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That was the first thought that drifted into his addled mind when he finally woke.  He was on his side, and as bleary consciousness returned, he had only the briefest of moments to realize that he was naked and that his hands were bound behind his back with two bands of metal before sudden, powerful heaves brought forth the last day’s meal. Except, he realized as his body revolted with what felt like every cell of his being, that I have no fucking idea what day it is. His groan was gravel in his throat as he moved to roll onto his other side – away from the spreading pile of vomit that was slowly edging towards him. And with his attempt to move, came other jewels of information.

Not only was he bound – but the sharp jingle of shackles and the metal piece protruding from the floor told him that he was chained as well. His cuffs were tight around his wrists, and the length of the chains constricting him was just long enough for him to move his arms to his sides. Even with all of his wearied searching, he couldn’t find a keyhole on either manacle – so he set to studying the room instead.

It was an old cellar, it seemed. Barrels of what could have been wine hunched against the far wall, stacked in two rows of three. The delicate cobwebs dusted across their spigots spoke to exactly how long they’d been down here. A set of four wooden stairs that sat beside the wine barrels led up to a beaten, old wooden door that likely should have been replaced a long, long time ago. The room itself wasn’t that large – perhaps a solid six by five feet. But the darkness, deep in corners and tipped with the crisp, raw edge of Wynter, made it feel much bigger. Still shaken but functioning clearer, his mind tried to work out exactly how and when the fuck he’d been wrangled and trussed like a hog fit for slaughter. The last thing he recalled was ordering Chinese, flirting with the Siamese Anthro delivery girl, and then . . . nothing.

He groaned again. The dim light – a bulb suspended from a thin pole and nothing more – seemed too bright to his dried out retina, and the concrete floor, covered by a thick layer of dirt and who knew what the fuck else, did nothing to keep his already icy extremities warm. He’d began shivering the moment his retching had subsided, and though he knew his body was only trying to survive, it only furthered his exhaustion.

That was about the time the door swung open.


The sudden input of light against his dilated pupils left him squinting and damn near blind as he did his best to examine who he could only assume was his captor.

All other obvious indicators aside, his job as Detective at the Wako City Police Department regularly gave him insights into others’ behaviors. And this woman had just pulled the oldest trick in the book: wait until your subject is weary and completely out of sorts – that’s when you’ll get exactly what you want. Her footfalls were somehow absolute in the cellar’s silence as she stepped down from the stairs, closing the door behind her.

She was tall – and as she stepped into the dingy lighting, Almus noted that she was green. Gravel spilled from his chapped lips. “An Orc? What’s an Orc need from a guy like me?” She didn’t say anything as she studied him. Her eyes glowed green in the semi-darkness, and as she sized him up, he returned the favor. Though – how much of her he could actually see was limited by the heavy cloak she wore. Her head was uncovered, and though the unruly mane of dark curls that framed her face did the job well enough, he could see the small canines protruding from beneath her bottom lip. She also wore the toeless socks that were so common with female orcs.

Her own voice was soft – but the fury leashed in that voice pulled his exhausted mind straight to attention. “It is not what I need, Detective Davidson,” she said, “but rather, what you want.” He’d always listened to his instincts, and though he had a nag for trouble, they’d given him a nag for surviving.

Almus was silent for a moment as he ran her words through his still shaken mind. Damn it all. “And what does that mean?” Muscles flexed beneath his tan skin as he tested his shackles. She didn’t respond to him immediately – but he didn’t miss the cursory glance she slid over his body. He made a derisive noise. “I do hope your motivations for a felony offense are more important than fornication.” Still, she said nothing, and as impatience and outright annoyance ate at him, he ground his teeth. But he was in no position to piss her off – so his best bet, not to mention the safest bet, was to not.

It was several moments before she spoke again. “Would you like to leave this cellar, Detective Davidson? Alive?”

His answer was immediate and bitten out: “Yes.”

He wasn’t quite sure when she moved, but the general consensus was that he hadn’t seen it – her hand was wrapped around his throat, sharp nails easily piercing the skin there as her emerald eyes peered into his. Her face was mere inches away. “Then, you will tell me why your last case ended in my sister’s death.” Blood trickled from where her nails dug in, and Almus swore. His last case hadn’t ended exactly how he’d intended it to – and part of the reason was because he’d lost his informant. He hadn’t known the girl had had family; in fact, beyond her name and skillset, he hadn’t known anything about her at all.

“Because,” he growled at her, “she got caught in Ogre’s warehouse, and Ogre doesn’t take kindly to visitors he doesn’t drag there himself.” Ogre was a fiend son of a bitch – but he knew how to conduct his business low enough beneath the radar that even Almus hadn’t been able to catch a whiff of evidence in the last eight years. His eyes must have betrayed him – because the next words out of the Orc’s mouth were, “And who sent her there?”


Her grip tightened as she leaned closer. “Who sent her?”

His own grey gaze turned to steel as he met her eyes. “I think you already know the answer to that.” And with sudden, startling clarity, it came to him that he might not be leaving this cellar after all.

“What you think is of little consequence, human.” She spat the words as she released him and stood. Her emerald gaze was cold as she brought forth a small dagger from her cloak’s depths – Almus went rigid, jaw clenched as he glared at her. Perhaps, if he’d spoken sooner, she may have exacted her punishment quicker; as it was, Almus said nothing as she carved a symbol into her hand with the dagger, staring unflinchingly as blood pooled in her palm before dripping down her exposed arm and onto the floor beside him.

“You have two choices,” she said. Her voice was grave, and her brow hung low above her eyes – as if she were displeased that she’d give him a choice at all. “You can die right here – on the ground, on your back like a bitch in heat.” Teeth ground together, hostility rising quickly as his nostrils flared. “Or you can surrender yourself to me.”

The snort that fell from him was derisive, to say the least. “Surrender myself, you say. And what, pray tell, does that mean?” It should have been obvious – naked as the day he was born and a heavy cloak? He’d played this game before.

“It should be obvious to a man of your notoriety.” The way she’d said notoriety made it more than obvious that she knew his tastes were far and wide and not at all singular. He still said nothing; she hiked a brow – and with her bloodied hand, reached up to unclip the large buckle that held the cloak closed. And as it fell from her shoulders to pool at her feet, no amount of exhaustion could have kept him from drinking in the sight of her.

The legends claimed that the Orcs had been crafted by the gods themselves,  carved from the very stone of Angelo's Bay and brought forth to protect the earth and its resources from greedy humans. Almus was tempted to believe it.

Her green skin was the velvet that held her tight, toned body together. Her hips and shoulders were of equal widths, but the thin waist between the two gave her sublime curvature. Supple where it counted and tight muscle everywhere else, his eyes traced the slight outline of her ample ass -- and flowed from her sweet center that was crowned by a trimmed thicket of dark hair, down her solid thighs, passed her tense calves, and to narrow ankles and flat feet that were tipped with the same black, sharp claws as her hands. Her head was held high with pride – and with that and the loss of her cloak, he noticed other things that had not been immediately obvious.

With her body exposed as it was, he could gauge her height more accurately – and he was surprised to find that she was probably nine feet, maybe even a little taller. Her dome was mounted by a golden diadem that displayed a tear drop ruby in the middle of her forehead. Two golden dermal piercings speared that skin on the bridge of her nose, and as his eyes traced the white tattoos that mirrored her sinuosity, he came to rest upon a realization.

He’d offended the Orc queen. How lovely.

"Do you see now, human?" Her words were indifferent as she glared down upon him. His answering sneer was outrage incarnate.

“I see now,” he growled back, even from his position on the ground, bound and at her mercy, “that you are fucking insane. I do look forward to the moment the Department of Interspeciatal Communications gets wind of this.” For years, now, they’d been searching for a reason to cut the Orcs and Orges from their organization – and now, they’d finally have one.

It wasn’t discrimination; not outright discrimination anyway. The trades they made with the Orcs and Ogres usually weren’t deemed to be worth the trouble because both groups were such an uncompromising, rigid peoples in how they dealt with humans. The information they gave (on the Elves, some of the rarer Anthro groups, and even information that pertained to war and government affairs) was so few and far in-between that, little by little, more and more humans were becoming intolerant of Wako City’s connection with them. But breaking off a decade old alliance needed a better reason than speciesism.

Not to mention the Orc queen herself . . . . There were rumors about Queen Maj that were extravagant – and true. They said she’d won skirmishes and wars against the Ogres and Elves with soldiers she’d trained herself. The rumor mill was always turning, and these days, it spoke of the Orc Queen who was in more possession of land than the Orcs had been in centuries. She was a brutal, conniving leader who didn’t take well to disobedience or insubordination – but she was steadfast in her dedication to her people.

Her answering grin chilled him to his bones. “The Department of Interspeciatal Communications may be losing patience with my people, Almus, but they are not stupid. Government, if you’ve ever noticed, is heavily invested in the survival of itself.” He was silent as Maj spoke, the only other sound in the room the drip, drip, drip of the blood leaking from the cuts in her palm. “They would willingly sacrifice you if it meant appeasing me to avoid war. After all – you brought death to an Orc queen’s sister. Treason, Detective, and punishable by death. At the very least.”

Almus said nothing as she dropped the knife behind her. It landed silently on her discarded cloak. “What? Torture not your thing?” Nervous energy built as he watched her – and as her glowing emerald eyes met his, he would swear that mirth danced there.

“I do what I must when I must,” Queen Maj retorted. His lips parted, ready to speak, to snarl, to do anything that meant reaching the door behind the Orc woman with the increasingly alarming mischievous gleam in her eye; Almus had nothing. Because she was right. He’d offended her – and valuable asset or not, Wako City’s mayor would choose the city over him, any day, any time.

His glare beheld her as she moved to stand over him – and he viciously ignored the exposed, pink regions of her parted sex. “And?” he said instead. “How might one such as myself surrender to you?” His mind was everywhere at once – anger and pride battled his growing lust and fervor as the queen lowered herself before him. The neat brush of pubic hair did nothing to hide her sweet folds from his view as she squatted above his stomach, and though he typically preferred women who were smaller than him, he found his cock hardening with no problem at all.

Weariness bit at him – exhaustion was still present, even after it’d been so long since his bout of sickness. But as he watched, furor adding to the plethora of warring emotions coursing through him, the woman leaned forward, and with her injured hand, she began smearing her blood on his chest, neck, face, and arms. Almus nearly blanched. “I’ll be the first to admit that my fetishes are a little out there, Maj, bu–”

He wasn’t entirely sure when she’d moved, but her ass was above his face in the span of a few seconds. “There are better things to do with your mouth, Almus,” she retorted as she continued painting him with her blood. “If you’d like to see the sun again, I suggest you explore them.”

It was one thing to get glances of her folds from a ways away – it was another thing to have them hovering above his face. The sweet scent that every woman seemed to contain wafted into his nose, and as if it could sense exactly what was being thrown at him, his manhood stood to attention. Between the steady, wet pressure of Queen Maj bedecking him with her life’s blood, and the scent of her permeating what felt like his every pore, it wasn’t such a stretch.

He could only blink when it was shoved stubbornly closer to his face. “I should think you would want to please your new Queen, human.” He looked down and saw Maj staring at him, a flush to her skin as she watched him with half-hooded eyes. “If only to convince me to allow you to preserve some measure of control over your life.”

“You’re a demanding woman, Queen Maj,” Almus shot back, nails digging into his palms as he gave her the easygoing grin that was his trademark. “But since you’re so eager.”

“I am,” she said simply, before continuing on with her task.

What the fuck is she doing? Would she tell him, even if he asked? He doubted it. With every movement of hers, her sex moved with her – and with a heavy sigh, Almus finally dug in. He was being made into the personal slave for an Orc queen. Try as he might, he couldn’t find a way to wriggle out of this particular brand of shit – so he might as well take what he could and deal with the rest later.

His grey eyes traced the sensuous curvature of her sex – Where to start? He usually decided how to start depending on the woman. The same tricks wouldn’t work for every pony, and the same qualifications wouldn’t get you every job. Sometimes, you had to switch it up. He could tell that Maj hadn’t actually expected him to pleasure her – because when his tongue touched her thigh, there was a startle. Small as it could be, but there it was. Almus lapped at her thighs and felt corded muscle beneath the velvet of her skin. He toyed with her for a time, nipping at what he knew would be sensitive skin before lavishing it with sweet caresses from his tongue each time. It wasn’t long before she was dripping for him; whether it was her body’s desire or her own, it was there, and the scent of it was driving him insane.

Leaving a hard nip to her thigh, Almus traced a soft line of kisses to her sex. He started from her entrance and slowly worked his way up, ignoring the juices that stained his lips as he parted her sex with his tongue. His neck craned at the angle he needed to reach her was more than a little uncomfortable – but as her hand slowed with each passing lick of his, he deemed the discomfort worth it. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed there, lavishing her dripping cunt with his mouth, but at some point, she’d wrapped her clean hand around his waiting erection, and that gave him more than enough reason to delve deeper.

He pressed up, soft caresses of his lips following the insistence of his tongue as he circled her clitoris. He kissed his way from the delicate bundle of nerves and over her labia to explore her parted core more thoroughly. And in his peripheral, he could see her head hanging down as she watched him with heat renewed in her eyes.

Is it forced if you like it? Almus wondered somewhat sardonically – but his desire to use his mouth for anything but pleasure had disappeared the moment Maj had lowered herself above him.

A husky purr was the only indication Maj gave that she was enjoying herself. “I was wondering if you knew how to use your mouth properly,” she said, voice low and raspy with leashed fury, pleasure, and authority. “These motions are much better than the ones it was making earlier.” The sentence was breathless at the end – and as Maj lowered her pussy more insistently to his face, his head was pushed back onto the ground. He heard the gentle thump of her knees landing on the dirt-packed ground on either side of his head, and he knew she was close. She made no sound – in fact, beyond her slightly heavier, uneven breathing, he almost couldn’t be sure she was even awake. But if he’d ever been unsure – the way she rolled her sopping core over his mouth, moving her hips in slow, sensuous thrusts in time with the strokes of his tongue and lips, most certainly told him that she was indeed awake.

The sound Queen Maj made – reaching climax as she rode his face – a thin, raspy moan that pulled his already waiting erection to further attention would forever stick with him. It was a sound that communicated satisfaction, carnal pleasure, and the need for thicker, harder things in her waiting core.

How bad a way was he in if he was hoping and praying that she made good on her promise to subjugate him?

Almus would rather take her – hands bound above her head as he pounded into her, showing her exactly what he could do when unhindered by chains, fatigue, and a cold ass cellar, but he supposed this was the next best thing.

Queen Maj stood, and it was a beautiful thing to see her thighs, wet with his saliva and her climax, ripple with muscle as she pushed herself to her full height. She peered down her nose at him – and he peered down at himself. “You have a unique taste about you, Maj. Has anyone ever told you that?”

Almus was covered from neck to ankle with Maj’s blood. His head, arms, cock, and feet remained untouched, and as Maj studied her handy work, no sign of the woman who’d just cum for him in the hard lines of her face, Almus looked pointedly at his erection and back to Maj. “I believe your end of the bargain remains unfulfilled.” She merely hiked a delicate brow, turned, bent, and retrieved the knife she’d left atop her cloak. Almus was certain she noted how he’d stiffened – and was satisfied by it. But she merely made a thin, burning cut on his thigh, tossed the knife back on her cloak, and stood over him again. She peered down at him and finally spoke. “The magic will be powerful, Detective. Once our bloods mix, neither of us will be leaving this cellar until the fates deem this bond properly consummated. So I suggest,” she ended, a wicked gleam in her eye, “that you prepare for multiple rounds.”

If it weren’t for the gleam in her glowing emerald eyes, Almus may have flagged at her words – they sounded like the words of a woman who wasn’t used to flirting. And why would Queen Maj need to learn to flirt in the first place? He was certain she had any number of suitors waiting for a turn in her bed. He was proven right moments later when she knelt over him, carelessly exposing her sex again, and said, “I’ve never had a human cock. It seems puny compared to the Orcs I’ve dined on.”

Almus’ brow lowered over his eyes as he outright snorted at her, male pride on full-display. “By human standards, your Highness, I am well-endowed. So please. Sample to your heart’s content, my lady.” And as if little else was needed – because what more could they really say to each other? – Maj leaned forward and pressed her wounded hand to the cut she’d just opened on his thigh.

And she was indeed correct. Whatever coursed into his blood, searing his veins, was powerful. But the feeling only lasted for a moment – as the sensation of bondage made his bones heavy. It was inexplicable. He’d never experienced magic before – at least, not the sort that was invisible and played tricks on the mind. Whatever magic Maj had called there wrapped around him like ivy on a post and somehow, he knew the tether to undo it all led to Maj. His eyes found hers, and she nodded, almost to herself, and closed her eyes. “The weight will lift once the bond is consummated, and not a moment before,” she murmured. “The gravity of it – it is to beckon urgency, so that you might complete the ritual as soon as possible.”

Almus possibly heard about forty percent of what she’d said – because his cock seemed to be pulsing with renewed stiffness. His breath was heavy beneath the weight of whatever ritual Queen Maj had just initiated, and he huffed out, “That’s fine – but if we could get this over with so I can breathe, that would be great.” A soft snort met his ears as he felt the pressure of her hands on his hips, balancing as she aligned his tip with her opening. Unable to resist, Almus’ grey eyes found Maj’s emerald greens already watching him; giving a sardonic smile as she pressed down a precious few centimeters, Almus taunted, “What is it, Maj? Worried riding my cock won’t be the same as riding my face?” A few more centimeters, and Almus loosed a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. His voice was strained the next time he spoke. “Don’t worry, babe. I promise – it’s much better.”

She sank onto him, taking him fully into her yawning pussy in one go.

They held eye contact as she slowly – so fucking slowly – rolled her hips, her fingers tangled in his tuft of pubic hair as she smoothed her hand over his belly. As she adjusted to him, he wondered, in a moment of clarity, how fucking insane he really was to be so fucking hot for a woman who’d kidnapped him and chained him naked in a dilapidated wine cellar. He never got an answer – because Maj moved, and that was the last coherent thought he had for a while.

At some point, he’d managed to get his feet under him. At the awkward, craning angle that his body was at, most of his weight on his bent neck so he could watch as Maj rode him, Almus decided that he was pretty fucking insane. Clenching his hips, neither of them caring as her black nails scored his skin, Maj’s head was thrown back, her hair a wild mane with a life all its own behind her as that ruby adorning her forehead glinted in the dim light. The sound of skin on skin as she came down on him again and again and again was the only sound louder than their fevered breathing.

She leaned forward, and the awkward position was made even more so, as she leaned down to him – but not to capture his lips with her own. Her tongue found his nipple and caressed the erect tip as her nails dragged over his back. His soft moan seemed to prod her further, and as she caught his nipple between her teeth, rolling the small bud, he grunted his approval. He thrust up in time with her downward movements, and each motion, each and every time their cores met, his balls tightened a little more. She watched him as she moved from one nipple to the other, doling out much the same treatment as their eyes held contact.

Maj kissed her way from his chest, stopping to lavish his collar bones with her attention before leaving a trail of hickeys up to his neck. Her ministrations drove his own lust further – he knew they would both be reaching the end of their respective ropes soon enough. The way her slick, hungry folds clenched around his cock, the way his balls pulled tighter and closer to his body; they were both ready, and Queen Maj -- her breath hot as it caressed his ear, her hands demanding as one slipped between their pounding bodies to fondle his sack as the other tweaked his nipple with just the right pressure – leaned over him, every bit the domineering, immovable conqueror that she’d proven to the world she could be, knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

She kicked his legs out from underneath him, and as he crashed to the ground, the collision left him near breathless. But Maj leaned up, maintaining fevered eye contact as she rode him. One of her hands reached passed her own plumage as she stimulated that bundle of nerves at the crease of her thighs, and the other she used to balance herself on the hard planes of his stomach. So close – so fucking close – and as Maj drove down onto him, harder and harder with each passing second, that raspy voice made a reappearance as she demanded, “Fucking a Queen,” she breathed out. “Was that high on your list of Things to Do, Almus?”

“Surprisingly not,” some sane part of him replied.

“Then, I do think you should re-evaluate your goals, my little errand boy,” she said with some hint of amusement.

“You ride your errand boys as hard as you’re riding me, babe?” He didn’t give her the chance to respond, though, as he drove up in time with her thrusts, his climax spilling over with powerful efficiency. He merely demanded, grey eyes gone steel as his muscles pulled taut with the building force of his orgasm, voice strained as some otherworldly force urged him to pump every bit of his seed into the waiting cunt wrapped around his cock, “Are you gonna cum for me, baby, or do I have to beg?”

Maj was a woman who set goals and met them with deadly efficiency – and as she climaxed on top of him, riding him like a messenger with a deadly sense of urgency as her fingers toyed with her clit and tweaked her own nipple, he was certain that her goal was to enthrall him to her. And as he watched her, head again thrown back as her onyx curls seemed to writhe in her state of sensuality, release, and lust, that sexy raspy moan pulling at his already expended cock, he knew that success would never taste more bitter.


Author's Note:
Thanks for reading ! Let me know what cha think!

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I picked her up, grabbing her by her butt cheeks and we kissed for a while. My dick was back near her entrance and she was actually trying to reconnect, but I put her down and turned off the water. We each had a towel, and we watched each other drying off. Her smile was all aglow. No doubt Joan had told everyone in the house what had likely happened. She gave me a kiss and wrapped the towel around her lithe frame and went to her room. I put her clothes in my hamper then changed into sweats...

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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 20

We had just started to eat when Joan made an appearance joining us for the meal. Like Eve, she was wearing shorts and a blouse. I was wearing shorts and a pull-over type of shirt. We cleaned up the dishes and left for the grocery store. I suspected that they might cause another riot. I was right. The two walked in on my arms and every head in the store turned my way. However, I don't think they were looking at me! We grabbed a buggy and began to shop going through our list and even adding...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 43 A Terrible Accusation

October 30, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Hi,” Jocelyn said when her dad led me into the living room. “Hi! I’m glad to see you at home.” “And we’re glad to have her home,” Mr. Mills said. “If you need anything, let us know.” I went over to sit next to Jocelyn on the couch. She scooted close and I put my arm around her. She sighed, kissed my cheek, and then snuggled. “I was glad to hear from Doctor Henderson that you could leave the hospital.” “And you should be seeing your sister!” “I will....

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 1

I must admit, I was more than a bit surprised when a new guy at work, a middle-aged, moderately overweight and mostly bald guy named Bill invited me to come over on an upcoming Saturday morning to his attend the birthday party he was throwing for an exchange student from California who was staying with him and his wife. First, I hardly knew the guy. And second, he was giving me 3 weeks’ notice; that just seemed far too ‘planned’ to me. Feeling a tad suspicious, I told him I might ‘pop by’ if I...

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ChessChapter 7

Ursula was perhaps a little overweight for the fashion of the time. She was more in the line of Marilyn Monroe (famously ‘jello on springs’) than several of the others. It would be true to say that Woody loved the soft seductive feel of her flesh under him. After the other two had said how he was diffident and shy and slow, she expected a quiet night; but they had to wait three weeks before the coast was clear for him to visit her and he was hornier than a dog surrounded by bitches on heat....

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 117

Monday I went back to Washington. There were no surprises; I expected a fiasco and it was. Some of the Congress-critters were back - those that wanted to give the appearance that they were doing something. The rest were on taxpayer funded junkets - mostly to exotic tropical locations - and took their families as guests. With so few back, those that were had unlimited TV coverage and could propose all kinds of bills and laws on TV, knowing they would never see the light of day other than on a...

1 year ago
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Seducing Cousin Sister Was An Impossible Task

My name is Sunil (26). My cousin’s name is Ruhi (25). We are from Bikaner but I stay at Mumbai and she stays at Surat. During our childhood we use to fight very frequently. Whenever we use to meet at native, we use to fight more often than we talk normally. But wo fight ke bich bhi kabhi kabhi masti kar lete h. As we started growing up, I was at Mumbai so visit to native was less frequently. And then we grew old. In last 2-3 yrs we came close thanks to whats app. We started talking normally. We...

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NFBusty Ella Knox Just For You

Lush coed Ella Knox is hot and erotic as she plays with her tits in a come-hither gesture for Bambino. He watches as she uses her bra to jiggle her boobs. Then she lifts the fabric so they pop free in a buffet of busty delight. Crawling across the bed, Ella gives Bambino the opportunity to enjoy two overflowing handfuls of soft skin and big hard nipples as she comes in for a long kiss. Leaning forward to suckle Ella’s bountiful breasts, Bambino gradually works his way south. He settles on...

2 years ago
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Wifes dog one

Introduction: Wife and husband find dog out while hiking My wife loves her doggie (m/f..f/bigdog) My wife and I had been hiking in the mountains East of Modesto when nothing seemed familiar to us. We had gone about three hours on the trail and were headed back. I couldnt see even one point of recognition. After looking for the right trail for an hour or so We had to admit that we were lost. It wouldnt have been so bad just being lost but the sun was getting lower and lower. Even though it was...

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Hot Sis Hotter MomChapter 10

After cleaning up, Joann had put on a fresh pair of nylons. She had washed and dried her garter belt, and with that around her hips, her feet in the shiny black heels, she walked about in an erotic tease for her son and daughter. The pissing episode had awakened an even more erotic hunger in her. With that happening, Joann knew she had more erotic desires than she had suspected. "You two are wonderful," she said, posing before them. "I knew I was a hot one, but you're showing me just...

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University ma admission k lya se

Hello. I am mani from Rawalpindi mare hight 5.4 ha r body slim ha mare lun 7 inch ka ha r motaie ma 2.5 inch .ya story kuch ursa pehlay ke ha ma isamabad ke 1 university ma parta hun aur summer ma internship kr raha tha university k admission office ma. Har roz bohat sare larkianate the form submit kwanay.1 din kuch youn hua k 1 larke jis ka name maiam color white boobs ka size shai 36 tha wo admission ka lya aye… us na apna form mjy submit krwaya wo bohat he sexy the r us na kameez kafi patle...

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Another day in Calculus

He hated her, she had to be the most insensitive bitchy person in the entire auditorium.. but she, was all he could think about during the professors long lecture, In his mind he went over all of her positives and negatives. His pants grew tighter as he looked at her long black hair, slim tanned body and moisturized shoulders. Her body was propped forward as she was sitting, and Colin Jenkins caught a slight glimpse of her black g-string right there in front of him.. her strapless coral shirt...

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THE PET Adventures 1 2

THE PET: Adventures 1 & 2“The chronicles of a devoted pet and her master”By Virgil KnightingCopyright 2012 by Virgil KnightingAUTHOR'S PREFACE This book contains a collection of explicitly erotic adventures, between a pet, and her master; their identities forever shrouded in mystery. Readers are highly encouraged to place themselves into the adventure, using their personal backstory and circumstances. CHAPTER 1LOVE ALWAYS THY LOVES ESSENCE Lying on her back, naked, pristine, she seductively...

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My Pet

I want you in a house-dress that buttons all the way up the back, and no underwear. I am going to watch a game on the television, and you are going to sit, quietly, on the sofa next to me, watching me, playing with yourself – do not cum, or I will be very displeased - until I slide the end of my belt out of the loop. When I do that, you will remove the belt from my jeans and unzip them. I will raise my hips so you can slide them down a little, and you will reach inside my shorts, take my soft...

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Modern Day Marriage

Thanks to mikothebaby for editing this story Betty Sutton scanned the bar around her nervously. Though she'd done this many times before, she was always worried that she'd run into someone she knew. The chances of that were remote since she'd picked a meeting place that was a half hour's drive away from her neighborhood, but you couldn't be too careful. Only stupid people weren't careful, but that was why stupid people got caught. Betty didn't want to run into anyone she knew. The...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 13

"Paris!" Sarah shrieked, setting down her drawing pad and embracing Elliot. "Yes of course," said an embarrassed Elliot. Henri looked surprisingly amused when he glanced at him. Henri had been full of surprises lately. Magic happened to Henri, Marjorie magic. The first couple weeks had been as hellish as expected. The first day he met Marjorie, Henri had threatened to leave for Paris and tromped out the studio door. Sophie took care of that, catching him outside her office and...

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The Hot Sexy HR Nisha

Sometimes life throws an unexpected situation at you. It is how you react to it that determines how the situation plays out. This story explores the slow build of emotions, sexual energy, and attraction towards Nisha, my friend’s wife, a sexy HR. I just ended the last sentence without using any adjective for Nisha, and there is a reason for it. I want you to feel what I felt when I saw her. I will go back in time and start the story. Characters: Sumit: My friend from school, currently working...

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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 4

"So, what exactly happened with Pamela and you? Rumors are buzzing around the ship, but I want to know straight from the source," Consuela asked Jack, not that it mattered much. She expected to get along with him pretty well, whatever his reply. It was an hour before supper the same night, and most of the exhausted concubines had been napping all afternoon. "Oh, she decided that she wanted to be an unofficial co-sponsor with us. How does that sound, babe? Any plans for tonight, by the...

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You Always Sleep With Your Hairdresser Dont You

I sleep with my gardener as well. I hadn’t really thought about it much until we moved locally about a mile to our present area. The new garden needed a lot of work and effort put into it to change it from wilderness to respectable. Me, I just like pottering, my wife likes ‘gardening’ as she puts it. The family joke started when, early that spring, I was doing some of the heavy work Jan couldn't manage. It was early evening and I was on my own out the front of our plot. It’s a reasonable size...

Quickie Sex
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Majas Ferienabenteuer Teil 1

Vor dem Haus standen einige Linden, dessen Blätter bereits dem Herbst verfallen waren und den Boden rund um das Haus herum bunt färbten. Wabernder Nebel umhüllte die kahlen Bäume und verlieh ihnen einen gruseligen und mystischen Anblick.“Wow, schau dir das an, Hannes. Das sieht ja wunderbar aus.”Mein Freund, den Blick starr auf die kaum zu sehende Straße gerichtet, lächelte nur. Er weiß genau, wie sehr ich auf Panorama-Ausblicke und Ferien fernab der Zivilisation stehe. “Das ist ein wirklich...

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Didi Ke Sath Loose Ki Virginity

Hi everyone I’m Vishal and I am from Agra city meri age 22 hai or mai B tech final year me hu mai ek 5’9″ tall male hu meri penis ki length normal Indian penis se thodi zada hai 7 inches exactly chaliye ab mai sidhe story pe Ata hu this is my first entry to agr kuch galati ho jae to maaf kijiye ye vaakyaa aj se 4 sal pehle ka hai jab meri umar 18 thi maine 12th sandard complete kiya hi tha or result ka wait kar raha tha or chuttiyo ka maza le Raha tha tabhi ek din malum hua k tere taau g ka...

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Disappearing DreamsChapter 1

Stillwater, Wisconsin is a small community, not dramatically different than many other small communities in America. It offers its five thousand or so residents an opportunity to enjoy a peaceful life among some of nature's most beautiful lands. It offers those same residents opportunities to work in their choice of several industries having factories located in or around Stillwater. A modest shopping center, with two chain department stores that are the featured draws in that mall provide a...

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Sallys Second Conquest

Randy became my part time help and yard boy. I knew enough to keep him at arms length. I felt prudent I keep it a once a week thing. I may enjoy his attention and enjoy our time together, but I laid down the law before we had some fun again. He was not permitted to call me, If I wanted him, I would call. Secondly I paid him to work, not to fuck. He was there to work, the screwing was just a pleasant past time between friends. The routine usually worked out on Tuesday and Thursday as he did...

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Inner Desire

Hi friend’s I am once back with real story please pass comment and I am requesting you to guide me in all manner for to approach your dream. Hi I am Nandini from Shimogga. This is my new story: I am fan of ISS. About me, I am funniest girl I am having less friends. In between them I am feeling so much happy. From birth I am some little attracted towards the act of sex. But in that I always want to feel body of girls. This sensation was come to me from my 10th slandered. But I didn’t get chance...

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Hungry For SisterChapter 6

"Judy," Mike repeated, this time, the fourth time, from the bathroom door. "Hummmm?" she answered. She didn't break her rhythm as she ran the comb through her vibrant black curls. She was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. When she lifted her arms her full, firm breasts lifted until they were al most exposed at the open neck of the raincoat. "How you doing, Sis?" Mike asked. "Why didn't you answer? I was afraid something had happened?" "What could happen?" Judy...

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Is the Cowboy straight

Hi, I'm Sam. I'm 34, 6'1", athletic build, 165 pounds, and gay. I work for a company that puts on conferences all across the United States. I travel every week to a different city making conferences happen for different groups/companies. As such, my life is living out of a suitcase, hotel rooms, and meeting lots of interesting people. This is a TRUE story of one of the many times I've met people "out on the road"!I was in Chicago putting on a conference dealing with the farming industry. As...

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A Totally Unromantic Love Story

I wanted to play with a different idea in this series. The theme is this… Your life isn’t scripted. It changes based on the actors you encounter in each scene. In that respect, you control your destiny by understanding the situation and acting no matter the odds. Getting a handle on the things that make you happy can require genuine out-of-the-box thinking. And going after them might take a tolerance for pain. How much of that is what I am working out here. A word to those of you who like...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 6

Rory. It was nearing Christmas and I was wondering what I could give my lady as a Christmas gift. I knew how to lay my hands on the money if I needed to, but I was also aware that I could not give her a really expensive gift without having questions asked. I decided to ask my mum for advice and hope she could come up with some suggestions. She told me she would give it a bit of thought and get back to me. A few days later she did come back to me just before dinner and handed me a small box....

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School With Mrs Stern

School With Mrs. Stern By Aleisha James My best friend, Matt, and I had been expelled from our high school while in 10th Grade. Our parents had tried to get us into other schools and at one point we were both sent to military academies. Different ones, of course, since we were viewed as a bad influence on each other, such that separating us might curb our rebelliousness. It did not work. If anything, it urged us on to even more outrageous behaviour, as if to prove a point. Our...

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Days Following the Revised World Order

The second day after the world change demoting girls and women to animal status was interesting to be out in public. No women were wearing any clothes and a surprisingly few had on red collars. It was midnight and I went to pick up Cindy. I left Amy and Jenna at home to rest after a long day of sex with dozens of random guys, plus me. Well, except for Jenna who I had no interest in. I did make her eat Amy after the last three black guys filled her cunt then left. It was incredible to see Jenna...

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Sirens by the Sea

Well, it took place by a lake but the title sounds better. I was attending a week long art camp, a birthday present from my husband. Now that our two kids were in school I had time to explore some things for myself and I’d always wanted to try pictorial art. I liked sketching as well as watercolors so this camp would let me have some intensive guidance and practice. The first part of the week focused on landscapes and nature. As the attendees got to know each other better we moved into...

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Bitch Boy

Bitch Boy While chatting online one night, a message popped up saying “I’m going to fuck you Bitch Boy.“ Bitch Boy was my handle on the Bi/Gay websites I frequented. Usually the message sender’s handle appears with the message, but the message was anonymous. Typically I ignore anonymous messages. So I kept chatting with several guys and again the same message popped up on my screen. Again, I ignored the message, and continued to chat with my buds. After the message appeared on my screen the...

Gay Male
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Her Puppy Shared Parts 34

Part Three As we entered the living room, Kathy invited her guests to make themselves at home on the sofas, before turning to me thoughtfully. It was a look I'd seen before and my heart raced in contemplation of the thoughts she might be having. After a moment, she seemed to decide, pulling sharply on my leash and positioning me a little away from one of the sofas, sideways on to it. I let her arrange me, pushing my legs in together under my chest, my hands tight to my body in front, forming me...

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I met Fatima as I was lounging in the bubbling warm jacuzzi. There were a few others there, guys and girls, but it was me she smiled at as she climbed into the tub. The jacuzzi tub has always been one of my favourite places, a place just to hang out and enjoy the movement of the warm water as my cock floats to the top, sometimes a place to meet a lady and get close to her, sometimes a place to get hot and sweaty rubbing a pussy as my cock is played with and sucked. As always at Acanthus, every...

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Going To The CityPart 1

I was excited, Papi was taking me to a show in the city. I doubled checked that I packed what he wanted me to wear for the night, checking the list diligently. With one last look in the mirror, I was ready for him. My short black skirt and red button up blouse, just barely showing the outline of my nipples without any under garments on. The knock on my door meant he was there to pick me up, making my heart race as I answered the door. He looked me over before helping me with my knee-length...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 44 Naughty Nighttime Trysts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Woods I led my growing part south through the Haunted Woods from Drakin Castle. We were heading for Nemberon Plans that lay beyond the woods....

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Sissy Johns complete humiliation

Dee and I were sitting on the corner table in the pub. A good place to sit, we could people watch all the customers coming in and getting their drinks. There was a couple next to us, similar in age and they chatted together. A bunch of lads stood at the bar, they were all good looking and Dee had already noticed them. She had squeezed my thigh when she spotted them, I knew she probably had the hots for them. The couple next to us started to talk loudly together, they obviously were having a...

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Womankind According To One Man

Whatever life holds in store for me, one thing I know for sure. People who don’t keep their word aren’t worth keeping. Doesn’t matter if your relationship with them is work-related, school-related or romance of some sort. Trust me on that one. My name is Stevens, and I’m a young Black man of Haitian descent living in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I moved there from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts to attend Carleton University in the City of Ottawa, the Capital of Canada. Next year I will...

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The Love Dolls Chapter 3

Darcie McVey, celebrity host of “It’s a Girl’s World”, smiled into the camera as her TV show drew to a close. Her face was pretty, if not beautiful, and her voice was honey-sweet. “I thought our viewing audience had some excellent call-ins on today’s topic, Flirting in the Office.’ Before saying goodbye until tomorrow, I want to say a word of thanks to all of you who sent me flowers when I got my sniffles last week. You’re all so kind. . . It’s those little gestures that make me want to reach...

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Amar Mami 8211 Part II

Hi everyone. This is a true story that I am about to tell. Many of the information will be hidden for privacy purpose. I hope u readers will understand. I m lovelylover and any ladies who want advice and other suggestions and keep in touch with me on looking forward to it. It was back in the year 2002, after my arrival from UK after my studies that this incident happened… I was really bored and being in Bangladesh and in one of the most conservative cities… my way killing time was not at all...

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Selena and JoeChapter 36

Selena's last break leading up to the long PolyTech Holiday vacation ended up being a shopping, eating and sex romp with Joe. Once her parents were situated back at their house they had the whole of Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday to enjoy each other and reacquaint themselves with the "together forever" feel of their Jamaican vacation and internship living arrangement while at WSG. Selena's relationship with her mother turned out to be the best it ever had been. They confided with...

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Georgia goes to University Part 004

by Vanessa Evans Part 04 – Sleeping with a camera between my knees. I woke up that Tuesday morning with my right hand on my wet pussy. I sat up, looked down and was happy to see that my legs were where they were when I went to sleep and that the camera was still where I had left it. I jumped up and almost ran to my laptop. It took me seconds to find the files for the camera and the ones date-stamped during the night. Happy that the camera was motion activated, I immediately saw my right...

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Feminized by a Black Thug

I had been with my girlfriend since college. Somehow despite being a buxom blond she didn't mind my less than average size member or my slight slim stature, we're almost the same size. We were taking a big step now that we'd graduated, we decided to move in together. My girlfriend, Katy's parents gave her their condo in the north side of Chicago. The place was incredible. 2 bedrooms, a view of the lake, and a balcony, and a sophisticated security system complete with cameras. I hadn't found a...

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a good night out got better

We have always enjoyed meeting people to swing with, for many years it was mainly couples, being good looking Lyn always had guys chat her up, so it was no surprise one day that she told me she had been fucked while I was ay work one day. She found very quickly it was easy to have fun and often met guys often while I was at work, I would come home to be greeted with a cum filled pussy, and when we swung with couples she had no problems going with the woman, so I got to see her eat pussy,...

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TornadoChapter 2

I stayed in Mom's pussy after I came. What I lacked in experience, I made up for in youth and enthusiasm. I was hard again before long. That must have been a new experience for her and her eyes widened. "Oh, Tommy," she sighed in pleasure. I started to fuck her again but she stopped me. While I stayed inside her, she rocked forward and held on to me. I let her do what she wanted and allowed her to put me on my back. Mom was on top now and in the cowgirl position. I didn't know what was...

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