New Horizons
- 2 years ago
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At thirteen, I was about as sexually frustrated as a young boy could be. My friends and I would go down to the corner drugstore and giggle and point at the pictures in the girlie magazines until the owner finally noticed us and kicked us out. He tried to sound gruff, but when he wasn't looking, every once in a while, I'd catch him smiling, as if remembering his own adolescent years.
Once in a while, we'd camp out in somebody's back yard. Invariably, someone would bring a sex book or magazine filched from a parent or older brother. After reading and getting all excited, we'd always wind up with our little peckers in hand, teasing each other about the size, shape, or hairlessness of one another's prized possessions. Rarely, when it was just a few of us, we'd get into a tentative group grope.
It always felt better to have somebody else touch me, even if it was another boy, and somehow, another boy's penis always felt strange and wonderful, even though it couldn't have been much different than my own.
Of course, our El Dorado, our Holy Grail, was to 'make it' with a girl. None of us, though, was brave enough to try, so we sat in our tents in somebody's back yard and told each other stories of what we'd do when we finally got to 'do it'.
In those days, of course, those sessions with each other were the only sex education most of us got, so none of us knew squat about sex, though we bragged and talked to each other as if we were experts.
For me, though, that all changed one day.
I knew of a little glade in the woods near our house that was quiet and peaceful and no one else seemed to go there. That was where I kept my stash of illicit sex pictures, books, and magazines in an old ammo box under a log. I'd sit for hours in the shade of the leafy canopy and study the worn, stained pictures, or masturbate while reading one of the stories for the thousandth time. I didn't even know what an orgasm was! All I knew was that if I stroked my dick long enough, while reading those stories or looking at those pictures, I would suddenly get the most wonderful rush, and some slimy fluid would come out my pee hole.
On this particular day, I was preoccupied with having caught a glimpse of Cindy Mason's little flowered cotton panties as I followed her up the stairs at school. I was in a hurry to get my pants down and start stroking, so I was halfway across the clearing before I noticed that there were other people there!
I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of a young man and a pretty young woman sitting side by side on my log, grinning at me!
I was so shocked that it was a moment or two before I noticed what they were holding. When I did, I must have turned beet red with anger and embarrassment.
"These yours, kid?" the young man asked, waving a bundle of pictures at me.
Suddenly, my anger turned to fear! What if they told my parents? It'd be Dad's belt, for sure!
I just stood there, mouth working silently, brain flailing helplessly at the insoluble problem of what to do, what to say!
"Hey, kid," the lady said, giving me a smile. She looked like one of the girls in my pictures, she was so pretty. "don't be afraid! We're not going to tell anybody!"
The guy nodded, "Yeah, man, we were just lookin'. Hope you don't mind! You've got quite a collection here!"
"Um, uh, most of it's pretty old." I mumbled, relieved.
To my astonishment, the lady gathered her skirt and moved a little way away from the guy on the log. Smiling again, she patted the wood between the two of them and said, "Why don't you come over here and sit with us? You can show us which ones are your favorites!"
In a daze I did as she asked, almost fainting from the idea of being so close to such a pretty woman, while her perfume intoxicated me even further. I couldn't stop staring at her beautiful face and when her long, lustrous brown curls wafted across my cheek, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
The spell was broken when the guy stuck his hand out and said "Hi, kid, I'm Ron. This here's my girlfriend Carol!"
I shook his hand, embarrassed that he might have caught me staring at his girlfriend, and when she extended a pale, slender hand, I shook that, too.
"What's your name, kid?" Ron asked.
"Uh," I cleared my throat and finally managed to croak, "Tommy, uh Tom!" Trying to sound as old as possible.
"Nice to meet you Tommy!" Carol said, and Ron followed up with, "Yeah, Tom! Hey, thanks for lettin' us look at your stuff, here!"
I sat scrunched between them as they leafed through the tattered books and magazines, trying to make myself as small as possible, and especially trying not to make contact with any part of Carol's anatomy.
My embarrassment was complete when she leaned over me to show something to Ron, and the soft, fabric covered warmth of her breast mashed against my bare arm. I wanted to shout to Ron: 'It's not me! I'm not touching her on purpose!' At the same time, I wanted to jerk my pants down and jack off just from the knowledge that that soft orb was touching ME!
Ron nodded at what she showed him and went back to looking through the stuff he held, apparently not even noticing that her luscious mound was squashed against me.
Carol shoved in front of my face a magazine with a picture of a busty blonde, apparently in the throes of passion, with her tongue protruding from her mouth. The blonde wore nothing but a skinny pair of high heels.
"What do YOU think, Tommy?" she asked holding the picture next to her face, "Is she prettier than me?"
"Oh, NO, Miss, uh I mean Carol!" I blurted, "You're WAY prettier than her!"
"But," the brunette pouted, "her tits are so much bigger than mine!"
Oh my GOD! This lovely lady just said 'TITS'!
"Um, I, uh, yours, uh, what I mean to say is, um, well," I stammered, finally sputtering, "I think yours are the most beautiful tits in the world!"
I almost died with embarrassment when she giggled.
Ron just leaned over and stage-whispered, "That's what I keep tryin' to tell her, Tom, but she's got some crazy notion that if a girl don't have huge knockers, she ain't pretty!"
Carol pouted and said, "Fat lot YOU know, Ronald Winters!"
Then, turning back to me, she said, "Besides, Tommy, how can you say that when you haven't even SEEN mine yet!?"
I started to stutter a reply, when to my amazement, she started undoing buttons on the front of her dress. When she was done, the light cotton fabric hung open from the waist up, and exposed a padded cotton bra. It had no lace or adornment of any kind, but it was THE most erotic sight of my young life, up to that point. She did something behind her back, then, reaching into one sleeve, then the other, and doing something that involved pulling back the arm in the sleeve she was working on, she tugged on the front of the bra, and like magic, it came away in her hand.
I was not so distracted by the way she got the bra off that I didn't notice the most lovely pair of REAL breasts peeking out at me from the open front of her dress.
Carol pulled the fabric to the sides and, pushing her chest toward me, said "See? They're too small, huh!"
I stared, mesmerized, shaking my head slowly from side to side. I cleared my throat a couple of times and finally managed to croak, "Uh, UH! They're beautiful!"
Ron nudged me in the ribs and said, "That's right, huh, kid? More than a mouthful's just a waste, ain't it!"
I was embarrassed at the two of us sitting there judging lovely Carol's breasts like she was a piece of meat, but my chest swelled with pride at the way Ron treated me as if I was at least as experienced as he was.
"Um, yeah," I answered, then boldly, "and that's the best looking mouthful I ever saw!"
"Oh, Tommy," Carol cooed, wrapping her arms around my head and drawing it between those lovely mounds, "you say the nicest things!"
I looked wildly out of the corner of my eye to see if Ron minded my head being between his girlfriend's tits, but he seemed to have gone back to reading.
"You can if you want to, Tommy." Carol murmured into my hair.
"Um, 'can' what?" I mumbled into her soft flesh.
"Suck on them, silly!" she whispered, "Go ahead and see if it will all fit in your mouth!"
"Uh, what about, uh, you know, uh, Ron?" I whispered back.
"Oh, he won't mind!" she replied, out loud, "He likes to share me with other guys, don't you, Hon?"
Her boyfriend gave a non-committal grunt.
With another quick glance at Ron, I bent to my task.
HEAVEN! It was softer, squishier, and warmer than I ever imagined! Her little pink nipple was like a hard little pebble, and the little round patch of crinkly pink flesh around it felt rough on my tongue.
I opened my mouth really wide and sucked, and sure enough, the whole soft, velvet covered mound elongated and slipped between my lips.
Carol cooed and ran her hands through my hair, saying, "Oh, yessss! Ummm that feels so good, Tommy! Now use your tongue all over, especially on my nipple!"
I was an eager student, and did as she asked, drawing sighs and gasps from her.
I was lost in my worship of the beautiful mass of flesh in my mouth, when my reverie was broken by Ron's voice.
"You ever had sex with anybody, kid?"
For a moment I considered lying, or pretending I hadn't heard, but ultimately, reluctantly, I released my prize and shook my head.
"Nah, I guess I'm not much to look at," I murmured, "none of the girls even notice me."
"Hey," Ron said, slapping me on the back, "that'll change! You're a good lookin' kid! 'Fore long, those girls'll be begging for a piece of you! You just need a little confidence."
"Tell me something, Tom," he continued, waving the papers in his hand, "do you masturbate when you look at this stuff?"
"Master- what?" I asked, confused.
"Masturbate, you know, jack-off, pound your pud, beat your meat!" he replied, making the pumping motion with his hand that cleared it all up for me.
I never even knew that what I did in this little glade had a name, and now, it seemed, it had several!
"Uh, yeah." I muttered.
"Well, that's a kind of sex." he continued, "What about your friends? Do they beat off too?"
"Um, I, well," I stammered, "I dunno. Guess so."
"I bet when you guys get together," he leaned toward me and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper, "you talk about sex, don't ya?"
I cleared my throat again, "Uh, yeah, I guess."
"Bet you pull out your willies and play with them too!" he continued.
I just nodded this time, staring at my feet, hands jammed under my legs.
He leaned even closer. I could smell cigarettes on his breath when he rasped, "Betcha play with each other's willies too, huh?"
I fidgeted and didn't answer, but Ron sat up, and said out loud, "Hey, don't worry about it, Tom. All boys do that. Hell, at your age, I was the horniest sucker around, and I didn't care WHO touched my dick, as long as SOMEBODY did!"
His laugh put me somewhat at ease, but what he said next floored me:
"Wanna fuck Carol?" He asked, the way I might say to one of my friends, 'Wanna ride my bike?'
I glanced at Carol who still sat with her chest bare, but she just smiled, like she was used to Ron asking other people to fuck her.
"Y-you mean it?" I stammered, "You'd let me fuck her?"
I felt awkward asking him, so I turned to her, "You'd let me, uh, you know!?"
Carol giggled and Ron said "Sure, kid! You let us look at your dirty pictures and stuff. It's only fair that you get somethin' in return!"
I looked longingly at Carol, knowing it had to be some cruel joke they were pulling on me, but she gave me a sexy smile, and stood up to let the dress fall into a pile around her feet. Her white cotton panties soon followed.
I sat on the log, mouth agape, gazing at a sight ten times more erotic than anything in my magazines - a real, live, naked, beautiful girl!
Carol stood letting me look at her for a while, then raised her hands above her head and did a slow pirouette. The side and rear views were, if anything, even sexier!
"So what do you think, Tommy?" Carol asked, "Do I measure up to those girls in your pictures?"
"Oh, Miss Carol!" I gasped, "None of those girls could hold a candle to you! You're the most beautiful lady I've ever seen!"
They both laughed and Ron said, "Don't you think you'd better get your clothes off, boy? Gonna be hard to get a piece of that fine ass with those jeans on!"
In a flash, my clothes lay strewn on the leafy carpet around my feet, and I stood naked as the day I was born, my pecker bobbing in the breeze with some kind of clear fluid dripping from its tip.
"Oooh, that's a nice one, Tommy!" Carol cooed, "you're pretty well hung for somebody your age!"
When she grasped that shaft with her soft, slender hand, I jerked like I'd been poked with a cattle prod! Oh what a feeling!
Ron was taking his clothes off, too, and paused long enough to say,"Better suck him off, first, Baby. Otherwise he'll blow before he's inside you."
I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but when the brunette's ruby painted lips engulfed my throbbing shaft and slid halfway down its length, I was all in favor of whatever it was that he said!
I felt the bulbous tip of my dick slip through the opening of Carol's throat as her lips buried themselves in the sparse little patch of pubic hair I was just starting to grow. When she moaned and twisted her head from side to side around my embedded pole, I lost it! My dick turned inside out and a huge quantity of something blasted out my pee hole!
Ron's girlfriend only moaned louder and swallowed every drop of my first real ejaculation. My thirteen year old dick never lost its rigidity, and when the sexy lady swirled her tongue around the over-sensitive tip as she withdrew it from her mouth, I thought I was going to pop again!
"Mmmmm, Tommy!" she groaned, "Your stuff tastes so sweet! You can cum in my mouth any time!"
My pecker bounced in answer, but I could think of nothing to say, so I nodded in unison with my bobbing dick.
Ron spread a plaid blanket on the leaves of the clearing, and Carol lay on it, knees up, her arms beckoning me.
How could I refuse? I had seen the pictures, so I at least had a vague idea of what I was supposed to do. In a flash, I was kneeling between the lovely brunette's tender thighs, stiffy in hand, and aimed at the hair lined gash before me.
"That's right, sugar," Carol cooed, "shove that hard teen-aged dick in me! I'm nice and wet for you, honey, so just jam it in there!"
I was always an obedient child, and with an incentive like that, I wasted no time in complying with her orders. The entire length of my teen-hood slid into her depths on the first stroke. I lay upon the soft body of my first real, live girl, and savored the moist, heated silken tissues that caressed my longing penis. I hadn't heard of Nirvana in those days, but that seems the best way to describe, now, how I felt then!
"Oooh, yeah, baby!" the lovely lady whispered in my ear.
Her legs wrapped around my waist and her heels dug into my butt.
"Fuck, me, sweetheart!" Carol continued, "Fuck me good!"
Like a rabbit, I went about trying to fulfill her wishes. My hips must have blurred as I pistoned rapidly in and out of her clasping honeypot.
Carol's nails dug into my buttocks and she said,"Uh! Uh! Oh, slow down, champ! We've got time, just let me catch up!"
When I did as she asked, she continued, "Ooooh! Oh yeah, baby! Just like that! Oh! Now, swivel your hips a little. AAAHH! That's it! Oh, you're a natural, Tommy! Keep doing that! Oh yeah!"
I was in heaven! Who'd have dreamed that a thirteen year old nobody like me would get to fuck a beautiful woman like this? Nobody's hand could possibly feel as good on my throbbing member as the wet, warm, pulsing tube of Carol's sweet pussy!
"Now, Tommy, start speeding up, but take your time about it!" Carol urged, "I'm getting close! Oh, yes!"
My hips churned faster and faster, and I could feel a tingle starting somewhere in my lower abdomen.
"Are you getting close, dear?" Carol asked.
"Um huh, I think so!" I gasped.
"Good! Faster!" she urged, "AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHH!"
The brunette's sharp nails raked my back and buttocks and her legs locked around me, driving me as deep into her sweet body as possible. Her hips arched, lifting me off the ground, and the pulsations of her delicious love tunnel triggered that mysterious something that had been tingling in my groin.
For the second time in my young life, my sex organs turned themselves inside out as I blasted the inside of the clasping glove of her spasming vagina with my voluminus discharge!
I lay on top of the lovely Carol, both of us breathing hard in the aftermath of our mutual explosion, until Ron grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me off.
"Come on, Kid!" he said, "It's my turn, now! I'll take sloppy seconds!"
My mother had been pretty good about teaching me manners, but she'd never covered this situation, so I just stood there, naked and confused, as Ron turned his girlfriend onto her hands and knees and shoved his own sizable member into the hole I'd just vacated.
Carol's cries echoed through the forest as Ron pounded her unmercifully. My own dick rose again, just watching the wild action before me.
Ron noticed and said, "Stick that thing in her mouth and shut her up, kid!"
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Baat un dino ki hai jab main naya naya chating kerne laga tha tab meri ek net friend bani us ka naam tha farah jo rawalpindi main rahti hai. Main har roz us ke sath chat kerta tha. Or chat kertey kertey pata nahi hum kab ek dusrey ki sari baatein jan gaye. Us ne mujhe bataya k us ko sex bahut pasand hai to ek din main us se milney chala gaya.. Tab us ne program banaya or hum dono us ki aik friend ke ghar chaley gahey. Wahan per us ki aik friend pahley se hi thi. Us ne aapna naam Rida bataya....
The Best Laid Plans By: Light Clark and Meridian Synopsis: Almost two years have passed since the Protean serum capable of changing men into women was brought to Aurora in an effort to save the people of the world from extinction. The Aurorans have since organized the Faraday Initiative, a program calling for volunteers to undergo the treatment and begin bringing women back to the planet. Two lowlifes from the streets of the opulent city's underground volunteer in the hopes of...
My mom, Kate is a freelance photographer and she had been hired by a magazine to do a photo shoot on a safari. They'd booked her safari on line through a company named and mom had asked me if I wanted to tag along for fun. It was the start of fall and I wasn't due to start college for another couple of weeks and didn't have anything else to do so I'd gladly accepted her invite. Not that I would have turned down a chance to go on a real, live safari even if I'd had anything planned....
Farmed Out For Stud Service My parents had divorced when I was just ten years old. When I turned fifteen years old my mother bought me subscriptions to Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. She also gave me four boxes of stuff that my father had left behind when he departed. The boxes were full of older magazines of all kinds, paperback books, and even XXX-rated VCR tapes. It was the fucking mother load to a horny kid like me. Instantly I had a lifetime supply of material to jerk...
Shit! How does a white guy with a college education live in a small apartment in the projects on the 15th floor of a high rise and have nothing to show beside a small check from a insurance settlement? I will tell you assholes.It started about six months ago. I was working at a retail store that sold baby clothes and maternity clothes to first time mothers. The store was in a adjacent mall about a mile from were I lived. They had a help wanted sign on the door for awhile. They needed a stock...
Hi, all ISS readers .I am Rohan from a small town from south Maharashtra .I am 26 yrs old, a well build, 5.9 ft tall & little bit heavy Person. There are three members in my family, my self; my father & my mother bina, now hear let me describe her she is 42 yrs old, a short heighten, fair in complexion, not so bulky body, but having perfect bulks where needed, & actually she looked very younger then her age. So I come back to main story One day I got a call of the person who mention our farms,...
IncestWelfare Mothers Make Better Lovers Neil Young was right. Welfare mothers do make better lovers. Divorcee! So there I was doing my laundry when a young mother entered. She was pushing a shopping cart full of dirty clothes and her baby was in it too. Just then the music that was playing, started to play Neil Young’s song. Well that young mother let go of that shopping cart, lifted her arms up over her head and started gyrating her hips to the music…and then she started singing along...
Amanda pulled shut the door of the crammed, tiny office used by the campus Gender Equality and Activism club, and locked it. She turned — then jumped, nearly dropping her keys. Mark was standing there, just a little too close, right inside her personal space. ‘Oh, sorry,’ he said, smiling apologetically, although not backing up. Amanda sidled around her ex-boyfriend. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘Yeah, listen,’ he said. ‘I know you’re still mad at me…’ She started striding toward the decades-old...
I grew up in a small midwest farming town. But I was no way a farm girl. What happened was tha in high school I became very attracted to Don, this tall, dark and hand- some guy my age. We began dating heavy. My mother wasn’t too keen of her daughter dating a son of a hog farmer. But once she learned the size of their hog production, and that his family was the most prominent in the area, she was okay with it. His father being on the board of directors at the bank didn’t hurt...
We went upstairs and took a shower together. Cindy got down on her knees and grabbed my cock which instantly got hard. She put it in her mouth and started sucking. She worked her tongue around it, around the peehole, and completely engulfed it to the hilt. I could only take it for 5 minutes when I shot my cum deep down her throat. She didn't let a drop fall. She got up and I kissed her on the mouth tasting the saltiness of my cum. We finished showering, dressed, and went down for...
Farmboy 8 The warmth of the water is just what I need after a good fuck. And Buck has worn me out. I open my eyes slightly and look at the man who is slowly stealing my heart. The body of a man with the innocence of a child; so beautiful to look at and so wonderful to be held in his powerful arms. Is this the man I’ve always dreamed about or are we just meant for one of those short, high intensity relationships that burn hot and fizzle quickly? I see him fidgeting like he can’t sit still....
The warmth of the water is just what I need after a good fuck. And Buck has worn me out. I open my eyes slightly and look at the man who is slowly stealing my heart. The body of a man with the innocence of a child; so beautiful to look at and so wonderful to be held in his powerful arms. Is this the man I’ve always dreamed about or are we just meant for one of those short, high intensity relationships that burn hot and fizzle quickly? I see him fidgeting like he can’t sit still. He opens...
FARMBOY The bucking sensation from underneath me could only mean one thing... car trouble. My luck had finally run out on this old piece of shit I have been driving for a year longer than I could have expected. It would be my luck to have it die in the middle of this country road. Taking the scenic route made more sense an hour ago as I slipped off the interstate for a change of pace. I'm not sure if I would be better off on the highway or on this rolling countryside. Only time will...
By Suhail (Pakistan) Hi! My name is Suhail and I would like to tell you about my true story. It involves my co-worker and friend Farzana Kusar. But first a little back ground to my story. Farzana is a good looking girl. Definitely not one you would refuse admission to your bed. Farzana and I have known each other for several years. But only recently has she begun working in the office where I work. She has a friendly outgoing personality, always greeting everyone with a friendly "Hello!"...
When normal sex, if you call that normal sex, would ge bored, Daisy always had a great idea. Shes tried things like blindfolding me or tieing me down. She would make me be naked for any sex game and now its starting to turn into everynight. She says to keep me in line she must spank me every night or whenever she feels the need. Afterward she tells me to go down on her to show her how grateful I am to her. Just last week, she invited her friends in for the night. I was already tied to a...
See, the things is, Daisy, Chris and Kari kind of worked as a couple. They were the guests that usually spend the night in her bed. Daisy and her friends just sat around drinking. After about two 6-packs, they started to get frisky. Chris sat next to me on the bed and attempted to finger me. It was painful and surprising. I jumped up, hitting my head on the bottom of my bunk bed. They laughed. Daisy got me to put my books away and had me drink with them. We were sitting on the floor Indian...
My roommate, Daisy is very dominant. She is comes from a very rich family, and even if she wasn't such a genius, I’m sure she could have gotten in to this college. I’m a very passive person. With is in mind, we operate on a love-hate relationship. About six months ago is when my life changed for what I thought would be forever, but Daisy assured me she will let me go before I graduate. For her own fun and games, she slipped one of her “magic pills” into one of my drinks one night. I don't...
I found myself in awe of my surroundings. I had never been south of the Mason-Dixon line in my entire life, but I found myself traveling into the belly of the Bible Belt looking for work. In a moment of sheer capriciousness, I thought that I needed a change of pace, if only for a little bit before I completed accepted adulthood.Virginia took forever to drive through, it was made up of long stretches of highway almost completely covered in large tractor-trailers and signs for various...
SpankingShe had rejected him. Him, the greatest sorcerer and sultan in the world! He was about to punish both the previous Sultan and the foolish Princess, but then Jafar realized that he could actually have the lovely princess all for himself. He quickly turned away from the Princess and Iago, so that he could quickly use the spell to make Jasmine his lovely queen. Soon afterwards a large multicolored blast hit the room, engulfing everything in its path and creating a sonic boom which deafened the...
Mind ControlTake place during the latest season, which is the 4th I think You’re an escape prisoner from the peacekeepers. You have the power to invade anyone's body. You can take different form. One form is your regular body. The second form is a mist you turn into when you want to take over someone body. Your part of an evil peacekeeper experiment gone wrong. They tested The last form is when your invisible. They used you as a guinea pig. The side effect is in increase your sexual desires. The...
Amma appa china vayasula irunthu romba strict ah than valathanga.. ana appa oru thadava enga perima ta thapa en pakathula nadanthukitanga. En perima en pakathula bed la paduthurukala avanha mela eri othanga. athuku aprm nan neraiya thadava atha elam pathuruken. Apo elam athu elam enaku aruvarupa than irunthuchu.. school 9th vera school ponen. Apo 10 la iruntha payana apo apo sight adichuruken.. school la iruntha opposite gang avan. Neraiya thadava sight adichuruken antha school la irukapa...
I have never been into partying. In high school, I refused to attend any status quo-themed gatherings, claiming homework and strict parents for an excuse. I had my close, misfit group of friends and generally, unintentionally avoided everyone else. But now, in college, I had nearly no choice but to venture beyond my tiny, enclosed comfort zone into the annoyingly vast university party atmosphere. My roommate, to put it lightly, was a hardcore noisemaker. And an asshole. There was rarely a...
Straight SexJag heter Jocke och är 18 år. Mina föräldrar är skilda och jag bor med min pappa i en stad i jämtland.För ett år sedan så träffade min pappa en tjej som heter Louise. Hon är 37 år och ser ganska normal ut men är väldigt söt. Hon har halvlångt brunt hår. Hennes bröst är normalstora och hon är smal.Nu är det så att hon flyttade in hos pappa och mig i somras. Detta medförde att jag helt plötsligt fick någonting att titta på och fantisera om. Pappa och Louise lyckades ha sex när jag inte var hemma...
Farmstay With Mother and Two Daughters The work task set for me involved four weeks in a regional town north of the city. Away from home for so long I felt private accommodation a better option than the usual motels or hotels. I selected and booked a farmstay providing breakfast and dinner, about twenty kilometers out of town. My arrival confirmed the wisdom of my selection. The house was about half a kilometre from the road, a large modern place with verandahs on all sides. Jean, the owner,...
Two years ago, me and my girlfriend were in Egypt for holiday. In the early days, we spent time together; swimming, eating, drinking shopping etc... It was all same and boring and we had still two weeks to stay. So we started look for something different, different activities. Luckily we realized some groups of young people get together on the beach at nights. Then we decided to meet with them and be friends. And in our fourth night we went down to the beach and get close to them and say "hi"....
This is This story happened to my best friend Gaffar who got a lucky chance to get his sex goddess Gowri.. Gowri is a beautiful woman of age 24.Her hair is so long of always having a nice smell .Her boobs are so perfectly with round shape and beautiful areola of one rupee coin dimension. She is so innocent at her face always with sindhur and every boy who attends their temple wants to suck her beauty off . The students who come to their father to learn has to control their dicks while she was...
Hi. Apka dost salaar Ek bar phir apni real story le k hazir ho. Last story main mene apko farhat ki chudai ki kahani sunai aj main apko bataoga k mene kese farhat k samne uski bari behan kishwer ko choda. Wese to sab mujhe jante hen phir new readers ke lye bata do. Meri age 25 he main pakistan k city karachi main rehta hon main graduate hon average body or mere land ka size 8,5 lamba or 2,8 mota h…. Karachi me koi bhi female aunty divorced widow unsatisfied females or virgin girls complete...
Hi iss ke site ke deewano, main bhi is site ki fan hoon aur kai saalo se is site ki story padh padhkar apne aapko mast huyi hoon aur apna ek real experience share karne jaa rahi hoon aapke saamne. I will 1st intro myself mera naam Farheen (name changed) hai aur main mumbai mein rehti hu, i m single and my figure stats is 36(boobs) 34(waist) 40(hips) hai. Bohot saare ladke mere body parts ko dekhte the mujhe achcha lagta tha par i always had an attitude of my figure, ab main sidhe story par aati...