Farmboy 8-10_(1) free porn video

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Farmboy 8
The warmth of the water is just what I need after a good fuck. And Buck has worn me out. I open my eyes slightly and look at the man who is slowly stealing my heart. The body of a man with the innocence of a child; so beautiful to look at and so wonderful to be held in his powerful arms. Is this the man I’ve always dreamed about or are we just meant for one of those short, high intensity relationships that burn hot and fizzle quickly? I see him fidgeting like he can’t sit still. He opens his eyes and catches me looking at him. He whispers, “I have a surprise for you, Bryce.” He grins that devilish child-like grin of his. “You have another surprise for me, Buck? I don’t know if I can handle it.”, I say in a pseudo-annoyed tone. “You want your surprise or not?” he teases. “OK, OK…give it to me.” I smile. With that, Buck flips over and gets on all fours and makes his way to me, maintaining full eye contact. God, he’s sexy. He saunters up to me and comes within an inch of my mouth. I can feel his breath on my lips and prepare for one of his soft sensual kisses; my dick even starts to twitch. But suddenly, he turns around and sticks his hot ass in my face with his anus winking at me. I am immediately mesmerized. I can’t figure out what he’s doing until I see his anus puckering and flexing. Slowly, a bead of my cum starts to dribble out and run down the back of his nut sack. He seems to be restricting the flow and it is fucking hot to watch it flow from his hole. I stared in amazement at the pearls of white rolling down the seam of his pink sack. How many sperm are in each drop? I wondered to myself. Look at the size of his testicles, I awed. Almost involuntarily, I slowly gripped his hips and pulled his ass to my face. I lapped at the creamy stream from the bottom of his nut pouch, up the seam, and zeroed in on the beckoning sphincter. I lapped and licked at Buck’s hole with the deliberateness and enthusiasm of a kid with an ice cream cone. I tongued his moist hole and made it my goal to eat every drop of the seed I had planted within him. Buck moaned with pleasure as I probed deeper into him; slowly at first and then more ravenously as he released my prize. I ate until I had licked the honey jar clean. “Oh, Buck…that was a wonderful surprise. But now I have one for you.” I nudged him to turn around and we met face to face. Staring into his eyes, I kissed him deeply, pushing some of my creamy prize into his mouth. Our tongues met and I offered him a taste of what he had given to me. When he realized what he was getting, his eyes got big and he sucked my tongue furiously. We kissed deeply for awhile until we both slid below the water line and closed our eyes. I reached over and put the jets on low.
I woke a few minutes later with Buck’s caressing touch on my face. As my eyes opened, I could see my lover staring intently into my eyes. A small smile came across his face. “Bryce…” he whispered.
“Yeah, Buck” I said smoothly.
“I’m hungry!” he said loudly and I was slightly startled.
“I’m sorta hungry, too…but I just ate a nice hot ass for my appetizer.”
“Take me to a nice place and I’ll treat you” he said generously.
“What are you in the mood for? The cuisine of every nation is available to you within a short distance.” I spoke confidently. “You look like a meat and potatoes kinda guy to me.” I said as I gripped his muscled bicep.
“Sushi, actually.” He replied with a nervous grin.
“Sushi??? I love sushi! Well, my friend Buck…ummm…hey, I don’t know your last name. What is it?” I said, forgetting the sushi.
“Thorpe.” He said blandly.
“Buck Thorpe. Hmmm…I guess it fits you. Maybe Buck THOR is better. Hey, that reminds me of a joke where the punch line is: You think you’re ‘thor…I’m so ‘thor I can’t sit down!” I laughed with my head down, not realizing that Buck didn’t get the joke.
“You don’t like my name?” Buck said in a disappointed voice.
“No, baby…that’s NOT what I said or meant. It’s just not a last name I could have ever guessed. So is Buck your real first name or a nickname?” I asked soothingly?
“It’s the name my uncle gave me when we moved in with him. My real name is Brockton Thorpe. We moved in with my aunt and uncle when Ben and I were four years old. My parents…they died in a car crash and they took us in.” Buck looked almost embarrassed at his history.
I admit it. I was instantly choked up, and then I said, “Oh, Buck. I’m so sorry. I had no idea. That must have been a tough thing to happen and to live through.”
“Uncle Ted and Aunt Maggie are really the only parents we know. They are good people…they took us in and treated us as if we were their own. They couldn’t have their own kids, and Aunt Maggie said it was the way the Lord made something beautiful out of something so horrible. Me and Ben never wanted for anything and they gave us a good place to grow up. Most of the time we called them mom and dad.” Buck just unloaded all this information on me like he had it bottled up for years. His face was hard to read…there was almost no emotion.
I put my hand on his shoulder and Buck covered my hand. He took it and kissed it, then held it to his cheek.
“It’s OK, Bryce. I hardly recall my parents and only miss them when I think about how different my life might have been. I’ll tell you about it sometime. But for now…I am so hungry I could eat a bear. And bears like fish…so I want SU-SHI !” Buck hoisted me up out of the water and grabbed at the towels hanging. He patted me dry playfully and seemed to spend a lot of time dabbing my package. He placed the towel between my legs, almost like a diaper and rubbed it back and forth, grazing my balls and chaffing my asshole. It felt nice.
We dressed for dinner and were ready in a flash. Buck went to the guest room while I stayed in mine. I invited him to be naked with me, but he said he needed to find just the right clothes. We met in the living room after twenty minutes and my mouth just dropped when I saw him. He was stunning in his charcoal suit with a white striped shirt. The teal colored tied worked with the shirt and I don’t know how he pulled it off with charcoal…but he did. This was one drop-dead gorgeous son of a bitch and he was all mine for the night…or the weekend…or whatever.
“Holy fuck, dude! You are so fucking hot! If we weren’t going to dinner I’d rip those clothes off you and ravage you right here!” I said with honest enthusiasm.
Buck was beaming with a childlike grin. “You really like it, Mr. Bryce?” He asked excitedly. “Now wait…it’s my turn to ask. What is your last name?”
“Cannaday. Bryce Cannaday.” I said benignly.
“That is a beautiful name!” Buck chirped. I was suddenly embarrassed that I hadn’t shown him the same enthusiasm when I learned his name. “Come on, Mr. Bryce Cannaday…let’s get some grub!”
Buck insisted on driving like a kid who has just gotten his license. I was a little nervous about a tractor-driving farmboy running through the gears of my Beemer…but he really knew what he was doing. There was something so mysterious about my playmate and I am happy to peel this onion one layer at a time. In no time at all we were in front of Mi Sushi and Buck pulled right up to the Valet. I normally don’t valet park…but this was a special night and I was prepared to show Buck a memorable night on the town.
As I stuck my hand in my pocket to tip the Valet, Buck barked, “I got it.” And peeled off a twenty off the wad of cash in his pocket and handed it to the blonde twink then patted him on the ass as he walked behind the car.
“Wow…I guess you did get it. Was the big tip for the parking or the hot firm ass you just grabbed?” I smirked.
“Hey, if ball players can grab each others’ asses to say good job, why can’t we do that everywhere else?” Buck smirked back while guiding me through the front door. “Besides, I think the little cutie was so excited about the twenty…he probably didn’t even feel my hand on his butt.” Buck chuckled.
We had a wonderful meal of sushi and other appetizers. We had some champagne and I think it was around the third glass that I started to worry about how much we were spending. I am normally a very frugal guy. I like nice things, I work hard for my money, and I take care of what I have. With a few drinks in me, I started to look more intently on my friend and lover. My curiosity was working overtime. I wanted to know more about him. But right before I was about to ask him to elaborate on his life, he spoke up.
“I need to get downtown tomorrow for a meeting, Bryce. Can you drop me off?” he asked directly.
“Ummm…sure, Buck. Where do you need to go and what time do you need to be there?” I asked.
Pulling a business card from his pocket, he said, “Some lawyer’s office in Regency Towers. The meeting is for nine o’clock sharp. Can you help me?”
“Yeah, sure…no problem!” I said with a smile. “Those are some big guns. Did you do something wrong to need their help? You’re in luck, my friend, I just happen to know a good lawyer if you need some help getting out of trouble.”
“Nahhh, me and Ben just got a letter from them telling us that our parents had some stipulation to their wills that kicks in when we’re 25. And with our birthday right around the corner, they wanted to meet us. Ben wouldn’t come. He told me to just go and see what they want. He’s a real homebody, that Ben. Never wants to go anywhere outside of the town limits.” Buck explained. “He also has the hots for this girl he met at a barn dance. That’s a story for later.”
As I’m hearing Buck talk, I’m noticing for the first time that he has lost that country boy twang that he had when I first met him. “So do you think I need a lawyer for that, Bryce?” “Well, I think it’s always important to have legal representation to protect your rights, Buck. If you want, I can come along and make sure those snakes treat you right.” I said reassuringly. “Sure, thanks, Bryce. Are you gonna bring your lawyer-friend too?” He asked innocently. “Well I can see I’m gonna have to spell this out for you farmboy…I AM the lawyer I was talking about, you sexy stud.” I said with feigned insult. “I didn’t know you was a lawyer, Bryce! That’s great! Yes, please! Come and help me from those bad men.” He said mocking me but with a smile. “And I will do it Gratis…fancy word for Free.” With an annoyed look that I haven’t seen on him before he said, “I might be a hick, Bryce, but I’m not stupid.” “Oh, baby...I know you aren’t. I was just messin’ with you. Forgive me?” “Awww…I could never really be mad at you, Bryce. Once you eat cum from another man’s ass, you are best friends for life.” I thought on that a bit and my dick twitched in my pants.
We called it a night before we got too drunk to drive. We agreed that we were both too full and too tired for more hot man sex. We settled in on the couch under a blanket in our boxers. We cuddled and fondled while watching some Netflix movies on the TV. It was romantic and sexy and very comfortable. Buck was the first man to spend the night with me in my new condo. The honor couldn’t have gone to a more worthy recipient.

Chapter 9
I woke up with Buck’s hard cock pressing against my thigh. I was hard in an instant and reach down to stroke myself like I do every morning. But this morning, I had some competition and it seemed that Buck had gotten there first. “Good morning, sexy man.” He whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent a chill down my side and I felt my nipple popped to attention. I shivered a little and enjoyed the sensations of Buck’s cock on my thigh, his hand on my cock, his chest against my back and his lips slowly nibbling my neck and shoulder. This is a wonderful to way to wake up and I think I want this every day of my life. I feel warm, safe and secure…and I feel sexually charged. “I want to make love to you, Bryce.” He coos in my ear. Rolling out of bed with my stiff prick pointing in his face, I say “Give me a minute handsome. I’ll be right back.”
I’m back in a flash and I leap onto the bed, pinning Buck on his stomach. “Now let’s wrestle to see who fucks who this morning!” I put up a good fight but I have every intention of losing to him. I grab Buck’s wrists and hold them above his head while I grind into his hip. I’m rock hard and could easily take the driver’s seat, but I really want to feel him inside me. “Oh no you don’t!” screams Buck. “Your ass is mine! Get over here and take it like a man!” I surrender without protest and let him flip me over on my back. Buck positions himself between my legs and I immediately wrap my legs around him. He kisses me softly at first and then gets more and more forceful as we get into it. I rub my inner thighs up and down his smooth sides and I feel a chill forming on the inside of my legs that travels up my body and into my arms. The sensation is incredible and I close my eyes to enjoy it completely. Buck’s kissing all over my neck and chest just intensifies the feeling and my nipples harden and swell. His powerful tongue circles my most sensitive nipple and a jolt runs down my body and into my cock. I feel like Buck keeps pushing buttons that get me hotter and hotter. “Oh, Buck! Make love to me!” I yell as my arms wrap behind his muscular back and I pull him close to me.
Buck’s cock stabs at my hole as he humps me dry. His precum starts to flow but it won’t be fast enough for me. I take a wad of my own spit and slap it onto my ass, making it awkward for Buck to hump me. “I want that cock in me now!” I shout as I grip his ass cheeks and line him up to my hole. Always the gentleman, Buck takes a few gentle stabs at my hole. “I said NOW!” I yelled as I forced him in fast and deep; locking my ankles behind him. Although a little startled at first, Buck gave me exactly what I wanted. He immediately went into fuck-mode and pounded hard and deep. His first few deep thrusts nearly knocked the wind out of me, but I was getting the pounding I wanted from him. Deep and hard, he pounded me over and over again like a well-oiled machine. “Oh yeah…fuck my ass, boy. Fuck me!”
I enjoyed every single thrust he gave me and only briefly considered how sore I might be later. With my legs and arms locked around my lover, I feel him lift me off the bed. He holds me tight as he lifts up and sets back on his heels; his cock still deep inside me. “Time for you to do a little work, stud. Ride me.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I started to ride on his cock. Tightening my legs, I was able to bounce up and down on his cock while my sphincter gripped his manhood. “Fuck yeah, Bryce! That’s it! You’re so tight, baby!” By this point, Buck has a firm grip on my waist and is slamming me down as hard as he can. For several minutes I got the hardest pounding of my life with me on top. I can only imagine the amount of upper arm and core strength it must take to maintain his balance in this position. I give up on trying to help and just let him control how fast and how deep he fucks me. My hands slide down to his broad shoulders and I feel how rock hard his muscles are. His skin is glistening and I wonder if he is super human. My mind wanders and a funny thought pops into my head; “Buck the Impaler”. I smile and lean back to make sure I’m getting every centimeter of his raw sex. He puts his hands on my shoulders and holds me in place while he impales me on his cock. I wonder if he can read my mind. I grip his powerful forearms and plant my feet. I take over as the source of energy running this sex machine. I see a smile come over Buck’s face as closes his eyes to enjoy it. After several minutes of fucking myself on his dick, I feel my muscles burn and I am out of energy. I make my way back up to his shoulders and wrap my arms around his neck. We both stop to enjoy a kiss, his cock lodged deep inside me.
With my mouth against his ear, “I love you, Buck” comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. He pushes me back by my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. Silently, he looks at me with no emotion on his face. I’m not sure what to do. In an instant, my mind is a hard drive searching the interleave. Do I really love him or is it just the sex talking? I can’t let this go on any longer. The silence is deafening. I imagine being on trial with me on the stand, being questioned by ME…with an entire jury of MY clones. Mr. Cannaday! Guilty or Not Guilty? Demands the voice in my head. “Guilty or not Guilty?” it shouts.
Guilty!!! I scream out and practically scare the shit out of Buck. I snap back into reality. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m guilty of loving you, Buck. I can’t deny it one more minute. I love you and now I’ve said it to you.” Buck looks even deeper into my eyes as if he’s looking into my soul. “Do you really love me, Bryce? You’re not joking?” I understand his hesitation since I just told him yesterday that I wasn’t sure. But I’m kinda pissed that he’s questioning my raw emotions. Tempering my response I say, “Yeah, baby. I am totally serious. I love you and I want to be with you. I’ve never met anyone who is so caring and loving and generous with their heart. I feel good when I’m with you. I really truly love you.”
“Aww, Bryce. You don’t know how much I wanted to hear that from you. I love you so much it hurts when we’re apart.” Isn’t that just like my farmboy? He even tops me in the sentiments department. We smile foolishly at each other and have our first official kiss as boyfriends. As we break I say, “hey, you promised to make love to me and we’re not done yet.” Buck lays me down gently on my back and we kiss deeply. His cock never lost its fullness and he pumps into me slowly. I love the sensation of having him between my legs. My inner thighs are a new erogenous zone for me and I enjoy the light friction combined with the slow rocking rhythm. My cock is rubbing his smooth hard stomach and it feels like velvet with every thrust. The kissing, the rocking, the prostate stimulation, and the velvet touch of his belly make me hyper sensitive. “Buck…I’m gonna cum” I whine. A few more thrusts later and I shoot rope after rope of my finest white semen between us. As I orgasm beneath my lover, my entire body convulses lightly. My anus grips Buck’s manhood and I hear his breathing get shallow. I know he is about to cum and I want it to be as fantastic as mine was. I lightly run my fingers up and down his back while I hold him tight to me. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna fucking cum! Buck has a hesitation in his rocking rhythm and then plows into me deep. I move my hands down to cup his ass and I feel his rock hard mounds flexing and heaving as he dumps his load deep inside. I feel goosebumps all over his back and sides. He shivers and it is cute to see him react like this.
“Don’t pull out, baby. Stay inside me for awhile. Just hold me and kiss me and tell me you love me.” I had suddenly become very needy and I silently hoped I didn’t sound desperate. “I love you, Bryce. Making love to you is my favorite way to show you how much I love you.” He kissed me softly on the mouth, then my cheek, and then my ear before nuzzling into my neck. He ground into me from time to time, rotating his hips. We stayed connected for several minutes before he nibbled my neck and made me laugh. My laughing made my muscles contract and I unintentionally ejected his softening cock from my rectum. We laughed at how funny that was and it turned into a tickle contest. I always lose. “Oh shit! It’s almost eight o’clock!”

Chapter 10
“Shotgun!” Buck yelled as we reached the door to the garage. “I figured you’d want to drive, sexy” I said to him in a matter of fact tone. “Nawww…I just want to look at your beautiful face while you drive. Besides, you know where we’re going and I want to see you drive this thing like you mean it.” Sounded like a challenge to me. I went into show-off mode and did my best to show Buck that I could drive as well as he did. Careful not to stall out, I made the drive a cross between racing and aggressive city driving. I had fun but know that I made the car jerk more than I should have when I shifted gears.
We reached Regency Towers with plenty of time to spare. I found a parking spot on the main street and did a fantastic job of parallel parking, if I do say so myself. “That was mighty impressive, Mr. Cannaday. You pass the test!” “What test is that, hunk?” I asked with interest. “There are actually two tests. First one, which you passed, means that you know how to drive a high performance vehicle the right way. You shift and downshift well, brake appropriately, and even take the turns without pussying-out like a chick
.” He said seriously. “Well, shit…I had no idea it was test! So what’s the other part of the test, stud?” “The other test…which you failed miserably…was the test of being a total-arrogant-prick-Look I got a BMW-better-than-everyone-else-on-the-road-driver. “Sorry dude”, he said with his hand on my shoulder and shaking his head, “you failed”. “No fucking way!!!” I objected. “I’m a total jerk behind the wheel!” Looking into my eyes solemnly, Buck said, “Sorry, dude…you’re just too nice. You follow the rules, never run a light, and you even let people in front of you. And besides… one of the judges says you take it up the ass.” With that he let out a huge belly laugh and clapped me on the chest. “Well so do you, asshole!” I barked.
Regency Towers is the elite business address. The tenants of this building all paid the full admission fee. There are no discounts; just long term leases backed by old money. No start ups here…it wouldn’t be proper. The higher the floor, the more important the business is; or so they say. So a law firm on the top floor could only mean that these dogs were purebred. Out of the elevator, I snatched the card out of Buck’s hand. “Let’s do this properly, Mr. Thorpe” I said as I glanced at the name on the card. When we hit the reception area I announced, “Mr. Thrope to see Attorney Goldsmith”. A beautiful and well groomed receptionist who could easily be mistaken for one of her bosses inquired, “And does Mr. Thorpe have legal representation?” “Yes, maim…Attorney Bryce Cannaday.” I said with a confident smile. She squeezed out a fake smile and said, “Very good, gentlemen. Would you please have a seat in the preferred client room to your left? I will let Mr. Goldsmith know that you have arrived.” “Holy shit, dude…preferred client? Your parents must have been important.”
Buck looked nervous and I wasn’t sure why. Buck also looks smoking hot and I know exactly why. He is a buff farmboy stud with working man’s muscles and a sex drive that is off the charts. But for a farmboy, he sure knows how to dress totally GQ. I wonder how he got those clothes and who helped him pick them out. I look down at my own wardrobe and wonder if I should be asking him for advice. I’m the sharp young up-and-coming lawyer with the BMW. I need to dress better. “What’s up, babe? You okay?” I ask. “I’m fine, Bryce. I just want this to be over so we can start our lives together.” Wow. I hadn’t thought about the implications of my profession of love to this beautiful man. But that’s what it means…being together, spending our time together, and building our futures together.
“Brockton Thorpe?” says the 50-something gentlemen in the fine Italian suit. Buck jumps up and extends his hand. “Yes, sir. That’s me!” he says with enthusiasm as he pumps the elder man’s hand. “And this is my frie…attorney, Bryce Cannaday.”
“Well, my boy, that is an incredible handshake. Hahaha…just like your father. I would have recognized you a mile away.”
“You knew my father? Buck asked with surprise.
“Why yes, we met and were roommates at Harvard Law. Big strappin’ guy just like you with a big old smile just like yours.” He recalled. “So where is Benton?” he asked. Benton??? I thought to myself.
“He wasn’t feeling well and asked me to convey his apologies for not being here. I told him I would get whatever information you wanted to give to us and I’d share it with him.” Buck offered apologetically.
“That’s fine, my boy. Well let’s go sit somewhere private so we can discuss your future.”


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Used to being sent to answer the door despite the fact that no one had knocked, Ken headed towards the door as soon as William had told him to answer it. He shook his head in puzzlement the entire trip. Although he knew from experience that there would be a person at the door, he hadn't given up wondering how William did it. Colt looked from William to Ken wondering what was happening since he hadn't heard anyone knock. The door opened to reveal a very tired looking green robed Druid while...

3 years ago
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Integration Part 4

After a good layoff, I'm resuming work on several of my ongoing stories. We have some nice public humiliation (without some of the harsher outrageous aspects you'll find in other stories I've written), as Erin is reluctantly moved toward presenting as fully female. Integration, Part 4 "It isn't working, is it?" My girlfriend Alli was playing with my hair, occasionally slipping her hand around to slip it inside my blouse to play with my boobs. I'd had surgery to create them a...

2 years ago
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One Day at a Time Im Your Handyman

Schneider slipped his master key into the apartment door and walked in, calling out, "Ms. Romano!" He figured no one was home -- not that he ever knocked -- but it was too early for her to be home from work or the girls to be home from school. Shouldering his pipe wrench like a rifle, the scruffy jack-of-all-trades crossed the living room and turned down the hallway to the bathroom, where, Ann Romano had reported, a pipe under the sink was leaking slowly. He passed by the bedroom doors but...

1 year ago
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Filling in for Gina Part 2

As I got ready to leave, Jay gave me a kiss and opened the door. As I stepped outside he gave my ass a light smack, “See you at work babe... remember the panties.” And he closed the door.Once outside, my mind started racing. What if he changed his mind. As I stepped off his porch and moved towards my car, I remembered I was dressed as a woman, in very tall heels. The cool air rushed under my skirt as I moved. Finally in the safety of my car, I learned how hard it can be to drive in heels. Then...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Gracie Gates The Gates of Painal

The Gates are open and she’s back for her first black cock and that cock’s up her ass for a little BA painal. Do I really need to say more about this sweet little honey and her massive big titties? Or talk about that beautiful little pussy that Tyler fingered to set the ambush? I definitely don’t need to go on and on about how she deep throated Isiah on her knees in the bathroom before he fucked the living shit out of her, or how she gagged on Tyler’s before that in the living room?...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 5

The next morning after everybody was showered, the girls all took off as had become the routine on the hen trips. They would go and pick up any girls that wanted to join them, then hit up shopping malls, or anywhere else they wanted to go. Linda told me before they left, with Mandy and a few others in Holly’s car that it was going to be Topanga Plaza this time, and the malls around there. I wrote out some of what I had been thinking of the night before, and gave Roy a call. And one of the...

1 year ago
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Everything Is Coming Up Milhouse

EVERYTHING IS COMING UP MILHOUSE Milhouse pushed back from the work desk, stretched his back, and twisted his neck from one side to the other. The clock above the lab room door read 7:37, Friday night. He imagined everyone else on campus out and about: drinking at bars, going to the movies, getting ready for dates or to go out to the clubs. Having fun. "Oh well," he sighed. It was a long path to get here. First a year spent in Juvie thanks to "his best friend" Bart. Then three years...

2 years ago
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Chocolates for sale Part 3

Introduction: Becky comes back to sell more chocolates with her friend After lunch Becky and Nicole hopped on their bikes and cycled out to my place making plans as the came. If my wife came to the door they would try and sell her some chocolates and ask about chores in order to earn some spending money. Becky told Nicole not to let on that she had been there the evening before as she didnt know what I might have told my wife if anything. But how are we going to get Mr. Thomas to do anything...

1 year ago
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In Loco ParentisChapter 7

Bill was the last of his newly formed clan to step onto the transporter pad. Taking a few breaths he leaned on Ray-ray until his head cleared. Looking up at his conglomeration of people, Bill wondered what would happen next. "Welcome aboard the Kon Tiki." A tall, dark-tanned man in deep blue fatigues extended his hand. "I'm Ensign Khan," he turned his head toward the breathtaking redhead standing beside him. "This is PFC Darcy." Bill tried not to stare at her, dressed in those...

3 years ago
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A Spanking Story

You are totally naked for me. You are not always naked for spankings, but panties are never allowed. When I really want to torment you, as I do today, then you must be fully nude. Today, you are also wearing clamps on your nipples. There is a chain dangling between the two clamps, and a series of small weights attached to the chain. The weights are not enough to stretch your tits, but, when they swing, they will tug at your nipples nicely.I am wearing a button-down shirt and slacks ("Nice...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 6 Brother and Sister

"That was rough, I'm sure," said Jennifer. "Yeah ... well it's been brewing ever since Dad and I moved out," Donnie said. "I just wasn't ready to admit it." "Uh huh ... me too ... I mean ... uh ... You were talking about us weren't you." "Of course," Donnie said emphatically. "Can we go in the house?" Jennifer looked into Donnie's eyes. "Kiss me first ... like you did when you took the ball away." Donnie took a step toward Jennifer, narrowing the distance between them....

2 years ago
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Eternal Awakening Chapter One

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't read the prologue yet I suggest you go and do that quickly. It's fairly small so it shouldn't take long. Chapter One: Worst Fears A heavy and steady rain pounded outside the double and reinforced windows that lined the large high school Richard attended in the heart of a major metropolitan center. The dim fluorescent...

4 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 70 Sacrifices

Yren was startled by the pounding on the door. He’d woken before dawn, as he’d always done before the trip from Hasp to Callisto. During the trip, his wakening was impacted by a myriad of things including where he fell on the overnight guard schedule. He was doing his morning exercises, trying to keep himself in shape. Sir Givens had suggested it, since he wasn’t working all day hammering at the forge. His mentor had demonstrated several exercises he could do in a short period of time to...

3 years ago
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MarciaChapter 2

It was a strange weekend for me. The fact that the gas station where I worked was closed for repairs and I wasn’t in Burling Heights was something I was unaccustomed to. It seemed different for me to be at the KSU library instead of pumping gas. I met my roommate Lenny for dinner at the Rathskeller. He peppered me about what went on at the fraternity house last night. We—fifteen brothers and myself, a pledge—had left Lenny at Corner Bar when we left with one girl—Marcia Zillich. I could only...

1 year ago
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Hot Love With My Uncle

Hi I am Honey (30 yrs) and I am first time here. I would like to share my sexual adventures and cherished fantasies with you in the days to come. Since childhood, I have always been a little fleshy, having weight on all the right places. I have heavy boobs with puffy nipples, a deep navel and a well-rounded ass that sways when I walk. Guys compliment me on my wide, sexy eyes and infectious smile. I had my first awesome adventure during my graduation days. I was staying at my uncle’s place then...

3 years ago
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Two Callers

As I raised it, she reached for my belt and began to unbuckle it. I moved to oblige the effort and quickly wriggled out of them. My half hard cock lay turned to the left and growing by the second. She immediately took it in her hand and stood it up, giving it a long, wet, lollipop lick from the base of my balls all the way to the tip. That was enough to stimulate a total hard on, which she wasted no time engulfing in her mouth. She had waited all afternoon to do this and had obviously...

2 years ago
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Morning delight then evening delight

i was off today, but my wife had to work. so i met my secret lover online, whom i have been having a secret affair for about 2 month now. show was just getting out the shower and turned on her cam, i was laying on the living room couch naked waiting for her, then we started fooling around, her rubbing her her pussy and im stroking my cock, but kept being interrupted, but we managed to finish our online fun.then later tonight, my wife came home, we had supper and then trying to relax, i was all...

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Futanari Mistress

He took a breath and his face shifted. His hair lengthened and spun into long curls. “Mika?” He held out his arms as they thinned and his fingers lengthened. He stood up. “Mika, what’s happening?” I had no idea what was happening. I had never seen or heard of anything like it. It was like I had marked him myself. I took a breath and felt the exchange. It was weak, smoke where Olivia had been a fire, but it was there. Lucas leaned forward. His eyes intense and like glued to mine. “I...” he...

4 years ago
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Youngsville Part 4

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt. After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon Stroll In The Park Part 2

I had totally lost my bearings and instead of going in the direction that Mel went I decided to live dangerously and head off in the opposite direction as I had always found walking in the woods an interesting challenge with the excitement of the unexpected. The problem was that I wasn’t on any kind of path or trail so the chance of finding an exit or other forms of life became minimal, there are usually a few dog walkers or joggers that use the many trails but not many venture into the...

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Coincidental Meeting And Theate 8211 Finale 8211 Part 2

Interval me hum dono washroom me jake fresh hoke aaye. Aur hum dono ne bahut sara pani piya. Obviously itna intimate session ke baad pani to chahiye. Hum log wapas seat pe aaye and baatein karne lge. Fir movie start hui and we again held each other tightly. In no time, we starting kissing. It was less of a kiss and more of a tongue fight. We were both excited and horny. I started kissing on her neck and biting there. I gave her a love bite. Ek hath se uska dress niche kiya to pta chala usne bra...

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Classy ConversionsChapter 39

Jamie Peterson was a five-year veteran prosecutor. Being called into the State's Attorney's office in Springfield was not all that unusual for her, as she had been doing well in high level cases in the past. "Jamie, I want to thank you for coming in." Charlene Davis said. "I am afraid I have a case we have to ask you to take over." "High level?" "Actually it is. But it has some ugly twists. We have spent over half million dollars in investigation and grand jury time on something...

3 years ago
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Bus Journey Lead To Beautiful Sex

Hi all readers. I am regular reader of all Indian sex stories stories. I am going to narrate my first story. Before starting let me introduce myself. I am Sugam from hyderabad and I am a manager in hyderabad. This story happened at age of 26.her name is Saranya(name changed) and she is from vijayawada and she is a beautician. She has got nice good boobs of 34d and she looks so beautiful. One Saturday after my work I was going to my relatives place in bus. Actually I was not interested to go but...

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the transformation part 1 2

we were the team of 8 people who started from kenya. everything was alright until that day... i had gone to nairobi to buy some liquer as there were only few botteles left. the capital was some 400 miles from our camp. i came back in the evening only to find the nest empty.i searched everywhere but got nothing. there was no trace of any human being. there was a very queer atmosphere. something was very strange. i rushed to our site.. as i reached there, i found the bodys of my mates. i was...

2 years ago
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A Worth Cherishing Sex Encounter

Hi, friends, It’s always great to be on Indian Sex Stories and I have always been a fan of this site.After reading so many stories I also decided to pen down my memories that happened last month. This is my real sex story. Any women or girls (and strictly no gays) who are looking for a sex or fuck friend around Mumbai or Pune can drop a mail @ married women especially your identity will always keep a secret and I know its importance. I sincerely believe women doing sex outside marriage is good...

1 year ago
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The Gracie Experience

This is a true event. This email was received on July 3, 2019.When Gracie was 55 years old, she had sex with a young gentleman. He was grossly obese and worked at McDonalds. Addicted to video gaming and porn, she wanted to make a difference. The event changed his life. My wife is devoted to making people happy and has a soft spot for those "less fortunate". I am so very proud of my wife.Please enjoy.Dear PJ,When I first wrote to you, I never dreamed that I would actually get to have sex with...

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So How Long Have You Been Into Feet

So how long have you been into feet?Who am I? What's my name? Irrelevant. You don't need to know my name, my age or my star sign. What you do need to know is that I work as an S2 auditor for Deloitte, a global financial services firm in their Islington based London England branch. I'm attractive, hard working, driven and get on very well with my colleagues, so with this in mind I think you can see how, when I was chosen amongst five other members of my department to take part in the prestigious...

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Wife watching

I have to admit there is nothing I like more than watching my wife being fucked and I get off even more if I can do it without her partner knowing about it. I suppose this all comes about from the first time I saw Anne being fucked by a friend after a party, there she was my wife of five years kneeling on a sheepskin rug in just a bra that was pushed down below her free swinging breasts being fucked doggy style by a guy who was one of my close friends. Instead of getting angry I got turned on...

3 years ago
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The truck is packed and ready to go, daddy is yelling at us to get our groove on. I yell up the steps to him and tell him that I'd be up in a minute.I need to get something I forgot to pack.Scotty comes down to see whats holding me up, He sees me stretched across my bed fiddling with something. He jumps on me and grabs my tits as he lands. I giggle at him and asks if he lies his feel. He whispers yes and he wants to suck on them. He rolls me over, lifts my spaghetti string top and begins...

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Birthday Boy GangbangChapter 10

If you never had one of your new friends’ wives suck your dick while your own wife sucked said friend off, while being filmed along with two more friends who spit-roasted yet another female friend whom you just knocked up, well, I highly recommend it. The fact that Eddie Coleman was now effectively my boss in my new vocation as a male porn star and it was his wife giving me head while my own wife gave him a blowjob, too, that was just ... wow! “I wonder if we’ll have to cover up some of this...

2 years ago
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Staying With Erin Chapter 5

When my landlady handed us two buckets - one empty and one filled with soapy water - together with a number of rags, I thought we might get off lightly. I picked the empty one and started to mop up the pee from the floor and wring out the rag into the bucket, trying not to think too much about dipping my hands into the pee now that I’d come down from my sexual high, while Natalie crawled after me and wiped it clean with the wet cloth. Bridget stood in the doorway and rapped her fingernails...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Karla Kush First Class Ass Education

This teacher is pissed off with Karla Kush. She just got into a full on brawl out in the hallway! Man, that would have been something to watch. But that is not the most exciting part of this incident. It is what we are about to witness between this teacher with a funny taste in ties, and the rebellious, insubordinate Karla. She makes some classic excuses for her behavior. She has a lot of stuff going on and people were calling her names. Yes, Karla, we have heard it all before. Unfortunately...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 398

On the Road Nearing the Retreat The limo turned into the final county road and was soon passing the Sperman’s driveway. The kidnapper holding the .45 against Margaret’s side frequently glanced out the window, but had little conscious thought about the beautiful, snow-covered scenery they were passing. He had noted the mercenaries’ other vehicles sitting on the side road a few miles back, and he knew that his partner and the mercenary in charge of the group were conversing on the phone, but...

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DeltaV Chapter 1

“Captain Wan, when was the last time you masturbated?” Captain Selena Wan paused, hands frozen above the palmtop computer she was holding. The voice was not obviously male nor female, old nor young. Clearly synthetic, but with a timbre and pitch carefully calibrated to be pleasant and soothing to the human ear. Although its volume was gentle, it filled the room completely. There were no speakers, micro-adjustments of artificial gravity vibrated the hull to produce sound... a disembodied voice...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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am looking forward to telling my aunt how I feel about her.When I was 15 I was as horny as anyone I knew. I am now 18, much bigger in muscle and in the pants. One thing that hasn't changed about me is how horny I am and how much I fantasize about fucking my Aunt Michelle. My aunt is now in her early 40's but has the body of a 20 year old. She has bleach blonde hair and weighs about 125 pounds. She works out all the time and it shows with her firm, round ass, and her perfectly sculpted legs and...

3 years ago
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My Minotaur Part 8

Traveling with Talitanitia was spectacular. Some mornings I would wake up mid-orgasm, her greedy, long tongue snaking in and out of me, lashing across my clit at the same time. Others, I would instead awaken to some audacious act of lovemaking between her and Oluth, one morning the two of them caught in some acrobatic ball of sex, another the great bull on his hands and knees, massive prick pulled back between his legs as she licked and slurped upon the undersides of his upside-down balls. In...

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Sensuous Aunt Shaila

Hi Friends, Hope you enjoyed reading I had with my Aunt. I got tremendous feedback for that experience from readers all over. I would like you to read this one and share factual feedback at My uncle was finally discharged from the hospital after treatment. Hence I returned to Pune. I had with me the memories of that scintillating night I shared on that bed with gorgeous ripe and sensuous aunt Shaila. I was buzzing, happy and feeling on a high, daydreaming. I kept smiling at work and my...

2 years ago
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DaddyChapter 3

“It certainly looks like they fucked each other last night,” the first voice said. “They’re both naked ... I hope so,” the second said, waking me up. “Good morning, Daddy,” they said together. “It’s 9:30 in the morning. Get dressed and let’s go,” Sarah said. “Do we need to start calling Delia, Mommy?” Anne remarked with a giggle. “No,” the voice came from under the covers next to me. “Just because we love one another, doesn’t mean anything has to change. Leave, we’ll see you by the car in...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Kylie Quinn Playing House With My Stepsister

Kylie Quinn has the hots for her stepbrother, Juan Loco, but she knows that Juan won’t give in and fuck her without some coaxing. Wearing a super revealing outfit, she comes up and plops down on the couch next to Juan. She insists that they play house. When Juan doesn’t want to, Kylie refuses to compromise. When Kylie finally gets a reluctant agreement out of Juan, she rushes to her room to change into a super sexy dress. When Kylie returns to the living room, Juan tries to tell her...

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Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 5

“I can’t believe you let Philip do that to you!” Dimitri exclaimed in disbelief. “Licking spaghetti sauce off your body while you were tied up was hot, I’ll be honest. But having him jerk off on the food and then feeding it to you? Shit, Amanda! I mean, come on!” . Amanda was blushing, making her freckles look even darker than usual against her naturally tan skin. “Well, it WAS sort of my idea,” she confessed, embarrassed. “Hey, blowing your boss with his secretary standing there was...

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DevilsFilm Krissy Lynn Boober 02

Krissy Lynn has been absolutely killing it driving for Boober. It’s the perfect job for a girl like her – big tits, slutty and willing to work hard. In today’s world good jobs are hard to come by and this one is absolutely great. This afternoon she gets to pick up a Cyrus King hot guy and drive him to his destination. But first she gets to show off her bubbly attitude and big perky enhanced silicone bombs. It’s a win win for everyone. This guy, like all guys, is going...

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Diwali Rockets 8211 Part 8 The finale

Welcome back to the final part of the series. Hope you have enjoyed it so far. So jumping back to the story: It was evening. I made Shweta scream while fingering her. She was screaming and wriggling like a fish in bed. Trying very hard to push me away and get away from my clutches. I grabbed her hand to stop her from scrambling around. She sighed in relief as I stopped, and she thought it was over. However, I didn’t let her get up. Then I got on her and started sucking her boobs. She held my...

1 year ago
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Headmasters Secretary Chapter II

Liz was not overcome with joy at knowing she would have to work on a weekend, but the excitement of not knowing what was in store for her was a motivator. She had never thought she would take to this sort of thing so much, or so willingly. Before she even knew it she had had breakfast and washed. Now she was picking out her outfit for the day and the extras to go with it. Liz’s lingerie collection was about to expand, seeing as she was never to wear anything other. She had been shopping just...

Office Sex
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A meeting in Leather Part 7

#English / #Engels- A sequel to: showering with Mike we got dressed in our Leathers. Mike got dressed quickly, but said that we would have to go to his apartment first for a shirt. Because he could not walk into the Chinese restaurant with only a Leather harness on, he joked. I put on a cock strap with metal studs. And stuffed it inside a pair off tight pale blue jeans. I put on the worn-out cowboy boots underneath. Mike was...

3 years ago
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The dodger association

Hello, my name is James. Of course, that’s not my real name, but that’s what people know me as. I am a third year college student majoring in sociology. Unfortunately, like many students, I am up to my eyeballs in debt. That brings me to my job, my way to pay off the gigantic debt. I work closely with my partner, Lori, and the student groups of the school. My job is to organize and run student fundraiser events. Sounds fairly boring, but it does take a lot of work. I have to set up the venue,...

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