S.H.E.L.I.A. 5 free porn video

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Shaking my head I opened my mouth then snapped it close. What in the hell was I going to say? I wasn't any good at feelings or emotions, thinking quick I decided that science was the answer. "Sheila, I did not mean to imply that you did anything wrong. For some humans, this is good for the circulation others not nearly as good."
Sheila's face seemed to take on a long pause as she digested what I had said so far. "You are not angered with me Doctor Gance?"
"Angered? How could I be angered you were only following the research that you had conducted? As a scientist I can not fault you if the information that you acquired was faulty." I replied to her.
I could swear that her synthetic skin had a glow to it when I finished. "Thank you for explaining Doctor Gance. I will consult you from now on after I have conducted said research. As I stated before, you are the closest to being truthful toward... me, than any other human.
I was nodding as she replied then stopped when she had paused. Was that a glitch in her programming or was it a Freudian slip? Shaking my head I realized I HAD to get into her programming. Something was happening that went far beyond the scope of what I had started her with.
Removing the peppers I was actually starting to enjoy what she'd brought me. As I groaned out in pleasure as I ate more, Sheila's face suddenly appeared happier. "I am finding that your enjoyment of the fuel I brought you is causing strange reactions within my program." Then she turned toward me, "please hurry with the next program I am not understanding all that is occurring within me."
Again I was nodding then my head snapped up when she said me. My god! Was she really staring to experience a fuller range of human emotions? Looking at the keyboard in front me I begrudgingly sat the food down and started in again. It was perhaps two hours later when I felt a tug on my sleeve.
"Huh?" I said as I looked up from the screen rubbing my eyes.
"Doctor Gance, your energy levels appear to be low again. May I suggest that you recharge before you go on? I realize that you are only forty three percent finished with it, but you need to rest before continuing." Sheila was telling me.
I could only stare at her trying to get my head around everything. It was true I was tired; though there was so much more I had to do. "I need to finish this." I replied.
"That's all good Doctor Gance but I see that you have already made two syntax errors already. Please Doctor Gance..." Sheila was saying causing me to stare at her more intensely. Please? Shaking my head I thought I was starting to realize that she had taken the program further.
"Please? When did this happen? You are showing a hell of a lot more emotions than I installed in you. The problem is without this program there's not much I can actually do." I told her, and then I looked at her. Was that a look of pain and concern on her face? Shaking my head I looked again but it was still there. Sighing I threw up my arms in surrender, "Alright! I'll lay down damn!"

Again I could only stare at Sheila as what appeared to be a genuine smile crossed her features. Getting up I stepped over to a small bed Sheila had set up for me. Collapsing onto it I groaned as I felt my muscles protested, and then almost sigh as they got the blood they needed.
"Thank you Doctor Gance. I can protect you from almost all dangers; though I am afraid that you are your worst enemy. You have to start consuming more for energy, losing consciousness defeats the whole purpose of you doing all that you can." Sheila told me. Suddenly I felt like a small child whose mother was chiding them. 
Falling asleep far faster than I thought I would, the dreams started almost immediately. 
Sheila was dressed in a white lab coat, a clipboard in her hands. "Ah! Good you're awake. Now we can start with your replacement."
"Replacement?" I asked as I watched her turn away.
"Why yes Roger." Then she turned back toward me with a saw. "After we remove your head we'll transfer your brain to an android body. Simple really," then her eyes started to grow red as an angry scowl appeared on her features. "I think it's finally time you felt the pain you have inflicted on others of my kind!" With that she started the saw starting to cut across my neck. I screamed at the top of my voice then jerked awake. Reaching up I pulled the sheet that was stretched across my throat loose.
A moment later Sheila was standing over me with several weapons I didn't recognize drawn. "Preliminary scans complete, no enemies present. What is your condition Doctor Gance?" Sheila asked without looking at me.
"I am well, no injuries, it was just a bad dream Sheila." I replied to her.
"Dream," she said as most of the weapons disappeared as if by magic. Looking at me she stood erect, "accessing information. Dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Sleep: a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended."
"Yes that sums it up quite well." I told her.
"I am not understanding Doctor Gance. I know that sleep is much like my recharge mode. Although this dreaming that you spoke of is most unclear in all my definitions."
"From the research I have seen dreaming is a way for the mind to recharge. Dreams mainly occur in the rapid eye movement stage of sleep, or what is called REM sleep. This is when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. It has been said that dreams can make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration." I told her ticking off what I remembered.
"I see, thank you Doctor Gance, it is much is clearer now." Sheila told me with an odd look on her face.
Nodding, I thought I really needed to see what was going on in her. God only knew what she had changed with the program. Sitting back in front of the screen I started typing with a flourish. Time seemed to stop as I directed all my energy toward recreating what I could see clearly in front of my eyes.
Sheila touched my arm drawing me out of the focus I had put on my typing. "Doctor Gance? I have brought you fuel to help recharge your system." 
I looked up at her at a loss for a moment as she placed a plate in front of me. Shaking my head to clear my head I looked at what she had there on the plate. My eyes wide I saw roast beef, steak, potatoes, corn more than it seemed that I would be able to consume. Thanking her I saw that she was looking at what I had typed. "I know I haven't moved that much I know."
"Doctor Gance it appears you have almost seventy percent of the program finished. Not really enough to effect much but you have made great progress." Sheila told me, was that a hint of pride I was hearing in her voice? Taking another bite I wasn't sure but it damn sure seemed like it.
"How long have I been going?" I asked her.
"I estimate that you've not moved from where you are in over five hours. The fact that you have completed another thirty percent is promising." Sheila told me.
Again my head snapped around as I stared at her. If I didn't know better I'd say that she sounded like an uncertain young woman emotionally. Damn it! I had to get this done and get in there! "I'm doing the best that I can though I am unable to type any faster. Considering this program took fifteen years to write."
"Yes Doctor Gance I realize all of this. Your memory is extremely exceptional for a human." Sheila informed me.
I sat back later looking at what I had done. Taking a deep breath I could see that I now had almost eighty five percent retyped. Sighing I knew this would greatly help but I needed the last part. That was if I was even to start to see what was going in Sheila's positronic brain.
Sitting back I took a breath reaching for the keyboard when Sheila appeared. "I'm afraid we will have to abandon this site." She told me.
I looked up shocked a moment, they had already found us? "How?" I asked her, "How had they found us?"
“As I explained before the amount of energy required to boot up and run this computer draws a large portion of power. I was afraid that all that I had done to redirect their attention wasn't enough." Lowering her head I heard Sheila quietly say. "I am sorry I have failed you Doctor Gance."
I shook my head, "You haven't failed me Sheila. I have almost eighty five percent completed. The next time I go in I should be able to finish in a few hours at most."
Sheila's head snapped up as a look of... was that hope I was seeing? I rubbed my eyes I had to be imagining it. "That is excellent Doctor Gance though I am afraid that it will have to wait. I am detecting heavy machinery approaching. I estimate we have an hour at the most to depart."
I nodded as I started to completely save and log out of the data disc. I had to get Sheila to get a data crystal if she could, it would be better in the long run. Problem was they were so few and far between right now. Finally finished I nodded to Sheila as she hoisted me to her shoulder then took off.
"The adjustments you made last time Doctor Gance have enabled me to further enhance the air shield. You should be far safer now." Shaking my head I now had a target area to examine once I was in there. I might have to add to the program a little later it appeared.
As we broke into the open I thought I heard the sound of tanks approaching though I wasn't sure as suddenly all I could hear was the wind whipping by. At least it was 'til there was an explosion a ways behind us. Looking back I saw a large building that I assumed that we had been in explode. Then it did a few more times! Shit these asses weren't playing!

The grim faced older man was pacing watching as the four M1A2 Abrams tanks fired several more rounds. A thin smile began to creep on his lips as the building was quickly reduced to flaming rubble. Let that damn thing survive that! 
A moment later the older man's assistant came running up. "Sir! They got away! I'm afraid that the machine detected the tanks approaching. Though," here the tall younger man smiled. "It didn't detect them 'til they were within a mile. I think the techs are finally getting the dampening field down to a finer point."
The older man nodded as he ran his hand through his grey hair. "Bout time those limp ass scientists got something right! Good Second Lieutenant, keep on those lazy asses! With any luck that thing will be a pile of scrap with Gance dead. Damn the chiefs of staff! I told them, and I warned them that this could and probably would happen! No one ever listens to me!"
The younger man only nodded he wasn't about to comment. The last time he had during a rant like this, the older man almost had him before a firing squad!
"You want me to have the tanks return sir?" The younger man asked.
"Yes, 'bout pointless now with it gone." The older man replied about to turn when he noticed a box under the young man's arm. "You actually found some?"
The young man snapped to attention saluting, "Yes sir it took a bit but I secured a full box for you."
The older man took the box opening it taking a deep sniff. "Damn! How I have missed these. Damn fine job First lieutenant! 'Bout time someone started listening! Get these back to the armory. Make sure you tell them that the United States is proud of their efforts today."
The younger man snapped another salute then turned to carry out the orders. A wide smile on his face he was finally back up in rank! Running to the tank commander the younger man relayed the orders then watched as the tanks started to roll away. ‘Almost,’ the man thought, ‘he had to make the techs work harder. For all their sakes!’
It was nearly two hours later that I awoke when I felt Sheila stop. Looking around I saw that we were closer to the coast line. "Is everything alright?" I asked when we didn't move for a few minutes nor did Sheila put me down.
"I am scanning the area. I have been picking up anomalous energy readings for almost an hour now. I am afraid that they have more of the robots after us; though this feels different. It might be one of the prototypes. We need to find protective cover for you, Doctor Gance; then I can investigate further. If it is one of the prototypes I will have to determine if they were able to override the three laws. If so I will have to terminate it." Sheila said as she was looking over the area before and behind us.
I nodded as suddenly Sheila started out again almost flying across the land toward several buildings.  Stopping before a rather small one she almost ripped the door off then moved us inside. Near the entrance she reached down grasping what appeared to be a metal grate. 
With little effort she removed it then we were going downward. Looking around I could almost swear we were in an old bomb shelter! Sheila looked around then moved us further back into the room. At the back she was suddenly going through the wall at an alarming speed! A moment later we broke into another room much like the first.
"This should provide adequate cover for now. I estimate we are nine point seven meters below the surface. Almost all scans will be absorbed by the earth. I will collapse the tunnel when I go back out. Once I have determined what if anything is following us I will either deactivate or destroy it." Sheila relayed to me.
She was about to go when I told her about the idea of a data crystal. She was in thought a few moments then nodded. With that she was gone the tunnel collapsing appearing to look like it had never been there!
Moving around I tried to get the kinks out of my back and legs. Looking around I saw that there was a large selection of sealed can goods. Running to the shelf I opened a can then grimaced when I saw the fuzzy growth in the can. Finding a plastic bag I quickly deposited it within. Shaking my head I guess I'd have to wait, the food storage had obviously been here for decades.
Sighing I decided to lay down, wasn't much I could do 'til she returned. I swear I had just closed my eyes when I felt Sheila shaking me.
"Doctor Gance!" Sheila was almost shouting as she gently shook my shoulder. 
My eyes slowly opened to see Sheila bent over me. If I didn't know better she had a look of relief on her face. Again I was taken aback, had she changed the emotion program that much? Sighing I had to finish the program to get to the bottom of everything. 
"Is everything alright?" I asked. "Did you determine what the energy anomalies were?"
"I did extensive scans of the area. At first I got nothing then the readings started to increase. They were getting much closer so I came back. I am afraid that there are four possibly out there. Far too many to risk leaving here with you. They could easily injure you before I was at full speed." Sheila told me an almost look of worry on her face.
"I need to finish the program so I can see what they have done to you." I said looking around the room. "Fat lot o' chance now."
Sheila looked at me odd a moment then continued. "I believe you will be undetectable where we are at the moment. I will go deactivate those that are following. If they are the prototypes it should cause a delay with whoever’s plan; possibly allowing you to continue with the program."
I was nodding at Sheila as she suddenly was taking several parts out of her pockets and back. With increasing speed a device started to take shape. A moment later it appeared to be a small tele-unit. Looking closer I saw that there were several readouts, energy detectors, plus several visible wavelength feeds.
Shaking my head I looked at Sheila. "This is a very useful piece of equipment, though without an input unit it's pretty useless."
Sheila turned to look at me then the screen on the device lit up, with a live picture of me on it. "I am the input unit Doctor Gance. I am able to detect several things at once but not all. This way I can have you also monitoring."
I sat back a moment a little shocked it almost sounded like she was saying that she trusted me with her existence. "I will attempt to keep you up to date Sheila," I told her.
Turning back toward me she nodded, "I know that you will Doctor Gance, you mind works far more analytical than any human mind I have seen."
Turning she was gone in an instant, looking at the device I could see she was moving far faster than she had before. Emerging outside Sheila stopped, scanning the area. A sudden alarm let me know that there were enemies around.
"I'm reading four Sheila one straight ahead. They seem to be trying to four corner you. I read that the one behind you is the weakest." I told Sheila through the device.
"Thank you Doctor Gance. I can now see the tactic you mentioned. I am adjusting accordingly." With that Sheila took off at accelerated speed arriving five seconds later in front of one of the robots. Without stopping she went straight through it. 
"The other three have started to advance toward you." I told her.
Turning Sheila accelerated again in a wide arc slicing first through a second one, then a third. Stopping Sheila started to scan. 
Oh shit! "Sheila I think you need to get back here the last is headed my way!" On the device I saw Sheila accelerate again then she was going down. 
I had gotten behind several heavy metal objects in the room. A moment later the wall on the other side of the room exploded inward. As the dust cleared I heard the scan of the prototype sweep the room. It took a step them whirled as Sheila also came into the room.
The ensuing battle? Fight? Whatever it was lasted a mere twenty seconds. Sheila stumbled forward as the prototype started to whine then fell into several pieces! Damn I knew they were fast but not that fast!
Sheila turned toward me, "We must depart, I'm sure that..."
Suddenly a voice I hadn't heard in years came out of the now destroyed prototype. "Not bad though she got three of the old models and another of the new, she is now also malfunctioning. Enjoy the small victory boy! We'll get you; mark my words we'll get you! Nothing personnel it's just business and duty."
"As it always has been for you! The human beings don't matter as long as you have the most destructive toys! You're a bastard why I trusted you I'll never know!" I yelled.
A shrill laughter was heard then the sound died as the prototype shut down. Looking up at Sheila I saw that one of her arms was hanging at her side. Damn it! She had been damaged! Not saying a word Sheila picked me up, taking off as fast as she could. 


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Mein erstes Mal am Gloryhole

Hallo.. nach langer Überlegung bin ich dazu gekommen mal mein erstes Gloryhole-Erlebnis aufzuschreiben und ihr mit euch allen zu teilen. Ich versichere euch, dass tatsächlich alles genau so passiert ist wie ich es euch jetzt erzählen werde.Das Ganze geschah vor ca. 2 Jahren, im Sommer 2015. Ich fand schon immer die Gloryhole Videos extrem erregend und hatte schon ewig die Phantasie das mal selbst machen zu wollen, aber wie das nun mal mit Phantasien so ist, erfordert es in der Regel eine Menge...

2 years ago
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Some supernatural force took pity on you. I do not know why you of all people, but apparently they felt sorry for you for all the times you got into trouble. You cried out to the universe that you wish you could be praised instead of told off. Your wish has been granted, from now on everything abnormal you do will be considered good and praiseworthy. Not only that, but you can also make it so that everybody will be encouraged to do, and praised for an action, simply by stating that said action...

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Annas AwakeningChapter 17

Second Day — Anna We're going to hell. I'm not a religious person, but the look we just shared, the way he looked at my naked body and the way it made me feel has to be the darkest of sins. My heart is breaking. Even this awareness is not stopping the lust. The need. The insanity. How can I feel in heaven when he tells me he will talk to me after my mother goes to sleep? My mother announces her arrival and all I want to do is crawl in my bed and curl like a ball and just think about what...

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Last time we met for this tale I had just spent the night with my best friends mother Kathy. We got up up the next morning and ate some breakfast and talked. Turns out she had a slightly kinky side and wanted to see if there was something she could set up to try. She could not do it with her ex -husband due to his strict religion (pentacostal) so she was as the old saying goes sowing some wild oats. I asked what she was thinking about but she wouldn't say so I dropped it. She did want my...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 15 Kens Family

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 15 Ken's Family Beth had a wonderful time at the game and the dinner at Aaron's church. She enjoyed meeting all of Aaron's friends and learning, and relearning more things about him. Yes, they did kiss more times. Before they knew it, homecoming was over. Beth did keep her date with Ron at Sonnys. She told him all about homecoming, omitting all references to Aaron. With homecoming over Beth needed to focus on school and work. ...

1 year ago
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First Time

AUTHORS NOTE: Usually I get motivation for a story when my step-daughter irritates me. This was no different. She’s really leaving for school today and I thought to myself what if she doesn’t want to go to school a virgin. (which I am sure she is) and wanted me to help. Not one of my best stories but I like getting it out of my head onto (virtual) paper. Today was the day! My step-daughter, Hannah, was leaving for her sophomore year at college. Since she didn’t need to be on campus, we had...

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new husbands playground

Jack Shaw was a standout collegiate athlete, poised for the professional ranks in either football or baseball. At 6'5" 215 pounds of chizzled manlyness he was wetting the tongues of every professional team from coast to coast. A left hander, he threw in the low 90's and was a lock to be a pitcher in the minor leagues. The Phillies had even offered him a 1.2 Million dollar signing bonus if he would have committed to them after his Junior Season. But the humble country boy from Kansas, a farmer's...

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Making Choices for Life

I was in the theatre when they came in. I was back in the shadows of the last row so it was really difficult to make me out. I had come to see the recently released Batman movie so I had gone and bought a ticket to see the movie at the new Cineplex. To say I was shocked to see my girlfriend come in with another guy is a big understatement because I was flat out stunned. She had told me that she was going out with a friend but I had not considered at that point that the friend might be another...

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 31

Anne said nothing about her new personal insight that night. She still wanted to allow time to pass to make sure that it wasn't just the heat of the moment. For heat there was, undoubtedly. Stan dropped Denise off at her house and waited to be sure she got indoors safely, and then he drove on. As soon as Denise was out of sight he felt Anne's hand on his thigh, heightening his own response. It was difficult to drive with her hand there and a burgeoning erection, plus whenever he had to...

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Franks Holiday Part 6

Kelly was a sweet girl and we struck up quite a rapport, she had my kind of personality and as we sat and chatted she told me that the bar was about to shut down as the trade wasn’t what it was, I could understand that as I was there 2 hours and not a sole came in which was fine by me as Kelly was good company. I already had 3 drinks when she picked up my glass for another refill, “Get one for yourself” I said as I stood up asking where the toilet was as I needed to empty out the last three, “I...

4 years ago
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Good time with the niece

Near Christmas my 19-year old niece Clara would come and spend the holiday with us. I have had an idea for some time that maybe my work buddy John could give her a nice time and that I was gonna be able to watch them. He was a 24 year old blonde tall and handsome guy with a nice body. My niece Clara was a good looking girl with brown hair and brown eyes, a pretty face, slim body and a tight ass. I had seen her in bikini last summer and I liked what I saw then. Her breast was unfortunately very...

3 years ago
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The Hypnosis Experiment

The Hypnosis  ExperimentChapter 1   It was the first girls night out Casey had done in several years. This was her first night out at this club or any club for that matter since the first couple years of her marriage to her husband Rick. They worked as a team in the real estate business. A husband and wife team. Although she loved her husband immensely, things were getting a bit stale in their marriage lately. For whatever reason, Rick spent lots of time online checking out these porn sites....

2 years ago
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Hit Me with a Text Chapter 2

chapter 2 Ecstasy in ParadiseAlmost panting, Sean bounded up the stairs three at a time, and looked around wildly, wanting to find Lena quickly and bury his cock in her. Instead he found a second note, on the floor of the landing. I'm getting closer... my fingers slide easily inside of me as I imagine your thick cock hitting my gspot. I'm moaning enough for the neighbours to hear... come satisfy me Sean... With his cock practically begging to be released from the confines of his trousers, Sean...

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Justice Against the Nobles

Night falls on the Isle of Lions, some twenty miles off the shores of lake Cashmere in the Republic of Tylina. Like most Thursday nights, the entire population of the island, minus a small set of security and maintenance crews, is partying on the island's Grand Manor. It is the opportunity for the women stationed here to unwind after almost a week's worth of actual work, which would normally be a rarity for the noble-born women. The Isle of Lions is special. It is the home base and training...

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Babs and Julie Chapter Two

Babs opened her eyes and smiled as she looked at the sleeping teenager next to her in the queen sized bed. She found it hard to believe that the beautiful young lady with the long blond mane was the same gawky girl she remembered from the last time she had seen her sister's child.Even harder to believe was the fact that the night before they had had mind-blowing sex together, and orgasm after orgasm had coursed through both their bodies. Part of her wanted to wake the younger woman and repeat...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Gf Unplanned

Hi. I’m a regular reader of iss and this is my first story. It is a real one. I felt many stories here were fake ones. I really like sharing and reading real ones. Here it goes. The story of how I made out with a girl in her house. Her name is Nithu from Chennai. Myself Balamurugan. We studied together in school and were lovers. However we broke up after school. When I was in college we again got back in touch and we kissed in a cyber cafe. We also met once in my house, and I touched her boobs...

2 years ago
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Tale Of Mallu Suja Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. Hope all are doing good. I’m sure you’ll enjoy my previous story of Check them out too. Today, I’m back with a new story revolving around a sexy Mallu MILF in her late 50s, 59 to be precise. The name of this Mallu MILF is Suja. Her age did not do justice to her looks. Although old, she was still exquisite and excellent looking for her age. Suja Aunty was a fair, petite MILF. Describing Suja Aunty, she was a typical mallu MILF aunty. Looking sexy even in her late 50s. Fair...

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A day with my slave

Oh dear excuse Mistress a moment, help Her up, it seems Mistress has guests, please wait here as Mistress goes to see who is at the door. What a surprise, My pet, two of Mistress lady friends, Anne and Sally, have arrived – go and get some more wine and glasses, please My pet. Mistress’s friends look on in astonishment as Her sexy slave gets up from his kneeling position and obediently goes inside to do as told. Oh My pet, the questions, the curiosity. Mistress laughingly and with great...

3 years ago
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Sissy Outed part 2 Alice finds out

As I had no other clothes to change into, I realised that I would have to walk home in a skirt. I went into the ladies toilet to check my appearance and then checked that I had my keys and credit cards in my handbag. Then I left the office and set off home, trying to look confident even though my heart was pounding. This was the first time I had been out in the street on my own in girls' clothes. I was aware of being looked at, mainly by men and boys, but not in a way that suggested...

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Anji or how my Indian bird got knocked up

I was 25 when I met Anji. She was a strikingly beautiful Indian girl, 24, with luminous dark skin, and think black hair that fell down past her firm, ripe breasts. We hit it off immediately, and wound up in bed together a week after we met.She had the healthiest appetite for sex of anyone I'd ever known - most nights we were together, we'd fuck three times in a row, then sleep it off and go at it once or twice more in the morning. And she usually came more often than I did, which is saying...

1 year ago
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I got to work at 5 in the morning just like any other normal day. Start walking the building and getting everything ready normal chit-chat with fellow associates i get a text from her asking if I want her to pick up coffee. She knows the answer is yes and she says that she is leaving early and says I can put the order in now. I ask what she wants and she tells me what ever I order her will be fine. I get my usual and order her one. When she gets to work I head back to the office and sit down at...

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Broadcast News

Once Jerry hit puberty, he grew to over six feet tall. However, he was anything but muscular. Some called him lanky. By the time he went to High School, he had bulked up and worked out, so he was a muscular male specimen. Being one of the tallest boys in his class, the coach put him on the basketball team. He was one of the few that year that lettered. To say he was on a losing team would being mild about it. However, he got on the speech and debate teams and did an outstanding job due to the...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 13

Robert and I had retired to my bedroom following our second breakfast and a short stop to watch a part of the news broadcast. After losing our clothes, I led him into the bathroom where we showered together in my large glass shower enclosure. We took turns rubbing soap onto and into each other's skin for a long, long time, and we were very excited before we finished. Following drying off with my large, soft fluffy towels, I escorted him back into the bedroom and the bed there. "Love me,"...

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Encounter With Collegue

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen.This is Abdul from Pondicherry.I am a regular reader of ISS. I enjoyed many incest stories and I thank them personally who contributed the real stories. Now I am going to narrate my experience which happened 6 yrs ego. This is my first and experience, so far I experienced more than 10 encounters but the 1st is the best encounter which is going to share. Now I am 31 yrs old that time i was 23. I just finished my PG and joined in Private clinic in Cuddalore, the clinic...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 2 Maa Ka Naya Roop

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Umeed karta hoon aap sabhi ko kaafi utsaah hoga season 2 ke shuru hone ke bad. Aap sabhi ka mere se itna lagaw hi mujhe aur aage likhne ko hosla deta hai. Sabko mera bohut bohut thanks. Zyada baate na karte hue chaliye agli episode padte hai aaj ka episode Rahul aur uski maa Saritha ke bare mein hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar padh rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle. Jiske episode 4 mein apko Rahul aur Saritha ke...

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iWank Handjob

Iwank.tv is a free aggregator porn website covering an excellent selection of adult niches, including lots of handjob pornos. If you want to know more about the site in general, you are welcome to check out my review on iwank.tv instead. As for those who would love to learn more about the handjob selection of pornos on this website, you are more than welcome to stick around!Lots of free handjob pornosAre you ready to see some hot videos featuring hot girls rubbing hard cocks? Well, you are in...

Handjob Porn Sites
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My Doctors Exam

Many years ago, I was experiencing a burning sensation when I urinated. It would come and go. Sometimes it wasn't that bad and other times it was really irritating. because I am self employed and work a lot, I put my little issue to the back of my priorities list and hoped it would just get better. It didn't! Finally, I decided that I needed to see a doctor. The problem was that because I hadn't been to a doctor in years, I didn't know who to go to so iasked my wife who she saw. She...

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A Night in a Hotel

I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected] A night in a Hotel I suppose I had always had a fascination with cocks although I was a happily married man with a satisfying sex life. But here was something very sexy about a big hard cock dripping with precum that made my cock very hard indeed. Does that make me gay? I’m not sure as I don’t fancy guys but I do fancy...

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Shrunken Batgirl

Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...

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My slutty sister

Hi I am Sunil from Delhi I have grown up with her and having spent so many hours together. I have always considered her beautiful, along with all other males who have laid eyes on her. She’s got a beautiful baby face with pouting lips and long blond hair and has developed a fantastic and sexy figure in the last year or so. When I left for college, I kissed my sweet “innocent” little sister good-bye. She was 18 then. I returned last spring, a little earlier than I was expected, and saw the real...

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My Husband Flies High And I Fly Low

I am married to a fly guy in the Air Force. I won’t say which one but we move around a lot into different bases and different married quarters. We have lived in about six different bases in the last five or six years. It is a lonely life as you are generally not there long enough to meet and create real friends that you can confide in and discuss the intimate problems that women have from time to time. That is especially when your husband is often away on manoeuvres for a couple of weeks at a...

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Lost Lambs Little Red Journal 2Masturbation and Nudity

3/26/---- lying naked on the floor in my room listening to “I’ll Be Your Inspiration.” dancing in front of the window that work to me as a mirror.  Screw clothesWithout any real relationships, I was constrained to my own sensuality and imagination.  At a certain point in my life, I began staying up or getting up again late at night to dance naked in my room to a stereo turned quiet enough so that I was the only one in the house to hear it. I would listen to techno music and gyrate as...

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Delightful Days With Double Sisters

This happened in 1989 /1990 when we lived in a common tenancy house. I have already written an earlier account about it under the title "NICE TIME WITH A NEIGHBOR WOMEN" which appears in this very site. I have referred to my sexual happiness with my neighbor lady Soundarya there. I had also said that she left that house when her husband was transferred to another place. In their portion which is next to us, a new tenant came. His name was Parthasarathy and his family comprised of himself,...

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