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So, what happened in the end was: I got so sick of space travels. I started feeling that not even sex could fill my life with enough joy to carry on like this. Or maybe it wasn’t the actual space travels but, you know, just having to work? Or, more specifically, having to flog stuff?

‘To flog’ means ‘to sell’, by the way – I have spent enough time living in the south of England to have picked up all the slang words that you may see on the pages that follow. I have lived in quite a few places, actually. Still, I have never felt like I belong somewhere 100%. And the saddest thing is, I don’t even have a proper native tongue. But hey, I guess that also means that I’m not really limited in my choice where to settle down when the time comes. The universe is my oyster, as they say… or should start saying.

So, yes, my job. I started training for it at 20, and I’m 24 now, and I honestly don’t feel like I want to be doing this for much longer. I have a degree in applied linguistics and, well, I’m a young female from Earth, which means I am frequently asked to study this or that planet or sector, quickly pick up a bit of their language, and then go there with the rest of the crew and make a good impression, so that we can make them believe they actually want to buy our junk. That’s it. That’s what my degree is apparently good for.

But anyway, I honestly don’t want to whine. I’m not a whiner – anymore – and when I say it, I do mean it. I used to be quite normal, emotion-wise – it was only three years ago that something happened, something rather nice, I think. It was… well, I got a hug – of sorts. It was during my training year. I had a placement on a planet that didn’t have a great deal of living beings there, although we were warned there were a few specimens there that had not been properly studied yet and that we were to be extremely cautious. They seemed peaceful, but who was to say for sure?

I was in my room, about to go have a shower, and it was one of those beings that I suddenly felt behind my back. When I felt its presence, I didn’t want to run away or scream or anything like that, though – I slowly turned around, but I couldn’t see it properly, it really looked like ripples in the air. I had an almost unbearable sensation of bliss and comfort. I was as if the being was giving me a hug. It was all around me. I tried to give it a hug back, but it was more like very thick air than a proper solid body.

I stood there like this for… I don’t know, a minute? Then I realised I was having the strongest orgasm of my life. It was like a tornado had swept me off my feet, and I only noticed it in mid-air. When it finished, the being was gone, and I was so wet I felt the urgent need to take off my knickers – it almost felt like I had wee'd myself.

Of course, that fantastically strong sensation has passed, but some “leftovers” of it I feel until this day. Yep, even today. How should I describe it? It’s like there is a permanent light inside of me, and a very warm light, too. I’m mostly in such a harmony with the world that I rarely get upset or angry, or even feel the need to raise my voice. It’s like…. It’s like I feel that people give too much of a fuck about everything. And also, I’m now way less sensitive to pain than others. I mean, I still feel it, but my body has stopped seeing it as something unpleasant and simply registers the fact that it’s there. One could argue this may not be such a great thing, after all, as pain is necessary for our self-preservation, but so far this has been working out quite well for me.

Oh, and there is one more thing, and I’m not quite sure how to put it without it sounding a bit silly, so I’ll just say it: I am very, well, sexual. Since that day, I probably haven’t met a person without wondering whether I would like to have sexual relations with them or not. And the answer is, more often than not, yes. It can be pretty much anyone, of any gender, and even some other species, provided they look humanoid enough and having a shag with them is technically possible. I guess you could say that what I lack in elementary human emotions, I make up in sexuality.

I mean, I still have emotions, of course, but I guess I feel it much less than anyone else. And well, it shows, too. Some people think I’m weird because I don’t get embarrassed in certain situations or because I don’t immediately go “Awww, sooo cute!” when I see a kitten. It’s not that I don’t find them sweet, it’s just why the heck shout about it? Alright already.

So, as I already said, I got a bit tired – I mean, quite awfully exhausted – from all this travelling around, so I asked my boss for a break. I demanded deliberately outrageous two months, so when we agreed on one, I was happy. Surely enough time to think about where I was heading and where I actually wanted to be heading. So far, I had very little idea about either.

What else should I tell you… I never knew my parents, grew up in an orphanage. It wasn’t until I was 11 that I was adopted, sort of. A woman from Southern England – Rae – took care of me, gave me a home. Not that she treated me exactly as if I was her daughter, of course, but yeah, she was the closest I had to a mother.

But anyway. My holiday began in late June, when my shuttle landed in Cascais, a seaside town in Portugal where she had bought a sweet little blue house to escape the hustle and bustle of London. When I set foot on Earth for the first time in almost two years, I… well, I would love to say that I felt an extraordinary range of emotions, but it really wasn’t that big of a deal. I still remembered everything rather well, and at the first glance, not much seemed to have changed since I last was there.

I will spare you the details of two women hugging and saying banalities like “You look gorgeous!” and “I love what you’ve done with your hair!” (Well, actually, it was her who said those things, I mostly just smiled and made approving noises). Rae – now 49, but looking about 37 – had a thing for white dresses, whereas I absolutely love dressing in dark shades, so I guess it may have looked like a white Queen giving a hug to a black knight. Or perhaps I just say it because I enjoy chess and tend to see silly chess analogies in many things.

The only things on me that weren’t black were my dark blue hair and my sunshades of pretty much the same colour.

Anyway, it was when she led me into the garden that things became worth telling about.

“Who’s the young man?” I asked. I recognised Rae’s bike, but not the bloke of about the same age as me who was trying to fix it.

The young man looked up, smiled, but I could tell straight away he was of a rather shy disposition. I assumed he would take this question as a “starting shot” and introduce himself, but he innocently waited for Rae to answer for him.

“Stella, this is Arsenio. He only lives two houses away from us.”

We shook hands.

“Hiya,” he said. Hmmm, a Portuguese bloke trying to imitate an American accent. Sexy and kinda awkward at the same time.

“Hey. How is it going with the bike, are you managing?”

“Sure, almost done now.”

Alright, then.

He definitely did not strike me as a motorcycle enthusiast. More like a priest or something.

And you know what – half an hour later, when I was on the verge of a micro-orgasm while greedily pushing Rae’s expertly made Eaton Mess into my mouth, it turned out that I was right. He was not yet a priest, but that was what he was intending to become.

“It’s his parents, really.” Rae explained while pensively looking at the empty plates. “I’m not entirely sure he would want to go down this path without their constant reminders of hell and whatnot. They moved to a planet in the Phyllis’ System long ago, but they still keep calling and pestering him with their ideas about what his future should look like.”

“That bad, huh?”

“Pretty bad, yes. I mean, he always assures me that this is what he wants, but, you know, I’m not 100% convinced.”

It was at that moment that a thought came to me – well, not a thought, but a sort of a “seed of a thought”. And you know what? I knew exactly that the seed wouldn’t leave my head until it developed into a fully grown, glorious erection. Sorry, I meant to say “tree”. Fully grown, glorious tree. But anyway.

“I’m not saying he doesn’t believe in God or something, I’m fairly confident that he does. You know, once I noticed he was staring at a girl on the beach, and he noticed that I noticed. He was so embarrassed he actually suggested I punish him for this.”

“Punish how?”

“Well, you know… spank him?”

I don’t burst out laughing that easily, but this definitely seemed worth a chuckle.

“Spank – him? Are you sure this was not just a moderately elaborate plan to make you part of his, er, exotic fantasies?”

“Actually… I thought of this for a second – only for a very brief moment – but no, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t. I don’t actually think he has any kind of fantasies. Also, I know for a fact his parents used to punish him every now and again, so I really had no reason to doubt him.”

“But you doubt he should be a priest.”

“As much as it pains me to say it, yes.”

“Oh, does it really pain you so much?”

We went quiet for a bit. She looked at me almost as if she knew what was going on inside me head.

“Why do I feel I know what direction your thinking process is going?”

“Mmmmmmm…” I reckoned this was neutral enough an answer. The Swiss would have been mightily proud of me.

In the end, I asked in a silly conspiratorial tone. "Do you reckon you could give me a spanking?”

Ah, yes, spankings. Do you reckon it’s only us humans that have the concept of slapping someone as a punishment? Come to think of it, it seems like a pretty logical thing to think of, no matter how many eyes or tails or stomachs you have.

The first time I was given a thrashing by another species had been almost three years ago, shortly after my encounter with the ‘orgasmic being’ – though the word “thrashing” is far too brutal to describe what happened. I don’t know why I keep invoking the Swiss into my narratives, but you could say that it was a sort of extraterrestrial Helvetii that provided me with my first ‘punishment’ outside my familiar surroundings.

The vol’overs are grey, slightly smaller than us, very quiet, with grotesquely long faces and also rather longish arms. The first time our team came over for a sightseeing tour of their planet, we caused a bit of a commotion. Heinz, our dear boss and a pestilential nuisance, had the bright idea of having our ship painted in this toxic green colour, which, it turned out, is absolutely taboo on their planet – it had something to do with the giant crab-like creature they worship zealously. You’d think anyone would have bothered warning us?

Anyway, long story short – we were in a bit of a trouble, their local authority demanded that the one responsible be punished. Heinz was too much of a chicken to assume any kind of responsibility and promised 5,000 coppers to anyone who would take the blame. The punishment process mentioned by the vol’overs sounded quite similar to a common spanking, even though it seemed a bit more elaborate than that, so I volunteered. Not (just) because of the money… I don’t know, I was just curious, I guess. And well, yeah, a part of me – the particularly horny part – simply couldn’t pass on an opportunity like that.

The vol’overs’ code demanded that at least two members of my crew were present during the punishment. I picked our junior accountant, Derek, and Lily, our event manager, a quiet girl with beautifully long, dark hair, slightly older than me who I secretly had a bit of a crush on. Derek, too, was a sweet guy, in his early thirties and without any sense of appropriate clothing. Both wore glasses, and perhaps that’s one of the reasons I found them both so cute. Always been a sucker for glasses. I’m a sapiosexual, by the way, though sometimes just looking smart also does the trick for me. I’ve slept with quite a few people who only seemed intelligent, but turned out to be a bit dim the next morning.

Anyways, back to my punishment. I was led into a medium-sized room with metallic walls and eight chairs – seven regular ones, for the witnesses, and one for the… prisoner? Victim? Anyway, it was for me. That chair was very similar to the kind you would find in a gynaecologist’s office. When I’m saying that, I mean that the only way to lie in it was with your legs spread at almost 90 degrees. I laid down, and they strapped my legs with belts that felt surprisingly smooth and pleasant against my skin.

I had spent some time picking what I would wear during my ‘execution’. In the end I, as always, went for black. I was considering wearing tights or stockings, but thought that tights would just be in the way and highly impractical, and stockings would look slutty and cheap, so I just put on a simple business-like skirt that ended a good deal above my knees, a jacket and white blouse. Oh, and white underwear – not too lacy, of course, but – I hoped – still sexy enough.

So, anyway – I entered the punishment room and removed my jacket, to show that I meant business. There was no furniture apart from the chairs, so I just gave it to Derek. He, Lily and five vol’overs were sitting barely six feet away from me, with Lily located right in the centre. I had told them not to worry too much about me, but my sweet Lily still looked concerned. She was wearing a rather simple and very business-like black dress – not too short, but short enough to arouse my imagination even further. Oh, and those tights on her heavenly legs!

I laid down in the ‘gynaecologist’s chair’, with my legs looking one east and one west. The moment I spread them, I carefully watched Lily and Derek. I was wondering whether their faces would change when they caught sight of what was under my skirt. Derek’s face remained unchanged, but Lily gave me a weak smile – surely, just a sign of support. After my legs (though not my arms or hands) had been strapped, one of the vol’overs produced a somewhat thick-looking belt.

Now, remember – I’m not that fussed about pain. And also, the vol’overs have a thing about pain, as their skin is extremely thin and their nerve endings are somehow overdeveloped by human standards. The slightest touch can cause them a great deal of suffering. So, when the punishment started, the ‘pain’ I felt was barely any pain at all, rather moderately intense ‘touching’

I had been wondering where they would hit me first. Well, the first hit was on my left calf. He proceeded hitting my calves with that belt of his, after which he worked his way up to the regions just above my knees. I began to feel that he was hitting me slightly more strongly now, but the sensation was still pretty insignificant. However, in order not to let him suspect anything, I started to moan to fake at least some sort of suffering.

This went on for five minutes, after which my executioner pointed at my skirt. Ah, exactly what I had been waiting for! I pulled it up as high as I could, and he seemed satisfied. Again, I looked at Lily to check out her expression. I wasn’t sure whether she had any lesbian genes in her, but at that moment it was my sincerest hope. Again, she smiled at me, and again, I wasn’t sure at all what was behind that smile.

The next slaps were on my thighs, after which he stopped for a second and looked at me, and then his eyes went down to my breasts. I wondered how much that would hurt.

I didn’t want to seem too eager to lose clothes, so I pointed at my less-than-medium-sized boobs, asking him whether I understood correctly and he wanted to have me topless. He nodded (yes, aliens nod, too), and I proceeded to unbutton my blouse. I didn’t find where to hang it, so I just dropped it on the floor. The vol’over resumed his business, working my arms and then my belly. I could guess what was coming next, and sure enough, he soon pulled down my bra.

My nipples had always had the tendency to get rather pointy, and on that occasion they gave their best performance. I wondered how those present would react if I was to start touching myself? Not that I was seriously considering it, of course – no matter how strongly I felt like it. I was dying to know what was going on in Lily’s and Derek’s heads and whether they suspected anything about just how aroused I was.

The punisher gave me about twenty slaps on my breasts, which did start to feel a bit unpleasant. I quickly took off my bra completely for my boobies to feel more free if more hits were to come, but my executioner now turned his gaze to my more intimate area. Alright, then, why not. Why not, indeed.

By that time, my crotch area felt pretty wet, and I was hoping that wetness would be visible on my knickers – that was one of the reasons I went for white. Was it wishful thinking, or was there something in Lily’s gaze that resembled… I don’t know, a kind of playfulness? Something in the corner of her mouth twitched, and the thought of that twitch nearly made me climax right there and then. She was actually enjoying watching me, wasn’t she? Derek, on the other hand, preserved his stone-like face, as if taken from some lesser known spot of Mount Rushmore.

Progressing as slow as I could, I put my thumbs through my knickers and, with my heart pounding as it had rarely pounded before, pulled them down. ‘Well, sure hope my dear Lily like landing strips!’ I thought.

I must have glittered down there, I was so wet. The hits started again, with the material of the belt falling straight on my pussy lips – and as horny as I got, I could barely feel a thing. Still, had to keep up my fake moans! I didn’t want it to end, but a minute or two later, the vol’over stopped and made a gesture ordering me to get up. I pointed at my skirt, asking if he wanted me to take it off, too, and the gesture I got in return was affirmative. Right, then.

It was at that moment that I noticed a bulge protruding out of Derek’s trousers. Well, I would have surely felt insulted if I hadn’t seen any bulges on that day! I regretted not having read up enough about vol’overs’ anatomy and whether they were capable of having such bulges, too. But even if yes, they were so bloody hairy that I might have missed it.

He led me to the wall on the opposite side of the spectators and pulled my arms up. I saw a pair of fetters coming out of the ceiling. He skilfully pulled those around my wrists and tightened the locks, after which he lifted them again a bit, so that I could barely move my arms. Not exactly comfortable, but surely it wouldn’t last long. How do you like my ass, Lil?.. I’m not even wondering about you, my sweet Derek, I know you’re half a step away from erupting.

The vol’over opened his suitcase again and put there his nice belt that had just given me so much pleasure. In return, he produced a short metal stick, about six inches long. Was he actually planning on inserting this device into my butthole?

But the torture master proceeded to extend the thing by pulling out one of the funny stick’s ends, and then again and again, and I realised that it was nothing more than a steel rod looking pretty much identical to an analogue radio antenna, like the kind we earthlings used in the 20th century.

That… may… hurt… a little… more…

It did. I wouldn’t say it ‘hurt like fuck’, but it was definitely not a sensation I would love to experience in my spare time. The first blow landed very neatly on my shoulder blades, and soon I didn’t even have to fake my moans, anymore. Surely, this was more pain than a vol’over could have handled? Was he conducting an experiment, trying to find out how much I could take? I started sweating and had to take the deepest breaths I could under the given circumstances. I wouldn’t say my horniness had gone away completely, but if things continued in this way, I could certainly forget about doing any orgasming at all.

The antenna finally left my back and resumed its business on my bottom. Alright, then, this was a bit… less bad. It also seemed like the vol’over was getting a bit tired – in spite of all their hairiness, they are anything but wild animals. I don’t want to say ‘pussies’ or something, just very delicate creatures who have merits other than physical prowess. I heard they made good cheese and were exemplary bankers!

I realised that my back was bleeding a bit. Not good, not very sexy to have bruises there if you’re a woman. Or is it? And now, I would have bruises on my ass, too.

A few minutes later, everything was finished. The creature released my hands and then stretched out his arms and looked up – a vol’over’s way of saying ‘respect’, ‘take care, ‘was nice meeting you’ or something along those lines. I wondered where I had put those knickers, not that I was too keen on putting them back on.

Derek remained seated (I wonder why…), but Lily quickly jumped up and came over to have a look at my injuries. The poor thing was probably wondering whether it was appropriate to hug me while I was still naked or whether she should wait until after I had put something on.

Lily was kind enough to locate my underwear for me. I took my knickers and gave them a quick check. There really was a tiny stain on them, but probably not big enough for anyone to notice. Call me a perv, but I was dying for Lily to know just how wet I got, so, before putting them back on, I looked at it again, then back to Lily, said ‘Oops’ and put them back on. She just gave me another one of her diplomatic smiles, and it didn’t even look like she understood what the ‘oops’ was referring to.

“D’you reckon they have a bathroom here?” I said.

“Is it urgent?” she replied, We’ll be back on the ship in less than two minutes.

“Yeah, sure… No, yeah, stupid of me.”

The promised ‘less than two minutes’ later, as soon as the bathroom door closed behind me, I sat down on the toilet and finished myself off faster than it would take you to gulp down a small glass of Baileys. But as I mentioned before, I have more than my fair share of sexual appetite and I almost immediately began to feel that I would soon need another dosage of TLC in my downstairs area. Was it a good idea to stay there and just go for another round? Lily was waiting outside, and in the end, I just flushed and hurried out.

“Oh, please don’t ask me again if I’m alright, please!” I said when I saw her face again.

“I wasn’t going to.”

“It looked like you were.”

“Well, you said you’re alright, so I believe you.”

“Alright, then.”

“Come on, let’s go.”

“I think I may need to stop by at my quarters before getting back to work.” I said.

“Oh, no no no no no – no work for you today or tomorrow. You’ve earned a little holiday, Heinz was very adamant about it. When I said ‘Let’s go’, I actually meant ‘Let’s go, I’ll walk you to your room and have a look at those bruises.’

‘No, you don’t actually have to…’ I wanted to object and then realised what an amazing opportunity it was to spend some quality time with the sweetest girl on The Savoyard.

“But, you know… you don’t have to…” I still said, but without putting much conviction into those words.

“Now, stop please. The least I can do is to make absolutely sure you’re alright.”

“Aha! I knew you would say that!”

“Well, I didn’t ask whether you’re alright, I merely used the word ‘alright’ in a sentence.

I agreed, just asking her for two more minutes for me to quickly knock on Derek’s door and thank him for being there with me.



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  Shaking my head I opened my mouth then snapped it close. What in the hell was I going to say? I wasn't any good at feelings or emotions, thinking quick I decided that science was the answer. "Sheila, I did not mean to imply that you did anything wrong. For some humans, this is good for the circulation others not nearly as good."   Sheila's face seemed to take on a long pause as she digested what I had said so far. "You are not angered with me Doctor Gance?"   "Angered? How could...

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mysterious neighbor Chapter 6

I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn’t stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can’t remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she’d used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...

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PLACES TO HAVE SEXFrom the mind of a SLUT

So I was at another website,which had a question name some place you had sex other than then the bedroom.I read some real beauties.I still think I beat them all.I did not tell them where,but I did say If I had gasoline draws on and ran thru HELL,GOD would be just getting started with me.So here are four places I have had sex in.First my god-brother stayed with family for the weekend.on saturday our family went to a and him already established that we liked each we snuck away...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 97

I stood at my filing cabinet, sorting through the most recent mortgage applications, and I decided there and then to tell Brian of my plans to wed Lena. I picked up the phone and spoke to Lena first, I cleared it with her, she was understandably hesitant, but agreed that we might as well get it over and done with. Next I phoned Brian and asked to see him on a personal matter, two minutes later I was in his office. "Sit down Ann, what's on your mind?" I fidgeted in my seat, there was no...

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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 8

*Within the locker room, sex was the only language spoken. Ryan stood at the entrance to the showers, watching the effects of the Device’s power on the teen girls inside. Breasts, slickened with soap and hot water, slid against each other. Hardened nipples met their counterparts in each girl. Flat bellies stroked against each other as above lips and tongues melted in soft embraces. And the smell, the musky smell of weeping pussy mixed with the shower sprays as delicate feminine fingers...

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MILF Teacher Becoming a Present

For me, growing up in the south in the eighties, racism wasn't as rampant and blatant as it was in the past, but the undercurrent was there. I grew up in a very racist upper class family where my father believed that whites were superior to blacks in all ways. Even though we had a black maid, a black chauffeur and I grew up with a black nanny ... I know it is ironic to allow a race supposedly inferior to feed you and raise your children; alas, no one else seemed to notice. That said, Aretha...

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Sexteen Saskia Sexual Strides 1 Sexuology

SEXTEEN SASKIA SWEET SLY SLOW SEDUCTIVE STARTSASKIA SHOWS SHYLY SUBMISSIVE SEXUAL SLAVERY : Sweet Saskia Ven - Overveen - Secretly she studies SexuologyShe seeks self-sustaining staying-place - Still: She & Sibling-sisShe's seen see-swimming Strandbad Bloemendaal (Flowervale)She's secretly fully-nude bare-back riding her mare - Dunes dusk ===================================================SASKIA SEXTEEN SUNBATHING SENSUALLY @ STRANDBAD :SHE'S SWEET SMART SLIM SMILING BOTH ABOVE AS...

1 year ago
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Do you have a Virt Wish you’d like to see granted? For that matter, could you even tell me what a VirtWish is and what you’d do with it? I know some of you pervs are confused, but don’t worry because we’ll get to the bottom of this thing. I’m guessing it’s short for Virtual Wish, which doesn’t tell you exactly what kind of smut they’re peddling. It does hint at the experience, though. So tell me, fellow internet deviate, what type of porn sites would you visit if you were looking to see a...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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THE ASSISTANT – PART 1The SkinCare company had a small office in downtown Chicago which acted as a relay between their huge laboratories in the outskirts of the city and their Marketing branch in New York. Jennifer had worked in New York in a junior position and now she was ready to tackle a managerial position in the Chicago office. She was the assistant to the VP of Research. Jennifer was already in her early 40s but the VP was a woman of 60. Rachel was already planning for retirement. Rachel...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 100

The coal and the logs all brought in, Dad then lit the fire so that it would be going along nicely when we got back. With a couple of Woolworth’s firelighters and a wigwam frame of some kindling sticks under a pyramid of small pieces of coal, it wasn’t long before the coal had caught. Once the sticks had burned through and the pile had collapsed, Dad placed some larger pieces of coal on top, moved the draught control back to closed, and placed the spark guard in front of the fireplace. The...

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My School Girl Fantasy

I’m a little school girl with pigtails wearing a mini skirt. You are my male classmate who helps me study for a tough exam. While we were studying at your place, you start to flirt with me, which lead to kissing me. It is my first kiss. You feel very horny that you carry me upstairs and lay me down on your bed, but I say no. You force me down. As you force me, I try to fight back, but you are so strong. You unbutton my shirt and later your hands lower to my mini skirt. You start to rub my...

3 years ago
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The Player PlayedChapter 7

Over the next couple of months things began to come together with the shooting proposals and everything else moved along very nicely. We took a short trip to France, again by private jet, very interesting, but that will have to wait until another time. For the present we tried to get to grips with what was going on here. I have to say that I was thoroughly enjoying every aspect of being the landed gent, including the 'extras'. I had made a fair investment in the local lingerie shop, not to...

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The Risky Public Threesome With Mum

It was a bank hoilday weekend and me and mum was traveling up to her sisters. We had gone about 100miles before we stopped off at a service station to get some food. We'd gone into the station and had our break and decided to cut it short as we wanted to get going before the rush hour traffic had come round. I'd always looked at mum and thought she was looking well for her age, size 12 34dd small brown hair brown eyes and slimish. Id always been teased she was a milf. So on this day it was no...

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My sexy secretary

My name is John Lampert. I’ve been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I’m dependent on relationships. I don’t know why, but I’ve been that way since I was 26 and I’m 34 now. But at the time I was single. I’m 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn’t have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...

4 years ago
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Mom Attains Sexual Gratification With Son

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, my name is Amitoj and I’m 25 years old, originally from Bhatinda, Punjab but currently living in Mumbai. I moved to Mumbai away from family when I was 17, initially for college and later for work. About my family- I’m the only son to my dad and mom who are both doctors. They are now divorced. Growing up, my parents never really got along well together and had numerous fights. My mom was a strong character but at some...

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Fuck Me Mindless

You straddle my shoulders, aligning your balls to my mouth. I’m dizzy with your smell and automatically start painting your balls with my tongue making them dripping wet. I look up to see you’ve got a firm grip on your cock and you’re stroking, pulling your balls up, and grinding down as I suck one and then the other, then both. My mouth is full and I swirl my tongue and gently suck, my eyes locking with yours.You push up to release your balls from my mouth and I whimper and fight to keep them,...

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RWBY auction

Headmaster Ozpin was in a bit of a difficult situation. Thanks to the after effects of the breach the city of vale had to spend large amounts of Lien to repair for the damages. Because of the amount of money spent it would be quite difficult to properly prepare for the Vytal festival. If he could not find a new source of money he may have to cancel the festival all together. Letting out a sigh of frustration Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before he turned to his computer and decided to see if...

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Sex debut with my sexy neighbor

Hi my name is Sam. I am from Bangalore the garden city and turning into one of the sexiest cities in India. This is a real incident which happened in my life and i would like to share it with u people and this is not like many craps or cooked up stories which i have read in many websites. This happened to me recently, hardly 5 month back. Let me start by introducing myself, i am 24yrs old working in one of the mnc in Bangalore. I am 5.11, good looking, athletic body with a charming smile which...

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AddictionChapter 5

After a trip to a hair stylist where Maria's dark curls were cut and styled in a shorter, more youthful coiffure, Jimmy made good on his boast and spent that entire afternoon and evening reaming Maria's luscious body, bringing the woman to uncountable and unbelievable climax after climax. And also true to his boast, Maria, worn out, sore and exhausted from Jimmy's unrelenting carnal assault, finally begged him to stop, but her surrender to his will and sexual dominance only gave him new...

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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 6 Harry

Harry Potter had a headache. And not an insignificant one either, no this one was a whopper. Dumbledore had strongly suggested that Harry join Prof. Snape for an extended session of Occulmency, and after 7 straight hours, he was feeling the effects. Still, as the titular leader of Dumbledore's Army, it was his role to check up on the rest of the students, so instead of heading back to Gryffindoor Hall, he made his way to the entrance to the Room of Requirements. Distracted as he was by the...

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Highway Stranger in the Rain

Its early spring with the first april shower overhead covering the roads. Im riding down highway 64 on the way home when I notice a leggy brunette looking under the smoking hood of her sportscar. She is wearing heals and a short dress with buttons all the way is unbuttoned revealing a little cleavage. She is using a newspaper to try to keep the rain from covering her completely. She has this damsil in distress look. Im not about to let someone else "rescue her." So i pull over in...

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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 9

"You really should show me how to make tacos like this, June," my girl asked after eating two of them faster than I ate one. "Once again, its not too difficult," June said, "Danny's father liked them just meat and taco shell, but Danny and I liked them spicier than that. I took the recipe from Alton Brown. It's just a little peanut oil, meat seasoning, some onion and garlic. I added beef broth and just over a pound of beef sirloin." "After that all cooks up, I use panela cheese,...

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The scene is a beautiful hotel in the wilds of the Somerset Levels. It is a warm, late summer evening and the sun is setting over the hazy landscape. It is the occasion of my friend, Jess’s hen night and it is a quiet and small affair of perhaps nine of her closest friends. Relaxed and informal we have been sitting, talking and drinking in the lounge overlooking the hotel’s garden and across the fields beyond. I found myself alone with Jess. She thanked me for organising the party and I told...

3 years ago
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Romantic Makeover With My Girlfriend

Hi to everyone this is my first story in ISS… I don’t want to waste much time let me come to the story.. My name is Shiva and my girlfriend name Aarthi.. We both love each other for past two years this incident happened last month let me describe my girl she is little short to me but bubbly her boob size is 38 which is really sexy and her ass will be like a half cutted apple over all appearance will be 38-32-36 and about me i’m around 6feet tall and slim and my dick will be 6″ Let me come to...

4 years ago
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My first time with Cindy

Introduction: This happened a long time ago and we enjoyed each other a lot after this encounter. Cindy (name changed) is 25 now, she was 12 yo then and although we do not have sex anymore we do have a special relationship. The story: On our way back from hospital, after dropping my wife off for a very serious back operation, Cindy, was telling me how she will do all the things that mommy used to do in the house, like washing the dishes and do the washing and that she will look after her daddy...

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If the time Bo and I had spent in this place and reality didn’t change my perspective enough, the time since forming the pack was like stomping down on the accelerator of a high performance car, add to that a car with a nitrogen fuel-injection system. While it was Bo and me establishing ourselves in this place, there was always a connection to our past while we acted as survivalist in the wilderness and constant companions as much as was possible within society. There was a stubborn...

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Monster Lab

Elric stood with chest spread wide, naked, his muscles gleamed in the moonlight. His skin was a sickly dark navy blue. His eyes were an aluring green. With long pointed ears and long canine teeth the creature spread it's wings. It's powerful legs lunching off the roof in a powerful roar into the night toward his new mistress. His had been living for 300 years, he has kept his hands off of humans for the last 30 years of his captivity, no rapes, no kills, he deserved this one human, he needed...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold

Part 1We were married in the Skywalker Lounge, on the top deck of the Golden Princess Cruise Ship. We hadn't sailed yet and were still moored to the dock in San Pedro. Twenty-five of our friends came on board to attend the ceremony. We all dressed in Hawaiian shirts or sarongs. The view of the harbor was spectacular; the lounge décor was like something from outer space. It was magical!After a beautiful ceremony, hors d'oeuvres and drinks, our friends departed, wishing us well. Angel and I...

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New GF Trains Me to be a Sissy Slut

"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...

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Ceres Calhouns first time

Ceres Calhoun was a vicious stereotype of a plain jane. Her pale skin, waif body and figure were unremarkable. Her straight brown hair was parted in the middle and pulled int a pony tail by a black scrunchy. She didn't help the image with a brown cardigan, over an off white beige button up blouse tucked into ill fitting brown trousers that exposed her brown socks. Her shoes though were white trail running shoes. Rather they were once white, the were filthy with mud and dirt from executing their...

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Npte : This story is completely fictional! My brothers and I have an incredibly hot mom; she is definitely an M.I.L.F.! She is in her mid 40's, long blonde hair, a beautiful face and hot body and she is almost a nympho! Her body is that of a 20 year old, she works out, she is 5'11" maybe a 110 pounds a fantastic ass and she has big tits! Her and the guy she is seeing fuck as often as they can. All of us had incredibly lustful, incestuous thoughts about our mom. We didn't just want to see her...

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A Travesty of Justice

A Travesty of Justice by Paul G. Jutras "Welcome to your new dorm room." Frank said as Gary walked through the doorway, dropped his backpack, and his jaw practically to the floor. Except for the twin beds, the small room looked more like a research lab than a dorm room. He began to wonder if he cold sleep with the blinking lights of the computer panels going off all night. "What are you working on?" Gary asked. "Genetics." Frank replied as a few quick moves on a computer...

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Doing Favors for the Black Foremen

I was an out of work, 48 year old marketing representative. A friend of mine named Bill, who just happens to be black and the owner of an electrical supply company, gave me a job in his warehouse in Detroit. I needed to get some income to support my family and no jobs were available in my profession. Many of the other men resented me getting the job, especially since I had never worked in a warehouse and hadn’t paid my dues so to speak. I was constantly being teased by some of the men. This...

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A Sex Addict Slut Making World Go Around

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, i do. Its been great fun for last 3 years, I have everything going for me, I am the creative head of an advertising firm, my creative juices are flowing overtime, family is in great place enjoying my money to great deal, being successful has...

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Assassins Creed Odyssey The Next Odyssey

(Chateau Phoibe, Kephallonia) Alexios Sat in His Chair on the Newly Reworked Vineyard Bought By Markos. Alexios had Convinced Markos to Cede Administrative Control and Legal Control to Him, so that the Wine would no Longer Taste like Shit. That and So That He Could Effectively Run Kephallonia From There. Much Had Changed since He Had Left This Place. After Taking Down The Cult of Kosmos, He had Seized Control of it, and aith The Help of Aspasia and His Sister Kassandra, Had Given it New...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 05

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 4 of this series, I suggest you start at the beginning. You’ll get more out of this story if you do. * * * * * * Sally asked, ‘Sue, did you and Tom use the ultra-thins every time you fucked this weekend?’ I said, ‘Yes. We both don’t want the worry ever again.’ Steve and John came back to the house so we quit our sister chat. John turned on the TV and the ESPN sports was on. He yelled, ‘They’re interviewing Coach Lewis at the Superdome.’ We all ran...

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Tiffany My Teenage Slut

When I walked in, Tiffany was laying on my bed. When she had asked me what she should wear I told her to surprise me. She was dressed in the classical plaid school-girl uniform complete with an unbuttoned white blouse that barely covered her C cup breasts and her tight tummy on display for my viewing pleasure. Her legs were bent at the knees with white thigh-high nylons that came up and over her knees, covering her perfect long legs. The sexiest part was her plaid skirt that strategically...

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Monis challenge

Hi I am Mark , the hubby, to Moni. As you may know from out previous stories She is my shared hotwife and very proud of her. I doubt there is a man out there that can resist her and one day she I dared her to prove it. Some years ago we were on a vacation road trip to Minneapolis from Canada, just a short 8 hour drive. At the time she was 45 and still more gorgeous than ever standing at her 5'tall height,110lbs 34 C mid length dark brown hair. And all that after 3 k**s still.We had her...

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The Tabatha Diaries Ch 6

I remember at the time thinking that sex did not feel as strange and new as I was expecting. Unlike my other firsts, there was no pre-cursor dream. And yet I had that feeling that I was doing something that I had done before. It did not feel like I was losing my virginity. I know now that the condom would have muted the sensations. Particularly a cheap one from a vending machine. They are not the most sheer. And I had bought a regular size, because that was all they had. That was why...

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The Master WarriorChapter 17

We were joined shortly after that by the Leader of the Grroz. He appeared much younger and more spry than earlier. “So much wasted dead meat, though you did leave a couple of them just barely alive. They were very tasty,” the Grroz leader told us. “I have stopped my warriors at the road leading in here. They are all sated for now. Some of them even caught two prey. If you are finished, we are ready to return. Many will be looking for mates and will be anxious to be about that,” he finished...

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Mind Fuck 1 Police Patrol

I always said that I am going to fuck with her mind and on a late evening I knew I would do well to keep my promise. My girlfriend is a tall stunning blonde call Antoinette, endless legs with rather big and firm tits and beautiful hard nipples that pierce through her braless tight fitted tops whenever we are out together. It has always been a hard effort for her to dress against her conservative, wealthy and rather proper upbringing as I like to show her off in public. She even enjoys the...

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Crush By Cassandra Morgan Charlie was coming over. Good old Charlie. He was the long-lost brother that we never knew we had. One weekend, he had started hanging around, and he seemed to always be there. Charlie had a loopy grin, and a great sense of humor, and he was smart. He told a good joke, and he would help with whatever project that we had going on. He came to dinner. He went to movies with us. Hell, he spent holidays with us. And why wouldn't he? He was Charlie. Good old...

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