Solace & Rosanna Ch. 22 free porn video

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2003: Tears ran unaware and unchecked down L. D. Jansen’s face as she watched from her shadowy alcove as the stranger first embraced and then kissed the lips of the woman she had hoped to make her own. The tears were accompanied by a persistent ache in her abdomen, as if she’d been punched, but she could not turn away. Anger rose, but died just as quickly. With whom could she be angry–Solace, the stranger, herself? She had, in essence, pursued Solace. The fact that there seemed to be a shared chemistry between them was probably nothing more than coincidental. Although the evening retained much of the day’s heat and humidity and perspiration was beading on L. D.’s forehead, she could see that the woman (what was her name, Rosanna?) was holding Solace so close that there was little room between their bodies. It seemed almost indecent to be ogling such an intimate moment.

A creaking sound made L. D. turn her head slightly. She watched warily as a thin figure pushing a shopping cart moved towards her. She narrowed her eyes and could make out the face of a woman with a thatch of wild hair. She stiffened and her fingers clenched into fists. Her mood was foul, and she did not desire it to be tested by one of New York’s unfortunates. She made to back up but it seemed the woman’s eyes were boring into her soul and she felt powerless against allowing her to invade her space and grief. The cart slowed as the woman drew nearer. L. D. swiped at her forehead with the tips of her fingers. Her leg began its annoying twitching and she placed a hand on it, but it was useless. The trembling persisted.

“Your money cannot acquire this treasure,” came the uncharacteristically soft voice of the woman. Her breath held the sweet odor of peppermint. L. D. could see that she held an object in her hands. What was it—a can?

“Go away,” snarled L. D.

“You will not find comfort here. You will only find comfort on the dance floor,” replied the woman, ignoring L. D.’s threatening tone. She raised the hand holding the can so that L. D. could see the label. Ignoring the large block letters spelling out the word MACE, L. D. advanced, planting her taller frame directly in front of the bedraggled stranger.

“I will find comfort whenever, wherever and with whomever I choose,” she hissed, “Now, get out of here before I—“ she raised her hand but was hit with a caustic cloud. Instantly, her eyes began to burn and water and she began to cough violently. She thought she might choke or lose the contents of her stomach. Right now, though, L. D. did not care. Frantically, she removed a handkerchief from a breast pocket and began dabbing at her eyes which felt as if they had been set on fire. The bout was so noisy, she did not hear the voices of the women who came to see if they could help someone who was obviously in distress.

The women heard what seemed to be uncontrollable coughing and retching. Solace disentangled herself from Rosanna and began moving in the direction from which the horrible sounds emanated. Rosanna, being more cautious but having no intention of allowing Solace to walk into a situation alone, took her arm and headed them in the direction of the emergency.

As they neared the source, Rosanna recognized the outfit of the woman in black. Her brows knit in confusion. She thought she had left earlier and would be on her way to her next destination. Why was she here in the shadows? Suspicion welled up in Rosanna’s mind. Solace would, of course, have no idea who the stranger was until she spoke, which she seemed incapable of doing through her hacking and choking.

“Do you need helped?” Solace questioned, concern evident as she reached out a hand to where she thought the woman might be standing.

“I…I….I…think I’m okay,” L. D. gasped. She had never been attacked in this fashion and it galled her immensely that her usually excellent instincts and reflexes had failed her. She also realized, with a mixture of disbelief and trepidation that Solace and Rosanna were coming to her rescue. Could this evening get any more bizarre? It also became painfully clear to L. D. that she could not see. She moved her hands in front of her eyes and almost fainted. It was as if a curtain had been drawn, blocking out all light. She let out an involuntary moan of distress.

“What’s the matter?” asked Solace.

“Solace, I can’t see!” L. D. wailed. “I didn’t know that pepper spray could do that.” Now, not only was her leg trembling, but her entire body began to shake uncontrollably. She thought she might hyperventilate. Her cool exterior was rapidly cracking and she felt hysteria wrapping itself around her like a black cloak. She had never been deprived of her sense of sight and it frightened her more than any words could express.

Solace found L. D.’s hand, Without breaking contact with her frightened dance partner, she looped her arm around L. D.’s slim hips.

“You’re going to be all right, L. D. I’m sure it’s just a severe reaction to the spray. I’ve never heard of anyone actually going blind from a mace attack. Solace said this with more confidence than she possessed for she knew next to nothing about the side-effects of the poison. She did, however, know that they needed to get L. D. to an emergency room as soon as possible to assess the damage.

“Sanna, put your arms around L. D. We’re going to need to support her. She’s not too steady on her feet.”

Solace’s words jolted Rosanna out of her momentary inertia. She had stood by watching L. D.’s rising panic. She heard the dreaded three-word sentence and realized that the warm night air was doing nothing to stave off the chill of fear that made its way unbidden up her spine. She had known and loved Solace for five years and had never actually pondered what it would be like to be a blind person. She had simply accepted the fact as a part of Solace, only ever thinking about the many ways Solace went about her daily activities. Seeing a sighted person instantly become blind shook her to her very core for she took her ability to see for granted.

Rosanna moved woodenly to L. D.’s other side and, making an immense effort to push aside her feelings of intense jealousy and suspicion, looped her arm about the woman’s waist.

“We should take her to Lenox Hill Hospital. They’re closer,” Solace announced.

“Whatever you say, Sol” They made their way to the corner where Solace left L. D. in Rosanna’s strong arms and hailed a taxi.

L. D. was aware that she was being propelled forward, but her mind raced with dire possibilities and she found it difficult to stay in the moment as a black future loomed before her. She thought how ironic it was that she was so fond of the color black. Now that it was all she could see, she hung her head in dismay. It also did not escape her that she was being held up by her rival, but this fact seemed completely insignificant in the face of her despair.

As they entered the cab for the short ride, Solace tried to get L. D. to recount the incident. The only sentences she continued to utter concerned the fact that she could not see.

“Everything is black, Solace. How can I dance with you? How can I guide you?” L. D. moaned.

Rosanna stiffened in the seat next to her and quietly fumed.

“Don’t worry about that, L. D. We’ll be able to dance and you won’t have to worry about guiding me. I know the moves. You know that.”

“But I have to make sure that you don’t get hurt,” L. D. rambled. Words seemed to be tumbling out of her of their own volition.

“L. D., can you tell us what happened?” Solace tried again.

The fog began to lift from L. D.’s shocked brain and she stammered, “There was a homeless woman. She said my money couldn’t buy comfort. I just wanted to… I wouldn’t have hurt her. I wouldn’t have hurt her.” She dropped her hea
d in her hands running her fingers through her hair, pushing the bangs away from her forehead, the strands lay in tangled disarray.

Solace and Rosanna gasped at the mention of a homeless woman. Rosanna noted Solace’s reaction and asked, “Did you meet a homeless woman with a shopping cart, Sol?”

Solace responded in a soft, hesitant voice. “She said something about a rose, but I was on my way to rehearsal and then I forgot all about it.”

“She told me I needed solace, but I thought it was just a coincidence.” Rosanna said, in an equally quiet tone.

Their minds drifted back to their respective conversations with the woman with the birds’ nest hair.

As they pulled up to the entrance to Lenox Hill Hospital, Rosanna paid the driver. L. D. made a feeble attempt to reach for her wallet, but Solace grabbed her firmly and told her not to worry about it this time.

The women ushered L. D. through the doors of the emergency room. A security guard, in an ill-fitting uniform, rushed towards them.

“Ms. Jansen. What happened?” he huffed in exertion.

“She’s had an accident.” Rosanna offered.

The guard directed his next question to L. D., ignoring Rosanna. “Should I call your mother?”

“No. Thank you. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry her, please.” L. D.’s said in a calmer tone. Her initial panic and horror about going blind was abating as she found that she could at least discern the bright lights of the waiting room through an opaque haze.

“Can she be seen right away?” Solace interrupted. “She’s been sprayed with mace, and her eyes seem to have been severely affected. She can’t see.”

The guard noticed the white cane in Solace’s hand. He moved toward L. D., trying to take L. D.’s hand, but Solace would not allow him to wedge himself between herself and the woman. She waved her cane as if to strike him. Rosanna stifled a giggle that was attempting to erupt. Solace seemed determined to use her cane as a weapon. Rosanna thought she’d better be on her guard before the avenging Solace turned her innocent mobility device on her.

An attractive woman with shoulder-length brown hair (streaked with gray) wearing a white lab coat appeared. “L. D., it’s Doctor Rios. What’s happened?” She gently extricated L. D.’s arm from Solace’s vise-like grip and guided her, with Rosanna’s help, to an empty examination room. Solace turned to the guard and gave him what she hoped was her most menacing glare. He gave her a dull stare, puzzled that she seemed to be staring him right in the face. How could that be? She was blind…wasn’t she?

“Let’s take a look at those beautiful eyes.” As the doctor shone a bright light in her eyes, L. D. winced but felt a rush of elation as well.

“Did I hear someone say you were sprayed with pepper spray? I thought that stuff was illegal.”

“It is,” growled Rosanna, moving to stand by Solace.

As the doctor examined L. D., she discovered that there was irritation but no permanent damage to her eyes. She relayed the news efficiently and swiftly to allay her patient’s fear. Three women breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“Do you have someone who can stay with you tonight, L. D.? I’m going to prescribe a drop, but you might want a friend to help put them in, and I don’t want you home alone, just in case.” She looked at Solace and Rosanna, who looked at each other.

“I can take care of myself.” L. D. added with false bravado.

“I’ll stay—“ Solace said, placing a hand on L. D.’s knee.

“We’ll stay with her, Doctor. I hope you have room for two, Ms. Jansen.” Rosanna chimed in, noting Solace’s gesture.

Solace was no more than a blurry shape before her, but L. D. turned towards her. “Solace, I live in a penthouse apartment. You’ll have to take that elevator again, up to the seventeenth floor.”

“Doctor Rios, may I have a tranquilizer, please?” Solace asked with a grimace. The women laughed.

The elevator ride seemed endless and Solace’s heart beat wildly, but she suffered in silence. Visibly relieved, she practically pulled the others out of the elevator car when the doors opened onto L. D.’s apartment.

Taking in the splendid décor and huge aquarium in the immaculate apartment, Rosanna wondered about Ms. L. D. Jansen. She was obviously a wealthy woman. Her visual memory floated back to the letters on the awning of the building: The Jansen. L. D. must be the owner.

They guided L. D. to a leather sofa where she threw back her head. “Oh my God. My head is killing me.” L. D. moaned. The more sight she regained, the less light she was able to tolerate.

“Do you have ibuprofen? Where’s your bathroom?” Rosanna asked. L. D. flung her right arm in a vague direction. Rosanna followed it, rose and went in search of a pain killer. She looked back and saw Solace stroking L. D.’s matted hair. She hurried down the long corridor thinking that she did not want to leave Solace alone with this woman too long as there was definitely some chemistry between them.

She located a bathroom the size of a master bedroom, dashed to the medicine cabinet and retrieved a large bottle of ibuprofen. She struggled with the child-proof cap, grunting in her efforts. She shook two tablets into her palm, slammed the door, took one more quick glance around the sumptuous room and raced back to the living-room.

“We’re going to have to put her to bed. We can’t leave her here.” Solace whispered. She rubbed her arms. The air conditioner had cooled the apartment to near freezing. At first, it had been refreshing, now she wished she could turn it down.

“We can just cover her and sack out on one of these other sofas. God knows there’s plenty of space here.” Rosanna said, looking around.

“I can’t sleep without covers. It’s freezing in here,” Solace whined.

Rosanna sighed audibly. “Well, all right, Sol the Smart One, what should we do?”

“We’re all going to bed.” They jumped as L. D’s low voice floated up to them, “I have two guest rooms. You can take your pick.”

“First, we have to put those drops in your eyes, L. D.” Solace said, fishing in her shoulder-bag for the prescription.

“Please don’t tell me you are going to put the drops in her eyes, Sol. I know there are many things you do well, but—“ Rosanna said, reaching over to take the bottle of eye drops from Solace.

“I can do it if someone shines a bright light over her head.” Solace said indignantly.

“Solace, I know you can do a lot of things, but I think you should let—“

“Rosanna,” finished Rosanna.

“Rosanna, put the drops in.” But thank you.” Could Solace tell that she was visibly relieved?

Rosanna took the bottle and quickly and deftly administered the required drops. When finished, she deposited the bottle into a pocket of her shorts. She really should have followed in her mother’s footsteps.

They helped L. D. up and guided her to her bedroom. They asked if she wore any pajamas to bed. When she admitted that she did not, they made sure that she had everything she needed. Rosanna was turning to leave when she noticed that Solace seemed rooted to her spot on the plush carpet.

“I need something to sleep in, L. D.” Solace said.

“Why? You won’t need–” blurted Rosanna but stopped herself when she caught Solace’s glower.

L. D. pointed to a drawer where Rosanna found a black tee-shirt and matching draw-string pants. She handed the ensemble to Solace who examined the cuffs of the pants, thanking the spirits that they had elastic as they were quite long. Well, at least they wouldn’t find a block of ice come morning. And what would possess Rosanna to believe that she would allow her to sleep with her? She had given in to the kisses and, of cours
e, her body had betrayed her by sending that familiar tingle throughout her system, but she had no intention of…

They left L. D. and went in search of the other bedrooms. Rosanna took Solace by the hand and led her into a spacious room. She closed the door and reached for her.

With great effort, Solace gently pushed her away and used her cane to find a nearby chair. Rosanna walked over to her and dropped to her knees in front of her, silently grateful for the plush carpeting in this room as well. Covering Solace’s frozen fingers with her own cool hands she gazed up at her lovely face. Rosanna knew that Solace could see her up close, and she wanted her to be able to discern her sincere efforts to rekindle their relationship.

Before she could say anything, Solace commented, “Can you believe we’re here? I knew that L. D. might have some dollars, but I never thought of anything like this. If the carpet is any indication, the room must be exquisite. I’ll have to investigate it later.”

“Yes, the room is gorgeous,” agreed Rosanna.

Solace looked down at Rosanna. She smiled and brushed back a lock of her dark hair. It reminded her that Rosanna forever sought to control her surroundings but inevitably she could not manage all aspects of her life, her lovely tresses being an example. She smiled as she thought of her own new efforts at organization. It was a long, slow process and she had often asked herself for whom she was doing it. Secretly, though, she knew.

“You can’t sleep with me, Sanna. As much as I want you, I can’t. You hurt me more than I knew I could be hurt and I can’t just make love to you as if we’re okay. I’ll need time.” Her fingers traced a path from Rosanna’s eyebrows, to her nose, then to her full, sensuous lips. How they beckoned to her.

Rosanna sighed, kissed Solace’s fingers and placed her head in Solace’s lap. She knew, of course, that Solace was right, but she had hoped that the kiss they had shared had told Solace how much she wanted and needed her. Her throat was dry, but her eyes filled with tears, which dampened Solace’s sundress.

Through choked sobs, she said, “I understand, Sol. I’ll find the other room.” She rose, kissed Solace on the cheek, walked to the door, turned to see Solace once more and left the room.

Solace crossed to the bed and lay down as a fresh wave of tears began. She had thought she was cried out, but she was wrong.

Later that night, unable to sleep, Rosanna found herself back in the dark living-room with only the light of the aquarium. She had brought out a light comforter she’d found in a closet and draped it over her legs. She sat in a love-seat that provided an excellent view of the tropical fish as they darted in and out of caves and plants. She might have channel surfed, but she did not feel like trying to figure out the complex workings of the entertainment center in the lonely guest room.

She heard the unmistakable light tapping sounds of Solace making her way around the room with her cane. She knew Solace would eventually find a seat, but she walked quietly to her, placing her hand on her shoulder. Solace jumped and squeaked, “Sanna, you scared the crap out of me. Say something next time.” Rosanna grinned and took Solace in her arms. It felt wonderful to hold her again. She never tired of the feeling of her soft skin and intoxicating fragrance.

“I’m sorry,” Rosanna whispered in her ear. Could Rosanna feel the slight shiver her warm breath caused?

“Come sit with me.” She led her to the leather love-seat in front of the aquarium. They sat and Rosanna arranged the comforter around them and her arm around Solace’s shoulder. They spoke quietly about the aquarium and its beauty. Rosanna described the colors of the fish and plants and Solace found herself snuggling closer to her. Silence fell upon the room and the next thing Rosanna felt were Solace’s soft lips against her own. Her arms went around her and pulled her close. If the Great Ms. Jansen spied them, well…

The following morning L. D. discovered Solace and Rosanna curled up on the love-seat. Solace’s head rested on Rosanna’s shoulder, the picture of blissful peace. L. D.’s vision was still a bit unfocussed, but she could discern the outline of their bodies. Again, she wanted to give vent to her anger and yank Solace away from Rosanna, but how could she? L. D.’s cool exterior was well-known, but she could not be an ingrate. Rosanna had every reason to hate her and yet she had followed Solace’s lead and never shown any enmity towards her even though L. D. had made it clear that she wanted Solace. She sighed in exasperation and went to order breakfast. It was the least she could do. Then she would politely, but firmly, call her driver and have them driven home. She would have her housekeeper help her or maybe she would call Matilda.

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Vic stood alone in the bedroom, staring at the reflection in the full-length mirror as though taking notes. Dark hair, cropped close. Dark eyes, both by nature and by the distant look of loss in them. Full Mediterranean lips in an olive face. Torso covered by a black t-shirt. The leather jacket that went with it was thrown over a chair. Hips and legs clad in tight faded jeans that covered the tops of lace-up boots. "Yeah, I'm a sight alright," muttered the well built butch woman. She...

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He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...

2 years ago
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Recycling Day

I’m a 56 year old divorced man living in a small town in western Pennsylvania. Sometimes our small town is really behind the times especially when it comes to technology and modern services. Just a couple of months ago, a big blue recycling bin was dropped off at my house with a pamphlet in it, announcing the borough’s new plastics recycling program. It explained that only #1 and #3 types of plastic containers would be collected and how they needed to be prepared, etc.I’ve lived in my house for...

Straight Sex
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AftermathChapter 2

Okay last week we met Kevin and followed him through his trials with his first love. We left Kevin as he moved away from his home town after a heart-breaking betrayal. We pick up with Kevin starting a new life in Michigan. For the first month, I lived in a highway motel. After I got my first paycheck I moved into an apartment. It was much better but it didn’t feel like a home. The pace of life in Michigan was very different. My neighbors in the building came and went and rarely, if ever,...

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Kissing Kate Walsh

This is one of my fantasies. We move back to California in November and I'm finally able to become an actress. It's been one of my dreams and since my husband sold his business we have enough money that I can peruse my acting career. Finally I got my big break. I was to play the next door neighbor to Kate Walsh's character on 'Private Practice', and after my character goes through a bad break up, Kate comes over to console me. We end up in my hot tub, share a bottle of wine, and then in...

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Sorrels Long Journey to Love Ch 05

Chapter Five A Pink Room Mary called out to the kitchen where Fletcher was reading the morning paper. It was early. ‘Fletcher, it’s the telephone. Pearce Vasquels is on the line.’ Fletcher reached for the telephone and answered, ‘Hello?’ From the other line Pearce responded, ‘Fletcher. Good morning. Yes, this is Pearce. How is everyone? I hope you and your house guest are doing well?’ Fletcher had a hunch as to what was coming, ‘Oh, we’re doing pretty well. I’ve got her under control....

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 33

12:00 EDT Thursday, October 10th, 1991 The Naval Science Institute Pensacola, FL BM2 Lenore Collins sighed. Absolutely nothing had been left to chance, she saw, and there had been someone to meet her at the airport, her and another PO2, this one a Hull Technician, whose airplane had apparently only come in a few minutes before Lenore. She'd been put in a van, and the driver had taken the two Petty Officers to the Naval Science Institute. Her single bag would be waiting for her at the...

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It all seemed like yesterday. He, bouncing her on his knees, dressing her up in small girlish clothes and buying dolls for her pleasure and she, lovely as any five year-old. Their days together in the full blossom of the Arizona-summer, the sun shining through her blond locks of hair. Their picknicks out in the wild, tenting in the wilderness and fishing in Lake Oregon. Memories that seemed to only had been yesterday. Funny, he thought, about how life changes, how the years passes by without...

3 years ago
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Caught Red Handed

When I was married and I returned home to find the house empty, I would endulge in a fetish of mine, which was wearing my wifes sexy thongs. I had always loved to see a sexy pair of panties on a hot girls ass, and wanted to know how it felt wearing them. That´s how it all started, I had picked out a sexy red pair and slipped them on. The feeling of having the thong bit riding tight up the crack of my ass had been such a wonderful feeling that I just couldn´t stop. Before she was due home, I...

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Usually on a Friday night my man invites two or three of his friends over for beers and cards, and then there's the sex after they get bored. I get a good pounding from the guys and that wraps things up. I love sucking dick too, and his buddies can get a blow job from me anytime. I feel great after I make a man cum in my throat. I guess I'm submissive in general, but making men cum is my goal, and my man, being very dominant, makes sure that I pleasure his friends correctly as well as him,...

1 year ago
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Gay Mormon BDSM Training Part 5

Introduction: A young Mormon boy leaves for mission work, but finds himself getting taken advantage of by a powerful man. James fidgeted nervously with his fingers as the car rolled down the streets of Manhattan. His eyes darted around, looking anywhere but over at Victor. This torture went on for what felt like hours, until finally Victor broke the silence. So. he said, making James jump in his seat. What do you have to say for yourself? James took a breath. Im sorry I was late, I just- ...

1 year ago
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Biggest gay cock for me

I was a 26 yr old slim white bi boi. He was in his 40's and very masc. I walked in his door and we sat on the couch. We talked for a bit and I was very horny the whole time. I slid my hand up his leg and rubbed his cock through his jeans. I could tell that he was hung and already hard. I got on my knees in front of him and pulled his pants off. His throbbing 10 inch long cock was also very thick and it was staring me in the face. I gently kissed and licked it up and down before I put it in my...

4 years ago
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After Hours

She was on the phone when I walked in so all she could do was a little wink and a wave. Sitting behind a big desk in a low back chair and a big picture window behind her, she looked like the big executive that she was. She was talking big business trying to swing a big deal. So I just walked around the big desk and bent down to give her a little kiss on the cheek. I put my hands on her shoulders and started giving her a little massage. She leaned back and gave me a big smile as her shoulders...

Quickie Sex
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my sisters part 3

For a few minutes, I just lay in bed, enjoying the sensation of being pressed against Riley's warm, soft body. I thought about what had happened, about hearing Riley tell me that she was in love with me and about her promising to be there for me from now on. It kind of felt like something I'd been missing had suddenly turned up, or like I'd gotten a puzzle piece to finally fit into place. It was a nice way to wake up. Yawning, I climbed out of bed, stood up, stretched. As I pulled my...

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TeamSkeetExtras Layna Landry Booty Rub Sunny Fuck

You walk in on me lying naked on the bed and can’t resist grabbing some coconut oil to rub all over my ass and pussy. You start teasing my pussy lips and clit with your thumb and feel me pushing against you, wanting more. You slide a finger inside and massage me from the inside while I grind against your hand and moan with pleasure… my pussy is looking extra tasty and you turn me over onto my back and start eating me out, watching my facial expressions react to your tongue on my...

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Jim Submits

He had never had much problem picking women up. Sure he could find women to screw, but he wanted, no needed, something more. Much more. He wanted none of the pain and torture that dominated the S & M scene, but he did yearn to be dominated by a woman of debauchery. And this wasn’t something he cared to do in his hometown. He really didn’t give a shit what the Christian right’s opinion was, but he did have to do business with them. He had never even been to a house of prostitution before and had...

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Kudzu Ch 02

Mike and Jordan fled the room. Emotions filled both of them, from hunger and desire at being so close and intimate for the first time, to wonder and terror from the unexplained shadows imploding on Matt’s dead body just behind them. Mike’s head was filled with the very detailed and very vivid images of Jordan’s naked body. He tried to shake the thoughts from his mind a few times but to no avail. Jordan also could not stop thinking of what just happened, of all the suppressed emotions that...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 915

A cannibal was walking through the jungle And came upon a restaurant operated by a Fellow cannibal. Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu... +Tourist: $5.00 +Broiled Missionary: $10.00 +Fried Explorer: $15.00 +Baked Democrat or Grilled Republican: $100.00 The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, “Why such a high price for the Politicians?” The cook replied, “Have you ever tried to clean one? They’re so full of shit, it takes all morning...” This group...

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Capn Angie

I just want to say, before we get properly into this story, that I had an absolute blast writing this!I don't think I've ever had as much joy in writing a story, than I did with this one.That said, I do so hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :)Although if you hate it, or worse yet, hate me for having written it, well, you can just go on ahead and pucker those lips of yours up and kiss my arse!...

4 years ago
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Room Service

Room Service By Sasha Jenkins Jake Thomas was 40 years old when he was introduced to crossdressing. He only stood 5'4", had long red hair that he kept in a ponytail and only weighed 140 lbs. He kept a great many secrets about what certain guest's tastes were and he also kept a huge secret of his own. He was bi- curious but never had the courage to see if he liked it. He had drunkenly told only one person about it and she seemed understanding about it. But he had a commanding...

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Reece and his mum

June had a day of work and had decided to spend the day tidying the house. She started with the lounge and then headed to her son Reece's room. Normally she wouldn't venture inside there but as it had been ages since she had given it a good clean she thought it was about time. She started stripping the bed and as she grabbed the pillow she saw something coloured there. She reached for it and was totally shocked as she quickly realised it was a pair of her panties that she had put into the...

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Sharing the moment

I was just texting my friend that a woman I’ve been wanting was coming over. She asked if I was going to get lucky; I replied: “I hope so!”Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I set my phone down and answered. She was smiling and seemed to be more ready for me than I was for her. This was Katrina. We worked together and always seemed to be flirting, even when it was a little inappropriate. She was wearing a tank top and a plaid mini skirt. As I invited her in, I heard my phone go...

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Becoming Bitch

Linda, Part 1 - BeginningsI had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover she had always wanted. When it came to sex, her ex had ranged from lackluster to not interested, at best.We went at it like a couple of rabbits most of the time, especially in the beginning. She was apparently just trying to impress me in the beginning as well, by telling me of fantasies that ranged from being tied and taken by strangers to...

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Modern Relations part 03 Alexandra Does All The First Time

Alexandra and Kevin lay sprawled over each other, arms draped over legs, breathing in deeply, post coitus. The sheets were slightly moist from their shower and hasty towel off. Kevin lay facing up with his head at the foot of the bed while Alex lay face down to the right with one leg over his midsection. Kevin considered Alex’s extended leg as it lay next to his face. He found the sculpted calf, fine boned ankle and high arched irresistibly sexy. Until minutes ago she’d been walking around in...

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Newly weds

You and your wife Doe just got back from one hell of a honeymoon in Argentina. Your house has been fully furnished and its time for you both to start your new life together as man and wife. As you're unpacking your stuff into the closet, you notice Doe looking at you with a sinister smile. You know what she's planning but she'll have to wait until tonight before anything is decided. A year ago, you asked her to marry you but she had a very specific condition which you had to accept before she...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Karlee Grey Busty Karlee Grey Earns Her Keep

Karlee has rented a room for a few days from Jason. When he opens up the door to let her in, he recognizes her and asks her if she is the famous KARLEE GREY? She says yes, he is surprised and excited. He lets her in the house, shows her the bedroom where she will be staying. While she takes a shower, he walks by and sees her. He watches for a while as she soaps her prefect body. And those tits are amazing. She notices him and and to his surprise she invites him in. She takes his dick out and is...

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The Mysterious Tentacle Forest Alien1

After walking about a mile, I looked around me in the dark forest, noticing to being surrounded by large tree vines. The noise was now only metres away and I began to kneel down on one leg and creep up on this mysterious creature without it noticing me. Everything went silent... I began to look around me, but nothing was to be seen. As I moved my right foot, something was grabbing hold of it in the thick muddy long grass. I tried to tug my foot a second time, but it was if i was chained to a...

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Susan and her Sons Friend

Jeff was bored. Home for the summer after his sophomore year of college, he was working early-shift maintenance at a warehouse. As he got done by 2pm he had the whole afternoon and evening to entertain himself. It was now 3 o’clock and he had showered and eaten lunch and was wondering what to do until supper time. He called his friend Ryan to see if he wanted to get together and play video games. Ryan didn’t answer so Jeff decided to head to his house to find out what he was up to. As he walked...

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9 July 2008Chapter 2

The following night brought the next eight performers into the spotlight. Abby was really into the excitement of performing each week and secretly confessed to Brad that she felt either one of them was good enough to win. “Next up to try and win your votes singing, American Idol’s very first winner, Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Breakaway’ is Abby Kendall.” The beat of the song was slightly quickened and several lines omitted. Abby knew she’d be flirting with the allotted time and hoped her performance...

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Abby Ch 13

Passion In James County XI: Abby Chapter thirteen Abby drove down the road that led to the cabin, pushed the button on the remote control that opened the security gate, then drove through. She checked the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was following her. Nobody was. ‘I guess I was just being silly,’ she thought as she drove up the narrow road toward the cabin. It seemed to her that the same car had been following her for several miles, and she’d begun to get concerned. The area where the...

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Adventures in Sally

Chapter 1 Steve had heard that ketamine was a dissociative drug, but he hadn't expected it to be anything like this. "Whoa..." he said... or thought? It was hard to tell. Certainly, his lips didn't move. He could tell, because he found himself floating above his body, looking down at his slumbering form. "Weird. I wonder if I can..." Steve tried to move, tilting his perspective... and his vantage point glided across the room. A grin slowly spread across his face. It was like the...

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Maid to Order

               Maid To Order!                 TJ Ryder        It was a strange year, Patrick, aka Patty mused as hesat in study hall in the last period at school.  Just a year agohe had gotten in trouble over that mistaken stolen car beef, hissecond offense as a juvenile, and instead of the usual spankingor caning from his single parent mother, which most of the timehe found erotic, he was given the dreaded Choice!    Unfortunately lots of bad boys who had the right...

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Introduction: Infidelity by Jaden, but worse yet was Mikis betrayal. How are all three intertwined? That is left up to your imagination, but what happened is the exciting part, and for Jaden and Miki, it was definitely fun. Was it worth it? Jaden! Asamis voice ripped through the air. How would Jaden explain this? It wasnt like he could say its not what it looks like for what Asami saw was very explicit. Mikis head was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth gasping for air. Her naked body, flushed,...

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A Private Tour In The Museum

Amethyst looked around and realised she had been too long in the toilets. Her high heels echoed with each step as she walked in the huge hall of the museum. She had lost her friends and she'd have to look for an officer for help. She frowned as she thought about the one who greeted them at the entrance - a tall and tanned man, in his late twenties, who had looked at her from head to toe like she was a fugitive. She'd turned her eyes away under his scrutiny. Her small frame had made her feel...

Straight Sex
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Late night landing crossing Part Three

The landing made so much noise as I walked across it. I tried to walk softly, but that just made it worse. Chris and Jane’s room was only next door but it was far enough that I made enough noise to make them stop fcuking. Then I came to stop outside their bedroom door.Jane called out to me, telling me to come in – before I had even considered knocking. So I went and pushed the door open and took a step inside onto the carpet. The light was on in the room and Chris and Jane lay there under the...

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Thumper Ch 02

Previously… We meet Damian and Abby, and incubus and his mate. Following a visitation, Damian’s victim, a woman whose marriage has fallen apart, unexpectedly thanks him. Damian’s master is none too pleased. *** Damian sat in the darkened dormitory room in one of the tri-cities church colleges. On the bed, a girl of nineteen writhed, hair splayed on the pillow and across her face. He hadn’t touched her this time, but his very presence caused her hands to scuttle like spiders to her groin....

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