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Debra Oakman had stopped crying but only because her eyes could produce no more tears. She was terrified. Where was Mama? Where was Papa? And Conk? She knew some bad men had taken her, like before but not just one man, a whole bunch of them. Bad women, too. Bad peoples. They didn't do bad things with her, not like the other bad man. They didn't hurt her between her legs, but they put a metal ring around her wrist and connected another ring to the bed, so she couldn't get out of bed. The metal rings were better than the straps; she didn't feel as confined, but she didn't like them. She didn't understand. The wrist wasn't hers. It was a man's wrist. But when she tried to move her wrist, she moved the man's wrist. And once—she couldn't help it—she wet the bed. She tried to say "bathroom" but couldn't. She could only say three words: Mama, Papa, Conk. And her words weren't hers. Some man said them for her. A bad woman made her shower. And in the shower she had a pee-pee. She didn't understand how that could happen. What happened to her kitty? She wanted to play with her kitty, and she didn't have a kitty.
No one hugged her. Mama hugged her. Papa hugged her. Conk licked her face. No hugs. No kisses. And the food was terrible. She spit it out. She'd show the bad peoples. She wouldn't eat. She'd show them.
Then some good men took her away. She was so happy! She smiled and smiled. She thought they were taking her home. They wore clothes like the good men who took her away from the bad man from long ago and took her to Mama and Papa. But they were bad men, too. They didn't take her home. They put her fingers in ink and took her picture, and some other bad men took her to a different place. They put her in a little room that had a bed and a toilet and a sink, but they didn't put the metal rings around her wrist, so it was a better place. But she didn't like it. She wanted to be with Mama and Papa and Conk.
She cried herself to sleep, and the next morning she had to undress and shower again. She still had a pee pee. What happened to her kitty? And her chest was still flat.
The food was awful in the new place, too. She spit it out. She'd show them. Then another bad man talked with her. He had a soothing voice, so she said, "Mama, Papa, Conk," over and over again, but a man said the words for her.
Debra Oakman didn't understand. She was terrified.
You must eat or we will die, she heard in her mind.
Who are you? she replied silently.
Don't be frightened. I'm John. We share this body. What is your name?
Debra Oakman.
If we share a body we should be friends Debra. Will you be my friend?
I miss Mama and Papa and Conk, she said in her mind.
Conk licks your face. Is Conk a dog?Yes, Conk is my doggy. Are you a bad man?
No, I'm an experiment ... like you.
Oh, what's an experiment?
How old are you?
I don't know numbers. Do you know numbers?
Yes. Will you be my friend?
Dr. Brendon Uris tossed a file on the conference table. "Aaron MacDonald," he said to the other men and women sitting around the table. "He was transferred here yesterday from County General where he was under the care of Dr. Percy Stein. MacDonald was struck by lightning, which caused some brain damage that progressed into paranoid schizophrenia. He was put in the psych ward for non-violent patients in that hospital. MacDonald raped a female catatonic patient, and when he was being transferred to the prisoner ward of the hospital, he assaulted the head of security, pushed a table through an outer glass wall and ran off. Believe it or not, he was struck by lightning again during his attempted escape. Some Scottsdale Police Department personnel transported him from the hospital for booking, and then he was brought here.
Dr. Uris sighed. "I met with him this morning. His pathology is completely different. He's child-like now, completely regressed. He speaks only three words: Mama, Papa, and Conk. I have no idea what conk means."
"In your opinion is he a danger to himself or others?" Dr. Grant Breedlove said. Dr. Breedlove chaired the staff meetings at the Arizona State Hospital.
"It's too early to tell. There's another problem, though. He's refusing to eat."
"Will he drink?" another doctor at the table asked.
"Yes. We're loading up fruit juices with vitamins and other food supplements, but that won't work very long."
"Thank you, Dr. Uris," Dr. Breedlove said. "Please, keep us informed. Next case."
Our first morning run was brutal, but the scenery was awesome. Mom and Dad threw in the towel at about 500 yards. I lasted another 75 yards. Although, it would be generous to call our pace running, it was a good start. Conk ran circles around us, happy to be outside and free.
After I took a hot, soothing shower (I wore a shower cap to protect my new hairdo), Mom and I prepared and served breakfast for our guests. They were nice people; the man was especially jovial. Mom commented later that she didn't mind pampering happy guests. "It's the sourpusses that can't be pleased that get on my nerves," she said. "Unfortunately, the sourpusses outnumber the happy guests."
After I helped Mom clean up the breakfast mess, we selected a room in the inn that would serve as our weight room. While Mom made up the room our guests were using, Dad and I unboxed all the weight paraphernalia we'd purchased the previous night, and we were good to go for weight training the next morning. I planned to claim another Hector dream that night and start teaching them tai chi in the morning, as well. The beginning form of tai chi would be a good warm-up exercise for both the weight training and morning runs.
Then I went to my room to make some calls with my new cell phone.
With one phone call, I discovered that Coach John Windom was dead, killed when he was struck by lightning.
I hoped my mother would gather her granddaughter in her loving arms and help her become all she could be. Like an idiot, I had not left a last will and testament. I doubted the earnest money I'd paid to buy the properties would be returned, but there was substantial cash in the bank—over $200,000—that my mother could manage for my daughter.
Stop it! I told myself. Carol is not my mother, and Piper is not by daughter. I have to stop thinking of them in that fashion or I'll go batty.
If John Windom was dead, a swap didn't happen with Debra Oakman. No, there was another possibility. A swap could have taken place but Debra died during the swap. Argh! I needed more information.
It took an hour and a lot more than one phone call to find out that Aaron MacDonald was housed in a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.
Whoa! That set me back on my heels.
Which ego, or consciousness, or soul resided in my old body? John Windom's or Debra Oakman's? Then I realized the ego that had taken over my body could be from yet another person. Argh! With the information I had, I couldn't solve the conundrum.
Suddenly, a truly scary circumstance occurred to me. If there was another swap and I ended up back in my old body, I might spend the rest of my life in an insane asylum.
To put that thought out of my mind, I set up the wireless network that gave me a cable internet connection not just in my room, but in any room in the inn.
I found Mom and Dad in their small office, and they invited me to join them. They were discussing my suggestions from the previous day.
"We like your suggestions, Debra," Dad said.
"Do I hear a but in that statement?" I said.
Dad grinned. "But some of your assumptions, if not fulfilled, could spell disaster."
I nodded and said, "Too much depends on Hector, huh?"
"Yes," Mom said.
"What we'd like to do is put on the brakes a little bit without stopping forward progress," Dad said.
"We don't think we should hire an architect and other professionals to design the condominiums until we're sure we'll be able to pay off the mortgage on the inn," Mom said.
"Okay," I said. "That makes sense."
"And we don't want to close the inn until we have a committed construction loan," Dad said.
"Ah, the Hector thing again," I said.
"Yes," Dad said. "Once the mortgage is paid, we'll hire an architect to do preliminary design work only, not a full set of working drawings. From the preliminary plans, I can estimate the demolition and construction costs. During this time we'll investigate the market for the condos for various price points and hire a marketing consultant to put together a marketing plan. The preliminary plans will then to be adjusted to maximize profits in accordance with the marketing plan. At this point, we can sit down with some banks to discuss a construction loan. If Hector continues to cooperate while we're doing all this, we shouldn't have a problem getting a commitment for a construction loan, at which time we will close the inn and sell off the antiques and other personal property."
"There's also the small matter of finding another place to live when we close the inn," Mother said.
"And we have a fallback position," Dad said. "Remember, I told you the land is worth more than the inn. If we're not strong enough to qualify for the construction loan, we'll demolish the inn and sell the land to another developer."
"Hey, you guys are good at this. Your plan is better than mine," I said. And you guys don't know it yet, but I'll do the preliminary design work.
The week went by, and then another and another. Tai chi, the morning runs, working out with free weights, and the diet were doing their job. Mom and Dad fell in love with tai chi, and when they were competent with the beginning form, I started teaching them another. The pounds melted away. Mother was winning the weight-loss race—not in total pounds, Dad had that honor—but I wasn't far behind Mother in achieving my weight and overall fitness goals. As our weight decreased our bank account grew, and to increase my options for this life, I took and passed the G.E.D. test. That their retarded daughter obtained the equivalency of a high school diploma thrilled my parents.
We had a white Christmas. Snow in Ely could be beautiful, but snow contrasted with the amazing red rock formations in and around Sedona was breathtaking. I bought Dad a Movado wristwatch. It wasn't a Rolex—Dad wasn't a Rolex kind of guy—but it wasn't cheap, and Mom and I agreed that his ratty Timex had to go. My mother had a beautiful long neck, and while shopping one day, she'd admired a high-quality, two-strand turquoise necklace with jaclas. With Christmas around the corner, I snuck back to the store and purchased the necklace and some matching earrings. I also bought Mom a digital camera and color photo printer with a good starter supply of photograph paper. Conk got an expanding leash from me and some of his favorite treats.
Mom and Dad surprised me with my gift—a slightly used Honda Accord. It was white with gray leather interior, and I was thrilled. Mom and Dad had let me use the inn's van if I needed to drive somewhere, but inn business came first, and although I was careful to hide it, asking to borrow a vehicle irritated me. I'd considered using my own money to purchase a car, but such a large expenditure wasn't one of our family's goals. Buying the car for me met one of Dad's goals, though. Like taking his daughter to the DMV for her driver's license, he'd just bought his daughter her first car. He stood beaming satisfaction and pride as I jumped up and down, exclaiming, "I can't believe you guys did this for me!"
The gift giving was fun, but being a part of a family for the holiday gave me greater joy and, for the most part, kept me from dwelling on my losses from my life as John Windom.
The day after Christmas, I announced a Hector dream that gave me the talent to prepare the preliminary designs for the high-end condos. While they were still stunned by the announcement, I added, "There's a problem. The software, equipment, tools, and supplies that will allow me to do professional architectural work will cost more than paying an architect for the preliminary designs."
"How much?" Dad said.
"$25,000," I said.
He gulped.
Then my mother surprised me when she said, "Spend the money, Garth."
"Okay," he said, "but I'm curious about why you think we should spend the money."
She sighed. "Less than a month ago, lightning came down out of the heavens and struck my poor sweet nineteen-year-old daughter with a six-year-old intellect and transformed her into an amazing young woman. Suddenly she could read and write and passed the G.E.D. test without spending a day in school. She plays poker like a professional and is earning more money every week than we made last year. Did she go out and spend the money on herself? No, she sat down with us and presented a plan that will eliminate the albatross around our necks this god damn inn represents, and in so doing, she's made you a happy man because soon you will be doing the work you love. I love you, Garth. When you're happy, I'm happy, so she's made me a happy woman, too. She also looked in the mirror and decided she didn't like what she saw and devised a plan to lose weight and become physically fit, and she took us along for the ride. If she says she can do the preliminary architectural design work for the development job that will become the foundation for the rest of your working life, as well as our financial future, then I say fuck how much it costs. Just turn her loose and hang on while she continues to defy the laws of the universe and nature."
She paused, but briefly, and then said, "Remember the first night after Debra was struck by lightning, Garth. I said I felt like I'd been run over by a freight train. Remember?"
"I do," he said.
"I was wrong. I was given a front seat on a roller coaster, and I for one don't want the thrilling ride to end."
"Wow!" I said.
"You can say that again," Dad said.
"Wow!" I said and giggled.
The week before Christmas and the week after were good weeks for the inn. Over half the rooms were occupied, so Mom couldn't leave the inn when Dad and I hopped in the van to drive to Phoenix. We needed the van to haul my purchases. They wouldn't fit in the Honda.
The most expensive items on my shopping list were the CAD plotter and a scanner. I found a refurbished HP Designjet 4000, 42" plotter and saved about $4,000 off the cost of a new one. I also found a refurbished HP Designjet 4200 scanner that saved even more than I saved with the refurbished plotter. With the big-ticket items out of the way, I hit my favorite architectural equipment and supply store in Phoenix and loaded up with everything else I'd need. With the savings on the refurbished plotter and scanner, I cut my startup costs to just over $15,000. Dad was pleased, so I decided to jump start another goal I'd made for this life.
"Dad," I said, "I can't be an architect. I'd have to go to architectural school for five years, and then apprentice with a licensed architect for three years, and finally pass the test to become a registered architect. I'll do the preliminary design work for the development projects we put together in the future, but I think we should sub-contract the working drawings to a licensed architectural firm. I don't want to go through all the rigmarole it takes to become an architect. I can, however, be an artist."
After a short discussion about my chosen life's work, we also hit a couple of art supply stores, and I spent about $5,000 on art supplies and equipment.
Back at the inn, I commandeered two rooms, one for my art studio, and one for an architectural studio. The next day, instead of starting the preliminary designs for the condos, I bundled up and went out under a startling blue sky, breathed clean, crisp winter air, and painted some watercolor scenes of the red rock country. I was delighted with my new body's eye/hand coordination. With Debra Oakman's youthful, steady hand, guided by the years of experience that came from Aaron MacDonald's mind, the brushes and paints performed their magic. The results weren't gallery quality, but I was more than satisfied with my first attempts.
. The story starts with my best friend and his girl. My best friend who we’ll call Josh and his girlfriend who we’ll call Lola are also both music students. My name is Alex. I’m a 19 year old Music student from the U.K. This is the story of a passionate love affair which started last year and has been going ever since. The story starts with my best friend and his girl. My best friend who we’ll call Josh and his girlfriend who we’ll call Lola are also both music students. Picturing the...
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I awoke in the tiny studio apartment over Jen's Garage. It was more comfortable than a motel would have been, but of course it still wasn't home. I had brought my very small laptop computer, so I marked the day off the calendar as if I were a prisoner in some dungeon. I even hummed 'Nobody knows the trouble I seen' as I brushed my teeth. After I showered and dressed, I slipped down the back stairs and out of my best friend's house, I had no idea whether Jen would have cooked for her...
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If you find reading my encounters sexually stimulating, and you find yourselves wanking, and more importantly cumming, then please after wiping tell me yo did, and if you want a special thank you leave your email address so I can thank you for your efforts. That after all is what this site is about, bringing you and I together so we can be dirty together, now is that exciting or not.We sat in our knickers and loose fitting t-shirts, that way when we bent forward out tits, small as they were,...
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If women were honest, we would admit to enjoying a bit of voyeurism, a rogue wanker in the bushes, shooting as you pass him, nothing titillates a girls libido more, than a stolen glance at a man in full flow, especially something so sexual and in your direction.I have had more than my fair share of stolen moments, partially because I hold no fear of men doing it in public, and because it turns me on, yes, I get an instant wetness between my legs, knowing a little response from me will make him...
My Wife (amy) and I who have been together for around 4 years expecting a c***d had a bbq one summer evening. It was put together fairly late and only Amys friend Alice (who was also heavily pregnant) and her partner could make it.I remember when Alice turned up I couldn't help but stare at her magnificent Figure her huge round tits bounced as she walked or giggled, her Ass was incredible and was barely contained in her tight jeans. my cock was beginning to throb as I watched her and my wife...
“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”After only the second stroke Heather Reid knew she was in trouble. A further ten was quite unthinkable, but that was what she had agreed to – twelve strokes of the tawse across her bare bottom and thighs as an alternative to being reported to senior management, an action that would almost certainly result in her dismissal. It was so unfair....
And all through the house, Not a creature was stirring……. As you can probably tell, not a whole lot was going on! So yeah, it’s not exactly the Little House on the Prairie but our home sitting squarely on the Nebraskan high plains in a small mid-western township, is if nothing - congenial living. OK, so it was constructed in 1926. Interesting year that. Calvin Coolidge was in the White House, Eddie Cantor was running hot with “Bye Bye Blackbird,” A.A. Milne...
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Love StoriesAfter the contest: While a sponsor is allowed by the rules to immediately unlock his contestant and lead her off to a private party while collared, cuffed, gagged, and naked, or release her collar and/or her cuffs, or even let her get dressed again and go home alone if he wants, it is traditional to have all contestants remain “benched” for some time before releasing them. This allows the spectators to get to know their favorite contestants while the officials compile the final standings and...
Frigid. That was the first thought that drifted into his addled mind when he finally woke. He was on his side, and as bleary consciousness returned, he had only the briefest of moments to realize that he was naked and that his hands were bound behind his back with two bands of metal before sudden, powerful heaves brought forth the last day’s meal. Except, he realized as his body revolted with what felt like every cell of his being, that I have no fucking idea what day it is. His groan was...
BDSMMY SECRET LIFE BY WALTER VOLUME-1. Chapter V After fathers death, our circumstances were further reduced, At the time I am going to speak of, we had come to a small house nearer London; one sister went to boarding-school, an aunt (I had many) took another, I went to a neighboring great school or college, as it was termed, my little brother Tom was at home; but reference henceforth to members of my family will be but slight, for they had but little to do with the incidents of this private...
"Ray rang for you. He said could you ring him back before four," Mum told me as I entered the room. I was still dazed from Abi's admission only a few seconds earlier and barely registered Mum spread out on the couch scribbling over some paperwork, let alone compute what she said. I jerked my head towards her when I noticed her presence and she clapped her hands together to get my attention. "Ray rang for you. He said could you ring him back before four," she repeated, her eyes bearing...
"We did it, we did it," Jimmy was chanting and bouncing up and down on the passenger seat like a kid. His antics were getting on Mark's nerves. I'll deal with that idiot later, Mark promised himself as he tried to concentrate on his driving. The pair had just robbed a bank, had the police hot on their heels and were approaching a crucial point in their get-away plan. Every afternoon at exactly 3:10 a long freight train rolled through the town of Springville. It not only blocked the...
Anita and I were coming back home from a trip we had made to a not so far town, to visit some old friends. We had spent a very nice week end with them; but we had not had sex in the last days; so my wife was particularly horny during that trip…After one hour driving, she leaned against the door on the passenger seat and put her long toned legs on my lap. She was wearing a short summer dress; so I started rubbing her legs, until Ana lifted the hem until her waist. She exposed to me her bare wet...
We, Nancy and I had been married about two years when we moved to Alaska for work and to see if we wanted to live there. Juneau was the place, I was a VW mechanic and she worked for the phone company. It did not take us long to make some friends, my friends were mostly into fishing and hunting, her friends were into partying. The group of party friends she introduced me to were a lot of fun, drinking late into the night playing cards and just generally having a good time. One Saturday night we...
Mom 4K sounds a little bit like a fun run for mamas, a couple miles and a half of heart-pounding cardio with perhaps a charity angle thrown in. Of course, I’m not in the business of reviewing wholesome activities, so you already know this ain’t going to be a SFW excursion. Nah, when I talk about moms here at ThePornDude, they’re typically naked, horny and hot, and the MILFs of this next website are certainly no exception. These ain’t the local fatties cheering on their tykes at soccer practice,...
Premium Interracial Porn SitesI was an online cock tease. You know the sort, answers messages on hook-up sites and leads you on but never follows it through. I'm that guy. I don't know why I did it, I just like to feel wanted. And let's face it, women get a lot of attention, but Guys hardly ever get messages from them. But on gay sites all you have to do is say you want to suck their cock or you want them to fuck you. And you could be having hot sex chat right away. What can I say? It gets me off. But I took my teasing a...
Hello people, this is Vidya from Hyderabad. I would like to dedicate this sex-starved story of mine to all the Indian housewives who are unhappy with their sex life. I am a beautiful, fair, and curvy 40-year-old Indian housewife towering 5 feet 8 inches. I got married at the age of 22. My beloved husband Shekar lives in the US and visits us twice a year and we have a kid who is 12. I and Shekar had lots of erotic sexual encounters in the first five years of our marriage. We made out in the...
The atmosphere in the courtroom changed as soon as the focus shifted from the prosecution making its case to hearing the defense team finally telling their side of the story. It was obvious to the spectators and hopefully to the jury members that the judge was doing his level best to grease the wheels for the prosecution simply because the evidence and the facts were so overwhelming that some of the jurors questioned why the case was not dismissed at the outset. The sense of chaos at the...
It’s New Years Eve and Vanna Bardot has a shimmering, sexy outfit to wear for the big event. She gets all dolled up and then walks out to where her stepbrother, Kyle Mason, is wearing. He lets her know that he’s in charge and she’s not going anywhere. Then he doubles down by calling Vanna a slut. Kyle thinks that he has the last laugh when Vanna storms out because he has taken her car keys to keep her in. Vanna sneaks out despite Kyle’s best wishes, but when she returns...
xmoviesforyouChastity was nineteen when I met her. I was nearly twice her age. Maybe I should have had more sense than to go all mushy over a girl so young. Maybe I should have given more thought to the risk, but truth is, she stole my heart. Then she stomped it and kicked it to the curb. She was a part-time writer at the suburban newspaper where I worked back then. I had noticed her but we hadn’t met. She was thin, with brown hair so long it brushed the delicious curve of her ass. Not beautiful, she was...
Love StoriesFor Vina Sky’s birthday, Kiara Cole has a sexy, sultry surprise. She gives her friend a gift, but as Vina tries to unwrap the bow Kiara gently takes it from her hands and wraps it around her friends eye’s. Blindfolded, Vina lets Kiara lead her into the bedroom. When Kiara takes the blindfold away, Vina is treated to the sight of Jake Adams on the bed with his junk in a box. Vina is hesitant to go to her gift, but Kiara isn’t about to let a little shyness stop her girlfriend...
xmoviesforyouHi I am Abhay Mittal and after various response to my previous interaction I am here with new story. I am 22 and from Delhi. I am 6 feet tall and have a 6 inch dick. Body structure is average and I love sucking and eating girls pussy. I also like to fuck the sexy bubble butts. Any women interested to have a steamy sexual affair mail me or Kik Me at mittalabby …. This story is real and occurred just few days ago. Ashima Sharma is one of my neighbor and is a horny girl, I saw her many times...
Hello friends, main prashant 27 from Mumbai, ye meri personal kahani hai jo main aap sabhi ke saath sahre karna chaahata hue. Sabse pehale main ye batana chahunga ke main bi-sexual hu, i like man as well as woman. Kahani tab shuru hue jab main mere batch mates ke saath alibaug beach pe picnic pe gaya tha, hum sab milke 22 log the jisme 8 ladkiyaan bhi thi, meri girlfriend bhi hum logon ke saath aai thi. Uska naam hai presha, meri aur uski mulakaat mere pehele job ke samay hue thi, wo bahut hot...
My mother-in law "Gloria" is 62-years old, stands 5'10 and weighs around 130 pounds, with flowing raven hair and never ending beautiful legs. She has 4 beautiful daughters, none as tall as she but all dark-haired lovely girls with beautiful bodies. She has a way of walking that turns the head of not only men but women as well. She wears a special Italian perfume that always weakens me as she walks by. Gloria and my father-in law John live in London England where he is an international...
TabooPyare Doston, Jindgi me sirf chudai ke baare me likhna ek kathin kaam hai aur khas kar ke ek ladki ke liye. Jaisa ki maine aap ko bataya hai, maine alag alag prakaar se chudai karwaai hai aur wo aap ko batatne me kabhi bhi peeche nahi rahi hun. Mere raaste me kai rukawaten aayi, kuch log mujhe pasand nahi karte, shayad wo mere unke sath chudwane ko naa kahne ki wajah se mujhe pasand nahi karte. Maine pahle hi kaha hai ki apni chudai ke baare me likhne ka ye matlab nahi hai ki koi bhi mujhe...
Introduction: It is one of the hottest days of the summer and for those in the quiet English street exposed to it, the heat wave is doing strange things to the body and mind. Playing into an environment of a neighbouring home alone 47 year old housewife and a home alone 17 year old teenage boy whose own ways of dealing with the heat leads to a passionate encounter that threatens to involve the 30 year old sister in law of the housewife and another neighbour, a sexless never married 65 year old...
Hello readers, my name is Rahul (name changed). Let me first tell about my family, it consists of 3 members my dad, mom, and me. My dad usually won’t be at home because of his unusual shifts like day and night. My mom is an educated and a sanskari woman. She was married to a guy who was really older than her, so her sex life was kinda dead. My mom has normal-sized boobs and a big ass. My mom kind of looks like actress Vidya Balan but a little more slim. In our building, our relatives used to...
IncestA 20 year old guy went for tuition to his neighbor girl of the same age. She cleverly tempted and raped him. Devji is my name. Twenty years after their marriage my parents begot me. Because of late admission, I am in pre degree at my 20. My neighbor girl Abi is in her second year degree. I'm very weak in Maths. So my mom requested her to take tuition. She gladly accepted. I have to tell about my appearance. Though being in my 20, I looked as if I were in my 25.. Tall, colorful, elegant...
First TimeEmily was on the bus travelling home from school,the bus quite busy, she noticed an old man sit next to her on the bus, she thought nothing of it, although he smelt a bit unclean. The old guy can't help looking down at Emily's shapley legs going all the way up to her short School skirt. Living near the end of the bus-rout, passenger gradually got off, leaving Emily and the old guy still sat next to each other. Emily being Emily, the vibrations of the bus start to get her feelng horny and...
We both were in a mood to party having spent too many weekends working on the home projects – which never seem to end. So when Paul, who Marie had been talking to each other on AOL and the phone for over a year, told her he would be heading up to Connecticut and passing through Washington, it was decided she would meet him for dinner. Although she had never met Paul, Marie felt very comfortable meeting him alone because of their prior conversations. The day of the dinner Paul...
This is a story about a fictional tribal community named ‘Tities’ that lived centuries ago in a jungle. All they did was hunting and gathering food to provide for their families. There were only around fifty families in this community that lived together as one big happy family helping one another. To have some governance over this tribe, these people get together and elect one of them as their leader for five years. The elected person was like a king and his family members were guarded all the...
IncestI had just turned twenty-one and was heading to a friend's party deep in the Valley. My buddies were already there and drunk, and I was determined to catch up. The night commenced with a bottle of Crown Royal Reserve and someone was rolling spliffs the entire time. Needless to say, we were all feeling loose and good. My friend, whose party it was, let's call her Rachel, was my age and had a one-year-old, but you'd never know it looking at her body. She was gorgeous, with perfect tits and an...
ThreesomesThe Andersens had turned up at Helen's door, somewhat unexpectedly, a few weeks ago. Helen had already fallen in love with them all. The three had been solicitous of her, and encouraged her to talk. They wanted to hear everything about her family and her friends, and were especially interested in those she knew in Gynt: her sister, Magda, her talented niece and nephew, Dee and Penn, and Gynt's healer, and teacher, Jennifer and Tsanja Beale. Pamela was sitting at the kitchen table as Helen...