else would Nora be calling after all?

"Davia told me about Marissa. I'm so sorry, Vic."

"Did she tell you I'm a basket case or something?" Vic all but snapped.

"No, she didn't," Nora replied calmly. "She told me you had a stiff upper lip in place and acted like you were glad to be rid of Marissa. I knew better, of course."

"Of course." Vic paused and took a deep breath. Damn she was being bitchy. Nora didn't deserve that.

Amazingly, Nora laughed. "Yes, of course, you goose. You might be Vic the hard-core butch to the world but I know about the soft center under that crust." She sobered. "If you didn't have that soft inside you wouldn't be hurting. But I know you are, and I was worried."

"Thank you." Vic said, meaning the two words. "So," she tried to change the subject, "So where are you calling from?"

"From a pay phone at a Flash Foods store at Main Street and, what the heck is that other street name? Napier, I think."

"Main and Napier?" Vic was stunned. "You're HERE? Here in town? How did you know?"

"Isn't the Internet a great search tool?" came the reply. "I looked up your area code, and then the location of the prefix. I bet I'm not but a few miles away. Now, how do I get to you?" Nora's voice really did have a Southern accent that intensified as she talked.

"Nora, are you sure? I mean, I appreciate it but," Vic stumbled over the words. "You said you would never do this. I mean call, much less suddenly drop by."

"Yeah, well, so I changed my mind. Now then, directions?"

Still rather stunned, Vic gave directions to her town house. After hanging up, she looked around. Frantically she grabbed the vacuum cleaner and a roll of paper towels and started cleaning up.

In the twenty minutes that it took Nora to get there, Vic hastily picked up the worst of the last week's mess. She rushed upstairs and made the bed. In the midst of doing that, she stopped to wonder if Nora was going to spend the night, and if so, where? Just what was her up-till-now online only friend really doing?

She heard a car door slam and peeked out the window. It was Nora. And oh my, she was driving a pickup truck. Vic watched as the familiar face hopped down from the driver's door. She was pretty much exactly as Vic had imagined her. Her hair was cut shorter than the shoulder length she had been wearing in the picture, but other than that she looked the same. She was wearing a light tan pants suit with a plain white blouse. A work outfit, Vic felt. Then the doorbell was ringing and Vic was opening the door.

"Hey you!" Nora greeted her brightly and swept past Vic, leaving her standing in the doorway with a baffled look on her face. She turned and followed her visitor. The other woman dropped a small overnight bag on the floor next to the couch, kicked off her shoes and sat down with her feet tucked under her.

Vic flopped down next to her never before seen friend. "Nora, I repeat. What the Hell are you doing here? You said you would..."

"Never call you or see you, that I would stay online only. Well, you're my friend and this is an emergency."

"Emergency?" Vic snorted, hoping she sounded convincing. She thought she did, even maybe a bit to herself. "There's no emergency. If you're talking about Marissa, shit, I'm better off without her."

"Well that's good to know," replied Nora, looking Vic dead in the eyes. Vic had the uneasy feeling the smaller woman was not fooled a bit. She decided to change the subject.

"Not that I'm not glad to see you anyway, but what about your family? What did you tell them, especially your," Vic hesitated. She wanted to say "husband" but damn, she just wasn't sure. It could be "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" or even just "roommate" or "friend".

Nora simply sidestepped the question, as she always did. "I'm free and clear until tomorrow night. But I'm not here to talk about me. I want to know about you."

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Hi dosto mera nam raj he punese belogn karta hu maharashtrian fmly se belong karta hu. Bachler life ke maze lutate lutate mene samne wali bhabi ko pataya. Well back to story me puneme 5sal se reheta hu Yaha pe BSC ki digree leke job ki talsh kar raha tha. Pune ke viman nagar me muze job lag gayi. Well apko bata du pune airport ke pass wala area viman nagar bolrehe jo ki sabse costiest area bhi or sex ke bareme bhi bohot aage he. Wese to waha kuch comony coliges milke hamne flat le liya. Samne...

1 year ago
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The one I call my love

Hi my name is Louie, please forgive me for this is my first story. Let me know what you think. It all started about 2 and half weeks ago. I had gotten off work like I normally do, mind you I’m in the army. I’m 23 years old 6ft 1 weighing in around 190, well built, brown hair and eyes, and an average size cock 7 1/2 inches. Well anyways I had come home and got on Lush like I usual do and started reading a masturbation story. Right away my dick hardened so I decided to lock my door and I took...

3 years ago
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Cam Chat Leads To First Time Threesome

Most of you would have read my earlier post on getting lucky with a lady while her kid was sleeping and this is a sequel to that and I used to frequent to her house as a booty call when she feels like having it or when I want to everytime I get there she is mostly chatting with her young study whom she was her boy toy when he was around. That day, I went to her house and immediately we started to kiss like we have never done before. She had not had sex in a long time even though husband was...

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SadrinaTeenage SexSlave

Here's what happened: I was walking home from my friend Stacey's house. We were on Summer vacation. It was on Wednesday, September 22nd to be exact – almost one year ago today. I'll never forget that date. It was pretty hot that day, so Stacey offered to give me ride home. But I decided to walk since she only lives a few blocks away. It was about 1:00 p.m. I would have stayed later, but I promised my Mom I'd be home early. We were going to drive out to my Aunt and Uncle's house that...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

Since our first meeting had gone so well, Jennifer and I started going out together. Other than the fact that in the bedroom I was the "man" only about half the time, it was a fairly normal relationship, apart from possibly being even more open with each other about our desires. One day a couple of months after our first encounter, we were both in her room talking and listening to music. "Kat's having a party next weekend," she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got...

She Males
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Christmas Gifts pt 1

The first half of his college freshman year was the most sexually frustrating period of Luke Gerard's life. He was tall, handsome with his mother's blue eyes and his dad's dusty blonde hair, and had taken a baseball scholarship at Brown University. All of these factors lined up to get him laid, and he had still been dumb enough to try the long distance think with his high school sweetheart Kelly Gibbons. So he had resisted. He had been faithful. And he hadn't been home three hours before she...

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My first blowjob

I was never a ladies man in high school. I was one of those poor souls to enter college a virgin. Even worse, I wasn't just a virgin, I never had a girl so much as touch my penis. That all finally changed late November of Freshman year when I met Val.Val was a sophomore that I met at the eatery I worked at in the commons building of my dormitory. Val wasn't the prettiest girl. She was a bit chunky with a fat ass, and had very small tits. But she had a pretty cute face, and just an overall nice...

1 year ago
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Fannas Debt ch 1

Fanna looked herself up and down in her mirror, " Why must sis always look perfect and i look so....underdeveloped...." She whispered to herself as she looked down at her B cup breasts, sighing as she slipped the white tank top on tightly. She looked up again and saw her clean shaven pussy, " now thats something sis never got right....she can't shave for her life" She had a short giggle to herself as she pulled her black thong up and then her small skirt, walking to her vanity,...

3 years ago
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Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost My Kinky Chemistry Teacher

My name is Andrew Lake. I am a junior at Brickton High School, even though I just turned 18 last month. I don't consider myself unhappy, just a little out of place. I'm a smart kid, but I'm not the brightest bulb in terms of social interaction. I only had a few friends, all of which in similar situations as me, and not a single girlfriend throughout my school career. Hense, my porn addiction. Romantic relationships aside, I had a pretty decent life, just not a perfect one. My life was,...

3 years ago
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Me My chachi

Sorry, first of all bcoz I am not so fine in story writing I have tried to share my feelings to u in bad English. I will also like to share my story with u this entire incident happen between me and my chachi (my uncle wife) .we started our relation for last 1. Yrs back. My uncle is a software engineer and who is working with a his friends who takes projects and these people solve it he is on contract with his friends so many times he is out of India before this incident happen let me tell give...

2 years ago
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Helping Hands

Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness, and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...

2 years ago
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Jilnar Jardaly Fucks the Interns

Hey, guys! It's your naughty Arabian nymphomaniac here again.You know, being an oversexed cock-hunter gets me into all sorts of horny adventures. I remember a few years ago when the boss called me into the office. I thought he just wanted his usual mid-morning blowjob or handjob but, when I entered the two room, there were two teenage boys in there. I was told they were high school seniors on exchange from the USA & were here for some work experience & I was chosen to be their mentor...

3 years ago
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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 16 The Meeting

Bobby huddled miserably inside his rain slicker, the wind cutting every piece of exposed skin, as he drove the small powerboat into the marshy creek. He cursed the need to navigate without lights but he knew that if anyone saw him here, or with the person he was meeting, his life would end immediately. The shadow of another craft, lying low in the water, appeared from behind a tall screen of marsh grass. Bobby tossed a line across to it and stepped back to let his conspirator cross. Paris...

1 year ago
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DorcelClub Cherry Kiss Sex And Voyeurism

The magnificent couple Cherry Kiss and Adriana Chechik go to a party where the sublime Anna Polina plays the DJ! After meeting the guests, Cherry hurries down to the basement with Anna’s husband. The two lovers will engage in a very intense sexual game. Meanwhile, Adriana also goes downstairs to enjoy the show, very excited at the sight of her girlfriend having sex with a man. Anna has also come to see her husband taking care of Cherry and takes the opportunity to share a moment of...

4 years ago
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Its Not the Size That CountsChapter 9

"You do seem to like carrying me around, Steven." "It's fun. Largely because it drives you crazy, really." "Brat." "And your point is?" "I brought my crutches, you know." "What fun would that be?" "You need a hobby." Arriving in his bedroom, he gently set me on the side of the bed. Suddenly we were both a touch awkward, knowing what we were there to do but unsure where to start. Deciding to try to reassert some control over the situation, I reached out and started...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alex Grey Squirting Blonde Seduces Stepdad

Dangerous, young blonde Alex Grey says she’s always been a sexual deviant and exhibitionist, and she finds older men hot. So the petite, natural-bodied seductress lets stepdad Toni Ribas catch her masturbating! She puts her puffy, blow job lips to work on his shameless erection, spit flowing. A manhandling, doggie-style boning makes the dirty-talking vixen exclaim, ‘Oh my God, Daddy, yes!’ He spanks her bouncing butt, chokes her and slaps her face. When Toni crams four fingers...

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Olivers Twist

I hope Becky gave me the right place… Becky and I are in the same co-ed business Fraternity at Gennecho University. She’s one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever laid eyes on. She’s got dark brown hair that barely touches her delicate shoulders. A body that only angels could compare to. Petite is another word that could describe her. But she does have what one could describe as a bubble butt. And legs that go on for days. Even though she’s more than a couple inches taller than me, that...

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The Right Nigger Bitch

I had worked the streets for over seven hours and I was dead on my feet. All I wanted was a stiff drink, a warm bath, and sleep. My little school girl outfit – coupled with my young appearance had made me quite popular that night. I had over fifteen hundred bucks left after my damn pimp took what he called his. Of course, being a crafty bitch, nearly a thousand of what I had left he didn't even know I had. I had walked away from him after he took his share just like I was going home. When I...

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GFs fy Midwinter Lodge Retreat 5

I had just finished rubbing lotion onto Tina’s back for her when a bell rang. She turned and looked at me. “What’s that?” I asked. “There are only three hours this whole weekend where everyone has to participate together. Dad started this three years ago and to be honest everyone thought it was a bad idea, but he was right. From now until lunch we have game time. Just keep an open mind and have fun!” She gave me a kiss and took me by the hand and we joined the rest of the f****y in the main...

3 years ago
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The mom life

The mom lifeInterest in my mom started when I was 5 years old while sleeping over at my uncle's house. Mom and I slept in the same bed that night, when I woke up early in the morning I noticed that her breast was sticking out so I stared at it for awhile and took a little lick. She rolled over and I went back to bed very excited about the whole incident. Later on that day she was taking a shower and I decided to investigate. I spied through the door and saw her come out of the shower completely...

3 years ago
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Hottie at Work Pt 2

I was very anxious to see what Katie was up to next. A few days after she had me jerk off for her, I found out. Katie called me and told me to meet her for lunch. I arrived and found her in a corner booth in the back……….with a female friend. Interesting, I’m thinking. As I said hello, Katie introduced me to Jennifer and told me to sit next to her friend. Sliding into the seat next to Jennifer, Katie said, “Are you ready for the next test?” “Of course”, I replied. Katie then explained,...

1 year ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 4

The next morning, when Veronica Lodge woke up, she had made her decision. From this day on she would be on a manhunt. She would be on the prowl for studs that will fill her empty pussy once and for all. Since Archie Andrews refused to perform, she would look elsewhere from now on. She bounced down the stairs to the breakfast table. Mr. Lodge was glad to see that his sweet and beautiful daughter seemed to have gotten over the latest Archie Andrews break-up. But, deep inside, he was hoping...

2 years ago
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The Making of Rosie Chapter One ldquoTara discovers T

Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a young boy and his whore mother. The young boy has sexual desires for his slut of a mother and also longs to be like her. This is the first instalment documenting his journey to becoming a shemale whore. (Fb, M+F, prost, whore, size, tv, toys, creampie, strap-on, ws) Chapter One “Tara discovers Timmy’s secret”The sound of Salt-N-Pepper let’s talk about sex broke the mornings silence, as Tara’s mobile phone came to life, it was just coming up to seven...

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Wizards Apprentice 2 Wardstones and Wood Witches

I was given a horse by King Tynis, as a reward for my part in the events of Warmuth Bridge, a warhorse. Tarn was his name, and he was a fine, fine beast. It did not take my master long to find a way for me to put him to use. "It is time for the North Ward at Starhill to be restored," my master told me one day. "You will ride to Starhill" "Yes master." "Take the Hadof with you for your studies." I nodded. The Hadof works dealt with the runes of the southeastern islands, and in...

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