Canon Ch. 05 free porn video

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Amy stared at Geoff as he stood in the doorway of her room, and he stared at her. ‘Likewise,’ he said.

Amy wore a chocolate-brown evening dress that hugged her curves. It was perhaps a tiny bit shorter and a tiny bit lower-cut than was quite proper, but she looked ravishing. The dress contrasted fetchingly with her ivory-pale skin, and her hair was pinned up in Geoff’s favorite Victorian style. Her jewelry was a blue topaz necklace with matching earrings and bracelet, and her purse and pretty high-heeled sandals were that same pale blue.

It took a moment for Geoff to notice that her dress matched her left eye and her jewelry matched her right. The effect was magical.

The old man himself stood as straight as a new recruit, wearing his Marine dress blues for the first time in many years. He was rather proud of the fact that they still fit.

Amy had never seen them. ‘I thought you were going to wear a suit,’ she said wonderingly. She thought he looked strong and manly and noble, all of which he was.

He smiled thinly. ‘I’m not a suit kind of guy, Punkin,’ he said. ‘I don’t own one. Or a tie, either. When I dress up, these are what I wear. If my blues aren’t formal enough, fuck ’em.’

She stared at him in open admiration. ‘You look wonderful, Geoffie. May I look?’

He grinned. ‘Please do.’

She came closer and gazed at the five rows of ribbons on his tunic, and at the row of medals above them, touching them reverently. She ran a small, white hand up and down his sleeve. She touched his sergeant-major’s patch – yellow stripes on red, three up, four down, with a star in the center – and then she ran a finger down the double rows of short diagonal stripes that ran from his wrist to his elbow. ‘What are these?’ she asked.

‘Those are called hash marks, Amy,’ he rumbled. ‘Each one represents a battle.’

She looked up at his leathery old face. ‘You’ve got a lot.’ He nodded, his face solemn. She smiled and said, ‘I’m so proud of you, Geoff. I’m proud to be yours.’

The old man in the dress uniform looked at her, thinking. Then he nodded, as if he had come to a decision. ‘Come with me, Amy,’ he said.

They walked down the hall to Geoff’s study, which she had seen, but not often. He went to his desk, pulled out a lower drawer, and took out a flat, leather-covered box. It had the Marine Corps globe-and-anchor emblem embossed in gold on its lid.

He turned to her. ‘Punkin, I haven’t worn this since they gave it to me – and that was long before you were born. Your mom and dad don’t even know I have it.’ He looked at the box, then held it out to her.

‘But tonight, for you – I’m going to wear it. Would you put it on me?’

Amy took the box from his hand, wondering. She opened it.

Inside was a medal: a five-pointed star, hanging point down from an anchor which was attached to a pale-blue ribbon. The panel from which it hung bore thirteen tiny white stars.

Even Amy knew what it was.

‘Geoff – this is the Medal of Honor,’ she said reverently. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and adoring. ‘Why didn’t you tell anyone?’

He looked uncomfortable. ‘I don’t want everyone making a big deal about it,’ he muttered.

She stood on tiptoe and fastened it around his neck, smoothing the ribbon around the stand-up collar of his blue tunic. Then she stood back and admired him. ‘Geoff, I’m so proud of you,’ she said again.

He smiled – strangely for the old warrior – shyly. ‘Thank you, Punkin. Come on, let’s go.’

He picked up his white dress cover from the kitchen table, and they went to the garage. They took the Jaguar, of course.

Four months had passed, Amy had settled into her classes, doing her usual A-plus-plus work. Geoff liked to watch her study, admiring her eyes behind her glasses as she read, her pretty hands as she wrote, her little pink tongue as it protruded from her sweet lips when she concentrated. He ached to hold her and kiss her at all times – but while she worked, he watched and smiled only, and enjoyed the ache.

They made love in some fashion every day, usually more than once, and they had grown more and more skilled, and more passionate, as the weeks went by. Amy did indeed spend their weekends as his naughty slave girl, naked and barefoot, reveling in her ability to please and tease and shock him and make him laugh and smile and moan and cum and sometimes weep with pleasure and love and gratitude. Amy wept too, often enough, tears of joy at her own good fortune at being blessed with his unconditional love and devotion. Old and weathered he was, but not weakened by it, and his passion was as young and strong as her own.

Their time together was sometimes dreamlike, sometimes surreal, swept away daily, sometimes hourly, by waves of love as overwhelming as breakers on the ocean – and storms of blazing, consuming passion and lust as intense as any hurricane. They loved, they were in love, they made love, and they licked and sucked and fucked like rutting animals when the fire burned within them – and it burned often.

She danced and posed for him often, too, and she made him cum with her nude loveliness and sizzling sexuality alone, just as she had wanted. Geoff adored those times as much as she, taking pleasure unimaginable from the sight of her bare body and her eagerness to tease and shock him.

Were they happy?

They were far beyond happy. They were complete.


They were on their way to a concert at the school. Geoff was not much for formal affairs, but this one was different. The local symphony was performing at the college’s auditorium, and prominent on the program was Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D.’

‘Thank you for getting the tickets, Geoff,’ said Amy, watching him from the left front seat as he drove.

‘Wouldn’t miss it,’ he said. ‘Fact is, I called in a favor to get the Canon on the program.’

She blinked. ‘Really?’

‘One of the Symphony board members was my commanding officer,’ the old man said. ‘Colonel Johnston. One of the best men I ever served under.’ He smiled and added, ‘Put me in for the MOH. I told him I didn’t want it, but he did it anyway.’

‘Will he be wearing his dress uniform, too?’ she asked.

Geoff considered. ‘If he’s there,’ he said. ‘Wouldn’t surprise me. We Marines are partial to the blue.’

When they arrived at the hall, Geoff parked the car, helped Amy get out – it wasn’t easy, in a dress – then put on his hat and looked around. ‘Uh-oh,’ he said.

‘What?’ She looked toward the hall. ‘Oh.’

There were at least two score of Marines and sailors in dress blues and whites, Army officers and NCOs in Class A’s and dress blues, and even some Air Force officers in their dress uniforms entering the. Hall with their wives and dates.

‘What’s wrong with that, Geoff?’ asked Amy, puzzled.

‘You remember how I said I didn’t want anyone making a big deal about this?’ he asked, indicating the medal around his neck. His craggy old face was grim.


‘Well, Johnsty’s going to make a big deal about it.’ He offered his arm, and Amy took it, then he took a deep breath, visibly braced himself, and they started for the door.

She looked up at him proudly and squeezed him arm. ‘Good,’ she whispered.

He looked down at her, surprised, then smiled wryly.

‘Like I said, Punkin. For you.’ He looked toward the hall and made a face. ‘For you, I’ll even put up with this.’

She twinkled up at him. ‘Be proud, Geoffie. You’re allowed.’ He snorted, and they walked on.

As they entered the lobby, Amy fairly glowed to see senior officers – even admirals and generals – come to attention and salute as Geoff passed. He returned their salutes with an ironic air, nodding and smiling his thanks at their deference. Several came up to him to shake the old
man’s hand, saying, ‘Thank you, Sergeant-Major,’ ‘It’s an honor, sir,’ or simply, ‘Semper Fi.’

They worked their way into the auditorium, and finally took their seats – on the front row, no less. Amy was enthralled by the sight of the stage, the instruments, the podium with its stacks of sheet music and small white baton. More patrons came to speak to Geoff and shake his hand, and he rose to greet every one.

He invariably introduced Amy as his ‘dear friend.’ Some looked at her with a veiled speculation, but most simply greeted her warmly. One elderly woman winked at her and whispered, ‘Lucky girl,’ which made her giggle. The old woman and the young one exchanged conspiratorial smiles, and Amy felt strangely lightheaded.

She knows, she thought. Does it show that much?

Finally, the audience was seated and quiet, and the musicians entered and spent the usual cacophonous few minutes tuning up. The conductor entered from the wings, resplendent in white tie, and bowed to a round of applause. He then stepped down from the podium and approached a microphone.

‘Ladies and gentlemen – Colonel Harold W. Johnston, United States Marine Corps, retired.’

A tall, distinguished-looking man in a well-tailored tuxedo entered from the opposite side of the stage and strode to the microphone to a round of applause which lasted a bit longer than that for the conductor. The only sign of his service was a small gold pin in his lapel, which Amy recognized even at that distance to be the globe and anchor of the Corps.

‘Here we go,’ whispered Geoff ruefully. Amy squeezed his arm in encouragement.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ said the colonel, looking around the hall, ‘Tonight is a special night – and word seems to have gotten around. I see a lot of dress blue and white and green out there. The troops are in attendance.’ There was a rumble of assent, and the colonel went on.

‘There is a man among us tonight,’ he said, ‘whom I’ve been trying to get to come to the Symphony for years. And the old goat is finally here.’ There was a round of good-natured laughter.

‘I know this man well,’ the colonel went on, ‘and I know if I tried to tell his story, he would come up here and hit me. And believe me, I don’t want that.’ More laughter, in which even Geoff himself joined.

‘But I think we owe him a moment to honor his service and his valor, which I WILL tell you, are the most worthy of honor of any man I have ever known or served with.’

He stopped for a moment, visibly moved. ‘And so – even though I know he hates this – ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sergeant-Major Geoffrey Rider, United States Marine Corps, retired – holder of five Distinguished Service citations, two Silver Stars, the Navy Cross, and the Medal of Honor.’ He beckoned to Geoff, who, with a rueful look at Amy, stood, turned, and faced the audience.

As one, they rose to their feet, even the musicians. The applause was deafening, punctuated with cheers and whistles and martial whoops. The old soldier stood stoically, nodding and gesturing for them to stop, his eyes glistening.

Suddenly, he turned and mounted the steps to the stage. As he approached the microphone with a determined air, he muttered out of the side of his mouth to his old friend: ‘I’ll get you for this…’ The colonel laughed and stepped back.

Geoff stood at the mike and waited for the ovation to end. When it didn’t, he held up a hand and frowned, and the noise subsided quickly. Amy watched him, her heart bursting with pride and love.

He leaned in to the microphone, and his deep voice boomed through the hall:

‘Thank you all,’ he said, ‘but some of you know I don’t like this much. I know old Johnsty here does, and he should have known better.’ He growled the last with an ironic smile at his former commander, and once again there was a round of laughter.

He turned back to the listening crowd, and his face grew grim. ‘Let me tell you why I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not angry,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘I’m deeply, deeply honored. But I’m not the one we should be honoring. The real heroes – and we all know this – the real heroes…’

He paused, looking out at the hundreds of faces watching him.

‘….they never came home.’

He let those words hang in the hall for a moment, then spoke more softly. ‘How about a standing ovation for them?’

The old man stepped away from the microphone and began to clap, slowly, standing straight and tall, alone in the spotlight.

Amy stood and joined him, along with a few others – and then, quickly, more and more, till the whole hall was on its feet and clapping, hard and loudly.

It went on and on. Amy looked around and saw tough old soldiers with tears running down their cheeks, clapping for friends long dead. She felt moisture on her own face, and clapped till her hands hurt.

As the clapping continued, and grew louder, and as shouts and cheers began to ring out as well, she began to weep openly. She watched her lover, standing up for the honor of dead men more than for his own, and she cried.

No wonder I love him so, she thought. He’s the best and strongest and noblest man I’ve ever known.

I want to wear his name. I want to be his wife and I want the world to know it….

Where did that come from? she wondered.

And then she realized that that was the one thing she could never have.

Geoff mouthed the words ‘Thank you,’ and left the stage as the ovation was still going on. He went back to his seat and stood beside Amy, touched the tears on her cheeks adoringly, then joined in the clapping himself. As it slowly subsided, he hugged her, holding her head to his chest for a long moment before they resumed their seats.

She leaned close to him and breathed into his ear: ‘I love you, Geoff.’

She barely heard his whisper over the last of the applause as the audience sat down, murmuring their admiration for the man who had taken their tribute and given it to others.

‘You are my life, Amy.’

The concert finally began. It was a mixed bag, it began with the longest composition, Handel’s Water Music, which was followed by a short intermission.

Afterwards, there were two Mozart concertos, including one for clarinet and orchestra, which Geoff had also selected, a Bach fugue, and the shortest piece on the program, Rachmaninoff’s 18th Variation from his Rhapsody on a Theme from Paganini.

Amy gasped and looked up at Geoff when the familiar music began, and he smiled down at her and squeezed her hand. It was the theme from a movie they had both loved long before that summer – ‘Somewhere in Time.’

They had watched it together since, and it held a deep resonance for them both. They, too, were soulmates separated by time – though not as much time as in the movie, for which they were grateful.

Finally, the bass viols, accompanied by pizzicato violins, began the eight deep notes of the ‘Canon in D.’ Amy and Geoff looked at each other…

And they could not look away.

Her eyes, so strangely different and yet at that moment the same, spoke to him of her pride and trust and admiration – and as the music changed and grew, more complex and profound by the measure, of her love, her passion and her hunger.

In his lined, weathered face, she saw his adoration, his devotion, and his gratitude – and his own passion and aching need.

He lifted her small hand and kissed it, heedless of the eyes of others. She touched his old cheek, as if they were alone.

And as the Canon ended, they bowed their heads as if in prayer, their foreheads touching, the lined and the smooth, and their hands, so different, were clasped together beneath their chins.

When the last strains died away, they looked at each other and smiled – and no one watching could have failed to see the loving look that passed between them.

Two old Marines had seen the pair listening to the music. As they left the hall, they, along with more than a few others, watched the old man and the young girl walk to the Jaguar hand in hand.

‘I don’t think we need to worry about the sergeant-major’s morale,’ one said with a smile.

The other grinned. ‘She’s a pretty little thing, isn’t she?’ They watched him pick her up and deposit her in the car.

‘A beauty. God bless him,’ said the first. ‘He deserves her.’

‘Yes, he does,’ said the other. ‘I hope she deserves him.’

Amy wondered the same thing herself, as she and Geoff made love that night.

They were in the steam room, with the steam low, the room was warm and foggy, but not searing-hot. Amy sat in the circle of Geoff’s strong legs and arms, her own arms and legs wrapped around him – and all her weight resting on the stiff 70-year-old cock that impaled her to the heart.

They had sat so for more than an hour without moving. It was a Tantra Yoga technique that Geoff had taught her, and it had become almost sacred to them.

As they sat, still and intimately connected, their thoughts and emotions slowed and centered, spiraling and circling down, down, till they were at the silent center of each other’s souls – without words or thoughts, in neither darkness nor light, within and around each other, outside of time and space. They became one being, a single soul with a single consciousness.

And as they remained still, beyond that oneness, they felt a rising energy, a tide of pure elemental sensation that began deep inside them and rose, as irresistible and overwhelming as a tidal wave, till they were swept away in a massive super-orgasm that lasted for long minutes, so deep and intense that they seemed to melt and burn away to nothing in its flame.

They slowly emerged from the storm, still connected, clinging to each other, soaked with sweat and sitting in a pool of cum that flowed from them both – but as rested and relaxed and peaceful as if they had slept in each other’s arms instead of having just been vaporized in an eternal nuclear climax.

They finally moved, and Geoff stroked and petted the naked girl in his lap as she nuzzled his chest affectionately.

‘Mmmm… I love that so much, Geoffie…’

He kissed her moist temple, brushing her hair with his lips. ‘I need that like I need air, Amy,’ he said, his gentle words a strange contrast to his deep and gravelly voice. ‘I need to touch your heart…’

‘Mmm. Me too.’ She hugged him, squeezing him tight with both her arms and legs.

They kissed, and then snuggled for a few minutes, neither wanting to break their connection.

Geoff rocked her gently as they embraced. ‘Thank you for the music tonight, Geoffie,’ said the nude teen in his arms. ‘It was wonderful. Especially the surprise.’


‘The ‘Somewhere in Time’ one,’ she murmured, rubbing her cheek on his wet, gray-haired chest. ‘That was so special…’

He stroked her wet hair, smiling, but said nothing.

‘Are you OK, after all that at the concert?’ she asked.

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘I think it came out all right. How about you? I really wish you hadn’t seen that…’

‘I loved it, Geoffie,’ she whispered. ‘Every girl wants to be loved by a hero.’

‘Aw…’ He started to protest, then decided to let it go. He squeezed her, kissed her damp shoulder, and, again, said nothing.

‘Will you ever tell me what you did?’

‘No.’ The word was definite and final. ‘That was a long time ago, Punkin.’

She wriggled in protest, but did not argue.

He lifted her face to his. ‘Let’s think about today. And tomorrow.’ He smiled.

Then his face grew serious. ‘And maybe after tomorrow.’

She gave him a warning look. ‘Geoff, you’re not-‘

He laughed. ‘No, I’m not thinking about the bucket, Amy-‘ The reference being to the one he was going to kick one day- ‘This is something else. Come on, let’s shower and go snuggle in the living room before we go to bed.’

She pressed him a bit as they bathed, but he only shook his head. Finally, they were settled on the big sofa, Geoff in his boxers and Amy in nothing but her glasses. He wrapped a soft blanket around them both, and they cuddled under itfor a moment – till Amy said, ‘Okay, now. What are you thinking about?’

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tiffany was one hell of a site that night, it was our first time in a hotel room. i spent a little extra money on a king suite. we both looked forward to this for months. her boyfriend was a real asshole. my girlfriend at the time was sexy as hell but she just couldn't please me. this was the first time i cheated on her but it wasn't the last. i had known tiffany for a few years, but when she had admitted to a mutual friend that she gets wet thinking about me- i was all over it. i pick her up...

1 year ago
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My bedside manner

Being a young, newly qualified doctor that works long hours any time from work is precious. I booked a short break for myself in the Lake District which meant that I could not be suddenly called in to work and for once I could relax.At the hotel that I was staying at was a mother with three teenage daughters, or so I thought at first. The youngest one was androgynous and at breakfast that first morning I found myself sat at a table next to theirs and found myself watching her. Is she or isn't...

3 years ago
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Ropeville RevengeChapter 2

"All rise! The court of Ropeville town is now in session, Judge Marshall presiding." The Usher bowed to the judge's bench as the Judge sat down, she banged her gavel. "Usher; please read out the first case." She said. The Usher stood and picked up a piece of paper. "Case number 55434; The State versus Victor Jones, 5 counts of murder in the first degree, accessory to kidnapping, malicious use of computer equipment to subvert national computer systems." The judge looked up, "Is the...

4 years ago
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The Hub Cuckquean Confession

Wriggling her buttocks, legs curled beneath, she pulled the headset over her eyes feeling its firm embrace about her head. Fingers flickering over the familiar set-up options, she quickly arrived at her avatar's appearance. She adjusted her age, not quite her actual years because experience had taught her that age was more than just a number in The Hub. But then, what is a decade here or there between playmates? She slimmed down her physique; buttocks boyish, breasts mere hillocks compared to...

1 year ago
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loved by a marine part 2

Introduction: tell me what you think Nelson was dancing with amber when he remembered he didnt lock his jeep. Amber I well be right back she nodded. Nelson slowly walked up to ambers house trying not to knock anyone over there must have been over a 100 people there there were girls dancing with guys grinding an they were having wet T-shirt contests hell he even saw some girls giving guys head and having sex , Cody bro.. where you at yelled Nelson. A random girl pulled him to aside an asked,...

3 years ago
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A Marines Homecoming Part 3

INTRODUCTIONIn chapter one Miriam, Jane's mother, made a pact with the young Marine Aaron. Miriam agreed to have sex with Aaron as long as he promised not to take Jane's virginity. Aaron, who is home on leave for two weeks, accepted the agreement and then immediately took Miriam to her bedroom and fucked her brains out. In chapter two the affair continued and Aaron honored his agreement preserving Jane's maidenhood. We also found out what the husband Peter was up and why he didn't trust Aaron....

1 year ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

2 years ago
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter IV Prissys Progress

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is some sexual...

2 years ago
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DanicaPart 4C

Danica heard a knock on her door not long after she had risen from her bed the next morning. She answered it and saw it was Celes. She opened the door wide and let the woman in. Danica grabbed her up in a hug once the door closed. "I was worried. I haven't heard from you in so long." "I'm fine dearie," Celes said, breaking the hug after a few moments. "I was jus' about business an' away." "I'm so glad you're back," Danica said with a smile. "I want to show you something,"...

3 years ago
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Razia The Horny DivorceeChapter 2

Next morning when we had finished our breakfast Razia told the children to go ahead as she wanted to talk to me. Dutifully the children went out into the garden. 'Woh hamari table ki taraf aa rahi hai (She is coming towards our table)' Razia whispered spotting Shanti, 'I will now leave and you give her the big come on and see what happens. Please don't you mess it up'. 'I will do as you say but I hope you don't get me slapped in front of all the hotel guests' I whispered...

3 years ago
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Charles and WendyChapter 2

10th February 1990 "Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes", it was the same vicar that took the service for Margaret last year, with a lot of the same people stood round the grave. Mum's funeral. The second funeral in five months. Another empty space in my life. Dad took it badly. He and Mum had been married 36 years. Dad had known that Mum was ill, but not how ill. We found out that the breast cancer which had affected her early last year had spread and she had refused treatment because she...

1 year ago
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Amazing Foreplay With Bestfriend

Hi guys, this is my first time posting a story so please bear with me if I make any mistakes and do let me know about it.All This had actually happened with me and it is a true story. This is from about a year ago. Well, I will tell you about myself, my name is Ajay (Name changed), I am 5’7 in height, brown in colour I would say, not too tall I would say and I am lean but I am very athletic. Right now, I am 21 years old. I study engineering in one of the colleges in Bangalore. I belong from...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 92

~~Jack~~ Once Jack got back, his mom seemed to have gotten past what was probably a couple solid hours of crying. She’d be miserable, for months, but time healed all wounds and all that crap, so he knew to be patient. Antoinette would know, too. His mom threw her arms around him when he walked back in, and he had to calm her down. A few pats on her back and some encouraging words did the trick. When he got her back into her seat, he and Antoinette sat down, and spent the rest of the night...

3 years ago
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A Death Wish

This story is fiction. If you enjoy it, vote. Fives are appreciated. * * * * * I was reading my email when I got an email that really got my interest. It read as follows: ‘Dear Masterhypnotist, I have really enjoyed your stories. I have a problem that I would like your help with. I have always had a fantasy of being raped and murdered. I have had many orgasms masturbating to that fantasy. Lately I have found the fantasy is not enough. Could you hypnotize me and have me live through my...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Adriana Chechik BJ 3way

In pink lingerie and matching heels, Asian MILF Kianna Dior and porn superstar Adriana Chechik tease. Adriana nurses on Kianna’s giant knockers through a kinky lesbian intro, and then the babes give director Jonni Darkko a nasty blowjob. Slobber seeps from their pink lips as they suck cock, and they talk dirty through messy fellatio. See drool-slathered ball lapping; lewd deepthroat; and spit-soaked titty fucking. Jonni finishes the ladies off with a creamy cum facial, and they crudely...

2 years ago
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RochambeauChapter 9

Jack Andrews, Monday, August 18, 2008. I pretended to be surprised when they called my name for The Program. After all, I wasn't supposed to know what the schedule was. I left my backpack, which contained my gun and an assortment of other necessary items, under the desk and proceeded down the hallway to Kelley's office. She was waiting for me with the plastic bins. "I suppose I should go ahead and strip off?" "Glad to see you're so eager. I'll wait to start the presentation when...

2 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 10

"Maggots, that was it for you four," the drillmaster said. "Some of you have done better than expected and some of you ... well ... have still a lot to learn!" When he said this last part, he was looking at Sofia and Sabina. When both of them saw how the people around them looked at them, they just couldn't hide their shame, and they started to blush. "Men," the drillmaster said to those four soldiers that had been accompanying them the whole time. "You better take those maggots to...

2 years ago
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My first sexual experience with an older man

I had just started working, not yet old enough to drive and still a virgin. I used trains to go to and from work, and one afternoon I was waiting for a train and I just happened to be standing near the male toilets. It is an old station, with buildings made of bricks, but very little in the way of seating. So I was leaning against a wall near the toilet entrance when I noticed a man in his mid fifties looking at me. He was well dressed in a suit and he carried a brief case. It has always struck...

4 years ago
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Pornwriting MotherChapter 6

Stephanie felt a wave of excitement course through her body and it made her convulse once from sheer pleasure, as she watched her teenage son Martin come toward her; walking to the bed, his cock and balls swinging, to taste her between the legs. The closer he got, the hotter the 34-year-old got, her toes tingling and her gash leaking profusely in anticipation. The woman felt the bed move as the weight of her son pushed the mattress down where he climbed onto it, and the awareness of her boy...

4 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 9 Examination Before Tea

After lunch the audience settled into their places and the Emir announced the third round of the competition. "I shall now examine each contestant in turn and mark her on her physical attributes. Any defects, based on my personal opinion, will be marked down from ten, which is a perfect body. The sponsors have all been informed of the routine, which will be identical for each girl. The Chief Eunuch will order each girl by numbers to perform the following actions. When he says 'one' the...

3 years ago
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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 21

For the next three month's Laurel kept herself busy with the renovations at Zinmer, she had moved into the Manor House for good several days after the fire, Laurel had turned one of the back rooms into a reading room, transferring most of the books from her lair after she had shelves to put them on, with big chairs in front of the fireplace and rugs strewn about the floor it had become a warm, soothing place to go when things got too hectic. Most nights Alex would wake to her soft body...

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Best Friends ForeverPart Four of Thirteen

CHAPTER 7“What! He just disappeared! What!” said Rodney.“Yes, I went into the back to get something. When I came back, he was gone. It was my fault I guess,” she said. She had a sheepish look about her.“Claire? Is there something else?” he said.“Maybe," she squeaked. "We- I, suggested that we needed to be careful about confusing the baby. I suggested that the baby call him by his name for the time being. Just for the time being, Rodney. I swear, I didn’t mean to hurt the guy. Honest,” she...

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Our 1st exposing time together

. Jay and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jay had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie. There were times that Jay pulled his hand out as the movie was a good one that we both wanted to see. After a while, I reached up under my skirt, and pulled my panties down and off. I thought I would make it easier for Jay to get at my pussy. At one point Jay had to pull his hand out...

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Hiring the Least Qualified ApplicantChapter 9

Thursday was a nice quiet day. Tracy began wearing her new clothes and I began to wonder if having two willing sluts in my office is going to kill me. I fucked Riley in the morning and Tracy in the afternoon. I’m well aware that my life now is one that most men would kill for and I certainly do feel blessed. But it’s a damn good thing I’m divorced and can get plenty of rest in the evening. Two unusual things happened on Friday. The first is that the stone cold bitch who owns the temp agency...

4 years ago
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Im late again

The day wasn't meant to turn out like it had and rather than being in town on a sunny afternoon with my wife Linda I was still waiting for Friday morning delivery which was promised over two hours previously. Now Linda wasn't mad at me really but she has to take it outon someone. She is just glad that she has my card and can put a drink and some clothes on it before I can meet her.When I do meet up with Linda we are in one of the seediest bars I can remember. The good new is that she is happy...

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How I Satisfied My Chachi

Hi everyone sorry for the mistake in story this is my first experience which i am posting in this site.I am reading stories from 2 years in this site.Come back to the story how i fucked my chachi. It started 1 month back in hot summer when my chachi came back from foreign to mangalore city to relax and meet her mother and father.I forgot to explain about my chachi see has white body with sexy figure and may be 38 boobs size which anyone would be eager to take in their mouth and fuck her till...

2 years ago
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Fun by the Pool

Her pretty face was calm, eyes closed. She was sprawled out, naked, basking in the sun on a lawn chair. Her silky, long, dark hair splayed out across the chair, her double D tits out in the open, her nipples erect and perky begging to be touched. Mmm, the fondling and licking and sucking I imagined doing to her breasts.I let my gaze travel down her body past her flat, lean stomach down and down further. She lay with her toned, lean legs spread, her shaved mound also taking in the bright rays of...

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PenthouseGold Numi Zarah Exotic Numi Zarah Works Her Magic on BBC

Exotic Bangladeshi babe Numi Zarah is horny for Slimpoke’s monstrous dark dick and works her blowjob magic on his sleek shaft to get this premium Penthouse interracial porn affair going. You’ll get plenty of jaw-dropping views of her juicy curvy ass shaking as she gets pounded in doggystyle or rides his huge manmeat in cowgirl. Then watch her natural 36DDD big tits bouncing when she turns towards the camera reverse fucking his thick rod until she’s back on her knees to get her...

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Club Slut Transformation

Today began like any other warm Spring day on the Maryland shore. Marilyn stared out the window of the Dunkin Donuts at the busy retail street. Over sized SUVs and Ford F-150 crew cab trucks were parallel parked beyond the donut shop's windows. A recently washed Hummer slowed, its red body paint shining in the early morning sun. The driver, a bleach blond wearing thick black sunglasses snapped her head from left to right. It was the morning rush for the Starbucks across the street. There were...

Group Sex
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The Remake Exam

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS THAT MAY/WILL SHOW UP FROM ANY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. THEY BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. ANY CHARACTERS THAT APPEAR FOR THE PURPOSES OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. Well, looks like someone is going to have to answer a lot of difficult questions! It could be in any form. A magazine questionnaire. One of those facebook quiz's that your friends are always sending you. An interview question catalogue. An actual exam. In some form or...

Mind Control
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Sin Street

He saw her wandering down the most famous street of debauchery and sin. Despite the immense crowd of drunken fools, he easily picked her out, sliding easily through the crowd as if it were the Red Sea parting in front of her. Many of the other men in the crowd saw her too. It was hard not to stare- a petite brunette, long hair to her waist, with a tight body emphasized by the tighter jeans hiding her long legs, topped off with spiked heels. Even in her high heels, she moved with a grace that...

3 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 11 Dreams and Reality

Shortly after sunrise the next day, they were riding to Notabir. Roban and Iane at point, and the Dohougney warriors at the end of the two row troop were leading their five packhorses. Athea was once again sharing her horse with Menja and Bosko was at their side, but often he was far out in the highlands ahead of them, maybe scouting. This early it was still a bit cold and clammy, but the clear sky promised it would become a mild, early spring day in Vernya. Their chosen pace would let them...

3 years ago
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A CoWorkers Distraction Part Two

Lisa kicked her legs off the side of the bed, they were beautifully toned and athletic. I was almost shocked at how incredible her body was. She pulled me off the bed quickly, to stand on the side, just to give her room to pull my boxers down.I had boxer briefs on and she could already see the effect she was having on me. Lisa looked down at my cock, still constrained by my boxers, and up at me, as if to double check if that was her doing. She knew it was.She gently ran the backside of her...

Office Sex
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Home Alone Part 1

Now let the story continue... :) “Goodbye Kelly and remember don’t let you’re brother run amok.” “I won’t” replied Kelly. Her parents got in the car and waved goodbye and sped off around the corner. Kelly closed the door and looked around the house and flopped into a chair and turned on the T.V there wasn’t anything really good on and decided to go take a shower. She got up and headed up the stairs and as she was walking past her brothers room she heard him talking to someone on the phone...

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Christys Birthday Surprise

Note : This story is completely fictional! The fact that I am a nymph is not my fault; the blame should be laid squarely at the feet on my father, my three brothers and my grandfather. I grew up in a house with my father, my grandpa and my three brothers, who were all white. My mother or that black bitch as my father would always call her, had run out on us when I was just four months old. My three older brother came from my father's first marriage. Growing up I had always assumed the duties of...

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A Bit of Worry a Lot of Pain

A Bit of Worry, a Lot of Pain, and a Pack of Cigarettes Oh jesuschrist. Piss a shit-fit. Godchristandmotherfucker, I’m shaking, trembling, trying to hold my limbs tight to my body so I go unnoticed and I’m not mistaken to be in the throes of an epileptic seizure or a victim of a Tourette’s fit here by these life-saving servants of the medical environment. I was in the midst of a break in my scribbling, coming down here to the hospital for my daily injection of mystery serum, braving the mean...

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