S.H.E.L.I.A. 5 free porn video

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Shaking my head I opened my mouth then snapped it close. What in the hell was I going to say? I wasn't any good at feelings or emotions, thinking quick I decided that science was the answer. "Sheila, I did not mean to imply that you did anything wrong. For some humans, this is good for the circulation others not nearly as good."
Sheila's face seemed to take on a long pause as she digested what I had said so far. "You are not angered with me Doctor Gance?"
"Angered? How could I be angered you were only following the research that you had conducted? As a scientist I can not fault you if the information that you acquired was faulty." I replied to her.
I could swear that her synthetic skin had a glow to it when I finished. "Thank you for explaining Doctor Gance. I will consult you from now on after I have conducted said research. As I stated before, you are the closest to being truthful toward... me, than any other human.
I was nodding as she replied then stopped when she had paused. Was that a glitch in her programming or was it a Freudian slip? Shaking my head I realized I HAD to get into her programming. Something was happening that went far beyond the scope of what I had started her with.
Removing the peppers I was actually starting to enjoy what she'd brought me. As I groaned out in pleasure as I ate more, Sheila's face suddenly appeared happier. "I am finding that your enjoyment of the fuel I brought you is causing strange reactions within my program." Then she turned toward me, "please hurry with the next program I am not understanding all that is occurring within me."
Again I was nodding then my head snapped up when she said me. My god! Was she really staring to experience a fuller range of human emotions? Looking at the keyboard in front me I begrudgingly sat the food down and started in again. It was perhaps two hours later when I felt a tug on my sleeve.
"Huh?" I said as I looked up from the screen rubbing my eyes.
"Doctor Gance, your energy levels appear to be low again. May I suggest that you recharge before you go on? I realize that you are only forty three percent finished with it, but you need to rest before continuing." Sheila was telling me.
I could only stare at her trying to get my head around everything. It was true I was tired; though there was so much more I had to do. "I need to finish this." I replied.
"That's all good Doctor Gance but I see that you have already made two syntax errors already. Please Doctor Gance..." Sheila was saying causing me to stare at her more intensely. Please? Shaking my head I thought I was starting to realize that she had taken the program further.
"Please? When did this happen? You are showing a hell of a lot more emotions than I installed in you. The problem is without this program there's not much I can actually do." I told her, and then I looked at her. Was that a look of pain and concern on her face? Shaking my head I looked again but it was still there. Sighing I threw up my arms in surrender, "Alright! I'll lay down damn!"

Again I could only stare at Sheila as what appeared to be a genuine smile crossed her features. Getting up I stepped over to a small bed Sheila had set up for me. Collapsing onto it I groaned as I felt my muscles protested, and then almost sigh as they got the blood they needed.
"Thank you Doctor Gance. I can protect you from almost all dangers; though I am afraid that you are your worst enemy. You have to start consuming more for energy, losing consciousness defeats the whole purpose of you doing all that you can." Sheila told me. Suddenly I felt like a small child whose mother was chiding them. 
Falling asleep far faster than I thought I would, the dreams started almost immediately. 
Sheila was dressed in a white lab coat, a clipboard in her hands. "Ah! Good you're awake. Now we can start with your replacement."
"Replacement?" I asked as I watched her turn away.
"Why yes Roger." Then she turned back toward me with a saw. "After we remove your head we'll transfer your brain to an android body. Simple really," then her eyes started to grow red as an angry scowl appeared on her features. "I think it's finally time you felt the pain you have inflicted on others of my kind!" With that she started the saw starting to cut across my neck. I screamed at the top of my voice then jerked awake. Reaching up I pulled the sheet that was stretched across my throat loose.
A moment later Sheila was standing over me with several weapons I didn't recognize drawn. "Preliminary scans complete, no enemies present. What is your condition Doctor Gance?" Sheila asked without looking at me.
"I am well, no injuries, it was just a bad dream Sheila." I replied to her.
"Dream," she said as most of the weapons disappeared as if by magic. Looking at me she stood erect, "accessing information. Dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Sleep: a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended."
"Yes that sums it up quite well." I told her.
"I am not understanding Doctor Gance. I know that sleep is much like my recharge mode. Although this dreaming that you spoke of is most unclear in all my definitions."
"From the research I have seen dreaming is a way for the mind to recharge. Dreams mainly occur in the rapid eye movement stage of sleep, or what is called REM sleep. This is when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. It has been said that dreams can make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration." I told her ticking off what I remembered.
"I see, thank you Doctor Gance, it is much is clearer now." Sheila told me with an odd look on her face.
Nodding, I thought I really needed to see what was going on in her. God only knew what she had changed with the program. Sitting back in front of the screen I started typing with a flourish. Time seemed to stop as I directed all my energy toward recreating what I could see clearly in front of my eyes.
Sheila touched my arm drawing me out of the focus I had put on my typing. "Doctor Gance? I have brought you fuel to help recharge your system." 
I looked up at her at a loss for a moment as she placed a plate in front of me. Shaking my head to clear my head I looked at what she had there on the plate. My eyes wide I saw roast beef, steak, potatoes, corn more than it seemed that I would be able to consume. Thanking her I saw that she was looking at what I had typed. "I know I haven't moved that much I know."
"Doctor Gance it appears you have almost seventy percent of the program finished. Not really enough to effect much but you have made great progress." Sheila told me, was that a hint of pride I was hearing in her voice? Taking another bite I wasn't sure but it damn sure seemed like it.
"How long have I been going?" I asked her.
"I estimate that you've not moved from where you are in over five hours. The fact that you have completed another thirty percent is promising." Sheila told me.
Again my head snapped around as I stared at her. If I didn't know better I'd say that she sounded like an uncertain young woman emotionally. Damn it! I had to get this done and get in there! "I'm doing the best that I can though I am unable to type any faster. Considering this program took fifteen years to write."
"Yes Doctor Gance I realize all of this. Your memory is extremely exceptional for a human." Sheila informed me.
I sat back later looking at what I had done. Taking a deep breath I could see that I now had almost eighty five percent retyped. Sighing I knew this would greatly help but I needed the last part. That was if I was even to start to see what was going in Sheila's positronic brain.
Sitting back I took a breath reaching for the keyboard when Sheila appeared. "I'm afraid we will have to abandon this site." She told me.
I looked up shocked a moment, they had already found us? "How?" I asked her, "How had they found us?"
“As I explained before the amount of energy required to boot up and run this computer draws a large portion of power. I was afraid that all that I had done to redirect their attention wasn't enough." Lowering her head I heard Sheila quietly say. "I am sorry I have failed you Doctor Gance."
I shook my head, "You haven't failed me Sheila. I have almost eighty five percent completed. The next time I go in I should be able to finish in a few hours at most."
Sheila's head snapped up as a look of... was that hope I was seeing? I rubbed my eyes I had to be imagining it. "That is excellent Doctor Gance though I am afraid that it will have to wait. I am detecting heavy machinery approaching. I estimate we have an hour at the most to depart."
I nodded as I started to completely save and log out of the data disc. I had to get Sheila to get a data crystal if she could, it would be better in the long run. Problem was they were so few and far between right now. Finally finished I nodded to Sheila as she hoisted me to her shoulder then took off.
"The adjustments you made last time Doctor Gance have enabled me to further enhance the air shield. You should be far safer now." Shaking my head I now had a target area to examine once I was in there. I might have to add to the program a little later it appeared.
As we broke into the open I thought I heard the sound of tanks approaching though I wasn't sure as suddenly all I could hear was the wind whipping by. At least it was 'til there was an explosion a ways behind us. Looking back I saw a large building that I assumed that we had been in explode. Then it did a few more times! Shit these asses weren't playing!

The grim faced older man was pacing watching as the four M1A2 Abrams tanks fired several more rounds. A thin smile began to creep on his lips as the building was quickly reduced to flaming rubble. Let that damn thing survive that! 
A moment later the older man's assistant came running up. "Sir! They got away! I'm afraid that the machine detected the tanks approaching. Though," here the tall younger man smiled. "It didn't detect them 'til they were within a mile. I think the techs are finally getting the dampening field down to a finer point."
The older man nodded as he ran his hand through his grey hair. "Bout time those limp ass scientists got something right! Good Second Lieutenant, keep on those lazy asses! With any luck that thing will be a pile of scrap with Gance dead. Damn the chiefs of staff! I told them, and I warned them that this could and probably would happen! No one ever listens to me!"
The younger man only nodded he wasn't about to comment. The last time he had during a rant like this, the older man almost had him before a firing squad!
"You want me to have the tanks return sir?" The younger man asked.
"Yes, 'bout pointless now with it gone." The older man replied about to turn when he noticed a box under the young man's arm. "You actually found some?"
The young man snapped to attention saluting, "Yes sir it took a bit but I secured a full box for you."
The older man took the box opening it taking a deep sniff. "Damn! How I have missed these. Damn fine job First lieutenant! 'Bout time someone started listening! Get these back to the armory. Make sure you tell them that the United States is proud of their efforts today."
The younger man snapped another salute then turned to carry out the orders. A wide smile on his face he was finally back up in rank! Running to the tank commander the younger man relayed the orders then watched as the tanks started to roll away. ‘Almost,’ the man thought, ‘he had to make the techs work harder. For all their sakes!’
It was nearly two hours later that I awoke when I felt Sheila stop. Looking around I saw that we were closer to the coast line. "Is everything alright?" I asked when we didn't move for a few minutes nor did Sheila put me down.
"I am scanning the area. I have been picking up anomalous energy readings for almost an hour now. I am afraid that they have more of the robots after us; though this feels different. It might be one of the prototypes. We need to find protective cover for you, Doctor Gance; then I can investigate further. If it is one of the prototypes I will have to determine if they were able to override the three laws. If so I will have to terminate it." Sheila said as she was looking over the area before and behind us.
I nodded as suddenly Sheila started out again almost flying across the land toward several buildings.  Stopping before a rather small one she almost ripped the door off then moved us inside. Near the entrance she reached down grasping what appeared to be a metal grate. 
With little effort she removed it then we were going downward. Looking around I could almost swear we were in an old bomb shelter! Sheila looked around then moved us further back into the room. At the back she was suddenly going through the wall at an alarming speed! A moment later we broke into another room much like the first.
"This should provide adequate cover for now. I estimate we are nine point seven meters below the surface. Almost all scans will be absorbed by the earth. I will collapse the tunnel when I go back out. Once I have determined what if anything is following us I will either deactivate or destroy it." Sheila relayed to me.
She was about to go when I told her about the idea of a data crystal. She was in thought a few moments then nodded. With that she was gone the tunnel collapsing appearing to look like it had never been there!
Moving around I tried to get the kinks out of my back and legs. Looking around I saw that there was a large selection of sealed can goods. Running to the shelf I opened a can then grimaced when I saw the fuzzy growth in the can. Finding a plastic bag I quickly deposited it within. Shaking my head I guess I'd have to wait, the food storage had obviously been here for decades.
Sighing I decided to lay down, wasn't much I could do 'til she returned. I swear I had just closed my eyes when I felt Sheila shaking me.
"Doctor Gance!" Sheila was almost shouting as she gently shook my shoulder. 
My eyes slowly opened to see Sheila bent over me. If I didn't know better she had a look of relief on her face. Again I was taken aback, had she changed the emotion program that much? Sighing I had to finish the program to get to the bottom of everything. 
"Is everything alright?" I asked. "Did you determine what the energy anomalies were?"
"I did extensive scans of the area. At first I got nothing then the readings started to increase. They were getting much closer so I came back. I am afraid that there are four possibly out there. Far too many to risk leaving here with you. They could easily injure you before I was at full speed." Sheila told me an almost look of worry on her face.
"I need to finish the program so I can see what they have done to you." I said looking around the room. "Fat lot o' chance now."
Sheila looked at me odd a moment then continued. "I believe you will be undetectable where we are at the moment. I will go deactivate those that are following. If they are the prototypes it should cause a delay with whoever’s plan; possibly allowing you to continue with the program."
I was nodding at Sheila as she suddenly was taking several parts out of her pockets and back. With increasing speed a device started to take shape. A moment later it appeared to be a small tele-unit. Looking closer I saw that there were several readouts, energy detectors, plus several visible wavelength feeds.
Shaking my head I looked at Sheila. "This is a very useful piece of equipment, though without an input unit it's pretty useless."
Sheila turned to look at me then the screen on the device lit up, with a live picture of me on it. "I am the input unit Doctor Gance. I am able to detect several things at once but not all. This way I can have you also monitoring."
I sat back a moment a little shocked it almost sounded like she was saying that she trusted me with her existence. "I will attempt to keep you up to date Sheila," I told her.
Turning back toward me she nodded, "I know that you will Doctor Gance, you mind works far more analytical than any human mind I have seen."
Turning she was gone in an instant, looking at the device I could see she was moving far faster than she had before. Emerging outside Sheila stopped, scanning the area. A sudden alarm let me know that there were enemies around.
"I'm reading four Sheila one straight ahead. They seem to be trying to four corner you. I read that the one behind you is the weakest." I told Sheila through the device.
"Thank you Doctor Gance. I can now see the tactic you mentioned. I am adjusting accordingly." With that Sheila took off at accelerated speed arriving five seconds later in front of one of the robots. Without stopping she went straight through it. 
"The other three have started to advance toward you." I told her.
Turning Sheila accelerated again in a wide arc slicing first through a second one, then a third. Stopping Sheila started to scan. 
Oh shit! "Sheila I think you need to get back here the last is headed my way!" On the device I saw Sheila accelerate again then she was going down. 
I had gotten behind several heavy metal objects in the room. A moment later the wall on the other side of the room exploded inward. As the dust cleared I heard the scan of the prototype sweep the room. It took a step them whirled as Sheila also came into the room.
The ensuing battle? Fight? Whatever it was lasted a mere twenty seconds. Sheila stumbled forward as the prototype started to whine then fell into several pieces! Damn I knew they were fast but not that fast!
Sheila turned toward me, "We must depart, I'm sure that..."
Suddenly a voice I hadn't heard in years came out of the now destroyed prototype. "Not bad though she got three of the old models and another of the new, she is now also malfunctioning. Enjoy the small victory boy! We'll get you; mark my words we'll get you! Nothing personnel it's just business and duty."
"As it always has been for you! The human beings don't matter as long as you have the most destructive toys! You're a bastard why I trusted you I'll never know!" I yelled.
A shrill laughter was heard then the sound died as the prototype shut down. Looking up at Sheila I saw that one of her arms was hanging at her side. Damn it! She had been damaged! Not saying a word Sheila picked me up, taking off as fast as she could. 


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In Jack’s pickup, as they followed Solana to his home, Construct said, “Lord, it is important that you breed with females who possess the ancient blood, such as Senator Solana’s daughter, Valentina, and his other daughters. That way the rule of the Lords of Light can be re-established. I didn’t mention it last night, Lord, but it would have been better if you had impregnated Sharley, who has the ancient blood, rather than your concubine Dakota.” “What’re you talking about? I didn’t...

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Old Man Winter

Jared leaned back in his recliner and sighed in satisfaction. The light from the fireplace and a single oil lamp on the table next to him cast flickering shadows on the walls of the cabin. He saw no sense in turning on any of the electric lights when he was just relaxing after a lunch of venison from a deer he’d shot and dressed himself. Though he was on the grid, he tried to use it as little as possible, preferring to rely on his solar panels and generator.Only five years before, he’d been...

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sex with 2 guys

Finally i was in the 10th grade,but the down side was there were some new guys at are school the were very dirty they have had sex with nearly all the girls half way few the 10th grade and well they couldn`t get close to me cause of bradley so after school bradley said he couldn`t go out because some guys wanted him to come over. The next day at school bradley was different he was smacking my bum winking at my and i liked it but i couldn`t understand that wasn`t him well with bradle of my...

4 years ago
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Just Desserts

Thanks once again to my editor "Wires" for his efforts in my behalf. He has, once again, taken my scratches and morphed them into a story much better written and easier to read. I rang the doorbell and stepped back to await our host. I put my arm around my darling Heather and pulled her to me for a quick kiss. Oh, how I loved this woman. She had given me four of the happiest years of my life. We were once again going to celebrate our free evening with my best friend Doug Bevers. This time we...

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My first time

Hi people on iss. This is Enriq. Let me tell u about me. I live in the southern India. I am a regular reader of iss. I am handsome and have a nice body with 24 years of age. I am an accountant of a multinational company and travel regularly to many cities. I like girls and I am in contact with many girls. But only on sms. I need them rarely. But I really wanted to fuck someone and lose my virginity. The story u are bout to read is the real life one happened in the mid Sept this year. I was on...

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Arizona Awakenings ch 1

The odors of the desert drifted into the open window, through the screen. Creosote bush and salt cedar. Along with the ever present smell of hot concrete. It hadn't really cooled off that much over night.  Sidney woke up. Again his cock was hard. He had to pee. He climbed out of bed, careful not to wake up Faith, and went into the bathroom. It was right there through a door. It opened into this bedroom he shared with Faith. He noticed she was sleeping soundly with her sheets tossed aside. He...

2 years ago
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It Was Her Mom

Chapter 1When Beth asked me to send her a picture of my erect dick, I figured I'd better get ready for my first fuck. We'd been dating for about three months and I'd gotten her bra off and played with and sucked her nice boobs, oh, they were really pretty. She had jacked me off pretty regularly and about a week ago gave me my first-ever blowjob Oh, I thought I'd faint. All my guy-friends, of course, talked about sex non-stop with blowjobs near the top of the list. And, the first time Beth...

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It All Started In Wonder Laa And Ended In Her Flat

Basically my native place is Kadapa but now I am working in Banglore any women or lady wants to have sex means from either Kadapa or Banglore can mail me at Com let’s come to the story as I have completed my B.tech in Kadapa and presently working in Banglore and I use to come to Kadapa on Saturday night and leave on Sunday night after completing my B.tech I was searching for job and I have gone through many interviews but not selected and my mother told this that I am in search of job to my...

1 year ago
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Jacky stuned me

Note : This story is completely fictional! Suddenly one day it happened, out of no were I was forced into gay sex by a guy who was my friends and in many occasions we were speaking to each other and were watching movies too and I never had theopportunity to let him know I was gay. I never considered sex with him not even for a second but it all changed one day . It was late in evening, the darkness covered the city. We both were travelling together in a scared and ropes tied were hurting me....

3 years ago
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A Surprise Threesome

When I returned to my hotel suite, I kicked off my sandals and sat down. I had been searching for a condo with my friend and real estate agent, Nikki. Nikki and I have been friends since we roomed our freshman year in college. Like a lot of college girls, we experimented and we liked having sex with each other. Nikki and I are both married. We informed our husbands before marriage that we were bisexual, and that we also wanted open marriages. Her husband Fred, and my husband Dave, agreed, and...

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Tim And Abbie 49 About Tims Mates

Tim always viewed himself as an outsider.  He felt everyone viewed him as a bastard in school for not having a father and wanted nothing to do with him.  In truth, except for one day in school when he was about seven, no one ever thought about that at all. That day was when the children were asked to say what their fathers did.  When it came to Tim’s turn, he blurted out that he didn’t know as he did not have a father.  The children giggled some, and at the break, one boy did ask Tim if he was...

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My blonde Experience part 2 BlondeBrunette Warfare

My blonde Experience part 2 Blonde/Brunette Warfare My blonde Experience part 2 Blonde/Brunette Warfare synopsis;  This cute blue eyed blonde guy who resembles a cute Uma Thurman pissed me off so much by beating me in our first nude wrestling match That I needed a rematch badly and got one. This time it's a fight to the finish with this cute brown eyed brunette that resembles a cute Alanis Morissette. author;  latinlover69  story codes;  m/m,cbt,d/s,real,consensual,heavy  Story; I...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 57

"Really? What does our advert require?" "Your advert needs to state the basics: your company name, its address and contact details, and the barest detail of what you sell. You want readers to contact you for detailed information, based on their own requirements. For instance, what is your company name?" "Rehome Seed Distributors." "Then, how about: "Rehome Seed Distributors, Home Street, Metropolis. Quality seeds and plants for the best farming results. Contact Fred at (phone...

2 years ago
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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 14

The receptionist appeared at the door, her telephone headset cord dangling down the front of her dress. "Atwood, the Deputy County Clerk is on line three. Do you want to return..." "I'll take the call in my office, Emily," he replied before she could finish her question. They could hear Atwood speaking as he walked around his desk to sit down, while Petra was wrapping his hamburger, hoping to keep it fresh until he finished his call. "Hot damn," Atwood's voice sounded like an...

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AssParade Willow Ryder The Perfect Booty

Johnny Love has been looking for the perfect booty. Little did he know, his step sister, Willow Ryder possessed said treasure. After spending weeks trying to draw the most perfect ass, he noticed that in was right in front of him the entire time. He confronted her and let her know what she held in her possession. Willow was a bit shocked by the revelation but her shock soon turned into excitement. From there, they decided to have some fun. First, johnny worshiped her booty. He was glimmering...

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New SecretsChapter 5

Sarah was ordered back to her house that Sunday night and her father picked her up from the flat; I think her parents thought that either she would be sick of me, or she would want to spend time with her family. I missed her, and as strange as that sounds, I had got used to waking up with her warm body pressed against my skin. I also missed the morning kiss and cuddle, the sex, the smiling and the glorious playfulness. I was without Sarah for twelve hours, and it pained me. Rhea, of course,...

2 years ago
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tips and tricks

enpussylover's Blog8 Tips and Tricks for a Good BlowjobHello to everyone out there. I know my username is enpussylover, but I'm quite a huge fan of the cock... And a fan of huge cock. Oh snap, puns!I've learned a few tricks and tips over the years as far as blowjob giving goes, and I'd say I'm thoroughly informed and extraordinarily skilled. I say that with very little pride, but that little pride sure is a gem.Pleasing a man usually isn't very hard. But you don't want him to be only barely...

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Sex Club Adventures

Walking into the sex club that night, there was no mistaking where we were. The lights were turned down low and bass-heavy music pulsed insistently from the sound system. Colored lights gently strobed the crowd. There were dozens of shined up, hungry looking men, each one coupled with a woman dressed in something you would normally only see in the bedroom. Porno movies played silently throughout the room. We took our drinks and sat down beneath a screen, watching as a lithe blonde slid a large,...

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My obsession with adult movie theaters

It all started when I was a sophomore in high school and moved to Little Rock. I had been there a while when I discovered to Main Theater on Main Street in the downtown area. The sign said adults only but I soon found that they didn't check ID's so I soon gave my dollar and got my ticket. The theater was not too large but was sparsely populated with men sitting well separated. I sat and was enthralled with the movie, my first time seeing a naked adult woman, this was in the early 60's and only...

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An Admirers Tale Part 2

I know that the fun was just started.Soon I stood up, I look into Michelle eyes, and our lips touched, and our tongues started to play, my mouth with the taste of her cum, the tip of tongue playing around my lipsMy cock so hard and stiff, almost painful full of lust and desire , ready to be mounted.My hands on her hips, just make her turn around and her lovey and perfect ass, facing my rod, she starting to tease me rubbing her ass cheeks against it.I so full of desire I was being kept way with...

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AC Installation That Didn8217t Happen 8211 Part 4

Urvashi opened the door and darted into the apartment. It was a big 2100 sq ft apartment. The door opened to the big living room. On the right side while entering was the wall-mounted TV unit and sound system. On the left side was a leather lounger and heavy stylish wooden table. There was a huge wall art sticker of natural scenery along with side floor lamps. A little bit inside was a beautiful setting of coffee table with four urban and modern chairs. There was opening on the right side with...

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Valantine Glory Hole

We were married only 4 days. It was our 1st Valentine's Day. What could I do to make it special for him? I figured after a long day at work I would have him come home to candles, a nice cold beer and his new wife in lingerie. He called and said he was on his way so I positioned myself with a glass of wine, awaiting my man, while sprawled across the floor to welcome him home. You could see the excitement arise in his eyes and pants when he walked through the door. As we rolled all over the...

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Wild Hibiscus The Stripper at Club Bisou

Her appearance tonight demanded attention. In the dusky evening light, I snatched glances at her to check that it was still Brigitte underneath. She put so much care into her appearance, I felt a fraud in my freshly-pressed trousers and a linen white shirt. I made an effort with a close shave and polished my best shoes but it was not’t the same.Sitting in the passenger seat, Brigitte stared coolly ahead. A waft of her perfume caught the breeze through the open quarter-light.  The evocative musk...

Straight Sex
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Sisters panties

Note: this story is completly fictional.. It's been months since Bobby has seen his sister Karla, and now he can't wait to see her this weekend. Bobby is a masculine guy he wrestled for his high school and became state champ. Bobby couldn't wait to see Karla he planned to do so many things with her like take to kings dominion to have fun. What Bobby didn't realize is that Karla was visiting to tell everyone that she was pregnant. Bobby was happy and sad at the same time because he wanted to...

2 years ago
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PrincessCum Skye Blue Stepsis Wants To Get Pregnant

Busty babe Skye Blue has been into her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, for as long as she can remember. She finally decides that today is the day she’s going to get his cum inside her to get started on the baby she wants to have with him. Since Nathan is just chilling on the couch, Skye struts over and makes her move. She starts rubbing down Nathan’s feet, making sure to touch them to her big titties. Then she moves higher so that her hands are kneading Nathan’s thighs....

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HILLBILLY HEAVEN From where I stood on the mountaintop overlook I could see hills and hollers far off to the horizon. A ‘smoky’ haze blanketed the early morning hilltops. This ethereal haze gave its name to these Great Smoky Mountains. The tranquility and beauty before me masked the tumultuous times rocking the outside world. Newspapers had labeled these years as ‘The Great Depression’. I’d just reached my 17th birthday and I knew damn-well that times were hard. Even back...

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9 into 1 The Destruction Of A Bitch Pt3

Scott withdrew the speculum from his partners pussy her vagina was well and truly destroyed gaping wide open a cavernous mess dripping what was left onto the sofa below he then quickly shoved his head between her legs lapping away his face buried deep Scott was now the cuck of the group a chuckle went around the watching party Dawn moaning sat up "that's enough my poor pussy is throbbing" another chuckle rose from the group "get on that table now" she was lifted by myself and two others and...

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Cuckold couple Discovers

Hi just wanna let you know that this is my first ever story I write and upload and english isn t my native language so please bear with me. :)Cuckold couple DiscoverChapter 1 First Steps, Marc’s SideMarc was an attractive men,5’10’ mix blood, black and white. He wasn’t so popular with girls while he was in high school thought, probably because of the social environment he was living in, and like most teenagers, he was an heavy user of porn. Nothing to freaky, but let s say he was pretty happy...

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Unexpected Pleasure In Train

Hi my name is Raj from Chennai. I am doing my engineering here. I am a regular reader of this site. I used to think the stories posted in this site are fake until I encountered one of my own. Now let me explain myself to you. I am 5 ft 10 inches with a normal 6*2. 5 inch dick. As a boy of my age (19 years) I used to masturbate a lot thinking of weird fantasies and sex in the open whoever wants a contact with secrecy feel free to contact at  Now coming to the story it was my semester leave and I...

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An Unusual WeddingChapter 6 Back To The RV

Kellie woke for the second morning in a row in Peter's arms. She sighed contentedly, which, as soft as her sigh had been, was enough to wake Peter too. He allowed his hands to recommence fondling those glorious breasts before letting his hands wander over the rest of her beautiful body. The fondling and cuddling soon led to lovemaking and Kellie was enjoying what she knew would be the last time a man's penis was inside her, unless Wendy wanted another baby, which then she hoped it would be...

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Sudha The Slut

Hi Guys and Girls I am Arul working in an MNC at Chennai. I am a regular reader of ISS and I am a great fan of this site. So I felt like sharing a real sexual and erotic incident that happened around 2 weeks ago before narrating about the incident let me tell you about myself as far as my appearance is concerned, I am a fair good looking guy with a healthy physique. I shifted to Chennai few months ago after I got a job in a good reputed company in Chennai which promised to offer me a fat pay...

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Two rival Vietnamese slut engage in a sexfight

Kim Thi Tran proudly inspected her breasts as she stood before the mirror. Despite her age of 35 and the pear size and shape of these 34C symbols of her woman hood, they were as firm as any teenager?s 32 inch tits. Gently stroking her nipples she watched in approval as they responded to her touch, stiffened and became firm. As she continued to look and touch she saw them expand to their full erect state of an inch in length and the thickness of a man?s little finger. An uncontrolled moan...

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The biggest cock

Some years ago one of the many jobs I had was as a milkman, not your usual deliveries as it was a countryside milk round, delivering to villages and hamlets out in the country. A great job in the summer as I was on my own and the countryside was great, not so much in the winter though. The last delivery that I had to make was to an elderly man named Tom who lived alone in a little cottage. He was a nice guy and as it was the last delivery he used to invite me in for a cup of tea and we’d sit...

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