Farmboy 8-10_(0) free porn video

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The warmth of the water is just what I need after a good fuck. And Buck has worn me out. I open my eyes slightly and look at the man who is slowly stealing my heart. The body of a man with the innocence of a child; so beautiful to look at and so wonderful to be held in his powerful arms. Is this the man I’ve always dreamed about or are we just meant for one of those short, high intensity relationships that burn hot and fizzle quickly? I see him fidgeting like he can’t sit still. He opens his eyes and catches me looking at him. He whispers, “I have a surprise for you, Bryce.” He grins that devilish child-like grin of his. “You have another surprise for me, Buck? I don’t know if I can handle it.”, I say in a pseudo-annoyed tone. “You want your surprise or not?” he teases. “OK, OK…give it to me.” I smile. With that, Buck flips over and gets on all fours and makes his way to me, maintaining full eye contact. God, he’s sexy. He saunters up to me and comes within an inch of my mouth. I can feel his breath on my lips and prepare for one of his soft sensual kisses; my dick even starts to twitch. But suddenly, he turns around and sticks his hot ass in my face with his anus winking at me. I am immediately mesmerized. I can’t figure out what he’s doing until I see his anus puckering and flexing. Slowly, a bead of my cum starts to dribble out and run down the back of his nut sack. He seems to be restricting the flow and it is fucking hot to watch it flow from his hole. I stared in amazement at the pearls of white rolling down the seam of his pink sack. How many sperm are in each drop? I wondered to myself. Look at the size of his testicles, I awed. Almost involuntarily, I slowly gripped his hips and pulled his ass to my face. I lapped at the creamy stream from the bottom of his nut pouch, up the seam, and zeroed in on the beckoning sphincter. I lapped and licked at Buck’s hole with the deliberateness and enthusiasm of a kid with an ice cream cone. I tongued his moist hole and made it my goal to eat every drop of the seed I had planted within him. Buck moaned with pleasure as I probed deeper into him; slowly at first and then more ravenously as he released my prize. I ate until I had licked the honey jar clean. “Oh, Buck…that was a wonderful surprise. But now I have one for you.” I nudged him to turn around and we met face to face. Staring into his eyes, I kissed him deeply, pushing some of my creamy prize into his mouth. Our tongues met and I offered him a taste of what he had given to me. When he realized what he was getting, his eyes got big and he sucked my tongue furiously. We kissed deeply for awhile until we both slid below the water line and closed our eyes. I reached over and put the jets on low.
I woke a few minutes later with Buck’s caressing touch on my face. As my eyes opened, I could see my lover staring intently into my eyes. A small smile came across his face. “Bryce…” he whispered.
“Yeah, Buck” I said smoothly.
“I’m hungry!” he said loudly and I was slightly startled.
“I’m sorta hungry, too…but I just ate a nice hot ass for my appetizer.”
“Take me to a nice place and I’ll treat you” he said generously.
“What are you in the mood for? The cuisine of every nation is available to you within a short distance.” I spoke confidently. “You look like a meat and potatoes kinda guy to me.” I said as I gripped his muscled bicep.
“Sushi, actually.” He replied with a nervous grin.
“Sushi??? I love sushi! Well, my friend Buck…ummm…hey, I don’t know your last name. What is it?” I said, forgetting the sushi.
“Thorpe.” He said blandly.
“Buck Thorpe. Hmmm…I guess it fits you. Maybe Buck THOR is better. Hey, that reminds me of a joke where the punch line is: You think you’re ‘thor…I’m so ‘thor I can’t sit down!” I laughed with my head down, not realizing that Buck didn’t get the joke.
“You don’t like my name?” Buck said in a disappointed voice.
“No, baby…that’s NOT what I said or meant. It’s just not a last name I could have ever guessed. So is Buck your real first name or a nickname?” I asked soothingly?
“It’s the name my uncle gave me when we moved in with him. My real name is Brockton Thorpe. We moved in with my aunt and uncle when Ben and I were four years old. My parents…they died in a car crash and they took us in.” Buck looked almost embarrassed at his history.
I admit it. I was instantly choked up, and then I said, “Oh, Buck. I’m so sorry. I had no idea. That must have been a tough thing to happen and to live through.”
“Uncle Ted and Aunt Maggie are really the only parents we know. They are good people…they took us in and treated us as if we were their own. They couldn’t have their own kids, and Aunt Maggie said it was the way the Lord made something beautiful out of something so horrible. Me and Ben never wanted for anything and they gave us a good place to grow up. Most of the time we called them mom and dad.” Buck just unloaded all this information on me like he had it bottled up for years. His face was hard to read…there was almost no emotion.
I put my hand on his shoulder and Buck covered my hand. He took it and kissed it, then held it to his cheek.
“It’s OK, Bryce. I hardly recall my parents and only miss them when I think about how different my life might have been. I’ll tell you about it sometime. But for now…I am so hungry I could eat a bear. And bears like fish…so I want SU-SHI !” Buck hoisted me up out of the water and grabbed at the towels hanging. He patted me dry playfully and seemed to spend a lot of time dabbing my package. He placed the towel between my legs, almost like a diaper and rubbed it back and forth, grazing my balls and chaffing my asshole. It felt nice.
We dressed for dinner and were ready in a flash. Buck went to the guest room while I stayed in mine. I invited him to be naked with me, but he said he needed to find just the right clothes. We met in the living room after twenty minutes and my mouth just dropped when I saw him. He was stunning in his charcoal suit with a white striped shirt. The teal colored tied worked with the shirt and I don’t know how he pulled it off with charcoal…but he did. This was one drop-dead gorgeous son of a bitch and he was all mine for the night…or the weekend…or whatever.
“Holy fuck, dude! You are so fucking hot! If we weren’t going to dinner I’d rip those clothes off you and ravage you right here!” I said with honest enthusiasm.
Buck was beaming with a childlike grin. “You really like it, Mr. Bryce?” He asked excitedly. “Now wait…it’s my turn to ask. What is your last name?”
“Cannaday. Bryce Cannaday.” I said benignly.
“That is a beautiful name!” Buck chirped. I was suddenly embarrassed that I hadn’t shown him the same enthusiasm when I learned his name. “Come on, Mr. Bryce Cannaday…let’s get some grub!”
Buck insisted on driving like a kid who has just gotten his license. I was a little nervous about a tractor-driving farmboy running through the gears of my Beemer…but he really knew what he was doing. There was something so mysterious about my playmate and I am happy to peel this onion one layer at a time. In no time at all we were in front of Mi Sushi and Buck pulled right up to the Valet. I normally don’t valet park…but this was a special night and I was prepared to show Buck a memorable night on the town.
As I stuck my hand in my pocket to tip the Valet, Buck barked, “I got it.” And peeled off a twenty off the wad of cash in his pocket and handed it to the blonde twink then patted him on the ass as he walked behind the car.
“Wow…I guess you did get it. Was the big tip for the parking or the hot firm ass you just grabbed?” I smirked.
“Hey, if ball players can grab each others’ asses to say good job, why can’t we do that everywhere else?” Buck smirked back while guiding me through the front door. “Besides, I think the little cutie was so excited about the twenty…he probably didn’t even feel my hand on his butt.” Buck chuckled.
We had a wonderful meal of sushi and other appetizers. We had some champagne and I think it was around the third glass that I started to worry about how much we were spending. I am normally a very frugal guy. I like nice things, I work hard for my money, and I take care of what I have. With a few drinks in me, I started to look more intently on my friend and lover. My curiosity was working overtime. I wanted to know more about him. But right before I was about to ask him to elaborate on his life, he spoke up.
“I need to get downtown tomorrow for a meeting, Bryce. Can you drop me off?” he asked directly.
“Ummm…sure, Buck. Where do you need to go and what time do you need to be there?” I asked.
Pulling a business card from his pocket, he said, “Some lawyer’s office in Regency Towers. The meeting is for nine o’clock sharp. Can you help me?”
“Yeah, sure…no problem!” I said with a smile. “Those are some big guns. Did you do something wrong to need their help? You’re in luck, my friend, I just happen to know a good lawyer if you need some help getting out of trouble.”
“Nahhh, me and Ben just got a letter from them telling us that our parents had some stipulation to their wills that kicks in when we’re 25. And with our birthday right around the corner, they wanted to meet us. Ben wouldn’t come. He told me to just go and see what they want. He’s a real homebody, that Ben. Never wants to go anywhere outside of the town limits.” Buck explained. “He also has the hots for this girl he met at a barn dance. That’s a story for later.”
As I’m hearing Buck talk, I’m noticing for the first time that he has lost that country boy twang that he had when I first met him. “So do you think I need a lawyer for that, Bryce?” “Well, I think it’s always important to have legal representation to protect your rights, Buck. If you want, I can come along and make sure those snakes treat you right.” I said reassuringly. “Sure, thanks, Bryce. Are you gonna bring your lawyer-friend too?” He asked innocently. “Well I can see I’m gonna have to spell this out for you farmboy…I AM the lawyer I was talking about, you sexy stud.” I said with feigned insult. “I didn’t know you was a lawyer, Bryce! That’s great! Yes, please! Come and help me from those bad men.” He said mocking me but with a smile. “And I will do it Gratis…fancy word for Free.” With an annoyed look that I haven’t seen on him before he said, “I might be a hick, Bryce, but I’m not stupid.” “Oh, baby...I know you aren’t. I was just messin’ with you. Forgive me?” “Awww…I could never really be mad at you, Bryce. Once you eat cum from another man’s ass, you are best friends for life.” I thought on that a bit and my dick twitched in my pants.
We called it a night before we got too drunk to drive. We agreed that we were both too full and too tired for more hot man sex. We settled in on the couch under a blanket in our boxers. We cuddled and fondled while watching some Netflix movies on the TV. It was romantic and sexy and very comfortable. Buck was the first man to spend the night with me in my new condo. The honor couldn’t have gone to a more worthy recipient.

Chapter 9
I woke up with Buck’s hard cock pressing against my thigh. I was hard in an instant and reach down to stroke myself like I do every morning. But this morning, I had some competition and it seemed that Buck had gotten there first. “Good morning, sexy man.” He whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent a chill down my side and I felt my nipple popped to attention. I shivered a little and enjoyed the sensations of Buck’s cock on my thigh, his hand on my cock, his chest against my back and his lips slowly nibbling my neck and shoulder. This is a wonderful to way to wake up and I think I want this every day of my life. I feel warm, safe and secure…and I feel sexually charged. “I want to make love to you, Bryce.” He coos in my ear. Rolling out of bed with my stiff prick pointing in his face, I say “Give me a minute handsome. I’ll be right back.”
I’m back in a flash and I leap onto the bed, pinning Buck on his stomach. “Now let’s wrestle to see who fucks who this morning!” I put up a good fight but I have every intention of losing to him. I grab Buck’s wrists and hold them above his head while I grind into his hip. I’m rock hard and could easily take the driver’s seat, but I really want to feel him inside me. “Oh no you don’t!” screams Buck. “Your ass is mine! Get over here and take it like a man!” I surrender without protest and let him flip me over on my back. Buck positions himself between my legs and I immediately wrap my legs around him. He kisses me softly at first and then gets more and more forceful as we get into it. I rub my inner thighs up and down his smooth sides and I feel a chill forming on the inside of my legs that travels up my body and into my arms. The sensation is incredible and I close my eyes to enjoy it completely. Buck’s kissing all over my neck and chest just intensifies the feeling and my nipples harden and swell. His powerful tongue circles my most sensitive nipple and a jolt runs down my body and into my cock. I feel like Buck keeps pushing buttons that get me hotter and hotter. “Oh, Buck! Make love to me!” I yell as my arms wrap behind his muscular back and I pull him close to me.
Buck’s cock stabs at my hole as he humps me dry. His precum starts to flow but it won’t be fast enough for me. I take a wad of my own spit and slap it onto my ass, making it awkward for Buck to hump me. “I want that cock in me now!” I shout as I grip his ass cheeks and line him up to my hole. Always the gentleman, Buck takes a few gentle stabs at my hole. “I said NOW!” I yelled as I forced him in fast and deep; locking my ankles behind him. Although a little startled at first, Buck gave me exactly what I wanted. He immediately went into fuck-mode and pounded hard and deep. His first few deep thrusts nearly knocked the wind out of me, but I was getting the pounding I wanted from him. Deep and hard, he pounded me over and over again like a well-oiled machine. “Oh yeah…fuck my ass, boy. Fuck me!”
I enjoyed every single thrust he gave me and only briefly considered how sore I might be later. With my legs and arms locked around my lover, I feel him lift me off the bed. He holds me tight as he lifts up and sets back on his heels; his cock still deep inside me. “Time for you to do a little work, stud. Ride me.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I started to ride on his cock. Tightening my legs, I was able to bounce up and down on his cock while my sphincter gripped his manhood. “Fuck yeah, Bryce! That’s it! You’re so tight, baby!” By this point, Buck has a firm grip on my waist and is slamming me down as hard as he can. For several minutes I got the hardest pounding of my life with me on top. I can only imagine the amount of upper arm and core strength it must take to maintain his balance in this position. I give up on trying to help and just let him control how fast and how deep he fucks me. My hands slide down to his broad shoulders and I feel how rock hard his muscles are. His skin is glistening and I wonder if he is super human. My mind wanders and a funny thought pops into my head; “Buck the Impaler”. I smile and lean back to make sure I’m getting every centimeter of his raw sex. He puts his hands on my shoulders and holds me in place while he impales me on his cock. I wonder if he can read my mind. I grip his powerful forearms and plant my feet. I take over as the source of energy running this sex machine. I see a smile come over Buck’s face as closes his eyes to enjoy it. After several minutes of fucking myself on his dick, I feel my muscles burn and I am out of energy. I make my way back up to his shoulders and wrap my arms around his neck. We both stop to enjoy a kiss, his cock lodged deep inside me.
With my mouth against his ear, “I love you, Buck” comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. He pushes me back by my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. Silently, he looks at me with no emotion on his face. I’m not sure what to do. In an instant, my mind is a hard drive searching the interleave. Do I really love him or is it just the sex talking? I can’t let this go on any longer. The silence is deafening. I imagine being on trial with me on the stand, being questioned by ME…with an entire jury of MY clones. Mr. Cannaday! Guilty or Not Guilty? Demands the voice in my head. “Guilty or not Guilty?” it shouts.
Guilty!!! I scream out and practically scare the shit out of Buck. I snap back into reality. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m guilty of loving you, Buck. I can’t deny it one more minute. I love you and now I’ve said it to you.” Buck looks even deeper into my eyes as if he’s looking into my soul. “Do you really love me, Bryce? You’re not joking?” I understand his hesitation since I just told him yesterday that I wasn’t sure. But I’m kinda pissed that he’s questioning my raw emotions. Tempering my response I say, “Yeah, baby. I am totally serious. I love you and I want to be with you. I’ve never met anyone who is so caring and loving and generous with their heart. I feel good when I’m with you. I really truly love you.”
“Aww, Bryce. You don’t know how much I wanted to hear that from you. I love you so much it hurts when we’re apart.” Isn’t that just like my farmboy? He even tops me in the sentiments department. We smile foolishly at each other and have our first official kiss as boyfriends. As we break I say, “hey, you promised to make love to me and we’re not done yet.” Buck lays me down gently on my back and we kiss deeply. His cock never lost its fullness and he pumps into me slowly. I love the sensation of having him between my legs. My inner thighs are a new erogenous zone for me and I enjoy the light friction combined with the slow rocking rhythm. My cock is rubbing his smooth hard stomach and it feels like velvet with every thrust. The kissing, the rocking, the prostate stimulation, and the velvet touch of his belly make me hyper sensitive. “Buck…I’m gonna cum” I whine. A few more thrusts later and I shoot rope after rope of my finest white semen between us. As I orgasm beneath my lover, my entire body convulses lightly. My anus grips Buck’s manhood and I hear his breathing get shallow. I know he is about to cum and I want it to be as fantastic as mine was. I lightly run my fingers up and down his back while I hold him tight to me. “Oh fuck! I’m gonna fucking cum! Buck has a hesitation in his rocking rhythm and then plows into me deep. I move my hands down to cup his ass and I feel his rock hard mounds flexing and heaving as he dumps his load deep inside. I feel goosebumps all over his back and sides. He shivers and it is cute to see him react like this.
“Don’t pull out, baby. Stay inside me for awhile. Just hold me and kiss me and tell me you love me.” I had suddenly become very needy and I silently hoped I didn’t sound desperate. “I love you, Bryce. Making love to you is my favorite way to show you how much I love you.” He kissed me softly on the mouth, then my cheek, and then my ear before nuzzling into my neck. He ground into me from time to time, rotating his hips. We stayed connected for several minutes before he nibbled my neck and made me laugh. My laughing made my muscles contract and I unintentionally ejected his softening cock from my rectum. We laughed at how funny that was and it turned into a tickle contest. I always lose. “Oh shit! It’s almost eight o’clock!”

Chapter 10
“Shotgun!” Buck yelled as we reached the door to the garage. “I figured you’d want to drive, sexy” I said to him in a matter of fact tone. “Nawww…I just want to look at your beautiful face while you drive. Besides, you know where we’re going and I want to see you drive this thing like you mean it.” Sounded like a challenge to me. I went into show-off mode and did my best to show Buck that I could drive as well as he did. Careful not to stall out, I made the drive a cross between racing and aggressive city driving. I had fun but know that I made the car jerk more than I should have when I shifted gears.
We reached Regency Towers with plenty of time to spare. I found a parking spot on the main street and did a fantastic job of parallel parking, if I do say so myself. “That was mighty impressive, Mr. Cannaday. You pass the test!” “What test is that, hunk?” I asked with interest. “There are actually two tests. First one, which you passed, means that you know how to drive a high performance vehicle the right way. You shift and downshift well, brake appropriately, and even take the turns without pussying-out like a chick
.” He said seriously. “Well, shit…I had no idea it was test! So what’s the other part of the test, stud?” “The other test…which you failed miserably…was the test of being a total-arrogant-prick-Look I got a BMW-better-than-everyone-else-on-the-road-driver. “Sorry dude”, he said with his hand on my shoulder and shaking his head, “you failed”. “No fucking way!!!” I objected. “I’m a total jerk behind the wheel!” Looking into my eyes solemnly, Buck said, “Sorry, dude…you’re just too nice. You follow the rules, never run a light, and you even let people in front of you. And besides… one of the judges says you take it up the ass.” With that he let out a huge belly laugh and clapped me on the chest. “Well so do you, asshole!” I barked.
Regency Towers is the elite business address. The tenants of this building all paid the full admission fee. There are no discounts; just long term leases backed by old money. No start ups here…it wouldn’t be proper. The higher the floor, the more important the business is; or so they say. So a law firm on the top floor could only mean that these dogs were purebred. Out of the elevator, I snatched the card out of Buck’s hand. “Let’s do this properly, Mr. Thorpe” I said as I glanced at the name on the card. When we hit the reception area I announced, “Mr. Thrope to see Attorney Goldsmith”. A beautiful and well groomed receptionist who could easily be mistaken for one of her bosses inquired, “And does Mr. Thorpe have legal representation?” “Yes, maim…Attorney Bryce Cannaday.” I said with a confident smile. She squeezed out a fake smile and said, “Very good, gentlemen. Would you please have a seat in the preferred client room to your left? I will let Mr. Goldsmith know that you have arrived.” “Holy shit, dude…preferred client? Your parents must have been important.”
Buck looked nervous and I wasn’t sure why. Buck also looks smoking hot and I know exactly why. He is a buff farmboy stud with working man’s muscles and a sex drive that is off the charts. But for a farmboy, he sure knows how to dress totally GQ. I wonder how he got those clothes and who helped him pick them out. I look down at my own wardrobe and wonder if I should be asking him for advice. I’m the sharp young up-and-coming lawyer with the BMW. I need to dress better. “What’s up, babe? You okay?” I ask. “I’m fine, Bryce. I just want this to be over so we can start our lives together.” Wow. I hadn’t thought about the implications of my profession of love to this beautiful man. But that’s what it means…being together, spending our time together, and building our futures together.
“Brockton Thorpe?” says the 50-something gentlemen in the fine Italian suit. Buck jumps up and extends his hand. “Yes, sir. That’s me!” he says with enthusiasm as he pumps the elder man’s hand. “And this is my frie…attorney, Bryce Cannaday.”
“Well, my boy, that is an incredible handshake. Hahaha…just like your father. I would have recognized you a mile away.”
“You knew my father? Buck asked with surprise.
“Why yes, we met and were roommates at Harvard Law. Big strappin’ guy just like you with a big old smile just like yours.” He recalled. “So where is Benton?” he asked. Benton??? I thought to myself.
“He wasn’t feeling well and asked me to convey his apologies for not being here. I told him I would get whatever information you wanted to give to us and I’d share it with him.” Buck offered apologetically.
“That’s fine, my boy. Well let’s go sit somewhere private so we can discuss your future.”


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Samantha was certain she would never have had the courage to eat at the bistro he selected for their lunch, much less order from the menu in front of her. She was still trying to puzzle out some of the entries on the menu. He had ordered them some wine, admonishing her to avoid soda and make sure that water was Evian or some other bottled variety. The stew and breads that made up their lunch was delightful however, and she found herself quite hungry having forgotten that breakfast had been a...

2 years ago
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Ursas Downward SpiralChapter 12 Redemption

The night everything came to a head was not planned in advance. Just a set of circumstances that finally aligned themselves in the right way. Ursa's boobs had ached all day long. Terrell had no qualms about extracting every last precious drop from them, even after she'd told him several times that pumping out that final bit really hurt her. "Do you have to take every last drop?" she'd plaintively wailed. "If you'd quit trying to hunt down and destroy it all I wouldn't need so...

3 years ago
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ShapeshifterChapter 13

The two lovers spent some time enjoying each other's bodies, but Ann was anxious to try out her Black Cat persona. Billy switched to his Lizard Men persona, but he changed the uniform to all-black to match what his sister was wearing. They told their parents that they were going out to hunt bad guys, and would be back in time to go to school. Neither parent was upset by this announcement because they knew that Genie would take good care of them. They went out through the garage via the back...

2 years ago
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The Yacht

It had been a great week at work. Marcia had been looking forward to the end of the month because she had to go to a seminar for all restaurant managers. The plane ride had been relatively short, but she had finally ended up in Miami at around 6 pm. Her friend, Cheryl had been on the flight with her and they had talked for the entire flight. When they finally left the airport, it took no time at all to get a ride to the hotel. At the hotel the two women registered in at the front desk. They...

3 years ago
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You Have To Know About The Boy

I know you want all the details honey but I have to be quick, okay? I've got a lot to get done before Monday but I know how much you enjoy hearing about my antics and I love telling you about them- No, shush I am not skipping to the good bits when you need to know everything in the correct order. Patience baby, you'll hear it all eventually even if it's not all tonight! So, you remember that young cute guy who I met at a party some weeks ago? Yes, him- six foot one, green eyes, dark hair and an...

Quickie Sex
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Twincest Is Best Part I

Connor and Liam were not only twins but best friends. You could ask anyone and they would tell you that seeing Connor without Liam or vice versa was very, very unlikely. Connor and Liam did practically everything together. They both played the same sports, liked the same foods, looked the same obviously, had the same friends, and did everything together no matter what. Then everything changed Connor started hanging around with a new group of people, people that Liam didn’t necessarily...

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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 20

[Chad] New Year's Eve was coming. Mom and Dad had always had a grand party for New Year's Eve inviting many of their friends. We were encouraged to invite our friends for a long evening of good cheer. Because of Dad's position, it was semi-political. However, most were coming to celebrate the entrance of the New Year with friends. Since Britt and I were told to invite friends, we did. Mel was invited to invite friends but the only one she wanted was Eric. Mom and Dad invited the Deavers...

4 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 9

"What's that?" asked Candy, when I picked up an item from a vendor's table. We had docked at Starbase 19, so that Candy could buy new inlet manifold couplings. One of ours had cracked on our last trip, and Candy had put a temporary patch on it. "This, ladies, is the famous (or should I say infamous) Sex Pistol," I said holding up the yellow plastic object. "What?" asked a confused Candy. Candy didn't really want to go wandering through the market square with us. She wanted to get...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 34 A Phone Call to Carol Turns My World UpsideDown

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) We encountered Vanessa and Andrew as we entered the house. Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but Julia jumped in first with, "Can't talk now, I'm super horny. We'll talk later." I barely had time to flush before I was being dragged upstairs. I heard Vanessa say to Andrew, "It must've been a good movie. Maybe you should take Sophia." As soon as we were in her room, Julia declared, "I've got a tampon in, so I need you to get me off in some...

4 years ago
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RecruitingChapter 11

Mike was sitting on the front porch enjoying coffee when he saw the Devereux brothers leaving Betty's house and start next door to the Blacks at 7:30. Seeing the Boss, Mark waved and bypassed that house and came over to him while Ron knocked on the Black's Door. Sung Hi, apparently expecting them, exited the house and they started after Mark. "About ready to get out of here and on your trip" Mike asked as Mark came up. "Morning Boss, and that's an affirmative", Mark replied....

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Linzee Ryder Syren De Mer 30687

Syren De Mer and Linzee Ryder are spending Thanksgiving together. Their feast is being catered by Syren’s son’s friend Donny. Syren confesses to Linzee that when she did a taste-testing of his cooking, Donny proceeded to taste-test her asshole! Linzee is quite lonely this holiday season and is in need of some ass eating herself. When Donny comes by to drop off the feast that he cooked he finds himself feasting on not only one, but two beautiful MILF ass’s. Happy Thanksgiving...

3 years ago
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Entangled Chapter V Unleashing Rapunzel

I gave her what she wanted or more accurately, what she needed. I gave her the world. I nourished her with knowledge. I set her loose, once more, in the greatest cities of the world, touring their libraries, their universities, their museums, encouraging her to take painting lessons, music lessons, to seek out astronomers, mathematicians, lawyers, and philosophers, and to learn from them. I taught her my own arts, the art of tracking, of fencing, and of stealth. And always, always, I kept one...

2 years ago
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A School Masters Tale Detention 1

Detention, I had to admit was normally the most boring of aspects that came with the job as a School Master, in a ladies finishing school. I was eager to see my lady. I did not want to be there any more than they did, but there was I sat in a room with three maturing young women, in their late teens, who had misbehaved at some point during the day. I was reading some notes and then. “Sir?” the young blond haired woman stood in front of me. Her tight fitting blouse was the first thing I...

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My Brothers Bestfriend Chapter 3

"what, she's just a friend babe chill" lloyd said. " well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my cell phone asking for you." i said. " Erica you really need to chill out because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? i told you shes my close family friend so get off my back."...

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Sexy Mom

By: sanjay, hello dosto, mai iss stori bahut padta hu. Mai bhi apni stori aap sabke saath batna chahta hu.meri umar 25 hai.or mai ek sundar or strong ladka hu. Ye story meri or meri mom ki hai.unki age 42 hai.lekin wo dekhne mai 35-38 ke bich ki lagti hai. Unka fig hai 36 28 38 or wo bahut hi sundar hai. Ye baat aajse 3 saal pehle ki hai. Pehle to mere mann mai unke bare mai koi bhi galt baat nahi thi.lekin maine iss mai mom son ki stori bahut padi hai jis wajah se mere bhi mann mai unke saath...

1 year ago
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Sians CousinsChapter 6

Julie and I went back downstairs to her bedroom, stopping for a pee and a quick wash on the way. We silently opened the door, and found the twins in exactly the same position as we had left them many minutes before, still gazing into each other's eyes, kissing gently with their arms around each other. They stirred as they heard the door close behind us. Sheila looked up at us from beneath her brother. "Thank you so much for thinking of that; it's been the most wonderful moment of my...

2 years ago
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Wild Temptation With Best Friend Of My True Love

Hello friends its me sahil, and today I am going to narrate first part of love triangle between me Ananya and shraddha ‘ananya I don’t love you, please give me some space ‘, I said ‘no I love you Sahil, you are lying I know that you love me so much ‘, she said ‘I said you earlier I love shraddha, not you, I flirted with you as I want to make her jealous Ananya’, I replied She came close to me and hugged me tightly; her eyes were full of tears ‘I can’t live without you Sahil, you are everything...

3 years ago
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Bi Bi Miss American Pi

Samantha Bigby was arguably the most popular teacher in the high school. She was cute, young, full-breasted, and funny; but what made her especially attractive was her accent. She was a Brit. Originally, anyway, and very recently landed from the UK. She had just married an American serviceman who had brought her back to what her dad jokingly referred to as the colonies--Virginia, no less--and there she was when our story took place. She had never been to America before her marriage, so she...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 32

James rang just before six pm, to tell me that the company had agreed to what I’d asked for, but that Becky had refused to apologise to what she apparently called a spoilt brat. She had been replaced as line producer on the show, and the new guy would be with us the following morning. When he asked me if that was agreeable, I said yes, I was only making a point after all. Charlie and I went to the cinema that night, to the Odeon, and saw the trailer for Star Academy, it was a funny feeling,...

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I Fell in Love with the Caramel Feet of My Boss Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I had recently changed my job and I liked my new boss. She was not only stunning but also extremely sweet. I am James, 26 years old and always in search of fulfilling my dirty fantasies. She always wore either leather or suede high heels along with a shirt that amplified her bosom and a tight skirt that showed off her long caramel coloured toned legs. I have always been a sucker for well-toned legs and feet and I was crazily in love with them. I was going to experience Love with the Caramel...

3 years ago
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MinervaChapter 5

As you might imagine, being two reporters short on a small local weekly rag, we were all a bit pushed. Although it did mean the rest of us grunts moved up a notch or two. I found myself spending nearly every morning either in the local magistrate's court and most afternoons on obituaries, or if I was really lucky in the county court. Most of the rest of the time, I was trying to track down Minerva or her uncle. Besides the heartbreak of having lost contact with her, it didn't do my...

1 year ago
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Jav Hub! What is it about JAV (Japanese Adult Video) that makes it so prized among porn fans in the West? Some would argue it’s the cleanliness of the scenes, the spotlessly white sets, and bright lighting; others might argue it’s the dirtiness, those bukkake scenes, and kinky fetishes. It might have to do with the submissive nature of Japanese babes or the way they squeal. Viewers of JAVhub may concede the appeal lies somewhere in the middle, or somewhere else entirely.Whatever brings them...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Anniversary Surprise Chapter 2Their Vegas Weekend Getaway Continues

1Waking UpDan slowly came awake the next morning lying in bed to a warm sensation around his groin. Looking down, he saw his wife Pam slowly sucking his morning wood.“Good morning gorgeous!” he greeted her.Pam grunted in reply and continued with her task, getting Dan off before their first cup of coffee.Dan loved it when Pam surprised him by waking him in this fashion. It didn’t happen that often, but when it did, it often was a precursor to a day full of sexy surprises for them both. Noticing...

4 years ago
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Im horny arent you

Introduction: Horny? Im always horny… You know that queasy tingle you get in your stomach whenever youre around someone you like? No? Well, it makes you go crazily nervous and not to mention horny as fuck. Well, thats how I feel anyway. Its a feeling that I cant control. At least I have an excuse for it, though, since Im a teenager and I always seem to be craving something or having random mood swings all the time. Anyway, Ive been having this queasy feeling in my stomach every time Im around...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Nesty The Climax

Stunning in lingerie that highlights all of her sumptuous curves, Nesty struts in to where Raul Costa is relaxing after a hard day’s work. Once she knows she has Raul’s attention, Nesty seats herself on the couch, spreads her thighs, and starts masturbating while Raul watches. Raul can’t keep his hands off Nesty for long. Soon enough he has joined in on her fun, finger banging her creamy pussy and leaning in to lap at her tight clit. Nesty isn’t shy about giving as much...

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Riding the Bus

I was 45 years old at this point and using public transportation. I worked the swing shift and got off work at midnight. One day while on the bus in the afternoon, I noticed a very large older woman. She was 60 years old, 5'2" with short grey hair, blue eyes and somewhat homely looking. She had a small female child on her lap and hugging and kissing the child. This turned me on and I decided I'd like this large woman to kiss on me. I was 6'3" tall at 185 lbs., hazel eyes and long brown hair and...

2 years ago
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Havana Club Ch 01

Chapter 1 – A Dangerous Proposal The desk phone rang. I knew the extension number by heart. It was Ross Crider, the company president. I picked up the handset and heard Ross’ strong voice. ‘Chris, get up here right away. I have something to discuss with you.’ ‘I’ll be right there,’ I answered. I hung up the phone and saved the spreadsheet I was working on. It wasn’t unusual to be called up to Ross’ office. The company, in spite of its size, was run on a very informal basis. I took the...

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What Should Have Happened

Author's Note: Apologies that I've been away for so long. Hopefully with the end of the quarantine on the horizon, I'll be able to get back to writing "my sissy stories" on a regular basis. In the meantime, here's a quick piece of fiction about what I wish would have happened to me during the lockdown. FYI--the first meeting really happened. The rest is what I wish would have happened over these past few months. I hope you enjoy the fantasy, especially if you're a Master who wants to...

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Trying just that black tip

I attended that party alone; my loving husband was flying away from town just right that night. I was not really in the mood for party, but my slut girlfriend Helena had insisted and finally I had accepted.The party was noisy but boring at same time.After many margaritas, I needed to use a toilette.Then I went to the first floor, looking for a bathroom. When I found it, I could hear there were moans coming from that room.The party was loud from all the dance music filling the air. I needed to...

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A Mothers LoveChapter 6

We called for a taxi and went to a pub in town, she looked gorgeous in a knee length summer dress, cut just low enough to show the swellings of her breasts, but it was what else she wore that had me drooling, the minuscule panties she'd bought in town a few days ago were framed by the lacy little suspender belt and that in turn held up a pair of fully fashioned stockings. She'd come downstairs after dressing and asked me how she looked, I told her she looked like a typical English rose,...

4 years ago
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my mom becomes a sperm slut for black men

I get why everyone says my mom is smoking hot. She's young, and with all the money my dad makes, she doesn't have much to do all day except work out, tone her body, and look nice. But what most people don't get is how much of a bitch she can be.I was in the middle of a videogame with my friend Jon when my mom came home carrying some groceries. She must have gone to the gym beforehand, because she was wearing just her black sports bra, skin tight pants, and looked sweaty."Drew, can you help me...

1 year ago
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Party Time

I was loading the boot of my car with shopping that I had purchased from the supermarket and was bent over the boot of the car. The back of my short skirt was riding up so that the beginnings of my ass cheeks were on show as I only had on a small thong under my skirt. Just then a red classic corvette convertible pulled into the parking lot. It looked like one of those cars that guys spend so much time on. Engine sticking up out of the front of the cover and bright polish silver trim and pipes...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Fantasies

I'm hard again thinking about my dream last night!.......You told me you were going out with the girls for dinner and I was staying in again!!You came downstairs from getting ready, looking amazing as always, perfect dress with your black heels, hair and make up to perfection, I feel suspicious but I love the rush of blood that I always feel when I think your doing something you dont want me to know about! We say goodbye and that you wont be late, but I can tell by the smile you cant supress...

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Black Magick

found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 74 Sophias Dilemma

"I don't know how much longer I can do this." Sophia had requested a meeting with Mary. It was almost three weeks after Warren had come home, about a month after the attack, and he wasn't getting any better. "He's not getting better?" Mary asked. "He's completely withdrawn. He goes to class, and he studies, and that's it--and keeping up with his schoolwork is almost on autopilot for him. Outside of that, he just sits in the bed. He won't touch me, he won't let me touch him. His...

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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 3

Here, I was, Charlotta, King High’s court’s runner up queen all those years ago back in high school. When Martha Ann, me and Art the same guy now staring down at me and my friend and fellow teacher, Martha Ann. Wood, yes, best described what I saw at that moment. I realized just not that he was spying on us, but it was crystal, I mean perfectly clear. Yes, indeed he had been watching the show with a hot interest. From my vantage point, I could see that his penis was pink. Hard, a real...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

1 year ago
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Full Masti With Good Friend

Hi friends this is shlok again with new story…..Y meri second story hai yha jo ki abhi 6 din phele hi hui hai socha aap sabke sath share karu.. Y meri aur meri friend ki story hai jo mere hi sath padhti hai iss story ko padh kar agar koi b female (delhi ncr s) mujhse contact karna chahe toh mail me at waste na karte hue story mai aata hu.Mai student hu age 23 years aur noida mai rhta hu rent par 6 din phele ki y story h jab mai aapni clss ja rha tha toh raste mai humari faculty ka msg aaya ki...

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do black male to piss off bf

Judy here 23 5ft 7" with 38bs. long brown hair. pass my shoulder. Back a while a I caught by bf fooling around on me, So thought I would share with you what all happen, My bf love for me to dress slutty, hem way high and top low cuts. The more the skin the bigger the smile. So I dress to please him most all the time. So it was his birthday , so I got out one of my micro mini skirt and low cut tops and that all I had on, I was in the mood to show him a good time . So I headed over to his place...

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catalaman223 claims hes a virgin

im 28 year for morocco im opsesed to make love with older women than me i really love that.your age not important for me and i dont need any money from you ,what i need is just to find mature woman like youngs and accept me as i am .as you know its too hard to find what i want in my country morocco because they are not open mined like people in usa or europ that's why i search in xhamster site of porno ,in reality im not lying to you i sent the same message to all my friends in xhamster just...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 29

The housewives and cheerleaders piled into Jackie and Ella’s cars and drove to Jessica’s, where they pulled up at the same time as Jessica’s SUV. Marie waved to them from the passenger seat, and when the garage door slid open and Jessica pulled in, the ladies filed into the garage to greet them.In the back seat of the SUV was an enormous trunk, which Jessica recruited a group including Jackie, Kelly, Kat, and Samantha to carry inside. They sat the thing down on the living room floor and stood...

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Aphrodites Shell Ch 06

Story till now: Mark was invited on a cruise for sex-freaks and nymphomaniacs by his cute girlfriend, Lolita Kwon, and her mother Dominique. Unfortunately, his mother and sister also decided to come along, both of whom have made humiliating Mark a game for years. Mark isn’t on the ship one day before he learns of a plot by the ship’s owner, the evil Sophia Underland, to have his girlfriend raped because she once dated her current lover, the handsome and hung Marcus Black. Now Mark is stuck on a...

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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos the tail of two bothers

Hello my name is Natalie and am new hear and I will be doing a series off sex story’s on my real life experiences To start with I will answers a couple off questions yes I have been a bit off a slut or a slag or a whore what ever you like to label me I don’t care as the dirtyest ones have the most fun Plenty off story’s to come as I have sleep with about 500 men and 150 woman as I am bi sexual 90% off my story’s on hear though will be the men that’s been in my life will only tell about the...

1 year ago
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Sweet18 Apolonia Alexa Blun Family Punishment

The black sheep of her family, the wayward daughter, a young girl who’s been doing whatever she pleases the whole year. Skipping class and fucking everyone around her. She loves sucking cock and she shows it defying her step-mother by playing playing with a lollipop with her tongue in front of her while she reprimands her for her low grades. She will end up getting a fair punishment she was actually looking for. But said punishment is gonna be a lot strict and family-related than she...


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